- Last 7 days
help.obsidian.md help.obsidian.md
You can change the image dimensions, by adding |640x480 to the link destination, where 640 is the width and 480 is the height.![[Engelbart.jpg|100x145]]
changing an image size syntax
forum.obsidian.md forum.obsidian.md
or a Wikilink (using double square brackets) ![[my-image.jpg]]
insert image
- Nov 2024
www.peerdraft.app www.peerdraft.app
Collaboration for Obsidian – Sync, Share, and Edit anywhere
- Oct 2024
Hedgedoc is a collaborative markdown tool. Handig voor team mbt samen Obsidian notes bewerken. Kan op yunohost, al wordt een issue/dependency met chromium genoemd in 2023 wv onduidelijk is of het is opgelost.
-[ ] doe een testinstallatie v Hedgedoc op Yunohost #webbeheer #tgl
tracydurnell.com tracydurnell.com
The more friction existed, the higher the stakes felt to me, and the more it seemed like I needed to have something very important and worthwhile to say before I could (should) blog about it.
Friction can forestall writing. I've moved to blogging from inside my Obsidian notes through micropub, rather than using the WP back-end. Gives me two things: the back-end pushed me to only write when I had time to finish, the notes allow multiple writings in parallel, and publishing is one key click.
- Sep 2024
This creates two representations of the same file: one the drawing presented visually, one the text content outside the visual. Zsolt calls it the ‘flip side’ of a drawing, being a note accompanying the drawing. I see it more like two different views on the same thing. I have a hotkey (cmd arrow down) enabled to flip a note between both views. Putting both views next to each other, and working in both at the same time, allows me a seamless mode of working, switching between visual material and text writing
Obsidian is a viewer, each tab essentially a diff one. Putting the two representations each in their own tab makes it possible to work both in the text and visual version of the same file. A combination of the 'flip' that Zsolt's plugin allows plus the tabs in Obsidian.
nn: visueel en text naadloos naast elkaar maakt visueel makkelijker adopteerbaar.
noduslabs.com noduslabs.com
Foam is an open-source alternative to RoamResearch and Obsidian, and it works on the basis of Git version control system and Visual Studio Code code editor.
for - notetaking software - Obsidian - Roam Research - open source alternative to - Foam
notetaking software - Obsidian - Roam Research - open source alternative to - Foam - Microsoft owns Github and Foam is served from Github
to - Foam - https://hyp.is/Pf6tKnXBEe-rkdcD0hmZGA/foambubble.github.io/foam/
www.matthewsiu.com www.matthewsiu.com
Latticework’s portal-based marginalia allow commentary to be created and viewed from either “side” of a snippet link, interchangeably. Snippet links can be serialized to standard URLs in standard Markdown plaintext. (Modern systems only support links to blocks, not arbitrary text ranges. For block links, Obsidian uses non-standard anchors; others use proprietary database formats.) Snippet links can be quickly created (either from source or at the destination) using key commands. Transcluded snippets can be collapsed to increase density, and re-expanded when needed. Pane-based navigation allows users to preview and visit links while maintaining a consistent view of the linking pane.
5 reasons L's bidirectionality is different to pkm tools / Xanadu. The first two are most key imo: they can be initiated from both sides of a link, and result in the same thing. (e.g. diff from [[Webmention 20200926203019]], and two the links are standard URLs (in standard Markdown), whereas Roam / Notion abstract them away in a db, moving outside their role as viewer, and Obs maintains its viewer role, but adds things to the notes not obviously interpretable outside of it.
I'd add that the linked snippets are a different unit of linking from what Obs et al support. Much closer to the granularity where the knowledge work is done. Surprisal I rarely find in a paragraph, mostly in part of a sentence. Questions latch onto a single word sometimes.
Snippet links are a kind of hypertext, and embedded snippet links are a kind of transclusion. Originally proposed by Ted Nelson as part of his Xanadu system, transclusions present part of one document within another, while maintaining bi-directional links for navigation and orientatio
Bidirectionality here explicitly tied to Ted Nelson's Xanadu. Call block transclusion in pkm tool transclusion "primitives" which sound like a right charcterisation. Say Latticework differs from both
Latticework’s design evolved through many iterations, driven in large part by user interview and observation sessions. Through our personal networks and the Obsidian forum, we recruited experienced Obsidian users who needed to distill some insight from a large collection of unstructured notes. We’d like to discuss some observations from those sessions, and from our own use of the system.
I did #2024/02/01 https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2024/02/matthew-and-andy-watched-me-test-the-obsidian-reference-plugin/ where my own similar observations are captured. - shifting from highlighting to linking as emergence occurs - structure is earned over time - keeping the copy commands straight was hard (I kept forgetting too) - preview and multiple panes is what I did too, but it seemed to clash with the plugin then - selection of snippets is not blocks, but phrases inside par's and sentences. Not whole blocks (and this is why I hardly use block links inside my notes) - after paraphrasing collapsing snippets keeps overview possible, or to collect examples, and treat list as tasks, collapsing when done.
