22,718 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2023
    1. change in the airflow of knowledge: from human-human via machine, to human-machine only.

      human to human

      changing to human to machine only

    2. canary in the mine of our collective knowledge.

      canary in the mine for collective knowledge

    3. I'm in the top 2% of users on StackOverflow. My content there has been viewed by over 1.7M people. And it's unlikely I'll ever write anything there again.
    1. Talk at: FOMUS 2016, for all Talks and more information see: http://fomus.weebly.com/ Multiple Concepts of Equality in the New Foundations of Mathematics by Vladimir Voevodsky (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA) Abstract: One of the most confusing aspects of the Univalence Axiom (UF) is that it seems to assert that, which mathematical students learn early in their education to be a mistake - that isomorphic objects are equal. The source of the confusion is in the failure of the earlier attempts to explain UF to emphasize the existence of two classes of equalities in the theories used to formalize it - substitutional equalities and transportational equalities. The concept of transportational equality is the adaptation to the precise requirements of a formal theory of the philosophical equality principle going back to Leibniz. The concept of the substitutional equality is the one that we all learn at school. In the original formal system used for the Univalent Foundations there was one transportational and one substitutional equality. In the more complex formal systems that are being studied now there can be several equalities of each class. This workshop was organised with the generous support of the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL), the Association of German Mathematicians (DMV), the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS), the Center of Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), the Deutsche Vereinigung für Mathematische Logik und für Grundlagenforschung der Exakten Wissenschaften (DVMLG), the German Academic Merit Foundation (Stipendiaten machen Programm), the Fachbereich Grundlagen der Informatik of the German Informatics Society (GI) and the German Society for Analytic Philosophy (GAP).

      aubstitutional equlity

      referential transparency# intentional transparency

      transformational exuivalence

    2. Multiple Concepts of Equality in the New Foundations of Mathematics by Vladimir Voevodsky

    1. two things that we know about language one is that it has a definite syntactic grammar you know we know nouns and verbs go in the places they go it's one thing we know the other thing we 00:11:50 know is that logic Works in language
      • syntactic grammar noun verb
      • logic works in language
    2. neural Nets is they do this modeling they do this continuation 00:10:07 they do this extension beyond the merely statistical so to speak by in a way that corresponds to what we humans expect

      extend beyond statistical

    3. neurosymbolic architectures and it's almost like we don't need to change it anymore but then if you look at um the representations it's learned and the way that um our cognitive categories emerge 00:20:48 over time these are things that are baked into the language model but the language models aren't very good at learning new things that continual learning and this kind of brings us to this semantic grammar thing
      • enurosymbolic
      • cognitive categories emerge
      • not very good at learning new things
    4. a merger of two different sort of approaches to kind of the problem of AI the sort of statistical approach of just sort of see what's out there and kind of learn from that and the kind of symbolic approach 00:05:15 of see what you can actually compute I would say that the things we've done I don't haven't really viewed as being quote AI as such it's more the the deeper story of computation but now we've got this kind of merger of these 00:05:27 two approaches uh that just released about an hour ago now
      • merger of symbolic
      • actually compute
      • statistical approach
    5. ChatGPT + Wolfram: The Future of AI is Here!

    1. Tag management system

      helps manage the lifecycle of digital marketing tags (sometimes referred to as tracking pixels or web beacons), used to track activity on digital properties, such as websites and web applications.

    1. About Simon Simon is an open source speech recognition program that can replace your mouse and keyboard. The system is designed to be as flexible as possible and will work with any language or dialect.

