2,410 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2018
    1. But training does little for creativity.

      I think of training as the core of creativity.

    2. Think of yourself as a freelancer for life and always nurture your networks, no matter what.

      I have said almost these same words in my classroom. I would love to extend this to my department. I am part of our facdev efforts although I am technically not on their official committee I insert myself into the mix. I should view this is a crucial part of my network. I should make every effort to nurture it.

    3. Traditional jobs are not coming back.

      There seem to be niches where this is not true. For example, in Tokyo I have read that there are 10000 potters making a living. You would have to, right, in Tokyo. So expensive.

      Sometimes the traditional and the cutting edge cross paths.

    4. Network-centric questions would be, “What are you learning?” or “Who are you learning from?”

      What are you learning and who are you learning from would be great questions to ask in small group settings.

    1. the poet’s mind must be separate

      Yes, suspended and in the hammock always. That is the remit for a poet.

    2. the poet suspended

      A hammock--a liminal space

    3. Not a smug ha ha but an exultant aha!

      There is so much in Rumi that parallels this.

    4. as if I can trust this to be my final take on it)

      It won't be.

    5. Wright was attesting to failure,


    6. “Archaic Torso of Apollo.”

      Archaic Torso of Apollo Rainer Maria Rilke, 1875 - 1926

      We cannot know his legendary head with eyes like ripening fruit. And yet his torso is still suffused with brilliance from inside, like a lamp, in which his gaze, now turned to low,

      gleams in all its power. Otherwise the curved breast could not dazzle you so, nor could a smile run through the placid hips and thighs to that dark center where procreation flared.

      Otherwise this stone would seem defaced beneath the translucent cascade of the shoulders and would not glisten like a wild beast’s fur:

      would not, from all the borders of itself, burst like a star: for here there is no place that does not see you. You must change your life.

    7. I lean back

      All these directionals: over, down, distant, right, up, lean back,over. Why is it so important that Wright makes dead sure that the reader is alway properly oriented? Or is it just the natural orientation of someone in a hammock?

    8. Blaze up like golden stones.

      Reflective fire? Inner fire? Is this poem an example of reflective or radiant (inner) fire?

    9. droppings

      All these quotidien observations include old horse droppings are made golden by that field of sunlight.

    10. a field of sunlight

      Here is the middle distance, a field of sunlight framed by the dark pines.

    11. the distances of the afternoon

      Wright moves from the close up to the long shot, from the butterfly to the distant cowbell.

    12. cowbells follow one another

      Not the cows, but the cowbells. The cowbells are the first order image and lurking behind are the cows.

    13. Down the ravine

      Wright never allows us to forget how the imagery is coming to him and no one else. He is the intermediary. He sees. He hears. He observes.

    14. Asleep

      Do butterfly sleep perchance to dream?

    15. the bronze butterfly

      Here is a link to info about the bronze butterfly: http://www.gardenswithwings.com/butterfly/Bronze%20Copper/index.html

    16. Patricia Hampl is the author, most recently, of The Art of the Wasted Day.

      Link to preview edition on Google Books: https://goo.gl/NEhdBH

    1. U.S. Poet Laureate Tracy K. Smith, who teaches at Princeton University, wonders if the unsettled tenor of our times is drawing people, especially young people, back to verse.

      My money is, in part, on this explanation. Poetry gives a semblance of control to world. At least it does for me.

    1. inculcatingdominant culture into disadvantaged groups.

      This sounds like classic integration, melting pot thinking. Am I reading this right?

    2. There is, however, an alternative pedagogy, Freireargues, based on dialogue between teacher and taught around problems originating with the student.

      In the U.S. the citizen school movement as represented by the Highlander School did exactly this in the South in the 50's and 60's. And Myles Horton is the dude to read to get a feel for this alternative pedagogy.

    3. It is designed to dispelillusions that schooling can be a vehicle of social transformation,

      I feel much the same way about school reform--just so much jive.

    4. privilege of not seeing themselves as privileged

      I am reminded of W.E.B DuBois' double consciousness:

      It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity. One ever feels his two-ness,—an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder.

  2. Aug 2018
    1. how do you want to live it ?

      Is there only one way to live your life? This is such a good life question? Could this be an entry question? Could this be a good I-Search question? How do I want to live my life as a learner?

    1. Norwegian researcher Anne Mangen pinpoints differences in how older students sequence the details of plot, which can go missing when reading at a more surface level.

      I had a similar experience in my composition class as we did some slow, close reading. Ask me about it. It is astonishing.

    2. With sudden and complete clarity, I saw what would happen if those children could not learn the seemingly simple act of passage into a culture based on literacy.

