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  1. Jun 2024
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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Brunet and colleagues utilized expansion microscopy to identify the distinct localizations of Alms1a and Alms1b at the centrosome in transgenic flies expressing Alms1a-Tomato or Alms1b-GFP-6Myc. Their imaging results are of exceptional quality and include insightful observations and discussion. However, these experiments were exclusively conducted in the transgenic flies, and no evidence has been provided for the expression of endogenous Alms1b proteins. Moreover, the defect in centriole duplication was observed only when Alms1 was depleted via RNA interference, not through gene knockout. Although some discussion is provided to address this discrepancy, the evidence remains unconvincing. More robust evidence is necessary to support their findings.

      Major comments

      1. One of the primary observations is the defect in centriole duplication in the absence of Alms1. This finding was only observed with RNAi and not with gene knockout. The authors performed the RNAi experiments in Alms1-deleted cells (Alms1del3) and did not observe the defects in centriole duplication. Therefore, authors concluded that acute loss of Alms1 is responsible for centriole duplication in germline stem cells. However, it is still difficult for me to reach that conclusion with only this evidence.

      A. Could the authors provide the western blot and staining results of Alms1a and Alms1b proteins after RNAi and gene knockout?

      B. The most reliable and widely accepted method to determine the specificity of RNAi (whether it is an off-target effect or not) is through genetic rescue experiments. Could the authors provide rescue data? It would be great if the authors could show the rescue of centriolar signals of Plk4, Sas-6, and Ana2, in addition to centriole duplication.

      C. The authors failed to discriminate which gene is crucial for centriole duplication in GSGs due to the sequence similarity. Linked to the above point, could the authors show the rescue results with either or both Alms1a and/or Alms1b genes? If only one gene can rescue the centriole duplication defects, it would clarify the specific functions of Alms1a and Alms1b in this process.

      D. (Optional) Considering the results in the manuscript, the authors appear to have good techniques in genetic manipulation in flies. If so, generating transgenic flies of Alms1a and Alms1b tagged with a degron (e.g., dTAG or destabilization domain [DD]) to observe centriole duplication defects upon rapid protein degradation might be feasible to support their observations. 2. There were no results with endogenous Alms1a and Alms1b in the manuscript. Could the authors provide immunostaining results for endogenous Alms1a and Alms1b? If expansion microscopy is not available due to antibody specificity issues, standard confocal imaging would be sufficient. 3. In figure 3C and D, the authors noted measurements from 7 to 8 testes per group. It would be helpful to also know how many centrosomes were measured, as done in Figure 4C.

      Minor comments

      1. In figure S1, the orientation of the gene is not consistent between endogenous and transgenic Alms1. Could the authors make it consistent for readers to intuitively recognize it? Additionally, the promoter used for transgenic gene expression is not specified. Please provide this information as well.
      2. On page 5, the statement '~, whereas Alms1b is associated with post-duplication maturation of the centriole." needs revision. The authors observed strong Alms1b-GFP signals in the centrioles at the end of the SC stage or during meiotic division but did no observe any defects in centriole maturation at the current stages. Furthermore, Alms1b was not detected from rapidly duplicating centrioles in syncytial embryos and dividing neuroblasts (Page 6), making it making it hard to understand that that Alms1b has a role in post-duplication centriole maturation.
      3. In figure S2, the centrosome drawings are unclear (initially thought to be 'v' marks). Could a centrosome drawing be added to the legend for clarity?


      ALMS1 is a well-known protein which is important for cilia formation in human cells. Recent research by Chen and Yamashita (eLife, 2020) highlighted its significance in centrosome duplication in Drosophila's germ line stem cells (GSGs). Brunet and colleagues' findings align with these previous studies but go further by elucidating the localization of Alms1a as a centriolar and pericentriolar material protein, and Alms1b solely as a centriolar protein, using expansion microscopy. Moreover, their research suggests that only acute, not chronic, loss of Alms1 leads to defects in centriole duplication, proposing that cells may develop compensatory mechanisms for Alms1 loss in GSGs.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The study takes a look at the role of Alms1a and b in centriole formation in Drosophila tissues using genetics and microscopy approaches. Alsm1a RNAi was previously shown to lead to loss of centrioles on the male germ line, but the molecular mechanism of how Alsm1a provides this function is not known. This is what this manuscript addresses.

      The general proposal of this manuscript is that Alsm1a is a key regulator of centriole formation in Drosophila tissues (embryos, male germ line and neuroblasts analysed). Alms1a is an inner PCM protein and functions downstream of PLK4 to drive procentriole formation.

      This is an interesting advance in understanding of centriole formation in flies. The authors managed to pull of beautiful expansion microscopy and produced images of centrioles both by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. The data quality is very high, the quantifications lack a little behind in places. The manuscript would benefit from thinking about structure and presentation. The proposal that chronic loss of Alms1a (mutants) is well tolerated while acute (RNAi) is not is a bit puzzling. It is not impossible, but RNAi is not that acute either. It would be important to clarify this. To make sure there is no glitch in the tools, the newly generated alms1 deletions should be better characterised to clarify whether a compensatory mechanism exists, that upon chronic depletion rescues all phenotypes described by RNAi. There are also ways to test whether the Alsm1a fluorescent transgene introduce confounding effects, which if tested would be an improvement (see below). The genetic and immunofluorescence analysis got the authors quite far, the manuscript lacks biochemical analysis to strengthen the proposed molecular mechanism and clarify whether key and easy to predict interactions of Alms1 actually do occur. This would be a big plus but is not limiting. There are also inconsistencies that need clarification, for instance the title of figure 6 is that Alms1 proteins act downstream of Plk4, yet the model in the discussion proposes that Alsm1 stabilises Plk4 which does not fit and hinges on quantification of Plk4 levels that is perhaps currently not robust enough. The statement that Alms1 is required for PLK4 activity is too strong based on the data provided or provide data on PLK4 activity. The attempt to check what is going on in other systems is appreciated, in RPE cells Alms1 comes in only after 120nm elongation. Some of the quantifications could be done more robustly, using ratiometric analsysis rather than directly comparing intensity levels. Referencing in the manuscript and discussion should be improved.

      Specific points

      1. Provide a thorough characterisation of the alsm1 deletions generated using qPCR to measure RNA levels in the flies. Provide whether the alleles are viable and fertile and clarify all genotypes in the manuscript. Can the mutants suppress the Plk4-ND overexpression effect?
      2. BamGal4 alms1a RNAi, SCs loose centrioles, those that keep centrioles, have Alms1a, but fail to initiate procentriole formation. To strengthen this view please provide nos-Gal4 alms1a RNAi, Alms1a-Tomatoe data showing that now Alms1a-Tomato is not present accept on the mother centrosomes in GCS, ruling out anything unpredicted happens by introducing the Alsm1a-Tomatoe.
      3. Quantifications, measure fluorescence ratios (e.g. Figure 3 C,D quantify the ratio of Asl/PlP to Bld10, similarly for PLK4-ND in the relevant figure).
      4. A model for Alms1a in the style of Figur5A would be great.
      5. What happens to Alsm1a upon Plk4 inhibition? Experiments like this could strengthen the validity of the hierarchy of events proposed.

      Other comments

      The organisation and presentation should be improved. The figures reorganised to group what belongs together, I would suggest moving human RPE cell analysis to supplementary data and bring the beautiful EM of BamGal4-Alms1 RNAi, Alsm1a-Tomatoe into the main manuscript.

      In the deletions asterless levels are reduced in SC but not in the testis tip, why is that?

      Conclusion: "while Alms1b is only detected on mature centrioles as it is absent from rapidly duplicating centrioles of syncytial embryos or from duplicating centrioles of dividing neuroblasts." Perhaps add, Alms1b when expressed.

      BamGal4 alms1a RNAi, SCs loose centrioles, those that keep centrioles, have Alms1a, but fail to initiate procentriole formation. To strengthen this view please provide nos-Gal4 alms1a RNAi, Alms1a-Tomatoe data showing that now Alms1a-Tomato is not present accept on the mother centrosomes in GCS.

      The idea to compare nos-gal4 and bam-gal4 driving Alms1a RNAi is good. Providing a scheme of when these are expressed in the male germ line will help illustrate the experimental strategy. BamGal4 Alsm1a RNAi leads to loss of centrioles in SCs

      Alms1b (CG12184) is according to published RNAseq data not expressed in neuroblasts, so it makes sense they do not observe (Knoblich lab data), which could be cited here: "in agreement with RNA-seq data showing low expression of alms1b in neurons and glial cells (Li et al., 2022)."

      Fig S5 what cells were analysed by TEM?

      Fig S6 monochrome images confirm what is what.

      Figure 4 A for clarity it would be helpful to provide landmarks, marker for stem cells (Vasa) or the Hub to be able to understand what we are looking at. Same for Fig 4E, Mira or Dpn? The DAPI staining does not allow in the images provided to identify NBs.

      Figure 5 For the fluorescence profile plots it would be nice to see the average plus the standard deviation of the signal in the quantifications.

      Figure 6 D is not convincing, how were the dots visible chosen for the quantification?

      Figure 1C. Quantification of protein levels is not provided (is this because the expanded ultrastructural approach is not linear precluding quantification?)

      Figure 2 B radial dimensions, it would be great to show the sample average and standard deviation.

      I don't find figure S2 helpful


      Understanding the process of centriole duplication is an important topic that should be relevant to a broader cell biological community especially since the proteins of interest have disease relevance.. This study provides new insights into how Plk4 dependent centriole duplication takes place in Drosophila.

      The manuscript is strong on the microscopic images both immune fluorescence and TEM. The function of Alms proteins is dissected genetically no biochemical analysis is provided, which is a limitation. Another limitation currently is the uncertainty about the discrepancy between the RNAi and the mutant results. If the mutants are confirmed and technical issues can be ruled out the finding that a compensatory mechanism exists that suppresses chronic loss of Alms1 proteins could bar very interesting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Much is known about the centriole duplication machinery and the centriole duplication cycle thanks to key screens performed in C.elegans in the past 20-25 years and subsequent work in Drosophila or human cells. It has been proposed that the core duplication machinery consists of 5 proteins implicating Cep192-PLK4-SAS6-SAS5 and SAS4, with specific variations according to the model system or cell line studied. Recently, a role for ALM proteins in the duplication of centrioles in the Drosophila male germ line has been reported, but in this study the mechanism involved has not been identified or described.

      In the Brunet study, the authors show a role for Alm proteins in centriole duplication in different tissues in flies- showing that these proteins have more a ubiquitous role in centriole duplication rather than a restricted role in the male germ line as initially described. This is already accounting for the novelty of this paper. However, this study goes well beyond previous studies as it proposes two very novel concepts. The first one is that Alm proteins can stabilize PLK4, the sole kinase implicated in centriole duplication, and so be responsible for maintaining kinase activity during a time window where daughter centrioles are generated. This is extremely interesting and makes a lot of sense and the data is very convincing. The second novel concept is that loss of Alm can have different consequences according to the- I do not even know how to call it- loss condition- leading to Alm deficiency. While I think this is quite novel, interesting and maybe even real, I think the authors conclude very strongly on the differences between a gene knock out or gene knock down conditions. I think that they may want to tune down their conclusions related to this part, as many more data would be required to conclude in this way.

      In other words, I think the paper is of high interest to a broad field of cell biology with interests in centrosome, cilia and the regulation of centriole duplication.

      Major points:

      1. I did not find a rescue experiment of the Alm deletions with the Alm transgenes.
      2. If I understood the authors correctly, Alm def compensate for centrosome duplication by a yet unknown process, while Gal4-induced depletions do not. First, calling Gal4- induce RNAi- acute depletion is not correct. This is certainly not acute and so another designation has to be found. Acute is something like a degron such as Auxin or dTag where the protein is degraded in a very acute manner. RNAi targets the mRNA, so if the protein is already made, it will not suffer from the RNAi treatment. Second, are the authors sure that either their crispr strategy did not generate any other knock out- hence the essentiality of rescuing these mutations. Or alternatively, are they sure about their RNAi conditions? So can they add the RNAi conditions on the background of their deficiency and see that nothing changes? Third if depletion through RNAi indeed leads to a more evident role of Alm proteins, one is expected to see this over time. Can they do a clone-using an FRT site recombined with their Alm mutation, so that the initial cell divisions does not contain Alm, and so it is expected to fail duplication, which may be overcome with time? So a large clone might have progeny with cells with centrosomes (the young ones) and without (the older ones). Can they show that RNAi depletion in cells that will generate sensory cilia- these are not assembled? Because I am assuming that the mutants are not uncoordinated...
      3. If they think that Almdef flies compensate for Alm loss - can they analyse levels of PLK4, SAS6, Ana2 and SAS4 in the mother centrioles?

      Minor points

      1. Some figures (the majority) lack scale bars.
      2. I do not think that one can consider centrioles that are not in rosettes to be made de novo. They might just have disengaged. The "novo" centriole should be removed. Actually, PLK4 ND generates extra centrosomes, this is sufficient.


      The article by Brunet and colleagues investigates the role of ALMs proteins in centriole duplication. Centrioles are the core constituents of centrosomes and as such contribute to microtubule nucleation. Centrioles can behave as basal bodies, providing essential function sin cilia assembly and function.

      Here the authors have use Drosophila to characterize the role of Alm proteins. They show that 2 isoforms with distinct behaviour are expressed with different localizations. Further, through the assessment of different tissues and loss-of-function conditions, they propose a role for Alm proteins in centriole duplication.

      Overall the paper is very well written and easy to follow.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, the authors performed extensive genetic analyses in yeast on the functions of Med15 regions under multiple stress conditions, linking cell growth phenotypes, gene expression and protein-protein interaction. Med15 is an activator-contacting subunit of the Mediator complex and the functions of yeast Med15 have been extensively studied. In particular, the authors attempted to understand the roles of a poly-Q region (Q1), its length and composition in stress response phenotypes, Med15-mediated gene expression, and interaction with transcription factor Msn2. Results from this work are consistent with several previous studies and revealed some new insights. The authors concluded that robust Med15 activities required the Q1 tract and the length of Q1 tract modulates activity in a context-dependent manner. While the study is well executed and the conclusions are generally sound, several concerns listed below should be addressed and some clarifications should be made.

      Major comments:

      1. Abstract, "We also observed that distinct glutamine tracts and Med15 phosphorylation affected the activities of the KIX domain". Fig. 1 shows the effects of KIXQ2Q3 deletion and p7 phosphor-dead mutant under Acetic acid and Ketoconazole treatment, but does not demonstrate that these domains or phosphorylation affects KIX domain activities.
      2. Is it known that Med15 is dephosphorylated under stress conditions other than osmotic challenge? Another explanation for D7P/D30P mutant results (Fig. 1B) might be that Med15 phosphorylation in unstressed cells is important for certain types of stress response (acetic acid and Keto). In contrast, the observation that D7P has no effects on osmotic stress (Fig. 1B) might suggest that phosphor-Med15 is dispensable for function. Some explanations on how to ascertain the roles of Med15 phosphorylation would be needed.
      3. Fig. 4, what is the rationale of analyzing basal expression rather than activated expression of Gcn4 and Msn2 dependent genes? Gal4 and Hap5 dependent genes could be measured as well, in order to complete the gene expression-phenotype correlation that the authors strive to make in this paper.
      4. Fig. 4, Error bars should be provided on gene expression analysis. Gcn4 and Msn2 target genes should be highlighted separately to facilitate comparisons.
      5. Results from Fig. 4 and 5 indicate that Spacer-Q1 and 12PQ-Q1, being the strongest interactors to Msn2, actually reduced HSP12 expression (a known Msn2 target gene). Some explanations would be needed. Page 12 Discussion paragraph 2 "Q1 substitutions that interfered with coiled-coil propensity had no effect on TF activity" would need to be revised and to include some discussions on this result.
      6. Fig. 5C, additional explanation is needed on how interaction rank is determined and how error bars are obtained.
      7. The idea that Q1 provides a molecular hinge to facilitate intramolecular interactions is interesting, but sounds like a possible scenario without further evidence. Are there any published structural studies on Med15/Mediator complex that might support this idea?

      Minor comments:

      1. SC-HLUM and SC-HLMU is used interchangeably in the legend and text. Please keep consistent. Explanations for these acronyms are not found in the Methods.
      2. Fig. 2, 3. AcOH should be Acetic acid, to be consistent with Fig. 1.
      3. Fig. 3B, error bars should be provided for growth measurements.


      This work provided a detailed analysis on the roles of a specific poly-glutamine region in yeast Med15 functions and regulation. One conceptual advance of this work is that the structural flexibility rather than the sequence itself of Q1 tract proves to be critical for Med15 function. The ability to correlate Med15-Msn2 interaction with gene expression analysis demonstrated some technical novelty, given the power of genetic manipulation in yeast.

      Med15 is a key Mediator subunit contacting several sequence-specific transcription activators. Its interaction with a number of transcription activators in yeast such as Gcn4 and Gal4, was previously studied as referenced in this manuscript. This manuscript first provided a quite comprehensive genetic mutational analysis and confirmed several findings in previous studies. The identification of critical Med15 regions for acetic acid response (and Hap5-dependent gene activation) and the analysis of Msn2-Med15 interactions appear to be novel. Researchers interested in eukaryotic transcriptional regulation would benefit from reading this study.

      Field of expertise of this reviewer: mechanisms of transcriptional regulation, genetics, nuclear organization and function

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The Mediator complex, a multicomponent complex, regulates the interaction between transcription factors and RNA polymerase II using protein interactions. In particular, Intrinsically Disordered Regions (IDRs) with in Med15. Copper and Frassler made extensive mutations to the three IDRs that are characterized with high glutamate content (poly-Q), the KIX domain which interacts with transcription factors and the MAD which interacts with the rest of the Mediator complex. The three poly-Q repeats are adjacent to Activator Binding Domains (ABD). The impact of mutant Med15 was measured with growth assays, co-IPs with a transcription factor, and transcriptional activation of a reporter during different stresses. Med15 is particular important in stress responsive transcription rather than basal transcription because in yeast it is nonessential. It can be repress and activation translation of genes. Using a series of internal deletions and substitutions impact of the mutations was tested on by measuring growth of strains, expression of Med15 regulated genes, and interaction with Msn2, a transcription factor that regulates to various stresses. This work adds to the body of research confirming that multiple weak/ transient interaction domains regulate Med15 function.

      Major comments:

      1. Without knowing the protein levels of the different mutants, it is difficult to contribute deletions of different regions with phenotypes measured. Various internal deletions decrease Med15 protein levels (Jedidi et al. 2010) while other affect the integrity of the Mediator complex. This study did not measure mRNA or protein levels of their mutants. However, (Jedidi et al. 2010) used Myc-tagged Med15 which affects regulation of Med15 via SNF1 (Gallagher et al. 2020). In another study, Med15 was N-terminally tagged and protein levels of some deletions increased (Herbig et al. 2010). It's unknown if other tags such as HA, TAP or FLAG affect Med15 regulation via SNF1. This study used untagged Med15 expressed from the native promoter which avoids these complications. It's also unknown if the differences in Med15 deletions are from reduced transcription, translation, or protein stability. There are commercial antibody that may work (https://www.genetex.com/Product/Detail/Gal-11-S-cerevisiae-antibody/GTX64110). There are several commercial antibodies to human Med15 but the cross reactivity has not been tested.
      2. Quantification with ImageJ on spot assays is difficult because once growth has maxed out on the dense spots there is no resolution. Using more dilute spots is challenging because colony size is affected by the nearby colonies. The error bars are the mutants are large. Can quantitative growth curves be carried out in flasks or an automatic plate reader for better quantification?

      Minor comments:

      1. Why were the stress conditions chosen in figure 1B? These are only a subset of conditions that the med15 deletion is sensitive to. Aside from acetic acid the phenotypic profile of each deletion is similar. The bigger the deletion, the more severe the growth defect. The keto plate appears under loaded by comparing the number of colonies in the third dilution on the keto plate and the fourth spot on the YPD plate in the BY4742 (MED15 wild-type strain). Does keto lyse cells? Or was there that much variation between mutants? Perhaps the dose of keto needs to be calibrated. In figure 2B it looks like wildtype growth in keto was 70% of untreated growth.
      2. Figures 1C and 1D are not discussed in the results. The authors should remind what the hGR assay measures when discussing the results. How is it different from the GAL4 transcriptional reporter?
      3. In the D to A mutants some appear to be required for acetic acid tolerance. What was the pH of the media?
      4. The labels between Figure 1 and 2 are inconsistent. 90 mM acetic versus 80mM AcOH, YPGal versus YPGalactose, SD+LKHU versus SD+KLUH. The mutants on 0.97M NaCl at 37oC from figure 2A grew more than 0.9M NaCl at 38oC. Also, in the text it says 37 oC.
      5. Is the MED15 strain BY4742? In Figure 1 was it also transformed the pRS315? How was the plasmid maintained on the plates, specifically YPD?
      6. Genes such as GAL and URA3 should in italics.
      7. In the split Ub assays, was wildtype Msn2 and Med15 also present?
      8. There is inconsistently naming of media in Media and Phenotype Testing section. The media is called synthetic complete media is labeled SC-URA or SC-LEU and at times in Results its called SD+K or SC-HULM. Is SC with all amino acids and SD without any amino acids?
      9. The plasmid names in the supplemental table don't match the ones labeled in the figures.
      10. Why was ALG9 used for normalization of qRT PCR?
      11. The background of the strains is confusing. There appears to be two different med15 knockouts OY320 and JF1368. Which ones were used in which experiments? Some of the trains have a trp1 auxotrophic which affects stress response on it's own (González et al. 2008; Schroeder and Ikui 2019).


      • General assessment: provide a summary of the strengths and limitations of the study. What are the strongest and most important aspects? What aspects of the study should be improved or could be developed? Extensive mutational analysis of Med15.
      • Advance: compare the study to the closest related results in the literature or highlight results reported for the first time to your knowledge; does the study extend the knowledge in the field and in which way? Describe the nature of the advance and the resulting insights (for example: conceptual, technical, clinical, mechanistic, functional,...). This work confirms numerous other studies on the contribution of various Med15 domains on function.
      • Audience: describe the type of audience ("specialized", "broad", "basic research", "translational/clinical", etc...) that will be interested or influenced by this research; how will this research be used by others; will it be of interest beyond the specific field? Incorporation of human domain substitutions could influence how people outside the field would interpret how Med15 interacts with transcription factors.
      • Please define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate. Expert in using yeast genetics and natural genetic variation to address underlying mechanisms of stress response to environmental toxins with a particular focus on transcription factors and TORC1.
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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Major Comments

      The authors show that the amino acid content and length of Q1 affects transcription activity in a media-dependent way in a construct that includes Q1-ABD1 and a tailing Q/N rich region (Q1R). Briefly, different media conditions used as proxies for specific target TF activities varied in their sensitivity to the Q1 sequence content. However, the reason for this variation between target TF activities is not addressed, so the observations seem more anecdotal than insightful. One test performed suggests some of the Q1 sequence dependence may be due to changes in AD-ABD interactions, but this interesting possibility is not investigated further.

      A split-ubiquitin two-hybrid assay, meant to detect interactions between Msn2 TAD and Med15-Q1R, showed clear Q1 sequence/composition-dependence when changed from polyQ tracts. In particular, replacement with leucine-rich tracts (12L and RvHs) significantly reduced interactions (as inferred from growth requirements in Fig 5B). Q1 consisting of just 10 spacer residues, 0 to 24 Q residues, or PQ repeats all had quite similar results suggesting retention of some Msn2 and Med15 interactions. Replacement with a helix-forming sequence from NAB3 gave intermediate results. Again, no explanation was offered for the observation but it seems probable that the NAB3 Q1 system is no longer reporting on Msn2 Med15 interactions.

      The manuscript presents extensive assays, but a lack of consistency in conditions and constructs tested makes comparing different assays difficult. In particular, it would be valuable to have NAB3-Q1, FrHs-Q1, and RvHS-Q1 tested under conditions of high salt as that is indicated to be the Msn2 target condition (e.g. an additional result that would be presented in Fig 3B); this would be valuable to compare to the two-hybrid results. The relationship between Q1 polyQ length and Msn2 TAD-Med15 ABD1 binding is not clear from this assay as all had similar growth on the plates. A possible explanation for the inferred reduction in TAD-ABD1 binding in the leucine rich Q1 constructs is that this highly hydrophobic linker itself binds to ABD1 and is therefore self-inhibitory. There is also the unexplored/not discussed possibility that NAB3, 12L, and RvHs have off-target interactions that disrupt the TAD-ABD1 interactions.

      The framing of the study and the title of the manuscript strongly suggest that there might be a relationship between coiled-coil formation and transcription activity. This is the basis for selection of many of the Q1 sequences tested, with the premise of either increasing or disrupting coiled-coil structure. These 'propensities' are quantified in Supp Fig 1; however, a significant limitation of this interpretation is that these propensities are bulk properties that presume formation of homo-dimers or homo-trimers, a situation that is not shown to be relevant for Med15 at a promoter. This means that Q1 is potentially only one of the multiple partners required for coiled-coil formation. So even if a tested sequence has high coiled-coil propensity, that may not be the case in the actual biological systems at play here. Another consideration to be entertained is how different solvent conditions (different media) may affect coiled-coil propensity. An unanswered question is whether Q1 may form coiled-coil structure either with other regions of Med15 and/or with other Mediator subunits or even other co-factors entirely. This is a question implied by the title of this paper, but the data presented address neither intra- nor inter-molecular interactions of the polyQ regions (the two-hybrid study is designed to probe the ABD-AD interactions).

      A final proposed hypothesis was that Q1 acts as a hinge in a way analogous to what was reported for the huntingtin protein (ref 7). This is an attractive model but remains untested in this work. In particular, the Med15-Q1R construct used does not have multiple ABDs that would potentially be brought in close contact, so the results here cannot be interpreted as analogous to the huntingtin hinge model. Minor Comments:

      Please explain the choice of the 10-residue spacer instead of a 12-residue spacer.

      Page 14: "We observed that Q1 substitutions with increased coiled-coil propensity (Supplementary Figure 1) diminished TF activity while Q1 substitutions that interfered with coiled-coil propensity had no effect on TF activity (Fig. 3, 4), suggesting that the flexibility of the sequence is an important feature." There was no demonstration that those sequences in this context form CCs. There's no evidence of what is actually being modulated whether it's length, flexibility, or ability to interact with other regions of Med15 or even with other co-factors.

      Page 15: "We confirmed that Msn2-dependent activities of Med15 are encoded by the region containing the Q1 tract and ABD1 (aa 116-277) and found that the KIX domain alone could also mediate an interaction with Msn2 (Fig. 5). This contrasts with the Gcn4- or Gal4-dependent growth or stress responses which are the result of additive interactions with Med15 that are characterized by weak, highly dispersed, multivalent interfaces. While it is not yet entirely clear if the interaction with Msn2 is similarly multivalent, we have shown that either the KIX domain alone or the Q1R region alone of Med15 was sufficient with no evidence of additivity." These statements are unsupported. While Gcn4 and Gal4 transcription activity has been shown to depend on multiple AD-ABD interactions, none of the data reported here shows that Msn2 does not (as is stated here, which undermines the "contrasts" argument. Further, based on the assays presented in Figure 1B, Msn2, Gal4, and Gcn4 behave similarly for the various Med15 constructs.

      Page 16: "In all instances TF activity was reduced in the absence of the Med15 Q1 tract." This seems false based on the data presented. Met10 activity appears to have increased in Figure 4A.

      Page 16: Reference to Figure 2C and Figure 2B are mislabeled. Should be Figure 2D and 2C, respectively.

      Page 17: "The fact that residues at Q1 were not functionally constrained to be glutamine residues suggests the Q1 tract is not an interaction motif participating directly in protein-protein interactions." This is completely unsupported. There are no data presented that address interactions between Q1 and anything else.

      Figure 2: Not clear which assays were at 30{degree sign}C vs 22{degree sign}C as they are not labeled in the figure. In Figure 2A, the label med15 should be med15Δ.

      Figure 4: Interpretation of these results seems limited by only reporting YPD media conditions. May be helpful to include the conditions reported in Figure 1.

      Figure 6: It is not clear what some elements of this figure are meant to represent. Is saw tooth always polyQ? or Is ABD1 always blue and ABD2 is always red. What then are the loops? The general premise of this figure does not seem to be supported by the actual experiments performed.

      Supp Figure 3: "K is the Med15 fragment encompassing the KIX domain, aa 1-277." This aa range is KQ in the main text. Either the residue range is wrong, or the label is wrong.


      This manuscript addresses an interesting topic. There appears to be a disconnect between the stated motivation and what was actually done. The large array of assays and conditions are difficult to compare, leaving the reader with a feeling that the authors have catalogued a lot of possibilities but that no generalizable or unifying insights are at hand. The attempt to present a model (Figure 6) is difficult to parse and is not directly supported by the data presented. Addressing the issues raised here could result in a work that is useful to the specific field of Med15 structure and function but of limited use at the moment to a wider audience.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript by Nabeel-Shah et al. the authors identify ZBTB48 as a novel interactor of FTO. They show that ZBTB48 helps recruiting FTO to mRNA as well as the noncoding RNA Terra. Their results further suggest that this recruitment is required for FTO to demethylated m6A and m6Am RNA modification in target RNAs. This affects cellular rates of RNA turnover. Furthermore, the mechanism is involved in repressing colorectal cancer cell growth.

      Overall, the authors present a new role of ZBTB48 in m6A and m6Am mediated RNA metabolism. They also suggest a nice model of ZBTB48 action, via the recruitment of the demethylase FTO. These findings will be of interest for the general RNA community and might be also relevant for cancer treatment. However, I have some concerns about the quality and analysis of the obtained data, especially the iCLIP and miCLIP experiments. The concerns are detailed below and should be addressed before publication.

      Major concerns:

      1. Figure 1B) I think that the results shown in the autoradiograph are not very convincing and suggest that the purification of ZBTB48 is not very clean. The radioactive signal covers the lane from 50 kDa to 200 kDa. The ZBTB48 alone is running around 80 kDa. If the purification is specific most of the signal should be above 80 kDa. Maybe it helps to also use higher RNAse concentrations: Having very short RNA pieces will allow to evaluate specificity of the purification, since protein-RNA complexes will just a bit above the size of the protein. This also applies to Figures S1E,F.

      This concern could also apply to the generated iCLIP libraries and indicates that at least part of the obtained reads does not originate from ZBTB48 crosslinked RNA. The validation of protein-RNA interactions with RIP shown in Figure S2E supports the quality of the iCLIP data. Here some control RNAs should be analyzed to show that the RIP is not unspecifically enriching any RNA. 2. Regarding the co-occurrence of m6A sites as well as FTO and ZBTB48 binding sites shown in Figures 2B, C, F and G. The CLIP signal is a lot affected by crosslinking bias and read mappability. Therefore, to make these results more convincing it would be important to include additional iCLIP datasets (published other RBPs) for comparison. 3. Regarding Figure 2D and related analyses: I very much like this experiment and the results obtained here! I just wondered where the remaining reads go in the ZBTB48 knockdown. The introns? Maybe this becomes clearer in the meta profile representation used in Figure 1F.

      For me the changes in the 5' UTR look most dramatic. Maybe this means that ZBTB48 is most important for recruitment of FTO to m6Am sites. Therefore, I think it would be good to differentiate the analyses in the remainder of the manuscript for m6A and m6Am sites. I first step would be to treat sites in the 5'UTR separate from the CDS and 3'UTR sites in the following analysis. 4. I have some concerns about the analysis of the miCLIP data. In Figure 3A antibody crosslinking in all conditions appears similar. Yet in panel B there seems less signal for FTO and ZBTB48 overexpression in all areas. Have there been more reads generated for the GFP control? Where is the rest of the reads going? I think it would be required here to identify peaks that significantly change between the conditions. Then ask do those peaks coincide with DRACH and were are they located. Also, in the Genome browser pictures the signal is going down at all locations. Why is that? Usually, miCLIP generates a lot of background peaks. These should be unchanged. 5. I am a bit confused by the author's interpretation of the results shown in Figure 5E. For me this plot shows that target transcripts are less downregulated and less upregulated than non-targets? Basically they are less regulated overall. In this context I also think that the representation in of the mean in figure 5E and F is misleading. Data distribution should be visible as violin or boxplot.

      Minor points:

      Figure 1D) I think the legend in the panel is confusing and does not add information. Especially since its in a different order than the categories on the y-Axis.

      Figure S2D) I wondered if the authors controlled for mappability of reads when picking random sites. How do the authors account for that in iCLIP there will be less reads in introns compared to exons?

      5E,F boxplots would be more suitable than barplots.xx

      Figure 2I: Please do not use "+ve"

      Figures with Microscopy pictures of cells have no scale bars or way too small.

      The model that is shown in figure 7 is somehow misleading as it shows FTO binding only to ZBTB48 and not to the RNA.


      Overall, the authors present a new role of ZBTB48 in m6A and m6Am mediated RNA metabolism. They also suggest a nice model of ZBTB48 action, via the recruitment of the demethylase FTO. These findings will be of interest for the general RNA community and might be also relevant for cancer treatment. However, I have some concerns about the quality and analysis of the obtained data, especially the iCLIP and miCLIP experiments. The concerns are detailed below and should be addressed before publication.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Nabeel-Shah et al. identified that the telomeric zinc finger protein ZBTB48 help recruit FTO onto target RNA, including mRNAs and the telomere-associated regulatory RNA TERRA, to achieve cellular RNA m6A/m6Am demethylation, thereby regulating cell biology such as tumour growth studied in this study. The biochemistry and molecular biology experiments were done in HEK293 cells, and the cell models for tumour growth was done in HCT116 cells. However, I have identified both major and minor concerns that, when addressed, could further strengthen the findings and enhance the impact on the field.

      Major concerns

      1. Regarding the ZBTB48/FTO targets and m6A/m6Am level that are regulated by ZBTB48/FTO axis. Wei et al Molecular Cell 2018 (PMID: 30197295) (Figure 1B) quantified the m6A/m6Am levels upon knockdown of FTO in HeLa, HEK293, and 3T3-L1 cells, and found that the m6A/m6Am levels are generally mildly (10-20%) yet significantly upregulated on poly(A)+ RNAs. Here shown in the Figure 4A in this manuscript, the authors show that (1) siFTO and siZBTB48 led to ~2-3 fold upregulation of m6A and m6Am levels using total RNAs (dominant by rRNA in the population), and (2) that the m6A and m6Am levels are similar between siFTO and siZBTB48. Regarding (1), can the authors explain the discrepancy? This point is also relevant to the m6AIP-qRT-PCR results in this manuscript. Regarding (2), does this result suggest that ZBTB48 helps FTO to demethylate nearly all its targets, rather than a subset?
      2. Considering the significance of how FTO achieves target specificity, can the author anticipate the extent of applicability of the proposed model? Does the interaction between ZBTB48 and FTO also exist in various human and mouse cell lines? If confirmed, this discovery would hold substantial value for the field. This interaction at least needs to be confirmed in HCT116 cells used for tumour growth model in this study.

      Minor concerns.

      1. The authors realised that knockdown of ZBTB48 does not change FTO levels, whereas overexpression of ZBTB48 leads to elevated FTO. It is unclear about the rationale behind overexpression studies?
      2. Considering the multifunctional nature of ZBTB48, it's important to disentangle transcriptional and post-transcriptional roles of ZBTB48 to draw conclusions. I appreciate the analysis conducted in this manuscript. Is it possible to overexpress an DNA-binding mutant of ZBTB48 or RNA-binding mutant of ZBTB48 proteins?
      3. In Fig 2B, the innet panel does not match the metagene profile regarding the difference.
      4. In Fig 5H, there is a lack of experiments for comparison, i.e. siFTO and o/e FTO.
      5. Page 3, "Genome-wide studies" should be "Transcriptome-wide studies".


      Strengths: The biochemistry and molecular biology experiments are comprehensive and well designed. The analysis is robust, and the conclusions generally align with the presented data.

      Limitations: Cell line-specific and/or species-specific interaction?

      Advance: filling a gap in our knowledge of how FTO achieves target specificity.

      Audience: Basica research in the field of RNA modifications and RNA Biology.

      My expertise: Bioinformatics, gene regulation by RNA m6A modification

  2. May 2024
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      Reply to the reviewers

      'The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time.'

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors expand upon a previous method (PROMIS) that was developed to detect metabolite-protein interactions from cell extracts through co-elution of proteins and metabolites in size exclusion chromatography. Here, the authors use ion exchange chromatography. By comparing PROMIS and IEX datasets, the authors increase the confidence of detected interactions being true hits. The addition of IEX data significantly improves the power of the method to identify previously known/predicted protein-metabolite interactions. The authors also purify two proteins identified by the method and experimentally validates their novel interactions with dipeptide metabolites.

      In general the paper is well written and provides a clear assessment of the two methods. The validation of two interactions is welcomed.

      There are some issues that could be addressed with better clarification:

      • While the two datasets for omniTICC appear to show good overlap, the two PROMIS replicates appear to have very little. Due to this low overlap, one of the metabolite interactions chosen for validation (dipeptide) was chosen by manually lowering the correlation cutoff of PROMIS as well as relying on two previous PROMIS datasets. Authors could comment on possible reasons for this low overlap.
      • Experimentally validating the effect of Val-Leu on the enzyme activity of FabF would be a very good addition, but is not crucial to the paper.


      Line 173: In STITCH the authors find 1012 known or predicted interactions, while their method finds 92 of these interactions. Authors could comment on limitation of the unbiased method which may lead to missing these interactions (for example, sensitivity of MS detection of low abundance metabolites).

      Minor: - Authors could comment on what are some drawbacks to using docking to estimate binding sites. Computational screening could be a powerful way to prioritize hits for validation, so could be worth a more detailed discussion here. - In figure 2 the color labelling of the experiments could be presented more clearly. - Authors could add in the text or methods how they calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient they use for determining significance. Overall the methods are well presented and the technical approach is very well described and impressive. In general the authors present the statistics such as likelihood over chance detection, in a way that helps to evaluate the accuracy of the separate and combined CF approaches.

      Some comments:

      • The PROMIS method and the omniTICC method are performed only in duplicate, where the two PROMIS experiments also differ in proteomics workflow. Could that be why the overlap between PROMIS experiments is so poor? Why not perform the experiments in biological triplicates?
      • Authors correct for poor replicate overlap by lowering the requirements of one subset of metabolites. What's the argument for not doing this with all metabolite subsets? Would this interaction have been discovered just by using PROMIS in three different experiments (i.e. more biological replicates)? The benefit of adding the IEX analysis is clouded by the poor overlap of PROMIS data
      • Line 353 - It would also be good to elaborate as to why other methods would be likely to miss this interaction. Is it because the authors method does not require the users to choose specific metabolites or proteins to focus on beforehand?
      • Authors could comment on whether any of the high confidence interactions were also been observed in different IP experiments with E. coli (such the Lip-SMAP method reported by Piazza et al., 2018).
      • Authors could comment on other ways to identify the potential binding site. For example, limited proteolysis of the protein in presence of metabolite has been used previously
      • There is massive interconnectivity between NMPs and ribosomal proteins. It would be good to comment on this. Do the authors believe these are true interactions? Could there be another reason for this cluster? Do the STITCH interactions also show that these proteins interact with so many NMPs?
      • Line 157 - The authors state that "isopropylmalate co-eluate with tens of proteins". This feels like a bit of an understatement if the actual numbers are: 92, 119, 303, 287


      • How did the number 1479 proteins come about? Are those detected in all 4 datasets? What about those detected in only some datasets? This information could be more clear


      General assessment

      The paper is a welcome comparison of using two co-elution MS methods for identifying protein-metabolite interactions. It is clear that these types of interactions are important for modulating protein activity but are not well studied. The paper provides a clear workflow for both the experimental and data analysis portions of interaction proteomics. The relatively low number of validated hits could limit its significance outside the specialised field.


      The paper makes a conceptual advance in interaction proteomics. It is perhaps not unexpected that combining two different interaction proteomics methods gives more accurate target identification than a single method alone. The paper also strengthens the evidence that dipeptides play a role in regulation that may be conserved in bacteria and plants.


      The audience for this paper is likely researchers that are actively involved in the field of interaction proteomics. The link between dipeptides and feedback regulation has been developed by the group over a few papers, and this report provides further evidence. The paper also shows that a weak kinetic effect in vitro can actually lead to a significant effect in vivo, which is a very interesting finding that is a good point of reference for future in vitro validation efforts. Often the effect of metabolites in vitro is weak, which could lead to the (possibly false) conclusion that it is not relevant in vivo (see e.g. weak effects of metabolites on enzyme activity in vitro in a recent LiP-SMap paper (https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-023-05318-8)

      Reviewer background:

      Reviewers are active in the field of interaction proteomics and have previously used the Lip-SMAP method as well as thermal proteome shift method.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this work, Wagner et al aimed to comprehensively map protein-metabolite interaction in E. coli. They do so by extending a previously developed SEC-based co-elution method with an IEX-based co-elution method. The results is a more extensive and robust protein-metabolite network. As a validation, selected predicted protein-metabolite interactions are confirmed at the level of binding, as well as enzyme kinetics and even phenotype.

      The key conclusions of the paper are mostly convincing, even more so because the authors provide a critical evaluation of the method. My only concern is that the results from the PROMIS replicates seem to be quite different (e.g. Fig 1h and Suppl Fig 1a). One wonders whether, given this apparent variation, two replicates are sufficient to define the protein-metabolite interactions with great confidence.

      The author took care to make all data (proteomics & metabolomics) publicly available and the methods are clearly described.

      The manuscript is well-written and the figures are clear, although Fig 1 would benefit from and explanation of the color coding in the legend. Personally, I feel that less emphasis on lumichrome would help focus the conclusion section.


      This work is of high significance because it describes a method to comprehensively map protein-metabolite interaction that could relatively easily be applied to any organism. The work is of high quality and similar to work by for example Link et al (https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt.2489) or Piazza et al (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2017.12.006), but technically less challenging which increases its potential impact.

      Beyond these technical advances, global studies like these are a great resource for anyone working on the functional characterization of proteins. Often, a (predicted) protein-metabolite interaction can be a crucial lead to find the function of a protein.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, the authors demonstrate a strategy for uncovering metabolite-protein interactions, rooted in the concept of identifying co-fractionating metabolites and proteins through independent analyses of each fraction using untargeted proteomics and metabolomics. This approach is applied to E. coli protein lysates.

      The same research group has previously advocated for utilizing the simultaneous elution of metabolites and proteins as an indication of interactions, as seen in Luzarowski et al. (2019) and Veyel et al. (2017), where metabolite-protein interactions in yeast and plants were investigated, respectively. Here, a variation of the original proposed method (PROMIS) is introduced, involving an additional chromatography separation (ion exchange) alongside the original size exclusion separation proposed in PROMIS. By incorporating an extra dimension to reduce sample complexity, both experimental and data analysis efforts are effectively doubled, entailing the processing of 48 additional fractions for proteomic and metabolomic analyses, in addition to the 40 already included in the original PROMIS protocol.

      While previous studies have demonstrated the isolation of small molecule-protein complexes following ion-exchange based separation (Chan et al., 2012), the method described here does not introduce any fundamentally new concepts. However, it remains to be determined whether the addition of an extra separation dimension genuinely aids in accurately classifying new interactions. Although coincidental co-elution effects may be mitigated, there is a risk of disrupting genuine complexes through excessive handling of lysates.

      In my view, there are several points that require clarification:

      1. Line 138: There's an assumption that the metabolite profile will alter in IEX upon binding to proteins. While this might occur, it's not definite. Additionally, it's unclear why peaks associated with protein binding could also increase in intensity, and how this signifies a binding event.
      2. Lines 147-154: The most crucial dataset in this paper isn't adequately delineated here. We learn that by combining SEC and IEX, 1479 proteins and 58 metabolites are identified, but what about when only one separation method is employed? What advantages does using IEX provide?
      3. Line 170: Similar to point 2 regarding PMI.
      4. Line 174: To gauge whether the proposed strategy aids in accurately classifying new interactions, the authors examined if their predicted interactions also appear in the STITCH database. Out of the 994 PMI in the network, 92 were found in STITCH. I'm uncertain if STITCH is the most suitable metric for this assessment, given it likely hasn't been updated since 2016. How does this PROMIS-IEX protocol mirror known interactions in E. coli's central carbon metabolism, for instance, such as those detailed in this publication: doi: 10.15252/msb.20199008?
      5. Certain details of Figure 1 are challenging to grasp and inadequately explained in the figure legend. What do the colours of the heatmap in 1d represent?
      6. In Figure 1h, the proteins co-eluting with 2-isopropylmalic acid in the four separations decrease to 5 from tens of proteins, with only one known interactor of 2-isopropylmalic acid (LeuA) among them. Is this outcome favourable or unfavourable? Are the other four proteins false positives?
      7. Figure 2b: Why is this expected to work particularly well for NMPs? Is there a specific biological rationale behind it?

      Furthermore, among the classified interactions, two were corroborated through microscale thermophoresis and protein docking. One involved the enzyme FabF and the dipeptide Val-Leu. The decision to delve deeper into this pair likely stemmed from the prior focus on dipeptide-protein interactions, extensively discussed in Luzarowski et al.'s 2019 manuscript. The second interaction pertained to lumicrome and PyrE.


      To summarise, this paper advocates for heightening the complexity of experimental and computational analyses in studying metabolite-protein interactions through co-fractionation techniques. While it's anticipated that increased separation would enhance results, I remain unconvinced that the data presented conclusively demonstrates this. Overall, I believe the proposed method possesses only a modest level of originality and novelty, as outlined at the beginning of my review. Nonetheless, the substantial experimental effort and data generation warrant publication following additional meticulous quality control evaluation.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, the authors performed extensive genetic analyses in yeast on the functions of Med15 regions under multiple stress conditions, linking cell growth phenotypes, gene expression and protein-protein interaction. Med15 is an activator-contacting subunit of the Mediator complex and the functions of yeast Med15 have been extensively studied. In particular, the authors attempted to understand the roles of a poly-Q region (Q1), its length and composition in stress response phenotypes, Med15-mediated gene expression, and interaction with transcription factor Msn2. Results from this work are consistent with several previous studies and revealed some new insights. The authors concluded that robust Med15 activities required the Q1 tract and the length of Q1 tract modulates activity in a context-dependent manner. While the study is well executed and the conclusions are generally sound, several concerns listed below should be addressed and some clarifications should be made.

      Major comments:

      1. Abstract, "We also observed that distinct glutamine tracts and Med15 phosphorylation affected the activities of the KIX domain". Fig. 1 shows the effects of KIXQ2Q3 deletion and p7 phosphor-dead mutant under Acetic acid and Ketoconazole treatment, but does not demonstrate that these domains or phosphorylation affects KIX domain activities.
      2. Is it known that Med15 is dephosphorylated under stress conditions other than osmotic challenge? Another explanation for D7P/D30P mutant results (Fig. 1B) might be that Med15 phosphorylation in unstressed cells is important for certain types of stress response (acetic acid and Keto). In contrast, the observation that D7P has no effects on osmotic stress (Fig. 1B) might suggest that phosphor-Med15 is dispensable for function. Some explanations on how to ascertain the roles of Med15 phosphorylation would be needed.
      3. Fig. 4, what is the rationale of analyzing basal expression rather than activated expression of Gcn4 and Msn2 dependent genes? Gal4 and Hap5 dependent genes could be measured as well, in order to complete the gene expression-phenotype correlation that the authors strive to make in this paper.
      4. Fig. 4, Error bars should be provided on gene expression analysis. Gcn4 and Msn2 target genes should be highlighted separately to facilitate comparisons.
      5. Results from Fig. 4 and 5 indicate that Spacer-Q1 and 12PQ-Q1, being the strongest interactors to Msn2, actually reduced HSP12 expression (a known Msn2 target gene). Some explanations would be needed. Page 12 Discussion paragraph 2 "Q1 substitutions that interfered with coiled-coil propensity had no effect on TF activity" would need to be revised and to include some discussions on this result.
      6. Fig. 5C, additional explanation is needed on how interaction rank is determined and how error bars are obtained.
      7. The idea that Q1 provides a molecular hinge to facilitate intramolecular interactions is interesting, but sounds like a possible scenario without further evidence. Are there any published structural studies on Med15/Mediator complex that might support this idea?

      Minor comments:

      1. SC-HLUM and SC-HLMU is used interchangeably in the legend and text. Please keep consistent. Explanations for these acronyms are not found in the Methods.
      2. Fig. 2, 3. AcOH should be Acetic acid, to be consistent with Fig. 1.
      3. Fig. 3B, error bars should be provided for growth measurements.


      This work provided a detailed analysis on the roles of a specific poly-glutamine region in yeast Med15 functions and regulation. One conceptual advance of this work is that the structural flexibility rather than the sequence itself of Q1 tract proves to be critical for Med15 function. The ability to correlate Med15-Msn2 interaction with gene expression analysis demonstrated some technical novelty, given the power of genetic manipulation in yeast.

      Med15 is a key Mediator subunit contacting several sequence-specific transcription activators. Its interaction with a number of transcription activators in yeast such as Gcn4 and Gal4, was previously studied as referenced in this manuscript. This manuscript first provided a quite comprehensive genetic mutational analysis and confirmed several findings in previous studies. The identification of critical Med15 regions for acetic acid response (and Hap5-dependent gene activation) and the analysis of Msn2-Med15 interactions appear to be novel. Researchers interested in eukaryotic transcriptional regulation would benefit from reading this study.

      Field of expertise of this reviewer: mechanisms of transcriptional regulation, genetics, nuclear organization and function

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The Mediator complex, a multicomponent complex, regulates the interaction between transcription factors and RNA polymerase II using protein interactions. In particular, Intrinsically Disordered Regions (IDRs) with in Med15. Copper and Frassler made extensive mutations to the three IDRs that are characterized with high glutamate content (poly-Q), the KIX domain which interacts with transcription factors and the MAD which interacts with the rest of the Mediator complex. The three poly-Q repeats are adjacent to Activator Binding Domains (ABD). The impact of mutant Med15 was measured with growth assays, co-IPs with a transcription factor, and transcriptional activation of a reporter during different stresses. Med15 is particular important in stress responsive transcription rather than basal transcription because in yeast it is nonessential. It can be repress and activation translation of genes. Using a series of internal deletions and substitutions impact of the mutations was tested on by measuring growth of strains, expression of Med15 regulated genes, and interaction with Msn2, a transcription factor that regulates to various stresses. This work adds to the body of research confirming that multiple weak/ transient interaction domains regulate Med15 function.

      Major comments:

      1. Without knowing the protein levels of the different mutants, it is difficult to contribute deletions of different regions with phenotypes measured. Various internal deletions decrease Med15 protein levels (Jedidi et al. 2010) while other affect the integrity of the Mediator complex. This study did not measure mRNA or protein levels of their mutants. However, (Jedidi et al. 2010) used Myc-tagged Med15 which affects regulation of Med15 via SNF1 (Gallagher et al. 2020). In another study, Med15 was N-terminally tagged and protein levels of some deletions increased (Herbig et al. 2010). It's unknown if other tags such as HA, TAP or FLAG affect Med15 regulation via SNF1. This study used untagged Med15 expressed from the native promoter which avoids these complications. It's also unknown if the differences in Med15 deletions are from reduced transcription, translation, or protein stability. There are commercial antibody that may work (https://www.genetex.com/Product/Detail/Gal-11-S-cerevisiae-antibody/GTX64110). There are several commercial antibodies to human Med15 but the cross reactivity has not been tested.
      2. Quantification with ImageJ on spot assays is difficult because once growth has maxed out on the dense spots there is no resolution. Using more dilute spots is challenging because colony size is affected by the nearby colonies. The error bars are the mutants are large. Can quantitative growth curves be carried out in flasks or an automatic plate reader for better quantification?

      Minor comments:

      1. Why were the stress conditions chosen in figure 1B? These are only a subset of conditions that the med15 deletion is sensitive to. Aside from acetic acid the phenotypic profile of each deletion is similar. The bigger the deletion, the more severe the growth defect. The keto plate appears under loaded by comparing the number of colonies in the third dilution on the keto plate and the fourth spot on the YPD plate in the BY4742 (MED15 wild-type strain). Does keto lyse cells? Or was there that much variation between mutants? Perhaps the dose of keto needs to be calibrated. In figure 2B it looks like wildtype growth in keto was 70% of untreated growth.
      2. Figures 1C and 1D are not discussed in the results. The authors should remind what the hGR assay measures when discussing the results. How is it different from the GAL4 transcriptional reporter?
      3. In the D to A mutants some appear to be required for acetic acid tolerance. What was the pH of the media?
      4. The labels between Figure 1 and 2 are inconsistent. 90 mM acetic versus 80mM AcOH, YPGal versus YPGalactose, SD+LKHU versus SD+KLUH. The mutants on 0.97M NaCl at 37oC from figure 2A grew more than 0.9M NaCl at 38oC. Also, in the text it says 37 oC.
      5. Is the MED15 strain BY4742? In Figure 1 was it also transformed the pRS315? How was the plasmid maintained on the plates, specifically YPD?
      6. Genes such as GAL and URA3 should in italics.
      7. In the split Ub assays, was wildtype Msn2 and Med15 also present?
      8. There is inconsistently naming of media in Media and Phenotype Testing section. The media is called synthetic complete media is labeled SC-URA or SC-LEU and at times in Results its called SD+K or SC-HULM. Is SC with all amino acids and SD without any amino acids?
      9. The plasmid names in the supplemental table don't match the ones labeled in the figures.
      10. Why was ALG9 used for normalization of qRT PCR?
      11. The background of the strains is confusing. There appears to be two different med15 knockouts OY320 and JF1368. Which ones were used in which experiments? Some of the trains have a trp1 auxotrophic which affects stress response on it's own (González et al. 2008; Schroeder and Ikui 2019).


      • General assessment: provide a summary of the strengths and limitations of the study. What are the strongest and most important aspects? What aspects of the study should be improved or could be developed? Extensive mutational analysis of Med15.
      • Advance: compare the study to the closest related results in the literature or highlight results reported for the first time to your knowledge; does the study extend the knowledge in the field and in which way? Describe the nature of the advance and the resulting insights (for example: conceptual, technical, clinical, mechanistic, functional,...). This work confirms numerous other studies on the contribution of various Med15 domains on function.
      • Audience: describe the type of audience ("specialized", "broad", "basic research", "translational/clinical", etc...) that will be interested or influenced by this research; how will this research be used by others; will it be of interest beyond the specific field? Incorporation of human domain substitutions could influence how people outside the field would interpret how Med15 interacts with transcription factors.
      • Please define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate. Expert in using yeast genetics and natural genetic variation to address underlying mechanisms of stress response to environmental toxins with a particular focus on transcription factors and TORC1.
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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Major Comments

      The authors show that the amino acid content and length of Q1 affects transcription activity in a media-dependent way in a construct that includes Q1-ABD1 and a tailing Q/N rich region (Q1R). Briefly, different media conditions used as proxies for specific target TF activities varied in their sensitivity to the Q1 sequence content. However, the reason for this variation between target TF activities is not addressed, so the observations seem more anecdotal than insightful. One test performed suggests some of the Q1 sequence dependence may be due to changes in AD-ABD interactions, but this interesting possibility is not investigated further.

      A split-ubiquitin two-hybrid assay, meant to detect interactions between Msn2 TAD and Med15-Q1R, showed clear Q1 sequence/composition-dependence when changed from polyQ tracts. In particular, replacement with leucine-rich tracts (12L and RvHs) significantly reduced interactions (as inferred from growth requirements in Fig 5B). Q1 consisting of just 10 spacer residues, 0 to 24 Q residues, or PQ repeats all had quite similar results suggesting retention of some Msn2 and Med15 interactions. Replacement with a helix-forming sequence from NAB3 gave intermediate results. Again, no explanation was offered for the observation but it seems probable that the NAB3 Q1 system is no longer reporting on Msn2 Med15 interactions.

      The manuscript presents extensive assays, but a lack of consistency in conditions and constructs tested makes comparing different assays difficult. In particular, it would be valuable to have NAB3-Q1, FrHs-Q1, and RvHS-Q1 tested under conditions of high salt as that is indicated to be the Msn2 target condition (e.g. an additional result that would be presented in Fig 3B); this would be valuable to compare to the two-hybrid results. The relationship between Q1 polyQ length and Msn2 TAD-Med15 ABD1 binding is not clear from this assay as all had similar growth on the plates. A possible explanation for the inferred reduction in TAD-ABD1 binding in the leucine rich Q1 constructs is that this highly hydrophobic linker itself binds to ABD1 and is therefore self-inhibitory. There is also the unexplored/not discussed possibility that NAB3, 12L, and RvHs have off-target interactions that disrupt the TAD-ABD1 interactions.

      The framing of the study and the title of the manuscript strongly suggest that there might be a relationship between coiled-coil formation and transcription activity. This is the basis for selection of many of the Q1 sequences tested, with the premise of either increasing or disrupting coiled-coil structure. These 'propensities' are quantified in Supp Fig 1; however, a significant limitation of this interpretation is that these propensities are bulk properties that presume formation of homo-dimers or homo-trimers, a situation that is not shown to be relevant for Med15 at a promoter. This means that Q1 is potentially only one of the multiple partners required for coiled-coil formation. So even if a tested sequence has high coiled-coil propensity, that may not be the case in the actual biological systems at play here. Another consideration to be entertained is how different solvent conditions (different media) may affect coiled-coil propensity. An unanswered question is whether Q1 may form coiled-coil structure either with other regions of Med15 and/or with other Mediator subunits or even other co-factors entirely. This is a question implied by the title of this paper, but the data presented address neither intra- nor inter-molecular interactions of the polyQ regions (the two-hybrid study is designed to probe the ABD-AD interactions).

      A final proposed hypothesis was that Q1 acts as a hinge in a way analogous to what was reported for the huntingtin protein (ref 7). This is an attractive model but remains untested in this work. In particular, the Med15-Q1R construct used does not have multiple ABDs that would potentially be brought in close contact, so the results here cannot be interpreted as analogous to the huntingtin hinge model. Minor Comments:

      Please explain the choice of the 10-residue spacer instead of a 12-residue spacer.

      Page 14: "We observed that Q1 substitutions with increased coiled-coil propensity (Supplementary Figure 1) diminished TF activity while Q1 substitutions that interfered with coiled-coil propensity had no effect on TF activity (Fig. 3, 4), suggesting that the flexibility of the sequence is an important feature." There was no demonstration that those sequences in this context form CCs. There's no evidence of what is actually being modulated whether it's length, flexibility, or ability to interact with other regions of Med15 or even with other co-factors.

      Page 15: "We confirmed that Msn2-dependent activities of Med15 are encoded by the region containing the Q1 tract and ABD1 (aa 116-277) and found that the KIX domain alone could also mediate an interaction with Msn2 (Fig. 5). This contrasts with the Gcn4- or Gal4-dependent growth or stress responses which are the result of additive interactions with Med15 that are characterized by weak, highly dispersed, multivalent interfaces. While it is not yet entirely clear if the interaction with Msn2 is similarly multivalent, we have shown that either the KIX domain alone or the Q1R region alone of Med15 was sufficient with no evidence of additivity." These statements are unsupported. While Gcn4 and Gal4 transcription activity has been shown to depend on multiple AD-ABD interactions, none of the data reported here shows that Msn2 does not (as is stated here, which undermines the "contrasts" argument. Further, based on the assays presented in Figure 1B, Msn2, Gal4, and Gcn4 behave similarly for the various Med15 constructs.

      Page 16: "In all instances TF activity was reduced in the absence of the Med15 Q1 tract." This seems false based on the data presented. Met10 activity appears to have increased in Figure 4A.

      Page 16: Reference to Figure 2C and Figure 2B are mislabeled. Should be Figure 2D and 2C, respectively.

      Page 17: "The fact that residues at Q1 were not functionally constrained to be glutamine residues suggests the Q1 tract is not an interaction motif participating directly in protein-protein interactions." This is completely unsupported. There are no data presented that address interactions between Q1 and anything else.

      Figure 2: Not clear which assays were at 30{degree sign}C vs 22{degree sign}C as they are not labeled in the figure. In Figure 2A, the label med15 should be med15Δ.

      Figure 4: Interpretation of these results seems limited by only reporting YPD media conditions. May be helpful to include the conditions reported in Figure 1.

      Figure 6: It is not clear what some elements of this figure are meant to represent. Is saw tooth always polyQ? or Is ABD1 always blue and ABD2 is always red. What then are the loops? The general premise of this figure does not seem to be supported by the actual experiments performed.

      Supp Figure 3: "K is the Med15 fragment encompassing the KIX domain, aa 1-277." This aa range is KQ in the main text. Either the residue range is wrong, or the label is wrong.


      This manuscript addresses an interesting topic. There appears to be a disconnect between the stated motivation and what was actually done. The large array of assays and conditions are difficult to compare, leaving the reader with a feeling that the authors have catalogued a lot of possibilities but that no generalizable or unifying insights are at hand. The attempt to present a model (Figure 6) is difficult to parse and is not directly supported by the data presented. Addressing the issues raised here could result in a work that is useful to the specific field of Med15 structure and function but of limited use at the moment to a wider audience.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This manuscript uses C. elegans as a model to interrogate the effects of autism-associated variants of previously unknown function in the RNA-binding protein RBM-26/RBM27.

      Despite its potential impact, there are several concerns related to the technical rigor and specificity of the observed effects.

      Major concerns: 1. The effects on PLM are interesting, but why was this neuron selected for study? Was this a lucky guess or are other axons also affected? It is important to clarify whether the effects of RBM-26 are specific to this neuron or act pleiotropically across many or all neurons. According to CeNGEN, rbm-26 is strongly expressed in the well-characterized neurons ASE, PVD, and HSN. Are there morphological defects in these neurons, or others? As a note, there are also functional assays for these neurons (salt sensing, touch response, and egg laying, respectively).

      We have added new data to the supplemental materials showing that loss of rbm-26 function also causes the beading phenotype in the axons and dendrites of the PVD neuron (Figure S4 and lines 196-199). We have focused on the PLM neuron because our preliminary studies indicated that it had a higher penetrance of axon defects relative to the PVD neuron. Moreover, we observed expression of endogenously tagged RBM-26 in the PLM neuron (Figure 3A-C and lines 210-215).

      Similarly, the choice of the MALSU homolog seemed like a shot in the dark. It is ranked 46th (out of 63 genes) for fold-enrichment following RBM-26 pull-down, and 9th for p-value. Were any of the mRNAs with greater fold-enrichment or smaller p-values examined further? It is important to determine whether many or all of these interacting genes are overexpressed in the absence of RBM-26 and whether they are also required for the phenotypic effects of RBM-26 mutants, or if the MALSU homolog is special.

      We have clarified our reasoning for selecting the MALS-1 ortholog of MALSU1 for further study (see lines 283-284 and Table S2). Amongst binding partners with human orthologs, MALS-1 was by far the top ranked candidate. The adjusted p-value for MALS-1 was 0.0008. The next smallest adjusted p-value was two orders of magnitude larger (0.028 for dpy-4). Moreover, the log2fold fold enrichment for MALS-1 was 1.98, about the same as the largest (ACADS with 2.13). Nonetheless, we agree that some of the other interactors may also be of interest and have thus included them in the supplemental table S2. Although these other potential binding partners are outside the scope of this study, we expect that future studies by ourselves or others may focus on the roles of these other binding partners.

      In addition to the specificity controls mentioned above, positive and negative controls are needed throughout the results. While each of these may be relatively minor by itself, as a group they raise questions about the technical rigor of the study. Briefly these include: Fig 1C. Missing loading controls and negative control (rbm-26 null allele). Additional exposures should be included to show whether RBM-26(P80L) protein or the lower band for RBM-26(L13V) are present at all, relative to the null allele.

      We have added no-stain loading controls to figure 1C. We have also switched to using ECL detection, which is much more sensitive and reveals faint bands for RBM-26(P80L) and additional faint bands for RBM-26(L13V). In addition, we have included a longer exposure for the blot (Figure S1). We are unable to test the null, as we can only produce a limited number of small maternally rescued progeny, thereby precluding western blot analysis.

      Fig 2. Controls to distinguish overextension of PLM axon from posterior mispositioning of ALM cell body are needed. Quantification of PLM axon lengths in microns (or normalized to body size) with standard deviation, not error of proportion, should be shown. Measurement of “beading phenotype” should be more rigorous, see for example the approach in Rawson et al. Curr. Biol. 2017 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2014.02.025 . The developmental stage examined, and the reason for choosing that stage, should be described for this and all figures.

      We have added new data that shows PLM axon length relative to body length for each of the RBM-26 mutants (Figure S2 and lines 183-185). These results indicate that the PLM axon has a larger axon length to body length ration, suggesting that the PLM/ALM overlap phenotype is a result of PLM axon overextension. For most experiments, we retain penetrance, as this has been standard practice in the field and allows for a much larger sample size (see examples listed below). We have also added examples of how the beading phenotype was measured (Figure S3). Moreover, we have now analyzed this phenotype and others at multiple developmental stages (Figures 2D-H and Table S1). In general, we have conducted experiments at the L3 stage because the rbm-26(null) mutants don’t survive past this stage. However, for many of our experiments we have also included additional stages as well. We have added this explanation to the methods section of phenotype analysis and also at various locations throughout the text. We have also labeled all graphs to clearly indicate the developmental stages and included.

      10.1038/s41467-019-12804-3 Article by laboratory of Brock Grill

      10.1371/journal.pgen.1002513 Article by laboratory of Ian Chin-Sang

      doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1410263111 Article by laboratory of Chun-Liang Pan

      10.1016/j.neuron.2007.07.009 Article by laboratory of Yishi Jin

      doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5536-07.2008 Article by laboratory of William Wadsworth

      Fig 3. Controls without auxin and with neuronal TIR1 expression alone should be included. Controls demonstrating successful RBM-26 depletion, in larvae as well as in embryos at the time of PLM extension, should be included (weak embryonic depletion might explain why the overextension phenotype is only 14% instead of 40% as in the null). According to CeNGEN, rbm-26 expression in PLM is barely detected, thus depletion with a PLM-specific TIR1 should also be tested. To confirm the authors' identification of the cell marked "N" as the PLM cell body, co-expression of rbm-26 and a PLM-specific marker should be added. Rescue of the rbm-26 mutants with neuronal (and PLM-only) expression should be included to test sufficiency in PLM, and as a further control for potential artifacts of the AID system.

      We have added new data showing that an endogenously tagged RBM-26::Scarlet protein is expressed in the PLM neuron (Figure 3A-C). Moreover, we have added rescue experiments, showing that a Pmec-7::rbm-26::scarlet transgene can rescue the beading phenotype and the PLM/ALM overlap phenotype (Figure 3 F-G). We have also added controls without auxin (Figure S7) __and without the rbm-26::scarlet::aid gene (Figure S8). We have added a new figure showing auxin-mediated depletion of RBM-26::Scarlet::AID in the PLM neuron (Figure S10)__. We examined auxin-mediated depletion at the L3 stage for consistency with our auxin-mediated phenotypic experiments. Moreover, these were done at the L3 stage for consistency with other experiments that included the rbm-26(null) mutants, which don’t survive past this stage.

      In general, auxin-mediated knockdown tends to be hypomorphic in neurons. This is likely due to the fact that the neuronal TIR1 driver is expressed at much lower levels relative to the other drivers. In addition, the lower penetrance observed in auxin-mediated PLM/ALM overlap phenotype could reflect the fact that this phenotype resolves by the L4 stage in the hypomorphic mutants. For example, in P80L mutants at the L3 stage we see only about a 20% penetrance of the PLM/ALM overlap phenotype (relative to about 15% in auxin-mediated knockdown).

      Fig 4. More rigorous quantification of the distribution of mitochondria along the axon should be included, not only total number, and it should be clarified what region of the axon the images are taken from. Including the AID-depletion strain with and without auxin would further add to the sense of rigor. For the mitoTimer experiments, why is RBM-26(L13V) not included and why do wild-type values differ ~5-fold between experiments (despite error bars being almost non-existent)? A more rigorous approach to standardizing imaging conditions may be needed. Positive controls using compounds that affect oxidation should be included. Measurements of individual mitochondria with standard deviations should be shown, rather than aggregate averages with error of proportion.

      We have changed our methodology for measuring mitochondria, so that we now report the density of mitochondria in the axon (number per 100µm), (Figure 4E-F). We agree that this method is much better than counting the total number of mitochondria per axon, as it corrects for differences in body length and axon length). We also now include data for the whole axon (Figure 4E), proximal axon (Figure 4G), and distal axon (Figure 4H). These data suggest that the mitochondrial density defects occur in the proximal axon but not in the distal axon. Using the null allele, we have also examined the timing of mitochondria defects in the axon and report that the defects begin in the L1 stage and continue throughout larval development (Figure 4F). Individual datapoints have been added for all graphs in Figure 4.

      For the mitoTimer experiments (Figure 5), we have added data for L13V and have added the individual datapoints to the graph. In the prior version, the values did not differ 5-fold between experiments with the same stage, rather the different graphs were from different stages (as noted in the figure legends/main text) and the L4 stage has much more oxidation than the L2 stage. To clear this up, we have added labels to the graphs to indicate the stages for each experiment. We have also added new data, so that we now show results for the L2, L3, and L4 stages for all three rbm-26 mutants (see Figure 5C-E). We didn’t test the L1 stage because the signal was not sufficient for accurate quantitation.

      Fig 5. Additional positive and negative controls should be added, including additional rbm-26 alleles, the AID-tagged strain with and without auxin, and a rescued mutant.

      The old Figure 5 has become Figure 6 in the new version. We have added the rbm-26(L13V) allele to each experiment, (Figure 6B-D). We have also added the loading controls for the western blot along with quantification for 3 biological replicates of the western blot analysis (Figure 6D). We agree that these additions significantly strengthen the data because they show that two independent alleles of rbm-26 cause very substantial increase in the expression of mals-1 at both the mRNA and protein levels. We did not do these experiments with the rescuing transgene or with the AID-tagged strain because these experiments are done on whole worm lysates, whereas the AID-tagged and rescuing transgene are neuron-specific.

      Fig 6. Controls showing whether the Scarlet-tagged protein is functional are needed, to rule out dominant negative or toxicity-related effects.

      This is Figure 7 in the new version. For this experiment, we are showing that overexpression of MALS-1 does cause defects. The idea is that excessive amounts of MALS-1 causes deleterious effects to the mitochondria. In fact, these defects could be considered as dominant negative or toxic. We considered the possibility of crossing the Pmec-7::mals-1::scarlet transgene with rbm-26; mals-1 double mutants. However, this does not seem workable, because the single copy Pmec-7::mals-1::scarlet transgene produces the phenotypes at penetrances that are similar to what we observe in rbm-26; mals-1 double mutants. We concede that the results of the overexpression experiments in Figure 7 are limited when considered in isolation. However, we think that they are meaningful when considered in combination with the results on the mals-1;rbm-26 double mutants in Figure 8.

      Fig 8. Controls for other mitochondrial components need to be included. It is important to determine if the decrease in ribosomes is specific or reflects a general decrease in mitochondria. If there are fewer mitochondria as suggested in Fig. 4, then of course mitochondrial ribosomal protein levels are also reduced. Additional rbm-26 alleles should be included here as well. Is this effect dependent on the MALSU homolog?

      This is Figure 8D-E in the new version. We have added new data showing that the decrease in MRPL-58 expression that is caused by the rbm-26(P80L) mutation is dependent on MALS-1. We concede that these experiments cannot be used to determine anything about the mitoribosomes per se, but rather serve as an alternative way of testing the effect of rbm-26 on mitochondria. We have revised the text accordingly (lines 355-357). Given these limitations we have elected not to try additional mitochondrial markers and have also not included additional rbm-26 alleles for this experiment.

      Finally the authors should address concerns about image manipulation, which amplify the concerns about technical rigor outlined above. The image in Fig. 2A appears to have a black box placed over the lower-right portion of the field to hide some features. Black boxes also appear to have been placed over the tops of images in Fig. 4B and 4D and at the left of Fig. 6A, 6B, and 6C. While these manipulations probably do not affect the conclusions, they further undermine confidence in data integrity and experimental rigor.

      We have corrected all of these image processing errors. The box in 2A was for the purpose of squaring off a corner that was clipped during image rotation. The boxes in Figures 4 and 6 (of the prior version) were added to give space for labels (without obscuring image features). We have now used alternative methods to accomplish the same goals. For example, in Figures 4-D we have placed the labels outside of the images.

      Minor points. 1. C. elegans nomenclature conventions should be followed: - C. elegans gene names have three or four letters, thus the MALSU homolog cannot be named "malsu-1". Please have new gene names approved by WormBase BEFORE submitting for publication http://tazendra.caltech.edu/~azurebrd/cgi-bin/forms/gene_name.cgi

      We have changed malsu-1 to mals-1. In addition, both mals-1 and mrpl-58 have now been approved by wormbase and will be listed on the website upon its next update.

      • If two sequential CRISPR edits are made on the same gene then they should be listed as a compound allele, such as rbm-26(cue22cue25)

      We have updated our gene names to reflect this convention.

      • Genes on the same chromosome should not be separated with a semicolon, for example rbm-26(cue40) K12H4.2(syb6330)

      We have updated our gene names to reflect this convention.

      Describing the defects as "neurodevelopmental" is misleading in the case of axon beading or degeneration. Similarly, there is no evidence for an "axon targeting" defect as stated in the abstract.

      We have revised such that instead of referring to degeneration phenotypes as neurodevelopmental, we now refer to axon degeneration phenotypes that occur during development. For example, in the abstract we now say, “These observations reveal a mechanism that regulates expression of a mitoribosomal assembly factor to protect against axon degeneration during neurodevelopment.

      Regarding targeting defects, this was meant to refer to the misplacement of the PLM axon tip (which contains electrical synapses). However, our subsequent analysis has revealed that these defects are transient in P80L and L13V mutants, as they resolve by the L4 stage. The rbm-26 null axon development defects do not resolve, though these mutant die prior to the L4 stage. Given these findings, we have decided not to use the term of targeting defects. Instead, we now refer to this as an axon tiling defect or PLM/ALM overlap phenotype.

      In Fig. 5A, the symbol that appears to correspond to F59C6.15 (lowest p-value) is a different size than the others and is colored as ncRNA, whereas WormBase annotates this gene as snoRNA.

      This error has been corrected.

      In the Introduction, the last sentences of the first two paragraphs should be varied ("However, little is known about the [...] mechanisms that protect [...] during neurodevelopment.")

      This has been done.

      Why is RBM-26 protein running as a doublet at both sizes?

      We have improved our western blotting methodology by using 12% gel, allowing for better resolution. We have also switched from colorimetric detection to ECL detection, allowing for greater sensitivity. In our new blots, we identify 6 different RBM-26 protein bands. We don’t know the reason for these bands, but speculate that they are the result of post-translational processing (148-150).

      When showing the RBM-26 expression pattern (Fig. 3) please include a lower-magnification image of the entire animal.

      This has been done (Figure S6)

      It is confusing to refer to the RNA IP experiments as an "unbiased screen", which in C. elegans typically refers to a genetic screen.

      We now refer to this as a “biochemical screen”.

      The relationship between axon overextension, beading, and mitochondrial localization is not clear. What causal connection between these is being proposed? The causal connections between these phenotypes, if any, should be clarified experimentally. For example, if the axon extension defects develop before mitochondrial localization defects, then it is unlikely that mitochondrial defects cause axon overextension.

      We have added new data showing that the reduction in mitochondrial density within the axon begins during the L1 stage and increases throughout larval development (Figure 4F). We have also added additional data showing that the increase in mitochondrial oxidation is weak in the L2 stage and surges in the L3 stage (Figure 5C-E), coincident with the beginning of the axon degeneration phenotypes. We propose (lines 383-391) that a low level of mitochondrial defects is present in L1 larvae, giving rise to the axon tiling defects. In the L3 stage there is a surge in excessive mitochondrial oxidation, giving rise to the axon degeneration phenotypes. We have added a new section to the discussion that addresses the relationship between defects in axon development and axon degeneration (lines 375-405).

      Please explain how to interpret the difference in axon beading in the two deletion alleles of the MALSU homolog (axon beading defects in tm12122 but not in syb6330). Is syb6330 not a null allele? Or are the defects in tm12122 due to other mutations in this strain background?

      One likely reason for this difference is that tm12122 is predicted to cause a partial deletion of the mals-1 coding sequence, whereas the syb6330 is a full deletion. Thus, the tm12122 could be acting as a dominant negative. In fact, prior work on the MALSU1 ortholog has indicated that this protein is subject to interference by a dominant negative construct (see Rorbach et al, Nucleic Acids Res 2012). Nonetheless, we cannot rule out the possibility of a linked second mutation in tm12122. However, since we have found similar phenotypes and genetic interactions with both alleles, we can conclude that these phenotypes and interactions are due to loss of MALS-1, rather than a second mutation.

      Are mitochondria reduced in number or mislocalized? If they are reduced in number, is this due to altered balance of fission/fusion?

      We have adjusted our methods for quantifying mitochondria and have also analyzed the proximal vs distal axon (Figure 4). We find that the density of mitochondria is decreased in the proximal axon, but not in the distal axon. We speculate that this might reflect a higher demand on mitochondria in the proximal axon, due to a higher amount of trafficking activity in the proximal axon (lines 255-257). We propose that the loss of RBM-26 causes dysfunction in mitochondria. Since fission and fusion are mechanisms that can help to repair damaged mitochondria, it is likely that they would be involved in the phenotypes that we observe.

      In Fig. 3A-D, please keep the labels in the same position in all panels and do not alter brightness settings between single-color and merged panels.

      These images have been moved to the supplemental data section (Figure S5). We have adjusted the labels as suggested. We have not changed the brightness settings, as they were already the same in all panels. However, the blue signal in the merged panel does obscure some of the red signal, giving an appearance of an alteration in color balance.

      The claim that rbm-26 acts cell-autonomously requires PLM-specific depletion and rescue experiments.

      We have added new data indicating that a Pmec-7::rbm-26::scarlet transgene can rescue the beading phenotype (Figure 3F-G).

      **Referees cross-commenting** I appreciate the use of the consultation session to resolve differences between reviewers, but in this case I fully agree with the content and tone of all the comments from the other reviewer -- I think our remarks are very well aligned!

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The study engineers autism-associated variants in conserved residues of RBM27 into the C. elegans homolog RBM-26 and identifies neuronal phenotypes potentially relevant to autism and a potential molecular mechanism involving regulation of mitochondrial ribosome assembly.

      The key claims of the study are 1} that autism-associated variants in RBM-26 decrease its protein expression; 2} that impaired RBM-26 function leads to a variety of defects in development and maintenance of a single neuron called PLM, including altered axonal localization of mitochondria; 3} that RBM-26 normally binds the mRNA for the C. elegans homolog of MALSU, a mitochondrial ribosomal assembly factor; 4} that loss of RBM-26 leads to overexpression of the MALSU homolog; and 5} that MALSU is required for some of the deleterious effects on the PLM neuron seen in RBM-26 mutants.

      This study will be of interest to the autism research community because it bolsters the idea that variants in RBM27 are likely to disrupt gene function and to affect neuronal health. It will also be of interest to the broader cell biology community because it suggests an interesting potential nucleus-to-mitochondria signaling mechanism, in which a nuclear RNA-binding protein might regulate assembly of mitochondrial ribosomes.

      My field of expertise is developmental biology in C. elegans.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary In this manuscript, the authors studied an ASD-associated gene, rbm-26 in neuronal morphology using the touch receptor neuron PLM in C. elegans, and found that loss-of-function rbp-27 causes overextension and the formation of bulb-like structures in the axon. Using UV-crosslinking RNA immunoprecipitation and RNA-Seq, they identify malsu-1 as a target of rbm-26. Genetic analyses suggest malsu-1 likely functions downstream of rbm-26 in controlling the PLM morphology. Major comments:

      • The authors describe RBM27 is associated with ASD and ID while they only cite SFARI paper that describes a weak association of RBM27 to ASD. The appropriate referenced that show link between RBM27 and ID should be provided. The link with ID was an error. We had meant to say “ASD or other neurodevelopmental disorders.” This has been corrected.

      • SFARI database only has three (P79L, R190Q, G348D) mutations listed as ASD-associated. Where are other mutations L13V and R455H, particularly L13V that the authors used to generate the C. elegans mutant come from? Are they associated with intellectual disabilities? The others came from the devovo-DB. We have added a reference for this database and have also added the primary source references for each of the five de novo variants (see line 121).

      • The authors should be very careful when describing 'gene X causes Y diseases'. Many (if not all) of the examples described in this manuscript are disease-associated genes without validation to be causal genes. We have revised accordingly. For example on lines 433-435, we now say,” For example, mutations in the EXOSC3, EXOSC8 and EXOSC9 are thought to cause syndromes that include defects in brain development such as hypoplasia of the cerebellum and the corpus callosum”. We have decided to use the phrase “thought to cause” because three of the five referenced articles on these genes use titles that indicate causation.

      • The authors refer PLM axon beading and overextension phenotypes to 'axon degeneration and targeting defects'. The authors must provide additional evidence of axon degeneration (see below). Also the term 'targeting defects' is misleading as the authors did not examine if overextension of the PLM axon causes targeting defects. At least they should examine some synaptic markers. To provide more evidence of degeneration we have analyzed several additional phenotypes at multiple developmental stages (Figure 2 and Table S1). Regarding targeting defects, this was meant to refer to the misplacement of the PLM axon tip (which contains electrical synapses). However, our subsequent analysis has revealed that these defects are transient in P80L and L13V mutants, as they resolve by the L4 stage. The rbm-26 null axon development defects do not resolve, though these mutant die prior to the L4 stage. Given these findings, we have decided not to use the term of targeting defects. Instead, we now refer to this as an axon tiling defect or PLM/ALM overlap phenotype.

      • Neuronal phenotypes (axon overextension and beading) should be examined at different developmental timepoints (larval, young adult, and aged animals) to test if these phenotypes are indeed degenerative instead of developmental defects. We have included new data to observe all of these phenotypes at multiple developmental time points (Figure 2 and Table S1).

      • The authors use the blebbing (beading) phenotype in the axon as the sole evidence of neurodegenerative properties of the PLM neuron. A more thorough analysis of this phenotype as done by others (Pan PNAS 2006) must be provided to support the authors' claim that this phenotype represents neurodegeneration. We have included new data on multiple degenerative phenotypes in axons including: blebbing, beading, waviness and breaks (Table S1).

      • The number of beads per axon should be quantified to better represent the severity of rbm-26 mutant. Individual samples should be plotted in the quantification instead of showing the percentage of animals. We have added data on the density of beads in rbm-26(null), rbm-26(P80L), and rbm-26(L13V) mutants (Figure S3). For most experiments we have decided to use penetrance to measure axon degeneration because this is a standard in the field and allows for a larger sample size. For examples please see:

      10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1494-11.2012 (Toth et al, 2012)

      https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2014.02.025 (Rawson et al, 2014)

      10.1073/pnas.1011711108 (Pan et al, 2012)

      https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.80856 (Czech et al, 2023)

      https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2016.01.050 (Nichols et al, 2016)

      • Based on the single gel image in Fig. 1C with no loading control, the P80L mutant appears to have no protein expression. How is the P80L viable while the null mutant is lethal? The authors should quantify the protein expression levels from multiple blots with proper loading controls. If P80L mutation is introduced into RBM-26::mScarlet strain can it cause depletion of the signal in vivo? We have added new data showing that the RBM-26::Scarlet signal is diminished by the P80L mutation in vivo (Figure 1E-F). We have also added quantification from 3 biological replicate blots (Figure 1D). Finally, we have improved the sensitivity of our blots by using ECL detection and also show various exposures to highlight the fainter bands (Figures 1C and S1). Therefore, we are now able to detect low level expression of RBM-26(P80L) mutant protein. It is likely that the low level of RBM-26(P80L) and RBM-26(L13V) seen on western blots is sufficient to prevent the lethal phenotype.

      • 'Moreover, loss of either the SPTBN1 or ADD1 genes causes a neurodevelopmental syndrome that includes autism and ADHD' References are missing, and as described above, be extra careful when indicating causality. Very few genes are known to cause ASD and ADHD. We have added the citations for this work (line 81). We also note that the titles for both of the cited articles indicate causation. To be on the safe side we have revised this line to say, “Moreover, loss of either the SPTBN1 or ADD1 genes are thought to cause a neurodevelopmental syndrome that includes autism and ADHD”

      • Fig. 3E F, the authors should use the strains that express TIR1 specifically in the touch receptor neurons to argue cell autonomous function of RBM-26. Alternatively, the authors may conduct PLM neuron-specific rescue experiments to test the sufficiency. We have added new data indicating that a Pmec-7::rbm-26::scarlet transgene can rescue the beading phenotype and the PLM/ALM overlap phenotype (see Figure 3F-G).

      • 'Loss of RBM-26 causes mitochondria dysfunction in axons.' The authors did not examine mitochondria function in axons. They only examined the number of mitochondria, and ROS production in the soma. The authors should provide additional evidence to support the idea that elevated ROS production in the soma is due to mitochondrial dysfunction in axons. Also, the authors should use both P80L and L13V for this experiment, and indicate individual datapoint as dots. Here, they quantified at the L4 stage, which the authors should justify. We have added the L13V data to this experiment and now show the individual data points. In addition, we have now conducted this analysis at the L2, L3 and L4 stages (Figure 5C-E). We have also revised the text to indicate that loss of rbm-26 function causes mitochondrial dysfunction in the cell body which could potentially cause a reduction of mitochondria in the axon (see lines 100-101 and 268-270). We speculate that mitochondria in the axon are also dysfunctional. However, the mitoTimer signal is not bright enough in axons to allow for quantification.

      • Figure 5B and C: the authors should also use L13V to quantify malsu-1 mRNA and protein level, and include quantifications in panel C (from multiple blots). This is Figure 6 in the new version. We have added new data for expression of mals-1 mRNA and protein in rbm-26(L13V) mutants (Figure 6B-D). We have also included quantifications from 3 biological replicates (Figure 6D).

      • In the rbm-26 mutant, the number of mitochondria is reduced, while the amount of MALSU-1 protein is increased. If MALSU-1 is specifically localized at mitochondria in wild type, where does the excessive MALSU-1 go in the rbm-26 mutants? Quantification of MALSU-1 signal intensity should be provided. Our Pmec-7::mals-1::scarlet transgene uses the tbb-2 3’UTR and causes an overexpression phenotype. To address the question posed by the reviewer, we would need to express MALS-1 at endogenous levels. Given that endogenous levels of MALS-1 are very low, it is unlikely that we would be able to visualize its expression. Nonetheless, as a way to address this question we have attempted to create a single copy Pmec-7::mals-1::scarlet transgene that utilizes the mals-1 endogenous 3’UTR. We have tried multiple approaches for generating this construct, but all have failed, likely due to sequence complexities within the mals-1 3’UTR. While we cannot say where the extra MALS-1 protein goes, we think that it is likely overloaded into the remaining mitochondria and could also be in the cytosol as well.

      • Figure 7C: malsu-1 knockout mutants exhibit PLM overextension phenotype, which is not consistent with their model. The authors should discuss this in detail. We have added a paragraph to the discussion explaining that mitochondria function could be disrupted by either MALS-1 overexpression or by MALS-1 loss of function (lines 471-480).

      • 'To validate these findings, we also repeated these experiments with an independent allele of malsu-1, malsu-1(tm12122) and found similar results (Fig. 7A-C).' The malsu-1(tm12122) exhibits beading phenotype and more severe overextension phenotype which the authors must describe and discuss more carefully. One likely reason for this difference is that tm12122 is predicted to cause a partial deletion of the mals-1 coding sequence, whereas the syb6330 is a full deletion. Thus, the tm12122 could be acting as a dominant negative. In fact, prior work on the MALSU1 ortholog has indicated that this protein is subject to interference by a dominant negative construct (see Rorbach et al, Nucleic Acids Res 2012). Nonetheless, we cannot rule out the possibility of a linked second mutation in tm12122. However, since we have found similar phenotypes and genetic interactions with both alleles, we can conclude that these phenotypes and interactions are due to loss of MALS-1, rather than a second mutation (albeit at a slightly different penetrance). We have added these considerations to the results section (lines 342-244).

      • Figure 8: The authors should include data from L13V, malsu-1 and rbm-26; malsu-1 mutants. Quantification from multiple blots should be provided. This is Figure 8D in the new version. We have added the malsu-1 and rbm-26;malsu-1 double mutants to this experiment. We have also added quantification from multiple biological replicate blots. As pointed out by the other reviewer, we think that this experiment does not give specific information about mitoribosomes, but is an alternative approach to looking at the reduction in mitochondria. Given this limitation and considering that we have added L13V data to the mitochondria experiment in Figure 8B, we have elected not to add additional data on L13V to the western blot experiment in Figure 8D

      Minor comments: • 'Consistent with a role for mitochondria in neurodevelopmental disorders, some of these disorders include a neurodegenerative phenotype.' Why is it consistent to have neurodegenerative phenotypes if mitochondria is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders? A better explanation would help.

      We have changed this sentence to, “Some neurodevelopmental syndromes feature neurodegenerative phenotypes that occur during neuronal development.”

      • L13V is generally more severe in axon overextension phenotype than P80L while protein level is more abundant. The authors should discuss about this. We have also added a time course for the PLM/ALM overlap phenotype mutants (Figure 2D). This new data shows that the PLM/ALM overlap is quite similar overall between the P80L and L13V mutants. Both of these mutations cause an increase in PLM/ALM overlap in early larval development that is resolved by the L4 stage. The P80L phenotype resolves slightly sooner for reasons that are unknown. This could reflect differences in expression within the PLM that are not reflected in the whole worm lysate. This could also be due to a slight difference in the genetic background or other stochastic factors. The key point is that these two independent alleles cause similar phenotype overall, indicating that this phenotype is the result of loss in RBM-26 function.

      • Fig. 2E, F: 'Beading refers to focal enlargement or bubble-like lesions which were at least twice the diameter of the axon in size.' How are the diameters of axons measured? A more detailed quantification method, and examples of measurement should be provided. We have added example measurements to the supplemental section (Figure S3). Additional detail on the measurements are in the Methods section (lines 517-518).

      • Figure 3: The authors should also include low-magnification images to show where RBM-26 is expressed. The current image does now allow identifying cells. The transgene that labels the nuclei of hypodermis should be indicated in the manuscript. Specifically, the expression of the RBM-26 in the PLM should be shown. We have added a low magnification image (Figure S6) and have also added images of endogenously tagged RBM-26:Scarlet in the PLM (Figure 3A-C). The transgenic label for the hypodermis has been added to the legend of Figure S5.

      • Figure 3: 'Tissue specific degradation of RBM-26::SCARLET::AID was achieved due to cell-type specific TIR-1 driver lines (see methods for details).' This information is not provided in the method section. This information has been added to methods section, ”Auxin proteindegredation”

      • Fig. 4 E. Values from individual samples should be indicated as dots. Representative images of P80L and L13V should be included. Conduct quantifications at adult stage as the authors use in other quantifications, or justify use of specific developmental stage (L3) they used. Figure 4 has become Figures 4 and 5 in the revised version. We have updated the graphs to include dots for individual data points. We have added quantifications of the mitoTImer experiments for the L2, L3 and L4 stages (Figure 5C-E). We note that our other experiments were done at the L1, L2, L3 and L4 and adult stages. The mitoTimer signal is not sufficient at the L1 stage for quantification. At the adult stage, the red signal becomes saturated. We have added representative images for mitoTimer in P80L and L13V mutants (Figure S9).

      • The genes malsu-1 and mrpl-58 are not listed on wormbase. If the authors would like to designate names to these gene, they should clearly indicate that along with the sequence name. We have changed malsu-1 to mals-1. In addition, both mals-1 and mrpl-58 have now been approved by wormbase and will be listed on the website upon its next update.

      • The authors found that MRPL-58 amount is reduced in rbm-26 mutants (which require additional verifications). This can be explained by the fact that axonal mitochondria number is reduced in the rbm-26 mutants. How did the authors confirm that the reduction in MRPL-58 level is due to the disruption of mitoribosome assembly? This is Figure 8D-E in the new version. We have added new data showing that the decrease in MRPL-58 expression that is caused by the rbm-26(P80L) mutation is dependent on MALS-1. We concede that these experiments cannot be used to determine anything about the mitoribosomes per se, but rather serve as an alternative way of testing the effect of rbm-26 on mitochondria. We have revised the text accordingly (lines 355-357).

