- Dec 2024
theconversation.com theconversation.com
This is a vicious circle. Climate change is making geopolitics less stable, which harms climate action. This will worsen climate change, meaning more geopolitical instability
for - definition - climate change doom loop
for - definition - Doom loop - definition - derailment risk
Summary - An informative article that shows how climate crisis is invisibly contributing to increasing precarity in indirect ways that are not noticed by those impacted by it. - This creates a positive feedback loop of diverting resources to deal with - the symptoms instead of - the root cause.
- date:: 2024-12-09
- COP29
- by: James Dyke
- definition - Doom loop
- Derailment risk: A systems analysis that identifies risks which could derail the sustainability transition
- Trump administration
- climate crisis - dealing with symptoms instead of root causes
- definition - climate change doom loop
- The climate-sovereign debt doom loop: what does the literature suggest?
- Strategic Climate Risks Initiative
- definition - derailment risk
- by: Laurie Laybourn
- Oct 2024
ageoftransformation.org ageoftransformation.org
This new way of seeing the world should place humanity’s emergence as a planetary species at its centre. That reveals the biggest information gap of all: the inability to see that we are in the midst of a great transformation that could entail the dawn of a whole new life cycle for humanity on a planetary scale.
for - whole system change - big picture - back loop of planetary adaptive cycle - entering the reorganization phase - regional to planetary life cycle
the emergence of greater vulnerability because of the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and those who control it, in efforts to sustain it
for - quote / insight - decreased resiliency due to tight network of elites - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change
quote / insight - decreased resiliency due to tight network of elites - (see quote below) - The front-loop phase is more predictable, - with higher degrees of certainty. - In both the natural and social worlds, - it maximizes production and accumulation. - We have been in that mode since World War II. - The consequence of this is not only an accumulation and concentration of wealth, - but also the emergence of greater vulnerability because of - the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and - those who control it, - in efforts to sustain it. - Little time and few resources are available for alternatives that explore different visions or opportunities. - Emergence and novelty is inhibited. - This growing connectedness leads to increasing rigidity in its goal to retain control, - and the system becomes ever more tightly bound together. - This reduces resilience and the capacity of the system to absorb change, - thus increasing the threat of abrupt change. - We can recognize the need for change but become politically stifled in our capacity to act effectively.
to - quote - we are now in a back-loop of a planetary adaptive cycle - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - https://hyp.is/FTRDoJFuEe-rsvdKeYjr0g/www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol9/iss1/art11/main.html?ref=ageoftransformation.org
comment - These ideas are quite important for those change actors working to emerge creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change
- to - quote - we are now in a back-loop of a planetary adaptive cycle - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004
- creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change
- quote / insight - decreased resiliency due to tight network of elites - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004
- whole system change - big picture - back loop of planetary adaptive cycle - entering the reorganization phase - regional to planetary life cycle
www.ecologyandsociety.org www.ecologyandsociety.org
The front-loop phase is more predictable, with higher degrees of certainty. In both the natural and social worlds, it maximizes production and accumulation. We have been in that mode since World War II. The consequence of this is not only an accumulation and concentration of wealth, but also the emergence of greater vulnerability because of the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and those who control it, in efforts to sustain it. Little time and few resources are available for alternatives that explore different visions or opportunities. Emergence and novelty is inhibited. This growing connectedness leads to increasing rigidity in its goal to retain control, and the system becomes ever more tightly bound together. This reduces resilience and the capacity of the system to absorb change, thus increasing the threat of abrupt change. We can recognize the need for change but become politically stifled in our capacity to act effectively.