      Literacy is not a privilege, it is a survival skill, a life rope. Just imagine (and I very much suspect that skill will be retarded in a digital only world) the world that you know not. You will never cry for Boxer in Animal Farm, you will not know the horror of the suicides in Dante's Hell, you won't feel the triumph and defeat of Atticus Finch. So much. So very much.

    3. Young reading brains are evolving without a ripple of concern from most people, even though more and more of our youths are not reading other than what is required, and often not even that: “tl; dr” (too long; didn’t read).

      And how often are they finding that what little reading they have done, is a game hardly worth the candle. Digital crowds out analog. Why?

    4. It is more difficult still with children, whose attention is continuously distracted and flooded by stimuli that will never be consolidated in their reservoirs of knowledge.

      Evidence? N of !?

    5. What we read, how we read, and why we read change how we think.
    6. Human beings were never born to read.

      The Gutenberg Pause is unnatural? Humans were born to make sense...in any way imaginable. Reading is just another way to make sense of the world. A technology.

    7. Like a phantom limb, you remember who you were as a reader but cannot summon that “attentive ghost” with the joy you once felt in being transported somewhere outside the self.

      I know this feeling. This summer I made it a point to rediscover analog reading. I really had a handle on this for awhile, lost it, then re-engaged with my new tablet hardware, ReMarkable.

    8. The quality of our reading is not only an index of the quality of our thought; it is our best-known route to developing whole new pathways in the cerebral evolution of our species.

      Again, is this true? I think the qualifier "an index" makes it mostly true. And it is a gateway technology for future proofing yourself in the world.

  3. Jul 2018
    1. Whenever I visit her, I ask again. "I don't know," she says, rocking, closing her eyes. "We were as surprised as you."

      She asks how they did it. Mom responds: don't know, a mystery to us too.

    2. And I still wonder how they did it, slipped that quarter under my pillow, made those perfect footprints...

      The author repeats her wonder at how they played the tooth fairy so well considering how things went later.

    3. She's a nurse on the graveyard shift, Comes home mornings and calls me, Drinks her dark beer and goes to bed.

      My mother in present day is a nurse who works third shift. She calls me in morning and drinks a beer to go to sleep.

    4. He lives alone in Oregon now, dying of a rare bone disease. His face stippled gray, his ankles clotted beneath wool socks.

      Back to the present day . My dad is dying from bone cancer and looks terrible.

    5. I can still remember her print dresses

      I see her in her print dresses.

    6. It's harder to believe the years that followed, the palms curled into fists, a floor of broken dishes, her chainsmoking through long silences, him punching holes in his walls.

      Flash forward to the memories of later years of violence and fights and silence and more violence.

    7. My mother must have been a beauty then, sitting at the kitchen table with him, a warm breeze lifting her embroidered curtains, waiting for me to fall asleep.

      Imagining how beautiful my young mother was back then, waiting patiently at the window for me to go to sleep.

    8. with a love so quiet, I still can't hear it.

      They did it so quietly I can't even imagine it even now. How did they do it?

    9. They brushed a quarter with glue and glitter, slipped in on bare feet, and without waking me painted rows of delicate gold footprints on my sheets

      My parents really got into being the tooth fairies for me by making a fancy quarter to put under my pillow as well as faking some footprints on my sheets all while I was asleep!

  4. Jun 2018
    1. My goals in reading this article:

      What can I do to use this in my composition classes? How can I use this in my professional learning? What can I share with my colleagues?

      We can share our purposes here in the Page notes. We can collaborate and help each other. We can work separately but visible to others.

    1. Here are some issues I have as this annotatory process grows.

      1. If the annotation continues over a period of weeks, then how can we attend to it?
      2. If an annotation flashmob's mentality is "one and done", then should we not say that from the beginning?
      3. How can we keep the spirit of care and vulnerability as issues become more fractious and as weaker ties begin to crowd into the annotation space?
    2. Critical Digital Literacies

      I am more and more drawn to the work of Damon Centola on the spread of 'behaviors' through networks. I would like to substitute "behaviors' for literacy and begin to apply Centola's work in the classroom. He has a new book coming out on Monday and I have put a talk of his on Vialogues so that we can annotate that: https://vialogues.com/vialogues/play/44449

      Aside: When an annotated space reaches a critical mass I think we need summary behaviors or further highlighting and notification procedures. Kevin has already done so in one post. We might call these emergent writing or emergent behaviors.

    3. Might consider a slightly more focused trim tab here in this all-page annotation box. This isn't to say that, if invited, improvisation is not encouraged. It must be. House rules gotta make this a playground not a prison.

    4. we also need to begin thinking like artists, web designers, recording engineers, photographers, and filmmakers.

      Look no further than this annotation box for all that you suggest. Hypothes.is annotation is a multimedia genre all on its own in the process of being born. It is an ideal medium for teaching the old ways of writing and reading as well as the new ways of responding and creating. It is in its infancy and not locked down and scaffolded to death. So uptown.


