136 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
  2. Dec 2021
    1. At the same time, drawingfrom the historical experience of alternative grassroots urban practices, city adminis-trations and community development industry actors have also invested in supportingalternative uses of vacant land that have been framed in larger discourses on sustain-ability, resilience and human well-being (Coppola, 2015)

      alternative uses to vacant land include focused density in urban clusters, as well as urban agriculture, community recreational spaces, and light manufacturing.

    2. imaginative post-shrinkage futures made of a network of a few denser urban nodes andvast areas repurposed for uses as diverse as urban agriculture, energy production,recreation and light manufacturing (Gallagher, 2010)

      Examples of alterhnative development.

    3. US shrinking cities have also beenprivileged sites for the development of alternative urban practices such as urban farm-ing (Coppola, 2012b), temporary uses of vacant land

      Alternative narrative for vacant lands through grassroots efforts.

    4. . Following a“double-faced development model”, the so-called “community development industry”– the system of philanthropic institutions and neighborhood-based non-profit organi-zations rooted in declining urban areas – pursued policies aimed at the consolidationand promotion of “competitive” residential neighbourhoods through new housingconstruction, support to homeownership and community building (Coppola, 2009)

      Critique of community development because is promoted competitive neighborhoods in its methods linked to new homes, land tenure, and community building.

    5. deeplypolitical in their genesis and development

      The disintegration of neighborhoods is a result of political forces that create geographically manifested disparities.

    6. st a strong correlation between urban shrinkage and extensively documented formsof deep spatialization of the class and racial differences and discrimination structuring USsociety (Massey & Denton, 1993; Wilson, 1987; Oswalt, 2004).

      urban shrinkage and spatialized racial and class differences are correlated;.

    7. ) experiencing declinein the context of their transitions to a post-industrial local economic basis (Scott, 2009).

      in the context of urban decline to post-industrial economic transformations.



    1. A range of social science scholarship examines how external actors organizethemselves for collective action

      previous research has looked at how collective action happens through intermediaries.



  3. Nov 2021
    1. Second, as a scholar andstudent I sought a theoretical and conceptualframework for comprehending what seemed atleast to me to be some very commonplace butrarely elucidated phenomena—that is, what itmeant to be multiply stigmatized and its reflex-ive influence on one’s identity and social inter-actions. And finally, as a social welfare re-searcher I wanted to make a contribution to ourknowledge and practice foundations to enhancethe provision of services to, but ultimately thewell-being of, people of color, gay men, lesbi-ans, and others who are socially stigmatized.

      Her motivations



    1. Formal invited partici-patory initiatives differ from informal uninvited citizenengagement initiatives such as protests and boycotts

      Formal invited participation will guide with procedures people towards collective decisions toward social justice.

    2. Climatejustice frameworks highlight the uneven distribution ofduties, burdens, and benefits of environmental changeacross social groups and spaces.

      Framing of Climate Justice Frameworks.

    3. popular framework foradvancing, evaluating, and critiquing practicalinstances of citizen participation

      Arnstein frames how to improve evaluate, critique and improve upon citizen participation in planning projects.

    4. Sherry Arnstein

      Bulids on Sherry Arnstein's ladder for redistribution of power - from states to citizens.

    5. Social justice is often considered the goal of participatoryplanning, yet justice is typically not operationalized, broadly defined, or clearly linked with participatorypractice.

      Problem - what is meant by social justice? How can you measure it? And how can it be tied into participation in planning?



    1. he only explanation for thisdifference must be that the PRRA placed more emphasis on thesolution of the problems of slum dwellers in San Juan thanin Ponce, and therefore the projects in San Juan were betterthought out, not only in terms of planning but also in termsof the social services which were to be provided. Thissuggests that the principal objective of the Slum ClearanceDivision of the PRRA was to provide homes for the residentsof the "Miranda" and "La Perla" slums of San Juan.105 Thefact that the architect did not provide a design or asuggested location for the school and the community centerin "Morell Campos" certainly supports this idea.

