1,662 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
    1. Alison Butler, Esq.Carrie Ann Lucas Disability Advocacy DirectorOffice of Respondent Parents Counsel
    2. Ashley Chase, Esq.Staff Attorney & Legislative LiaisonOffice of the Child’s Representative
    3. Independent Assessment-QRTP Toolkit: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nwJHWHlkPhmdw4Ehzuqo-qUw6lk3dj5R© 2021 ABA Center on Children and the Law37
    4. Additional Placement Checks & BalancesProtocols to prevent inappropriate diagnoses•States must establish protocols ensuring children in foster care are not inappropriately diagnosed with omental health conditionsoother emotional or behavioral conditionsomedically fragile conditions, orodevelopmental disabilities.•Inappropriate diagnoses must not lead to inappropriate non-foster family home placements.
    5. Colorado Care Continuum

      Community-based, prevention-focused services aimed at keeping families together

    6. Office of Respondent Parents’ Counsel
    7. Family First Prevention Services Act: Judicial and Legal Practice ConsiderationsAfter a Petition is Filed: Child in Foster CareSeptember 15, 2021

      Part II_Colorado CIP Family First Act_Post-Petition Presentation.pdf

    1. Office of Respondent Parents’ Counsel
    2. Family First Prevention Services Act: Judicial and Legal Practice ConsiderationsBefore a Petition is Filed: Prevention ServicesSeptember 1, 2021

      Part I_Colorado CIP Family First Act_Prevention Presentation.pdf

    1. Guided Reference in DependencyAn Advocacy Guide for Attorneys in Dependency Proceedings


    2. First Edition: August 2012Pocket Part Supplement: August 2015Second Edition: August 2018Electronic Update and Pocket Part Supplement: September 2020Electronic Update: April 2022
    1. olicymakers and practi-tioners may fail to recognize or evaluate thor-oughly the potential risks of problematic patterns

      and therefore will ignore the warning sign of critical pathology and imminent growing harm and fail to apply the services of the necessary QUALIFIED provider

    2. of att a c h m e nt.
    3. theymay not appreciate, and may therefore fail to sup-port, the positive features of existing parent–childattachment relationships. As a result, servicesplans may not adequately support these relation-ships through frequent parent visits.
    4. Policymakers and practitioners may makeinaccurate assessments and inappropriate decisionsif they rely on oversimplified assessments of thiscomplex phenomenon.
    5. conducted

      MANDATORY conducted by a licensed Clinical Family/Child Psychologist. A caseworker or other inadequately licensed "mental health professional" has ZERO business making such an assessment.

    6. visits arelikely to reflect the stress of living apart and ofbeing in a strange environment.
    7. Social workers, however, should be awarethat parental visits do not offer an ideal environ-ment for assessing parent–child relationships
    8. In cases of problematic attachmentrelationships, visits typically should be coordi
    9. nated with other intensive services
    10. Theobservation of any problematicaspects of attach-ment relationships always warrants further inves-tigation, including medical and psychosocial as-sessments.
    11. once there have been therapeutic gains,visits hold real promise for establishing or restor-ing an adequate attachment relationship betweenparent and child.
    12. Plans for visits should be coordinated withprogress in therapy (Gowan & Nebrig, 1997)
    13. if a disorganized and disoriented attach-ment relationship has been identified, parent–child interaction during visits in the absence ofintensive therapeutic intervention is unlikely to behelpful and could conceivably be harmful
    14. it isvery important to observe the child not only withthe parents, but also with various other caregivers,such as grandparents, foster parents, and childcare providers (Cassidy, 1999; Howes, 1999)
    15. assessment should includea broad range of contemporary and historical dataon the child, his or her primary caregivers, thefamily, and the social situation (Howe, Brandon,Hinings, & Schofield, 1999).

      this gives you a hint, that if any provider is attempting to give an opinion without having assessed all persons involved and relevant data and records, then they are not qualified

    16. Problematic attachmentrelationships with primary caregivers are universalrisk factors, and their presence is cause for con-cern, regardless of the social and cultural environ-ment in which the attachment relationship devel-oped

      UNIVERSAL RISK FACTOR .....translation: you see child-parent contact problem, 1)you have a serious issue that demands qualified attention, 2) you, nor anyone in the D&N system, nor any sub license below Clinical Child/Family Psychologist is qualified to provide that qualified attention

    17. Second, if Type D attachment relationships aredisplayed by neurologically normal children,practitioners should recommend a complete psy-chosocial assessmen
    18. Research on problematic attachment relationshipshas several implications for foster care policy andpractice. First, if children display Type D attach-ment relationships, a medical evaluation is in or-der to assess neurological status
    19. Thecharacteristics that these parents may share withmaltreating parents are behaviors that may alarma child

      Boom. .... pay careful attention. This is parent experiencing personal grief, it is not that parent abusing or neglecting the child.

    20. Disorganized and disoriented patterns of at-tachment behavior also are associated with a his-tory of parent psychopathology (Greenberg,Speltz, & DeKlyen, 1993), such as maternal de-pression (Ijzendoorn, Goldberg, & Kroonenberg,1992) and parents’ own traumatic and unresolvedloss of an attachment figure (Main, 1996)
    21. 19 per-cent of the children in the comparison group ex-hibited these behaviors

      Meaning 19% acted in a non-normative way, however, were not abused or neglected.

    22. First, assessments of secure versus insecure attach-ment behaviors during visits are of limited value.In particular, practitioners should not assume thatinsecure attachment behaviors displayed in fostercare visits necessarily indicate pre-existing or per-vasive problems in parenting or the parent–childrelationship.
    23. may reflect symptoms ofneurological impairments.

      This would be an example of needing to know the differentials. This is an example of why we make doctors get licensed and they go through years of study and clinical experience before they can have that license and provide service to the public. This is about protecting the public.

    24. Children also may show severe appre-hension i
    25. On reunion, their behavior may alternate be-tween seeking proximity and fleeing,
    26. base or use any other coherent behavioral strategyto cope with stress. Rather, they show a range ofcomplex responses to the strange situation atypi-cal of children in secure or insecure attachmentrelationships (see Barnett & Vondra, 1999).
    27. Children in Type D attachment rela-tionships do not use their caregivers as a secure

      Do you know what a type D attachment relationship? Can you tell me the diagnostic determining criteria, the differentials, the risk factors, the treatment modalities, the contraindicated modalities, the complications of severe concern, the indicators or resolution or areas of special concern to monitor? ..... exactly, tap out, you are lawfully obligated to, and you should want to. Serve the child, serve the family, serve the court/agency/legal-offices, serve your overburdened caseload, get the doctor.

    28. provides a foundation for recog-nizing any problematic aspects of parent–childattachment relationships

      Does ORPC, the court, FCS, GAL/CFY, county attorney's office, the ORPC's own LCSW's, ore smattering of other involved non- Licensed Clinical Psychologist Family/Child Psychologists have even this portion of clinical training and specialty expertise? Remember, this is research that all Colorado D&N representing offices are endorsing, not to mention it iw one of the most cited papers throughout US government, child welfare, and all related legal orginizations.

      So then....why is ANY JUDGE, LAWYER, OR WELFARE REP attempting to argue the appropriateness and "best interests of child" when anything related to visitation is in dispute. This is an immediate halt of all discussion on the matter and a call to the QUALIFIED doctor's office. Full stop.You are not doctors and you are not allowed to write prescriptions.