    5. we need to provide intellectual and emotional space for students to explore new ideas, gather their own evidence, and present academic arguments through media other than just the printed word.

      I couldn't agree more. The big problem for us all is that often these spaces are so locked down, so scaffolded, so assessment driven that I despair of the system that created them and their capacity to create these spaces. I know we can do it and have done it, but do these exceptions prove my point? I do not want to come across as a ed-apocalyptic. Hell, the industrial model of learning is alive and "well" and shows little sign of abating.

      I have to wonder if school is not, as Ivan Illich coined it, iatrogenic. Further, as a person who naturally "keeps on" (I have been a sheep farmer for over 30 years!) Are we guilty of educational iatrogenesis?

      I also have to wonder whether we are all a bunch of Boxers saying, "I will work harder." Present company excluded.

      Alison Gopnik argues that the youth of each generation are the product development branch of their cohort. They 'grow' the tools they need to solve the wicked problems of now. I want to help them do that. I do not want to give them the tools to solve the problems of the previous generation. We need to give them the space to make and do anew, but I want us to be more like concierges, not sages or masters. If this requires a new model then I say bring the revolution. It's coming anyway might as well join their camp.

    6. must keep the focus first on best practices

      Good practices? Here are a couple of critiques of the phrase best practices.

      1. When “Best Practice” is Bad Practice

      1. Best Practices Are the Worst

      Not trying to nitpick here, but as a teacher I find it more important to be able to look at any writing practice (digital or otherwise) and see how it fits my learners and our learning niche. I am always surprised at what works and what doesn't and how the trifling-est practice sometimes works. I understand, too, that the reason we propose 'best practice' and do research to determine what is best practice is to pare down on the universe of options available to us as teachers and learners. As an experiment ask a student what they might consider best practice for learning a particular thing and I think you might be surprised. Oh, right, students don't enter into best practice except as we practice it upon them.

    7. Digital Writing

      Is the phrase "digital writing" as fraught as "digital native"? Or has it morphed into just plain writing? I still find myself bridging the gap analog -digital gap. For example, a summer goal is to make annotation of pdf's as close to paper as I can. I invested in a reMarkable tablet to make this happen. Do I consider it "digital writing"--yes and no. It is the merging of digital and analog. I do it so as to have less friction and quicker feedback with students. None of this matters if students can't take in the feedback or if my feedback sucks, but that is another pedagogic and compositional concern.

    1. National Writing Project’s Connected Learning Massive, Open, Online Collaboration (CLMOOC)

      That little apostrophe holds a world in it. Who owns CLMOOC? I raised this question very early on in the many iterations of it. NWP paid the first couple of groups of facilitators. Does that mean they own it? Or is this more of an example of 'usufruct'--we all get the 'use of the fruit' of CLMOOC. The question of 'open' cannot be answered to my satisfaction until we know the answer to this. Personally, if any one entity owns it then the idea of participatory design is a bit of a hoax, perhaps a mass-delusion. All the overt levers of power and participation seem quite open. Maybe the progenitors should have issued a DNR order at the very beginning or even an agreed upon closing/sunset date?

    2. participatory design
    1. Here is my sense of the topics that resonated most clearly:

      Here is my sense of what you say in translation:

      A Numbered LIst

      1. I am aware, so aware, that definitions rule. They make us imagine our practice.
      2. I am aware that less is so often more.
      3. The R&D arm of each generation is already at work constraining and cajoling.
      4. Our poets and dogs drag home the damndest things: bones, mirrors and seeds.
      5. And still it is not enough.
      6. The margins are a moving target that even its authors may no longer recognize.
      7. Even if Yeats is right and the best lack all conviction and the worst are full of passionate hootery, we still note our thanks, we continue to add to the pile, and we keep open and keep on. and get down now.


    2. prob

      Probably Possibly Maybe Could be Don't know


    3. Margins

      Margins and boundaries are at the heart of ego. Having them makes us strong in the world, but they also render the world as more rigid, defined, and static than it really is. Korzybski's admonition that "the map is not the territory" is never more true than when we are discussing margins and boundaries. Teaching is quite a bit less than the "2+2=4" that I think Troy Hicks points to in his comment about how 30 years of work in digital writing give us some certainty. It's a collection of practices that you can try and most of which have worked more than once and, as such, are worth trying again.That's about it. No certitude there. And that should not discourage anyone who thinks of reading and writing as more art than science.

    1. Will you take my hand?
    2. Will you stop with me a while,

      Yes, I will.

      Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening BY ROBERT FROST Whose woods these are I think I know.<br> His house is in the village though;<br> He will not see me stopping here<br> To watch his woods fill up with snow.

