- Nov 2017
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
the gray feather a thrush lost
nettles and exiles, nettle because of exiles, mutilated lives, one rising from the other
wild strawberries
the tang of wild blackberries dancing that tango on my tongue.
mutilated world.
I am grateful for memory even though it incomplete, perhaps mutilited.
- Oct 2017
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
To sake? for someone else's sake? before saken?
Forsaken=morally abandoned?
blogs.ncte.org blogs.ncte.org
I like this word. Why? Because it reminds me of 'embodied'. Writing is complex, networked, social, and apt. Although something that is appropriate might be variable. YMMV.
many purposes
And many audiences...only one direct ref to audiences-"the relationship between readers and writers". I think audience and awareness for audience is even more important than purpose or rather it is intertwined with purpose. Did I miss it here?
opencreativity.trubox.ca opencreativity.trubox.ca
Face-time is over-valued.
Face time needs to be redefined.
we are the campus.
Sometimes our words are so confining. "Campus" ties us down to so many associations. It is part of a larger system. Is distance learning a part of the system or is it an emerging something else with its own set of connections? And should it be? And can it be both/and?
educatorinnovator.org educatorinnovator.org
By Any Media Necessary: The New Youth Activism
Here is the WorldCat page for this book in case you want to buy it or access it via Interlibrary Loan.
- Sep 2017
www.chronicle.com.libsrv.wku.edu www.chronicle.com.libsrv.wku.edu
How does a close technical study of the machinery of a poem — and for the New Criticism it was poetry that defined literature — advance any larger project?
This question should be at the heart of literary work whatever that is. We have failed to realize that self-justification is only part of the duty we owe our discipline and our society. And because we ignore it governors like Matt Bevin in Kentucky can remark with impugnity that we just need to get rid of 'subjects' that don't make with enough majors. Darwinism in the classroom. More like slaughter. If you don't pushback at every opportunity, if you don't make the case, then you lose.
Somehow all this had been settled.
Yes, settled in its own irrelevance.
become credentialed in this pastime and then employed so I could teach others to experience the same pleasure I did in the presence of great literature
I only came to this later in my life. But it is now part of what I want to do with all of the rest of my life.
all this is to experience at once a sense of weightlessness, of a liberating distance from oneself and the here and now, and an exhilarating feeling of power.
This is what I feel when I use online social annotation tools like Hypothes.is. Shared sense with the author and with other readers working their way through.
Teaching textual interpretation is crucial to forming citizens
The assertion should be obvious, but is it?
Geoffrey Galt Harpham
Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoffrey_Galt_Harpham
His Amazon page: https://www.amazon.com/Geoffrey-Galt-Harpham/e/B001HD110C
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.comBlackbird.13
Quite naturally during our conversation, we moved from a submission to a conference, from informal conversation to agreement that we would capture our conversation, to agreement that we work together on reflective practice and extend our conversations within our local community.
The teflon of abstraction vs. the velcro of the real. This summing up must seem real to you and not an abstraction, but for me it slides off like butter on a non-stick pan. And of necessity, too. Working out loud is a difficult form of writing for the reader. Protracted, drawn out, painfully detailed. Perhaps sliding off just like abstraction. Observing here the paralysis of conversation.
Can you hear the beauty?
I hear a blackbird sing
How do we situate our practice in a world governed by platform capitalism?
http:////zeega.tellio.club/33 (Play it twice if you have a slow net connection.)
"What are we/they ACTUALLY doing? That's what matters." Peter Goodyear.
We are born, we move, we die and then we know no more.
For most of us, all by the light of the accident of DNA and migration and the forces in history.
Where is the space for those without voices?
Somewhere else. Not here. Lots of somewheres, not here. Weeping. Numb. Alive?
Sir John Franklin
Bonnie's keynote
https://nowcomment.com/documents/84281#.WbKuc9N97UJ Another way to annotate video.
"What are we/they ACTUALLY doing? That's what matters." Peter Goodyear.
Something adjacent to this by the late Graham Nuthall,"It really cut me when I found out that there were things happening in the classroom between the children and I didn't know it was happening...they were talking in a voice I could not hear." The Hidden Lives of Learners (12)
- Aug 2017
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
“The Draize eye test,
Stringing quotes together as nuggets of argument. Asking quotes to speak for themselves. Better, more particular sources needed.