Latticework uses a similar pane-aware interaction
This pane awareness is what seemd to clash with some other plugin I run. At least it did in feb. I notice their code repo still warns about clashes with other plugins and to run it in a separate vault with no other plugins.
You’ll get the same result no matter which direction you go—a highlight in the source document and a snippet link in the working document. Conceptually, highlighting doesn’t actually modify the source document. Highlights are a dynamic style applied to all the snippets linked in your working document. So if you delete a snippet link, the corresponding highlight will disappear, too
Bi-directionality is a key feature in Latticework, which is great. At the same time, on the source end it is also ephemeral. If your remove a linked snippet from the sensemaking document, the highlight, which is just a styling element, gets removed from the source. The source is not modified to produce the highlight. (Any permanent link to source should be made consciously, which is right) Bidirectionality, other than linking seems to me a key affordance in #pkm, something that not now exists in either my annotations / reading / processing flows. #openvraag: where in my workflows would bidirectional trace leaving be useful.
Latticework’s main goal, then, is to enable fluid movement between these foraging and sensemaking stances. By extension, that means fluid movement between acting on source documents (which emphasize foraging) and on your working document (which emphasizes sensemaking)
Latticework sees foraging as tied to source, and sensemaking as tied to working document, and aims to make the movement between the two fluid, so you can shift focus between the two docs and thus the two activities. It leaves traces of your work in both (vgl [[Hoe emergence tot stand komt 20040513173612]] for the role of such longer traces to more easily stumble across in emergence.)
this process isn’t linear. It’s often convenient to do a bit of preliminary sensemaking in the midst of foraging; conversely, observations you uncover during sensemaking will often lead to another round of foraging, and so on, in a loop.
Making sense of material is not a linear process of ever more refinement, as e.g. Tiago Forte suggests with [[Progressive summarising 20200922080651]]. Siu/Matischak embrace the non-linear, recognising you go from 'foraging' (their term, great, K-garden style) to annotating, rearranging, noting an idea, back to foraging, back to rearranging etc. This is a key thing imo.
when you’re trying to make sense of a confusing situation, you need to get everything into one place, where you can see, rearrange, and elaborate the pieces into a new whole.
Intended effect of Latticework plugin (great name btw) Latticework allows you to fetch snippets in one note, and paste untalterable into another, with a link added in the original and copy. In the new note you can rearrange, paraphrase etc, purposefully add a link to source material, and otherwise do away with the snippet over time. Allows a better overview of what comes from where etc, preventing getting lost in the source material, which often happens.
As annotations already flow into my notes this helps reinforce their use.
This is the 'final' result of [[Matthew Siu]] [[Andy Matischak]] research into an Obsidian plugin for making sense of several sources into one, emerging an outline. I tested an earlier beta on #2024/02/1 [[Andy Matthew Obsidian plugin]] https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2024/02/matthew-and-andy-watched-me-test-the-obsidian-reference-plugin/ I stopped using it after a few weeks due to clashes with other plugins I could not pin down. At first glance this is a good description of the process and intended purpose. Re-installed this version of the plugin.
- Jul 2024
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
- Jun 2024
calnewport.com calnewport.com
These connections are fuel for deep understanding.
That is why you need a second brain.
Use obsidian.md for notetaking
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
(~11:00) I am getting inspired to create my own "Syntopicon" of Education and Learning. Obviously this will be a lifelong endeavor and great undertaking, bound to change with every single reading... As I am not a team of 501 people.
I think I will do this. But how? I am not sure yet. Let's think about it.
I will probably build it out in the open. Perhaps I will even build this syntopicon of education using Obsidian's networked thought system... Instead of a formal linear book. A network of notes is much easier to navigate and will get me where I want to be. Also much easier to edit throughout the process of doing research.
forum.obsidian.md forum.obsidian.md
if [[ -d ~/Library/Application\ Support/obsidian/Cache/Cache_Data ]] ; then rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/obsidian/Cache/Cache_Data/* else echo "Something odd has happened" fi
This fixed my issue with
Loading Cache...
slowness on obsidian startup on macOS Sonoma. Many thanks to OP!
- May 2024
github.com github.com
This plugin provides 2 customViews for navigating a zettelkasten using Luhmann-style IDs and key word indexes.
- Apr 2024
pdworkman.com pdworkman.com
A full description of PD Workman's workflow writing a book in markdown and Obsidian. Mentions using Canvas and Excalidraw to visualise plot development, as well as Kanban style boards. Mentions compiling tools to create manuscript from loose files. Seems similar to Scrivener except that has this baked in and thus less flexible?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
What Obsidian gurus get wrong about Zettelkasten
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
augmentingcognition.com augmentingcognition.com
Instead of getting out Anki, I will quickly make a mental (or paper) note of what I want to Ankify. I then enter it into Anki later. This requires some discipline; it's one reason I prefer to set a small quota, so that I merely have to enter a few questions later, rather than dozens.
How to integrate fleeting notes with Anki via Obsidian.
orphan questions
Kind of similar to Obsidian's orphan links: files with no links.
and over the years I made multiple attempts to use it, each time quickly giving up.