    1. Download Simon 0.4.1 To download the latest version of Simon, select one of the options below.

    1. Learn more about Vosk from its official website.
    2. 7. Vosk One of the newest open source speech recognition systems, as its development just started in 2020.

      give it a try

    3. Top 10 Open Source Speech Recognition/Speech-to-Text Systems

    1. I think more specifically the idea is to replace the need for name servers

      this had been achieved by Named Data Networks aka IPFS and likes Distributed Hash Technology which is part of Web 3. Web 3 is not limited to Distributed Ledger Technology

      There are many other approcahes HiloChain Dat, Arweave and many many tohers

      • alias : named data network
    1. !- search : "named data networks" or !- search : "named data network"

    1. Internet of People (IoP) is an open-source and decentralized technology where humans not only act as end-users of internet applications (passive) but as active elements.

      Why decentralized?

      Why not People Centred Internet.

      An internet that works for People

      Why not InterPersonal Networked Computing?

      Better still

      We have Named Data Networks


      on top of that we can create Open, Commons based, co-created co-evolving Autonomous, Ambient, Evergreen HyperMedia Spaces

      on the IndyWeb

      Named (Data + People + Intents + Interest) Networks

      An New People-Centered Architecture for the Internet

      that works for People

    1. Noosphere builds on the foundations of content-addressing and IPLD data structures, layering in:
      • yes content addressing

      named data network is key to build

      named (people|ideas|software|intents tc etc) networks on top

  2. github.com github.com
    1. Tiny JavaScript library for WYSIWYG HTML editing

    1. Trusted WYSIWYG editorGives devs control over their editing component



    1. Google Docs to Clean HTML Converter

      google docs to html

    1. The Dawn of Everything: A New History of HumanityDavid Graeber, David Wengrow

    1. REGENVILLAGES Technology integrated VillageOS™ software, for the future of living in resilient neighborhoods

    1. 7-63 Up UK - Season 1 Episode 1 - June 05, 2019 180K views 3 years ago

      7 up

    1. RSA ANIMATE: The Divided Brain 2.1M views 11 years ago


    1. OrbitDB databases can easily be managed using a web UI, see OrbitDB Control Center.

      = OrbitDB Control Center Description

    2. Compatible with js-ipfs versions >= 0.66.0 and go-ipfs versions >= 0.17.0

      IPF version

    3. log: an immutable (append-only) log with traversable history. Useful for "latest N" use cases or as a message queue.

      log - append only - traversable history - "latest N" use cases - message queue

    4. Peer-to-Peer Databases for the Decentralized Web


    1. Fig. 2: A simple, abstracted provenance graph where dotted edges arrive after all solid edges have been processed and dotted vertices are newly-arrived. If the provenance graph observes partial ordering, edge 1 must arrive before edge 2 and only the local structures of vertex E and F need to be computed. However, in a provenance graph where partial ordering is not observed, we can encounter edge 3 and 4 and the newly-arrived vertex G (in dotted red) after the solid edges. In such a case, with R = 2, we need to update both vertex C and E (descendants of D) for edge 3 and vertex C, D, and E (descendants of G) for edge 4.

      provenance graph Description

    1. Web3Auth is where passwordless auth meets non-custodial key infrastructure for Web3 apps

      how about passwordless no key! no sign in or up just self-authenticated autononmous actors intechanging information directly and securely with zero friction initial connections and progressive human machine processable trust

    2. Simple infrastructure that enables Web3 wallets and applications to provide seamless user logins for both mainstream and Web3.0 users.

  3. web3auth.io web3auth.io
    1. Harness the security of enterprise grade MPC Intuitive, fast multi-factor key management for applications and wallets

    1. programming language design are heavily based on mathematical logic

      the computer is imitation of creation itself There is more to it than what you can capture with any logic

      logic was the poor man's virtual machine

      but it was only a few bit one

      Once you to wordsizes beyond 32 bits new universes become accessible

      and we can go beyoing logic for a long time before we understand tha htat is

    1. Does HoTT Provide a Foundation for Mathematics? by James Ladyman (University of Bristol, UK) 4.4K views 5 years ago FOMUS 2016 all Talks (in chronological order)

      constructive intentional type theory

    1. How to Make Health Care Person-Centered, Equitable,and Sustainable. Springer, Australia. p2386Human Learning Systems: A practical guide for the curious