    29. Understanding universal aspects of attachmentrelationships, as well as the ways in which suchrelationships develop within particular social andcultural groups
    30. In themeantime, social workers must guard againstmaking judgments based on limited information
    31. Unfortunately, many parental visits take place notjust under very difficult circumstances, but in un-familiar environments such as child welfare of-fices or fast food restaurants that are not condu-cive to socially and culturally distinct patterns ofparent–child play, talk, or caregiving
    32. Furthermore, children in care have experi-enced disruptions in parental care. What may ap-pear to be insecure attachment behaviors shouldalways be evaluated in the context of separationand loss
    33. uch behaviors are seen even in chil-dren from intact families living in far less stressfulsituations.
    34. Finally, child welfare policy and practiceshould adequately prepare and support foster par-ents for providing corrective attachment experi-ences for some children
    35. in cases where reunification is a perma-nency goal, the development of adequate attach-ment relationships between children and theirfoster and biological parents should be supported
    36. se-workers should consider the multiple possiblecauses of such behaviors and not necessarily at-tribute them to problems in the attachment rela-tionship.
    37. thechild who refuses to approach the parent mayeach be expressing the pain of separation.
    38. which may be expressedthrough crying, angry outbursts, or withdrawal.
    39. Third, child welfare policy and practice shouldsupport parents and children before, during, andafter visits
    40. Visits maycause the parent and child to repeatedly re-experi-ence difficult emotions associated with reunionand separation.
    41. Second, caseworkers should consider that thechild’s primary attachment relationships may bethe result of foster care placement itself, ratherthan the parent’s commitment to the child or ca-pacity to nurture.
    42. Experience is necessary for the development ofattachment relationships, and without regularand frequent visiting, foster care can seriouslyand negatively affect parent–child attachmentrelationships
    43. First,child welfare policy and practice should supportregular and frequent parental visitation wheneverreunification is a viable goal of service
    44. severe neglect, as in the recent example of Roma-nian orphans, can substantially impair emotionaland cognitive development
    45. findings that child abuse can result in lifelong vul-nerability to depression and personality disorders
    46. The disruption of theseprocesses by inadequate or grossly distorted expe-rience can have lasting adverse consequences
    47. For experience-expectantneural plasticity, experience that is impoverishedor distorted may have lasting effects on brain de-velopment
    48. There are extended periods of neural plas-ticity in childhood during which experiences af-fect brain structure.
    49. Indeed, biologicallybased attachment and many other processes re-quire enriched and structured experience for theirdevelopment
    50. Recent neuroscience research also extendsBowlby
    51. In addition, recent research has identified neu-ral processe
    52. Recent neuroscience research supports Bowlby
    53. Bowlby

      Noted author as necessary fundamental training for a qualified provider and assessment being performed.by certified Clinical Psychologist

    54. They suggest theneed for intensive services beyond visiting
    55. some parent–child attachment re-lationships have problematic aspects such as thefailure to develop an organized strategy for relat-ing in times of stress
    56. Overthree decades of empirical research have con-firmed what diverse theoretical perspectives havepredicted—adequate attachment relationships arenecessary for children’s healthy development
    57. Attachment re-fers to close, enduring affective bonds that de-velop throughout life (Ainsworth, 1973)
    58. their quality may be compromised by the lim-ited ability of the parent or the child to cope withthe traumatic events that had occurred before orduring the placement
    59. children and parents visitmay be less than ideal: a sterile office with no toysor other amenities, under the watchful eyes of fos-ter parents, caseworkers, or other “outsiders.”
    60. eenage foster children regarding their “pre-dominant family identification,” that is, to whomthey spoke in times of trouble, who they loved themost, who loved them the most, and with whomthey wanted to live. As might be expected, whenparents did not visit their children, childrentended to identify with their foster parents. How-ever, only 41 percent of the children whose par-ents visited regularly identified predominantlywith their parents
    61. interviewed
    62. In some cases, visits may benecessary, but not sufficient, for supporting thedevelopment of adequate parent–child relation-ships
    63. They also report a range of child behaviors,from visible anxiety (8 percent) to enjoyment (29percent) (Fanshel, 1982
    64. It is not surprising, then,that some foster parents report a temporary wors-ening of children’s behavior following visits
    65. report a range ofemotional and behavioral responses to visits. Forexample, some parents and adolescents reportthat visits evoke painful feelings about separation
    66. Regularvisits are considered so critical to the effort to re-unite families that the Adoption Assistance andChild Welfare Act of 1980 (P.L. 96-272) requiresinclusion of regular visits in family preservationefforts.
    67. Parent visitation, thescheduled, face-to-face contact between parentsand their children in foster care, is considered theprimary intervention for maintaining and en-hancing the development of parent–child rela-tionships necessary for successful family reunifica-tion
    68. This article considers the implications of con-temporary attachment theory and researchfor how social workers may better supportparent–child relationships during foster care vis-it
    69. These aspects of attachment relationships provide a heuristicapproach for understanding, assessing, and intervening in parent–childrelationships during foster care
    70. eveals thatfor some parents and children, visits are problematic
    71. is the primary intervention for maintaining andsupporting the development of parent–child relationships necessary forreunification.
    72. Understanding and Supporting Parent–ChildRelationships during Foster Care Visits:Attachment Theory and Research
    1. a heuristic approach for understanding, assessing, and intervening in parent-child relationships during foster care visits
    2. Attachment theory and research indicate that there are universal, developmental, variable, and problematic aspects of attachment relationships
    3. reveals that for some parents and children, visits are problematic.
    4. Parent visitation, the scheduled, face-to-face contacts between parents and their children in foster care, is the primary intervention for maintaining and supporting the development of parent-child relationships necessary for reunification
    5. Understanding and supporting parent-child relationships during foster care visits: attachment theory and research
    1. Leukotriene receptor antagonists (anti-leukotriene agents such as montelukast and zafirlukast) may
    2. Cognitive behavioral therapy may improve quality of life, asthma

      Don't know what it is about humans that constantly default to depression being a cause and not an effect. ....**depression is virtually never a cause of anything other than resulting choices

    3. Other medications that can cause problems in asthmatics are angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors,

      COVID is an excellent ACE2 inhibitor. Do people with CoVID display asthmatic condition? They do??

    1. The exact mechanism by which aspirin and other COX-1 inhibitors lead to acute respiratory reactions is still under investigation. AERD patients exhibit a seemingly paradoxical response to COX-1 inhibition, as it leads to greatly increased PGD2 and LTE4 levels, instead of the expected decrease in PGD2 and relative lack of change in LTE4

      So at the very least it does that prostaglandin production still remains the cause of asthma when taking aspirin should this event occur

    1. Leukotrienes are found to play an important role in the later stages of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias

      What did I just say above!

    2. Cysteinyl leukotriene receptors CYSLTR1 and CYSLTR2 are present on mast cells, eosinophil, and endothelial cells. During cysteinyl leukotriene interaction, they can stimulate proinflammatory activities such as endothelial cell adherence and chemokine production by mast cells

      Boom. What's getting activated in COVID...mast cells and endotheliial cells

    3. Leukotrienes also have a powerful effect in bronchoconstriction and increase vascular permeability.[18]

      Thinking this is treatment for anti Alzheimer's, anti neurodegenerative disease, anti fibrosis,anti CVD/AS/LUNG FIBROSIS

    1. glutamatergic neurons innervate the lateral hypothalamus, suggesting that the dorsomedial nucleus mainly promotes wakefulness during the active period (daytime

      So, it goes SCN to pv zone to dorsalmedial nucleus. DMN then has a GABA circuit to the vlpo to trigger sleep and a glutamate circuit to lateral hypothalamus to trigger wake

    2. lesions in the anterior hypothalamus had insomnia,

      Which could likely be equivalent to serotonin knockout which also produced staunch insomnia

    3. by serotonin and adenosine.

      Boom. Accumulating adenosine and serotonin are causing sleep pressure drive.

      Remember thought that caffeine blocks adenosine.