      • 'MALSU-1 is a mitoribosomal assembly factor that functions as part of the MALSU1:LOR8F8:mtACP anti-association module [37-39].' I don't think these are known for C. elegans MALSU-1. We have revised to, “MALS-1 is an ortholog of the MALSU1 mitoribosomal assembly factor that functions as part of the MALSU1:LOR8F8:mtACP anti-association module”

      • 'Moreover, our results also suggest that disruption of this process can give rise to neurodevelopmental disorders.' I feel this is a quite a bit of stretch.

      This has been replaced with, “Therefore, we speculate that human RBM26/27 could function with the RNA exosome complex to protect against neurodevelopmental defects and axon degeneration in infants.” (lines 371-373)

      **Referees cross-commenting** Yes, many of our comments overlap, and I fully agree with all comments from the other reviewer too. Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      I found the manuscript interesting particularly the use of innovative techniques in identifying the target of RBM-26, The genetic analyses of rbm-26 and malsu-1 generally support the authors main conclusions that rbm-26 inhibits malsu-1 and be of potential interest to basic neuroscientists and cell biologists. However, the current manuscript looked premature which made my reading experience less pleasant. The phenotypic analyses is superficial compared to works similar to this work, which are insufficient to support the authors' claim of 'axon degeneration and targeting defects'. A number of issues listed above should be addressed before this manuscript is published. The reviewer's expertise: neurodevelopment in model organisms.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript, the authors studied an ASD-associated gene, rbm-26 in neuronal morphology using the touch receptor neuron PLM in C. elegans, and found that loss-of-function rbp-27 causes overextension and the formation of bulb-like structures in the axon. Using UV-crosslinking RNA immunoprecipitation and RNA-Seq, they identify malsu-1 as a target of rbm-26. Genetic analyses suggest malsu-1 likely functions downstream of rbm-26 in controlling the PLM morphology.

      Major comments:

      • The authors describe RBM27 is associated with ASD and ID while they only cite SFARI paper that describes a weak association of RBM27 to ASD. The appropriate referenced that show link between RBM27 and ID should be provided.
      • SFARI database only has three (P79L, R190Q, G348D) mutations listed as ASD-associated. Where are other mutations L13V and R455H, particularly L13V that the authors used to generate the C. elegans mutant come from? Are they associated with intellectual disabilities?
      • The authors should be very careful when describing 'gene X causes Y diseases'. Many (if not all) of the examples described in this manuscript are disease-associated genes without validation to be causal genes.
      • The authors refer PLM axon beading and overextension phenotypes to 'axon degeneration and targeting defects'. The authors must provide additional evidence of axon degeneration (see below). Also the term 'targeting defects' is misleading as the authors did not examine if overextension of the PLM axon causes targeting defects. At least they should examine some synaptic markers.
      • Neuronal phenotypes (axon overextension and beading) should be examined at different developmental timepoints (larval, young adult, and aged animals) to test if these phenotypes are indeed degenerative instead of developmental defects.
      • The authors use the blebbing (beading) phenotype in the axon as the sole evidence of neurodegenerative properties of the PLM neuron. A more thorough analysis of this phenotype as done by others (Pan PNAS 2006) must be provided to support the authors' claim that this phenotype represents neurodegeneration.
      • The number of beads per axon should be quantified to better represent the severity of rbm-26 mutant. Individual samples should be plotted in the quantification instead of showing the percentage of animals.
      • Based on the single gel image in Fig. 1C with no loading control, the P80L mutant appears to have no protein expression. How is the P80L viable while the null mutant is lethal? The authors should quantify the protein expression levels from multiple blots with proper loading controls. If P80L mutation is introduced into RBM-26::mScarlet strain can it cause depletion of the signal in vivo?
      • 'Moreover, loss of either the SPTBN1 or ADD1 genes causes a neurodevelopmental syndrome that includes autism and ADHD' References are missing, and as described above, be extra careful when indicating causality. Very few genes are known to cause ASD and ADHD.
      • Fig. 3E F, the authors should use the strains that express TIR1 specifically in the touch receptor neurons to argue cell autonomous function of RBM-26. Alternatively, the authors may conduct PLM neuron-specific rescue experiments to test the sufficiency.
      • 'Loss of RBM-26 causes mitochondria dysfunction in axons.' The authors did not examine mitochondria function in axons. They only examined the number of mitochondria, and ROS production in the soma. The authors should provide additional evidence to support the idea that elevated ROS production in the soma is due to mitochondrial dysfunction in axons. Also, the authors should use both P80L and L13V for this experiment, and indicate individual datapoint as dots. Here, they quantified at the L4 stage, which the authors should justify.
      • Figure 5B and C: the authors should also use L13V to quantify malsu-1 mRNA and protein level, and include quantifications in panel C (from multiple blots).
      • In the rbm-26 mutant, the number of mitochondria is reduced, while the amount of MALSU-1 protein is increased. If MALSU-1 is specifically localized at mitochondria in wild type, where does the excessive MALSU-1 go in the rbm-26 mutants? Quantification of MALSU-1 signal intensity should be provided.
      • Figure 7C: malsu-1 knockout mutants exhibit PLM overextension phenotype, which is not consistent with their model. The authors should discuss this in detail.
      • 'To validate these findings, we also repeated these experiments with an independent allele of malsu-1, malsu-1(tm12122) and found similar results (Fig. 7A-C).' The malsu-1(tm12122) exhibits beading phenotype and more severe overextension phenotype which the authors must describe and discuss more carefully.
      • Figure 8: The authors should include data from L13V, malsu-1 and rbm-26; malsu-1 mutants. Quantification from multiple blots should be provided.

      Minor comments:

      • 'Consistent with a role for mitochondria in neurodevelopmental disorders, some of these disorders include a neurodegenerative phenotype.' Why is it consistent to have neurodegenerative phenotypes if mitochondria is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders? A better explanation would help.
      • L13V is generally more severe in axon overextension phenotype than P80L while protein level is more abundant. The authors should discuss about this.
      • Fig. 2E, F: 'Beading refers to focal enlargement or bubble-like lesions which were at least twice the diameter of the axon in size.' How are the diameters of axons measured? A more detailed quantification method, and examples of measurement should be provided.
      • Figure 3: The authors should also include low-magnification images to show where RBM-26 is expressed. The current image does now allow identifying cells. The transgene that labels the nuclei of hypodermis should be indicated in the manuscript. Specifically, the expression of the RBM-26 in the PLM should be shown.
      • Figure 3: 'Tissue specific degradation of RBM-26::SCARLET::AID was achieved due to cell-type specific TIR-1 driver lines (see methods for details).' This information is not provided in the method section.
      • Fig. 4 E. Values from individual samples should be indicated as dots. Representative images of P80L and L13V should be included. Conduct quantifications at adult stage as the authors use in other quantifications, or justify use of specific developmental stage (L3) they used.
      • The genes malsu-1 and mrpl-58 are not listed on wormbase. If the authors would like to designate names to these gene, they should clearly indicate that along with the sequence name.
      • The authors found that MRPL-58 amount is reduced in rbm-26 mutants (which require additional verifications). This can be explained by the fact that axonal mitochondria number is reduced in the rbm-26 mutants. How did the authors confirm that the reduction in MRPL-58 level is due to the disruption of mitoribosome assembly?
      • 'MALSU-1 is a mitoribosomal assembly factor that functions as part of the MALSU1:LOR8F8:mtACP anti-association module [37-39].' I don't think these are known for C. elegans MALSU-1.
      • 'Moreover, our results also suggest that disruption of this process can give rise to neurodevelopmental disorders.' I feel this is a quite a bit of stretch.

      Referees cross-commenting Yes, many of our comments overlap, and I fully agree with all comments from the other reviewer too.


      I found the manuscript interesting particularly the use of innovative techniques in identifying the target of RBM-26, The genetic analyses of rbm-26 and malsu-1 generally support the authors main conclusions that rbm-26 inhibits malsu-1 and be of potential interest to basic neuroscientists and cell biologists. However, the current manuscript looked premature which made my reading experience less pleasant. The phenotypic analyses is superficial compared to works similar to this work, which are insufficient to support the authors' claim of 'axon degeneration and targeting defects'. A number of issues listed above should be addressed before this manuscript is published.

      The reviewer's expertise: neurodevelopment in model organisms.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript uses C. elegans as a model to interrogate the effects of autism-associated variants of previously unknown function in the RNA-binding protein RBM-26/RBM27.

      Despite its potential impact, there are several concerns related to the technical rigor and specificity of the observed effects.

      Major concerns:

      1. The effects on PLM are interesting, but why was this neuron selected for study? Was this a lucky guess or are other axons also affected? It is important to clarify whether the effects of RBM-26 are specific to this neuron or act pleiotropically across many or all neurons. According to CeNGEN, rbm-26 is strongly expressed in the well-characterized neurons ASE, PVD, and HSN. Are there morphological defects in these neurons, or others? As a note, there are also functional assays for these neurons (salt sensing, touch response, and egg laying, respectively).
      2. Similarly, the choice of the MALSU homolog seemed like a shot in the dark. It is ranked 46th (out of 63 genes) for fold-enrichment following RBM-26 pull-down, and 9th for p-value. Were any of the mRNAs with greater fold-enrichment or smaller p-values examined further? It is important to determine whether many or all of these interacting genes are overexpressed in the absence of RBM-26 and whether they are also required for the phenotypic effects of RBM-26 mutants, or if the MALSU homolog is special.
      3. In addition to the specificity controls mentioned above, positive and negative controls are needed throughout the results. While each of these may be relatively minor by itself, as a group they raise questions about the technical rigor of the study. Briefly these include:

      Fig 1C. Missing loading controls and negative control (rbm-26 null allele). Additional exposures should be included to show whether RBM-26(P80L) protein or the lower band for RBM-26(L13V) are present at all, relative to the null allele.

      Fig 2. Controls to distinguish overextension of PLM axon from posterior mispositioning of ALM cell body are needed. Quantification of PLM axon lengths in microns (or normalized to body size) with standard deviation, not error of proportion, should be shown. Measurement of "beading phenotype" should be more rigorous, see for example the approach in Rawson et al. Curr. Biol. 2017 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2014.02.025 . The developmental stage examined, and the reason for choosing that stage, should be described for this and all figures.

      Fig 3. Controls without auxin and with neuronal TIR1 expression alone should be included. Controls demonstrating successful RBM-26 depletion, in larvae as well as in embryos at the time of PLM extension, should be included (weak embryonic depletion might explain why the overextension phenotype is only 14% instead of 40% as in the null). According to CeNGEN, rbm-26 expression in PLM is barely detected, thus depletion with a PLM-specific TIR1 should also be tested. To confirm the authors' identification of the cell marked "N" as the PLM cell body, co-expression of rbm-26 and a PLM-specific marker should be added. Rescue of the rbm-26 mutants with neuronal (and PLM-only) expression should be included to test sufficiency in PLM, and as a further control for potential artifacts of the AID system.

      Fig 4. More rigorous quantification of the distribution of mitochondria along the axon should be included, not only total number, and it should be clarified what region of the axon the images are taken from. Including the AID-depletion strain with and without auxin would further add to the sense of rigor. For the mitoTimer experiments, why is RBM-26(L13V) not included and why do wild-type values differ ~5-fold between experiments (despite error bars being almost non-existent)? A more rigorous approach to standardizing imaging conditions may be needed. Positive controls using compounds that affect oxidation should be included. Measurements of individual mitochondria with standard deviations should be shown, rather than aggregate averages with error of proportion.

      Fig 5. Additional positive and negative controls should be added, including additional rbm-26 alleles, the AID-tagged strain with and without auxin, and a rescued mutant.

      Fig 6. Controls showing whether the Scarlet-tagged protein is functional are needed, to rule out dominant negative or toxicity-related effects.

      Fig 8. Controls for other mitochondrial components need to be included. It is important to determine if the decrease in ribosomes is specific or reflects a general decrease in mitochondria. If there are fewer mitochondria as suggested in Fig. 4, then of course mitochondrial ribosomal protein levels are also reduced. Additional rbm-26 alleles should be included here as well. Is this effect dependent on the MALSU homolog? 4. Finally the authors should address concerns about image manipulation, which amplify the concerns about technical rigor outlined above. The image in Fig. 2A appears to have a black box placed over the lower-right portion of the field to hide some features. Black boxes also appear to have been placed over the tops of images in Fig. 4B and 4D and at the left of Fig. 6A, 6B, and 6C. While these manipulations probably do not affect the conclusions, they further undermine confidence in data integrity and experimental rigor.

      Minor points.

      1. C. elegans nomenclature conventions should be followed:
        • C. elegans gene names have three or four letters, thus the MALSU homolog cannot be named "malsu-1". Please have new gene names approved by WormBase BEFORE submitting for publication http://tazendra.caltech.edu/~azurebrd/cgi-bin/forms/gene_name.cgi
        • If two sequential CRISPR edits are made on the same gene then they should be listed as a compound allele, such as rbm-26(cue22cue25)
        • Genes on the same chromosome should not be separated with a semicolon, for example rbm-26(cue40) K12H4.2(syb6330)
      2. Describing the defects as "neurodevelopmental" is misleading in the case of axon beading or degeneration. Similarly, there is no evidence for an "axon targeting" defect as stated in the abstract.
      3. In Fig. 5A, the symbol that appears to correspond to F59C6.15 (lowest p-value) is a different size than the others and is colored as ncRNA, whereas WormBase annotates this gene as snoRNA.
      4. In the Introduction, the last sentences of the first two paragraphs should be varied ("However, little is known about the [...] mechanisms that protect [...] during neurodevelopment.")
      5. Why is RBM-26 protein running as a doublet at both sizes?
      6. When showing the RBM-26 expression pattern (Fig. 3) please include a lower-magnification image of the entire animal.
      7. It is confusing to refer to the RNA IP experiments as an "unbiased screen", which in C. elegans typically refers to a genetic screen.
      8. The relationship between axon overextension, beading, and mitochondrial localization is not clear. What causal connection between these is being proposed? The causal connections between these phenotypes, if any, should be clarified experimentally. For example, if the axon extension defects develop before mitochondrial localization defects, then it is unlikely that mitochondrial defects cause axon overextension.
      9. Please explain how to interpret the difference in axon beading in the two deletion alleles of the MALSU homolog (axon beading defects in tm12122 but not in syb6330). Is syb6330 not a null allele? Or are the defects in tm12122 due to other mutations in this strain background?
      10. Are mitochondria reduced in number or mislocalized? If they are reduced in number, is this due to altered balance of fission/fusion?
      11. In Fig. 3A-D, please keep the labels in the same position in all panels and do not alter brightness settings between single-color and merged panels.
      12. The claim that rbm-26 acts cell-autonomously requires PLM-specific depletion and rescue experiments.

      Referees cross-commenting I appreciate the use of the consultation session to resolve differences between reviewers, but in this case I fully agree with the content and tone of all the comments from the other reviewer -- I think our remarks are very well aligned!


      The study engineers autism-associated variants in conserved residues of RBM27 into the C. elegans homolog RBM-26 and identifies neuronal phenotypes potentially relevant to autism and a potential molecular mechanism involving regulation of mitochondrial ribosome assembly.

      The key claims of the study are 1} that autism-associated variants in RBM-26 decrease its protein expression; 2} that impaired RBM-26 function leads to a variety of defects in development and maintenance of a single neuron called PLM, including altered axonal localization of mitochondria; 3} that RBM-26 normally binds the mRNA for the C. elegans homolog of MALSU, a mitochondrial ribosomal assembly factor; 4} that loss of RBM-26 leads to overexpression of the MALSU homolog; and 5} that MALSU is required for some of the deleterious effects on the PLM neuron seen in RBM-26 mutants.

      This study will be of interest to the autism research community because it bolsters the idea that variants in RBM27 are likely to disrupt gene function and to affect neuronal health. It will also be of interest to the broader cell biology community because it suggests an interesting potential nucleus-to-mitochondria signaling mechanism, in which a nuclear RNA-binding protein might regulate assembly of mitochondrial ribosomes.

      My field of expertise is developmental biology in C. elegans.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2024-02413R

      Corresponding author(s): Hammond, Gerald

      1. General Statements [optional]

      We are grateful to the three reviewers for such thorough and thoughtful comments. Data or re-writes that we have on hand that address many of these comments have been incorporated already. We also have a comprehensive experimental plan to address all of the remaining major comments. Reviewer’s comments are in light italics, whilst our responses appear in regular font below. We added reviewer numbering for ease of cross-reference to the original comments, with the format: reviewer X’s comment number N as #X.N

      • *

      *Overall, we were thrilled that the reviewers agreed that our work is of significance and broad interest: *

      • *

      “The development of a new, superior PA-sensor is a significant advance in the fields of lipid signaling and specific lipid-protein interactions, that will benefit research on lipid-mediated cellular signaling and intracellular lipid trafficking.” – reviewer 1.

      “The lipid biology community would be highly interested in using the new PA-binding tool to study lipid localization in live cells.” – reviewer 2.

      “Tracking intracellular phosphatidic acid (PA) in live cells is essential for understanding its cellular functions, leading to the development of genetically encoded lipid biosensors. While several PA biosensors have been developed, they often suffer from limited sensitivity or specificity.” – reviewer 3

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      #1.2: P 4 and Fig. 2 mention a 'novel domain structure', responsible for binding of PA and PIP2 (in vitro). What exactly is this novel domain structure? Why have the two parts of Nir1-LNS, the AAH and the 263 amino acid domain, not been tested in similar liposome assays as in Fig. 2A? Lipid binding in vivo, as tested in the experiment of Fig. 2D, is confounded by endogenous PA binding proteins.PA is expected to bind the SIDGS motif, as this is conserved from the Lipin catalytic motif (p. 5). However, experimental evidence of this appears to be lacking. Nevertheless, it is several times presented as a fact in the text. Pag. 7: 'This suggests that the SIDGS motif alone is not the sole PA binding pocket as the LNS2 domain requires both that motif and the amphipathic helix for sustained binding to membrane embedded PA.' Pag. 13: '... One reason for this difference could be that the Nir1-LNS2 is not a novel bona fide PA binding pocket. Rather, it requires both the SIDGS motif and an N-terminal amphipathic helix for membrane interactions (Figure 2). These conclusions therefore appear to be not accurate and would need te be rephrased. If the authors could show that PA binding by Nir1-LNS can be eliminated by mutating residues in the SIDGS motif, this would not only substantiate the above claims, but also make for a negative control protein, next to Nir1-LNS2. For future applications of Nir1-LNS2 as PA biosensor in other organisms this would be useful.

      In addition to the already included data on cellular binding of the R784E mutant, we do plan to test this variant in the liposome binding assays to show loss of PA binding abilities as the reviewer has suggested. We also plan to evaluate proper folding of the R784 mutant through circular dichroism.

      • *

      #1.7. Fig. 2A suggests cooperativity in binding of Nir1-LNS2 to PA-containing liposomes. Please mention/comment! Does binding to PIP2-containing liposomes also exhibit cooperativity?

      Using a nonlinear fit, we were able to determine Hill coefficients for PA binding. This has now been included in Figure 2B (formerly Figure 2A) and the following text has been added to page 6, left column, third paragraph: “In addition, we found that Nir1-LNS2 bound PA-rich liposomes in a concentration dependent manner (Figure 2B). By fitting the binding curve to this data, we found that the interaction of Nir1-LNS2 with PA provided a Kd value of ~19 mol%. Interestingly, Nir1-LNS2 binds to PA in a highly cooperative manner. The Hill coefficient for the interaction of Nir1-LNS2 with PA was calculated to be approximately 4 (Figure 2B).”

      However, due to the liposome binding assay used that utilizes a set total lipid concentration but alters mol% lipids, the Kd that we determined is not a “traditional” Kd. Therefore, we plan to repeat this assay using constant PA concentrations but increasing total concentrations of lipid so that we can make a better fit and get a more accurate Kd value and Hill coefficient. We also plan to do the same assay with PIP2 to determine Kd values and Hill coefficients for that interaction.

      • *

      #2.2. The authors mention high affinity of Nir1-LNS2, but it lacks in vitro characterization that should demonstrate the higher affinity of Nir1-LNS2 compared to conventional probes such as Spo20. The authors should perform side-by-side comparison in Fig 2 to compare the PA affinity and specificity of Nir1-LNS2 compared to Spo20.

      We plan to take the reviewer’s advice and directly compare Spo20-PABDx2 (and/or the single PABD depending on what we can get to purify correctly) and Nir1-LNS2 in the liposome binding assay.

      Additionally, we propose to further characterize these sensors in cells as well. To start, we have added a direct comparison of the Spo20-PABDx2 and Nir1-LNS2 response to PA production at the PM (by PMA stimulation) and at mitochondria (by FKBP-DGKa) in Figure 4. The text has been updated to reflect this on p.10, left paragraph, 3rd paragraph: “Importantly, we also observed that Nir1-LNS2 responds to this ectopic PA production quicker and more robustly than NES-PABDx2-Spo20 does, as can be seen when the responses from Figure 4F are plotted together (Figure 4H). When analyzing the responses to PA production at the PM by PMA stimulation in Figure 1D and Figure 1F, we similarly see that the Nir1-LNS2 translocates to the PM more robustly and in a shorter timeframe (Figure 4G). This suggests that the Nir1-LNS2 can serve as a high affinity PA biosensor at various cellular locations.”

      Furthermore, as suggested in the “General Assessment” we propose to use the FKBP-DGKa system to produce PA on other organelles such as the Golgi and ER and then we can directly compare the response of Spo20-PABDx2 and Nir1-LNS2 to the increase in PA at these organelles. This data will be added to Figure 4 for a full comparison of the sensors across cellular locations.

      • *

      #2.4. Fig 3 and Fig 4 need the validation of PIP depletion/production using PIP-binding probes.

      We propose to repeat the experiments using TIRF in figure 3 as it will give us increases sensitivity, and also compare selectivity with the currently used spo20-based biosensors.

      • *

      #2.“General assessment”: The existing PA-binding probe using Spo20 is indeed quite blunt, which takes minutes to see appreciable accumulation of the probe upon PA production. Nir1-LNS2 can be indeed useful if it offers better spatiotemporal precision. However, the advantage of this tool over existing tools is not convincing without head-to-head comparison of either (1) in vitro characterization of PA binding affinity and selectivity between Nir1-LNS2 and Spo20 or (2) response to PA produced on different subcellular localizations other than plasma membrane and mitochondria (e.g., endosomes, golgi, and endoplasmic reticulum).

      In order to address the selectivity of Nir1-LNS2 and Spo20, we propose to repeat the experiments in Figure 3 with the PJ enzymes in order to see how the PM PIPs affect Spo20 membrane binding, as described in our response to #2.4. Previously published data, as well as our own unpublished observations suggest that Spo20 interacts with the anionic PIPs to a greater extent than Nir1-LNS2 does (Nakanishi et al., 2004 doi: 10.1091/mbc.e03-11-0798; Horchani et al., 2014 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113484). If we can show that Spo20’s interactions with the PM are significantly influenced by the PIPs, then this will add more evidence to the idea that Nir1-LNS2 is more selective for PA.

      As described in response to #2.2, we are also planning a side-by-side comparison of spo20 based protein binding on liposomes alongside Nir1-LNS2.

      Also, as discussed above, we agree with the reviewer that looking at the Nir1-LNS2 and Spo20 responses to PA production at other organelles would increase confidence that Nir1-LNS2 has a higher affinity for PA. We propose to add these experiments to Figure 4.

      • *

      #3.1. The direct measurement of the binding affinity of Nir1-LNS2 with PA, e.g., Kd, is essential; this information will help the field explore the potential usage of Nir1-LNS2.

      Using a nonlinear fit, we were able to determine Hill coefficients for PA binding. This has now been included in Figure 2B (formerly Figure 2A) and the following text has been added to p.6, left column, 3rd paragraph: “In addition, we found that Nir1-LNS2 bound PA-rich liposomes in a concentration dependent manner (Figure 2B). By fitting a nonlinear curve to this data, we found that the interaction of Nir1-LNS2 with PA provided a Kd value of ~19 mol%. Interestingly, Nir1-LNS2 binds to PA in a highly cooperative manner. The Hill coefficient for the interaction of Nir1-LNS2 with PA was calculated to be 4.323 (Figure 2B)…. This suggests that the amphipathic helix and the SIDGS-containing domain may both interact with the membrane leading to the cooperative nature of Nir1-LNS2’s binding of PA-rich liposomes (Figure 2B).”

      However, due to the liposome binding assay used that utilizes a set total lipid concentration but alters mol% lipids, the Kd that we determined is not a “traditional” Kd. Therefore, we plan to repeat this assay using higher total lipid concentrations with a fixed PA mol% so that we can make a better fit and get a more accurate Kd value and Hill coefficient. Furthermore, we plan to directly compare Spo20-PABDx2 (and/or the single PABD depending on what we can get to purify correctly) and Nir1-LNS2 in the liposome binding assay to directly compare their affinities for PA in vitro, as described in response to #2.2.

      • *

      #3.2. As mentioned by the authors, there is a confusing inconsistency regarding why Nir1-LNS2 binds to PIP2 in vitro but not in cells. Going beyond what has been discussed in the manuscript, there is a possibility that PIP2 could induce Nir1-LNS2 aggregation, leading to pelleting after centrifugation, among many other possibilities. I recommend the authors perform additional in vitro experiments, including but not limited to the liposome floatation assay to directly examine Nir1-LNS2 binding to the liposomes with varied compositions.

      This is an excellent suggestion. We plan to check for aggregation by liposome flotation with Nir1-LNS2 in the presence of high mol% of PA and PIP2. In addition, we will also perform circular dichroism to see if PA or PIP2 liposomes are inducing any unfolding of Nir1-LNS2.

      #3.3. In Fig. 2D, it would be beneficial to examine the constructs Nir1-613-630 and Nir1-631-894, comparing them with Nir1-LNS2 using liposome sedimentation and floatation assays to evaluate the contribution of the SIDGS motif and the amphipathic helix in binding PA.

      Per our response to #1.2, we looked around the SIDGS motif to find the residue that would mediate the binding of membrane embedded PA, which our data suggests is R784 (Figure 2D). We do plan to test the R784 mutant in the liposome binding assays to show loss of PA binding abilities as the reviewer has suggested. We also plan to evaluate proper folding of the R784 mutant through circular dichroism.

      • *

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      #1.1: CCH treatment of HEK293A cells leads to the PM localization of the DAG sensor C1ab-Prkd1 as well as Nir1-LNS2 (Fig. 5), and the kinetics of these changes - Nir1-LNS2 would lag behind C1ab-Prkd1 fluorescence - is taken as evidence for Nir1-LNS2's specific binding of PA rather than DAG: Pag. 10: 'When we look at the first 2-minutes after CCh addition, we see that C1ab-Prkd1 moves to the PM much faster than Nir1-LNS2 does (Figure 5D). The delay in Nir1-LNS2 translocation makes sense given DAG is produced first and then converted into PA, again indicating that Nir1-LNS2 is specific for PA. 'Fig. 5 legend: 'The Nir1-LNS2 response to PLC depends on PA and not DAG.(...) (D) Nir1-LNS2 translocation to the PM (data replicated from Figure 5C) lags behind C1ab-Prkd1 (data replicated from Figure 5B) in response to CCh addition. 'The validity of the conclusion from this experiment seems questionable. The argument relies on the low values of Nir1-LNS2's normalized fluorescence intensity compared to C1ab-Prkd1's, in the first two minutes of stimulation, when DAG is expected to accumulate (Fig. 5D). However, if Nir1-LNS2 would bind DAG, the resulting fluorescence is expected to be low, i.e. compared to the much higher signal resulting from subsequent PA binding. Moreover, in this system, which co-expresses the two sensor proteins, competition in binding may account for the apparent precedence of one sensor over the other. Thus, even if the increase in C1ab-Prkd1 fluorescence would precede Nir1-LNS2 - following the authors' interpretation - this would not exclude binding of DAG by Nir1-LNS2.Fig. 5D shows the confocal images of cells after 30 sec CCH treatment using the two sensors, next to the respective controls, replicated from Fig. 5B/C. However, in Fig. 5D, different colors are used for Nir1-LNS2 than in Fig. 5C, which makes comparison along the time course difficult. In conclusion, the data presented in Fig. 5 do not exclude DAG binding by Nir1-LNS2, and modification of the conclusions from this experiment throughout the ms (including the cited sentences) is recommended. Consider removal of Figure 5D. Despite these considerations, the authors' final conclusion regarding the specificity of Nir1-LNS2 towards PA appears well supported (e.g. by the data presented in Figure 4).

      We agree with the reviewer that the interpretation of the kinetic data is ambiguous and does not fully negate the idea that Nir1-LNS2 may bind to DAG. We have modified the interpretation accordingly. However, we have left the kinetic comparison of the DAG vs Nir1-LNS2 biosensors since these reflect the expected dynamics of the two lipids downstream of PLC. The data are now interpreted as follows on p. 10, right column, second paragraph: “The PM accumulation lagged that of DAG, consistent with conversion of DAG to PA by DGKs (Figure. 5D). Alternatively, in cells treated with CCh and then atropine, Nir1-LNS2 localized to the PM after CCh was added but was then observed returning to the cytoplasm over the 15-minute treatment with atropine as PA levels declined (Figure 5C). Overall, this experiment shows that Nir1-LNS2 binding to the PM follows the expected kinetic profile of DGK-produced PA.” Likewise, the legend for figure 5 is now labelled “Nir1-LNS2 detects PLC stimulated PA production.” to remove explicit conclusions about PA vs DAG binding.

      #1.2: P 4 and Fig. 2 mention a 'novel domain structure', responsible for binding of PA and PIP2 (in vitro). What exactly is this novel domain structure? Why have the two parts of Nir1-LNS, the AAH and the 263 amino acid domain, not been tested in similar liposome assays as in Fig. 2A? Lipid binding in vivo, as tested in the experiment of Fig. 2D, is confounded by endogenous PA binding proteins.PA is expected to bind the SIDGS motif, as this is conserved from the Lipin catalytic motif (p. 5). However, experimental evidence of this appears to be lacking. Nevertheless, it is several times presented as a fact in the text. Pag. 7: 'This suggests that the SIDGS motif alone is not the sole PA binding pocket as the LNS2 domain requires both that motif and the amphipathic helix for sustained binding to membrane embedded PA.' Pag. 13: '... One reason for this difference could be that the Nir1-LNS2 is not a novel bona fide PA binding pocket. Rather, it requires both the SIDGS motif and an N-terminal amphipathic helix for membrane interactions (Figure 2). These conclusions therefore appear to be not accurate and would need te be rephrased. If the authors could show that PA binding by Nir1-LNS can be eliminated by mutating residues in the SIDGS motif, this would not only substantiate the above claims, but also make for a negative control protein, next to Nir1-LNS2. For future applications of Nir1-LNS2 as PA biosensor in other organisms this would be useful.

      We have clarified that the domain architecture of the Nir1-LNS2 is not a novel domain structure generally, but novel for a PA binding protein which are typically just helices such as that seen in Spo20. Figure 2 is now titled “Nir1-LNS2 shows specificity for PA and PIP2 in vitro, based on a novel PA-binding domain.”

      We have also clarified that the SIDGS motif is not the actual location of PA binding, but rather is only the motif conserved with the Lipin/Pah active site. R784 appears to be a PA coordinating residue near the SIDGS, as the positive residue can interact with the negative lipid. Furthermore, we agreed with the reviewer that mutating this residue to perturb PA binding was a much more convincing experiment. We have now included this data in Figure 2 and rewritten the following passages.

      From Page 6, left column, last paragraph: “The putative Lipin catalytic motif DxDxT is partially conserved in Nir1-LNS2 as a SIDGS motif spanning residues 742-746. We looked for positively charged residues nearby that could bind to the PA in the membrane and coordinate its entrance into the SIDGS site. The active site of the Lipins has a nearby Arg residue which was predicted to perform this role (Khayyo et al., 2020). AlphaFold analysis of Nir1-LNS2 showed that this residue was also conserved in Nir1-LNS2 as R784, and that the side chain of the Arg sticks out toward the membrane interface where it would be able to contact the negatively charged PA (Figure 2C).

      The conservation of these features between the Lipins and Nir1-LNS2 suggests that PA binds this positively charged residue near the SIDGS pocket within Nir1-LNS2 (Kim et al., 2013; Khayyo et al., 2020). However, for efficient catalytic activity, the Lipins also require an N-terminal amphipathic helix for membrane interaction. This helix is made up of residues 1-18 in Tetrahymena thermophila Pah2 (Khayyo et al., 2020), and residues 613-630 in the N-terminus of Nir1-LNS2 are predicted to form a similar amphipathic helix (Figure 2C). We therefore tested whether the N-terminal helix of Nir1-LNS2 was necessary for interaction with PA at the PM. We made two truncations of the Nir1-LNS2 construct: Nir1-613-630 is the isolated amphipathic helix, while Nir1-631-894 is the rest of the domain excluding the helix but including the SIDGS motif. Surprisingly, neither truncated construct responded to PMA by binding the PM, and they even showed reduced basal PM localization (Figure 2D).

      Although Figure 2D suggests that the SIDGS motif alone is not sufficient for membrane interactions, we probed into the suspected PA binding residue R784 by mutating it into a negatively charged Glu residue, which should disrupt its interaction with the negatively charged lipid. The R784E mutation completely ablated Nir1-LNS2 interactions at the PM after PMA stimulation and showed reduced association with the PM even before PMA stimulation (Figure 2D).

      Altogether, our data suggests that the LNS2 domain requires both the larger SIDGS-containing domain and the amphipathic helix for sustained binding to membrane-embedded PA, but that the PA may directly interact with R784 near the SIDGS motif. Therefore, the Nir1-LNS2 provides a novel PA binding domain with a tertiary structure beyond the simple amphipathic helices found in Spo20.”

      We have also rewritten this sentence in the discussion, p. 14, right column, second paragraph: “As far as the use of Nir1-LNS2 as a biosensor, the one caveat is the discrepancy in its specificity: in vitro PA and PIP2 were sufficient to recruit Nir1-LNS2 to PC liposomes (Figure 2), but in vivo only PA was sufficient for mitochondrial recruitment (Figure 4). One reason for this difference could be that the Nir1-LNS2 requires R784 near the SIDGS pocket and an N-terminal amphipathic helix for membrane interactions (Figure 2).”

      #1.3. Pag. 7: '...small caveat to consider when using Nir1-LNS2 to study PA, the data also demonstrates that Nir1-LNS2 is not specifically interacting with any of the PM PIPs in cellular membranes.'This seems not accurate, since the data in Fig. 3 suggest that PI4P could be involved in membrane localization of Nir1-LNS2. It remains however unresolved whether this is a specific interaction with this PIP.

      We have rewritten the text on Page 8, right column, first paragraph accordingly: “This data suggests that decreasing the anionic charge of the membrane through depletion of PIPs slightly reduces Nir1-LNS2’s ability to interact with the PM, but it doesn’t fully re-localize the sensor. Therefore, this is a caveat to consider when using Nir1-LNS2 to study PA.”

      • *

      #1.4. Please note that the presence of PE increases the ionization (and negative charge) of PIP2 (Graber et al., 2012) rather than dilutes the negative charge as stated in the Discussion on p.13. Please revise!

      We have updated the text on Page 14, right column, last paragraph: “The presence of other lipids such as PI, the formation of PIP2-rich domains, and even interactions with neighboring proteins can increase hydrogen bonding of PIP2and dilute the negative charge (Graber et al., 2012; Borges-Araújo and Fernandes, 2020). Phosphatidylethanolamine on the other hand, increases PIP2 ionization and its negative charge, though these effects are also thought to be reduced by PIP2 intramolecular hydrogen bonding which competes for the charges on the lipid (Graber et al., 2012).”

      #1.5. P 1 The authors may consider adding a 4th criterium for a lipid biosensor: the sensor should not serve as a sink for the lipid by removing/sequestering it from the active pool, thereby interfering with other interactions/conversions.

      We agree that biosensors should not sequester a significant fraction of their cognate lipids and affect downstream pathways by competing with endogenous binding partners. We have rewritten the following text regarding Figure 6 to make this distinction more clear:

      Page 13, left column, last paragraph: “As Nir1-LNS2 shows high affinity for PA across cell lines, this brings up the concern that use of Nir1-LNS2 will sequester PA and inhibit endogenous signaling pathways that depend on PA…Therefore, we conclude that use of Nir1-LNS2 as a PA biosensor does not sequester significant amounts of PA. It is suggested that cellular homeostasis may compensate for the amount of bound lipid by increasing synthesis of free lipid, as this has been seen with the PIP2 biosensor PH-PLCd1 (Traynor-Kaplan et al., 2017). While PA has a plethora of cellular functions, the fact that Nir1-LNS2 expression does not disrupt MCS formation shows promise that the high affinity of Nir1-LNS2 will not inhibit downstream PA signaling.

      #1.6. Nir1 lacks a PITP domain (Fig. 1), yet is referred to as lipid transfer protein: please elaborate/explain.

      The following text has been added to Page 2, left column, last paragraph to clarify this point: “This family of proteins, made up of Nir1, Nir2, and Nir3, form ER-PM membrane contact sites (MCS) to exchange PA and phosphatidylinositol (PI) between the compartments (Cockcroft and Raghu, 2016; Kim et al., 2015). While Nir1 lacks a functional PITP domain, it was initially classified as part of the PITP family based on the homology of its other domains with Nir2 and Nir3. Furthermore, Nir1 has a role in lipid transfer by facilitating Nir2 recruitment to the MCS (Quintanilla et al., 2022).”

      • *

      #1.8. Indicate the concentrations of PC and protein in the legend to Fig. 2 panels A and B. M&M says 2 mM PC, according to the PA-concentrations above panel 2A, this should be 1 mM. Please clarify.

      We have corrected the typo in panel 2A (now panel 2B) and have updated the Figure 2 legend as follows, “(A) A representative SDS-PAGE gel is shown for Nir1-LNS2 binding to various PM lipids in POPC liposomes. (B) A representative SDS-PAGE gel is shown for Nir1-LNS2 binding of increasing PA molar concentrations in POPC liposomes. For both A and B, the lipids indicated were mixed with POPC to produce a 2 mM solution, then 50 uL of the resulting liposome mixture was incubated with 50 uL of Nir1-LNS2 at ~1 mg/mL. Supernatant (S) and pellet (P) lanes were quantified using ImageJ to determine percent protein bound. The protein-only control pellet was used as a baseline (input). Nir1-LNS2 appears on the gel at 37 kDa.”

      #1.9. In Fig. 2B, PI is missing. Any specific reason?

      We have updated the text on Page 6, left column, second paragraph to discuss the low levels of PI at the PM, which is why we did not include this lipid. “Using this same PC background, we tested the efficacy of the PM lipids DAG, PA, PS, PI4P and PIP2 in recruiting Nir1-LNS2 to membranes. While PI serves as a substrate for PI4P and PIP2 synthesis (collectively referred to as the phosphatidylinositol phosphates (PIPs)) at the PM, levels of PI at the PM are very low compared to the PIPs and therefore PI itself was not tested (Zewe et al., 2020; Pemberton et al., 2020).”

      #1.10. Move Fig. 2C to the Introduction and extend it to illustrate the shared conserved features of Nir1-LNS2 and lipin.

      We would like to keep the diagram of the Nir1-LNS2 in Figure 2 where the features are discussed in more detail than in the introduction. However, we did add this sentence to the introduction __on p.2, right column, second paragraph __that refers the reader to the cartoon in Figure 2. “These features are conserved in the Nir LNS2 domains, except for the catalytic Asp in the DxDxT motif and another Mg2+-coordinating residue (Figure 2C).”

      #1.11. P 13. 'While real-time IMPACT does not directly report on PA levels as it does not use the endogenous PLD substrate PC, ...'It is true that this method doesn't directly report on PA levels, but that is because it uses a click chemistry probe as substrate for PLD's transphosphatidylation reaction. Contrary though to what is stated by the authors, this reaction still uses the endogenous substrate of PLD, PC (Liang et al. 2019; www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1903949116).

      We have rewritten the aforementioned sentence in the discussion (Page 15, right column, second paragraph): “While real-time IMPACT does not directly report on PA levels as it creates a unique fluorescent lipid, it offers several advantages such as being able to interrogate lipid trafficking over time.”

      #1.12. Fig. 1K: Control must have been treated with PMA plus vehicle (DMSO); if so, please indicate that vehicle was added.

      Figure 1K and its legend have been updated. The legend now reads “Stimulating HEK293A cells with 100 nM PMA and 750 nM of the PLD inhibitor FIPI reduces the Nir1-LNS2 response to PMA and cell media (Veh)”

      #1.13. Figure 6C: How is DFt/Fpre defined? Add to legend.

      We have updated the Figure 6 legend to read “MCS formation was quantified as the change in fluorescence at a given time (Ft) divided by the fluorescence before CCh stimulation (Fpre).”

      #1.14. P 4: 'The boundaries of the Nir2-LNS2 (Uniprot: O00562) and Nir3-LNS2 (Uniprot: Q9BZ72) were also defined using AlphaFold predictions of the structure of these domains.' How was the extent of each of these domains determined - they are much larger than the previously published sequences of LNS2 domains (Kim et al. 2013; Embo Rep. 14:891-899. doi:10.1038/embor.2013.113)?

      We have clarified the definition of boundaries by updating the following sentence on Page 4, right column, 5thparagraph: “The boundaries of the Nir2-LNS2 (Uniprot: O00562) and Nir3-LNS2 (Uniprot: Q9BZ72) were also defined using AlphaFold predictions of the structure of these domains. Previous definitions of the Nir2-LNS2 domain have considered the domain smaller than we do here (Kim et al., 2013, 2015) . However, according to AlphaFold, the boundaries set previously exclude a large N-terminal beta barrel that is conserved in the Lipin/Pah PAPs, as well as disrupt the domain fold that is homologous to the Lipin active site. Therefore, we are confident that our constructs include the entire LNS2 fold.”

      #1.15. In Fig. 3 legend, specify the starting condition of Nir1-LNS2 binding?? Which fluorescence are we looking at?

      This figure has now been revised in response to __point #3.5, __which hopefully also clarified this point.

      #1.16. In legend to Fig. 6 please specify the fluorescent tags used. Have they been shown not to affect protein function?

      We have updated the figure legend to specify that GFP-Nir2 was used in conjunction with iRFP-Nir1-LNS2, we also changed the text on Page 13, right column, second paragraph that refers to this experiment. It now reads “We co-expressed a GFP-tagged Nir2 and either iRFP-Nir1-LNS2 or iRFP-TubbyC, a PIP2 biosensor that is not expected to affect MCS formation. It should be noted that although we have used the NG-tagged Nir1-LNS2 the most extensively, the iRFP and mCherry-tagged biosensors have behaved the same as the NG-tagged version in the experiments where we utilized them.”

      • *

      #2.1. Nir1-LNS2 seems to show variable basal localization across different representative images presented in the manuscript. A part of them were justified by the effect of other anionic species by PIP (such as Fig 3 where they co-expressed PIP-degrading enzymes). For example, cells in Fig 1F and those in Fig 4F show quite different basal localization of Nir1-LNS2. Is it due to difference in expression level, cell conditions, or other factors The significant amount of plasma membrane basal localization seems to indicate that Nir1-LNS2 localization is affected by its binding to PI(4,5)P2.? The significant and potentially variable plasma membrane localization of Nir1-LNS1 can limit the utility of this probe.

      We have added Supplemental Figure 1 __to show the range of Nir1-LNS2 basal localization compared to NES-PABDx2-Spo20 and PASS. We believe that this localization is due to variable amounts of basal PA combined with some non-selective anionic interactions at the PM. The following paragraph has been added to __page 7, left column, first paragraph to discuss this point, “Since the R784E mutant showed reduced basal PM localization, we wanted to further characterize the basal localization of the wild-type Nir1-LNS2. The basal localization of wild-type Nir1-LNS2 varies somewhat between cells, but analysis of all of the cells used throughout this study determines that the basal PM/Cyt ratio of the wild-type Nir1-LNS2 is 1.0644 ± 0.0672, which suggests that at resting conditions Nir1-LNS2 is slightly enriched at the PM (Supplemental Figure 1A, 1D). When we did the same analysis for all the cells where we expressed NES-PABDx2-Spo20 or PASS, we obtained a basal PM/Cyt ratio of 1.1318 ± 0.0954 for NES-PABDx2-Spo20 and a ratio of 0.6861 ± 0.0143 for PASS (Supplemental Figure 1B, 1C, 1E). We believe that the basal localization of these sensors reflects variable PA levels in the PM at resting conditions. FRET based imaging of PA has indicated that there are detectable levels of PA under basal conditions, and this approach also showed some variability in basal PA levels as we see with the spread of Nir1-LNS2’s basal localization (Nishioka et al., 2010). Overall, our data suggests that the high affinity of Nir1-LNS2 for PA is reflected in both its basal localization and its response to stimulations such as PMA.”

      To address the idea that PIP2 is responsible for the basal localization of Nir1-LNS, we have added the following to the discussion on p.15, left column, second paragraph: “Aside from concerns about specificity, the ability of Nir1-LNS2 to interact with PIP2 in liposomes could suggest that the basal PM localization of Nir1-LNS2 is due to it binding PIP2. However, selective depletion of PI(4,5)P2 did not affect basal Nir1-LNS2 localization to the PM (Figure 3C) and was not able to recruit the probe to mitochondria (Figure 4A-C). We did see FKBP-PJ reduce the association of Nir1-LNS2 with the PM under resting conditions (Figure 3E, 3F), suggesting a possible non-specific ionic interaction with polyanionic inositol lipids. Another mechanism to explain these data would be phosphoinositide-dependence of PA production. Phosphoinositides are well-known to regulate the recruitment of PLD isoforms and type II DGKs to the PM as well as their catalytic activity there (Sciorra et al., 2002; Du et al., 2003; Hodgkin et al., 2000; Liscovitch et al., 1994; Kume et al., 2016). Therefore, we suggest that the effects of FKBP-PJ could be reducing basal PLD and DGK activity and hence lowering resting PA levels. That could explain the loss of both basal Nir1-LNS2 PM association when FKBP-PJ is expressed, and Nir1-LNS2’s PM interactions as FKBP-PJ is recruited to the membrane to further deplete phosphoinositides. While this study cannot fully substantiate this hypothesis, the role of PIP2 in PLD activity and PA production is an interesting hypothesis that warrants further investigation.

      • *

      #2.3. Fig 1 shows Nir1-LNS2 translocates to plasma membrane upon PMA stimulation in a PLD activity-dependent manner. However, the image in Fig1K is not super convincing since there is already a decent amount of plasma membrane localization of the sensor at t = 0 min, which looks considerably different from the t = 0 min image shown in 1F.

      We have updated the images both in Figure 1F and Figure 1K to best represent the mean basal localization as determined in Supplemental Figure 1.

      • *

      #2.4. Fig 3 and Fig 4 need the validation of PIP depletion/production using PIP-binding probes.

      These controls are shown in Figure 4B. We have only included PH-PLCd1 to show PIP2 levels as the large PIP2 production by a PIP5K also indicates the large elevation of the substrate PI4P.

      This control data has now been included in Figure 3, and is referenced by the Figure 3 legend and the following text from p.8, left column, 4th paragraph: “As a negative control, we expressed a doubly catalytically dead mutant of PJ. When PJ-Dead was recruited to the PM, we confirmed that PIP2 and PI4P levels remained unaltered by seeing stable association of the PIP2 biosensor Tubby(c) with the PM (Figure 3A). We observed no loss of the PM localization of Nir1-LNS2 with PJ-Dead recruitment (Figure 3A, 3E). When the active PJ was expressed in HEK293A cells, there was a slight loss of Nir1-LNS2 at the PM even before PJ recruitment (Figure 3B, 3E), although this was not significant as compared to pre-stimulated cells expressing PJ-Dead (Figure 3F). However, Nir1-LNS2 did move off the PM into the cytosol after PJ recruitment, to a similar extent that the PIP2 biosensor Tubby(c) moved off the PM (Figure 3B, 3E). AUC analysis of the Nir1-LNS2 response showed there was a significant reduction of Nir1-LNS2 PM localization (Figure 3G).

              Since PJ depletes both PIP2 and PI4P, we examined which of these lipids specifically contribute to Nir1-LNS2 membrane binding. We utilized an FKBP-INPP5E construct that depletes PIP2 but does not deplete PI4P at the PM, as seen by the significant loss of PM-localized Tubby(c) (Figure 3C). Then FKBP-Sac1, an FKBP-PJ construct that has a catalytically dead INPP5E domain, but an active Sac1 domain was used to deplete PI4P without altering PIP2 levels, as seen by removal of the PI4P biosensor P4Mx1 from the PM (Figure 3D). Recruitment of FKBP-INPP5E did not significantly affect Nir1-LNS2 localization (Figure 3C, 3E, 3G). However, recruitment of FKBP-Sac1 slightly, but not significantly affected Nir1-LNS2 localization (Figure 3D, 3E, 3G). This data suggests that decreasing the anionic charge of the membrane through depletion of PIPs slightly reduces Nir1-LNS2’s ability to interact with the PM, but it doesn’t fully re-localize the sensor. Therefore, this is a small caveat to consider when using Nir1-LNS2 to study PA.”
      • *

      #2.“Advance”: The key significance of the manuscript, which is the superiority of Nir1-LNS2 over existing PA-binding probes, is not clear from the data provided. Other than that part, the study does not seem to include significant finding, since the binding of Nir1-LNS2 to PA itself is already known (EMBO Rep. 2013 Oct; 14(10): 891-899, Mol Biol Cell. 2022 Mar 1;33(3):br2).

      While the Kim et al., paper referenced by the reviewer does show that the LNS2 binds to PA, this same group later published data showing that the LNS2 binds to both PA and DAG. (Kim et al., 2015 doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2015.04.028). Therefore, we believe our data which unequivocally shows that the LNS2 does not bind DAG, is a significant advancement in the field. Aside from the creation of the new biosensor, it progresses our understanding of the mechanism of the Nir family lipid transfer proteins, which are vital to PM lipid homeostasis.

      To highlight this point, we have added the following paragraph to the discussion on p.14, right column, 1st paragraph: “The lack of Nir1-LNS2 binding to DAG-rich liposomes (Figure 2), DAG produced at the mitochondria (Figure 4), and DAG analogs (Figure 5) shows that the LNS2 domains only binds to PA rather than to PA and DAG as has been reported previously (Kim et al., 2015). In this study, we redefined the boundaries of the LNS2 domain based on the structure of the Lipin/Pah family domains and the AlphaFold prediction for the Nir1-LNS2. The new boundaries included the entire fold that is conserved between the Lipins/Pahs and the Nirs. Therefore, we suspect that the expansion of the LNS2 domain in our work explains the differences in our data and the published literature regarding DAG binding. Importantly, the data obtained with our amended Nir1-LNS2 suggests that within the context of the lipid transfer cycle and MCS formation, the Nir family of PITPs translocate to the PM solely based on PA. This information will be important as the field continues to determine the exact mechanism of the Nir PITPs in lipid homeostasis.”

      • *

      #3.4. Due to PA's versatile biological roles, the evidence provided by the MCS experiment is far from enough to conclude that Nir1-LNS2 does not interfere with PA function. Further examination of various endogenous pathways is warranted before making the statement "Therefore, Nir1-LNS2 can be used ...... without concern of affecting downstream events".

      We have rewritten the quoted sentence for a more nuanced interpretation on p.13, right column, second paragraph:“While PA has a plethora of cellular functions, the fact that Nir1-LNS2 expression does not disrupt MCS formation shows promise that the high affinity of Nir1-LNS2 will not inhibit downstream PA signaling.”

      #3.5. In Fig. 3A-D (Left), it is unclear to what extent PIPs are reduced after treatment with FKBP-tagged PIP phosphatases. The treatment depicted in the illustration should be accompanied by data, e.g., % of PIPs being degraded after treatment.

      This comment is addressed in our response to #2.4, where we show the addition of control biosensors for PIP2 and PI4P, and also propose new experiments in TIRFM for more sensitive and precise measurements.

      • *

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      __#1.1a: __Have the authors considered using the DGK inhibitor R59022 to selectively block the conversion of DAG to PA by DGK? Such an experiment could provide additional evidence for the requirement of DGK activity and consequent PA formation for Nir1-LNS2 membrane localization.

      We did indeed attempt experiments with R59022, and have made several unexpected findings with the compound that go way beyond the scope of the current manuscript. In short, although R59022 reduces DGK catalytic activity, it also potently drives over-expressed or endogenous DGKalpha to the plasma membrane, and induces large accumulations of PM PA. This complicated interpretation of data obtained with this compound. We are currently preparing a manuscript detailing the novel and unexpected effects.

      #3.6. In Fig. 4C, the plasma membrane (PM) localization of Nir1-LNS2 and NES-PABDx2-Spo20, as determined by the "intensity PM/Cyto," should be analyzed following the ectopic production of PI4P and PIP2. Although mitochondria do not apparently recruit Nir1-LNS2 or NES-PABDx2-Spo20 after induced PI4P and PIP2 production, it remains possible that the subsequent trafficking of PI4P and PIP2 from mitochondria might sequester the biosensors away from the PM into the cytoplasm, thereby reducing the "intensity PM/Cyto" of Nir1-LNS2.

      We cannot easily determine the PM/cyt ratio in this experiment as we included a mitochondrial marker rather than a PM marker when imaging. However, based on the images, there is no change in the PM intensity of the Nir1-LNS2 and NES-PABDx2-Spo20 biosensors. The images included in Figure 4 are representative of this localization.

      #3.7. It would be valuable to determine the half-life (stability) of Nir1-LNS2.

      In all of our transient transfections, the Nir1-LNS2 shows good stability where we don’t expect degradation to be a major concern. Furthermore, stability has not usually been factor considered in the creation any of the current widely used lipid biosensors.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Weckerly et al. introduced a fluorescently tagged Nir1-LNS2 construct capable of binding to both PA and PIP2 in vitro, yet selectively targeting PA-enriched membranes in cells. Their findings demonstrate that Nir1-LNS2 exhibits heightened responsiveness to PA, allowing the authors to uncover a modest contribution of PLD to PA production downstream of muscarinic receptors, a phenomenon not visualized with previous Spo20-based biosensors. Thus, Nir1-LNS2 is a sensitive biosensor, potentially providing researchers with a powerful new tool for real-time investigation of PA dynamics in live cells. The manuscript is well-written, with major conclusions supported by experimental evidence. The tool developed in this study holds significant importance for the field of lipid biology. However, missing controls and weaknesses from the in vitro analysis reduce the overall impact of this work. The authors are encouraged to address the following comments to further strengthen their conclusions:

      Major Points:

      1. The direct measurement of the binding affinity of Nir1-LNS2 with PA, e.g., Kd, is essential; this information will help the field explore the potential usage of Nir1-LNS2.
      2. As mentioned by the authors, there is a confusing inconsistency regarding why Nir1-LNS2 binds to PIP2 in vitro but not in cells. Going beyond what has been discussed in the manuscript, there is a possibility that PIP2 could induce Nir1-LNS2 aggregation, leading to pelleting after centrifugation, among many other possibilities. I recommend the authors perform additional in vitro experiments, including but not limited to the liposome floatation assay to directly examine Nir1-LNS2 binding to the liposomes with varied compositions.
      3. In Fig. 2D, it would be beneficial to examine the constructs Nir1-613-630 and Nir1-631-894, comparing them with Nir1-LNS2 using liposome sedimentation and floatation assays to evaluate the contribution of the SIDGS motif and the amphipathic helix in binding PA.
      4. Due to PA's versatile biological roles, the evidence provided by the MCS experiment is far from enough to conclude that Nir1-LNS2 does not interfere with PA function. Further examination of various endogenous pathways is warranted before making the statement "Therefore, Nir1-LNS2 can be used ...... without concern of affecting downstream events".

      Minor Points:

      1. In Fig. 3A-D (Left), it is unclear to what extent PIPs are reduced after treatment with FKBP-tagged PIP phosphatases. The treatment depicted in the illustration should be accompanied by data, e.g., % of PIPs being degraded after treatment.
      2. In Fig. 4C, the plasma membrane (PM) localization of Nir1-LNS2 and NES-PABDx2-Spo20, as determined by the "intensity PM/Cyto," should be analyzed following the ectopic production of PI4P and PIP2. Although mitochondria do not apparently recruit Nir1-LNS2 or NES-PABDx2-Spo20 after induced PI4P and PIP2 production, it remains possible that the subsequent trafficking of PI4P and PIP2 from mitochondria might sequester the biosensors away from the PM into the cytoplasm, thereby reducing the "intensity PM/Cyto" of Nir1-LNS2.
      3. It would be valuable to determine the half-life (stability) of Nir1-LNS2.


      Tracking intracellular phosphatidic acid (PA) in live cells is essential for understanding its cellular functions, leading to the development of genetically encoded lipid biosensors. While several PA biosensors have been developed, they often suffer from limited sensitivity or specificity.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors reported a new PA-binding probe Nir1-LNS2, which potentially offers advantages over conventional tools with its higher sensitivity for PA. The authors performed extensive characterization in different cell lines to test the ability of Nir1-LNS2 to selectively bind to PA without disrupting endogenous PA signaling. While the tool is potentially useful as a new PA-binding probe with higher spatiotemporal precision, the data provided in the manuscript are not enough to support their claims and conclusions. Especially, the data do not fully support that the Nir1-LNS2 offers more sensitive and selective binding to PA than conventional PA-binding probes using Spo20.

      Major comments:

      1. Nir1-LNS2 seems to show variable basal localization across different representative images presented in the manuscript. A part of them were justified by the effect of other anionic species by PIP (such as Fig 3 where they co-expressed PIP-degrading enzymes). For example, cells in Fig 1F and those in Fig 4F show quite different basal localization of Nir1-LNS2. Is it due to difference in expression level, cell conditions, or other factors? The significant amount of plasma membrane basal localization seems to indicate that Nir1-LNS2 localization is affected by its binding to PI(4,5)P2. The significant and potentially variable plasma membrane localization of Nir1-LNS1 can limit the utility of this probe.
      2. The authors mention high affinity of Nir1-LNS2, but it lacks in vitro characterization that should demonstrate the higher affinity of Nir1-LNS2 compared to conventional probes such as Spo20. The authors should perform side-by-side comparison in Fig 2 to compare the PA affinity and specificity of Nir1-LNS2 compared to Spo20.

      Minor comments:

      1. Fig 1 shows Nir1-LNS2 translocates to plasma membrane upon PMA stimulation in a PLD activity-dependent manner. However, the image in Fig1K is not super convincing since there is already a decent amount of plasma membrane localization of the sensor at t = 0 min, which looks considereably different from the t = 0 min image shown in 1F.
      2. Fig 3 and Fig 4 need the validation of PIP depletion/production using PIP-binding probes.
      3. In Discussion: "while in vivo it solely binds to PA (Fig 4)" - this claim does not seem to be true according to Fig 4, where the overexpression of PIP-degrading enzymes did affect the Nir1-LNS2 basal localization.


      General assessment:

      The existing PA-binding probe using Spo20 is indeed quite blunt, which takes minutes to see appreciable accumulation of the probe upon PA production. Nir1-LNS2 can be indeed useful if it offers better spatiotemporal precision. However, the advantage of this tool over existing tools is not convincing without head-to-head comparison of either (1) in vitro characterization of PA binding affinity and selectivity between Nir1-LNS2 and Spo20 or (2) response to PA produced on different subcellular localizations other than plasma membrane and mitochondria (e.g., endosomes, golgi, and endoplasmic reticulum).


      The key significance of the manuscript, which is the superiority of Nir1-LNS2 over existing PA-binding probes, is not clear from the data provided. Other than that part, the study does not seem to include significant finding, since the binding of Nir1-LNS2 to PA itself is already known (EMBO Rep. 2013 Oct; 14(10): 891-899, Mol Biol Cell. 2022 Mar 1;33(3):br2).


      The lipid biology community would be highly interested in using the new PA-binding tool to study lipid localization in live cells.

      My expertise is PA signaling and deveopment of engineered phospholipase Ds, which can produce PA on demand at various subcellular locations.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors designed, created, and validated a fluorescently tagged sensor protein that binds with high affinity to the signaling phospholipid PA in cells. The LNS2 PA-binding domain used originates from the lipid transfer protein Nir1, and shares conserved features with lipins. The novel sensor outperforms the commonly used Spo20-based PA probes, although it also suffers from binding to PIP2 in vitro (liposomes) and from PIPs affecting its membrane binding in vivo. Importantly, the authors demonstrate that PA but not DAG or PIP2 is sufficient for membrane binding of Nir1-LNS2 in cells, validating Nir1-LNS2 as a PA-sensor in fluorescence microscopy studies.

      Major comments:

      1. CCH treatment of HEK293A cells leads to the PM localization of the DAG sensor C1ab-Prkd1 as well as Nir1-LNS2 (Fig. 5), and the kinetics of these changes - Nir1-LNS2 would lag behind C1ab-Prkd1 fluorescence - is taken as evidence for Nir1-LNS2's specific binding of PA rather than DAG: Pag. 10: 'When we look at the first 2-minutes after CCh addition, we see that C1ab-Prkd1 moves to the PM much faster than Nir1-LNS2 does (Figure 5D). The delay in Nir1-LNS2 translocation makes sense given DAG is produced first and then converted into PA, again indicating that Nir1-LNS2 is specific for PA.' Fig. 5 legend: 'The Nir1-LNS2 response to PLC depends on PA and not DAG.(...) (D) Nir1-LNS2 translocation to the PM (data replicated from Figure 5C) lags behind C1ab-Prkd1 (data replicated from Figure 5B) in response to CCh addition.' The validity of the conclusion from this experiment seems questionable. The argument relies on the low values of Nir1-LNS2's normalized fluorescence intensity compared to C1ab-Prkd1's, in the first two minutes of stimulation, when DAG is expected to accumulate (Fig. 5D). However, if Nir1-LNS2 would bind DAG, the resulting fluorescence is expected to be low, i.e. compared to the much higher signal resulting from subsequent PA binding. Moreover, in this system, which co-expresses the two sensor proteins, competition in binding may account for the apparent precedence of one sensor over the other. Thus, even if the increase in C1ab-Prkd1 fluorescence would precede Nir1-LNS2 - following the authors' interpretation - this would not exclude binding of DAG by Nir1-LNS2. Fig. 5D shows the confocal images of cells after 30 sec CCH treatment using the two sensors, next to the respective controls, replicated from Fig. 5B/C. However, in Fig. 5D, different colors are used for Nir1-LNS2 than in Fig. 5C, which makes comparison along the time course difficult. In conclusion, the data presented in Fig. 5 do not exclude DAG binding by Nir1-LNS2, and modification of the conclusions from this experiment throughout the ms (including the cited sentences) is recommended. Consider removal of Figure 5D. Despite these considerations, the authors' final conclusion regarding the specificity of Nir1-LNS2 towards PA appears well supported (e.g. by the data presented in Figure 4).

      Have the authors considered using the DGK inhibitor R59022 to selectively block the conversion of DAG to PA by DGK? Such an experiment could provide additional evidence for the requirement of DGK activity and consequent PA formation for Nir1-LNS2 membrane localization. 2. P 4 and Fig. 2 mention a 'novel domain structure', responsible for binding of PA and PIP2 (in vitro). What exactly is this novel domain structure? Why have the two parts of Nir1-LNS, the AAH and the 263 amino acid domain, not been tested in similar liposome assays as in Fig. 2A? Lipid binding in vivo, as tested in the experiment of Fig. 2D, is confounded by endogenous PA binding proteins. PA is expected to bind the SIDGS motif, as this is conserved from the Lipin catalytic motif (p. 5). However, experimental evidence of this appears to be lacking. Nevertheless, it is several times presented as a fact in the text. Pag. 7: 'This suggests that the SIDGS motif alone is not the sole PA binding pocket as the LNS2 domain requires both that motif and the amphipathic helix for sustained binding to membrane embedded PA.' Pag. 13: '... One reason for this difference could be that the Nir1-LNS2 is not a novel bona fide PA binding pocket. Rather, it requires both the SIDGS motif and an N-terminal amphipathic helix for membrane interactions (Figure 2). These conclusions therefore appear to be not accurate and would need te be rephrased.

      If the authors could show that PA binding by Nir1-LNS can be eliminated by mutating residues in the SIDGS motif, this would not only substantiate the above claims, but also make for a negative control protein, next to Nir1-LNS2. For future applications of Nir1-LNS2 as PA biosensor in other organisms this would be useful. 3. Pag. 7: '...small caveat to consider when using Nir1-LNS2 to study PA, the data also demonstrates that Nir1-LNS2 is not specifically interacting with any of the PM PIPs in cellular membranes.' This seems not accurate, since the data in Fig. 3 suggest that PI4P could be involved in membrane localization of Nir1-LNS2. It remains however unresolved whether this is a specific interaction with this PIP. 4. Please note that the presence of PE increases the ionization (and negative charge) of PIP2 (Graber et al., 2012) rather than dilutes the negative charge as stated in the Discussion on p.13. Please revise!

      Minor comments:

      1. P 1 The authors may consider adding a 4th criterium for a lipid biosensor: the sensor should not serve as a sink for the lipid by removing/sequestering it from the active pool, thereby interfering with other interactions/conversions.
      2. Nir1 lacks a PITP domain (Fig. 1), yet is referred to as lipid transfer protein: please elaborate/explain.
      3. Fig. 2A suggests cooperativity in binding of Nir1-LNS2 to PA-containing liposomes. Please mention/comment! Does binding to PIP2-containing liposomes also exhibit cooperativity?
      4. Indicate the concentrations of PC and protein in the legend to Fig. 2 panels A and B. M&M says 2 mM PC, according to the PA-concentrations above panel 2A, this should be 1 mM. Please clarify.
      5. In Fig. 2B, PI is missing. Any specific reason?
      6. Move Fig. 2C to the Introduction and extend it to illustrate the shared conserved features of Nir1-LNS2 and lipin.
      7. P 13. 'While real-time IMPACT does not directly report on PA levels as it does not use the endogenous PLD substrate PC, ...' It is true that this method doesn't directly report on PA levels, but that is because it uses a click chemistry probe as substrate for PLD's transphosphatidylation reaction. Contrary though to what is stated by the authors, this reaction still uses the endogenous substrate of PLD, PC (Liang et al. 2019; www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1903949116).
      8. Fig. 1K: Control must have been treated with PMA plus vehicle (DMSO); if so, please indicate that vehicle was added.
      9. Figure 6C: How is Ft/Fpre defined? Add to legend.
      10. P 4: 'The boundaries of the Nir2-LNS2 (Uniprot: O00562) and Nir3-LNS2 (Uniprot: Q9BZ72) were also defined using AlphaFold predictions of the structure of these domains.' How was the extent of each of these domains determined - they are much larger than the previously published sequences of LNS2 domains (Kim et al. 2013; Embo Rep. 14:891-899. doi:10.1038/embor.2013.113)?
      11. In Fig. 3 legend, specify the starting condition of Nir1-LNS2 binding?? Which fluorescence are we looking at?
      12. In legend to Fig. 6 please specify the fluorescent tags used. Have they been shown not to affect protein function?


      The development of a new, superior PA-sensor is a significant advance in the fields of lipid signaling and specific lipid-protein interactions, that will benefit research on lipid-mediated cellular signaling and intracellular lipid trafficking.

      This reviewer's expertise encompasses lipid metabolism and lipid-protein interactions, not so much fluorescence microscopy.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2023-02235

      Corresponding author: Adriano, Aguzzi

      1. General Statements

      We thank the reviewers for providing valuable comments. We are pleased that our study is considered important to advance the knowledge on IL-1-independent inflammatory functions of inflammasomes. We have clarified and revised the manuscript (track changed) as detailed below in the point-by-point response in this letter.

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Referee 1

      General: In this manuscript, et al., investigates the role of the inflammasome adapter ASC (in AA amyloidosis). This condition involves the aggregation of serum amyloid A (SAA) and is linked to chronic inflammation. Firstly, I can directly say that I do recommend this study for publication. This is a well conducted and well-written study which advances the knowledge on IL-1-independent inflammatory functions of inflammasomes. Furthermore, I find it particularly impressive that despite the inflammasome research community is well aware that amyloidosis is a hallmark of inflammatory diseases, it took a neuroscientist specialized in prion diseases to raise the question whether ASC would be involved in seeding serum AA aggregation. Key findings include: • ASC forms extracellular aggregates that enhance SAA aggregation, as observed through superresolution microscopy. • In a mouse model, the absence of ASC significantly reduced amyloid load, not due to increased phagocytosis but likely due to diminished aggregation. • Treatment with anti-ASC antibodies reduced amyloid load and mitigated weight loss in mice with AA amyloidosis. These findings suggest that ASC plays a crucial role in AA amyloidosis and that targeting ASC could be a potential therapeutic strategy. The study expands our understanding of the involvement of ASC in proteinopathies beyond neural diseases, pointing to its role in systemic conditions like AA amyloidosis.

      __Significance: __In conclusion, this manuscript offers valuable insights into the role of ASC in AA amyloidosis, presenting compelling findings that support its potential as a therapeutic target. Addressing the mentioned concerns and making the suggested revisions will further enhance the manuscript's scientific rigor and impact. Overall, this study is a valuable contribution to the field of inflammasome research and its relevance in systemic conditions like AA amyloidosis.

      Comment 1: Overall, the experiments are well-conducted and mostly all controls I would expect were included. With few exceptions, the data is convincing. With that said, I have issues with some of the staining employed in Fig 1. In Fig. 1, the authors assess ASC staining in cardiac tissues from a patient with vasculitis and systemic inflammation-related AA amyloidosis, and a control patient who died of a heart attack but had no signs of amyloidosis. However, most of the data shown is related to the AL177 anti-ASC. More importantly, no isotype stainings are included. We have previously demonstrated that the AL177 anti-ASC, used here, reacts quite strongly with ASC−/− cells, and it is one of the less specific anti-ASC commercially available (PMID: 27221487). As this is data from one patient (understandably), I wonder if the authors could counterstain ASC in the same samples using a specific human anti-ASC with a different color (ex: Biolegend HASC), and confirm that the signal overlays with the AL-177.

      Response: We conducted additional experiments to address the anti-ASC antibody specificity, as now described in Results, Method, and Fig. S1. We tested a set of anti-ASC antibodies (AL177, MY6745, 1C3D7) for their ASC specificity. We confirmed that both the AL177 and the MY6745 antibodies have high ASC-specificity (Fig. S1A). Moreover, for illustration purposes (and to warn other scientists), we included a third anti-ASC antibody (1C3D7) found to be unspecific as it yielded a strong signal in PYCARD-/- (ASC-/-) THP-1 cells (Fig. S1B). In addition, isotype controls were included in these experiments (Fig. S1A, right panels), as suggested by the reviewer, showing no target protein detection in both, PYCARD+/+ (ASC+/+) and PYCARD-/- cells underscoring the anti-ASC specificity of AL177 and MY6745 antibodies.

      • *

      Comment 2: Finally, in Figure 1H it seens from the description that another anti-ASC was used: "referred in the legend as ASC (MAB ASC, Yellow)". Is this a monoclonal anti-ASC? Also, the images show large and bright antibody aggregates (middle of the image, top left corner behind the "H", and a massive fluorescence in the bottom right of the image), indicating the presence of staining artifacts. Again, no counterstaining with isotype controls are shown.

      Response: We apologize for the confusing jargon in Figure 1H. “MAB ASC” refers to the anti-ASCPYD antibody (MAB/MY6745). We have corrected the antibody terminology in the legend. MAB/MY6745 is a monoclonal antibody generated by Mabylon that is highly reactive to both human and murine ASC. This antibody was generated to 1) perform an immunotherapy in vivo study and to 2) be used as alternative specific antibody in addition to AL177 to show co-localization of SAA and ASC in a human AA patient using STED superresolution microscopy. MAB/MY6745 is a rabbit monoclonal anti-ASC antibody targeting the pyrin domain (PYD) from which the rabbit Fcγ domain was replaced with that of a mouse IgG2a domain to avoid xenogeneic anti-drug responses in recipients and to improve its effector functions in vivo. To examine possible staining artefacts which can occur with Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) human tissues, we assessed the specificity of a variety of anti-ASC antibodies (Fig. S1). Our data presented in Fig. S1 show that the monoclonal anti-ASC antibody binds specifically. It is conceivable that AL177 and MAB/MY6745 target different epitopes of ASC, resulting in different staining patterns. An isotype control, included in __Fig. S1, __was used to test the specificity of the secondary antibodies, and did not show any nonspecific staining. We have adapted and added this to the text body and figure legend accordingly.

      Comment 3: Overall, although I don't dispute the possibility that ASC would co-localize with SAA deposits, I don't think the data presented can safely sustain that claim. I would, therefore, suggest that alternative methods to be employed to substantiate these conclusions: Supposedly, would it be possible to immuno-precipitate (IP) amyloid SAA and assess ASC via western blotting? As well as IP ASC and detect SAA? Or use DSS-crosslinking to find ASC oligomers in tissue areas rich in SAA?

      Response: In addition to assessing co-localization by means of STED superresolution microscopy (Fig. 1), we also employed LiP-MS with various forms of ASC (monomeric and ASC specks) and identified a previously unrecognized biophysical interaction of SAA and the ASC PYD domain (Fig. 2C-F). As an orthogonal line of evidence, we provided kinetic data showing that SAA aggregation is enhanced in the presence of ASC specks (Fig. 2A-B). We feel that these results are reasonably convincing, but we agree that co-localization is almost invariably an aspirational finding, and even superresolution microscopy cannot fully exclude the presence artifacts (nor can, in fairness, co-immunoprecipitation, which must often rely on overexpression). A sentence acknowledging this limitation was added to the Discussion.

      Comment 4: For example, it would be reasonable to quantify the results in Figure 3G and providing clarification regarding the controls in the figure legend. Though there is significantly less SAA in spleen homogenates from Asc−/−, there also seems to be the case for b-actin in Fig 3G. Moreover, in the figure legend the authors state: "...Spleen homogenate from untreated (-ctrl) and AA+ (+ctrl) C57BL/6 wt mice from an independent experiment served as negative and positive control, respectively." I don't know what the authors mean with that. Is this a montage, or samples from different experiments were run together in one blot? And if so, for what reason? This is confusing and should be clarified.

      Response: We reworded the figure legend to provide clarity about the technical assay controls and adjusted the labels in Fig. 3E __accordingly: To ascertain SAA antibody functionality, mouse spleen homogenate from independently obtained and Congo red-confirmed AA+ tissue served as positive, whereas non-induced (AA-) spleen tissue served as negative technical controls. (__Fig 3E). We decided to show the two (positive/AA+ and negative/AA-) technical controls in Fig. 3E.

      Comment 5: Furthermore, in the Abstract, a slight rephrasing is suggested to accurately describe ASC specks as molecular aggregates formed inside cells, which are subsequently released into the extracellular space.

      Response: We thank the referee for bringing this to our attention. We rephrased the abstract accordingly.

      Comment 6: Lastly, enhancing the text size in figures, particularly in Fig 3, is advised to improve legibility and overall clarity.

      Response: The legibility and style of main Fig. 3 text sizes has been changed and additional figure formatting has been performed.

      Referee 2

      General: The manuscript by Losa et al., investigates whether ASC is involved in serum AA amyloidosis. The authors report that ASC colocalizes with SAA in human AA amyloidosis and that purified ASC specks accelerate SAA fibril formation in vitro. In addition, splenic AA amyloid was decreased in Pycard-/- mice compared to Pycard+/+ mice and that treatment with anti-ASC antibodies decreased amyloid loads in Pycard+/+ mice. Lastly, they analyzed serum of 19,334 patients to show that the prevalence of anti-ASC antibodies did not correlate with any specific disease. The authors conclude that ASC to play a role in extraneural proteinopathies of humans and experimental animals and suggest that anti-ASC immunotherapy may contribute to resolving such diseases. The findings in the study are novel and demonstrate a new role for ASC in aggregation proteinopathies. However, there are number of issues that need to be addressed before acceptance for publication.

      Significance: __The findings in the study are novel and demonstrate a new role for ASC in aggregation proteinopathies. This study reports a crucial role for ASC in SAA interaction and recruitment, SAA serum level modulation, SAA fibril formation acceleration, and controlling the extent of inflammation associated amyloidosis with respect to AA amyloid deposition __

      Comment 1: Figure 3 E depicts Western blots of monomeric SAA in spleen of Pycard+/+ and Pycard-/- mice. The authors should include immunoblots depicting the levels of ASC in these tissues and to demonstrate that the Pycard-/- mice lack ASC.

      Response: We did not perform ASC immunoblots for Pycard-/- and Pycard+/+ mice since the absence of the ASC protein in this well-established mouse line has been demonstrated in several key publications, including under inflammation conditions (right side of the figure below, from Mariathasan et al., Nature, 2014). However, we show ASC IHC of Pycard+/+ and Pycard-/- AA+ mice on spleen, confirming the absence of an ASC signal in Pycard-/- mice and its presence in the Pycard+/+ (Fig. 3F). Moreover, our genotyping data confirmed the presence and absence of the Pycard gene in Pycard+/+ and Pycard-/- AA+ mice.

      Comment 2: Fig. 3B shows that at 96 hours after injection there was no difference in SAA serum concentration. How do the authors explain this drop in SAA serum concentration? No explanation is provided.

      Response: Acute-phase response peaks at 24 hours after injury (i.e., Kushner I, 1982; Gabay et Kushner, 1999; Gitlin et Colten, 1987, Calif.: Academic Press, 1987:123-53). Beyond 24 hours, acute phase proteins decay over time mirroring the process of tissue integrity restoration and the clearance of the insulting stimuli. This is in line with our data, where the inflammatory injury was induced by subcutaneous AgNO3 injection, resulting in a non-statistical serum SAA difference between the Pycard+/+ and Pycard-/- experimental mice at 96 hours post AgNO3 injection. In addition, the majority of SAA in Pycard+/+ mice was incorporated into amyloid deposit. As suggested by the reviewer we have included this explanation/references into the revised manuscript.

      Comment 3: Figure 4 shows anti-ASC administration reduces amyloid load. The immunoblot in Figure 4C does not represent the quantification of the blot. In fact, there are only 3 samples per treatment group whereas the quantification shows 5-6 animals per group.

      Response: We have performed two independent immunoblots at the same time to perform technical replicates (duplicates). As pointed out by the reviewer, this resulted in 6 samples and data points that were visualized and analyzed in main Fig. 4C. To avoid duplicating data, overloading the main figures with technical replicates, we opted to show only one representative immunoblot in the main Fig. 4C. The other blots are shown in the supplementary figures Fig. S13A and Fig. S13B for full transparency.

      Comment 4: Additionally, the authors have not shown that the drug penetrates the target tissue and how much drug is present in spleen to provide a therapeutic effect. What is the half-life of the drug? These parameters are critical to assess the MOA of the anti-ASC used in these studies.

      Response: To assess the pharmacokinetics of the anti-ASC antibody, we determined its titers in serum by ELISA at various time points up to 96 hpi after the first injection. The anti-ASC antibody serum levels peaked at 24 hpi and declined to about half maximal serum concentration levels at 96 hpi. This serum half-life, for the injected concentration, is in the range of reported kinetic parameters of engineered monoclonal antibodies (e.g., Unverdorben et al., MAbs, 2016; Foss et al., Nat Comm, 2024) (Fig. 4B). Because of the high permeability of splenic red pulp vasculatures, and because of the absence of any selectively permeable barrier, efficacious imbibement of the splenic extracellular space can be plausibly expected. Theoretically, one could perfuse mice intracardially with PBS and then measure antibody in tissue. Such measurements can work relatively well in the brain, which possesses a highly impermeable barrier. However, here we would find it difficult to convince ourselves that such measurements would not be contaminated by residual blood in splenic capillaries that may be difficult to clean up through perfusion. Therefore, we did not measure the antibody levels in the spleen.

      Comment 5: The authors should expand the discussion section to include the work of other groups that have successfully employed anti-ASC antibodies. For example, PMID: 35793783, PMID: 32366256

      Response: We thank the referee for pointing out that literature. We extended the discussion section accordingly and added these important references into the discussion.

      Comment 6: Methods: The authors provide the number of animals employed in the Supplemental Tables 5 and 7. These numbers should be provided in the methods section or in the Figure legends. Additionally, how many replicates were performed for the data in Figure 2?

      Response: __As suggested by the reviewer we now provide the number of animals in the figure legends of main __Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 __in addition to those in Table 5 and Supp Table 7__ to enhance clarity.

      Referee 3____

      General: The manuscript by Losa et al. explores the co-aggregation of ASC with serum amyloid A (SAA) in vivo and in mouse models, It posits that, similar to Amyloid beta, SAA is cross-seeded by ASC foci both in vitro and in vivo. This review only addresses the co-localization and in vitro cross seeding data (Figs. 1 and 2A, B), not the mouse experiments or mass spectrometry data. The manuscript first shows co-deposition of ASC with SAA amyloid. SAA was stained both with Congo red and ThS, both standard dyes for amyloid staining. Figure S2 shows CR birefringence, the hallmark of amyloid deposits. The authors then move to demonstrate co-localization of SAA and ASC in confocal and STED immuno-fluorescence microscopy.

      Significance: The discovery of the role of ASC in Alzheimer's disease generated an exciting new hypothesis to the etiology of sporadic AD, for which the cause is unknown. The current manuscript finds that ASC may also play a role in AA amyloidosis, which is a significant finding.

      Comment 1: Confocal images C-E show overlapping staining of markers for both SAA and ASC. Similarly, STED images show co-aggregation of ASC and SAA in amyloidosis patients. However, since confocal images F and G seem to show overlapping staining of the yellow and magenta channels as well, a careful quantitative analysis of the data I needed. Quantify co-localization (Pearson coefficient) in confocal and STED images. STED images from control patients are missing and need to be included.

      Response: AA amyloidosis is a relatively rare disease, and tissue samples thereof are even rarer. We only had access to the samples of one patient in both control and SAA groups. This limitation prevented us from conducting quantitative analyses. Rather than looking at the Pearson – or, possibly better, Spearman – correlation coefficient, we opted for an unbiased method of correlation in which we reconstructed the picture using 3D surface rendering with the Imaris software (see Fig. 1). From this reconstruction, we exported the barycenter of each surface on a 3D plot for both SAA and ASC markers (see Fig. S2B-C). Each point represents the center of a surface, while the box plots on the sides represent the distribution of the markers in space, demonstrating the overlap of the markers for ASC and SAA. We also understand the suggestion to conduct STED imaging on control samples to show the absence of co-aggregation. However, we could not be sure of which region to capture and how to decide on the focus, as we did not detect strong signal from confocal images of the control sample. Imaging blindly would almost necessarily lead to irrelevant imaging and aberrant comparison. We do not claim any quantitative data out of these images; however, we report an observation. Quantitative and mechanistic co-aggregation data are presented in Fig. 2 using LiP-MS.

      Comment 2: The authors then move on to demonstrate that ASC foci can cross-seed SAA amyloid formation in vitro, by recording SAA aggregation kinetics in the presence and absence of ASC foci. Curves recorded in the presence of ASC foci have accelerated kinetics as shown by a decrease in the time to reach half-maximal fluorescence (t1/2). However, these data (Fig 2A, B) are not very clean. Only three data points out of five curves shown in panel A. are presented in the fitting of the control (yellow) aggregation kinetics in panel B. Why was this done? Panel B shows a significant difference between the control and the kinetics seeded with ASC specks. It looks doubtful that the results are still statistically significant if these data are included, so their exclusion impacts the overall conclusion of the paper. The significance of the cross-seeding results needs to be substantiated experimentally.

      __Response: __The in vitro SAA aggregation assay was performed under established conditions (Claus S et al., EMBO Rep 2017) and the resulting data was processed using the AmyloFit software from the Knowles lab in Cambridge, UK (Meisl G et al., Nat Protoc 2016). The AmyloFit technology uses global fitting resulting in high-accuracy kinetics. Given the software algorithm, only curves that show a sigmoidal ThT fluorescence signal over time can be fitted. Therefore, replicates that do not show aggregation (characteristic ThT signal) over time cannot be fitted. As a result, only three out of six curves could be fitted resulting in three t1/2. Conversely, in the presence of ASC specks, all six replicates aggregated in a dose-dependent manner, and could be fitted perfectly, yielding six t1/2 values. Thus, all available data points are plotted and used for statistical analysis. Moreover, the fact that in presence of ASC specks all SAA replicates aggregated/converted successfully in a dose-dependent manner (whereas in the SAA-only condition some replicates do not aggregate) further underscores the pivotal role of ASC specks in SAA seeding, conversion, and aggregation enhancement.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Losa et al. explores the co-aggregation of ASC with serum amyloid A (SAA) in vivo and in mouse models, It posits that, similar to Amyloid beta, SAA is cross-seeded by ASC foci both in vitro and in vivo. This review only addresses the co-localization and in vitro cross seeding data (Figs. 1 and 2A, B), not the mouse experiments or mass spectrometry data.

      The manuscript first shows co-deposition of ASC with SAA amyloid. SAA was stained both with Congo red and ThS, both standard dyes for amyloid staining. Figure S2 shows CR birefringence, the hallmark of amyloid deposits. The authors then move to demonstrate co-localization of SAA and ASC in confocal and STED immuno-fluorescence microscopy.

      Confocal images C-E show overlapping staining of markers for both SAA and ASC. Similarly, STED images show co-aggregation of ASC and SAA in amyloidosis patients. However, since confocal images F and G seem to show overlapping staining of the yellow and magenta channels as well, a careful quantitative analysis of the data I needed. Quantify co-localization (Pearson coefficient) in confocal and STED images. STED images from control patients are missing and need to be included. The authors then move on to demonstrate that ASC foci can cross-seed SAA amyloid formation in vitro, by recording SAA aggregation kinetics in the presence and absence of ASC foci. Curves recorded in the presence of ASC foci have accelerated kinetics as shown by a decrease in the time to reach half-maximal fluorescence (t1/2). However, these data (Fig 2A, B) are not very clean. Only three data points out of five curves shown in panel A. are presented in the fitting of the control (yellow) aggregation kinetics in panel B. Why was this done? Panel B shows a significant difference between the control and the kinetics seeded with ASC specks. It looks doubtful that the results are still statistically significant if these data are included, so their exclusion impacts the overall conclusion of the paper. The significance of the cross-seeding results needs to be substantiated experimentally.


      The discovery of the role of ASC in Alzheimer's disease generated an exciting new hypothesis to the etiology of sporadic AD, for which the cause is unknown. The current manuscript finds that ASC may also play a role in AA amyloidosis, which is a significant finding.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Losa et al., investigates whether ASC is involved in serum AA amyloidosis. The authors report that ASC colocalizes with SAA in human AA amyloidosis and that purified ASC specks accelerate SAA fibril formation in vitro. In addition, splenic AA amyloid was decreased in Pycard-/- mice compared to Pycard+/+ mice and that treatment with anti-ASC antibodies decreased amyloid loads in Pycard+/+ mice. Lastly, they analyzed serum of 19,334 patients to show that the prevalence of anti-ASC antibodies did not correlate with any specific disease. The authors conclude that ASC to play a role in extraneural proteinopathies of humans and experimental animals and suggest that anti-ASC immunotherapy may contribute to resolving such diseases. The findings in the study are novel and demonstrate a new role for ASC in aggregation proteinopathies. However, there are number of issues that need to be addressed before acceptance for publication.

      Major Points:

      Figure 3 E depicts Western blots of monomeric SAA in spleen of Pycard+/+ and Pycard-/- mice. The authors should include immunoblots depicting the levels of ASC in these tissues and to demonstrate that the Pycard-/- mice lack ASC. Fig. 3B shows that at 96 hours after injection there was no difference in SAA serum concentration. How do the authors explain this drop in SAA serum concentration? No explanation is provided.

      Figure 4 shows anti-ASC administration reduces amyloid load. The immunoblot in Figure 4C does not represent the quantification of the blot. In fact, there are only 3 samples per treatment group whereas the quantification shows 5-6 animals per group. Additionally, the authors have not shown that the drug penetrates the target tissue and how much drug is present in spleen to provide a therapeutic effect. What is the half-life of the drug? These parameters are critical to assess the MOA of the anti-ASC used in these studies.

      The authors should expand the discussion section to include the work of other groups that have successfully employed anti-ASC antibodies. For example, PMID: 35793783, PMID: 32366256

      Methods: The authors provide the number of animals employed in the Supplemental Tables 5 and 7. These numbers should be provided in the methods section or in the Figure legends. Additionally, how many replicates were performed for the data in Figure 2?


      The findings in the study are novel and demonstrate a new role for ASC in aggregation proteinopathies. This study reports a crucial role for ASC in SAA interaction and recruitment, SAA serum level modulation, SAA fibril formation acceleration, and controlling the extent of inflammation associated amyloidosis with respect to AA amyloid deposition

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, et al., investigates the role of the inflammasome adapter ASC (in AA amyloidosis). This condition involves the aggregation of serum amyloid A (SAA) and is linked to chronic inflammation.

      Firstly, I can directly say that I do recommend this study for publication. This is a well conducted and well-written study which advances the knowledge on IL-1-independent inflammatory functions of inflammasomes. Furthermore, I find it particularly impressive that despite the inflammasome research community is well aware that amyloidosis is a hallmark of inflammatory diseases, it took a neuroscientist specialized in prion diseases to raise the question whether ASC would be involved in seeding serum AA aggregation.

      Key findings include:

      • ASC forms extracellular aggregates that enhance SAA aggregation, as observed through superresolution microscopy.
      • In a mouse model, the absence of ASC significantly reduced amyloid load, not due to increased phagocytosis but likely due to diminished aggregation.
      • Treatment with anti-ASC antibodies reduced amyloid load and mitigated weight loss in mice with AA amyloidosis.

      These findings suggest that ASC plays a crucial role in AA amyloidosis and that targeting ASC could be a potential therapeutic strategy. The study expands our understanding of the involvement of ASC in proteinopathies beyond neural diseases, pointing to its role in systemic conditions like AA amyloidosis. Main Comments: Overall, the experiments are well-conducted and mostly all controls I would expect were included. With few exceptions, the data is convincing. With that said, I have issues with some of the staining employed in Fig 1.

      In Fig. 1, the authors assess ASC staining in cardiac tissues from a patient with vasculitis and systemic inflammation-related AA amyloidosis, and a control patient who died of a heart attack but had no signs of amyloidosis. However, most of the data shown is related to the AL177 anti-ASC. More importantly, no isotype stainings are included. We have previously demonstrated that the AL177 anti-ASC, used here, reacts quite strongly with ASC−/− cells, and it is one of the less specific anti-ASC commercially available (PMID: 27221487). As this is data from one patient (understandably), I wonder if the authors could counterstain ASC in the same samples using a specific human anti-ASC with a different color (ex: Biolegend HASC), and confirm that the signal overlays with the AL-177.

      Finally, in Figure 1H it seens from the description that another anti-ASC was used: "referred in the legend as ASC (MAB ASC, Yellow)". Is this a monoclonal anti-ASC? Also, the images show large and bright antibody aggregates (middle of the image, top left corner behind the "H", and a massive fluorescence in the bottom right of the image), indicating the presence of staining artifacts. Again, no counterstaining with isotype controls are shown.

      Overall, although I don't dispute the possibility that ASC would co-localize with SAA deposits, I don't think the data presented can safely sustain that claim. I would, therefore, suggest that alternative methods to be employed to substantiate these conclusions: Supposedly, would it be possible to immuno-precipitate (IP) amyloid SAA and assess ASC via western blotting? As well as IP ASC and detect SAA? Or use DSS-crosslinking to find ASC oligomers in tissue areas rich in SAA?

      Minor comments:

      In addition to these main comments, some minor adjustments are recommended:

      For example, it would be reasonable to quantify the results in Figure 3G and providing clarification regarding the controls in the figure legend. Though there is significantly less SAA in spleen homogenates from Asc−/−, there also seems to be the case for b-actin in Fig 3G. Moreover, in the figure legend the authors state: "...Spleen homogenate from untreated (-ctrl) and AA+ (+ctrl) C57BL/6 wt mice from an independent experiment served as negative and positive control, respectively." I don't know what the authors mean with that. Is this a montage, or samples from different experiments were run together in one blot? And if so, for what reason? This is confusing and should be clarified.