There are
Sentences stand alone and don't work as a team. Unlike the one in the gif below.
- Jul 2017
slack.com slack.com
This is a fascinating discussion? What are the next steps in the process of annotation?Of course, the first level of notes is an important part of the conversation, but is a deeper and wider version of the conversation implied here? Some signals amped up, some damped down? Where happens next as a flashmob? Love how hypothes.is is such a powerful tool for connected learning. Further connections?
www.hastac.org www.hastac.org
And I always throw the answer back to the person asking the question
Quit your Trabecking ;-)
networkedlearningcollaborative.com networkedlearningcollaborative.com
Learners “apprentice” themselves to a group of people who share a certain set of practices
Apprenticeship invokes reciprocated duties and rights. You really need these to flow both ways or you get master/slave, colonizer/colonized relationships. These asymmetric power relationships are easy to abuse.
flipgrid.com flipgrid.com
respond to others
This has so many ways of working.
Feel free to introduce yourself
Or un-troduce yourself. You are invited.
- Jun 2017
www.truth-out.org www.truth-out.org
What happens to democracy
Would love to collaborate with someone doing a mixed media presentation that visualizes these questions.
www.nomadwarmachine.co.uk www.nomadwarmachine.co.uk
something we’d do
It's something I might do if it was a public person making public utterances.
hat apply to tweets containing a particular hashtag
Yes, but only as it applies to those who agree to be bound by it. Hashtag wars? Not really seeing this yet.
can I request
owned by individuals or groups of individuals?
Governed by the idea of usufruct. We can use the fruit of the tree but we can't own the tree. And we must not use the fruit exclusively.
the status of hashtags
they are part of the commons
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
Mastodon has a lot of echo.
Mastodon has been a convivial tool for me, but not for anything having to do with #digciz.
"Hello, Hello, Anybody there?"
I felt this way the first week in #digciz and it was downhill from there on except for a few blips on the heart monitor.
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
what honouring is
Acknowledging others as being on the same boat in the same storm and working to make sure those others understand that.<br> Not ignoring or worse giving a little begrudging flick of attention. Oh my, that is the worst.
Worthy of a page note: https://youtu.be/RYlCVwxoL_g
What is a persona? A mask? Purposeful or just practical?
Week 2 of #digciz June 2017 is coming to and end.
Should they end? Maybe we should consider the "long tail" here? Or is that game worth the candle? A good facilitating citizen might just cast their eye to those who participated and continue to encourage a connection.
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
Virtually connecting, we were massive.
Not really. Not really virtual. Ghostly, yes. Transparent, no. Opaque? Mos' def'
We lived in the gaps between the stories.”
Marginaliacs, the marginalized, precarity to the edge.
“I want everything back, the way it was. But there is no point to it, this wanting.”
The arrow of time is a bitch. You can't go home again. Suffering is often our only recourse.
Who will be having to revise the lesson?
Yes, revising the very idea of a lesson. V. Rao notes:
34/ There is perhaps a distinction between a n00b and an expert, but it is highly localized around specific corners of the rhizome. You can go from n00b to expert and back to n00b in 2 steps. 44/ If you can only navigate well-paved paths and clean, well-lit spaces, you'll likely spend a lot of time in low-value, or even futile, ritualized behaviors while getting nothing done.
45/ You must be willing to adopt an opportunistic approach to navigating complexity, and switch from ugly hack to elegant beauty, from amateurish fumble to expert flourish, in an instant.
A guy from the STASI listening through walls to the lives of others. A guy from Facebook collecting data on the interests, the emotions, the friendships, the movements, of others.
“A rat in a maze is free to go anywhere, as long as it stays inside the maze.”
Free speech zones
I will your existence
I 'won't' your existence. I am 'notting' your existence. as always for a purpose.
whooping with joy
virtual killing...sounds a lot like ritual killing.
