5 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. I read an early draft in April and know it’s excellent. If knowledge management, zettelkasten, or writing are of interest to you, this is one of the best books on these topics. If you’re just getting into these areas, it’s required reading and will advance your practice more quickly than any four other books you’ll find.

      [[Chris Aldrich]] is enthousiast over [[A System for Writing by Bob Doto]] bij publicatie want hij las een preprint versie.

      Quick glance at Amazon shows Doto adds in illustrations of his processes, might be interesting.

    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240711102003/https://longnow.org/ideas/moonbound/

      via Frank Meeuwsen https://frankmeeuwsen.com/2024/07/10/dragons-on-the.html

      On writing [[Moonbound by Robin Sloan]] , Sloan makes a few remarks about his notes that support his writing process.

    2. When I sit down to begin things, I just marinate in my own stew for a while. It'll be a couple of weeks and my task at that time is to go through those notes of all those things that caught my eye at some point. As you spend time with them, you start to gather things together and you start to see themes emerge or clumps. There are characters in here that are three different notes that sort of found each other and I put them together

      His writing process is for several weeks to go through notes, just looking through them, let it mingle in his head. Then put things together and look for emergent clusters / topics.

    3. I have a very diligent and disciplined note-taking practice. I have many other weaknesses as a writer, but I think one of my Olympic-caliber strengths is being disciplined about capturing interesting thoughts and ideas I come across. It's a mix of little bits of science stories that I encounter, things I overhear people saying, and things that occur to me when I’m doing something else that I dictate into a voice note and send it. I capture all that stuff and I collect it all into one big stew pot. It’s a really productive process.

      Sloan says he has a very 'disciplined' note taking process. But continues he actually means he is always capturing things, thoughts, stories, overheard conversations. Uses voice dictation.

  2. Feb 2023
    1. Why not work on improving a technical solution for Folgezettel?

      Reading this I realise I'm not using Folgezettel really, only linking back to a previous notion. There's some sequencing, esp when I create little 'trains' (a notion, a link to a more abstract notion, a link to a more detailed one, a link to an example). The forward linking I generally not do, except sometimes. L always did forward linking in the sense of placing the index card.