for - quote - we are in a back-loop phase - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change
comment - This is important for discussion for change actors working in liminal spaces attempting to give birth to creative alternatives
for - planetary adaptive cycle - entering back-loop phase - paper - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - from - essay - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024
from - essay - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024 - https://hyp.is/okOeDJFqEe-9ZsMEsKWR9w/ageoftransformation.org/the-end-of-scarcity-from-polycrisis-to-planetary-phase-shift/
- quote - we are in a back-loop phase - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004
- planetary adaptive cycle - entering back-loop phase - paper - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004
- from - essay - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024
- creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change
- Sep 2024
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Disease: Von Willebrand Disease (VWD)
Patient: 18 yo, Male, heterozygote
Variant: VWF NM_000552.5: c.5456_5842del p.(R1819_C1948delinsS)
Was not present in gnomAD when searched
Dominant negative effect
lower collagen-binding capacity
History of bleeding (epistaxis)
gum bleeding
cutaneous bruises
ADAMTS13 resistant
Family: Mother, father, sister are asymptomatic
Suggested as de novo, no picture found in patient's relative of the deletion, loss of A3 loop
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
observe Orient decide act
for - OODA loop - Observe Orient Decide Act (OODA) - to wikipedia - OODA
to - Wikipedia - OODA - https://hyp.is/skEuQHc1Ee-FhbdBKRAoOQ/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OODA_loop
- Aug 2024
arxiv.org arxiv.org
for - Indyweb dev - large language model for - constructing causal loop diagrams - System Dynamics Bot - large language model - constructing causal loop diagrams
- Jul 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
that's part of the logic of agriculture isn't it i mean you have a lot of work to do yeah a lot of people you know but there again you're you're in a progress trap or or a treadmill that you need more children 00:48:57 so you can work more land and then that more land provides more food so you have yet more children
for - progress trap - the agricultural-large family positive feedback loop
progress trap - the agricultural-large family positive feedback loop - Interesting to compare modern vs agricultural societies - Populations are dropping in most western countries around the contemporary world, yet - traditional agricultural societies had large families to tend to large amount of agricultural work - There is a progress trap potential with encouraging many large families with a limited land resource: - If you have larger families, you can cultivate more land - If you cultivate more land, you can have even larger family - until you reach a point when the land has been exhausted and you are now forced to reduce the population
www.gurwinder.blog www.gurwinder.blog
Skinner’s goal was to make his pigeons peck the button as many times as possible. From his experiments, he made three discoveries. First, the pigeons pecked most when doing so yielded immediate, rather than delayed, rewards. Second, the pigeons pecked most when it rewarded them randomly, rather than every time. Skinner’s third discovery occurred when he noticed the pigeons continued to peck the button long after the food dispenser was empty, provided they could hear it click. He realized the pigeons had become conditioned to associate the click with the food, and now valued the click as a reward in itself.
1) immediate response/feedback 2) reward randomly instead of consistent 3) the click has become a reward too, not just the food
- Feb 2024
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Bericht zu der Diskussion bei Im Zentrum über die Abhängigkeit Österreichs von russischem Gas. Im Dezember kamen 98% des verwendeten Gases aus Russland. Elemente der Abhängigkeit sind der Vertrag der OMV mit der Gazprom, die Entscheidungen der Landesenergie-Lieferanten, die rechtliche und verfassungsrechtliche Situation, die es unmöglich macht die Lieferanten zu anderen Bezugsquellen zu zwingen, und der noch immer nicht gebaute WAG-Loop in Oberösterreich. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000208010/im-zentrum-warum-wir-noch-an-der-russischen-gasleine-haengen
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Vertreter der Austrian Gas Grid Management AG setzen sich für mehr Gasförderung in Österreich ein, weil angeblich die österreichische Gasversorgung sonst nicht gesichert ist. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000205505/versorgungslage-bei-gas-bleibt-in-oesterreich-bis-auf-weiteres-kritisch
- Dec 2023
climateuncensored.com climateuncensored.com
This 1% of humanity uses its awesome power to manipulate societal aspirations and the narratives around climate change. These extend from well-funded advertising to pseudo-technical solutions, from the financialisation of carbon emissions (and increasingly, nature) to labelling extreme any meaningful narrative that questions inequality and power.
for: quote - Kevin Anderson, quote - elite positive feedback carbon inequality loop, climate crisis - societal aspirations, elites - societal aspirations, societal aspirations, key insight - societal aspirations
- This 1% of humanity uses its awesome power to manipulate
- societal aspirations and
- the narratives around climate change.
- These extend from
- well-funded advertising to
- pseudo-technical solutions,
- and financialisation of carbon emissions (and increasingly, nature) to
- labelling extreme any meaningful narrative that questions inequality and power.
- This 1% of humanity uses its awesome power to manipulate
- key insight - societal aspirations
- it is the societal aspiration of the logic of capitalism and the free market that continues to create the next generation of the 1%
- How can the luxury industry NOT BE high carbon intensity? It's an oxymoron. High carbon is baked into the definition of luxury, and it is luxury goods and services which accelerate climate breakdown.