Yes, using Anki may seem a bit clunky at first, but with appropriate add-ons and efficient entry system, the experience gets better.
Personally, I used Anki before moving onto Obsidian's Spaced Repetition plugin. I am reading this article as an effort to get back on Anki. Why? It is very, very robust. If only I can integrate it with my Obsidian...
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I plan on creating a video showing you how to create and use these relevance queries and why I think using them can get rid of a pain point in the process of developing ideas I also plan on releasing a video about how to create the sort of buttons you see up here just so you know I have ones here for creating a new file for each article I read a new file for each author I add to my system a new file for each book
Oh my! Queries, buttons, etc. Alas, I guess I am not qualified as an "intermediate" Obsidan user! 😂 This is way too complicated for simply wanting to start trying Zettelkasten in Obsidian. Is there a simpler alternative?
fuzzydunlopsawit · 3 mo. agoiCloud has many many issues within obsidian. On the phone it was unusable. Switched to Sync and other than onboarding and me not reading what I was told to read (😅) - it’s been a great addition. Sync is really great. Plus I like supporting the devs.
alas, I really commiserate with this community of unhappy Obsidian iCloud users. I am currently stuck with it for the Nth time.
- Mar 2024
medium.com medium.com
create your own web clipper
github.com github.com
**helps remove weird code stuff when editing
github.com github.com
makes contextual headings
publish.obsidian.md publish.obsidian.md
publish.obsidian.md publish.obsidian.md
🧠🏰Mijn Breinpaleis
Marieke van der Vliet haar Breinpaleis (Obsidian Publish)
www.streamlinehq.com www.streamlinehq.com
icon packs
github.com github.com
switch between installed themes
www.linkingyourthinking.com www.linkingyourthinking.com
ideaverse - different than lytkit?
www.linkingyourthinking.com www.linkingyourthinking.com
lytkit currently using
tfthacker.com tfthacker.com
github.com github.com
plugin to make linking notes easier
start.digitalfitness.com start.digitalfitness.com
Hi Muhammed, Thank you so much for the workshop friday. It was Nice to hear others geek out and talk about the Zettelkasten principle and with interactive exercises it was wonderful. I have done my PhD with inspiration in Luhmann’s system for knowledge creation so I am quite familiar with it. Still I have a question for you that I am sad I didn’t get around to discuss with you in person at the summit. Instead I thought I could ask it here and hope you would still see it. Are you doing your Zettelkasten in obsidian - and if so why do you still number them? Best Agnes
/reply at Digital Fitness in response to Agnes Lausen about folgezettel
Hey Agnes, thanks a lot for attending. I rlly loved the energy and loved doing the workshop. As to your question, yes I do use obsidian for my zettelkasten. As to the numbering, it gives me a few benefits. Firstly, it forces me to make a link. If I am going to import a new note, I will have to link the note to another note, because I have to give an ID (number). This prevents orphan notes. And, it gives me a visual sense of what is going on in my zettelkasten. I can see at a glance if a section has more notes than others (my section 4, for example, has more notes.) Both the ID and the statement title, for me, gives me so much context just seeing the title without looking at the contents.
start.digitalefitheid.nl start.digitalefitheid.nl
Tijdreizen met ObsidianMAMartijn AslanderAdminTeam / Ambassadeur5 months agoco-founder Digitale Fitheid
Die onderste link wordt veroorzaakt door deze query (dank Joost Plattel ):```oqlname: "This day in my history"query: {$and: [{"path": "'Deze dag op"}, {"title": "'11-04"}]}template: 'list'fields: ['title']sort: 'title'badge: false```Deze query verwijst naar een uniek .md bestand met als titel de maand en de dag van vandaag.Zo heb ik voor de 365 en soms 366 dagen per jaar een uniek bestandje.Door op de link te klikken kom ik op de pagina van vandaag in mijn persoonlijke geschiedenis:
github.com github.com
Obsidian templates via Edmund Gröpl<br /> https://github.com/groepl/Obsidian-Templates
aka u/International_Bed897 and also on forum.zettelkasten.de
- Feb 2024
observablehq.com observablehq.com
Observable is a static site generator for data dashboards and analyses. It can handle markdown and is as such compatible with using Obsidian notes as source. See https://mastodon.social/@kepano/111937315007645449
This is comparable with [[EUNotes via Github Respec naar Geonovum]] where I generate a respec site from my notes through github. Except that Respec is text documentation, and Observable contains javascript to present data.
quantumgardener.blog quantumgardener.blog
- Jan 2024
Use Obsidian’s URL schemeThis is another best way to switch back and forth between different vaults. Obsidian URL scheme allows you to do different things such as:Open a vault: obsidian://open-vault?vault=some-vault-nameOpen specific note: obsidian://open-note?vault=some-vault-name&filename=some-note-titleCreate new note: obsidian://open-note?vault=some-vault-name&filename=some-note-titleAppend to a note: obsidian://append?vault=some-vault-name&filename=some-note-title
От це цікава добірка підтримуваних посилань про повний перелік яких я не знав..
