- Nov 2019
hbr.org hbr.org
Interviewing remains one of those activities which we think we know all about merely because we have been doing it so long; we have been lulled by habit. It seems apparent that a modest effort aimed at an analysis of our interviewing techniques would yield generous returns.
Harvard Review Article regarding "Interviewing Skills".
online-educator.pbworks.com online-educator.pbworks.com
As online learning matures, it is important for both theorists and practitioners to understand how to apply new and emerging educational practices and technologies that foster a sense of community and optimize the online learning environment. To accomplish this goal, it is criti-cal that researchers continue testing instruc-tional-design theories and models in different online contexts and either build upon those theories and models or develop new ones that will provide appropriate and relevant guidance
The article by Martha Snyder aims to inform that effective instructional design theories should be implemented to best engage and impact learners to create a "community". The research paper introduces a model that supports a sense of community; it is three theoretical frameworks: Learning communities, Adult Learning Theory, and Constructivism. The article the progresses to identify and provide examples on the components of the actual model: Design Theory Goal, Design Theory Values, and Design Theory Methods. Many different methods are reviewed that are deemed effective and can be manipulated to influence behavior. For example, establish trust and rapport, maintaining consistency, encouraging public sharing of information, and confirming member expectations are a few effective methods to include within the instructional-design theory to create a sense of "community" in an online learning environment. (Rating: 7/10)
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Motivation is a key element whichfacilitates students to adopt different learning strategies according to high, moderate and low level of motivation. The research aimed to identify the relationship between the levels of motivation in prospective teachers and their learning strategies.
This research article conducted by two researchers aimed to assess the correlation between motivation and learning strategies at the higher education level among teachers. Various information outlined in the article is valuable, such as the various learning strategies commonly adopted by educators and brief descriptions of each. In addition, the concluding findings from the research showcased that high motivation came from different varying learning strategies among the 300 surveyed- reinforcing the idea that all learners learn differently. This informed is useful as various findings and elements highlighted in other research articles state declare that learner’s must identify and adopt learning strategies that work best for them. (Rating: 6/10)
learningforward.org learningforward.org
Those experiences, plus the work of Malcolm Knowles and Margery Ginsberg and research into the role of technology in adult learning, helped me understand that it is essential to provide that same type of engaging learning experience when considering professional development through e-learning.
The journal article by S. Farris provided a comprehensive review of the core components to include in the design of an online learning initiative- based off her experience and data collected from courses implemented earlier in her career. Farris reviewed tools to incorporate into the design such as pre-assessments for learners to determine skill levels and other tools such as troubleshooting technology-based issues. The crucial information provided in the articles was covering core strategies on how to include group collaboration that is typically associated with in-person learning. However, Farris reviewed strategies of incorporating tools, such as discussion board, VoiceThread for discussions, group project, and more. Farris reviewed effective technological tools to leverage to incorporate the group and collaborative dynamic. (Rating: 8/10)
link-springer-com.libproxy.nau.edu link-springer-com.libproxy.nau.edu
The Studio curriculum in the Learning, Design, and Technology (formerly Instructional Technology) program at a large research-extensive university in the southeastern U.S. represents a deliberate application of contemporary theory of how adults learn complex information in ill-structured domains. The Studio curriculum, part of a graduate program leading to a master’s degree, has been implemented since 1998 to prepare professionals to design, develop, evaluate, and manage educational multimedia. Theoretical considerations played a major role in shaping the design of the Studio curriculum. Prominent among these were constructionism, situated cognition/situated learning, and self-directed learning. Important related theoretical constructs included scaffolding and flow theory. This paper describes the Studio learning environment, presents these theoretical concepts, and discusses the application of theory to practice in the training of adults in instructional design and development (IDD).
