- Mar 2024
github.com github.com
web interface build
build web interface
migrate to another server first ensure you have sufficient quota on it, then run the migrate command on it.
migrate to another server
mirror all of your data on another server first run the following command (on any instance):
mirror locally
for: peergos
can revoke their following at any time
revoke following
onion routing is integrated
Once onion routing is integrated, there will be no way for an attacker (or us) to deduce the friendship graph (who is friends with who).
for: indy.web.mesh untraceable friendship graph
respond to friend requests with their own friend request to make it bi-directional
respond friend request bi-directional
"following" someone and is a one way protocol.
one way protocol
two random symmetric keys are generated for every file or directory
is that ephemeral encyption for each file and folder?
IPFS itself is not trusted
but self-certifying
Servers are trustless
trustless servers
There is a pki node which ensures unique usernames using a structure similar to certificate transparency. This data is mirrored on every peergos server. A new node contacts any public Peergos server to join the network
unique usernames
servers mirror
The Coming Century of War Against Your Computer | Cory Doctorow
ipfs.indy0.net ipfs.indy0.net
google.search: war means of computation doctorow
www.google.co.uk www.google.co.uk
Aug 28, 2023 — When I was at the United Nations at the World Intellectual Property Organization, I was known as the "scourge" of the simultaneous translation ...
longnow.org longnow.org
Cory Doctorow The Coming Century of War Against Your Computer
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
28c3: The coming war on general computation
for: war computation means
search.brave.com search.brave.com
brave.search: Origin+trial+controlled+feature+not+enabled%3A+%27interest-cohort%27
4 August 2023 - As for The "Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'interest-cohort'." warning is related to Google's FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts) experiment, which is a part of their Privacy Sandbox initiative. This error is not critical and should not cause ...
github.com github.com
Permissions policy header error: Interest cohert not enabled #52356
for - local Peergos server
Permissions policy header error: Interest cohert not enabled
seen this error in peergos log
Brave blocker rendered it unusable
github.com github.com
log in to your account from another Peergos instance
log into your account from another peergos instance
Usage - self hosting
self hosting
peergos self-host self-hosted self-hosting
ipfs.indy0.net ipfs.indy0.net
Video/audio player. Image gallery. Secure PDF viewer. Customizable profiles · Personal website hosting. Why use it? Strong client-side ...
book.peergos.org book.peergos.org
the human readable path in the Peergos global filesystem
Human Readable Path
browser fingerprinting is irrelevant for such websites because no information can be exfiltrated!
private websites
book.peergos.org book.peergos.org
Developing a Peergos App
Select the peergos-app.json file and choose ‘Run App’
Peergos REST API
Peergos Custom Apps
Peergos Apps are a way to extend the Peergos platform to add custom functionality
it cannot make any external requests which could be used to exfilrate data [0].
exfiltrate data with webrt to - "WebRTC can be used for exfiltr…" (github.com)
datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.org
Example messages
``` From: John Doe jdoe@machine.example Sender: Michael Jones mjones@machine.example To: Mary Smith mary@example.net Subject: Saying Hello Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600 Message-ID: 1234@local.machine.example
This is a message just to say hello. So, "Hello". ```
docdrop.org docdrop.org
from: "Video: Lecture: Indy Johar – D…" (www.youtube.com)
His last answer - self-authoring
is indeed spot on.
Lecture: Indy Johar – Designing Our Futures ⏐ Live Stream
the biggest things that we need for crisis is actually our own capacity to 01:11:50 become more self-authoring
for crisis we need - building our capacity for self authoring - self-authoring societies - capacity to author yourself
the biggest things that we need for crisis is actually our own capacity to become more self-authoring -
people like the Nordic secret
from Thomas Borman I think
who talks about vult schools in the scandix and nordics
being a key part of building self-authoring societies and actually
building the capacity to author yourself
is probably the
greatest single contribution
to be able to operate in crisis and
I think that's going to be a key part
www.khanacademy.org www.khanacademy.org
ipfs.indy0.net ipfs.indy0.net
HyperText Transfer Protocol
The Wold Wide Web
ipfs.indy0.net ipfs.indy0.net
google.search: browser protocol
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
npx expose-wsl@latest
do.how access server running under WSL from the local network
Simply use this single line
do.how - access server running on wsl ubuntu
sudo apt install default-jdk
install default-jdk
sudo apt update
step 1
www.google.com www.google.com
Sep 21, 2023 — Simple step-by-step guide on How to Install Java on Ubuntu, and any other Ubuntu-based distribution. Get started with Java today!