      Problems of slum dwellers in San Juan got more attention in planning designs - notably the presence of community center and school in new plan. neigher of these were included in Ponce.

    2. Rexford Guy Tugwell convinced the President tofund the Greenbelt Town program in the United States throughthe Unemployment Appropriation Act which Congress was thenconsidering

      Slum clearance promoted by Tugwell and funded with Unemployement Appropriations Act funds. to create the Greenbelt Town program.

    3. hePublic Works Administration (PWA) and the ResettlementAdministration (RA). The PWA's projects were merely housingdevelopments, while the RA's goal was to build completetowns in which healthy communities could develop.

      Federal policy under Roosevelt - Public Works Administration and the Resettlement Administration. --- build new town for healthy communities.

    4. uerto Rico the PRRA began a program, within the economicreconstruction, for the building of new housing units forlow-income families under the agency's Slum ClearanceDivision, headed by Manuel Egozcue.

      Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration - had a Slum Clearance division.

    5. s it isgenerally understood that it is the federal government'sintention to stimulate the tourist trade in all overseaspossessions, I repeat my hope that an allocation ofmoney will be made in the near future to provideadditional facilities for the accommodation oftourists

      Public policy in Puerto Rico to create a place for winter resorts.

    6. The PRRA Slum Clearance Divisiondesigned three urban projects.

      In ponce, they built the Morell Campos area.

    7. Tugwell was surprised by the lack ofsanitation in the many houses built over swamps.45 Hesuggested, as a possible solution to the slum problem, thata governmental housing corporation be created to builddwellings at an approximate cost of three to five thousand

      Tugwell proposed federa housing corporation for puerto rico

    8. The overall opinion of theofficials in charge of the projects was that it was "amistake to invest public funds in a housing development andthen to dispose of lands and houses to individuals" becausethe low income families receiving the aid liquidated theirequities "frequently at a discount to others not needing thesubsidy.

      The sale of lands and house built for the poor discouraged the continuation of this public housing strategy.

    9. In 1886, Adolfo Nones, Dario Laguna, andRafael del Valle were responsible for the establishment ofthe "Aldea Daban" in the "Barrio Sabanahoyos" in Arecibo.This was the first slum clearance project developed on theisland.

      Puerto Rico's first slum clearance project

    10. he slums grew rapidly due to social, as well aseconomic, changes in Puerto Rico. Probably the mostimportant socioeconomic change came about from 1900 to 1930when absentee sugar corporations bought large quantities ofthe island's sugar land. This created a new proletariat andaggregate classes which worked the land but did not own it.

      Slum growth in Puerto Rico as people were displaced from the land that they used to own/work.

    11. Slums, as defined by the Law number 264 of 1945, arethose urban or suburban sections consisting of unhealthy anddangerous structures

      Slum elimination - geared to good housing for Puerto Rico workers.

    12. 1937 the United States Housing Act founded thelow-income public housing program

      Federal low-income housing act created.

    13. National Industrial Recovery Actof 1933 authorized the use of federal funds to finance theconstruction of housing in order to replace the slumdwellings.

      Federal Law Slum Elimination began under Roosevelt.

    14. federal laws of the 1930s wererelated, in one way or another, to a massive program ofeconomic and social reconstruction under the leadership ofPresident Roosevelt

      Federal law in the 1930s under Roosevelt was aimed at reconstruction

    15. Lawnumber 53 of 1921, known as "Hogar Seguro" of Puerto Rico,created the workers' settlements with the dual purpose ofproviding adequate housing for laborers, artisans, andpublic workers and guiding an orderly urban development.

      Creation of worker settlements

    16. 6 of 1920authorized the Commissioner of the Interior to acquire, aswell as build, houses for low-income families.

      Public Housing's origins in Puerto Rico

    17. 1906, the Puerto Rican Municipal Law authorized the variousmunicipalities to acquire lots in rural areas for thefounding of settlements

      Public settlement creation 1906

    18. main objective was theredistribution of land, was the Homestead Act of 1903.

