35 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2023
    1. @tomcritchlow

      Have you seen the OPDS Catalog 1.2 (ATOM over HTTP with OpenSearch) and the OPDS Catalog 2.0 (JSON-LD over HTTP) protocols ?

      OPDS define a bookshelf-like access to books repositories and can be used with eBooks readers to retrieve ePub books.

      The French National Library, The Gutenberg Project, The Internet Archive or Gallimard (a French editor) provide an OPDS feed.

  2. Oct 2022
  3. May 2022
    1. The Library Bookshelves plugin allows you to curate virtual bookshelves just like you would a shelf around a theme in your library. Bookshelves are displayed as customizable Slick carousels, using cover art from, and links to, your library catalog. The plugin creates a Bookshelves post type, shortcode, widget, and custom taxonomy.
    1. The plugin convert content of your blog posts and pages to most popular e-book formats for readers – pdf, ePub, mobi and fb2, using php-librasries: mPDF; PHPePub; MOBIClass; bgFB2. Plugin displays a icons form for download converted files before and/or after content on your blog pages. You can create OPDS catalogue on your site with this plugin, if you enable the option. OPDS catalog support the file-types: 'epub', 'fb2', 'pdf', 'mobi', 'zip', 'rtf', 'doc', 'docx', 'htm', 'html', 'txt', 'djvu', 'mp3', 'm4a', 'm4b'.

      Q.: How can users access the OPDS catalogue?

      A.: OPDS catalogue URL http://yoursite.com/feed/opds.

    1. I’m looking forward to the first scholarly publisher that not only provides ePub files of his journal articles, but also makes them available via OPDS. Although OPDS is currently used mostly for electronic books, I think that this is a very interesting protocol for scholarly publishers.
    1. We use the Web Annotation Protocol to sync bookmarks and last reading position across devices. At a glance it covers all the use cases here, and it's a well-defined protocol with multiple independent implementations. In particular, WAP defines a relation for discovery. Here's how we link to the annotation endpoint for a specific book in an OPDS 1.2 feed. Note the distinctive link relation and media type:
    1. xml <link rel="related" type="application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog" title="theses.fr > Flux ATOM et OPDS des thèses accessibles en ligne" href="/?q=&sort=dateSoutenance+desc&access=oui&format=atom"/>

    1. The OPDS Page Streaming Extension (OPDS-PSE) is an unofficial extension of the Open Distribution Publication System. Its goal is to enrich the OPDS feed with information allowing the client to request a specific page of a document without having to download it completely. This extension was designed primarily for comic books, to allow reading them on connected devices without having to wait for the book to be completely downloaded.

      Example :

      • Namespace declaration in the feed element (in our example, we use the prefix « pse » ):

      xml <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:pse="http://vaemendis.net/opds-pse/ns" xmlns:opds="http://opds-spec.org/2010/catalog" xml:lang="en" xmlns:opensearch="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/" >

      • Additional link in an entry to allow page by page access to the document :

      xml <link rel="http://vaemendis.net/opds-pse/stream" type="image/jpeg" href="/opds-comics/stream/1217?page={pageNumber}&width={maxWidth}" pse:count="35" />