16 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. . Moore (2013) found thatTD was the single biggest predictor of student satisfaction in online classes, a finding confirmed by morerecent research as well (Weidlich & Bastiaens, 2018). Low online retention rates are explained, in part, bythe potentially high barrier to contact and relationship-building between faculty and students in onlinecourses.

      importance of transactional distance and instructor presence

    1. found that facultyperceived themselves as more accessibleto students than the students did. Studentsreported that because they were paying fortheir instructors’ time, they expected timelyresponses to their emails. Additionally,Foral et al. were surprised to learn that thestudents in the campus courses expected aquicker response from an email than did theonline students

      faculty perceive themselves more available than students

    2. Transactional distance is “...a psychological and communications gap, aspace of potential misunderstanding betweenthe inputs of instructor and those of thelearner” (Moore, 1991, p. 2) created by thephysical distance separating online instructorsfrom their learners

      transactional distance

    1. More importantly, transactional distance is not a static measurement, but variable with dynamics based on the interaction or gap between any one instructor and any one student—including face-to-face environments—and includes both psychological and communications space where there is potential for misunderstandings.  The space and time gap can be closed with deliberate elements of interaction by the instructor

      transactional distance can be an issue in on-ground classes

  2. Mar 2024
    1. We are at crossroads when it comes to evaluation, its purpose, and how it is used. Before the pandemic and into the recovery phase, evaluation has been largely used to artificially enforce “accountability” and maintain a transactional relationship between funders and non-profit organizations. Demand for “accountability”; expectation to do more with less; and reporting on impacts are phrases that keep leaders of non-profits, including B3s awake at night. These phrases are particularly disempowering in an environment of transactional relationship between funders and non-profits. You might ask, what does this have to do with evaluation? Everything!Let’s think and reflect deeply on these phrases: Demand for accountability – who is demanding accountability and whose interest is fulfilled by meeting that accountability? Expectation to do more with less – who is expecting or promising to do more with less? Reporting on impacts – who is defining impact and/or how is impact defined and understood?Evaluation is neither neutral nor objective and in a transactional relationship between funders and non-profit organizations, its sole purpose becomes keeping the transactional relationship in place.
  3. Mar 2023
    1. What are transactional emails? Typically any email that is triggered by or sent automatically from your application.
    2. Welcome emails Actionable emails Password resets Receipts Monthly invoices Support requests App error alerts Reminders etc.
  4. Jan 2023
    1. Such relational practices of recognition avow that concern and respect are due to others as persons of inherent, not simply instrumental, worth.

      !- inherent worth : each person is sacred !- comment : treating ALL human (and non-human) beings as sacred and not just transactional or instrumental is a key starting point - practice of Deep Humanity

  5. Dec 2022
    1. Postmark separates email traffic through Message Streams, meaning that transactional and broadcast traffic never intersects in Postmark, including IP ranges. This is a longstanding best practice for ensuring optimal deliverability. Transactional message streams are for messages that are usually unique and triggered by a user action like a password reset, opted-into weekly digest, or receipts. Transactional streams do not support bulk messages. Broadcast message streams are for bulk messages that sent to multiple recipients at once like announcements, newsletters, or other application email.
    1. The best at transactional email because we never let them mix with bulk messages. You might say that Postmark has serious street cred with inbox providers. To protect the delivery of your transactional emails, it’s crucial to separate them from your bulk or promotional emails. With Message Streams, we’ve built a parallel but completely separate sending infrastructure for these two different types of emails. We don’t let them mix. Ever.
  6. Oct 2020
    1. The theory of Transactional Distance states that as the level of interaction between teacher and learner decreases, learner autonomy must increase.

      Transactional distance theory states that when less interaction with the instructor is present, then more autonomy is needed. This article offers a high level overview of the the theory. Unfortunately the link to the full paper is broken. Rating 3/10

  7. www.c3l.uni-oldenburg.de www.c3l.uni-oldenburg.de
    1. There is greater potential for individual self-directed implementation, and more self-evaluation. Above all, there is great potential for peer support and for peergeneration of knowledge. Therefore it can be hypothesized that in the hands of progressive teachers,teleconferencing gives opportunity not only to reduce distance but also to increase the autonomy of learners.

      Transactional distance theory applied to video and pc offer learners opportunities for self reflection and autonomy. This paper presents the pedagogical concept and offers an instructional guide to support the theory. Rating 8/10

    1. The transactional distance theory helps the Instructional Designer make decisions about the degree of structure, autonomy and dialog that the eLearning course will provide. Simply stated, based on the transactional distance theory, the less the instructor directly interacts with the online learner, the more learner autonomy should be allowed, and therefore, the more structured the eLearning course should be.

      Transactional distance theory help instructional designers build structure, create autonomy, and foster dialog in eLearning coursework. This article offers 8 tips to better online learning by minimizing transactional distance. Rating 8/10

  8. Feb 2019
    1. Without this, men fill one another's heads with noise and sounds;

      Alluding to the Transactional Model of Communication, noise can external (e.g. words, sounds) or internal (e.g. anxiety, distraction). Noise is a barrier to clear communication, which in this sense, inhibits the progression of knowledge.

  9. Nov 2017