alper.nl alper.nl
This overview of Alper's Obsidian day template contains some useful items to mimick. Should also blog my own template as it contains some tweaks that help in different ways around associating content with each other. - [ ] lees dit en kijk wat ik er van in eigen daily log template zet.
lifelonglearn.substack.com lifelonglearn.substack.com
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
ew, show all notes created today on daily note with DD-MM-YYYY? .t3_1689wtl._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #edeeef; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #6f7071; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #6f7071; } Tried all the stuff I have seen, simply get an empty table. Any ideas?If anyone has a way that would link it on the graph too, that would be great. Thanks :D
Obsidian Dataview query — Show all notes today on daily note
quantumgardener.blog quantumgardener.blogQuartz 41
customizations for Quartz 4
quartz.jzhao.xyz quartz.jzhao.xyz
The goal of Quartz is to make hosting your own public digital garden free and simple. You don’t even need your own website. Quartz does all of that for you and gives your own little corner of the internet. https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz
Quartz runs on top of Hugo so all notes are written in Markdown .
Hiya - I'm just curious about how people use Obsidian in academia. I guess you could say I'm looking for examples of what it's used for (e.g. to take short notes or to link ideas) and in what kind of systems may guide people's vaults (e.g. Zettelkasten). I'm also just keen on connecting with other PhD candidates through these blogs. No one at my uni that I know of is currently using Obsidian for academic work
Reply to Couscous at https://discord.com/channels/686053708261228577/722584061087842365/1197392837952684052
A quick survey of currently active academics, teachers, and researchers who are blogging about note taking practices and zettelkasten-based methods.
Dan Allosso is a history professor at Bemidji State University who has used Obsidian in his courses in the past. He frequently writes about related topics on his Substack channels. One can also find related videos about reading, writing, and research process as well as zettelkasten on his YouTube channel. In addition to this, Dan has a book on note taking and writing which focuses on using a card index or zettelkasten centric process.
Shawn Graham has both a blog as well as a prior course on the history of the internet using Obsidian. In the course materials he has compiled significant details and suggestions for setting up an Obsidian vault for students interested in using the tool.
Kathleen Fitzpatrick has a significant blog which covers a variety of topics centered around her work and research. Her current course Peculiar Genres of Academic Writing (2024) focuses on writing, note taking (including Zettelkasten) and encourages students to try out Obsidian, which she's been using herself. A syllabus for an earlier version of the course includes some big name bloggers in academia whose sites might serve as examples of academic writing in the public. The syllabus also includes a section on being an academic blogger and creating platform as a public intellectual.
Morganeua is a Ph.D. candidate who has a fairly popular YouTube channel on note taking within the academic setting (broadly using Obsidian, though she does touch on other tools from time to time).
Chris Aldrich is independent research who does work at the intersection of intellectual history and note taking methods and practices. He's got an active website along with a large collection of note taking, zettelkasten, commonplace books, and sense-making related articles. His practice is a hybrid one using both analog and digital methods including Obsidian and Hypothes.is.
Bob Doto is a teacher and independent researcher who focuses on Luhmann-artig zettelkasten practice and writing. He uses Obsidian and also operates a private Discord server focused on general Zettelkasten practice.
Manfred Kuehn, a professor of philosophy at Boston University, had an influential blog on note taking practices and culture from 2007 to 2018 on Blogspot. While he's taken the site down, the majority of his work there can be found on the Internet Archive.
Andy Matuschak is an independent researcher who is working at the intersection of learning, knowledge management, reading and related topics. He's got a Patreon, YouTube Channel and a public wiki.
Broader community-based efforts
Here are some tool-specific as well as tool-agnostic web-based fora, chat rooms, etc. which are focused on academic-related note taking and will have a variety of people to follow and interact with.
Obsidian runs a large and diverse Discord server. In addition to many others, they have channels for #Academia and #Academic-tools as well as #Knowledge-management and #zettelkasten.
Tinderbox hosts regular meetups (see their forum for details on upcoming events and how to join). While their events are often product-focused (ways to use it, Q&A, etc.), frequently they've got invited speakers who talk about their work, processes, and methods of working. Past recorded sessions can be found on YouTube. While this is tool-specific, much of what is discussed in their meetups can broadly be applied to any tool set. Because Tinderbox has been around since the early 00s and heavily focused on academic use, the majority of participants in the community are highly tech literate academics whose age skews to the over 40 set.
A variety of Zettelkasten practitioners including several current and retired academicians using a variety of platforms can be found at https://forum.zettelkasten.de/.
Boris Mann and others held Tools for Thought meetups which had been regularly held through 2023. They may have some interesting archived material for perusal on both theory, practice, and a wide variety of tools.
I've tried to quickly tip out my own zettelkasten on this topic with a focus on larger repositories of active publicly available web-based material. Surely there is a much wider variety of people and resources not listed here, but it should be a reasonable primer for beginners. Feel free to reply with additional suggestions and resources of which you may be aware.