      Furthermore, in the Abstract, a slight rephrasing is suggested to accurately describe ASC specks as molecular aggregates formed inside cells, which are subsequently released into the extracellular space.

      Lastly, enhancing the text size in figures, particularly in Fig 3, is advised to improve legibility and overall clarity.


      In conclusion, this manuscript offers valuable insights into the role of ASC in AA amyloidosis, presenting compelling findings that support its potential as a therapeutic target. Addressing the mentioned concerns and making the suggested revisions will further enhance the manuscript's scientific rigor and impact. Overall, this study is a valuable contribution to the field of inflammasome research and its relevance in systemic conditions like AA amyloidosis.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We would like to thank the reviewers for their attentive reading of our manuscript. We appreciate all the comments and suggestions. We have addressed all the concerns and have included point-by-point responses.

      Reviewer #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      • *


      * Cacioppo et al perform a meta-analysis of public omics data examining AURKA protein and mRNA expression (including mRNA isoforms with alternative cleavage and polyadenylation), and hsa-let-7a miRNA (shown to target AURKA mRNA) in multiple cancer types from The Cancer Genome Atlas. They conclude AURKA mRNA and protein expression may be discordant in cancer in part due to the interplay between alternative polyadenylation and hsa-let-7a miRNA.

      Major comments:*

      * 1) Unfortunately, there is a major flaw in the TCGA AURKA protein quantification data that underpins much of this study. Following the protein data trail (via https://docs.gdc.cancer.gov/Data/Introduction and its dependents), it appears to rely on the CST anti-AURKA #14475 which is raised to an antigen around Pro70.*

      Response: We believe the reviewer refers to work from Bertolin et al. 2018 paper (https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.38111.001) that describes the appearance of truncated versions of AURKA in mitochondrial fractions of cell extracts and shows they depend upon the presence of PMPCB mitochondrial matrix peptidase. We are not familiar with any other literature describing this phenomenon. In our own hands we find AURKA present in the mitochondrial fraction, but the protein is mostly full-length (Grant et al. 2018, https://doi.org/10.1098/rsob.170272). In both papers the mitochondrial pool is small relative to the total cellular pool of AURKA. In fact, this mitochondrial pool is so difficult to detect in intact cells that it has not been reported by other labs and is not universally acknowledged. Given the small size of the mitochondrial pool, any increased amounts of mitochondrial AURKA in cancers, it would be unlikely to significantly impact the measured total protein levels.

      2) Following the flaws identified in the protein foundation data, the study would then benefit from some post-validation of findings with actual biological data derived from their own independent assessment of the cancers being examined.

      • *

      Response: The literature thoroughly reports empirical evidence on AURKA protein expression levels in the cancers analysed in this study, therefore we don't believe our own post-validation of findings would add any novelty in this sense.

      Minor comments:

      * 1) All of the Correlation analysis have been tested for statistical significance and these results are available in the supplementary data. However, I think it would be useful if these statistics were also included in the main figures themselves. (Figures 1B, 2B and 2C) A low correlation that is statistically significant is a more powerful statement.*

      Response: We agree, and plan to add the results of the statistical analyses in the Figures 1B, 2B and 2C.

      2) In the materials and methods, Correlation is separated into distinct degrees: none to very strong, but apart from some lines on the graphs, these degrees of correlation strength are never revisited, so they should be included. Perhaps there is a biological difference between AURKA post transcriptional regulation and protein levels with different R score strength?

      Response: We believe that reiterating a discussion on the degrees of correlation strength in the main text would appear repetitive. We do however plan to add a sentence to appropriate points in the main text to redirect the reader to the materials and methods section for information on the distinct degrees of correlation.

      3) In Figure 2D a clustering analysis was performed to show the possible relationships between hsa-let-7a and protein levels. The current visualization is hard to understand. A 3D graph with Protein, mRNA and has-let-7a axis's would be easier to follow. I believe it would also be beneficial to do something similar including the APA data as this is the area that the paper lacks depth.

      • *

      Response: We agree that 3D graphs could aid visualization and plan to provide a link to an interactive 3D view of our analysis.

      * 4) Figure 3B and 3C, can you apply a statistical test on the SLR ratios given the magnitude difference between CCND1 and AURKA SLRs?*

      • *

      Response: Since the values of AURKA and CCND1 SLRs are not always coming from the same dataset and are therefore not matched for patients, we believe it would not be appropriate to make comparisons applying statistical tests.

      * 5) Even though the paper does not claim to provide a unifying hypothesis for APA/has-let-7a regulation of AURKA, I think a more in depth look at the data would be useful. The discussion starts off well when describing what was found with the analysis, but as is, is mostly a re-statement of the results without added insight.*

      Response: We agree that more in depth analysis of more data would be useful in strengthening conclusions. However, given the variability in interplay between APA and hsa-let-7a we describe, it is well beyond the scope of this study (or the extent of TCGA database) to come up with a unifying hypothesis.


      • *

      The study is novel in attempting to show additional layers of AURKA regulation that hadn't been previously investigated. Furthermore, factors controlling AURKA expression are of broad interest. Overall, I would like to say this is an interesting investigation into AURKA mRNA expression in cancers. In our opinion the choice of bioinformatic tools is appropriate and well controlled.*

      General Assessment: As noted in the major comments, a major weakness is the reliance on a flawed measure of AURKA protein levels from the foundation dataset. Thus, the study needs to be repeated using an alternative MS derived dataset to accurately quantify total AURKA protein levels. This would greatly improve the study and subsequent claims.

      Advance: The study has potential to extend knowledge in the field in a conceptual way, predicting the complex interplay of factors that regulate AURKA mRNA processing and translation.

      Audience: Currently the paper is only fully accessible a specialized bioinformatician audience but the topic (factors controlling AURKA expression) has a broad interest in many fields not limited to just cancer but also development and other non-cancer diseases.*

      * This review was jointly completed by a mouse model of human disease AURKA biologist with 24 years' experience, and a bioinformatician.*

      • *

      Reviewer #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript "Post-transcriptional control drives Aurora kinase A expression in human cancers", authors Cacioppo, Lindon and colleagues analyze publicly available data on transcript and protein levels for many cancer types to determine correlations between transcript and protein levels for Aurora A and the microRNA hsa-let-7a. This study builds on a recent publication from their lab where they show that different polyadenylation isoforms of the Aurora A transcript in triple negative breast cancer correlate with patient survival and affect protein abundance. In this study, they aim to extend this analysis to 18 different cancer types to determine if posttranscriptional regulation potentially plays a role in Aurora A protein abundance. The authors find that for certain cancer types, Aurora A protein abundance does not correlate with mRNA abundance, suggesting that posttranscriptional regulation may be responsible for differences in protein expression in these cancer types. Furthermore, they find negative correlations between expression of hsa-let-7a and mRNA and protein abundance in certain cancer types, implicating this microRNA as a potential regulator of Aurora A mRNA stability.*

      Major comments:

      1. The biggest issue that I have with this analysis relates to the assumption that Aurora A levels will be meaningfully different between individual tumors in all cancer types. For some cancers, the lack of a correlation between mRNA and protein levels for Aurora A could simply be because Aurora A overexpression is not a feature of that cancer type. Looking at the data, the cancer types where they see little-to-no correlation are the cancer types where none of the tumors have high levels of Aurora A mRNA or protein. Therefore, the lack of correlation is likely because differences in protein levels result from noise in the measurements rather than posttranscriptional regulation. Since the lack of correlation between protein and mRNA in these cancer types is the main evidence for the primary conclusion in the paper that "AURKA mRNA and protein expression are often discordant in cancer as a result of dynamic post-transcriptional regulation", I don't think that this conclusion is supported by the data. If anything, the data seems to show that substantial changes in Aurora A protein levels are almost always accompanied by a corresponding change in mRNA levels.

      To address this issue, the authors could look at the variability in Aurora A protein levels for each cancer type, and then focus their correlation analyses on cancer types where overexpression of Aurora A is a feature.*

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this thoughtful comment. We decided not to consider data on AURKA protein levels between healthy and tumour samples because of the lack of proteomic datasets of matching normal tissues for all cancers (except BRCA) in the TCGA database. For this reason, it cannot be excluded that the tumours where we see little-to-no protein-mRNA correlation have in fact high levels of AURKA protein. Indeed, the literature reports wide empirical evidence that AURKA protein is overexpressed in the cancer tissues where we see little-to-no protein-mRNA correlation (Thyroid cancer: Zhao et al, Cell Biosci, 2022; Jingtai et al, Cell Death Dis, 2023. Prostate cancer: Das et al, Pathol, 2010; Chun Yu Lee et al, Cancer Res, 2006. Kidney cancers: Wen et al, Heliyon, 2024; Li et al, Cell Death Dis, 2022. No evidence available for PCPG). Therefore, we believe that is reasonable to propose that in these cancers, which according to our analysis of TCGA data only show minor or no increase in AURKA mRNA expression compared to the normal tissue, lack of correlation is because of post-transcriptional regulation.

      2. The statistical significance of the analyses is often unclear. For the correlations between Aurora A protein levels and hsa-let-7a, authors mention that two cancers have a correlation with "statistical significance", but I cannot find any indication of how that was determined, and it is not shown in the corresponding figure (2C). The only time significance is indicated for a correlation is in Figure 4A. Is this the only correlation in the whole manuscript with a p-value less than .05?

      Response: The results of the statistical analyses are included in the corresponding supplementary data (Sup. Fig 1, Sup. Fig. 2A-B). We plan to add them to the Figures 1B, 2B and 2C as requested by another reviewer.

      3. The SLR for the Aurora A transcripts is only shown in terms of a ratio between cancer and normal tissue. Without the numbers in the absence of normalization, it is difficult to determine how meaningful this is. Is a two-fold change going from .3 to .6 or .001 to .002?

      • *

      Response: We plan to add a supplementary table containing the SLR values for matched normal and cancer samples in the absence of normalization.

      4. Figure 5B is nearly impossible to interpret due to the extreme differences in overall transcript levels between the cancer types. The differences in scaling of the y-axis between the plots makes this even more challenging. The authors state that "It is evident that each isoform has an individual profile of expression across cancers", but this could only be determined from relative expression levels between the different isoforms instead of absolute levels.

      Response: We retrieved this plot from the GEPIA2 platform without possibility of editing the y-axis. We plan to edit the text to "It is likely that each isoform has an individual profile of expression across cancers, however a measure of the relative expression levels between the different isoforms would be required".

      Minor comments:*

      1. In supplementary figure 3, SLR is plotted on a log scale in A and a linear scale in B.*

      Response: We plan to convert the SLR scale in Sup. Fig. 3B to a log scale.

      2. Figure 4D is a correlation of correlations. I don't see how to interpret this in a meaningful way.

      Response: Figure 4D is not intended for quantitative analysis of correlation of correlations (no quantitative coefficients were in fact calculated), rather to visualize how the link of AURKA SLR with AURKA protein levels and that with hsa-let-7a levels can be differently associated in different cancers.


      Aurora A is overexpressed in a wide variety of cancer types. This overexpression is commonly believed to result primarily from increased mRNA abundance. The identification of additional mechanisms regulating Aurora A protein levels would therefore be of interest to the field, as these regulatory mechanisms could be contributing to Aurora A's role in cancer progression.*

      To some degree, the significance of the findings presented here depend on whether they convincingly demonstrate substantial post-transcriptional regulation. My interpretation of the data presented in this manuscript is that it largely supports Aurora A protein levels being extremely well correlated with mRNA levels, which is in line with previous findings.*

      • *

      • *

      • *

      Reviewer #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      • *

      *Aurora A misregulation at both mRNA and protein levels has been known since the 1990s to be casually associated in vivo, and strongly associated in vitro, with tumourigenesis. The study builds the case that dysregulation of Aurora A mRNA and protein levels (most previously established) are more prevalent in cancer cells than 'normal' cells, using data from TCGA, and extends this to a mechanistic explanation. It evaluates miRNA and the ratio of the two short/long ratio (SLR) isoforms of mRNA across cancer types compared to healthy controls. The work concludes that an interplay between APA (alternative polyadenylation) and hsa-let-7a miRNA (which has known tumor suppressor properties) regulation of AURKA mRNA contributes to alternative splicing, revealing a new factor explaining changes in AURKA expression in many (if not all) cancers. *

      • *

      *Minor points: *

      • *

      *1) To strengthen the study, some analysis of AURKB mRNA would be useful in the same datasets, because this is also an M-phase kinase. *

      • *

      Response: We carried out a specific study of AURKA (and to some extent also of the cell cycle regulator CCND1) using time-limited access to private TCGA datasets. Although we agree that investigation of AURKB would potentially enable us to strengthen some conclusions, this would be a new project that we do not currently have resources for.

      *2) What happens to TPX2 or CEP192 mRNA (splicing or levels) in the same samples? For TPX2 in particular, this is described in the literature to help form the oncogenic holoenzyme, as well as dictating AURKA protein stability. *

      • *

      Response: Again, we like this suggestion but are not in a position to carry out analyses of TPX2 and CEP192 within the scope of this study.

      • *

      *3) Does an alternative AURKA splicing change G1/S to G2/M-phase roles of AURKA? I understand that mRNA is repressed by hsa- let-7a in G1 and S phases but not in G2, so how does non M-phase AURKA protein get made? This may be beyond the scope of the study at this point. *

      • *

      Response: Whether alternative AURKA transcripts change non-mitotic roles of AURKA is an open and intriguing question. In acknowledgement of this point raised by the reviewer, we plan to add a discussion on this in the main text: "Although there is no evidence to date that different AURKA transcripts might influence AURKA activity, instances of isoform-dependent protein localization and function are increasingly reported (Mitschka and Mayr, Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 2022). In a previous study, we have detected higher nuclear localization of a reporter protein under the regulation of AURKA short 3'UTR (Cacioppo et al., eLife, 2023). Therefore, there is a possibility that AURKA mRNA isoforms are targeted to different subcellular localizations to support localized translation - or that AURKA protein is co-translationally targeted to different compartments - and AURKA may be preferentially localized in the nucleus when coded by the short 3'UTR mRNA".

      AURKA protein levels are maintained very low in G1 to S phase compared to G2 and M phases. At the level of translation, this is likely ensured by the absence of factors/mechanisms that activate AURKA translation (e.g., hnRNP Q1) and the presence of factors/mechanisms that repress its translation (e.g., hsa-let-7a), the combination of which results in basal translation of AURKA in G1/S until full translational activation in G2 (where a switch likely occurs whereby activating factors operate while repressing factors are disabled). However, the combination and synergy of these factors/mechanisms are likely cell type- and context-dependent.

      • *


      *I think the study is strong overall, and the authors are humble enough to describe the work as an exploratory analysis, which though not directly in my area of expertise (since it relies on data assembly and statistical analysis), has the right team to ask the questions and interrogate the data. It builds on a huge amount of literature and a recent study from this team showing that alternative translation is relevant to activation of AURKA, and which linked let-7a to this process. Overall, the study provides a very useful resource for other researchers, assembling a large amount of data around AURKA mRNA variants, Let-7a miRNA and coming to the conclusions that *

      *1) hsa-let-7a potentially negatively controls the rate of degradation or translation of AURKA mRNA in cancer cells. *

      *2) Splicing-related architecture of the 5'UTR of AURKA mRNA likely plays a role in determining the context-dependent cancer expression profile of expression. *

      Overall, with some extra information around the key regulators of AURKA (TPX2 mRNA?) the work is likely to be cited and spur on future studies.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Aurora A misregulation at both mRNA and protein levels has been known since the 1990s to be casually associated in vivo, and strongly associated in vitro, with tumourigenesis. The study builds the case that dysregulation of Aurora A mRNA and protein levels (most previously established) are more prevalent in cancer cells than 'normal' cells, using data from TCGA, and extends this to a mechanistic explanation. It evaluates miRNA and the ratio of the two short/long ratio (SLR) isoforms of mRNA across cancer types compared to healthy controls. The work concludes that an interplay between APA (alternative polyadenylation) and hsa-let-7a miRNA (which has known tumor suppressor properties) regulation of AURKA mRNA contributes to alternative splicing, revealing a new factor explaining changes in AURKA expression in many (if not all) cancers.

      Minor points:

      1. To strengthen the study, some analysis of AURKB mRNA would be useful in the same datasets, because this is also an M-phase kinase.
      2. What happens to TPX2 or CEP192 mRNA (splicing or levels) in the same samples? For TPX2 in particular, this is described in the literature to help form the oncogenic holoenzyme, as well as dictating AURKA protein stability
      3. Does an alternative AURKA splicing change G1/S to G2/M-phase roles of AURKA? I undersgtand that mRNA is repressed by hsa- let-7a in G1 and S phases but not in G2, so how does non M-phase AURKA protein get made? This may be beyond the scope of the study at this point.


      I think the study is strong overall, and the authors are humble enough to describe the work as an exploratory analysis, which though not directly in my area of expertise (since it relies on data assembly and statistical analysis), has the right team to ask the questions and interrogate the data. It builds on a huge amount of literature and a recent study from this team showing that alternative translation is relevant to activation of AURKA, and which linked let-7a to this process. Overall, the study provides a very useful resource for other researchers, assembling a large amount of data around AURKA mRNA variants, Let-7a miRNA and coming to the conclusions that

      1) hsa-let-7a potentially negatively controls the rate of degradation or translation of AURKA mRNA in cancer cells.

      2)Splicing-related architecture of the 5'UTR of AURKA mRNA likely plays a role in determining the context-dependent cancer expression profile of expression.

      Overall, with some extra information around the key regulators of AURKA (TPX2 mRNA?) the work is likely to be cited and spur on future studies.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript "Post-transcriptional control drives Aurora kinase A expression in human cancers", authors Cacioppo, Lindon and colleagues analyze publicly available data on transcript and protein levels for many cancer types to determine correlations between transcript and protein levels for Aurora A and the microRNA hsa-let-7a. This study builds on a recent publication from their lab where they show that different polyadenylation isoforms of the Aurora A transcript in triple negative breast cancer correlate with patient survival and affect protein abundance. In this study, they aim to extend this analysis to 18 different cancer types to determine if posttranscriptional regulation potentially plays a role in Aurora A protein abundance. The authors find that for certain cancer types, Aurora A protein abundance does not correlate with mRNA abundance, suggesting that posttranscriptional regulation may be responsible for differences in protein expression in these cancer types. Furthermore, they find negative correlations between expression of hsa-let-7a and mRNA and protein abundance in certain cancer types, implicating this microRNA as a potential regulator of Aurora A mRNA stability.

      Major comments:

      1. The biggest issue that I have with this analysis relates to the assumption that Aurora A levels will be meaningfully different between individual tumors in all cancer types. For some cancers, the lack of a correlation between mRNA and protein levels for Aurora A could simply be because Aurora A overexpression is not a feature of that cancer type. Looking at the data, the cancer types where they see little-to-no correlation are the cancer types where none of the tumors have high levels of Aurora A mRNA or protein. Therefore, the lack of correlation is likely because differences in protein levels result from noise in the measurements rather than posttranscriptional regulation. Since the lack of correlation between protein and mRNA in these cancer types is the main evidence for the primary conclusion in the paper that "AURKA mRNA and protein expression are often discordant in cancer as a result of dynamic post-transcriptional regulation", I don't think that this conclusion is supported by the data. If anything, the data seems to show that substantial changes in Aurora A protein levels are almost always accompanied by a corresponding change in mRNA levels.

      To address this issue, the authors could look at the variability in Aurora A protein levels for each cancer type, and then focus their correlation analyses on cancer types where overexpression of Aurora A is a feature.<br /> 2. The statistical significance of the analyses is often unclear. For the correlations between Aurora A protein levels and hsa-let-7a, authors mention that two cancers have a correlation with "statistical significance", but I cannot find any indication of how that was determined, and it is not shown in the corresponding figure (2C). The only time significance is indicated for a correlation is in Figure 4A. Is this the only correlation in the whole manuscript with a p-value less than .05? 3. The SLR for the Aurora A transcripts is only shown in terms of a ratio between cancer and normal tissue. Without the numbers in the absence of normalization, it is difficult to determine how meaningful this is. Is a two-fold change going from .3 to .6 or .001 to .002? 4. Figure 5B is nearly impossible to interpret due to the extreme differences in overall transcript levels between the cancer types. The differences in scaling of the y-axis between the plots makes this even more challenging. The authors state that "It is evident that each isoform has an individual profile of expression across cancers", but this could only be determined from relative expression levels between the different isoforms instead of absolute levels.

      Minor comments:

      1. In supplementary figure 3, SLR is plotted on a log scale in A and a linear scale in B.
      2. Figure 4D is a correlation of correlations. I don't see how to interpret this in a meaningful way.


      Aurora A is overexpressed in a wide variety of cancer types. This overexpression is commonly believed to result primarily from increased mRNA abundance. The identification of additional mechanisms regulating Aurora A protein levels would therefore be of interest to the field, as these regulatory mechanisms could be contributing to Aurora A's role in cancer progression.

      To some degree, the significance of the findings presented here depend on whether they convincingly demonstrate substantial post-transcriptional regulation. My interpretation of the data presented in this manuscript is that it largely supports Aurora A protein levels being extremely well correlated with mRNA levels, which is in line with previous findings.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Cacioppo et al perform a meta-analysis of public omics data examining AURKA protein and mRNA expression (including mRNA isoforms with alternative cleavage and polyadenylation), and hsa-let-7a miRNA (shown to target AURKA mRNA) in multiple cancer types from The Cancer Genome Atlas. They conclude AURKA mRNA and protein expression may be discordant in cancer in part due to the interplay between alternative polyadenylation and hsa-let-7a miRNA.

      Major comments:

      1. Unfortunately, there is a major flaw in the TCGA AURKA protein quantification data that underpins much of this study. Following the protein data trail (via https://docs.gdc.cancer.gov/Data/Introduction and its dependents), it appears to rely on the CST anti-AURKA #14475 which is raised to an antigen around Pro70.

      It has been documented that short isoforms of AURKA exist where up to ~100 amino acids are progressively removed from the N-terminus as part of trafficking AURKA to the mitochondria. The antibody strategy then used here to quantify AURKA levels, would not recognize these short isoforms as the antigen around Pro70 is removed. This means the quantitated AURKA protein levels in the datasets analyzed do NOT reflect total protein levels of AURKA. This key point then casts doubt on all the claimed protein-correlated findings. (The RPPA source data itself also flags the antibody validation with caution due to low correlation).

      In light of this the authors should seek to re-validate their protein expression data with datasets generated from alternative protein quantification methods such as Mass Spectrometry (blind to isoform and not antibody biased). 2. Following the flaws identified in the protein foundation data, the study would then benefit from some post-validation of findings with actual biological data derived from their own independent assessment of the cancers being examined.

      Minor comments:

      1. All of the Correlation analysis have been tested for statistical significance and these results are available in the supplementary data. However, I think it would be useful if these statistics were also included in the main figures themselves. (Figures 1B, 2B and 2C) A low correlation that is statistically significant is a more powerful statement.
      2. In the materials and methods, Correlation is separated into distinct degrees: none to very strong, but apart from some lines on the graphs, these degrees of correlation strength are never revisited, so they should be included. Perhaps there is a biological difference between AURKA post transcriptional regulation and protein levels with different R score strength?
      3. In Figure 2D a clustering analysis was performed to show the possible relationships between hsa-let-7a and protein levels. The current visualization is hard to understand. A 3D graph with Protein, mRNA and has-let-7a axis's would be easier to follow.

      I believe it would also be beneficial to do something similar including the APA data as this is the area that the paper lacks depth. 4. Figure 3B and 3C, can you apply a statistical test on the SLR ratios given the magnitude difference between CCND1 and AURKA SLRs? 5. Even though the paper does not claim to provide a unifying hypothesis for APA/has-let-7a regulation of AURKA, I think a more in depth look at the data would be useful. The discussion starts off well when describing what was found with the analysis, but as is, is mostly a re-statement of the results without added insight.



      The study is novel in attempting to show additional layers of AURKA regulation that hadn't been previously investigated. Furthermore, factors controlling AURKA expression are of broad interest. Overall, I would like to say this is an interesting investigation into AURKA mRNA expression in cancers. In our opinion the choice of bioinformatic tools is appropriate and well controlled.

      General Assessment: As noted in the major comments, a major weakness is the reliance on a flawed measure of AURKA protein levels from the foundation dataset. Thus, the study needs to be repeated using an alternative MS derived dataset to accurately quantify total AURKA protein levels. This would greatly improve the study and subsequent claims.

      Advance: The study has potential to extend knowledge in the field in a conceptual way, predicting the complex interplay of factors that regulate AURKA mRNA processing and translation.

      Audience: Currently the paper is only fully accessible a specialized bioinformatician audience but the topic (factors controlling AURKA expression) has a broad interest in many fields not limited to just cancer but also development and other non-cancer diseases.

      This review was jointly completed by a mouse model of human disease AURKA biologist with 24 years' experience, and a bioinformatician.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      A. General Statements

      We thank the reviewers for their constructive feedback. We have made significant revisions to the mathematical modelling section of the manuscript to address your concerns. Therefore, some of the specific issues and concerns raised in previous reviews no longer apply. Where that is the case, please see the relevant context in the revision as indicated in the point-by-point description section below. We summarize the key points in the revised manuscript as follows.

      1. The key finding of our study, involving experimental measurements and mathematical modelling, is plasticity in the MinD concentration gradient, which results from spatial differences in molecular interactions and is an intrinsic property of the Min system during cell growth. This study reveals not only the role of the MinD concentration gradient in modulating bacterial cell division site placement but also showcasing an example of cellular components in the form of a concentration gradient in fundamental cellular processes, a concept crucial in cell biology. This work provides conceptual advancement in a quantitative understanding of MinD oscillations in the cellular environment and provides implications for bacterial cell division regulation for further studies in the field.

      2. The reviewer requested clarification on the differences between our study and previous studies involving experimental measurements and mathematical modelling of Min oscillations in cells. We would like to emphasize that although the goal of the previous works was to measure the spatiotemporal distribution of oscillating MinD concentration gradients as a function of cell length, these works conceived the problem differently and therefore used different experimental designs and execution methods, which differentiates our key conclusions from theirs. This is also true for mathematical modelling. Although similar observations can be found in some respects, they are not directly comparable due to the different mathematics and assumptions used in the simulations. For example, our model was built to adequately investigate the biological question of the MinD concentration gradient during cell elongation but not to evaluate the impact of cell shape and confinement or the nucleation effect of MinD. Thus, our model cannot be generalized to other shapes, such as those observed in the study by Wu et al., 2015 (Wu et al, 2015). Therefore, we would like to draw attention to the experimental rigor and to the specific points and views that contribute to our understanding of Min systems. We now provide a comprehensive comparison between them in the Supplemental Information.

      3. We have re-run the simulation to refine and improve the modelling procedures and results, and the corresponding text and illustration are provided in the Results section of the main text (Lines 265-279, 614-653) and Fig. S6. In brief, we fixed the diffusion coefficients D_D and D_E from Meacci et al. (2006) (Meacci et al, 2006); the dissociation rate constant k_de from a previous simulation (Wu et al., 2015); and the experimentally measured MinD and MinE concentrations in this study. Meanwhile, the diffusion coefficients D_d and D_de were assumed values based on bacterial membrane protein diffusion (Schavemaker et al, 2018). This operation allowed us to probe for the general behaviours of the system. As a result, we were able to obtain a few parameter sets, including #2728, that generate features of the oscillation period, λ_N and I_Ratio, that highly mimic MinD oscillation in the cellular context (Figs. 4C, S7-9). We further tested the impact of different kinetic constants, k_de, k_dD, k_dE, k_D, and k_(ADP→ATP), which represent different molecular interactions influencing the oscillation period, λ_N and I_Ratio (Fig 4D-H). Our findings have provided us with a solid theoretical view of how oscillation features may be controlled by different molecular interactions. Furthermore, the modelling results help us understand the possible mechanisms associated with oscillation cycle maintenance and length-dependent variable concentration gradients.

      4. Regarding the inclusion or removal of results from more culture conditions, we decided to keep only one condition as in the previous version for the following reasons. In order to draw convincing conclusions, we consider it more important to characterize all aspects under the same growth condition and avoid manipulation. Therefore, the main conclusions are drawn from our experiments characterizing several aspects of MinD oscillations in cells growing with 0.4% glucose. In support of these observations, we decided to maintain only one other condition, 0.1% glucose. Further analysis of cells growing under other conditions will not change the main conclusions but will increase the difficulty of determining how the MinD concentration changes with cell growth.

      5. Studying the variable concentration gradient underlying the dynamic oscillations of the Min system may be of broad interest to cell biologists since the concentration gradient plays a fundamental role in various cellular processes, and the concept of concentration gradients is crucial in cell biology. Examples of related processes include passive and active transport, osmosis, cell signalling, and maintenance of cellular homeostasis. These processes allow cells to respond to their environment, regulate their internal conditions, and perform important functions required for survival and normal function. In addition, variable concentration gradients, characterized by the numerical descriptor λ_N and was reproduced in a simple mathematical model, demonstrate a nonlinear dynamics behaviour in physical biology. Therefore, the audience of this work can include the broader general audience of cell biology and physical biology rather than just the immediate specialized audience interested in the Min system. We will also reiterate the importance of specialized research, which often provides the basis for broader application and understanding.

      B. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: Parada et al. studied both experimentally and theoretically the MinD concentration distribution of Min waves during cell growth. The main finding was that (i) the gradient of MinD is steeper for longer cells and accordingly the MinD concentration at the middle of cell is lower, (ii) period of the oscillation is independent to the cell length, and (iii) those features are shared even under glucose starvation except the MinD gradient is steeper. (iv) Those results are supplemented by the analyses of the reaction-diffusion equations in which parameters that can reproduce the MinD concentration distribution are identified. I think the results are interesting; basically, as the cell grows, the contrast of the wave becomes clearer, such the MinD concentration at the cell centre decreases. The results may clarify the mechanism of FtsZ accumulation at the cell centre more quantitatively. The experiments were performed by measuring the fluorescent intensity of MinD during cell growth and analysing the intensity distribution along the long axis of the cell. The theoretical results were based on the analyses of the reaction-diffusion model. Both approaches are already well established and the results sound. Nevertheless, I do not think the novelty of this work is not well highlighted in the current manuscript; I think most of the results, except (iii) and (iv), have already been shown explicitly or implicitly in the previous studies. Min oscillations in a growing cell have been analysed both theoretically and experimentally in (Meacci 2005) and [1] (Fischer-Friedrich et al, 2010). The concentration distribution and period of the oscillation were measured. The complete results were presented in [2] (Meacci et al., 2006), and I am not aware of those results in scientific journals (the thesis is available online). Nevertheless, I think it is fair to cite those studies and compare the current results with them. In fact, in [2], it was shown that the concentration of MinD near the cell centre decreases as the cell grows, the total MinD concentration is approximately constant during the growth (therefore, the number of the molecules increases), and that the variance of the period becomes smaller as the cell grows. I do not think those previous studies spoil this work, and this work deserves publication somewhere. Still, the authors should highlight the novelty of this study more clearly.

      ANS: We thank the reviewer for recognizing the soundness of our experimental and theoretical approaches and results. The key finding of our study, involving experimental measurements and mathematical modelling, is plasticity in the MinD concentration gradient, which results from spatial differences in molecular interactions and is an intrinsic property of the Min system during cell growth. This study reveals not only the role of the MinD concentration gradient in modulating bacterial cell division site placement but also showcasing an example of cellular components in the form of a concentration gradient in fundamental cellular processes, a concept crucial in cell biology. We believe that the established techniques and methods are integral to a broad range of works and provide confidence in improving them and using them to test hypotheses and obtain results. We also appreciate the reviewer for pointing out that Meacci's PhD thesis entitled "Physical aspects of Min oscillations in Escherichia coli" (Meacci & Kruse, 2005) is available online for public access. This thesis, along with two publications (Meacci & Kruse, 2005) (Meacci et al., 2006), explored Min oscillations in growing cells and used mathematical models. These two published works are cited in the previous version of the manuscript because we agree that these earlier works provide valuable context. As recommended, we went through these works again and the work by Fischer-Friedrich et al. (2010) (Fischer-Friedrich et al., 2010) to compare their wet experiments and mathematical models with ours, which are detailed in the Supplemental Information (Lines 26-147). Here, we emphasize that although the published works and our work set the goal of measuring the spatiotemporal distribution of oscillating MinD concentration gradients as a function of cell length, we conceived the problem differently and therefore used different experimental designs and analysis approaches, which have led to the key conclusions that differentiate our work from theirs.

      Major comments: (i) In (Meacci 2005) and [1,2], it was claimed that the standard deviation of the period is comparable with the mean period, particularly for the shorter cell. Therefore, they did not claim the period is independent to the cell length. As far as I understood, the variance arises from the variance of the total protein concentration in the assemble of cells. I am wondering how the authors are able to conclude the constant period in different cell length. I also point out that in the theoretical part of (Meacci 2005), the period is, in fact, increasing as the cell grows and suddenly decreases at the length in which cell division occurs.

      ANS: In our experiments, we found that the oscillation periods ranged from 36.8 to 65.6 sec, as measured from a population of cells (length of 1.9-4.5 µm; main text, Fig. 1E). Moreover, the standard deviations of the period ranged from 5.4% to 34.8% of the period, with larger standard deviations more common in shorter cells (Fig. 1D), indicating that regular interpolar oscillations are more likely to occur in longer cells. This observation echoes the study by Fischer-Friedrich et al. (2010) (Fischer-Friedrich et al., 2010), who reported stochastic switching MinD oscillation between two cell poles in cells below 2.5 μm. MinD starts to oscillate regularly from pole-to-pole between 2.5-3 μm with an oscillation period of 80 sec. Above 3.5 μm, MinD invariably undergoes regular oscillation with an initial period of 87 sec and then decreases to 70 sec at the end. In their study, they focused on the length-dependent switching from stochastic to regular oscillation states and speculated that the amount of MinE bound to the membrane critically influenced the shift from stochastic to regular interpolar oscillations. In addition, their observation of a longer period at the initial phase and a shorter period after the cells grew beyond 3.5 μm somewhat coincided with our simulation results, as shown in Fig. 4C-H, left. In Meacci's work (Thesis: Figure 2.14; Meacci and Kruse (2005) (Meacci & Kruse, 2005): Figure 5(b)), the temporal oscillation periods were measured from 40 to 120 sec when focusing on cells with lengths similar to those in our measurements (black dots in Meacci's chart). Our measurements of oscillation periods clearly show much smaller fluctuations than those in Meacci's study and are more comparable to Fischer-Friedrich's measurements. Differences can arise across different bacterial strains and culture conditions that may significantly affect the amount and quality of protein expressed in individual studies. In short, all three works differ in terms of experimental design and execution. Although similar observations can be found in some aspects, they are not directly comparable. Therefore, we would like to draw attention to the experimental rigor and specific points and views that contribute to our understanding of the Min system. We have changed the wording from 'constant period' to 'fairly stable period' throughout the manuscript. This description is based on our experimental measurements (Fig. 1D, E) and is also supported by our mathematical modelling (Fig. 4C-H, left). In response to the statement from the theoretical model of (Meacci & Kruse, 2005): "the period is increasing as the cell grows and suddenly decreases at the length in which cell division occurs." First, our simulation results revealed a mild increase in the oscillation period during cell elongation (Fig. 4C). The increase is adjustable by varying the reaction rate constants in the simulation (Fig. 4D-H). Second, although we did not simulate dividing cells, our experimental measurements clearly showed that this period increased in newborn cells (Fig. S4). As mentioned above, although similar observations can be found in different studies, they are not directly comparable because the experiments were performed differently for different purposes. We have added comparison of different models in the Supplemental Information (Lines 26-147).

      (ii) I do not think the explanations of the reaction-diffusion model were well described. The authors mentioned that they studied a one-dimensional model and used the delta function to describe the membrane reaction. Did the authors study 1D cytosol and 0D membrane? Then, why the surface diffusion term exists in (4) and (5)? I believe the authors simply assumed that both the membrane and the cytosol are 1D (with larger diffusion constants for cytosolic Min concentrations). Then, the delta functions in (1)-(5) are not necessary. In (Wu 2015), the delta function was used in order to treat a 2D membrane embedded in 3D space.

      Besides that, there is no description of the initial conditions for the concentration fields to solve the reaction-diffusion equations. I think the description of the no-flux boundary condition is better put in the Methods rather than supplementary materials.

      ANS: Thank you for your suggestions to improve the description of the numerical model. As summarized below, we have rewritten this section of 'Simulating the dynamic MinD concentration gradient in growing cells' in the manuscript (Lines 237-279). We have specified the dimensionality of the rate and diffusion constants of each molecule, where applicable, in our 1D model from Lines 237-264. Their dimensionality can also be conceived from their units, as listed in Tables 2 and S4. We have specified the initial 'no-flux' boundary conditions in Lines 267, 630, and 647. We agree that the delta function is not necessary and have removed it from the equations.

      (iii) As in the previous comment, the current model did not take into account the geometry of the system; namely, cytosol is in 3D and membrane is on 2D. Recent theoretical studies can handle the effect, and also the effect of confinement. I would appreciate it if the authors would make a comment on whether those issues are relevant or not for the conclusion of this work.

      ANS: Thank you for pointing out this interesting aspect of cell geometry as investigated in Wu et al., 2015 (Wu et al., 2015). Our model is built to adequately describe changes in the MinD concentration gradient during cell elongation under the assumption that a 1D description is sufficient. Thus, our model cannot be generalized to other shapes, such as those observed in Wu et al., 2015 (Wu et al., 2015). This point is now commented upon in Supplemental Information, lines 120-123.

      (iv) I would appreciate it if the authors would describe the screening process more clearly. I did understand the first screening is a finite imaginary part and a positive real part at the first mode of spatial inhomogeneity in the eigenvalues. However, I did not understand the other processes clearly. The second screening is based on \lambda_N and I_Ratio, but its criteria is not clear. I think both quantities fluctuated in experimental results and I am not sure what to define numerical results match them. The third process is based on a fitting error using the fitting function of linear increase plus a constant. I am not sure why we need to exclude, for example, the bottom right example in Fig.S6 because it shows no oscillation until the cell length of 3um but then the gradient linearly increases. Please clarify how to justify the criteria. The same argument applies to the fourth screening process. It is not clear why the slope should be smaller than 2.

      ANS: Thank you for your suggestions to improve the description of the screening process. We have re-run the simulation to refine and improve the screening process, and the corresponding text and illustration are provided in the Results section of the main text (Lines 237-279, 614-653) and Fig. S6.

      (v) The authors claimed that the steeper gradient of MinD under glucose starvation results in cell division for shorter cells. I do not think the claim is convincing. It is necessary to measure the correlation between the length at the cell division and the gradient. It would also be nicer to show the correlation under other parameters. I think those studies truly support the authors' claim and the novelty of this work.

      ANS: Thank you for the comments. We would like to draw your attention to the right side of the graph shown in Fig. 3B, E, where measurements were obtained from cells prior to division. Our claim that "the steeper gradient of MinD under glucose starvation results in cell division for shorter cells" is also supported by the wave slope (λ_N range): 0.4% glucose of 1.49-2.66 (cell length range: 1.7-4.5 µm) and glucose starvation of 1.34-3.54 (cell length range: 2.1-3.8 µm). Therefore, under glucose starvation, λ_N increases more significantly with increasing length, allowing us to speculate on the contribution of steeper concentration gradient in stressed shorter cell to division. In the revised manuscript, the statement is kept in the Results section (Lines 217-218), but removed from the abstract. About the correlation between the concentration gradient and cell length at division under different conditions, we consider it more important to characterize all aspects under the same growth condition and avoid manipulation. In this study, the main conclusions are drawn from our experiments characterizing several aspects of MinD oscillations in cells growing with 0.4% glucose. In support of these observations, we decided to maintain only one other condition, 0.1% glucose. Further analysis of cells growing under other conditions will not change the main conclusions but will increase the difficulty of determining how the MinD concentration changes with cell growth.

      (vi) The conclusion at Line 346 "This plasticity arises from spatial differences in molecular interactions between MinD and MinE, as demonstrated..." looks unclear to me. My understanding is that (i) by screening the randomly sampled parameters in the reaction-diffusion model, the authors found the parameters that "match" experimental results, and (ii) the parameters after screening show the correlation between them (k_dD-k_dE and k_D-k_ATP->ADP). The logic heavily relies on the reaction-diffusion model is quantitatively correct. First, I think it is better to explain the logic more explicitly, that is, the claim of the molecular interaction is not based on the experimental facts. Second, I personally think the reaction-diffusion model used in this work does not reproduce quantitatively the experimental results, as discussed in (iii) and also (iv). Please make some discussions on how to justify the comparison between the model and experiments.

      ANS: Thank you for your constructive comments. To address these questions, we have re-run the simulation to refine and improve the results, and the corresponding text and illustration are provided in the Results section of the main text (Lines 237-279, 614-653) and Fig. S6. The kinetic parameters used in this study are described in the main text, lines 258-264: 'To randomly search for combinations of the parameter sets k_dD, k_dE, k_D, and k_(ADP→ATP), the following parameters were fixed in the simulation: the diffusion coefficients D_d and D_de were assumed values based on bacterial membrane proteins (Schavemaker et al., 2018), the diffusion coefficients D_D and D_E were from Meacci et al. (2006) (Meacci et al., 2006), and the dissociation rate constant k_de were from a previous simulation (Wu et al., 2015). This operation allowed us to probe for the general behaviours of the system.' Lines 277-279: 'This screening process reduced the parameter sets to 23, including set #2827, which, judging by the correlation plots for length vs. period, λ_N, and I_Ratio (Figs. S7-S9), showed features similar to those of the experimental data (Figs. 1E, 3B, C).' Based on the parameters of set #2827, we rigorously tested the impact of different kinetic constants that represent different molecular interactions on the oscillation period, λ_N and I_Ratio (Fig 4D-H). The results are described in the section of 'Effect of the kinetic rate constant on the MinD concentration gradient' of the main text, lines 323-349. This effort has provided us with a solid theoretical view of how oscillation features may be controlled by different molecular interactions. In addition, a comparison between our modelling and experimental results is described in the main text, section 'In silico oscillation resembles oscillation in a cellular context', lines 300-321.

      (vii) I did not capture the point why the authors can claim "... further distinguishing in vivo and in vitro observations. " at Line 350. I did not find the results comparing with vitro studies. I would appreciate a demonstration of vitro results and/or references.

      ANS: To avoid confusion, this sentence has been removed.

      Minor comments: (1) Line 214: It should be "Fange and Elf".

      ANS: Line 238 in the revised manuscript: This has been corrected.

      (2) I think it is better to show sampled points in Fig. 4C and 4D to show how dense the authors sampled in the parameter space.

      ANS: Since we have rewritten this part, the suggested revision is no longer applicable.

      REFERENCES: [1] Fischer-Friedrich, Elisabeth / Meacci, Giovanni / Lutkenhaus, Joe / Chaté, Hugues / Kruse, Karsten, "Intra- and intercellular fluctuations in Min-protein dynamics decrease with cell length", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107, 6134-6139 (2010). [2] Meacci, Giovanni, "Physical Aspects of Min Oscillations in Escherichia Coli", PhD thesis (2006) available at

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment: I think the strength of this study is that it potentially shows the quantitative correlation between the MinD concentration gradient during the oscillation and the cell length when it divides. However, the current data of glucose starvation is not convincing enough. The model parts are interesting but their connection to the experiments is not clear in the current manuscript.

      ANS: Thank you for your comment. The key finding of our study, involving experimental measurements and mathematical modelling, is plasticity in the MinD concentration gradient, which results from spatial differences in molecular interactions and is an intrinsic property of the Min system during cell growth. We hypothesized that if the plasticity of the MinD concentration gradient is an intrinsic property of the system, then this property would be robust and show consistent behaviour under different growth conditions. Therefore, we tested this hypothesis by studying MinD oscillations under a low-glucose condition, and the results strengthened the main conclusion derived from experiments under the regular growth condition containing 0.4 % glucose. We believe that further analysis of cells growing under other conditions will not change the main conclusions but may increase the difficulty of determining how the MinD concentration changes with cell growth. Therefore, we decide to make this section concise, containing only one additional condition, even though we have more data than presented here. As mentioned earlier in this response letter, we have re-run the simulation to refine and improve the results, and the corresponding text and illustration are provided in the Results section of the main text (Lines 237-279, 614-653) and Fig. S6. This operation allowed us to probe for the general behaviours of the system. As a result, we were able to obtain a few parameter sets, including #2728, that generate features of the oscillation period, λ_N and I_Ratio, that strongly mimic MinD oscillation in the cellular context (Figs. 4C, S7-9). We further tested the impact of different kinetic constants, k_de, k_dD, k_dE, k_D, and k_(ADP→ATP), which represent different molecular interactions influencing the oscillation period, λ_N and I_Ratio (Figs. 4D-H). This effort has provided us with a solid theoretical view of how oscillation features may be controlled by different molecular interactions.

      Advance: The advance of this study is to measure the MinD concentration gradient under glucose starvation, and to compare the experimental results with the (simplified) model under a wide range of parameters. I do not think the advance in the current manuscript looks conceptual level because the conceptual conclusions are not really convincing from the results. In this respect, the advance of this work may be technical.

      ANS: Thank you for this constructive comment and have responded as follows. In combination with both experimental and theoretical efforts in the revised manuscript, this work provides conceptual advancement in a quantitative understanding of MinD oscillations in the cellular environment and provides implications for bacterial cell division regulation for further studies in the field. Specifically, we would like to emphasize that this work revealed the inherent plasticity and adaptability of the MinD concentration gradient that contributes to division site selection. The mathematical modelling provided us with a solid theoretical view of how oscillation features may be controlled by different molecular interactions.

      Audience: As a theoretician working on biophysics, including the model of the Min system, I think a specialised audience would be interested in this study. People who are studying the mechanism of the Min oscillation and resulting cell division, particularly those who are interested in both experiments and models, would be interested in this work. For the broad audience, I do not think the novelty of this study is well described.

      ANS: Thank you for your comment. We would like to point out that studying the variable concentration gradient underlying the dynamic oscillations of the Min system may be of broad interest to cell biologists since the concentration gradient plays a fundamental role in various cellular processes, and the concept of concentration gradients is crucial in cell biology. Examples include passive and active transport, osmosis, cell signalling, and maintenance of cellular homeostasis. These processes allow cells to respond to their environment, regulate their internal conditions, and perform important functions required for survival and normal function. In addition, the variable concentration gradient, characterized by the numerical descriptor λ_N and reproduced in a simple mathematical model, demonstrates a nonlinear dynamics behaviour in physical biology. Therefore, the audience of this work may include the broader general audience of cell biology and physical biology rather than just the immediate specialized audience interested in the Min system. We will also reiterate the importance of specialized research, which often provides the basis for broader application and understanding.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: This work by Parada et al showed that in the oscillatory Min System, MinD gradient was steeper in longer e.coli cells, while period was stable. This behavior was recapitulated in a mathematical model and it also revealed coordinated reaction rates in a wide range of parameter space.

      ANS: We thank the reviewer for the concise summary of our work.

      Major comments: 1. There were some inconsistencies between experimental and modeling data. Wave slope (𝜆𝑁) plateaued at ~3um in the model but not shown in the experiment (Fig.3B). The period was much less in the model (Fig. S8) than in the experiment (Fig. 1B).

      ANS: Thank you for pointing out this problem. We have re-run the simulation to refine and improve the results, and the corresponding text and illustration are provided in the Results section of the main text (Lines 237-279, 614-653) and Fig. S6. This operation allowed us to probe for the general behaviours of the system. As a result, we were able to obtain a few parameter sets, including #2728, that generate features of the oscillation period, λ_N and I_Ratio, that highly mimic MinD oscillation in the cellular context (Figs. 4C, S7-9). Regarding oscillation period, the simulation result was shorter than the experimental measurements. Even though, based on the parameters of set #2827, we rigorously tested the impact of different kinetic constants that represent different molecular interactions on the oscillation period, λ_N and I_Ratio (Main text, lines 323-349; Fig 4D-H). This effort has provided us with a theoretical view of how oscillation features may be controlled by different molecular interactions. We found that the rate constants k_de, representing detachment of the MinDE complex from the membrane, and k_(ADP→ATP), representing recharging of MinD-ADP with ATP, more significantly affected the oscillation period. The results suggested that the oscillation cycle time is tunable. In response to the question of the wave slope (λ_N) plateaued at ~3um in the modelling (Fig. 3B) but not shown in the experiment (Fig. 1D), we think this is due to experimental examination of a heterogenous population of cells versus simulating a growing bacterial cell. We came up with conclusions and hypotheses through wet experiments, which were further strengthened using mathematical modelling, providing insights into kinetic properties of the Min system.

      1. Generally, I found that the data of starved condition added little to the major message. Unless the model can recapitulate the even steeper gradient in such condition by tuning starvation-related parameters, it may be removed.

      ANS: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. The key finding of our study, involving experimental measurements and mathematical modelling, is plasticity in the MinD concentration gradient, which results from spatial differences in molecular interactions and is an intrinsic property of the Min system during cell growth. We hypothesized that if the plasticity of the MinD concentration gradient is an intrinsic property of the system, then this property would be robust and show consistent behaviour under different growth conditions. Therefore, we tested this hypothesis by studying MinD oscillations under a low-glucose condition, and the results strengthened the main conclusion derived from experiments under the regular growth condition containing 0.4 % glucose. We agree that further analysis of cells growing under other conditions will not change the main conclusions but may increase the difficulty of determining how the MinD concentration changes with cell growth. Therefore, we decide to make this section concise, containing only one additional condition, even though we have more data than presented here.

      1. The authors need to compare what was different/novel between the model in this study and previous models such as Wu, et al 2015 and highlight the uniqueness of this work.

      ANS: Thank you for this suggestion. We now provide a comprehensive comparison between them in the Supplemental Information (Lines 26-147). We would like to emphasize that although the goal of the previous works was to measure the spatiotemporal distribution of oscillating MinD concentration gradients as a function of cell length, these works conceived the problem differently and therefore used different experimental designs and execution methods, which differentiates our key conclusions from theirs. This is also true for mathematical modelling. Although similar observations can be found in some respects, they are not directly comparable due to the different mathematics and assumptions used in the simulations. Therefore, we would like to draw attention to the experimental rigor and to the specific points and views that contribute to our understanding of Min systems.

      1. The model explored parameter space of reaction rates and found 60 sets. The KdE, KD, KdD, KADP-ATP ranged 6 orders of magnitude. It is interesting data in itself, but cells were not likely to vary that much for reaction rates. The relevance should be discussed.

      ANS: Thank you for pointing out this problem. For this revision, we re-ran the simulation to refine and improve the results, allowing us to identify parameter sets that generate features resembling the experimental measurements. Using set #2728 as an example, the variations in the five rate constants k_de, k_dD, k_dE, k_D, and k_(ADP→ATP) fall within a small range (Table 2, S4), eliminating the concern that arose from the previous version of the manuscript. We found that this parameter set allows for maximum utilization of MinD and MinE molecules, which are fixed in number according to experimental measurements, to drive membrane-associated oscillations in the simulation.

      Minor comments: 1. Fig.1B colors were conflicting. The legend was different than diagram. Fig.1C no scale for x axis.

      ANS: We have resolved the colour conflict in Fig. 1B, and a time range has been added to Fig. 1C.

      1. Fig.S6A How the 638 oscillatory parameter sets were matched with experimental data and screened to 174 sets was not clear. Data of fitting errorANS: Thank you for your suggestions to improve the description of the screening process. In this revision, we have re-run the simulation to refine and improve the results, and the corresponding text and illustration are provided in the Results section of the main text (Lines 237-279, 614-653) and Fig. S6. This operation allowed us to probe for the general behaviours of the system. The mentioned filter no longer applies.

      2. Significant digits were not used properly. For example, the period (table 1) was showed as 46.00 sec, but the imaging interval was 12 sec, the 2 decimal digits were thus meaningless. The same argument goes for length measurement at 2.84 um, while the optical resolution of the microscope used should be no good than 200nm.

      ANS: We have corrected this significant digit throughout the manuscript.

      1. For scatter plot like Fig.1D-G, generally smaller dots would show trend more obvious.

      ANS: We have modified the plots and used smaller dots in Figs. 1D-G, 3B, C, E, F, S3D, and S5B, C.

      1. The molecular mechanism of why MinD gradient increases with length was not the scope of the current study, but better to be discussed.

      ANS: Let me address this comment in another way. The key finding of our study, involving experimental measurements and mathematical modelling, is plasticity in the MinD concentration gradient, which results from spatial differences in molecular interactions and is an intrinsic property of the Min system during cell growth. In the revised manuscript, we have re-run the simulation to refine and improve the modelling procedures and results, and the corresponding text and illustration are provided in the Results section of the main text (Lines 265-279, 614-653) and Fig. S6. In brief, we fixed the diffusion coefficients D_D and D_Efrom Meacci et al. (2006) (Meacci et al., 2006); the dissociation rate constant k_de from a previous simulation (Wu et al., 2015); and the experimentally measured MinD and MinE concentrations in this study. Meanwhile, the diffusion coefficients D_d and D_de were assumed values based on bacterial membrane protein diffusion (Schavemaker et al., 2018). This operation allowed us to probe for the general behaviours of the system. As a result, we were able to obtain a few parameter sets, including #2728, that generate features of the oscillation period, λ_N and I_Ratio, that highly mimic MinD oscillation in the cellular context (Figs. 4C, S7-9). We further tested the impact of different kinetic constants, k_de, k_dD, k_dE, k_D, and k_(ADP→ATP), which represent different molecular interactions influencing the oscillation period, λ_N and I_Ratio (Fig 4D-H). Our findings have provided us with a solid theoretical view of how oscillation features may be controlled by different molecular interactions. Furthermore, the modelling results help us understand the possible mechanisms associated with oscillation cycle maintenance and length-dependent variable concentration gradients.

      1. Fig. S8, why sudden jump in period in many of the sets of both groups?

      ANS: This supplemental figure is now Fig. S7. A slower oscillation at the initiation of oscillation appears to be a common property in our simulation.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Min system was well-studied oscillation mechanism to restrict FtsZ at cell center. Previous work has shown how the system work molecularly, simulated the behavior and reconstituted many different patterns in vitro. The major new information from this work was: 1. the rigorously measured endogenous level of MinD and MinE; 2. gradient increased with length; 3. a model recapitulated this relationship and explored parameter space of reaction rates. The paper was well presented, experiments and analysis were rigorous, and the conclusions were not overstated. It should interest specialized cell biologists studying cell size, oscillation pattern.

      ANS: Many thanks to Reviewer 2 for recognizing the contributions of our work to the understanding of the Min system and its role in cell division. We also thank you for identifying professional cell biologists studying cell size and oscillation patterns as readers of our paper. We would like to emphasize that cellular concentration gradients play a fundamental role in various cellular processes and that the concept of concentration gradients is crucial in cell biology. These concentration gradient-mediated processes allow cells to respond to their environment, regulate their internal conditions and perform important functions required for survival. In addition, the variable concentration gradient, characterized by the numerical descriptor λ_N and reproduced in a simple mathematical model, demonstrates a nonlinear dynamics behaviour in physical biology. Therefore, the audience of this work may include a broader audience in the field of cell biology and physical biology rather than just an immediate specialist audience. We will also reiterate the importance of specialized research, which often provides the basis for broader application and understanding.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The manuscript shows that the concentration of MinD does not change during the division cycle of E. coli. Due to the oscillation pattern the concentration of MinD decreases at the mid-cell which makes it favorable for the division. The mid-cell decrease in concentration of MinD is majorly length dependent. The oscillation pattern is not due to the change in concentration of MinD, but due to the plasticity arises from the spatial differences in molecular interactions between MinD and MinE. The manuscript is well written, the experiments are performed carefully and the results will be of interest to readers from variety of field. However, there are several concerns need explanation.

      ANS: We greatly appreciate the positive feedback from the reviewer, and we address the specific concerns below.

      Major concerns: One of my major concern is these interactions are not shown experimentally but explained using either the previously published literature or mathematical models. Further, the previous literatures are shown on in vitro models which does not mimic the in vivo system fully.

      ANS: We thank the reviewer for the important point that reaction rates in previous studies and in our model of Min oscillations have not been experimentally tested. We are aware of the lack of experimental measurements, but these reaction rates cannot be measured in batch reactions using classical biochemical methods. To accurately measure these reaction rates, the experiments require advanced techniques and methods to handle spatial and temporal resolution, which is beyond the scope of our current study. However, in the revised manuscript, we have re-run the simulation to refine and improve the results, and the corresponding text and illustration are provided in the Results section of the main text (Lines 237-279, 614-653) and Fig. S6. In our simulation, we fixed the diffusion coefficients D_D and D_E from Meacci et al. (2006) (Meacci et al., 2006); the dissociation rate constant k_de from a previous simulation (Wu et al., 2015); and the experimentally measured MinD and MinE concentrations in this study. Meanwhile, the diffusion coefficients D_d and D_de were assumed values based on bacterial membrane protein diffusion (Schavemaker et al., 2018). This operation allowed us to probe for the general behaviours of the system. As a result, we were able to obtain a few parameter sets, including #2728, that generate features of the oscillation period, λ_N and I_Ratio, that highly mimic MinD oscillation in the cellular context (Figs. 4C, S7-9). Interestingly, we found that this parameter set allows for maximum utilization of MinD and MinE molecules, which are fixed numbers from experimental measurements, to drive membrane-associated oscillations in the simulation. We further tested the impact of different kinetic constants, k_de, k_dD, k_dE, k_D, and k_(ADP→ATP), which represent different molecular interactions influencing the oscillation period, λ_N and I_Ratio (Figs. 4D-H). Our findings have provided us with a solid theoretical view of how oscillation features may be controlled by different molecular interactions, and help us understand the possible mechanisms associated with oscillation cycle maintenance and length-dependent variable concentration gradients.

      The concentration of MinD does not change with the increasing length of the cell. Is the MinD concentration (or copy numbers) is different in the case of cells growing in low glucose and when compared to the cells growing at high glucose?

      ANS: Thank you for the comments. As shown in Figs. 2B, C, the concentration of MinD changed with cell length, but the number of MinD molecules per unit area did not change significantly with cell length. Although how the number of MinD molecules changes when cells are grown under low-glucose conditions is unclear, this number does not appear to be essential for the following reasons. We focused on studying Min oscillations during the normal growth cycle, minimizing experimental manipulations to analyse oscillation dynamics. Measurements of oscillations in cells grown under low-glucose conditions support the primary measurements. We think that further analysis of MinD concentration changes in growing cells under low-glucose conditions will not change the main conclusion of this manuscript: 'plasticity in the MinD concentration gradient is an intrinsic property of the Min system during cell growth',

      As per the current study a particular I-ratio at the mid-cell is required to initiate the cell division. In the case of cells growing at low glucose, how this required I-ratio is achieved at the mid-cell?

      ANS: Thank you for the excellent question. As described in the main text, lines 199-201, I_Ratio is defined as the ratio of the minimum intensity to the maximum intensity measured from the experimental data, which gradually decreases as the cell length increases (Fig. 3C). Since the minimum and maximum intensities were measured from the concentration gradient, which is characterized by the slope of the concentration gradient (λ_N), there exists a correlation between I_Ratio and λ_N. That is, a larger λ_N will result in a smaller I_Ratio, and vice versa. When comparing measurements made from cells grown with 0.4% and 0.1% glucose (Fig. 3B, C, E, F), the changes in λ_N are more drastic within a shorter length under low-glucose condition, which is accompanied by more drastic changes in I_Ratio. Furthermore, when the I_Ratio value was approximately 0.5, the corresponding cell length was significantly shorter under low-glucose condition. Therefore, we speculate that there may be an effective I_Ratio that is low enough for stable FtsZ ring formation. This effective I_Ratio can occur at any cell length, allowing us to see that bacteria divide at shorter cell lengths under low-glucose conditions. This property necessitates a faster reduction in the concentration gradient to reach the effective I_Ratio for cells dividing at shorter lengths. As a result, by adjusting λ_N as a function of length, the steepness of the I_Ratio reduction can be altered. Please see the main text, lines 389-406.

      There is decrease in the MinD oscillation time observed in low glucose condition. As explained by the authors the MinD oscillation is mainly guided by the FtsE induced removal of MinD from the membrane, how the authors can explain this decrease?

      ANS: Thank you for raising the question of how the MinE-induced detachment of membrane-bound MinD contributes to the oscillation time of MinD under low-glucose conditions. Although this is an interesting question, determining what regulates MinE-induced detachment of membrane-bound MinD under low-glucose conditions is beyond the scope of the current study. This unknown regulatory mechanism that regulates MinD-MinE interactions in growing cells under low glucose conditions is worthy of further investigation. However, our modelling results have provided a theoretical view of how oscillation features may be controlled by different molecular interactions between MinD and MinE and may guide future experiments investigating the underlying mechanism involved. Please refer to the Results section: 'Spatiotemporal distribution of the concentration gradient' in the main text, lines 351-373.

      Further, it is explained that the concentration of cellular ATP is in much higher concentration compared to the required amount for this oscillation. As the Iratio is majorly dependent on the cell length, what could be the reason for the differential N in the case of low and high glucose condition?

      ANS: Please refer to the previous answer to the question: 'As per the current study a particular I-ratio at the mid-cell is required to initiate the cell division. In the case of cells growing at low glucose, how this required I-ratio is achieved at the mid-cell?'. (this letter, Lines 764-779) In addition, our modelling in search of parameter sets that generate characteristics of MinD oscillation resembling oscillation in vivo allowed us to evaluate the impact of different molecular interactions, as represented by different rate constants (Fig. 4), which has provided important information for future mechanistic investigations, although not in the present study. Please see the Results section: 'Effect of the kinetic rate constant on the MinD concentration gradient' in the main text, lines 323-349.

      MinD is a highly insoluble protein. It also has an amphipathic helix and thus most of the time it binds to the membrane. The method used by the author to determine the cellular MinD concentration (mentioned in Fig S1) will only give the concentration of the soluble MinD and not of the total MinD. How the authors justify this as the total concentration. This is also the same in the case of MinE copy number calculation. Authors may need to perform the transcriptome analysis and compare both the data.

      ANS: We thank the reviewer for the comments. Since the attachment of MinD and MinE to the membrane is transient and MinD-membrane interactions require ATP, we expected that most of the protein would be released from the membrane into the cytoplasm after cell disruption, sufficiently representing the total MinD concentration. Furthermore, our measurements of molecule numbers are within the range of previous measurements (Di Ventura & Sourjik, 2011; Juarez & Margolin, 2010; Meacci & Kruse, 2005; Tostevin & Howard, 2006; Touhami et al, 2006). Thus, we believe that our current measurements are reliable and sufficient for subsequent interpretation.

      One of the main question asked by the authors in the abstract is. "How the intracellular Min protein concentration gradients are coordinated with cell growth to achieve spatiotemporal accuracy of cell division is unknown". Although the authors have shown that there is a change in concentration gradient during cell growth, the mechanism for the same is not very well explained. Authors have not provided any specific explanation for the increase in the velocity of the MinD oscillation and the gradient formation. How the velocity of MinD is increasing although there is no increase in the MinD concentration.

      ANS: We have changed 'the mechanism' to 'the exact way' in the abstract (Abstract, line 28). Moreover, in the revised manuscript, we have improved the mathematical model and performed a thorough investigation of the variations in the kinetic constants. This effort has provided us with a solid theoretical view of how oscillation features may be controlled by different molecular interactions. The results may guide future experiments investigating the underlying mechanism involved. Please refer the answers to previous questions above.

      Figure 2B: shows the overall concentration of MinD in a single cell varies between 1180 - 1160 molecules/um2. In Fig 2C it is mentioned that mid-cell has a MinD concentration of 120-20 molecuels/ um2. Further, Fig3C and 3F shows I-ratio values varies between 0.6-0.4. Considering the values given the I-ratio (I min/ I max) should be between 0.1- 0.01. Authors need to explain the same. Figure 2C: The data in both the Y-axes are not matching and needs more clarification in the legend. Whether the number of molecules were counted only in the marked 200 nm area? If so, why the Y-axis 1 (molecules/um2) is decreasing 7 times, whereas, Y-axis 2 (molecules) is only by 2 times.

      ANS: In this work, we measured sfGFP-MinD intensity through fluorescence microscopy. The fluorescence intensity was converted into molecular numbers based on estimates from Western blot analyses (Fig. S1). This number of molecules for MinD and MinE was assumed to be the mean number, which was fit into the midpoint of the doubling time (Fig. 2B, black dashed line; main text, lines 166-167). Fig. 2C was obtained by further processing the same dataset to restrict the region of analysis to the midcell zone. Please refer to the main text, lines 158-178. However, the λ_N and I_Ratio values were calculated from the processed intensity data (Fig. S2; main text, lines 190-209, 533-559). Because of the conversion from intensity to molecule number in Figs. S2B, C and the image processing procedure applied to the calculation of λ_N and I_Ratio, it is not possible to directly compare the fold change and the upper and lower limits between molecule numbers and the λ_N and I_Ratio values.

      Other comments: Line 84: Requires reference for this statement.

      ANS: A recent review article has been added in the main text, line 84: '(Cameron & Margolin, 2024)'.

      Line 96: Can authors provide other evidence or validation for the determination of the copy numbers such as transcriptome analysis.

      ANS: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. However, we believe that direct measurement of cellular protein abundance is reliable and sufficient for our purposes. Furthermore, transcriptome-measured RNA abundance does not translate directly to protein abundance in living cells because posttranscriptional processing, translation, posttranslational processing, and protein stability issues complicate the interpretation. Therefore, protein abundance measurement from cell extracts is straightforward for our purpose.

      Fig 1C: what is the units of time in Fig 1C? Is it equal for all the cell lengths?

      ANS: As described in the main text, lines 511-512, 'Time-lapse images of sfGFP-MinD were acquired at 12-sec intervals for 10 min or before the fluorescence diminished'. This condition is applied to all the acquired images in this work.

      Page 6, line 136-138: what could be the possible mechanism for change in velocity at different cell cycle time?

      ANS: To avoid confusion, we have modified the text and tone down the velocity when mentioned. This is because the mentioned velocity is inferred from the measured oscillation period and cell length but not from direct measurements; our emphasis is on understanding how the oscillation period remains fairly stable during cell growth rather than how the velocity changes. In the revised manuscript, we used modelling results to elucidate the possible mechanism related to period maintenance. The corresponding text and illustration are provided in the Results section (Lines 300-373) and the Discussion section of the main text (Lines 407-446) and Figs. 4, 5. In brief, this simulation allowed us to probe for general behaviours of the system, allowing us to obtain a few parameter sets that generate features of the oscillation period, λ_N and I_Ratio highly mimicking MinD oscillation in the cellular context (Fig 4C, S7-9). We further tested the impact of different kinetic constants, k_de, k_dD, k_dE, k_D, and k_(ADP→ATP), which represent different molecular interactions influencing the oscillation period, λ_N and I_Ratio (Fig 4D-H). This effort has provided us with a solid theoretical view of how oscillation features may be controlled by different molecular interactions. Please see the Results section: 'Effect of the kinetic rate constant on the MinD concentration gradient' in the main text, lines 323-349.

      Page 7, line 155: Any evidence for claiming the same?

      ANS: The sentence has been modified as follows: 'Thus, the fairly stable oscillation period and variable velocity did not change the precision of the septum placement.' (Main text, lines 155-156)

      Page 7, line 156: Is there any proof authors can show that burst MinD synthesis occurs during the division? If not in the case of MinD, is it shown in any other protein?

      ANS: The text is now in line 168-171: 'Interestingly, the value after division was not doubled, which could indicate a balanced outcome between de novo synthesis and degradation or a burst of MinD synthesis at cell division followed by constant synthesis.' In previous studies by Männik et al. (2018) (Mannik et al, 2018) and Vischer et al. (2015) (Vischer et al, 2015), the division protein FtsZ increased the cellular concentration throughout the cell cycle under slow growth conditions and degraded rapidly at the end of the cell cycle, a process controlled by the ClpXP protease. Because we do not know the relevance of these observations to our study, which focused on the plasticity of the MinD concentration gradient, we decided not to discuss them in the manuscript.

      Page 9, line 217: The Fig 4A is not explained clearly and all the terms mentioned needs to be explained. This figure is used to explain the differential concentration of MinD at the poles and the mid-cell, thus needs to be explain more clearly.

      ANS: Thank you for your comments. Please refer to the above answer to the question: 'One of my major concern is these interactions are not shown experimentally but explained using either the previously published literature or mathematical models. Further, the previous literatures are shown on in vitro models which does not mimic the in vivo system fully.', in this letter, lines 691-715.

      Page 12, line 285: What is meaning of default speed of MinD oscillation in new-born cells? Do the authors observed any specific velocity in the new-born cells? What is the explanation for length dependent oscillation velocity for MinD?

      ANS: Thank you for the questions. As mentioned earlier, the emphasis of this study is on understanding how the oscillation period remains relatively stable while showing plasticity of the concentration gradient during cell growth. The velocity is inferred from the oscillation period and cell length but is not a direct measurement. To avoid confusion, we have modified the text and placed less emphasis on the velocity when mentioned.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment: Major work of the manuscript is relying on the mathematical models, whereas the audience are majorly from the biology fields and thus simplified explanations are required in many places. Many of the legends in the figures require more explanation for better understanding. If possible more experimental data can be added, specifically to explain the model mentioned in figure 4A.

      ANS: We have modified the figure legends to include more explanations. As mentioned above, we have also revised Fig. 4 to include improvements in modelling results to better fit the experimental data and to examine the impacts of the kinetics constants of the reaction steps in the Min system. Please refer to lines 691-715 in this letter.

      Advance: The study is adding to the existing knowledge and will be helpful to fill the conceptual gaps in understanding the mid-cell MinD concentration and what may favor the initiation of bacterial division. Audience: Majorly the microbiology community will be interested in the study. This will also be interest to Physicists and mathematical persons working to understand bacterial division.

      ANS: We thank the reviewer for this positive comment.

      Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The study by Parada et al. illuminates the intricate interplay between Min proteins, exemplified by MinD, and cell growth in E. coli. Their findings demonstrate that the MinD concentration gradient steepens progressively as cells elongate, potentially influencing FtsZ ring formation via MinC. Moreover, their comprehensive reaction-diffusion model not only corroborates experimental observations of length-dependent concentration gradients but also underscores the critical role of kinetic interactions involving Min proteins, the membrane, and ATP. This elucidation significantly advances our understanding of the oscillatory mechanisms within the Min system. Both the experimental and simulation data are robust, and the manuscript is exceptionally well-written. I express my full support for publication pending the satisfactory resolution of the outlined concerns.

      ANS: We appreciate the reviewer's positive feedback and have addressed most issues to the best of our ability.

      1. Remove the dot in front of "Min" in line 57.

      ANS: This has now been removed.

      1. In lines 82-84, the statement "...The distribution of the division inhibitor MinC may be synchronized with spatiotemporal differences in MinD concentrations, leading to a stable placement of the FtsZ ring at the midcell..." suggests a potential synchronization between MinC and MinD oscillations. It is crucial to investigate if sfGFP-MinC exhibits similar concentration gradient oscillatory behavior in vivo as observed with MinD.

      ANS: Thank you for bringing up this question. The key finding of our study, involving experimental measurements and mathematical modelling, is plasticity in the MinD concentration gradient, which results from spatial differences in molecular interactions and is an intrinsic property of the Min system during cell growth. With many investigations already covered in this manuscript, we prefer to investigate sfGFP-MinC in future studies, which will have different focuses on how MinC dynamics are coupled with the variable MinD concentration gradient to directly impact FtsZ ring formation.

      1. Ensure consistent significant digits throughout the text. For instance, 1.95{plus minus}0.16 μM in line 97, 1.4{plus minus}0.13 μM in line 98, and 1.9 {plus minus} 0.2 μM in line 100 have varying precision. Consider using integers for molecules.

      ANS: We have corrected the significant digits in the main text and supplemental information.

      1. Address the discrepancy in expression levels of MinD and MinE between strain FW1541 and its parental strain W3110. Given the labeling effect, it is possible that MinD expression levels differ. However, MinC's expression level should be approximately the same. Conduct whole-genome sequencing of both strains to identify any additional mutations.

      ANS: Thank you for the comments. As described in the main text (Lines 67-70), the most important aspect is the concentration ratio between MinD and MinE. Although the numbers are not the same, they are comparable to those in previous studies (Hale et al, 2001; Li et al, 2014; Schmidt et al, 2016; Shih et al, 2002) (Main text, lines 113-115). Furthermore, we performed whole-genome sequencing of the W3110 and FW1541 strains. We confirmed that sfGFP was correctly inserted. The sequence alignment of the minCDE locus is provided for your reference but not for publication. Although there are some sporatic point mutations, there is no obvious reason to believe that the mutations would impact Min protein expression. We will organize the deposition data as soon as I can.

      1. Clarify the apparent discrepancy between lines 112 and 127. Line 112 suggests that the periodic regularity of interpolar oscillations increases with cell length, as demonstrated in Fig 1B-C, 1E, Fig S5. However, in the subsequent section (starting from line 127), the authors state that oscillation periods remain relatively stable across cells of different lengths. Provide clarification on this apparent discrepancy.

      ANS: Thank you for pointing out this confusion caused by misuse of the term. In Lines 122-123, the statement has been modified as follows: '...the uniformity of the oscillation intervals appears to increase with length...' In line 139, 'The oscillation period' refers to the time required for the oscillation cycle. Since the correction in line 123 should suffice to clarify, we did not modify the statement in line 139.

      1. Specify if the analysis was limited to non-constricted cells. If so, state this explicitly in the text, as it could impact the interpretation of results, especially in relation to the linear dependence of cell length on time before constriction, as shown in Fig S3C.

      ANS: We did not specifically remove those constricted cells, but cells before splitting were considered one cell. We have added a statement to clarify in Lines 144-145.

      1. Improve clarity in Fig 2A by using distinct colors (e.g., green and red) for differentiation on the Y-axis.

      ANS: The Y axes of Fig. 2A have been modified.

      1. Correct "of" to "from" in line 223 for improved clarity and accuracy.

      ANS: Corrected.

      1. Include the missing "A" in Fig S6A for completeness and accuracy.

      ANS: This figure has been updated.

      1. Ensure consistency in referencing style (full names versus short names) throughout the manuscript.

      ANS: This has now been done.

      Reviewer #4 (Significance (Required)):

      While numerous commendable in vitro studies have explored the oscillatory behavior of the Min system, this work uniquely delves into the oscillation of MinD within live cells. It unveils the remarkable coordination between intracellular Min protein concentration gradients and cell growth, shedding light on the precise spatiotemporal regulation of cell division.

      ANS: We thank the reviewer for this positive comment.

      References Di Ventura B, Sourjik V (2011) Self-organized partitioning of dynamically localized proteins in bacterial cell division. Molecular systems biology 7: 457 Fischer-Friedrich E, Meacci G, Lutkenhaus J, Chate H, Kruse K (2010) Intra- and intercellular fluctuations in Min-protein dynamics decrease with cell length. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107: 6134-6139 Hale CA, Meinhardt H, de Boer PA (2001) Dynamic localization cycle of the cell division regulator MinE in Escherichia coli. The EMBO journal 20: 1563-1572 Juarez JR, Margolin W (2010) Changes in the Min oscillation pattern before and after cell birth. Journal of bacteriology 192: 4134-4142 Li GW, Burkhardt D, Gross C, Weissman JS (2014) Quantifying absolute protein synthesis rates reveals principles underlying allocation of cellular resources. Cell 157: 624-635 Mannik J, Walker BE, Mannik J (2018) Cell cycle-dependent regulation of FtsZ in Escherichia coli in slow growth conditions. Molecular microbiology 110: 1030-1044 Meacci G, Kruse K (2005) Min-oscillations in Escherichia coli induced by interactions of membrane-bound proteins. Phys Biol 2: 89-97 Meacci G, Ries J, Fischer-Friedrich E, Kahya N, Schwille P, Kruse K (2006) Mobility of Min-proteins in Escherichia coli measured by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Phys Biol 3: 255-263 Schavemaker PE, Boersma AJ, Poolman B (2018) How Important Is Protein Diffusion in Prokaryotes? Front Mol Biosci 5: 93 Schmidt A, Kochanowski K, Vedelaar S, Ahrne E, Volkmer B, Callipo L, Knoops K, Bauer M, Aebersold R, Heinemann M (2016) The quantitative and condition-dependent Escherichia coli proteome. Nature biotechnology 34: 104-110 Shih YL, Fu X, King GF, Le T, Rothfield L (2002) Division site placement in E. coli: mutations that prevent formation of the MinE ring lead to loss of the normal midcell arrest of growth of polar MinD membrane domains. The EMBO journal 21: 3347-3357 Tostevin F, Howard M (2006) A stochastic model of Min oscillations in Escherichia coli and Min protein segregation during cell division. Phys Biol 3: 1-12 Touhami A, Jericho M, Rutenberg AD (2006) Temperature dependence of MinD oscillation in Escherichia coli: running hot and fast. Journal of bacteriology 188: 7661-7667 Vischer NO, Verheul J, Postma M, van den Berg van Saparoea B, Galli E, Natale P, Gerdes K, Luirink J, Vollmer W, Vicente M, den Blaauwen T (2015) Cell age dependent concentration of Escherichia coli divisome proteins analyzed with ImageJ and ObjectJ. Front Microbiol 6: 586 Wu F, van Schie BG, Keymer JE, Dekker C (2015) Symmetry and scale orient Min protein patterns in shaped bacterial sculptures. Nature nanotechnology 10: 719-726

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      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The study by Parada et al. illuminates the intricate interplay between Min proteins, exemplified by MinD, and cell growth in E. coli. Their findings demonstrate that the MinD concentration gradient steepens progressively as cells elongate, potentially influencing FtsZ ring formation via MinC. Moreover, their comprehensive reaction-diffusion model not only corroborates experimental observations of length-dependent concentration gradients but also underscores the critical role of kinetic interactions involving Min proteins, the membrane, and ATP. This elucidation significantly advances our understanding of the oscillatory mechanisms within the Min system. Both the experimental and simulation data are robust, and the manuscript is exceptionally well-written. I express my full support for publication pending the satisfactory resolution of the outlined concerns.

      1. Remove the dot in front of "Min" in line 57.
      2. In lines 82-84, the statement "...The distribution of the division inhibitor MinC may be synchronized with spatiotemporal differences in MinD concentrations, leading to a stable placement of the FtsZ ring at the midcell..." suggests a potential synchronization between MinC and MinD oscillations. It is crucial to investigate if sfGFP-MinC exhibits similar concentration gradient oscillatory behavior in vivo as observed with MinD.
      3. Ensure consistent significant digits throughout the text. For instance, 1.95{plus minus}0.16 μM in line 97, 1.4{plus minus}0.13 μM in line 98, and 1.9 {plus minus} 0.2 μM in line 100 have varying precision. Consider using integers for molecules.
      4. Address the discrepancy in expression levels of MinD and MinE between strain FW1541 and its parental strain W3110. Given the labeling effect, it is possible that MinD expression levels differ. However, MinC's expression level should be approximately the same. Conduct whole-genome sequencing of both strains to identify any additional mutations.
      5. Clarify the apparent discrepancy between lines 112 and 127. Line 112 suggests that the periodic regularity of interpolar oscillations increases with cell length, as demonstrated in Fig 1B-C, 1E, Fig S5. However, in the subsequent section (starting from line 127), the authors state that oscillation periods remain relatively stable across cells of different lengths. Provide clarification on this apparent discrepancy.
      6. Specify if the analysis was limited to non-constricted cells. If so, state this explicitly in the text, as it could impact the interpretation of results, especially in relation to the linear dependence of cell length on time before constriction, as shown in Fig S3C.
      7. Improve clarity in Fig 2A by using distinct colors (e.g., green and red) for differentiation on the Y-axis.
      8. Correct "of" to "from" in line 223 for improved clarity and accuracy.
      9. Include the missing "A" in Fig S6A for completeness and accuracy.
      10. Ensure consistency in referencing style (full names versus short names) throughout the manuscript.


      While numerous commendable in vitro studies have explored the oscillatory behavior of the Min system, this work uniquely delves into the oscillation of MinD within live cells. It unveils the remarkable coordination between intracellular Min protein concentration gradients and cell growth, shedding light on the precise spatiotemporal regulation of cell division.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript shows that the concentration of MinD does not change during the division cycle of E. coli. Due to the oscillation pattern the concentration of MinD decreases at the mid-cell which makes it favorable for the division. The mid-cell decrease in concentration of MinD is majorly length dependent. The oscillation pattern is not due to the change in concentration of MinD, but due to the plasticity arises from the spatial differences in molecular interactions between MinD and MinE. The manuscript is well written, the experiments are performed carefully and the results will be of interest to readers from variety of field. However, there are several concerns need explanation.

      Major concerns:

      One of my major concern is these interactions are not shown experimentally but explained using either the previously published literature or mathematical models. Further, the previous literatures are shown on in vitro models which does not mimic the in vivo system fully.

      The concentration of MinD does not change with the increasing length of the cell. Is the MinD concentration (or copy numbers) is different in the case of cells growing in low glucose and when compared to the cells growing at high glucose? As per the current study a particular I-ratio at the mid-cell is required to initiate the cell division. In the case of cells growing at low glucose, how this required I-ratio is achieved at the mid-cell? There is decrease in the MinD oscillation time observed in low glucose condition. As explained by the authors the MinD oscillation is mainly guided by the FtsE induced removal of MinD from the membrane, how the authors can explain this decrease? Further, it is explained that the concentration of cellular ATP is in much higher concentration compared to the required amount for this oscillation. As the Iratio is majorly dependent on the cell length, what could be the reason for the differential N in the case of low and high glucose condition? MinD is a highly insoluble protein. It also has an amphipathic helix and thus most of the time it binds to the membrane. The method used by the author to determine the cellular MinD concentration (mentioned in Fig S1) will only give the concentration of the soluble MinD and not of the total MinD. How the authors justify this as the total concentration. This is also the same in the case of MinE copy number calculation. Authors may need to perform the transcriptome analysis and compare both the data.

      One of the main question asked by the authors in the abstract is. "How the intracellular Min protein concentration gradients are coordinated with cell growth to achieve spatiotemporal accuracy of cell division is unknown". Although the authors have shown that there is a change in concentration gradient during cell growth, the mechanism for the same is not very well explained. Authors have not provided any specific explanation for the increase in the velocity of the MinD oscillation and the gradient formation. How the velocity of MinD is increasing although there is no increase in the MinD concentration. Figure 2B: shows the overall concentration of MinD in a single cell varies between 1180 - 1160 molecules/um2. In Fig 2C it is mentioned that mid-cell has a MinD concentration of 120-20 molecuels/ um2. Further, Fig3C and 3F shows I-ratio values varies between 0.6-0.4. Considering the values given the I-ratio (I min/ I max) should be between 0.1- 0.01. Authors need to explain the same. Figure 2C: The data in both the Y-axes are not matching and needs more clarification in the legend. Whether the number of molecules were counted only in the marked 200 nm area? If so, why the Y-axis 1 (molecules/um2) is decreasing 7 times, whereas, Y-axis 2 (molecules) is only by 2 times.

      Other comments:

      Line 84: Requires reference for this statement.

      Line 96: Can authors provide other evidence or validation for the determination of the copy numbers such as transcriptome analysis.

      Fig 1C: what is the units of time in Fig 1C? Is it equal for all the cell lengths?

      Page 6, line 136-138: what could be the possible mechanism for change in velocity at different cell cycle time?

      Page 7, line 155: Any evidence for claiming the same?

      Page 7, line 156: Is there any proof authors can show that burst MinD synthesis occurs during the division? If not in the case of MinD, is it shown in any other protein?

      Page 9, line 217: The Fig 4A is not explained clearly and all the terms mentioned needs to be explained. This figure is used to explain the differential concentration of MinD at the poles and the mid-cell, thus needs to be explain more clearly.

      Page 12, line 285: What is meaning of default speed of MinD oscillation in new-born cells? Do the authors observed any specific velocity in the new-born cells? What is the explanation for length dependent oscillation velocity for MinD?


      General assessment: Major work of the manuscript is relying on the mathematical models, whereas the audience are majorly from the biology fields and thus simplified explanations are required in many places. Many of the legends in the figures require more explanation for better understanding. If possible more experimental data can be added, specifically to explain the model mentioned in figure 4A.

      Advance: The study is adding to the existing knowledge and will be helpful to fill the conceptual gaps in understanding the mid-cell MinD concentration and what may favor the initiation of bacterial division.

      Audience: Majorly the microbiology community will be interested in the study. This will also be interest to Physicists and mathematical persons working to understand bacterial division.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This work by Parada et al showed that in the oscillatory Min System, MinD gradient was steeper in longer e.coli cells, while period was stable. This behavior was recapitulated in a mathematical model and it also revealed coordinated reaction rates in a wide range of parameter space.

      Major comments:

      1. There were some inconsistencies between experimental and modeling data. Wave slope (𝜆𝑁) plateaued at ~3um in the model but not shown in the experiment (Fig.3B). The period was much less in the model (Fig. S8) than in the experiment (Fig. 1B).
      2. Generally, I found that the data of starved condition added little to the major message. Unless the model can recapitulate the even steeper gradient in such condition by tuning starvation-related parameters, it may be removed.
      3. The authors need to compare what was different/novel between the model in this study and previous models such as Wu, et al 2015 and highlight the uniqueness of this work.
      4. The model explored parameter space of reaction rates and found 60 sets. The KdE, KD, KdD, KADP-ATP ranged 6 orders of magnitude. It is interesting data in itself, but cells were not likely to vary that much for reaction rates. The relevance should be discussed.

      Minor comments:

      1. Fig.1B colors were conflicting. The legend was different than diagram. Fig.1C no scale for x axis.
      2. Fig.S6A How the 638 oscillatory parameter sets were matched with experimental data and screened to 174 sets was not clear. Data of fitting error<0.12 and slope<2 were filtered. Authors should explain the criterion for data filtering.
      3. Significant digits were not used properly. For example, the period (table 1) was showed as 46.00 sec, but the imaging interval was 12 sec, the 2 decimal digits were thus meaningless. The same argument goes for length measurement at 2.84 um, while the optical resolution of the microscope used should be no good than 200nm.
      4. For scatter plot like Fig.1D-G, generally smaller dots would show trend more obvious.
      5. The molecular mechanism of why MinD gradient increases with length was not the scope of the current study, but better to be discussed.
      6. Fig.S8, why sudden jump in period in many of the sets of both groups?


      Min system was well-studied oscillation mechanism to restrict FtsZ at cell center. Previous work has shown how the system work molecularly, simulated the behavior and reconstituted many different patterns in vitro. The major new information from this work was: 1. the rigorously measured endogenous level of MinD and MinE; 2. gradient increased with length; 3. a model recapitulated this relationship and explored parameter space of reaction rates.

      The paper was well presented, experiments and analysis were rigorous, and the conclusions were not overstated. It should interest specialized cell biologists studying cell size, oscillation pattern.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Parada et al. studied both experimentally and theoretically the MinD concentration distribution of Min waves during cell growth. The main finding was that (i) the gradient of MinD is steeper for longer cells and accordingly the MinD concentration at the middle of cell is lower, (ii) period of the oscillation is independent to the cell length, and (iii) those features are shared even under glucose starvation except the MinD gradient is steeper. (iv) Those results are supplemented by the analyses of the reaction-diffusion equations in which parameters that can reproduce the MinD concentration distribution are identified.

      I think the results are interesting; basically, as the cell grows, the contrast of the wave becomes clearer, such the MinD concentration at the cell centre decreases. The results may clarify the mechanism of FtsZ accumulation at the cell centre more quantitatively. The experiments were performed by measuring the fluorescent intensity of MinD during cell growth and analysing the intensity distribution along the long axis of the cell. The theoretical results were based on the analyses of the reaction-diffusion model. Both approaches are already well established and the results sound. Nevertheless, I do not think the novelty of this work is not well highlighted in the current manuscript; I think most of the results, except (iii) and (iv), have already been shown explicitly or implicitly in the previous studies. Min oscillations in a growing cell have been analysed both theoretically and experimentally in (Meacci 2005) and [1]. The concentration distribution and period of the oscillation were measured. The complete results were presented in [2], and I am not aware of those results in scientific journals (the thesis is available online). Nevertheless, I think it is fair to cite those studies and compare the current results with them. In fact, in [2], it was shown that the concentration of MinD near the cell centre decreases as the cell grows, the total MinD concentration is approximately constant during the growth (therefore, the number of the molecules increases), and that the variance of the period becomes smaller as the cell grows. I do not think those previous studies spoil this work, and this work deserves publication somewhere. Still, the authors should highlight the novelty of this study more clearly.

      Major comments:

      (i) In (Meacci 2005) and [1,2], it was claimed that the standard deviation of the period is comparable with the mean period, particularly for the shorter cell. Therefore, they did not claim the period is independent to the cell length. As far as I understood, the variance arises from the variance of the total protein concentration in the assemble of cells. I am wondering how the authors are able to conclude the constant period in different cell length. I also point out that in the theoretical part of (Meacci 2005), the period is, in fact, increasing as the cell grows and suddenly decreases at the length in which cell division occurs.

      (ii) I do not think the explanations of the reaction-diffusion model were well described. The authors mentioned that they studied a one-dimensional model and used the delta function to describe the membrane reaction. Did the authors study 1D cytosol and 0D membrane? Then, why the surface diffusion term exists in (4) and (5)? I believe the authors simply assumed that both the membrane and the cytosol are 1D (with larger diffusion constants for cytosolic Min concentrations). Then, the delta functions in (1)-(5) are not necessary. In (Wu 2015), the delta function was used in order to treat a 2D membrane embedded in 3D space.

      Besides that, there is no description of the initial conditions for the concentration fields to solve the reaction-diffusion equations. I think the description of the no-flux boundary condition is better put in the Methods rather than supplementary materials.

      (iii) As in the previous comment, the current model did not take into account the geometry of the system; namely, cytosol is in 3D and membrane is on 2D. Recent theoretical studies can handle the effect, and also the effect of confinement. I would appreciate it if the authors would make a comment on whether those issues are relevant or not for the conclusion of this work.

      (iv) I would appreciate it if the authors would describe the screening process more clearly. I did understand the first screening is a finite imaginary part and a positive real part at the first mode of spatial inhomogeneity in the eigenvalues. However, I did not understand the other processes clearly. The second screening is based on \lambda_N and I_Ratio, but its criteria is not clear. I think both quantities fluctuated in experimental results and I am not sure what to define numerical results match them.

      The third process is based on a fitting error using the fitting function of linear increase plus a constant. I am not sure why we need to exclude, for example, the bottom right example in Fig.S6 because it shows no oscillation until the cell length of 3um but then the gradient linearly increases. Please clarify how to justify the criteria. The same argument applies to the fourth screening process. It is not clear why the slope should be smaller than 2.

      (v) The authors claimed that the steeper gradient of MinD under glucose starvation results in cell division for shorter cells. I do not think the claim is convincing. It is necessary to measure the correlation between the length at the cell division and the gradient. It would also be nicer to show the correlation under other parameters. I think those studies truly support the authors' claim and the novelty of this work.

      (vi) The conclusion at Line 346 "This plasticity arises from spatial differences in molecular interactions between MinD and MinE, as demonstrated..." looks unclear to me. My understanding is that (i) by screening the randomly sampled parameters in the reaction-diffusion model, the authors found the parameters that "match" experimental results, and (ii) the parameters after screening show the correlation between them (k_dD-k_dE and k_D-k_ATP->ADP). The logic heavily relies on the reaction-diffusion model is quantitatively correct. First, I think it is better to explain the logic more explicitly, that is, the claim of the molecular interaction is not based on the experimental facts. Second, I personally think the reaction-diffusion model used in this work does not reproduce quantitatively the experimental results, as discussed in (iii) and also (iv). Please make some discussions on how to justify the comparison between the model and experiments.

