1,662 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. believed to have mental issues,”

      Based on who's psychiatric QUALIFIED "beliefs".

    2. read through Maya’s medical record

      So you read the records in a focused environment

    3. seemed unorthodox

      Based on what? Your extensive crps training and experience, especially relative to a specialists orders. How is this different from Cliff Calvin believing he is the expert in all things

    4. already receiving


    5. less often when her mother was out of the room. S

      Meaning what? Do you have necessary psych credentials and defending medical evidence based justification? Was she also wearing a blue shirt, a sad color, indicating abuse?

    6. seemed like a huge dose.

      No mention of the fact this had been used historically and ordered by a specialist?

    7. pushy

      Double bind. ....such insanely poor logic argument and yet almost always used as justification it should be unlawful to use

    8. uncooperative or failing to heed a medical professional’s suggestions

      She WAS heeding a medical professional's advice... THE SPECIALIST.... It was the unqualified medical "professional" "not heeding the medical professionals suggestions"

    9. before allowing a routine test.

      which she provided medical records and specialist supporting the fact

    10. Hansen agreed that it was strange

      "Strange" based on what? Hansen's extensive training and practice experience in medicine and crps? Hansen's conclusion (distorted arrogance) that since SHE hadn't seen it before it must be "strange"

    11. screaming and writhing

      Constant with crps and parents story and provision of medical records

    12. Kowalski, had told the hospital that Maya suffered from a neurological disorder called complex regional pain syndrome, or CRPS

      As determined by a licensed M.D. specialist for that disease

    1. lead to a vulnerability to child anxiety due to a reduction in the child’s development of autonomy

      I say... and then what is "autonomy", it is the feeling and belief that one one can independently satisfactorily function, meaning>... sufficiently safely and able to otherwise "take" the damage of "hits" that may come and recover and "get back up"; empowered and able to control and manifest one's own life as they see fit, has the full capability regardless of it's nascent stage of development to seek out and also find, continually, their deepest truest wants, and as further wants are uncovered/found and can recruit and depend and provide on others understanding dependence is different than thoughtful chosen acceptance or recruitment of help; and is able to not allow fear/anxiety of chance of potential negative possibilities regularly intrusively irrationally control thoughts and well being, ...is able to understand fear of the negative unknown is not a monster, if anything a supportive arrow in the quiver, and will not be given continued knee jerk defensiveness but instead be harnessed for the values it supplies --but one of factors to consider in overall decision making with only the appropriate reasonable likelihood it possesses and an informant as to others minds you may have to contend with-, and, very importantly, an empowered understanding that one is not immune to anxiety but are unwaveringly capable of recognizing it soon enough, that you will give it no credence as you see it for malfunction it is, that you will not try to control it by "forcing" it to stop because 1) it cannot be forced to stop, no such strength exists, and any such attempt will magnify it 2) you understand such action is by consequence an attempt to make the fear true because you are not logically evaluating and understanding it for the distortion and cognitive bio malfunction it is, 3) you will not turn and shy away from it in fear, but gave it head on, interrogate it, and see what it has to say, and 4)understand that the antidote is to then walk away from it and let it do whatever it wants to do as you have no ability to influence it any further, if it wants to stay with you for now or forever or leave or whatever, then it will, or whatever, it's not your concern, you will return to focusing on your life and journey and wants, and if the topic of the anxiety is currently in the same subject matter area and path you are on for your own wants and journey, then you will continue the path seeking knowledge and facts and truth, not fearful fear directed speculation and/or sleep/health to repair/improve your "tools"

    2. larger effect size in the relationship between child anxiety and parental (low) autonomy granting

      I say, synonymous with restricting of freedoms. ... Fits why perhaps the top reason or close to for people willing to die, go to war, become irate and combative, and are so injured and or enraged at the thought of rape or bullying/oppression by force

    3. Parental control is characterized by excessive monitoring of their children’s activities, discouragement of independent thinking and high levels of intrusion

      The strong opposite of me and her

    1. this method holds the potential to become a diagnostic tool for individuals with Long COVID, enabling comprehensive evaluation of microclot presence, concentration, and size
    2. erall, our novel, rapid, cell-free flow cytometric detection method, utilizing imaging flow cytometry, reveals the presence of amyloid fibrin(ogen) microclots in platelet poor plasma. These microclots represent a potential breakthrough in clinical diagnostics, offering valuable insights into clotting pathologies.
    3. standardized

      Remember, "standardization" is not a requirement for a test or intervention to be a highly potent, widely used, evidenced based, and valuable practice. Many "standard" tests do not "standard" result ranges (eg ANA test), ones that do are often widely disagreed on across providers, authoritative texts, and have been for decades, and although an agreement on reference ranges for clots may be debated (and for a small few they may debate the amyloid nature of the clots), essentially no doctor will debate that this test does indicate "objects" are present in the blood that are highly abnormally present and large, that having objects in the blood exceeding the size of capillaries which is 10 microns is a serious problem as these objects are all now emboli, and that if these objects are "amyloid" then the situation is much more critical as we have a long full history of the critical impact to mortality and high resistance to treatment that amyloidosis causes.