      My little horse must think it queer<br> To stop without a farmhouse near<br> Between the woods and frozen lake<br> The darkest evening of the year.

      He gives his harness bells a shake<br> To ask if there is some mistake.<br> The only other sound’s the sweep<br> Of easy wind and downy flake.

      The woods are lovely, dark and deep,<br> But I have promises to keep,<br> And miles to go before I sleep,<br> And miles to go before I sleep.

    3. Will you stop with me a while, And while away the time?

      Yes, I will.

    4. And furlongs still to make.

      This Kentucky boy cannot hear the word 'furlong' without thinking of the greatest thoroughbred to ever live, Secretariat. The Triple Crown Races for 1973 culminated in a Belmont Stakes victory of over 20 lengths and a track record over a mile and a half over two seconds faster than previous. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V18ui3Rtjz4 His jockey applied no whip. Hands only the entire race. That horse was racing for the sheer joy of it. I did see another of the greatest horses ever, Forego. He had heart and more of it as he grew older. I was on the rail when I saw him win one of his last races. Furlongs with heart. Rising out of the rubble from the back of the pack he rated his competition even better than Secretariat and then would move past exactly like Secretariat did in his Derby Run. Cruising. No whip. It is a sight to see. And they really do "thunder by" the furlongs. I shiver remembering.

    1. I have not seen one like this yet.

      Nor I. Could this happen? It is the kind of work I see happening more often if folks had a universal income and Medicare for All. I also see this annotation work as a way to prototype freely all the ideas needed for solving a problem and then applying them. Sounds like the work of 'schools'. I have mentioned in other places the work of Alison Gopnik. She argues that the young are the research and development branch of every generation:

      Babies are the R&D department of the human species. Evolution seems to have solved this problem by giving us a division of labor where the young creatures get to learn and imagine and think of possibilities. And then us old creatures take what we learned as children and actually put it to use.

  5. May 2018
    1. an American woodpecker that often feeds on ants on the ground.

      I used to see these birds by the dozens. Flocks of them on the winter pastures. Great explosive birds on the wing. Now, not so much. Flicker collapse.

    1. The man who knows that nothing in demand is out of production soon expects that nothing produced can be out of demand.

      This keeps rolling around in my head, one marble in a Chinese Checkers tin. And I am not asking what does this mean, but rather what could this mean?

  6. Apr 2018
    1. Only by channeling dollars away from the institutions which now treat health, education, and welfare can the further impoverishment resulting from their disabling side effects be stopped.

      Did you know Illich invented the term "iatrogenesis", sickness induced by medical activity. Is there educational iatrogenesis. Yes. Anyone who teaches knows this is true. That is why it is so important to hand over the reins of learning to your students as soon as possible. As Blake noted in "Proverbs of Heaven and Hell", the tygers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction. This is why we 'unschooled' all of our children. Exactly why.

    2. deschooled milieu

      love the rhyme Sorry, can't help by add this just for the...giggles.

    1. %0#$!204%).!<&%!#0I!0'()4$*&#46!1*22,34%:(2$!50!%0J0%20'!*#$&!$.0!204%).!<&%!$.0*%!*#2$*$($*&#46!*#J0%20^!0'()4$*&#46!5,64%I.*).!.0*;.$0#!$.0!&BB&%$(#*$/!<&%!04).!&#0!$&!$%4#2<&%:!04).!:&:0#$!&<!.*2!6*J*#;!*#$&!&#0!&<!604%#*#;O!2.4%*#;O

      Networks (back and forth) not funnels (one way). If this isn't a summing up of CLMOOC, I don't know what is.

    2. J0%0$$!?0*:0%K!

      Reimer was good friends with Illich when they were both in Puerto Rico. Classic networking IRL. Here is a free copy of Reimer's book, School Is Dead.

  7. Mar 2018
    1. ti-blackness.

      and anti-everything-but-white-ness

    2. A pedagogy of healing

      I highlighted this callout text three time before I tried to comment here. pause I don't want to be a pedagogue. I am not a healer. I don't even know how to heal others. Most healers will tell you that mostly they just facilitate self-healing. Is this a possible healing? pause I haven't read all of this yet, but I am not sure I want the responsibility of 'transformative tools' that get applied to others. Maybe we can open up a space for all students to choose tools of transformation that are apt for them.

    3. A game to play as you begin this annotation or one to end with after you have done with it: an empathy map.

      Here is another set of directions.

    1. wintry fever

      the opposite of green fuse? simply another season? Two seasons:the quick and the dead, zero and one, love and death, time and ...nothingness?

    2. time has ticked a heaven round the stars

      omg, the heavens are a clock, there is a second hand ticking, as it ticks it creates the heavens. Time is the greater creator and destroyer. It ticks into the present and we are here and it ticks again and we are gone, to be replaced by another and another tick.