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
Software and applications for creating visualizations of zettelkasten contents: - Tinderbox (Mac) - Apple's Freeform (app) - Obsidian Canvas - Excalidraw (plugin for Obsidian) - Scrintal - Heptabase - Card Buddy (Mac) - AFFiNE (https://github.com/toeverything/AFFiNE)
github.com github.com
GJRobert commented May 31, 2023 Currently I'm building two Digital Gardens: https://aiuanyu.vercel.app (namely "Love for all languages in Taiwan", posts and notes for promoting knowledge about languages and writing) https://imazingrace.vercel.app (namely "Imazing Grace of information technology and internet", sharing posts and notes about softwares) Both in various languages in Taiwan, not only in Mandarin (Chinese), but also in Hakka, Taigi.
obsidian digital garden dark/light theme toggle successful example
actions.work actions.work
An app with a range of acions for Obsidian. See the list of actions, that are likely easily to create in AppleScript or Alfred, for those that are useful to me.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Instructions and a method for printing out Obsidian notes onto index cards.
- Dec 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
One of the advantages of this media extended plugin is that it can handle more than just YouTube videos. It can handle videos and also some audio notes as well. And I don't think I've tried it with anything else but really I just need YouTube videos.
Video Title: Taking notes from YouTube videos in Obsidian
Various ways and plugins to annotate or take notes on videos (e.g. YouTube) in Obsidian
Audio notes? How?
The second way to take notes on videos is by using the media extended Obsidian plugin.
Obsidian plugin: Media Extended
stormgrass.com stormgrass.com
Readwise Reader
A great article on the history of reading online that might just nudge me into trying out and eventually becoming a Reader paid subscriber.
medium.com medium.com
help.obsidian.md help.obsidian.md
Given the recent state of Evernote and their beginning to charge larger amounts and close off their free tiers, I've moved copies of my data over to Obsidian just in case.
www.facebook.com www.facebook.comFacebook1
朱騏 · Snrostoepd910h8ia5i45fg464m4m633i8uh1f5483ml92031667ui4hc19a · Shared with Public【這款 Obsidian 擴充功能真的太猛,可以在 Obsidian 中同時使用 ChatGPT 跟 Notion 了!】從 2017 開始我使用了超過 10 款筆記軟體後,Obsidian 是我最喜歡的筆記軟體。Obsidian 中可以安裝各種擴充功能,大幅提升使用體驗。(可以想成是 Google Chrome 的擴充插件、或是 App Store/Google Play 商店的 App。)在這麼多的擴充功能中,我最喜歡的就是-Obsidian Surfing。這款工具讓我們可以在 Obsidian 上網!我有 4 個很方便的使用情境。▋場景 1. 和 ChatGPT 對話把 ChatGPT 的網頁釘選在 Obsidian 中,邊寫筆記可以邊和 ChatGPT 對答。我的使用情境是搭配卡片盒筆記法來使用。在整理卡片時,我會將卡片內容餵給 ChatGPT 直接寫出一篇短文。經過修改後,就可以發表成一篇 Facebook 文章。這樣能夠加快產出的速度。▋場景 2. Notion開啟 Notion 網頁版,就可以在Obsidian 中同時使用 Notion。我使用 Notion 的 Database-Timeline View 來管理專案。當我在使用 Obsidian 時突然想到一個任務,就可以馬上加入到 Notion 中。這樣做,就可以結合不同筆記軟體之間的優點。▋場景 3. 閱讀文章想閱讀的網路文章並放在右側,左側是自己的筆記區域。這樣讀文章的好處是:看到文章中的好句子時,可以直接複製句子、貼上到 Obsidian 的筆記中。不用來回切換視窗,就能維持閱讀心流。▋場景 4. 做 YouTube 筆記想看的 YouTube 影片並放在右側,左側是自己的筆記區域。可以搭配另一款 Obsidian 的擴充功能– Timestamp notes。就能透過快捷鍵即時取得影片播放的時間戳,並且直接在筆記區域中作筆記。學習影片內容變得很方便。Obsidian 是威力強大又完全免費的筆記軟體,你一定要試試看。P.S. 下方附上 Obsidian 完整教學目錄
Kadysz Paweł, Obsidian, https://pwlk.pl/aplikacja/obsidian/ (2023-12-05).
McCue TJ, 2023-02-28, Why And How I Use Obsidian For Creating Simple Mobile Notes, https://www.forbes.com/sites/tjmccue/2023/02/28/why-and-how-i-use-obsidian-for-creating-simple-mobile-notes/amp/ (2023-12-04).
hellotimking.com hellotimking.com
King Tim, 2018-06-04, Welcome to the Note Taking Apocalypse, https://medium.com/swlh/welcome-to-the-note-taking-apocalypse-64a74481a5ab (2023-12-03).
Autor krótko pisze o tym, jak wielość wyboru aplikacji do notowania jest kontrproduktywny i kontrskuteczny, ponieważ z nadmiaru trudno wybrać coś odpowiedniego. Podsumowuje, że właściwie każdy producent programu do notowania wynajduje koło na nowo.