    4. addition, these parameters may be useful in monitoring the effectiveness of treatment by tracking the changes in them
    5. By measuring these variables, clinicians can potentially guide treatment decisions by tailoring therapies to address the specific clotting abnormalities observed in a patient.
    6. we can anticipate the ability of non-imaging flow cytometers to prove effective in making similar disseminations for the purposes of high-throughput diagnostics.
    7. These variables have the potential to guide clinical decisions about diagnosis and treatment
    8. re we have demonstrated significant differences in the concentration, mean area, and count in various area ranges between Long COVID and controls.
    9. ow cytometry has been utilized in pathology laboratories for a considerable amount of time, making it a more appropriate and feasible means of identifying microclots in people with Long COVID and other conditions with clotting pathologies
    10. results demonstrate that even at a 20× objective, there are notable variations in size and fluorescence between Long COVID and controls
    11. we determined that some of this background activity could be attributed to cellular debris from damaged endothelial cells and fibrinogen strands. These findings align with our previous publications, which suggest the presence of endothelial damage in Long COVID patients

      They have verified this with uniquely specific fluorescent tracer and will be publishing in upcoming paper. A sample of those findings and images of the micrographs were presented during PolyBio LC symposium October 2023 which is uploaded on YouTube.

    12. which indicates larger sized amyloid
    13. provide additional evidence of significant variations in the density and distribution of microclots between the control group and individuals with Long COVID
    14. in Long COVID not only is the number and concentration of microclots significantly higher, but their size is significantly larger when compared to controls
    15. indicate that there are significant differences in the microclot area distribution between controls and Long COVI
    16. our flow cytometry analysis confirmed that amyloid microclot objects/mL (*p < 0.05) and microclot mean area (*p < 0.05) were significantly increased in Long COVID compared to controls.
    17. Furthermore, conventional flow cytometers are incapable of providing spatially resolved information, which is frequently vital for quantifying intricate cellular phenotypes
    18. ontrast to the purely numerical quantitative measurements provided by conventional flow cytometry, analysing cell images can also help eliminate erroneous results, such as distinguishing between cells and debris
    19. Due to its quantitative and multiparametric characteristics, as well as the analytical capacity to process up to 50,000 cells per second, flow cytometry is widely recognized as the gold standard technique for counting and characterizing cells in complex samples
    20. Flow cytometry is a widely used analytical approach for counting, analysing, and segregating cells that are suspended in a fluid stream
    21. imaging flow cytometer that allowed us to combine cell imaging as well as the high-event-rate nature of a conventional flow cytometer.
    22. Previously, we have used fluorescence microscopy and a semi-quantitative grading system to evaluate the presence of significant microclotting in Long COVID compared to healthy individuals
    23. detection of fibrin(ogen) amyloid microclots using imaging flow cytometry in Long COVID patients.
    24. Representative micrographs of microclots in (A) controls and (B) Long COVID
    25. amyloid in nature
    26. it is evident that controls exhibit smaller microclots with a lower fluorescence intensity. Conversely, Long COVID patients tend to have larger microclots
    27. we realized that whilst bigger microclots are obviously problematic due to the potential for vessel blockage, an increase in smaller microclots has potential clinical significance as well. These smaller microclots may not cause a significant blood vessel blockage but may contribute to platelet activation and endothelial damage.
    28. Thereafter, each area range increased by 10 μm
    29. Long COVID patients showed a significant increase
    30. The first area range was between 0 and 100 μm2 (10 μm), which is the approximate equivalent to a capillary diameter.
    31. microclot area distribution between controls and Long COVID patients. Here a clear dissimilarity is observed in the microclot area distribution between the control and Long COVID patients.
    32. results showed that the Long COVID patients had significantly higher concentration of microclots (*p < 0.05) as well as a higher microclot mean area (*p < 0.05) compared to controls.
    33. there is currently no clinical pathology test available to identify patients [
