3,788 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2022
    1. eive u

      should we be masking the phone number?

    2. ten-digit


    3. sign up for a Razorpay account to use the Razorpay Payments products and access the Razorpay Dashboard.

      Sign up for a Razorpay account to use the Razorpay Payments products and access the Dashboard.

    4. 5. Review Details.

      this link is not working

    5. Click Yes, it does to confirm. Click Submit KYC. Our team will review the information submitted by you. It takes approximately 3-4 WORKING days to co

      Numbering missing

    6. -

      use :

    7. ₹15,000

      make this bold

    8. If you

      this can be part of step 1 since it is optional

    9. Enter you

      Add intro line

    10. Select the relevant Business Category from the list. Cho

      Can you give examples for these please?

    11. Confirm the name associated with the PAN. Click Yes, Confirm if the details are right.

      Confirm the name associated with the PAN by clicking Yes, Confirm.

    12. recognize


    13. -

      use : instead

    1. Please sign here if you w

      there is no sign up link.

    2. dashboard


    3. port Refunds,

      refunds. Please change case in the question as well

    4. merchant


    5. MasterCard


    6. Yes, on a need basis. The merchant should provide invoices for all their import transactions if and when asked. An airway bill is mandatory to import goods if and when required.

      In some cases, we might require bills. You should provide invoices for all your import transactions if and when asked. An airway bill is mandatory to import goods if and when required.

    7. 4. Are there any bills/invoices needed from the merchant?🔗

      Do you need any bills/invoices from me?

    8. n the local currency o

      in your local currency

    9. rrencies for a merchant?🔗

      please remove 'for a merchant'

    10. the merchant’s

      in your

    11. list of Purpose

      this is not a step. We can combine this sentence with the previous step

    12. their


    13. analyzing


    14. The advantages of using this Razorpay's solution are:

      The advantages of using this solution are:

    15. Net Banki


    16. MC


    17. DC / CC EMI

      Debit Card/Credit Card EMI

    18. PayLater

      Pay Later

    19. eMandate


    20. To update the purpose code in the Razorpay dashboard after an account is onboarded and activated.

      this seems incomplete

    21. Accept International payments from India without any paperwork

      Accept International Payments From Indian Customers

  2. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. With the easiest integration, completely online onboarding, feature-filled checkout and best in class performance, quickly go live with Razorpay and experience the future of payments. Below are the features that will help you build a first-class payments experience with Razorpay Checkout.

      Razorpay payment gateway comes with a range of features that help you build a first-class payments experience.

    2. Fees


    3. You can build credibility as a trusted merchant by becoming a Razorpay Trusted Business. You can display the Trusted Badge on your Razorpay Checkout page, which reassures your customers that they can safely transact with your brand without any worries. You do not need to apply for the badge. If you are eligible, the badge will automatically be made Live on your Razorpay Checkout page.

      Build credibility as a trusted merchant by becoming a Razorpay Trusted Business. Displaying the Trusted Badge on your Razorpay Checkout page reassures your customers that they can safely transact with your brand without any worries. Razorpay automatically enables the badge on your Razorpay Checkout page if you are eligible.

    4. Know more about convenience Fee.


    5. about partial payments.
    6. more about making email read-only.
    7. Checkout for
    1. Your

      Razorpay shares updates regarding downtimes on various payment methods at the checkout as shown:

    2. Razorpay identifies and communicates downtime updates via email for various payment instruments like cards, UPI and netbanking

      Razorpay identifies and sends you downtime updates via email for various payment instruments like cards, UPI and netbanking. Your customers will be able to view the downtime message on checkout and select a different payment method with a better payment success rate.

    1. You have to create a new order every time you want to charge your customers. This order is different from the one created when you created the authorizati

      Go sample code missing

    1. place it. Similarly, if you had created a virtual account with only a VPA receiver, you cannot replace or update it.

      we need to have two code sample sections. one section for vpa, one for bank account

    2. h both

      let me know if code samples in other languages are not available

    3. Creation🔗

      Let us create separate sections for VPA and QR Codes. And add the relevant language code samples. Let me know if they are not available.

    4. Create V

      Create a

    5. With Smart Collect, you can create one Virtual Account and accept a large payment from one customer or use one Virtual Account to receive payment from multiple customers. You can also create and assign a different Virtual Accounts to each customer, making the reconciliation of payments more manageable. Virtual Accounts make it possible to run multiple events or campaigns simultaneously. Each event can have a Virtual Account, eliminating the need to identify for which event the payment is made.

      convert into bullet points

    6. For exampl

      Add a heading called Example, as done here https://razorpay.com/docs/api/#example and move the content under it.

