81 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2020
    1. We can adapt to anything, it seems—you can get your dream job, marry a wonderful human, finally get 1 million dollars or Twitter followers—eventually we acclimate and find new things to complain about.

      I like how they used the hyphen symbol for this. When can we use it?

    1. The everyday tasks—making my mom breakfast, preparing her daily medications, helping her get dressed—gave me purpose. Duty and love were intertwined.

      she had a purpose in life, which in turn brought her happiness in her life.

    2. what I really question is whether she would have been in such pain had she received the social support and validation that she needed.

      The basic needs most people want.

    3. Relief washed over their face. “Well, at least she is no longer suffering, and you’re free to live your own life,” they said.

      People feel older people are a burden, but most people do it because they love that person.

    1. was over a decade old and had since been replaced by a more comprehensive set of guidelines for health care emergencies.

      a decade old, just shows how the hospital viewed older people.

    1. We can gently protest when even beloved friends and family succumb to stereotypical thinking.

      I think most people are taught this way, through family.

    2. So this is no joke. Yet “there’s a lot of social acceptance of ageism,” Dr. Levy noted, pointing to television, social media and everyday interactions. Although studies have found that children as young as three or four already hold ageist ideas, now “we have research showing that we can overcome it.”

      Media is still trying to control the view of older people

    3. A program in which undergraduate psychology students corresponded with older adults by email, developing deepening relationships over six weeks. A gardening project that brought fourth-graders to a Tennessee senior center twice weekly for a month.A four-session program in an Australian high school, incorporating discussions, games and role-playing about aging and adult development.

      These exercises are aimed to help younger people view older people in a positive way. To make their own opinions instead of following others ideas.

    4. ageism often takes: pervasive employment discrimination, biased health care, media caricatures or invisibility. When internalized by older adults themselves, ageist views can lead to poorer mental and physical health.

      Examples and consequences of ageism

    1. The baldest forms of ageism include addressing older people in “elderspeak”—high, loud tones and a simplified vocabulary—and tarring them with nouns like “coot” and “geezer” or adjectives like “decrepit.”

      This is why some older people are rude and mean to the younger generation. because they have been hurt and called names.

    2. A recent A.A.R.P. study revealed that sixty-four per cent of Americans between forty-five and sixty had seen or experienced age discrimination at work

      At 45!? I feel like that is still young.

    3. The median age at tech titans such as Facebook and Google is under thirty; the standard job requirements in the Valley—which discourage a “stale degree” and demand a “digital native” who’s a “culture fit”—sift for youth.

      another example of ageism

    4. With the advent of the cloud and off-the-shelf A.P.I.s—the building blocks of sites and apps—all you really need to launch a startup is a bold idea

      I believe this goes with anything in life you want to do.

    5. who nickname him Grandpa Buzz


    6. In “The Young Philadelphians” (1959), for instance, Newman played Tony Lawrence, whose mother, over his cradle, gloats, “Someday, he’ll take the place in this city that belongs to him.”

      I think this is a great example of citing a source

    1. They are a source of generational knowledge and wisdom, they contribute to the workforce in increasing numbers, they volunteer and they are key to the strength of our economies and our families

      No matter what, older people contribute to our society. Soon you and I will be older people. Think about that.

    2. There are myriad examples of younger people supporting older adults during their isolation: dropping off groceries, looking after their garden and working to keep them socially connected.

      doing little things for someone goes a long way.

    3. This may lead people to believe that an older person’s life may be less valuable than that of someone younger

      who's to say that we get to choose who gets to live and not?

    4. Older adults are ‘sitting ducks’, vulnerable and helpless against COVID-19. High mortality rates amongst older adults are considered an ‘inevitable’ and ‘normal’ outcome of this pandemic.Healthy younger adults may perceive themselves as invulnerable to COVID-19 and, as a result, may not realise the importance of following public health advice and policies on infection prevention. Videos of university-age students engaging in mass gatherings for Spring Break in Miami, FL [12] or St Patrick’s Day in Kingston, ON [13], despite calls from public health officials to engage in social distancing, highlight this misperception.

      another sign of how it affects everyone.

    5. Ultimately, COVID-19 is not a disease of older adults, and it effects will be felt by everyone. We all must do our part to curtail its spread.

      It affects everyone, not just the elderly.

    6. We were slow, and possibly even negligent in preparing a response to COVID-19 that could have reduced the number of victims in LTCs

      No one saw the importance of being prepared, especially for the elderly.

    7. This implies that the death of a young adult merits a life story, while the death of an older adult is too often merely a statistic

      Numbers vs stories

    8. The media has a considerable role in the propagation of ageist stereotypes and negative attitudes towards older adults, particularly in times of crisis when age is not a relevant factor

      Most of the things presented in the media is almost negative.

  2. Jun 2020
    1. Research A research project presents a research question and answers that question through  sources. It is written from the perspective of someone who seeks answers.

      Definition of Research

    2. Report A report relays the results of your research in an organized manner. A report is written from the perspective of someone who already knows the answers.