      (vii) I did not capture the point why the authors can claim "... further distinguishing in vivo and in vitro observations. " at Line 350. I did not find the results comparing with vitro studies. I would appreciate a demonstration of vitro results and/or references.

      Minor comments:

      1. Line 214: It should be "Fange and Elf".
      2. I think it is better to show sampled points in Fig.4C and 4D to show how dense the authors sampled in the parameter space.


      [1] Fischer-Friedrich, Elisabeth / Meacci, Giovanni / Lutkenhaus, Joe / Chaté, Hugues / Kruse, Karsten, "Intra- and intercellular fluctuations in Min-protein dynamics decrease with cell length", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107, 6134-6139 (2010).

      [2] Meacci, Giovanni, "Physical Aspects of Min Oscillations in Escherichia Coli", PhD thesis (2006) available at https://www.pks.mpg.de/fileadmin/user_upload/MPIPKS/group_pages/BiologicalPhysics/dissertations/GiovanniMeacci2006.pdf


      General assessment:

      I think the strength of this study is that it potentially shows the quantitative correlation between the MinD concentration gradient during the oscillation and the cell length when it divides. However, the current data of glucose starvation is not convincing enough. The model parts are interesting but their connection to the experiments is not clear in the current manuscript.


      The advance of this study is to measure the MinD concentration gradient under glucose starvation, and to compare the experimental results with the (simplified) model under a wide range of parameters. I do not think the advance in the current manuscript looks conceptual level because the conceptual conclusions are not really convincing from the results. In this respect, the advance of this work may be technical.


      As a theoretician working on biophysics, including the model of the Min system, I think a specialised audience would be interested in this study. People who are studying the mechanism of the Min oscillation and resulting cell division, particularly those who are interested in both experiments and models, would be interested in this work. For the broad audience, I do not think the novelty of this study is well described.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2024-02393

      Corresponding author(s): Katja Petzold

      1. General Statements [optional]

      We thank the reviewers for recognising the impact of our manuscript. The reviewers noted the novelty of the miRNA bulge structure, the importance of the three observed binding modes and their potential for use in future structure-based drug design, and the possible importance of the duplex release phenomenon. We are also thankful for the relevant and constructive feedback provided.

      Our responses to the comments are written point by point in blue, and any changes in the manuscript are shown in red.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      In response to Reviewer 1 - major comment 2

      Some of the data is over-interpreted. For example, in Figure 3A, it is concluded that supplementary regions are more important for weaker seeds. Only two 8-mer seeds are present among the twelve target sites and thus it might be difficult to generalize.

      We found the relationship between seed type and the effect of supplementary pairing in our data intriguing. To further investigate this effect, we tested whether it exists in published microarray data from HCT116 cells transfected with six different miRNAs (Linsley et al., 2007; Argawal et al., 2015). Here we found that the for the two miRNAs (miR-103 and miR-106b) where we see an impact of supplementary pairing, the difference is primarily driven by 7mer-m8 seeds.

      Since the effect appears to be specific to the miRNA, we would like to test whether it can be observed for miR-34a in a larger dataset. Therefore, we plan to transfect HEK293T cells with miR-34a and analyse the mRNA response via RNAseq. We will repeat the analysis shown above, using the predicted number of supplementary pairs to categorise the dataset into groups with or without the effect of supplementary pairing. We will then compare the three seed types within these groups.

      In response to Reviewer 2 - minor comment 1, "why was the 34-nt 3'Cy3-labeled miR34a complementary probe shifted up in the presence of AGO?".

      We plan to investigate the upper band, which we hypothesise is a result of duplex release, using EMSA to ascertain whether the band height agrees with the size of the duplex.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Reviewer #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Sweetapple et al. Biophysics of microRNA-34a targeting and its influence on down-regulation

      In this study, the authors have investigated binding of miR-34a to a panel of natural target sequences using EMSA, luciferase reporter systems and structural probing. The authors compared binding within a binary and a ternary complex that included Ago2 and find that Ago2 affects affinity and strengthens weak binders and weakens strong binders. The affinity is, however, generally determined by binary RNA-RNA interactions also in the ternary complex. Luciferase reporter assays containing 12 different target sites that belong to one of three seed-match types were tested. Generally, affinity is a strong contributor to repression efficiency. Duplex release, a phenomenon observed for specific miRNA-target complementarities, seems to be more pronounced when high affinity within the binary complex is observed. Furthermore, the authors use RABS for structural probing either in a construct in CIS or binding by the individual miRNA in TRANS or in a complex with Ago2. They find pronounced asymmetric target binding and Ago2 does not generally change the binding pattern. The authors observe one specific structural group that was unexpected, which was mRNA binding with bulged miRNAs, which was expected sterically problematic based on the known structures. MD simulations, however, revealed that such structures could indeed form.

      This is an interesting manuscript that contributes to our mechanistic understanding of the miRNA-target pairing rules. The combination of affinity measurements, structural probing and luciferase reporters allow for a broad correlation of target binding and repression strength, which is a well-thought and highly conclusive approach. However, there are a number of shortcomings that are summarized below.

      The manuscript is not easy to read and to follow for several reasons. First, many of the sub-Figures are not referenced in the text of the results section (1C, 1D, 2C, 4D), which is somewhat annoying. Figure 4A seems to be mis-labeled. Second, a lot of data is presented in suppl. Figures. It should be considered to move more data into the main text in order to make it easier for readers to evaluate and follow.

      Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have now revised the figure references accordingly.

      We have relocated gel images of BCL2, WNT1, MTA2 and the control samples from Figure S3 and S4 to the main results (Figure 2A-B) to improve readability and provide controls and details that aid in clear understanding. Additionally, we have relocated panel C from Figure S6 to Figure 2C to enhance the clarity of our rationale for using polyuridine (pU) in our AGO2 binding assays.

      The updated figure is shown below, with changes to the legend marked in red.

      Figure 2. Binary and ternary____ complex binding affinities measured by EMSA. (A) Binary (mRNA:miR-34a) binding assays showing examples of BCL2, WNT1 and MTA2. (B) Ternary (mRNA:miR-34a-AGO2) binding assays showing examples of BCL2, WNT1, MTA2, and the three control targets PERFECT, SCRseed, and SCRall. The Cy5 labelled species is indicated with asterisk (*). F indicates the free labelled species (miR34a or mRNA), B indicates binary complex, and T indicates ternary complex. Adjacent titrations points differ two-fold in concentration, with maximum concentrations stated at the top right. Adjacent titration points for MTA2 differed three-fold to assess a wider concentration range. In theternary assay, miRNA duplex release from AGO2 was observed for amongst others BCL2, WNT1, PERFECT, and SCRseed (band indicated with B), while it was not observed for SCRall and MTA2. See Figures S3 and S4 for representative gel images for all targets. See Supplementary files 2 and 3 for all images and replicates. (C) Titrations with increasing miR-34a-AGO2 concentration against Cy5-labelled SCRall (left) or PNUTS (right) comparing the absence and presence of 20 μM polyuridine (pU) during equilibration. pU acted as a blocking agent, reducing nonspecific binding, as seen by the different KD,app values for SCRall and PNUTS after addition of 20 μM pU. Therefore, all final mRNA:miR-34a-AGO2 EMSAs were carried out in the presence of 20 μM pU. Labels are as stated above. (D) Individual binding profiles for each of the 12 mRNA targets assessed by electrophoretic mobility assay (EMSA). Each datapoint represents an individual experiment (n=3). Blue represents results for the binary complex, and green represents results for the ternary complex. Dotted horizontal lines represent the KD,app values, which are also stated in blue and green with standard deviations (units = nM). Note that the x-axis spans from 0.1 to 100,000 in CCND1, MTA2 and NOTCH2, whereas the remaining targets span 0.1 to 10,000.

      Some of the data is over-interpreted. For example, in Figure 3A, it is concluded that supplementary regions are more important for weaker seeds. Only two 8-mer seeds are present among the twelve target sites and thus it might be difficult to generalize.

      We have revised our wording to recognise that more 8-mer sites would be required to draw a stronger conclusion based on this hypothesis. This hypothesis would be interesting to confirm in a larger dataset but is unfortunately outside of the scope of this paper.

      Our hypothesis also aligns with recent data from Kosek et al. (NAR 2023; Figure 2D) where SIRT1 with an 8mer and 7mer-A1 seed was compared. Only the 7mer-A1 was sensitive to mutations in the central region or switching all mismatched to WC pairs.

      Page 21 now states:

      "This result indicates that the impact of supplementary binding may be greater for targets with weaker seeds, as has been observed earlier in a mutation study of miR-34a binding to SIRT1 (Kosek et al., 2023), although a larger sample size would be needed to confirm this observation."

      Furthermore, we found the relationship between seed type and the effect of supplementary pairing in our data intriguing. To further investigate this effect, we tested whether it exists in published microarray data from HCT116 cells transfected with six different miRNAs (Linsley et al., 2007; Argawal et al., 2015). Here we found that the for the two miRNAs (miR-103 and miR-106b) where we see an impact of supplementary pairing, the difference is primarily driven by 7mer-m8 seeds. We therefore plan to test whether the effect can be observed for miR-34a in a larger dataset. We have outlined our preliminary data and planned experiments in Section 2 - description of the planned revisions.

      I did not understand why the CIS system shown in 4A is a good test case for miR-34a-target binding. It appears very unnatural and artificial. This needs to be rationalized better. Otherwise it remains questionable, whether these data are meaningful at all.

      Thank you for pointing out the need for clearer rationalisation.

      The TRANS construct, where the scaffold carries the mRNA targeting sequence, provides reactivity information for the mRNA side only, while the microRNA is bound within RISC, with the backbone protected by AGO2. Therefore, to gain information on the miR-34a side of each complex we used the CIS construct, which provides reactivity information from both the miRNA and mRNA. We used the miRNA and mRNA reactivities to calculate all possible secondary structures for the binary complex, and then compared these structures to the mRNA reactivity in TRANS to find which structure fitted the reactivity patterns observed in the ternary complex.

      We have included an additional statement in the manuscript to clarify this point on pages 12-13:

      "Two RNA scaffolds were used for each mRNA target; i) a CIS-scaffold: RNA scaffold containing both mRNA target and miRNA sequence separated by a 10 nucleotide non-interacting closing loop, and ii) a TRANS-scaffold: RNA scaffold containing only the mRNA target sequence, to which free miR-34a or the miR-34a-AGO2 complex was bound (Figure 4A). The CIS constructs therefore provided reactivity information on the miRNA side, which is lacking in the TRANS construct, and was used to complement the TRANS data."

      It may be worthwhile noting that a non-interacting 10 nucleotide loop was inserted between then miRNA and mRNA of the CIS constructs, allowing the miRNA and mRNA strands to bind and release freely. The reactivity patterns of each mRNA:miRNA duplex were compared between CIS and TRANS, and showed similar base pairing (Figure 4D). Furthermore, we have previously compared the two scaffolds in our RABS methodology paper (Banijamali et al. 2022), where no differences were observed besides reduced end fraying in the CIS construct.

      For the TRANS experiments, only one specific scaffold structure is used. This structure might impact binding as well and thus at least one additional and independent scaffold should be selected for a generalized statement.

      For each construct, the potential of interaction with the scaffold was tested using the RNAstructure (Reuter & Mathews, 2010)package. Based on the results of this assessment, two different scaffolds were used for our TRANS experiments. The testing and use of scaffolds has now been clarified further on page 13:

      "The overall conformation of each scaffold with the inserted RNA was assessed using the RNAstructure (Reuter & Mathews, 2010) package to ensure that the sequence of interest did not interact with the scaffold. If any interaction was observed between the RNA of interest and the scaffold, then the scaffold was modified until no predicted interaction occurred. The different scaffolds and their sequence details are shown in supplementary information (Table S1)."

      We have previously examined the scaffold's effect on binding and structure during the development of the RABS method. We tested the same mRNA (SIRT1) in separate, independent scaffolds to verify the consistency of the results. An example of this can be found in the supplementary information (Figure S1a) of Banijamali et al. (2022).

      Generally, it would be nice to have some more information about the experiments also in the result section. Recombinant Ago2 is expressed in insect cells and re-loaded with miR-34a, luciferase reporters are transfected into tissue culture cells, I guess.

      We have now stated the cell types used for AGO2 expression and luciferase reporter assays in the results.

      On page 17 we have included:

      "Samples of each of the 12 mRNA targets, as well as miR-34a and AGO2, were synthesised in-house for biophysical and biological characterisation. Target mRNA constructs were produced via solid-phase synthesis while miR-34a was transcribed in vitro and cleaved from a tandem transcript (Feyrer et al., 2020), ensuring a 5' monophosphate group. AGO2 was produced in Sf9 insect cells."

      "To measure the affinity of each mRNA target binding to miR-34a, both within the binary complex (mRNA:miR-34a) and theternary complex (mRNA:miR-34a-AGO2), we optimised an RNA:RNA binding EMSA protocol to suit small RNA interactions. The protocol is loosely based on Bak et al. (2014)36, with major differences being use of a sodium phosphate buffering system so as not to disturb weaker interactions (James et al., 1996; Stellwagen et al., 2000), supplemented with Mg2+ as a counterion to reduce electrostatic repulsion between the two negatively charged RNAs (Misra & Draper, 1998), and fluorescently labelled probes."

      Page 19:

      " We successfully tested various RNA backgrounds, including polyuridine (pU) and total RNA extract (Figure S6B) to block any unspecific binding. Ultimately, we supplemented our binding buffer with pU at a fixed concentration of 20 µM for the ternary assays to achieve the greatest consistency."

      Page 20:

      "Repression efficacy for the 12 mRNA targets by miR-34a was assessed through a dual luciferase reporter assay6. Target mRNAs were cloned into reporter constructs and transfected into HEK293T cells."

      Page 22:

      "To infer base pairing patterns and secondary structure for each of the 12 mRNA:miR-34a pairs, we used the RABS technique (Banijamali et al., 2023) with 1M7 as a chemical probe. All individual reactivity traces are shown in Figure S9. Reactivity of each of the 22 miR-34a nucleotides was assessed upon binding to each of the 12 mRNA targets within a CIS construct, containing both miR-34a and the mRNA target site separated by a non-interacting 10-nucleotide loop. The two RNAs can therefore bind and release freely within the CIS construct and reactivity information is collected from both RNA strands."

      In the first sentence of the abstract, Argonaute 2 should be replaced by Argonaute only since other members bind to miRNAs as well.

      Thank you for recognising this. It has now been corrected.


      This is an interesting manuscript that contributes to our mechanistic understanding of the miRNA-target pairing rules. The combination of affinity measurements, structural probing and luciferase reporters allow for a broad correlation of target binding and repression strength, which is a well-thought and highly conclusive approach. However, there are a number of shortcomings.

      We thank the reviewer for recognising the approach and impact of our work. In addition we thank the reviewer for identifying the need for further data to support our conclusions from the luciferase assays, which is something that we plan to address, as described in section 2.

      Reviewer #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: Sweetapple et al. took the approaches of EMSA, SHAPE, and MD simulations to investigate target recognition by miR-34a in the presence and absence of AGO2. Surprisingly, their EMSA showed that guide unloading occurred even with seed-unpaired targets. Although previous studies reported guide unloading, they used perfectly complementary guide and target sets. The authors of this study concluded that the base-pairing pattern of miR-34a with target RNAs, even without AGO2, can be applicable to understanding target recognition by miR-34a-bound AGO2.

      Major comments:

      (Page 11 and Figure S4) The authors pre-loaded miR-34a into AGO2 and subsequently equilibrated the RISC with a 5' modified Cy5 target mRNA. Since properly loaded miR-34a is never released from AGO2, it is impossible for the miR-34a loaded into AGO2 to form the binary complex (mRNA:miR-34a) in the EMSA (guide unloading has been a long-standing controversy). However, they observed bands of the binary complex in Figure S4. The authors did not use ion-exchange chromatography. AGOs are known to bind RNAs nonspecifically on their positively charged surface. Is it possible that most miR-34a was actually bound to the surface of AGO2 instead of being loaded into the central cleft? This could explain why they observed the bands of the binary complex in EMSA.

      Thank you for mentioning this crucial point which has been a focus of our controls. We have addressed this point in four ways:

      Salt wash during reverse IMAC purification. Separation of unbound RNA and proteins via SEC. Blocking non-specific interactions using polyuridine. Observing both the presence and absence of duplex release among different targets using the same AGO2 preparation and conditions.

      Firstly, although we did not use a specific ion exchange column for purification, we believe the ionic strength used in our IMAC wash step was sufficient to remove non-specific interactions. We used A linear gradient with using buffer A (50 mM Tris-HCl, 300 mM NaCl, 10 mM Imidazole, 1 mM TCEP, 5% glycerol v/v) and buffer B (50 mM Tris-HCl, 500 mM NaCl, 300 mM Imidazole, 1 mM TCEP, 5% glycerol) at pH 8. The protocol followed recommendation by BioRad for their Profinity IMAC resins where it is stated that 300 mM NaCl should be included in buffers to deter nonspecific protein binding due to ionic interactions. The protein itself has a higher affinity for the resin than nucleic acids.

      A commonly used protocol for RISC purification follows the method by Flores-Jasso et al. (RNA 2013). Here, the authors use ion exchange chromatography to remove competitor oligonucleotides. After loading, they washed the column with lysis buffer (30 mM HEPES-KOH at pH 7.4, 100 mM potassium acetate, 2 mM magnesium acetate and 2 mM DTT). AGO was eluted with lysis buffer containing 500 mM potassium acetate. Competing oligonucleotides were eluted in the wash.

      As ionic strength is independent of ion identity or chemical nature of the ion involved (Jerermy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Gregory J. Garret Jr., Biochemistry 2015), we reasoned that our Tris-HCl/NaCl/ imidazole buffer wash should have at comparable ionic strength to the Flores-Jasso protocol.

      Our total ionic contributions were: 500 mM Na+, 550 mM Cl-, 50 mM Tris and 300 mM imidazole. We recognise that Tris and imidazole are both partially ionized according the pH of the buffer (pH 8) and their respective pKa values, but even if only considering the sodium and chloride it should be comparable to the Flores-Jasso protocol.

      We have restated the buffer compositions below written the methods section more explicitly to describe this:

      "Following dialysis, any precipitate was removed by centrifugation, and the resulting supernatant was loaded onto a IMAC buffer A-equilibrated HisTrap-Ni2+ column to remove TEV protease, other proteins, and non-specifically bound RNA. A linear gradient was employed using IMAC buffers A and B."

      Secondly, after reverse HisTrap purification, AGO2 was run through size exclusion chromatography to remove any remaining impurities (shown Figure S2B).

      Thirdly, knowing that AGO2 has many positively charged surface patches and can bind nucleic acid nonspecifically (Nakanishi, 2022; O'Geen et al., 2018), we tested various blocking backgrounds to eliminate nonspecific binding effects in our EMSA ternary binding assays. We were able to address this issue by adding either non-homogenous RNA extract or homogenous polyuridine (pU) in our EMSA buffer during equilibration background experiments. This allowed us to eliminate non-specific binding of our target mRNAs, as shown previously in Supplementary Figure S6. We appreciate that the reviewer finds this technical detail important and have moved the panel C of figure S6 into the main results in Figure 2C, to highlight the novel conditions used and important controls needed to be performed. If miR-34a were non-specifically bound to the surface of AGO2 after washing, this blocking step would render any impact of surface-bound miR-34a negligible due to the excess of competing polyuridine (pU).

      Our EMSA results show that, using polyU, we can reduce non-specific interaction between AGO2 and RNAs that are present. And still, duplex release occurs despite the blocking step. It is therefore less likely that duplex release is caused by surface-bound miR-34a.

      Finally, the observation of distinct duplex release for certain targets, but not for others (e.g. MTA2, which bound tightly to miR-34a-AGO2 but did not exhibit duplex release; see Figure 2), argues against the possibility that the phenomenon was solely due to non-specifically bound RNA releasing from AGO2.

      In response to the reviewers statement "Since properly loaded miR-34a is never released from AGO2, it is impossible for the miR-34a loaded into AGO2 to form the binary complex (mRNA:miR-34a)" we would like to refer to the three papers, De et al. (2013) Jo MH et al. (2015), and Park JH et al. (2017), which have previously reported duplex release and collectively provide considerable evidence that miRNA can be unloaded from AGO in order to promote turnover and recycling of AGO. It is known that AGO recycling must occur, therefore there must be some mechanisms to enable release of miRNA from AGO2 to enable this. It is possible that AGO recycling proceeds via miRNA degradation (TDMD) in the cell, but in the absence of enzymes responsible for oligouridylation and degradation, the miRNA duplex may be released. As TDMD-competent mRNA targets have been observed to release the miRNA 3' tail from AGO2 (Sheu-Gruttadauria et al., 2019; Willkomm et al., 2022), there is a possible mechanistic similarity between the two processes, however, we do not have sufficient data to make any statement on this.

      (Page 18 and Figure S5) Previous studies (De et al., Jo MH et al., Park JH et al.) reported guide unloading when they incubated a RISC with a fully complementary target. However, neither MTA2, CCND1, CD44, nor NOTCH2 can be perfectly paired with miR-34a (Figure 1A). Therefore, the unloading reported in this study is quite different from the previously reported works and thus cannot be explained by the previously reported logic. The authors need to explain the guide unloading mechanism that they observed. Otherwise, they might misinterpret the results of their EMSA and RABS of the ternary complex.

      The three aforementioned studies have reported unloading/duplex release. However, they did not only report fully complementary targets in this process.

      De et al. (2013) reported that "highly complementary target RNAs promote release of guide RNAs from human Argonaute2".

      Subsequently, Park et al. (2017) reported: "Strikingly, we showed that miRNA destabilization is dramatically enhanced by an interaction with seedless, non-canonical targets."

      A figure extracted from Figure 5 of Park et al. is shown below illustrating the occurrence of unloading in the presence of seed mismatches in positions 2 and 3 (mm 2-3). Jo et al. (2015) also reported that binding lifetime was not affected by the number of base pairs in the RNA duplex.

      In addition to these three reports, a methodology paper focusing on miRNA duplex release was published recently titled "Detection of MicroRNAs Released from Argonautes" (Min et al., 2020).

      Therefore, we do believe that the previously observed microRNA release is similar to our observation. Here we also correlate it to structure and stability of the complex.

      (Page 20) The authors reported, "it is notable that the seed region binding does not appear to be necessary for duplex release." The crystal structures of AGO2 visualize that the seed of the guide RNA is recognized, whereas the rest is not, except for the 3' end captured by the PAZ domain. How do the authors explain the discrepancy?

      In this manuscript, we intend to present our observations of duplex release. There are many potential relationships between duplex release and AGO2 activity, which we do not have data to speculate upon. Previous studies, such as Park et al. (2017) have also observed non-canonical and seedless targets leading to duplex release, supporting our findings. Additionally, other publications including McGearly et al. (2019) report 3'-only miRNA targets, Lal et al. (2009) have documented seedless binding by miRNA and their downstream biological effects, and Duan et al. (2022) show that a large number of let-7a targets are regulated through 3′ non-seed pairing.

      It is also possible that duplex release is not coupled to classical repression outcomes, and does not need to proceed by the seed, but instead regulates AGO2 recycling before AGO2 enters the quality control mode of recognising the formed seed.

      (Pages 22) The authors mentioned, "It follows that the structure imparted via direct RNA:RNA interaction remains intact within AGO2, highlighting the role of RNA as the structural determinant." A free guide and a target can start their annealing from any nucleotide position. In contrast, a guide loaded into AGO needs to start annealing with targets through the seed region. Additionally, the Zamore group reported that the loaded guide RNA behaves quite differently from its free state (Wee et al., Cell 2012). How do the authors explain the discrepancy?

      The key point we would like to emphasise is that AGO does not seem to alter the underlying RNA:RNA interactions. The bound state in the ternary complex reflects the structure established in the binary complex. We do not aim to claim a specific sequence of events, as this interpretation is not possible from our equilibrium data. Our data indicates that the protein is flexible enough to accommodate the RNA structure that is favoured in the binary complex. This hypothesis is further supported by our MD simulation, which demonstrates the accommodation of a miRNA-bulge structure within AGO2.

      Targets lacking seeds have been identified previously (McGeary et al. 2019, Park et al. 2017, Lal et al. 2009) and can bind to miRNA within AGO. Therefore, there must be a mechanism by which these targets can anneal within AGO, such as via sequence-independent interactions (as discussed in question 3).

      With respect to Wee et al., (2012), which studied fly and mouse AGO2 and found considerable differences between the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the two AGO2 species. Furthermore, they found different average affinities between the two species, with the fly AGO binding tighter the mouse. Following this logic, it is not unexpected that human AGO2 would have unique properties compared to those of fly and mouse.

      Below is an extract from Wee et al., (2012):

      "Our KM data and published Argonaute structures (Wang et al., 2009) suggest that 16-17 base pairs form between the guide and the target RNAs, yet the binding affinity of fly Ago2-RISC (KD = 3.7 {plus minus} 0.9 pM, mean {plus minus} S.D.) and mouse AGO2-RISC (KD = 20 {plus minus} 10 pM, mean {plus minus} S.D.) for a fully complementary target was comparable to that of a 10 bp RNA:RNA helix. Thus, Argonaute functions to weaken the binding of the 21 nt siRNA to its fully complementary target: without the protein, the siRNA, base paired from positions g2 to g17, is predicted to have a KD ∼3.0 × 10−11 pM (ΔG25{degree sign}C = −30.7 kcal mol−1). Argonaute raises the KD of the 16 bp RNA:RNA hybrid by a factor of > 1011."

      In the Wee et al. (2012) paper, affinity data on mouse and fly AGO2 was collected via filter binding assays, using a phosphorothioate linkage flanked by 2′-O-methyl ribose at positions 10 and 11 of the target to prevent cleavage. They then compared the experimentally determined mean KD and ΔG values for each species to predicted values of an RNA:RNA helix of 16-17 base-pairs. No comparison was made between individual targets, and no experimental data was collected for the RNA:RNA binding. The calculated energy values were made based on a simple helix without taking into account any possible secondary structure features. Considering the different AGO species, alternative experimental setup, modified nucleotides in the tested RNA, and the computationally predicted RNA values compared to the averaged experimental values, we believe there is considerable reason to observe differences compared to our findings.

      We have expanded our discussion on page 27 to the following:

      "An earlier examination of mRNA:miRNA binding thermodynamics by Wee and colleagues (2012) found that mouse and fly AGO2 reduce the affinity of a guide RNA for its target61. Our data indicate that the range of miR-34a binary complex affinities is instead constricted by human AGO2 in the ternary complex - strengthening weak binders while weakening strong binders. The 2012 study reported different average affinities between the two AGO2 species, with the fly protein binding tighter the mouse. Following this logic, it is not unexpected that human AGO2 would have unique properties compared to those of fly and mouse."

      The authors concluded that the range of binary complex affinities is constricted by human AGO2 in the ternary complex - strengthening weak binders while weakening strong binders. This may hold true for miR-34a, but it cannot be generalized. Other miRNAs need to be tested.

      That is true, we have now adjusted the wording to encompass this more clearly, shown below. Testing of further miRNAs is the likely content of future work from us and others.

      "Our data indicate that the range of miR-34a binary complex affinities is instead constricted by human AGO2 in the ternary complex - strengthening weak binders while weakening strong binders."

      Minor comments:

      (Figure S2) Why was the 34-nt 3'Cy3-labeled miR34a complementary probe shifted up in the presence of AGO?

      We believe this observation is also indicative of duplex release. At the time that these activity assays were collected, we were not as aware of the presence of duplex release so did not test it further, assuming it may be due to transient interactions. We plan to investigate this via EMSA and have included this in the planned revisions (section 2).

      2.(Page 17) Does the Cy3 affect the interaction of the 3' end of miR-34 with AGO2?

      miR-34a-3'Cy5 was used for binary experiments only and the reverse experiment was conducted as a control (where Cy5 was located on the mRNA) (Figure S3b), showing no change in affinity/interaction when the probe was switched to the target. For ternary experiments the mRNA target was labelled on the 5' terminus, to make sure there was no interference with loading miR-34a into AGO2.

      A Cy3 labelled RNA probe (fully complementary to miR-34a) was used to detect miR-34a in northern blots, but AGO2 interaction is not relevant here under denaturing conditions.

      Otherwise, the 34-nt slicing probe had Cy3 on the 5 nt 3' overhang and should therefore not interact with AGO.

      1. Several groups reported that overproduced AGOs loaded endogenous small RNAs. The authors should mention that their purified AGO2 was not as pure as a RISC with miR-34a. Otherwise, readers might think that the authors used a specific RISC.

      We have now improved our explanation of the loading efficiency to make it more clear to the reader that our AGO2 sample was not fully bound by miR-34a, and that all concentrations refer to the miR-34a-loaded portion of AGO2. The following text can be found in the results on page 18:

      "The mRNA:miR-34a-AGO2 assay had a limited titration range, reaching a maximum miR-34a-AGO2 concentration of 268 nM due to a 5% loading efficiency (see Figure S2D for loading efficiency quantification). The total AGO2 concentration was thus 20-fold higher than the miR-34a-loaded portion. Further increase in protein concentration was prevented by precipitation. Weaker mRNA targets (CD44, CCND1, and NOTCH2) did not reach a saturated binding plateau within this range, leading to larger errors in their estimated KD,app values. However, reasonable estimation of the KD,app was possible by monitoring the disappearance of the free mRNA probe. Note that we refer to the miR-34a-loaded portion of AGO2 when discussing concentration values for all titration ranges. To ensure AGO2 binding specificity despite low loading efficiency, a scrambled control was used (SCRall; lacking stable base pairing with miR-34a or other human miRNAs according to the miRBase database57). SCRall showed no interaction with miR-34a-AGO2 (Figure 2B)."

      (Figure legend of Figure S5) Binding was assessed "by."

      Thank you for pointing this out, it is now fixed.

      (Page 17) It would be great if the authors could even briefly describe the mechanism by which the sodium phosphate buffer with magnesium does not disturb weaker interactions by citing reference papers.

      We have now added a supplementary methods section to our manuscript and included the description below on page 10:

      "We found that a more traditional Tris-borate-EDTA (TBE) buffer disrupted weaker RNA:RNA binding interactions (Supplementary Methods Figure M1). Borate anions form stable adducts with carbohydrate hydroxyl groups (James et al., 1996) and can form complexes with nucleic acids, likely through amino groups in nucleic bases or oxygen in phosphate groups (Stellwagen et al., 2000). This makes TBE unsuitable for assessment of RNA binding, particularly involving small RNA molecules, which typically have weaker affinities. We therefore adapted our buffer system to a sodium phosphate buffer supplemented with magnesium. Magnesium acts as a counterion to reduce electrostatic repulsion between the two negatively charged backbones by neutralisation (Misra et al., 1998)."

      We have also clarified the buffer adaptions in our results section on page 17:

      The protocol is loosely based on Bak et al. (2014)36, with major differences being use of a sodium phosphate buffering system so as not to disturb weaker interactions(James et al., 1996; Stellwagen et al., 2000), supplemented with Mg2+ as a counterion to reduce electrostatic repulsion between the two negatively charged RNAs(Misra & Draper, 1998), and fluorescently labelled probes. Original gel images and quantification are shown in supplementary Figures S3 and S4. All KD,app values are shown in Supplementary Table 1, and represent the mean of three independent replicates.

      Figure M1. Comparison of Tris-borate EDTA (TBE) and sodium phosphate with magnesium (NaP-Mg2+) buffer systems for EMSA. Cy5-labelled miR-34a and unlabelled CD44 were equilibrated in the two different buffer systems, using the same titration range. No mobility shifts were observed in the TBE system, while clear binding shifts were observed in the NaP-Mg2+ system.

      6.(Page 22) The authors cited Figure 4C in the sentence, "Comparison between CIS and TRANS ..." Is this supposed to be Figure 4D?

      The reviewer was correct in their assumption, and this has now been corrected.

      7.(Figure 6) Readers would appreciate it if the guide and target were colored in red and blue. The color codes have been used in most papers reporting AGO structures. The current color codes are opposite.

      We have now adjusted the colour schemes throughout the manuscript, and Figure 6 has been modified to the following:

      __"Figure 6. The miRNA-bulge structure is readily accommodated by AGO2 as shown by molecular dynamics simulation. __Panel (A) displays a snapshot of the all-atom MD simulation of miR-34a (red) and NOTCH1 (blue) in AGO2. The NOTCH1:miR-34a duplex is shown with AGO2 removed for clarity and is rotated 90{degree sign} to show the miRNA bulge and bend in the duplex. This NOTCH1:miR-34a-AGO2 structure is compared with (B), which shows the crystal structure of miR-122 (orange) paired with its target (purple) via the seed and four nucleotides in the supplementary region (PDB-ID 6N4O17), and (C), which shows the crystal structure of miR-122 (orange) and its target (green) with extended 3' pairing, necessary for the TDMD-competent state (PDB-ID 6NIT19). AGO2 is depicted in grey, with the PAZ domain in green, and the N-terminal domain marked with N. The miRNA duplexes in (B) and (C) feature symmetrical 4-nucleotide internal loops, whereas the NOTCH1 structure in (A) has an asymmetrical miRNA bulge with five unpaired nucleotides on the miRNA side and a 3-nucleotide asymmetry."


      This paper will have a significant impact on the field if seed-unpaired targets can indeed unload guide RNAs. The authors may want to validate their results very carefully.

      We thank the reviewer for recognising the significance of duplex release (or guide unloading) from AGO2. We agree that the observations should be tested rigorously and have outlined the actions we took to ensure validity in our AGO2 preparation.

      __Reviewer #3 __

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required):

      In this manuscript, the authors use a combination of biochemical, biophysical, and computational approaches to investigate the structure-function relationship of miRNA binding sites. Interestingly, they find that AGO2 weakens tight RNA:RNA binding interactions, and strengthens weaker interactions.

      Given this antagonistic role, I wonder: shouldn't there be an 'average' final binding affinity? Furthermore, if I understand correctly, not many trends were observed to correlate binding affinity with repression, etc.

      Overall, there was no 'average' final binding affinity observed, as the binary assays had a much higher maximum (NOTCH2binary affinity was within the micromolar range) skewing the mean average of the binary affinities to 657 nM, versus 111 nM for the ternary affinities. We also compare the variances of the binary and ternary affinity datasets using the F-test and found that F > F(critical one tail) and thus the variation of the two populations is unequal (binary variation is significantly larger than ternary).

      F-Test Two-Sample for Variances

      • *

      binary affinity

      ternary affinity

















      F(critical one-tail)


      We agree that the overall correlation between affinity and repression was not strong, although we found a stronger correlation within the miRNA-bulge group (Figure 5C and S7C). A larger sample size of miRNA bulge-forming duplexes would be needed to test the generalizability of this observation.

      Given the context of the study - whereby structure is being investigated as a contributing factor to the interaction between the miRNA and mRNA, I find it interesting that the authors chose to use MC-fold to predict the structures of the mRNA, rather than using an experimental approach to assess / validate the structures. Thirty-seven RNAs were assessed; I think even for a subset (the 12 that were focused on in the study), the secondary structure should be validated experimentally (e.g., by chemical probing experiments, which the research group has demonstrated expertise in over the last several years). The validation should follow the in silico folding approach used to narrow down the region of interest. It is necessary to know whether an energy barrier (associated with the mRNA unfolding) has to occur prior to miRNA binding; this could help explain some of the unexplained results in the study. Indeed, the authors mention that there are many variables that influence miRNA regulation.

      Indeed, experimentally validated structures offer valuable insights that cannot be obtained solely through sequence-based predictions. This is why we opted to employ our RABS method to experimentally evaluate the binary and ternary complex binding of our 12 selected targets (as depicted in Figures 4 and S9 and discussed in the text on pages 23-24). While we (in silico) assessed all 37 RNA targets that were experimentally confirmed at the time, selecting 12 to represent both biological and predicted structural diversity, it would have been impractical to experimentally pre-assess all the targets not included in the final selection. Our in-silico assessment was designed to narrow down the regions of interest and evaluate predicted secondary structures present. The pipeline is shown in Figure 1. Details of the code used in the in-silico analysis are provided in Supplementary File 1.

      Regarding the energy of unfolding of mRNA, our constructs considered the isolated binding sites thus the effects of surrounding mRNA interactions were removed. We compared our affinities to dG as well as MFE and have now included this analysis in Figure S8A. Additionally, we have included the text on page 27-28 of the discussion:

      "Gibbs free energy (G), which is often included in targeting prediction models as a measure of stability of the miRNA:mRNA pair12,62, correlated with the log of our binary KD,app values, using ΔG values predicted by RNAcofold (R2 = 0.61). There was a weaker correlation with the free energy values derived from the minimum free energy (MFE) structures predicted by RNAcofold (R2 = 0.41) (Figure S8A). This result highlights the contribution of unfolding (in ΔG) as being an important in predicting KD. The differences between ΔG and KD,app are likely primarily due to inaccurately predicted structures used for energy calculations."

      Additionally, we assessed the free form of all mRNA targets via RABS (Figure S9) and observed that the seed of each free mRNA was available for miRNA binding (seeds of the free mRNA were not stably bound).

      Finally, when designing our luciferase plasmids we used RNAstructure (Reuter & Mathews, 2010) to check for self-folding effects which could interfere with target site binding and ensured that all plasmids were void of such effects.

      In the methods, T7 is italicized by accident in the T7 in vitro transcription section. Bacmid is sometimes written with a capital B and other times with a lower-cased b. The authors should be consistent. The concentration of TEV protease that was added (as opposed to the volume) should be described for reproducibility.

      Thank you for pointing out these overlooked points. They have now been corrected.

      In figure S2D, what is the second species in the gel on the right-hand side of the gel in the miR-34a:AGO lanes? The authors should mention this.

      We believe that the faint upper band corresponds to other longer RNA species loaded into AGO2. As AGO2 is loaded with a diversity of RNA species, it is likely that some of them may have a weak affinity for the miR-34a-complementary probe, and therefore show up on the northern blot.

      Figure S3B and S3A are referenced out of order in the text. In regard to S3A, what are the anticipated or hypothesized alternative conformations for NOTCH1, DLL1, and MTA2? There are really interesting things going on in the gels, also for HNF4a and NOTCH2. Can the authors offer some explanation for why the free RNA bands don't seem to disappear, but rather migrate slowly? Is this a new species?

      The order of the figure references have now been updated, thank you for alerting us to this.

      Figure S3A: For MTA2, the two alternative conformations are shown in Figure S9 and S10 (and shown below here, miR-34aseed marked in pink). It appears that a single conformation is favoured at high concentration (> 1 µM) while the two conformations are present at {less than or equal to} 1 µM. The RABS data for MTA2 also indicated multiple binding conformations, as the reactivity traces were inconsistent. We expect that the conformation shown on the left was most dominant within AGO2, based on the reactivity of the TRANS + AGO assays. However, we cannot exclude a possible G-quadruplex formation due to the high G content of MTA2 (shown below right).

      Regarding NOTCH1 and DLL1, a faint fluorescent shadow was observed beneath the miR-34a bound band. The RABS reactivity traces indicated a single dominant conformation for these targets, so it is possible that the lower shadow observed was due to more subtle differences in conformation, such as the opening/closing of one or a few base pairs at the terminus or bulge, (i.e. end fraying). HNF4α and NOTCH2 appear to never fully saturate the miR-34a, so a small un-bound population remains visible on the gel. For NOTCH2 this free miR-34a band appears to migrate upwards, possibly due to overloading the gel lane with excess NOTCH2 (which are not observed in the Cy5 fluorescence image).

      In the EMSA for Perfect, why does the band intensity for the bound complex increase then decrease? How many replicates were run for this? This needs to be reconciled.

      As for all EMSAs, three replicates were carried out for each mRNA target and all gels are shown in Supplementary Files 2 and 3, for the binary and ternary assays respectively.

      Uneven heat distribution across the gel can lead to bleaching of the Cy5 fluorophore. To address this, we we used a circulating cooler in our electrophoresis tank, as outlined in our methods (page 10). However, the aforementioned gel for one of thePERFECT sample replicates appears to have been evenly cooled. As the binding ratio (rather than total band volume) was used for quantification, the binding curve was unaffected, and this did not influence KD,app.

      We have now replaced the exemplary gel for PERFECT in Figure S3 with a more representative and evenly labelled gel from our replicates (Cy5 fluorescence image shown below). The binding curve for PERFECT is also shown here:

      The authors list that the RNA concentration was held constant at 10 nM; in EMSAs, the RNA concentration should be less than the binding affinity; what is the lowest concentration of protein used in the assays shown in S3A? Is this a serial dilution? It seems to me like the binding assays for MTA2, Perfect, and SRCseed might have too high of an RNA concentration. (Actually, now I see in the supplement the concentrations of proteins, and the RNA concentration is too high). Also, why is the intensity of bands for bound complex for SRCseed more intense than the free RNA?

      Why are the binding affinity error bars so large (e.g., for NOTCH2 with mir-34a) - 6 uM +/- 3 uM?

      No protein was used in the binary assays shown in Figure S3A. For the ternary assays in Figure S4, the maximum concentration of miR-34a-loaded AGO2 (miR-34a-AGO2) was 268 nM, with a serial dilution down to a minimum of 0.06 nM.

      Optimal EMSA conditions require a constant RNA concentration that is lower than the binding affinity to accurately estimate high-affinity interactions.

      For our tightest binders, such as SIRT1, we can confidently state that the KD,app is less than 10 nM, estimated at 0.4 {plus minus} 1.1 nM. Therefore, the accuracy of this estimation is reduced, and the standard deviation is larger than the estimated KD,app. As NOTCH2 bound miR-34a very weakly and did not reach a fully bound plateau, the resulting high error was expected. Consequently, we do not have the same level of certainty for extremely tight or weak binders. In this study, the relative affinities were of primary importance.

      We have included on page 18:

      As the Cy5-miR-34a concentration was fixed to 10 nM to give sufficient signal during detection, KD,app values below 10 nM have a lower confidence.

      Regarding the control samples PERFECT and SCRseed, our focus was not on determining the exact KD,app of these artificial constructs. Instead, we were primarily interested in whether they exhibited binding and under which conditions. For SCRseed, we neither adjusted the titration range nor calculated KD,app. For PERFECT, the concentration was adjusted to a lower range of 30 nM - 0.001 nM to give a relative comparison with the other tight binder SIRT1. However, further reduction in RNA concentration was not pursued, as it already fell well below the 10 nM sensitivity threshold.

      Regarding the intensity of the bound SCRseed band, we observed that the bound fluorophore often resulted in stronger intensity than for the free probe. This was observed for a number of the samples (PERFECT, BLC2, SCRseed). A previous publication reported that Cy5 is sequence dependent in DNA, that the effect is more sensitive to double-stranded DNA, and that the fluorophore is sensitive to the surrounding 5 base pairs (Kretschy, Sack and Somoza, 2016). It is likely that the same phenonenon exists in RNA.

      For MTA2, the two alternative conformations (shown in Figure S9 and S10) make assessment of KD,app more difficult. As the higher affinity conformation did not reach a fully-bound plateau before the weaker affinity conformation appeared, the binding curve plateau (where all miR-34a was bound) reflected the weaker conformation KD,app. We increased the range of titration tested by using a three-fold serial dilution, but further reduction in RNA concentration would not have been fruitful as it already dropped below well below the 10 nM sensitivity range. Therefore the MTA2 binary complex had a higher error at (944 {plus minus} 274 nM) and lower confidence.

      We then decided to run a competition assay to detect the weaker KD,app of MTA2. The assay was set up using the known binding affinity of CD44, which was labelled with Cy5 to track the reaction. MTA2 was titrated against a constant concentration of Cy5-CD44:miR-34a, and disruption of the CD44 and miR-34a binding was monitored. We fitted the data to a quadratic for competitive binding (Cheng and Prusoff., 1973) to calculate the KD,app for competitive binding, or KC,app.

      We validated our competition assay by comparing it with our direct binding assays, specifically assessing CD44 in a self-competition assay. The CD44 KC,app (168 {plus minus} 24 nM; mean and SD of three replicates) was found to be consistent with the KD,app obtained from the direct assay (165 {plus minus} 21 nM).

      As we wanted all affinity data to be directly comparable (using the same methodology), we compared the KD,app values obtained via direct assay in the manuscript. It appears that the competitive EMSA assay for MTA2 reflects the weaker affinity conformation observed in the direct assay.

      It would be very helpful if the authors wrote in the Kds in Figure 2A in green and blue (in the extra space in the plots). This would help the reader to better understand what's going on, and for me, as a reviewer, to better consider the analysis/conclusions presented by the authors.

      KD,app values are written in in green and blue in what is now Figure 2D (originally Figure 2A).

      The authors state on page 18 that 'Interestingly, however, we did not observe a correlation between binary or ternary complex affinity and seed type.' They should elaborate on why this is interesting.

      The prevailing view is that the miRNA seed type significantly influences affinity within AGO2. The largest biochemical studies of miRNA-target interactions to date, conducted by McGeary et al. (2019, 2022), used AGO-RBNS (RNA Bind-n-Seq) to reveal relative binding affinities. These studies demonstrated strong correlations between the canonical seed types and binding affinity. Therefore, we find it interesting that no such correlation was observed in our dataset (despite its small size).

      We have now added to the manuscript (page 20):

      "The largest biochemical studies of miRNA-target interactions to date (McGeary et al., 2019, 2022) used AGO-RBNS (RNA Bind-n-Seq) to extract relative binding affinities, demonstrating strong correlations between the canonical seed types and binding affinity. Therefore, it is intriguing that our dataset, despite its small size, showed no such correlation."

      Figure 2C is not referenced in the text (the authors should go back through the text to make sure everything is referenced and in order). The Kds should be listed alongside the gels in Figure 2C.

      Figure 2 has now been rearranged and updated, with KD,app values listed in what is now Figure 2D.

      Figure 3B is rather confusing to understand.

      We have now adapted Figure 3 to simplify readability. Panel B has now been moved to C, and we have introduced panel A (moved from Figure 2B). In Figure 3C (originally 3B) we have added arrows to indicate the direction of affinity change from binary to ternary complex, and moved the duplex release information to panel A. We thank the reviewer and think that the data is now much clearer.

      Figure 3. AGO2 moderates affinity by strengthening weak binders and weakening strong binders. (A) Correlation of relative mRNA:miR-34a with mRNA:miR-34aAGO2 binding affinities. No seed type correlation is observed, seeds coloured, where 8mer is pink, 7mer-m8 is turquoise, and 7-mer-A1 is mauve. The slope of the linear fit is 0.48, and intercept on the (log y)-axis is 7.11. The occurrence of miRNA duplex release from AGO2 is marked with diamonds. (B) miR-34a-mediated repression of dual luciferase reporters fused to the 12 mRNA targeting sites. Luciferase activity from HEK293T cells co-transfected with each reporter construct, miR-34a was measured 24 hours following transfection and normalised to the miR-34a-negative transfection control. Each datapoint represents the R/F ratio for an independent experiment (n=3) with standard deviations indicated. SCRseed is a scrambled seed control, SCRall is a fully scrambled control, and PERFECT is the perfect complement of miR-34a. Dotted horizontal lines represent the repression values for the 22-nucleotide seed-only controls6 for the respective seed types, in the absence of any other WC base pairing. (C) Comparison of relative target repression with relative affinity assessed by EMSA. Blue represents mRNA:miR-34a affinity (binary complex), while green represents mRNA:miR-34a-AGO2 affinity (ternary complex). Arrows indicate the direction of change in affinity upon binding within AGO2 compared to the binary complex. It is seen that AGO2 moderates affinity bi-directionally by strengthening weak binders and weakening strong binders.

      Page 20: Perfect should be italicized.

      Thank you for bringing this to our attention, this how now been adjusted.

      Have the authors considered using NMR to assess the base pair pattern formed between the miRNA:mRNA complexes (with / without AGO)? As a validation for results obtained by RABS? This could be helpful for the Asymmetric target binding section, the Ago increases flexibility section, and the three distinct structural groups section in the results. It is widely accepted that while chemical probing is insightful, results should be validated using alternative approaches. Distinguishing structural changes and protected reactivity in the presence of protein is challenging.

      NMR provides high-resolution information on RNA base-pairing patterns, allowing us to compare our RABS results for SIRT1with those obtained via NMR (Banijamali et al., 2022) for the binary complex. For SIRT1, the RNA:RNA structures identified were consistent between both methods. However, using NMR to measure RNA:RNA binding within AGO2 is challenging due to the protein's large size. Currently, there are no published complete NMR structures of RNA within AGO2. The largest solution-state NMR structures published that include AGO consist solely of the PAZ domain. Our group has been working on method development using DNP-enhanced solid-state NMR to obtain structural information within the complete AGO2 protein, but the current resolution does not allow us to fully reconstruct a complete NMR structure. We hope that in the coming years, this will be a method to evaluate RNA within AGO. This limitation highlights the advantage of RABS in providing RNA base-pairing information within the ternary complex in solution.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The work is helpful for understanding how microRNAs recognize and bind their mRNA targets, and the impact Ago has on this interaction. I think for therapeutic studies, this will be helpful for structure-based design. Especially given the three types of structures identified to be a part of the interaction.

      We thank the reviewer for their detailed remarks, especially concerning the importance of technical details the binding assays. We further thank the reviewer for recognising the potential impact of our work for rational design.

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      • *

      In response to Reviewer 2 - major comment 1, we prefer to not run an additional ion exchange purification on the AGO2 protein due to the reasoning discussed above, which is repeated here:

      We have addressed this point in three ways:

      Thank you for mentioning this crucial point which has been a focus of our controls. We have addressed this point in four ways:

      Salt wash during reverse IMAC purification. Separation of unbound RNA and proteins via SEC. Blocking non-specific interactions using polyuridine. Observing both the presence and absence of duplex release among different targets using the same AGO2 preparation and conditions.

      Firstly, although we did not use a specific ion exchange column for purification, we believe the ionic strength used in our IMAC wash step was sufficient to remove non-specific interactions. We used A linear gradient with using buffer A (50 mM Tris-HCl, 300 mM NaCl, 10 mM Imidazole, 1 mM TCEP, 5% glycerol v/v) and buffer B (50 mM Tris-HCl, 500 mM NaCl, 300 mM Imidazole, 1 mM TCEP, 5% glycerol) at pH 8. The protocol followed recommendation by BioRad for their Profinity IMAC resins where it is stated that 300 mM NaCl should be included in buffers to deter nonspecific protein binding due to ionic interactions. The protein itself has a higher affinity for the resin than nucleic acids.

      A commonly used protocol for RISC purification follows the method by Flores-Jasso et al. (RNA 2013). Here, the authors use ion exchange chromatography to remove competitor oligonucleotides. After loading, they washed the column with lysis buffer (30 mM HEPES-KOH at pH 7.4, 100 mM potassium acetate, 2 mM magnesium acetate and 2 mM DTT). AGO was eluted with lysis buffer containing 500 mM potassium acetate. Competing oligonucleotides were eluted in the wash.

      As ionic strength is independent of ion identity or chemical nature of the ion involved (Jerermy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Gregory J. Garret Jr., Biochemistry 2015), we reasoned that our Tris-HCl/NaCl/ imidazole buffer wash should have at comparable ionic strength to the Flores-Jasso protocol.

      Our total ionic contributions were: 500 mM Na+, 550 mM Cl-, 50 mM Tris and 300 mM imidazole. We recognise that Tris and imidazole are both partially ionized according the pH of the buffer (pH 8) and their respective pKa values, but even if only considering the sodium and chloride it should be comparable to the Flores-Jasso protocol.

      Secondly, after reverse HisTrap purification, AGO2 was run through size exclusion chromatography to remove any remaining impurities (shown Figure S2B).

      Thirdly, knowing that AGO2 has many positively charged surface patches and can bind nucleic acid nonspecifically (Nakanishi, 2022; O'Geen et al., 2018), we tested various blocking backgrounds to eliminate nonspecific binding effects in our EMSA ternary binding assays. We were able to address this issue by adding either non-homogenous RNA extract or homogenous polyuridine (pU) in our EMSA buffer during equilibration background experiments. This allowed us to eliminate non-specific binding of our target mRNAs, as shown previously in Supplementary Figure S6. We appreciate that the reviewer finds this technical detail important and have moved the panel C of figure S6 into the main results in Figure 2C, to highlight the novel conditions used and important controls needed to be performed. If miR-34a were non-specifically bound to the surface of AGO2 after washing, this blocking step would render any impact of surface-bound miR-34a negligible due to the excess of competing polyuridine (pU).

      Our EMSA results show that, using polyU, we can reduce non-specific interaction between AGO2 and RNAs that are present. And still, duplex release occurs despite the blocking step. It is therefore less likely that duplex release is caused by surface-bound miR-34a.

      Finally, the observation of distinct duplex release for certain targets, but not for others (e.g. MTA2, which bound tightly to miR-34a-AGO2 but did not exhibit duplex release; see Figure 2), argues against the possibility that the phenomenon was solely due to non-specifically bound RNA releasing from AGO2.

      In response to the reviewers statement "Since properly loaded miR-34a is never released from AGO2, it is impossible for the miR-34a loaded into AGO2 to form the binary complex (mRNA:miR-34a)" we would like to refer to the three papers, De et al. (2013) Jo MH et al. (2015), and Park JH et al. (2017), which have previously reported duplex release and collectively provide considerable evidence that miRNA can be unloaded from AGO in order to promote turnover and recycling of AGO. It is known that AGO recycling must occur, therefore there must be some mechanisms to enable release of miRNA from AGO2 to enable this. It is possible that AGO recycling proceeds via miRNA degradation (TDMD) in the cell, but in the absence of enzymes responsible for oligouridylation and degradation, the miRNA duplex may be released. As TDMD-competent mRNA targets have been observed to release the miRNA 3' tail from AGO2 (Sheu-Gruttadauria et al., 2019; Willkomm et al., 2022), there is a possible mechanistic similarity between the two processes, however, we do not have sufficient data to make any statement on this.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, the authors use a combination of biochemical, biophysical, and computational approaches to investigate the structure-function relationship of miRNA binding sites. Interestingly, they find that AGO2 weakens tight RNA:RNA binding interactions, and strengthens weaker interactions.

      Given this antagonistic role, I wonder: shouldn't there be an 'average' final binding affinity? Furthermore, if I understand correctly, not many trends were observed to correlate binding affinity with repression, etc.

      Given the context of the study - whereby structure is being investigated as a contributing factor to the interaction between the miRNA and mRNA, I find it interesting that the authors chose to use MC-fold to predict the structures of the mRNA, rather than using an experimental approach to assess / validate the structures. Thirty-seven RNAs were assessed; I think even for a subset (the 12 that were focused on in the study), the secondary structure should be validated experimentally (e.g., by chemical probing experiments, which the research group has demonstrated expertise in over the last several years). The validation should follow the in silico folding approach used to narrow down the region of interest. It is necessary to know whether an energy barrier (associated with the mRNA unfolding) has to occur prior to miRNA binding; this could help explain some of the unexplained results in the study. Indeed, the authors mention that there are many variables that influence miRNA regulation.

      In the methods, T7 is italicized by accident in the T7 in vitro transcription section. Bacmid is sometimes written with a capital B and other times with a lower-cased b. The authors should be consistent. The concentration of TEV protease that was added (as opposed to the volume) should be described for reproducibility.

      In figure S2D, what is the second species in the gel on the right-hand side of the gel in the miR-34a:AGO lanes? The authors should mention this.

      Figure S3B and S3A are referenced out of order in the text. In regard to S3A, what are the anticipated or hypothesized alternative conformations for NOTCH1, DLL1, and MTA2? There are really interesting things going on in the gels, also for HNF4a and NOTCH2. Can the authors offer some explanation for why the free RNA bands don't seem to disappear, but rather migrate slowly? Is this a new species?

      In the EMSA for Perfect, why does the band intensity for the bound complex increase then decrease? How many replicates were run for this? This needs to be reconciled.

      The authors list that the RNA concentration was held constant at 10 nM; in EMSAs, the RNA concentration should be less than the binding affinity; what is the lowest concentration of protein used in the assays shown in S3A? Is this a serial dilution? It seems to me like the binding assays for MTA2, Perfect, and SRCseed might have too high of an RNA concentration. (Actually, now I see in the supplement the concentrations of proteins, and the RNA concentration is too high). Also, why is the intensity of bands for bound complex for SRCseed more intense than the free RNA?

      Why are the binding affinity error bars so large (e.g., for NOTCH2 with mir-34a) - 6 uM +/- 3 uM?

      It would be very helpful if the authors wrote in the Kds in Figure 2A in green and blue (in the extra space in the plots). This would help the reader to better understand what's going on, and for me, as a reviewer, to better consider the analysis/conclusions presented by the authors.

      The authors state on page 18 that 'Interestingly, however, we did not observe a correlation between binary or ternary complex affinity and seed type.' They should elaborate on why this is interesting.

      Figure 2C is not referenced in the text (the authors should go back through the text to make sure everything is referenced and in order). The Kds should be listed alongside the gels in Figure 2C.

      Figure 3B is rather confusing to understand.

      Page 20: Perfect should be italicized.

      Have the authors considered using NMR to assess the base pair pattern formed between the miRNA:mRNA complexes (with / without AGO)? As a validation for results obtained by RABS? This could be helpful for the Asymmetric target binding section, the Ago increases flexibility section, and the three distinct structural groups section in the results. It is widely accepted that while chemical probing is insightful, results should be validated using alternative approaches. Distinguishing structural changes and protected reactivity in the presence of protein is challenging.


      The work is helpful for understanding how microRNAs recognize and bind their mRNA targets, and the impact Ago has on this interaction. I think for therapeutic studies, this will be helpful for structure-based design. Especially given the three types of structures identified to be a part of the interaction.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Sweetapple et al. took the approaches of EMSA, SHAPE, and MD simulations to investigate target recognition by miR-34a in the presence and absence of AGO2. Surprisingly, their EMSA showed that guide unloading occurred even with seed-unpaired targets. Although previous studies reported guide unloading, they used perfectly complementary guide and target sets. The authors of this study concluded that the base-pairing pattern of miR-34a with target RNAs, even without AGO2, can be applicable to understanding target recognition by miR-34a-bound AGO2.

      Major comments:

      1. (Page 11 and Figure S4) The authors pre-loaded miR-34a into AGO2 and subsequently equilibrated the RISC with a 5' modified Cy5 target mRNA. Since properly loaded miR-34a is never released from AGO2, it is impossible for the miR-34a loaded into AGO2 to form the binary complex (mRNA:miR-34a) in the EMSA (guide unloading has been a long-standing controversy). However, they observed bands of the binary complex in Figure S4. The authors did not use ion-exchange chromatography. AGOs are known to bind RNAs nonspecifically on their positively charged surface. Is it possible that most miR-34a was actually bound to the surface of AGO2 instead of being loaded into the central cleft? This could explain why they observed the bands of the binary complex in EMSA.
      2. (Page 18 and Figure S5) Previous studies (De et al., Jo MH et al., Park JH et al.) reported guide unloading when they incubated a RISC with a fully complementary target. However, neither MTA2, CCND1, CD44, nor NOTCH2 can be perfectly paired with miR-34a (Figure 1A). Therefore, the unloading reported in this study is quite different from the previously reported works and thus cannot be explained by the previously reported logic. The authors need to explain the guide unloading mechanism that they observed. Otherwise, they might misinterpret the results of their EMSA and RABS of the ternary complex.
      3. (Page 20) The authors reported, "it is notable that the seed region binding does not appear to be necessary for duplex release." The crystal structures of AGO2 visualize that the seed of the guide RNA is recognized, whereas the rest is not, except for the 3' end captured by the PAZ domain. How do the authors explain the discrepancy?
      4. (Pages 22) The authors mentioned, "It follows that the structure imparted via direct RNA:RNA interaction remains intact within AGO2, highlighting the role of RNA as the structural determinant." A free guide and a target can start their annealing from any nucleotide position. In contrast, a guide loaded into AGO needs to start annealing with targets through the seed region. Additionally, the Zamore group reported that the loaded guide RNA behaves quite differently from its free state (Wee et al., Cell 2012). How do the authors explain the discrepancy?
      5. The authors concluded that the range of binary complex affinities is constricted by human AGO2 in the ternary complex - strengthening weak binders while weakening strong binders. This may hold true for miR-34a, but it cannot be generalized. Other miRNAs need to be tested.

      Minor comments:

      1. (Figure S2) Why was the 34-nt 3'Cy3-labeled miR34a complementary probe shifted up in the presence of AGO? 2.(Page 17) Does the Cy3 affect the interaction of the 3' end of miR-34 with AGO2?
      2. Several groups reported that overproduced AGOs loaded endogenous small RNAs. The authors should mention that their purified AGO2 was not as pure as a RISC with miR-34a. Otherwise, readers might think that the authors used a specific RISC.
      3. (Figure legend of Figure S5) Binding was assessed "by."
      4. (Page 17) It would be great if the authors could even briefly describe the mechanism by which the sodium phosphate buffer with magnesium does not disturb weaker interactions by citing reference papers. 6.(Page 22) The authors cited Figure 4C in the sentence, "Comparison between CIS and TRNAS ..." Is this supposed to be Figure 4D? 7.(Figure 6) Readers would appreciate it if the guide and target were colored in red and blue. The color codes have been used in most papers reporting AGO structures. The current color codes are opposite.


      This paper will have a significant impact on the field if seed-unpaired targets can indeed unload guide RNAs. The authors may want to validate their results very carefully.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Sweetapple et al.

      Biophysics of microRNA-34a targeting and its influence on down-regulation

      In this study, the authors have investigated binding of miR-34a to a panel of natural target sequences using EMSA, luciferase reporter systems and structural probing. The authors compared binding within a binary and a ternary complex that included Ago2 and find that Ago2 affects affinity and strengthens weak binders and weakens strong binders. The affinity is, however, generally determined by binary RNA-RNA interactions also in the ternary complex. Luciferase reporter assays containing 12 different target sites that belong to one of three seed-match types were tested. Generally, affinity is a strong contributor to repression efficiency. Duplex release, a phenomenon observed for specific miRNA-target complementarities, seems to be more pronounced when high affinity within the binary complex is observed. Furthermore, the authors use RABS for structural probing either in a construct in CIS or binding by the individual miRNA in TRANS or in a complex with Ago2. They find pronounced asymmetric target binding and Ago2 does not generally change the binding pattern. The authors observe one specific structural group that was unexpected, which was mRNA binding with bulged miRNAs, which was expected sterically problematic based on the known structures. MD simulations, however, revealed that such structures could indeed form.

      This is an interesting manuscript that contributes to our mechanistic understanding of the miRNA-target pairing rules. The combination of affinity measurements, structural probing and luciferase reporters allow for a broad correlation of target binding and repression strength, which is a well-thought and highly conclusive approach. However, there are a number of shortcomings that are summarized below.

      1. The manuscript is not easy to read and to follow for several reasons. First, many of the sub-Figures are not referenced in the text of the results section (1C, 1D, 2C, 4D). Figure 4A seems to be mis-labeled. Second, a lot of data is presented in suppl. Figures. It should be considered to move more data into the main text in order to make it easier for readers to evaluate and follow.
      2. Some of the data is over-interpreted. For example, in Figure 3A, it is concluded that supplementary regions are more important for weaker seeds. Only two 8-mer seeds are present among the twelve target sites and thus it might be difficult to generalize.
      3. I did not understand why the CIS system shown in 4A is a good test case for miR-34a-target binding. It appears very unnatural and artificial. This needs to be rationalized better. Otherwise it remains questionable, whether these data are meaningful at all.
      4. For the TRANS experiments, only one specific scaffold structure is used. This structure might impact binding as well and thus at least one additional and independent scaffold should be selected for a generalized statement.
      5. Generally, it would be nice to have some more information about the experiments also in the result section. Recombinant Ago2 is expressed in insect cells and re-loaded with miR-34a, luciferase reporters are transfected into tissue culture cells, I guess.
      6. In the first sentence of the abstract, Argonaute 2 should be replaced by Argonaute only since other members bind to miRNAs as well.


      This is an interesting manuscript that contributes to our mechanistic understanding of the miRNA-target pairing rules. The combination of affinity measurements, structural probing and luciferase reporters allow for a broad correlation of target binding and repression strength, which is a well-thought and highly conclusive approach. However, there are a number of shortcomings.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We would like to thank the reviewers for their thoughtful evaluation of our work. Our point-by-point responses to reviewer critiques follow below. Please note that any referenced changes to the manuscript are highlighted in yellow in the revised manuscript text.

      Response to Common Critiques

      1. Reviewers 1 and 2 state that some elements of this study confirm previously published results (many in murine systems). However, the reviewers also acknowledge that the mouse and human rDNA repeats may be subject to quite distinct regulation because of the much denser CG content of the human rDNA promoter (26 CpGs) vs. the mouse rDNA promoter (only 2 CpGs); these potential differences in regulation motivated this study in human cells. We evaluate the functions of rDNA methylation in human cells, which is directly relevant to understanding the regulation of rDNA function in human aging, and to understanding the functional implications of DNA methylation "aging clocks" more generally. We also apply a recently developed technology (dCas9-mediated epigenome editing) to directly test the function of rDNA methylation. Novel findings reported in this study include:
      2. Pol I - engaged rDNA repeats are hypomethylated at sites both in the promoter and the gene body; this contrasts with Pol II transcription, which is coincident with gene body methylation.
      3. rDNA copy number remains stable with age in mammals, in striking contrast to findings in other eukaryotes. rDNA copy number instability has been proposed to be a universal feature of the aging genome, and this finding refutes that possibility.
      4. Induction of DNA methylation by an average of ~20% along 7-11 of the 26 CpGs in the human rDNA repeat does not measurably inhibit rDNA transcription.
      5. Human Pol I and UBTF remain bound to rDNA promoters in the presence of elevated CpG methylation, in contrast to the murine Pol I machinery.

      Reviewers 1 and 2 questioned our strategy of mapping sequencing data to the consensus ribosomal DNA (rDNA) repeat alone. We followed the approach of Wang & Lemos Genome Research 2019, who initially described the rDNA methylation clock. Wang & Lemos also mapped genomic data to rDNA consensus sequences alone due to the computational efficiency of this approach, and describe a head-to-head comparison of mapping performance outcomes in their Methods section. Importantly, their analysis indicated that the vast majority (>98%) of sequencing reads can be mapped uniquely to the consensus human rDNA repeat (U13369.1). When we launched our study, we also initially compared the performance of mapping to the rDNA repeat consensus sequence alone versus to the whole human genome. We noted very similar performance in both cases, with the possible exception of a modest increase in simple repeat sequences being erroneously mapped to the intergenic spacer (IGS) region of the rDNA when we mapped to the rDNA repeat alone. As the reviewers pointed out, the IGS contains simple repeat sequences that are also found at numerous other non-rDNA sites in the genome. However, the minor mis-mapping of simple repeats to the IGS did not affect our analyses of non-IGS sequences, which were the focus of this study. We therefore proceeded with mapping to the rDNA consensus sequence only.

      Reviewers 1 and 2 pointed out that our dCas9-DNMT strategy induced only a 15-20% increase in rDNA methylation and questioned whether we could expect to detect downstream effects in rDNA transcription. While Reviewer 2 suggested that multiple sgRNAs could enhance methylation efficiency, it turns out that this has already been tested for other target genes and shown that multiple sgRNAs cannot increase efficiency of CpG methylation by dCas9-DNMTs (Stepper et al., Nucleic Acids Research 2017). Separately, the goal of this study was to model the effects of age-linked rDNA hypermethylation, which increases by 15-20% over mammalian lifespan (Wang & Lemos 2019; see also our Figure 1). Importantly for interpreting these data, induction of promoter methylation to a similar extent on the mouse rDNA repeat was able to direct detectable repression of rDNA transcription (Santoro et al., 2011). Further, dCas9-DNMT has been previously shown to induce a ~20% increase in CpG methylation of the Pol II target gene EpCAM and cause measurable transcriptional repression that was detectable by qPCR (Stepper et al., 2017). In contrast, we were able to induce rDNA methylation to a similar extent and observed no change in the levels of either pre-rRNA or mature rRNA. Because we see that UBF and Pol I remain bound to rDNA in spite of higher CpG methylation (Fig. 7 and Fig. S4), we interpret these data together to indicate that the human Pol I machinery can continue to engage with rDNA in the presence of intermediate levels of CpG methylation.

      Reviewer 1

      1. inactivation of rDNA transcription per se does not affect chromatin accessibility, to date only depletion or deletion of UBTF has been found to do this and even this does not enhance CpG methylation, these published findings should be referenced.

      Our analyses in Figure 2 focus on defining the relationships between chromatin accessibility, transcriptional activity, and CpG methylation throughout the human rDNA repeat. We cannot determine causation from this analysis - meaning whether chromatin accessibility influences CpG methylation or vice versa - and this point is beyond the scope of our study. Our major goal was to test whether induced CpG methylation affects transcription output.

      The authors overstate their results by writing "actively transcribed rDNA repeats are hypomethylated at their promoter" despite only one SmaI site but many CpG sites exist in the human promoter, the latter having not been assayed.

      We analyzed several pieces of data to come to this conclusion. First, ATAC-Me indicates that ATAC-accessible rDNA repeats are completely devoid of methylation both in their promoter and throughout the gene body; as UBTF binding controls rDNA accessibility (Sanij et al., JCB 2008; Hamdane et al., PLoS Genet 2014), we infer that ATAC-accessible repeats are engaged with the Pol I transcription machinery and hypomethylated. To more directly probe this question, we evaluated the methylation status of Pol I-bound rDNA repeats at five separate sites by ChIP-chop: two sites in the 5' regulatory region (5' ETS and core promoter, pooled together as "promoter" in Figure 2F) and three sites within the gene body (18S, 5.8S, and 28S, pooled together as "gene body" in Figure 2F). These data clearly indicate that Pol I preferentially binds to these regions when they are hypomethylated, as the extent of CpG methylation at these same sites is higher in input DNA and lower in Pol I-ChIPped DNA. While we do not comprehensively profile CpG methylation status of Pol I-bound DNA, these ChIP-chop analyses are consistent with our interpretation that "actively transcribed (that is, Pol I-engaged) rDNA repeats are hypomethylated at their promoter".

      Pol I's preference for binding hypomethylated promoters has been previously described in mouse cells (Santoro & Grummt 2001) and human cells (Brown & Szyf Mol Cell Biol 2007). We confirm this and also report the novel finding that rDNA gene bodies bound by Pol I are hypomethylated. This contrasts with known relationships between Pol II and CpG methylation, where genes actively transcribed by Pol II often have dense gene body CpG methylation.

      While we think it is reasonable to infer from ATAC-Me data and ChIP-chop data together that accessible and hypomethylated rDNA repeats reflect transcriptionally active repeats, we appreciate the reviewer's point that we analyzed only a select few CpG sites by Pol I ChIP-chop. We have adjusted the text to make our interpretation more parsimonious (see highlights).

      The human rDNA promoter contains many CpGs which may not affect transcription when methylated. RRBS and WGBS data can't tell us much if we don't understand which sites, when methylated, affect transcription*. *

      We agree, and this ambiguity is what motivated us to induce methylation and evaluate the consequences. In plasmid reporter experiments where the human rDNA promoter was fused to a luciferase reporter, it was shown that in vitro methylation of the plasmid potently inhibited transcription in human cells (Ghoshal et al., J Biol Chem 2004). In this study, methylation of 7/26 CpGs was sufficient to induce >75% inhibition of reporter plasmid transcription, while methylation at single sites could induce ~50% inhibition. We neglected to site this relevant study and have included a reference to it in the revised manuscript. Importantly, this plasmid reporter assay does not assess the effects of CpG methylation on the full rDNA repeat in its endogenous genomic context. We were able to induce significant CpG hypermethylation on 11/26 promoter CpGs with one guide (P+G) and on 7/26 CpGs with a second guide (P+A) (Figure 3D). This level of methylation did not induce detectable silencing of rRNA transcription. Instead, we found that both UBF (Fig. 7) and Pol I (Fig. S4) remained bound to rDNA in the presence of CpG hypermethylation.

      The argument that the mouse rDNA Pol I machinery is "exquisitely sensitive" to CpG methylation is a little misleading as there are only two CpGs in the mouse rDNA promoter. Which of the 26 human CpGs are the critical ones?

      Immediately following this statement in the Discussion, we state that "the human rDNA promoter is significantly more CG-rich than the mouse rDNA promoter". We have revised this section to emphasize the difference (26 CpGs in human vs. only 2 in the mouse) and discuss this point raised by the reviewer: which are the critical CpGs in the human rDNA? Here again it is relevant to cite the human rDNA promoter reporter assays performed by Ghoshal et al., J Biol Chem 2004. These data indicate that CpG methylation of 7/26 promoter CpGs interferes with transcription from an rDNA reporter plasmid. Notably, it is unclear how generalizable findings from reporter assays are to the genomic context of the endogenous full length rDNA sequence. Our data indicate that partial methylation of 7-11 CpGs in the human rDNA promoter causes no detectable rDNA inhibition, and indeed does not displace UBF or Pol I (Fig. 7; Fig. S4).

      Antibody SC13125 used for UBF ChIP sees nearly exclusively the shorter transcriptionally inactive UBF2 variant. These data need to be repeated with an antibody that detects both UBF forms.

      We thank the reviewer for raising the important issue of UBTF splice isoforms. Relevant citations demonstrating that the SC13125 antibody recognizes only UBF2 would have been very helpful. The human UBTF gene is alternatively spliced into full-length UBF1 (exon 8 retained) and UBF2 (exon 8 spliced out). The deletion of exon 8 results in a 37 amino acid deletion in UBF2 corresponding to residues 221-268 in HMG box 2 of UBF1 (see Ensembl entry ENSG00000108312.16). The truncation of HMG box 2 makes UBF2 a far less potent transcriptional activator than UBF1. Because of the small molecular weight difference between these two isoforms, preference of an antibody for one vs. another isoform is not readily apparent by Western blotting. However, according to the manufacturer of the UBTF antibody used in this study, the immunogen corresponds to residues 1-220 of UBTF1, which is immediately N-terminal to the residues deleted in UBF2 (AAs 221-268, encoded by exon 8). The antibody's immunogen is thus entirely sequence that is shared between UBF1 and UBF2. Further, a previous study performed immunoprecipitation followed by mass spectrometry using this antibody and reported detection of UBF1-specific peptides (Drakas et al., PNAS 2004). Therefore, absent our knowledge of any evidence to the contrary, we conclude that this antibody recognizes UBF1 and possibly also UBF2.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this point and have adjusted the text to avoid the misleading implication that we are unambiguously detecting only the UBF1 isoform; all mentions of "UBF1" in the revised text have been replaced with "UBTF".

      Setting aside the question about the UBTF antibody reagent used, we observe consistent results by evaluating both UBTF (Figure 7) and Pol I (Figure S4) binding to rDNA in spite of CpG methylation; therefore, we conclude that the human Pol I machinery is not displaced from the human rDNA promoter by intermediate levels of CpG methylation.

      Reviewer 2

      1. There is very little discussion concerning the methylation status of the IGS...the Kobayashi lab has convincingly demonstrated that rDNA repeats fall into 2 classes. Those in which the supposedly active repeats lack methylation on promoters and coding regions and those in which both promoters and coding regions are heavily methylated. In both cases the IGS is fully methylated.

      We cite this study in the Discussion (reference 18 in bibliography) and agree that this work is relevant to ours; we have adjusted the text to emphasize this point. Notably, this previous analysis of CpG methylation patterns by long-read sequencing implied that active repeats may be entirely hypomethylated along their coding sequence; our data more directly demonstrate this both by ATAC-Me and by Pol I ChIP-chop (Fig. 2).

      There is no description of how rRNA levels were assessed. I suggest this could be further complemented by in vivo incorporation studies such as EU labeling.

      We apologize for this lack of clarity. rRNA levels were assessed by qPCR of the 45S pre-rRNA (Fig. 3A) and of mature 28S rRNA (Fig. 3B), and these data are presented as a fold change in each rDNA-targeting sgRNA compared to a non-targeting control sgRNA. The primersets used are listed in Supplementary Table 1.

      While we agree that EU labeling could be useful for detecting nucleolar transcription, qPCR detection of the 45S rRNA also sensitively reports nascent transcription and we think is sufficient to address this question.

      Reviewer 3

      1. The study points to differences between mouse and human rDNA and the effect of DNA methylation on transcriptional output. Did the mouse rDNA dataset also measure transcription output to correlate with DNA methylation age differences?

      The original study that defined the rDNA methylation clock (Wang & Lemos Genome Research 2019) did not evaluate rDNA transcription in parallel. More generally, the relationship of age-linked "clock" CpG methylation sites to expression / function of CpG methylated loci is very unclear, and testing the potential relationship between age-linked rDNA methylation and function was the major goal of this study.

      Did the spacer promoter also get methylated and did that affect UBF and Pol I binding?

      While the existence and function of a spacer promoter has been more clearly defined in the mouse rDNA repeat, recent evidence indicates that the Pol I transcription machinery also binds a second location about 800 bp upstream of the core promoter in the human rDNA repeat (Mars et al G3 2018). The guides that we used to direct CpG methylation recognize single unique sites in the core rDNA promoter and do not recognize sequences in this putative spacer promoter, and we did not analyze methylation at the spacer promoter. Analysis of the spacer promoter is generally beyond the scope of this study, as it is unknown whether there is any relationship between spacer promoter methylation and aging progression.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript Modeling the consequences of age-linked rDNA hypermethylation with dCas9-directed DNA methylation in human cells studies the DNA methylation during aging at the rDNA. The study is well performed and provides several new insights into rDNA transcriptional regulation. The main finding is that in human cells, rRNA methylation does not affect transcription output, UBF and RNA pol I binding, even though the bound gene copies are less methylated than the silent ones. The experimental approach is excellent; the data mining and experiments are appropriate and shows essential points. The results are very interesting and provides new aspects to the state of rDNA that will further the understanding of ribosomal transcription.

      Minor concerns

      The study points to differences between mouse and human rDNA, and the effect of DNA methylation on transcriptional output. Did the in the mouse rDNA data-set also measure transcription output to correlate with DNA methylation age-differences.

      Some rRNA genes, including the human gene repeat, has a second promoter 7-800 base pairs upstream of the promoter. This site also contains a CTCF binding site, upstream of which nucleosomal chromatin state is found. Downstream of the spacer promoter, a UBF associated chromatin state assembles, presumable on active copies. Did the spacer promoter also get methylated and did that affect UBF binding and pol I binding?


      This is a very interesting and novel study which just needs to be extended to other feature of the rDNA to provide a full picture. The results presented in the manuscript are novel and contributes to the understanding of ribosomal transcription, in particular the outstanding question about the impact of DNA methylation on the transcriptional output and chromatin states. It provides important insight into how to think about rRNA transcription in different cell lines, states and diseases, such as cancer. The general aspects of the study suggest a broad broad.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Mammalian genomes typically contain between 150 and 250 copies of a ribosomal gene repeat (rDNA) that are transcribed by RNA polymerase I to yield pre-rRNAs that encode rRNAs. It is generally accepted, that in most cells as many as 50% of repeats are transcriptionally silent. It is now appreciated that the regulatory elements and transcribed regions of these "silent" repeats are heavily methylated. Thus rDNA hypermethylation correlates with silence. However, whether this is a driver of silencing or a consequence of silencing is open to debate. This manuscript weighs into this debate. Initial experiments remap existing bisulfite sequencing data from both the mouse and humans. These results confirm previous data that rDNA hypermethylation correlates with aging. Next, to strengthen links between hypermethylation and silencing, they remap methylation-resolved ATAC sequencing data. This confirms that hypomethylated rDNA is in a more open chromatin conformation, presumably the "active repeats". In mammals there have been competing claims regarding changes in rDNA copy number during aging. Notably it has been claimed previously that rDNA copy number drops during human aging. A potential flaw in that study is that it studies of rDNA copy number utilised genetically diverse human populations. Here, using digital PCR, they survey rDNA copy number in various tissues of an inbred mouse strain. Analysing young mice and old mice, they find no evidence for age related rDNA loss. While the above experiments are well performed the results are largely confirmatory in nature. The next set of experiments attempt to address a critical question, namely, is rDNA hyper methylation a 'cause' of a 'consequence' of silencing. They generated an inducible nuclease dead CAS9 fused with de novo methyltransferase function (dCas9-3A3L) and gRNAs targeting either the promoter of the 28S coding region. Experiments performed in transformed and non-transformed human cell lines demonstrated a 15-20% methylated rDNA. Analysis of pre and mature rRNAs as well as cell staining reveal that transcript levels and nucleolar morphology are unaltered. Furthermore, the finding that UBF 'chipped' rDNA is more heavily methylated argues that directed methylation of the human rDNA promoter does not displace UBF. These experiments suggest that rDNA hypermethylation is more of a consequence of silencing than a cause of silencing.

      Major comments:

      It is not clear from the methods how previous rDNA was mapped onto rDNA repeats. Did they generate a customised reference genome with rDNA added, or simply map reads to rDNA in isolation. This is of critical importance as only reads that uniquely map to rDNA should be considered. Mammalian genomes typically contain many rDNA pseudo genes. Furthermore, the rDNA intergenic spacer (IGS) contain many retro/repeated elements that are distributed throughout the genome.

      There is very little discussion concerning the methylation status of the IGS. Using nanopore sequencing the Kobayashi lab has convincingly demonstrated that rDNA repeats fall into 2 classes. Those in which the supposedly active repeats lack methylation on promoters and coding regions and those in which both promoters and coding regions are heavily methylated. In both cases the IGS is fully methylated.

      In the targeted methylation experiments the increase in rDNA methylation remains both local and modest 15-20% increase. Would it be possible to increase the number of gRNA so as to achieve a higher level and more distributed change in rDNA methylation.

      Minor comments:

      The older U13369 rDNA reference has many sequence errors and should be avoided.

      There is no description of how rRNA levels are assessed. I suggest this could be further complemented by in vivo incorporation studies such as EU/click-chemistry.


      Around 50% of data presented in this manuscript (Figs 1-3) is confirmatory rather than novel. While the data regarding targeted methylation of "active rDNA repeats is interesting, and I think pointing us in the right direction, it is not comprehensive enough to overturn the pervasive notion that methylation causes silencing.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript attempts to provide an answer to why methylation of the human rDNA correlates with aging. They conclude that this correlation is not connected with changes in rDNA activity of copy numbers.

      Major comments:

      The authors reanalyze public data from RRBS and WGBS that suggests a correlation between aging and rDNA methylation. They then use public ATAC-Me sequence data and show a good correlation between chromatin accessibility and lack of CpG methylation. This correlation has been known for some time, but the ATAC-Me approach is a nice confirmation that it extends through the coding region and probably the promoter and enhancer sequences. In referring to the correlation between open chromatin and hypomethylation the authors state that "these data imply that methylation of the rDNA promoter and gene body both occur exclusively on non-transcribed, silent repeats" However, it is known that inactivation of rDNA transcription per se does not affect chromatin accessibility, to date only depletion or deletion of UBTF has been found to do this and even this does not enhance CpG methylation, these published findings should be referenced. The authors do recognize this and use the so-called ChIP-chop (not ChIP-ChOP) method to analyze methylation of PolI ChIPped DNA at a single SmaI site in the 47S promoter and a site within the 28S (Table S1 showing primers was not available to me to define the exact regions, the ref to Santoro for the technique should be 2014 not 2013). The ChIP-chop assay repeats previous work but here is done on HEK293T, the cell line they use for later study. The authors also overstate their results by writing "actively transcribed rDNA repeats are hypomethylated at their promoter" despite only one SmaI site but many CpG sites exist in the human promoter, the latter having not been assayed.

      The authors do go on to convincingly show rDNA copy numbers are constant with age by assaying various mouse tissues from young and old mice, hence excluding this as an affector of aging. They then attempt to use targeted de novo methylation to ask if this has any effect on rDNA transcription. Such effects have been extensively claimed as a source of rDNA regulation, though there is little evidence that this occurs in vivo. The authors use dCas9 targeted DNMT to locally enhance methylation using two promoter and one 28S guide RNAs and are able to show mean increases of 15 to 20% by ChIP-chop (but 40 to 50% at other CpGs by WGB-seq (BSAS), not discussed). Measurement of pre-rRNA and 28S abundance (relative to what control is not stated), cell proliferation, PolI nucleolar distribution and UBF (incorrectly referred to UBF1, see comment below) occupancy at the promoter are all suggested to show no effects of this targeted methylation. Hence the authors conclude that "These data suggest that promoter methylation is not sufficient to impair transcription of the human rDNA and imply that the human rDNA transcription machinery may be resilient to age-linked rDNA hypermethylation" But in fact no more than a 20% change due to the targeted methylation should be expected in any of the parameters measured. It is not at all evident that such a small effect would be detected by the authors.

      Specific points:

      Mapping was to the rDNA repeat unit in the absence of the human genome. This may bias the mapping data since the human genome contains rDNA pseudogenes and intermediate repetitive elements that are also present in the rDNA unit. These will be present in all the RRBS and WGS datasets, may or may not change methylation levels with age and will be mapped onto the single copy of the rDNA used in the data alignment. These factors need to be controlled.

      The human rDNA promoters contain many 26 CpGs, most of which may have no effect on transcription when methylated. Thus, very little of significance can be gleaned from RRBS data and this goes for WBS data without understanding which sites when methylated affect transcription.

      The argument that the mouse rDNA is "mouse Pol I machinery is exquisitely sensitive to a single CpG methylation event in the UCE, which blocks UBF binding and prevents transcription". Here the reference is to one of only two CpGs in the mouse promoter and, in this reviewer's opinion, the effect of its methylation has never been convincingly shown in vivo on the endogenous genes. However, if true, it also opens the question of which of the 26 CpGs in the human promoter are critical ones.

      Antibody SC13125 used for UBF ChIP sees near exclusively the shorter transcriptionally inactive UBF2 variant. These data need to be repeated with an antibody that detects both UBF forms.


      We believe that the authors are correct in their conclusion that rDNA activity is not significantly affected by the level of CpG methylation. This said, the data presented in the manuscript does not provide strong support for this notion and hence, does not significantly advance our understanding of the role of rRNA in aging.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank both reviewers for their reviews of our work and suggestions for improvement. Changes to the manuscript are captured with the Track Changes feature, and our point-by-point responses are included below in bold/italic text.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary Bell et al. overexpress Prom1 or Ttyh1 and test its effect on EV formation from cell lines. They find that Ttyh1 expression leads to an increase in small EVs as well as tubulated EVs, while Prom1 expression leads to a milder increase in small EVs. EV induction by Prom1 is dependent on cholesterol and the authors show that Prom1 makes the cholesterol in EVs more resistant to detergent. The authors show no connection between Ttyh1 EV induction and cholesterol, although they claim it is important. They also show that a disease mutation in Prom1 decreases Prom1 trafficking to the plasma membrane and increases cholesterol resistance to detergent in EVs. The authors also find that the disease mutation decreases the size of the Prom1-induced EVs.

      Major Comments

      Results - line 99-106 - The EV isolation protocol would remove large EVs like the Prom1+ midbody remnants. It is important to explicitly specify that this study focused on small EVs.

      We agree with the reviewers and appreciate the suggestion to make this distinction. We have clarified the Results text (lines 104-105) to specify that our method specifically reconstitutes and isolates small EVs.

      Statistics - The t tests appear to have been performed without correction for multiple comparisons (Figure 2C-D, Fig. 4D). Given that >10 comparisons were made, this can alter the biological significance of p__We agree with the reviewers that multiple test correction is appropriate for these figures. We have applied Bonferroni correction to the t-tests in Figs 2C, 2D, and 4D by adjusting our significance thresholds (alpha), and included additional text in the figure legend to indicate how and why the correction was performed.__

      The DLS data does not appear to give any insight into EV size (unlike the EM data) and could be removed from the whole manuscript (or moved to supplemental). The authors should also remove any conclusions based on the DLS data.

      We appreciate the reviewers raising this point and agree that the DLS is less informative than our other measurements of EV size and morphology. We have moved all DLS figure panels where EV size is characterized by another method to the Supplement.

      Discussion - line 382-383 "Because Prom1 EVs arise directly from blebbing of the plasma membrane23, this finding suggests that Prom1 and Ttyh1 traffic to similar regions of the plasma membrane." The authors have not examined where Prom1 or Ttyh1 localize in the plasma membrane and can not draw this conclusion. That both proteins promote plasma membrane budding would only suggest that both proteins localize to the plasma membrane, not subregions of the plasma membrane. However, the authors have not demonstrated that Ttyh1 specifically induces plasma membrane budding. The different size of Ttyh1 EVs could be due to different biogenesis mechanisms (i.e. derived from intracellular organelles instead of the plasma membrane), making this statement an over-interpretation on both parts.

      This is a fair point. We have removed this sentence from the Discussion (lines 402-403) as the reviewer requests.

      Discussion - line 398-400 "Membrane cholesterol is necessary for Prom1-mediated remodeling20,21 and is present at similar levels in purified Prom1 and Ttyh1 EVs (Fig 5E), indicating that it is undoubtedly important for EV formation by both proteins." & line 415-417 "We find that conservative mutations in several of these adjacent aromatic residues impair EV formation by Prom1, but do not mimic the stable cholesterol binding of W795R (Figs 2C, 4D). " The author's data suggests that cholesterol is not important for Ttyh1 to induce EV formation. The authors show that cholesterol depletion does not alter Ttyh1 EV production. Similarly, they find separable effects on cholesterol binding and EV formation with Prom1 mutants, which suggest that there is more to Prom1-mediated EV formation than cholesterol. That cholesterol is present at similar levels can reflect that overexpression of these proteins does not alter the amount of cholesterol in the EV source membrane (i.e. plasma membrane). Also, wouldn't molecular crowding of a membrane protein be predicted to influence how easy it is to extract lipids?

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting this imprecisely phrased sentence. We only meant to indicate that cholesterol is present in both sets of EVs and contributes globally to membrane fluidity. We have removed this sentence from the Discussion (lines 419-421) to avoid over-interpretation or confusion.

      The reviewer is also correct to point out that molecular crowding could alter how extractable lipids are from EVs. We have included additional explanatory text in the Discussion (lines 421-426) addressing this point.

      Discussion - line 431-433 "Our findings suggest that the dynamic interaction of Prom1 with cholesterol may promote efficient maturation and trafficking of Prom1 between the endomembrane system and the plasma membrane. The authors did not investigate whether depleting cholesterol improved Prom1(W795R) trafficking to the plasma membrane, making this inference untested. Soften interpretation or test experimentally.

      We appreciate the reviewer raising this point. We have altered the text in this paragraph (lines449-459) to soften our interpretation of these results, as suggested by the reviewer.

      Minor Comments Abstract - "the EVs produced are biophysically similar" The authors don't perform any typical biophysical characterization (beyond size and perhaps density), so do they mean physically similar? Given the Prom1 and Ttyh1 EVs can have different shapes and are significantly different sizes, this statement feels misleading.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out the ambiguity around this word. We agree that "physically similar" is a more precise and accurate term, and have revised all instances of this language in the manuscript.

      Intro - line 59-60 - "Large Prom1 EVs (500-700 nm in diameter) appear to form from bulk release of membrane from the cell midbody" Midbody remnants are well defined (if variously named, i.e. flemmingsome) large EVs derived from the spindle midbody, intercellular bridge, and cytokinetic ring. I'm not sure what the authors are trying to express by "bulk release of membrane". Midbody remnants are also a site of membrane tubulation.

      The reviewer is correct to point out that midbody remnant release is a well defined process. We originally included this statement to avoid indicating that we are studying the only known class of Prominin EVs, but now recognize that including this creates more confusion that it alleviates. To improve clarity concurrently with the changes referenced above emphasizing that we are specifically studying small EVs, we have removed this reference to the larger class of EVs from the introduction (lines 61-63).

      The effect on total numbers of EVs is buried in the y-axes of the EM graphs, making it difficult to distinguish where a higher n of images was examined vs. where there is an increase in EVs. This is especially hard to interpret given the high difference in n values.

      The reviewers raise a valid critique of these figure panels. To improve clarity, we have adjusted the y-axes to represent the fraction of EVs rather than the absolute value of EVs, and listed the n values in figure legends.