community.brave.com community.brave.com
%LOCALAPPDATA%\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Avatars
do.how: Brave change Profile Avatar image
community.brave.com community.brave.com
do.how: change brave profile avatar
dream interpreter about comparative mythology
mythological ideal ideas
and concepts are functional
- Do things
- Act about
- Not label
- not descriptive
functional quality of our object categories
a word was more like a um a piece in a 00:03:43 chess game
3+ - words 🧩 piece in a chess ♟️ game 🎯 - 🏷️ label 🏷️ for an object - Do things with - not just 🧪🧫 label 🏷️ things with
💬 🤔 think with - Concepts not theories 🤔 about objects
Correspondence theory bunk - Action oriented - Motor 🛵 oriented cup - Motor action activated at perception
philosophical investigations
3+ - words 🧩 piece in a chess ♟️ game 🎯 - 🏷️ label 🏷️ for an object - Do things with - 💬 🤔 think with - Concepts not theories 🤔 about objects Action oriented Motor 🛵 oriented cup Motor action activated at perception
ipfs.indy0.net ipfs.indy0.net
Select the peergos-app.json file and choose 'Run App' to launch the app from the current directory. This is only available for launchable apps.
ipfs.indy0.net ipfs.indy0.net
for - 👨🎓-♖ study - Peergos.Custom.App
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Multiple low data rate signals are multiplexed over a single high-data-rate link, then demultiplexed at the other end.
= on - indyplex - inter personal-planetary personal first people centered communication networks
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
network multicasting:
The namespace is only bounded by the max interest packet size of 8kb and the number of possible unique combinations of characters composing names.
namespace bounded
increasing the closeness of mapping between an application's data and its use of the network.
a clear example of integration of concerns
remember multics
multiplexing info-com/mumnic/puta-tion systems
names used for local communications may require only local routing (or local broadcast)
local routing
clandestine currier networks
www.aaronsw.com www.aaronsw.com
electronic cash was pretty much the same as naming,
for - What's in a name - anything is possible if you CAN deem it so
www.malavida.com www.malavida.com
JBED Android
Use Java applications on Android
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
To access the same desktop session, you need a different VNC server. x11vnc can do desktop sharing; in your GNOME environment, Vino is probably the preferable choice (as Ignacio pointed out)
github.com github.com
This can be a backbone for almost any secure peer 2 peer application. I always thought that ipfs on its own is great for sharing public files. But I think its to hard to implement the whole security aspect for every application yourself, thats why peergos is so great. D
backbone fo any p2p application
Selfhosted #785
PR opened here: Peergos/web-ui#485
Self hosting on Unraid
github.com github.com
Add packaging into container image #485
docs.deno.com docs.deno.com
Migrating from Node.js to Deno
migrate from node
Secure by defaultA program run with Deno has no file, network, or environment access unless explicitly enabled.
security by default
Instantly create standalone executables from your Deno program. It even supports cross-compiling for other platforms!
intant executables
Batteries includedThe essential tools you need to build, test, and deploy your applications are all included out of the box.
all essential tools
ipfs.indy0.net ipfs.indy0.netDeno 1.05
Here a complete HTTP server module is added as a dependency in a single line
deno run
Deno is (and always will be) a single executable file. Like a web browser, it knows how to fetch external code.
knows how to fetch external code
executing JavaScript and TypeScript outside of the web browser
executing javascript outside the browser
Deno 1.0
source https://deno.com/blog/v1
the mechanism for linking to external libraries is fundamentally centralized through the NPM repository, which is not inline with the ideals of the web.
With the changing JavaScript language, and new additions like - TypeScript,
building Node projects can become - an arduous endeavor,
involving managing - build systems and other heavy handed tooling
that takes away from the fun of - dynamic language scripting.
Furthermore the mechanism for - linking to external libraries is - fundamentally centralized
through the NPM repository, which is not inline - with the ideals of the web.
aralroca.com aralroca.com
an import system via urls
The main reason that the developers of Deno have given for the use of an import system via urls is
"Furthermore the mechanism for linking to external libraries is fundamentally centralized through the NPM repository, which is not inline with the ideals of the web."
(quoted from the v1 blogpost,
I highly suggest the 15min read if you are struggling to see the point of deno). So essentially they are trying to avoid the whole central-source-of-trust-by-a-company thing that happened out of necessity in Node, because it was so hard to manage packages and are trying to make importing packages as easy as including javascript files in a webpage (This also means you don't have to manually install packages). After all, if you read the blogpost, the ambitions of deno are to be runtime environment like a web browser.