Warte odnotowania jest to, artykuł pochodzi z połowy 2018 roku, zatem z jednej strony wpisuje się w trend zainteresowania tego rodzaju programami, ale jeszcze przed wielkim zainteresowaniem takich aplikacji jak Obsidian czy Notion (który jest na rynku zdecydowanie dłużej).
fortelabs.com fortelabs.com
Test-Driving a New Generation of Second Brain Apps: Obsidian, Tana, and Mem
I'm a bit surprised at the conclusion: Evernote still the best and can't be supplanted easily. Seriously?
But there are some naked truths about Tana and Mem (and Mem X). The Second Brain guy didn't mince words.
I think he is too harsh on Obsidian. You can't have your cake and eat it. If local-first philosophy is of utmost importance to you, you've got to learn where the vaults are stored locally. Duh!
- Nov 2023
forum.obsidian.md forum.obsidian.md
Just to understand well Obsidian/Heptabase, if we take the example of Card in Heptabase = Note in Osbidian, and Whiteboard in Heptabase = Canva in Obsidian, what Heptabase do that Obsidian do not? What is your view about that?
My questions too.
Excited to share a sneak peek of my new @obsdmd plugin :) • Browse the web spatially on an infinite canvas 💠 • Visually organize and connect your notes, videos, pdfs and websites 🛸 • Sketch and mind-map over a whiteboard
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Heptabase is only able to offer both ease of creation and administratin on the same note because it breaks with both Zettlr and Obsidian in having the version of the markdown note safe for a human (as opposed to a computer) to edit be an export only format. But that of course breaks with a fundamental paradigm in Obsidian that your notes are always just a bunch of markdown files importable and exportable to anything. In Heptabase they aren't. Heptabase simplifies the workflow by making the data structure of notes too exacting for a human.
Sounds like the Heptabase markdown export content isn't easily readable and editable? Would be a huge concern for Heptabase-and-Obsidian interoperability, or Heptabase with any other markdown-compatible tools.
bagerbach.com bagerbach.com
For creating project "dashboard"
lifelonglearn.substack.com lifelonglearn.substack.com
The Syntopicon Vault by Dan Allosso
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Kojin Karatani (1941- )
Wikipedia (en)
accessed:: 2023-11-22 16:!0
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Jun Tosaka (1900-1945)
Wikipedia (en)
accessed:: 2023-11-22 16:00
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Beginner tutorial for Obsidian Dataview by Danny Hatcher<br /> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8eOF61wmzI
Not bad at all and has a few nice examples that slowly build on themselves.
zotlit.aidenlx.top zotlit.aidenlx.top
An interesting looking Obsidian/Zotero plugin
ᔥTon Zijlstra (@ton@m.tzyl.eu) on Nov 01, 2023, 04:15
@richardcarter @geffrey I 2nd Richard here, prefer to keep them separate. I currently use https://zotlit.aidenlx.top/ as a plugin in both Zotero and Obsidian to handle the copying of annotations into Obsidian, rather than copy/pasting by hand. Outside of Zotero I also use hypothes.is for annotations that I grab into Obsidian through the h. API.
- Oct 2023
blacksmithgu.github.io blacksmithgu.github.io
blacksmithgu.github.io blacksmithgu.github.ioFields1
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
How to get started with ZK and Obsidian .t3_16wgq4l._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; }
reply to u/Rampage_user at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/16wgq4l/how_to_get_started_with_zk_and_obsidian/
Perhaps what I've done in Obsidian may help: I've created several folders for individual pieces:
- Zettels folder - contains permanent/atomic/evergreen notes which broadly stand on their own; I give them decimal numbers so that alphabetical sorting within the folder provides me with neighborhoods of ideas without needing to provide direct links from one idea to another on each and every note.
- Bibliography folder - contains individual notes for details about sources (books, articles, videos, etc.) which also contains the fleeting notes related to them (each can have from one to sometimes hundreds of short, not fully formed notes and excerpts);
- Index folder - contains 26 notes, one for each letter of the alphabet each of which has index entries that lead to notes in the zettels folder; Like Luhmann's my index is sparse and I rely on the neighborhoods around the notes that link from the index.
While I do have a few tags, I broadly eschew them as they don't scale well with time in my experience.
Some literature is unspecific about it, but you should know that NOT EVERY FLEETING NOTE NEEDS TO BECOME A PERMANENT NOTE. Only split out the most interesting and potentially future useful ones. Some of my book notes have hundreds of fleeting notes, highlights, etc. and I've only pulled out 3 or 4 permanent notes from them. (The side benefit is that if you need them, you've got links to those fleeting notes for later if you need to review over, use, or convert them.)
Really the best advice is to practice. A Lot. Experience will help you know when your fleeting notes should become permanent ones and how much work they need to become permanent notes. You can always adjust things in the future if your experience helps you simplify things further for you. If you make three permanent notes a week, you're doing better than most. I add 1-5 bibliographic sources a day and average about 50 fleeting notes with only one, or maybe two permanent notes on a good day.
Good luck. Now go practice...
- Sep 2023
text-gen.com text-gen.com
Looks like this is how you would get the tool to invoke API from different sources like HuggingFace and others.
