12 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2023
    1. We would nowadays probablycall the second group ‘constructivist’ or ‘cognitive’ or ‘sociocultural’psychologists, though the committee did not venture to name them as such. Thislatter school (or schools) they took to be associated with psychologists such asthe British Susan Isaacs, the Russian Alexander Luria, the American JeromeBruner, and the Swiss Jean Piaget.
  2. May 2022
    1. Active reading to the extreme!

      What a clever innovation building on the ideas of the art of memory and Raymond Llull's combinatoric arts!

      Does this hit all of the areas of Bloom's Taxonomy? I suspect that it does.

      How could it be tied more directly into an active reading, annotating, and note taking practice?

  3. Nov 2019
    1. Due to the time constraintsof intensive online courses, instructional design strategies should be modifiedin order to retain the quality of learning without reducing the quantity of the course content. This paper presents how ablended approach combiningobjectivist and constructivist instructional strategies was used in the designof an intensive summer online course in the context of a support-based online learning environment

      The paper by Sue-Jen Chen reviews a research study where a objectivist-constructivist blended approach was applied to an intensive online course at an educational institution. This approach was adopted to ensure that valuable and quality content was not lost for the learners, but still met the time constraints of the course. The article continues by promoting that the instructor should take lead in facilitating the content, but still providing options to the learner that applies to their motivations, interest and it relevant to their past experiences. A "blended approach" framework is presented that consists of four core components: content, people, technology, and goals/learning tasks. The article concludes by providing detailed examples of how each component would look in a real life example by giving details of the study conducted. (Rating: 10/10)

  4. Apr 2019
  5. learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. Articulate what they know; 2. reflect on what they have learned; 3. support the internal negotiation of meaning making; 4. construct personal representations of meaning; and 5. support intentional, mindful thinking

      what technology should do in an online course to reach adults

  6. Nov 2018
  7. www.ijbhtnet.com www.ijbhtnet.com
    1. This article highlights how the constructive teaching model can be used to incorporate technology in learning. To do this learning has to be meaningful to the students and should allow for student discourse to compare ideas and modify if necessary. Rating: 4/5

    1. Transformation for adults in an Internet-based learningenvironment—is it necessary to be self-directed?

      REDIRECT to this URL Tranformation for adults

      This study explores transformative learning theory (TLT) for adults in the Internet-base learning environment and questions the need for students to be self-directed. The study also includes the Constructivist Internet-based Learning Environment Scale (CILES). The Self-directed Learning Readiness Scale(SDLRS) as modified by Chang (2006) was used to meet the cultural needs of the participants. In conclusion, the results have a high reliability factor and add quantitative research to previous qualitative studies.<br> Further discussion is suggested regarding the technical and emancipatory learning interests on adult online learners.

      RATING: 8/10

    1. Effects of a Professional Development Initiative onTechnology Innovation in the Elementary School

      This study looked at training teachers in a constructivist modeled approach. They were given specific training on how to build curriculum in a technology rich environment, and compared to educators who were not given the same training. Not only does this article provide evidence of the success of these professional development sessions, but it helps give best practices.

      Content Depth: 5/5

      Content Breadth: 3/5

      Ease of Access: 4/5

    1. This study looks at educators needs and proficiency with education to determine best practices. In particular, it identifies that teachers need, and often welcome, increased training in these areas. It notes that hands-on technological training for both teachers and students is at the crux of any success that will be seen in teacher growth in this field. It then diagrams what best practices in these trainings can look like; focusing primarily on a K-12 environment.

      Content Depth: 5/5

      Content Breadth: 2/5

      Ease of Access: 4/5

  8. content.ebscohost.com content.ebscohost.com
    1. Toward constructivism for adult learners in online learning environments

      This is an article from 2002 that identified the emerging need of online, adult learners. One concept is the use of cognitive learning theory as tools for the online learning environment.<br> Several descriptors identified who the adult online student is, primarily adult working women with full time jobs and a family (often single head of household) who are trying to return to school to improve personal circumstances.

      This article is a invitation to review the learning environment that was devised and determine if it met the needs of students then and what changes need to be implemented for today's students.

      Rating 9/10

  9. Sep 2016
    1. the micro- sociological view is that citations do not exist in uacuo, and that a proper comprehension of the citation phenom- enon and its surface manifestations will only be achieved by moving the critical gaze from the formal communi- cation mechanisms (the superstructure) to the social reality (the infrastructure) which supports the primary communications system.

      Social context of citations. Need to understand the social system

    2. More specifically, Lcopold ( 1973) identified tlw ‘Citation Index game’ as onc of thc stratagems employcd by scientists to incrcasc thcir visibility among thcir pccrs. The ‘Game’ metaphor has usually been invoked to counter the ‘storybook’ idca of science as an idealised, dispassionate and selfless quest after truth and know- ledge, in which personal feelings and motivations are held in check by institutional imperatives.

      Citation "game" as contrasted with "storybook"

  10. Oct 2013
    1. Such a pupil as I would have will easily learn what is taught him and will ask questions about some things, but will still rather follow than run on before. That precocious sort of talent scarcely ever comes to good fruit

      Those who are apt or motivated to discover things (constructivist) on their own stand to be better students (orators?) than those who simply follow and excel in guided instruction.