      Definition of a report

    1. What makes work meaningful is not the kind of work it is, but the sense it gives you that you are earning your success and serving others.

      Definitely agree with this!

    2. But the research is clear that there is a huge genetic component in determining your “set point” for subjective well-being, the baseline you always seem to return to after events sway your mood.

      This can be subjective, I believe there's more to it.

    1. If you feel happy, don’t shy away from it. Remind yourself that you have worked hard enough to achieve this and you truly deserve it.

      you deserve it, you deserve to be where you are and you deserve to be better!

    2. voluntary expressions of joy – like a smile or a few kind words, influence the brain to respond and reflect positive emotions only.

      I can relate to this, for example, when a stranger appreciates you or shows you some gratitude, I get happy. I feel proud, it makes me feel good and the rest of the day is good.

    3. They had to be detailed and more in-depth. Surprisingly, participants could finish writing lengthy gratitude notes in less than five minutes, and reported feelings of contentment after doing so.

      Reading this made me feel grateful for my wife, so I sent her a text telling her how grateful I feel for her.

    4. All we need sometimes is a little push or a reminder of how powerful and vital gratitude exercises are

      Exercise gratitude, it takes practice.

    5. Also, at the neurochemical level, gratitude acts as a catalyst for neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine – the ones that manage our emotions, anxiety, and immediate stress responses.

      Gratitude regulates and correctly manages our responses to different situations and shows us what really matters in life.

    6. gratitude forces us to focus on the positive sides of life.

      look at the positives of life - Gratitude.

    7. By merely acknowledging and appreciating the little things in life, we can rewire the brain to deal with the present circumstances with more awareness and broader perception.

      You begin to realize what matters in life. What the little things are and what the big things are.

    8. Hypothalamic regulation triggered by gratitude helps us get deeper and healthier sleep naturally everyday. A brain filled with gratitude and kindness is more likely to sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed and energetic every morning (Zahn et al., 2009).

      Have trouble sleeping, show gratitude to someone or something and you'll be able to fall asleep faster.

    9. Social psychologists believe it to be entwined with the perception of what we have done for others and what others have done for us

      We all want to be recognized for doing things for others.

    10. By consciously practicing gratitude everyday, we can help these neural pathways to strengthen themselves and ultimately create a permanent grateful and positive nature within ourselves.

      By doing this everyday, it will soon become an everyday thing and can improve our happiness and look on life.

    11. mentioned in one of her publications that gratitude as a ‘natural antidepressant’. The effects of gratitude, when practiced daily can be almost the same as medications.

      Gratitude can be better than medication. Something that everyone can do, is free and has lasting effect.

    12. Grateful workers are more efficient, more productive and more responsible. Expressing gratitude in the workplace is a proactive action toward building interpersonal bonds and trigger feelings of closeness and bonding (Algoe, 2012)

      I agree with this because this is how I feel at my job.

    13. Keeping a gratitude journal causes less stress, improves the quality of sleep, and builds emotional awareness

      We carry a lot in our head, by writing you could lay it all down and clear your head for other things and even sleep. Plus when you actually think about gratitude, you become happy and then you are easier to clear your head and fall asleep.

    14. Holden, in his study, suggested that the roots of many psychopathological conditions like depression, anxiety, and stress are unhappiness.

      I strongly believe in this

    15. “Enjoy the little things. For one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” – Robert Brault

      Love this quote

    16. The benefits of gratitude are endless, and in this article, let us try to explore what gratitude it, discuss its scientific base, and understand how we can use gratitude to be happier in life.

      Could this be the thesis? It explains what the article is going to be about.

    17. as a positive emotional response that we perceive on giving or receiving a benefit from someone

      second definition.

    18. Gratitude, derived from the Latin word ‘gratia’, means gratefulness or thankfulness.

      one definition.

    19. Gratitude is a powerful human emotion. By conveying and receiving simple ‘thank you’ messages, we can truly derive the pleasure that we seek everywhere else.

      This is the main idea of this article. The thesis.

    1. From the evidence of this study, it seems that feeling good is not enough. People need meaning to thrive.

      By just being happy is not enough, we need to have meaning. It not only pushes us to endure more things/situations, but helps our bodies prepare for infections.

    2. Their bodies were not preparing them for the bacterial infections that we get when we are alone or in trouble, but for the viral infections we get when surrounded by a lot of other people.

      people who are more happy, their bodies prepare for viral infections because they are around people more often.

    3. Meaning was defined as an orientation to something bigger than the self.

      Meaning of life is what makes you get up from bed everyday?

    4. "Happiness without meaning characterizes a relatively shallow, self-absorbed or even selfish life, in which things go well, needs and desire are easily satisfied, and difficult or taxing entanglements are avoided," the authors of the study wrote.

      Selfish people

    5. found that happiness is associated with selfish “taking” behavior and that having a sense of meaning in life is associated with selfless “giving” behavior.

      This just shows that we are meant to serve others, to love others, to help others. Another example of what brings happiness to our lives.

    1. The more one forgets himself -- by giving himself to a cause to serve or another person to love -- the more human he is."