- Aug 2023
docs.obsidian.md docs.obsidian.md
Is this necessary for the plugin to function?
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Does anyone has it’s Zettelkasten in Google Docs, Microsoft Word or Plain Tex (without a hood app like obsidian or The Archive)? .t3_15fjb97._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; }
reply to u/Efficient_Earth_8773 at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/15fjb97/does_anyone_has_its_zettelkasten_in_google_docs/
Experimenting can be interesting. I've tried using spreadsheet software like Google Sheets or Excel which can be simple and useful methods that don't lose significant functionality. I did separate sheets for zettels, sources, and the index. Each zettel had it's own row with with a number, title, contents, and a link to a source as well as the index.
Google Docs might be reasonably doable, but the linking portion may be one of the more difficult affordances to accomplish easily or in a very user-centric fashion. It is doable though: https://support.google.com/docs/answer/45893?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop, and one might even mix Google Docs with Google Sheets? I could see Sheets being useful for creating an index and or sources while Docs could be used for individual notes as well. It's all about affordances and ease of use. Text is a major portion of having and maintaining a zettelkasten, so by this logic anything that will allow that could potentially be used as a zettelkasten. However, it helps to think about how one will use it in practice on a day-to-day basis. How hard will it be to create links? Search it? How hard will it be when you've got thousands of "slips"? How much time will these things take as it scales up in size?
A paper-based example: One of the reasons that many pen and paper users only write on one side of their index cards is that it saves the time of needing to take cards out and check if they do or don't have writing on the back or remembering where something is when it was written on the back of a card. It's a lot easier to tip through your collection if they're written only on the front. If you use an alternate application/software what will all these daily functions look like compounded over time? Does the software make things simpler and easier or will it make them be more difficult or take more time? And is that difficulty and time useful or not to your particular practice? Historian and author David McCullough prefers a manual typewriter over computers with keyboards specifically because it forces him to slow down and take his time. Another affordance to consider is how much or little work one may need to put into using it from a linking (or not) perspective. Using paper forces one to create a minimum of at least one link (made by the simple fact of filing it next to another) while other methods like Obsidian allow you to too easily take notes and place them into an infinitely growing pile of orphaned notes. Is it then more work to create discrete links later when you've lost the context and threads of potential arguments you might make? Will your specific method help you to regularly review through old notes? How hard will it be to mix things up for creativity's sake? How easy/difficult will it be to use your notes for writing/creating new material, if you intend to use it for that?
Think about how and why you'd want to use it and which affordances you really want/need. Then the only way to tell is to try it out for a bit and see how one likes/doesn't like a particular method and whether or not it helps to motivate you in your work. If you don't like the look of an application and it makes you not want to use it regularly, that obviously is a deal breaker. One might also think about how difficult/easy import/export might be if they intend to hop from one application to another. Finally, switching applications every few months can be self-defeating, so beware of this potential downfall as you make what will eventually need to be your ultimate choice. Beware of shiny object syndrome or software that ceases updating in just a few years without easy export.
- Jul 2023
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
When I tag a note with a new keyword like [[Productivity]], it then becomes a ghost note on the graph.
This is the first time I've seen someone use the phrase "ghost note" to mean a future implied note which could be created by using wiki syntax [[*]] which in some systems like Obsidian or WikiMedia creates a (red) link which one could click on to create that note.
via u/THX-Eleven38 at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/14ox2tw/what_is_the_proper_way_to_create_a_moc_note_from/
- Jun 2023
blacksmithgu.github.io blacksmithgu.github.io
This is a page I found while trying to learn the syntax of Dataview (an Obsidian plugin that allows database queries on one's own vault).
orgmode.org orgmode.org
Proposal for org-mode syntax as the interoperability standard for tools for thought. The issue with things like markdown and opml is said to be the lack of semantic mark-up. Is that different in org-mode?
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
- May 2023
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Obsidian for teachers .t3_13khuxs._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; }
This is great. I'll put it into my collection along with Shawn Graham who has some prior work for teaching with Obsidian (https://shawngraham.github.io/hist1900/#the-big-idea) as does u/danallosso who has also used it quite bit for both classes as well as Open Education Resources. If you search for Dan's YouTube & Substack, you're likely to find some of his writing/resources there.
medium.com medium.com
Too generic to be of much help to any but the most technical which isn't likely to need this sort of advice.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Map of Content Vizualized (VMOC)
a start of thinking on the space of converging written and visual thinking, but not as advanced as even Raymond Llull or indigenous ways of knowing which more naturally merge these modes of thinking.
Western though is just missing so much... sigh
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Fireside Chat with @kepano, CEO of Obsidian
Nothing new here for me, but useful vision and direction for those not familiar with Obsidian.
The linked Mastodon thread gives a great example of using Obsidian (but could easily have been Tinderbox of any similar tool) for a journalism project. I can see me do this for some parts of my work too. To verify, see patterns, find omissions etc. Basically this is what Tinderbox is for, while writing keep track of characters, timelines, events etc.
medium.com medium.com
What Obs Canvas provides is a whiteboard where you can add notes, embed anything, create new notes, and export of the result.