      Fig. 2C - Missing WT error bars

      We appreciate the reviewer's concern for the WT error bars in these figures. The measurements underlying these plots are derived from quantification of Western blots. Because the blots have a limited number of lanes, the WT sample was run as a normalization control on each of several sets of blots. By employing this approach, we could make quantitative comparisons within each blot without needing to make direct comparisons between blots, eliminating confounding variables such as blotting times, positions of blots on rotary shakers, developer incubation time, exposure times, etc. Because WT lanes were used for normalization, each "WT" blot condition has its own set of error bars that was used for t-test comparison with the samples that share a blot. For this purely technical reason, we can represent the data either normalized against WT values or with three separate WT measurements for each plot. In the interest of clarity and transparency, we elected to report the values normalized to WT and to include all raw blot images in Supplementary Fig. S4. We understand that we could have made this more transparent, so to clarify this decision for readers, we now explicitly reference the raw blot images in both the Results text (lines 185) and in the Figure 2 legend.

      Fig. 3H, 5C - Why not show raw numbers on the y-axes of the inset graphs like the main graph? Also, if it is only showing a subset of roundness ranges, then the x-axis should not go to 1 (i.e. axis range 0-0.8 would be clearer). I had a hard time figuring out what these insets were trying to show me, so please think about presenting this data more clearly (and larger).

      For clarity, we have moved the inset graphs to separate panels alongside the main panel and implemented the requested changes to the axes (see Figs. 3G, 5B).

      Discussion - line 377 - "Though we do not claim that Ttyh1 endogenously induces EV formation" This statement could be misinterpreted to say that you do not think endogenous Ttyh1 regulates EV formation. Rephrase as "although we have not examined whether..."

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this unclear sentence and have applied the requested change (line 397).

      Discussion - line 400-402 "Our results do not indicate that Ttyh1 does not bind cholesterol, merely that it does not form an interaction that is sufficiently kinetically stable to be co-immunoprecipitated." The phrasing here is confusing with multiple "not". It is better to leave things open than to say what you have not shown. Rephrase suggestion: "Although Ttyh1 was not able to form a kinetically stable interaction for co-immunoprecipitation, it remains to be determined whether Ttyh1 is able to bind cholesterol."

      We thank the reviewer for their suggestion and have modified the sentence to avoid double-negative phrasing (lines 422-426).

      Movies - I'm not sure what the two videos add. It's difficult to convince myself that I see plasma membrane labeling in either movie, especially in comparison to the over-exposed WGA staining. Also, why are there ~5 sec of empty movie at the end of each?

      We appreciate the reviewer's feedback and have removed the movies from the manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The data is interesting and well presented, but over interpreted in the discussion. The data on Ttyh1 expression inducing EVs is novel, but limited to overexpression studies. This study will be of interest to the EV, membrane curvature, and Prmn1/Tthy1 fields My expertise is in basic research on membrane trafficking (including EV formation) and lipids

      We thank the reviewer for their favorable review and helpful suggestions.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this study, authors investigated the role of Prom1 and Ttyh1 proteins on EV formation. They showed that both proteins can induce EV formation, while the mechanisms by which they do it might differ slightly. Ttyh1 binding to cholesterol is not as pronounced as Prom1. Surprisingly, cholesterol binding efficiency inversely correlates with EV formation. Also, EVs induced by Tthy1 and Prom1 are structurally different.

      My suggestions to improve the manuscript are below.

      • Figure 2E is not very convincing. As the authors mentioned, the signal is too low to have a concrete conclusion. The line scans somehow show that WT is more membrane-localized than mutant, but colocalization of Prom1 and WGA seems very similar in both cases. Is it certain that the addition of fluorophore did not change the trafficking? Does endogenous Prom-1 staining look like this? Also, why is WGA staining brighter in mutant sample, just a usual variation or biologically important?

      We understand the reviewer's concern about low signal, but respectfully disagree that the signal is too low to draw a meaningful conclusion. The only point we conclusively make in Fig. 2E is that WT Prom1 is more efficiently trafficked to the plasma membrane than W795R Prom1. We feel that this effect is sufficiently well evidenced by the line scan analysis in Supp. Fig. S5, where Prom1 peaks are cleanly visible for WT but not for W795R protein.

      We observe somewhat variable WGA staining in our experiments, and the differences we show in this figure panel are representative of typical staining variation. We do not draw any biological conclusions from the level of WGA present, only from its localization. Because both the plasma membrane and late endosomes are WGA+, we suspect that the W795R Prom1 is failing to traffic from endosomes to the plasma membrane. However, given the limitations of our fluorescence assay, we have removed any claim beyond the change plasma membrane trafficking efficiency from discussion of this experiment.

      We cannot conclude whether the mStayGold fluorophore alters trafficking of Prom1 to the plasma membrane. In response to the reviewer's comment, we attempted to use immunofluorescence to measure membrane localization of untagged Prom1 with the AC133-1 antibody. Unfortunately, we were unable to optimize this protocol to achieve sufficient membrane staining for quantification. We have softened our interpretation of Fig. 2E in the Results and Discussion (lines 203-204, 450) to acknowledge that the effects we observe are only measured with fluorophore-tagged Prom1.

      • I also recommend showing the localization of Ttyh1 on cells.

      We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion here, and it is an experiment we considered. One of the challenges we faced in this assay was quantitatively measuring fluorescent signal along cell-boundary plasma membranes without saturating signal from the very bright WGA+ endosomes. Because Ttyh1 globally expresses at higher levels than Prom1 (see Figs. 3C, 3I), direct comparison of membrane-localized Prom1 and Ttyh1 is technically challenging in these cells. However, Ttyh membrane localization has been widely reported in other papers (Matthews et al., J. Neurochem, 2007; Jung et al., J. Neurosci., 2017; Sukalskaia et al., Nat. Commun., 2021; Melvin et al., Comm. Biol., 2022) that we now explicitly mention and cite for reader clarity in both the Introduction and Results (lines 69-71, 224-225).

      • A graph directly showing cholesterol binding vs EV formation efficiency would be very useful.

      We agree with the reviewer that this would be an interesting and useful addition to the paper. We now include this panel in the revised manuscript as Fig. 4F.

      • "Prominin and Tweety homology proteins are homologous and functionally analogous" involves speculation and authors should clearly mention this. Revealing that they are both contributing to EV formation does not make them definitely functionally analogous.

      We agree with the reviewer that this sentence is indeed ambiguous and somewhat speculative. We have revised the section heading to "Prominin and Tweety homology proteins are homologous proteins that both promote EV formation" (lines 461-462) to indicate the specific analogous function we observe.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Overall, it is a useful addition to the field of cell biology, particularly EV field. EV formation and efficiency are both important topics, and this manuscript might give insights.

      We thank the reviewer for their favorable review and helpful suggestions.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study, authors investigated the role of Prom1 and Ttyh1 proteins on EV formation. They showed that both proteins can induce EV formation, while the mechanisms by which they do it might differ slightly. Ttyh1 binding to cholesterol is not as pronounced as Prom1. Surprisingly, cholesterol binding efficiency inversely correlates with EV formation. Also, EVs induced by Tthy1 and Prom1 are structurally different.

      My suggestions to improve the manuscript are below.

      • Figure 2E is not very convincing. As the authors mentioned, the signal is too low to have a concrete conclusion. The line scans somehow show that WT is more membrane-localized than mutant, but colocalization of Prom1 and WGA seems very similar in both cases. Is it certain that the addition of fluorophore did not change the trafficking? Does endogenous Prom-1 staining look like this? Also, why is WGA staining brighter in mutant sample, just a usual variation or biologically important?
      • I also recommend showing the localization of Ttyh1 on cells.
      • A graph directly showing cholesterol binding vs EV formation efficiency would be very useful.
      • "Prominin and Tweety homology proteins are homologous and functionally analogous" involves speculation and authors should clearly mention this. Revealing that they are both contributing to EV formation does not make them definitely functionally analogous.


      Overall, it is a useful addition to the field of cell biology, particularly EV field. EV formation and efficiency are both important topics, and this manuscript might give insights.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Bell et al. overexpress Prom1 or Ttyh1 and test its effect on EV formation from cell lines. They find that Ttyh1 expression leads to an increase in small EVs as well as tubulated EVs, while Prom1 expression leads to a milder increase in small EVs. EV induction by Prom1 is dependent on cholesterol and the authors show that Prom1 makes the cholesterol in EVs more resistant to detergent. The authors show no connection between Ttyh1 EV induction and cholesterol, although they claim it is important. They also show that a disease mutation in Prom1 decreases Prom1 trafficking to the plasma membrane and increases cholesterol resistance to detergent in EVs. The authors also find that the disease mutation decreases the size of the Prom1-induced EVs.

      Major Comments

      Results - line 99-106 - The EV isolation protocol would remove large EVs like the Prom1+ midbody remnants. It is important to explicitly specify that this study focused on small EVs.

      Statistics - The t tests appear to have been performed without correction for multiple comparisons (Figure 2C-D, Fig. 4D). Given that >10 comparisons were made, this can alter the biological significance of p<0.05 (1 incorrect in 20 comparisons). Please reanalyze with a more appropriate statistical test for multiple comparisons (i.e. ANOVA) or apply a correction to the t test values (i.e. Bonferroni).

      The DLS data does not appear to give any insight into EV size (unlike the EM data) and could be removed from the whole manuscript (or moved to supplemental). The authors should also remove any conclusions based on the DLS data.

      Discussion - line 382-383 "Because Prom1 EVs arise directly from blebbing of the plasma membrane23, this finding suggests that Prom1 and Ttyh1 traffic to similar regions of the plasma membrane." The authors have not examined where Prom1 or Ttyh1 localize in the plasma membrane and can not draw this conclusion. That both proteins promote plasma membrane budding would only suggest that both proteins localize to the plasma membrane, not subregions of the plasma membrane. However, the authors have not demonstrated that Ttyh1 specifically induces plasma membrane budding. The different size of Ttyh1 EVs could be due to different biogenesis mechanisms (i.e. derived from intracellular organelles instead of the plasma membrane), making this statement an over-interpretation on both parts.

      Discussion - line 398-400 "Membrane cholesterol is necessary for Prom1-mediated remodeling20,21 and is present at similar levels in purified Prom1 and Ttyh1 EVs (Fig 5E), indicating that it is undoubtedly important for EV formation by both proteins." & line 415-417 "We find that conservative mutations in several of these adjacent aromatic residues impair EV formation by Prom1, but do not mimic the stable cholesterol binding of W795R (Figs 2C, 4D). " The author's data suggests that cholesterol is not important for Ttyh1 to induce EV formation. The authors show that cholesterol depletion does not alter Ttyh1 EV production. Similarly, they find separable effects on cholesterol binding and EV formation with Prom1 mutants, which suggest that there is more to Prom1-mediated EV formation than cholesterol. That cholesterol is present at similar levels can reflect that overexpression of these proteins does not alter the amount of cholesterol in the EV source membrane (i.e. plasma membrane). Also, wouldn't molecular crowding of a membrane protein be predicted to influence how easy it is to extract lipids?

      Discussion - line 431-433 "Our findings suggest that the dynamic interaction of Prom1 with cholesterol may promote efficient maturation and trafficking of Prom1 between the endomembrane system and the plasma membrane. The authors did not investigate whether depleting cholesterol improved Prom1(W795R) trafficking to the plasma membrane, making this inference untested. Soften interpretation or test experimentally.

      Minor Comments

      Abstract - "the EVs produced are biophysically similar" The authors don't perform any typical biophysical characterization (beyond size and perhaps density), so do they mean physically similar? Given the Prom1 and Ttyh1 EVs can have different shapes and are significantly different sizes, this statement feels misleading.

      Intro - line 59-60 - "Large Prom1 EVs (500-700 nm in diameter) appear to form from bulk release of membrane from the cell midbody" Midbody remnants are well defined (if variously named, i.e. flemmingsome) large EVs derived from the spindle midbody, intercellular bridge, and cytokinetic ring. I'm not sure what the authors are trying to express by "bulk release of membrane". Midbody remnants are also a site of membrane tubulation.

      The effect on total numbers of EVs is buried in the y-axes of the EM graphs, making it difficult to distinguish where a higher n of images was examined vs. where there is an increase in EVs. This is especially hard to interpret given the high difference in n values.

      Fig. 2C - Missing WT error bars

      Fig. 3H, 5C - Why not show raw numbers on the y-axes of the inset graphs like the main graph? Also, if it is only showing a subset of roundness ranges, then the x-axis should not go to 1 (i.e. axis range 0-0.8 would be clearer). I had a hard time figuring out what these insets were trying to show me, so please think about presenting this data more clearly (and larger).

      Discussion - line 377 - "Though we do not claim that Ttyh1 endogenously induces EV formation" This statement could be misinterpreted to say that you do not think endogenous Ttyh1 regulates EV formation. Rephrase as "although we have not examined whether..."

      Discussion - line 400-402 "Our results do not indicate that Ttyh1 does not bind cholesterol, merely that it does not form an interaction that is sufficiently kinetically stable to be co-immunoprecipitated." The phrasing here is confusing with multiple "not". It is better to leave things open than to say what you have not shown. Rephrase suggestion: "Although Ttyh1 was not able to form a kinetically stable interaction for co-immunoprecipitation, it remains to be determined whether Ttyh1 is able to bind cholesterol."

      Movies - I'm not sure what the two videos add. It's difficult to convince myself that I see plasma membrane labeling in either movie, especially in comparison to the over-exposed WGA staining. Also, why are there ~5 sec of empty movie at the end of each?


      The data is interesting and well presented, but over interpreted in the discussion. The data on Ttyh1 expression inducing EVs is novel, but limited to overexpression studies. This study will be of interest to the EV, membrane curvature, and Prmn1/Tthy1 fields My expertise is in basic research on membrane trafficking (including EV formation) and lipids

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The authors report a mass spectrometry (MS)-based interactomics technique, time-resolved interactome profiling (TRIP), which allows for tracking temporal changes in the interactome of protein of interest. To show that TRIP can successfully deconvolute interactomes over time, they pulsed thyroid cells with homopropargylglycine (Hpg), immunoprecipitated the Hpg incorporated thyroglobulin (Tg) and its interacting proteins at different time points, and subjected the samples to tandem mass tag (TMT)-based quantitative MS analysis. The MS results show that WT and variant Tg proteins indeed associate with different proteostasis network factors in a differential manner over the course of time. In addition, they utilized an siRNA-based luciferase fusion assay to evaluate whether silencing each proteostasis network component changes the levels of Tg in both lysate and media. From the combination of the TRIP and siRNA-based assays, they found many hits, including hits implicated in protein degradation, VCP and TEX264, which they validated with multiple experiments.

      I am overall quite positive and think this is an important study. But there are some meaningful points to consider.

      Our Response: We thank Reviewer #1 for their positive outlook on our manuscript and their constructive feedback. We have addressed the comments below.

      Significant comments:

      Reviewer #1, Comment #1: Oonly two replicates of the main data (the TRIP-MS experiments) for this paper is problematic. Especially since the manuscript is supposed to be demonstrating and validating the new technique. Consistent with this concern, the relative enrichment profiles for some of the results were surprising. For instance, interaction with CCDC47 was tapering off but then at 3 h it suddenly reaches the maximum level of engagement. Is this a real finding or the variability in the method? Impossible to tell with two replicates. Presenting heat maps based on biological duplicates is also very problematic. It masks the error, which is large as can be seen in some of the panels showing individual proteins. In my view, triplicates and a clear understanding of the error in the technique should be required.

      Our Response: The TRIP datasets for WT Tg contains 5 biological replicates, while the A2234D and C1264R Tg contains 6 biological replicates. Two replicates are typically included in a TMTpro 16plex mass spectrometry run, and each analysis consists of 3 MS runs. We apologize that the number of replicates and layout of the MS runs was not clearly explained. Data for individual replicates is found in Dataset EV1, Dataset EV3, and a newly added Table EV3 delineates the sample layout across the TMT channels and MS runs. We clarified the text as follows:

      "Subsequently, two sets of TRIP time course samples (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, and 3 hr) could be pooled using the 16plex TMTpro and analyzed by LC-MS/MS (Fig 2A). In total, 5 biological replicates were analyzed for WT and 6 biological replicates were analyzed for A2234D and C1264R, respectively (Table EV3)."

      Reviewer #1, Comment #2: The same concern arises for the high-throughput siRNA screen, which was performed only in duplicate for WT and A2234D.

      Our Response: While the initial screen was performed in duplicate for WT and A2234D, which is common for larger screens due to resource constraints, we would like to direct the reviewer to the fact that we followed up on observed hits using thyroid cell lines with many more replicates. Furthermore, most hits came from the C1264R Tg variant, which had three replicates in the initial screen. Hits were also extensively followed-up.

      Reviewer #1, Comment #3: *There are issues with some of the immunoprecipitation experiments: In Figure 1C, a negative control for FLAG IP is missing. *

      *-In Figure 2B, I am curious why the band (Hpg -, chase time 0 h) is so faint for the first WB (IB for FLAG) - is Hpg treatment indeed leading to much more Tg present at 0 h? If so, that is a concern. *

      -Also, a negative control must be included (either plain cells or cells expressing fluorescent protein or a different epitope-tagged WT Tg).

      -In this same figure, I am puzzled why the bands for 1.5-3 timepoints in Biotin PD elution, probed for Rhodamine, are very faint especially considering that in Figure 1D, the corresponding bands, which are 4 h after the pulse, look fine. It seems like the IP failed here?

      Our Response: In Fig 2B, we have updated this figure with higher-quality images that are more representative of the results found when performing this experiment. Furthermore, to address the missing negative controls in Fig. 1C, we have added a separate figure (Fig EV2) where (-) FLAG-tagged Tg is included in this panel. We updated the text as follows:

      "Furthermore, the C-terminal FLAG-tag and Hpg labeling are necessary for this two-stage enrichment strategy, and DSP crosslinking is necessary to capture these interactions after stringent wash steps (Fig 1D, Fig EV2)."

      Regarding the Biotin PD rhodamine/TAMRA signal in Fig 2B: The blots in this figure panel represent the time-resolved Tg fractions from cell lysate, corresponding only to intracellular thyroglobulin. The decrease in band intensity for 1.5-3 hr time points is expected due to continued secretion and/or degradation dynamics taking place that decrease the intracellular population of labeled thyroglobulin that is able to be captured. For comparison, please note the C1264R panel (Fig 2C), where the rhodamine/TAMRA signal in the Biotin PD elutions is more stable compared to WT, indicating the cellular retention of C1264R while WT Tg is efficiently secreted and the signal is lost more rapidly. Fig 1D contains samples derived from a 4 hr Hpg pulse (without chase), explaining why the overall fluorescent Tg signal is more intense.

      Suggestion to consider:

      Reviewer #1, Comment #4: This manuscript, supported by the title and abstract, mainly focuses on the presentation of the development and application of TRIP, which is highly significant. The story becomes less coherent and harder to follow as significant amounts of text/figures are dedicated to siRNA-based high throughput screening and follow-up. In addition, although the discovery of TEX264 as one of the hits is very interesting and exciting, TEX264 apparently was not a hit in the TRIP experiment and is pretty distracting from the main point of the paper highlighted in the abstract and title, therefore. The siRNA-based assay and follow-up studies could be a separate scientific story of their own. Especially considering my concerns on the number of replicates for both the TRIP and siRNA-based assay, it could be beneficial to actually split the manuscript into two and conduct more replicates of the -omic work, which should corroborate the exciting discoveries the authors have made.

      Our Response: We have edited the manuscript to hopefully provide a more cohesive presentation of all data, findings, and conclusions within the paper. Given the generally positive outlook on the manuscript from other reviewers and our responses to significant comments from Reviewer #1 we opted to keep the manuscript as a single piece and address all reviewer comments.

      Minor comments:

      Reviewer #1, Comment #5: Throughout the manuscript, the authors have not defined what FT is; presumably it means FLAG tag.

      Our Response: Reviewer #1 is correct in FT corresponding to FLAG tag. We have now edited the manuscript text to clarify this as follows:

      "Thyroglobulin was chosen as model secretory client protein, and we generated isogenic Fischer rat thyroid cells (FRT) cells that stably expressed FLAG-tagged Tg (Tg-FT), including WT or mutant variants (A2234D and C1264R)."

      Reviewer #1, Comment #6: The authors might discuss their rationale for choosing 0-3 hrs for their TRIP studies. That includes any relevant information about the half-life of WT versus variant Tg, whether the Hpg pulse time is short enough to avoid missing key features of the temporal interactome, and discussion of what would happen if the TRIP were performed at prolonged time points (e.g. 6-10 h).

      Our Response: Apologies that we omitted this important point, which is indeed related to the secretion and degradation half-life. We edited the manuscript text to discuss the rationale for 0-3 hr, length of the Hpg pulse and the impact on capturing interactions, and performing TRIP at prolonged time points as follows:

      "Our previous study indicated that ~70% of WT Tg-FT was secreted after 4 hours, while approximately 50% of A2234D and 15% of C1264R was degraded after the same time period (Wright et al, 2021). Therefore, we reasoned that a 3-hr chase period would be a enought time to capture the majority of Tg interactions throughout processing, secretion, cellular retention, and degradation, while still being able to capture an appreciable amount of sample for analysis."

      We explain the labeling timeline and limitations further in the discussion:

      "To address this, we utilized a labeling time of 1 hr which allows us to generate a large enough labeled population of Tg-FT for TRIP analysis, but some early interactions are likely missed within the TRIP workflow. In the case of mutant Tg, performing the TRIP analysis for much longer chase periods (6-8 hrs) may provide insightful details to the iterative binding process of PN components that is thought to facilitate protein retention within the secretory pathway."

      Reviewer #1, Comment #7: Lines 68-69: the two citations should probably come one sentence earlier (at least Coscia et al 2020 is a structure paper).

      Our Response: We agree. We have edited the manuscript as follows to correct this:

      "In earlier work, we mapped the interactome of the secreted thyroid prohormone thyroglobulin (Tg) comparing the WT protein to secretion-defective mutations implicated in congenital hypothyroidism (CH) (Wright et al, 2021). Tg is a heavily post-translationally modified, 330 kDa prohormone that is necessary to produce triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) thyroid specific hormones (Citterio et al, 2019; Coscia et al, 2020). Tg biogenesis relies extensively on distinct interactions with the PN to facilitate folding and eventual secretion."

      Reviewer #1, Comment #8: Line 91: "(Figure 1A)" should follow the sentence "To develop the time-resolved..." to help readers better understand the system.

      Our Response: __We agree. We have edited the manuscript to add the Fig 1A reference. Furthermore, we redesigned the schematic in Fig 1A to better explain the experimental system. (see also __Reviewer #2, comment 10)

      "To develop the time-resolved interactome profiling method, we envisioned a two-stage enrichment strategy utilizing epitope-tagged immunoprecipitation coupled with pulsed biorthogonal unnatural amino acid labeling and functionalization (Fig 1A). Cells can be pulse labeled with homopropargylglycine (Hpg) to synchronize newly synthesized populations of protein. After pulsed labeling with Hpg, samples can then be collected across time points throughout a chase period (Fig 1A, Box 1) (Kiick et al, 2001; Beatty et al, 2006). The Hpg alkyne incorporated into the newly synthesized population of protein can be conjugated to biotin using copper-catalyzed alkyne-azide cycloaddition (CuAAC) (Fig 1A, Box 2). Subsequently, the first stage of the enrichment strategy can take place where the client protein of interest is globally captured and enriched using epitope-tagged immunoprecipitation, followed by elution (Fig 1A, Box 3)."

      Reviewer #1, Comment #9: Line 101: Fisher should be Fischer

      Our Response: Thank you. We have edited the manuscript text to correct this.

      Reviewer #1, Comment #10: Line 131: Should be 1.5 hrs instead of 2 hrs.

      Our Response: We edited this point (see below in comment #11)

      Reviewer #1, Comment #11: Lines 135-136: I do not agree with the claim that HSPA5 profile looked similar for MS and WB. I do not see a peak for HSPA5 at 2 hrs in Figure 2D.

      Our Response: We replaced the mass spectrometry quantification in Fig 2D, E with the scaled, relative enrichments. This provides a more meaningful comparison, as all interactions are scaled in the same way. Unfortunately, it is still difficult to directly compare the Western blot results in Fig. 2B-C to the mass spectrometry quantifications in Fig 2D-E because the WB intensities are not normalized to the Tg bait protein amounts, which is changing over time. At 2-3hrs time points, little WT Tg is pulled down as most of it is secreted. Therefore, the HSPA5 interactions are no longer detectable by Western blot. On the other hand, MS is much more sensitive to capture the interactions. We modified the text as follows:

      "For C1264R, interactions with HSPA5 were highly abundant at the 0 hr time point and remained mostly steady throughout the first 1.5 hours (Fig 2C). A similar temporal profile was also observed for HSP90B1. Additionally, interactions with PDIA4 were detectable for C1264R and were found to gradually increase throughout the first 1.5 hr of the chase period, before rapidly declining (Fig 2C). We noticed similar temporal profiles for PDIA4 and HSPA5 to our western blot analysis, when measured via TMTpro LC-MS/MS as further outlined below (Fig 2D-E). In particular, the HSPA5 WT Tg interaction declined within the first hours, yet for C1264R Tg, the HSPA5 interactions remained mostly steady over the 3-hour chase period. (Fig 2E)."

      Reviewer #1, Comment #12: Line 186: The cited paper Shurtleff et al 2018 is missing in the reference list.

      Our Response: Thank you. We have corrected this in the citation management system and it is now available in the reference list.

      Reviewer #1, Comment #13: Line 188: I disagree with the authors' claim here because, at least for CCDC47, interactions with C1264R seem to come back at the 3 hr time point.

      Our Response: We have removed the discussion of EMC and PAT complex components from the text. The implications of these interactions for Tg biogenesis remain unclear and were therefore a distraction from the discussion of other core proteostasis network components pertinent to Tg processing. Nonetheless, the full dataset - including these interactions - remains available to readers in Appendix Fig S1 for further perusal.

      Reviewer #1, Comment #14: Line 203: I am not sure if P4HA1 can be included in the examples for showing distinct patterns for mutants compared to the WT according to their data in Figure 3H.

      Our Response: We agree. We have edited the text to remove the discussion of prolyl hydroxylation and isomerization family members and elected to discuss the new clustering analysis and the robustness of the TRIP method in more detail. The full TRIP data is nonetheless available to interested readers in Appendix Fig S1.

      Reviewer #1, Comment #15: Line 216: The authors should add citations about the functions of STT3A and STT3B proteins.

      Our Response: We've edited the manuscript text to include a reference to the primary literature for STT3A and STT3B functions, as follows:

      "Previously, we showed that A2234D and C1264R differ in interactions with N glycosylation components, particularly the oligosaccharyltransferase (OST) complex. Efficient A2234D degradation required both STT3A and STT3B isoforms of the OST, which mediate co-translational or post-translational N-glycosylation, respectively (Kelleher et al, 2003; Cherepanova & Gilmore, 2016)."

      Reviewer #1, Comment #16: Lines 248-251, "We found that interactions with these components...": this sentence should refer to Figure 3 - Figure Supplement 3 instead of Figure 3L and S4.

      Our Response: Thank you. This section of the manuscript was significantly rewritten and the figure references updated.

      Reviewer #1, Comment #17: Lines 258-260, "Another striking observation was that the temporal profile of EMC interactions for C1264R correlated with RTN3, PGRMC1, CTSB, and CTSD interactions.": Please provide more evidence to support the potential correlation between different interaction profiles. Or the authors should move this sentence to the discussion section as it sounds speculative. This highlights the issue of only having duplicates, as well.

      Our Response: We agree that this point was highly speculative and we removed discussion of the EMC interactions.

      To further investigate the correlation of interaction profiles across the dataset, we performed unbiased k-means clustering. This led to the identification of 7 and 6 unique clusters of interactors for WT and C1264R Tg-FT, respectively. These data are represented in Fig 3F and Fig EV5. Unique clusters highlight similar temporal interaction profiles for Tg-FT interactors, and provide a quantitative representation of correlative interactions that take place during Tg-FT processing.

      "To assess temporal interaction changes in an unbiased fashion and identify protein groups exhibiting comparative behavior, we carried out k-means clustering of the temporal profiles for WT and C1264R. This analysis revealed a large divergence in the interaction profiles. For WT Tg, only one cluster exhibited steadily decreasing interactions (cluster 4), while others increased with time, or showed peaks at intermediate times (Fig 3F, Fig EV5A). On the other hand, C1264R largely exhibited clusters with decreasing interactions over time (Fig 3F, Fig EV5B). Cluster 2 for WT with biomodal interactions at early and late time points contains many Hsp70/90 chaperoning components. For C1264R Tg, many Hsp70/90 chaperoning components and disulfide/redox-processing components are instead part of cluster 2', which exhibited an initial rise in interactions strength before plateauing (Fig 3F, Fig EV5A,B). This divergent temporal engagement between WT Tg and the destabilized C1264R mutant is aligned with the patterns observed in the manual grouping (Fig 3B,C), highlighting that the unbiased temporal clustering can reveal broader patterns in the reorganization of the proteostasis dynamics."

      One of the clusters of the C1264R Tg interactions contained autophagy interactors along with glycosylation components. We therefore postulate that this could point to a coordination of these processes. We discuss this new point in the updated manuscript:

      "In the k-means clustered profiles, autophagy interactions largely group together in the same cluster, showing stronger interactions at earlier time points. In the same cluster are glycosylation components (UGGT1 and STT3B, MLEC), further supporting a possible coordination for C1264R Tg between lectin-dependent protein quality control and targeting to autophagy (Fig EV5B,C)."

      Reviewer #1, Comment #18: Line 340: As written, should cite more than one paper

      Our Response: Thank you. We reworded the manuscript to correct this, as follows:

      "The discovery of several protein degradation components as hits for rescuing mutant Tg secretion may suggest that the blockage of degradation pathways can broadly rescue the secretion of A2234D and C1264R mutant Tg, a phenomenon similarly found for destabilized CFTR implicated in the protein folding disease cystic fibrosis (Vij et al, 2006; Pankow et al, 2015; McDonald et al, 2022)."

      Reviewer #1, Comment #19: Line 371: Should be Figure 4 - figure supplement 2

      Our Response: We edited the manuscript to correct this error.

      Reviewer #1, Comment #20: Line 1231: "Zhang et al 2018" needs to be removed

      Our Response: We have removed this citation.

      Reviewer #1, Comment #21: Line 1286: FRTR should be FRT

      Our Response: Thank you. We have corrected this within the text.

      Reviewer #1, Comment #22: Figure 3E: Color used to highlight the three proteins (CCDC47, EMC1, EMC4) should match the color used in Figure 3 - Figure Supplement 3

      Our Response: __We have edited Figure 3 to remove the section related to membrane protein biogenesis. This data is still available in __Appendix Fig S1 with consistent color coding.

      Reviewer #1, Comment #23: Figure 4A: The bottom figure where lysate signal is inversely proportional to time is misleading because the authors are assessing steady-state level of proteins in this assay.

      __Our Response: __We agree. We updated the schematic in __Fig 4A __to better explain the workflow and differentiate the steady-state protein level being measured within the lysate.

      Reviewer #1, Comment #24: Figure 4 - Figure Supplement 1 caption: in (C), (F) should be (B). (K) should be (G) and I am not sure what the authors mean when they refer to (J) in caption of (G).

      Our Response: We have corrected this lettering mistake to match the figure properly. Please note that this figure is now Fig EV6, and it includes some new and reorganized panels.

      Reviewer #1, Comment #25: Figure 5 caption for (C and D): Need to specify the time that the samples were collected (8 hrs), as it seems different from A and B according to the main text.

      Our Response: We have specified the collection time within the caption for these data in Fig 5C __and __5D.

      Reviewer #1, Comment #26: Figure 5 - Figure Supplement 1: Data for HERPUD1 and P3H1 should be included.

      Our Response: We have now included data to confirm the knockdown for HERPUD1 and LEPRE1 (P3H1) in Fig EV7F-G.

      Reviewer #1, Comment #27: Figure 5 - Figure Supplement 2B: Please mention in the caption how degradation is defined.

      Our Response: We have updated the Fig EV7H caption to include how "degradation" is defined within these experiments:

      "% Degradation is defined as . Where is the fraction of Tg-FT detected in the lysate at a given timepoint n, and is the fraction of Tg-FT detected in the media at a given timepoint n."

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Reviewer #1, Comment #28: This manuscript is highly significant because the authors (1) designed and validated a new methodology for time-resolved interactomics study, (2) presented the dynamic changes in Tg interactome for WT and variants, and (3) discovered how proteins implicated in degradation pathways (e.g. VCP, TEX264, RTN3) can change the secretion profile of WT and mutant Tg proteins. With TRIP, the authors demonstrated that they could obtain valuable data that were previously not captured from steady-state interactomics studies (Wright et al. 2021; Figure 3M and Figure 3 - Figure supplement 4D-4I). Furthermore, the authors treated cells with VCP inhibitors and performed both 35S pulse-chase analyses and TRIP. These experiments provide valuable information to the field by (1) presenting a new method to rescue Tg secretion defect, and (2) demonstrating a broader applicability of TRIP. If the major comments above can be addressed I believe this is a tremendous contribution to the field.

      Our Response: We thank Reviewer #1 for their review comments and praise for the work presented within this manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Reviewer #2: In the manuscript 'Time-Resolved Interactome Profiling Deconvolutes Secretory Protein Quality Control Dynamics' Wright et al. developed an approach for time-resolved protein protein interaction mapping relying on pulsed unnatural amino acid incorporation, protein cross linking, sequential affinity purification, and quantitative mass spectrometry named time-resolved interactome profiling (TRIP). The authors applied the TRIP method to compare the interactions of the secreted thyroid prohormone thyroglobulin (Tg) comparing the WT protein to secretion-defective mutations implicated in congenital hypothyroidism. They further employed an RNA interference screening platform (1) to investigate if (1) interactors identified via TRIP are functionally relevant for Tg protein quality control and (2) to identify factors that can rescue mutant Tg secretion. The screen was initially performed in HEK293 cells, but selected hits with a phenotype in HEK cells were then followed up in Fisher rat thyroid cells. Further functional validation was performed by pharmacologic inhibition of VCP, a hit from the RNAi screen with an effect on Tg lysate abundance and Tg secretion. While the authors present a comprehensive study including identification of protein-protein interactions using proteomics followed up by an RNA interference screen for functional validation, major comments need to be addressed for both the proteomics as well as the functional genomics aspects of the study (see comments below).

      Our response: Thank you to reviewer 2 for their constructive feedback. We addressed all comments in detail below.

      Major comments:

      Reviewer #2, Comment #1: The authors describe a new method for quantitative, temporal interaction mapping. The protocol involves two enrichment steps as well as several reactions including cross-linking of the samples as well as functionalization of the unnatural amino acids. Given all these steps, the authors should rigorously characterize the quantitative reproducibility of the experiment when performed in independent biological replicates. This is important because in the final quantitative MS experiment, the authors only use two biological replicates, which is too low especially for such an involved sample preparation procedure, which would expect to have a high variability between replicates. Given the low number of replicates and the unknown reproducibility of the quantification for this protocol, it is questionable at this point how reliable the quantification over the time course is.

      __Our Response: __We apologize that the number of replicates and robustness of the analysis was not entirely clear in our manuscript. We thank the reviewer for the feedback, as this is important point to clarify. We included several additional analyses to further explain the robustness and quantitative reproducibility of our results:

      • We clarified the number of replicates For quantitative MS experiments five biological replicates were analyzed for WT, while six biological replicates were analyzed for A2234D and C1264R Tg-FT, respectively not two as mistakenly presumed by Reviewer #2. These data are available in Dataset EV1 and Table EV3. There is only one place where two biological replicates are included, C1264R Tg-FT FRT cells treated with ML-240 treatment for TRIP analysis. We have further clarified the number of biological replicates within the manuscript text as follows (see also reviewer #1, comment 1):

      "Subsequently, two sets of TRIP time course samples (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, and 3 hr) could be pooled using the 16plex TMTpro and analyzed by LC-MS/MS (Fig 2A). In total, 5 biological replicates were analyzed for WT and 6 biological replicates were analyzed for A2234D and C1264R, respectively (Table EV3)."

      • We displayed the reproducibility of TRIP time profiles for several individual proteins in Fig EV3 __and in __Fig 3K (VCP). We included shading to indicate the standard error of the mean (SEM) for the individual protein time courses to provide further assessment of the quantitative reproducibility. We updated the text as follows: "To benchmark the TRIP methodology, we chose to monitor a set of well-validated Tg interactors and compare the time-resolved PN interactome changes to our previously published steady-state interactomics dataset (Wright et al, 2021). Previously, we found that CALR, CANX, ERP29 (PDIA9), ERP44, and P4HB interactions with mutants A2234D or C1264R Tg exhibited little to no change when compared to WT under steady state conditions (Fig EV4A). However, in our TRIP dataset we were able to uncover distinct temporal changes in engagement that were previously masked within the steady-state data. Our time-resolved data deconvolutes these aggregate measurements, revealing prolonged CALR, ERP29, and P4HB engagements for both A2234D and C1264R Tg mutants compared to WT (Fig EV4B-F). We found that these measurements for key interactors and PN pathways exhibited robust reproducibility, as exemplified by the standard error of the mean for the TRIP data (Fig EV4B-I, Appendix Figure S1B)."

      • For full transparency, we also include the SEM of all TRIP profiles in the heatmap in Appendix Fig S1B.

      • Furthermore, we included 25-75% quartile ranges for the pathway aggregated time courses (Fig 3B,C,J,K) and the k-means hierarchical clustering analysis (Fig 3F, Fig EV5). Especially these clustering data allow for the visualization and analysis of temporal protein interactions that are correlated with one another, while the accompanying quartile ranges provide further context for the reproducibility of these measurements and cluster profiles (see __Reviewer #1, Comment 17 __above for further explanation about the k-means clustering).

        Reviewer #2, Comment #2: Compared to the previous dataset published last year, the authors discover an overlap in interactors, but also a huge discrepancy, with 96 previously identified interactors not detected in the current study, but 198 additional interactors identified. How do the authors explain the big differences between these datasets?

      __Our Response: __We can only speculate here but this difference in overlapping interactors may stem from several different factors, including but not limited to cell line, instrumentation, LC-MS/MS methodology, and sample processing workflows. Our previous dataset was published using transiently transfected HEK293 cell lines expressed FLAG-tagged constructs of Tg. The HEK293 cell line makes for a robust cell line used throughout several biological investigations, but it is not representative of the native cellular environment in which Tg is expressed. Moreover, transiently transfected cells can lead to high protein expression that may not always represent what is found within the native cellular environment and proteome. Here, we used Fischer rat thyroid (FRT) cells engineered to stably express FLAG-tagged constructs of Tg. This cell line model should more accurately represent the native cellular environment Tg is expressed as it is exclusively found within thyroid tissue. Our previous dataset was collected across two different instruments with similar LC-MS/MS methodology. Here, this dataset was collected on a single instrument after performing further method optimization from our methodology used to acquire the first dataset. In line with our LC-MS/MS methodology development, the sample processing workflows here are quite different. Our previous dataset utilized 6plex TMT labeling with globally immunoprecipitated samples from various Tg constructs. Global immunoprecipitation of Tg leads to much larger protein sample amounts than the TRIP methodology presented here, which we coupled with 16plex TMTpro labeling. This is also one of the reasons we chose to deploy a booster/carrier channel within our experimental labeling schemes.

      Reviewer #2, Comment #3: For the temporal interaction analysis the authors describe differences in the temporal profiles of selected interactions comparing wt and mutant, however no statistical analysis is performed comparing wt and mutant interaction profiles across the time course. Furthermore the variability between the replicates for the temporal profiles is not shown and some of the temporal profiles appear to be noisy. A more rigorous statistical analysis should be performed including additional biological replicates to evaluate the changes over the time course, especially as the temporal interaction analysis is the novelty of this study.

      Our Response: Please also see our response to Reviewer #2, comment 1 above. We previously presented an analysis of the variability of the TRIP measurements (SEM) (now in Appendix Fig S1B). We have since provided further statistical analysis found in the updated Fig 2B,C,J, which include 25-75% quartile ranges for respective proteostasis network pathways. We also included SEM for the time profiles of individual interactors in Fig EV4.

      To assess the divergence in time profiles in an unbiased way, we added a k-means hierarchical clustering analysis (Fig 3F, Fig. EV5). These clustering data allow for the visualization and analysis of temporal protein interaction profiles that are similar to one another and how groups of interactors shift between different clusters for WT Tg and the C1264R mutant.

      Reviewer #2, Comment #4: To functionally validate interactors derived from the TRIP analysis as well as to identify factors that can rescue mutant Tg secretion the authors developed an RNA interference screen. There are a number of aspects that need to be addressed/clarified for this part of the study.

      Our Response: We have added some clarifying changes to the text and the figure panels associated with the siRNA screening and follow-up experiments on the trafficking and degradation factors that rescue Tg secretion. We have addressed other comments from Reviewers #3 and #4 related to these portions of the paper and hope that Reviewer #2 finds them satisfactory.

      Reviewer #2, Comment #5: While the authors validate the stable cell lines expressing the nanoluciferase tagged Tg and the linearity of luminescence signal in lysate and media carefully, they do not validate their platform in combination with the RNAi knockdown strategy. The authors should select genes as positive controls that are expected to modulate Tg secretion and demonstrate that the knockout of these positive controls indeed results in changes in Tg secretion in their system.

      Our Response: This is an excellent suggestion and certainly something we would have done given any prior knowledge on known control genes that would positively or negatively regulate Tg secretion. The purpose for developing the siRNA screening platform was to investigate and hopefully discover genes that are able to positively or negatively regulate Tg processing. We have done so to the best of our ability, identifying for example NAPA which positively regulates WT Tg secretion, as seen by the decrease in WT Tg secretion when treated with NAPA siRNA. Conversely, we found that VCP may negatively regulate C1264R Tg secretion, as discovered by the increase in secretion with VCP siRNA or ML-240 treatment. We included a standard "TOX" siRNA control, which we knew would likely negatively affect WT Tg secretion and this was indeed the case. As we stated within the manuscript:

      "This is the first study to broadly investigate the functional implications of Tg in-teractors and other PQC network components on Tg processing."

      Reviewer #2, Comment #6: For the screen the authors select 167 Tg interactors and PN (Proteostasis network) related factors. This statement is very vague and the authors should clarify which genes were knocked down and which criteria were applied to narrow down the list of interactors and to select PN factors. The authors should therefore provide a supplementary table including all genes included in the screen, their source (were this derived from the initial study by Wright et al, from the current study or compiled from prior knowledge about PN), as well as their results from the screen based on luminescence in media and lysate. It is unclear how many of the selected factors are actually coming from the TRIP analysis.

      Our Response: The list of genes included within the siRNA screen, as well as the results were previously included, and are now included in Appendix Fig S2. We have further provided the information requested by Reviewer #2 within Dataset EV5 indicating whether a gene was included in the siRNA screen due to its identification within our previous proteomics dataset (Wright et al, 2021.), the proteomics dataset presented here, or based upon primary literature. We added a comment in the text:

      "Moreover, we were interested in identifying factors whose modulation may act to rescue mutant Tg secretion. HEK293 cells were engineered to stably express nanoluciferase-tagged Tg constructs (Tg-NLuc) and screened against 167 Tg interactors and related PN components (see Dataset EV5 for the list of genes)."

      Reviewer #2, Comment #7: Only a small number of the 167 selected genes shows an effect on Tg abundance/secretion. How do the authors explain this result? Would we not expect that Tg interactors, especially those from the TRIP method which interact with the newly synthesized are more enriched for functionally relevant genes.

      Our Response: The proteostasis network contains genes and proteins of high redundancy in structure and function, and many single-gene knockdowns are likely insufficient to have a large impact on Tg abundance or secretion. In fact, these results are in line with what we would have expected when designing these experiments. Our goal here was to identify the key players that control Tg protein quality control.

      We explain the proteostasis network redundancy in the manuscript:

      "The functional implications of protein-protein interactions can be difficult to deduce, especially in the case of PQC mechanisms containing several layers of redundancy across stress response pathways, paralogs, and multiple unique proteins sharing similar functions (Wright & Plate, 2021; Bludau & Aebersold, 2020; Karagöz et al, 2019; Braakman & Hebert, 2013)."

      Reviewer #2, Comment #8: The authors initially performed the screen in HEK293 cells and as a second step wanted to validate the hits from the HEK cells in more relevant Fisher rat thyroid cells. Indeed they could show that knockdown of NAPA increased WT TG in lysate and decreased WT Tg secretion. Furthermore, they further validated genes to modulate mutant Tg lysate and media abundance. The authors should perform a rescue experiment to demonstrate that the observed phenotype can be reversed through re-introduction of NAPA.

      Our Response: We have now performed the requested NAPA complementation experiments and provided the data within Fig EV 7I. Overexpression of a human, siRNA-resistant NAPA construct partially reversed the increase in WT Tg lysate retention. These results further support the identification of NAPA as a pro-trafficking factor for WT Tg. We updated the manuscript text to include these data as follows:

      "To understand if these results were directly attributable to NAPA function, we performed complementation experiments where FRT cells treated with NAPA siRNAs were co-transfected with a human NAPA plasmid. WT Tg lysate abundance decreased when NAPA expression was complemented, confirming that the observed retention phenotype could be attributed to NAPA silencing (Fig EV7I). These results established that NAPA acts as a pro-secretion factor for WT Tg."

      Reviewer #2, Comment #9: One hit from this analysis was the ER-phagy receptor TEX264, while TEX264 was not identified in the TRIP data, is selectively increased the C1264R secretion, but not wt and the other Tg mutant. Following Co-IP data however revealed some interaction between the C1264R and to a lesser extent the A2234D mutant. How do the authors explain that TEX264 was missed in the TRIP dataset?

      Our Response: The TRIP samples are of much lower protein abundance compared to globally purified samples used for the Co-IP analysis. While the interaction is seen with the globally purified Co-IP samples, this interaction is likely much more difficult to capture with the low abundance, time-resolved samples that are acquired through the TRIP workflow, especially if this interaction is transient or requires the coordination of other accessory proteins as has been detailed in the literature and discussed within the manuscript presented here:

      "While A2234D and C1264R Tg were preferentially enriched with TEX264 compared to WT, it remains unclear what other accessory proteins may be necessary for the recognition of TEX264 clients (Chino et al, 2019; An et al, 2019). Furthermore, TEX264 function in both protein degradation and DNA damage repair further complicates siRNA-based investigations (Fielden et al., 2022). Further investigation is needed to fully elucidate 1) if Tg degradation takes place via ER-phagy and 2) by which mechanisms this targeting is mediated."

      Minor comments:

      Reviewer #2, Comment #10: The workflow needs to be described clearer. For example, it should be better explained why the authors selected a two-stage enrichment strategy, I assume that the first based on the Flag affinity tag is to purify the protein of interest and the second step based on the incorporation and functionalization of the unnatural amino acids to enrich for the newly synthesized fraction at specific time points after protein synthesis? These are critical steps for the method but the rationals are not well explained, neither in the text nor the figures captures all these steps of the method very clearly, which makes it really difficult for the reader to understand the individual steps of the method. Moreover, the structures in Figure 1 workflow are not clearly labeled, so that it is confusing which part represents which protein/molecule.

      Our Response: Thank you for this feedback. We have updated Fig 1 to provide more detail to provide more clarity for the readers. Furthermore, we have edited the text to more clearly describe the workflow:

      "To develop the time-resolved interactome profiling method, we envisioned a two-stage enrichment strategy utilizing epitope-tagged immunoprecipitation coupled with pulsed biorthogonal unnatural amino acid labeling and functionalization (Fig 1A). Cells can be pulse labeled with homopropargylglycine (Hpg) to synchronize newly synthesized populations of protein. After pulsed labeling with Hpg, samples can then be collected across time points throughout a chase period (Fig 1A, Box 1) (Kiick et al, 2001; Beatty et al, 2006). The Hpg alkyne incorporated into the newly synthesized population of protein can be conjugated to biotin using copper-catalyzed alkyne-azide cycloaddition (CuAAC) (Fig 1A, Box 2). Subsequently, the first stage of the enrichment strategy can take place where the client protein of interest is globally captured and enriched using epitope-tagged immunoprecipitation, followed by elution (Fig 1A, Box 3). The second enrichment step can then utilize a biotin-streptavidin pulldown to capture the Hpg pulse-labeled, and CuAAC conjugated population, enriching samples into time-resolved fractions (Fig 1A, Box 4) (Li et al, 2020; Thompson et al, 2019)."

      Reviewer #2, Comment #11: Except for the general workflow shown in Figure 1, a more detailed workflow showing the experimental steps, such as the sample fractions with the following steps could be added so that the design of the method is clearer. Also the style of the workflows including Figure 1, Figure 2A, and Figure 3A are different. It would be helpful to make them the same style and make the Figure 2A as a zoom in or more detailed illustration on part of Figure 1.

      Our Response: Thank you for this feedback. In addition to updating Fig 1, we also expanded Fig 2A to more clearly outline the experimental steps in the TRIP workflow. Assuming the term "style" used here is in reference to color pallets and figure schematics used, these have been updated to ensure they are agreeable aesthetically across manuscript figures.

      Reviewer #2, Comment #12: A summary of proteomics results of time course labeling after all enrichment steps, including the total number of identified proteins at different conditions and control would be helpful for having an overview impression on the proteomics results

      Our Response: __We have included an updated __Dataset EV1 that provides a summary of proteomics data included which runs given proteins were identified in, % of TMT channels quantified, % of Hpg Pulse channels quantified, and generally number of proteins quantified across runs for each construct.

      Reviewer #2, Comment #13: In Figure 2B, the WB for PDIA4 in the Biotin PD elution is missing. Why was the PDIA4 interaction missing for the time course analysis, but the interaction was captured in the initial test for Wt Tg (Figure 1D). Additionally, in this panel the Rhodamine Probe Gel shows inconsistencies at the time points 1.5 - 3h. Does this mean that the labeling did not work well for these conditions? As we would expect a consistent Rhodamine Probe signal at every time point.

      Our Response: Please also see our response to Reviewer #1, comments 3 & 11. Fig 1D features continuous Hpg labeling for 4 hours to ensure that most intracellular Tg is labeled for this proof-of-concept experiment for the two-stage enrichment strategy. Fig 2B features a shorter 60 minute pulse of Hpg labeling, prior to the full chase period and two-stage enrichment strategy. PDIA4 interactions were detectable throughout Fig 1D because those measurements captured a larger population of labeled Tg, whereas in Fig 2B Tg bait protein amounts were much smaller after the two-stage enrichment procedure to capture the time-synchronized population.

      The Rhodamine/TAMRA Probe Gel in Fig 2B does not have inconsistencies in Tg abundance, but highlights the fact that pulse labeled WT Tg is being secreted or degraded in FRT cells. As you would expect as time continues during the chase period, intracellular WT Tg signal decreases as secretion and degradation take place. Constant Rhodamine/TAMRA probe signal would not be expected here. Consistent with this, the C1264R Tg signal remains more stable for the intial time course. This is expected as the C1264R Tg variant is retained intracellular undergoing increased interactions the proteostasis network. We have removed the PDIA4 panel for WT Tg because there was no signal above the detection limit. This is now explained as follows:

      "For WT Tg, interactions with HSPA5 peaked within the first 30 minutes of the chase period and rapidly declined, in line with previous observations, but PDIA4 interactions were not detectable by western blot analysis (Fig 2B) (Menon et al, 2007; Kim & Arvan, 1995)."

      Reviewer #2, Comment #14: In Figure 2, why was there no WB results for the A2234D? In Figure 2D and 2E, at which time point are the changes significant compared to WT?

      Our Response: We did not perform the WB experiments with A2234D. We used WT and C1264R Tg in our proof of concept experiments via WB and decided to move forward with analyzing A2234D Tg by LC-MS/MS. Please see our response above to Reviewer #2, comment 3 for information on the statistical analysis.

      Reviewer #2, Comment #15: All figure legends should indicate how many biological replicates were performed for each experiment represented in the figure.

      Our Response: We have updated the figure captions to include this information where applicable.

      Reviewer #2, Comment #16: The heatmaps shown in Figure 3, Figure 3 - Figure Supplement 3, and Figure 7 are in the current form incomprehensible. The heatmaps depict the relative enrichment vs the control sample, which was scaled between 1 and -1. The color coding with 5 different colors from 1 to -1 is very confusing and should be changed to just two colors, one for positive and one for negative relative enrichment. I would also suggest changing the visualization of the heatmap showing the wt and mutants side by side, instead of stacked on top of each other for each individual protein.

      Our Response: Thank you for this feedback, and we apologize for the confusion. We adjusted our data analysis approach by removing previous negative enrichment values. As these served only as "background" within the dataset, they did not carry much meaning. The TRIP enrichment is now scaled from 0 to 1, where a value of 1 represents the time point at which the enrichment is greatest, while 0 represents the background intensity in the (-) Hpg control sample. The associated figures have been updated accordingly, and we feel they are now more comprehensible and aesthetically pleasing.

      We opted to keep the Viridis color scheme in the heatmap to allow for more nuanced differentiation of the enrichment values.

      Reviewer #2, Comment #17: The data analysis method for generating relative enrichment shown in the heatmap is not explained. This should be described in the method section for a better understanding of the data analysis.

      Our Response: We have edited the methods section as follows to better explain the analysis:

      "For time resolved analysis, data were processed in R with custom scripts. Briefly, TMT abundances across chase samples were normalized to Tg TMT abundance as described previously and compared to (-) Hpg samples for enrichment analysis (Wright et al, 2021). For relative enrichment analysis, the means of log2 interaction differences were scaled to values from 0 to 1, where a value of 1 represented the time point at which the enrichment reached the maximum, and 0 represented the background intensity in the (-) Hpg channel. Negative log2 enrichment values were set to 0 as the enrichment fell below the background."

      Reviewer #2, Comment #18: There are no legends of flowcharts in Figure 2A and Figure 3A and it is difficult to understand which are the key components in the complex and what are the differences among different periods of labeling.

      Our Response: We have now consolidated Fig 2A and Fig 3A into a single panel found in Fig 2A, which is significantly reorganized to better explain the TRIP workflow. The caption has additionally been updated to highlight key steps within the workflow with numbering to allow readers to follow and visualize the steps more easily. The figure caption now reads as follows:

      "(A) Workflow for TRIP protocol utilizing western blot or mass spectrometric analysis of time-resolved interactomes. (1) Cells are pulse-labeled with Hpg (200μM final concentration) for 1 hr, chased in regular media for specified time points, and cross-linked with DSP (0.5mM) for 10 minutes to capture transient proteoastasis network interactions; (2) Lysates are functionalized with a TAMRA-Azide-PEG-Desthiobiotin probe using copper CuAAC Click reaction; (3) Lysates undergo the first stage of the enrichment strategy where the Tg-FT is globally captured and enriched using immunoprecipitation; (4) Eluted Tg-FT populations from the global immunoprecipitation undergo biotin-streptavidin pulldown to capture the pulse Hpg-labeled, and CuAAC conjugated population of Tg-FT, enriching samples into time-resolved fractions; (5) Time-resolved fraction may then undergo western blot analysis or (6) quantitative liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis with tandem mass tag (TMTpro) multiplexing or analysis. The (-) Hpg control channel is used to identify enriched interactors and a (-) Biotin pulldown channel to act as a booster (or carrier)."

      Reviewer #2, Comment #19: Why did only one of the VCP inhibitors (ML-240) exhibit a phenotype in Tg abundance and secretion, but not the other VCP inhibitors?

      Our Response: Please also see our response to Reviewer #3, comment 2 below. This could be due to a number of reasons, but we added a brief discussion on the mechanisms of action for the inhibitors that may at least partially explain the differences in phenotype seen with the VCP inhibitors. We updated the text as follows:

      "ML-240 and CB-5083 are ATP-competitive inhibitors that preferentially target the D2 domain of VCP subunits, whereas NMS-873 is a non-ATP-competitive allosteric inhibitor which binds at the D1-D2 interface of VCP subunits (Chou et al, 2013, 2014; Anderson et al, 2015; le Moigne et al, 2017; Tang et al, 2019). ML-240 and NMS-873 have been shown to decrease both proteasomal degradation and autophagy, in line with VCP playing a role in both processes (Chou et al, 2013, 2014; Her et al, 2016). Conversely, while CB-5083 is known to decrease proteasomal degradation it has been shown to increase autophagy. (Anderson et al, 2015; le Moigne et al, 2017; Tang et al, 2019)."

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Reviewer #2, Comment #20: __The authors __describe a novel and elegant method to map time resolved protein interactions of newly synthesized proteins, which allows monitoring of proteins regulating protein quality control.

      Authors describe it as a general method, however, they only demonstrate the applicability to one protein and do not systematically evaluate the quantitative nature of their approach by determining quantitative reproducibility, which would be necessary to be able to claim that this is a method with broad applicability.

      Given my expertise in quantitative proteomics, I can mainly comment on the technological aspects of the proteomics part of the manuscript, but do not feel qualified to evaluate the significance of this study in terms of novel biology. Nevertheless, it feels that there is a stronger emphasis on the biology in the current form of the manuscript which will raise interest of scientists with a focus on protein quality control and Tg biology.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Provide a short summary of the findings and key conclusions (including methodology and model system(s) where appropriate). Please place your comments about significance in section 2.

      In this manuscript, the authors describe their efforts to develop a methodology for determining time-resolved protein-protein interactions using quantitative mass spectrometry. With TRIP (time-resolved interactome profiling), they combine a pulsed bio-orthogonal unnatural amino acid labelling (homopropargylglycine, Hpg), CuAAC conjugation and biotin-streptavidin pulldowns to enrich at different timepoints and time-resolve by combining TMT labelling and LC-MS/MS (Figure 1). This technique is then applied to the maturation of the secreted WT and mutant thyroglobulin (Tg-WT, Tg-C1264R, Tg-A2234D) expressed in HEK293 and rat thyroid cells (FRT) and linked to hyperthyroidism. There, they identify a collection of ER resident proteins involved in protein folding/processing (e.g. chaperones, redox, glycans, hydroxylation) as well as degradation (e.g. autophagy, ERAD/proteasomes) (Fig. 2). Here the authors effectively use pulse-labelled form of TRIPs to highlight the different interactions formed with Tg-WT vs. Tg-mutants during biogenesis and secretion (or retention). The analysis found ~200 new interactions compared to previous studies along with about 40% of those identified previously. Differences in interactions were observed for mutants, which shown extended interaction with chaperones and redox processing pathways. While many interactions appeared as might be expected, the identification of membrane protein processing elements (e.g. EMC, PAT) was puzzling and raised some questions about the specificity within the protocol. Mutants enriched for CANX CALR and UGGT, suggesting prolonged association with glyco-processing factors. Interaction of C1264R with the ER-phagy factors CCPG1 and RTN3 was greater than WT. The authors note that their interaction correlated with that of EMC1 & 4, but it is not clear why that might be.

      With interactors in hand, the authors complemented the TRIP protocol with siRNA KD of identified factors, to investigate any changes to secreted vs intracellular Tg upon loss. KD of NAPA (a-SNAP) and LMAN1 increased WT lysate (intracellular) Tg but not mutants. NAPA also reduced Tg-WT secretion. In contrast, KD of NAPA increased A2234D secretion while LEPRE1 increased C1264R (but not A2234D or WT), suggesting mutants have differential processing paths and requirements. KD of VCP increased secretion of both mutants. Some ER-phagy receptors were found among interactors (e.g. RTN3 in Tg-C1264R only) but often their KD had no impact on secretion (CCPG1, SEC62, FAM134B). NAMA observations were recapitulated in thyroid derived cell line (FRT). KD of TEX264 and VCP increased Tg-C1264 secretion while RTN3 KD in FRTs decreased Tg-C1264 secretion. This was in contrast to data from HEK293s for reasons that are not clear. Co-IP with TEX264 enriched for all Tg forms but more so for C1264R and A2234D - motivating the authors to propose selective targeting of Tg to TEX264 and the consideration of ER-phagy as a "major" degradative pathway during Tg processing.

      Given the observations with siRNAs to VCP, the authors next use a selection of VCP inhibitors to ask whether secretion can be rescued upon pharmacological impairment of the AAA ATPase. They observed that ML-240, but interestingly not the more conventionally used CB-5083 or NMS-873, increased secretion of Tg-C1264R but not lysate. Inhibitors increased lysate but decreased the secreted fraction for Tg-WT (Fig 7). Finally, the authors used TRIP again in ML-240 treated Tg-C1264R expressing cells to look for changes to interactome with treatment - observed decreases to glycan and chaperone interactions, CANX and UGGT1, decreased interaction with DNAJB11 and C10, like that of WT. There was no apparent change to the UPR, although activation was not directly measured.

      Major comments:

      Reviewer #3, Comment #1: __Are the key conclusions convincing? __The TRIP methodology appears to be quite robust and should be a powerful strategy for this field and others going forward. The drawback will be the length of pulse required will limit the number/type of proteins to be monitored to ones with longer t1/2's. There were interesting interactions found with Tg and the mutants linked to hyperthyroidism, but cut and dry differences did not appear as obvious, even though strong "trends" appear to be present. The path from identifying interactors in a time-resolved manner to then following them up with targeted KD does provides some clarity, which is important.

      Our Response: We thank Reviewer #3 for their time in reviewing our manuscript and providing this positive feedback. We have enhanced our analysis of the TRIP data to more clearly highlight difference in time profiles between WT and mutant variants. Please see our response to Reviewer #2, comment 1 & 3. We also highlight the limitations of the time resolution in the discussion (see also Reviewer #2, comment 6):

      "To address this, we utilized a labeling time of 1 hr which allows us to generate a large enough labeled population of Tg-FT for TRIP analysis, but some early interactions are likely missed within the TRIP workflow. In the case of mutant Tg, performing the TRIP analysis for much longer chase periods (6-8 hrs) may provide insightful details to the iterative binding process of PN components that is thought to facilitate protein retention within the secretory pathway."

      We have addressed all further comments below.

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #2: __Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether? The data regarding VCP silencing and pharmacological impairment appear clear but leave some questions outstanding in this reviewer's opinion. The lack of effect with the 2 highly selective inhibitors suggests that the underlying mechanism for switching fate of intracellularly retained Tg-C1264R towards secreted forms is not at all clear. ML-240 is an early derivative of DBeQ and reportedly impairs both ERAD and autophagic pathways, similarly to DBeQ. The differences between the VCP inhibitors' mechanism of action were not discussed, but perhaps should be elaborated upon, particularly in the matter of how ERAD and ER-phagy pathways might be being differentially affected. At the risk of asking for too many additional experiments, this reviewer would just prefer to see this fleshed out in a bit more detail.

      Our response: We agree with Reviewer #3 that the underlying mechanism for switching fate of the intracellular retained Tg-C1264R towards secreted forms remains unclear. We have added additional text to discuss further the details surrounding the inhibitors used and the general manner in which ERAD and ER-phagy pathways can be affected. This added text reads as follows:

      "ML-240 and CB-5083 are ATP-competitive inhibitors that preferentially target the D2 domain of VCP subunits, whereas NMS-873 is a non-ATP-competitive allosteric inhibitor which binds at the D1-D2 interface of VCP subunits (Chou et al, 2013, 2014; Anderson et al, 2015; le Moigne et al, 2017; Tang et al, 2019). ML-240 and NMS-873 have been shown to decrease both proteasomal degradation and autophagy, in line with VCP playing a role in both processes (Chou et al, 2013, 2014; Her et al, 2016). Conversely, while CB-5083 is known to decrease proteasomal degradation it has been shown to increase autophagy. (Anderson et al, 2015; le Moigne et al, 2017; Tang et al, 2019)."

      "As we discovered that pharmacological VCP inhibition with ML-240 can rescue C1264R Tg secretion yet is detrimental for WT Tg processing, it is unclear whether VCP may exhibit distinct functions for WT and mutant Tg PQC. Finally, as ML-240 is shown to block both the proteasomal and autophagic functions of VCP it is unclear which of these pathways may be playing a role in the rescue of C1264R, or detrimental WT processing (Chou et al, 2013, 2014)."

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #3: __Q1. The degree (if any) of Tg-C1264 aggregation during and/or detergent solubility do not appear to have been considered as a potential source of the increase in released secreted material (Figure 4, 5). Do Tg mutants partition into RIPA-insoluble fractions at all? That is to say.. is the total population of synthesized Tg being considered? A full accounting? Could the authors address this and if biochemical extraction data (via urea or high SDS) is available, include it to answer this concern.

      Our response: The transient aggregation of Tg has been investigated in some detail previously (Kim et al, 1992, 1993). The transient aggregates have the ability to partition into RIPA-insoluble fractions. Of note, these aggregates are shown to be made up, at least in part, of mixed disulfide linkages requiring reducing agent to fully resolubilize. With that being said, these aggregates represent a minority of the overall Tg population. In our prior manuscript (Wright, et al. 2021), we quantified the RIPA-insoluble fraction found in the pellet (see Supplemental Info Fig. 5). As the majority of Tg remains soluble during processing it should be able to be captured via our TRIP methodology. That is to say, we are capturing most of the Tg that is available for analysis while understanding that some smaller population of Tg remains in RIPA-insoluble fractions.

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #4: __Q2. Along the same lines, what does Tg-WT and mutant expression look like by microscopy? Is Tg-WT uniformly distributed while Tg-mutants appear in puncta... more aggregated - perhaps reflecting the increased engagement of chaperones and redox machinery? Changes in the pattern of Tg-C1264R mutant (e.g. w/ VCP KD or inhibition) would add additional support for the authors interpretation of improved secretion. If this data is at hand, including it might be worth consideration.

      Our response: Thank you for this suggestion. The subcellular localization of Tg and any changes from proteostasis modulation is an ongoing area of follow up work in our lab. We have some preliminary results that the localization for WT and C1264R Tg indeed differs. However, given that this manuscript is already dense in information, we opted to reserve this data for a future manuscript where we plan to further elucidate the targeting mechanism of mutant Tg to VCP or TEX264. We direct the reviewer to work published by Zhang et al, 2022,(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbc.2022.102066) showing a staunch difference of WT vs mutant Tg in the localization from intracellular to a secreted population in rat tissue. While most all WT Tg is found in the follicular lumen (secreted), mutant Tg heavily co-localizes with the ER resident chaperone BiP. While this paper does not go into detail on the differences in subcellular localization, it further highlights the drastic changes in Tg processing and how these manifest in distinct differences in localization within tissue.

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #5: __Q3. Does the level of Tg mutant expression in the FRT clones impact the profiles obtained by TRIP? (Figure 3). This is a question of gauging the relative saturation of QC machinery and how that might impact profiles from TRIP. Were clones expressing at different levels tested? Perhaps a brief discussion of this.

      Our response: We do not foresee an impact from level of Tg expression on the profiles obtained by TRIP. We were able to identify distinct profiles because we processed the data and normalized it based on the relative Tg amount. For example, while WT and A2234D Tg are expressed at similar levels intracellularly, we were able to identify distinct differences in the interaction profiles across the two constructs. When developing FRT clones, we selected those that were expressed at similar levels and, therefore, did not have the capability to directly test differences, if any, in observed profiles that may be the result of different expression levels of the same Tg construct. Furthermore, Tg can make up 50% of all protein content within thyroid tissue (Di Jeso & Arvan, 2016). As such, thyroid cells are adept at maintaining the balance of QC machinery to process thyroid. Therefore, we do not anticipate that the amount of Tg expressed in TRIP experiments would have a significant impact on the profiles that we were able to observe.

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #6: __Q4. For Figure 3, the hour-long labelling period seems a bit long, compared with 3 hr of chase. Perhaps this reviewer missed this but how long does Tg take to mature and/or mutants to misfold and degrade? Is there any possibility to shorten this so that the profiles of labelled Tg could be more synchronized? If not, perhaps this could just be discussed.

      Our response: While the 1-hour labeling period may seem long, we had to balance the labeling time to 1) label a large enough population of Tg for it to remain detectible throughout the chase period, and 2) keep the chase period long enough to capture the large majority of Tg processing. In our hands we found that by 4 hours WT Tg was ~63% secreted, with ~25% retained intracellular (Fig EV7H). Conversely, we found that C1264R remains very stable over this period with most protein being retaining intracellularly and little degradation taking place (Fig EV9A). Hence, we opted for the overall ~4 hour total for sample processing (1 Hr pulse labeling + 3 hour chase period for time point collections). Literature suggest that WT Tg takes ~2 hours to be processed within the ER and reach the medial golgi. This is exemplified by the EndoH resistant population that appears at this ~2 hour time point (Menon et al. JBC. 2007). Please also see our response to Reviewer #1, comment 6. We updated the text as follows:

      "We pulse labeled WT Tg FRT cells with Hpg for 1 hr, followed by a 3 hr chase in regular media capturing time points in 30-minute intervals and analyzing via western blot or TMTpro LC-MS/MS (Fig 2A). Our previous study indicated that ~70% of WT Tg-FT was secreted after 4 hours, while approximately 50% of A2234D and 15% of C1264R was degraded after the same time period (Wright et al, 2021). Therefore, we reasoned that a 3-hr chase period would be a enought time to capture the majority of Tg interactions throughout processing, secretion, cellular retention, and degradation, while still being able to capture an appreciable amount of sample for analysis."

      We anticipate that this labeling period can be decreased with future iterations of this methodology. This will also be bolstered by the continued improvements that come about within quantitative proteomics in increased instrument sensitivity and improved sample preparation methods that have the ability to decrease sample loss.

      We explain the labeling timeline and limitations further in the discussion:

      "To address this, we utilized a labeling time of 1 hr which allows us to generate a large enough labeled population of Tg-FT for TRIP analysis, but some early interactions are likely missed within the TRIP workflow. In the case of mutant Tg, performing the TRIP analysis for much longer chase periods (6-8 hrs) may provide insightful details to the iterative binding process of PN components that is thought to facilitate protein retention within the secretory pathway."

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #7: __Q5. It is curious that only ML-240 and not other well characterized inhibitors of VCP/p97, has an effect, as both are used far more often than ML-240. The authors do not really address this in detail but does it suggest that the ML-240 effect on VCP/p97 could be affecting different pathways, given the nature of this compound. Is this compound acting on Tg-C1264R maturation at the level of translation or post-translationally? If the latter, through what means?

      Our Response: We thank Reviewer #3 for appreciating this surprising finding. We were similarly curious as to how, or why ML-240 was able to elicit this effect compared to other VCP inhibitors. We elaborated in the manuscript text on these compounds and on how the ERAD and ERphagy pathways, utilizing VCP, may be differentially regulated (See response to__ Reviewer #3, Comment 2__). While speculative, we believe that ML-240 acts on C1264R Tg maturation post-translationally. This is given by the fact that ML-240 does not seem to affect the translational velocity of C1264R Tg, as Fig EV9A shows similar levels of 35S-labeled C1264R in DMSO or ML-240 treated cells. It may be the case that acute treatment with ML-240 alters the folding vs degradation balance of the ER proteostasis network in such a way that some population of C1264R that is usually degraded is able to be secreted. Another Tg mutation G2320R was shown to be degraded via the proteasome in PLCCL3 thyrocytes, as MG-132 treatment slowed mutant Tg degradation (Menon et al. JBC. 2007), although G2320R degradation was not be exclusively proteasomal. The L2284P Tg mutation exemplified similar results to G2340R where MG-132 slowed degradation. Furthermore, L2284P Tg was not affected by autophagic/lysosomal inhibitors chloroquine and E64 (Tokunaga et al. JBC. 2000), suggesting ERAD more exclusively degrades L2284P. It is unclear which degradation pathway, ERAD or ER-phagy, may be the predominate pathway for C1264R Tg degradation. Furthermore, we do not exclude the possibility that both may be at play and affected by treatment with ML-240.

      We utilized our HEK293 Tg-NLuc cells and screened other proteasomal and lysosomal inhibitors bafilomycin and bortezomib. Neither of these compounds were able to rescue A2234D or C1264R secretion, highlighting that the effect is specific to ML-240 treatment. This new data is now shown in __Fig EV10A,B __and described in the text:

      "To understand whether this rescue in secretion was uniquely linked to VCP inhibition or could be more broadly attributed to blocking Tg degradation, we tested the proteasomal inhibitor bortezomib, and lysosomal inhibitor bafilomycin. Bafilomycin increased WT Tg lysate abundance, and bortezomib significantly increased A2234D lysate abundance, consistent with a role of these degradation processes in Tg PQC (Fig EV10A). When monitoring Tg-NLuc media abundance, neither bafilomycin nor bortezomib significantly altered WT, A2234D, or C1264R abundance (Fig. EV10B). confirming that general inhibition of proteasomal or lysosomal degradation does with rescue mutant Tg secretion."

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #8: __Q6. Continuing from Q5.. At what point and where is VCP/p97 able to affect mutant Tg processing? In line 317, the authors seem to correlate increased VCP association with mutants to their increased secretion. It is not clear how this would result, as engagement with VCP would be in a compartment different to that which supports trafficking and secretion. Could the authors expand on how this might come about. This is also relevant to the ML-240 data in Figure 7. Moreover, VCP is associated with ERAD (as is HerpUD1) rather than ER-phagy and at least in the siRNA raw data, there are also effects from Derlin3 and FAF2 KDs.. both ERAD factors. Some clarity here would be appreciated.

      Our Response: This line of discussion in the text was meant to suggest that, since VCP showed a higher enrichment for mutant Tg, particularly C1264R, it would make sense that inhibiting VCP would have a larger effect on mutant Tg processing as compared to WT Tg. As we saw with the siRNA screening data, suppression of VCP resulted in increased C1264R secretion, while not affecting WT Tg processing. This passage was not intended to suggest that increased VCP association with mutant Tg found within the TRIP dataset was the reason for rescued secretion. These are two different sets of experiments and environments in which these data are captured. We were simply looking for the opportunity to bridge the findings from the two sets of experiments to a single discussion point. Of note, we understand that VCP is associated with ERAD and acts to regulate autophagy. Given that core autophagy machinery is relevant for both bulk autophagy and ER-phagy, we did not want to rule out the fact that VCP inhibition via ML-240 could affect autophagic flux in these experiments (Chou et al. Chemmedchem. 2013; Khaminets et al. Nature. 2015; Hill et al. Nat. Chem. Bio. 2021.)

      It is great that the reviewer also noted that DERL3 and FAF2 knockdown increased C1264R Tg secretion. Since these ERAD factors did not reach the defined threshold in the screen, we did not include further discussion, but this data remains available in Appendix Fig S3. We have updated the manuscript text to clarify the previous points we aimed to make. The text now reads as follows:

      "VCP silencing exclusively affecting mutant Tg corroborates our TRIP dataset, and suggest a more prominent role for VCP in mutant Tg PQC compared to WT. VCP interactions were sparse for WT Tg while they remained more steady throughout the chase period for the mutants (Fig 3H,K)."

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #9: __Q7. There does not appear to be a direct demonstration of Tg-C1264R turnover by ER-phagy (via TEX264). Given the inconsistency with it not being detected by TRIP, while another receptor RTN3 was, but has not impact on Tg-C1264R secretion, perhaps including that data would go some way to demonstrating a fate of ER-phagy (at least partly) for this mutant.

      Our response: We performed follow-up experiments to test interactions with Tg and the wider panel of ER-phagy receptors. We transiently expressed FLAG-tagged CCPG1, RTN3L, and TEX264 in HEK293 cells stably expressing Tg-NLuc and performed FLAG IPs followed by western blot analysis. We found that WT and C1264R Tg were enriched, albeit modestly, in the RTN3L Co-IP compared to control samples expressing GFP. Additionally, we found that WT, A2234D, and C1264R Tg were all enriched with CCPG1 compared to control samples expressing GFP. CCPG1 was found to be a C1264R Tg interactor within our mass spectrometry datasets, along with RTN3. We have now integrated these data into the manuscript as Fig EV8, and updated the manuscript text as follows:

      "Additionally, we monitored Tg enrichment with ER-phagy receptors CCPG1 and RTN3 via Western blot as both were found to be C1264R Tg interactors within our TRIP dataset. RTN3L is found to be the only RTN3 isoform involved in ER turnover via ER-phagy (Grumati et al, 2017). WT and C1264R Tg-NLuc were modestly enriched with RTN3L compared to control samples expressing GFP. Conversely, we found that all Tg variants exhibited modest interactions with CCPG1 compared to control samples expressing GFP, although less than with TEX264 (Fig EV8).

      Together, these data suggest that TEX264, CCPG1, or RTN3L engage with Tg during processing, and CH-associated Tg mutants may be selectively targeted to TEX264. Furthermore, ER-phagy may be considered as a degradative pathway in Tg processing, as other studies have mainly focused on Tg degradation through ERAD (Tokunaga et al, 2000; Menon et al, 2007)."

      Whether the TEX246 recruitment of mutant Tg leads to degradation remains to be tested. When we monitored C1264R Tg degradation by pulse-chase assay (Fig. EV9A), only a small fraction (

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #10: __Q9. The authors provide data that the UPR was not induced by ML-240 at 3hrs (10µM) (Figure 7, supplemental 1). This is in stark contrast to the results of Chou et al (2013) which the authors reference, reporting that ML-240 induced ATF4 and CHOP by 2 hrs at concentrations lower than used here (albeit a different cell type). While not exclusively UPR, could the authors address the potential activation of the integrated stress response (eIF2a phosphorylation, ATF4 and CHOP) in the FRT cells due to ML-240 treatment? If present, is there some link that could this provide an explanation for increased Tg-C1264R secretion? [Basal PERK/UPR activation with mutants.]

      Our Response: Thank you for bringing up this important point. As the reviewer acknowledges, the difference in UPR activation could stem from the different cell lines. Additionally, we measured activation via qPCR, whereas Chou et al. measured via immunoblot. We would like to point out that while we did not observe the upregulation of HSPA5 or ASNS (markers of ATF6 and PERK/ISR activation, respectively) in the presence of short ML-240 treatment (2-3 hr), we did observe the upregulation of DNAJB9 (a marker of IRE1/XBP1s activation).

      To address Reviewer #3's point, we performed further experiments monitoring the potential activation of the ISR in FRT cells due to ML-240 treatment. We treated C1264R Tg-FT FRT cells with ML-240 (10μM) for 2 hours, and monitored eIF2a phosphorylation via immunoblot. Indeed, we observed that ML-240 induced eIF2a phosphorylation compared to cells treated with DMSO. Tunicamycin (1mg/mL) was used a positive control, and showed similar results to ML-240. We have integrated these results into the manuscript, available in Fig EV10C.

      However, we would like to point out that all of these markers represent signs of early UPR inductions. Importantly, our results that HSPA5 transcript levels are not induced suggest that there is only very modest upregulation of ER chaperone levels occurring. Typically, the ER proteostasis network remodeling requires a longer time than the acute 2-4 hr treatment with ML-240. We have updated the manuscript text as follows:

      "Finally, we monitored activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR) in the presence of ML-240 in FRT cells expressing C1264R Tg-FT. Phosphorylation of eIF2a, an activation marker for the PERK arm of the UPR, was induced within 2 hr of ML-240 treatment (Fig EV10C). We further investigated the induction of UPR targets via qRT-PC. HSPA5 and ASNS transcripts, markers of ATF6 and PERK UPR activation respectively, remained unchanged or slightly decreased after 3 hr treatment with ML-240 in C1264R Tg cells (Fig EV10D). Only DNAJB9 transcript expression showed a significant increase in both WT Tg and C2164R Tg FRT cells (Fig EV10D). Moreover, ML-240 did not significantly alter cell viability after 3 hr, as measured by propidium iodide staining (Fig EV10E). Overall, these results highlight that the short ML-240 treatment induces early UPR markers, but the selective rescue of C1264R Tg secretion via ML-240 treatment is unlikely the results of global remodeling of the ER PN due to UPR activation."

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #11: __Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments. Any of the suggested experiments above all use reagents reported in the manuscript and so would presumably incur minimal cost and hopefully time. This reviewer is sympathetic to time and financial constraints and so discussion of the issue could suffice.

      Our response: We have addressed follow-up experiments whenever possible or provided further discussion details where applicable. We are appreciative of Reviewer #3's sympathy for the time and financial constraints that go into this work and addressing manuscript revisions. Unfortunately, the 1st and 2nd authors both left the lab immediately after the reviews were received. Hence, many of the experiments had to be addressed by other lab members joining the project, which took considerably longer than anticipated. We apologize for the long delay with our revisions.

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #12: __Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced? Yes. The methodology is explained in detail.

      Our Response: Thank you.

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #13: __Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? Yes. Relevant information is either in the figure legends or is provided in the source data.

      Our Response: Thank you.

      Minor comments:

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #14: __Are prior studies referenced appropriately? The references are generally appropriate, with a few exceptions of more general references used

      Our Response: Thank you.

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #15: __Are the text and figures clear and accurate? The text is clearly written, and the figures are clear.

      Our Response: Thank you.

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #16: __Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions? A summary figure comparing the changing profiles of WT and C1264R and the factors implicated for them could be helpful.

      Our Response: We opted not to include a summary figure because the paper and figures area already dense in information.

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #17: __Perhaps include common nomenclature for proteins as well (e.g. HSP5A - BiP, HSP90B1 - Grp94, etc..)

      Our Response: We updated the manuscript throughout to reference common nomenclature or other protein names where applicable at their first mention.

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #18: __Line 317 - our is misspelled

      Our Response: Thank you. We have made this correction.

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #19: __Figure 4 - Supplemental Figure 1 - Legend has text referring to panels J and K, but Figure only goes up to F.

      Our Response: Thank you. This was an error in references to Figure panel lettering and we have since corrected this. Please note that this Figure is now Fig EV6.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      __Reviewer #3, Comment #20: __

      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.

      • Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).

      Protein-protein interactions are often used to illustrate complexes and functionality, but these provide only snapshots, rather than "movies". There are many datasets out there exploring P-P interactions, but most if not all lack any temporal resolution for the interactions they report. The TRIP method described approaches this from the dynamic perspective - identifying the transient interactions formed by folding nascent chains with proteins that aid in their maturation and trafficking, or degradation. This represents an important technical advance in our ability to dynamically monitor protein interactions. The use of Tg mutants is valuable and perhaps this will lead to new perspectives on how to rescue it or other pathophysiological mutants with loss of function phenotypes.

      • State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.

      This work should appeal to a broad audience within cell biology, particularly as the TRIP technique is attempting to address a fundamental question - what interactions form during the biogenesis/lifetime of a protein. Moreover, the effort to try to understand the different interactions formed with pathologically relevant mutant proteins as a strategy to try to rescue functionality, is a valuable exercise of this approach.

      • Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      ER quality control

      Our Response: We thank reviewer #3 for this positive endorsement.

      Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      In this manuscript, Wright et al. developed an approach (termed TRIP) that allowed to map the temporal changes in the interaction landscape of a newly synthesized protein of interest. Using their TRIP approach, the authors found that the extensive interactions of thyroglobulin (Tg) with the proteostasis network (PN) during its passage through the secretory pathway were profoundly altered in response to disease-causing mutations (e.g. C1264R). The authors cross-validated their findings with a focus RNAi screen monitoring the cellular and secreted abundance of Tg variants upon deletion of PN components. In subsequent experiments the authors focused on two hits, VCP and TEX264, for which they confirmed their inhibitory effect on the secretion of Tg C1264R. Importantly, the authors found that TEX264 increasingly interacts with the Tg mutant and that pharmacological inhibition of VCP yielded the same phenotype than depletion of VCP. Overall, Wright and colleagues__ established an elegant method to map protein interaction in a time-resolved manner and demonstrated its value by the analysis of disease-related Tg mutants__. Hence, this work has the potential to serve as a rich resource for Tg-related research and as a powerful new tool to examine protein interactions. However, several concerns remain.

      Our response: Thank you to reviewer #4 for their valuable feedback and positive assessment. We addressed all comments in detail below.

      Major points:

      __Reviewer #4, Comment #1: __Overall, the TRIP workflow is quite difficult to understand at a first glance - even for a reader with a background in proteomics, biochemistry and cell biology. The authors may want to improve the description of the TRIP methodology and explain in more detail what the individual components and steps are good for. Along the same line, from the main text and the figure legend it was not clear that Tg was actually Flag-tagged. However, without this information it is difficult to follow the workflow. While Figure 1A is certainly helpful, the bulky graphics are deflecting the reader's attention. A more schematic version might be more informative.

      Our Response: Thank you for this feedback, which was also mirrored by Reviewer #2 (comment 10). We have made significant updates to clarify Fig 1 to provide more detail and eliminate some of unnecessary bulky graphics. We also expanded the schematic for the TRIP workflow in Fig 2A and we aligned all symbols used. Furthermore, we have edited the text to describe the workflow more clearly:

      "To develop the time-resolved interactome profiling method, we envisioned a two-stage enrichment strategy utilizing epitope-tagged immunoprecipitation coupled with pulsed biorthogonal unnatural amino acid labeling and functionalization (Fig 1A). Cells can be pulse labeled with homopropargylglycine (Hpg) to synchronize newly synthesized populations of protein. After pulsed labeling with Hpg, samples can then be collected across time points throughout a chase period (Fig 1A, Box 1) (Kiick et al, 2001; Beatty et al, 2006). The Hpg alkyne incorporated into the newly synthesized population of protein can be conjugated to biotin using copper-catalyzed alkyne-azide cycloaddition (CuAAC) (Fig 1A, Box 2). Subsequently, the first stage of the enrichment strategy can take place where the client protein of interest is globally captured and enriched using epitope-tagged immunoprecipitation, followed by elution (Fig 1A, Box 3). The second enrichment step can then utilize a biotin-streptavidin pulldown to capture the Hpg pulse-labeled, and CuAAC conjugated population, enriching samples into time-resolved fractions (Fig 1A, Box 4) (Li et al, 2020; Thompson et al, 2019)."

      Additionally, we have improved text to very clearly state that for the TRIP experiments Tg is FLAG-tagged and this epitope tag is required for the two-stage enrichment strategy. As one small example:

      "Thyroglobulin was chosen as the model secretory client protein. We generated isogenic Fischer rat thyroid cells (FRT) cells that stably expressed FLAG-tagged Tg (Tg-FT), including WT or mutant variants (A2234D and C1264R) (Fig EV1)"

      "Furthermore, the C-terminal FLAG-tag and Hpg labeling are necessary for this two-stage enrichment strategy, and DSP crosslinking is necessary to capture these interactions after stringent wash steps (Fig 1D, Fig EV2)."

      __Reviewer #4, Comment #2: __To what extend do the difference in protein abundance between Tg WT and Tg C1264R contribute to the increase binding of their interactors (e.g., HSP5 and PDIA4). The authors should perform a TRIP coupled immunoblot analysis where WT and Mutant are loaded side-by-side on the SDS-PAGE.

      Our Response: As Reviewer #3 (comment 5) had a similar inquiry, we provide the same response as listed above:

      We do not foresee an impact from level of Tg expression on the profiles obtained by TRIP. We were able to identify distinct profiles because we processed the data and normalized it based on the relative Tg amount. For example, while WT and A2234D Tg are expressed at similar levels intracellularly, we ere able to identify distinct differences in the interaction profiles across the two constructs. When developing FRT clones, we selected those that were expressed at similar levels and, therefore, did not have the capability to directly test differences, if any, in observed profiles that may be the result of different expression levels of the same Tg construct. Furthermore, Tg can make up 50% of all protein content within thyroid tissue (Di Jeso & Arvan, 2016). As such, thyroid cells are adept at maintaining the balance of QC machinery to process thyroid. Therefore, we do not anticipate that the amount of Tg expressed in TRIP experiments would have a significant impact on the profiles that we were able to observe.

      __Reviewer #4, Comment #3: __While the RNAi screen was done with pooled siRNA, it is not clear what was used for the RNAi validation experiments shown in Figure 5. This should be done by individual siRNA and not the same pooled reagents as used for the screen.

      Our Response: Similarly, pooled siRNAs were initially utilized for the data shown in Figure 5. The RNAi screen utilized siRNAs optimized for human cells, where as those found for Figure 5 were for rat cells. For the revisions, we performed control experiments with individual siRNAs, which are now shown in Fig EV7J,K. While we did not find that any one single siRNA recapitulated the full phenotype, we did find that several single siRNAs for VCP and TEX264 at least partially restored the observed phenotype of increased C1264R Tg secretion. This result is expected given that we reasoned the siRNAs are likely providing an additive effect contributing to the observed phenotypes. We provided these single siRNA control experiments in Fig EV7J,K, and updated the manuscript text as follows:

      "Several individual VCP and TEX264 siRNAs were able to partially recapitulate these increased secretion phenotype on C1264R Tg-FT, confirming that the effect is mediated by the respective gene silencing (Fig EV7J,K)."

      Reviewer #4, Comment #4: __In Figure 5A it is not clear which band was used to quantify the effect of NAPA reduction. Also, this analysis lacks normalization to an unrelated protein or loading control. Moreover, the authors should also examine the effect of the siRNA targets shown in Figure 5C for Tg WT and not only the mutant.__

      Our Response: The uppermost band in Fig 5A was used for quantification. We added a red asterisk similar to that found in Fig 5C to denote this lower back in the lysate panel(s) as a non-specific background band found within the Western blot. These data are the result of immunoprecipitations of both cell lysate and medium content, as such there is no applicable loading control that can be used within the western blots. For experiments, cell amounts were normalized by seeding and subsequently culturing the same amount of cells, as denoted within the Materials and Methods - FRT siRNA validation studies section of the manuscript. Furthermore, there are no loading controls that are easily utilized for analyzing cell culture medium. We have further clarified the Fig 5 caption to provide clearer experimental detail:

      "(A and B) Western blot analysis (A) and quantification (B) of WT Tg-FT secretion from FRT cells transfected with select siRNAs hits from initial screening data set. Red asterisk denotes a non-specific background band within the western blot. Cells were transfected with 25nM siRNAs for 36 hrs, media exchanged and conditions for 4 hrs, Tg-FT was immunoprecipitated from lysate and media samples, and Tg-FT amounts were analyzed via immunoblotting. N = 6.

      (C and D) Western blot analysis (C) and quantification (D) of C1264R Tg-FT secretion from FRT cells transfected with select siRNA hits from the initial screening data set. Red asterisk denotes a non-specific background band within the western blot. Cells were transfected with 25nM siRNAs for 36 hrs, media exchanged and conditions for 8 hrs, Tg-FT was immunoprecipitated from lysate and media samples, and Tg-FT amounts were analyzed via immunoblotting. All statistical testing performed using an unpaired student's t-test with Welch's correction. *pFinally, as the siRNA targets shown in Fig 5C were shown to be hits exclusively for C1264R Tg-FT we did not believe it was necessary to follow-up on these with WT Tg-FT. Similarly, we did not follow-up on hits that were exclusive to WT Tg-FT with C1264R and A2234D Tg-FT.

      __Reviewer #4, Comment #5: __The authors should also test for the binding of RTN3 to Tg WT and mutant - in particular in comparison to TEX264. This would be important in the context that only RTN3 but not TEX264 was detected in the TRIP approach. Do the authors also detect VCP and LC3B in their pulldowns?

      Our response: Please also see Reviewer #3, comment 9, who made a similar point.

      We performed follow-up experiments to test interactions with Tg and the wider panel of ER-phagy receptors. We transiently expressed FLAG-tagged CCPG1, RTN3L, and TEX264 in HEK293 cells stably expressing Tg-NLuc and performed FLAG IPs followed by western blot analysis. We found that WT and C1264R Tg were enriched, albeit modestly, in the RTN3L Co-IP compared to control samples expressing GFP. Additionally, we found that WT, A2234D, and C1264R Tg were all enriched with CCPG1 compared to control samples expressing GFP. CCPG1 was found to be a C1264R Tg interactor within our mass spectrometry datasets, along with RTN3. We have now integrated these data into the manuscript as Fig EV8, and updated the manuscript text as follows:

      "Additionally, we monitored Tg enrichment with ER-phagy receptors CCPG1 and RTN3 via Western blot as both were found to be C1264R Tg interactors within our TRIP dataset. RTN3L is found to be the only RTN3 isoform involved in ER turnover via ER-phagy (Grumati et al, 2017). WT and C1264R Tg-NLuc were modestly enriched with RTN3L compared to control samples expressing GFP. Conversely, we found that all Tg variants exhibited modest interactions with CCPG1 compared to control samples expressing GFP, although less than with TEX264 (Fig EV8).