      Redistribution of land was goal of initial law.

    19. n March 1934, Mr. Rexford Guy Tugwell, United StatesAssistant Secretary of Agriculture, and Mrs. EleanorRoosevelt visited Puerto Rico. Both were struck by thesubhuman conditions in which the working class was living.It was because of their input and concern for these familiesthat a low-cost housing program was rapidly developed as oneof the most important elements of the plan for the island'sreconstruction.

      Origins of Slum elimination programs in Puerto Rico

  4. Oct 2021
    1. Power, in most sociological studies, is con- ceived as the ability to exercise influence in a decision-making process

      What is Power:

    2. sophisticated start with the assumption that managers and proprietors are the principal power figures and use their sociometric tools to discover how members of an elite are grouped about various kinds of issues to form power cen- ters

      Power is situated in managers, owners - how this works gets defined with sociometric techniques to understand the attraction or repulsion of working collectively with particular individuals.



    1. n this video we set up the Montage to work (audio/MIDI) with Ableton Live through one USB cable. We also set up recording audio, MIDI and MIDI arp in Live as well.

      This video helped me get the audio and MIDI settings set up on Ableton Live 11 and Yamaha MODX8. There are slight differences in the Ableton Live interface, as the video uses an earlier version. But the setup is basically the same.

    1. he on-line search referred to previously revealed three basic uses for focus groups

      Focus groups used as principal data source; supplementary source (coupled with survey, for example); or part of multi-method study.



  5. inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. the antitax climate may leadmore municipalities to consider PILOTs,

      General movement against raising taxes.

    2. Growing scrutiny of the nonprofit sector may alsoplay a role in the growing use of PILOTs
    3. press accounts suggest interest in PILOTshas been growing since the early 1990s and evenmore so in recent years

      City finances are going tighter (income loss) coupled with decling property values. Federal aid momentary, but generally cut, as have states cut contributions to cities. These trends influence cities' willingness to try pilots.

    4. ince 2000, PILOTs havebeen used in at least 117 municipalities

      Northeast US uses PILOTs more frequently than other parts of the nation, in part, perhaps, due high number of nonprofits and the high dollar value property taxes represent for this region. (Rarely more than 1% of a city's total intake across all revenue streams.

    5. we exclude other types ofpayments that are sometimes termed PILOTs, in-cluding incentives that local governments sometimesoffer to businesses for which they make PILOTs in-stead of paying full property taxes

      Excluded from study

    6. municipalities try to addressthose fiscal pressures by seeking payments in lieu oftaxes (PILOTs) from tax-exempt nonprofits.

      PILOTs as a way for municipalities to do cost recovery for services provided by city to non-profits (recognize or concede that NGOs have some benefit for municipalities and their citizens). They happen through negotiations and thus are distinct in the duration of the arrangement and the manner in which they are structured. Assessed value of properties may be 1/4 of overall tax rate for the community. PILOTs may be called - service fees, voluntary contributions.

    1. many communities are thehome to a number of organizations thatoperate as tax-exempt entities

      PILOTs can help cities cover expenses of proving gvt services.

    2. Successful conversations should meet thefollowing objectives:Recognize the unique nature and contri-butions of each nonprofit organizationwithin a community.Strive to create a collaborative environ-ment where all stakeholders have a voice.Utilize an outcomes-based evaluationprocess in which nonprofit organizationsare encouraged and assisted in evaluatingtheir government footprint.

      Example of stakeholder common goals around econ development and outcomes

    3. here are a few variables that the local governmentadministrator does have control over

      Though local gvts suffer in the winds of national and regional forces, property taxes are among the things that local gvts can control.

  6. Sep 2021
    1. he Aspen Institute first coined the term anchor institution in a 2001 study, defining it as an urban institution with “significant infrastructure in a specific community [that is] therefore unlikely to move” (Fulbright-Anderson, Auspos, & Anderson, 2001)

      anchor defined - p 74

    2. bsence of services and major stakeholders in urban communities.

      anchors fill the gaps that public investment cannot meet.

