25 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Jul 2024
    1. In 1996, technology historian Jennifer S. Light compared the talk of “cyberoptimists” about virtual communities to city planners’ earlier optimistic predictions about shopping malls. As the automobile colonized U.S. cities in the 1950s, planners promised that malls would be enclosed public spaces to replace Main Streets. But as Light pointed out, the transition to suburban malls brought new inequities of access and limited the space’s functions to those that served commercial interests.

      A comparison of urban development privatisation and internet development corporatisation

  3. Nov 2023
    1. The extent to which we're willing to go to mitigate the impacts of our lifestyle choices is astonishing.

      This one makes sense to me. Mitigating symptoms of life style choices, rather than addressing those choices. At the lower socio-economic end because you don't have many options (smoking as only affordable relaxation e.g.), and at the higher end because the choices are what yields the higher socio-economic status, and the mitigation signals that status, and adds to it, helps define it, an aesthetic choice in Bourdieu's fashion (distinction theory / [[Goede smaak is klassebewustzijn 20220212075212]]. Still individual coping rather than facing the systemic factors causing them or organising [[Networked Agency 20160818213155]] in the face of it.

    2. Reflecting on this, I'm reminded of a pattern that has been evident since my days co-running Third Wave with Johannes: the adoption of Uncertainty Coping Strategies. Broadly speaking, these are various behaviors, products, and practices people employ to manage the strains of everyday reality. Our work has consistently identified a spectrum ranging from technological interventions like neuroimplants to the rise in mindfulness services.The staggering contrasts in how different socioeconomic groups address these pressures are well illustrated by the recent New York Times article.

      'uncertainty coping strategies' equal living your life I suppose, in the face of the 'strains of everyday reality' since the groups in caves. What is different here wrt Igor and Johannes' work experience and patterns. Just Urbanism (then how is this diff from 18th century?) The complexity of those strains? The inability to withdraw from strains created by others through industrial work practices / social media algo inducement? The sense of looming doom wrt ecocollapse, financial crash etc, systemic threats iw and no agency to individually address some of that? Or is it merely the high end market catering to it, exploiting the stress rather than solving the stressors? What is Igo saying here?

  4. Jun 2023
  5. May 2023
    1. People will move back to cities and densely populated areas. In-person events will become preferable.

      Ppl never stopped moving into cities. Cities are an efficient form human organisation. [[De stad als efficientie 20200811085014]]

      In person events have always been preferable because we're human. Living further away with online access has mitigated that, but not undone it.

  6. Apr 2023
  7. Feb 2023
  8. Aug 2022
    1. I like the way this article talks about the project while also interweaving more general insights that apply to the overall topic of what goes into making a market that people will want to use. You get insight about the topic while also having a tangible example to show how it can be done anchor the ideas to a realistic proposal.

  9. Jan 2021
    1. Over the last decade, degrowth has offered a concrete alternative to eco-modernization, projecting a society emancipated from the environmentally destructive imperative of competition and consumption. Urban development is the motor of economic growth; cities are therefore prime sites of intervention for degrowth activists. Nevertheless, the planning processes that drive urban development have yet to be questioned from a degrowth perspective.
  10. Jul 2020
  11. May 2020
    1. urban farming feeding millions when there is little other choice
    2. Modern cities weren’t designed to cope with life during a pandemic, and this upside-down way of living has turned them into “a disorganised array of disconnected bedrooms and studios”
  12. Feb 2017
  13. Apr 2016
    1. It feels like a carefully crafted downtown, full of many different things but where building codes have enforced a standardization of design.

      I love love love this geographic analogy: Facebook Stream as New Urbanism.