    4. VLPO is located at the anterior of the hypothalamus

      Does it mean anything that I've always said the sleep sensation is like it's a growing pressure behind my eyes, and this is right behind my eyes and called the "preoptic"

    5. The VLPO is activated by the endogenous sleep-promoting substances adenosine[10][11] and prostaglandin D2.

      Prostaglandin showing up again. As in when I think prostaglandin, I think inflammation and also asthma, mast cell activation, broncho and vasoconstriction. I think about aspirin being a prostaglandin inhibitor

    1. worsening asthma

      Weird. I thought prostaglandin d2 is known root cause involved in asthma including broncho and vasoconstriction f allergic reaction and is spewed out by mast cells and others?

    1. spontaneous firing rates

      Like ion gates are stuck open. Either because of a constant flooded signal, which might fit with the observed glutamate build up, which fits the increased metabolic rate, and this might fit how total signaling slows down because the nerve can't control its firing timing and just starts popping off and is slow to recover. Or maybe (and I like this better) seen a similar way, nerve cells start fatiguing and momentarily shutting down or at least in a fully useable on demand kind of way. I.e. O2 and fuel delivery and waste and damage removal/containment can't keep up. So then maybe the stars to cause backup of and flooding of neurotransmitters (glutamate) as it tries to keep duty cycling to get the message through. It would also seem likely that circuits have redundancy so even though one circuit goes down the other circuits get the signal through. And maybe as the day goes on they all just start to be spending a lot of time in swa like low pulse mode increasing message duty cycle to push the message through increasingly erroring circuits. Then, maybe the SWA pulse mode is a signal recognized downstream as the "fatigue signal" and it is received by a control center that assists in sending an increasing strong signal to shut down and sleep, maybe even a signal that starts telling cells to enter SWA. Maybe it's not even a control center. Maybe it's a paracrine signal, and maybe metabolic stress causes it's expression but The receiving of it doesn't cause a repeater effect. And maybe a function of serotonin is to be the "go to SWA mode" signal and why it builds through our the day just like SWA regions do, and why knockout zebra fish never sleep, and why ssri's may be causing me to be extra sleepy because I'm inflammed and serotonin is widely upregulated, and maybe in part why ssri s have variable to unobservable or delayed effects because 1) if you're not hyper upregulated, then you wouldn't get sleepy, and 2) the delayed positive effects are actually the result of ssri triggering better and more restorative sleep resulting in better brain function/growth/repair during sleep. And this could explain why it's been somewhat helpful for long COVID because it's making sleep better and more reparative and immunosuppresive. And maybe then the time to take an ssri is actually betfore bed. ... And MAYBE this is why a lot of people aren't getting any benefit because they are no doubt being told to take it in the morning which is when it would have the least effect and be metabolized by nighttime when you need it! Shit, hmmm, that's a lot of data linking up to fit that model. ....oh, and could explain why NREM is a en mass, yet activity load dependent SWA synchronous event because the more upstream the neurons are, the more downstrram nerve cells start to follow the command of the upstream swa pulse.

      And MAYBE this explains why it's so hard to sleep when you haven't mentally done anything all day. AND MAYBE, this means that a 5HT antagonist IS ACTUALLY A BIG TREATMENT ANSWER FOR WAKEFULNESS and at the root of most cases of idiopathic hypersomnia! (I think there weren't much options for antagonists). Oh but shut, and consider this platelets,AS A RESPONSE TO INFLAMMATION because of activation, secrete serotonin! It's not a stretch to think that the brain would have a conserved use for the already in use inflammatory/injury/"SICKNESS BEHAVIOR" inducing signal molecule. Hunkering down and being able to sleep and making that sleep more reparative effective would arguably have a strong fitness advantage.

      And one more idea, is rem, which they say had the same firing readings as being awake, actually the same but I'm reverse as the other study saw reverse firing? Is this resetting proteins back up the circuit or refurbishing protein/channel/mbrane structures or aberrant charges? Hell, is induction or some other extraneous charge field building up and playing a part in the days worth of accumulating resistance and part of what's happening during sleep or also during swa a reversal or purge/discharge of that opposing electric or magnetic forces? It's it interesting that blood is highly composed of iron, an extremely magnetic and inducible magnetic element? Is the health and thickness of myelin sheaths a part of the healthy function protection against this issue?

    1. trauma reenactment narrative is by getting the child manipulating the child convincing the child to adopt the victimized child role within that trauma reenactment there and so all we have to do is get the child to believe that the

      This ominous realization did not occur and come together for me until just now:

      Kate's influence did not start with Kate directly. It would have started with her son Liam. I've not recognized until now the likely significant role he plays in this. He is her son. He would have already been fully traumatized by Kate or by the situation with his dad, depending on if it existed, but if it did or didn't, the fear/abandonment/insecure attachment disorder would be entrenched in both Kate and Liam and they would be reinforcing it in each other. Rhyanna working with Liam at Subway would have been the first contact in which casual conversation would begin the subtle campaign by Liam via trauma reenactment (and also fueled by being a teenage boy meets girl savior/peacocking mentality) that at first innocuously and then overtly was showing (manipulating into false belief) that she is victimized. Liam then notifies Mom of "the recruit", probably a genuine felt statement like "Mom, there's this girl at work and it sounds like she's going through what we went through and we could help her". Then Mom [Kate], which we know this happened, took the initiative to contact her (or told Liam to bring her over to the house to hangout so she could then introduce herself and have 'a talk' with her). Phone numbers were shared, instructions to not let Dad know where they lived were given, taking out to dinners were done, sharing of "stories about my husband we don't tell other people so please don't share this" were given about "my dangerous psychotic husband that Liam and I had to flee from and go on the run because the system couldn't save us so we had to act outside it". This matches the dynamic and origination story of every cult/radical "church"/scientology/NXIVM story I know and it is the same dynamic whether it's the pathogenic parent or pathogenic adult influence which in this way has an extra component of evolution. Ie, the pathogenic adult has created/obtained a pathogenic "victimized" subordinate follower. The follower then acts as a relatable/ice-breaking recruiter that has the effect on the target of " they're my peer, they're like me, I can therefore trust the accuracy of what they're saying more and am more willing to listen". Then when the follower eventually introduces the pathogenic adult, the critical judgement defence of the target is suppressed/ignored because the target has made the naive judgment error that since I believe and feel trusting in this peer, I can put that trust into someone he is introducing me too. And because that person is "the adult in the room" this person instantly gets, erroneously, the elevated security clearance in the target's mind that this person is a "trusted"+"adult"+"who understands me"+"has my best interest"+"and knows what I need". Additionally, when speaking with this adult, should the target's defense mechanisms of critical judgement start turning on, the target then looks to a reference point to "reality test", and the follower, Liam, is immediately on hand and present almost daily to act as that reference point nodding reassuringly when the target glances over [literally or metaphorically]. ..... Combine this with a parent who is getting sicker and sicker, who's observably by the child who knows her father well can tell his fear, anxiety (particularly regarding his ability to provide for them both), and sadness because of his non-improving sickness from a mysterious unknown deadly pandemic disease, a parent who is the SOLE parent and there is no second parent to reality test against and get reassuring grounded perspective (ie you are not victimized, dad isn't going to kill himself, yes this is a tough situation but we and you are not a victim and this is not a Hallmark/teen drama, and tough situations like this have long been and are a prolific part of human life and we can more than handle this situation and frankly will serve to accelerate your empowered growth and deeper understanding, meaning, passion, joy of life and further shedding of vulnerability to irrational and mismanagement of uncontrollable fear as a general skill set in your personal quiver. This all is the loss of the second, of which there may only be 2, fundamental defense mechanisms to safeguard a child's sound critical analytical/judgement skills. It is easy to empathize with a child's daily living experience, especially an adolescent, how these are the 2 mechanisms which are functioning by which they are consuming and assembling all new knowledge and understanding. #1 They first use their incumbent developed analytical/judgement skills to self analyze a concept or problem or question. #2 They verify that determination with their trusted source of truth and protection, ie their parents (a reality test). Perhaps this at the root of the common report "teenagers think they know everything". It's probably the first time the first mechanism is developed strongly enough to feel like it can safely be used in its own. And in being the first time, many errors will be made and in many of those errors the use of verification of mechanism 2 will not be used. An ill unimproving parent will exacerbate the error to not use mechanism 2. Fear and anxiety will exacerbate errors in mechanism number 1. Severity of those insults would proportionally affect the rate of error. Malfunctions in both mechanisms would have a multiplicative effect on damaging erroneous conclusions the child arrives at and the damage further choices on those erroneous conclusions causes. Then when the "virus" of the narcissistic/BLP cross generational shared persecutory delusion boundary violation gains entry into this now much increased "analytically vulnerable" child, it has the critically added effect of disabling mechanism 2 since the patent now becomes "all bad [splitting]". ..... Then ..... add to this child a history that she is a survivor, albeit exceptionally so, of incurring the pain and largely successful battle for separation from a very narcissistic mother and the family that produced that narcissism in her mother. The entire repercussions of that I am not sure, but relevant here is I think that means my child's developmental reality has a biased understanding and emotional sensitivity to the fear that a parent "I thought was normal, changed into a monster" and second "I fully believed a truth about the 1 of 2 people I trusted and depend on the most, and I was wrong. How can I trust my own conclusions now if I can't trust my own analytical and emotional judgement abilities?". No doubt also a fear and anxiety upregulating mechanism in and if itself, as well as providing a data point which can add confusion to a child frantically looking for understanding and/or can be leveraged to falsely rationalize the false narrative is correct especially when the pain of the truth is building and she is looking for any tool to suppress confronting that pain.

