22,718 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2023
    1. trust and scale do not always go hand in hand

      trust that scales

    2. ‘neither a chaotic plurality of disparate projects nor an efficiency-driven, enforced standard is itself desirable’. As they state, ‘mediating between these two will require broad agreement about high-level goals, governance, and funding priorities – and perhaps some agency for integration/mediation’

      efficiency-driven enforced standards

    3. ‘communities of people who care – either as developers, supporters, or as users’

      communities of care

    4. scaling small involves the creation of infrastructures that allow many presses to thrive at multiple scales

      thrive at multiple scales

    5. achieving scale across multiple organisations, with a focus on care, collectivity, and cooperation rather than competition.

      scale across organizations - care - collectivity - cooperation

      rather than - competition

    6. build the scholarly commons

      scholarly commons

      scaling small

    7. Scaling Small; Or How to Envision New Relationalities for Knowledge Production

    1. A Reply to this Pub

    2. Creating resilient publishing infrastructuresA Spotlight on COPIM, the Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs, on organizational adaptation in an ever-shifting publication ecosystem. (One hour with transcript)
    1. Building open infrastructure step-by-step: COPIM's ...PubPubhttps://help.pubpub.org › pubPubPubhttps://help.pubpub.org › pubJun 27, 2023 — using reference management tools such as Zotero in conjunction with PubPub, ... CryptPad-hosted spreadsheet (as PubPub's own implementation of ...

    2. search : cryptpad using anchors

    1. we become more ferocious agents of our own informational resources

      Need to flip the existing paradigm

      A new Reneissance where people are at the center of their owned Universe of Attention

      Man is the measure of everything as far as huMAN beings are concerned, just because they are huMAN beings partaking the with their own part with dignity in the dignity of Being as Meaning



    2. This ethos emphasises that information is not a neutral, boundless resource to be exploited, but rather is morally inextricable from the humans who supply it.


    1. A knowledge graph is a knowledge base that’s made machine readable with the help of logically consistent, linked graphs that together constitute an interrelated group of facts

      That's a narrow definition of KG close to RDF model.

      Freebase's original definition runs like: "Human knowledge organized as a graph" I would consider that concept a "natural kind"

      In my appreciation of pertinent contexts, contrary to claims to the opposite, neither the world, or a KG is "a collection facts" as in the tractatus. what we can share is always some articulation of our tacit awareness.

      We allways go beyond, logic or syllogisms, more like Descartes intutive (informal) notion of illation which is but creating associations between pieces of knowledge in some way going from one piece to another in some 'truth' preserving way. In our thinking., I would say this illation is not just about preserving of truth, but something of significance or even enacted. For me a knowledge graph is some way of capturing knowledge,in a graph, where the nodes are articulation/formulation of shareable symbolic/digital presentation of 'knowledge' the edges are named machine processable constructs, that convey in some sense or even through operations what the meaning/significance/intent/process that connects the nodes 'is' that it links. I mean, here indeed, it all depends on what the meaning of the 'is' is, or any other associative/regulative concept human ingenuity finds/proposes to be useful/relavant/effective in some conext of adjacent associative complexes.

      My sense of "reasoning" is broader than anything that can be formalized, executed by machine. It is closer to Hegel's (Taoist) notion of Reason that links it to the Real by saying "The Real is Reasonable", "The Reasonable is in some sense Real" in the sense of through existence the real embodies everything that pertains to its possibility. Of course, in reasoning we are in the realm of "description" but it does contain in intself the possibility of "being real". By ex-plaining (laying out in a plane for all to see) things, we are laying the connections adjacent descriptive complexes out so that we can appreciate to what extend that is being described can taken it to be real.

      My all time favourite quote on this topic is: https://hyp.is/jJEAmkEgEemoiANeeeGUjw/www.chilton-computing.org.uk/inf/pdfs/kay.htm

      "for nothing destroys description so much as words, and yet there is nothing more necessary than to place before the eyes of men certain things the existence of which is neither provable nor probable, but which, for this very reason, pious and scholarly men treat to a certain extent as existent in order that they may be led a step further towards their being and their becoming. --Joseph Knecht's holograph translation (M.L.)