    3. heaven

      I thought of heaven as an eternity, no time, time out of time.

    4. The first stanza describes the human condition.

    5. The lips of time

      is the force, time?


    6. I am dumb

      I can speak.

    7. I am dumb

      I am dumb

    8. leech

      not a happy tone--parasitic. time is a parasite. it sucks time from us in order to live?

    9. I am dumb

      ironic--he isn't dumb is he? He is speaking out loud in a mysterioius way?

    10. The hand

      is this the force by another name?

    11. I am dumb

      The "I" could also be generalized to us all.

    12. The force

      It occurs to me that the poet is doing the opposite of what we usually think--the repetition is at the beginning of the line. And the poet is complaining and comparing constantly. What's with that?

    13. Drives my green age

      comparison between flower and poet.

    14. drives

      drives it like the spring in a clock? Driven? Suggests no choice.

    15. green fuse

      suggests a bomb?

    16. force

      suggests something powerful and abstract

  8. Feb 2018
    1. clothes.

      perfect rhyme, except for "clothes"?

    2. liquefaction

      Four silken syllables.

    3. Then, then

      The first "then" arrests our attention much like Julia in silk has arrested Herrick's attention. The second then starts time back again (methinks). LOL, he really isn't thinking very much is he?

    4. silks

    5. Julia

      And who is Julia?

    1. The aim of the laborer should be, not to get his living, to get "a good job," but to perform well a certain work; and, even in a pecuniary sense, it would be economy for a town to pay its laborers so well that they would not feel that they were working for low ends, as for a livelihood merely, but for scientific, or even moral ends. Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for love of it.

      Quote in Miya Tokumitsu article "In the Name of Love"

    2. idler

      reminds me of The Idler magazine in UK

    3. yield more real profit, though but little money,

      LOve how he uses the language of business against itself.

    4. I think that there is nothing, not even crime, more opposed to poetry, to philosophy, ay, to life itself, than this incessant business.

      Thoreau is unstoppable in how he counters commerce. Still fresh.

    5. Let us consider the way in which we spend our lives.

      No bullshit.

  9. Jan 2018
    1. statewide budget cuts

      not just a wku problem

    2. To help increase enrollment,

      possible solutions to enrollment issues

    3. April as to the actual fiscal challenge.”

      Nothing will begin to happen until April and later.

    4. an additional $10 million is being counted toward the deficit to account for “proposed fixed costs and enrollment changes.”

      final 10 million here. So vague: what are tixed costs and what kinds of enrollment changes?

    5. current deficit is due to enrollment issues.

      enrollment is due in part to decreasing enrollment in general.

    6. a decrease in international enrollment,

      problem: decrease in international enrollment will mean more deficit in the future.

    7. used one-time dollars

      solution: but not sustainable.

    8. “A $40 million lift for an institution of this size is five times the magnitude of any reduction we’ve experienced,” Caboni said. “Eight million dollars is the largest cut the institution has negotiated through.”

      An amazing fact: this is five times the problem we have ever had.

    9. add $9 million to the budget deficit.

      here is another 9 million. that gets it up to 30 million. Where is the rest?

    10. Caboni said there will be difficult decisions that have to be made, including looking at a “reduction of staff.”

      Consequences: staff cutbacks. How is "staff" defined?

    11. President Timothy Caboni estimated that WKU could have a budget deficit of almost $40 million, if statewide budget cuts proposed by Gov. Matt Bevin go into effect.

      Our problem: a large deficit.

    1. “To be completely cured of newspapers, spend a year reading the previous week’s newspapers.”— Nassim Taleb

      So true. I was raised in a time when the speed of news was accurate. The tempo between news and its making was roughly the same. Now...Taleb has got it right.

    2. “What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it.”

      This quote, standing alone, utterly re-imagines my role and the need from my role in teaching and learning. Bring it.

    1. seeps inthrough thecracks

      I don't know whether it is the dark that seeps through or the light. Or both.

    2. a fear more friend thanfoe in the knowledgeit seems to knowof me.

      This is a glorious line, shining with truth and aid. thanks.

    3. It's small wonder

      a small wander, too, a random walk in the fields and woods, the landscape and the inscape.

    1. seeps inthrough thecracks

      I don't know whether it is the dark that seeps through or the light. Or both.

    2. a fear more friend thanfoe in the knowledgeit seems to knowof me.

      This is glorious line, shining with truth and aid. thanks.

    3. It's small wonder

      a small wander, too, a random walk in the fields and woods, the landscape and the inscape.

    1. My apologies to great questions for small answers.

      Humans are so very...lame. We mostly are only capable of small beer and badly played pub trivia. Our lives are often small answers to great questions.