From Node to Deno
ipfs.indy0.net ipfs.indy0.netDeno 1.01
ipfs.indy0.net ipfs.indy0.netDeno 1.01
www.antikvarium.hu www.antikvarium.hu
Huszadik Század 1910. julius-december (fél évfolyam) Társadalomtudományi és szociálpolitikai szemle - XI. évfolyam
catalysing transformative solutions that empower individuals.
empower individuals
Marking the Web’s 35th Birthday: An Open Letter
They wouldn't have called it an operating system back then. Back then it was just seen as this convenient platform for developing software
Small and tinkerable. Based around a bad idea of hierarchical filr system. The original creators were aiming higher boiling the ocean 🌊 filesystem was a quick and dirty way to get off thr ground. Did not have a chance to built something better. 60 years later with rust we cold build Named data networks and that would be a universal Multics Multi player info communication in compute system kernel universal autopoietic info-communication system the one that can grew and keep up with our growing needs and understanding evergreen permanent by design future proof silver bullet
A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Community structure
thenounproject.com thenounproject.com
Weekend calendarThanks!Bence Bezeredy
blog.gitguardian.com blog.gitguardian.com
How to Handle Secrets in Helm
for - Peergos Secret Links
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
However, if you only need to display the Word Document, but don't need to edit it, you can use Google Documents' Viewer via an <iframe> to display a remotely hosted .doc/.docx. <iframe src="https://docs.google.com/gview?url=http://remote.url.tld/path/to/document.doc&embedded=true"></iframe>
doc to html via google
to: jsfiddle
jsfiddle.net jsfiddle.net
The zero configuration build tool for the web. 📦🚀
Converts Word doc to HTML code
doc to html
ibis.wiki ibis.wiki
Announcing Ibis, the federated Wikipedia Alternative
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“In Liberalism and the Challenge of Climate Chang
Locally annotate publicly and only the annotations are shared publicly with the snippets not the entire text
📖✍️- join.ann0te - Shaw Liberalism and the Challenge of Climate Change
view.only 👥📖✍️group.ann0te - CS-LCCC
Join the private<br /> - reading - hypothesis social annotating and - conversations on CryptPad
with this link:
convertio.co convertio.co
File Converter Convert your files to any format
doc to html
Convert Word documents (.docx files) to HTML
bafybeif5qypgldompgrewcwvrvkxy7astgufiq55l6cigdi3bptqtmdb5a.ipfs.localhost:8080 bafybeif5qypgldompgrewcwvrvkxy7astgufiq55l6cigdi3bptqtmdb5a.ipfs.localhost:8080
the advantage of a high-level language isnotational rather than computational.
read this 40 years ago I've been working on exploring ways to create a neew reality inspired by that insight
library.lol library.lol
Anatomy of LISP
libgen.rs libgen.rs
Library Genesis
ipfs.indy0.net ipfs.indy0.net
We may amend these terms at any time.
amend terms at any time
We may in our sole discretion cease operating Peergos at any time.
cease operating at any time
grant us access to the relevant Data
grant access
process personal data
about others save with their consent, or otherwise in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.
use Peergos to breach
use Peergos to breach any policies or regulations applicable to your local or internet connection, or any other network connected to Peergos
Host any Data that you do not have a right to reproduce,
right to reproduce
Passwords cannot be recovered.
passwords are not recoverable
Under no circumstances will Peergos be liable for any reason for the existence or content of any Data on Peergos.
Peergos not liable for content
in receipt of a public sharing link
Peergos (including, if you so authorise, making your Data available to other users in receipt of a public sharing link).
You should keep a local backup of any Data stored using Peergos
need a local running mirror and/or IPFS Desktop or Brave IPFS
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
Secure, decentralized, meaningful, pick two
!- threads :
- New Architectures for the Internet
- Named People's Networks Zooko
book.peergos.org book.peergos.org
Peergos is building the next web - the private web, where end users are in control.
your private online space
"Control your data, control your destiny."
privacy is a fundamental human right
privacy right
Imagine never having to log in to an app ever again.
Never having to log into an app ever!
peergos.org peergos.orgFeatures1
Peergos is built on top of IPFS. You can run Peergos on your own machine and still access your files through any other Peergos server.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
It is the x,y coordinates of the text baseline start position (in the left bottom corner of the first char).
Understanding SVG <text> x-y coordinates and padding
It is the x,y coordinates of the text baseline start position (in the left bottom corner of the first char).
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
The fill-opacity attribute is a presentation attribute defining the opacity of the paint server (color, gradient, pattern, etc.) applied to a shape.