- The elites have a strong feeling of entitlement. They feel they DESERVE to reward themselves with a luxury lifestyle. That aspiration and reward structure multiplied by 80 million (1% of 8 billion) is a major variable driving the climate crisis
- Nov 2023
cascadeinstitute.org cascadeinstitute.org
- for: social tipping point - tools, cascade institute, Boolean Causal Loop Analysis, BCLA, Cross-impact balance, CIB, socio-cognitive mapping, cognitive-affective mapping, ideological state-space
- Jul 2023
www.ed.gov www.ed.gov
Emphasize Humans-in-the-Loop
- Mar 2023
jacobin.com jacobin.com
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its “synthesis” report summarizing the findings of its sixth assessment (the last occurred in 2014). The findings are painfully familiar: the world is falling far short of its emission goals, and without rapid reductions this decade, the planet is likely to shoot to beyond 1.5 or even 2 degrees Celsius of warming this century (we are at 1.1 degrees now). We seem to be stuck in a doom-loop news cycle where scientific reports create headlines, and earnest climate commentators insist the new report represents a true “wake-up call” for action, and then . . . emission keep rising. They hit a record once again in 2022. The world of climate politics appears to exist in two completely different worlds. There is a largely liberal and idealist world of climate technocrats where science informs policy, and there is the real, material capitalist world of power.
- A good observation
- about the cognitive dissonance of the situation
- A good observation
insightmaker.com insightmaker.com
// Insight Maker is used to model system dynamics and create agent based models by creating causal loop diagrams and allowing users to run simulations on those
- Sep 2022
dictionary.apa.org dictionary.apa.org
lu.ma lu.ma
Yolanda Gibb: How a mindset of Ambidextrous Creativity can get you generating AND exploiting your ideas?
Ambidextrous creativity is having a balance between exploration and subsequent exploitation of those explorations.
Small companies and individuals are good at exploration, but often less good at exploitation.
Triple loop learning<br /> this would visually form a spiral (versus overlap)<br /> - Single loop learning: doing things right (correcting mistakes)<br /> - double loop learning: doing the right things (causality)<br /> - triple loop learning: why these systems and processes (learning to learn)
Assets<br /> Relational capital * Structural capital - pkm is part of this<br /> there's value in a well structured PKM for a particualr thing as it's been used and tested over time; this is one of the issues with LYT or Second Brain (PARA, et al.) how well-tested are these? How well designed?<br /> * Structural capital is the part that stays at the office when all the people have gone home * Human Capital
Eleanor Konik
4 Es of cognition<br /> * embodied * embedded * enacted * extended<br /> by way of extra-cranial processes
see: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7250653/
Yolanda Gibb's book<br /> Entrepreneurship, Neurodiversity & Gender: Exploring Opportunities for Enterprise and Self-employment As Pathways to Fulfilling Lives https://www.amazon.com/Entrepreneurship-Neurodiversity-Gender-Opportunities-Self-employment/dp/1800430582
Tools: - Ryyan - for literature searches - NVIVO - Obsidian - many others including getting out into one's environment
NVIVO<br /> https://www.qsrinternational.com/nvivo-qualitative-data-analysis-software/home
a software program used for qualitative and mixed-methods research. Specifically, it is used for the analysis of unstructured text, audio, video, and image data, including (but not limited to) interviews, focus groups, surveys, social media, and journal articles.
Ryyan<br /> https://www.rayyan.ai/<br /> for organizing, managing, and accelerating collaborative literature reviews
- Aug 2022
elifesciences.org elifesciences.org
Li, Z., Tomlinson, A. C., Wong, A. H., Zhou, D., Desforges, M., Talbot, P. J., Benlekbir, S., Rubinstein, J. L., & Rini, J. M. (2019). The human coronavirus HCoV-229E S-protein structure and receptor binding. ELife, 8, e51230. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.51230
- Jul 2022
bafybeicuq2jxzrw7omddwzohl5szkqv6ayjiubjy3uopjh5c3cghxq6yoe.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeicuq2jxzrw7omddwzohl5szkqv6ayjiubjy3uopjh5c3cghxq6yoe.ipfs.dweb.link
e. I found it tricky to try to shed lighton the processes that constitute what can be termed unsupported thought, becausethere is no straightforward way to reflect on these processes without conceptualiz-ing and objectifying them and by that making them supported.