      Then, as Rhyanna further looks for, or rather it is imposed onto her, the naive drama thirsty peer group, whom many know Liam and Kate, and whom with very good intention but naivety of teenagers who in Boulder Colorado are conditioned to both be very helpful and that money and wealth (like them) combined with middle aged Caucasian combined with a "Boulderite" personality with an air of non-confrontational superiority and cancel-culture tendencies is the equivalent of "insightful, wise, holder of truth, and generally the definition of what is good, righteous, and hold the authority to declare whom is bad and further that it is expected that they will declare whom is good and bad and that action further validates that they are and have such authorities" in these teenagers minds reenforces this false truth as accurate.. Then the school, then CIRT team "mental health professionals", then the mental health hospital centennial peaks, then Boulder county child welfare via multiple staff, then the court and the judge personally all buy in and propagate this false truth and reinforce it overtly or indirectly overtly, and some propagate it by simply ignoring and not speaking out against or in questioning validity, all reinforcing this false truth. ..... And given all this, given all these goddamn ignorant spineless children of men in their lack of knowledge or past traumas, and under the weight of their ignorance and cowardice and laziness, and then under the unreal weight and fear and confusion of her and her dad, her one parent who's been her warrior defender of knowledge, self discovery, safety, character, food, and shelter, and whom no other family support exists is now very possibly dying and cannot speak for himself or to her (because her confusion and outside influence is not allowing it) to tell her the truth and reassurance of the situation ....... her heart and mind refuse to yield. The pain from her heart refusing to give way to the lie, they are trying to make her believe had caused her to want to kill herself. My daughter s unyielding heart and character brought tears to a police officer who'd not had the fortune of experiencing someone like my daughter. And still, after a year and a half, my daughter, MY daughter, still holds fast and is unwilling to tell the COURT that her resistance is because of me and is instead because of her. Yeah, that's who my daughter is. That is the caliber here. She is her father's daughter.

      I see you kid. You hold fast. I'm comin' for you.

      PS - Attention needs to be given to Liam. With consideration towards his possible and to what degree of trauma, and the validity of the story regarding his father.. It is now a real question, is his father above and well, normative, searching for his son and or fallen into decline, suicidality, doom? Is Liam about to lose a father and be irreversibly severely damaged because of the complete irreversible devastation, which will also include the self blame he incurs and will not be able to reconcile.

      PSS - likely it is both important and the is the time to revisit with focus Rhyannas feelings and understanding of her mom. She possibly stands to gain 1, a self confidence and esteem and complete obliteration of any feeling/false rationalization that she is somehow "less", that she is at fault, or that she is somehow "less capable" of a person now and going forward, 2) stamp out reactions of hate, tolerance, splitting, and walls she might form that would prevent problem solving, truth finding, and understanding so crucial to both abilities and finding of joy, particularly in relationships of love and family, 3) she stands to gain a mother and an entire side of a family and which is attained by a fulfilling relationship of her own architecture and which she is fully empowered to control and manage and nurture at her pleasure.

    1. secrete “housekeeping” antibodies

      This is like an OD diagnostic code telling you where the problem is. Got an XYZ receptor AA? something is fucking up your XYZ receptors

    1. The disease can also cause your healthy red blood cells to fragment and break up when they travel through the small vessels that are filled with clots.

      "microvascular" (i.e. capillaries, arterioles, sub 500um diameter). Destroyed RBCs are called schistocytes, if any recognizable structure remains

    1. DIC progresses through two stages
    2. You may develop DIC if you have an infection or injury that affects the body’s normal blood clotting process.
    3. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a rare but serious condition that causes abnormal blood clotting throughout the body’s blood vessels.
    4. stage two
    5. DIC leads to bleeding just beneath the skin, in the nose or mouth, or deep inside the body

      Blending beneath skin > petechiae and or purpura

    6. Bruising in small dots or larger patches on the body

      aka petechiae

    7. Chest pain
    8. DIC is usually caused by inflammation from an infection
    9. sepsis : This is a body-wide response to infection that causes inflammation. Sepsis is the most common risk factor for DIC
    10. Major damage to organs or tissues
    11. Severe immune reactions
    12. toxin
    13. DIC is a rare complication of COVID-19. People who develop DIC are more likely to have severe complications, like organ failure, that can often be life-threatening.
    1. COVID-19 clots, on the contrary, could not be displaced or dislodged and remained intact, even with the force of high-speed water flow in a small flow channel.

      Wtf?? Something is critically different about post COVID plasma beyond just spike clothing that makes these clots super sticky. And to naked plastic. What are these tubes made of? Is it polyethylene?? See polyalanine tact fibrin amyloid pathology studies

    2. Clots also formed with the PPP with the addition of the spike protein, but not as disruptive as the COVID-19 PPP clots.

      So this is saying....PPP of never infected people showed clotting when spike S1 was added, but it was worse in PPP (i.e. clear and clean of clots or masses) of prior COVID infected people?? So meaning, not only is spike bad, but COVID adds/changes/induces introduction of something to or into the plasma (eg protein, antibody, altered protein, viral accessory protein, ions, molecules, etc)?

    1. hypoxia, as the skeletal muscle capillary-to-fiber ratio, capillary density (Fig. 2B), and intracellular and circulating lactate concentrations (Supplemental Figs. 3G, 6A) were not different between long COVID patients and controls

      This is bad logic

    1. TGF-β, coordinated with IL-21, induces CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells that counterbalance the effect of IL-6

      Jesus fucking Christ

    2. directly disrupt the binding of specific peptide–major histocompatibility complex (pMHC) dimers to CD8-expressing T cells

      Does this mean we're getting a shit load of antibodies and consequent agglutination coagulation but no Antibody mediated clean up and this the vascular (and elsewhere) garbage pile grows?