    1. "single object or thing," c. 1600, from individual (adj.). Meaning "a single human being" (as opposed to a group, etc.) is from 1640s. Colloquial sense of "person"

      single object or thing

      single human being



    1. “There is no spirit-driven life force, no throbbing, heaving, pullulating, protoplasmic, mystic jelly. Life is just bytes and bytes and bytes of digital information.” —  Richard Dawkins English ethologist, evolutionary biologist and author 1941River out of Eden (1995)

      Life is just bytes

    2. “Digital information is really just people in disguise.”

    1. search : jaron information people disguise Description who owns the future

      who stole our future

    1. Sharing can provide credit and recognition, and extend a researcher’s reach, much as publication does. When a researcher shares via an established and trusted archive, sharing reduces busywork and information loss after a project is completed by transferring dissemination and user-support responsibilities to the repository.


    1. seize on any notion that seems to expand the frontiers of the possible

      lesson from development of computer

    2. ZOG is a rapid response , large netw o rk , menu selection system used for man —machine communication. The philosophy behind this system was first developed by thePROMIS (Problem Oriented Medical Information System) Laboratory of the Universit y ofVermont. ZOG will be used in a number of task domains to help explore and evaluatethe limits and potential benefits of the communication philosophy. This paper discussesthe basic ideas in ZOG and describes the architecture of a system that has just beenimplemented to carry out that exploration and evaluation


    1. UCAN for authentication, meaning you can cryptographically delegate permission to other actors to directly upload to your account. The Alpha version CLI can be found here and the client here. Later, the current Javascript client will use w3up and all existing uploads and accounts will be migrated to the new service.

      UCAN fission web3.storage

  2. bafybeid4zfuk36bi4q2j6th7stfdbdldej2didngi25fgd5ic2ihxtur3u.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeid4zfuk36bi4q2j6th7stfdbdldej2didngi25fgd5ic2ihxtur3u.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. Expandable and Exportable Architecture

      idea - architecture - Expandable - Exportable : different settings, size of institutions

    1. Do people become happier after 40?For the most part, it comes down to money and children

    1. Life will knock us down, but we can choose whether or not to stand back up

    1. Google Closure ToolsComputer program

      google.search : closure google

    1. https://indy.trailmarks.co/ipfs/QmY27hFX67kXxioaAAzhhKArymwsnSu6bRAbUsh5Dxa95i


    1. Hold the CTRL key on your keyboard (or the Meta key, or Cmd key in other environments) and then do a right-click on a word. If you do that, the native spell check system in your browser-web should appear:

      do how : spell check | Rich Text Editor | CryptPad

      • Ctrl+Right Click of word underlined in red
      • to use the native spellchecker to offer suggestions

    2. How to enable spell check in CryptPad

    1. Life will knock us down, but we can choose, whether or not, to get back up.

      life knock us down choose to get back up

      karate kid

    1. web3.storage

      The simple file storage service for IPFS & Filecoin.

      Store your files with web3.storage and retrieve them via their unique Content ID. Our tools make it simple to hash your content locally, so you can verify the service only ever stores the exact bytes you asked us to. Pick the method of using with web3.storage that works for you!


    1. Web3 Storage The simple file storage service for IPFS & Filecoin

    1. SWC: Rust-based platform for the Web

    2. Aug 5, 2021 — Volt is a rapid, lightweight, open-source, NodeJS package manager, written in Rust. It is upto 10x faster than Yarn and 11-12x faster than npm.

      bpm package manager in rust 12x

    3. search : npm alternative rust

  3. Sep 2023
    1. SharedWorker technology

      share a "thread" between all the browser tabs open on the same CryptPad instance. Code that concerns all CryptPad applications can be placed at this level to avoid running it once in each tab.