!- example : strange loop * the thinking mind that tries to analyze itself is the epitome of a strange loop!
!- question : unsupported thought * Exactly what is an unsupported thought?
The very notion of thinking aboutlife (or evolution for that matter) as having a definite purpose or goal is already asymptom of a deeply rooted bias in favour of the constant and against change. Thereare voices that will immediately attack this view, blaming it for insinuating that lifehas no purpose at all. But a dialectic of such kind is empty of any credence if notentirely absurd. The view I propose here does not indeed accept that life is sub-jugated to a single purpose or principle but instead affirms life as having not onepurpose but infinitely multiple ones, not one goal but multiple goals and, moreover,the vast majority of these purposes and goals cannot be known a priori because theyare subject to continuous formative processes of becoming. This is why life as suchis open-ended.
!- question : does evolution have a purpose? * Language is a constraint - it forces us to form questions that may not necessarily make sense, such as "how many angels exist on the head of a pin?" * To say that it has one, or even more than one purpose may itself be a meaningless assertion, as much as insinuating that it has no purpose. If one asks "Is the sound of a bell red or yellow? It is neither the case that it is red, yellow or any color. So arguing about the right and wrong of a quality that is nonsensical is itself nonsensical. * The self-annihilating questioning of Nagarjuna's tetralemma are relevant to shed insight into these deep questions.
worldview as a complex mental object makes sense onlyin the light of evolution – as the work in progress that it is; both fluid and firm at thesame time.
!- question : strange loop * I'm not sure if I agree with this claim, I'll have to read and see if he can justify it * I would claim instead that language and symbols are even more profoundly entangled, as per Nagarjuna's work * https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FHRuOEfnqV6g%2F&group=world
My interest goes yet further, to the metaphysical ground of cognition andmental processes and how they reflect on existence, meaning and value. There is anobvious and unavoidable strange loop (Hofstadter, 2013) here: the cognitive think-ing agent trying to make sense of these same sense-making processes that bring forthboth her as a subject and the objects of her observation while these are being broughtforth.
!- key insight : making sense of making sense is a strange loop! * This sentence deeply resonates
- Oct 2021
“Speed kills.” If you are able to be nimble, assess the ever-changing environment, and adapt quickly, you’ll always carry the advantage over any opponents. Start applying the OODA Loop to your day-to-day decisions and watch what happens. You’ll start to notice things that you would have been oblivious to before. Before jumping to your first conclusion, you’ll pause to consider your biases, take in additional information, and be more thoughtful of consequences.
In che modo si può applicare il modello OODA Loop nella vita quotidiana?
Semplicemente applicando ad ogni nostra decisione le fasi previste dal modello, rendendo questo processo una abitudine riusciremo ad essere sempre più veloci nell'eseguirlo e questo ci darà la velocità necessaria per sopravvivere e vincere.
When you act fast enough, other people view you as unpredictable. They can’t figure out the logic behind your decisions.
Quale è il ruolo della velocità e della prevedibilità del nostro operato nel modello OODA Loop ?
Operare a velocità maggiore degli altri ci rende imprevedibili e questo ci fornisce un vantaggio competitivo, adatto all'OODA Loop che è per definizione un modello fluido.
Boyd made use of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. In a closed system, entropy always increases and everything moves towards chaos. Energy spreads out and becomes disorganized. Although Boyd’s notes do not specify the exact applications, his inference appears to be that a fighter pilot must be an open system or they will fail. They must draw “energy” (information) from outside themselves or the situation will become chaotic. They should also aim to cut their opponent off, forcing them to become a closed system.
In che modo la [[Seconda legge della termodinamica]] si applica all' #incertezza e come possiamo utilizzarla come parte del modello OODA Loop ?
Il principio afferma che all'interno di un sistema chiuso tutto tenderà sempre all'entropia. Per questo bisogna essere dei sistemi aperti acquisendo ogni volta informazioni dal contesto, così da evitare che la situazione diventi caotica.
The second concept Boyd referred to is Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. In its simplest form, this principle describes the limit of the precision with which pairs of physical properties can be understood. We cannot know the position and the velocity of a body at the same time. We can know either its location or its speed, but not both.
In che modo si applica il [[principio di indeterminazione di Heisenberg]] nel modello [[OODA Loop]] ed in che modo ci aiuta ad affrontare l' #incertezza ?