You have to create an it
A word "it". A language "it". Does the cat create an 'it' just before she pounces on the mouse? Is language a way to transmogrify? For what purpose do we turn stuff into "its",
educatorinnovator.org educatorinnovator.org
I look forward to learning what "toughest" means--as a character attribute or as a teacher characterization expressing how difficult Abaham was to 'teach' or...?
- May 2017
mailchi.mp mailchi.mp
no clear absolute orientation around an up, and no clear distinction between horizontal and vertical.
0, 1, and 'don't care'.
dogtrax.edublogs.org dogtrax.edublogs.org
a writer with a large audience
I am surprised that someone who puts forth such a pugilistic attitude on her webpage could be so thin-skinned about public annotation. She says she is: a troublemaker, a rabble rouser, picks fights on the internet, and says she's not afraid. Yet...she begs to be left alone, our own edtech Greta Garbo. Maybe her problem is not hypothes.is but instead hypocri.sy?
Here is what I wrote in the comment section:
Anyone who shuts down their comments or margins because of a troll has just enabled that particular troll to rob us all of the benefits of that channel.
I love how in discussions I have had that the commenting behavior in the margins is characterized as "non-consensual annotation". Annotation as rape. What a concept. That is concept creep of the first magnitude and an outrage to all the folks who are just wanting to share and talk and learn.
I consider publicly published materials to be part of the intellectual commons and as such useable, remixable, quotable, and annotateable by all. To nix comments and annotations is the same as enclosing the commons. That was the death of freehold agriculture in England and it is the death of the internet in the 21st century. We are closer every day to that.
What bothers me is that those who are trolled do not call on their communities for the mutual aid they should be able to expect. I have belonged to forums that have been harassed by trollish members and those trolls have gotten their asses handed back to them by the community. Sometimes in ways both unexpected and delightfully karmic. I am happy to slide in spikes up in aid to any legit member of my community.
But here's the problem--I suspect that rather than engage and rally against the trolls we would rather just ban any activity that might be 'irksome' in the slightest. The internet is an agora, a marketplace to share and defend and find the best ideas. It is a place for the evolution of views. How can we know the difference between trolls and gadflies if we don't have a place to share together.
As a resident of flyover country and the rough and tumble precariat of Trumpland, I suspect that shutting off incoming channels is just another way to secure the echo chamber rather than to engage, to ask for help from the 'rough' folk out there like me. And make no mistake I know some shit about 'rough'. I am the kinda guy you really want to have your back, but folks who cancel these open channels will never know that. Why? Because the writer never asked for the mutual aid that is her due. We all have obligations as public writers, but we are also also owed security and mutual aid from our communities.
I feel abandoned when someone removes commenting and annotating, especially if I (like you) have invested not only money but more importantly time and attention in that writer. I see it more and more especially among those who seem to have gotten above their "raisings". Too good to reciprocate, too important to have to take any risks in the wild.
Ironically, when you use a hypothes.is link (via. hypothesis....) it knocks out the commenting. Maybe just for me. Interesting.
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
Treasure maps
"Once you see the boundaries of your environment, they are no longer the boundaries of your environment."
Well...yes and no. A hedgerow is still a boundary even if you have seen a Google Earth view of the world. Our place on the planet is still bounded even if you have seen the big blue pebble from the moon. And I might argue that the boundaries one sees are always more permeable and in flux than McLuhan intimates here. YesNoWrongRight.
mailchi.mp mailchi.mp
But around an inexorable trend, the goal is to not to blindly pay off commitment debts simply because you think it's "execution discipline" but to constantly question the reality of the debt.
what does this mean?
The reason 10 experiments around an inexorable trend is NOT spreading yourself too thin is that you're creating potential for serendipitous focus.
yes. in practice?
Rajeev Mahajan, adding Entropy since 1994 Answered Apr 7 Suppose you are concerned with determining what the most visited parks in a city are. One idea is to take a momentary snapshot: to see how many people are this moment in park A, how many are in park B and so on. Another idea is to look at one individual (or few of them) and to follow him for a certain period of time, e.g. a year. Then, you observe how often the individual is going to park A, how often he is going to park B and so on.
Thus, you obtain two different results: one statistical analysis over the entire ensemble of people at a certain moment in time, and one statistical analysis for one person over a certain period of time. The first one may not be representative for a longer period of time, while the second one may not be representative for all the people.