      Together, these data suggest that TEX264, CCPG1, or RTN3L engage with Tg during processing, and CH-associated Tg mutants may be selectively targeted to TEX264. Furthermore, ER-phagy may be considered as a degradative pathway in Tg processing, as other studies have mainly focused on Tg degradation through ERAD (Tokunaga et al, 2000; Menon et al, 2007)."

      Regarding VCP, we can detect it routinely in our AP-MS experiment as presented previously (Wright et al. 2021), and here in Fig 3, Appendix Fig S1. However, we have not been able to detect interactions via western blot, which may be attributed to the increased sensitivity that LC-MS offers. We have not probed for LC3 interactions via western blot as we did not detect it by LC-MS either, but we identified several lysosomal and other autophagy-related components previously (Wright et al. 2021), and here shown in Appendix Fig S1 and Fig EV5C.

      __Reviewer #4, Comment #6: __The effect of TEX264 depletion on Tg secretion should be confirmed by TEX263 KO experiments. Do the authors observe a similar increase in secreted Tg C1264R in BafA1- or SAR405-treated cells? Moreover, the authors should show that Tg C1264R is actually delivered to lysosomes using biochemical assays such as LysoIP or colocalization experiments.

      Our response: To address this concern, we generated stable TEX264 knockout FRT cell lines by CRISPR, and probed several clones for their impact on Tg secretion. We found that TEX264 knockout did not recapitulate the increase in C1264R Tg secretion observed with transient siRNA knockout. While disappointing, these results are not necessarily surprising, considering that prolonged TEX264 knockout may lead the cell to adapt compensation mechanisms by modulating other proteostasis factors and/or autophagy machinery.

      We performed experiments utilizing the autophagy inhibitor Bafilomycin A1, and have now included these results with the manuscript available in Fig EV10A,B. We found that BafA1 treatment led to the accumulation of WT Tg in the lysate but not for the C1264R Tg. We updated the manuscript text to accompany these data as follows:

      "To understand whether this rescue in secretion was uniquely linked to VCP inhibition or could be more broadly attributed to blocking Tg degradation, we tested the proteasomal inhibitor bortezomib, and lysosomal inhibitor bafilomycin. Bafilomycin increased WT Tg lysate abundance, and bortezomib significantly increased A2234D lysate abundance, consistent with a role of these degradation processes in Tg PQC (Fig EV10A). When monitoring Tg-NLuc media abundance, neither bafilomycin nor bortezomib significantly altered WT, A2234D, or C1264R abundance (Fig. EV10B). confirming that general inhibition of proteasomal or lysosomal degradation does with rescue mutant Tg secretion."

      These results raise the possibility that the mutant Tg interaction with TEX264 may not lead to active autophagic degradation of mutant Tg. This is also consistent with the slow degradation of C1264R Tg observed in the pulse-chase experiment in Fig EV9A. Whether the TEX246 recruitment of mutant Tg leads to degradation or assumes an alternative function, for example, intracellular sequestration, remains to be tested. Importantly, we have refrained from making claims in the manuscript that C1264R Tg is delivered to the lysosome but have presented data showing that it interacts with ER-phagy-related components and have further speculated on the possibility how autophagy could play a role in Tg processing.

      Thank you for the LysoIP suggestion. Ongoing work in the lab is addressing this question and experiments suggested by the reviewer, but this is better reserved for a follow-up manuscript.

      __Reviewer #4, Comment #7: __Figure 7A and 7C lack loading controls. The quantification shown in Figure 7B and 7D should be normalized to this control. Since VCP activity is often coupled to the of the proteasome, the authors should check whether blocking the proteasome yields a similar effect than ML-240.

      Our Response: Like Fig 5A discussed above (Reviewer #4, comment 4), these data are the result of immunoprecipitations from cell lysate and medium. As a result, there is not applicable loading control that can be used within the western blots. For experiments, cell amounts were normalized by seeding and subsequently culturing the same amount of cells, as denoted within the Materials and Methods - FRT siRNA validation studies section of the manuscript and Material and Methods - VCP pharmacological inhibition studies.

      Regarding the effect of proteasome inhibition, we tested whether bortezomib treatment can increase C1264R Tg secretion. We found that bortezomib led to a small but significant increase in A2234D Tg accumulation in the lysate, but did not increase secretion of Tg for WT or any of the mutant variants. This new data is shown in Fig EV10A,B. We updated the text as follow:

      "To understand whether this rescue in secretion was uniquely linked to VCP inhibition or could be more broadly attributed to blocking Tg degradation, we tested the proteasomal inhibitor bortezomib, and lysosomal inhibitor bafilomycin. Bafilomycin increased WT Tg lysate abundance, and bortezomib significantly increased A2234D lysate abundance, consistent with a role of these degradation processes in Tg PQC (Fig EV10A). When monitoring Tg-NLuc media abundance, neither bafilomycin nor bortezomib significantly altered WT, A2234D, or C1264R abundance (Fig. EV10B). confirming that general inhibition of proteasomal or lysosomal degradation does with rescue mutant Tg secretion."

      __Reviewer #4, Comment #8: __With regard to Figure 7 - Figure supplement 1: The authors should monitor the effect of ML-240 on Tg secretion such that WT and C1264R mutants are directly compared (side-by-side on the same immunoblot). Otherwise, it is difficult to claim that ML-240 rescues the secretion of the mutant.

      Our response: The reviewer is referring to the S35 pulse-chase experiments now shown in Fig EV9. We would like to clarify that these images are not immunoblots but autoradiographs. Even though the samples for WT and C1264R Tg were loaded onto separate gels, the gels were imaged at the same time and are therefore directly comparable. Regardless, the more meaningful information that can be gleaned from these experiments are the absolute rates of protein secretion and degradation and how they change in response to ML-240 treatment. The scale in the quantifications (0 - 100%) is the same and corresponds to the total amount of WT or C1264R Tg that is labeled with 35S during the 30 min pulse. Importantly, we found that C1264R Tg-FT secretion is significantly increased in the presence of ML-240, changing from

      __Reviewer #4, Comment #9: __How did ML-240 affect the ER-phagy components (in particular RTN3) in the TRIP analysis of Tg C1264R (Figure 7G-L)?

      Our response: This is a great discussion point raised by reviewer #4. We have updated the manuscript text to discuss in more detail changes in interactions with degradation components, especially with proteasomal degradation machinery (Fig 7M,N). The manuscript text now reads as follows:

      "The most striking interaction changes occurred with proteasomal degradation components, which remained steady until 1.5 hr, but then abruptly declined with ML-240 treatment at later time points (Fig 7M,N). This decline tracks with changes to the glycan processing machinery, highlighting that the coordination between N-glycosylation and diverting Tg away from ERAD may be a key to the rescue mechanism."

      Minor points:

      __Reviewer #4, Comment #10: __The candidate labeling in Figure 3 - Figure supplement 2 and 3 is too small und unreadable. The authors should provide a higher resolution of these figures or increase the font.

      Our response: These figures are now in the Appendix and we have edited this figure to provide higher resolution.

      Reviewer #4 (Significance (Required)):

      Please see above

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      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript, Wright et al. developed an approach (termed TRIP) that allowed to map the temporal changes in the interaction landscape of a newly synthesized protein of interest. Using their TRIP approach, the authors found that the extensive interactions of thyroglobulin (Tg) with the proteostasis network (PN) during its passage through the secretory pathway were profoundly altered in response to disease-causing mutations (e.g. C1264R). The authors cross-validated their findings with a focus RNAi screen monitoring the cellular and secreted abundance of Tg variants upon deletion of PN components. In subsequent experiments the authors focused on two hits, VCP and TEX264, for which they confirmed their inhibitory effect on the secretion of Tg C1264R. Importantly, the authors found that TEX264 increasingly interacts with the Tg mutant and that pharmacological inhibition of VCP yielded the same phenotype than depletion of VCP. Overall, Wright and colleagues established an elegant method to map protein interaction in a time-resolved manner and demonstrated its value by the analysis of disease-related Tg mutants. Hence, this work has the potential to serve as a rich resource for Tg-related research and as a powerful new tool to examine protein interactions. However, several concerns remain.

      Major points

      1. Overall, the TRIP workflow is quite difficult to understand at a first glance - even for a reader with a background in proteomics, biochemistry and cell biology. The authors may want to improve the description of the TRIP methodology and explain in more detail what the individual components and steps are good for. Along the same line, from the main text and the figure legend it was not clear that Tg was actually Flag-tagged. However, without this information it is difficult to follow the workflow. While Figure 1A is certainly helpful, the bulky graphics are deflecting the reader's attention. A more schematic version might be more informative.
      2. To what extend do the difference in protein abundance between Tg WT and Tg C1264R contribute to the increase binding of their interactors (e.g., HSP5 and PDIA4). The authors should perform a TRIP coupled immunoblot analysis where WT and Mutant are loaded side-by-side on the SDS-PAGE.
      3. While the RNAi screen was done with pooled siRNA, it is not clear what was used for the RNAi validation experiments shown in Figure 5. This should be done by individual siRNA and not the same pooled reagents as used for the screen.
      4. In Figure 5A it is not clear which band was used to quantify the effect of NAPA reduction. Also, this analysis lacks normalization to an unrelated protein or loading control. Moreover, the authors should also examine the effect of the siRNA targets shown in Figure 5C for Tg WT and not only the mutant.
      5. The authors should also test for the binding of RTN3 to Tg WT and mutant - in particular in comparison to TEX264. This would be important in the context that only RTN3 but not TEX264 was detected in the TRIP approach. Do the authors also detect VCP and LC3B in their pulldowns?
      6. The effect of TEX264 depletion on Tg secretion should be confirmed by TEX263 KO experiments. Do the authors observe a similar increase in secreted Tg C1264R in BafA1- or SAR405-treated cells? Moreover, the authors should show that Tg C1264R is actually delivered to lysosomes using biochemical assays such as LysoIP or colocalization experiments.
      7. Figure 7A and 7C lack loading controls. The quantification shown in Figure 7B and 7D should be normalized to this control. Since VCP activity is often coupled to the of the proteasome, the authors should check whether blocking the proteasome yields a similar effect than ML-240.
      8. With regard to Figure 7 - Figure supplement 1: The authors should monitor the effect of ML-240 on Tg secretion such that WT and C1264R mutants are directly compared (side-by-side on the same immunoblot). Otherwise, it is difficult to claim that ML-240 rescues the secretion of the mutant.
      9. How did ML-240 affect the ER-phagy components (in particular RTN3) in the TRIP analysis of Tg C1264R (Figure 7G-L)?

      Minor points

      1. The candidate labeling in Figure 3 - Figure supplement 2 and 3 is too small und unreadable. The authors should provide a higher resolution of these figures or increase the font.


      Please see above

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Provide a short summary of the findings and key conclusions (including methodology and model system(s) where appropriate). Please place your comments about significance in section 2.

      In this manuscript, the authors describe their efforts to develop a methodology for determining time-resolved protein-protein interactions using quantitative mass spectrometry. With TRIP (time-resolved interactome profiling), they combine a pulsed bio-orthogonal unnatural amino acid labelling (homopropargylglycine, Hpg), CuAAC conjugation and biotin-streptavidin pulldowns to enrich at different timepoints and time-resolve by combining TMT labelling and LC-MS/MS (Figure 1). This technique is then applied to the maturation of the secreted WT and mutant thyroglobulin (Tg-WT, Tg-C1264R, Tg-A2234D) expressed in HEK293 and rat thyroid cells (FRT) and linked to hyperthyroidism. There, they identify a collection of ER resident proteins involved in protein folding/processing (e.g. chaperones, redox, glycans, hydroxylation) as well as degradation (e.g. autophagy, ERAD/proteasomes) (Fig. 2). Here the authors effectively use pulse-labelled form of TRIPs to highlight the different interactions formed with Tg-WT vs. Tg-mutants during biogenesis and secretion (or retention). The analysis found ~200 new interactions compared to previous studies along with about 40% of those identified previously. Differences in interactions were observed for mutants, which shown extended interaction with chaperones and redox processing pathways. While many interactions appeared as might be expected, the identification of membrane protein processing elements (e.g. EMC, PAT) was puzzling and raised some questions about the specificity within the protocol. Mutants enriched for CANX CALR and UGGT, suggesting prolonged association with glyco-processing factors. Interaction of C1264R with the ER-phagy factors CCPG1 and RTN3 was greater than WT. The authors note that their interaction correlated with that of EMC1 & 4, but it is not clear why that might be.

      With interactors in hand, the authors complemented the TRIP protocol with siRNA KD of identified factors, to investigate any changes to secreted vs intracellular Tg upon loss. KD of NAPA (a-SNAP) and LMAN1 increased WT lysate (intracellular) Tg but not mutants. NAPA also reduced Tg-WT secretion. In contrast, KD of NAPA increased A2234D secretion while LEPRE1 increased C1264R (but not A2234D or WT), suggesting mutants have differential processing paths and requirements. KD of VCP increased secretion of both mutants. Some ER-phagy receptors were found among interactors (e.g. RTN3 in Tg-C1264R only) but often their KD had no impact on secretion (CCPG1, SEC62, FAM134B). NAMA observations were recapitulated in thyroid derived cell line (FRT). KD of TEX264 and VCP increased Tg-C1264 secretion while RTN3 KD in FRTs decreased Tg-C1264 secretion. This was in contrast to data from HEK293s for reasons that are not clear. Co-IP with TEX264 enriched for all Tg forms but more so for C1264R and A2234D - motivating the authors to propose selective targeting of Tg to TEX264 and the consideration of ER-phagy as a "major" degradative pathway during Tg processing.

      Given the observations with siRNAs to VCP, the authors next use a selection of VCP inhibitors to ask whether secretion can be rescued upon pharmacological impairment of the AAA ATPase. They observed that ML-240, but interestingly not the more conventionally used CB-5083 or NMS-873, increased secretion of Tg-C1264R but not lysate. Inhibitors increased lysate but decreased the secreted fraction for Tg-WT (Fig 7). Finally, the authors used TRIP again in ML-240 treated Tg-C1264R expressing cells to look for changes to interactome with treatment - observed decreases to glycan and chaperone interactions, CANX and UGGT1, decreased interaction with DNAJB11 and C10, like that of WT. There was no apparent change to the UPR, although activation was not directly measured.

      Major comments:

      • Are the key conclusions convincing?

      The TRIP methodology appears to be quite robust and should be a powerful strategy for this field and others going forward. The drawback will be the length of pulse required will limit the number/type of proteins to be monitored to ones with longer t1/2's. There were interesting interactions found with Tg and the mutants linked to hyperthyroidism, but cut and dry differences did not appear as obvious, even though strong "trends" appear to be present. The path from identifying interactors in a time-resolved manner to then following them up with targeted KD does provides some clarity, which is important. - Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether?

      The data regarding VCP silencing and pharmacological impairment appear clear but leave some questions outstanding in this reviewer's opinion. The lack of effect with the 2 highly selective inhibitors suggests that the underlying mechanism for switching fate of intracellularly retained Tg-C1264R towards secreted forms is not at all clear. ML-240 is an early derivative of DBeQ and reportedly impairs both ERAD and autophagic pathways, similarly to DBeQ. The differences between the VCP inhibitors' mechanism of action were not discussed, but perhaps should be elaborated upon, particularly in the matter of how ERAD and ER-phagy pathways might be being differentially affected. At the risk of asking for too many additional experiments, this reviewer would just prefer to see this fleshed out in a bit more detail. - Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.

      Q1. The degree (if any) of Tg-C1264 aggregation during and/or detergent solubility do not appear to have been considered as a potential source of the increase in released secreted material (Figure 4, 5). Do Tg mutants partition into RIPA-insoluble fractions at all? That is to say.. is the total population of synthesized Tg being considered? A full accounting? Could the authors address this and if biochemical extraction data (via urea or high SDS) is available, include it to answer this concern.

      Q2. Along the same lines, what does Tg-WT and mutant expression look like by microscopy? Is Tg-WT uniformly distributed while Tg-mutants appear in puncta... more aggregated - perhaps reflecting the increased engagement of chaperones and redox machinery? Changes in the pattern of Tg-C1264R mutant (e.g. w/ VCP KD or inhibition) would add additional support for the authors interpretation of improved secretion. If this data is at hand, including it might be worth consideration.

      Q3. Does the level of Tg mutant expression in the FRT clones impact the profiles obtained by TRIP? (Figure 3). This is a question of gauging the relative saturation of QC machinery and how that might impact profiles from TRIP. Were clones expressing at different levels tested? Perhaps a brief discussion of this.

      Q4. For Figure 3, the hour-long labelling period seems a bit long, compared with 3 hr of chase. Perhaps this reviewer missed this but how long does Tg take to mature and/or mutants to misfold and degrade? Is there any possibility to shorten this so that the profiles of labelled Tg could be more synchronized? If not, perhaps this could just be discussed.

      Q5. It is curious that only ML-240 and not other well characterized inhibitors of VCP/p97, has an effect, as both are used far more often than ML-240. The authors do not really address this in detail but does it suggest that the ML-240 effect on VCP/p97 could be affecting different pathways, given the nature of this compound. Is this compound acting on Tg-C1264R maturation at the level of translation or post-translationally? If the latter, through what means?

      Q6. Continuing from Q5.. At what point and where is VCP/p97 able to affect mutant Tg processing? In line 317, the authors seem to correlate increased VCP association with mutants to their increased secretion. It is not clear how this would result, as engagement with VCP would be in a compartment different to that which supports trafficking and secretion. Could the authors expand on how this might come about. This is also relevant to the ML-240 data in Figure 7. Moreover, VCP is associated with ERAD (as is HerpUD1) rather than ER-phagy and at least in the siRNA raw data, there are also effects from Derlin3 and FAF2 KDs.. both ERAD factors. Some clarity here would be appreciated.

      Q7. There does not appear to be a direct demonstration of Tg-C1264R turnover by ER-phagy (via TEX264). Given the inconsistency with it not being detected by TRIP, while another receptor RTN3 was, but has not impact on Tg-C1264R secretion, perhaps including that data would go some way to demonstrating a fate of ER-phagy (at least partly) for this mutant.

      Q9. The authors provide data that the UPR was not induced by ML-240 at 3hrs (10µM) (Figure 7, supplemental 1). This is in stark contrast to the results of Chou et al (2013) which the authors reference, reporting that ML-240 induced ATF4 and CHOP by 2 hrs at concentrations lower than used here (albeit a different cell type). While not exclusively UPR, could the authors address the potential activation of the integrated stress response (eIF2a phosphorylation, ATF4 and CHOP) in the FRT cells due to ML-240 treatment? If present, is there some link that could this provide an explanation for increased Tg-C1264R secretion? - Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments.

      Any of the suggested experiments above all use reagents reported in the manuscript and so would presumably incur minimal cost and hopefully time. This reviewer is sympathetic to time and financial constraints and so discussion of the issue could suffice. - Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?

      Yes. The methodology is explained in detail. - Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?

      Yes. Relevant information is either in the figure legends or is provided in the source data.

      Minor comments:

      • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.
      • Are prior studies referenced appropriately?

      The references are generally appropriate, with a few exceptions of more general references used - Are the text and figures clear and accurate?

      The text is clearly written, and the figures are clear. - Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?

      A summary figure comparing the changing profiles of WT and C1264R and the factors implicated for them could be helpful.

      Perhaps include common nomenclature for proteins as well (e.g. HSP5A - BiP, HSP90B1 - Grp94, etc..)

      Line 317 - our is misspelled

      Figure 4 - Supplemental Figure 1 - Legend has text referring to panels J and K, but Figure only goes up to F.


      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.
      • Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).

      Protein-protein interactions are often used to illustrate complexes and functionality, but these provide only snapshots, rather than "movies". There are many datasets out there exploring P-P interactions, but most if not all lack any temporal resolution for the interactions they report. The TRIP method described approaches this from the dynamic perspective - identifying the transient interactions formed by folding nascent chains with proteins that aid in their maturation and trafficking, or degradation. This represents an important technical advance in our ability to dynamically monitor protein interactions. The use of Tg mutants is valuable and perhaps this will lead to new perspectives on how to rescue it or other pathophysiological mutants with loss of function phenotypes.<br /> - State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.

      This work should appeal to a broad audience within cell biology, particularly as the TRIP technique is attempting to address a fundamental question - what interactions form during the biogenesis/lifetime of a protein. Moreover, the effort to try to understand the different interactions formed with pathologically relevant mutant proteins as a strategy to try to rescue functionality, is a valuable exercise of this approach. - Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      ER quality control

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the manuscript 'Time-Resolved Interactome Profiling Deconvolutes Secretory Protein Quality Control Dynamics' Wright et al. developed an approach for time-resolved protein protein interaction mapping relying on pulsed unnatural amino acid incorporation, protein cross linking, sequential affinity purification, and quantitative mass spectrometry named time-resolved interactome profiling (TRIP). The authors applied the TRIP method to compare the interactions of the secreted thyroid prohormone thyroglobulin (Tg) comparing the WT protein to secretion-defective mutations implicated in congenital hypothyroidism. They further employed an RNA interference screening platform (1) to investigate if (1) interactors identified via TRIP are functionally relevant for Tg protein quality control and (2) to identify factors that can rescue mutant Tg secretion. The screen was initially performed in HEK293 cells, but selected hits with a phenotype in HEK cells were then followed up in Fisher rat thyroid cells. Further functional validation was performed by pharmacologic inhibition of VCP, a hit from the RNAi screen with an effect on Tg lysate abundance and Tg secretion. While the authors present a comprehensive study including identification of protein-protein interactions using proteomics followed up by an RNA interference screen for functional validation, major comments need to be addressed for both the proteomics as well as the functional genomics aspects of the study (see comments below).

      Major comments:

      • The authors describe a new method for quantitative, temporal interaction mapping. The protocol involves two enrichment steps as well as several reactions including cross-linking of the samples as well as functionalization of the unnatural amino acids. Given all these steps, the authors should rigorously characterize the quantitative reproducibility of the experiment when performed in independent biological replicates. This is important because in the final quantitative MS experiment, the authors only use two biological replicates, which is too low especially for such an involved sample preparation procedure, which would expect to have a high variability between replicates. Given the low number of replicates and the unknown reproducibility of the quantification for this protocol, it is questionable at this point how reliable the quantification over the time course is.
      • Compared to the previous dataset published last year, the authors discover an overlap in interactors, but also a huge discrepancy, with 96 previously identified interactors not detected in the current study, but 198 additional interactors identified. How do the authors explain the big differences between these datasets?
      • For the temporal interaction analysis the authors describe differences in the temporal profiles of selected interactions comparing wt and mutant, however no statistical analysis is performed comparing wt and mutant interaction profiles across the time course. Furthermore the variability between the replicates for the temporal profiles is not shown and some of the temporal profiles appear to be noisy. A more rigorous statistical analysis should be performed including additional biological replicates to evaluate the changes over the time course, especially as the temporal interaction analysis is the novelty of this study.
      • To functionally validate interactors derived from the TRIP analysis as well as to identify factors that can rescue mutant Tg secretion the authors developed an RNA interference screen. There are a number of aspects that need to be addressed/clarified for this part of the study.
      • While the authors validate the stable cell lines expressing the nanoluciferase tagged Tg and the linearity of luminescence signal in lysate and media carefully, they do not validate their platform in combination with the RNAi knockdown strategy. The authors should select genes as positive controls that are expected to modulate Tg secretion and demonstrate that the knockout of these positive controls indeed results in changes in Tg secretion in their system.
      • For the screen the authors select 167 Tg interactors and PN (Proteostasis network) related factors. This statement is very vague and the authors should clarify which genes were knocked down and which criteria were applied to narrow down the list of interactors and to select PN factors. The authors should therefore provide a supplementary table including all genes included in the screen, their source (were this derived from the initial study by Wright et al, from the current study or compiled from prior knowledge about PN), as well as their results from the screen based on luminescence in media and lysate. It is unclear how many of the selected factors are actually coming from the TRIP analysis.
      • Only a small number of the 167 selected genes shows an effect on Tg abundance/secretion. How do the authors explain this result? Would we not expect that Tg interactors, especially those from the TRIP method which interact with the newly synthesized are more enriched for functionally relevant genes.
      • The authors initially performed the screen in HEK293 cells and as a second step wanted to validate the hits from the HEK cells in more relevant Fisher rat thyroid cells. Indeed they could show that knockdown of NAPA increased WT TG in lysate and decreased WT Tg secretion. Furthermore, they further validated genes to modulate mutant Tg lysate and media abundance. The authors should perform a rescue experiment to demonstrate that the observed phenotype can be reversed through re-introduction of NAPA.
      • One hit from this analysis was the ER-phagy receptor TEX264, while TEX264 was not identified in the TRIP data, is selectively increased the C1264R secretion, but not wt and the other Tg mutant. Following Co-IP data however revealed some interaction between the C1264R and to a lesser extent the A2234D mutant. How do the authors explain that TEX264 was missed in the TRIP dataset?

      Minor comments:

      • The workflow needs to be described clearer. For example, it should be better explained why the authors selected a two stage enrichment strategy, I assume that the first based on the Flag affinity tag is to purify the protein of interest and the second step based on the incorporation and functionalization of the unnatural amino acids to enrich for the newly synthesized fraction at specific time points after protein synthesis? These are critical steps for the method but the rationals are not well explained, neither in the text nor the figures captures all these steps of the method very clearly, which makes it really difficult for the reader to understand the individual steps of the method. Moreover, the structures in Figure 1 workflow are not clearly labeled, so that it is confusing which part represents which protein/molecule.
      • Except for the general workflow shown in Figure 1, a more detailed workflow showing the experimental steps, such as the sample fractions with the following steps could be added so that the design of the method is clearer. Also the style of the workflows including Figure 1, Figure 2A, and Figure 3A are different. It would be helpful to make them the same style and make the Figure 2A as a zoom in or more detailed illustration on part of Figure 1.
      • A summary of proteomics results of time course labeling after all enrichment steps, including the total number of identified proteins at different conditions and control would be helpful for having an overview impression on the proteomics results
      • In Figure 2B, the WB for PDIA4 in the Biotin PD elution is missing. Why was the PDIA4 interaction missing for the time course analysis, but the interaction was captured in the initial test for Wt Tg (Figure 1D). Additionally, in this panel the Rhodamine Probe Gel shows inconsistencies at the time points 1.5 - 3h. Does this mean that the labeling did not work well for these conditions? As we would expect a consistent Rhodamine Probe signal at every time point.
      • In Figure 2, why was there no WB results for the A2234D? In Figure 2D and 2E, at which time point are the changes significant compared to WT?
      • All figure legends should indicate how many biological replicates were performed for each experiment represented in the figure.
      • The heatmaps shown in Figure 3, Figure 3 - Figure Supplement 3, and Figure 7 are in the current form incomprehensible. The heatmaps depict the relative enrichment vs the control sample, which was scaled between 1 and -1. The color coding with 5 different colors from 1 to -1 is very confusing and should be changed to just two colors, one for positive and one for negative relative enrichment. I would also suggest changing the visualization of the heatmap showing the wt and mutants side by side, instead of stacked on top of each other for each individual protein.
      • The data analysis method for generating relative enrichment shown in the heatmap is not explained. This should be described in the method section for a better understanding of the data analysis. There are no legends of flowcharts in Figure 2A and Figure 3A and it is difficult to understand which are the key components in the complex and what are the differences among different periods of labeling.
      • Why did only one of the VCP inhibitors (ML-240) exhibit a phenotype in Tg abundance and secretion, but not the other VCP inhibitors?


      The authors describe a novel and elegant method to map time resolved protein interactions of newly synthesized proteins, which allows monitoring of proteins regulating protein quality control. Authors describe it as a general method, however, they only demonstrate the applicability to one protein and do not systematically evaluate the quantitative nature of their approach by determining quantitative reproducibility, which would be necessary to be able to claim that this is a method with broad applicability.

      Given my expertise in quantitative proteomics, I can mainly comment on the technological aspects of the proteomics part of the manuscript, but do not feel qualified to evaluate the significance of this study in terms of novel biology. Nevertheless, it feels that there is a stronger emphasis on the biology in the current form of the manuscript which will raise interest of scientists with a focus on protein quality control and Tg biology.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The authors report a mass spectrometry (MS)-based interactomics technique, time-resolved interactome profiling (TRIP), which allows for tracking temporal changes in the interactome of protein of interest. To show that TRIP can successfully deconvolute interactomes over time, they pulsed thyroid cells with homopropargylglycine (Hpg), immunoprecipitated the Hpg incorporated thyroglobulin (Tg) and its interacting proteins at different time points, and subjected the samples to tandem mass tag (TMT)-based quantitative MS analysis. The MS results show that WT and variant Tg proteins indeed associate with different proteostasis network factors in a differential manner over the course of time. In addition, they utilized an siRNA-based luciferase fusion assay to evaluate whether silencing each proteostasis network component changes the levels of Tg in both lysate and media. From the combination of the TRIP and siRNA-based assays, they found many hits, including hits implicated in protein degradation, VCP and TEX264, which they validated with multiple experiments.

      I am overall quite positive and think this is an important study. But there are some meaningful points to consider.

      Significant comments:

      1. Only two replicates of the main data (the TRIP-MS experiments) for this paper is problematic. Especially since the manuscript is supposed to be demonstrating and validating the new technique. Consistent with this concern, the relative enrichment profiles for some of the results were surprising. For instance, interaction with CCDC47 was tapering off but then at 3 h it suddenly reaches the maximum level of engagement. Is this a real finding or the variability in the method? Impossible to tell with two replicates. Presenting heat maps based on biological duplicates is also very problematic. It masks the error, which is large as can be seen in some of the panels showing individual proteins. In my view, triplicates and a clear understanding of the error in the technique should be required.
      2. The same concern arises for the high-throughput siRNA screen, which was performed only in duplicate for WT and A2234D.
      3. There are issues with some of the immunoprecipitation experiments: In Figure 1C, a negative control for FLAG IP is missing. In Figure 2B, I am curious why the band (Hpg -, chase time 0 h) is so faint for the first WB (IB for FLAG) - is Hpg treatment indeed leading to much more Tg present at 0 h? If so, that is a concern. Also, a negative control must be included (either plain cells or cells expressing fluorescent protein or a different epitope-tagged WT Tg). In this same figure, I am puzzled why the bands for 1.5-3 timepoints in Biotin PD elution, probed for Rhodamine, are very faint especially considering that in Figure 1D, the corresponding bands, which are 4 h after the pulse, look fine. It seems like the IP failed here?

      Suggestion to consider:

      This manuscript, supported by the title and abstract, mainly focuses on the presentation of the development and application of TRIP, which is highly significant. The story becomes less coherent and harder to follow as significant amounts of text/figures are dedicated to siRNA-based high throughput screening and follow-up. In addition, although the discovery of TEX264 as one of the hits is very interesting and exciting, TEX264 apparently was not a hit in the TRIP experiment and is pretty distracting from the main point of the paper highlighted in the abstract and title, therefore. The siRNA-based assay and follow-up studies could be a separate scientific story of their own. Especially considering my concerns on the number of replicates for both the TRIP and siRNA-based assay, it could be beneficial to actually split the manuscript into two and conduct more replicates of the -omic work, which should corroborate the exciting discoveries the authors have made.

      Minor comments:

      Throughout the manuscript, the authors have not defined what FT is; presumably it means FLAG tag.

      The authors might discuss their rationale for choosing 0-3 hrs for their TRIP studies. That includes any relevant information about the half-life of WT versus variant Tg, whether the Hpg pulse time is short enough to avoid missing key features of the temporal interactome, and discussion of what would happen if the TRIP were performed at prolonged time points (e.g. 6-10 h).

      Lines 68-69: the two citations should probably come one sentence earlier (at least Coscia et al 2020 is a structure paper).

      Line 91: "(Figure 1A)" should follow the sentence "To develop the time-resolved..." to help readers better understand the system.

      Line 101: Fisher should be Fischer

      Line 131: Should be 1.5 hrs instead of 2 hrs.

      Lines 135-136: I do not agree with the claim that HSPA5 profile looked similar for MS and WB. I do not see a peak for HSPA5 at 2 hrs in Figure 2D.

      Line 186: The cited paper Shurtleff et al 2018 is missing in the reference list.

      Line 188: I disagree with the authors' claim here because, at least for CCDC47, interactions with C1264R seem to come back at the 3 hr time point.

      Line 203: I am not sure if P4HA1 can be included in the examples for showing distinct patterns for mutants compared to the WT according to their data in Figure 3H.

      Line 216: The authors should add citations about the functions of STT3A and STT3B proteins.

      Lines 248-251, "We found that interactions with these components...": this sentence should refer to Figure 3 - Figure Supplement 3 instead of Figure 3L and S4.

      Lines 258-260, "Another striking observation was that the temporal profile of EMC interactions for C1264R correlated with RTN3, PGRMC1, CTSB, and CTSD interactions.": Please provide more evidence to support the potential correlation between different interaction profiles. Or the authors should move this sentence to the discussion section as it sounds speculative. This highlights the issue of only having duplicates, as well.

      Line 340: As written, should cite more than one paper

      Line 371: Should be Figure 4 - figure supplement 2

      Line 1231: "Zhang et al 2018" needs to be removed

      Line 1286: FRTR should be FRT

      Figure 3E: Color used to highlight the three proteins (CCDC47, EMC1, EMC4) should match the color used in Figure 3 - Figure Supplement 3

      Figure 4A: The bottom figure where lysate signal is inversely proportional to time is misleading because the authors are assessing steady-state level of proteins in this assay.

      Figure 4 - Figure Supplement 1 caption: in (C), (F) should be (B). (K) should be (G) and I am not sure what the authors mean when they refer to (J) in caption of (G).

      Figure 5 caption for (C and D): Need to specify the time that the samples were collected (8 hrs), as it seems different from A and B according to the main text.

      Figure 5 - Figure Supplement 1: Data for HERPUD1 and P3H1 should be included.

      Figure 5 - Figure Supplement 2B: Please mention in the caption how degradation is defined.


      This manuscript is highly significant because the authors (1) designed and validated a new methodology for time-resolved interactomics study, (2) presented the dynamic changes in Tg interactome for WT and variants, and (3) discovered how proteins implicated in degradation pathways (e.g. VCP, TEX264, RTN3) can change the secretion profile of WT and mutant Tg proteins. With TRIP, the authors demonstrated that they could obtain valuable data that were previously not captured from steady-state interactomics studies (Wright et al. 2021; Figure 3M and Figure 3 - Figure supplement 4D-4I). Furthermore, the authors treated cells with VCP inhibitors and performed both 35S pulse-chase analyses and TRIP. These experiments provide valuable information to the field by (1) presenting a new method to rescue Tg secretion defect, and (2) demonstrating a broader applicability of TRIP. If the major comments above can be addressed I believe this is a tremendous contribution to the field.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This manuscript investigates the dynamics of GC-content patterns in the 5'end of the transcription start sites (TSS) of protein-coding genes (pc-genes). The manuscript introduces a quite careful and comprehensive analysis of GC content in pc-genes in humans and other vertebrates, specially around the TSS. The result of this investigation states that "GC-content surrounding the TSS is largely influenced by patterns of recombination." (from end of Introduction)

      My main concern with this manuscript is one of causal reasoning, whether intended or not. I hope the authors can follow my reasoning bellow on how the logic sometimes seems to fail, and that they introduce changes to clarify their suggested mechanisms of action.

      The above quoted sentence form the end of the Intro is in conflict with this other sentence that appears at the end of the Abstract "the dynamics of GC-content in mammals are largely shaped by patterns of recombination". The sentence in the Intro seems to indicate that the effect is specific to TSSs, but the one in the abstract seem to indicate the opposite, that is, that the effect is ubiquitous.

      We are sorry about the lack of clarity. We have now rewritten the abstract and intro to emphasize that our results are restricted to the 5' end of genes, and that by "patterns of recombination" we mean "historic patterns of recombination".

      The observations as stated in the abstract are: "We observe that in primates and rodents, where recombination is directed away from TSSs by PRDM9, GC-content at protein-coding gene TSSs is currently undergoing mutational decay."

      If I understand the measurements described in the manuscript correctly, and the arguments around them, you seem to show that the mutational decay of GC-content in humans is independent of location (TSSS or not), as noted here (also from the abstract) "These patterns extend into the open reading frame affecting protein-coding regions, and we show that changes in GC-content due to recombination affect synonymous codon position choices at the start of the open reading frame."

      Again, we have rewritten this section to clarify these points.

      There is one more result described in the manuscript, that in my mind is very important, but it is not given the relevance that it appears to me that it has. That is presented in Figure S3G. "we concluded that GC-content at the TSS of protein-coding genes is not at equilibrium, but in decay in primates and rodents. This decay rate is similar to the decay seen in intergenic regions that have the same GC-content (Figure S3G)"

      Thus, if the decaying effect happens everywhere, how can it be related to "recombination being directed away from TSSs by PRDM9" as it is stated in the abstract and in the model described in Figure 7?

      We make the argument that the GC-peak as likely caused by past recombination events. This is based on:

      1) The change in GC-content at the TSS in Dogs and Fox, coupled to the fact that they perform recombination at the TSS

      2) That the TSS can act as a default recombination site in mice when PRDM9 is knocked out

      3) That some forms of PRDM9 allow for recombination at TSS (see Schield et al., 2020, Hoge et al. 2023, and Joseph et al., 2023) and that this is expected to cause an increase in GC-content

      We thus speculate that the GC-peak in humans and rodents was caused by past recombination at TSSs that were permitted by ancient variants of PRDM9. We further point out that PRDM9 is undergoing rapid evolution, and some of the past versions of the protein may have had this property.

      We have tried to clarify these points in the latest version of the text.

      The fact that the decay rate is similar to any other region with similar GC-content should be an indication that the effect is not related to anything having to do with TSS or recombination being directed away from TSSs by PRDM9.

      We are sorry about the lack of clarity. TSSs in humans, chimpanzees, mouse and rats are are experiencing GC-decay at the same rate as in non-functional DNA regions with high GC-content. Thus the GC-peak is not being maintained by selection. This is surprising, given the role that GC-content plays in gene expression. This is a critical point, and we added it to the "conclusion" section of the abstract.

      I hope these paragraphs show my confusion about the relationship between the results presented which I think are very comprehensive and their interpretation and suggested model for GC-content dynamics around TSSs in human.

      On another note, can you provided a bit more background on recombination and its mechanisms?

      We have done our best to clarify these issues.

      You seem to have confident sets of genes under high/low/med recombination. How are those determined.

      We used the recombination rates per gene provided in Pouyet et al 2017 to identify the sets of genes under low/med/high recombination. Those rates were estimated from the HapMap genetic map (Frazer et al., 2007). This is now all specified in the methods section.

      You also seem to concentrate the cause of recombination on PRDM9, please explain. Is PRDM9 the unique indicator of recombination?

      PRDM9 has been shown to be the primary determinant of where recombination occurs in the genome (Grey et al., 2011, Brick et al., 2012). This is very well established. We now reword some of the introduction to make this clear.

      specific comments

      Figure 1, it is very hard to understand the differences between the three rows. Please explain more clearly in the legend, and add more information to the figure itself.

      We altered the axis titles to make this clearer. We also label "Upsream", "Exon 1" and "Part of Intron 1" in Figure 1C, F and I, and in Figure 2C. We now spell this out in the Figure Legend.

      Figure 7, express somewhere in the figure that the y axis measures GC content.

      We now added "GC Content" to the left of the first "graph" in Figure 7.

      Figure seems to introduce a 'causal' model of GC-content dismissing (diminishing?) based on recombination being directed away from TSSs. How about the diminishing of GC-content on any other genomic regions as you have shown in Figure S3G?

      Our focus in this model, and manuscript, is on TSSs. I think that to add the dynamics of other GC-rich regions is distracting. We do not know what caused these intergenic genomic regions to be high in GC-content prior to decay. After excluding known recombination sites and TSSs, these regions are very rare in the human genome. They may be ancient recombination sites that are decaying in GC-content. However, unlike TSSs, which have some connection to recombination (i.e. data from PRDM9 knockout mice and dogs and fox), we do not have any direct or indirect evidence that these other sites were used for recombination in the past. Alternatively, there could have been some other pressure on these sites in the past to increase GC-content that we are not aware of.

      -- The title is too selective, as to the results, and it has the implication that the decay is exclusive to the surrounding of the TSSs.

      Decay of GC-content towards equilibrium is the default state for non-functional DNA. That it is occurring at the TSS is surprising, as it indicates that the GC-peak is not maintained by selection. We now state this in the paper and include this in the "conclusion" portion of the abstract.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The statistical analysis is comprehensive and robust.

      We thank the reviewer for this.

      Their model interpretation as is describe induces confusion and needs to be clarified.

      We are sorry about this. Hopefully our revised text will clear up the confusion.

      I am an expert computational biologist, I do not have a deep knowledge of sequence implications of recombination, and it would be good if the manuscript could add some more background on that.

      We thank the reviewer for their perspective, and we hope that our text changes better explain to the non-expert why our findings are so surprising. We further clarify how recombination affects DNA sequence by gBGC and some of these changes are detailed in our response to the other reviewers.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this work, the author present various analyses suggesting that GC-content in TSS of coding genes is affected by recombination. The article findings are interesting and novel and are important to our understanding of how various non-adaptive evolutionary forces shape vertebrate genome evolutionary history.

      We thank the reviewer for these kind words.

      The Methods section includes most needed details (see comments below for missing information), and the scripts and data provided online help in transparency and usability of these analyses.

      I have several comments, mostly regarding clarifications in the text and several suggestions:

      1. In introduction: CpG islands, have been shown to activate transcription (Fenouil et al., 2012) - what is known about CpG Islands is somewhat inaccurately described. It should be rephrased more accurately, e.g. - CpG Islands found near TSS are associated with robust and high expression level of genes, including genes expressed in many tissues, such as housekeeping genes.

      We thank the reviewer for that. We have rewrote this part of the introduction.

      1. The following claim (in Introduction), regarding retrogenes and their GC content is not in agreement recent analyses: "Indeed, it has been observed that these genes have elevated GC-content at their 5' ends in comparison to their intron-containing counterparts, suggesting that elevation of GC-content can be driven by positive selection to drive their efficient export (Mordstein et al., 2020). Moreover, retrogenes tend to arise from parental genes that have high GC-content at their 5'ends (Kaessmann et al.,2009)." Recent work showed that retrogenes in mouse and human are significantly depleted of CpG islands in their promoters (PMID: 37055747). This follows the notion that young genes, such as these retrogenes, have simple promoters (PMID: 30395322) with few TF binding sites and without CpGs. The two reported trends should be both mentioned with some suggestions regarding why they seem to be contrasting each other and how they can be reconciled.

      We thank the reviewer for this information. The previous report (Mordstein et al., 2020) indicated that the increase in GC-content occurs downstream of the TSS in retrogenes. Since sequences upstream of the TSS are not part of the retro-insertion, it is not surprising that GC-content may differ between the retrogene and the parental gene. That retrogenes have lower numbers of CpGs upstream of the TSS, bolsters the idea that GC-content is not required for transcription and that the GC-peak is not being maintained in most genes by purging selection.

      1. In "Thus GC-content is expected, and is indeed observed to be higher near recombination hotspots due to gBGC (REF)." I think you forgot the reference...

      We thank the reviewer for catching this.

      1. In Results, regarding average GC content (Fig 2X): "Interestingly, this pattern is different in the nonamniotes examined, including anole lizard, coelacanth, shark and lamprey." - in lizard, it seems that the genomic average is lower (and lizards are amniotes)

      You are absolutely right. We now fix this.

      1. In Discussion, the statement: "This model is supported by findings in a recent preprint, which documents the equilibrium state of GC-content in TSS regions from numerous organisms" seems to contrast with the findings of the mentioned preprint. If "most mammals have a high GC-content equilibrium state" but still have a functional PRDM9, in the lack of evidence for functional differences between ortholog PRDM9 proteins (such as signatures for positive selection or functional assays), the authors' findings regarding the relationship between a lack of PRDM9 in canids and the trends observed in their TSS, are weakened.

      We are sorry about the confusion. We were not exactly sure what points were being commented on. 1) whether GC-content is at equilibrium for most mammals or 2) that the equilibrium state is high for most mammals despite containing PRDM9. We rewrote this sentence to clarify both issues (especially given that these concepts may not be clear to non-experts, such as the first reviewer). To answer the first potential concern, the paper in question (Joseph et al., 2023), does not show that GC-content at the TSS in mammals is at equilibrium, rather, it calculates what the equilibrium state is given the nucleotide substitution rates. In most organisms, the TSS is not at equilibrium. To answer both 1 and 2, Joseph et al., show that the equilibrium GC-content at the TSS for canids is much higher than for other mammals. They and others infer that the diversity between other mammals (where the equilibrium state is higher than humans and rodents but lower than canids) has to do with the variation between PRDM9 orthologues, however this has yet to be tested. Although the action of PRDM9 has not been evaluated in most mammals, we do point out that in snakes PRDM9 allows for some recombination at the TSS.

      1. In Methods, the ENSEMBL version (in addition of the per-species genome version) should be mentioned.

      This has been fixed.

      1. In Fig 1, it is worth clarifying in the legend that the differences between the first and second rows of panels is in the length of the plotted region.

      We have now indicated this in the figure legend.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript provides a rigorous analysis of the possible processes that have impacted the TSS GC-content during evolution. It should be of interest to a diverse set of investigators in the genomics community, since it touches on different topics including genome evolution, transcription and gene structures.

      Thank you.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This study analyzes the distribution of GC-content along genes in humans and vertebrates, and particularly the higher GC-content in the 5'-end than in the 3'-end of genes. The results suggest that this pattern is ancient in vertebrates, currently decaying in mouse and humans, and probably driven by recombination and GC-biased gene conversion. It is proposed that the 5'-3' gradient was generated during evolution when PRDM9 was less active (in which case recombination occurs mostly near transcription start sites), and decays when PRDM9 is very active, as it is currently in humans and mouse. This is a very interesting hypothesis, also corroborated by a recent, similar analysis in mammals (Joseph et al. 2023). These two preprints, which appeared around the same time, are, I think, quite novel and important. The analyses performed here are thorough and convincing. Source code and raw data sets are openly distributed. I only have a couple of minor comments and suggestions, which I hope might help improve the manuscript.

      Thank you very much for the kind words.

      A1. There has been quite some work on the 5'-3' GC-content gradient in plants (e.g. Clément et al. 2014 GBE, Ressayre et al. 2015 GBE, Brazier & Glemin 2023 biorxiv), which you might like to cite.

      Thank you for pointing out these very interesting papers, we have incorporated them into the latest version.

      A2. CpG-content and GC-content are related in various ways (e.g. see Galtier & Duret 2000 MBE, Fryxell & Moon 2005 MBE) that you might like to discuss; currently the manuscript discusses the CpG hypermutation rate as a driver of GC-content but the picture might be a bit more complex.

      Thank you for this, we have incorporated these citations.

      A3. The model introduced by this manuscript (figure 7) is dependent on the evolution of recombination determination in vertebrates and the role of PRDM9. A recent preprint by Raynaud et al (biorxiv) seems relevant to this issue.

      Thank you for pointing out this pre-print. We have added a paragraph to the discussion that mentions this work. This also initiated a conversation with the authors, and we include some "personal communications" that illuminate what is going on in teleost fish.

      Line-by-line comments

      B1. "First, highly spliced mRNAs tend to have high GC-content at their 5' ends despite the fact that it is not required for export and does not affect expression levels (Mordstein et al., 2020)" -> I do not totally understand this sentence, which seems to imply some link between splicing and export/expression, could you please clarify?

      We rewrote that sentence to make it clearer.

      B2. "mismatches will form in the heteroduplex which are typically corrected in favor of Gs and Cs over As and Ts by about 70%" -> This 70% figure is human-specific, and varies a lot among species; I know in this introduction you're mainly reviewing the human literature but since this part of the text introduces gBGC as a process maybe clarify by adding "in humans" or refrain from giving this figure?

      Thank you. This is a good point. We fixed this.

      B3. "Thus GC-content is expected, and is indeed observed to be higher near recombination hotspots due to gBGC (REF)." -> reference missing here; actually I'm not sure you will find a good reference for this because PRDM9-dependent hotspots are so short-lived that GC-content would only respond weakly; mayber rather refer to the equilibrium GC-content (and cite, for instance, Pratto et al 2014 Science), or to high-recombining regions instead of hotspots (and you have plenty of papers to cite)?

      Thanks for this.

      B4. Paragraph starting: "PRDM9 and recombination hotspots also experience accelerated rates of evolution..." -> I would suggest removing the word "also" and moving this paragraph up, just before the sentence I'm commenting above (the one starting "Thus GC-content..."). This will justify my suggestion in comment B3 of mentioning high-recombining regions instead of hotspots, while also avoiding to have the important paragraph on recombination at TSS (the one starting "There are interesting connections...") being sandwiched between two sections on PRDM9.

      We did not move this paragraph, although we did adjust the wording slightly.

      B5. Paragraph starting "There are interesting connections..." is crucial to your discussion and might be emphasized a bit more in introduction, in my opinion. For instance, what about adding a sentence like "Also not directly relevant to humans, these observations suggest that gBGC might have played a role in shaping the observed 5'-3' GC-content gradient."

      We did not alter the structure of this paragraph but we did reword sections of it.

      1. "Interestingly, this pattern is different in the non-amniotes examined, including anole lizard, coelacanth, shark and lamprey. These organisms had clear differences in GC-content between their first exon and surrounding sequences (upstream and intronic sequences), which came close to the overall genomic GC-content." -> I'm not sure I got the point the authors are intending to make here. Also please note that lizards are amniotes.

      We thank the reviewer for catching this error, we have fixed this.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This is one of two preprints having appeared ~at the same time (the other one being the cited Joseph et al 2023), which I think are quite important and convincing regarding the role of PRDM9-dependent and PRDM9-independent recombination on GC-content evolution in vertebrates. I support publication of this preprint in a molecular evolutionary journal.

      We thank the reviewer for their kind assessment!

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This study analyzes the distribution of GC-content along genes in humans and vertebrates, and particularly the higher GC-content in the 5'-end than in the 3'-end of genes. The results suggest that this pattern is ancient in vertebrates, currently decaying in mouse and humans, and probably driven by recombination and GC-biased gene conversion. It is proposed that the 5'-3' gradient hass generated during evolution when PRDM9 was less active (in which case recombination occurs mostly near transcription start sites), and decays when PRDM9 is very active, as it is currently in humans and mouse. This is a very interesting hypothesis, also corroborated by a recent, similar analysis in mammals (Joseph et al. 2023). These two preprints, which appeared around the same time, are, I think, quite novel and important. The analyses performed here are thorough and convincing. Source code and raw data sets are openly distributed. I only have a couple of minor comments and suggestions, which I hope might help improve the manuscript.

      A1. There has been quite some work on the 5'-3' GC-content gradient in plants (e.g. Clément et al. 2014 GBE, Ressayre et al. 2015 GBE, Brazier & Glemin 2023 biorxiv), which you might like to cite.

      A2. CpG-content and GC-content are related in various ways (e.g. see Galtier & Duret 2000 MBE, Fryxell & Moon 2005 MBE) that you might like to discuss; currently the manuscript discusses the CpG hypermutation rate as a driver of GC-content but the picture might be a bit more complex.

      A3. The model introduced by this manuscript (figure 7) is dependent on the evolution of recombination determination in vertebrates and the role of PRDM9. A recent preprint by Raynaud et al (biorxiv) seems relevant to this issue.

      Line-by-line comments

      B1. "First, highly spliced mRNAs tend to have high GC-content at their 5' ends despite the fact that it is not required for export and does not affect expression levels (Mordstein et al., 2020)" -> I do not totally understand this sentence, which seems to imply some link between splicing and export/expression, could you please clarify?

      B2. "mismatches will form in the heteroduplex which are typically corrected in favor of Gs and Cs over As and Ts by about 70%" -> This 70% figure is human-specific, and varies a lot among species; I know in this introduction you're mainly reviewing the human literature but since since this part of the text introduces gBGC as a process maybe clarify by adding "in humans" or refrain from giving this figure?

      B3. "Thus GC-content is expected, and is indeed observed to be higher near recombination hotspots due to gBGC (REF)." -> reference missing here; actually I'm not sure you will find a good reference for this because PRDM9-dependent hotspots are so short-lived that GC-content would only respond weakly; mayber rather refer to the equilibrium GC-content (and cite, for instance, Pratto et al 2014 Science), or to high-recombining regions instead of hotspots (and you have plenty of papers to cite)?

      B4. Paragraph starting: "PRDM9 and recombination hotspots also experience accelerated rates of evolution..." -> I would suggest removing the word "also" and moving this paragraph up, just before the sentence I'm commenting above (the one starting "Thus GC-content..."). This will justify my suggestion in comment B3 of mentioning high-recombining regions instead of hotspots, while also avoiding to have the important paragraph on recombination at TSS (the one starting "There are interesting connections...") being sandwiched between two sections on PRDM9.

      B5. Paragraph starting "There are interesting connections..." is crucial to your discussion and might be emphasized a bit more in introduction, in my opinion. For instance, what about adding a sentence like "Also not directly relevant to humans, these observations suggest that gBGC might have played a role in shaping the observed 5'-3' GC-content gradient."

      1. "Interestingly, this pattern is different in the non-amniotes examined, including anole lizard, coelacanth, shark and lamprey. These organisms had clear differences in GC-content between their first exon and surrounding sequences (upstream and intronic sequences), which came close to the overall genomic GC-content." -> I'm not sure I got the point the authors are intending to make here. Also please note that lizards are amniotes.


      This is one of two preprints having appeared ~at the same time (the other one being the cited Joseph et al 2023), which I think are quite important and convincing regarding the role of PRDM9-dependent and PRDM9-independent recombination on GC-content evolution in vertebrates. I support publication of this preprint in a molecular evolutionary journal.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this work, the author present various analyses suggesting that GC-content in TSS of coding genes is affected by recombination. The article findings are interesting and novel and are important to our understanding of how various non-adaptive evolutionary forces shape vertebrate genome evolutionary history.

      The Methods section includes most needed details (see comments below for missing information), and the scripts and data provided online help in transparency and usability of these analyses.

      I have several comments, mostly regarding clarifications in the text and several suggestions:

      1. In introduction: CpG islands, have been shown to activate transcription (Fenouil et al., 2012) - what is known about CpG Islands is somewhat inaccurately described. It should be rephrased more accurately, e.g. - CpG Islands found near TSS are associated with robust and high expression level of genes, including genes expressed in many tissues, such as housekeeping genes.
      2. The following claim (in Introduction), regarding retrogenes and their GC content is not in agreement recent analyses: "Indeed, it has been observed that these genes have elevated GC-content at their 5' ends in comparison to their intron-containing counterparts, suggesting that elevation of GC-content can be driven by positive selection to drive their efficient export (Mordstein et al., 2020). Moreover, retrogenes tend to arise from parental genes that have high GC-content at their 5'ends (Kaessmann et al.,2009)." Recent work showed that retrogenes in mouse and human are significantly depleted of CpG islands in their promoters (PMID: 37055747). This follows the notion that young genes, such as these retrogenes, have simple promoters (PMID: 30395322) with few TF binding sites and without CpGs. <br /> The two reported trends should be both mentioned with some suggestions regarding why they seem to be contrasting each other and how they can be reconciled.
      3. In "Thus GC-content is expected, and is indeed observed to be higher near recombination hotspots due to gBGC (REF)." I think you forgot the reference...
      4. In Results, regarding average GC content (Fig 2X): "Interestingly, this pattern is different in the nonamniotes examined, including anole lizard, coelacanth, shark and lamprey." - in lizard, it seems that the genomic average is lower (and lizards are amniotes)
      5. In Discussion, the statement: "This model is supported by findings in a recent preprint, which documents the equilibrium state of GC-content in TSS regions from numerous organisms" seems to contrast with the findings of the mentioned preprint. If "most mammals have a high GC-content equilibrium state" but still have a functional PRDM9, in the lack of evidence for functional differences between ortholog PRDM9 proteins (such as signatures for positive selection or functional assays), the authors' findings regarding the relationship between a lack of PRDM9 in canids and the trends observed in their TSS, are weakened.
      6. In Methods, the ENSEMBL version (in addition of the per-species genome version) should be mentioned.
      7. In Fig 1, it is worth clarifying in the legend that the differences between the first and second rows of panels is in the length of the plotted region.


      The manuscript provides a rigorous analysis of the possible processes that have impacted the TSS GC-content during evolution. It should be of interest to a diverse set of investigators in the genomics community, since it touches on different topics including genome evolution,transcription and gene structures.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript investigates the dynamics of GC-content patterns in the 5'end of the transcription start sites (TSS) of protein-coding genes (pc-genes). The manuscript introduces a quite careful and comprehensive analysis of GC content in pc-genes in humans and other vertebrates, specially around the TSS. The result of this investigation states that "GC-content surrounding the TSS is largely influenced by patterns of recombination." (from end of Introduction)

      My main concern with this manuscript is one of causal reasoning, whether intended or not. I hope the authors can follow my reasoning bellow on how the logic sometimes seems to fail, and that they introduce changes to clarify their suggested mechanisms of action.

      The above quoted sentence form the end of the Intro is in conflict with this other sentence that appears at the end of the Abstract "the dynamics of GC-content in mammals are largely shaped by patterns of recombination". The sentence in the Intro seems to indicate that the effect is specific to TSSs, but the one in the abstract seem to indicate the opposite, that is, that the effect is ubiquitous.

      The observations as stated in the abstract are: "We observe that in primates and rodents, where recombination is directed away from TSSs by PRDM9, GC-content at protein-coding gene TSSs is currently undergoing mutational decay."

      If I understand the measurements described in the manuscript correctly, and the arguments around them, you seem to show that the mutational decay of GC-content in humans is independent of location (TSSS or not), as noted here

      (also from the abstract) "These patterns extend into the open reading frame affecting protein-coding regions, and we show that changes in GC-content due to recombination affect synonymous codon position choices at the start of the open reading frame."

      There is one more result described in the manuscript, that in my mind is very important, but it is not given the relevance that it appears to me that it has. That is presented in Figure S3G. "we concluded that GC-content at the TSS of protein-coding genes is not at equilibrium, but in decay in primates and rodents. This decay rate is similar to the decay seen in intergenic regions that have the same GC-content (Figure S3G)"

      Thus, if the decaying effect happens everywhere, how can it be related to "recombination being directed away from TSSs by PRDM9" as it is stated in the abstract and in the model described in Figure 7?

      The fact that the decay rate is similar to any other region with similar GC-content should be an indication that the effect is not related to anything having to do with TSS or recombination being directed away from TSSs by PRDM9.

      I hope these paragraphs show my confusion about the relationship between the results presented which I think are very comprehensive and their interpretation and suggested model for GC-content dynamics around TSSs in human.

      On another note, can you provided a bit more background on recombination and its mechanisms? You seem to have confident sets of genes under high/low/med recombination. How are those determined. You also seem to concentrate the cause of recombination on PRDM9, please explain. Is PRDM9 the unique indicator of recombination?

      Specific comments

      Figure 1, it is very hard to understand the differences between the three rows. Please explain more clearly in the legend, and add more information to the figure itself.

      Figure 7, express somewhere in the figure that the y axis measures GC content. Figure seems to introduce a 'causal' model of GC-content dismissing based on recombination being directed away from TSSs. How about the diminishing of GC-content on any other genomic regions as you have shown in Figure S3G?

      The title is too selective, as to the results, and it has the implication that the decay is exclusive to the surrounding of the TSSs.


      The statistical analysis is comprehensive and robust. Their model interpretation as is describe induces confusion and needs to be clarified.

      I am an expert computational biologist, I do not have a deep knowledge of sequence implications of recombination, and it would be good if the manuscript could add some more background on that.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In "BDNF signaling requires matrix metalloproteinase-9 during structural synaptic plasticity", Legutko et al. used two-photon microscopy and glutamate uncaging to show that rapid release (seconds) of MMP-9 from dendritic spines following synaptic stimulation as well as MMP-9 dependent activation of TrkB. The authors also show and MMP-dependent increase on dendritic spine volume. These data support the possibility that MMP-9 rapidly activates BDNF to promote the spine maturation required for LTP. All is all the manuscript is well written, and the data is convincing and important.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for that comment.


      • The authors show cell free cleavage of BDNF by recombinant MMP-9. It would be more convincing to show that MMP-9 cleaved BDNF using concentrated supernatants following synaptic stimulation in control versus inhibitor treated slices. Answer: In the present study we focus on a single-spine approach; thus, we did not include general stimulation techniques and biochemical analyses. To our knowledge, there is no method to show BDNF cleavage by MMP-9 directly at a single synapse. We agree with the reviewer that the general stimulation is important; however, at the synapse, there is potentially a whole array of proteases such as plasmin, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) that might not only create catalytic cascade and proteolytically activate MMP-9 but also directly cleave proBDNF. When stimulating neurons and analysing supernatants, it is therefore impossible to determine if MMP-9 directly digests proBDNF to mBDNF or, alternatively, whether it is just a part of a proteolytic cascade leading to BDNF maturation. Therefore, our result where we use recombinant proteins provide an important piece of evidence that MMP-9 can indeed cleave proBDNF directly. Of note, experiments using brain extracts have been published previously, for example in a paper of Mizoguchi et al., J.Neurosci. (2011); DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3118-11.2011, where the authors showed increased cleavage of BDNF after pentylenetetrazole kindling and the kindling induced proBDNF cleavage was decreased in MMP-9 KO mice.

      • The concentration of the MMP-9/13 inhibitor used was quite high and would also inhibit MMP-1, -3 and -7. This concern is, however, abrogated by the use of the MMP-9 KO. But it might be important to mention that the inhibitor is not MMP-9 specific at higher concentrations. Answer: To comply with this remark, we have stressed the notion in the Discussion of the revised ms.:

      "There are over twenty MMPs with overlapping substrate specificity (Fields, 2015; Cieplak & Strongin, 2017) and there are no fully specific, commercially available inhibitors for MMP-9. Since Inhibitor I might affect also other MMPs, to further test the involvement of the protease in sLTP, we have used hippocampal slice cultures prepared from MMP-9 KO mice and their WT littermates (Fig. 1E, 1F)."

      • In figure 1C vs E, as well as Fig 3C vs E, it appears that the DMSO to inhibitor (1C and 3C) change is larger than the WT vs MMP-9 KO (1E and 3E). Is this possibly because DMSO has a potentiating effect and/or because the inhibitor is getting other MMPs or the MMP-9 KO has compensatory increases in other MMPs? __Answer: __At the concentrations used in the study (not exceeding 0.08%), we do not consider DMSO having any potentiating effect. As we discuss in the manuscript, the difference between DMSO control and MMP-9 WT is most likely due to differences between genetic lines of the mice. This is also a reason why each set of experiments has its own control. Of note, in the paper preceding this study, Harvard et al., Nature (2016); doi:10.1038/nature19766, spine volume change induced by uncaging, vary between 200 and 300% depending on mice strain used in the experiment.

      • The idea that MMP-9 and pro-BDNF are in the same vesicular stores is an interesting and very plausible one. Perhaps the authors could discuss what is known about the types of vesicles thought to harbor these two proteins. Answer: To follow on this remark, we added information about the vesicles containing BDNF and MMP-9 in the Discussion:

      "Given that the release kinetics of BDNF and MMP-9 are similar, one could speculate that the effect of MMP-9 inhibition on early TrkB activation can be achieved because both, MMP-9 and BDNF are co-localized and co-released from the same release vesicles. BDNF is widely considered to be stored and released from Large Dense-Core Vesicles (Dieni et al, 2012; Kojima et al, 2020), and MMP-9 release although not studied in neurons but in cell lines, also points to the same type of vesicles (Stephens et al, 2019)."

      • It might be useful to add to the discussion pathological conditions such as major depression and post-stroke plasticity in which MMP-9 dependent BDNF activation could be important. Answer: We thank the reviewer for that suggestion. We have added the information about MMP-9 and BDNF link in the brain pathologies in the Discussion:

      "Additionally, our data may provide a functional link between the involvement of MMP-9 and BDNF in various brain pathologies, in which such a link has previously been implicated, for example in addiction (Cheng et al, 2019), schizophrenia (Pan et al, 2022; Yamamori et al, 2013), ischemic stroke (Li et al, 2022) or even following cochlear implantation (Matusiak et al, 2023)."

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The results are significant to understanding synaptic plasticity in health and disease.

      __Answer: __We thank the reviewer for that comment stressing the importance of our study.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The study addresses the molecular mechanisms of activity-dependent morphological plasticity of dendritic spines, focusing on the role of MMP-9 and BDNF-TrkB in the signalling and biochemical activities that lead to and maintain spine enlargement ('structural LTP', sLTP) induced experimentally.

      It is based on a combination of 2-photon imaging of spine morphology, 2-photon imaging of MMP-9-SEP fluorescence, 2-photon FLIM of a biosensor for TrkB activity and 2-photon glutamate uncaging in organotypic hippocampal brain slices. In addition, it includes an assay of protein digestion based on Western immuno blots.

      As results, the study reports that diminishing MMP-9 activity (pharmacologically or genetically) in the slices reduces sLTP, that repetitive glutamate uncaging evokes the release of MMP-9 from the spines that undergo sLTP, and that this effect can be blocked by pharmacological blockade of NMDA or exocytosis, that repetitive glutamate uncaging on a spine increases TrkB activation in the spine, and that this effect is diminished in slices from MMP-9 KO animals or treated by an MMP-9 blocker, and that MMP-9 can cleave proto-BDNF into mature BDNF in a cell-free medium.

      The experiments are technically challenging but they are well conceived, designed and executed. The conclusions are well supported by the results, which are clearly discussed in light of the substantial and somewhat contradictory literature.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The study provides a finer view of the dynamic role of MMP-9 in activity-dependent spine plasticity, reinforcing and expanding existing knowledge on this timely topic.

      The study is well executed and the conclusions are warranted. The study is an experimental tour de force, even if the biological results and insights are rather incremental and don't force us to revise our main assumptions or expectations.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for that comment and the appreciation of our work.

      I only have a few questions and suggestions:

      • 2: Do TeTx and AP5 treatments also block spine enlargement? The MMP9-SEP and mCherry signals in the spines are going up, what about their ratio F/R? __Answer: __Yes, we do have results showing that TeTx and AP5 block spine enlargement, however we did not present them in the original manuscript. The AP5 application on spine enlargement was previously demonstrated for example by Tanaka and co-workers (2008); DOI: 10.1126/science.1152864, and the effect of TeTx on LTP and insertion of AMPA receptors has also been demonstrated multiple times for example by Penn et al., Nature (2017); doi:10.1038/nature23658. To comply with the reviewer's request we have included the data in the revised version of the manuscript (Figure 2C).

      As far as the F/R ratio is concerned we shall stress that the aim of our experiments was to show the release of MMP-9 into extracellular space upon uncaging. We have initially tried to analyse the ratio of F/R, however the green signal that comes from MMP9-SEP does not accumulate at the spine, apparently being rapidly diffused. Therefore, the overall red signal for mCherry increases much faster (mCherry fills the cytoplasm in the spine) than the MMP9-SEP; therefore, the F/R ratio is decreasing over time. Figure 2G shows that increases in MMP9-SEP fluorescence are only transient (around 0.5 s) after uncaging pulses.

      • 3B shows increased TrkB activation after glutamate uncaging, but is it possible to see the spine enlargement in the FRET-FLIM signal/images? Answer: Yes, it is possible to observe spine enlargement during FRET-FLIM experiments by counting photons from the red channel (RFP) as well as from the green one (GFP), however due to technical difficulties spine volume change was measured in separate experiments.

      • Fix: mW and Chameleon in the Methods section - corrected

      • Consider streamlining the Discussion a bit - we have reviewed the discussion
      • Consider adding a schematic to summarise the new and existing findings Answer: We thank the reviewer for the suggestion, we have added a schematic summarising the paper as a separate figure (Fig.4).

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this short report, Legutko et al address the role of MMP9 in BDNF signaling in the context of structural long-term potentiation (sLTP). In particular, they assess whether MMP9 is secreted fast enough to mediate the cleavage of proBDNF in mBDNF during sLTP. The study uses 2-photon imaging of hippocampal organotypic slices, glutamate uncaging and FRET-based sensors of TrkB activity. The authors demonstrate that MMP9 is secreted within seconds upon 2-photon glutamate uncaging and that MMP9 secretion precedes spine enlargement. They also show that MMP9 can cleave proBDNF in vitro. However, the role of MMP9 in sLTP and associated TrkB signaling remains speculative at the end of the manuscript.

      Major comments

      • The title of the first result section "spine head enlargement during structural plasticity depends on MMP9 activity" is an overstatement. The authors provide evidence that MMP inhibition and MMP9 KO decrease spine enlargement during the early phase of sLTP. However, after the first few minutes, spines still display long-term enlargement, and no difference between WT and MMP9 KO mice can be detected. These data suggest that MMP9 is only involved in the initial phase of sLTP, and that other MMPs are involved in sLTP.

      __Answer: __We thank the reviewer for that comment. We have change the wording in the revised manuscript to accommodate the suggestion.

      • The authors cannot conclude that "spine head enlargement during sLTP depends on MMP9 activity".

      __Answer: __We thank the reviewer for that comment. We have changed the title and wording in the revised manuscript to accommodate the suggestion.

      • The authors should apply Inhibitor I on MMP9 KO slices to determine if MMPs other than MMP9 are involved in spine enlargement.

      __Answer: __We thank the reviewer for the suggestion, and indeed we agree that other MMPs might be involved in spine enlargement induced by glutamate uncaging. Furthermore, applying Inhibitor I will not resolve the question which MMPs or other proteases are involved in the spine enlargement. Applying Inhibitor I on MMP-9 KO slices would only eliminate one of the proteases. To deal with this difficult issue, we have used slices from MMP-9 KO mice and showed the influence of MMP-9 on the transient phase of spine enlargement induced by glutamate uncaging.

      • If Inhibitor I still impacts sLTP in MMP9 KO slice, it would greatly benefit this study to determine which MMPs are involved (for example by analyzing the expression patterns of MMPs in their neurons and selectively inactivating those expressed with shRNAs).

      Answer: The proposed experiment is an excellent suggestion for a future project however it is not an easy experiment to perform. MMPs expression pattern could be assessed by single cell RNA sequencing to distinguish it from for example astrocytic expression, however it often fails to detect mRNAs which are expressed at low level. For example mRNA coding MMP-9 belongs to this group as its mRNA is kept at very low level, see, e.e.g, Konopacki et al., Neuroscience (2007); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroscience.2007.08.026, Dziembowska et al. J.Neurosci (2012); https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.6028-11.2012. There is also quite low correlation between mRNA levels and protein levels at a global scale, see e.g., Reimegård et al., Comm. Biol. (2021); https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-021-02142-w, therefore predictive power of mRNA sequencing for the importance of a particular protein might not be sufficiently informative. Moreover, the situation is even more complex in neurons which are strongly compartmentalized, and where local translation plays a significant role. We have previously studied this particular aspect for MMP-9, Dziembowska et al. J.Neurosci. (2012); DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.6028-11.2012..

      • The title of the third/last result section "TrkB signaling depends on MMP9 activity" is also an overstatement. In Figure 3, the authors show that the pharmacological inhibition of MMPs slightly inhibits TrkB signaling in the early phase of sLTP, and almost abolishes TrkB signaling in the second phase (> 3 min after uncaging). However, the data suggesting a specific role for MMP9 in TrkB signaling are not convincing (Figure 3E-F). The activation of trkB during sLTP is weak even in WT, the peak of trkB activation upon glutamate uncaging in not disrupted in MMP9 KO mice, and the data are noisy. It is a major concern that the authors cannot convincingly show that TrkB signaling is altered in MMP9-deficient neurons. Answer: To the best of our knowledge, using FRET-FLIM sensors is the best and state-of-the-art method to track biochemical changes (such as receptor activation) in real time using live preparations. The method is very sensitive and published previously by one of the authors of the current study where TrkB sensor is activated in the same magnitude (Harward et al., Nature, 2016; doi: 10.1038/nature19766). Moreover similar magnitude of sensor activation was reported previously in single dendritic spines for other sensors using FLIM-FRET method: Rho GTPases (Hedrick et al., Nature 2016; doi: 10.1038/nature19784), IGF1R (Tu et al., Sci Advanc. 2023; doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adg0666) or CaMKII (Chang et al., Nat. Commun. 2019; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-10694-z). The noise is to be expected, as we are imaging small compartments in a short time where collecting enough number of photons is challenging. Similarly to previous studies using FRET-FLIM sensors, we bin experimental points to reduce noise for statistical analysis. Notably, the biological effect we observe, namely sensor activation, is well above the experimental noise that in inevitable in this experimental approach. For statistical analyses we have used repeated measures ANOVA, which is very sensitive to noise and signal fluctuation. The differences we measure are statistically significant.

      • The authors discuss that the problem might stem from mouse genetic backgrounds. However, if the MMP9 KO mouse model is not appropriate to answer the question, the authors should use another one (i.e. MMP9 knockdown using sh/siRNAs).

      Answer: We believe that the effect of MMP-9 KO in this experiment is evident, as supported by Fig. 3 E,F and statistical analysis. Furthermore, the experiment with the inhibitor further supports our reasoning.

      • In addition to the graphs, the authors should mention in the text the percentage of inhibition compared to WT). This would make the results easier to read.

      Answer: To comply with this request the appropriate information has been added to the revised manuscript.

      • The change in TrkB activation following glutamate uncaging is low (max 5-7 % at the peak, compared to 200% for spine volume). This raises the question of the physiological relevance of TrkB activation in this model. The authors should include experiments with a trkB inhibitor to assess whether it prevents sLTP in WT and MMP9 KO mice. They should also discuss other potential targets of MMP9. This would strengthen the rationale of the experiments. Answer: Previously published results using the same TrkB sensor (Harward et al., Nature, 2016; doi: 10.1038/nature19766), show exactly the same change in binding fraction calculated from a change in GFP fluorescence lifetime. These data are also in agreement with well-established standard in the field, see, e.g., Rho GTPases (Hedrick et al., Nature 2016; doi: 10.1038/nature19784), IGF1R (Tu et al., Sci Advanc. 2023; doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adg0666) or CaMKII (Chang et al., Nat. Commun. 2019; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-10694-z). In response to the comment we have addressed this issue in the Discussion in the revised ms.

      Minor comments

      • In the introduction, the authors should provide more context. Could the authors develop the "long standing debate on which enzymes process proBDNF to mBDNF"? Answer: We have removed the sentence as we realized it was too confusing and the paper does not compare between different proteases which may process proBDNF to mBDNF.

      • In the result section:

      • First paragraph, the last sentence should be moved from the end of the paragraph to before "During sLTP induction...".

      Answer: Following the reviewer suggestion, we have moved the sentence.

      • Several paragraphs in the result section lack a proper conclusion/interpretation, which makes it difficult to read. Examples: after (Fig. 2E), after (Fig. 2F). The authors should explicit what their results mean.

      Answer: We have changed the paragraphs and tried to explain the results better.

      • Clarify when and for how long the MMP inhibitor was applied. Answer: The inhibitor was applied 30 min. before stimulation. We have added the information in the Methods section.

      • In figure 1, The authors observe a specific alteration of the early, transient, sustained increase in spine head volume in MMP9 KO mice. The later phase of sLTP is not impacted, which means that sLTP is induced and maintained in the KO. Could the authors discuss the role/importance of this transient peak in spine head volume? Answer: In response to this comment, we have discussed this issue in the revised ms. as follows:

      " The transient spine expansion might be important for the remodeling of the synapse (Lang et al, 2004) and is associated with NMDAR-dependent formation of "memory gel" created by enlargement pool of actin (Honkura et al, 2008; Kasai et al, 2010; Bonilla-Quintana & Rangamani, 2024). It has also been reported that TrkB activity can influence actin dynamics (Woo et al, 2019; Hedrick et al, 2016), in some instances in concert with integrin 1 (Wang et al, 2016), which is also activated by MMP-9 (Wang et al, 2008; Michaluk et al, 2009, 2011) and further supports our observations."

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript aims to bring conceptual advance in our understanding of structural synaptic plasticity by investigating the role and timing of MMP9 secretion in TrkB signaling. Previous work from the Yasuda lab and others have shown that trkB is activated early on by BDNF during sLTP. However, how, when and where BDNF is cleaved from proBDNF in mBDNF is poorly understood. The authors demonstrate that the pharmacological inhibition of metalloproteases attenuates structural long-term plasticity (sLTP) and that MMP9 is secreted early enough to cleave proBDNF. They also show that MMP9 can cleave proBDNF in BDNF in vitro. Whether MMP9 specifically cleaves BDNF during sLTP and whether this cleavage is physiologically relevant for sLTP remain an open question.

      This report will be of interest to neurobiologists interested in the molecular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this short report, Legutko et al address the role of MMP9 in BDNF signaling in the context of structural long-term potentiation (sLTP). In particular, they assess whether MMP9 is secreted fast enough to mediate the cleavage of proBDNF in mBDNF during sLTP. The study uses 2-photon imaging of hippocampal organotypic slices, glutamate uncaging and FRET-based sensors of TrkB activity. The authors demonstrate that MMP9 is secreted within seconds upon 2-photon glutamate uncaging and that MMP9 secretion precedes spine enlargement. They also show that MMP9 can cleave proBDNF in vitro. However, the role of MMP9 in sLTP and associated TrkB signaling remains speculative at the end of the manuscript.

      Major comments

      1. The title of the first result section "spine head enlargement during sLTP depends on MMP9 activity" is an overstatement. The authors provide evidence that MMP inhibition and MMP9 KO decrease spine enlargement during the early phase of sLTP. However, after the first few minutes, spines still display long-term enlargement, and no difference between WT and MMP9 KO mice can be detected. These data suggest that MMP9 is only involved in the initial phase of sLTP, and that other MMPs are involved in sLTP.
        • The authors cannot conclude that "spine head enlargement during sLTP depends on MMP9 activity".
        • The authors should apply Inhibitor I on MMP9 KO slices to determine if MMPs other than MMP9 are involved in spine enlargement.
        • If Inhibitor I still impacts sLTP in MMP9 KO slice, it would greatly benefit this study to determine which MMPs are involved (for example by analyzing the expression patterns of MMPs in their neurons and selectively inactivating those expressed with shRNAs).
      2. The title of the third/last result section "TrkB signaling depends on MMP9 activity" is also an overstatement. In Figure 3, the authors show that the pharmacological inhibition of MMPs slightly inhibits TrkB signaling in the early phase of sLTP, and almost abolishes TrkB signaling in the second phase (> 3 min after uncaging). However, the data suggesting a specific role for MMP9 in TrkB signaling are not convincing (Figure 3E-F). The activation of trkB during sLTP is weak even in WT, the peak of trkB activation upon glutamate uncaging in not disrupted in MMP9 KO mice, and the data are noisy. It is a major concern that the authors cannot convincingly show that TrkB signaling is altered in MMP9-deficient neurons.
        • The authors discuss that the problem might stem from mouse genetic backgrounds. However, if the MMP9 KO mouse model is not appropriate to answer the question, the authors should use another one (i.e. MMP9 knockdown using sh/siRNAs).
        • In addition to the graphs, the authors should mention in the text the percentage of inhibition compared to WT). This would make the results easier to read.
      3. The change in TrkB activation following glutamate uncaging is low (max 5-7 % at the peak, compared to 200% for spine volume). This raises the question of the physiological relevance of TrkB activation in this model. The authors should include experiments with a trkB inhibitor to assess whether it prevents sLTP in WT and MMP9 KO mice. They should also discuss other potential targets of MMP9. This would strengthen the rationale of the experiments.

      Minor comments

      1. In the introduction, the authors should provide more context. Could the authors develop the "long standing debate on which enzymes process proBDNF to mBDNF"?
      2. In the result section:
        • First paragraph, the last sentence should be moved from the end of the paragraph to before "During sLTP induction...".
        • Several paragraphs in the result section lack a proper conclusion/interpretation, which makes it difficult to read. Examples: after (Fig. 2E), after (Fig. 2F). The authors should explicit what their results mean.
      3. Clarify when and for how long the MMP inhibitor was applied.
      4. In figure 1, The authors observe a specific alteration of the early, transient, sustained increase in spine head volume in MMP9 KO mice. The later phase of sLTP is not impacted, which means that sLTP is induced and maintained in the KO. Could the authors discuss the role/importance of this transient peak in spine head volume?


      The manuscript aims to bring conceptual advance in our understanding of structural synaptic plasticity by investigating the role and timing of MMP9 secretion in TrkB signaling. Previous work from the Yasuda lab and others have shown that trkB is activated early on by BDNF during sLTP. However, how, when and where BDNF is cleaved from proBDNF in mBDNF is poorly understood. The authors demonstrate that the pharmacological inhibition of metalloproteases attenuates structural long-term plasticity (sLTP) and that MMP9 is secreted early enough to cleave proBDNF. They also show that MMP9 can cleave proBDNF in BDNF in vitro. Whether MMP9 specifically cleaves BDNF during sLTP and whether this cleavage is physiologically relevant for sLTP remain an open question.

      This report will be of interest to neurobiologists interested in the molecular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The study addresses the molecular mechanisms of activity-dependent morphological plasticity of dendritic spines, focusing on the role of MMP-9 and BDNF-TrkB in the signalling and biochemical activities that lead to and maintain spine enlargement ('structural LTP', sLTP) induced experimentally.

      It is based on a combination of 2-photon imaging of spine morphology, 2-photon imaging of MMP-9-SEP fluorescence, 2-photon FLIM of a biosensor for TrkB activity and 2-photon glutamate uncaging in organotypic hippocampal brain slices. In addition, it includes an assay of protein digestion based on Western immuno blots.

      As results, the study reports that diminishing MMP-9 activity (pharmacologically or genetically) in the slices reduces sLTP, that repetitive glutamate uncaging evokes the release of MMP-9 from the spines that undergo sLTP, and that this effect can be blocked by pharmacological blockade of NMDA or exocytosis, that repetitive glutamate uncaging on a spine increases TrkB activation in the spine, and that this effect is diminished in slices from MMP-9 KO animals or treated by an MMP-9 blocker, and that MMP-9 can cleave proto-BDNF into mature BDNF in a cell-free medium.

      The experiments are technically challenging but they are well conceived, designed and executed. The conclusions are well supported by the results, which are clearly discussed in light of the substantial and somewhat contradictory literature.


      The study provides a finer view of the dynamic role of MMP-9 in activity-dependent spine plasticity, reinforcing and expanding existing knowledge on this timely topic.

      The study is well executed and the conclusions are warranted. The study is an experimental tour de force, even if the biological results and insights are rather incremental and don't force us to revise our main assumptions or expectations.

      I only have a few questions and suggestions:

      • Fig. 2: Do TeTx and AP5 treatments also block spine enlargement? The MMP9-SEP and mCherry signals in the spines are going up, what about their ratio F/R?
      • Fig. 3B shows increased TrkB activation after glutamate uncaging, but is it possible to see the spine enlargement in the FRET-FLIM signal/images?
      • Fix: mW and Chameleon in the Methods section
      • Consider streamlining the Discussion a bit
      • Consider adding a schematic to summarise the new and existing findings
    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In "BDNF signaling requires matrix metalloproteinase-9 during structural synaptic plasticity", Legutko et al. used two-photon microscopy and glutamate uncaging to show that rapid release (seconds) of MMP-9 from dendritic spines following synaptic stimulation as well as MMP-9 dependent activation of TrkB. The authors also show and MMP-dependent increase on dendritic spine volume. These data support the possibility that MMP-9 rapidly activates BDNF to promote the spine maturation required for LTP. All is all the manuscript is well written, and the data is convincing and important.


      1. The authors show cell free cleavage of BDNF by recombinant MMP-9. It would be more convincing to show that MMP-9 cleaved BDNF using concentrated supernatants following synaptic stimulation in control versus inhibitor treated slices.
      2. The concentration of the MMP-9/13 inhibitor used was quite high and would also inhibit MMP-1, -3 and -7. This concern is, however, abrogated by the use of the MMP-9 KO. But it might be important to mention that the inhibitor is not MMP-9 specific at higher concentrations.
        1. In figure 1C vs E, as well as Fig 3C vs E, it appears that the DMSO to inhibitor (1C and 3C) change is larger than the WT vs MMP-9 KO (1E and 3E). Is this possibly because DMSO has a potentiating effect and/or because the inhibitor is getting other MMPs or the MMP-9 KO has compensatory increases in other MMPs?
      3. The idea that MMP-9 and pro-BDNF are in the same vesicular stores is an an interesting and very plausible one. Perhaps the authors could discuss what is known about the types of vesicles thought to harbor these two proteins.
      4. It might be useful to add to the discussion pathological conditions such as major depression and post-stroke plasticity in which MMP-9 dependent BDNF activation could be important.


      The results are significant to understanding synaptic plasticity in health and disease.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Compared to our initial submission to Review Commons, we have addressed all the reviewers' comments. We have extensively re-written the manuscript to make it clearer to a larger audience. In particular, we have transferred Figure EV1 to Figure 1 with more complete panels and included a scheme (Figure EV3) on the steps of D2R internalization which we measure with live cell imaging. We have added a new paragraph to the start of the Discussion to summarize our main conclusions and reordered the discussion on the possible mechanisms of membrane PUFA enrichment on D2R endocytosis. All the changes in the text are in red for easier comparison with the previous version.

      As suggested by reviewer 1, we have performed additional experiments to test the specificity of the effects of PUFA treatments on D2R endocytosis, reinforcing the results shown in Figure 4 using feeding assays. We show with live cell TIRF imaging and the ppH assay that TfR-SEP endocytosis is not affected (Figure EV5) and that SEP-β2AR endocytosis and βarr2-mCherry recruitment to the plasma membrane are not affected (Figure EV6).

      Reviewer #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      *The manuscript, using different live and fixed cell trafficking assays, demonstrates that incorporation of poly-unsaturated, but not saturated, free fatty acids in the membrane phospholipids reduce agonist induced internalization of the D2 dopamine receptor but not the adrenergic beta2 receptors or the transferrin receptor. Pulsed pH (ppH) live microscopy further demonstrated that the reduced internalization by incorporation of free fatty acid was accompanied by a blunted recruitment of Beta-arrestin for the D2R.

      I believe said claims put forward in the manuscript are overall well supported by the data and as such I do not believe that further experiments are necessarily needed to uphold these key claims. Also, the methodology is satisfactorily reported, and statistics are robust, although two-way Anova like used in Fig 1 seems appropriate for Fig 2 and 3*

      We thank the reviewer for his/her positive assessment of our work. We have checked the statistical tests used for all our measures. For Figure 2 and 3 (now 3 and 4) we test for only one factor (PUFA treatment or not) so we ran ordinary one-way ANOVA using Graphpad Prism.

      That said, I suggest that the fixed cell internalization experiments (Fig 2 and 3), which relate the effect on the D2R to B2AR and transferrin are revised. This is important since this is relevant to judge whether the effect is a general or a selective molecular mechanism since this is the one of the three assay which this comparison relies on. Alternatively, I suggest omitting this data and include the B2AR in the Live DERET assay and both B2AR and TfR in the ppH assay. Specifically, my concerns with the fixed cell internalization are: • The analysis is based on counting the number of endosomes, which is not necessarily equivalent to the number of receptors internalized

      The number of puncta, as well as their fluorescence, is reported by the analysis program (written in Matlab2021 and available upon request). We chose to show number of puncta because they reflect more directly the number of labelled endosomes (in Figures 3 and 4). As shown in the figure below, we found slight but significant differences between groups for FLAG-D2R (88.6 % and 87.6 % of average fluorescence in DHA and DPA treated cells compared to control cells), (panel A), and no differences for FLAG-β2AR (panel B). We find a significant decrease in puncta fluorescence for transferrin uptake in cells incubated with DHA (but not DPA) relative to control cells (panel C). However, because we did not detect differences in the number of puncta or in the frequency and amplitude of endocytic vesicle creation events (see below), we still conclude that enrichment with exogenous PUFAs does not affect clathrin mediated endocytosis.

      In conclusion, the most robust measure of endocytosis for this assay is the number of detected puncta per cell rather than their fluorescence.

      • The analysis relies on fully effective stripping of the surface pool of receptors - i.e clustered surface receptors not stripped by the protocol will be assessed as internalized. It is often very difficult to obtain full efficiency of the Flag-tag stripping and this is somewhat expression dependent. • The protocol for the constitutive and agonist induced internalization is different and yet shown on the same absolute graph. Although I take it the microscope gain setting are unaltered between the constitutive and agonist induced internalization I don't believe the quantification can be directly related. This is confusing at the very least. More critically however, the membrane signal from the non-stripped condition of constitutive internalization will likely fully shield internalized receptors in the Rab4 membrane proximal recycling pathway leading to under-estimation of the in the constitutive endocytosis. I believe this methodological limitation underlies the massive relative difference in the constitutive endocytosis between panel 2A,B and 2C,D. For comparison, by a quantitative dual color FACS endocytosis assay, we have previously demonstrated the ligand endocytosis a ~4 fold increased over constitutive (in concert with Fig 2A,B here) (Schmidt et al 20XX). Importantly, high relative variability by this methodology could well shield an actual effect of incorporation of FFAs on the constitutive endocytosis. We thank the reviewer for pointing this difference in the protocol. As a matter of fact, we have not used acid stripping in all the conditions used for the uptake assays (Figures 3 and 4). We apologize for the confusion and we have clarified this point in the Methods section. In early experiments we compared conditions with or without stripping but we concluded from these experiments that indeed, the stripping was not complete. Moreover, we noticed early on that many cells treated with DHA or DPA did not have any detectable cluster (13 cells out of 58 quantified cells treated with DHA after addition of QPL, 12/56 cells treated with DPA, 0/68 for cells treated with vehicle). Stripping the antibody would have made these cells undetectable, biasing the analysis. Therefore, to make our results more consistent we decided to use non-stripping conditions. To detect endosomes specifically, we used a segmentation tool developed earlier (see Rosendale et al.* 2019). This tool is based on wavelet transforms which recognizes dot-like structures. In addition, we excluded from the cell mask the labelled plasma membrane by a mask erosion.

      We agree the design of experiments was not aimed at comparing the effect of PUFA treatment on low levels of constitutive D2R endocytosis. This would require more sensitive assays and be addressed in subsequent studies.

      'Optional' Also, it would be informative to see the ppH Beta-arrestin experiments with the B2AR to assess, whether the putative discrepancy between D2R and B2AR is upstream or downstream of the blunted Beta-arrestin recruitment. To the same point, it would be very informative to assess how the incorporation of the free fatty acids affect receptor signalling, which would also help relate the effect of incorporation of the FFA's in the phospholipids to previous experiment using short term incubation with FFA's

      We have now performed live imaging experiments in HEK293 cells expressing SEP-β2AR, GRK2 and βarr2-mCherry and stimulated with isoproterenol (Figure EV6). We show that the clustering of SEP-β2AR, of βarr2-mCherry, as well as endocytosis, are not affected by treatments with DHA or DPA. In this study, we focused on the early trafficking steps of D2R internalization. It will be interesting in a future study to address its consequences on G protein dependent and independent signaling. Moreover, and for good measure, we performed experiments to assess TfR-SEP endocytosis with the ppH assay. Again, we found no difference between cells treated or not with PUFAs (Figure EV5)

      *References overall seem appropriate although Schmidt et al would be relevant for reference of the constitutive vs agonist induced endocytosis of D2R and B2AR. *

      We have now cited Schmidt et al. 2020 doi 10.1111/bcpt.13274 in the discussion with the following sentences: "D2R also shows constitutive endocytosis (Schmidt et al, 2020) which may be modulated by PUFAs although we did not detect any significant difference in our measures (see Figure 3) which were aimed at detecting high levels of internalization induced by agonists. Further work will be required to specifically examine the effect of PUFAs on constitutive GPCR internalization."

      Overall, the figures are well composed and convey the messages fairly well. Specific point that would strengthen the rigor include: • Chosing actual representative pictures of the quantitative data in Fig 2 and 3 (e.g. hard to see 25 endocytic events in Fig 2A constitutive endo, EtOH)

      We apologize for the confusion. We employ a normalization procedure to account for cell size. In addition, all numbers have been normalized to the condition stimulated with agonist with no PUFA treatment). In fact, we detect in unstimulated cells very few puncta (on average 0.6, range 0-5) compared to 27.3 clusters (range 2-87) in cells stimulated with QPL.