    1. due process

      Table of Laws Held Unconstitutional in Whole or in Part by the Supreme Court

      Goldberg v. Kelly, 397 U.S. 254 (1970) The New York City Department of Social Services promulgated Procedure No. 68-18, which halted aid immediately after the reviewing official affirmed the determination of ineligibility. The applicant was then notified of their ineligibility for welfare via a letter and not provided the opportunity to be heard prior to the termination of aid.

    1. Lys

      Lyseine groups are the big active sites for plasmin, fibrin, pai, tPA, spike. Lyseine is I think crucial to spike induced amyloid folding

  2. Dec 2023
    1. Abstract

      So, if we consider this all true, what's the takeaway for treatment?:

      Given all the pathomechanisms summarized below, what's the 1 mechanism that causes the rest, and the rest, if treated, do not only not stop other mechanisms but themselves continue because the treatment is immediately trumped by the driving of a more underlying mechanism. .... THE EXISTING CLOTS AND CONTINUAL CLOTTING. 1ST DEGREE - clotting> antiplatelet + anticoagulant (+anti NET if exists), clots> TPA (+UPA), natto & sera, fibrin mab, other> plasminogen, pai/antiplasmin inhibitors 2nd - inflammation/Endothelium/glycocalyx/ROS/Vasoconstriction (AAB,ACE&R,Renin, NO&pathway up&downstream, Ca,) 3rd - Neuro/antifibrotics (microbiological scar tissue removal)/tissue repair (capillary density, nerve density, brain repair, connective tissue repair)

      Pathogenesis: It's an excellent hitch knot, the harder you pull the rope, the more secure the knot clamps on. (If you don't pick the knot apart, the rope will exist perpetually in a knot snapping one day prematurely from it's own knot fatigue then accelerated after existing in a life being unusable and left to the elements to beat it to death, or will snap soon as it can't take the excessive load increasingly unable to loose the harder it tries to pull free.) The body's own immune and homeostasis mechanisms have formed each bend in the knot. Of all the bends to pick apart, only one will allow the other bends to be picked free. And if the knot has been heavily loaded or loaded for a long time, the only way to remove the 1 essential bend is by also picking at the other bends at the same time to finally get the 1 essential bend to let free releasing the tension in the entire knot allowing the easy yet careful (as allowing any of the bends to retighten will systematically cause the retightening of all the other bends and reforming the knot) undoing of all the bends.

      • Pathological Blood components: Investigations on the causes of Long-COVID and PCS have identified pathological blood components - microclots and malformed blood cells [including large amounts of schistocytes], mainly too large so that they hinder blood flow. Lymphocytes had a significantly decreased stiffness, monocytes and neutrophils were increased in cell size, erythrocytes were less deformable and a reduced natural killer cell function. The observations of pathological blood components include microclots, large cells, less deformable erythrocytes, decreased lymphocyte stiffness, increased monocyte cell size, large, deformable, activated neutrophils, activated monocytes and activated platelets. Immune cells such as neutrophils, are excessively activated, persistently degranulate. Leads to the formation of fibrin amyloid microclots (scaffolded of platelets, fibrin, NETs, RBCs).

      • Thrombosis <> Inflammation (thrombo-inflammation); capillary stasis, thrombotic Endothelium...TISSUE HYPOXIA/BLOCKED PERFUSION: detrimental interaction of pathological blood components with prothrombotic, inflammatory capillary wall changes: Stagnation or slow flow of blood cells enhances the interaction and time for interaction with the prothrombotic wall changes, mainly expressed adhesive molecules, further slowing blood flow velocity. activated neutrophils, activated monocytes and platelets. These activated cells may convert the normally antithrombotic surface of the vascular endothelium to a prothrombotic state to upregulate coagulation, stimulation of inflammatory reactions (thrombo-inflammation) [5,9,37]. the microvessels the vascular system including capillaries could be directly damaged by SARS-CoV2 virus or affected by cytokines generating an inflammatory and prothrombotic vascular wall [9,10]. Due to the long-term inflammatory environment in Long-COVID (PCS), immune cells such as neutrophils, are excessively activated, and persistently degranulate maintaining inflammatory responses. This leads to the formation of fibrin amyloid microclots, which promote tissue hypoxia and impaired oxygen exchange and may additionally block the capillaries [9,10,38-40]. It has been described that chronic inflammation can trigger coagulation proteases to bind to protease-activated receptors on the activated endothelium to induce the synthesis and expression of cell adhesion molecules, which further promotes microcirculatory disorders [9]. Several endothelial cell-related biomarkers have been observed to be strongly correlated with COVID-19 and PCS, such as VWF and Factor VIII, as well as ET-1 and angiopoietin-2 [9]. A recent study identified a disturbed retinal microcirculation to be strongly associated with PCS and ME/CFS, which may serve as a potential marker for microcirculatory disorders [10,41]. Notably, the thrombo-inflammatory status persists months after the patient has been recovered and the virus has cleared [5,39,42]. Therefore, malformed blood cells, microclots and thrombo-inflammation can potentially impede capillary perfusion and promote a microcirculatory disorder and thus, impair the organ blood supply by capillary obstruction [9].

      • Capillary rareification, with shunting and blood misdistribution...MORE TISSUE HYPOXIA: and blood resistance tests give false negatives or not strung enough positives

      • Interaction of the precapillary cardiovascular disturbances (PCD) with the capillary stasis – a highly unfavorable synergistic interaction in ME/CFS and PCS: Capillary stasis is strongly aggravated by the precapillary cardiovascular disturbance. Endothelial dysfunction found in ME/CFS and PCS certainly worsens the function of capillaries as well of precapillary vessels e.g., by raising vasoconstrictor tone of resistance vessels [17],[50,51].

      • Cerebral blood flow: measured over a large cerebral artery was found decreased in ME/CFS and PCS [49]. The extent of flow reduction measured over a large brain artery does not reflect the true extent of the disturbance as it does not consider the microcirculatory disturbance, the maldistribution of blood flow in the capillary system (capillaries with no flow versus hyperperfused capillaries). The severity of the resulting cerebral blood flow disturbance may explain cognitive impairment, mental fatigue and at least partially brain fog.

      • Ischemia leads to reperfusion injury

      • Mitochondrial energy loss & exercise intolerance from IRI and bAR receptor dysfunction and SFN: IRI leads to Mitochondrial dysfunction/damage via mediated by Ca Na loading and loss of NaK-ATPase. Also, exercise demands 10-20x NaK-ATPase now stay at least amounts even at rest. Deficiency of the only two mediators - ß2AdR and CGRP (due to SFN) - that activate Na+/K+-ATPase during exercise, can be considered a major cause of exercise intolerance in conjunction with perfusion disturbances and mitochondrial dysfunction whereby all these three disturbances are interrelated in vicious cycles. ß2AdR dysfunction is assumed to be present in ME/CFS due to autoantibodies and/or desensitization to chronic stress in ME/CFS (high sympathetic tone) as the ß2AdR is the most sensitive adrenergic receptor to desensitization. The importance of CGRP and its release from sensory nerves for the activation of the Na+/K+-ATPase and for diminishing muscle fatigue has been experimentally demonstrated under conditions of stimulation and inhibition [74,75]. After degeneration of these fibers, by which CGRP is produced, there should be a deficiency in CGRP that adds to the stimulatory deficit of the Na+/K+-ATPase during exercise already caused by ß2AdR dysfunction to aggravate and fix the disturbance. These neuropeptides released from the sensory nerves like Substance P and CGRP are also vasodilatory so that their deficit as a result of SFN may contribute to muscular malperfusion

      • ROS/MD; MD resulting from ROS result of MD: ROS generated as a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction inhibit while reduced ATP levels may further weaken its activity [65,67]. Increased ROS production with evidence for inhibition of the Na+/K+ATPase activity were indeed found in patients with ME/CF [77].