    3. First, the study reviews historic precedents for anchor institutions and examines contemporary anchor frameworks, identifying the assumptions and best practices embedded in anchor institution theory.


    4. ome universities are pursuing another role as an anchor institution
    5. evidence-based outcomes of anchor revitalization strategies, as well as potential challenges and opportunities for neighborhoods (

      Emerging research area

    6. Scholars have studied this phenomenon for more than a decade, defining and building theory, examining case studies, and identifying best practices.

      Existing theory on anchors.



    1. would resolve market failures

      WPI strategy for investment - resolve market failures.

    2. Philadelphia’s long-term trajectory follows that of many former-manufactur-ing centers across the Northeastern and Midwestern United States.

      Setup followed by illustrations of broader context of industrial urban area transformation in Northeat and midwest.

    3. he remainder of this article explores patterns of socioeconomic and demographic change in University City. It begins with a brief discussion of neighborhood change in the city of Philadelphia, which provides context for University City’s experience. Subsequently, the discussion turns to change in University City and the larger West Philadelphia neighborhood, as well as disaggregated change within University City in relation to the PAS catchment area.


    4. leverage the university’s financial, organizational, and human capi-tal to improve the neighborhood and catalyze outside investment.

      UPENN's approach to the solution in 1996 - use it institutional, financial, human capital, as well as outside investment to make a dif. - five-year test of WPI.

    5. According to a university-commissioned report, Penn saw four potential responses to their environ-ment: (1) engage in community service activities with the neighborhood, knowing that these activities may not address decline in a significant way; (2) reconceive of the Penn campus as a fortress, building walls, gates, and check-points to barricade the institution from decline; (3) vacate the existing West Philadelphia campus and relocate to a more stable location; or (4) develop a broad neighborhood revitalization strategy supported by substantial institu-tional resources (Kromer and Kerman 2005).

      Judith Rodin - president of UPENN in decided that the UPENN campus was jeopardized by the declining and problematic neighborhood setting.

    6. The WPI: Penn’s Investment in PlaceIn the early 1990s, University City, and the larger West Philadelphia com-munity, reflected the experience of many neighborhoods across the city of Philadelphia, as well as urban centers across the country (Kromer 2010; Kromer and Kerman 2005; Rodin 2007). High crime rates, property aban-donment and disinvestment, increasing poverty levels, and declining public schools characterized the neighborhood.

      Background on pre WPI invenstment by UPENN.

    7. deral call for innovation, funded with grant monies, placed new demands on research universities across the country

      GI Bill following WWII, Urban expansion that fed $ provoked Slum clearance "Urban Reneewal Modern architecture and college green - in cahoots with Philly Planning Commision. " Hegemony and Urban renewal - mistrust.

    8. They responded with diverse place-based interventions, often designed to stabilize the neighborhood’s conditions, induce improvement, and/or catalyze broad revitalization via private investment.

      Private investment in place by universities done at the institutions' interest to retain and recruit students and professors.

    9. urban universities have a large physical presence within their communities. Their assets include significant amounts of fixed capital—primarily real estate holdings and infrastructure—which tend to make universities less mobile than other corporations

      it's the real estate and other infrastructure that anchors universities to place. and a mission, sometimes.

    10. 2,000 institutions of higher education are located in central cities,

      The university anchor in central urban core is a thing

    11. As cities strive to develop and sustain a place for themselves in the knowledge economy, urban universities represent critical stakeholders with the capacity to contribute to regional economic development in powerful and groundbreaking ways (Goddard and Vallance 2013).

      Universities - powerful regional stakeholders contribute to regional econ dev.



    1. hat land, the basic stuff of place, is a market commodity providing wealth and power, and that some very important people conse- quently take a keen interest

      Land is a market commodity that builds wealth and power.

