- May 2022
via3.hypothes.is via3.hypothes.is
He excerpted continually, and everything that he read went from one book next to his head and into another.— Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, Sudelbü cher , Book G 181, 1779
- Apr 2022
On William Webster, An essay on book-keeping (1719) and on Lichtenberg’s com-parison, see Te Heesen (2005). Te Heesen also notes a case of influence in the oppo-site direction, in a cabinet of commercial samples modeled on cabinets of curiosities;see Te Heesen, (2002), 147. Zedelmaier argues that scholarly methods of informa-tion management inspired bureaucratic information management; see Zedelmaier(2004), 203. On Lichtenberg, see von Arburg (2003)
references worth peeling apart here!! :)
- Mar 2022
this is george have you have you um found that there are people who are natural thinkers like this uh the zettlecaston type thinking the 01:15:45 bottom-up thinking whatever you want to call it have you studied great thinkers and looked at their patterns and seen that they do that or is it all over the place 01:16:00 i i'm not an expert on i i know what i like in in terms of works um 01:16:13 i think there are similarities between the thinkers i read and i believe 01:16:26 they're often systematic and have found a way to deal with complexity to be able to put heterogeneous 01:16:40 ideas different ideas into a coherent theory system and i think the only way to do that 01:16:54 is by having some kind of external um brain or an equivalent of it
George is asking a good question here and one I've even asked myself, but doesn't seem to have spent any time looking at intellectual history.
Almost all great thinkers were not only significant writers as well, but most, at least in Western culture, kept significant notes of their work, had a commonplace book(s), waste books, sudelbücher, zettelkasten, etc.
Of course most were also fairly wealthy and had the free time to be able to do their work which also helped to tip the balance in their favor.
- Sep 2021
v1.sonarmp3.net v1.sonarmp3.net
Several Movements from Georg Christoph Lichtenberg's 'Scrapbooks' ('Sudelbücher'), Op. 37a: IX.
Music for waste books! :)
- Aug 2021
www.wordsense.eu www.wordsense.eu
Definition/origin of the word sudelbücher. A portmanteau of sudeln ("to blog, to scrawl") + buch ("book").
- May 2021
de.wikipedia.org de.wikipedia.org