Six example categories of using Canvas in Obsidian. - Dashboard - Create flow charts - Mindmaps - Mapping out ideas as Graph View replacement - Writing, structure an article ([[Ik noem mijn MOCs Olifantenpaadjes 20210313094501]]) - Brainstorming (also a Graph View replacement)
I have used [[Tinderbox]] as canvas / outliner (as it allows view-switch between them) for dashboards mostly, as well as for braindumping and then mapping it for ideas and patterns.
Canvas w Excalibur may help escape the linearity of a note writing window (atomic notes are fine as linear texts)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Tagging and linking with AI (Napkin.one) by Nicole van der Hoeven
Nicole underlines the value of a good user interface for traversing one's notes. She'd had issues with tagging things in Obsidian using their #tag functionality, but never with their [[WikiLink]] functionality. Something about the autotagging done by Napkin's artificial intelligence makes the process easier for her. Some of this may be down to how their user interface makes it easier/more intuitive as well as how it changes and presents related notes in succession.
Most interesting however is the visual presentation of notes and tags in conjunction with an outliner for taking one's notes and composing a draft using drag and drop.
Napkin as a visual layer over tooling like Obsidian, Logseq, et. al. would be a much more compelling choice for me in terms of taking my pre-existing data and doing something useful with it rather than just creating yet another digital copy of all my things (and potentially needing sync to keep them up to date).
What is Napkin doing with all of their user's data?
- Apr 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Dataview query for table of incoming outgoing links
dataview TABLE length*file.outlinks) as "Outgoing", length(file.inlinks) as "Incoming" where !contains(file.path, "Genie") and !contains(file.path,"Daily") and !contains(file.path,"Private") and !contains(file.path,"Weekly") and !contains(file.path,"FolderA") and !contains(file.path,"FolderB") and !contains(file.path,"FolderC") and !contains(file.path,"FolderD") and !contains(file.publish, "false") SORT length(file.outlinks) DESC LIMIT 50
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1. Zettelkasten for INTERMEDIATE users of Obsidian
Buttons for coprolites and oosik... 🤣
His templates look a lot like some of the work and templates I use to import annotations/notes from Hypothes.is into Obsidian.
oliverbarnum.wordpress.com oliverbarnum.wordpress.com
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I just finished my Bachelor thesis working with Obsidian! by u/ThiIsAnkou
100 literature- and about 650 permanentnotes. Thanks to Obsidian and Zettelkasten!
- Mar 2023
web.archive.org web.archive.org
Auch die Korrektur einer Textstelle ist in der Datenbank sofort global wirksam. Im Zettelarchiv dagegen ist es kaum zu leisten, alle alphabetisch einsortierten Kopien eines bestimmten Zettels zur Korrektur wieder aufzufinden.
Correcting a text within a digital archive or database allows the change to propagate to all portions of the collection compared with a physical card index which has the hurdle of multiple storage and requires manual changes on all of the associated copies.
This sort of affordance can be seen in more modern note taking tools like Obsidian which does this sort of work with global search and replace of double bracketed words which change everywhere in the collection.
ggstrader/obsidian-meta-vault at obsidian-iceberg
A repository for custom Obsidian.md dashboards, daily notes, etc.
www.eleanorkonik.com www.eleanorkonik.com
Bookkeeping, Eisenhower Matrixes, & Pretty Canvas Cards by Eleanor Konik
github.com github.com
A (nearly) seamless integration of ChatGPT into Obsidian.
Is there a way to collapse all headings at once? .t3_11lgicl._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; }
I don't think it requires a plugin, but you can go to Settings >> Hotkeys and search for "fold" to create/change custom hotkey settings to fold up/down as necessary.
Another approach with a potentially similar affordance: Obsidian has a core plugin called "Outline" that you can enable. Then open the palette to search/select: "Outline: Show Outline" which will display in a sidebar (you can drag/drop it where you find most convenient). This side outline will allow you to easily jump around your document for various views as well as show you the overarching outline while you're working on a document. It will also allow you to conveniently collapse parts of the outline too.
github.com github.com
A plugin to help you collect working materials.
github.com github.com
A plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and other long projects.
After you've read a bit you may have some idea of some of the topics you'd like to cover and can begin creating an outline of what you'd like to express. Create a blank page and start the shape of the outline. As you proceed, you'll have an idea of a few specific notes that will fit under individual areas. What are those notes linked to? Perhaps add them as well if appropriate. As you outline you can add markup like
to your outline which, in preview mode, will render or transclude the contents of that note and any others similarly formatted. Once you've done this with lots of notes you can copy/paste the contents into a draft which you can massage into finished form. Perhaps Obsidian's Canvas functionality might be helpful for you as well for mapping out the ideas/outline? It's at this point that many people realize how useful physical paper cards are for doing this process. The user interface and affordances in this last mile of output with respect to a digital tool is definitely a general drawback. This short video may be somewhat helpful for some of the process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxyy0THLfuI
- Feb 2023
github.com github.com
notes.nicolevanderhoeven.com notes.nicolevanderhoeven.com