    2. of place quite apart from a crucial dimension of social structure:

      Place is separated from social structure.

    3. A city and, more generally, any locality, is conceived as the areal expression of the interests of some land-base

      elites make decisions about city land.



    1. Building the Conceptual Framework: LL ‘Tops, Purpose ant Significance ——

      Framing this research in larger theoretical, policy, social context.

    2. Researcher Competence

      Outlines important considerations for the first dissertation... to convey competence. Describes the kinds of evidence that can be used to establish competence of the researcher based on experience - pilots, coursework.

    3. Conceptual Framework

      This is the rationale for the study Why these people Why this setting How does it connect to a larger phenomenon?

    4. Design Soundness

      Description of methodological considerations.

    5. o often, policy studies offer findings and recommendations with little sense of how the research led to those recommendations. So

      The need for justifying the approach as written in the research proposal is essential.

    6. Critical ethnography i

      Describes Critical Ethnography.

    7. Feminist theories frame research ranging across issues and disciplines.

      Describes Feminist theories on qual as have an ideological goal of "dismantling" oppressive policy agendas AND their traditions that ignore women.

    8. ualitative Research Genres

      Mentions Jacobs; Atkinson, Delamont and Hammersley; Denzin and Lincoln.

    9. Qualitative researchers are intrigued with the complexity of social interactions as expressed in daily life and with the meanings the participants themselves attribute. to these interactions.

      Qual is good for understanding the way people interact with each other on a daily basis as well as what people think about this interactions (perceptions).

    10. common considerations and procedures for its conduct and certain “habits of mind and heart” (Rossman & Rallis, 1998)

      Despite differences in qual approaches, there are some common considerations and procedures.

    11. e refer to qualitative research and qualita- tive methodology as if they were one agreed-on approach.

      Qual research and qual methods do not have one agreed-on approach.



    1. form of words rather than numbers, have always been the staple of some fields in the social sciences, notably anthropology, history, and politi- cal science.

      words are source of data for many fields

    2. How can we draw valid meaning from qualitative data?

      Research question. How to get credible qual analysis.



    1. his study looks at edsand meds as one of those overlooked fixedassets.

      Overall theme - eds and meds often overlooked.

    2. nstitutions of higher learning2 (“eds”) and medical facilities (“meds”) are some of the largestprivate employers in America’s biggest cities. A survey of the top 10 private employers in thelargest 20 U.S. cities found that:

      Higher institutions of learning (Eds) and medical facilities (Meds) are big institutions and employers - often the top ones in a region. Biggies in Baltimore, Detroit, Philadelphia and Washington, DC.

    1. three measurement issues are emerging that are specific to a theory of change evaluation.

      3 measurement issues - related to evaluating theory of change.

    2. the field of comprehensive community initiatives (CCIs)

      How to evaluate comprehensive community initiatives and using what methods? 1) Lower expectations: Process documentation - lower expectations of evidence of impact 2) Force a Fit: force initiative into accepted evaluative method 3) Let time tell - wait until CCI is "ready" to be evaluated using common methods. FROM THE BOOK: http://www.aspenroundtable.org/vol2/connell.htm



    1. s that such involvement is usually considered as lacking in research objectivity (Oakl

      Criticism about getting too familiar with research subjects based on lack of objectivity.

    2. In the same way, although research may have done something for the poor, it also reflects their unequal position. Firstly, the decisions to undertake studies are made not by the socially deprived but generally by statutory departments, by research units, by people like you and me. Secondly, the processes used to collect material also reinforce notions of superiority and inferiority. Ann Oakley, from a feminist perspective, explains that traditional social research interviewing is based on the following assumption

      Power Imbalances of research.<br> 1)what gets studied is determined in academia. 2) Superior (researcher) - Subordinate (interviewee)



    1. ethical frameworkswithin different cultural contexts

      Ethics for doing qualitative studies differ from cultures and national settings.

    2. large investment in resources needed to embedoneself in many different contexts.