    34. 2.2.4. Data analysis All flow cytometry data analysis was performed using the IDEAS 6.2 software developed for the Amnis® FlowSight® Imaging Flow Cytometer. For analysis, only ThT positive events were collected during acquisition. A gate was also established to eliminate events with weak fluorescence signal (see supplementary material). For analysis, we included the following microclot parameters: objects/mL, mean area, and area distribution. GraphPad Prism software (version 9.5.0) was used to perform statistical analysis on all data. To determine whether data were normally distributed, the Shapiro-Wilk normality test was applied. Parametric data were analyzed using unpaired, one-tailed t-tests with Welch's correction to test for statistical significance. For non-parametric data, an unpaired, one-tailed Mann-Whitney test was utilized to test for statistical significance. Statistical significance was taken to be at p < 0.05 (and was also marked with asterisks with * = p < 0.05; ** = p < 0.01). Data are represented as either mean ± standard deviation (parametric data) or as median ± [Q1-Q3] (non-parametric data).
    35. 460
    36. 217
    37. 100
    38. 31
    39. 415
    40. 289
    41. 228
    42. 185
    43. 2686282
    44. 88644
    45. 52934
    46. 21026
    47. 20 controls and 40 Long COVID patients.
    48. 2.2.3. Flow cytometry For data acquisition, we used an Amnis® FlowSight® Imaging Flow Cytometer from Luminex. Imaging flow cytometry combines the advantages of microscopy's single-cell image acquisition with the high-event-rate capacity, quantification, and statistical reliability of traditional flow cytometry. For acquisition, a template was created where the 405 nm and 488 nm lasers were turned on and a gate was established to collect all ThT positive (ThT +) events by using a negative control (water and ThT), a second negative control (PPP without ThT), and a standard PPP control as reference (see supplementary material). To reduce background noise and file size, we only collected events within the ThT-positive gate for analysis. The brightfield images were viewed in Channel 1 and ThT-positive events were viewed in Channel 7 using the 405 laser. All samples were acquired using the same acquisition template for 5 min each. Given that the number of microclots per mL ranged from 21,000–52,000 (Table 2) per sample, this typically involved the detection of 400–3000 microclots per sample. The time required for IDEAS to analyse a sample using the analysis template was approximately 2 min, which could vary based on the number of events in the sample. Overall, the total time required to process a single sample from acquisition to analysis was approximately 7 min.
    49. 2.2.2. Blood sample collection and sample preparation Either a qualified phlebotomist or a medical practitioner drew blood samples. To obtain PPP, whole blood (WB) from sodium citrate tubes was centrifuged at 3000×g for 15 min at room temperature, and the supernatant PPP samples were collected in 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes and stored at −80 °C. On the day of analysis, the stored PPP was brought to room temperature and exposed to thioflavin T (ThT), a fluorescent dye that binds to amyloid protein, at a final concentration of 0.03 mM (obtained from Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). The exposure lasted 30 min, during which time the plasma was protected from light
    50. evidence that supports the use of imaging flow cytometry
    51. we used an imaging flow cytometer, the results indicate that these signals will be readily detectable on a non-imaging instrument.
    52. flow cytometric methods are widely available, and since the 1980s have been capable of detecting micron-sized objects [
    53. fluorescence microscopy can identify microclots and platelet hyperactivation
    54. We also previously confirmed entrapped inflammatory molecules within these samples using proteomics analysis
    55. Previously
    56. flow cytometric method for detecting fibrin(ogen) amyloid microclots using long COVID
    57. we provided fluorescence microscopic evidence that there is a significant insoluble fibrin amyloid microclot load along with platelet hyperactivation in both acute and Long COVID

      The ORPC calls this pdf the "ORPC-Handbook.pdf"


    1. The mental and physical health of all individuals involved

      you have no faithful idea what my health is. knew assessment reports credibility was in question, never got to hear my concerns which you knew i had

    2. The interaction and interrelationship of the child with his or her parents, his or her siblings, and any other person who may significantly affect the child's best interests

      deprived of this information

    3. wishes of the child's parents as to parenting time

      you were deprived of this; you also knew I had huge medical concerns from the qrtp hearing and knew the independent assessment had not been carried out and huge red flags existed

    1. Rule 38 - Right to Trial by Jury(a) Exercise of Right. Upon the filing of a demand and the simultaneous payment of the requisite jury fee by any party in actions wherein a trial by jury is provided by constitution or by statute, including actions for the recovery of specific real or personal property, with or without damages, or for money claimed as due on contract, or as damages for breach of contract, or for injuries to person or property, all issues of fact shall be tried by a jury. The jury fee is not refundable; however, a demanding party may waive that party's demand for trial by jury pursuant to section (e) of this rule.