This peer reviewed research article conducted by two University of Georgia researchers aims to assess the effectiveness of constructionist-centered “The Studio” curriculum within the Learning, Design, and Technology program. The method is used is reviewing design of the curriculum, the learning environment, theoretical concepts, and review of application methods. The research review is helpful in identifying how the constructionist-based, collaborative model is designed and implemented in contrast to the one-course/one-instructor model. In addition, the article outlines the general practices and framework for design under the constructionist learning theory. (Rating: 5/10)
onlinelibrary-wiley-com.libproxy.nau.edu onlinelibrary-wiley-com.libproxy.nau.edu
This article identifies and responds to many of the challenges and issues related to the evaluation of online learning that will likely test evaluators in the years and decades to come
The research review by D. Nord reviews the foundational elements that causes recent challenges with evaluations and potential future challenges that may be encountered. The information presented is valuable because it strives to define specifically what an online learning program is, implementation context, and how these various platforms are being utilized. The information presented is crucial as a general and very broad framework is provided for evaluators as they develop learning initiatives; seeking positive outcomes for their users. (Rating: 5/10)
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Main objective of this research is to explore e-learning system components needs among students of collegesof education (one year Bachelor of Education or B.Ed. degree programme) affiliated by University of Mysore, India. Needs assessment is one of the main investigative tools used by institutions to the identification of actual needs, gaps, and hidden parts in the system and other activities.
This research journal was conducted by a faculty member of the University of Mysore, India. The overall purpose of the paper was to determine if the needs of students varied depending on the following: gender, scholarship, subject matter. Useful information outlined in the article pertained to defining e-learning and its components, review of needs assessment basics, and the findings and outcomes. The information and findings highlighted by Azimi provide reinforcement on the importance of having proper needs assessments to ensure quality learning programs are developed. (Rating: 4/10)
aeasseincludes.assp.org aeasseincludes.assp.org
a training needs assessment is a pro-cess through which a trainer collects and analyzes information, then creates a training plan. This pro-cess determines the need for the training; identifies training needs; and examines the type and scope of resources needed to support training
This article by Tracey Cekada is an excellent resource what defining a "needs assessments", why they are necessary, and how to properly conduct one. I found this helpful because in completing a needs assessment, a facilitator could obtain data before beginning a course as to learner needs and gaps. With the data, it could give early indicators on strategies and resources will be needed to integrate learners and technology together- especially if the learners have technological gaps or are hesitant in using the technology. The article provides a general framework for McClelland's needs assessment model that provides an 11 step process. In closing, the article reviews core effective components of a needs assessment and real-life examples for the reader to observe how it can be applied in real world scenarios. (Rating: 7/10)
www.ncolr.org www.ncolr.org
Due to the time constraintsof intensive online courses, instructional design strategies should be modifiedin order to retain the quality of learning without reducing the quantity of the course content. This paper presents how ablended approach combiningobjectivist and constructivist instructional strategies was used in the designof an intensive summer online course in the context of a support-based online learning environment
The paper by Sue-Jen Chen reviews a research study where a objectivist-constructivist blended approach was applied to an intensive online course at an educational institution. This approach was adopted to ensure that valuable and quality content was not lost for the learners, but still met the time constraints of the course. The article continues by promoting that the instructor should take lead in facilitating the content, but still providing options to the learner that applies to their motivations, interest and it relevant to their past experiences. A "blended approach" framework is presented that consists of four core components: content, people, technology, and goals/learning tasks. The article concludes by providing detailed examples of how each component would look in a real life example by giving details of the study conducted. (Rating: 10/10)
pdfs.semanticscholar.org pdfs.semanticscholar.org
This article, therefore, discusses constructivism learning theory as a paradigm for teaching and learning. Constructivism is a learning theory found in psychology which explains howpeople might acquire k nowledge and learn.
The article by Dr. Steve Bada outlines the constructivism learning theory and the overall benefits to adult learners. The article starts by providing preliminary information about constructivism and how the learning theory is centered around self-directed learning (SDL). In addition, the article reviews how the theory takes into consideration that adults learn best when they incorporate their past experiences to assist in developing new knowledge- the knowledge is constructed from past knowledge; built upon. Two important notions are outlined: learners are construct new knowledge from things they already know and that the learning process is more active than passive. The article then reviews the general benefits, implications, and principals of adopting a constructivism learning theory in the classroom; both for learners and facilitators. (Rating: 9/10)
www.azk12.org www.azk12.org
The TIM is designed to assist schools and districts in evaluating the level of technology integration in classrooms and to provide teachers with models of how technology can be integrated throughout instruction in meaningful ways.