    1. decline in (brave) spaces,

      brave spaces

      // yeah lack of autonomy and freedom of reach - we are burried in info glut and the means available to - build meaningful connections captivate us in spaces - designed against our best interests - addictive, rage driven, click baity, hollow, hard to keep track of and share or make sense of

    1. Using a Matrix for Decision Clarity and Confidence

      4:15 catalytic thinking

      chnge the question change the word

    1. Collective Values-Based Decision-MakingAn App for facilitating consensus more efficiently among leaders and teams with different interests

    1. Decision Matrix – A tool for call Flint for collaborative decision-making (learn more about Flint)

    1. Co-creating Hylo The Social Coordination Platform for a Thriving Planet

    1. Hylozoic Social coordination for a thriving planet

    1. Community Notes: a collaborative way to add helpful context to Tweets and keep people better informed

    1. Welcome to the Center of Complex Interventions (CCI)! People ask us “what do we mean by complex interventions?”

    1. current Interventions, linked to their associated investments, funders, and actors.

    1. Climate Map & Online Tools A tool that visualizes ongoing research in climate change.

    1. Human-to-human stigmergic marking that promotes emergent collective behavior and creates emergent open-data social graphs with lots of uses.

      open people-centric information

    2. landscape of interaction is individual humans online

      landscape of interaction

      individual humans online

    1. 4 This answer is not useful Save this answer. Show activity on this post. You have to escape all characters that can be used in a URI In modern browsers you only need to escape the # character in SVG


    1. You can leave the encoding in UTF-8, and drop the <svg> syntax right in there! Like this:

      this may just work

    1. encode(str) – returns Uint8Array from a string.

      TextEncoder dercoder

    1. SVG - Interactivity

      svg click event on element

      module - wcg

    1. "We just realized that we needed the core communications tools here first before layering on more tools to support coordination and action."
    2. A Network Minus the Media - Looking for Help

      use this link so that the annotation becomes visible


    1. Back in the day when Computer-supported Personal Work and Computer-supported Collaborative Work were buzzwords for every 1 initiatives that addressed the need of individual's work we had 100s time more addressing Collaborative Work.

      CSPW vs CSCW

    1. Build Native, Cross-Platform Apps Rapid application development for Desktop, Web, Mobile & Raspberry Pi



    1. It can’t be stored or accrue interest over time.
      • sure it can be "stored"
      • can accrue interest by furtheuing YOUR interests, pursuit
      • try annotating as you read.
      • mine your annotation for your benefit 0 reflect and write about your learning 0 share it and have deep conversations about them
      • just use it or loose it
    1. Meilisearch Powerful, fast, and an easy to use search engine

    1. A lightning-fast search engine that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow.

      search enguine

    2. Meilisearch helps you shape a delightful search experience in a snap, offering features that work out-of-the-box to speed up your workflow.


    1. You can install Meilisearch locally or deploy it over a cloud service. This guide covers each option in detail. # Local installation

    1. I need to do a knowledge base thing for work. Looking at https://www.bookstackapp.com/ which seems to have a reasonable API. Our demo/evaluation instance is here https://knowledge.transition-space.org/ the API is here: https://knowledge.transition-space.org/api/pages


    1. dependency switch but it does but it also does something else it bottles it sort of takes everything to do with the change that the event talks about and bottles it into a thing 00:07:30 an object a record or something of a cert that you can refer to and pass around

      refer to and [ass around

      Named Everthin(g|k)

      not imagijigs but imaginings

      Everything is possible if you can imagine it so

    2. let's face it names in software systems are one of the most 00:11:25 important things we have to deal with

      naming most important

      // can't get it right first time - your understanding grows with the system - hence it should be low cost - to change things names around

