- Oct 2017
engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu
It was the degree of centrality to the white population of the state which alone then constituted the important point of comparison between these places
This was really unsettling for me read. Proximity to the most white people is the one criteria that made the difference in where the University's location was chosen. If Charlottesville hadn't been most central to the white population of Virginia, UVa would be located in Lexington or in Staunton. Its definitely not a good thing that our school was centered around pleasing only the white race before our grounds were even built. I can't imagine how different our grounds would be and our university if another place had been more convenient for white people. UVa certainly has a racist past and I think most of us, if not all, are aware of that but I still couldn't believe that such a racist criteria is the reason the school exists where it does today and is the way Uva is today.
- Becca Meaney
journals.takeshiprints.com journals.takeshiprints.com
‘They look like white elephants,’ she said
A playful line. The girl offers up a side of childlike imagination, describing the rolling white hills in front as if they looked like white elephants.
This show sot us readers new insight into the character of the girl: that she is imaginative, creative, and is actively thinking. Perhaps she is not simply a follower to the American.
- Sep 2017
An ESPN anchor who called President Trump a white supremacist should be fired, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Wednesday.
This is what actual 1st Amendment violations look like
- Jul 2017
The science division of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy reportedly had no staff members as of Friday.
This is so depressing....
- Jan 2017
annotatorjs.org annotatorjs.org
tributors from four conti
- Sep 2016
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“But the question is ‘What are you?’ and the answer is I’m white.”
im white....?
- Jul 2016
medium.com medium.com
MOOCs hold potential benefit for many in the developing world
Especially if we hold a view that the developing world’s ultimate goal is to become exactly like the developed world.
www.npr.org www.npr.org
There are real reasons, both historical and contemporary, that can make stepping outside in your free time while black or brown a politically charged move.
- Apr 2016
www.unwomen.org www.unwomen.org
formal invitation
For a more critical reading of this speech, see this piece from Black Girl Dangerous: "Women have been trying to get men to care about oppression of women since…always."
- Mar 2016
jakupsclass.wikispaces.com jakupsclass.wikispaces.com
THE HILLS ACROSS THE VALLEY OF THE Ebro were long and white. On this side there was no shade and no trees
If the Hills symbolise the kid, the pregnant tummy or the elephant in the room, then the shadeless landscape infront of them could be a symbolic illustration of a conflictless way of life, avoid of hindrance.
white elephants,
White symbolizes innocence and pureness, which is often connected with children. The white elephants could therefore symbolize the baby.
On this side there was no shade and no trees
Could be a symbolic illustration of the girl becoming "barren" post abortion, just like the land is barren.
a small object often used as part of a piece of jewelry. This could for instance be a string of perles.
a place where two or more roads or railway lines meet
- Aug 2015
www.jacobinmag.com www.jacobinmag.com
But to say so is merely to recount how one particular form of economic inequality came about.
you cannot fix racial inequality by fixing economic inequality.
- Jul 2015
www.chicagotribune.com www.chicagotribune.com
"She sees herself as an activist and instead of standing on the picket line, she's creating beautiful, conceptual pieces that get her message across," Andre Guichard said. "If you don't think, in 2015, that people of other skin colors can have an opinion, that's a sign we need to have further conversation about it."
The point is that maybe you, as the gallery owners, should have showcased a black artists' work on this theme.
www.rawstory.com www.rawstory.com
The petition complains that the Confederate flag was removed because it offended black people through its historic association with slavery and white supremacy, and laughably asserts that the African-American Monument, designed by sculptor Ed Dwight, provokes the same outrage for whites.
white fragility in a nutshell
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
lose my body
I'm just trying to imagine how it might make Coates son squirm to have his dad talk to him about his body. I guess I'm squirming a bit too. I'm expecting to hear about racism, but here I'm being asked to think about a body.