Supported and promoted by the Arizona Department of Education, the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) is a tools to assist educators in integrating technology into the classrooms in meaningful way. This online resources provides additional information on how to leverage the matrix and even provides a short video tutorial. Within each "cell/module", two lesson plans are provided that are designed to facilitate the integration of technology in the classroom. Five main level of integration are outlined: Entry, Adoption, Adaptation, Infusion, and Transformation. (Rating: 4/10)
pdf.sciencedirectassets.com pdf.sciencedirectassets.com
To best developfaculty, the same principles of adult education and teachingadults apply. In a systematic review of faculty developmentinitiatives designed to improve teaching effectiveness in med-ical education, the use of experiential learning, feedback,effective relationships with peers, and diverse educationalmethods were found to be most important in the success ofthese programs
This article; developed over 10 medical professionals, aims to tack the best strategies and initiatives to develop faculty using adult learning strategies. In order to best keep physicians , support staff, and other medical professionals up-to-date with their learning, 5 main strategies are encouraged. First, "Use of Standardized Patients to Teach and Assess Interpersonal Communication Skills" is proposed to instruct and measure clinical skills and performance. Second, "Using Online Quizzes" are suggested because learners can best see where strengths and weakness' are present. Alternatively, instructors are able to better observe where content needs to be tailored to fit the needs of student. Third, is "Using Practice Sessions and VideoClips to Augment Significant Learning in Skills-Building Workshops" as it gives students the opportunity to apply knowledge immediately. Fourth is "Developing Complex Professionalism Skills through Vignettes and Discussion" to develop professionalism through coaching and feedback via the platforms used. Lastly, "A Model for Individualized Learner-Directed Online Learning" is suggested for learners as it give the opportunity for self-directed learning and maintaining a life-long learning commitment to the profession. (Rating: 8/10)
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.govuntitled1
This article considers active military members who participate in online distance learning environments. It examines the role of the instructor/facilitator of these learning experiences and suggests ways in which appropriate policy and practice can be developed that serve the needs of military learners
The article written by David Starr-Glass, who has over 10 years of experience in working with military personnel, provides a comprehensive review and research on how to engagement that group within online learning environments. The article tackles three components: the "personas" and roles that military personnel have (i.e. informal and formal); the typical stereotypes that can be adopted towards the military personnel; and the importance of adopting an andragogical approach in an online format. The article the concludes by reviewing general "rules of engagement" to impact the military learners, such as developing awareness, cultivating empathetic approaches of appreciation, and ensuring inclusiveness and diversity. (Rating: 9/10)
www.pcc.edu www.pcc.edu
your assumptions about learners align nicely with a body of thought known as “adult learning theory,” pioneered mainly by Malcolm Knowles beginning in the 1950s. Knowles led community-based education programs and started to notice that the adults in his classes seemed to learn differently than school-age students
This webpage sponsored by Portland Community College provides a six question "True or False" assessment. After completing, the article states that if you answered True to most of the statements, then the assumptions align with Malcolm's Adult Learning theory. The article reviews in detail on how most adults need to know why they need the information; most learners need to have the ability to incorporate their past experiences in their learning; learners are motivated by different elements and factors; and that all learners are diverse (i.e. ages, learning styles) and efforts should be made to be aware of the difference/similarities. The article concludes by reaffirming that facilitators should be aware of the diversity of the learners using different strategies and make an attempt to become aware of what motivates them. (Rating: 6/10)
lincs.ed.gov lincs.ed.gov
This fact sheet reviews three major theories—andragogy, self-directed learning, and transformational learning—and discusses their implications for practice
The fact sheet provided by TEAL Center reviews three core adult leaning theories, including andragogy, self-directed learning (SDL), and transformational learning. In terms of andragogy, the fact sheet informs that, in contrast to pedaggogy, the learning theory caters to adults by leveraging a set of 5 assumptions. In terms of SDL, this learning theory strives to have learners take the lead in directing their own learning and use their past experience to direct what is important to them. SDL assist user in identifying what goals to accomplish, how to evaluate content, and what to accept and reject. Lastly, transformational learning theory is the learning that the learners have a change of perspective (i.e. about themselves or their environment) after the learning has occurred. (Rating: 10/10)
www.irrodl.org www.irrodl.org
Bohm proposes that everything exists as wholes, rather than as parts, and that everything is connected. Similarly, the quantum perspective of learning proposes that individuals learn in holistic ways as they interact with temporal and in infinitely extending virtual worlds.