    3. whether you use 00:11:12 events or commands under the covers they're basically the same thing they're often messages on cues they look exactly the same the difference is all about naming

      command event naming

    4. this is one of the two hard problems in software right this is naming things

      hard problem

      in software:

      naming things

    5. event 00:09:54 naming or command naming

      event command naming

    6. first-class thing imagings

      thing imagings

    7. some kind of first class thingamajig that needs to be a new technical

      first class ting imagejig technical term

    8. when we call a function 00:07:43 that's just a very transient thing

      transient thing

    9. event notification we're using events as a notification system uh no notification mechanism between multiple systems

      event notification system

    10. very important because it's about our language and our 00:09:03 communication and how we talk about our intentions about things we could describe



    11. it makes the change a kind of first class thingamajig

      change first class

    1. All Tech Is Human is strengthening the Responsible Tech ecosystem with multiple stakeholders, disciplines, and perspectives so we can tackle wicked tech & society problems.

    1. The Beacon Network A not-for-profit social network devoted to community, connection and action. Social media prioritizes content and capturing user attention. Beacon prioritizes the network, with meaningful interaction that translates to real world impact. Check out our website,

    1. Thinking Asynchronously: App Integration Patterns for Microservices • Rebekah Kulidzan • GOTO 2022


    1. Is Software Engineering Still an Oxymoron? • Alan Kay • GOTO 2021


      keynote is contextual

      Excellent question

      ARPA community

      Tumbstone curious

    1. In the end, maybe the best evidence against this bizarre and complicated version of materialism is that those who use it cannot resist simulating spiritual reality, even while attempting to explain it away.

      resolutely materialist spirituality

      cannot resist simulating spiritual reality

      explain it away

    1. A resolutely materialist spirituality


    2. Emergent Strategy Shaping Change, Changing Worlds


  4. www.terran.io www.terran.io
    1. re-design how humans relate to each other and the planet,

      learning from - the more-than-human world and

      applying the lessons of = emergent strategy - adaptation, - decentralization, - fractal awareness, - resilience, and - iterative change to our work

    2. What is Terran?Terran Collective is
      • a community of
        • care
        • practice
      • commons engine
      • a living system
      • an experiment



    1. we didn’t see existing projects with the holistic vision and depth of integrity required for this mission to succeed.

      holistic vision

      depth of integrity =

    2. Building Hylo: The Social Coordination Platform for a Thriving Planet

    1. Tijn Tjoelker 2nd degree connection 2nd Executive at Climate Cleanup | Transformation | Regeneration | Mycelium | LinkedIn Top Green Voice

    1. by Tijn Tjoelker

      Executive at Climate Cleanup | Transformation | Regeneration | Mycelium | LinkedIn Top Green Voice

    2. To nurture this culture of stewardship

      nurture - culture of stewardship - need tools expressly designed for CARE

      design - for - CARE mutual support, - peer-to-peer collaboration, and - self-governance of community resources - for community resilience 🛠️

      // where each participant is empowered to be autonomous actors in their own(ed) emergent InterPersonal InterComminty networks of networks of evergreen co-creation and collaboration co-creating/evolving the very means needed to do so

    3. all the world is a commons,

      All is commons = we are all responsible - for its care. =

      We are all stewards. We just need to remember that.

    4. It's a story of care

      Within Terran Collective, we call this a culture of stewardship -

      the responsible and loving management of - a shared resource.

      implies responsibilities, not rights. -

      indicates - relationship, - not ownership.

      In a nutshell, stewardship means care ❤️ =

    5. Overall values-alignment

      prioritize - sovereignty, - interoperability, - relationships, and - care

      • so do the communities we work with 🌟
    6. Hylo is a public good,

      - technology commons

      • built - in public
      • active - open source community
      • contributing
        • ideas
        • designs
        • code
    7. Grounded in place

      Hylo is local - one of the few community tools that has a geographic context, - with specific capabilities for bioregional and place-based groups. - This facilitates - coordination at the scale - regeneration actually happens: locally 🌱 =

    8. Rooted in relationship

      work with - partners to - understand their community’s needs and challenges, - solve them together.