Ergodicity is usually described in terms of objective properties of an ensemble of objects.
The importance of ergodicity becomes manifest when you think about how we all infer various things, how we draw some conclusion about something while having information about something else.
For example, one goes once to a restaurant and likes the fish and next time he goes to the same restaurant and orders chicken, confident that the chicken will be good. Why is he confident? Or one observes that a newspaper has printed some inaccurate information at one point in time and infers that the newspaper is going to publish inaccurate information in the future. Why are these inferences ok, while others such as "more crimes are committed by black persons than by white persons, therefore each individual black person is not to be trusted" are not ok?
The answer is that the ensemble of articles published in a newspaper is more or less ergodic, while the ensemble of black people is not at all ergodic.
Or take an even clearer example: In an election each party gets some percentage of votes, party A gets a%, party B gets b% and so on. However, this does not mean that over the course of their lives each individual votes with party A in a% of elections, with B in b% of elections and so on.
A similar problem is faced by scientists in general when they are trying to infer some general statement from various particular experiments. When is a generalization correct and when it isn't? The answer concerns ergodicity. If the generalization is done towards an ergodic ensemble, than it has a good chance of being correct.
agile development/DevOps
"DevOps is “a cross-disciplinary community of practice dedicated to the study of building, evolving and operating rapidly-changing resilient systems at scale.”"
Taleb's written extensively about it
Betting on inexorables is the equivalent of dollar cost averaging in experiment-design space. You spread bets across things you can't predict.
You spread bets across things you can't predict. So what are the bets you can make around the inexorability of rising tuition or of the number of majors in English rising or falling or that student load debt will be forgiven.
Let’s call this approach betting the spread on inexorables. You don’t plan, but you also don’t experiment/play entirely chaotically. You try multiple things around individual inexorable forces.
General instructions on betting on the future
Not enough for detailed planning, but enough to bias random actions away from an informational zero mean.
Can someone explain this to me? Has to do with variance. Not assume that variance is zero? If variance is zero, then any choice is good as any other since they all result in the same 'answer'.
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
More stories.
When will we ever learn?
In their bloody war.
Here's hoping that you are not offended by non-consensual annotation
- Apr 2017
educatorinnovator.org educatorinnovator.org
The full text of By Any Media Necessary
link on this page won't load. Wanted to look at the sources referenced in this chapter.
It is a death cult.
I have heard the same argument made against Christianity.
these humorous comments told a story of storytelling and surveillance
Isn't this more of a double bind than a paradox?
Sangita Shresthova
www.mcsweeneys.net www.mcsweeneys.net
How much did this move the needle? How can we measure how much of difference it made?
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
Academics are responsible for unpacking complex ideas in the public space while using research and education as a means to enact change.
This is a big ask. It goes well beyond the substructure of teaching how to sum up, analyze and evaluate these complex ideas. We are all responsible. Is it irresponsible to put all of this on academics. Isn't it an academic's goal to share the burden and hope of citizenship with everyone? And isn't it a grave danger to rely on the expertise of academics? I am not seeing all that many profiles in courage among the tenured. Why not? Because the bread-being buttered- is hard to turn down.
pedagogy of wakefulness
The Pedagogy of Woke always prompts my big question: now what? Listening to the suffering hardly seems enough, but pragmatically speaking even this seems like a burden on top of the five classes I teach each semester. Hypocrisy is baked into the DNA of that system. Good to see Ian is considering (at least in the most general terms) the "now what?" Which begs the question: now what specifically?
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
Please leave your droppings in comments.
I save my droppings for the margins, the humanure for the hedgerows. I am the humanure. I become the hedgerow. That is where I hide. In nature. Eventually, inevitably, human behavior will extinguish itself if we continue as is. Then I will rise up from my hedgerow burrow and live again.
Burrow deeper.
Same ol' impermeabe same ol'. Periscope opens up the panopticon, no, it is the panopticon. It is the antithesis of open. I don't trust that wormhole.
Burrow deeper.
They gas the burrows so you must have a back door to your bolt hole.
We play at being fascists gazing proudly at our Tweetmaps.