Il principio afferma che è impossibile determinare in maniera specifica due proprietà fisiche allo stesso tempo.
Boyd estende questo concetto anche alla gestione delle informazioni, cercare di gestire al meglio due variabili informative diverse è troppo difficile ed all'atto pratico induce a maggiore incertezza
Boyd referred to three key principles to support his ideas: Gödel’s theorems, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Of course, we’re using these principles in a different way from their initial purpose and in a simplified, non-literal form.
Quali sono i tre principi che possono aiutarci nella gestione dell'incertezza e parte integrante del modello OODA Loop?
- Il teorema di #Godel
- [[principio di indeterminazione di Heisenberg]]
- [[Seconda legge della termodinamica]]
Gödel’s theorems indicate any mental model we have of reality will omit certain information and that Bayesian updating must be used to bring it in line with reality. For fighter pilots, their understanding of what is going on during a battle will always have gaps. Identifying this fundamental uncertainty gives it less power over us.
In cosa consiste il teorema di #Godel e come si colloca nel modello [[OODA Loop]] ?
Questo teorema afferma che ogni modello mentale sarà sprovvisto di alcune informazioni, è inevitabile, per questo bisogna applicare il metodo di #Bayes per aggiornare le informazioni ed allinearsi alla realtà.
Già essere consapevoli di questa inevitabile incertezza ci rende più forti nei suoi confronti e capaci di gestirla.
If we can’t cope with uncertainty, we end up stuck in the observation stage. This sometimes happens when we know we need to make a decision, but we’re scared of getting it wrong. So we keep on reading books and articles, asking people for advice, listening to podcasts, and so on.
In quale situazione rischiamo di ritrovarci se non siamo capaci di gestire l'incertezza?
Rischiamo di ritrovarci in una situazione in cui la paura di prendere una decisione ci paralizza e continuiamo ad osservare, studiare, analizzare senza mai agire.
- Jun 2021
github.com github.com
Why does test suite performance matter? First of all, testing is a part of a developer's feedback loop (see @searls talk) and, secondly, it is a part of a deployment cycle.
- Mar 2021
api.rubyonrails.org api.rubyonrails.org
Note that autosave will only trigger for already-persisted association records if the records themselves have been changed. This is to protect against SystemStackError caused by circular association validations.
www.freecodecamp.org www.freecodecamp.org
- Jan 2021
svelte.dev svelte.dev
The <svelte:self> element allows a component to include itself, recursively. It cannot appear at the top level of your markup; it must be inside an if or each block to prevent an infinite loop.
github.com github.com
I don't know what I'd expect this to do, if not create an infinite loop. You're asking Svelte to do something before every update, and one of the things you're asking it to do is to flush any pending changes and trigger an update.
- Nov 2020
hackernoon.com hackernoon.com
It is hard to appreciate how important really fast (and reliable) hot reload can be during development, unless you have experienced it yourself. Developers report that it changes the way they create their apps, describing it as being like painting their app to life.
www.teachthought.com www.teachthought.com
In fact, it’s at the core of the learning process and how the human brain learns.
In everyday life, feedback loops for each of us occur naturally–usually in the form, ‘When I do X, Y happens.’ That’s a kind of feedback loop in the learning process.
A feedback loop in learning is a cause-effect sequence where data (often in the form of an ‘event’) is responded to based on recognition of an outcome and that data is used to inform future decisions in similar or analogous situations.
opinionatedgamers.com opinionatedgamers.com
What vaults this well past SNCF for me (setup time aside), is the limited company choice; it prevents a feedback loop of sorts where a game devolves into running each company in the ground.
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
I think the bind:this={things[f.name]} invalidates f (perhaps erroneously?) which then invalidates foo, which causes the infinite loop.
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
setup(); for (;;) { loop(); if (serialEventRun) serialEventRun(); }
The main of Sparkfun's Ardunio code. Note setup is called and then loop is called inside an infinite loop. setup is used for configuring pins, etc and loop is the actual program that is executed.
codechips.me codechips.me
I like bundlers. Correction, I like fast bundlers. Bundlers that help me tighten the feedback loop and help me focus on the code. Not bundlers that make me doze off, waiting for the recompilation to finish, while my CPU fan sounds like an old hair dryer.
- Aug 2020
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Models can create what data scientists call a behavioral loop. A person feeds in data, which is collected by an algorithm that then presents the user with choices, thus steering behavior.