    7. irtual accounts are similar to bank accounts wherein customers can transfer payments. You can create, retrieve and close virtual accounts using the Smart Collect APIs. The virtual account response contains attributes such as id, customer_id and a field, receivers. This is an array that defines what receivers are available for the virtual account.

      these can be edited further and made into bullet points

    1. in Step 3.3 to a

      check this link once

    2. Set the Payment Method to Authorize if

      Can you please check this sentence once.

    3. the WordPress Plugin Directory.

      can you check if the link is correct? is there a separate plugin or is it the same as the PG plugin?

    1. out penny testing.

      change link to /docs/payments/route/faqs/#penny-testing

    2. Penny testing

      This will be

    3. failure, we will penny test linked accounts

      We need to mention what penny testing is. That is, Razorpay will transfer a nominal amount to the bank account details submitted to verify the bank account details.

    1. 24. Will the penny testing be done in the test mode?🔗 Yes. The penny testing happens in both the test and live mode.
      1. Will the Penny Testing be done in the test mode? 🔗 Yes. Penny Testing is supported in both the test and live modes.
    2. are

      is the

    3. Penny testing?

      Penny Testing

    4. 1,000 records: 5min 10,000 records: 50min 50,000 Records: 4h

      I think a table can be created for this.

    5. . Hence creating another Linked Account will result in a duplicate check failure. You should raise a request with the Ops team to update the ba

      Can I modify the bank account details of the Linked Account or create another one if bank verification via Penny Testing fails?

      Razorpay will create the Linked Account even if the bank verification fails. Hence, creating another Linked Account will result in a duplicate check failure. You should raise a support request to update the bank account details.

    6. is

      will be

    7. testing


    8. with the Ops team

      remove with the Ops team. The merchant does not need to know which internal team does this

    9. Does the penny testing happen when I update a Linked Account's bank details?

      Does Razorpay perform Penny Testing when I update a Linked Account's bank details?

    10. 17. Can I create multiple Linked Accounts with the same email address?🔗 Yes, You can create multiple Linked Accounts with the same Email Address. A Linked Account can have the same email address across different parent merchants. But at a merchant level, the email address of multiple Linked accounts should be unique. Example: MID1 has Linked Account LA1 with email abc@gmail.com. Now, MID1 will not be able to create more Linked Accounts with the same email ID. However, MID2, MID3 and so on can still create Linked Account with the email abc@gmail.com. Further, abc@gmail.com can be used to create a regular merchant account if not already created.

      Can I create multiple Linked Accounts with the same email address?

      Yes, you can create multiple Linked Accounts with the same email address. - A Linked Account can have the same email address across different parent merchants. - At a merchant level, however, the email address of multiple Linked Accounts should be unique.

      Example: Acme Corp has Linked Account LA1 with the email address la1@gmail.com. Acme Corp will not be able to create more Linked Accounts with the same email address. However, other businesses such as Raftar Soft and ABC Co can still create Linked Accounts with the email la1@gmail.com. Further, la1@gmail.com can be used to create a regular merchant account if it does not exist already.

    11. No penny testing will be done for old Linked Accounts. You can operate those linked accounts as usual (OR) as per the usual process.

      No Penny Testing will be done for old Linked Accounts. You can operate those linked accounts as usual.

    12. he penny testing feature is enabled?

      Penny Testing

    13. raising the SRF ticket with the Ops team.

      by reaching out to the Support team.

    14. status


    15. 3. Is the Penny testing feature enabled for all Linked Accounts?

      can you please add Penny Testing as a term in the Glossary and add that link in the answer of that question. So that users understand what it means?

      Either this, or add an FAQ called What is Penny Testing?

    16. penny testing

      Penny Testing

    17. h the Penny testing enabled?

      How long does it take for a Linked Account to get activated with the Penny Testing feature enabled?

    18. No. The Penny testing feature is enabled for new Linked Accounts created by merchants who have this feature enabled.

      No. The Penny Testing feature is enabled: - Only for new Linked Accounts. - Only for Razorpay accounts which have this feature enabled.

    1. Onboarding - Integrate Razorpay Payment Gateway on your native-built website using Standard Checkout. You can also explore our plugins for various platforms such as WooCommerce, WordPress, Magento, Shopify and more.

      Onboarding Integrate Razorpay Payment Gateway on your native-built website using Standard Checkout. You can also explore our plugins for various platforms such as WooCommerce, WordPress, Magento, Shopify and more.

  3. Apr 2022
    1. Your KYC Verification is complete. You can: Accept payments without any amount limits. Payments will automatically settle in your bank account as per your settlement cycle. Request for other payment methods. You can also accept international payments.

      Your KYC Verification is complete.

      • You can accept payments without any amount limits.
      • Razorpay will automatically settle payments in your bank account as per your settlement cycle.
      • You can request for other payment methods and apply for international payments.
    2. - E


    3. Transfer payments to your bank account as per your settlement cy

      the user is not going to transfer. amount will be automatically settled into the user's account.