``` <svg viewBox="0 0 400 100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" />
<circle cx="150" cy="50" r="40" fill-opacity="0.7" />
<circle cx="250" cy="50" r="40" fill-opacity="50%" />
<circle cx="350" cy="50" r="40" style="fill-opacity: .25;" /> </svg> ```
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Rainbow Stock Images
“Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain”
ROYGBIV or VIBGYOR Rainbow Color Codes
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Can I change the fill color of an svg path with CSS?
<path style="" fill="#333333"
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
img.src = "data:image/svg+xml;base64,"+btoa(xml);
img.src = "data:image/svg+xml;base64,"+btoa(xml);
www.google.co.uk www.google.co.uk
.google.search - "lazy encyiption"
www.byond.com www.byond.com
This is a lazy encryption system
.for: lazy encyption
in that it's not designed to - securely obscure data,
but rather that it is designed to - prevent people from reading data - without first taking steps to decrypt it.
This makes this system useful for - hiding clues in games,
where people can use a deciphering tool within the game itself if they really want to spoil the answer. Other uses are left to the imagination.
.for: lazy encryption
alternativeto.net alternativeto.net
IPFS is a - global, - versioned, - peer-to-peer - filesystem.
It combines ideas from - Git, - BitTorrent, - Kademlia, - SFS, and the - web.
It is like - a single bittorrent swarm, - exchanging git objects.
IPFS provides - an interface - as simple as the HTTP web,
but with - permanence - built in.
0Spot-On Encryption Suite
Spot-On is Encryption software that securely connects two friends for chat, group chat, email, file sharing and file transfers with magnet links and P2P web search.
.from: "android peergos - Google Searc…" (www.google.co.uk)
Peergos Alternatives
Cloud Storage Services and other similar apps like Peergos
Peergos is a secure and private online space where you can store, share and view your photos, videos, music and documents.
www.google.co.uk www.google.co.uk
Nov 29, 2023 — Our crowd-sourced lists contains more than 10 apps similar to Peergos for Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and more ... Android and Self-Hosted apps ...
self-hosted apps alternatives .to: "Peergos Alternatives: Top 10 C…" (alternativeto.net)
.google.search: android peergoss
.google.search: android+peergos
alternativeto.net alternativeto.net
PeergosPeergos is a secure and private online space where you can store, share and view your photos, videos, music and documents.
peergos.org peergos.org
This allows you to store "deep bookmarks"
deep bookmarks
to things in Peergos which don't reveal anything to someone who get's access you your bookmarks!
book.peergos.org book.peergos.org
All you need is your username and your password
Can do away with that too
It is not tied to any other data like your phone number or email address.
.for - No Account
www.google.co.uk www.google.co.uk
Dec 21, 2023 — Consider a lazy encryption scheme that does not encrypt a message at all:
does not encrypt at all
book.peergos.org book.peergos.org
lazy re-encryption.
.to.do-search - lazy enciption
book.peergos.org book.peergos.orgSocial -3
secret link mechanism for sharing files with people who do not have peergos accounts.
secret link fpr
.for - Indy.Web.Mesh.Net/Hub/One/Dialog/Linminal
sharing files with people who do not have peergos account!
Following can be revoked
following allows sharing between peers
Following is a one-way mechanism
following one way
book.peergos.org book.peergos.org
The web interface can be accessed from a public server over https or from your machine if you run Peergos locally.
same for the IndyWeb
location independence!
You even load it directly from ipfs and log in!
Entirely client side load it from IPFS and log in!
aim to be as convenient to use as existing centralised services,
as convenient and usable as centralised services
book.peergos.org book.peergos.org
Hashes and signatures are all verified client side
client side verification
book.peergos.org book.peergos.org
Because the server only ever sees encrypted data you can also tell it to directly store your data in a standard cloud storage provider like Backblaze or Amazon
.query - or IPFS?