      • Vasoconstriction from bAR dysfunction: ß2AdR dysfunction is assumed to be present in ME/CFS due to autoantibodies and/or desensitization to chronic stress in ME/CFS (high sympathetic tone) as the ß2AdR is the most sensitive adrenergic receptor to desensitization.

      • Vasoconstriction from ROS

      -"Finally, we explain how mitochondrial dysfunction affects perfusion to close another vicious cycle of mutual triggering.": Mitochondrial dysfunction produces ROS to cause endothelial dysfunction and to promote endothelial cell inflammatory, activation of coagulation, and adhesivity [81]. The latter enhances vasoconstrictor influences and favors microcirculatory flow disturbances to further impair perfusion. Finally, via low ATP levels and the generation of ROS that inhibit Na+/K+ATPase [82] and, via an anaerobic metabolism that produces more protons to raise intracellular sodium by the NHE1, mitochondrial dysfunction favors itself [14,83-85]. The energetic disturbance is not severe enough to cause organ damage but limits a rise in physical and mental performance (exercise intolerance). Even worse, at a certain level of exercise, the individual post-exertional malaise threshold (PEM) threshold, intracellular sodium in skeletal muscle rises to reach the reverse mode threshold of the NCX. This causes calcium overload to trigger and renew mitochondrial damage. Thus, during exercise the functional damage reproduces itself, keeping the patients captured in a vicious cycle from which they can hardly escape.

      • Mediators resulting from MD (and precursor Ischemia) energy deficit result in systemic pain and blood volume loss and microvascular leakage (causes more tissue perfusion failure and swelling): Mediators like bradykinin, prostaglandins, prostacyclin, and adenosine raising blood flow are physiologically meant to act locally only by their very short half-lives. Due to their excessive production following the poor metabolic situation in the large body muscle mass, however, spillover into the systemic circulation occurs. Any organ can be reached by them to produce the confusing myriad of symptoms including pain, spasms and edema as a result of their physiological actions. These mediators also cause renal hyperexcretion and induce microvascular leakage causing hypovolemia (see section 2) (Figure 2) [14]. Their particular physiological renal actions prevent a compensatory rise in renin for repletion of the vascular system, thereby explaining the paradox that renin does not rise with hypovolemia [79]. This leads to low stroke volume as explained above and causes orthostatic stress
    2. icrovascular Capillary and PrecapillaryCardiovascular Disturbances StronglyInteract to Severely Affect TissuePerfusion and Mitochondrial Function inME/CFS Evolving from the Post COVID-19 Syndrome

      Microvascular Capillary and Precapillary Cardiovascular Disturbances Strongly Interact to Severely Affect Tissue Perfusion and Mitochondrial Function inME/CFS Evolving from the Post COVID-19 Syndrome

      Klaus Josef Wirth and Matthias Löhn *Posted Date: 13 December 2023 doi: 10.20944/preprints202312.0791.v1

    1. Colorado Office of Respondent Parents’ Counsel (ORPC

      Summary of Annotations Page 40 #1 Highlight Securing Basic Needs, Social Connections, and Appropriate Services • Housing, clothing, food, and transportation are frequently needed and critical to the client being successful in the treatment plan. For example, social workers and parents advocates helping the client access and secure these—from shopping with the client at Goodwill to filling out housing applications to getting on

      2 Highlight

      Checking in with the client regularly on what is working and what is not, and then advocating for adjustments to the treatment plan. F

      3 Highlight

      Treating the client as the expert on their own lives and asking them what they need to be successful. #4 Highlight Mitigating structural barriers to treatment engagement Page 41 #1 Highlight Conduct Legal and Social Science Research • Making sure attorneys are working with recent and relevant research when developing strategy (e.g., attachment theory and visitation strategy

      2 Highlight

      Reviewing Volume 7 and identifying areas applicable to the case #3 Highlight identifying areas of inaccuracy between case proceedings and Volume 7. #4 Highlight Making sure the treatment plan is using evidence-based practices matched to client need (e.g., a mental health service targeted at family functioning versus generic therapy#5 Highlight Reviewing services and strategies to ensure they are accessible (e.g., disability accommodations, language translation), culturally responsive (e.g., honors family customs), and trauma-informed (e.g., in a safe environment) and advocating for adjustments

      6 Highlight

      Attend family engagement meetings and appearance reviews to support the client, strategize in real time with other actors, and promote communication from other actors to the client in a way the client understands. • Daily communication with other actors that is necessary to move through the D&N process and enact strategy.

      7 Highlight

      Social workers and parent advocates lead out on promoting a meaningful treatment plan, providing specialized and focused contributions to support client needs, which then make legal advocacy and family strengthening more successful. In

      8 Highlight

      each member shares in the responsibility of moving the case forward by using available tools with different case actors, with

      9 Highlight

      attorneys leading this work as “team lead” Page 42

      1 Highlight

      Median Percentage of Time Contributed by Contractors to Supporting a Client in Addressing their Needs

      2 Highlight

      Attorneys are keenly aware of critical junctures when a case can stall out, irrevocable decisions are being made, or clients are being set up for failure

      3 Highlight

      are poised to activate and advance the team in ramping up communication, research, treatment support, and resource connections to disrupt pitfalls at these critical junctures. They are also most adept at navigating legal language and court actors.

      4 Highlight

      Social Workers have experience with D&N treatment plans and know how to navigate the resources and services named. Th#5 Highlight enables treatment plan advocacy and engagement to be more successful with a variety of child welfare and treatment actor Page 44

      1 Highlight

      Advocating for the client is the third major activity undertaken by the team—and work

      2 Highlight

      where high-quality legal representation shines.

      3 Highlight

      Advocating for the client happens both in and out of court, and this activity is als

      4 Highlight

      where the team most utilizes experts and investigators

      5 Highlight

      WHAT Does It Mean to Advocate for the Client

      6 Highlight

      Hold State Actors Accountable:

      7 Highlight

      accountable to their burden, responsibilities, and obligations by leveraging available mechanisms

      8 Highlight

      Ensure Appropriate Fact Finding:

      9 Highlight

      Ensuring due process by

      10 Highlight

      identifying and obtaining experts,

      11 Highlight

      investigators, or witnesse#12 Highlight obtaining and reviewing records, plans, reports, or other pertinent documents; observing visitations, related cases, or other meetings to obtain information

      13 Highlight

      to inform strategy development

      14 Highlight

      Preparing for litigated hearings, including preparing the client themselves, and representing the client in court.

      15 Highlight

      Hearing representation and fact finding are largely led by the attorney, in collaboration with experts and investigators.

      16 Highlight

      Social workers and parent advocates provide vital support to attorneys in accomplishing these tasks, as

      17 Highlight

      It is holding the Department accountable outside of a court issue [e.g., service referral

      18 Highlight

      and it is also holding the court accountable to keeping the Department honest and doing their reasonable efforts a

      19 Highlight

      making sure that they are actually connecting parents with the services that are needed

      20 Highlight

      You are the gatekeepers Page 45

      1 Highlight

      HOW Does the Team Accomplish This in Practice? HOLD STATE ACTORS ACCOUNTABLE

      2 Highlight

      following up with the Division of Child Welfare to ensure timely delivery of services an#3 Highlight Ensuring the treatment plan is done i

      4 Highlight

      collaboration with the parent

      5 Highlight

      tailored to need

      6 Highlight

      dynamics of the child-parent relationship (e.g., age, bonding issues

      7 Highlight

      Calling in when court reports are biased towards the negative and not elevating what the parenting is doing well (i.