Ever always this has been on the net. It is baked into it and Silicon Valley and startup zeitgeist are its ghastly progeny.
"Art of the Deal".
Deal. Square Deal. Raw Deal. Bottom of the Deck Deal. Big Deal.
Obama's presidency
The drone president
Take away the O o o from Facebook messenger and you have a PEN.
The problem is that you can take anything from FB except they are willing to 'give'. They steal the commons and enclose it and leave us in the ghettos and sacrifice towns.
There is something inescapably totalitarian about circles,
They are inhospitable. Perfect circles all out of scale are fascist architecture. Hmmmm. I said it.
we are woefully unskilled at fighting for our freedom.
Speak for yourself. I will fucking cut you.
"A foraging wild creature, intent above all upon survival, is as strong as the grass."
larryferlazzo.edublogs.org larryferlazzo.edublogs.org
much more than just a video-editor
It is a de minimis video editor. Unlike iMovie. I think of it as iMovie LIte. Much needed entry level tool.
neat new free app called Clips today
OK, it is free if you have the hardware and the software to operate it. Access.
Is it good because it is detailed?
a very good
Why is it good?
This book is intended as an introduction to a new way of looking at knowl-edge as a shared resource, a complex ecosystem that is a commons—aresource shared by a group of people that is subject to social dilemmas.
a resource...shared by a group... subject to social dilemmas.
a new way of looking unlike law profs or economists or philosophers or ...anyone. What is the worth of another way of looking? Can't say yet, but is there a hierarchy of ways, some better than other, some subservient to others because inferior?
Two monks were arguing about a flag. One said, “The flag is moving.” The othersaid, “The wind is moving.” The sixth patriarch, Zeno, happened to be passingby. He told them, “Not the wind, not the flag; mind is moving.”—Douglas R. Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach
How does quote fit the idea of knowledge commons. We are the individual monks and the commons is the mind moving? Not just your mind, not just my mind, but 'all mind'?
- Mar 2017
medium.com medium.com
terror & laughter onions & sizzling steaks mirrors & men
I, too,became afraid.
Now by the law of conservation of hate, the fear fills me, too.
Today,A man would not serve me at the supermarket.A woman crossed the street to avoid me.An anonymous email wished death upon me.
And here is the fear made real.
gas expands
and the physics of fear is that it fills us up.
Fear spread across the waking earth as if it were gas
Fear is mostly invisible, breathed in as we wake in the morning.
the shape of mirrors & men
Sometimes fear is for real--other people or ourselves--we see it in our mirrors or others mirror it to us.
offering them to neighbours
fear dellivered like hospitality
surveillance cameras
we fuck fear
TV screens like wells,
we drink fear
we eat fear
We learn to love it--the fear becomes palatable and we say things like, "Hmmm, not so bad once you get used to it." or "Tastes a little like chicken."
joy in their terror,& laughter, too.
nothing in extremis is very far apart.
petrified forest
nice pun
I stood
Who ? The poet or the persona or something in ourselves being commanded to stand?
people became afraid
on demand and just in time, fear is delivered.
It was said
Passive voice. Disembodied voice. Find the voice. It is a man behind a curtain. Hiding.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I've been commissioned to create an image for the wall behind me.
We can commission ourselves to annotate a page like this. Annotators are like Banksy only the tags are invisible until the proper 'filter' is displayed.
Gary Kelley.
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
What counts is
An actual response to Simon's call. Can I get an "Amen"?
A response: The counting metaphor. How do I love thee, let me count the ways. I have always loved the anti-logic of Browning.
natural catastrophes?
Watching the inevitable. The disinterest of video. It is cold and uncaring. It spools death and destruction out. There is nothing we can do except wake from one nightmare to another. This is the stuff of suicide, of hope crushed. Why do we watch? We are compelled as observers of and livers within the human condition. You must acknowledge it. Condemned to let the video play out.
Fiction, Faction, Fact...
Don't forget friction.