      I love this because we are basically dying to ourselves. We have something else that keeps us alive and pushes us to be better and to live.

    2. "If there is meaning in life at all," Frankl wrote, "then there must be meaning in suffering."

      What will you suffer for? What reason makes you live everyday?

    3. Meaning, on the other hand, is enduring. It connects the past to the present to the future.

      What is your meaning? What makes you do what you do everyday?

    4. "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing," Frankl wrote in Man's Search for Meaning, "the last of the human freedoms -- to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."

      When we have the choice to choose our own way, something no one can take.

    1. I wish I had a camera! If in the course of your life you almost never find yourself wanting a camera, forget about it and move on, happily.

      When you spend time thinking about what you need, you realize you don't need those things.

    2. One secret of happiness? People.

      This is important

    3. Matching census data on earnings with data on self-reported happiness from a national survey, Luttmer found that, sure enough, your happiness can depend a great deal on your neighbors’ paychecks.

      Comparing yourself to others in everything only brings you more sadness and further away from happiness.

    4. More money can also lead to more stress.

      More money, more problems.

    5. Yes, you get a thrill at first from shiny new cars and TV screens the size of Picasso’s Guernica. But you soon get used to them, a state of running in place that economists call the “hedonic treadmill” or “hedonic adaptation.”

      That "New toy" feeling goes away and you become so used to having new things. We're always in the chase of what can satisfy us. Rather think practical and what makes sense for you and your family.

    6. You overestimate how much pleasure you’ll get from having more.

      I believe that you have to truly look into yourself on why you need more money, and why aren't you happy right now.

    7. Before you can pursue happiness the right way, you need to recognize what you’ve been doing wrong.

      I believe in this, by using your money for the right things, you will be happier.

    1. Remember that a thesis statement does not summarize an issue but rather dissects it.

      Good tip!

    2. all support in an essay must work together to convey a central point

      good tip for essay writing

    1. Explication tells the reader how the quote or paraphrase supports the thesis of your paper.

      what explication does

    2. Create source bricks, which are essentially chunks of text you place before and after a quotation or a paraphrase. Here is how you do it:

      source bricks, good tip in preparing to write.

    1. When you quote, you use the exact wording from the source When you paraphrase, you put a passage or part of a text in your own words, being careful not to copy the sentence structure of the original source When you summarize, you give a very broad overview of a passage or a text--writing your summary in a 10th of the size of the original text

      quoting written sources

    1. The content of each paragraph in the essay is shaped by purpose, audience, and tone. The four common academic purposes are to summarize, to analyze, to synthesize, and to evaluate. Identifying the audience's demographics, education, prior knowledge, and expectations will affect how and what you write. Devices such as sentence structure, word choice, punctuation, and formal or informal language communicate tone and create a relationship between the writer and his or her audience. Content may consist of examples, statistics, facts, anecdotes, testimonies, and observations. All content must be appropriate and interesting for the audience, purpose and tone.

      good to review when writing essays

    1. to summarize to analyze to synthesize to evaluate

      4 main purposes for academic writing!

    1. jot down ideas in a scratch outline and work from that. Writing your thoughts down may even help you grasp them for the first time.

      good idea!

    1. Purpose: The reason the writer composes the essay. Audience: The individual or group whom the writer intends to address. Tone: The attitude the writer conveys about the essay's subject

      The 3 MAIN elements that shape the content of an essay

    1. More realistic and balanced thinking leads to positive action, which, in turn, tends to bolster confidence, enhance self-esteem and result in greater happiness.

      Writer ends article by saying what we can do and the outcome of doing that.

    2. Rather, you want your child to face the thought, thoroughly examine it and replace it with a more realistic and helpful perspective.

      Great advice here, something I can use in the future and even now.

    3. Here are four key styles of negative self-talk to listen for:

      the four: Catastrophizing, zooming in on the negative, it's not fair, I can't.

    4. The power of thoughts to affect feelings and behavior is a foundational principle of cognitive behavioral therapy, which is the form of therapy that I practice.

      The writer shares a personal connection.

    1. That’s it. That’s the practice. It’s often been said that it’s very simple, but it’s not necessarily easy. The work is to just keep doing it. Results will accrue.

      The writer concludes the article quickly, but simple and concise. It's simple, not easy, keep doing it, results will happen.

    2. But meditation begins and ends in the body. It involves taking the time to pay attention to where we are and what’s going on, and that starts with being aware of our body.

      This is an important piece of information to help getting more information on how to meditate and have mindfulness.

    3. When we think about meditating (with a capital M), we can get hung up on thinking about our thoughts: we’re going to do something about what’s happening in our heads. It’s as if these bodies we have are just inconvenient sacks for our brains to lug around.

      Here the writer talks about one of the negative reasons people don't meditate and tries to convey that it is incorrect.

    4. When we’re mindful, we reduce stress, enhance performance, gain insight and aware ness through observing our own mind, and increase our attention to others’ well-being.

      Adding support about what practicing mindfulness and do for us. The benefits.

    5. If you want to know what mindfulness is, it’s best to try it for a while.

      This is suggesting that mindfulness takes practice.