      Fuck you haley...gonna have your fucking license

      "Upon filing of a demand by any party wherein a trial by jury is provided by statute, all issues of fact shall be tried by a jury"

      AND THIS STATEMENT FROM THE COLORADO JUDICIAL BRANCH (And mag. McLean heard from my mouth I wanted a trial): What is the court process in dependency and neglect cases? A dependency and neglect case begins with the filing of a petition by the county attorney or, in Denver, the city attorney. Parents who are listed in the D&N petition are referred to as “respondents.” You are required to appear in court and at that time, you may deny the allegations against you and demand that the case then be heard at trial by a jury of six people, by a judge, or by a juvenile magistrate. https://www.courts.state.co.us/userfiles/File/Media/Brochures/d&nweb.pdf

      See: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcasetext.com%2Fstatute%2Fcolorado-revised-statutes%2Ftitle-19-childrens-code%2Farticle-3-dependency-and-neglect%2Fpart-2-general-provisions%2Fsection-19-3-202-effective-until-112024-right-to-counsel-and-jury-trial&group=world

    1. II. Legal Standards Under C.R.C.P. 56.Summary judgment “shall be rendered forthwith, if the pleadings, depositions, answers tointerrogatories, and admissions on file, together with the affidavits, if any, show that there is nogenuine issue as to any material fact and the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter oflaw.” C.R.C.P. Rule 56(c). A material fact is one whose resolution will affect the outcome ofthe case. Peterson v. Halsted, 829 P.2d 373, 375 (Colo. 1992). “A genuine issue of material factcannot be established simply by allegations in pleadings or argument; rather, the opposing partymust set forth specific facts by affidavit or otherwise showing that there is a genuine issue fortrial.” People ex rel A.C., 170 P.3d 844, 846 (Colo. App. 2007). “The purpose of summaryjudgment is to permit the parties to pierce the formal allegations of the pleadings and save thetime and expense connected with trial when, as a matter of law, based on undisputed facts, oneparty could not prevail.” Id. An uncontradicted showing of facts probative of right to judgmentleaves a trial court with no alternative but to conclude that no genuine issues of material factexist. Civil Service Comm’n v. Pinder, 812 P.2d 645, 649 (Colo. 1991); Terrell v. Walter E.Heller & Co., 439 P.2d 989, 991 (Colo. 1968).

      Summary judgment “shall be rendered forthwith, if the pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and admissions on file, together with the affidavits, if any, show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law.” C.R.C.P. Rule 56(c). A material fact is one whose resolution will affect the outcome of the case. Peterson v. Halsted, 829 P.2d 373, 375 (Colo. 1992). “A genuine issue of material fact cannot be established simply by allegations in pleadings or argument; rather, the opposing party must set forth specific facts by affidavit or otherwise showing that there is a genuine issue for trial.” People ex rel A.C., 170 P.3d 844, 846 (Colo. App. 2007). “The purpose of summary judgment is to permit the parties to pierce the formal allegations of the pleadings and save the time and expense connected with trial when, as a matter of law, based on undisputed facts, one party could not prevail.” Id. An uncontradicted showing of facts probative of right to judgment leaves a trial court with no alternative but to conclude that no genuine issues of material fact exist. Civil Service Comm’n v. Pinder, 812 P.2d 645, 649 (Colo. 1991); Terrell v. Walter E. Heller & Co., 439 P.2d 989, 991 (Colo. 1968)

    1. (d) If it appears from the evidence that the child may have a mental health disorder

      Section 27-65-102 - Definitions (22) "Mental health disorder" includes one or more substantial disorders of the cognitive, volitional, or emotional processes that grossly impairs judgment or capacity to recognize reality or to control behavior. An intellectual or developmental disability is insufficient to either justify or exclude a finding of a mental health disorder pursuant to the provisions of this article 65.

      Section 19-3-506 - [Effective Until 7/1/2024] Child with a mental health disorder or an intellectual and developmental disability - procedure√

      (b) If it appears from the evidence presented at an adjudicatory hearing or otherwise that a child may have a mental health disorder, as defined in section 27-65-102,

      the court shall order a prescreening to determine whether the child requires further evaluation. The prescreening must be conducted as expeditiously as possible, and a prescreening report must be provided to the court within twenty-four hours

      c) If the mental health professional finds, based upon a prescreening done pursuant to this section or section 19-3-403 (4), that the child may have a mental health disorder, as defined in section 27-65-102, the court shall review the prescreening report within twenty-four hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, and order the child placed for an evaluation at a facility designated by the commissioner of the behavioral health administration

      (d) An evaluation conducted pursuant to this subsection (1) must be completed within seventy-two hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. A county jail or a detention facility, as described in article 2.5 of this title 19, is not considered a suitable facility for evaluation,

    1. he hearing should be held with-in 60-90days of the date of service of the petitio
    2. demand that the case then be heard at trial by a jury of six people, by a judge, or by ajuvenile magistrate

      A dependency and neglect case begins with the filing of a petition... demand that the case then be heard at trial by a jury of six people, by a judge, or by ajuvenile magistrate

    3. Dependency&Neglect

      Dependency & Neglect, Excellence in Customer Service, Colorado Judicial Branch, http://www.courts.state.co.usMarch 2001

    1. SFAs have been shown to act as ligands for toll-like receptors (TLRs), which are usually reserved for pathogen recognition and thereby promote pro-inflammatory gene expression in BV2 and primary mouse microglia

      SFA -saturated fatty acid

    1. when there is such variation in the connection in which the words are used as reasonably to warrant the conclusion that they were employed in different parts of the act with different intent."95 Context and statutory history can override the presumption.
  2. www.law.cornell.edu www.law.cornell.edu
    1. A motion can be written or spoken, as the relevant rules require.