To honor Simon's posts specifically and to honor writing in general, you have to slow down, you have commit to a slow read, you need to respond in the spirit of serious play. You need to trust and hope for kindness and care. Reading is an intellectual, emotional and embodied picnic. That's what I mean.
webrecorder.io webrecorder.io
The protein content in locusts varies from around 50 to 60 percent, according to the books Insects by Steven Parker. This means their protein content is comparable to that of raw beef. They’re also known to have around a 12 percent fat content and many nutrients like calcium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, and riboflavin.
The story of the Great Michigan Pizza Funeral is one of loss, terrible maladies, and spilled marinara. But it’s also a classic tale of the strange obstacles immigrants can often face in new countries.
bavatuesdays.com bavatuesdays.com
What is clear is that the LMS has been highly successful in enabling the administration of learning but less so in enabling learning itself
What an understatement! But I rarely see such honesty in official reports.
Tools such as the grade book and mechanisms for distributing materials such as the syllabus are invaluable for the management of a course, but these resources contribute, at best, only indirectly to learning success.
For example, I use Blackboard at my university because students for clamored for a space to view their grades and to view their assignments. When you use it as a point of departure from that, well...that's when they push back. And they do.
small pieces loosely joined philosophy
I share this, but most teachers I know are not eager to adopt another way of being and teaching. The default works well enough. [dusted and done]
I spent much of 2007 and 2008 slamming the LMS, but that gets tired—not to mention it’s had little to no impact.
The follow up question is: why did it have little impact? Why does a decentralized, non-scaffolded approach fail? Because most people don't want it. Or they don't understand that they need it. They are trapped in systems (especially K-12) that demand they behave in ways that are monolitically templated or that want them to be so.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
What specifically is the spin that John Iadorola is remarking upon? Whose interests is Breitbart advocating for? Spin merchants have different values. What are they?
Sirota nails the question of the day.
Would it be great to do top ten political 'shivs' of the 21st century? I would put all of Clinton's legislative 'achievements' in that category.
Cenk channels Breitbart in order to ascribe motives. Legit?
Wed Mar 15 2017 11:11:15 GMT-0500 (CDT)
nuzzel.com nuzzel.com
This Lego tape turns anything into a Lego-friendly surface-and it's ridiculously cheap
testing the space bar problem.
networkedstories.blogspot.com networkedstories.blogspot.com
I don't like boundaries, I don't. I don't like fences, I don't.
I will say that the more boundaries we give ourselves, the better it will be.
With moderation. I hope Sandy didn't mean to extend that "more boundaries" very far. For me, that is the essence of teaching: how far to go, what boundaries/scaffolds to erect, which ones to make permeable, which ones to allow students to take down and move or just allow free range.
Wow, look what happens. There are no instructions here, no guidelines, no right-wrong.
I think the metes and bounds are implicit. LIke social contracts, they are agreed upon but hidden. I agree to be civil within certain bounds. I don't park my brain at the door in the service of 'nice' but neither do I give up my right to disagree in the most agreeable manner I can think of. Thank god for the rules, whatever they are. Thank god for the rulebenders and breakers, wherever they lurk.
openlearninghub.net openlearninghub.net
Daily provocation
Would prefer a "daily invocation" rather than a sharp stick in the eye. You wouldn't like it when the Panda is angry.
ditto with faberglas. Intentionally ironic and un-open?
nuzzel.com nuzzel.com
Thanks to @dogtrax for dropping by and making the newsletter something more. Can't think of a nicer Saturday morning surprise. Just let me know if you are looking for a particular kind of story and I will find it and curate the unholy eff out of it.
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
"Manage your advert preferences"
shadow spirit
annotating the intangible
like pinning a butterfly to a board, a living butterfly.
Shadow spirit
My Louisville compatriot, Muhammed Ali, boxing his shadow.
We stood there witness, I, ears to the fir.
- Feb 2017
cognitionandinstruction.com cognitionandinstruction.com
Southern Poverty Law Center
I looked in my state, Kentucky, and expected to see lots of reported incidents from 2016, but I found none. Are we less racist here than elsewhere? Is there less hate here? Well...no, but what are these hate crime indices generally valuable if they are full of informational holes that can only be plugged by gut feeling. Have they not been dramatically emboldened in Kentucky? How can I conclude from this kind of information? Dammit this pisses me off that our information is so problematic.
marginalsyllab.us marginalsyllab.us
Whose responsibility is it to take what is generated and grow some sort of signal from the noise? Here is a link to all the gathered threads. . Have at it. Or come up with something else: a summary, critique, argument, analysis, whatevs. Otherwise are we, as Thomas Merton accused his fellow Trappist monks, just a bunch of cozy cheesemakers.
while diverse individuals pursue projects that are meaningful to them.