    2. May my dead

      Whose dead? His dead. Who is dead? Depends on your life. Who is dead in your own life? We forget. We all forget. We all forget even those who we loved the most. That is worth begging forgiveness for, dontcha think?

    3. necessity. My apologies to necessity

      Linking necessity to chance and apologizing to both if mistaken. Mistaken about what?

    4. My apologies

      Emotional tone of apology. Apology for what? to whom? These are the templates implied by the word 'apology'.

    5. Under One

      Classic assonance under and one. Why do that? Because it hints at another inner rhyme--sun, a small star.

    1. what kind of ‘productive interruptions’ and pauses might come our way in 2018.

      Some of my most productive pauses are destructive ones that are part of the path toward creating. For example, I get to teach a composition class of 24 with more than half of my students being Saudi. I have always had international students in my classes. My department head says it is because I am a softie. That is not a compliment in the unholy land of 'rigor'. So this class gives me great pause. How the fuck can I rise to this challenge? I think I have to break a great many sacred pedagogical icons along the way, but I don't know for sure how to go about it. Knowing political conditions in Saudi Arabia right now, a 'rigorous' approach might will be an indirect death sentence. Now that gives me pause.

  10. Dec 2017
    1. Much happens in dreams that tests the boundaries of believability

      Dreams don't care 'bout no verisimilitude. Dreams are psycho-stress tests? Dreams are bullies that make us believe in them. We bully ourselves. Teasing out the consequences of this sentence makes me realize how deep and rich and ...consequential it is. This sentence stands alone as a meaning rich objects much like a sculpture.

    2. an accusation made when you’re running out the door?

      Yeah, this is the last refuge of passive-aggressive personality.

    3. Style

      Style is a cool word. I think of it as having a couple of different senses--shallow and deep. I think Dyer is warning us to adopt the deeper sense of it--an organic characteristic emerging from the depths of one's self.

    1. Self-organization here means the agents interacting “locally”, following their own rules and intentions, without any steering from outside that particular event. All influence takes place in the layered, local events.
    2. The network is a complex system consisting of a large number of agents/nodes behaving according to their own principles of local, self-organizing interaction. No one agent or group of agents, determines how the system as a whole behaves. It is about self-organization.
    3. We often think of individuals as independent and self-contained. The view suggested here sees individuals as nodes of the complex networks they form when interacting with others, co-creating themselves and the reality in which they participate.
    1. Still at a starting point, we have neither ‘advanced’ nor remained unmoved.

      The cover of Ken Macrorie's textbook, The I-Search Paper, has a moebius strip on it, reflecting this sentiment nicely.<br>

      But the conceit of the moebius strip extends from the back cover as well

      So, you start reading this book on the back cover, nice twist, just like in a moebius strip. You work through the text by doing. Then when you are done, you get to the end and out the back of the book you go onto the back cover, to enter again. Escher would approve. That is what I see happening here. In the end this process serves the product, the text that is produced for anyone concerned.

    2. a pedagogy of small

      I love this phrase. I am reminded of Robert Twigger's splendid book Micromastery. The subtitle to his book is "learn small, learn fast", i.e. pedagogies of small.

      That takes me in a natural way to Buckminster Fullers metaphor of the "trim tab". Ho loved that idea so much, he put it on his grave stone.

      Let's find the trim tabs, the micromasteries, the small pedagogies that might work as we learn together. That is the kind of we-search I can support. Wholly.

    1. We need a new kind of public sphere: a platform in the cloud where data and metadata would be our common good, dedicated to the recording and collaborative exploitation of memory in the service of our collective intelligence. The core values orienting the construction of this new public sphere should be: openness, transparency and commonality

      A manifesto if ever I saw one.

  11. Nov 2017
    1. I hate to seem greedy—I have so much to be thankful for already.

      Thankfulness can be a declaration of privilege, of shouting to the heavens, "Look at me and what all I gots." Thankfulness could be like Raymond Carver says, just waiting for the glory of what happens next in a state of wonder. Agog.

    1. This grasshopper, I mean-

      Did he who made the swan and the bear make thee? All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful: The Lord God made them all.

    2. Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

      A "one-two" jab, right cross combination to the head. I am down for the count.

    3. Who made the world? Who made the swan, and the black bear? Who made the grasshopper?

      Reminds me of William Blake's "The Tyger"


    1. Sing, birds, in every furrow!

      I have seen this I have seen these spare birds Sparrows Feasting in a furrow of newly plowed ground then with utter seeming joy lift their heads and thrill and shrill.

    2. I love the repetition.

    3. and re-inspired by Dogtrax.

      Inspired-breathed in re-inspired-and again in

    4. Blackbird and thrush in every bush,

      the thump of this line delivers

    5. shrill

      I love what the OED brings to this poem.

      shrill, v.