      It's expensive to do ethnography - embedded in a community.

    3. Doubly engaged social science is the underlying epistemo-logical paradigm of several methodological approaches; aresearcher may be able to provide robust analyses and establishmultiple causal pathways for urban poverty using quantitativemethodologies, panel data or cross-sectional large-N studies,and field experiments. Another scholar may opt for qualitativeapproaches including participant observation, focus groups,ethnographic immersion, and one-on-one structured inter-views.

      Various epistemologies and methodological approaches available.

    4. Our approachto fieldwork has been largely driven by Canadian research’sminimal harm principle.1

      Used to do research "minimal harm approach" but that left subjects open to stimatization, not empowerment.

      Why should researchers be concern about empowering the communities they study?? - Because this is the researcher as the activist approach.

    5. ngaged and socially responsiblesocial science method, suggesting that such approaches can be“doubly engaged”

      Double engagement = 1) Engaged in research 2) Social responsibility ---- sensetive and self-reflective

    6. scholar-activists

      Scholar as activist

    7. ethics

      There's an ethics criticism of using ethnography to study vulnerable communities

    8. Ethnography is a powerful qualitative method that helps usunderstand individual and community behaviour.

      Ethnography is qualitative and powerful



    1. emancipatory aim of a women’s sociology derive from its close connections with the con- temporary women’s movement as well as from our particular position as women researchers

      connection of emancipation goal of sociological women's research with political aims of women's movement.

    2. nexamined the social processes lying behind the correlations

      Problem w previous gem research is unexamined social processes that create inequities



  7. Aug 2021
  8. Nov 2020
    1. Yet, one type of behavior has been almost completely ignored by economists,1 although scarce resources are used and it has been followed in some form by practically all adults in every recorded society. I refer to marriage

      highlights a gap in study - underscoring the importance of his work.



  9. Oct 2020
    1. ntific truth. History is a story Western culture buffs tell each other; science is a contestable text and a power field; the content is the fo

      Feminists have made these arguments: History is story-telling, science is the analysis of truth through analyzing texts from a place of power And the content of these arguments is the form ( of how meaning is produced, distributed and consumed) (Hayden White) ---the feminist critique is that science isn't objective. ---

    2. es.' According to these tempt- ing views, no insider's perspective is privileged, because all draw- ings of inside-outside boundaries in knowledge are theorized as power moves, not moves toward truth. So, from the strong social constructionist perspective, why should we be cowed by scien- tists' descriptions of their activity and accomplishments; they and their patrons have stakes in throwing sand in our eyes. They tell parables about objectivity and scientific method to students in the first years of their initiation, but no practitioner of the high scien- tific arts would be caught dead acting on the textbook versions. Social constructionists make clear that official ideologies about ob- jectivity and scientific method are particularly bad guides to how scientific knowledge is actually made. Just as for the rest of us, what scientists believe or say they do and what they really do have a very loose fi

      Criticism of social constructionists - that the elite (insiders) espouse to objectivity and method - but they don't actually use objectivity and method - hypocrites. SHe is making reference to Kuhn.

    3. ra's "special-interest groups" in the rarified realm of epistemology, where traditionally what can count as knowledge is policed by philosophers codifying cognitive

      Marginalization of feminists in Reagan era...Resistance to traditional thoughts about the construct of knowledge.

    1. critical race theorists had as their objective, ending ex-clusive reliance upon civil rights litigation, storytelling to broaden public con-sciousness of racism and discrimination under the law



    1. I wantto argue that its methodology provides rich theoretical insights into contem-porary practices in community development.

      introduces the framework of Foucault.