      • Showing actual p values for the statistical comparisons* For easier reading, we have kept the stars convention for the figures but added two tables with all statistical tests and the p values for both main figures and EV figures.

      Moreover, for ease of reading the figures (without consulting the legend repeatedly) it would be very helpful to headline individual panel with what the experiments assesses. Figure 1a and 1b for example can't be distinguished at all before reading the figure legend. Also, y-axis could be more informative on what I measured rather than just giving the unit.

      We have added titles to panels (in particular for Figure 2A,B which correspond to former Figure 1A,B) and we have given new titles to Y axes to make them clearer. We hope that the reading of our figures will now be easier.

      Finally, the figure presentation and description of S1 is very hard to follow. I cannot really make out what is assessed in the different panels.

      We have changed substantially Figure EV1 (now Figure 1) with new presentation of data: all 4 conditions (control, treated with DHA, DPA or BA) systematically presented in the same graph, and clearer titles for the parameter displayed on the Y axes. We hope that this figure is now easier to follow.


      *The strength of the manuscript is the use and validation of incorporation of FFA's in the plasma membrane, which more closely mimics the physiological situation than brief application of FFAs as often done. Is addition, the blunted recruitment of beta-arrestin as assessed by the ppH protocol is quite intriguing mechanistically. The limitation are the relative narrow focus on the D2 receptor (and not multiple GPCRs) that does not really speak to as or assess the physiological, pathophysiological or therapeutic role of the observations (except from referring the relation between FFAs and disease). Also, despite the putative role of Beta-arrestin recruitment in the process, the actual causation in the process is not clear. This shortcoming is underscored by the putative effect on the constitutive internalization described above.

      My specific expertise for assessing the paper is within general trafficking processes (including the trafficking methodology applied), trafficking of GPCRs and function of the dopamine system including the role of D2 receptors.*

      • *

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      • *

      The only conclusion that I was able to understand from the study was that enrichment of cell membranes with polyunsaturated fatty acids specifically inhibited agonist-induced internalization of D2 receptors. However, I think that the experiments used to conclude that PUFAs do not alter D2R clustering but reduce the recruitment of β-arrestin2 and D2R endocytosis need some clarification (i.e. data depicted in Fig. 2-5). This lack of clarity might be due to the fact I am not familiar enough with the employed technologies or to the unclear writing style of the paper. There was an overuse of acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations, which are difficult to understand for researchers outside of the specific lipid field. I think that the manuscript should be written in a way to be legible also for researchers not working in the immediate filed.

      The paper was not written in a manner that a general audience of cell biologists or those interested in GPCR biology could understand and judge. It is indeed interesting that polyunsaturated fatty acids specifically inhibit D2R internalization in HEK293 cells, and it could be significant. But, it is difficult to judge the significance of the observation without more in vivo data.

      I would suggest the following. Remove all acronyms and abbreviations. Significantly, expand the Materials and Methods section, either in the manuscript or in the Supplemental section. I suggest clearly explaining each construct used, and the function of each module in the construct, with diagrams. In addition, provide a comprehensive step by step description of each experimental protocol, providing the reader with the rationale for each step in the protocol with explanatory diagrams. The authors should also more clearly explain the rationale and logic that was utilized to make the conclusions that they did from the depicted observations. Only then can a broader audience determine if the authors' conclusions are justified.

      We thank the reviewer for his/her comments. Indeed, our main message was that two types of PUFAs (DHA and DPA) specifically alter D2R endocytosis by reducing the recruitment of β-arrestin2 without changing D2R clustering at the plasma membrane. We are sorry that our writing was not clear enough. We also found out that in the last steps of the submission to Review Commons, the first paragraph of the Discussion was inadvertently erased. This made our main conclusions, summarized in this first paragraph, less clear. We have now put back this important paragraph. Moreover, we have extensively rewritten the manuscript thriving to make it as clear as possible to a large audience. We have reduced the use of acronyms to keep only the most used ones [e.g. PUFA (used 99 times), DHA (37 times), GPCR (34 times), D2R (126 times), GRK (17 times)] and made them consistent throughout the manuscript. Following the reviewer's suggestion, we have also added a scheme of the steps following D2R activation by agonist leading to its internalization (Figure EV3).

      We understand that the reviewer implies by "in vivo data" results obtained in the brain of animals. As written in the Introduction and in the Discussion, the current work follows up on a recently published manuscripts by a subset of the authors, namely (i) Ducrocq et al. 2020 (doi 10.1016/j.cmet.2020.02.012) in which we show that deficits in motivation in animals deprived in ω3-PUFAs can be restored specifically by conditional expression of a fatty acid desaturase from c. elegans (FAT1) that allows restoring PUFA levels specifically in D2R-expressing striatal projection neurons (which mediate the so-called indirect pathway), and (ii) Jobin et al. 2023 (doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01928-6) which combines in cellulo (HEK 293 cells) and in vivo data to show that PUFAs affects the ligand binding of the dopamine D2 receptor and its signaling in a lipid context that reflects patient lipid profiles regarding poly-unsaturation levels.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      • *

      In summary, I will reiterate that the reported experiments need to be much better explained to make the study understandable to a broader audience and for that audience to determine whether the conclusions are justified.

      • *

      • *

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      • *


      The authors investigate the role of lipid polyunsaturation in endocytic uptake of the dopamine D2 receptor (D2R). To modulate the degree of unsaturation in live cell plasma membranes, the authors incubate cell lines with pure fatty acid that is metabolized and incorporated into the cellular membranes. To quantify the internalization of D2R in these live cells, the authors utilized quantitative fluorescence assays such as DERET and endosome analysis to determine the degree and rate of D2R internalization in the presence of two model agonists - dopamine and quinpirole. The authors conclude that when the PUFA content of the plasma membrane is increased (i.e., via ω3 or ω6 fatty acids), both the quantity and rate of D2R internalization decrease substantially. The authors confirmed that these phenomena are specific to D2R as caveolar endocytosis and clathrin-mediated endocytosis were unaffected when these same experimental techniques were utilized for β2 adrenergic receptor and transferrin. Additionally, the authors conclude that the clustering ability of D2R is unaffected by lipid unsaturation but that the ability of D2R clusters to interact with β-arrestin2 is inhibited in the presence of excess PUFA. Based on these findings, the authors propose several hypothetical mechanisms for lipid-D2R interactions on the plasma membrane, which will likely be the scope of future work.

      Overall, this is a highly thorough and rigorous body of work that convincingly illustrates the connection between PUFA levels and D2R activity. However, I do not agree with the authors' conclusions pertaining to how their results should be interpreted in the context of fatty acid-related disorders. Additionally, this manuscript could benefit from some reorganization which would present the work more clearly. Please see the comments below.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive appreciation of our work, qualified as a "thorough and rigorous body of work that convincingly illustrates the connection between PUFA levels and D2R activity". We will address the specific points raised by the reviewer with our answers below.


        • A recurring motivation for this study that is brought up by the authors is that dietary deficiency of ω3 fatty acids is tied to D2R dysfunction. This would indicate that PUFA reduction in the plasma membrane results in D2R dysfunction. However, the experiments emphasized in this manuscript investigate the condition where PUFA content is INCREASED in the plasma membrane and D2R function is compromised. It seems inappropriate for the authors to cite dietary deficiency of ω3 as a motivation when they experimentally test a condition that is tied to ω3 surplus.* Regarding the general comment of the reviewer, we agree that direct conclusion cannot be drawn on the etiology of psychiatric disorders by looking at the effect of membrane fatty acid levels on D2R in HEK 293 cells. Nevertheless, we mention in the Introduction the intriguing occurrence of low PUFA levels in psychiatric disorders as starting point to look at D2R as an important target for psychoactive drugs prescribed for these disorders. In the Discussion, we propose that manipulating fatty acid levels might potentiate the efficacy of D2R ligands used as treatments. We felt raising these aspects was not putting too much emphasis on psychiatric disorders. However, in accordance with the reviewer's comment, we toned down these descriptions in the revised manuscript.

      The goal of increasing the levels of fatty acids at the membrane in HEK 293, the most widely used cellular system to study GPCR trafficking, was to try to emulate the levels of lipids in brain cells. Indeed, the levels of PUFAs in our culture conditions are much lower (~8 %, Figure 1B) than in brain extracts (~30 %). Therefore, the "control" condition in HEK 293 cells would correspond to PUFA deficiency while after our enrichment protocol these levels are closer to those found in brain cells. Our results could therefore be interpreted as endocytosis of D2R being augmented under membrane PUFA decrease. Importantly, increased receptor internalization often correlates with decreased signaling. Therefore, membrane PUFA enrichment in our conditions would rather potentiate D2R signaling.

      • Following up on the first comment, the authors' results seem to indicate that excess ω3's are detrimental to D2R function. This result would be at odds with the conventional view that ω3's are essential and that excessive ω3 may not be harmful. The authors should rationalize their findings in the context of what is known about excess dietary ω3.*

      The Reviewer is right that the conventional view is that excessive ω3 PUFA may not be harmful. However, this rather applies to dietary consumption, which might have limited effect to brain fatty acid contents since their accretion is highly regulated. Moreover, the majority of studies looking at ω3 supplementation have been performed in young adults and the effects on the developing brain - as it might be happening in pathological conditions in which D2R is involved - remain poorly understood. Furthermore, as mentioned above, blunted internalization of D2R under membrane PUFA enrichment is not an indication of "detrimental" to D2R function. Nor do we argue that membrane enrichment corresponds to excess PUFAs.

      • I would argue that the control experiments with saturated fatty acids (i.e., Behenic Acid in figure 1), represent a scenario mimicking ω3 deficiency as the enrichment of Behenic Acid causes an overall reduction in PUFAs (Figure EV1C - an increase in SFA must correspond to a decrease in PUFA). These Behenic acid results are the only experiments presented by the authors that mimic a scenario resembling ω3 deficiency and the results show that the D2R internalization is unaffected (Figure 1G-H). Therefore, I would further argue that if anything, the authors results suggest that ω3 deficiency is NOT correlated to D2R internalization. Again, the authors must rationalize these findings in the context of what is known about dietary intake of ω3's.*

      The Reviewer must refer to the fact that nutrients rich in SFAs are usually poor in PUFAs and vice-versa. Based on our lipidomic analysis, we now present in Figure 1B the effect of treatments (DHA, DPA, BA) on the levels of PUFAs (Figure 1B) and saturated fatty acids (Figure 1C). In cells treated with behenic acid (BA), PUFA levels are not significantly changed relative to control, untreated cells, while saturated fatty acid levels are increased. BA was used here to determine whether the effects observed with PUFAs was related to the enrichment in unsaturations or due to carbon chain length (C22). It is not the case because BA treatment, unlike DHA or DPA treatment, does not affect D2R endocytosis (Figure 2G,H).

      • It's not clear why the authors decided to include an ω6 fatty acid in this study. The authors built up a detailed rationale for investigating ω3's as they are dietarily essential and tied to disease when deficient. To my knowledge, ω6's are considered much less beneficial than ω3's in a dietary sense. The inclusion of an ω6 almost seems coerced as the ω6-related results don't provide any interesting additional insights. It would benefit the manuscript if the authors provided some additional discussion explaining why ω6's are being investigated in addition to ω3's. *

      We agree that we could have made the rationale clearer. The goal in comparing ω3-DHA and ω6-DPA was to assess whether the position of the first unsaturation (n-3 vs n-6), with the same carbon chain length (C22) might differentially impact D2R endocytosis.

      • In Figure EV1D, the AHA and DPA percentages each increase by ~6%. The corresponding Figure EV1B indicates that the overall PUFA% in the plasma membrane also increases by 6%. This makes sense as the total change in PUFA content is consistent with the amount of AHA or DPA being internalized to cells. However, this consistency was not observed with BA and SFAs. In Figure EV1E, the BA percentage increases only ~1% while the total SFA percentage in Figure EV1C increases by ~6%. How can something undergoing a 1% change (relative to total lipid content) result in a 6% overall change in SFA content?*

      The reviewer is correct: the level of SFAs is increased by 5.2% (34.5 % of total FAs in control cells to 39.7 % in BA treated cells), more than the increase in BA alone (1.18% from 0.35 % to 1.53 %). A close look at our lipidomics data showed that many of the 10 saturated fatty acids quantified are enhanced. In particular, the two most abundant ones, palmitic acid (16:0) and stearic acid (18:0) are increased, from 21.37 % to 22.28 % and 8.47 % to 11.17%, respectively. The reasons for these apparent discrepancies may involve lipid metabolic pathways which convert the rare and long BA into more common and shorter SFAs to preserve lipid contents and thus membrane properties.

      • In Figure 4, the discussion of kinetics does not make sense. How exactly are kinetics being monitored in this figure? (Recruitment kinetics are discussed in panels D and G)*

      We wanted to convey the impression that the time to reach the peak βarr2-mCherry recruitment was shorter in PUFA-treated cells than in control cells. However, after analyzing the kinetics in individual cells, we did not find a statistically significant difference in the time to maximum fluorescence. Therefore, we removed this reference to the kinetics of recruitment.

      We now write: " However, treatment with DHA or DPA significantly decreased peak βarr2-mCherry fluorescence (Figure 5F-G).."

      • In Figure 5, What is the purpose of panel D? Would it be more helpful to include additional, overlaid "cumulative N" plots for scenarios in which PUFAs were enriched? This would work well in conjunction with panel F.*

      The purpose of this panel is to show the kinetics of increase in the frequency of endocytic vesicle formation upon agonist addition, and the decrease in frequency when the agonist is removed. We have now added examples of cells treated with DHA and DPA of similar surface for direct comparison with control (EtOH) cells.

      • For the readers who are new to this area or unfamiliar with the assays used, Figure 1 is not intuitive and initially difficult to interpret. It would greatly benefit the flow of the manuscript if Figures EV1A-C and EV2A were included in the main text and "Normalized R" was clearly defined in the main text, prior to discussion of Figure 1.*

      We have now transferred Figure EV1 as Figure 1. We have adapted the scheme of the DERET assay and its legend (now in Figure EV1A) to make it clearer. We did not put in Figure 2 because this figure is already very big. We have changed "Normalized R" to "Ratio 620/520) (% max)" to be clearer and more consistent with the scheme.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      • *

      General assessment: The work, for the most part, is rigorous and scientifically sound. The authors utilize impressive, quantitative assays to expand our understanding of protein-lipid interactions. However, the authors need to improve their discussion of the actual physiological conditions that correspond to their experimental results.

      • *

      Advance: This work may fill a gap in our understanding of disorders related to the dopamine D2 receptor. However, some of the results may be at odds with what is currently known/understood about dietary ω3 fatty acids.

      • *

      Audience: This work will be of broad interest to researchers in the biophysics field, with particular emphasis on researchers who study protein and membrane biophysics. This work will also be of interest to researchers who study membrane molecular biology.

      • *

      Reviewer Expertise: quantitative fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy; membrane biophysics; protein-lipid interactions

      • *
    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors investigate the role of lipid polyunsaturation in endocytic uptake of the dopamine D2 receptor (D2R). To modulate the degree of unsaturation in live cell plasma membranes, the authors incubate cell lines with pure fatty acid that is metabolized and incorporated into the cellular membranes. To quantify the internalization of D2R in these live cells, the authors utilized quantitative fluorescence assays such as DERET and endosome analysis to determine the degree and rate of D2R internalization in the presence of two model agonists - dopamine and quinpirole. The authors conclude that when the PUFA content of the plasma membrane is increased (i.e., via ω3 or ω6 fatty acids), both the quantity and rate of D2R internalization decrease substantially. The authors confirmed that these phenomena are specific to D2R as caveolar endocytosis and clathrin-mediated endocytosis were unaffected when these same experimental techniques were utilized for β2 adrenergic receptor and transferrin. Additionally, the authors conclude that the clustering ability of D2R is unaffected by lipid unsaturation but that the ability of D2R clusters to interact with β-arrestin2 is inhibited in the presence of excess PUFA. Based on these findings, the authors propose several hypothetical mechanisms for lipid-D2R interactions on the plasma membrane, which will likely be the scope of future work.

      Overall, this is a highly thorough and rigorous body of work that convincingly illustrates the connection between PUFA levels and D2R activity. However, I do not agree with the authors' conclusions pertaining to how their results should be interpreted in the context of fatty acid-related disorders. Additionally, this manuscript could benefit from some reorganization which would present the work more clearly. Please see the comments below.


      1. A recurring motivation for this study that is brought up by the authors is that dietary deficiency of ω3 fatty acids is tied to D2R dysfunction. This would indicate that PUFA reduction in the plasma membrane results in D2R dysfunction. However, the experiments emphasized in this manuscript investigate the condition where PUFA content is INCREASED in the plasma membrane and D2R function is compromised. It seems inappropriate for the authors to cite dietary deficiency of ω3 as a motivation when they experimentally test a condition that is tied to ω3 surplus.
      2. Following up on the first comment, the authors' results seem to indicate that excess ω3's are detrimental to D2R function. This result would be at odds with the conventional view that ω3's are essential and that excessive ω3 may not be harmful. The authors should rationalize their findings in the context of what is known about excess dietary ω3.
      3. I would argue that the control experiments with saturated fatty acids (i.e., Behenic Acid in figure 1), represent a scenario mimicking ω3 deficiency as the enrichment of Behenic Acid causes an overall reduction in PUFAs (Figure EV1C - an increase in SFA must correspond to a decrease in PUFA). These Behenic acid results are the only experiments presented by the authors that mimic a scenario resembling ω3 deficiency and the results show that the D2R internalization is unaffected (Figure 1G-H). Therefore, I would further argue that if anything, the authors results suggest that ω3 deficiency is NOT correlated to D2R internalization. Again, the authors must rationalize these findings in the context of what is known about dietary intake of ω3's.
      4. It's not clear why the authors decided to include an ω6 fatty acid in this study. The authors built up a detailed rationale for investigating ω3's as they are dietarily essential and tied to disease when deficient. To my knowledge, ω6's are considered much less beneficial than ω3's in a dietary sense. The inclusion of an ω6 almost seems coerced as the ω6-related results don't provide any interesting additional insights. It would benefit the manuscript if the authors provided some additional discussion explaining why ω6's are being investigated in addition to ω3's.
      5. In Figure EV1D, the AHA and DPA percentages each increase by ~6%. The corresponding Figure EV1B indicates that the overall PUFA% in the plasma membrane also increases by 6%. This makes sense as the total change in PUFA content is consistent with the amount of AHA or DPA being internalized to cells. However, this consistency was not observed with BA and SFAs. In Figure EV1E, the BA percentage increases only ~1% while the total SFA percentage in Figure EV1C increases by ~6%. How can something undergoing a 1% change (relative to total lipid content) result in a 6% overall change in SFA content?
      6. In Figure 4, the discussion of kinetics does not make sense. How exactly are kinetics being monitored in this figure? (Recruitment kinetics are discussed in panels D and G)
      7. In Figure 5, What is the purpose of panel D? Would it be more helpful to include additional, overlaid "cumulative N" plots for scenarios in which PUFAs were enriched? This would work well in conjunction with panel F.
      8. For the readers who are new to this area or unfamiliar with the assays used, Figure 1 is not intuitive and initially difficult to interpret. It would greatly benefit the flow of the manuscript if Figures EV1A-C and EV2A were included in the main text and "Normalized R" was clearly defined in the main text, prior to discussion of Figure 1.


      General assessment: The work, for the most part, is rigorous and scientifically sound. The authors utilize impressive, quantitative assays to expand our understanding of protein-lipid interactions. However, the authors need to improve their discussion of the actual physiological conditions that correspond to their experimental results.

      Advance: This work may fill a gap in our understanding of disorders related to the dopamine D2 receptor. However, some of the results may be at odds with what is currently known/understood about dietary ω3 fatty acids.

      Audience: This work will be of broad interest to researchers in the biophysics field, with particular emphasis on researchers who study protein and membrane biophysics. This work will also be of interest to researchers who study membrane molecular biology.

      Reviewer Expertise: quantitative fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy; membrane biophysics; protein-lipid interactions

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The only conclusion that I was able to understand from the study was that enrichment of cell membranes with polyunsaturated fatty acids specifically inhibited agonist-induced internalization of D2 receptors. However, I think that the experiments used to conclude that PUFAs do not alter D2R clustering but reduce the recruitment of β-arrestin2 and D2R endocytosis need some clarification (i.e. data depicted in Fig. 2-5). This lack of clarity might be due to the fact I am not familiar enough with the employed technologies or to the unclear writing style of the paper . There was an overuse of acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations, which are difficult to understand for researchers outside of the specific lipid field. I think that the manuscript should be written in a way to be legible also for researchers not working in the immediate filed.

      The paper was not written in a manner that a general audience of cell biologists or those interested in GPCR biology could understand and judge. It is indeed interesting that polyunsaturated fatty acids specifically inhibit D2R internalization in HEK293 cells, and it could be significant. But, it is difficult to judge the significance of the observation without more in vivo data.

      I would suggest the following. Remove all acronyms and abbreviations. Significantly, expand the Materials and Methods section, either in the manuscript or in the Supplemental section. I suggest clearly explaining each construct used, and the function of each module in the construct, with diagrams. In addition, provide a comprehensive step by step description of each experimental protocol, providing the reader with the rationale for each step in the protocol with explanatory diagrams. The authors should also more clearly explain the rationale and logic that was utilized to make the conclusions that they did from the depicted observations. Only then can a broader audience determine if the authors' conclusions are justified.


      In summary, I will reiterate that the reported experiments need to be much better explained to make the study understandable to a broader audience and for that audience to determine whether the conclusions are justified.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript, using different live and fixed cell trafficking assays, demonstrates that incorporation of poly-unsaturated, but not saturated, free fatty acids in the membrane phospholipids reduce agonist induced internalization of the D2 dopamine receptor but not the adrenergic beta2 receptors or the transferrin receptor. Pulsed pH (ppH) live microscopy further demonstrated that the reduced internalization by incorporation of free fatty acid was accompanied by a blunted recruitment of Beta-arrestin for the D2R.

      I believe said claims put forward in the manuscript are overall well supported by the data and as such I do not believe that further experiments are necessarily needed to uphold these key claims. Also, the methodology is satisfactorily reported, and statistics are robust, although two-way Anova like used in Fig 1 seems appropriate for Fig 2 and 3

      That said, I suggest that the fixed cell internalization experiments (Fig 2 and 3), which relate the effect on the D2R to B2AR and transferrin are revised. This is important since this is relevant to judge whether the effect is a general or a selective molecular mechanism since this is the one of the three assay which this comparison relies on. Alternatively, I suggest omitting this data and include the B2AR in the Live DERET assay and both B2AR and TfR in the ppH assay. Specifically, my concerns with the fixed cell internalization are:

      • The analysis is based on counting the number of endosomes, which is not necessarily equivalent to the number of receptors internalized
      • The analysis relies on fully effective stripping of the surface pool of receptors - i.e clustered surface receptors not stripped by the protocol will be assessed as internalized. It is often very difficult to obtain full efficiency of the Flag-tag stripping and this is somewhat expression dependent.
      • The protocol for the constitutive and agonist induced internalization is different and yet shown on the same absolute graph. Although I take it the microscope gain setting are unaltered between the constitutive and agonist induced internalization I don't believe the quantification can be directly related. This is confusing at the very least. More critically however, the membrane signal from the non-stripped condition of constitutive internalization will likely fully shield internalized receptors in the Rab4 membrane proximal recycling pathway leading to under-estimation of the in the constitutive endocytosis. I believe this methodological limitation underlies the massive relative difference in the constitutive endocytosis between panel 2A,B and 2C,D. For comparison, by a quantitative dual color FACS endocytosis assay, we have previously demonstrated the ligand endocytosis a ~4 fold increased over constitutive (in concert with Fig 2A,B here) (Schmidt et al 20XX). Importantly, high relative variability by this methodology could well shield an actual effect of incorporation of FFAs on the constitutive endocytosis.

      'Optional' Also, it would be informative to see the ppH Beta-arrestin experiments with the B2AR to assess, whether the putative discrepancy between D2R and B2AR is upstream or downstream of the blunted Beta-arrestin recruitment. To the same point, it would be very informative to assess how the incorporation of the free fatty acids affect receptor signalling, which would also help relate the effect of incorporation of the FFA's in the phospholipids to previous experiment using short term incubation with FFA's

      References overall seem appropriate although Schmidt et al would be relevant for reference of the constitutive vs agonist induced endocytosis of D2R and B2AR. Overall, the figures are well composed and convey the messages fairly well. Specific point that would strengthen the rigor include:

      • Chosing actual representative pictures of the qunatiative data in Fig 2 and 3 (e.g. har to see 25 endocytic events in Fig 2A constitutive endo, EtOH)
      • Showing actual p values for the statistical comparisions

      Moreover, for ease of reading the figures (without consulting the legend repeatedly) it would be very helpful to headline individual panel with what the experiments assesses. Figure 1a and 1b for example can't be distinguished at all before reading the figure legend. Also, y-axis could be more informative on what I measured rather than just giving the unit.

      Finally, the figure presentation and description of S1 is very hard to follow. I cannot really make out what is assessed in the different panels.


      The strength of the manuscript is the use and validation of incorporation of FFA's in the plasma membrane, which more closely mimics the physiological situation than brief application of FFAs as often done. Is addition, the blunted recruitment of beta-arrestin as assessed by the ppH protocol is quite intriguing mechanistically. The limitation are the relative narrow focus on the D2 receptor (and not multiple GPCRs) that does not really speak to as or assess the physiological, pathophysiological or therapeutic role of the observations (except from referring the relation between FFAs and disease). Also, despite the putative role of Beta-arrestin recruitment in the process, the actual causation in the process is not clear. This shortcoming is underscored by the putative effect on the constitutive internalization described above.

      My specific expertise for assessing the paper is within general trafficking processes (including the trafficking methodology applied), trafficking of GPCRs and function of the dopamine system including the role of D2 receptors.

    5. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Compared to our initial submission to Review Commons, we have addressed all the reviewers' comments. We have extensively re-written the manuscript to make it clearer to a larger audience. In particular, we have transferred Figure EV1 to Figure 1 with more complete panels and included a scheme (Figure EV3) on the steps of D2R internalization which we measure with live cell imaging. We have added a new paragraph to the start of the Discussion to summarize our main conclusions and reordered the discussion on the possible mechanisms of membrane PUFA enrichment on D2R endocytosis. All the changes in the text are in red for easier comparison with the previous version.

      As suggested by reviewer 1, we have performed additional experiments to test the specificity of the effects of PUFA treatments on D2R endocytosis, reinforcing the results shown in Figure 4 using feeding assays. We show with live cell TIRF imaging and the ppH assay that TfR-SEP endocytosis is not affected (Figure EV5) and that SEP-β2AR endocytosis and βarr2-mCherry recruitment to the plasma membrane are not affected (Figure EV6).

      Reviewer #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      *The manuscript, using different live and fixed cell trafficking assays, demonstrates that incorporation of poly-unsaturated, but not saturated, free fatty acids in the membrane phospholipids reduce agonist induced internalization of the D2 dopamine receptor but not the adrenergic beta2 receptors or the transferrin receptor. Pulsed pH (ppH) live microscopy further demonstrated that the reduced internalization by incorporation of free fatty acid was accompanied by a blunted recruitment of Beta-arrestin for the D2R.

      I believe said claims put forward in the manuscript are overall well supported by the data and as such I do not believe that further experiments are necessarily needed to uphold these key claims. Also, the methodology is satisfactorily reported, and statistics are robust, although two-way Anova like used in Fig 1 seems appropriate for Fig 2 and 3*

      We thank the reviewer for his/her positive assessment of our work. We have checked the statistical tests used for all our measures. For Figure 2 and 3 (now 3 and 4) we test for only one factor (PUFA treatment or not) so we ran ordinary one-way ANOVA using Graphpad Prism.

      That said, I suggest that the fixed cell internalization experiments (Fig 2 and 3), which relate the effect on the D2R to B2AR and transferrin are revised. This is important since this is relevant to judge whether the effect is a general or a selective molecular mechanism since this is the one of the three assay which this comparison relies on. Alternatively, I suggest omitting this data and include the B2AR in the Live DERET assay and both B2AR and TfR in the ppH assay. Specifically, my concerns with the fixed cell internalization are: • The analysis is based on counting the number of endosomes, which is not necessarily equivalent to the number of receptors internalized

      The number of puncta, as well as their fluorescence, is reported by the analysis program (written in Matlab2021 and available upon request). We chose to show number of puncta because they reflect more directly the number of labelled endosomes (in Figures 3 and 4). As shown in the figure below, we found slight but significant differences between groups for FLAG-D2R (88.6 % and 87.6 % of average fluorescence in DHA and DPA treated cells compared to control cells), (panel A), and no differences for FLAG-β2AR (panel B). We find a significant decrease in puncta fluorescence for transferrin uptake in cells incubated with DHA (but not DPA) relative to control cells (panel C). However, because we did not detect differences in the number of puncta or in the frequency and amplitude of endocytic vesicle creation events (see below), we still conclude that enrichment with exogenous PUFAs does not affect clathrin mediated endocytosis.

      In conclusion, the most robust measure of endocytosis for this assay is the number of detected puncta per cell rather than their fluorescence.

      • The analysis relies on fully effective stripping of the surface pool of receptors - i.e clustered surface receptors not stripped by the protocol will be assessed as internalized. It is often very difficult to obtain full efficiency of the Flag-tag stripping and this is somewhat expression dependent. • The protocol for the constitutive and agonist induced internalization is different and yet shown on the same absolute graph. Although I take it the microscope gain setting are unaltered between the constitutive and agonist induced internalization I don't believe the quantification can be directly related. This is confusing at the very least. More critically however, the membrane signal from the non-stripped condition of constitutive internalization will likely fully shield internalized receptors in the Rab4 membrane proximal recycling pathway leading to under-estimation of the in the constitutive endocytosis. I believe this methodological limitation underlies the massive relative difference in the constitutive endocytosis between panel 2A,B and 2C,D. For comparison, by a quantitative dual color FACS endocytosis assay, we have previously demonstrated the ligand endocytosis a ~4 fold increased over constitutive (in concert with Fig 2A,B here) (Schmidt et al 20XX). Importantly, high relative variability by this methodology could well shield an actual effect of incorporation of FFAs on the constitutive endocytosis. We thank the reviewer for pointing this difference in the protocol. As a matter of fact, we have not used acid stripping in all the conditions used for the uptake assays (Figures 3 and 4). We apologize for the confusion and we have clarified this point in the Methods section. In early experiments we compared conditions with or without stripping but we concluded from these experiments that indeed, the stripping was not complete. Moreover, we noticed early on that many cells treated with DHA or DPA did not have any detectable cluster (13 cells out of 58 quantified cells treated with DHA after addition of QPL, 12/56 cells treated with DPA, 0/68 for cells treated with vehicle). Stripping the antibody would have made these cells undetectable, biasing the analysis. Therefore, to make our results more consistent we decided to use non-stripping conditions. To detect endosomes specifically, we used a segmentation tool developed earlier (see Rosendale et al.* 2019). This tool is based on wavelet transforms which recognizes dot-like structures. In addition, we excluded from the cell mask the labelled plasma membrane by a mask erosion.

      We agree the design of experiments was not aimed at comparing the effect of PUFA treatment on low levels of constitutive D2R endocytosis. This would require more sensitive assays and be addressed in subsequent studies.

      'Optional' Also, it would be informative to see the ppH Beta-arrestin experiments with the B2AR to assess, whether the putative discrepancy between D2R and B2AR is upstream or downstream of the blunted Beta-arrestin recruitment. To the same point, it would be very informative to assess how the incorporation of the free fatty acids affect receptor signalling, which would also help relate the effect of incorporation of the FFA's in the phospholipids to previous experiment using short term incubation with FFA's

      We have now performed live imaging experiments in HEK293 cells expressing SEP-β2AR, GRK2 and βarr2-mCherry and stimulated with isoproterenol (Figure EV6). We show that the clustering of SEP-β2AR, of βarr2-mCherry, as well as endocytosis, are not affected by treatments with DHA or DPA. In this study, we focused on the early trafficking steps of D2R internalization. It will be interesting in a future study to address its consequences on G protein dependent and independent signaling. Moreover, and for good measure, we performed experiments to assess TfR-SEP endocytosis with the ppH assay. Again, we found no difference between cells treated or not with PUFAs (Figure EV5)

      *References overall seem appropriate although Schmidt et al would be relevant for reference of the constitutive vs agonist induced endocytosis of D2R and B2AR. *

      We have now cited Schmidt et al. 2020 doi 10.1111/bcpt.13274 in the discussion with the following sentences: "D2R also shows constitutive endocytosis (Schmidt et al, 2020) which may be modulated by PUFAs although we did not detect any significant difference in our measures (see Figure 3) which were aimed at detecting high levels of internalization induced by agonists. Further work will be required to specifically examine the effect of PUFAs on constitutive GPCR internalization."

      Overall, the figures are well composed and convey the messages fairly well. Specific point that would strengthen the rigor include: • Chosing actual representative pictures of the quantitative data in Fig 2 and 3 (e.g. hard to see 25 endocytic events in Fig 2A constitutive endo, EtOH)

      We apologize for the confusion. We employ a normalization procedure to account for cell size. In addition, all numbers have been normalized to the condition stimulated with agonist with no PUFA treatment). In fact, we detect in unstimulated cells very few puncta (on average 0.6, range 0-5) compared to 27.3 clusters (range 2-87) in cells stimulated with QPL.

      • Showing actual p values for the statistical comparisons* For easier reading, we have kept the stars convention for the figures but added two tables with all statistical tests and the p values for both main figures and EV figures.

      Moreover, for ease of reading the figures (without consulting the legend repeatedly) it would be very helpful to headline individual panel with what the experiments assesses. Figure 1a and 1b for example can't be distinguished at all before reading the figure legend. Also, y-axis could be more informative on what I measured rather than just giving the unit.

      We have added titles to panels (in particular for Figure 2A,B which correspond to former Figure 1A,B) and we have given new titles to Y axes to make them clearer. We hope that the reading of our figures will now be easier.

      Finally, the figure presentation and description of S1 is very hard to follow. I cannot really make out what is assessed in the different panels.

      We have changed substantially Figure EV1 (now Figure 1) with new presentation of data: all 4 conditions (control, treated with DHA, DPA or BA) systematically presented in the same graph, and clearer titles for the parameter displayed on the Y axes. We hope that this figure is now easier to follow.


      *The strength of the manuscript is the use and validation of incorporation of FFA's in the plasma membrane, which more closely mimics the physiological situation than brief application of FFAs as often done. Is addition, the blunted recruitment of beta-arrestin as assessed by the ppH protocol is quite intriguing mechanistically. The limitation are the relative narrow focus on the D2 receptor (and not multiple GPCRs) that does not really speak to as or assess the physiological, pathophysiological or therapeutic role of the observations (except from referring the relation between FFAs and disease). Also, despite the putative role of Beta-arrestin recruitment in the process, the actual causation in the process is not clear. This shortcoming is underscored by the putative effect on the constitutive internalization described above.

      My specific expertise for assessing the paper is within general trafficking processes (including the trafficking methodology applied), trafficking of GPCRs and function of the dopamine system including the role of D2 receptors.*

      • *

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      • *

      The only conclusion that I was able to understand from the study was that enrichment of cell membranes with polyunsaturated fatty acids specifically inhibited agonist-induced internalization of D2 receptors. However, I think that the experiments used to conclude that PUFAs do not alter D2R clustering but reduce the recruitment of β-arrestin2 and D2R endocytosis need some clarification (i.e. data depicted in Fig. 2-5). This lack of clarity might be due to the fact I am not familiar enough with the employed technologies or to the unclear writing style of the paper. There was an overuse of acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations, which are difficult to understand for researchers outside of the specific lipid field. I think that the manuscript should be written in a way to be legible also for researchers not working in the immediate filed.

      The paper was not written in a manner that a general audience of cell biologists or those interested in GPCR biology could understand and judge. It is indeed interesting that polyunsaturated fatty acids specifically inhibit D2R internalization in HEK293 cells, and it could be significant. But, it is difficult to judge the significance of the observation without more in vivo data.

      I would suggest the following. Remove all acronyms and abbreviations. Significantly, expand the Materials and Methods section, either in the manuscript or in the Supplemental section. I suggest clearly explaining each construct used, and the function of each module in the construct, with diagrams. In addition, provide a comprehensive step by step description of each experimental protocol, providing the reader with the rationale for each step in the protocol with explanatory diagrams. The authors should also more clearly explain the rationale and logic that was utilized to make the conclusions that they did from the depicted observations. Only then can a broader audience determine if the authors' conclusions are justified.

      We thank the reviewer for his/her comments. Indeed, our main message was that two types of PUFAs (DHA and DPA) specifically alter D2R endocytosis by reducing the recruitment of β-arrestin2 without changing D2R clustering at the plasma membrane. We are sorry that our writing was not clear enough. We also found out that in the last steps of the submission to Review Commons, the first paragraph of the Discussion was inadvertently erased. This made our main conclusions, summarized in this first paragraph, less clear. We have now put back this important paragraph. Moreover, we have extensively rewritten the manuscript thriving to make it as clear as possible to a large audience. We have reduced the use of acronyms to keep only the most used ones [e.g. PUFA (used 99 times), DHA (37 times), GPCR (34 times), D2R (126 times), GRK (17 times)] and made them consistent throughout the manuscript. Following the reviewer's suggestion, we have also added a scheme of the steps following D2R activation by agonist leading to its internalization (Figure EV3).

      We understand that the reviewer implies by "in vivo data" results obtained in the brain of animals. As written in the Introduction and in the Discussion, the current work follows up on a recently published manuscripts by a subset of the authors, namely (i) Ducrocq et al. 2020 (doi 10.1016/j.cmet.2020.02.012) in which we show that deficits in motivation in animals deprived in ω3-PUFAs can be restored specifically by conditional expression of a fatty acid desaturase from c. elegans (FAT1) that allows restoring PUFA levels specifically in D2R-expressing striatal projection neurons (which mediate the so-called indirect pathway), and (ii) Jobin et al. 2023 (doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01928-6) which combines in cellulo (HEK 293 cells) and in vivo data to show that PUFAs affects the ligand binding of the dopamine D2 receptor and its signaling in a lipid context that reflects patient lipid profiles regarding poly-unsaturation levels.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      • *

      In summary, I will reiterate that the reported experiments need to be much better explained to make the study understandable to a broader audience and for that audience to determine whether the conclusions are justified.

      • *

      • *

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      • *


      The authors investigate the role of lipid polyunsaturation in endocytic uptake of the dopamine D2 receptor (D2R). To modulate the degree of unsaturation in live cell plasma membranes, the authors incubate cell lines with pure fatty acid that is metabolized and incorporated into the cellular membranes. To quantify the internalization of D2R in these live cells, the authors utilized quantitative fluorescence assays such as DERET and endosome analysis to determine the degree and rate of D2R internalization in the presence of two model agonists - dopamine and quinpirole. The authors conclude that when the PUFA content of the plasma membrane is increased (i.e., via ω3 or ω6 fatty acids), both the quantity and rate of D2R internalization decrease substantially. The authors confirmed that these phenomena are specific to D2R as caveolar endocytosis and clathrin-mediated endocytosis were unaffected when these same experimental techniques were utilized for β2 adrenergic receptor and transferrin. Additionally, the authors conclude that the clustering ability of D2R is unaffected by lipid unsaturation but that the ability of D2R clusters to interact with β-arrestin2 is inhibited in the presence of excess PUFA. Based on these findings, the authors propose several hypothetical mechanisms for lipid-D2R interactions on the plasma membrane, which will likely be the scope of future work.

      Overall, this is a highly thorough and rigorous body of work that convincingly illustrates the connection between PUFA levels and D2R activity. However, I do not agree with the authors' conclusions pertaining to how their results should be interpreted in the context of fatty acid-related disorders. Additionally, this manuscript could benefit from some reorganization which would present the work more clearly. Please see the comments below.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive appreciation of our work, qualified as a "thorough and rigorous body of work that convincingly illustrates the connection between PUFA levels and D2R activity". We will address the specific points raised by the reviewer with our answers below.


        • A recurring motivation for this study that is brought up by the authors is that dietary deficiency of ω3 fatty acids is tied to D2R dysfunction. This would indicate that PUFA reduction in the plasma membrane results in D2R dysfunction. However, the experiments emphasized in this manuscript investigate the condition where PUFA content is INCREASED in the plasma membrane and D2R function is compromised. It seems inappropriate for the authors to cite dietary deficiency of ω3 as a motivation when they experimentally test a condition that is tied to ω3 surplus.* Regarding the general comment of the reviewer, we agree that direct conclusion cannot be drawn on the etiology of psychiatric disorders by looking at the effect of membrane fatty acid levels on D2R in HEK 293 cells. Nevertheless, we mention in the Introduction the intriguing occurrence of low PUFA levels in psychiatric disorders as starting point to look at D2R as an important target for psychoactive drugs prescribed for these disorders. In the Discussion, we propose that manipulating fatty acid levels might potentiate the efficacy of D2R ligands used as treatments. We felt raising these aspects was not putting too much emphasis on psychiatric disorders. However, in accordance with the reviewer's comment, we toned down these descriptions in the revised manuscript.

      The goal of increasing the levels of fatty acids at the membrane in HEK 293, the most widely used cellular system to study GPCR trafficking, was to try to emulate the levels of lipids in brain cells. Indeed, the levels of PUFAs in our culture conditions are much lower (~8 %, Figure 1B) than in brain extracts (~30 %). Therefore, the "control" condition in HEK 293 cells would correspond to PUFA deficiency while after our enrichment protocol these levels are closer to those found in brain cells. Our results could therefore be interpreted as endocytosis of D2R being augmented under membrane PUFA decrease. Importantly, increased receptor internalization often correlates with decreased signaling. Therefore, membrane PUFA enrichment in our conditions would rather potentiate D2R signaling.

      • Following up on the first comment, the authors' results seem to indicate that excess ω3's are detrimental to D2R function. This result would be at odds with the conventional view that ω3's are essential and that excessive ω3 may not be harmful. The authors should rationalize their findings in the context of what is known about excess dietary ω3.*

      The Reviewer is right that the conventional view is that excessive ω3 PUFA may not be harmful. However, this rather applies to dietary consumption, which might have limited effect to brain fatty acid contents since their accretion is highly regulated. Moreover, the majority of studies looking at ω3 supplementation have been performed in young adults and the effects on the developing brain - as it might be happening in pathological conditions in which D2R is involved - remain poorly understood. Furthermore, as mentioned above, blunted internalization of D2R under membrane PUFA enrichment is not an indication of "detrimental" to D2R function. Nor do we argue that membrane enrichment corresponds to excess PUFAs.

      • I would argue that the control experiments with saturated fatty acids (i.e., Behenic Acid in figure 1), represent a scenario mimicking ω3 deficiency as the enrichment of Behenic Acid causes an overall reduction in PUFAs (Figure EV1C - an increase in SFA must correspond to a decrease in PUFA). These Behenic acid results are the only experiments presented by the authors that mimic a scenario resembling ω3 deficiency and the results show that the D2R internalization is unaffected (Figure 1G-H). Therefore, I would further argue that if anything, the authors results suggest that ω3 deficiency is NOT correlated to D2R internalization. Again, the authors must rationalize these findings in the context of what is known about dietary intake of ω3's.*

      The Reviewer must refer to the fact that nutrients rich in SFAs are usually poor in PUFAs and vice-versa. Based on our lipidomic analysis, we now present in Figure 1B the effect of treatments (DHA, DPA, BA) on the levels of PUFAs (Figure 1B) and saturated fatty acids (Figure 1C). In cells treated with behenic acid (BA), PUFA levels are not significantly changed relative to control, untreated cells, while saturated fatty acid levels are increased. BA was used here to determine whether the effects observed with PUFAs was related to the enrichment in unsaturations or due to carbon chain length (C22). It is not the case because BA treatment, unlike DHA or DPA treatment, does not affect D2R endocytosis (Figure 2G,H).

      • It's not clear why the authors decided to include an ω6 fatty acid in this study. The authors built up a detailed rationale for investigating ω3's as they are dietarily essential and tied to disease when deficient. To my knowledge, ω6's are considered much less beneficial than ω3's in a dietary sense. The inclusion of an ω6 almost seems coerced as the ω6-related results don't provide any interesting additional insights. It would benefit the manuscript if the authors provided some additional discussion explaining why ω6's are being investigated in addition to ω3's. *

      We agree that we could have made the rationale clearer. The goal in comparing ω3-DHA and ω6-DPA was to assess whether the position of the first unsaturation (n-3 vs n-6), with the same carbon chain length (C22) might differentially impact D2R endocytosis.

      • In Figure EV1D, the AHA and DPA percentages each increase by ~6%. The corresponding Figure EV1B indicates that the overall PUFA% in the plasma membrane also increases by 6%. This makes sense as the total change in PUFA content is consistent with the amount of AHA or DPA being internalized to cells. However, this consistency was not observed with BA and SFAs. In Figure EV1E, the BA percentage increases only ~1% while the total SFA percentage in Figure EV1C increases by ~6%. How can something undergoing a 1% change (relative to total lipid content) result in a 6% overall change in SFA content?*

      The reviewer is correct: the level of SFAs is increased by 5.2% (34.5 % of total FAs in control cells to 39.7 % in BA treated cells), more than the increase in BA alone (1.18% from 0.35 % to 1.53 %). A close look at our lipidomics data showed that many of the 10 saturated fatty acids quantified are enhanced. In particular, the two most abundant ones, palmitic acid (16:0) and stearic acid (18:0) are increased, from 21.37 % to 22.28 % and 8.47 % to 11.17%, respectively. The reasons for these apparent discrepancies may involve lipid metabolic pathways which convert the rare and long BA into more common and shorter SFAs to preserve lipid contents and thus membrane properties.

      • In Figure 4, the discussion of kinetics does not make sense. How exactly are kinetics being monitored in this figure? (Recruitment kinetics are discussed in panels D and G)*

      We wanted to convey the impression that the time to reach the peak βarr2-mCherry recruitment was shorter in PUFA-treated cells than in control cells. However, after analyzing the kinetics in individual cells, we did not find a statistically significant difference in the time to maximum fluorescence. Therefore, we removed this reference to the kinetics of recruitment.

      We now write: " However, treatment with DHA or DPA significantly decreased peak βarr2-mCherry fluorescence (Figure 5F-G).."

      • In Figure 5, What is the purpose of panel D? Would it be more helpful to include additional, overlaid "cumulative N" plots for scenarios in which PUFAs were enriched? This would work well in conjunction with panel F.*

      The purpose of this panel is to show the kinetics of increase in the frequency of endocytic vesicle formation upon agonist addition, and the decrease in frequency when the agonist is removed. We have now added examples of cells treated with DHA and DPA of similar surface for direct comparison with control (EtOH) cells.

      • For the readers who are new to this area or unfamiliar with the assays used, Figure 1 is not intuitive and initially difficult to interpret. It would greatly benefit the flow of the manuscript if Figures EV1A-C and EV2A were included in the main text and "Normalized R" was clearly defined in the main text, prior to discussion of Figure 1.*

      We have now transferred Figure EV1 as Figure 1. We have adapted the scheme of the DERET assay and its legend (now in Figure EV1A) to make it clearer. We did not put in Figure 2 because this figure is already very big. We have changed "Normalized R" to "Ratio 620/520) (% max)" to be clearer and more consistent with the scheme.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      • *

      General assessment: The work, for the most part, is rigorous and scientifically sound. The authors utilize impressive, quantitative assays to expand our understanding of protein-lipid interactions. However, the authors need to improve their discussion of the actual physiological conditions that correspond to their experimental results.

      • *

      Advance: This work may fill a gap in our understanding of disorders related to the dopamine D2 receptor. However, some of the results may be at odds with what is currently known/understood about dietary ω3 fatty acids.

      • *

      Audience: This work will be of broad interest to researchers in the biophysics field, with particular emphasis on researchers who study protein and membrane biophysics. This work will also be of interest to researchers who study membrane molecular biology.

      • *

      Reviewer Expertise: quantitative fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy; membrane biophysics; protein-lipid interactions

      • *
    6. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors investigate the role of lipid polyunsaturation in endocytic uptake of the dopamine D2 receptor (D2R). To modulate the degree of unsaturation in live cell plasma membranes, the authors incubate cell lines with pure fatty acid that is metabolized and incorporated into the cellular membranes. To quantify the internalization of D2R in these live cells, the authors utilized quantitative fluorescence assays such as DERET and endosome analysis to determine the degree and rate of D2R internalization in the presence of two model agonists - dopamine and quinpirole. The authors conclude that when the PUFA content of the plasma membrane is increased (i.e., via ω3 or ω6 fatty acids), both the quantity and rate of D2R internalization decrease substantially. The authors confirmed that these phenomena are specific to D2R as caveolar endocytosis and clathrin-mediated endocytosis were unaffected when these same experimental techniques were utilized for β2 adrenergic receptor and transferrin. Additionally, the authors conclude that the clustering ability of D2R is unaffected by lipid unsaturation but that the ability of D2R clusters to interact with β-arrestin2 is inhibited in the presence of excess PUFA. Based on these findings, the authors propose several hypothetical mechanisms for lipid-D2R interactions on the plasma membrane, which will likely be the scope of future work.

      Overall, this is a highly thorough and rigorous body of work that convincingly illustrates the connection between PUFA levels and D2R activity. However, I do not agree with the authors' conclusions pertaining to how their results should be interpreted in the context of fatty acid-related disorders. Additionally, this manuscript could benefit from some reorganization which would present the work more clearly. Please see the comments below.


      1. A recurring motivation for this study that is brought up by the authors is that dietary deficiency of ω3 fatty acids is tied to D2R dysfunction. This would indicate that PUFA reduction in the plasma membrane results in D2R dysfunction. However, the experiments emphasized in this manuscript investigate the condition where PUFA content is INCREASED in the plasma membrane and D2R function is compromised. It seems inappropriate for the authors to cite dietary deficiency of ω3 as a motivation when they experimentally test a condition that is tied to ω3 surplus.
      2. Following up on the first comment, the authors' results seem to indicate that excess ω3's are detrimental to D2R function. This result would be at odds with the conventional view that ω3's are essential and that excessive ω3 may not be harmful. The authors should rationalize their findings in the context of what is known about excess dietary ω3.
      3. I would argue that the control experiments with saturated fatty acids (i.e., Behenic Acid in figure 1), represent a scenario mimicking ω3 deficiency as the enrichment of Behenic Acid causes an overall reduction in PUFAs (Figure EV1C - an increase in SFA must correspond to a decrease in PUFA). These Behenic acid results are the only experiments presented by the authors that mimic a scenario resembling ω3 deficiency and the results show that the D2R internalization is unaffected (Figure 1G-H). Therefore, I would further argue that if anything, the authors results suggest that ω3 deficiency is NOT correlated to D2R internalization. Again, the authors must rationalize these findings in the context of what is known about dietary intake of ω3's.
      4. It's not clear why the authors decided to include an ω6 fatty acid in this study. The authors built up a detailed rationale for investigating ω3's as they are dietarily essential and tied to disease when deficient. To my knowledge, ω6's are considered much less beneficial than ω3's in a dietary sense. The inclusion of an ω6 almost seems coerced as the ω6-related results don't provide any interesting additional insights. It would benefit the manuscript if the authors provided some additional discussion explaining why ω6's are being investigated in addition to ω3's.
      5. In Figure EV1D, the AHA and DPA percentages each increase by ~6%. The corresponding Figure EV1B indicates that the overall PUFA% in the plasma membrane also increases by 6%. This makes sense as the total change in PUFA content is consistent with the amount of AHA or DPA being internalized to cells. However, this consistency was not observed with BA and SFAs. In Figure EV1E, the BA percentage increases only ~1% while the total SFA percentage in Figure EV1C increases by ~6%. How can something undergoing a 1% change (relative to total lipid content) result in a 6% overall change in SFA content?
      6. In Figure 4, the discussion of kinetics does not make sense. How exactly are kinetics being monitored in this figure? (Recruitment kinetics are discussed in panels D and G)
      7. In Figure 5, What is the purpose of panel D? Would it be more helpful to include additional, overlaid "cumulative N" plots for scenarios in which PUFAs were enriched? This would work well in conjunction with panel F.
      8. For the readers who are new to this area or unfamiliar with the assays used, Figure 1 is not intuitive and initially difficult to interpret. It would greatly benefit the flow of the manuscript if Figures EV1A-C and EV2A were included in the main text and "Normalized R" was clearly defined in the main text, prior to discussion of Figure 1.


      General assessment: The work, for the most part, is rigorous and scientifically sound. The authors utilize impressive, quantitative assays to expand our understanding of protein-lipid interactions. However, the authors need to improve their discussion of the actual physiological conditions that correspond to their experimental results.

      Advance: This work may fill a gap in our understanding of disorders related to the dopamine D2 receptor. However, some of the results may be at odds with what is currently known/understood about dietary ω3 fatty acids.

      Audience: This work will be of broad interest to researchers in the biophysics field, with particular emphasis on researchers who study protein and membrane biophysics. This work will also be of interest to researchers who study membrane molecular biology.

      Reviewer Expertise: quantitative fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy; membrane biophysics; protein-lipid interactions

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The only conclusion that I was able to understand from the study was that enrichment of cell membranes with polyunsaturated fatty acids specifically inhibited agonist-induced internalization of D2 receptors. However, I think that the experiments used to conclude that PUFAs do not alter D2R clustering but reduce the recruitment of β-arrestin2 and D2R endocytosis need some clarification (i.e. data depicted in Fig. 2-5). This lack of clarity might be due to the fact I am not familiar enough with the employed technologies or to the unclear writing style of the paper . There was an overuse of acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations, which are difficult to understand for researchers outside of the specific lipid field. I think that the manuscript should be written in a way to be legible also for researchers not working in the immediate filed.

      The paper was not written in a manner that a general audience of cell biologists or those interested in GPCR biology could understand and judge. It is indeed interesting that polyunsaturated fatty acids specifically inhibit D2R internalization in HEK293 cells, and it could be significant. But, it is difficult to judge the significance of the observation without more in vivo data.

      I would suggest the following. Remove all acronyms and abbreviations. Significantly, expand the Materials and Methods section, either in the manuscript or in the Supplemental section. I suggest clearly explaining each construct used, and the function of each module in the construct, with diagrams. In addition, provide a comprehensive step by step description of each experimental protocol, providing the reader with the rationale for each step in the protocol with explanatory diagrams. The authors should also more clearly explain the rationale and logic that was utilized to make the conclusions that they did from the depicted observations. Only then can a broader audience determine if the authors' conclusions are justified.


      In summary, I will reiterate that the reported experiments need to be much better explained to make the study understandable to a broader audience and for that audience to determine whether the conclusions are justified.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript, using different live and fixed cell trafficking assays, demonstrates that incorporation of poly-unsaturated, but not saturated, free fatty acids in the membrane phospholipids reduce agonist induced internalization of the D2 dopamine receptor but not the adrenergic beta2 receptors or the transferrin receptor. Pulsed pH (ppH) live microscopy further demonstrated that the reduced internalization by incorporation of free fatty acid was accompanied by a blunted recruitment of Beta-arrestin for the D2R.

      I believe said claims put forward in the manuscript are overall well supported by the data and as such I do not believe that further experiments are necessarily needed to uphold these key claims. Also, the methodology is satisfactorily reported, and statistics are robust, although two-way Anova like used in Fig 1 seems appropriate for Fig 2 and 3

      That said, I suggest that the fixed cell internalization experiments (Fig 2 and 3), which relate the effect on the D2R to B2AR and transferrin are revised. This is important since this is relevant to judge whether the effect is a general or a selective molecular mechanism since this is the one of the three assay which this comparison relies on. Alternatively, I suggest omitting this data and include the B2AR in the Live DERET assay and both B2AR and TfR in the ppH assay. Specifically, my concerns with the fixed cell internalization are:

      • The analysis is based on counting the number of endosomes, which is not necessarily equivalent to the number of receptors internalized
      • The analysis relies on fully effective stripping of the surface pool of receptors - i.e clustered surface receptors not stripped by the protocol will be assessed as internalized. It is often very difficult to obtain full efficiency of the Flag-tag stripping and this is somewhat expression dependent.
      • The protocol for the constitutive and agonist induced internalization is different and yet shown on the same absolute graph. Although I take it the microscope gain setting are unaltered between the constitutive and agonist induced internalization I don't believe the quantification can be directly related. This is confusing at the very least. More critically however, the membrane signal from the non-stripped condition of constitutive internalization will likely fully shield internalized receptors in the Rab4 membrane proximal recycling pathway leading to under-estimation of the in the constitutive endocytosis. I believe this methodological limitation underlies the massive relative difference in the constitutive endocytosis between panel 2A,B and 2C,D. For comparison, by a quantitative dual color FACS endocytosis assay, we have previously demonstrated the ligand endocytosis a ~4 fold increased over constitutive (in concert with Fig 2A,B here) (Schmidt et al 20XX). Importantly, high relative variability by this methodology could well shield an actual effect of incorporation of FFAs on the constitutive endocytosis.

      'Optional' Also, it would be informative to see the ppH Beta-arrestin experiments with the B2AR to assess, whether the putative discrepancy between D2R and B2AR is upstream or downstream of the blunted Beta-arrestin recruitment. To the same point, it would be very informative to assess how the incorporation of the free fatty acids affect receptor signalling, which would also help relate the effect of incorporation of the FFA's in the phospholipids to previous experiment using short term incubation with FFA's

      References overall seem appropriate although Schmidt et al would be relevant for reference of the constitutive vs agonist induced endocytosis of D2R and B2AR. Overall, the figures are well composed and convey the messages fairly well. Specific point that would strengthen the rigor include:

      • Chosing actual representative pictures of the qunatiative data in Fig 2 and 3 (e.g. har to see 25 endocytic events in Fig 2A constitutive endo, EtOH)
      • Showing actual p values for the statistical comparisions

      Moreover, for ease of reading the figures (without consulting the legend repeatedly) it would be very helpful to headline individual panel with what the experiments assesses. Figure 1a and 1b for example can't be distinguished at all before reading the figure legend. Also, y-axis could be more informative on what I measured rather than just giving the unit.

      Finally, the figure presentation and description of S1 is very hard to follow. I cannot really make out what is assessed in the different panels.


      The strength of the manuscript is the use and validation of incorporation of FFA's in the plasma membrane, which more closely mimics the physiological situation than brief application of FFAs as often done. Is addition, the blunted recruitment of beta-arrestin as assessed by the ppH protocol is quite intriguing mechanistically. The limitation are the relative narrow focus on the D2 receptor (and not multiple GPCRs) that does not really speak to as or assess the physiological, pathophysiological or therapeutic role of the observations (except from referring the relation between FFAs and disease). Also, despite the putative role of Beta-arrestin recruitment in the process, the actual causation in the process is not clear. This shortcoming is underscored by the putative effect on the constitutive internalization described above.

      My specific expertise for assessing the paper is within general trafficking processes (including the trafficking methodology applied), trafficking of GPCRs and function of the dopamine system including the role of D2 receptors.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript, Széliová et al. used a simple self-replicating cell model to study why the ribosome consists of both RNA and protein from an economic point of view. Their base model predicts an RNA-only ribosome, which is not surprising since the smaller RNAP has a higher turnover number compared to the larger ribosome. When rRNA instability is included, the model predicts an "RNA+Protein" ribosome. In particular, the predicted ribosome composition is comparable to the measured ribosome composition when strong cooperative binding of ribosomal proteins to rRNA is considered. The authors conclude that the maximal growth rate is achieved by the real ribosome composition when rRNA instability is taken into account.

      Major comments:

      1. The authors modeled the rRNA degradation rate as a function of the concentration of fully assembled ribosomes (equation 5). However, only partially assembled ribosomes are susceptible to RNase, and they make up only a small fraction of total ribosomes. The majority of ribosomes are fully assembled. In addition, the turnover number obtained from Fazal et al. (2015) and used here is the degradation rate of double-stranded RNA, not the fully assembled ribosomes, which have a stable tertiary structure. In my opinion, the rRNA degradation rate should be modeled as a function of the concentration of partially assembled ribosomes (i.e., pre-R in Figure 7) rather than the concentration of fully assembled ribosomes.
      2. Compared to the work by Kostinski and Reuveni (2020), the authors have made an improvement by avoiding the use of constant ribosome allocation to ribosomal protein (Φ_rP^R) and RNAP (Φ_RNAP^R), allowing these parameters to vary with predicted growth rates (by changing 𝑥_rP). This is indeed important, as bacteria are very likely to adjust these parameters in response to different growth conditions. However, certain other growth rate-dependent parameters are still treated as constants (or treated as nutrient-specific parameters) across predicted growth rates under given conditions. For example, experiments have shown that the fraction of active RNAP (f_RNAP^act) and the ribosome elongation rate (k_R^el) are growth rate-dependent (Bremer and Dennis, 1996). In contrast, when the authors predict the maximum growth rate by changing 𝑥_rP, f_RNAP^act and k_R^el are held constant regardless of the predicted growth rates.
      3. If amino acids or nucleotides are provided in the media, the cell does not have to synthesize all of them de novo. However, the model assumes that the cell always synthesizes all amino acids or nucleotides de novo for growth on growth on amino acid-supplemented media or on LB. This problem could in principle be solved by assuming very fast kinetics of the metabolic reactions in these media, but that should be discussed in the manuscript. Furthermore, why does the turnover number for EAA depend on the growth rate while that of ENT is constant?
      4. All parameters related to transcription (RNAP) and translation (ribosome) used in this manuscript are adopted from Kostinski and Reuveni (2020), which are slightly modified based on Bremer and Dennis' research (1996, 2008). However, the authors changed some of the original parameters or data points, but did not provide explanations for these changes:

      (a) The original data depicted a growth rate-dependent translation elongation rate, but Table 2 presents it as a constant value.

      (b) Figure 2b displays five experimental data points, as opposed to the six data points in the original dataset and other figures in this manuscript.

      (c) The model does not consider the fraction of RNAP transcribing rRNA (Φ_rRNA^RNAP), except in Appendix Figure 4. In the original data (Bremer and Dennis 1996), the fraction of RNAP transcribing rRNA increases dramatically with growth rate; however, in this study, it remains constant at 1. Furthermore, Φ_rRNA^RNAP was first introduced in line 205 but was not explained until line 337. The value(s) of Φ_rRNA^RNAP for Appendix Figure 4 are also missing from this manuscript. 5. How, exactly, is the unit of flux converted to mmol g-1 h-1? 6. What is the (dry) mass constraint and how is it defined? In the manuscript, both the second equation in line 101 and the bottom row of Table 1 are dry mass constraint(s). Why are they different? Furthermore, why is the right-hand side of the second equation in line 101 a dimensionless 1, and how does the last row of Table 1 result in the unit of growth rate, time^(-1)? 7. The concentrations of all components that serve as "substrates" will be zero when growth rate is maximized, as these molecules do not catalyze any reactions, nor do they influence reaction kinetics in the model. These "0" concentration components are C, AA, NT, rP, and rRNA. Why are these concentrations even included in the model?

      Minor comments:

      1. Questions regarding Figure 2:

      (a) The explanation of Figure 2a is unclear. Intuitively, I assumed that it was a comparison between model predictions and experimental data, with the points representing experimental data and the line representing predictions; and the authors wrote in the figure legend "The points represent maximum growth rates in six experimental conditions". However, the growth rates shown in the figure do not match the original experimental data. Are all the data in the figure predictions?

      (b) Figure 2b is difficult to understand. This figure shows the non-optimal solutions of the model. It is unclear how these solutions are achieved and why there are three lines in the figure. 2. Table 1 is also difficult to understand. While the stoichiometric constraints can be easily derived, the capacity constraints and the dry mass constraint cannot be easily derived from related equations from the text.<br /> 3. As the authors ask a question in the title, they should provide an explicit answer in the abstract. 4. The authors should cite a seminal modeling paper, which was the first to examine resource allocation in simplified self-replicating cell systems (Molenaar et al. 2009, Molecular Systems Biology 5:323). 5. The meaning of v is not consistently defined throughout the manuscript. It refers to the fluxes of enzymatic reactions in some instances, but in other contexts, it refers to the fluxes of the entire network of enzymatic reactions and protein synthesis reactions (Figure 1, Equation 1, and Line 386). 6. Line 85, it might be difficult to interpret "RNAP fluxes" as the flux of rRNA synthesis without reading the subsequent text. 7. Typo in line 102-103. "...protein fluxes 𝒘" → "...protein synthesis fluxes 𝒘". 8. Line 104, f_RNAP^act and f_R^act are not explained in the text; and their biological significance cannot be understood from their names in Table 2 ("RNAP activity" and "Ribosome activity"). 9. Notion "**" in Table 2. The coupling between transcription and translation means the coupling of "mRNA" transcription and translation, not rRNA. At least in E. coli, the transcription rate of rRNA is faster than that of mRNA. 10. Is the citation correct in line 136? I didn't find related information in Bremer and Dennis' paper after a quick scan.<br /> 11. Lines 136-138. The statement is not accurate, as the fraction of inactive ribosomes increases with decreasing growth rate in E. coli (Dai et al. 2016, Nat Microbiol 2, 16231). If the studied growth rates are relatively high, it is acceptable to use a constant active ribosome fraction as an approximation, but this approximation should be made explicit. 12. The citation in line 142 is not accurate. It should be (Bremer and Dennis, 1996). 13. Lines 192-193: "six" different growth media, not five. 14. Line 287: The statement "... translation rate does not increase in ribosomes with a higher protein content" could be misinterpreted as discussing translation elongation rate changes with different protein content in ribosomal protein mutant strains in a given species. It should be rephrased to remove ambiguity. 15. Parameters for the three panels in Figure 8 are missing.


      Strengths: Why the ribosome is composed of RNA and protein parts is a fundamental biological question. This manuscript proposes a very interesting hypothesis, arguing that the mixed ribosome composition results from rRNA instability. To test their hypothesis, the authors parameterize a simplified self-replicating cell model with realistic parameters. The model is first developed/parameterized for E. coli, and it could be easily adapted to other organisms with higher ribosomal protein content.

      Limitations: The main limitations of this manuscript lie in the development of the model, especially the modeling of rRNA degradation and the use of constant values for growth rate-dependent parameters.

      Advances: (1) This manuscript proposes a new hypothesis that rRNA instability is a universal factor that influences the ribosome composition across living organisms. (2) Compared to Kostinski and Reuveni's work, the authors have made certain improvements by including adjustable ribosome allocation to RNA and ribosomal protein when maximizing growth rate, which may lead to more realistic conclusions.

      Audience: This work will be of interest to people in the field of theoretical biology, computational biology, and evolution, as well as to researchers studying ribosome structure and function.

      Areas of expertise: Microbial systems biology, computational biology, and prokaryotic genomics.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      General Statements

      We thank all three reviewers for their time and care in reviewing our manuscript, in particular Reviewer 3 for providing a detailed critique that was very useful for planning revisions. We are grateful that all three reviewers indicate that the new genome resources presented in this work are of high-quality and address an existing knowledge gap. We are also grateful for general assessments that the manuscript is 'well-written', and the analyses 'well performed' and 'thorough'.

      We acknowledge Reviewer 3’s legitimate criticism that the assembly and annotation data is not already publicly available and would like to assure the reviewing team that we have been pressing NCBI to progress the submission status since before the preprint was submitted. We regret the delay but hope that we can resolve this issue promptly. Furthermore, as some additional fields in the REAT genome annotation are lost during the NCBI submission process, we will ensure that comprehensive annotation files are also added to Zenodo.

      Reviewer 3 also made the general comment that 'the manuscript could greatly benefit from merging the result and discussion sections' and we would naturally be happy to make this adjustment if the journal in question uses that format.

      Description of the planned revisions

      • We will follow suggestions by Reviewer 3 to improve clarity of two figures:

      Figure S9: Please use a more appropriate colour palette. It is difficult to know the copy number based on the colour gradient.

      Figure 5: Consider changing panel B for a similar version of Fig S12. I think it gives a cleaner and more general perspective of the presence of starship elements.

      • We will address the choice of LOESS versus linear regression for investigating the relationship between candidate secreted effector protein (CSEP) density and transposable element (TE) density, as queried by Reviewer 3:

      Lines 140-144: LOESS smoothing functions are based on local regressions and usually find correlations when there are very weak associations. The authors have to justify the use of this model versus a simpler and more straightforward linear regression. My suspicion is that the latter would fail to find an association. Also, there is no significance of Kendall's Tau estimate (p-value).

      We agree with the reviewer, that as we did not find an association with the more sensitive LOESS, we expect that linear regression would also not find an association, supporting our current conclusions. We will add this negative result into the text.

      • We will check for other features associated with the distribution of CSEPs, as queried by Reviewer 3:

      Lines 157-163: Was there any other feature associated with the CSEP enrichment? GC content? Repetitive content? Centromere likely localisation?

      • We will integrate TE variation into the PERMANOVA lifestyle testing, as suggested by Reviewer 3:

      Line 186: Why not to test the variation content of TEs as a factor for the PERMANOVA?

      In reviewing this suggestion, we also spotted an error in our data plotting code, and the PERMANOVA lifestyle result for all genes will be corrected from 17% to 15% in Fig. 4a. Correcting this error does not impact our ultimate results or interpretation.

      • To complement the current graphical-based assessment of approximate data normality, we will include additional tests (Shapiro-Wilk for sample sizes

      Line 743: Q-Q plots are not a formal statistical test for normality.

      • One of the main critiques from Reviewer 3 was that, although we already acknowledged low sample sizes being a limitation of this work, the manuscript could benefit from reframing with greater consideration of this factor. They also highlighted a few specific places in the text that could be rephrased in consideration of this:

      Line 267: "Multiple strains" can be misleading about the magnitude.

      Lines 305-307: The fact that there is significant copy number variation between the two GtA strains suggests that the variation in the GtA lineage has not been fully captured and that there may be an unsampled substructure. Although the authors acknowledge the need for pangenomic references, they should recognize this limitation in the sample size of their own study, especially when expressing its size as "multiple strains" (line 267).

      Lines 314-317: Again, the sample size is still very small and likely not representative. It suggests UNSAMPLED substructure even for the UK populations.

      Line 164 (and whole section): I would invite the authors to cautiously revisit the use of the terms "core", "soft core". The sample size is very low, as they themselves acknowledge, and probably not representative of the diversity of Gaeumannomyces.

      We intend to edit the text to address this, including removal of both text and figure references to ‘soft-core’ genes, as we agree the term is likely not meaningful in this case, and removing it has no bearing on the results or interpretation.

      Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      • We have amended the text in a number of places for clarity/fluency as suggested by Reviewer 3:

      ii) There need to be an explicit conclusion about the differences between pathogenic Gt and non-pathogenic Gh. Somehow, this is not entirely clear and is probably only a matter of rephrasing.

      Please see new lines 477-478: ‘Regarding differences between pathogenic Gt and non-pathogenic Gh, we found that Gh has a larger overall genome size and greater number of genes.’

      Lines 309-314: The message seems a bit out of context in the paragraph.

      This is valid, these lines have now been removed.

      Lines 392-395: The idea that crop pathogenic fungi are under pressure that favours heterothallism does not take into account the multiple cases of successful pathogenic clonal lineages in which sexual reproduction is absent. This paragraph seems very speculative to me. Please rephrase it.

      Our intention here was the exact reverse, that crop pathogens are under pressure to favour homothallism (as Reviewer 3 points out, anecdotally this often seems to play out in nature). We have rephrased lines 386-390 to hopefully make our stance more explicit: 'Together, this could suggest a selective pressure towards homothallism for crop fungal pathogens, and a switch from heterothallism in Gh to homothallism in Gt and Ga may, therefore, have been a key innovation underlying lifestyle divergence between non-pathogenic Gh and pathogenic Gt and Ga.'

      Lines 463-464: Please refer to the analyses when discussing the genetic divergence.

      We have rephrased this sentence to make our intended point clearer, please see new lines 459-461: ‘If we compare Ga and Gt in terms of synteny, genome size and gene content, the magnitude of differences does not appear to be more pronounced than those between GtA and GtB.’

      • We have also fixed the following typographic errors highlighted by Reviewer 3:

      Line 399: You mean, Fig 4C?

      Line 722: You missed "trimAI"

      Lines 723-727: Missing citations for "AMAS" and RAxML-NG, "AHDR" and "OrthoFinder"

      • We have added genome-wide RIP estimates to Supplementary Table S1 as requested by Reviewer 3:

      Lines 416-422: Please provide the data related to the genome-wide estimates of RIP.

      • We have added a note clarifying that differences in overall genome size between lineages are not fully explained by differences in gene copy-number (lines 406-408: 'We should note that the total length of HCN genes was not sufficiently large to account for the overall greater genome size of GtB compared to GtA (Supplemental Table S1).') in response to a comment from Reviewer 3:

      Line 396: The difference in duplicated genes raises the question of whether there are differences in overall genome size between lineages and, if so, whether they can be explained by the presence of genes.

      • We have made an alteration to the author order and added equal second-author contributions.

      Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      • In response to our analysis regarding the absence of TE-effector compartmentalisation in this system, Reviewer 1 requested additional analyses:

      While TE enrichment is typically associated with accessory compartments, it is not a defining feature. To bolster the authors' claim, it is essential to demonstrate that there is no bias in the ratio of conserved and non-conserved genes across the genomes.

      We believe that there are two slightly different compartmentalisation concepts being somewhat conflated here – (1) the idea of compartments where TEs and virulence proteins such as effectors are significantly colocalised in comparison with the rest of the genome, and (2) the idea of compartments containing gene content that is not shared in all strains (i.e. accessory). The two may overlap – as Reviewer 2 states, accessory compartments may also be enriched with TEs – but not necessarily. We specifically address the first concept in our text, and we appreciate Reviewer 3’s response on this subject:

      There is a clear answer for the compartmentalisation question. The authors favour the idea of "one-compartment" with compelling analyses.

      We believe that the second concept of accessory compartments is shown to be irrelevant in this case from our GENESPACE results (see Fig. 2), which demonstrate that gene content is conserved, broadly syntenic even, across strains, with no clear evidence of accessory compartments or chromosomes regarding gene content. We have already acknowledged that other mechanisms of compartmentalisation beyond TE-effector colocalisation may be at play (as seen from our exploration of effector distributions biased towards telomeres, see section from line 156: ‘Although CSEPs were not broadly colocalised with TEs, we did observe that they appeared to be non-randomly distributed in some pseudochromosomes (Fig. 3a)…’).

      • Reviewer 1 questioned the statement that higher level of genome-wide RIP is consistent with lower levels of gene duplication:

      L422: Is the highest RIP rate in GtA consistent with its low levels of gene duplication? Does this suggest that duplicated sequences in GtA are no longer recognizable due to RIP mutations? This seems counterintuitive, as RIP is primarily triggered by gene duplication.

      Our understanding is that, while RIP can directly mutate coding regions, it predominantly acts on duplicated sequences within repetitive regions such as TEs (https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-020-02060-w), which has a knock-on effect of reducing TE-mediated gene duplication. In Neurospora crassa, where RIP was first discovered and thus the model species for much of our understanding of the process, a low number of gene duplicates has been linked to the activity of RIP (https://www.nature.com/articles/nature01554). We therefore believe the current text is reasonable.

      • Reviewer 2 stated that experimental validation of gene function is required to make clear links to lifestyle or pathogenicity:

      In my eyes, the study has two main limitations. First of all, the research only concerns genomics analyses, and therefore is rather descriptive and observational, and as such does not provide further mechanistic details into the pathogen biology and/or into pathogenesis. This is further enhanced by the lack of clear observations that discriminate particular species/lineages or life styles from others in the study. Some observations are made with respect to variations in candidate secreted effector proteins and biosynthetic gene clusters, but clear links to life style or pathogenicity are missing. To further substantiate such links, lab-based experimental work would be required.

      We agree that in an ideal world supportive wet biology gene function experimental evidence would be included. Unfortunately, transformation has not been successfully developed yet in this system (see lines 33-35: ‘There have also been considerable difficulties in producing a reliable transformation system for Gt, preventing gene disruption experiments to elucidate function (Freeman and Ward 2004).’) not for lack of trying – after 18 months of effort using all available transformation techniques and selectable markers neither Gt or Gh was transformable. Undertaking that challenge has proven to be far beyond the scope of this paper, the purpose of which was to generate and analyse high-quality genomic data, a major task in itself. We again appreciate Reviewer 3’s response to this point, agreeing that it is out of scope for this work:

      I just want to respectfully disagree with reviewer #2 about the need for more experimental laboratory work, as in my opinion it clearly goes beyond the intention and scope of the submitted work. This could be a limitation that would depend on the chosen journal and its specific format and requirements. Finally, I think it would suffice for the authors to discuss on the lack of in-depth experimental work as part of the limitations of their overall approach.

      As per the suggestion by Reviewer 3, we will add text to address the absence of in-depth experimental work within the scope of this study.

      • Reviewer 3 suggested we might 'consider including formal population differentiation estimators', however, as they previously highlighted above, our sample sizes are too small to produce reliable population-level statistics.

      • Reviewer 3 raised the disparity in the appearance of branches at the root of phylogenetic trees in various figures:

      Figure 4a (and Figs S5, S13): The depicted tree has a trichotomy at the basal node. Please correct it so Magnaporthiopsis poae is resolved as an outgroup, as in Fig. S17.

      All the trees were rooted with M. poae as the outgroup, and although it may seem counterintuitive, a trifurcation at the root is the correct outcome in the case of rerooting a bifurcating tree, please see this discussion including the developers of both leading phylogeny visualisation tools ggtree and phytools (https://www.biostars.org/p/332030/). Although it is possible to force a bifurcating tree after rooting by positioning the root along an edge, the resulting branch lengths in the tree can be misleading, and so in cases where we wanted to include meaningful branch lengths in the figure (i.e. estimated from DNA substitute rates, in Figures 4a, S5 and S13) we have not circumvented the trifurcation. In Fig S17 meaningful branch lengths have not been included and the tree only represents the topology, resulting in the appearance of bifurcation at the root.

      • Reviewer 3 suggested that the discussion on giant Starship TEs resembled more of a review:

      Lines 434-451: This section resembles more a review than a discussion of the results of the present work. This also highlights the lack of analysis on the genetic composition and putative function of the identified starship-like elements.

      The reviewer has a valid point. However, Starships are a recently discovered and thus underexplored genetic feature that readers from the wider mycology/plant pathology community may not yet be aware of. We believe it is warranted to include some additional exposition to give context for why their discovery here is novel, interesting and unexpected. We are naturally keen to investigate the make-up of the elements we have found in this lineage, however that will require a substantial amount of further work. Analysis of Starships is not trivial, for example the starfish tool is still under development and a limited number of species have been used to train it. How best to compare elements is also an active area of investigation – they are dynamic in their structure and may include genes originating from the host genome or a previous host – and for this reason we believe is out of scope to interrogate alongside the other foundational genomic data presented in this paper.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript "Evolutionary genomics reveals variation in structure and genetic content implicated in virulence and lifestyle in the genus Gaeumannomyces" by Rowena Hill and collaborators is a thorough, well-planned and designed work. They have described 9 almost complete new assemblages, from their most general characteristics to their genetic content and implications. I am very pleased with the quality and completeness of this work and agree that it provides a very useful resource and framework for further research on this important organism.

      The three main motivations of the present study were:

      1) Are there genomic signatures distinguishing Gt A/B virulence lineages?;

      2) How do gene repertoires differ between pathogenic Gt and non-pathogenic Gh? And, iii) Is there evidence of genome compartmentalisation in Gaeumannomyces?

      a) The authors themselves recognise the low number of samples in their work (Lines 453-454) and this limitation hampers the establishment of a clear association between lineage-specific virulence and genomic signatures. I would argue that the present work needs to be reframed factoring this main limitation.

      b) There need to be an explicit conclusion about the differences between pathogenic Gt and non-pathogenic Gh. Somehow, this is not entirely clear and is probably only a matter of rephrasing.

      c) There is a clear answer for the compartmentalisation question. The authors favour the idea of "one-compartment" with compelling analyses.

      Major comments:

      The authors have not published the genomic data. Therefore, it is impossible to audit the quality of the assemblies and impedes its reproducibility. It is also bad practice by current scientific standards.

      I strongly believe that the manuscript could greatly benefit from merging the result and discussion sections. It would be easier for the reader to follow their entire logic. This is of course something optional and contingent on the journal format.

      Minor and specific comments:


      • Lines 140-144: LOESS smoothing functions are based on local regressions and usually find correlations when there are very weak associations. The authors have to justify the use of this model versus a simpler and more straightforward linear regression. My suspicion is that the latter would fail to find an association. Also, there is no significance of Kendall's Tau estimate (p-value).

      • Lines 157-163: Was there any other feature associated with the CSEP enrichment? GC content? Repetitive content? Centromere likely localisation?

      • Line 164 (and whole section): I would invite the authors to cautiously revisit the use of the terms "core", "soft core". The sample size is very low, as they themselves acknowledge, and probably not representative of the diversity of Gaeumannomyces.

      • Figure 4a (and Figs S5, S13): The depicted tree has a trichotomy at the basal node. Please correct it so Magnaporthiopsis poae is resolved as an outgroup, as in Fig. S17.

      • Line 186: Why not to test the variation content of TEs as a factor for the PERMANOVA?

      • Figure S9: Please use a more appropriate colour palette. It is difficult to know the copy number based on the colour gradient.

      • Figure 5: Consider changing panel B for a similar version of Fig S12. I think it gives a cleaner and more general perspective of the presence of starship elements.


      • Line 267: "Multiple strains" can be misleading about the magnitude.

      • Lines 305-307: The fact that there is significant copy number variation between the two GtA strains suggests that the variation in the GtA lineage has not been fully captured and that there may be an unsampled substructure. Although the authors acknowledge the need for pangenomic references, they should recognize this limitation in the sample size of their own study, especially when expressing its size as "multiple strains" (line 267).

      • Lines 309-314: The message seems a bit out of context in the paragraph.

      • Lines 314-317: Again, the sample size is still very small and likely not representative. It suggests UNSAMPLED substructure even for the UK populations.

      • Lines 392-395: The idea that crop pathogenic fungi are under pressure that favours heterothallism does not take into account the multiple cases of successful pathogenic clonal lineages in which sexual reproduction is absent. This paragraph seems very speculative to me. Please rephrase it.

      • Line 396: The difference in duplicated genes raises the question of whether there are differences in overall genome size between lineages and, if so, whether they can be explained by the presence of genes.

      • Line 399: You mean, Fig 4C?

      • Lines 416-422: Please provide the data related to the genome-wide estimates of RIP.

      • Lines 434-451: This section resembles more a review than a discussion of the results of the present work. This also highlights the lack of analysis on the genetic composition and putative function of the identified starship-like elements.

      • Lines 463-464: Please refer to the analyses when discussing the genetic divergence. Consider including formal population differentiation estimators.


      • Line 722: You missed "trimAI"

      • Lines 723-727: Missing citations for "AMAS" and RAxML-NG, "AHDR" and "OrthoFinder" Line 743: Q-Q plots are not a formal statistical test for normality.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with my peer reviewers and appreciate that we have shared common concerns and suggestions. I also agree with their comments.

      I just want to respectfully disagree with reviewer #2 about the need for more experimental laboratory work, as in my opinion it clearly goes beyond the intention and scope of the submitted work. This could be a limitation that would depend on the chosen journal and its specific format and requirements. Finally, I think it would suffice for the authors to discuss on the lack of in-depth experimental work as part of the limitations of their overall approach.


      The work presented by Hill and co-workers contributes to the understanding of the genetic basis of host-pathogen interactions and evolutionary dynamics in the important fungus responsible for wheat "take-all-disease", Gaeumannomyces tritici. By providing 9 new near-complete assemblages, this work will provide a valuable resource for research on this agronomically important organism. This work sets the stage for developing a global pangenome of G. tritici that can expand analyses of its population structure and specific genetic elements that are associated with its virulence.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study, the authors present genome assemblies for nine strains of the genus Gaeumannomyces, including 5 strains that belong to two different virulence lineages of the wheat take-all decline pathogen G. tritici, 2 strains of the antagonist G. hyphopodioides and 2 of the oat take-all decline pathogen G. avenae. The authors assess gene catalogs, CAZyme repertoires, effector catalogs, TE abundance, compartmentalisation and the occurrence of Starship giant transposable elements. Overall, there are no striking differences that discriminate the genomes and that can be linked to differential life styles. Weak correlations were found for some of the different lineages, but no functional analyses have been performed to further solidify such differences.


      • Overall, the study fills a knowledge gap, given that no-few high quality genomes for the soil-borne fungi of the Gaeumannomyces genus are available. The genome assemblies are of high quality, and the work that is presented is mainly solid and robust. The analyses are well performed, sound and informative.

      • In my eyes, the study has two main limitations. First of all, the research only concerns genomics analyses, and therefore is rather descriptive and observational, and as such does not provide further mechanistic details into the pathogen biology and/or into pathogenesis. This is further enhanced by the lack of clear observations that discriminate particular species/lineages or life styles from others in the study. Some observations are made with respect to variations in candidate secreted effector proteins and biosynthetic gene clusters, but clear links to life style or pathogenicity are missing. To further substantiate such links, lab-based experimental work would be required.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Hill et al. presents nearly complete genomes of nine Gaeumannomyces strains, including both phytopathogenic and non-pathogenic (symbiotic) fungi. The manuscript is well-written, and the data it presents are of high quality, offering implications for understanding the evolution and diversification of Magnaporthales fungi, which encompass economically important phytopathogenic species such as Gaeumannomyces graminis and Pyricularia oryzae. I believe that the determination of these nearly complete genomes alone justifies publication. However, I have some concerns as described below.

      Major concern:

      One potential criticism pertains to whether the authors' assertion that Gaeumannomyces taxa have one-compartment genomes is fully supported by the data. The authors demonstrate in this manuscript that transposable elements (TE) and putative effector genes (CSEPs) are not co-localized in the Gaeumannomyces genomes. However, this evidence may not be robust enough to substantiate their claim. The concept of two- or multi-speed genomes suggests that fungal genomes consist of compartments that differ in the rate of evolution but not necessarily in TE content. While TE enrichment is typically associated with accessory compartments, it is not a defining feature. To bolster the authors' claim, it is essential to demonstrate that there is no bias in the ratio of conserved and non-conserved genes across the genomes.

      Minor concern:

      L422: Is the highest RIP rate in GtA consistent with its low levels of gene duplication? Does this suggest that duplicated sequences in GtA are no longer recognizable due to RIP mutations? This seems counterintuitive, as RIP is primarily triggered by gene duplication.

      In my opinion, the analysis of the genomic differences facilitating parasitic and symbiotic lifestyles seems somewhat weak.


      This manuscript offers new genomic insights into economically important phytopathogenic fungal species, and sheds light on the diversification of parasitic and symbiotic fungi during evolution. While the analyses conducted are mostly appropriate and reasonable, they do not yield particularly surprising findings.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC- 2023-02122

      Corresponding author(s): Andrew Graham Cox and Juan Manuel González-Rosa

      1. General Statements

      We thank the reviewers for taking the time to assess our work and for their considered and constructive comments. We are glad that they appreciate the value of the methodology we have developed. In addressing the points raised by the reviewers, we have significantly strengthened the conclusions reached in our study. Below is a point-by-point response (in regular type, blue) to the specific reviewer comments (in italics, black).

      1. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Experiment 1: Perform lineage tracing of hepatocytes following cryoinjury.

      Reviewer #1 would like us to have a better understanding of the origin of the regenerative hepatocytes following cryoinjury. There are two potential sources of regenerating hepatocytes. In many cases, hepatocytes proliferate giving rise to regenerative hepatocytes. However, during severe injury, the liver can undergo a ductular reaction in which biliary epithelial cells (BECs) can expand and transdifferentiate to give rise to regenerating hepatocytes.

      ● To address this query we have now used a new transgenic line created in laboratory that can indelibly label hepatocytes for lineage tracing Tg(fabp10a:Tet-ON-Cre). We have crossed this line to floxed reporters (Ubb:Switch) and collect livers at 7 dpci. The healthy parenchyma surrounding the injured area was predominantly labelled in the tracing experiment suggesting that pre-existing hepatocytes are driving the regenerative response.

      Experiment 2: Examine BEC and EC proliferation in the ventral and contralateral lobes following cryoinjury.

      Reviewers #1 and #2 would like us to better characterise the temporal dynamics of proliferation in BECs and ECs following cryoinjury. Specifically, the reviewers would like to know whether then compensatory hyperplasia in the contralateral lobe also leads to increased BEC and EC proliferation. Moreover, the reviewers would like us to better quantify the extent of EC and BEC proliferation at different stages of regeneration after cryoinjury.

      ● We have now performed extensive BrdU pulse-chase cryoinjury experiments using Tg(fli1a:nEGFP) zebrafish to visualise ECs. We have also conducted multiplexed immunostaining of the regenerating livers with the BEC marker (Anxa4) in conjunction with immunodetection of proliferation (BrdU and PCNA). These studies outline the kinetics of the regenerative response and provide evidence to support epimorphic regeneration around the site of injury as well as a compensatory hyperplasia on the contralateral lobe.

      Experiment 3: Quantification of the temporal dynamics of fibrosis upon cryoinjury.

      Reviewer #1 suggested we better characterise the extent of fibrosis in our model.

      ● We have now performed extensive studies quantifying the extent of collagen deposition at the regenerative margin over the time course (SHAM, 1, 3, 5, and 7 dpci) using immunohistochemical detection.

      Experiment 4: Examine the role of Macrophage depletion in liver regeneration.

      Reviewer #1 suggested we examine regeneration following cryoinjury in immunodeficient zebrafish in order to understand the role of macrophages in the model.

      ● To address this question, we have now performed studies involving macrophage depletion, using the well established IP injection of clodronate liposomes. We have now performed cryoinjury comparing untreated and chlodronate-treated Tg(fabp10a:NLSmCherry) or Tg(fabp10a: GreenLantern-H2B) zebrafish and examined the extent of regeneration at 3 and 7 dpci.

      Experiment 5: Examine the impact of age and gender on liver regeneration following cryoinjury.

      Reviewer #3 wanted to know if the regenerative response to cryoinjury was different depending on age and gender.

      ● To address this query, we have now performed cryoinjuries on young (4 month) and aged (9 month) males and females in a Tg(fabp10a:NLS-mCherry) or Tg(fabp10a: GreenLantern-H2B) background and examined regeneration at 7 dpci.

      Experiment 6: Characterization of the dynamics of Hepatoblasts, Hepatic Stellate Cells, Macrophages and Neutrophils following cryoinjury.

      Reviewer #3 suggested that it would be good to have a better cellular characterization of regeneration in the cryoinjury model.

      ● To address this question, we have now examined distinct cell types over the cryoinjury timecourse including SHAM, 1, 3, 5, and 7 dpci livers to provide a temporal landscape of the cellular response. In addition to BECs and ECs as discussed above, we have also performed immunofluorescence to detect macrophages (mfap4) neutrophils (mpx) during liver regeneration.

      Specific Reviewer comments

      Reviewer #1

      Major points:

      Full Revision

      1) In this cryoinjury model, the authors found cell proliferation in hepatocytes, BECs, and other cell types near the injury site. The proliferating hepatocytes exclusively provide hepatocytes, and BECs provide BECs, or some transdifferentiation is involved? Like other extreme ablation models, BECs can contribute to some hepatocytes in this model.

      We thank the Reviewer #1 for the interesting suggestion. We have addressed this by performing lineage tracing analysis as explained in Experiment 1 (above). For this approach, we have used Tg(fabp10a:Tet-ON-Cre; Ubb:Switch) to indelibly label and trace hepatocytes. These experiments reveal that the new regenerated tissue is derived from pre-existing hepatocytes (see Supplementary Figure 2 Q, R, S, T).

      2) In this model, the authors observed the long-range effect of the cryoinjury as they identified increased cell proliferation in the contralateral liver lobes. Is this long-range effect specific to hepatocytes? BECs or endothelial cells also undergo increased cell proliferation in the contralateral lobes?