    4. PAN verificatio

      make it open in the same tab

    5. ils -

      use : instead of -

    6. ethods.

      Should we mention that there is a separate process to enable international payments and link that page?

    7. Sele

      add an intro line

    8. You can enter the website/app details later if you wish to accept payments via website/app.

      If you want to accept payments on your website or app at a later point in time, you can enter these details afterwards.

    9. webiste


    10. lect whe

      Add an intro line

    11. me

      Do they need to click Next to proceed?

    12. Whatsapp


    13. Enter y

      Add an intro line

    1. ou can make test payments using one of the payment methods configured at the Checkout. No money is deducted from the customer's account as this is a simulated transaction. Ensure you have entered the API Keys generated in the Test Mode in the Checkout code.

      we can start the page from here

    2. lete, a Pay button will appear on your webpage/app.

      no button will appear. please remove the screenshot

    1. Late Authorization Payment Downtime Payment Errors

      add respective doc links

    2. n your Server🔗

      use the partial which has the 7 sample codes

    3. tp/submit

      check and add python code

    4. Feature Request This is an on-demand

      can we remove this, it is coming out of nowhere

    5. Once the customer submits the OTP on your page using the following endpoint, the respective success or failure responses will be generated.

      Razorpay sends the respective success or failure response after the customer submits the OTP on your page.

    6. In case customer faces any latency issues, you can choose to cancel this request and redirect the customer to the bank page to enter the OTP and complete the payment. Thus, you can avoid payment failure by switching the customer to the bank page payment flow.

      If the customer faces any latency issues, you can choose to cancel this request and redirect the customer to the bank page to enter the OTP and complete the payment. Thus, you can avoid payment failure by switching the customer to the bank page payment flow.

    7. - Us

      use :

    8. - Use

      use :

    9. ollowing respon

      check if Python code is available

    10. rect - Use t

      use : instead of -

    11. - Use this UR

      use : instead of -

    12. ry. Learn more a

      Know more...

    13. t step is

      can you please check if the Python one is available as well?

    14. t and response for creating a
    1. te, a Pay button will appear on your webpage/app.

      this will not happen as it is an API call. we will have to create a new partial for S2S docs for test payment, containing only the payment method sections. Please remove the screenshot as well.

    1. Late Authorization Payment Downtime Payment Errors

      can you add links to the relevant documents please?

    2. sponse for creating a payment:

      please add the sample response code as well. both success and failure

    3. Once an order is created, your next step is to create a payment.

      Create a payment using the API given below after your order is created.

    4. response for creating an order:

      can you use the partial so that the sample codes for all languages appear here?

    1. curl -u [YOUR_KEY_ID]:[YOUR_KEY_SECRET] \ -X GET \ https://api.razorpay.com/v1/payments?skip=0&count=25&va_transaction_id=209817848101&virtual_account=1

      curl -u [YOUR_KEY_ID]:[YOUR_KEY_SECRET] \ -X GET https://api.razorpay.com/v1/payments?skip=0&count=25&va_transaction_id=209817848101&virtual_account=1 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

    2. e Id of t


    3. teger The uniqu

      this is a string.

      also it should be id nor Id

    1. his feature is available only on Netbanking, UPI and select Debit and Credit cards. Find the complete list here.

      Change the link to this /docs/payments/refunds/instant/#payment-methods

    2. elect the Refund Instantl

      Select Refund Instantly

    3. unds.

      remove full stop

    1. ks.

      remove the full stop

    2. • When the customer's payment details are successfully authenticated by the bank, the Payment state changes to Authorized. • The amount deducted from the customer’s account by Razorpay is not settled to your account until the payment is captured, either manually or automatically. • There can be scenarios where payment is interrupted due to external factors, such as network issues or technical errors at the customer's or bank's end. In this case, the amount may get debited from the customer's bank account but the payment status is not received by Razorpay from the bank. This is termed as Late Authorization.

      check if the bullet symbol has been used, or it is ul li tag I had replaced the bullets. I hope the content has not been overwritten

    3. to see how to view payment

      Watch this video to know how to view payment details:

    1. I Keys.

      Generate API Keys from Razorpay Dashboard

    2. from the Dashboard.
      1. Log into the Razorpay Dashboard.
      2. Navigate to Settings and generate API keys.

      Add the videos for key generation (test and live)

    3. te API Keys🔗

      Generate API Keys from Razorpay Dashboard

    1. specific fields. Th

      case 1: Document/Field Missing: All fields can be updated. case 2: Needs_clarification: Only fields specified in the requirement can be updated.