    2. Local changes made in customize are ignored by Git and cannot be sent as contributions.

      customize folder ingnored by git

    3. Customization

      customize.dist folder

    4. customize.dist


    5. CryptPad applications is based on

      collaboration between different users

    6. CryptPad sends some unencrypted data in order to recognize each user:

      CryptPad sends some unencrypted data - in order to recognize each user: the - "Public signing key", - generated automatically by CryptPad for each user account.

      This is the only link between a user's data and - their CryptPad account, however - this is a short random string - that does not contain any identifiable information.

    7. Zero-knowledge¶ All user data must be encrypted before being sent to the server.

    1. Alan Kay's tribute to Ted Nelson at "Intertwingled" Festival - YouTube




    1. docdrop


      Alan Kay Tribute to Ted Nelson at Intertwingled

    2. hypermedia as the engine of application state with the sense that you actually navigate through an application by means of the responses

      4 Can Programming be Liberated from the von Neumann Style | IndyWeb navigate through the application state

    1. With programming in the large, program changes can become difficult.[2] If a change operates across module boundaries, the work of many people may need re-doing.

      not if the boundaries rely on self-composing interfaces based on universal mechanisms

    2. Programming in the large and programming in the small

      what a misnomer

      programming by definition is creating software artifacts in the small. /This is already a mistake to think that our task is adequately called programming

      software is all about articulating intent in the large or in the small it should not be different if you let the problem the task guide the way the system grows

    1. A unique feature on Dedicated Gateways is the ability to set a file as the gateway root. It's a simple redirect of a gateway root url to a specific CID you have designated. For instance, if you visit https://pinata-media.mypinata.cloud you would be redirected to https://pinata-media.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/QmVLwvmGehsrNEvhcCnnsw5RQNseohgEkFNN1848zNzdng. This is create for websites hosted on Pinata or smaller projects (like this cool photo zine).

      setting gateway root

    2. Gateways

    3. A unique feature on Dedicated Gateways is the ability to set a file as the gateway root. It's a simple redirect of a gateway root url to a specific CID you have designated. For instance, if you visit https://pinata-media.mypinata.cloud you would be redirected to https://pinata-media.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/QmVLwvmGehsrNEvhcCnnsw5RQNseohgEkFNN1848zNzdng. This is create for websites hosted on Pinata or smaller projects (like this cool photo zine).
    1. We’re now in servitude to the fiefdoms of our new global masters, Lord Zuckerberg of Facelandia and Sir Musk of the rotten borough of X. Imagine the following scene straight out of the science fiction storybook.

    1. Replicating a database across peers

      from : https://hyp.is/XP7OlluoEe64GDvACJGxHA/github.com/orbitdb/orbit-db-nextgen/pull/62

      for : orbit-db-nextgen

      for : orbit-db-nextgen

    2. To learn more, check out OrbitDB's sychronization protocol and the OrbitDB replication documentation.
    3. The power of OrbitDB lies in its ability to replicate databases across distributed systems that may not always be connected. A simple way to replicate a database between peers can be accomplished by opening a database, listening for updates and iterating over the records as those updates occur.

      the missing piece

    1. feat: Add support for Helia.

      for : orbit-db-nextgen

    2. You're correct, only the heads are replicated. To complete the replication process, you explicitly iterate over the recordset which will replicate all records. See https://github.com/orbitdb/orbit-db-nextgen/blob/main/docs/DATABASES.md#replicating-a-database-across-peers for an example.
    3. In orbit-db-nextgen adding events to a log is blazing fast at the beginning and starts to slow down rapidly, is this something that can be improved?

    4. ETA on when we can expect this integrated upstream

      ETA on odbitdb nextgen

    5. since I use OrbitDB as an integral part of my application I am kind of waiting on this.