      Also 4 schrille, 4–6 shrille, 5 shrelle, [skrille], 6–7 shril.

      [f. shrill a. Cf. G. schrillen.]

      1.1 intr. Of a voice, cry: To sound shrilly. Hence of noises, the wind, or the like, or a place echoing with sound.

         13‥ K. Alis. 777 Bulsifal neied so loude, That hit schrillith into the cloude!    1582 Stanyhurst Æneis ii. 35 The inner lodgins dyd shrille with clamorus howting.    1591 Spenser Virg. Gnat 518 Their mightie strokes so shrild, As the great clap of thunder.    1647 H. More Song of Soul ii. App. iii, Its tearing noise so terribly did shrill, That it the heavens did shake.    1782 Mickle Proph. Q. Emma iv, When the female scream ascended, Shrilling o'er the crowded lawn.    1811 Scott Don Roderick ii. xix, First shrill'd an unrepeated female shriek!    1842 Tennyson Morte d'Arthur 201 A wind, that shrills All night in a waste land.    1884 L. Wallace Ben-Hur iv. iv. 166 His voice shrilled with passion.

      2.2 To speak, cry, or sing with a shrill voice; to make a shrill noise. a.2.a Of persons or animals.

         [c 1400 Anturs of Arth. xlviii, Þene his lemmane one loft skrilles and skrikes.]    c 1440 Floriz & Bl. (MS. T) 756 Þe mayde, al for drede, Bygan to shrelle [earlier MSS. crie, schrichen] and to grede.    1595 Spenser Epithal. 82 The Ouzell shrills, the Ruddock warbles soft.    1598 Florio, Querulare‥to shril, to‥chirp.    1639 H. Ainsworth Annot. Ps. v. 12 To showt, shrill, or cry aloud for sorrow.    1837 Carlyle Fr. Rev. III. ii. vi. (1872) 81 The Tribune drones,‥the whole Hall shrilling up round it into pretty frequent wrath and provocation.    1896 A. Austin England's Darling i. ii, The misselthrush That shrilled so gleefully.

      b.2.b Of an instrument of music, whistle, etc.

         1579 Spenser Sheph. Cal. Nov. 71 Breake we our pypes, that shrild as lowde as Larke.    1590 ― F.Q. ii. iii. 20 A horne, that shrilled cleare Throughout the wood.    1710 Philips Pastorals iv. 56 Thro' all the Wood his Pipe is heard to shrill.    1842 Tennyson Sir Galahad 5 The shattering trumpet shrilleth high.    1879 E. Gosse New Poems 100 The first sharp snow is shrilling through the trees.    1903 Kipling Five Nations 114 The whistle shrills to the picket.

      3.3 trans. To utter, give forth (a sound, cry, words) in shrill tones; to exclaim or proclaim with a shrill voice. Also with out.

         1595 Spenser Epithal. 129 Harke, how the Minstrels gin to shrill aloud Their merry Musick.    1606 Shakes. Tr. & Cr. v. iii. 84 Harke‥How poore Andromache shrils her dolour forth.    1613 Heywood Silver Age iii. i, Through all th' Abysse, I haue shril'd thy daughters losse.    1613 ― Brazen Age ii. ii, What better can describe his shape and terror Then all the pittious clamours shrild through Greece?

         1801 Lusignan I. 173 The terror of the feathered tribe, shrilled in the omens of an approaching tempest.    1817 Coleridge Biog. Lit. xxi. (1882) 205 Gnats, beetles, wasps,‥may shrill their tiny pipes‥unchastised and unnoticed.    1837 Carlyle Fr. Rev. I. v. ii, ‘Messieurs’, shrills de Brézé.    1904 M. Hewlett Queen's Quair i. vii, Lethington likened her to Diana on Taygetus shrilling havoc.    1947 A. Ransome Great Northern? i. 16 Roger's voice shrilled out, ‘Sail HO!’    1975 New Yorker 16 June 97/3 It was a lapse on Miss Sills' part to shrill out a high E flat at the end of the first finale, but otherwise she was tender, touching, and sensitive.

      4.4 To render shrill. rare—1.

         1772 Foote Nabob Prol. Wks. 1799 II. 285 If age contracts my muscles, shrills my tone.

      5.5 To summon with a shrill sound. rare—1.

         1859 Masson Brit. Novelists iii. 204 The pibroch shrills them to the work they do.

    6. Wings from the wind to please her mind,

      wings...wind..her mind

    1. The heart of the world lies open, leached and ticking with sunlight

      I am reminded of Tom Waits' "Heart of a Saturday Night", a song of gratitude. I want this sung at my funeral.



