3,788 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2022
  2. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. Additionally, it is recommended to configure a rule on live mode to route less than X amt payments (X can be 2₹ or some other small value) to the PayU gateway and test on production whether small value payments are being routed to PayU and working successfully. This will help avoid any direct impact on production traffic while testing.

      We recommend configuring a rule on live mode to route payments lesser than a set value (for example, ₹2) to the PayU gateway. This helps to test on production whether small value payments are being routed to PayU and working successfully, thus helping to avoid any direct impact on production traffic.

    2. dashboard


    3. Live and Test mode rules

      Live and Test Mode Rules

    4. To test the integration, the merchant can reach out to Razorpay for basic sanity testing to ensure that the credentials are correct, where Razorpay will try a test payment of small value.

      You can reach out to Razorpay for basic sanity testing of the integration. Razorpay will try a test payment of small value and ensure that the credentials are correct.

    5. Before routing all traffic or some traffic to a new gateway on Razorpay, the following best practices are recommended to ensure minimal impact to existing production traffic.

      Consider the following best practices before routing all traffic or some traffic to a new gateway on Razorpay to ensure minimal impact on existing production traffic.

    6. Sanity test at R

      Sanity Test at Razorpay

    7. mid-on PayU sid

      MID ? this part is not clear

    8. switchover


    9. optimizer


    10. To add PayU as a payment provider there are few specific points you need to consider. Mentioned below are the points you need to consider while onboarding PayU.

      To add PayU as a payment provider, you need to consider these points:

    11. the following if you intend to us

      configure where? on Dashboard?

    12. UPI Intent.

      as this is an UI element, it should be in bold.

    13. netbanking

      as this is an UI element, it should be in bold.

    14. cards

      as this is an UI element, it should be in bold.

    15. Enable seamless or s2s for your merchant id.

      How should this be done? Do they need to write to our support team or do something on the Dashboard.

    1. hods🔗

      Mark this as an optional step.

      Configure Payment Methods (Optional)

    2. /app.html.

      this will be pay.html? I think it will not be in templates. please check

    3. ET] in app.py.

      this is for python, please remove

    4. ay enables you to create orders and link them to payments. Order creation is an essential step as it helps you associate every payment with an order, thus preventing multiple payments.
    5. p the file.

      Unzip the SDK file and include the Razorpay.php file in your project.

      Can be one line.

    1. order_J2AeF1ZpvfqRGH|pay_J2AfAxNHgqqBiI"

      < order_id >|< payment_id >

    2. = "qp3zKxwLZxbMORJgEVWi3Gou"

      change this to < YOUR_KEY_SECRET >

    3. 1.4 Build go.mod

      remove the code formatting

    4. payment_capture": 1,

      remove this parameter

    5. elow to integrat

      Sample app will take time. so we need to rewrite this line.

      mention that the file names are related to the video.

    1. Enable CoD for Razorpay Account. Upload Razorpay plugin manually to plugins directory. Configure settings on WordPress Dashboard. Subscribe to webhooks on WordPress Dashboard. Accept live payments.

      Update this and add bookmark links

    2. Generate API Keys fro

      change link to the API ref guide one

    1. Razorpay offers a range of payment products to meet your business requirements. Visit our GitHub repository for sample codes.

      this should appear before partner Auth para

    2. Handy Tips The amount must always be in currency subunits. The time represented as Unix timestamp, which can be obtained using the Utils.ToUnixTimestamp method.

      remove this

    1. com.google.android.gms:play-services-tasks:15.0.1

      remove this

    2. razorpay-googlepay-1.3.0', ext: 'aar'


    3. Download the following

      Get the SDKs from Maven instead of downloading.

      string to be used: com.razorpay:gpay:1.0.0

    1. g is a sample API request an

      mention that this code is added in the OrderCreation.java file

    2. index.ftl Contains the key. server.yml Contains the API Key Id and Secret.

      we can remove these two rows from here.

    3. Name

      add index.jsp - Contains the checkout code. OrderCreation.java - Contains the Orders API code.

  3. Feb 2022
    1. the URLs

      to whitelist either the https://api.razorpay.com URL or the following IP addresses:

    2. Providers

      Need to list the providers alphabetically

    3. paymemnt


    4. PayTm

      HDFC Mindgate UPI

    5. Add HDFC Mindgate UPI as a payment provider🔗 Once the seamless option is enabled, follow the steps below to add HDFC Mindgate UPI as a payment provider. Login to your Razorpay Dashboard. In the left navigation, click on Optimizer. In the top right section, click on Add Provider.

      Same as above

    6. Add PineLabs as a payment provider🔗 Once the seamless option is enabled, follow the steps below to add PineLabs as a payment provider. Login to your Razorpay Dashboard. In the left navigation, click on Optimizer.