You cannot sharpen the ax of abstraction. The tygers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction.
Thanks to dogtrax for deomonstrating other ways to respond. I think that most academics are limited by their aca-speak roots. Kevin's roots are in the k-12 classroom and in play as a crucial part of annotation. I applaud that. And sometimes you need to shock like Mel Brooks in The Producers
marginalsyllab.us marginalsyllab.us
Marginal Syllabus as OER and OEP
Fascinating that these posts are rarely annotated. Teacher annotate thyself.
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
We think by feeling
Roethke crushes the idea that we can differentiate feeling from thought. This is why I love poetry. It is its own system of knowing entire unto itself.
I learn by going where I have to go.
None of this weak tea learning for me. This organized play date with all the other pablum-faced kiddies, nope, not for me. I got skin in the game and Ima gonna lose it if I don't make the learning work.
The Waking
Imagine if you will that hypnogogic state between waking and dreaming. A threshold. A liminal field. And what are we waking up from or waking away from?
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
On those weekends, the river is disquieted from morning to night by people resting from their work.
From Wind in the Willows
Then, as he looked, it winked at him, and so declared itself to be an eye; and a small face began gradually to grow up round it, like a frame round a picture. A brown little face, with whiskers. A grave round face, with the same twinkle in its eye that had first attracted his notice. Small neat ears and thick silky hair. It was the Water Rat! Then the two animals stood and regarded each other cautiously. ‘Hullo, Mole!’ said the Water Rat. ‘Hullo, Rat!’ said the Mole. ‘Would you like to come over?’ enquired the Rat presently. ‘Oh, its all very well to TALK,’ said the Mole, rather pettishly, he being new to a river and riverside life and its ways. The Rat said nothing, but stooped and unfastened a rope and hauled on it; then lightly stepped into a little boat which the Mole had not observed. It was painted blue outside and white within, and was just the size for two animals; and the Mole’s whole heart went out to it at once, even though he did not yet fully understand its uses. The Rat sculled smartly across and made fast. Then he held up his forepaw as the Mole stepped gingerly down. ‘Lean on that!’ he said. ‘Now then, step lively!’ and the Mole to his surprise and rapture found himself actually seated in the stern of a real boat. ‘This has been a wonderful day!’ said he, as the Rat shoved off and took to the sculls again. ‘Do you know, I’ve never been in a boat before in all my life.’ ‘What?’ cried the Rat, open-mouthed: ‘Never been in a—you never—well I—what have you been doing, then?’ ‘Is it so nice as all that?’ asked the Mole shyly, though he was quite prepared to believe it as he leant back in his seat and surveyed the cushions, the oars, the rowlocks, and all the fascinating fittings, and felt the boat sway lightly under him. ‘Nice? It’s the ONLY thing,’ said the Water Rat solemnly, as he leant forward for his stroke. ‘Believe me, my young friend, there is NOTHING—absolute nothing—half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. Simply messing,’ he went on dreamily: ‘messing—about—in—boats; messing——’
“When nations grow old the Arts grow coldAnd commerce settles on every tree”
Entropy leads inevitably to commerce and the cold quiet black velvet of an empty universe. Blake also said that the tygers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction.
the age of the Photograph is also the age of revolutions, contestations, assassinations, explosions, in short, of impatiences, of everything which denies ripening.
Ha! Barthes assumes that because they occupy the same space in time that it is not coincidence with revolution/contestation/assassination/explosion. Prove it,motherfucking Barthes. No, he just lets it lay like a dead fish on a priceless Persian carpet.
Yes, history as jive talk, post hoc rationalizations.
It buys their freedom, pays for it
In the US of A this is fundamentally unconstitutional. Here is the relevant quote from the Declaration of Independence:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Unalienable = cannot be alienated, cannot be sold. Souls cannot be sold but can be bought.