      8 Highlight

      advocating for k

      9 Highlight


      10 Highlight

      Confronting systemic racism through simply being present

      11 Highlight

      elevating concerns to the team for strategy development

      12 Highlight

      “I find myself fighting that [visitation] fight a lot fo Page 46

      1 Highlight

      HOW Does the Team Accomplish This in Practice? ENSURE APPROPRIATE FACT FINDING

      2 Highlight

      Investigators, Experts#3 Highlight To secure evaluations, assessments, and diagnoses that can be used in strategy

      4 Highlight

      testify to appropriate services and supports for redressing allegations

      5 Highlight

      ensure a full, multi-angle account of client allegations and needs.

      6 Highlight

      Attending/observing family engagement meetings, visitations, and related cases to bear witness to what actually happens

      7 Highlight

      and be a source of information to the team and

      8 Highlight

      the courts.

      9 Highlight

      Checking in with the client regularly and knowing what is happening in their lives as a form of “working intelligence” for attorneys.

      10 Highlight

      Reviewing extensive medical records

      11 Highlight

      legal reports

      12 Highlight

      documents that inform root causes of systems involvement and identifying strategies positioned to help redress.

      13 Highlight

      Obtaining and reviewing discovery

      14 Highlight

      Trails records, investigation reports#15 Highlight Family Safety and Risk Assessme

      16 Highlight

      hold “same-page” information as the Department

      17 Highlight

      Attorney drafting of discovery requests

      18 Highlight


      19 Highlight

      Preparing the Client for Court

      20 Highlight

      ensuring they know strategy for

      21 Highlight

      this court session

      22 Highlight

      what is appropriate for this hearing versus another space) Page 47

      1 Highlight

      calling in when court reports are biased and not uplifting client strengths they observed

      2 Highlight

      Fact finding is led by the attorney, with the support of social workers who commonly take on documentation review and provide working intelligence to the team.

      3 Highlight

      Reminder Holding state actors accountable was a prime theme in qualitative narratives Page 48#1 Highlight How Frequently Does the Team Use Experts and Investigators? Importantly, use of experts and investigators is a strategy under ensuring appropriate fact finding,

      2 Highlight

      Parent Advocates

      3 Highlight

      find out what is really going on—

      4 Highlight


      5 Highlight


      6 Highlight

      knowledge and time necessary to review documentation

      7 Highlight

      accompany the client to meetings, creating deep sources of information for accountability, hearing preparation, and fact finding. Page 49

      1 Highlight

      I’ve had things like intellectual disability come to light and then I work with the attorney to adopt new things in the treatment plan and advocate for that i

      2 Highlight

      Just making sure we’re not missing something that is impeding our client’s ability.” Page 50

      1 Highlight

      comprehensively understand a client’s needs,

      2 Highlight

      to inform case strategy and amplify client voice.#3 Highlight Advocacy Support: Calling in systemic bias of the courts and of child welfare and

      4 Highlight


      5 Highlight

      socially responsive strategies

      6 Highlight

      ORPC model of interdisciplinary representation is

      7 Highlight

      model for systems change of child welfare proceedings. Page 56

      1 Highlight

      Office of the Respondent Parents’ Counsel (ORPC): Interdiscplinary Teams for Successful Client-Centered Representation Page 58

      1 Highlight

      complex case needs

      2 Highlight

      histories can require additional advocacy

      3 Highlight

      specialized support to

      4 Highlight


      5 Highlight

      case higher risk for family separation a Page 59#1 Highlight have disabilities, and/or who face extensive resourcing challenges related to housing, food, and economic security. In addition, social workers bring experience in navigating the child welfare system and intimate knowledge of Volume 7 that supports attorneys

      2 Highlight

      Department obligations

      3 Highlight

      options for tailored client support.

      4 Highlight

      Mental Health

      5 Highlight


      6 Highlight


      7 Highlight

      Clients facing housing, food, and economic insecurity need additional support and resource connections to break cycles of systems involvement and poverty.

      8 Highlight

      Volume 7 Accountability:

      9 Highlight

      Cases where the Department is not fulfilling obligations

      10 Highlight

      require extensive monitoring

      11 Highlight


      12 Highlight

      especially true when inexperienced caseworkers are assigned#13 Highlight show what is possible in #14 Highlight build client confidence #15 Highlight ensuring that family voice leads in every step of the case. #16 Highlight Social and Structural Inequities: Page 60 #1 Highlight team model is best suited for complex cases #2 Highlight where social and structural inequities are rampant, #3 Highlight model can act as a “leveling up” factor #4 Highlight outcomes are more equitably achieved

    1. Q20: May States use TANF and MOE funds to help resolve personal or family legal problems? A20: Yes, States may use their funds in this way as long as such expenditures are consistent with the purposes of the program (e.g., where legal problems are a threat to family stability
    2. 19: May States use TANF funds for costs associated with providing legal representation to members of needy families who are pursuing SSI benefits? A19: Yes,
    1. shall have the ability

      Summary of Annotations Page 15 #1 Highlight shall limit the scope of their practice to those clients for whom they have the knowledge, skill, and resources to serve

      2 Highlight

      When additional knowledge and skills are required to address clients’ needs, the clinical social worker shall seek appropriate training, supervision, or consultation, or refer the client to a professional with the appropriate expertise.

      3 Highlight

      shall be accountable for all aspects of their professional judgment, behavior, and decision Page 16 #1 Highlight The clinical social worker shall maintain collaborative contacts with social work or other related professionals and make appropriate referrals#2 Highlight shall be knowledgeable about community services and make appropriate referrals Page 18 #1 Highlight shall use consultation on an as-needed #2 Highlight Clinical social workers shall maintain access to professional supervision and/or consultation.

      3 Highlight

      shall adhere to state and federal statutes and regulations regarding supervision and consultation in their states of practice

  3. Nov 2023
    1. The new application incorporates significant recent regulatory changes to the longstanding disability discharge program, which went into effect over the summer.
    1. Maya cried nonstop

      Yeah. Because Mom is dead. And by these fucks who won't even look them in the eye, beg forgiveness or apologize, let alone offer damages or repayment of fees, and then have audacity to combat them afterwards in court.

    2. Smith’s decision to access Maya’s confidential medical records through the All Children’s portal on October 8, 2016, appears to have violated the privacy law known as HIPAA,

      Absolutely illegal. No court order existed. No case even existed. And no consent in any way could possibly be argued to have been given.

    3. finally called it what it was,”


    4. All Children’s attorneys continued to argue that Maya needed to be kept away

      So now no longer are they acting at the discretion of the state. They are the actors.

    5. found “no evidence that would support the conclusion that Beata has falsified her daughter’s medical condition for any psychological purpose” and who concluded that “factitious disorder by proxy may safely be ruled out.”

      The first credentialed qualified assessment of diagnosed by an evaluator qualified to determine existence of such diagnoses

    6. Craziest case ever!!!

      Lord of the flies. ....High school, in the Valley....in a soap opera ....in a world that exists as strip club hip hop music videos.

    7. mentally ill


    8. would somehow find the critical knowledge, tools and framework to better understand and represent the tremendous challenges these children and their families and caretakers present for our society and for physicians.“

      I agree, starting with the staffers who are paid to actually do the job

    9. punitive approaches for such families

      Such as? ....but what you're doing is not punitive?

    10. “I am not a horrible person

      Did one abuser in your career ever say "I'm a horrible person"? So why are you saying this.

    11. I saw dozens of children who were literally beaten to death,” she wrote. “I saw hundreds of babies and children who were killed or maimed by Abusive Head Trauma. I saw hundreds more babies and children who had multiple broken bones from abuse including young infants with more than 20 fractures in different stages of healing. I saw numerous children with ruptured intestines and internal organs from abusive abdominal trauma, some of whom died.” Other factors leading to her retirement, she added, included biased news coverage and threats by phone and social media to kill her and burn down her home.