      My statement in court to McLean I wanted a trial was a clear motion

    1. Summary Judgment

      ABA: Motion for Summary Judgment (sometimes called motion for summary disposition). This motion asks the court for a judgment on the merits of the case before the trial. It is properly made where there is no dispute about the facts and only a question of law needs to be decided.

      The was A HUGE DISPUTE of the facts. Not only the facts presented, but also the omission, AND ALSO THAT I NEVER HAD 1 CHANCE TO SPEAK AND STATE ANNNY FACTS! And, as federal civil procedure rules state, summary judgement can only occur after the close of Discovery...we NEVER HAD DISCOVERY

    2. motion for summary judgment shall be filed no later than 91 days (13 weeks) prior to tria

      The motion was filed 45 days prior to trial. ...I mean, beyond Haley being criminally fucking useless, when does the judge become accountable for not letting illegal shit happen in her case???? Regardless of what the attorneys do; isn't she the "trier of law" and "trier of facts"? I mean, what the fuck??

    1. prima facie evidence that such child is neglected or dependent,

      Preponderance of evidence and prima facie evidence based rulings are not "proof" or "conviction"

    2. on the motion of any interested party

      Haley's so fucking incompetent, even after my pounding into her the petition was false, omitting tons of evidence, and misleading...does again not know d and n law nor basic legal representation mechanisms to volunteer or advise on submitting a motion to amend petition not even use this as satisfactory argument responding to summary judgement request. Her degree of incompetence and neglect in a licensed and sworn position whose sole charge is to prevent the unlawful abuse and destruction of families via competent legal representation, necessitates criminal charges.

    3. but in no instance shall such hearing be held later than ninety days

      Method for defense, hold accountable, stop unlawful abuse? - sue for damages for loss and harm - writ of mandamus (oblivious to Haley) - when does not following law that results in withholding of a child go from civil damages to criminal kidnapping or custodial interference (and other offenses). Kate, FPS, and court was heedless' of lawfulness, enticed', with intent to conceal', and did not have reasonable' belief or attempt reasonable efforts' as expected of a reasonable peer to aquire reasonable belief' she was in harm. Clarity: the child's own instigation' was result of enticement' CRS TITLE 18 https://victimtohero.com/interfering-with-custody-is-not-just-a-civil-matter-it-is-a-crime/