      The opportunity to co-develop technology = this way is rare and valuable 🤝

      / resonate with vision task and mission of - bootstrapping - Open Commons-based, peer production of interpersonal autonomous constellations supporting - stigmergic, synnergetic symmathesy and the co-creatioin, co-evolution of of Personal firstt, Open, Interoperable and ubiqutous sotware and tools needed to support and scale it in the long tail

    9. Hylo facilitates the transition

      transition from - top-down - to - peer-to-peer organizing,

      helping groups - evolve in alignment with their vision & values - scale their impact 🎯

    10. Hylo is built for collaboration across groups, not groups acting individually in a silo.

      Hylo - build for collaboration across groups - not groups acting individually in a silo

    1. #collaboration #prosocial #platformcooperatives, #bioregionalism #decentralization, #neweconomy, #systemsthinking #permaculture, #regenerativedesign, #web3, #blockchain #liquiddemocracy, #universalbasicincome #landback #indigenouswisdom


    2. Community Weavers Guild

      !- search :

    3. nurturing successful teams that love working together and build great things together.
      • nurturing teams
      • build great things
    4. confident in my ability to pickup any codebase on any tech stack and run with it

      pickup - any codebase - run with it

    5. for - CTA IP MAP

      from : https://www.hylo.com/all/members/7650

    6. mainstream model of VC backed startups

      unlikely to create - radical change needed in the world - crises - climate change, to political polarization and misinformation.

      created = Terran Collective to create - a container for our work - ensure - stayed incorruptible.

      run = Terran as a - for-profit, non-profit hybrid using = Sociocracy - governance - model - support -each team member - as - whole human beings.

    7. technical lead of our primary project Hylo

      technical lead - Hylo

    8. building community, systems and tools that foster trust and collaboration,

      foster - trust - collaboration

    1. ApproveRejectView DetailsRequest a reviewLearn morePage1/14Loading…{"id": "1qo24nRIFCzIitNmsMWBN4P4EqOxo-AAe", "title": "What is Holosourcing Public Share(3) (1).pdf", "mimeType": "application\/pdf"}

    1. in most two-copula systems ‘one [copula] will justrefer to a state and the other to coming into a state, similar to be and become inEnglish’, citing the Nepalese Tibeto-Burman language Dolakha Newar as anexample. Sneddon (2006:98f.) describes Indonesian as having two such copulas;

      state dn becoming distinction is reflected in having two copula's.

      So the sequence seem to be no copula, best. ditinction drawn between state and becoming, then finally stuck with state for every tnhin/thing/

    1. Is SolidJS the better ReactJS? 90K views 2 weeks ago

    1. primary abstractions of the map which are memes resources agents and services
      • memplexes
      • agents (machine actors)
      • (human) actors with the capacity to make meaningful intentful choices and establish human trust in interpersonal own(ed) networked conversations and mutual attention convivial enduring deep collaboration with other people limited by and communities We spaces
      • capabilities
    2. anything that can be conveyed

      meme is but a memorable contextual name for the entire complex from which it emerges an index of an experience

    3. Richard Dawkins initial 00:14:29 definition of meme which is it's a self-replicating mutating and recombining unit of culture

      critique of - Dawkin's concept - meme are better thought of memeplexes - it is not about survival of the fittest - Dawkins conception perpetuates the very same worldview that is anti-sacred, that does not honour the complexity of situatedness - but mutual emergence of entire complete associative complexes - that endure, because they capture, articulate concerns - that are exhibit high degree of - coherence, completeness, relevance, significance, meaningful and contribute to cultural co-evolution in ways that contribute to endurance, sustainability viability of culture itself sustaining human thriving

    4. what might an architecture for supporting that look like

      underneath - architecture - need to consider the space of Cosmologies - as we are imitating creation itself with the Computer arts