    2. Two ravens circle and twist.                 On the borders of heaven, the river flows clear a bit longer.


      Just magix.

      Ravens casting their familiar spell.

      The margins of heaven responding.

      The river clearing, the mind untroubled.

      Now and for a little longer.

    3.  some sway, some don’t sway.

      glad for the delightful ambiguity--the pines, the readers, the poet

    4. evening feed                                                                             into

      love the caesura here. the pause in phrasing aloud and the pause in print as well.

      I am grateful to know that matters to the poet. It matters to me.

    1. berries not by the work of our hands, berries not by the work of our fingers.


      what have you been given today?

      is your blood warmth breathing and pulsing?

      Is there a solid road under you?

      is there a dog adoring you?

      is there thick crusted bread?

      is there sense being made nearby?

      is there a garden feeding you?

      is your air, unmediated and pure?

      is your water cold and good?

      what have you been given?

      if that was taken,

      what would you still have?

      of that,

      what would you still need?

    2. I love how the writer bookends the observation: "I wonder what I am, that anyone should note me." with the end of the poem: "Here there are blueberries, there is no need to note me." Problem and solution. Call and response.

    3. bright clouds

      blueberry sky quince clouds bread thick with life meadow margins a blanket of "I am" in a meadow of "No need"

    4. wonder

      What we are given

      in this one sweet life

      is what we have already earned

      by virtue of being alive.

      Do not wonder at that.

      Do not sow.


    5. And for this, I did nothing, not even wonder.

      From Matthew 6:24–33 (King James Version "KJV"): No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

    1. this God, this laughter of the morning


      Laughter is spoken.

      God speaks Through laughter.

      Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make laugh.

    2. I am reminded of how grateful I am that she lived as long as she did before her suicide. I feel the same feelings toward David Foster Wallace and his Kenyon commencement address. Grateful...then sad, but mostly grateful and glad to be alive to read and share their genius.

    3. The Joy that isn’t shared, I’ve heard,dies young.

      Every morning we can

      My wife and I

      on our front porch swing


      the news that stays news

      at the end of our eyes

      and ears

      and nose

      and tongue

      and finger tips.

      This is not capital

      of any kind,

      not interest

      or dividend earned

      or profit plowed back

      It is the ante

      we pay each other

      to play

      this infinite game.

    4. though often forget,to give thanks

      We are alive



      and to


      but not to

      the inscape of God

    1. Try to praise

      You must

      You should


      the mutilated world

    2. the gentle light that strays and vanishes
    3. returns

    4. the gray feather a thrush lost

    5. nettles

      nettles and exiles, nettle because of exiles, mutilated lives, one rising from the other

    6. wild strawberries

      the tang of wild blackberries dancing that tango on my tongue.

    7. mutilated world.

      I am grateful for memory even though it incomplete, perhaps mutilited.

  12. Oct 2017
    1. Forsaken

      To sake? for someone else's sake? before saken?

      Forsaken=morally abandoned?

    1. embedded

      I like this word. Why? Because it reminds me of 'embodied'. Writing is complex, networked, social, and apt. Although something that is appropriate might be variable. YMMV.

    2. Composing
    3. many purposes

      And many audiences...only one direct ref to audiences-"the relationship between readers and writers". I think audience and awareness for audience is even more important than purpose or rather it is intertwined with purpose. Did I miss it here?

    1. Face-time is over-valued.

      Face time needs to be redefined.

    2. we are the campus.

      Sometimes our words are so confining. "Campus" ties us down to so many associations. It is part of a larger system. Is distance learning a part of the system or is it an emerging something else with its own set of connections? And should it be? And can it be both/and?

  13. Sep 2017
    1. How does a close technical study of the machinery of a poem — and for the New Criticism it was poetry that defined literature — advance any larger project?

      This question should be at the heart of literary work whatever that is. We have failed to realize that self-justification is only part of the duty we owe our discipline and our society. And because we ignore it governors like Matt Bevin in Kentucky can remark with impugnity that we just need to get rid of 'subjects' that don't make with enough majors. Darwinism in the classroom. More like slaughter. If you don't pushback at every opportunity, if you don't make the case, then you lose.

    2. Somehow all this had been settled.

      Yes, settled in its own irrelevance.

    3. become credentialed in this pastime and then employed so I could teach others to experience the same pleasure I did in the presence of great literature

      I only came to this later in my life. But it is now part of what I want to do with all of the rest of my life.

    4. all this is to experience at once a sense of weightlessness, of a liberating distance from oneself and the here and now, and an exhilarating feeling of power.

      This is what I feel when I use online social annotation tools like Hypothes.is. Shared sense with the author and with other readers working their way through.

    5. Teaching textual interpretation is crucial to forming citizens

      The assertion should be obvious, but is it?