- Aug 2023
these are the seven main thrusts of the series
- for: societal design, designing societies, societal architecture, transforming society, whole system change, SSO, social superorganism, John Boik
The seven main ideas for societal design: 1. societal transformation - is necessary to avoid catastrophe 2. the specific type of transformation is science-based transformation based on entirely new systems - de novo design - 3. A practical way to implement the transformation in the real world - it must be economical, and doable within the short time window for system change before us. - Considering a time period of 50 years for total change, with some types of change at a much higher priority than others. - The change would be exponential so starting out slower, and accelerating - Those communities that are the first to participate would make the most rapid improvements. 4. Promoting a worldview of society as a social superorganism, a cognitive organism, and its societal systems as a cognitive architecture. 5. Knowing the intrinsic purpose of a society - each subsystem must be explained in terms of the overall intrinsic purpose. 6. The reason for transformation - Transformation that improves cognition reduces the uncertainty that our society's intrinsic purpose is fulfilled. 7. Forming a partnership between the global science community and all the local communities of the world.
i make the distinction between reform and trends and transformation
- for: Social Superorganism, SSO, reform vs transformation
- comment
- John distinguishes between
- reform and
- transformation.
- In the simplest terms,
- reform deals with changes to an existing paradigm whilst
- transformation deals with fundamental structural changes of an existing paradigm - a paradigm shift.
- John views societal systems as
- a social superorganism (SSO) and the major cognitive architectures as SSO systems such as
- legal,
- economic,
- social,
- governance,
- education, etc
- a social superorganism (SSO) and the major cognitive architectures as SSO systems such as
- as cognitive architectures of the SSO.
-The theoretical question being asked is:
- There is an optimization problem. Of all possible variations, which one has the best fitness to the function of a society that operates within earth system boundaries?
- John distinguishes between
- cognitive organism
- systems thinking - societal design
- earth system boundaries
- transforming society
- societal design
- seven main points
- designing society - evolutionary approach
- superorganism
- societal design - evolutionary approach
- whole system change
- social superorganism
- John Boik
- cosmolocal
- Apr 2020
meta.discourse.org meta.discourse.org
- Apr 2019
www.incommon.org www.incommon.org
- Feb 2018
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.onelogin.com www.onelogin.com
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
LTI Advantage can also enable the tool provider to give the LMS links that support single sign-on to specific places within the tool,
- Dec 2016
meta.discourse.org meta.discourse.org
meta.discourse.org meta.discourse.org
- Oct 2015
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
cross-website user identities
aka SSO?
- Jun 2015
developers.google.com developers.google.com
Google acts as the service provider and provides services such as Gmail and Start Pages. Google partners act as identity providers and control usernames, passwords and other information used to identify, authenticate and authorize users for web applications that Google hosts.
What about the reverse? Is Google ever "identity provider" for a third party?