    6. Looking forward to Helia integration with orbit-db-nextgen

    1. They are in the process or rewriting it for Helia in this pr for in the nextgen repo: orbitdb/orbit-db-nextgen#62

      for : orbit-db-nextgen

    2. How to use Orbit DB with Helia?

      for : orbit-db-nextgen

    1. Update landing page to show to a non-node how to start #269

    1. Helia

      A lean, modular, and modern implementation of IPFS for the JS and browser environments that supersedes js-ipfs. Learn more at https://github.com/ipfs/helia

    1. Even simple technology stacks like static site generators (e.g., Jekyll) require a workflow and will stop working at some point.

      stop working at some point

    2. complex

      is it complex or we just made it complicated

    3. Yet every platform with irreplaceable content dies off some day

      platforms die of

    4. the increasing complexity of keeping alive indie content on the web, leading to a reliance on platforms and time-sorted publication formats (blogs, feeds, tweets).

      keeping alive indie content

      for : value.prop - IndyWeb

    5. Bookmark after bookmark led to dead link after dead link. What's vanished: unique pieces of writing on kuro5hin about tech culture;


    6. A Manifesto for Preserving Content on the Web This Page is Designed to Last

    1. Unicode Character “㊔” (U+3294)

      Circled Ideograph Name

      for : utf8 icons used as a utf8 icon for trailmark dev


    2. Indyweb.net can assist your business with everything from logo design, a simple presence on the web or a full-blown e-commerce website.

    1. Indy In Depth – an e-book covering both Indy 9 and 10.

    2. Atozed Software



  4. www.indyproject.org www.indyproject.org
    1. Indy

      Indy is an open source client/server communications library that supports TCP/UDP/RAW sockets, as well as over 100 higher level protocols including SMTP, POP3, IMAP, NNTP, HTTP, FTP, and many more. Indy is written in Delphi but is also available for C++Builder and FreePascal.

    1. challenges the giants

      there is a growing need for a - privacy-first option,”

      said Brendan Eich, CEO and co-founder of Brave.

      • “Big tech

      has a firm grip on the market as it exists today, and

      Brave is determined to offer users - an alternative that challenges the giants and -puts the power back in the hands of the user.

      With over 36 million monthly active users on our browser, - we are reshaping the industry with our - privacy-by-default ecosystem.”

    2. privacy-first approach

      slogan - privacy-first approach

    3. a private and user-first alternative to big tech solutions

    1. VGG Image Annotator (VIA)


    2. VIA is an open source project based solely on HTML, Javascript and CSS (no dependency on external libraries).

      WebNative , self-contained. no server please we wish to be autonomous

      it is open source

      and ready to be plugged out to as an Openb Ambient Capability

      in the Long Tail of the Autnonomous IndyWeb

    3. The complete VIA software fits in a single self-contained HTML page of size less than 400 Kilobyte that runs as an offline application in most modern web browsers.

      It is a PWA

    1. WORLD FUTURES STUDIES FEDERATION - WFSF is a UNESCO and UN consultative partner and global NGO with members in over 60 countries

    1. there is no sense that their actions actually worsened the crisis. But that seems to have been the case.


    2. It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. – Mark Twain


    3. a little Twain misattribution wouldn’t bug me but the quote is literally about the dangers of thinking you know something that actually isn’t true. What delicious irony!

      delicious irony

    1. nodes have some kind of indexing service running, which could be an entirely separate executable (and you could have multiple different ones running if you wanted)

      nodes have their own indexing

    2. Getting documents archived on IPFS is one thing, but we also need to be able to search through them.

    3. jbenet commented Sep 4, 2015 @nbingham1 @davidar indeed. very much indeed.

    4. Search engine

      finger tree

    1. Ph.D. candidate Alan Kay envisions the concept of the DynaBook in 1968.

      That future was invented by Alan Kay in 1968

      then it was stolen from us for the best part of half a century

    1. A Beginning is a Delicate Time

      by tomibgtJuly 18, 2017

      “A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct”, said Frank Herbert as the writings of the Princess Irulan of his science fiction book Dune.[1]

    1. John Backus turing Award Lecture 1978

      Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? A Functional Style and Its Algebra of Programs

    1. Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance


      CAP stands for Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance. The theorem states that you cannot have all three, as there are natural tradeoffs between the items. Similar to “fast, cheap, and easy, pick two,” people say about CAP: “consistency, availability, or partition tolerance, choose two.”