      Same as above

    7. PayTm

      Pine Labs

    8. For an AXIS terminal configuration done by Pine Labs only Mastercard and Visa networks will be supported by default.

      Only MasterCard and Visa networks will be supported by default for an AXIS terminal configuration done by Pine Labs.

      check numbering

    9. url

      After the Razorpay production URL is shared, the Pine Labs DBA team must configure the production database to support the Razorpay dynamic URL.

    10. roduc

      indent this bullet

    11. url


    12. o share Razorpay dy

      share Razorpay's

    13. RRN and other attributes won't come in the callback response of card payment initialization if it is not enabled.

      Otherwise, RRN and other attributes will not be returned in the callback response of card payment initialisation.

    14. PayTm


    15. PayTm


    16. Add PayTm as a payment provider

      Add Paytm as a Payment Provider

    17. Login to your Razorpay Dashboard. In the left navigation, click on Optimizer. In the top right section, click on Add Provider.

      same as above

    18. PayTm

      Write to your Paytm relationship manager asking to configure your PG account to receive callback_url as part of the payment URL parameters.

    19. PayTm


    20. PayTm


    21. PayTm.


    22. PayTm


    23. click on Optimizer. In the top right section, click on

      same as above

    24. Login to yo

      Log into

    25. to add CCAvenue as a payment provider.

      To add CCAvenue as a payment provider:

    26. If you are go

      numbering is breaking

    27. ddres


    28. to add Cashfree as a payment provider.

      To add Cashfree as a payment provider:

    29. k on Optimizer. In the top right section, click on A

      same as above

    30. Login to y

      Log into

    31. Add Cashfree as a payment provid

      Add Cashfree as a Payment Provider

    32. Enter your Product Id, Request Hash Key, Response Hash Key, Transaction Password, User Id and click Submit.

      Enter the following and click Submit: - Product Id - Request Hash Key - Response Hash Key - Transaction Password - User Id

    33. ick on Optimizer. In the top right section, click on Add Provider.

      same as above

    34. Login to yo

      Log into

    35. follow the steps below to add PayU as a payment provider.

      To add PayU as a payment provider:

    36. Once the seamless option is enabled, follow the steps below to add Atom as a payment provider.

      To add Atom as a payment provider:

    37. Add Atom as a p

      Add Atom as a Payment Provider

    38. , click on Add Pr

      click Add Provider.

    39. click on O

      click Optimizer.

    40. Login to y

      Log into

    41. Add PayU as a payment provider

      Payment Provider

    42. Configure webhook URL as https://api.razorpay.com/v1/callback/payu to receive UPI response E

      full stop

    43. seamless

      quotes or bold

    44. If you are going to use UPI as a payment method following steps will have to be configured:

      Configure the following if you intend to use UPI as a payment method:

    45. seamless

      within quotes or bold

    1. mount To avail Cardless EMI payment option at your checkout, your customers should place a minimum order amount. ₹1000 for ZestMoney. ₹3000 for EarlySalary. ₹5000 for the banks mentioned above.

      remove this note

    2. Supported Payment Partners🔗 Following is the list of supported Payment Partners for Cardless EMI:

      remove this table

    3. provider_name"

      change the parameter to provider. provider_name is throwing error in Postman

    4. Payment Flow

      remove this section. in S2S we cannot show standard checkout screenshots

    5. Using Razorpay, you can let your customers use Cardless EMI as a payment method to convert their payment amount to EMIs without the need of a debit or credit card. Customers enjoy the benefits of the EMI as the payments are made using credits approved by the supported Cardless EMI Payment Partners. Feature Enablement Cardless EMI as a payment method is not enabled by default. Raise a request with our Support Team to enable this feature.

      Use same intro as done for walnut369 custom. just change it to S2S in relevant places

  4. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. Optimizer Flow

      Do you think we should move flow to another page? Maybe under Dashboard? Then Create and Manage will be together?

    2. Feature Availability:

      Let us remove the colon

    3. based on the probability o

      we should give an example to explain this better. check with Dhruv

    4. orpay Optimizer.

      we will have to port this to new template

    5. Optimize success rates. Optimize cost.

      club into one point?

    6. Using the Optimizer, you can:

      Using Optimizer,

    7. Overview


    1. out Theme


    2. ht the Most

      link is not working

    3. Most Valuable Offer.

      link is not working

    4. inimum transaction limit.

      how will merchant know the minimum transaction limit?

    5. I & Pay la


    6. payment-related offers

      we can set up payment related offers only right? any specific reason we need to specify this?

    7. brands

      All brands that provide payment offers and/or accept payments made through EMI, No cost EMI and Pay later methods can use this widget.

    1. n Custo

      customise... small case

    2. glimpse

      the mismatch between the code sample and the image is obvious. this is because, the amount is 4000 while the EMI says 5832/month. can cause confusion. Can you please use another screenshot? Or change the amount?

    1. e payment.

      should we add a line that since the widget is view-only, the customer will not be able to select the offer from the widget. customers can select the offer only at checkout. I think we need to make that explicit

    2. an customis

      you can choose to customise? to indicate that customisation is optional?