  3. Oct 2023
    1. Requirements The health center must operate in a manner such that no patient shall be denied service due to an individual’s inability to pay.1
    2. discounts are adjusted on the basis of the patient's ability to pay.
    1. Early recognition is typically an important factor in delivering effective therapy.
    2. in the vast majority of these conditions defined by and/or accompanied by microvascular thrombosis, the diagnosis is typically made clinically and sometimes confirmed histologically if possible.
    3. The resolution of a computed tomography angiogram or magnetic resonance angiogram typically does not provide information about the structure of these microscopic vessels. Even a conventional angiogram of the brain does not resolve vessels smaller than 500 µm
    4. correctly identifying that there is an issue in that physiologic compartment.
    5. Clinical overview of microvascular thrombosis
    6. Imaging of the microvasculature
    7. key obstacle
    1. Neutrophils play a major role in tissue damage incurred during IRI. Activated neutrophils are a major source of ROS,
    2. An anti IL-8 antibody prevented pulmonary neutrophil infiltration and tissue injury in a rabbit model of lung IR
    3. The introduction of humanised antibodies including etanercept and infliximab, has provided encouraging results in the treatment of other TNF-α-mediated inflammatory diseases, including a number of forms of arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease (reviewed in18)
    4. Hypoxia and IRI both induce the expression of numerous cytokines, including tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF- α,) interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-8 (IL-8) and platelet activating factor (PAF), in association with elevations in activity of the transcription factor, NF-kB (reviewed in 16) these cytokines are released systemically and are thus important in the development of systemic inflammatory response syndrome and ultimately multi-system organ failure.
    5. Endothelin-1 inhibitors, including bosentan and tezosentan, inhibit neutrophil infiltration, increase functional capillary density, microvascular perfusion and hence tissue viability and function Following IR
    6. systemic distortion of NO kinetics by administering NOS inhibitors would be likely to induce wide-ranging physiological disturbances.
    7. inhibition of NOS activity using a non-specific NOS inhibitor greatly reduced the severity of muscle damage
    8. considerable evidence for a principal role for nitric oxide in the aetiology of IRI. Myocardial IRI has been well studied, with paradoxical results, where low doses of no were found to be protective and high doses harmful. The influence of NO in skeletal muscle IRI has been less well characterized, with some studies suggesting that NO may potentiate cytotoxicity and others suggesting a beneficial role for NO in extremity IR
    9. The reduction in ENOS levels that occurs in IRI may therefore predispose to vasoconstriction, a common response seen in IRI
    10. activated neutrophils, leads to further pulmonary neutrophil accumulation.
    11. The lung produces leukotrienes following remote IRI. The direct effects of leukotrienes on pulmonary micro vessels lead to increased permeability, transient pulmonary hypertension and the activation of the endothelium to produce thromboxane, resulting in additional vaso-constriction.
    12. leukotrienes C4, D4, and E4 modify the endothelial cytoskeleton, leading to increased vascular permeability and also enhance smooth muscle contraction, resulting in vasoconstriction
    13. Leukotrienes
    14. administration of thromboxane A2 antagonists may offer therapeutic potential
    15. thromboxane synthase inhibitors and synthetic thromboxane A2 receptor antagonists prevented pulmonary leukosequestration, thereby increasing blood flow to reperfused tissues and preserving tissue viability and function
    16. rapid rise in pulmonary artery pressure and a subsequent increase in pulmonary microvascular permeability
    17. promoting vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation
    18. thromboxane A2
    19. demonstrated better post-operative myocardial oxygen consumption after coronary artery bypass surgery8 and improved muscle blood flow following skeletal muscle IRI.9
    20. administration of prostacyclin was shown to improve postoperative graft function.
    21. Prostaglandins, synthesised from arachidonic acid via the cyclo-oxygenase pathway, have a protective vasodilatory effect in IRI. However, since prostaglandins are short-lived molecules, their rapid depletion subsequently leads to uninhibited vasoconstriction, reduced local blood flow and exacerbation of ischaemia
    22. ROS initiate lipid peroxidation of cellular membranes, releasing arachidonic acid, the main substrate for the production of prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes
    23. A systematic review6 provided evidence that allopurinol was effective in some studies in reducing the severity of post-operative cardiac dysfunction and arrhythmias after coronary artery bypass grafting,
    24. administration of allopurinol prior to ischaemia, reduces the production of superoxide and hence reduces the severity of reperfusion injury
    25. superoxide in inducing damage to distant organs during skeletal muscle reperfusion injury
    26. During IRI, ROS also activate endothelial cells, elevating the activity of the transcription factor, NF-κB. Once activated, the endothelial cell produces E-selectin, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), endothelial-leukocyte adhesion molecule (EMLMl Am -1) plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAi-1), tissue factor and interleukin-8 (il-8). These adhesion molecules contribute to important interactions between the neutrophil and the endothelium and will be discussed in more detail later.
    27. The major consequence of hydroxyl radical production is peroxidation of the lipid structures of cell membranes resulting in the production and systemic release of proinflammatory eicosanoids, disruption of cell permeability and ultimately cell death
    28. Once the ischaemic tissue is reperfused, an influx of molecular oxygen catalyses xanthine oxidase to degrade hypoxanthine to uric acid and thereby liberating the highly reactive superoxide anion (O2-) (Figure 18.2, lower panel).
    29. COX-2 may promote the inflammatory response through the rapid and exaggerated production of nitric oxide and prostaglandins, contributing to organ damage.4
    30. Hypoxia itself also activates a number of genes, particularly transcription factors, including activating protein-1 (AP-1), hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) and nuclear factor-kappab (NF-kb). HIF-1 then activates transcription of other genes such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), erythropoietin and glucose transporter-1, which all play an important role in the cells’ adaptive responses to hypoxia (reviewed in3)
    31. repressed genes were largely involved in energy production, including mitochondrial respiration and fatty acid oxidation
    32. activated genes were largely clustered into cytokine genes and mediators of inflammation and immune cell infiltration
    33. found that expression of 962 genes was induced and 327 genes were repressed.
    34. multi-factorial process resulting in extensive tissue destruction
    35. IRI occurs in a wide range of organs including the heart, lung, kidney, gut, skeletal muscle and brain and may involve not only the ischaemic organ itself but may also induce systemic damage to distant organs, potentially leading to multi-system organ failure
    1. Serum creatine phosphokinase (CK) levels >4000 U/L, chloride (Cl) levels >104 mg/dL, and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels <10 mg/dL were found to have 100% association with the diagnosis of acute compartment syndrome in hospitalized trauma patients
    2. Serum creatinine kinase (CK) levels >4000 U/L, chloride (Cl) levels >104 mg/dL, and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels <10 mg/dL were found to have 100% association with the diagnosis of acute compartment syndrome.
    3. Previous studies show that physicians have a low sensitivity for detecting elevated compartment pressures when relying on physical examination findings alone
    1. public assistance for needy individuals and families who are residents of the state and whose income and property are insufficient to meet the costs of necessary maintenance and services as determined by the state department and to assist such individuals and families to attain or retain their capabilities for independence, self-care, and self-support, as contemplated by article XXIV of the state constitution and the provisions of the social security act and the food stamp act. The state of Colorado and its various departments, agencies, and political subdivisions are authorized to promote and achieve these ends by any appropriate lawful means through cooperation with and utilization of available resources of the federal government and private individuals and organizations.
    1. (12) "Individual responsibility contract" or "IRC" means the contract entered into by the participant and the county department pursuant to section 26-2-708.
    2. (15) "Participant" means an individual who receives any assistance or who participates in a specific component of the Colorado works program.
    1. 2. A client shall be given notice of any action by the county department, or any person or agency acting on its behalf, which adversely affects the client's eligibility for, or right to grant payments authorized under the Colorado Works program. Failure to give notice of an adverse action shall be grounds for setting aside the action on appeal. The notice must meet the following standards:

      Argue that: not providing notice of request for verification is "failure to provide notice"

    2. 3. Failure of the client to request a county conference within ninety (90) calendar days from the date timely notice of the proposed action was mailed, absent the client requesting a postponement within that same ninety (90) days, shall constitute abandonment of the right to a conference. The client does not lose the right to appeal directly to the OAC pursuant to section 3.609.7.
    3. Present new information or documentation to support reversal or modification of the proposed adverse action.


    4. confidential informants, privileged communications between the county department and its attorney,

      This is only CIs and Privileged Communications. If I don't have the names, then I didn't get the owed "contents"

    5. A. The county department, prior to taking action to deny, terminate, recover, initiate vendor payments, or modify financial assistance provided under the Colorado Works program to a client, shall,


    6. C. Clients shall receive written timely notice, giving at least eleven (11) calendar days advance notice before any adverse action taken during the certification period, becomes effective, except as specified in section 3.609.7.C

      Not sure what 3.609.7x.C is about. There is nothing meaningful I can see regarding giving timely notice.

    7. A. Each client of Colorado Works shall receive prior written notice of any agency action affecting his or her eligibility for or receipt of grant payments.
    1. "Verified upon receipt" means information that is provided directly from the primary source and is not questionable and no additional verification is required.
    2. "Adverse action" means a county action to reduce grant payments or to deny an application. A reduction may be the result of a sanction, a demonstrable evidence closure, or ineligibility based on income or household changes.

      was not given notice continued benefits would end at recert neither initially or terminally. In fact notice said would continue indefinitely until completion of appeal.

  4. Sep 2023
    1. Not be receiving financial assistance from other financial assistance programs administered by the state of Colorado;

      This obviously has to intend on meaning programs that are wholly designed, owned, controlled, executed, and funded by the state. Ex. SNAP is administered by the stat, in fact even declared by definition and not paid to do so. However, A.N.D. is I believe fully a state program (but I'd check the funding on that).

    1. substantial limiting factor in permitting them

      Note: The word "TEST", or "INCOME and ASSET TEST/REQUIREMENT/CRITERIA" are not terms used in this statue to define who is eligible to participate in SNAP. ...

    2. no State agency shall impose any other standards of eligibility as a condition for participating in the program.

      Neither State statute, nor state agency administrative rule shall not impose any additional standard for participation (i.e. eligibility criteria)

    3. shall be
    4. Eligible households
    5. other financial resources

      Which is TANF

    6. incomes

      Which is none

    7. except
    8. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter

      [in spite of and not to be controlled by] any other l [statutory rules] of this chapter [of which "definition: household" is included See: statutory construction, SCOTUS, "20190611092122150_00000055.pdf" and Georgetown Law "A-Guide-to-Reading-Interpreting-and-Applying-Statutes-1.pdf"

    1. parents and their children 21 years of age or younger who live together

      Is not listed as an exception to categorical eligibility, and, therefore, is included in "all other provisions of this chapter" and is, therefore, overruled by categorical eligibility (as "households" are eligible "notwithstanding" all "other provisions of this chapter" except those exceptions listed, as m(4) of this definition of "household" was). If Congress wanted to mandate household categorical eligibility was bound by the requirement of parent and child living within the same 4 walls, then m(2) would have been included as m(4) was (see SCOTUS statutory construction)