"What means shall we employ?"
There were 25,000 results.
The illusion of Chapter Two in a dissertation. The illusion that just one more reference will make it complete. the illusion of induction and just one counterfactual as counterfucktual
It was met with silence.
What do we do when confonted with silence? Maybe we need to shift metaphors from confronted to some other consentual reality. A sockhop perhaps, or a Morris Dance or a paso doble or poppin' and lockin'
nplusonemag.com nplusonemag.com
The New York Times reports that Obama prefers to write these speeches at night, with a lonely legal pad and an austere snack of seven lightly salted almonds.
And OCD-like focus.
The effect is slight but creepy.
Technological mediation leads us down into the uncanny valley. Yes, very creepy indeed.
the original 'truthy' word?
To take stock of Obama’s speeches is to be overwhelmed by the prosaic demands of presidential oratory.
I had never considered this before. And it's almost as if no matter the occasion they are all given mostly similar weight.
Wait — did some of those yes-we-can pioneers own slaves and kill Indians? Probably!
Rhetoric often is sleight-of-hand that distracts us with 'look over here and pay no attention to the hypocrisy over there' trumpery.
It is electrically unwatchable.
Interesting. I just watched it. It was a little uncomfortable in that 'yes, we can' can be applied to drone warfare and crushing whistleblowers. That is more chilling than electrifying.
human URL will.i.am
OK, that is both funny and mean. Fean? Munny?
the “Yes We Can” song
Dan Bayles
Vinyl emulsion paint very popular with abstract artists.
www.orwell.ru www.orwell.ru
George Orwell
mappingforjustice.blogspot.com mappingforjustice.blogspot.com
tells stories of who those people were.
I think the pictures really speak to step one: awareness, be aware that real human beings are dying. Unfortunately, in most parts of the country the only faces that matter are white faces. I know that is cynical, but the reason MIke Pence faced the issue of AIDS in small town and rural Indiana with a needle exchange program was that almost all the victims were white. And even then he was forced to do so by state-wide public pressure from---the envelope, please--white people.
Today my Twitter feed included this post.
Can't help but notice my own troubled state, Kentucky. I am watching it metastacize, but you notice that the cancer was there in 1999. Why? Powerlessness of the Unnecessariat.
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
colouring books
www.george-orwell.org www.george-orwell.org
Where is Marrakech? Morocco.
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
Just don't understand it.
They just don't pay attention.
don't take their work seriously
put their heart and soul
This is a bloody prison not a kindergarten
I put my life into the job.
Just don't understand it.
Just don't understand it.
Just don't. Don't understand it. Understand it with 'don't'. Give don't a chance.
Don't Carry It All
Just roll with it, bro. Roll wid it.
They just don't play the game right.
dogtrax.edublogs.org dogtrax.edublogs.org
how does a Netprov parody and satire move beyond humor and into changing the real world for the better?
I thinks art serves best if it serves itself first. Why does everything have to be a transaction. And who decides if the world is better? And who put academics in charge of the civic imagination, whatever the hell that is.
I know I am a grumpy fellow sometimes, but the institutional imperatives of academe are exactly one of the targets of netprov. The OccupyMLA is a classic netprov enacted by folks with real skin in the game--university adjuncts-against the forces of tenured track professionalism and guild values.
create a sort of “networked improvisation.”
Jeez, that's a book of an article. Great examples and case studies.
networkedstories.blogspot.com networkedstories.blogspot.com
Or is it just different?
I think the 'alchemy' metaphor is becoming a bit strained, but if it helps us 'get' the idea that transmutation is the brain's glory then I can live with it. Of course, the brain's crowning achievement appears to be eating the planet so that is the dark side of alchemy--if we have the power, we will use it. And here we sit glitching and spinning and transmogrifying while the planet burns.
Then Terry Elliot
Terry Elliott--I love Oxford commas, iterations, and redundant "t's".
While you have no tone
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
Birds come and cry there and twitter in the chimney - But I go for ever and come again no more.
HOME no more home to me, whither must I wander? Hunger my driver, I go where I must.
Another version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGGSCtY2T9U