    2. Community development is also a problematic concept, subject to differ-ent meanings and multiple interpretations. In this work, community devel-opment is understood as a‘social profession’(seeBanks, 2004), situatedinside the welfare state—readers should note that my focus is not on formsof community development which takes place in other areas—for example,the Third Sector.

      defines community development in terms of part of the gvt. welfare state and not 3rd sector (ngos)

    3. quantifiable outcomes and outputs

      new managerialism -

    4. eoliberalism as‘the elevation of market-based principles andtechniques of evaluation to the level of state-sponsored norms’

      defines neoliberalism



    1. wer comes from below; that is, there is no binary and all-encompassing opposition between rulers and ruled at the root of power relations, and serving as a general matrix -no such duality extending from the top down and react-ing on more and more limited groups to the very depths of the social body.

      he's still defining what power it.

    2. The omnipresence of power: not because it has the privilege of consolidating everything under its invincible unity, but because it is produced from one moment to the next

      preceded by what his definition of power isn't to defining it.

      power is always present.

    3. The doubts I would like to oppose to the repressive hy-pothesis are aimed less at showing it to be mistaken than at putting it back within a general economy of discourses on sex in modern societies since the seventeenth century.

      Here he outlines his approach. Not to refute the repressive hypothesis. Rather, put it into context of "discourse of sex in modern society since the 17th century". Answering all the questions that follow. Why is sex such a topic or interest? What are people saying about it? How has talking about it generated power? How do the conversations link together?

    4. Why do we say, with so much passion and so much resentment against our most recent past, against our present, and against ·~ We "Other Victorians" 9 ourselves, that we are repressed? By what spiral did we come to affirm that sex is negated? What led us to show, ostenta-tiously, that sex is something we hide, to say it is something we silence?

      We are we resentful in the assertion that we are repressed and that sex is negated - hidden?

    5. To say that sex is not repressed, or rather that the relationship be-tween sex and power is not characterized by repression, is to risk falling into a sterile paradox. It not only runs counter to a well-accepted argument, it goes against the whole economy and all the discursive "interests" that underlie this argument.

      The relationship between sex and power is characterized by repression.



    1. The type of social science in which we are interested is an empirical science of concrete reality.Our aim is the understanding of the characteristic uniqueness of the reality in which we move. Wewish to understand on the one hand the relationships and the cultural significance of individualevents in their contemporary manifestations and on the other the causes of their beinghistorically so and not otherwise.

      CRITICAL: This is where Weber states what he is attempting to accomplish. He is an Empiricist. He wants to understand the meaning of the distinctive observable facts or events that form our reality. Social scientists only focus on a particular part of scientific investigation - breaking it down to its tiny components. He uses the term "astronomical" - to explain a "constalation" of events that can *divine (see middle of page 15) causality and the relationship between one thing and another.



    1. Does the term alternativemedia exclusively refer to politically progressive, left-wing media that aim at challenging capitalism and corporate (media)power, or does the term also include conservative, right-wing, and repressive media (Downing, 2001, p. 88)

      Refining the definition of "alternative media"

    2. theoretical conceptualization of the term alternative media is needed.

      explaining the preceding quote, the authors indicate that they are taking a Meso (institutional approach) to analyzing "alternative media"

    3. alternative to mainstream media, or if the term implies thatsuch media want to challenge all forms of domination and foster societal alternatives to capitalism

      defining the term alternative in terms of media.

    4. Participatory media approaches stress that democratic media potentials

      Participatory media is good for democracy because it opens up production to people with other ideas and perspectives.



  10. Sep 2020
    1. setup(); for (;;) { loop(); if (serialEventRun) serialEventRun(); }

      The main of Sparkfun's Ardunio code. Note setup is called and then loop is called inside an infinite loop. setup is used for configuring pins, etc and loop is the actual program that is executed.

  11. Nov 2019
    1. You can now share your Office document easily with your friends and colleagues or directly share it with your Office. You can also work on projects with your Teams with Microsoft Office Teams. Nowadays, most of the touch devices come with a pen. The office is one of the best pen-based notebook-style software that will give you flexibility and support all your pen devices. Your office will autosave your documents while you are working on it. In case you lose power or something goes wrong. Your work will be saved and you will not lose your work. For further assistance regarding Office-Setup click on Office.com/Setup.