    2. (2)
    3. individual or group of individuals constitute a household if they reside in an institution or boarding house,

      A listed overruling exception to categorical eligibility

    4. (m) (1) “Household” means—
    1. No later than October 1, 2010, the state department shall create a program or policy that, in compliance with federal law, establishes broad-based categorical eligibility for federal food assistance benefits pursuant to the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
    1. provide phased-in services aimed at reunifying families where a child has been placed out of the home, where appropriate, by tapping into other available federal funds or through moneys realized from cost avoidance in prevention of placement;

      Reunify Other federal programs (SNAP+ CAT EL)

    2. Out-of-home placement is often the most expensive and disruptive method of providing services to troubled families

      You are perpetuating the most disruptive service. And the most expensive.

    3. The general assembly finds and declares that: (a) Maintaining a family structure to the greatest degree possible is one of the fundamental goals that all state agencies must observe
    1. Upon application made to any court of competent jurisdiction by a party to any agency proceeding or by a person adversely affected by agency action and a showing to the court that there has been undue delay in connection with such proceeding or action, the court may direct the agency to decide the matter promptly.
    2. Every agency shall proceed with reasonable dispatch to conclude any matter presented to it with due regard for the convenience of the parties or their representatives, giving precedence to rehearing proceedings after remand by court order
    1. respondent, the guardian ad litem for the child, or a child who is twelve years of age or older may demand a trial by jury of six persons at the adjudicatory hearing pursuant to section 19-3-505 , or the court, on its own motion, may order such a jury to try any case at the adjudicatory hearing pursuant to section 19-3-505 .

      TRIAL BY JURY MANDATED....HALEY....YOU FUCKING SHAMEFUL INEXCUSABLE IMPOSTER OF AN ATTORNEY. Shaun, do you know about this? Does an appeal attorney for ORPC know the D&N law of which he'll be making appeals?

      See: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcasetext.com%2Frule%2Fcolorado-court-rules%2Fcolorado-rules-of-civil-procedure%2Fchapter-5-trials%2Frule-38-right-to-trial-by-jury&group=world

    2. the court shall advise the respondent of the minimum and maximum time frames for the dependency and neglect process, including the minimum and maximum time frames for adjudication, disposition, and termination of parental rights for

      I don't remember her doing this. She sure as fuck didn't execute it.

    1. will permit low-income households to obtain a more nutritious diet through normal channels of trade by increasing food purchasing power for all eligible households who apply for participation

      households who apply for participation

    2. Congress further finds that increased utilization of food in establishing and maintaining adequate national levels of nutrition will promote the distribution in a beneficial manner of the Nation's agricultural abundance and will strengthen the Nation's agricultural economy, as well as result in more orderly marketing and distribution of foods
    3. shall be eligible to participate in the supplemental nutrition assistance program. Assistance under this program shall be furnished to all eligible households who make application for such participation.


    4. households in which each member receives benefits under a State program funded under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.),


    5. Notwithstanding any other provisions


    1. (3) If a participant does not agree with or fails to participate in a program or service identified in the IRC, the participant shall continue to receive the basic cash assistance grant that the participant received at the time the appeal is requested during the pendency of any appeal process.

      This overrules the newer CCR that attempts (maybe, it's confusing wording) to stop continued benefits at the end of the current certification period which would be ridiculous and have no sound logic

    1. exercises responsibility

      C.R.S. § 19-1-103

      (119) “Residual parental rights and responsibilities” means those rights and responsibilities remaining with the parent after legal custody, guardianship of the person, or both, have been vested in another person, agency, or institution, including but not limited to the responsibility for support, the right to consent to adoption, the right to reasonable parenting time unless restricted by the court, and the right to determine the child’s religious affiliation.

      (120) “Responsible person”, as used in part 3 of article 3 of this title 19, means a child’s parent, legal guardian, or custodian or any other person responsible for the child’s health and welfare.

      (139) “Termination of the parent-child legal relationship”, as used in articles 3 and 5 of this title 19, means the permanent elimination by court order of all parental rights and duties, including residual parental rights and responsibilities, as provided in section 19-3-608.

    2. (II) Legal custody is held by an agency that does not have physical possession of the child; or

      1) "custody" has long been abolished in CO. The term as it was used is unusably vague legally. It's replaced by Allocation of Parental Responsibilities which is made up of 1)physically living with providing day to day in-person care, and 2) a set of "decion-making" jurisdictions, one of which is "legal decision-making".

      2) the statute states "physical possession" not "physical custody", which, as stated above, not a recognized legal contruct in CO and non-sensically vague. "physical possession" is less ambiguous and obvious to mean day to day physical in-person control

    3. of the following occurs:


    4. or the care of the child


    5. as long as the parent


    6. who lives in the home