    3. workflow

      I will be asking Samyak to send another version of the image to add borders to the shapes. so that there is increased differentiation between the background and the shapes

    4. On Web

      the image appears a bit squished. change width to 800 and check

    5. view only


    6. ar in the widg

      on the widget? If we are considering the widget as a pop-up page or side-screen?

    1. Download the latest version of the Android SDK from the Maven Repository. Add the code given below to your project's top-level build.gradle file: This gives access to the SDK library. build.gradleCopy

      dont need bulleting as this is the only point

    1. le here.

      can you please add the get started file to the tree? It was earlier added but got overwritten.

    2. You ca

      Quick integration is the fastest way to integrate Razorpay Checkout on your website and accept domestic and international payments from customers.

    1. As a partner, you should fetch the Razorpay terms and conditions webpages using the Fetch Terms and Conditions API. You should display these web pages to your sub-merchants on your interface and ensure their acceptance. Record the acceptance of terms and transmit that to Razorpay using the Accept Terms and Conditions API.

      remove points 1,2 and 3.

    2. You can use the Terms and Conditions APIs to accept and fetch terms and conditions for a sub-merchant.

      to fetch. (remove accept)

      Use the Product Configuration API to accept the terms and conditions (provide link)

  5. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. Open your netbanking portal, create a beneficiary with these details a

      reduce image width

    2. Copy the account number and IFSC code..

      reduce image width

    3. Account


    4. Enter the Account number and IF

      Steps will be same as mentioned in the Fee credits section. please update accordingly.

    5. Account.


    6. refund credits balance is updated

      delete this line

    7. Account.


    8. te the payment.

      Open your netbanking portal, create a beneficiary with these details and transfer the amount.

    9. Enter the Account number and IFSC code a

      Copy the account number and IFSC code.

    10. y Account.


    11. Your refund credits balance is u

      Your fee credits balance...

    1. onus, every time

      bonus everytime

    2. Partner, the college is th

      and the college

    3. You work with various colleges, who use your ERP.

      You work with various colleges that use your ERP.

    1. Options

      All the code samples need to be formatted correctly.

      Correct formatting sample: features/display/theme should appear immediately below target

    2. ghlight th

      Highlight the most valuable offer on the relevant pages by passing the order id.

    3. ect Display th

      I think arshpreet from dev team wanted this to be array of list or something. please check thread

    4. -

      should use : instead of - for all parameter descriptions

    5. Emi


    6. Emi


    7. zorpay Dashboard.

      add link to key generation

    8. the merchant dashboard settings page

      The default theme colour set on the Dashboard will be considered if no colour is passed here.

    9. color

      colour. Need to maintain UK english while describing. the parameter itself is in US english

    10. "payla

      parameter table

    11. he offers comp

      the Pay Later options

    12. igure the issuers for PayLater options based

      configure the issuers based

    13. "providers": "I

      parameter table

    14. aylater🔗

      It is styled as Pay Later. We should follow the same throughout this doc. https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/payments/payment-methods/pay-later/

    15. pports a list of issuers for

      supports these issuers

    16. yLater options which a

      similar to EMI and cardless EMI

    17. t.getElementB

      parameter table

    18. he offers comple

      Cardless EMI options

    19. {

      parameter table to be added

    20. To show a limited set of issuers

      To show a limited set of issuers:

    21. onfigure the providers for Cardless EMI opti

      configure the providers based on...

    22. rts a list of iss

      these issuers

    23. fault all Cardless EMI options which are marked visible on the checkout for that amount will appear on the widget.

      wording to be changed similar to the EMI one. with example.

    24. lity =

      parameter table to be added

    25. e offers completely

      disable EMI options...

    26. lay":

      parameter table to be added

    1. Two-Way Communication Request Form

      Provide Additional Details

    2. einitiated.

      We can add a final line below the screenshot.

      Razorpay re-reviews request and responds within 7 days.

    3. Based on the required clarification, you may be requested to fill a form in either Website Clarification, Documents Clarification, Other Clarification or all of them depending on the number of discrepancies.

      Fill in the Website Clarification and Documents Clarification and Other Clarification forms based on the required clarification.

    4. Once you request a Payment Method, the request goes to the Banking Operations team for validation. If they find any discrepancies or any further clarification regarding the website or documents is needed, your request status changes from Pending to Action Required. To respond to the discrepancies or clarifications requested: On the Razorpay Dashboard, select the Settings → Payment Methods tab. Click Payment Methods. Look for the Payment Method you requested and click on Update Request Form.

      Razorpay validates your payment method request. If we find any discrepancies or need further clarification regarding the website or documents, we change the request status from Pending to Action Required. You can provide these details from the Dashboard.

      To respond to the discrepancies or clarifications requested:

      1. On the Razorpay Dashboard, select the Settings → Payment Methods tab. Click Payment Methods.
      2. Look for the Payment Method you asked for and click Update Request Form.