    5. the unconscious economy

      unconscious economy

    6. reimagining of how we interact with one another and with the web of lif

      web of life

    7. re-embracing of our essential Oneness

      essential Oneness

    8. Essential self


    9. economic self


    10. enable and Empower coherent and Cooperative Collective action at all scales
      • coherent
      • cooperative
      • collective
      • action at scale
    11. grows from the bottom up so Empower individuals Empower families small social groups up to Commons bio regions planetary organisms

      grows from bottom up

    1. this video is part of a series whereby all synergy space co-creators and our extended community of change-agents are invited to put their "cards on the table".

      problems define their own solution

      Stigmergic Synergy engine for Symjmathesy mutual learning = IndyWeb

    1. Workflow automation for technical people Build complex automations 10x faster, without fighting APIs

      workflow automation




    1. The Essence of Being: Peter Russell 21K views 4 years ago

    1. Newfoundation is a community of creators, engineers, and researchers committed to building decentralised information systems that combine economic incentive systems with decentralised reputation


    1. Explicit vs. Continuous Saves.

      explicit save

    2. a visualizer selector function that dynamically selects visualizers at runtime.


    3. DAHN depends upon robust Metaspace and HolonSpace capabilities

      metaspace capabilities

  5. bafybeidbnz4ixh4fcqxg5ti43pc5heowaov2gq25qn3uekcogvnvhnjtrq.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeidbnz4ixh4fcqxg5ti43pc5heowaov2gq25qn3uekcogvnvhnjtrq.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. Turtleocracies pivot around a particular kind ofperson

      person - Visionary Turtle - A turtle with a deep abiding beautiful Vision a germ of a - reasonable deep tacit conception - slow, - mostly-takeless about the path people (turtles) - gain wisdom and discernment on a topic area<br /> - through ceaseless explorations of the paths - to arrive where it all started - and see it for the first time - deep abiding curiosity about a particular question, - without particularly strong ideas or "takes". - regarding the paths to follow - experiment to fail fast or make true progress - think of any particular project or experiment as the first in a long series, - the projects are about exploring the paths and refining the concept as unlikely to answer their question, and as based on a woefully incomplete understanding of the space. - contrast that with accepting that the path explored may need to be abandoned - if it does not contribute to growth of understanding fo the problemn and the solution space

      In a turtleocracy, these turtles are surrounded by faster, idea-driven people (rabbits and birds) who suggest ideas and models to them. - all this applies to the path not the goal


    1. About A pinning service for Orbitdb, a decentralized database based on IPFS.

      pinning service for OrbitDb

    2. Three0Dev / Three0Pinner


    1. v0.29.0 v0.29.0 9d3cf91 Compare Choose a tag to compare View all tags haydenyoung tagged this


    1. Sree Grandheinspiraluna: this is our pinning service, you're welcome to check it out. Our org has our working IPFS configs as well that replicate with relatively minimal lag https://github.com/Three0Dev/Three0PinnerAbout two months ago we were talking about replication issues between browser and nodejs orbit-db some folks had with earlier orbit-db versions < 0.29. (like me) I promised you to give it a try to update my problematic orbit-db-pinner with latest orbit-db 0.29.0 but had to stop the experiment after a quick truying. Last week then, forked again SSree Grandhe s awesome Three0Pinner with working WebRTC signaling star connection . I upgraded all libs to be orbit-db 0.29.0 and added support for replication with the ethereum identity provider. https://github.com/DecentraSol/orbit-db-pinner This now seems pretty neat! My browsers data get now replicated to a node in the internet without any delays or other troubles. Halleluja! I am just wondering about SSree Grandhe idea to disconnect from all orbit-dbs after some team and then re-check for synchronization. I guess he was inventing this because of a memory leak problem - he ran into. Lets observe this question bit further.

      orbitdb pinner

    2. New orbit-db (v0.29.0) was released! It’s now all ESM and compatible with latest ipfs version. See release notes here https://github.com/orbitdb/orbit-db/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md#v0290👍️1