    1. Intuitive Thinking As a Spiritual Path (The Philosophy of Freedom) By Rudolf Steiner

    1. community or neighborhood clouds.

      neighbourhood clouds


      who is doing the job of providing capabilities across the internet of internets acros decent(ralized) ecosystems

    2. a network of thousands of interconnected Internets


      over web people centered indy.nets too

    3. people have been relegated to Internet “users,” or “clients”

      people users clients


    4. the Internet of Internets

      internet of internets

    5. turning us all into products.

      us products

    6. Welcome to the Internet of Internets

  5. threefold.io threefold.io
    1. Decentralized Autonomous.Internet Infrastructure.

      ThreeFold is a globally-distributed grid of storage, compute, and network capacity, acting as “no middleman” Internet resources between independent capacity providers and users.

    1. Fundamentally, STOs are a pattern copied from the centralised world — the network may be decentralised internally, but ultimately, it’s a centralised entity for end users. The only way to have true decentralisation is by having the users themselves comprise the distributed system community.

      security token offering


      This is a call for the interpersonal indy.net where people are autonomous actors in their ow(ed) local first, private first, offline first, evergreen, interpersonal trust networks

    1. Presearch is a DecentralizedSearch Engine

      Search privately, receive better results and get rewarded with the Presearch decentralized search engine, powered by blockchain technology.

    1. collective wisdom

      surely not

      co-emergent, co-evolving through mutual learning and co-laboration

      commons yes "Collective"


      only in name

    2. kumbaya

      too bad

      it is not about

      it is not about competing but paying attention and mmutual learning from the dual other

      for mutual completing benefit

      new synthesis

      The more dual a position that is cultivated with deep care and attention to your own the more attention and care should be taken to learn from that view point

      Also consider, just because you agree on a question

      Like accepting the validity of Gödelás incompletness zou maz ground worked views that are duals of each other

    3. disagreements will ripple out, shaping the theories and practices they believe are needed to see wisdom becoming more common

      disagreements ripple out

    4. “The Liminal Web” called “The Wisdom Web,”
    5. Approach the wisdom commons as a work of art.

      work of art

    6. It is wiser to become less foolish instead of more wise, which avoids “wisdom signaling.

      less foolish?

      wisdom signalling

      // Stay foolish stay hungry - honour the complexity of the situation - pay attention and CARE - wide boungary thinking - awake - responsibility to dream

    7. Multiple wisdom commons will compete against each other.


      not competition but completion -

    8. A wisdom commons is found in relationships, not propositions.

      wisdom is in the connections

      not the propositions

      // "The key to quality is in the quality of the connections"

    9. I define a “wisdom commons” simply as “a place that makes wisdom more common.”

      a place that makes wisdom more common.

      // before reading my partisan biased loaded response is How are we to gain wisdom if we are not able to share and collaborate in depth at scale about our mutual learnings.

      Should not we need to to advance the cause of "Open Learning Commons"


    1. preserve social media with links

      try to preserve social media with links in

    2. think a link

      Think a Link

    3. we have the most amazing visions of hypertext links in those days

      had the most amazing visions of hypertext links in those days

    4. how we preserve this stuff when it's also deepening to twinkle

      how we preserve this stuff - when it is also deeply intertwingled

    1. Space and time advantages


    2. Bloom filter

      test whether an element is a member of a set

    3. test whether an element is a member of a set

      Bloom Filter

    1. The word filter is a Bloom filter made up of the words in the text of the entry
    2. Rationale

      A log structure that you can append to, and search through can be useful for many things. Some properties we want these structures to have are:

      • Cheap append
      • Cheap random access
      • References to old versions of the structure stay valid
      • Full text-search through the entries
      • Keeping only the parts of the structure in memory that you need to look at
    3. An append only log on IPFS with indexing.

      with indexing

    4. a Finger Tree, the tree nodes being annotaded with counts and word-filters.
    5. Append only log

    1. Indexing and storing content locally is an interesting implication of the content addressable and linked web in that the indexes can also be content addressable and are 1st citizen data types.