- Jul 2020
evilmartians.com evilmartians.com
But even that “minute” affects my feedback loop (see Justin Searls talk) and wastes my time.
- Jun 2020
podcastnotes.org podcastnotes.org
Just as journalists should be able to write about anything they want, comedians should be able to do the same and tell jokes about anything they please
where's the line though? every output generates a feedback loop with the hivemind, turning into input to ourselves with our cracking, overwhelmed, filters
it's unrealistic to wish everyone to see jokes are jokes, to rely on journalists to generate unbiased facts, and politicians as self serving leeches, err that's my bias speaking
- Mar 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Feb 2020
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
We do the smallest thing possible and get it out as quickly as possible.
loadimpact.com loadimpact.com
We check in our code at the entry point of a pipeline, version control (Git and Github in our case), and then it’s taken through a series of steps aimed at assuring quality and lowering risk of releases. Automation helps us keep these steps out of our way while maintaining control through fast feedback loops (context-switching is our enemy). If any step of the pipeline breaks (or fails) we want to be alerted in our communication channel of choice (in our case Slack), and it needs to happen as quickly as possible while we’re in the right context.
- Nov 2019
www.valentinog.com www.valentinog.com
In Double-loop TDD it’s functional testing that drives our development. We write a functional test for testing that our application satisfy some user stories. When the functional test fails we move to write unit and integration tests which in turn drive how we code our components.
- Feb 2019
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
the explicit nature of future improved systems would be highly affected by (expected) changes in our technology or in our understanding of the human being
evaluating the possible relevance of work and knowledge from existing fields and for assimilating whatever is relevant
giving the human the minute-by-minute services of a digital computer equipped with computer-driven cathode-ray-tube display, and (2) developing the new methods of thinking and working that allow the human to capitalize upon the computer's help.
that any one such improvement can be expected to trigger a chain of coordinating improvements
- Sep 2018
nolanlawson.com nolanlawson.com
It's important to understand that in the Event Loop there are Tasks & Microtasks. The Microtask queue is exhausted before returning to the Task queue - and Microtasks can queue other Microtasks, hance why the for loop in this example will block any other execution.
- Feb 2018
www.google.com www.google.com
- Oct 2017
www.cyberciti.biz www.cyberciti.biz
character is key for the whole thing to work.
- May 2017
marconisociety.org marconisociety.org
The Triple Feedback Loop offers a compass by aligning the information flows in a framework for operating a network of disparate players with different goals who work together on an overarching goal.
- Jan 2017
www.tryscribble.com www.tryscribble.com
Five Days That Changed My Life Forever!
The approach you're probably using to train with could be improved by nearly 70%!
- Dec 2016
www.tryscribble.com www.tryscribble.com
Five Days That Changed My Life Forever! I was moving along, quite content making a six-figure income, having clients waiting in line to see me, and building championship lifters, bodybuilders, and, sports teams.
Why Almost Everyone Is Wrong In The Way They Build Muscle Mass, Strength, And Power!
- MBG (Money Back Guarantee)
- OL (Open Loop)
- SP (Social Proof)
- ET (Emotional Trigger)
- B (Benefit)
- P (Promise)
- AO (Addressing Objections)
- KD (Key Desire/Hot Button)
- H (The Hook)
- WTC (What’s the Catch Addressed)
- CTA (Call to Action)
- PP (Problem or Pain)
- RR (Risk Reversal)
- CG (Curiosity Gap)
- F (Feature)
- PAP (Painting a Picture)
- CE (The Common Enemy)
- S (Scarcity)
- ITO (If > Then Opener)
- IG (Instant Gratification)
- Feb 2016
Local file Local file
described ITS as tutoring systems thathave both an outer loop and an inner loop. The outer loop selectslearning tasks; it may do so in an adaptive manner (i.e., selectdifferent problem sequences for different students) based on thesystem’s assessment of each individual student’s strengths andweaknesses with respect to the targeted learning objectives. Theinner loop elicits steps within each task (e.g., problem-solvingsteps) and provides guidance with respect to these steps, typicallyin the form of feedback, hints, or error messages. In this regard,CAI, CBT, and Web-based homework are different from ITS inthat they lack an inner loop (VanLehn, 2006).
ITS vs CAI, CBT & eLearning