    1. MS Office comes with an array of apps and services, each intended for a unique use. The most popular and widely used Office apps comprise Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive, etc. When Microsoft launched the first productivity suite, it merely consisted of three basic apps: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Over the years, several apps have been added and removed to the package. Microsoft Office Setup is a bundle that consists of client as well as software server, and it also comprises services. For further assistance regarding Office-Setup click on Office.com/Setup.

  12. Sep 2019
    1. Setting Up Jamf Pro The first time you connect to the Jamf Pro server, the Jamf Pro Setup Assistant guides you through the following setup tasks: Accept the license agreement. Enter your activation code. Create your first Jamf Pro user account. Enter your Jamf Pro URL.The Jamf Pro URL is the URL that client applications, computers, and mobile devices will connect to when communicating with the Jamf Pro server.

      Setup JAMF pro

  13. Jun 2017
  14. Oct 2015
    1. So rather than waiting further we decided to instrument the existing web interface — not a terribly elegant or reliable solution but it works for now.

      Sigh, it looks like we'll need to do something similar for H in order to automate the Firefox extension build process unless APIs are ready soon.

  15. Sep 2015
    1. The configuration file itself can be treated as an extension if it contains a setup() function.

      This can be used to embed H in readthedocs pages

    1. The project also adheres closely to the Google Python Style Guide.

      The style guides moved to GitHub. Links should be updated

      JavaScript - http://google.github.io/styleguide/javascriptguide.xml Python - http://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html

    2. We use a combination of [JSHint](http://jshint.com) and [JSCS](http://jscs.info) for helping confirm code style conformance.

      Couple of minor links to fix.

    3. Please stick to strict, 80-column line limits except for small exceptions that would still be readable if they were truncated. Eliminate trailing whitespace wherever possible.

      The .editorconfig file doesn't have rules for this at the moment, though they could be added

    1. Copy your extension’s ID from the chrome://extensions page. Chrome generates this ID the first time you install the extension and will reuse it each time your rebuild or reinstall the extension

      Need to check whether this is actually still necessary or not. The extension ID can be fixed in the manifest to avoid the need for this dance.

    1. Add a node symlink. This is needed because the node binary from Ubuntu is called nodejs but many packages will try to run it as node:

      Might be worth recommending installation of Node from nodejs' website instead.

    2. Please consult the administration documentation for more information on accessing the admin dashboard.

      Should be a link to appropriate admin docs

    3. Once installed, running nsqd in its default configuration should suffice for integration with h in a development environment

      Running make dev currently succeeds with no warnings or errors if nsqd is not running.

      How do I verify that H is able to communicate with nsqd?

    4. The h project uses ElasticSearch (v1.0 or later) as its principal data store for annotation data, and requires the ElasticSearch ICU Analysis plugin to be installed

      Sounds obvious, but should have a note here about making sure that ES is actually running.

    5. Using the bookmarklet or otherwise embedding the application may not be possible on sites accessed via HTTPS due to browser policy restricting the inclusion of non-SSL content.

      I think this is out of date?

    6. If you don’t have your h/node_modules/.bin directory on your PATH then you’ll get errors because the Node modules you’ve installed can’t be found (for example: Program file not found: uglifyjs). To add the Node modules to your PATH:

      This isn't something you would normally expect to need to do with a node project. Any gulpfiles, Makefiles or other tools should usually reference the binary in ./node_modules/.bin directly. Any particular reason for this?

    1. If you want to annotate a site that’s served over https then you’ll need to serve h over https as well, otherwise the browser will refuse to launch h and give a mixed-content warning.

      Might be a good idea to make this the default recommendation since so much web content is served via HTTPS nowadays.

  16. Sep 2013
    1. Now, I observe that you, with all your cleverness, do not venture to contradict your favourite in any word or opinion of his; but as he changes you change, backwards and forwards.

      Setting the stage, he claims the high ground, putting Callicles on the defense.