      1st citizen datatypes

    2. Indexing content addressable and linked data

    1. IPFS keyword search based on double-layer index

      Distributed storage plays an increasingly important role in the context of big data. interplanetary file system (IPFS) is a distributed file system, which can form a network of all heterogeneous devices in the same way. Different from traditional HTTP protocol based on physical location, IPFS distributed network is based on content addressing and obtains files through file hash. However, this precise file search method cannot obtain files without file content hash which greatly reduces file utilization and liquidity. Therefore, this paper proposes a two-layer index scheme. After receiving the uploaded file, the node parses the file and establishes the index. The nodes are replicated using a CRDT data structure based on optimistic replication for indexing operations. IPFS pub-sub is used as the CRDT message delivery method between nodes. The first-layer index is the inverted index file corresponding to each keyword. The second-layer index is the CID of the inverted index file for each keyword. Each node maintains full index rather than through a distributed hash table stores dispersion index can ensure complete data search, at the same time greatly reduce search response time. Inverted index files are stored in IPFS network to reduce storage space and facilitate state-based replication of newly added nodes or nodes that have been offline for a long time. Finally, through the analysis of experimental data, it is proved that the scheme can greatly reduce the search response time while occupying acceptable storage space.

    1. Distributed wiki search Search engine for https://github.com/ipfs/distributed-wikipedia-mirror

      wiki search titles only

    1. Keyword Search in Decentralized Storage Systems

      The emerging decentralized storage systems (DSSs), such as InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), Storj, and Sia, provide people with a new storage model. Instead of being centrally managed, the data are sliced up and distributed across the nodes of the network. Furthermore, each data object is uniquely identified by a cryptographic hash (ObjectId) and can only be retrieved by ObjectId. Compared with the search functions provided by the existing centralized storage systems, the application scenarios of the DSSs are subject to certain restrictions. In this paper, we first apply decentralized B+Tree and HashMap to the DSSs to provide keyword search. Both indexes are kept in blocks. Since these blocks may be scattered on multiple nodes, we ensure that all operations involve as few blocks as possible to reduce network cost and response time. In addition, the version control and version merging algorithms are designed to effectively organize the indexes and facilitate data integration. The experimental results prove that our indexes have excellent availability and scalability. Keywords: decentralized storage systems; keyword search; decentralized B+Tree; decentralized HashMap 1. Introduction With the rapid development of internet technology, centralized storage has become an important business model in our daily life. Centralized storage not only provides a variety of storage services for both individuals and businesses but also supports different kinds of queries, thus meeting the needs of users. However, centralized storage systems depend on a trusted third party, which inevitably inherits the single point of failure drawback. Even if centralized storage systems are backed up for data availability, they still suffer from certain factors of force Majeure (such as political censorship), which can cause users to be unable to access their own data. From the above point of view, data storage requires a more secure and free environment. The emerging DSSs, such as InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) [ 1 ], Storj [2 ], and Sia [ 3], can provide people with a new storage model. They are built on a peer-to-peer (p2p) network, so there is no need to rely on third-party platforms. In these systems, data are not managed by a central node but divided into blocks and distributed through the network. A data object can be accessed as long as it exists on any node. Each node in the network can share its free disk space, thus reducing the cost of decentralized storage. Users do not have to worry that they will not be able to access their own data because DSSs can be combined with blockchain to ensure data availability [4,5]. One of the key reasons why the traditional centralized storage systems can be applied to various fields is that they provide rich query services, which is exactly the defect of DSSs. In the DSSs, each node or data object is assigned a unique identifier (NodeId or ObjectId) by a cryptographic hash