      I could be no more convinced you are pathological and likely from the trauma of the job or otherwise and lost or never had capacity to perform the job. You are focused on the trauma, use it to disregard and justify not doing the job if you even know what the job is and the way you do it and why it is to be done that way and what the purpose and principles of it are.

    12. I wish you peace in 2018 and many wonderful years of enjoyment of your adorable son.

      Fucking scary the level of sickness

    13. , I would very much like to hear what that was so I can consider it appropriately

      She almost succeeded in stealing and destroying a child and family and is unable to see how misplaced it is to request invitation to allow her access to the family and child.

    14. perhaps

      Lack of grip and understanding of all the situations and importances at play. She does not "perhaps" be more thorough on protecting against the abusive parent scenario, in fact she will act outside the law to protect that. But she will "perhaps" try harder not to be that abuser herself.

    15. I try very hard to be thorough

      Another sign of pathology. Lack of understanding of the situation, the what why and how of it, that her response is about her and not about them, it's her defending herself and justifing why she did what she did and will continue to do it.

    16. thanking me for trying my best

      Evidence of the pathology and cause in the agency and court

    17. functioned in a world where children’s suffering is common

      And where she has become the abuser of both children and parents

    18. doesn’t mean that there wasn’t child abuse

      Or.....that there was.

      Why do we have investigation and legal protocol? What's it's purpose? Why do we bother with it? Why don't we have tree limb justice, or have habeas corpus, or Bill of Rights which the people refused to enact the United States without?

    19. it was only that other authorities couldn’t conclusively determine who was responsible

      "in fact"

    20. To my knowledge,

      Savior complex

    21. only … Smith’s speculation and personal character opinions.”


    22. There’s no way to know how many other families might have been incorrectly accused


    23. Smith deemed the malnutrition the result of neglect, and the boy was removed from Mercado’s custody. That August, police stopped Mercado’s SUV and removed her newborn daughte


    24. decided that Jeremy was an abuser

      And no criminal charges made, no criminal case or investigation protocol

    25. likely a social worker

      Unqualified dipshit social worker. Not a cop. Not a detective.

    26. From what I’ve heard from the doctors

      "from what I've heard" HALEY. FUCKING HALEY.


    27. if she didn’t, she wouldn’t be allowed to go to the courthouse


      Take off your clothes or we'll keep you locked up and we'll keep you from your parents

    28. hospital attorneys argued

      And the judge (and court appointed Respondent attorney) just listened and said ok? No review of absence to procedure and review of all probative facts and claims?

    29. always side with medical professionals

      So they're siding with Kirkpatrick AND Hanna??

    30. that’s a serious issue,”


      McLean - âre you saying "child doesn't want to talk to Dad" is GROUNDS?? Is that your argument?

      Oh do you wish to claim something else as grounds? Homeless? Abuse? Ok, what's your evidence and what's respondents response?

    31. emphasis on child safety

      A definition which state has no training on or qualifications

    32. 477 children died after the state was alerted to signs of mistreatmen

      Removing children from suspected risk to a known risk

    33. to look for abuse and neglect

      To look for, vs investigation of the facts.

      Criminal rights vs civil rights

    34. notify the authorities,

      Notify the unqualified investigators who are also then given the authority and mandate to make accusations and provide the "expert" report

    35. aggressively

      Frame, lie, and practice confirmation bias

    36. can’t recall a single time that her fellow experts at the state or national level have disagreed with one of her assessments.

      And the root of the problem and chief abusers are revealed.

      As well, a primary cause of Smith's and others pathology.

    37. figure


    38. mith has acknowledged that she sees abuse and subterfuge when others don’t

      Do you, Cliff Calvin? Do you also know karate and know what bitches want?

    39. was an accusation that Maya was making everything up.

      Again, admission that there is no abuse or neglect and jurisdiction does not exist

    40. no longer suspected that her parents were causing her illness

      Therefore, no abuse. Immediate red alarm to pack up shop, return the child, beg forgiveness, remove yourself, and close case. Within less than 24hrs.

    41. perform the charade

      Because you expertly know that any use of legs in crps means the diagnosis is negated?

    42. were not included in Smith’s report

      Just like the omissions by FCS. No doubt in the GRID, the very first act of every case and every new Respondent attorney would be an immediate client interview and motion updating the facts of the petition

    43. he’d also recommended the procedure in Mexico.

      At the very least, the doctor just put all culpability on him. And also clearly destructed the possibility of Munchausen

    44. Beata “veered off regarding herself getting ‘no sleep for weeks’ and the struggles of ‘working to maintain insurance.’”

      Smith's brain: I've made up my mind and created a story before even beginning the investigating, so now as I'm listening and asking, can I use what she just said, how bout that, to prove the tale I've created, no can't use that or that or that, that contradicts that my story is true. ..... CONFIRMATION BIAS. Don't need a medical credential to be suspect of this.

    45. found the stories unconvincing

      Based on?.....no sound logical evidence based argument provided. Therefore, had decided prior to hearing or considering any evidence.

    46. found it difficult to take the edge off her high-strung inquiries

      And what, even among the whitest affluent graceful, parent would not have "that problem". Is it not more of a "problem" the parents who do not have this "problem"

    47. ketamine led to “huge progress

      At a minimum, this correlation based evidence was on record

    48. intense

      And this.

    49. thick Polish accent

      While we're all developing theories, this is a major suspect for the apparent discriminatory treatment

    50. real but poorly understood disorder.

      Any MD should therefore know they are unqualified to evaluate relative to a specialist.

      They should also know then that it is real and the basics of how it presents, and therefore reasonably matched the child's behavior and parent's description.

    51. quickly issued what is known as a shelter order, directing that Maya be kept

      And did they then order or otherwise with matching vigor, in their role as the legal authority expert and holder of accountability and director of behavior, compel the state to quickly and diligently complete there investigation and provide a duely competent report, recommendation, and evidence backed justification?.... Did the court publicly remind the state of the extreme invasion they have chosen to make and the seriousness and respect owed in seeing this through?

    52. more thorough, higher-quality job

      Not because of incompetent compliance to protocol and cherry picking and embellishment to report a false story

      This is mass criminal abuse and kidnapping and deserves the full application of the law as such

    53. interpret cases aggressively

      What does that mean? ...meaning, draw conclusions with out necessary evidence? Would you ever say of someone, who opened 1000s of cases, but was known to have always diligently in estimated and supported those decisions with competent judicious investigation, consideration, and justification of all facts..."aggressive"?

    54. four out of five instances of child abuse, the culprits are the child’s own parents

      So your argument is: if you're a parent, than 80% chance your a child abuser. ....it does not require even signing up for a first year statistics course to know the complete false logic of the application of statistics. Did you know that 100% of accidents occur when drivers are behind the wheel? Did you know that in 100% of Child abuse cases, a child is suspected of being abused?

    55. parents attempted to take Maya home, they said, they would be arrested

      Lying and egregious coercion. ....if you do that thing, I'll lock you up and consider stealing your child.

    56. parent deliberately makes a child il

      This seemed more likely, based on a shed of evidence and no qualified training to make such a determination, than 30yrs of records and a regular crps specialist care will you've never spoken to to get clarification

    57. develop a theory

      Suspecting a theory is fine. Refusing to incorporate evidence, or sources of evidence that could refute your hypothesis is critical malpractice

    58. 30 different medical providers,


    59. I got medical records on that child

      And still you feel you know better this child, what's right, and refuse to consult with child's regular providers?

    60. Maya is not in pain

      What?? So 1 or more crps unqualified, or even MD qualified, just 'felt'like the kids was full of shit and all an act. .... And why had not one single professional, whom both MDs as well as the investigating SS rep are expected to do, not made one call to the child's regular doctor and specialist if they are questioning his treatment?