  4. Mar 2022
  5. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. Go Live🔗 Now that everything is tested and confirmed, the you can go live by configuring specific routing rules on Ingenico. Handy Tips While Optimizer can route only specific banks or card brands traffic to certain gateways, the method enablement of each

      check comment given for PayU and Ingenico

    2. Testing🔗 Before routing all traffic or some traffic to a new gateway on Razorpay, the following best practices are recommended to ensure minimal impact to existing production traffic. Sanity test at Razorpay🔗 To test the integration, the merchant can reach out to Razorpay for basic sanity testing to ensure that the credentials are correct, where Razorpay will try a test payment of small value. Live and Test mode rules🔗 All rules configured on live or test mode on the Razorpay dashboard will reflect on live mode. However, credentials added on test mode will not be automatically replicated in live mode. Small value amount based routing to new gateway🔗 Additionally, it is recommended to configure a rule on live mode to route less than X amt payments (X can be 2₹ or some other small value) to the PayU gateway and test on production whether small value payments are being routed to PayU and working successfully. This will help avoid any direct impact on production traffic while testing. Follow the steps given below to configure a rule in live mode: Log into your Razorpay Dashboard. In the left navigation, click Optimizer. Click +Add Rule and enter the Rule name and Description. Click Next and enter the following rule: In Parameter section, select Amount (In Rupees) In Select Connection section, select Less Than In Enter Amount section, enter the value 2 and click Next. Enter the value 100 in the Route section, select PineLabs in the Payment Via section, and click Next. Click Publish Rule.

      check comments given for PayU and Ingenico.

    3. d PayU as a payment provider there are few specific points you need to consider. Mentioned below are the points you need to consider while onboarding PayU.

      Should be Pine Labs

  6. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. Now that everything is tested and confirmed, the you can go live by configuring specific routing rules on Ingenico. Handy Tips While Optimizer can route only specific banks or card brands traffic to certain gateways, the method enablement of each gateway

      same comment as given for PayU

    2. t PayU in the Payme


      change the screenshot too

    3. In Parameter section, select Amount (In Rupees) In Select Connection section, select Less Than In Enter Amount section, enter the value 2 and click

      field not section

    4. Small value amount based routing to new gateway🔗 Additionally, it is recommended to configure a rule on live mode to route less than X amt payments (X can be 2₹ or some other small value) to the PayU gateway and test on production whether small value payments are being routed to PayU and working successfully. This will help avoid any direct impact on production traffic while testing. Follow the steps given below to configure a rule in live mode:

      Same as PayU

    5. dashboard


    6. Live and Test mod

      Mode Rules

    7. test the integration, the merchant can reach out to Razorpay for basic sanity testing to ensure that the credentials are correct, where Razorpay will try a test payment of small value.

      You can reach out to Razorpay for basic sanity testing of the integration. Razorpay will try a test payment of small value and ensure that the credentials are correct.

    8. Sanity test at Razorpay🔗

      Sanity Test at Razorpay

    9. Before routing all traffic or some traffic to a new gateway on Razorpay, the following best practices are recommended to ensure minimal impact to existing production traffic

      Consider the following best practices before routing all traffic or some traffic to a new gateway on Razorpay to ensure minimal impact on existing production traffic.

    10. Any supported network or bank should be checked with Ingenico, or it may lead to payment failure.

      this point should be in a watch out callout

    11. var options = { "key": <live_key>, "amount": 100, "notes": { "scheme_code": "custom_scheme_code" } }

      the formatting spacing is incorrect

      var options = { "key": "<live_key>", "amount": 100, "notes": { "scheme_code": "custom_scheme_code" } }

    12. To add Ingenico as a payment provider there are few specific points you need to consider. Mentioned below are the points you need to consider while onboarding Ingenico.

      simplify and shorten this.

    13. Feature to receive Bank Reference ID in Enquiry API Feature to receive other_details in Enquiry API. This contains transaction metadata, including Auth Code. Feature to initiate refund request Feature to receive client_ref_id in Refund Enquiry API. This allows RZP to send its own internal ID in Refund API and receive the same in Refund Enquiry API. Feature to receive refund ARN in Refund Enquiry API.

      Full stops missing at the end of the sentence.

    14. Live and Test acc

      live and test

    15. merchant


    16. en merchant a

      you and Ingenico

    17. RZP


    18. d PayU as a


  7. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. While Optimizer can route only specific banks or card brands traffic to certain gateways, the method enablement of each gateway needs to be handled between you and gateway, or it may lead to failed payments.

      Is this a Watch Out warning? If yes, should this be at the top of the page.

    2. Now that everything is tested and confirmed, the you can go live by configuring specific routing rules on PayU.

      After the integrated is tested and confimed to be successful, you can go live on PayU.

    3. section


    4. section


    5. In Parameter section, select Amount (In Rupees) In Select Connection section, select Less Than In Enter Amount section, enter the value 2 and click Next.

      replace section with field

    6. Small value amount based routing to new gatewa

      This section needs a new heading.

      Route Small Value Transactions to PayU