Peergos is fully self hostable
.to.do : must try it out for self osting
book.peergos.org book.peergos.org
no central surveillance point that an attacker could monitor all file transfers
no central suveilance point
Free and Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
entrprise Resource Plannig FOSS
.from: .search: custom app update
erpnext.com erpnext.com
The most agile ERP on the planet ERPNext is the world's best free and open source ERP
Open source ERP
.for - custom app - peergos
discuss.frappe.io discuss.frappe.io
Updating custom app
symbl.cc symbl.cc
Black Chess Rook ♜
emoji.for: peergos
github.com github.com
Powerful rich text editor framework with a modular architecture, modern integrations, and features like collaborative editing
available via Peergos,net
github.com github.com
Make WebRTC usable as a backend for Service Workers to fulfill requests from a peer-to-peer network
github.com github.com
Make WebRTC usable as a backend for Service Workers to fulfill requests from a peer-to-peer network w3c/webrtc-pc#2553)
WebRTC as a backend
Make WebRTC usable as a backend for Service Workers to fulfill requests from a peer-to-peer network w3c/ServiceWorker#1522
pretty much what we do for indyweb
WebRTC can be used for exfiltration w3c/webappsec-csp#92,
This is where we came from
"The fetch event lets us intercept every network request made by the PWA in the service worker's scope, for both same-origin and cross-origin requests"
Publish app to well known location: halo.dxos.org
Using the app, users can:
from: https://hyp.is/9c5qEuHxEe6Ulo-hzKcczg/github.com/w3c/webappsec-csp/issues/92
HALO application
- self-identify
- recover their halo / absorb it from another device
- discover and inspect the network
- join parties (spaces)
- send simple messages to each other once in a space create and collaborate on a list of strings in a space. join HALO across multiple devices (including the CLI)
github.com github.com
a peer-to-peer network is no good if nobody can seed data back after downloading it
p2p seed back data
Make WebRTC usable as a backend for Service Workers to fulfill requests from a peer-to-peer network
Problems define their own solutions
for indy,web.mesh.net.work
sigmaos.com sigmaos.com
Adding a New Search Engine Shortcut
www.google.com www.google.com
SigmaOShttps://sigmaos.com › tips › browsers › how-to-change-...SigmaOShttps://sigmaos.com › tips › browsers › how-to-change-...About featured snipp
.how.to: change search engine in brave
Chrome - set search bar to google.co.uk, not google.com?
zhenyasav mentioned this issue Oct 10, 2022 HALO application dxos/dxos#1630
.to: HALO application
amark mentioned this issue Feb 15, 2022 Add support for WebRTC Data Channel in Workers w3c/webrtc-pc#230
some implementations send media without requiring the other party to have learned the sender's password (the focus of ICE consent is to make sure the other party wants to receive your data, not on whether you want to send it to him).
ICE consent
ensure that the other party wants to receive your data
Oh, and in answer to @martinthomson 's prescient post from 3 years ago, (link above) it would be pretty simple to exfiltrate data over DTMF (which was added in the meanwhile). It would be only slightly harder to do it over G711. So I don't believe this is a data-channel issue. In my view it is an ICE issue - ICE is supposed to be the webRTC consent mechanism. Ice-lite breaks that.
ice-lite braks that
connect-src already supports urls: Content-Security-Policy: connect-src https://example.com/ So it would be trivial to add stun: and/or turn: urls to it, like: Content-Security-Policy: connect-src https://example.com/ stun:stun.services.mozilla.com
connect-src supports urls
More and more sites are (ab)using WebRTC to pull data from remote servers through browsers with no obvious way for users to be informed about such connections to remote servers, and no mean to prevent these connections from happening on a per-site basis. I observe that such use is spreading fast. Example:
pull data from remote servers without users knowledge
WebRTC can be used for exfiltration
from: "Custom Apps -" (book.peergos.org)
github.com github.com
TypeScript implementation of the DXOS protocols, SDK, and toolchain.
github.com github.comDXOS1
DXOS The Decentralized Operating System
Add support for WebRTC Data Channel in Workers #230
www.google.com www.google.com
self.link: google.search - peergos install upgrade custom app
.google.search : peergos+install+upgrade+custom+apps
.pern.an0: peergos install upgrade custom app - Google Search
Aug 2, 2022 — We have an application sandbox to run custom apps. How does it work? An app in Peergos is basically just a folder of HTML5 assets. The
to: "A better web" (peergos.org) let people own their - identity and - data - grant web app access to these
An app in Peergos is basically just a folder of HTML5 assets. The ...
to: "A better web" (peergos.org)
instead of the current
We run a server at https://peergos.net/. There are a limited number of free accounts available. You can upgrade to a paid account to get more storage. Tech
www.google.com www.google.com
.google.search : peergos+install+upgrade+custom+apps
.pern.an0: peergos install upgrade custom app - Google Search
peergos.org peergos.org
A better architecture for users would
let people own their - identity and - data - grant web app access to these
www.google.com www.google.com
www.google.com www.google.com
google.search: peergos install upgrade custom apps
pharo.org pharo.org
The immersive programming experience Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment, focused on simplicity and immediate feedback (think IDE and OS rolled into one).
itnext.io itnext.io
Pharo Smalltalk stores every method in a separate files
Julia REPL
= Beyond REPL