The article constructed by three higher education researchers; whose details of background and credentials were not disclosed, aimed to review and define quantum perspective of learning, review seven questions to align the learning theory and instructional design together, and provide examples to showcase how to facilitate the theory. The quantum learning theory has a foundational ideology that learners are connected to all facets of our every world- more of a fluid process and focuses much on the learner’s environment. Core elements that are addressed and reviewed are factors such as: culture, sociality, behavior, cognition, spirituality, and others. The core element outlined throughout the article, but emphasized and highlighted in the Implications, is truly about helping learners to discover the various connections that exist to assist in learning in online environments. (Rating: 5/10)
academic-oup-com.libproxy.nau.edu academic-oup-com.libproxy.nau.edu
Psychology has much to offer to the design of technology—from understanding what people need, to identifying their preferences for design characteristics, and to defining their capabilities and limitations that will influence technology interactions. Our goal in this article is to identify how research in the field of psychology and aging has advanced understanding of technology interactions.
This article strives to explore the psychological science and interactions between older adults and different advance technologies (i.e. digital learning environments, home-based technology systems). The article provides preliminary information on the various capacities as older adults may encounter technology in their every day life and some of the common perceptions. The article then clarifies that the purpose of the research is to identify the source of the age-related differences and variables. The CREATE Model of Aging and Technology is reviewed to provide a framework on how to best design technological systems to ensure older adult compatibility. The article closes by confirming that older adults do have a higher rate and probability of being slower to adapt to advanced technologies, but frustrations can occur with all ages- not just older adults alone. (Rating: 9/10)
guides.library.pdx.edu guides.library.pdx.edu
Culturally responsive teaching can be defined as using cultural knowledge, prior experiences, frames of reference, and performance styles of ethnically diverse students to make learning encounters more relevant and effective for them. It teaches to and through the strengths of these students. Culturally responsive teaching is the behavioral expression of knowledge, beliefs, and values that recognize the importance of racial and cultural diversity in learning
The online content provided by Portland State University provides an in-depth explanation of what culturally responsive and inclusive is and how to incorporate it into the classroom. In the closing of the content, the educational institution highlights the top five essentials for the framework. In addition, the source provides additional references in the bibliography for additional resources regarding the subject matter that can be leveraged for future reference. (Rating: 6/10)
www.ldatschool.ca www.ldatschool.ca
Although we may occasionally distinguish between “instructional technology” and “assistive technology” in this module, it is important to note that technology traditionally considered to be assistive technology can, in many instances, be used to support the learning of all students
This source materials reviews and defines typically what assistive technology is and how it can be leveraged to assist learners. The most significant and insightful information provided in this material is clarifying that assistive technology does not apply to just learners with disabilities. Instead, assistive technologies can assist and support all learners- it is not restrictive. (Rating: 8/10)
tech.ed.gov tech.ed.gov
The Higher Education Supplement to the NETP — a separate, complementary document —builds on the principles described in each of the NETP’s five sections-- learning, teaching, assessment, and infrastructure-- examining them in the context of the higher education eco-system. It examines the role of technology in serving an increasingly diverse and dispersed stu-dent body that is growing and evolving in size and composition and discusses the various ways that technology can enable system- and ecosystem-wide applications of collaborative solutions to systemic issues of access, affordability, and completion.
The document developed by the Office of Educational Technology provides various instructional tips for educators and facilitators in managing different tools for online learning environments. The text also provides example of how the tools can be implemented and provides general case studies of agencies that have implemented. The content outline is useful to know as it provides context on how to implement within the digital classroom. (Rating: 8/10)
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
we will discuss how learner-centered collaborative learning should be designed to improve these models using the example of a global online MBA course at Anaheim University. Using international economics as the subject matter, we will closely examine innovative collaborative learning strategies which are vital in cultivating highly active, engaging and applied learning in global economic classrooms in the 21st century.
At a conference in Santa Barbara; representing University of Los Angeles, Barbara Son delivered a segment on three core strategies to include in e-learning environments; environments with a rich amount of technology. The three main things included tools that were flexible, pedagogical techniques that innovative, and integrated collaborative learning. The three broad strategies covered were referenced in other annotated sources; serving as validation due to re-occurring discussions and findings. The information outlined in this source if highly valuable due to many different examples of tools to be used are provided. (Rating: 7/10)