      We thank the Reviewer #1 for this question. We have addressed this query by performing Experiment 2 (above). Briefly, cryoinjuries were performed and markers of proliferating HCs and BECs (PCNA or BrdU stained) were quantified in the ventral and contralateral lobes (see Supplementary Figure 6). The data clearly demonstrates that proliferation is higher at the site of injury, however lower rates of compensatory hyperplasia are still evident on the contralateral lobe. A strong epimorphic hyperplasia and weaker compensatory growth response, has been previously observed in the cardiac cryoinjury model (Pauline Sallin et al. Developmental Biology 2015).

      3) This model is a unique liver regeneration model as it induces transient focal fibrosis. Is the fibrosis beneficial for liver regeneration? What happens if you reduce fibrosis pharmacologically? Will it interfere with the rate of regeneration?

      We thank the Reviewer #1 for the comments. Although pharmacological interventions of fibrosis are beyond the scope of the current manuscript, we have better quantified the extent of fibrosis in the first week following cryoinjury in Experiment 3 (above; Figure 3I).

      4) Do Lcp1+ leucocytes contribute to liver regeneration in this model? In immunodeficiency models such as irf8 mutant, liver regeneration after cryoinjury changed?

      We thank the Reviewer #1 for the suggestion of using an immunodeficiency model. We addressed this question by performing Experiment 4 (above). Briefly, we have IP injected clodronate liposomes, which are a well-established method for macrophage depletion, and examined the effect on liver regeneration (Supplementary Figure 5). These extensive experiments showed that macrophage depletion had no significant effect on liver regeneration at 3 and 7 dpci.

      5) The CUBIC-clearing procedure is beneficial in the field. The quantitative benefit of the CUBICbased method should be added. Supplement figures 1C and D need scale bars, especially for X Z and Z-Y planes. Can you quantify the Z-plane depth that you can scan with or without CUBIC treatment?

      We thank the Reviewer #1 for the input and apologise if we did not present the current data clearly. We have now included the scale bars on the reviewed manuscript in Supplementary Figure 1C, 1D, and 1G. We have quantified the Z-plane depth on our current acquisitions and modified our current panels to make clear the difference in depth (z-stack) that CUBIC-imaging enables during liver acquisitions in Supplementary Figure 1D-I.

      6) In the manuscript, the authors measured the injured area after the cryoinjury. But how about the depth of the injury? Does the procedure induce a relatively constant injury depth, or can it not be controlled? The total volume of injured tissue would be more important than the surface injured area.

      We thank the Reviewer #1 for the comments. The hepatic cryoinjury approach was developed to injure the liver and avoid deeper tissue lesions to the gastrointestinal tract. Our existing CUBIC data suggests that injury depth remains constant.

      Minor points:

      7) The sham procedure means exposing the liver by removing the scale and cutting the skin, right? What is the survival rate of the sham procedure? Is the survival rate of sham group significantly lower than cryoinjury-induced group?

      The Reviewer #1 is correct about the cryoinjury procedure in SHAM samples. SHAM survival is 95% while the injured animal survival is 92.97% (Figure below; n= 444). This analysis shows no significant difference between the groups (unpaired Student's t-test; p-value: 0.5843)

      8) The original RNA-seq data, including FASTQ files, should be deposited to NCBI (Gene Expression Omnibus) or other public databases.

      We apologize for not submitting our Bulk RNA-seq data to NCBI GEO during the initial submission. The Bulk RNA-seq data can be found under the accession number GSE245878.

      Full Revision

      Reviewer #2

      Major points:

      1) While the authors assayed changes in major cell types during liver regeneration in this model, the selection of varying timepoints for analysis and incomplete quantification for all timepoints precludes detailed comparisons that may lead to mechanistic insights. For example, closure of injury area is assayed at 1,3,7,14 dpci but hepatocyte proliferation is measured at 1,3,5,7, 18, 30 dpi. Fibrosis was only assayed at 5 dpi (assume dpi is the same as dpci). Cholangiocytes and endothelial cells are imaged at 1, 3, 7, 30 dpci but no quantification was provided only a single image. Since most changes are occurring at 1-7 dpci, the authors should at least measure the same timepoints from 1-7 dpci for the different cell types so comparisons can be made and conclusions can be drawn. For example, does hepatocyte proliferation, which seem to peak at 5 dpci, happen before endothelial proliferation, which is measured at 3 and 5 dpci but not measured at 5 dpci?

      We thank the Reviewer #2 for the comments regarding temporal dynamics of regeneration. In response we have performed Experiment 2 (above). Briefly, this included examination of BECs and ECs at different time points during regeneration (SHAM, 1, 3, 5, and 7 dpci; Figure 6, Supplementary Figure 6L-P).

      2) Fibrosis level seems to be highly variable at 5 dpci, which is the only time point measured. If this level of variability is found across all timepoints then this might not be a good model to study the intersection of fibrosis and regeneration. Since the authors have collected animals at all timepoints, it should be fairly straight forward to carry out collagen staining and quantification across different timepoints without the need of additional fish experiments.

      We thank the Reviewer #2 for the comments regarding the fibrotic response. In response we have undertaken Experiment 3 (above). This experiment involves quantifying collagen deposition at the different timepoints (SHAM, 1, 3, 5, and 7 dpci; Figure 3I).

      3) The lack of quantification of cholangiocytes and endothelial cells makes it difficult to gauge the reproducibility of this model across different animals and experiments.

      We thank the Reviewer #2 for the comments regarding the need to quantify ECs and BECs during regeneration. In response we will undertake Experiment 2 (above). Briefly, this included examination of BECs and ECs at different time points during regeneration (SHAM, 1, 3, and 7 dpci; Figure 6 and Supplementary Figure 7).

      4) Transcriptomic data analysis/presentation in Figure 7 can be improved. Cannot read any of the gene labels in Figure 7B. Figure 7H should use at least a few different gene markers from each cell type to approximate cell abundance.

      We apologise for the inconvenience and have addressed the issue of legibility. We have increased font size on the volcano plots in Figure 7 and incorporate a new analysis with more markers for each cell type in Figure 7H. In addition, we have included the comparison between Bulk RNA-seq ventral samples and contralateral lobe samples, together with further GOenrichment of the samples in Supplementary Figure 8.

      Full Revision


      5) Is "dpi" the same as "dpci"? Please use the same nomenclature throughout manuscript.

      We apologise. Dpi means days post-injury and dpci means days post-cryoinjury. Nomenclature has been corrected in revised version of the manuscript.

      6) In the mouse PHx model, hepatocytes reach max proliferation (as measured with Ki67/PCNA staining) at 40-48hrs across different labs and experiments, not at 24rs.

      We thank the Reviewer #2, we have changed this reference.

      7) Zebrafish references are used when the author is talking about mouse PHx model on page 12.

      We thank the Reviewer #2, we have changed this reference 7 and 8 to reference the right papers.

      Reviewer #3

      Major points:

      1) It is not clear whether both male and female fish were used in the analyses and whether there is any gender difference in regeneration responses at cellular and molecular levels. The method mentioned that 4-9 month old fish were used in the study. Was there any difference between young and old fish?

      We thank the Reviewer #3 for the comments regarding the need to consider age and gender in regeneration studies. Our experiments have been performed on adult male zebrafish. To examine the impact of age and gender on regeneration we have performed Experiment 5 (above). In brief, we have undertaken cryoinjuries in 4 month or 9 month old females and males in the Tg(fabp10a:NLS-mCherry) or Tg(fabp10a: GreenLantern-H2B) background and examine regeneration at 7 dpci (Supplementary Figure 2 J-N and P. We could not detect a significant difference among any of these comparisons. However, we observed a subtle trend with female adult zebrafish showing smaller insult area compared to adult male zebrafish, both at 3 and 7 dpci (Supplementary Figure 2P).

      2) The authors detected increased hepatocyte proliferation following cryoinjury. It will be interesting to investigate if activation of stem cells and transdifferentiation of cholangiocytes also contribute to regeneration in this particular model.

      We thank the Reviewer #3 for the comments regarding the need to examine the potential involvement of hepatoblasts and transdifferentiating BECs in regeneration following cryoinjury. We have addressed these aspects with Experiment 6 (above). Briefly, we have performed cryoinjuries in adult zebrafish and utilised Anxa4 staining for detection of BECs at SHAM, 1, 3, 5, and 7 dpci (Figure 6A-F). This analysis showed that the were no detectable signs of transdifferentiation between hepatocytes and cholangiocytes (ie: there were no double positive cells (Anxa+/fabp10a:H2B-GreenLantern+ or fabp10a:H2B-mCherry+). Moreover, we performed lineage tracing experiments and found evidence that pre-existing hepatocytes give rise to the regenerating tissue (Supplementary Figure 2 Q-T). Together, these experiments indicate that hepatocytes are responsible for the regeneration of the liver upon cryoinjury without the necessity of BEC transdifferentiation.

      3) It will be important to characterize hepatic stellate cells, macrophages, and neutrophils in this model, given their critical and complex roles in liver regeneration. Transgenic reporter lines marking these cell types are available.

      We thank the Reviewer #3 for the comments regarding the need to examine hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), macrophages and neutrophils in regeneration following cryoinjury. We have addressed these aspects with Experiment 6 (above). Briefly, we have studied the temporal dynamics of neutrophils upon cryoinjury by immunofluorescent detection of myeloperoxidase (mpx) (Supplementary Figure 4). We have also explored the role of macrophage depletion in response to cryoinjury by performing clodronate injections. We found no significant changes in liver regeneration following clodronate injections (Supplementary Figure 5). To examine the temporal dynamics of HSCs we attempted to use two approaches, namely imaging transgenic lines labelling HSCs (Tg(BAC-pdgfrb:EGFP) and HCR for HSCs (pdgfrb), but unfortunately we were not able to detect HSCs with these approaches.

      4) It is not appropriate to call Fli1a + cells liver sinusoidal cells. As far as I know, there is no specific marker for LSEC in zebrafish. Fli1a transgene labels all vascular cells.

      We acknowledge this mistaken nomenclature and have made the necessary amendment to use the term endothelial cells (ECs).

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Sande-Melon et al described a new model for studying liver regeneration in zebrafish that is induced by cryoinjury. They showed that this model induced hepatocyte proliferation, transient fibrosis and inflammation, and regeneration of the biliary and vascular network. Compared to the other established models, such as partial hepatectomy, drug-induced liver injury, the cryoinjury model is easy to perform, consistent, and involves shorter recovery time. Overall, it is a useful tool that complements existing liver regeneration models. The tissue clearing methodology is highly effective.

      Main critiques:

      1. It is not clear whether both male and female fish were used in the analyses and whether there is any gender difference in regeneration responses at cellular and molecular levels. The method mentioned that 4-9 month old fish were used in the study. Was there any difference between young and old fish?
      2. The authors detected increased hepatocyte proliferation following cryoinjury. It will be interesting to investigate if activation of stem cells and transdifferentiation of cholangiocytes also contribute to regeneration in this particular model.
      3. It will be important to characterize hepatic stellate cells, macrophages, and neutrophils in this model, given their critical and complex roles in liver regeneration. Transgenic reporter lines marking these cells types are available.
      4. It is not appropriate to call Fli1a + cells liver sinusoidal cells. As far as I know, there is no specific marker for LSEC in zebrafish. Fli1a transgene labels all vascular cells.


      In this manuscript, Sande-Melon et al described a new model for studying liver regeneration in zebrafish that is induced by cryoinjury. They showed that this model induced hepatocyte proliferation, transient fibrosis and inflammation, and regeneration of the biliary and vascular network. Compared to the other established models, such as partial hepatectomy, drug-induced liver injury, the cryoinjury model is easy to perform, consistent, and involves shorter recovery time. Overall, it is a useful tool that complements existing liver regeneration models. The tissue clearing methodology is highly effective.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript titled "Development of a hepatic cryoinjury model to study liver regeneration" by Sande-Melon et al., the authors developed a novel model to study liver regeneration, namely a cryoinjury model in adult zebrafish. The authors described the methodology in detail and extensively characterized the kinetics of liver regeneration in this model, including hepatocyte necrosis/apoptosis, the proliferation of hepatocytes, cholangiocytes, endothelial cells, and infiltration of leukocytes. Most of the characterization were performed by immunostaining for various cell markers, which the authors corroborated with transcriptomic analysis by bulk RNAseq.

      Major comments:

      • While the authors assayed changes in major cell types during liver regeneration in this model, the selection of varying timepoints for analysis and incomplete quantification for all timepoints precludes detailed comparisons that may lead to mechanistic insights. For example, closure of injury area is assayed at 1,3,7,14 dpci but hepatocyte proliferation is measured at 1,3,5,7, 18, 30 dpi. Fibrosis was only assayed at 5 dpi (assume dpi is the same as dpci). Cholangiocytes and endothelial cells are imaged at 1, 3, 7, 30 dpci but no quantification was provided only a single image. Since most changes are occurring at 1-7 dpci, the authors should at least measure the same timepoints from 1-7 dpci for the different cell types so comparisons can be made and conclusions can be drawn. For example, does hepatocyte proliferation, which seem to peak at 5 dpci, happen before endothelial proliferation, which is measured at 3 and 5 dpci but not measured at 5 dpci?
      • Fibrosis level seems to be highly variable at 5dpci, which is the only time point measured. If this level of variability is found across all timepoints then this might not be a good model to study the intersection of fibrosis and regeneration. Since the authors have collected animals at all timepoints, it should be fairly straight forward to carry out collagen staining and quantification across different timepoints without the need of additional fish experiments.
      • The lack of quantification of cholangiocytes and endothelial cells makes it difficult to gauge the reproducibility of this model across different animals and experiments.
      • Transcriptomic data analysis/presentation in Figure 7 can be improved. Cannot read any of the gene labels in Figure 7B. Figure 7H should use at least a few different gene markers from each cell type to approximate cell abundance.
      • OPTIONAL: Sheets of DAPI staining are observed in Figure 6G'. Is this DNA from necrotic cells? Could they make up a neutrophil extracellular trap (NET)-scaffold like structure that covers/protects the injury site from infection? This is purely speculative but might represent an interesting area of study.
      • OPTIONAL: To demonstrate this a useful model that complements existing models of liver regeneration, the authors can try to capitalize on the proposed strength of the model to provide some novel insights into liver regeneration. A notable feature of this model that is missing from the PHx and APAP rodent models is the development of robust fibrosis that rapidly resolves within a short time frame, providing an unique opportunity to investigate the potential crosstalk between fibrosis and regeneration that often co-occur in chronic liver disease patients.

      Minor comments:

      • Is "dpi" the same as "dpci"? Please use the same nomenclature throughout manuscript
      • In the mouse PHx model, hepatocytes reach max proliferation (as measured with Ki67/PCNA staining) at 40-48hrs across different labs and experiments, not at 24rs
      • Zebrafish references are used when the author is talking about mouse PHx model on page 12


      Mouse 2/3 partial hepatectomy surgery (PHx) is the most frequently used model to study liver regeneration and much has been learnt from this model. However, mouse PHx involving tying off certain lobes of the liver and the inducing a sterile injury, where hepatocyte proliferation and liver regeneration occurs in the absence of significant inflammation and fibrosis. To understand the full complexity of the liver regeneration response, especially against the backdrop of a necroinflammatory environment that characterize chronic liver disease in patients, alternative models to study liver regeneration have been used such as the rodent APAP model of chemically induced injury. Here, Sande-Melon et al. aims to establish such a liver regeneration model in adult zebrafish that would harness the power of the zebrafish model, such as availability of various transgenic lines that label different cell populations, ease of accessibility to imaging techniques, large N number, and the convenience of working with lower complexity model organisms. While such a zebrafish liver regeneration model will be welcomed by the greater research community interested in studying liver regeneration, this paper in its current forms falls short of demonstrating the robustness and reproducibility of this model that would make it a useful research tool.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this study, the authors presented a novel cryoinjury model of liver damage and regeneration that reflects essential features of liver disease, including local fibrosis. Because of its rapid and consistent method, this model will be helpful and provide opportunities to delve into the molecular basis of liver regeneration. This manuscript also contains a high technique of visualization of the regenerating liver. The manuscript is well-written, and the points are clear. However, this form of manuscript might be overly descriptive, and adding functional, mechanical, or lineage tracing-based fate decision insights would make this manuscript significantly better.

      Major points:

      1. In this cryoinjury model, the authors found cell proliferation in hepatocytes, BECs, and other cell types near the injury site. The proliferating hepatocytes exclusively provide hepatocytes, and BECs provide BECs, or some transdifferentiation is involved? Like other extreme ablation models, BECs can contribute to some hepatocytes in this model.
      2. In this model, the authors observed the long-range effect of the cryoinjury as they identified increased cell proliferation in the contralateral liver lobes. Is this long-range effect specific to hepatocytes? BECs or endothelial cells also undergo increased cell proliferation in the contralateral lobes?
      3. This model is a unique liver regeneration model as it induces transient focal fibrosis. Is the fibrosis beneficial for liver regeneration? What happens if you reduce fibrosis pharmacologically? Will it interfere with the rate of regeneration?
      4. Do Lcp1+ leucocytes contribute to liver regeneration in this mode? In immunodeficiency models such as irf8 mutant, liver regeneration after cryoinjury changed?
      5. The CUBIC-clearing procedure is beneficial in the field. The quantitative benefit of the CUBIC-based method should be added. Supplement figures 1C and D need scale bars, especially for X-Z and Z-Y planes. Can you quantify the Z-plane depth that you can scan with or without CUBIC treatment?
      6. In the manuscript, the authors measured the injured area after the cryoinjury. But how about the depth of the injury? Does the procedure induce a relatively constant injury depth, or can it not be controlled? The total volume of injured tissue would be more important than the surface injured area.

      Minor points:

      1. The sham procedure means exposing the liver by removing the scale and cutting the skin, right? What is the survival rate of the sham procedure? Is the survival rate of sham group significantly lower than cryoinjury-induced group?
      2. The original RNA-seq data, including FASTQ files, should be deposited to NCBI (Gene Expression Omnibus) or other public databases.


      The strength of this manuscript is that the authors established the new cryoinjury liver regeneration model. Compared to other models, this model introduced local fibrosis and relatively quick resolution of the fibrosis, which is unique to this model. Fibrosis is like a double-edged sword, as it can be a severe problem, but it may also enhance healing and regeneration. This useful model would advance our understanding of the role of fibrosis in liver regeneration. Also, this manuscript contains important new technologies, such as CUBIC-clearing, and will be helpful for the research field.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reply to the Reviewers

      We thank the referees for their careful reading of the manuscript and their valuable suggestions for improvements.

      General Statements:

      Existing SMC-based loop extrusion models successfully predict and characterize mesoscale genome spatial organization in vertebrate organisms, providing a valuable computational tool to the genome organization and chromatin biology fields. However, to date this approach is highly limited in its application beyond vertebrate organisms. This limitation arises because existing models require knowledge of CTCF binding sites, which act as effective boundary elements, blocking loop-extruding SMC complexes and thus defining TAD boundaries. However, CTCF is the predominant boundary element only in vertebrates. On the other hand, vertebrates only contain a small proportion of species in the tree of life, while TADs are nearly universal and SMC complexes are largely conserved. Thus, there is a pressing need for loop extrusion models capable of predicting Hi-C maps in organisms beyond vertebrates.

      The conserved-current loop extrusion (CCLE) model, introduced in this manuscript, extends the quantitative application of loop extrusion models in principle to any organism by liberating the model from the lack of knowledge regarding the identities and functions of specific boundary elements. By converting the genomic distribution of loop extruding cohesin into an ensemble of dynamic loop configurations via a physics-based approach, CCLE outputs three-dimensional (3D) chromatin spatial configurations that can be manifested in simulated Hi-C maps. We demonstrate that CCLE-generated maps well describe experimental Hi-C data at the TAD-scale. Importantly, CCLE achieves high accuracy by considering cohesin-dependent loop extrusion alone, consequently both validating the loop extrusion model in general (as opposed to diffusion-capture-like models proposed as alternatives to loop extrusion) and providing evidence that cohesin-dependent loop extrusion plays a dominant role in shaping chromatin organization beyond vertebrates.

      The success of CCLE unambiguously demonstrates that knowledge of the cohesin distribution is sufficient to reconstruct TAD-scale 3D chromatin organization. Further, CCLE signifies a shifted paradigm from the concept of localized, well-defined boundary elements, manifested in the existing CTCF-based loop extrusion models, to a concept also encompassing a continuous distribution of position-dependent loop extrusion rates. This new paradigm offers greater flexibility in recapitulating diverse features in Hi-C data than strictly localized loop extrusion barriers.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This manuscript presents a mathematical model for loop extrusion called the conserved-current loop extrusion model (CCLE). The model uses cohesin ChIP-Seq data to predict the Hi-C map and shows broad agreement between experimental Hi-C maps and simulated Hi-C maps. They test the model on Hi-C data from interphase fission yeast and meiotic budding yeast. The conclusion drawn by the authors is that peaks of cohesin represent loop boundaries in these situations, which they also propose extends to other organism/situations where Ctcf is absent.

      __Response: __

      We would like to point out that the referee's interpretation of our results, namely that, "The conclusion drawn by the authors is that peaks of cohesin represent loop boundaries in these situations, ...", is an oversimplification, that we do not subscribe to. The referee's interpretation of our model is correct when there are strong, localized barriers to loop extrusion; however, the CCLE model allows for loop extrusion rates that are position-dependent and take on a range of values. The CCLE model also allows the loop extrusion model to be applied to organisms without known boundary elements. Thus, the strict interpretation of the positions of cohesin peaks to be loop boundaries overlooks a key idea to emerge from the CCLE model.

      __ Major comments:__

      1. More recent micro-C/Hi-C maps, particularly for budding yeast mitotic cells and meiotic cells show clear puncta, representative of anchored loops, which are not well recapitulated in the simulated data from this study. However, such punta are cohesin-dependent as they disappear in the absence of cohesin and are enhanced in the absence of the cohesin release factor, Wapl. For example - see the two studies below. The model is therefore missing some key elements of the loop organisation. How do the authors explain this discrepency? It would also be very useful to test whether the model can predict the increased strength of loop anchors when Wapl1 is removed and cohesin levels increase.

      Costantino L, Hsieh TS, Lamothe R, Darzacq X, Koshland D. Cohesin residency determines chromatin loop patterns. Elife. 2020 Nov 10;9:e59889. doi: 10.7554/eLife.59889. PMID: 33170773; PMCID: PMC7655110. Barton RE, Massari LF, Robertson D, Marston AL. Eco1-dependent cohesin acetylation anchors chromatin loops and cohesion to define functional meiotic chromosome domains. Elife. 2022 Feb 1;11:e74447. doi: 10.7554/eLife.74447. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35103590; PMCID: PMC8856730.

      __Response: __

      We are perplexed by this referee comment. While we agree that puncta representing loop anchors are a feature of Hi-C maps, as noted by the referee, we would reinforce that our CCLE simulations of meiotic budding yeast (Figs. 5A and 5B of the original manuscript) demonstrate an overall excellent description of the experimental meiotic budding yeast Hi-C map, including puncta arising from loop anchors. This CCLE model-experiment agreement for meiotic budding yeast is described and discussed in detail in the original manuscript and the revised manuscript (lines 336-401).

      To further emphasize and extend this point we now also address the Hi-C of mitotic budding yeast, which was not included the original manuscript. We have now added an entire new section of the revised manuscript entitled "CCLE Describes TADs and Loop Configurations in Mitotic S. cerevisiae" including the new Figure 6, which presents a comparison between a portion of the mitotic budding yeast Hi-C map from Costantino et al. and the corresponding CCLE simulation at 500 bp-resolution. In this case too, the CCLE model well-describes the data, including the puncta, further addressing the referee's concern that the CCLE model is missing some key elements of loop organization.

      Concerning the referee's specific comment about the role of Wapl, we note that in order to apply CCLE when Wapl is removed, the corresponding cohesin ChIP-seq in the absence of Wapl should be available. To our knowledge, such data is not currently available and therefore we have not pursued this explicitly. However, we would reinforce that as Wapl is a factor that promotes cohesin unloading, its role is already effectively represented in the optimized value for LEF processivity, which encompasses LEF lifetime. In other words, if Wapl has a substantial effect it will be captured already in this model parameter.

      1. Related to the point above, the simulated data has much higher resolution than the experimental data (1kb vs 10kb in the fission yeast dataset). Given that loop size is in the 20-30kb range, a good resolution is important to see the structural features of the chromosomes. Can the model observe these details that are averaged out when the resolution is increased?

      __Response: __

      We agree with the referee that higher resolution is preferable to low resolution. In practice, however, there is a trade-off between resolution and noise. The first experimental interphase fission yeast Hi-C data of Mizuguchi et al 2014 corresponds to 10 kb resolution. To compare our CCLE simulations to these published experimental data, as described in the original manuscript, we bin our 1-kb-resolution simulations to match the 10 kb experimental measurements. Nevertheless, CCLE can readily predict the interphase fission yeast Hi-C map at higher resolution by reducing the bin size (or, if necessary, reducing the lattice site size of the simulations themselves). In the revised manuscript, we have added comparisons between CCLE's predicted Hi-C maps and newer Micro-C data for S. pombe from Hsieh et al. (Ref. [50]) in the new Supplementary Figures 5-9. We have chosen to present these comparisons at 2 kb resolution, which is the same resolution for our meiotic budding yeast comparisons. Also included in Supplementary Figures 5-9 are comparisons between the original Hi-C maps of Mizuguchi et al. and the newer maps of Hsieh et al., binned to 10 kb resolution. Inspection of these figures shows that CCLE provides a good description of Hsieh et al.'s experimental Hi-C maps and does not reveal any major new features in the interphase fission yeast Hi-C map on the 10-100 kb scale, that were not already apparent from the Hi-C maps of Mizuguchi et al 2014. Thus, the CCLE model performs well across this range of effective resolutions.

      3. Transcription, particularly convergent has been proposed to confer boundaries to loop extrusion. Can the authors recapitulate this in their model?

      __Response: __

      In response to the suggestion of the reviewer we have now calculated the correlation between cohesin ChIP-seq and the locations of convergent gene pairs, which is now presented in Supplementary Figures 17 and 18. Accordingly, in the revised manuscript, we have added the following text to the Discussion (lines 482-498):

      "In vertebrates, CTCF defines the locations of most TAD boundaries. It is interesting to ask what might play that role in interphase S. pombe as well as in meiotic and mitotic S. cerevisiae. A number of papers have suggested that convergent gene pairs are correlated with cohesin ChIP-seq in both S. pombe [65, 66] and S. cerevisiae [66-71]. Because CCLE ties TADs to cohesin ChIP-seq, a strong correlation between cohesin ChIP-seq and convergent gene pairs would be an important clue to the mechanism of TAD formation in yeasts. To investigate this correlation, we introduce a convergent-gene variable that has a nonzero value between convergent genes and an integrated weight of unity for each convergent gene pair. Supplementary Figure 17A shows the convergent gene variable, so-defined, alongside the corresponding cohesin ChIP-seq for meiotic and mitotic S. cerevisiae. It is apparent from this figure that a peak in the ChIP-seq data is accompanied by a non-zero value of the convergent-gene variable in about 80% of cases, suggesting that chromatin looping in meiotic and mitotic S. cerevisiae may indeed be tied to convergent genes. Conversely, about 50% of convergent genes match peaks in cohesin ChIP-seq. The cross-correlation between the convergent-gene variable and the ChIP-seq of meiotic and mitotic S. cerevisiae is quantified in Supplementary Figures 17B and C. By contrast, in interphase S. pombe, cross-correlation between convergent genes and cohesin ChIP-seq in each of five considered regions is unobservably small (Supplementary Figure 18A), suggesting that convergent genes per se do not have a role in defining TAD boundaries in interphase S. pombe."

      Minor comments:

      1. In the discussion, the authors cite the fact that Mis4 binding sites do not give good prediction of the HI-C maps as evidence that Mis4 is not important for loop extrusion. This can only be true if the position of Mis4 measured by ChIP is a true reflection of Mis4 position. However, Mis4 binding to cohesin/chromatin is very dynamic and it is likely that this is too short a time scale to be efficiently cross-linked for ChIP. Conversely, extensive experimental data in vivo and in vitro suggest that stimulation of cohesin's ATPase by Mis4-Ssl3 is important for loop extrusion activity.

      __Response: __

      We apologize for the confusion on this point. We actually intended to convey that the absence of Mis4-Psc3 correlations in S. pombe suggests, from the point of view of CCLE, that Mis4 is not an integral component of loop-extruding cohesin, during the loop extrusion process itself. We agree completely that Mis4/Ssl3 is surely important for cohesin loading, and (given that cohesin is required for loop extrusion) Mis4/Ssl3 is therefore important for loop extrusion. Evidently, this part of our Discussion was lacking sufficient clarity. In response to both referees' comments, we have re-written the discussion of Mis4 and Pds5 to more carefully explain our reasoning and be more circumspect in our inferences. The re-written discussion is described below in response to Referee #2's comments.

      Nevertheless, on the topic of whether Nipbl-cohesin binding is too transient to be detected in ChIP-seq, the FRAP analysis presented by Rhodes et al. eLife 6:e30000 "Scc2/Nipbl hops between chromosomal cohesin rings after loading" indicates that, in HeLa cells, Nipbl has a residence time bound to cohesin of about 50 seconds. As shown in the bottom panel of Supplementary Fig. 7 in the original manuscript (and the bottom panel of Supplementary Fig. 20 in the revised manuscript), there is a significant cross-correlation (~0.2) between the Nipbl ChIP-seq and Smc1 ChIP-seq in humans, indicating that a transient association between Nipbl and cohesin can be (and in fact is) detected by ChIP-seq.

      1. *Inclusion of a comparison of this model compared to previous models (for example bottom up models) would be extremely useful. What is the improvement of this model over existing models? *

      __Response: __

      As stated in the original manuscript, as far as we are aware, "bottom up" models, that quantitatively describe the Hi-C maps of interphase fission yeast or meiotic budding yeast or, indeed, of eukaryotes other than vertebrates, do not exist. Bottom-up models would require knowledge of the relevant boundary elements (e.g. CTCF sites), which, as stated in the submitted manuscript, are generally unknown for fission yeast, budding yeast, and other non-vertebrate eukaryotes. The absence of such models is the reason that CCLE fills an important need. Since bottom-up models for cohesin loop extrusion in yeast do not exist, we cannot compare CCLE to the results of such models.

      In the revised manuscript we now explicitly compare the CCLE model to the only bottom-up type of model describing the Hi-C maps of non-vertebrate eukaryotes by Schalbetter et al. Nat. Commun. 10:4795 2019, which we did cite extensively in our original manuscript. Schalbetter et al. use cohesin ChIP-seq peaks to define the positions of loop extrusion barriers in meiotic S. cerevisiae, for which the relevant boundary elements are unknown. In their model, specifically, when a loop-extruding cohesin anchor encounters such a boundary element, it either passes through with a certain probability, as if no boundary element is present, or stops extruding completely until the cohesin unbinds and rebinds.

      In the revised manuscript we refer to this model as the "explicit barrier" model and have applied it to interphase S. pombe, using cohesin ChIP-seq peaks to define the positions of loop extrusion barriers. The corresponding simulated Hi-C map is presented in Supplementary Fig. 19 in comparison with the experimental Hi-C. It is evident that the explicit barrier model provides a poorer description of the Hi-C data of interphase S. pombe compared to the CCLE model, as indicated by the MPR and Pearson correlation scores. While the explicit barrier model appears capable of accurately reproducing Hi-C data with punctate patterns, typically accompanied by strong peaks in the corresponding cohesin ChIP-seq, it seems less effective in several conditions including interphase S. pombe, where the Hi-C data lacks punctate patterns and sharp TAD boundaries, and the corresponding cohesin ChIP-seq shows low-contrast peaks. The success of the CCLE model in describing the Hi-C data of both S. pombe and S. cerevisiae, which exhibit very different features, suggests that the current paradigm of localized, well-defined boundary elements may not be the only approach to understanding loop extrusion. By contrast, CCLE allows for a concept of continuous distribution of position-dependent loop extrusion rates, arising from the aggregate effect of multiple interactions between loop extrusion complexes and chromatin. This paradigm offers greater flexibility in recapitulating diverse features in Hi-C data than strictly localized loop extrusion barriers.

      We have also added the following paragraph in the Discussion section of the manuscript to elaborate this point (lines 499-521):

      "Although 'bottom-up' models which incorporate explicit boundary elements do not exist for non-vertebrate eukaryotes, one may wonder how well such LEF models, if properly modified and applied, would perform in describing Hi-C maps with diverse features. To this end, we examined the performance of the model described in Ref. [49] in describing the Hi-C map of interphase S. cerevisiae. Reference [49] uses cohesin ChIP-seq peaks in meiotic S. cerevisiae to define the positions of loop extrusion barriers which either completely stall an encountering LEF anchor with a certain probability or let it pass. We apply this 'explicit barrier' model to interphase S. pombe, using its cohesin ChIP-seq peaks to define the positions of loop extrusion barriers, and using Ref. [49]'s best-fit value of 0.05 for the pass-through probability. Supplementary Figure 19A presents the corresponding simulated Hi-C map the 0.3-1.3 kb region of Chr 2 of interphase S. pombe in comparison with the corresponding Hi-C data. It is evident that the explicit barrier model provides a poorer description of the Hi-C data of interphase S. pombe compared to the CCLE model, as indicated by the MPR and Pearson correlation scores of 1.6489 and 0.2267, respectively. While the explicit barrier model appears capable of accurately reproducing Hi-C data with punctate patterns, typically accompanied by strong peaks in the corresponding cohesin ChIP-seq, it seems less effective in cases such as in interphase S. pombe, where the Hi-C data lacks punctate patterns and sharp TAD boundaries, and the corresponding cohesin ChIP-seq shows low-contrast peaks. The success of the CCLE model in describing the Hi-C data of both S. pombe and S. cerevisiae, which exhibit very different features, suggests that the current paradigm of localized, well-defined boundary elements may not be the only approach to understanding loop extrusion. By contrast, CCLE allows for a concept of continuous distribution of position-dependent loop extrusion rates, arising from the aggregate effect of multiple interactions between loop extrusion complexes and chromatin. This paradigm offers greater flexibility in recapitulating diverse features in Hi-C data than strictly localized loop extrusion barriers."

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      This simple model is useful to confirm that cohesin positions dictate the position of loops, which was predicted already and proposed in many studies. However, it should be considered a starting point as it does not faithfully predict all the features of chromatin organisation, particularly at better resolution.


      As described in more detail above, we do not agree with the assertion of the referee that the CCLE model "does not faithfully predict all the features of chromatin organization, particularly at better resolution" and provide additional new data to support the conclusion that the CCLE model provides a much needed approach to model non-vertebrate contact maps and outperforms the single prior attempt to predict budding yeast Hi-C data using information from cohesin ChIP-seq.

      *It will mostly be of interest to those in the chromosome organisation field, working in organisms or systems that do not have ctcf. *

      __Response: __

      We agree that this work will be of special interest to researchers working on chromatin organization of non-vertebrate organisms. We would reinforce that yeast are frequently used models for the study of cohesin, condensin, and chromatin folding more generally. Indeed, in the last two months alone there are two Molecular Cell papers, one Nature Genetics paper, and one Cell Reports paper where loop extrusion in yeast models is directly relevant. We also believe, however, that the model will be of interest for the field in general as it simultaneously encompasses various scenarios that may lead to slowing down or stalling of LEFs.

      This reviewer is a cell biologist working in the chromosome organisation field, but does not have modelling experience and therefore does not have the expertise to determine if the modelling part is mathematically sound and has assumed that it is.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: Yuan et al. report on their development of an analytical model ("CCLE") for loop extrusion with genomic-position-dependent speed, with the idea of accounting for barriers to loop extrusion. They write down master equations for the probabilities of cohesin occupancy at each genomic site and obtain approximate steady-state solutions. Probabilities are governed by cohesin translocation, loading, and unloading. Using ChIP-seq data as an experimental measurement of these probabilities, they numerically fit the model parameters, among which are extruder density and processivity. Gillespie simulations with these parameters combined with a 3D Gaussian polymer model were integrated to generate simulated Hi-C maps and cohesin ChIP-seq tracks, which show generally good agreement with the experimental data. The authors argue that their modeling provides evidence that loop extrusion is the primary mechanism of chromatin organization on ~10-100 kb scales in S. pombe and S. cerevisiae.

      Major comments:

      1. I am unconvinced that this analysis specifically is sufficient to demonstrate that extrusion is the primary organizer of chromatin on these scales; moreover, the need to demonstrate this is questionable, as extrusion is widely accepted, even if not universally so. How is the agreement of CCLE with experiments more demonstrative of loop extrusion than previous modeling?

      __Response: __

      We agree with the referee's statement that "loop extrusion is extrusion is widely accepted, even if not universally so". We disagree with the referee that this state of affairs means that "the need to demonstrate this (i.e. loop extrusion) is questionable". On the contrary, studies that provide further compelling evidence that cohesin-based loop extrusion is the primary organizer of chromatin, such as ours, must surely be welcomed, first, in order to persuade those who remain unconvinced by the loop extrusion mechanism in general, and, secondly, because, until the present work, quantitative models of loop extrusion, capable of reproducing Hi-C maps quantitatively, in yeasts and other non-vertebrate eukaryotes have been lacking, leaving open the question of whether loop extrusion can describe Hi-C maps beyond vertebrates. CCLE has now answered that question in the affirmative. Moreover, the existence of a robust model to predict contact maps in non-vertebrate models, which are extensively used in the pursuit of research questions in chromatin biology, will be broadly enabling to the field.

      It is fundamental that if a simple, physically-plausible model/hypothesis is able to describe experimental data quantitatively, it is indeed appropriate to ascribe considerable weight to that model/hypothesis (until additional data become available to refute the model).

      How is the agreement of CCLE with experiments more demonstrative of loop extrusion than previous modeling?


      As noted above and in the original manuscript, we are unaware of previous quantitative modeling of cohesin-based loop extrusion and the resultant Hi-C maps in organisms that lack CTCF, namely non-vertebrate eukaryotic models such as fission yeast or budding yeast, as we apply here. As noted in the original manuscript, previous quantitative modeling of Hi-C maps based on cohesin loop extrusion and CTCF boundary elements has been convincing that loop extrusion is indeed relevant in vertebrates, but the restriction to vertebrates excludes most of the tree of life.

      Below, the referee cites two examples of loop extrusion outside of vertebrates. The one that is suggested to correspond to yeast cells (Dequeker et al. Nature 606:197 2022) actually corresponds to mouse cells, which are vertebrate cells. The other one models the Hi-C map of the prokaryote, Bacillus subtilis, based on loop extrusion of the bacterial SMC complex thought to most resemble condensin (not cohesin), subject to barriers to loop extrusion that are related to genes or involving prokaryote-specific Par proteins (Brandao et al. PNAS 116:20489 2019). We have referenced this work in the revised manuscript but would reinforce that it lacks utility in predicting the contact maps for non-vertebrate eukaryotes.

      Relatedly, similar best fit values for S. pombe and S. cerevisiae might not point to a mechanistic conclusion (same "underlying mechanism" of loop extrusion), but rather to similar properties for loop-extruding cohesins in the two species.


      In the revised manuscript, we have replaced "suggesting that the underlying mechanism that governs loop extrusion by cohesin is identical in both species" with "suggesting loop-extruding cohesins possess similar properties in both species" (lines 367-368).

      As an alternative, could a model with variable binding probability given by ChIP-seq and an exponential loop-size distribution work equally well? The stated lack of a dependence on extrusion timescale suggests that a static looping model might succeed. If not, why not?


      A hypothetical mechanism that generates the same instantaneous loop distributions and correlations as loop extrusion would lead to the same Hi-C map as does loop extrusion. This circumstance is not confined to CCLE, but is equally applicable to previous CTCF-based loop extrusion models. It holds because Hi-C and ChIP-seq, and therefore models that seek to describe these measurements, provide a snapshot of the chromatin configuration at one instant of time.

      We would reinforce that there is no physical basis for a diffusion capture model with an approximately-exponential loop size distributions. Nevertheless, one can reasonably ask whether a physically-sensible diffusion capture model can simultaneously match cohesin ChIP-seq and Hi-C. Motivated by the referee's comment we have addressed this question and, accordingly, in the revised manuscript, we have added (1) an entire subsection entitled "Diffusion capture does not reproduce experimental interphase S. pombe Hi-C maps" (lines 303-335) and (2) Supplementary Figure 15. As we now demonstrate, the CCLE model vastly outperforms an equilibrium binding model in reproducing the experimental Hi-C maps and measured P(s).

      *2. I do not understand how the loop extrusion residence time drops out. As I understand it, Eq 9 converts ChIP-seq to lattice site probability (involving N_{LEF}, which is related to \rho, and \rho_c). Then, Eqs. 3-4 derive site velocities V_n and U_n if we choose rho, L, and \tau, with the latter being the residence time. This parameter is not specified anywhere and is claimed to be unimportant. It may be true that the choice of timescale is arbitrary in this procedure, but can the authors please clarify? *

      __Response: __

      As noted above, Hi-C and ChIP-seq both capture chromatin configuration at one instant in time. Therefore, such measurements cannot and do not provide any time-scale information, such as the loop extrusion residence time (LEF lifetime) or the mean loop extrusion rate. For this reason, neither our CCLE simulations, nor other researchers' previous simulations of loop extrusion in vertebrates with CTCF boundary elements, provide any time-scale information, because the experiments they seek to describe do not contain time-scale information. The Hi-C map simulations can and do provide information concerning the loop size, which is the product of the loop lifetime and the loop extrusion rate. Lines 304-305 of the revised manuscript include the text: "Because Hi-C and ChIP-seq both characterize chromatin configuration at a single instant of time, and do not provide any direct time-scale information, ..."

      In practice, we set the LEF lifetime to be some explicit value with arbitrary time-unit. We have added a sentence in the Methods that reads, "In practice, however, we set the LEF dissociation rate to 5e-4 time-unit-1 (equivalent to a lifetime of 2000 time-units), and the nominal LEF extrusion rate (aka \rho*L/\tau, see Supplementary Methods) can be determined from the given processivity" (lines 599-602), to clarify this point. We have also changed the terminology from "timesteps" to "LEF events" in the manuscript as the latter is more accurate for our purpose.

      1. The assumptions in the solution and application of the CCLE model are potentially constraining to a limited number of scenarios. In particular the authors specify that current due to binding/unbinding, A_n - D_n, is small. This assumption could be problematic near loading sites (centromeres, enhancers in higher eukaryotes, etc.) (where current might be dominated by A_n and V_n), unloading sites (D_n and V_{n-1}), or strong boundaries (D_n and V_{n-1}). The latter scenario is particularly concerning because the manuscript seems to be concerned with the presence of unidentified boundaries. This is partially mitigated by the fact that the model seems to work well in the chosen examples, but the authors should discuss the limitations due to their assumptions and/or possible methods to get around these limitations.

      4. Related to the above concern, low cohesin occupancy is interpreted as a fast extrusion region and high cohesin occupancy is interpreted as a slow region. But this might not be true near cohesin loading and unloading sites.

      __Response: __

      Our response to Referee 2's Comments 3. and 4. is that both in the original manuscript and in the revised manuscript we clearly delineate the assumptions underlying CCLE and we carefully assess the extent to which these assumptions are violated (lines 123-126 and 263-279 in the revised manuscript). For example, Supplementary Figure 12 shows that across the S. pombe genome as a whole, violations of the CCLE assumptions are small. Supplementary Figure 13 shows that violations are similarly small for meiotic S. cerevisiae. However, to explicitly address the concern of the referee, we have added the following sentences to the revised manuscript:

      Lines 277-279:

      "While loop extrusion in interphase S. pombe seems to well satisfy the assumptions underlying CCLE, this may not always be the case in other organisms."

      Lines 359-361:

      "In addition, the three quantities, given by Eqs. 6, 7, and 8, are distributed around zero with relatively small fluctuations (Supplementary Fig. 13), indicating that CCLE model is self-consistent in this case also."

      In the case of mitotic S. cerevisiae, Supplementary Figure 14 shows that these quantities are small for most of genomic locations, except near the cohesin ChIP-seq peaks. We ascribe these greater violations of CCLE's assumptions at the locations of cohesin peaks in part to the low processivity of mitotic cohesin in S. cerevisiae, compared to that of meiotic S. cerevisiae and interphase S. pombe, and in part to the low CCLE loop extrusion rate at the cohesin peaks. We have added a paragraph at the end of the Section "CCLE Describes TADs and Loop Configurations in Mitotic S. cerevisiae" to reflect these observations (lines 447-461).

      1. *The mechanistic insight attempted in the discussion, specifically with regard to Mis4/Scc2/NIPBL and Pds5, is problematic. First, it is not clear how the discussion of Nipbl and Pds5 is connected to the CCLE method; the justification is that CCLE shows cohesin distribution is linked to cohesin looping, which is already a questionable statement (point 1) and doesn't really explain how the model offers new insight into existing Nipbl and Pds5 data. *

      Furthermore, I believe that the conclusions drawn on this point are flawed, or at least, stated with too much confidence. The authors raise the curious point that Nipbl ChIP-seq does not correlate well with cohesin ChIP-seq, and use this as evidence that Nipbl is not a part of the loop-extruding complex in S. pombe, and it is not essential in humans. Aside from the molecular evidence in human Nipbl/cohesin (acknowledged by authors), there are other reasons to doubt this conclusion. First, depletion of Nipbl (rather than binding partner Mau2 as in ref 55) in mouse cells strongly inhibits TAD formation (Schwarzer et al. Nature 551:51 2017). Second, at least two studies have raised concerns about Nibpl ChIP-seq results: 1) Hu et al. Nucleic Acids Res 43:e132 2015, which shows that uncalibrated ChIP-seq can obscure the signal of protein localization throughout the genome due to the inability to distinguish from background * and 2) Rhodes et al. eLife 6:e30000, which uses FRAP to show that Nipbl binds and unbinds to cohesin rapidly in human cells, which could go undetected in ChIP-seq, especially when uncalibrated. It has not been shown that these dynamics are present in yeast, but there is no reason to rule it out yet.*

      Similar types of critiques could be applied to the discussion of Pds5. There is cross-correlation between Psc3 and Pds5 in S. pombe, but the authors are unable to account for whether Pds5 binding is transient and/or necessary to loop extrusion itself or, more importantly, whether Pds5 ChIP is associated with extrusive or cohesive cohesins; cross-correlation peaks at about 0.6, but note that by the authors own estimates, cohesive cohesins are approximately half of all cohesins in S. pombe (Table 3).

      *Due to the above issues, I suggest that the authors heavily revise this discussion to better reflect the current experimental understanding and the limited ability to draw such conclusions based on the current CCLE model. *

      __Response: __

      As stated above, our study demonstrates that the CCLE approach is able to take as input cohesin (Psc3) ChIP-seq data and produce as output simulated Hi-C maps that well reproduce the experimental Hi-C maps of interphase S. pombe and meiotic S. cerevisiae. This result is evident from the multiple Hi-C comparison figures in both the original and the revised manuscripts. In light of this circumstance, the referee's statement that it is "questionable", that CCLE shows that cohesin distribution (as quantified by cohesin ChIP-seq) is linked to cohesin looping (as quantified by Hi-C), is demonstrably incorrect.

      However, we did not intend to suggest that Nipbl and Pds5 are not crucial for cohesin loading, as the reviewer states. Rather, our inquiries relate to a more nuanced question of whether these factors only reside at loading sites or, instead, remain as a more long-lived constituent component of the loop extrusion complex. We regret any confusion and have endeavored to clarify this point in the revised manuscript in response to Referee 2's Comment 5. as well as Referee 1's Minor Comment 1. We have now better explained how the CCLE model may offer new insight from existing ChIP-seq data in general and from Mis4/Nipbl and Pds5 ChIP-seq, in particular. Accordingly, we have followed Referee 2's advice to heavily revise the relevant section of the Discussion.

      To this end, we have removed the following text from the original manuscript:

      "The fact that the cohesin distribution along the chromatin is strongly linked to chromatin looping, as evident by the success of the CCLE model, allows for new insights into in vivo LEF composition and function. For example, recently, two single-molecule studies [37, 38] independently found that Nipbl, which is the mammalian analogue of Mis4, is an obligate component of the loop-extruding human cohesin complex. Ref. [37] also found that cohesin complexes containing Pds5, instead of Nipbl, are unable to extrude loops. On this basis, Ref. [32] proposed that, while Nipbl-containing cohesin is responsible for loop extrusion, Pds5-containing cohesin is responsible for sister chromatid cohesion, neatly separating cohesin's two functions according to composition. However, the success of CCLE in interphase S. pombe, together with the observation that the Mis4 ChIP-seq signal is uncorrelated with the Psc3 ChIP-seq signal (Supplementary Fig. 7) allows us to infer that Mis4 cannot be a component of loop-extruding cohesin in S. pombe. On the other hand, Pds5 is correlated with Psc3 in S. pombe (Supplementary Fig. 7) suggesting that both proteins are involved in loop-extruding cohesin, contradicting a hypothesis that Pds5 is a marker for cohesive cohesin in S. pombe. In contrast to the absence of Mis4-Psc3 correlation in S. pombe, in humans, Nipbl ChIP-seq and Smc1 ChIP-seq are correlated (Supplementary Fig. 7), consistent with Ref. [32]'s hypothesis that Nipbl can be involved in loop-extruding cohesin in humans. However, Ref. [55] showed that human Hi-C contact maps in the absence of Nipbl's binding partner, Mau2 (Ssl3 in S. pombe [56]) show clear TADs, consistent with loop extrusion, albeit with reduced long-range contacts in comparison to wild-type maps, indicating that significant loop extrusion continues in live human cells in the absence of Nipbl-Mau2 complexes. These collected observations suggest the existence of two populations of loop-extruding cohesin complexes in vivo, one that involves Nipbl-Mau2 and one that does not. Both types are present in mammals, but only Mis4-Ssl3-independent loop-extruding cohesin is present in S. pombe."

      And we have replaced it by the following text in the revised manuscript (lines 533-568):

      "As noted above, the input for our CCLE simulations of chromatin organization in S. pombe, was the ChIP-seq of Psc3, which is a component of the cohesin core complex [75]. Accordingly, Psc3 ChIP-seq represents how the cohesin core complex is distributed along the genome. In S. pombe, the other components of the cohesin core complex are Psm1, Psm3, and Rad21. Because these proteins are components of the cohesin core complex, we expect that the ChIP-seq of any of these proteins would closely match the ChIP-seq of Psc3, and would equally well serve as input for CCLE simulations of S. pombe genome organization. Supplementary Figure 20C confirms significant correlations between Psc3 and Rad21. In light of this observation, we then reason that the CCLE approach offers the opportunity to investigate whether other proteins beyond the cohesin core are constitutive components of the loop extrusion complex during the extrusion process (as opposed to cohesin loading or unloading). To elaborate, if the ChIP-seq of a non-cohesin-core protein is highly correlated with the ChIP-seq of a cohesin core protein, we can infer that the protein in question is associated with the cohesin core and therefore is a likely participant in loop-extruding cohesin, alongside the cohesin core. Conversely, if the ChIP-seq of a putative component of the loop-extruding cohesin complex is uncorrelated with the ChIP-seq of a cohesin core protein, then we can infer that the protein in question is unlikely to be a component of loop-extruding cohesin, or at most is transiently associated with it.

      For example, in S. pombe, the ChIP-seq of the cohesin regulatory protein, Pds5 [74], is correlated with the ChIP-seq of Psc3 (Supplementary Fig. 20B) and with that of Rad21 (Supplementary Fig. 20D), suggesting that Pds5 can be involved in loop-extruding cohesin in S. pombe, alongside the cohesin core proteins. Interestingly, this inference concerning fission yeast cohesin subunit, Pds5, stands in contrast to the conclusion from a recent single-molecule study [38] concerning cohesin in vertebrates. Specifically, Reference [38] found that cohesin complexes containing Pds5, instead of Nipbl, are unable to extrude loops.

      Additionally, as noted above, in S. pombe the ChIP-seq signal of the cohesin loader, Mis4, is uncorrelated with the Psc3 ChIP-seq signal (Supplementary Fig. 20A), suggesting that Mis4 is, at most, a very transient component of loop-extruding cohesin in S. pombe, consistent with its designation as a "cohesin loader". However, both References [38] and [39] found that Nipbl (counterpart of S. pombe's Mis4) is an obligate component of the loop-extruding human cohesin complex, more than just a mere cohesin loader. Although CCLE has not yet been applied to vertebrates, from a CCLE perspective, the possibility that Nipbl may be required for the loop extrusion process in humans is bolstered by the observation that in humans Nipbl ChIP-seq and Smc1 ChIP-seq show significant correlations (Supplementary Fig. 20G), consistent with Ref. [32]'s hypothesis that Nipbl is involved in loop-extruding cohesin in vertebrates. A recent theoretical model of the molecular mechanism of loop extrusion by cohesin hypothesizes that transient binding by Mis4/Nipbl is essential for permitting directional reversals and therefore for two-sided loop extrusion [41]. Surprisingly, there are significant correlations between Mis4 and Pds5 in S. pombe (Supplementary Fig. 20E), indicating Pds5-Mis4 association, outside of the cohesin core complex."

      In response to Referee 2's specific comment that "at least two studies have raised concerns about Nibpl ChIP-seq results", we note (1) that, while Hu et al. Nucleic Acids Res 43:e132 2015 present a general method for calibrating ChIP-seq results, they do not measure Mis4/Nibpl ChIP-seq, nor do they raise any specific concerns about Mis4/Nipbl ChIP-seq, and (2) that (as noted above, in response to Referee 1's comment) while the FRAP analysis presented by Rhodes et al. eLife 6:e30000 indicates that, in HeLa cells, Nipbl has a residence time bound to cohesin of about 50 seconds, nevertheless, as shown in Supplementary Fig. 20G in the revised manuscript, there is a significant cross-correlation between the Nipbl ChIP-seq and Smc1 ChIP-seq in humans, indicating that a transient association between Nipbl and cohesin is detected by ChIP-seq, the referees' concerns notwithstanding.

      We thank the referee for pointing out Schwarzer et al. Nature 551:51 2017. However, our interpretation of these data is different than the referee's. As noted in our original manuscript, Nipbl has traditionally been considered to be a cohesin loading factor. If the role of Nipbl was solely to load cohesin, then we would expect that depleting Nipbl would have a major effect on the Hi-C map, because fewer cohesins are loaded onto the chromatin. Figure 2 of Schwarzer et al. Nature 551:51 2017, shows the effect of depleting Nibpl on a vertebrate Hi-C map. Even in this case when Nibpl is absent, this figure (Figure 2 of Schwarzer et al. Nature 551:51 2017) shows that TADs persist, albeit considerably attenuated. According to the authors' own analysis associated with Fig. 2 of their paper, these attenuated TADs correspond to a smaller number of loop-extruding cohesin complexes than in the presence of Nipbl. Since Nipbl is depleted, these loop-extruding cohesins necessarily cannot contain Nipbl. Thus, the data and analysis of Schwarzer et al. Nature 551:51 2017 actually seem consistent with the existence of a population of loop-extruding cohesin complexes that do not contain Nibpl.

      Concerning the referee's comment that we cannot be sure whether Pds5 ChIP is associated with extrusive or cohesive cohesin, we note that, as explained in the manuscript, we assume that the cohesive cohesins are uniformly distributed across the genome, and therefore that peaks in the cohesin ChIP-seq are associated with loop-extruding cohesins. The success of CCLE in describing Hi-C maps justifies this assumption a posteriori. Supplementary Figure 20B shows that the ChIP-seq of Pds5 is correlated with the ChIP-seq of Psc3 in S. pombe, that is, that peaks in the ChIP-seq of Psc3, assumed to derive from loop-extruding cohesin, are accompanied by peaks in the ChIP-seq of Pds5. This is the reasoning allowing us to associate Pds5 with loop-extruding cohesin in S. pombe.

      1. I suggest that the authors recalculate correlations for Hi-C maps using maps that are rescaled by the P(s) curves. As currently computed, most of the correlation between maps could arise from the characteristic decay of P(s) rather than smaller scale features of the contact maps. This could reduce the surprising observed correlation between distinct genomic regions in pombe (which, problematically, is higher than the observed correlation between simulation and experiment in cervisiae).


      We thank the referee for this advice. Following this advice, throughout the revised manuscript, we have replaced our original calculation of the Pearson correlation coefficient of unscaled Hi-C maps with a calculation of the Pearson correlation coefficient of rescaled Hi-C maps. Since the MPR is formed from ratios of simulated to experimental Hi-C maps, this metric is unchanged by the proposed rescaling.

      As explained in the original manuscript, we attribute the lower experiment-simulation correlation in the meiotic budding yeast Hi-C maps to the larger statistical errors of the meiotic budding yeast dataset, which arises because of its higher genomic resolution - all else being equal we can expect 25 times the counts in a 10 kb x10 kb bin as in a 2 kb x 2 kb bin. For the same reason, we expect larger statistical errors in the mitotic budding yeast dataset as well. Lower correlations for noisier data are to be expected in general.

      *7. Please explain why the difference between right and left currents at any particular site, (R_n-L_n) / Rn+Ln, should be small. It seems easy to imagine scenarios where this might not be true, such as directional barriers like CTCF or transcribed genes. *

      __Response: __

      For simplicity, the present version of CCLE sets the site-dependent loop extrusion rates by assuming that the cohesin ChIP-seq signal has equal contributions from left and right anchors. Then, we carry out our simulations which subsequently allow us to examine the simulated left and right currents and their difference at every site. The distributions of normalized left-right difference currents are shown in Supplementary Figures 12B, 13B, and 14D, for interphase S. pombe, meiotic S. cerevisiae, and mitotic S. cerevisiae, respectively. They are all centered at zero with standard deviations of 0.12, 0.16, and 0.33. Thus, it emerges from our simulations that the difference current is indeed generally small.

      8. Optional, but I think would greatly improve the manuscript, but can the authors: a) analyze regions of high cohesin occupancy (assumed to be slow extrusion regions) to determine if there's anything special in these regions, such as more transcriptional activity

      __Response: __

      In response to Referee 1's similar comment, we have calculated the correlation between the locations of convergent genes and cohesin ChIP-seq. Supplementary Figure 18A in the revised manuscript shows that for interphase S. pombe no correlations are evident, whereas for both of meiotic and mitotic S. cerevisiae, there are significant correlations between these two quantities (Supplementary Fig. 17).

      *b) apply this methodology to vertebrate cell data *

      __Response: __

      The application of CCLE to vertebrate data is outside the scope of this paper which, as we have emphasized, has the goal of developing a model that can be robustly applied to non-vertebrate eukaryotic genomes. Nevertheless, CCLE is, in principle, applicable to all organisms in which loop extrusion by SMC complexes is the primary mechanism for chromatin spatial organization.

      1. *A Github link is provided but the code is not currently available. *

      __Response: __

      The code is now available.

      Minor Comments:

      1. Please state the simulated LEF lifetime, since the statement in the methods that 15000 timesteps are needed for equilibration of the LEF model is otherwise not meaningful. Additionally, please note that backbone length is not necessarily a good measure of steady state, since the backbone can be compacted to its steady-state value while the loop distribution continues to evolve toward its steady state.

      __Response: __

      The terminology "timesteps" used in the original manuscript in fact should mean "the number of LEF events performed" in the simulation. Therefore, we have changed the terminology from "timesteps" to "LEF events".

      The choice of 15000 LEF events is empirically determined to ensure that loop extrusion steady state is achieved, for the range of parameters considered. To address the referee's concern regarding the uncertainty of achieving steady state after 15000 LEF events, we compared two loop size distributions: each distribution encompasses 1000 data points, equally separated in time, one between LEF event 15000 and 35000, and the other between LEF event 80000 and 100000. The two distributions are within-errors identical, suggesting that the loop extrusion steady state is well achieved within 15000 LEF events.

      2. How important is the cohesive cohesin parameter in the model, e.g., how good are fits with \rho_c = 0?

      __Response: __

      As stated in the original manuscript, the errors on \rho_c on the order of 10%-20% (for S. pombe). Thus, fits with \rho_c=0 are significantly poorer than with the best-fit values of \rho_c.

      *3. A nice (but non-essential) supplemental visualization might be to show a scatter of sim cohesin occupancy vs. experiment ChIP. *

      __Response: __

      We have chosen not to do this, because we judge that the manuscript is already long enough. Figures 3A, 5D, and 6C already compare the experimental and simulated ChIP-seq, and these figures already contain more information than the figures proposed by the referee.

      1. *A similar calculation of Hi-C contacts based on simulated loop extruder positions using the Gaussian chain model was previously presented in Banigan et al. eLife 9:e53558 2020, which should be cited. *

      __Response: __

      We thank the referee for pointing out this citation. We have added it to the revised manuscript.

      1. It is stated that simulation agreement with experiments for cerevisiae is worse in part due to variability in the experiments, with MPR and Pearson numbers for cerevisiae replicates computed for reference. But these numbers are difficult to interpret without, for example, similar numbers for duplicate pombe experiments. Again, these numbers should be generated using Hi-C maps scaled by P(s), especially in case there are systematic errors in one replicate vs. another.

      __Response: __

      As noted above, throughout the revised manuscript, we now give the Pearson correlation coefficients of scaled-by-P(s) Hi-C maps.

      1. *In the model section, it is stated that LEF binding probabilities are uniformly distributed. Did the authors mean the probability is uniform across the genome or that the probability at each site is a uniformly distributed random number? Please clarify, and if the latter, explain why this unconventional assumption was made. *

      __Response: __

      It is the former. We have modified the manuscript to clarify that LEFs "initially bind to empty, adjacent chromatin lattice sites with a binding probability, that is uniformly distributed across the genome." (lines 587-588).

      *7. Supplement p4 line 86 - what is meant by "processivity of loops extruded by isolated LEFs"? "size of loops extruded by..." or "processivity of isolated LEFs"? *

      __Response: __

      Here "processivity of isolated LEFs" is defined as the processivity of one LEF without the interference (blocking) from other LEFs. We have changed "processivity of loops extruded by isolated LEFs" to "processivity of isolated LEFs" for clarity.

      1. The use of parentheticals in the caption to Table 2 is a little confusing; adding a few extra words would help.

      __Response: __

      In the revised manuscript, we have added an additional sentence, and have removed the offending parentheses.

      1. *Page 12 sentence line 315-318 is difficult to understand. The barrier parameter is apparently something from ref 47 not previously described in the manuscript. *

      __Response: __

      In the revised manuscript, we have removed mention of the "barrier parameter" from the discussion.

      1. *Statement on p14 line 393-4 is false: prior LEF models have not been limited to vertebrates, and the authors have cited some of them here. There are also non-vertebrate examples with extrusion barriers: genes as boundaries to condensin in bacteria (Brandao et al. PNAS 116:20489 2019) and MCM complexes as boundaries to cohesin in yeast (Dequeker et al. Nature 606:197 2022). *

      __Response: __

      In fact, Dequeker et al. Nature 606:197 2022 concerns the role of MCM complexes in blocking cohesin loop extrusion in mouse zygotes. Mouse is a vertebrate. The sole aspect of this paper, that is associated with yeast, is the observation of cohesin blocking by the yeast MCM bound to the ARS1 replication origin site, which is inserted on a piece of lambda phage DNA. No yeast genome is used in the experiment. Therefore, the referee is mistaken to suggest that this paper models yeast genome organization.

      We thank the referee for pointing out Brandao et al. PNAS 116:20489 2019, which includes the development of a tour-de-force model of condensin-based loop extrusion in the prokaryote, Bacillus subtilis, in the presence of gene barriers to loop extrusion. To acknowledge this paper, we have changed the objectionable sentence to now read (lines 571-575):

      "... prior LEF models have been overwhelmingly limited to vertebrates, which express CTCF and where CTCF is the principal boundary element. Two exceptions, in which the LEF model was applied to non-vertebrates, are Ref. [49], discussed above, and Ref. [76] (Brandao et al.), which models the Hi-C map of the prokaryote, Bacillus subtilis, on the basis of condensin loop extrusion with gene-dependent barriers."

      *Referees cross-commenting *

      I agree with the comments of Reviewer 1, which are interesting and important points that should be addressed.

      *Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Analytically approaching extrusion by treating cohesin translocation as a conserved current is an interesting approach to modeling and analysis of extrusion-based chromatin organization. It appears to work well as a descriptive model. But I think there are major questions concerning the mechanistic value of this model, possible applications of the model, the provided interpretations of the model and experiments, and the limitations of the model under the current assumptions. I am unconvinced that this analysis specifically is sufficient to demonstrate that extrusion is the primary organizer of chromatin on these scales; moreover, the need to demonstrate this is questionable, as extrusion is widely accepted, even if not universally so. It is also unclear that the minimal approach of the CCLE necessarily offers an improved physical basis for modeling extrusion, as compared to previous efforts such as ref 47, as claimed by the authors. There are also questions about significance due to possible limitations of the model (detailed above). Applying the CCLE model to identify barriers would be interesting, but is not attempted. Overall, the work presents a reasonable analytical model and numerical method, but until the major comments above are addressed and some reasonable application or mechanistic value or interpretation is presented, the overall significance is somewhat limited.*

      __Response: __

      We agree with the referee that analytically approaching extrusion by treating cohesin translocation as a conserved current is an interesting approach to modeling and analysis of extrusion-based chromatin organization. We also agree with the referee that it works well as a descriptive model (of Hi-C maps in S. pombe and S. cerevisiae). Obviously, we disagree with the referee's other comments. For us, being able to describe the different-appearing Hi-C maps of interphase S. pombe (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Figures 1-9), meiotic S. cerevisiae (Fig. 5) and mitotic S. cerevisiae (Fig. 6), all with a common model with just a few fitting parameters that differ between these examples, is significant and novel. The reviewer prematurely ignores the fact that there are still debates about whether "diffusion-capture"-like model is the more dominant mechanism that shape chromatin spatial organization at the TAD-scale. Many works have argued that such models could describe TAD-scale chromatin organization, as cited in the revised manuscript (Refs. [11, 14, 15, 17, 20, 22-24, 55]). However, in contrast to the poor description of the Hi-C map using diffusion capture model (as demonstrated in the revised manuscript and Supplementary Fig. 15), the excellent experiment-simulation agreement achieved by CCLE provides compelling evidence that cohesin-based loop extrusion is indeed the primary organizer of TAD-scale chromatin.

      Importantly, CCLE provides a theoretical base for how loop extrusion models can be generalized and applied to organisms without known loop extrusion barriers. Our model also highlights that (and provides means to account for) distributed barriers that impede but do not strictly block LEFs could also impact chromatin configurations. This case might be of importance to organisms with CTCF motifs that infrequently coincide with TAD boundaries, for instance, in the case of Drosophila melanogaster. Moreover, CCLE promises theoretical descriptions of the Hi-C maps of other non-vertebrates in the future, extending the quantitative application of the LEF model across the tree of life. This too would be highly significant if successful.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Yuan et al. report on their development of an analytical model ("CCLE") for loop extrusion with genomic-position-dependent speed, with the idea of accounting for barriers to loop extrusion. They write down master equations for the probabilities of cohesin occupancy at each genomic site and obtain approximate steady-state solutions. Probabilities are governed by cohesin translocation, loading, and unloading. Using ChIP-seq data as an experimental measurement of these probabilities, they numerically fit the model parameters, among which are extruder density and processivity. Gillespie simulations with these parameters combined with a 3D Gaussian polymer model were integrated to generate simulated Hi-C maps and cohesin ChIP-seq tracks, which show generally good agreement with the experimental data. The authors argue that their modeling provides evidence that loop extrusion is the primary mechanism of chromatin organization on ~10-100 kb scales in S. pombe and S. cerevisiae.

      Major comments:

      1. I am unconvinced that this analysis specifically is sufficient to demonstrate that extrusion is the primary organizer of chromatin on these scales; moreover, the need to demonstrate this is questionable, as extrusion is widely accepted, even if not universally so. How is the agreement of CCLE with experiments more demonstrative of loop extrusion than previous modeling? Relatedly, similar best fit values for S. pombe and S. cerevisiae might not point to a mechanistic conclusion (same "underlying mechanism" of loop extrusion), but rather to similar properties for loop-extruding cohesins in the two species. As an alternative, could a model with variable binding probability given by ChIP-seq and an exponential loop-size distribution work equally well? The stated lack of a dependence on extrusion timescale suggests that a static looping model might succeed. If not, why not?
      2. I do not understand how the loop extrusion residence time drops out. As I understand it, Eq 9 converts ChIP-seq to lattice site probability (involving N_{LEF}, which is related to \rho, and \rho_c). Then, Eqs. 3-4 derive site velocities V_n and U_n if we choose rho, L, and \tau, with the latter being the residence time. This parameter is not specified anywhere and is claimed to be unimportant. It may be true that the choice of timescale is arbitrary in this procedure, but can the authors please clarify?
      3. The assumptions in the solution and application of the CCLE model are potentially constraining to a limited number of scenarios. In particular the authors specify that current due to binding/unbinding, A_n - D_n, is small. This assumption could be problematic near loading sites (centromeres, enhancers in higher eukaryotes, etc.) (where current might be dominated by A_n and V_n), unloading sites (D_n and V_{n-1}), or strong boundaries (D_n and V_{n-1}). The latter scenario is particularly concerning because the manuscript seems to be concerned with the presence of unidentified boundaries. This is partially mitigated by the fact that the model seems to work well in the chosen examples, but the authors should discuss the limitations due to their assumptions and/or possible methods to get around these limitations.
      4. Related to the above concern, low cohesin occupancy is interpreted as a fast extrusion region and high cohesin occupancy is interpreted as a slow region. But this might not be true near cohesin loading and unloading sites.
      5. The mechanistic insight attempted in the discussion, specifically with regard to Mis4/Scc2/NIPBL and Pds5, is problematic. First, it is not clear how the discussion of Nipbl and Pds5 is connected to the CCLE method; the justification is that CCLE shows cohesin distribution is linked to cohesin looping, which is already a questionable statement (point 1) and doesn't really explain how the model offers new insight into existing Nipbl and Pds5 data.

      Furthermore, I believe that the conclusions drawn on this point are flawed, or at least, stated with too much confidence. The authors raise the curious point that Nipbl ChIP-seq does not correlate well with cohesin ChIP-seq, and use this as evidence that Nipbl is not a part of the loop-extruding complex in S. pombe, and it is not essential in humans. Aside from the molecular evidence in human Nipbl/cohesin (acknowledged by authors), there are other reasons to doubt this conclusion. First, depletion of Nipbl (rather than binding partner Mau2 as in ref 55) in mouse cells strongly inhibits TAD formation (Schwarzer et al. Nature 551:51 2017). Second, at least two studies have raised concerns about Nibpl ChIP-seq results: 1) Hu et al. Nucleic Acids Res 43:e132 2015, which shows that uncalibrated ChIP-seq can obscure the signal of protein localization throughout the genome due to the inability to distinguish from background and 2) Rhodes et al. eLife 6:e30000, which uses FRAP to show that Nipbl binds and unbinds to cohesin rapidly in human cells, which could go undetected in ChIP-seq, especially when uncalibrated. It has not been shown that these dynamics are present in yeast, but there is no reason to rule it out yet.

      Similar types of critiques could be applied to the discussion of Pds5. There is cross-correlation between Psc3 and Pds5 in S. pombe, but the authors are unable to account for whether Pds5 binding is transient and/or necessary to loop extrusion itself or, more importantly, whether Pds5 ChIP is associated with extrusive or cohesive cohesins; cross-correlation peaks at about 0.6, but note that by the authors own estimates, cohesive cohesins are approximately half of all cohesins in S. pombe (Table 3).

      Due to the above issues, I suggest that the authors heavily revise this discussion to better reflect the current experimental understanding and the limited ability to draw such conclusions based on the current CCLE model. 6. I suggest that the authors recalculate correlations for Hi-C maps using maps that are rescaled by the P(s) curves. As currently computed, most of the correlation between maps could arise from the characteristic decay of P(s) rather than smaller scale features of the contact maps. This could reduce the surprising observed correlation between distinct genomic regions in pombe (which, problematically, is higher than the observed correlation between simulation and experiment in cervisiae). 7. Please explain why the difference between right and left currents at any particular site, (R_n-L_n) / Rn+Ln, should be small. It seems easy to imagine scenarios where this might not be true, such as directional barriers like CTCF or transcribed genes. 8. Optional, but I think would greatly improve the manuscript, but can the authors: a) analyze regions of high cohesin occupancy (assumed to be slow extrusion regions) to determine if there's anything special in these regions, such as more transcriptional activity

      b) apply this methodology to vertebrate cell data 9. A Github link is provided but the code is not currently available.

      Minor Comments:

      1. Please state the simulated LEF lifetime, since the statement in the methods that 15000 timesteps are needed for equilibration of the LEF model is otherwise not meaningful. Additionally, please note that backbone length is not necessarily a good measure of steady state, since the backbone can be compacted to its steady-state value while the loop distribution continues to evolve toward its steady state.
      2. How important is the cohesive cohesin parameter in the model, e.g., how good are fits with \rho_c = 0?
      3. A nice (but non-essential) supplemental visualization might be to show a scatter of sim cohesin occupancy vs. experiment ChIP.
      4. A similar calculation of Hi-C contacts based on simulated loop extruder positions using the Gaussian chain model was previously presented in Banigan et al. eLife 9:e53558 2020, which should be cited.
      5. It is stated that simulation agreement with experiments for cerevisiae is worse in part due to variability in the experiments, with MPR and Pearson numbers for cerevisiae replicates computed for reference. But these numbers are difficult to interpret without, for example, similar numbers for duplicate pombe experiments. Again, these numbers should be generated using Hi-C maps scaled by P(s), especially in case there are systematic errors in one replicate vs. another.
      6. In the model section, it is stated that LEF binding probabilities are uniformly distributed. Did the authors mean the probability is uniform across the genome or that the probability at each site is a uniformly distributed random number? Please clarify, and if the latter, explain why this unconventional assumption was made.
      7. Supplement p4 line 86 - what is meant by "processivity of loops extruded by isolated LEFs"? "size of loops extruded by..." or "processivity of isolated LEFs"?
      8. The use of parentheticals in the caption to Table 2 is a little confusing; adding a few extra words would help.
      9. Page 12 sentence line 315-318 is difficult to understand. The barrier parameter is apparently something from ref 47 not previously described in the manuscript.
      10. Statement on p14 line 393-4 is false: prior LEF models have not been limited to vertebrates, and the authors have cited some of them here. There are also non-vertebrate examples with extrusion barriers: genes as boundaries to condensin in bacteria (Brandao et al. PNAS 116:20489 2019) and MCM complexes as boundaries to cohesin in yeast (Dequeker et al. Nature 606:197 2022).

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with the comments of Reviewer 1, which are interesting and important points that should be addressed.


      Analytically approaching extrusion by treating cohesin translocation as a conserved current is an interesting approach to modeling and analysis of extrusion-based chromatin organization. It appears to work well as a descriptive model. But I think there are major questions concerning the mechanistic value of this model, possible applications of the model, the provided interpretations of the model and experiments, and the limitations of the model under the current assumptions. I am unconvinced that this analysis specifically is sufficient to demonstrate that extrusion is the primary organizer of chromatin on these scales; moreover, the need to demonstrate this is questionable, as extrusion is widely accepted, even if not universally so. It is also unclear that the minimal approach of the CCLE necessarily offers an improved physical basis for modeling extrusion, as compared to previous efforts such as ref 47, as claimed by the authors. There are also questions about significance due to possible limitations of the model (detailed above). Applying the CCLE model to identify barriers would be interesting, but is not attempted. Overall, the work presents a reasonable analytical model and numerical method, but until the major comments above are addressed and some reasonable application or mechanistic value or interpretation is presented, the overall significance is somewhat limited.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript presents a mathematical model for loop extrusion called the conserved-current loop extrusion model (CCLE). The model uses cohesin ChIP-Seq data to predict the Hi-C map and shows broad agreement between experimental Hi-C maps and simulated Hi-C maps. They test the model on Hi-C data from interphase fission yeast and meiotic budding yeast. The conclusion drawn by the authors is that peaks of cohesin represent loop boundaries in these situations, which they also propose extends to other organism/situations where Ctcf is absent.

      Major comments

      1. More recent micro-C/Hi-C maps, particularly for budding yeast mitotic cells and meiotic cells show clear puncta, representative of anchored loops, which are not well recapitulated in the simulated data from this study. However, such punta are cohesin-dependent as they disappear in the absence of cohesin and are enhanced in the absence of the cohesin release factor, Wapl. For example - see the two studies below. The model is therefore missing some key elements of the loop organisation. How do the authors explain this discrepency? It would also be very useful to test whether the model can predict the increased strength of loop anchors when Wapl1 is removed and cohesin levels increase.

      Costantino L, Hsieh TS, Lamothe R, Darzacq X, Koshland D. Cohesin residency determines chromatin loop patterns. Elife. 2020 Nov 10;9:e59889. doi: 10.7554/eLife.59889. PMID: 33170773; PMCID: PMC7655110. Barton RE, Massari LF, Robertson D, Marston AL. Eco1-dependent cohesin acetylation anchors chromatin loops and cohesion to define functional meiotic chromosome domains. Elife. 2022 Feb 1;11:e74447. doi: 10.7554/eLife.74447. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35103590; PMCID: PMC8856730. 2. Related to the point above, the simulated data has much higher resolution than the experimental data (1kb vs 10kb in the fission yeast dataset). Given that loop size is in the 20-30kb range, a good resolution is important to see the structural features of the chromosomes. Can the model observe these details that are averaged out when the resolution is increased? 3. Transcription, particularly convergent has been proposed to confer boundaries to loop extrusion. Can the authors recapitulate this in their model?

      Minor comments

      1. In the discussion, the authors cite the fact that Mis4 binding sites do not give good prediction of the HI-C maps as evidence that Mis4 is not important for loop extrusion. This can only be true if the position of Mis4 measured by ChIP is a true reflection of Mis4 position. However, Mis4 binding to cohesin/chromatin is very dynamic and it is likely that this is too short a time scale to be efficiently cross-linked for ChIP. Conversely, extensive experimental data in vivo and in vitro suggest that stimulation of cohesin's ATPase by Mis4-Ssl3 is important for loop extrusion activity.
      2. Inclusion of a comparison of this model compared to previous models (for example bottom up models) would be extremely useful. What is the improvement of this model over existing models?


      This simple model is useful to confirm that cohesin positions dictate the position of loops, which was predicted already and proposed in many studies. However, it should be considered a starting point as it does not faithfully predict all the features of chromatin organisation, particularly at better resolution. It will mostly be of interest to those in the chromosome organisation field, working in organisms or systems that do not have ctcf.

      This reviewer is a cell biologist working in the chromosome organisation field, but does not have modelling experience and therefore does not have the expertise to determine if the modelling part is mathematically sound and has assumed that it is.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      *Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      I have trialled the package on my lab's data and it works as advertised. It was straightforward to use and did not require any special training. I am confident this is a tool that will be approachable even to users with limited computational experience. The use of artificial data to validate the approach - and to provide clear limits on applicability - is particularly helpful.

      The main limitation of the tool is that it requires the user to manually select regions. This somewhat limits the generalisability and is also more subjective - users can easily choose "nice" regions that better match with their hypothesis, rather than quantifying the data in an unbiased manner. However, given the inherent challenges in quantifying biological data, such problems are not easily circumventable.


      * I have some comments to clarify the manuscript:

      1. A "straightforward installation" is mentioned. Given this is a Method paper, the means of installation should be clearly laid out.*

      __This sentence is now modified. In the revised manuscript we now describe how to install the toolset and we give the link to the toolset website if further information is needed. __On this website, we provide a full video tutorial and a user manual. The user manual is provided as a supplementary material of the manuscript.

      * It would be helpful if there was an option to generate an output with the regions analysed (i.e., a JPG image with the data and the drawn line(s) on top). There are two reasons for this: i) A major problem with user-driven quantification is accidental double counting of regions (e.g., a user quantifies a part of an image and then later quantifies the same region). ii) Allows other users to independently verify measurements at a later time.*

      We agree that it is helpful to save the analyzed regions. To answer this comment and the other two reviewers' comments pointing at a similar feature, we have now included an automatic saving of the regions of interest. The user will be able to reopen saved regions of interest using a new function we included in the new version of PatternJ.

      * 3. Related to the above point, it is highlighted that each time point would need to be analysed separately (line 361-362). It seems like it should be relatively straightforward to allow a function where the analysis line can be mapped onto the next time point. The user could then adjust slightly for changes in position, but still be starting from near the previous timepoint. Given how prevalent timelapse imaging is, this seems like (or something similar) a clear benefit to add to the software.*

      We agree that the analysis of time series images can be a useful addition. We have added the analysis of time-lapse series in the new version of PatternJ. The principles behind the analysis of time-lapse series and an example of such analysis are provided in Figure 1 - figure supplement 3 and Figure 5, with accompanying text lines 140-153 and 360-372. The analysis includes a semi-automated selection of regions of interest, which will make the analysis of such sequences more straightforward than having to draw a selection on each image of the series. The user is required to draw at least two regions of interest in two different frames, and the algorithm will automatically generate regions of interest in frames in which selections were not drawn. The algorithm generates the analysis immediately after selections are drawn by the user, which includes the tracking of the reference channel.

      * Line 134-135. The level of accuracy of the searching should be clarified here. This is discussed later in the manuscript, but it would be helpful to give readers an idea at this point what level of tolerance the software has to noise and aperiodicity.


      We agree with the reviewer that a clarification of this part of the algorithm will help the user better understand the manuscript.__ We have modified the sentence to clarify the range of search used and the resulting limits in aperiodicity (now lines 176-181). __Regarding the tolerance to noise, it is difficult to estimate it a priori from the choice made at the algorithm stage, so we prefer to leave it to the validation part of the manuscript. We hope this solution satisfies the reviewer and future users.


      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I think the other reviewer comments are very pertinent. The authors have a fair bit to do, but they are reasonable requests. So, they should be encouraged to do the revisions fully so that the final software tool is as useful as possible.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Developing software tools for quantifying biological data that are approachable for a wide range of users remains a longstanding challenge. This challenge is due to: (1) the inherent problem of variability in biological systems; (2) the complexity of defining clearly quantifiable measurables; and (3) the broad spread of computational skills amongst likely users of such software.

      In this work, Blin et al., develop a simple plugin for ImageJ designed to quickly and easily quantify regular repeating units within biological systems - e.g., muscle fibre structure. They clearly and fairly discuss existing tools, with their pros and cons. The motivation for PatternJ is properly justified (which is sadly not always the case with such software tools).

      Overall, the paper is well written and accessible. The tool has limitations but it is clearly useful and easy to use. Therefore, this work is publishable with only minor corrections.

      *We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation of PatternJ and for pointing out its accessibility to the users.


      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      # Summary

      The authors present an ImageJ Macro GUI tool set for the quantification of one-dimensional repeated patterns that are commonly occurring in microscopy images of muscles.

      # Major comments

      In our view the article and also software could be improved in terms of defining the scope of its applicability and user-ship. In many parts the article and software suggest that general biological patterns can be analysed, but then in other parts very specific muscle actin wordings are used. We are pointing this out in the "Minor comments" sections below. We feel that the authors could improve their work by making a clear choice here. One option would be to clearly limit the scope of the tool to the analysis of actin structures in muscles. In this case we would recommend to also rename the tool, e.g. MusclePatternJ. The other option would be to make the tool about the generic analysis of one-dimensional patterns, maybe calling the tool LinePatternJ. In the latter case we would recommend to remove all actin specific wordings from the macro tool set and also the article should be in parts slightly re-written.


      We agree with the reviewer that our initial manuscript used a mix of general and muscle-oriented vocabulary, which could make the use of PatternJ confusing especially outside of the muscle field. To make PatternJ useful for the largest community, we corrected the manuscript and the PatternJ toolset to provide the general vocabulary needed to make it understandable for every biologist. We modified the manuscript accordingly.

      * # Minor/detailed comments

      # Software

      We recommend considering the following suggestions for improving the software.

      ## File and folder selection dialogs

      In general, clicking on many of the buttons just opens up a file-browser dialog without any further information. For novel users it is not clear what the tool expects one to select here. It would be very good if the software could be rewritten such that there are always clear instructions displayed about which file or folder one should open for the different buttons.*

      We experienced with the current version of macOS that the file-browser dialog does not display any message; we suspect this is the issue raised by the reviewer. This is a known issue of Fiji on Mac and all applications on Mac since 2016. We provided guidelines in the user manual and on the tutorial video to correct this issue by changing a parameter in Fiji. Given the issues the reviewer had accessing the material on the PatternJ website, which we apologize for, we understand the issue raised. We added an extra warning on the PatternJ website to point at this problem and its solution. Additionally, we have limited the file-browser dialog appearance to what we thought was strictly necessary. Thus, the user will experience fewer prompts, speeding up the analysis.


      ## Extract button

      The tool asks one to specify things like whether selections are drawn "M-line-to-M-line"; for users that are not experts in muscle morphology this is not understandable. It would be great to find more generally applicable formulations. *

      We agree that this muscle-oriented vocabulary can make the use of PatternJ confusing. We have now corrected the user interface to provide both general and muscle-specific vocabulary ("center-to-center or edge-to-edge (M-line-to-M-line or Z-disc-to-Z-disc)").*

      ## Manual selection accuracy

      The 1st step of the analysis is always to start from a user hand-drawn profile across intensity patterns in the image. However, this step can cause inaccuracy that varies with the shape and curve of the line profile drawn. If not strictly perpendicular to for example the M line patterns, the distance between intensity peaks will be different. This will be more problematic when dealing with non-straight and parallelly poised features in the image. If the structure is bended with a curve, the line drawn over it also needs to reproduce this curve, to precisely capture the intensity pattern. I found this limits the reproducibility and easy-usability of the software.*

      We understand the concern of the reviewer. On curved selections this will be an issue that is difficult to solve, especially on "S" curved or more complex selections. The user will have to be very careful in these situations. On non-curved samples, the issue may be concerning at first sight, but the errors go with the inverse of cosine and are therefore rather low. For example, if the user creates a selection off by 5 degrees, which is visually obvious, lengths will be affected by an increase of only 0.38%. The point raised by the reviewer is important to discuss, and we therefore added a paragraph to comment on the choice of selection (lines 94-98) and a supplementary figure to help make it clear (Figure 1 - figure supplement 1).*

      ### Reproducibility

      Since the line profile drawn on the image is the first step and very essential to the entire process, it should be considered to save together with the analysis result. For example, as ImageJ ROI or ROIset files that can be re-imported, correctly positioned, and visualized in the measured images. This would greatly improve the reproducibility of the proposed workflow. In the manuscript, only the extracted features are being saved (because the save button is also just asking for a folder containing images, so I cannot verify its functionality). *

      We agree that this is a very useful and important feature. We have added ROI automatic saving. Additionally, we now provide a simplified import function of all ROIs generated with PatternJ and the automated extraction and analysis of the list of ROIs. This can be done from ROIs generated previously in PatternJ or with ROIs generated from other ImageJ/Fiji algorithms. These new features are described in the manuscript in lines 120-121 and 130-132.


      ## ? button

      It would be great if that button would open up some usage instructions.


      We agree with the reviewer that the "?" button can be used in a better way. We have replaced this button with a Help menu, including a simple tutorial showing a series of images detailing the steps to follow by the user, a link to the user website, and a link to our video tutorial.

      * ## Easy improvement of workflow

      I would suggest a reasonable expansion of the current workflow, by fitting and displaying 2D lines to the band or line structure in the image, that form the "patterns" the author aims to address. Thus, it extracts geometry models from the image, and the inter-line distance, and even the curve formed by these sets of lines can be further analyzed and studied. These fitted 2D lines can be also well integrated into ImageJ as Line ROI, and thus be saved, imported back, and checked or being further modified. I think this can largely increase the usefulness and reproducibility of the software.


      We hope that we understood this comment correctly. We had sent a clarification request to the editor, but unfortunately did not receive an answer within the requested 4 weeks of this revision. We understood the following: instead of using our 1D approach, in which we extract positions from a profile, the reviewer suggests extracting the positions of features not as a single point, but as a series of coordinates defining its shape. If this is the case, this is a major modification of the tool that is beyond the scope of PatternJ. We believe that keeping our tool simple, makes it robust. This is the major strength of PatternJ. Local fitting will not use line average for instance, which would make the tool less reliable.

      * # Manuscript

      We recommend considering the following suggestions for improving the manuscript. Abstract: The abstract suggests that general patterns can be quantified, however the actual tool quantifies specific subtypes of one-dimensional patterns. We recommend adapting the abstract accordingly.


      We modified the abstract to make this point clearer.

      * Line 58: Gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) based feature extraction and analysis approach is not mentioned nor compared. At least there's a relatively recent study on Sarcomeres structure based on GLCM feature extraction: https://github.com/steinjm/SotaTool with publication: *https://doi.org/10.1002/cpz1.462

      • *

      We thank the reviewer for making us aware of this publication. We cite it now and have added it to our comparison of available approaches.

      * Line 75: "...these simple geometrical features will address most quantitative needs..." We feel that this may be an overstatement, e.g. we can imagine that there should be many relevant two-dimensional patterns in biology?!*

      We have modified this sentence to avoid potential confusion (lines 76-77).

      • *

      • Line 83: "After a straightforward installation by the user, ...". We think it would be convenient to add the installation steps at this place into the manuscript. *

      __This sentence is now modified. We now mention how to install the toolset and we provide the link to the toolset website, if further information is needed (lines 86-88). __On the website, we provide a full video tutorial and a user manual.

      * Line 87: "Multicolor images will give a graph with one profile per color." The 'Multicolor images' here should be more precisely stated as "multi-channel" images. Multi-color images could be confused with RGB images which will be treated as 8-bit gray value (type conversion first) images by profile plot in ImageJ. *

      We agree with the reviewer that this could create some confusion. We modified "multicolor" to "multi-channel".

      * Line 92: "...such as individual bands, blocks, or sarcomeric actin...". While bands and blocks are generic pattern terms, the biological term "sarcomeric actin" does not seem to fit in this list. Could a more generic wording be found, such as "block with spike"? *

      We agree with the reviewer that "sarcomeric actin" alone will not be clear to all readers. We modified the text to "block with a central band, as often observed in the muscle field for sarcomeric actin" (lines 103-104). The toolset was modified accordingly.

      * Line 95: "the algorithm defines one pattern by having the features of highest intensity in its centre". Could this be rephrased? We did not understand what that exactly means.*

      We agree with the reviewer that this was not clear. We rewrote this paragraph (lines 101-114) and provided a supplementary figure to illustrate these definitions (Figure 1 - figure supplement 2).

      * Line 124 - 147: This part the only description of the algorithm behind the feature extraction and analysis, but not clearly stated. Many details are missing or assumed known by the reader. For example, how it achieved sub-pixel resolution results is not clear. One can only assume that by fitting Gaussian to the band, the center position (peak) thus can be calculated from continuous curves other than pixels. *

      Note that the two sentences introducing this description are "Automated feature extraction is the core of the tool. The algorithm takes multiple steps to achieve this (Fig. S2):". We were hoping this statement was clear, but the reviewer may refer to something else. We agree that the description of some of the details of the steps was too quick. We have now expanded the description where needed.

      * Line 407: We think the availability of both the tool and the code could be improved. For Fiji tools it is common practice to create an Update Site and to make the code available on GitHub. In addition, downloading the example file (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eMazyQJlisWPwmozvyb8VPVbfAgaH7Hz/view?usp=drive_link) required a Google login and access request, which is not very convenient; in fact, we asked for access but it was denied. It would be important for the download to be easier, e.g. from GitHub or Zenodo.


      We are sorry for issues encountered when downloading the tool and additional material. We thank the reviewer for pointing out these issues that limited the accessibility of our tool. We simplified the downloading procedure on the website, which does not go through the google drive interface nor requires a google account. Additionally, for the coder community the code, user manual and examples are now available from GitHub at github.com/PierreMangeol/PatternJ, and are provided as supplementary material with the manuscript. To our knowledge, update sites work for plugins but not for macro toolsets. Having experience sharing our codes with non-specialists, a classical website with a tutorial video is more accessible than more coder-oriented websites, which deter many users.

      * Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The strength of this study is that a tool for the analysis of one-dimensional repeated patterns occurring in muscle fibres is made available in the accessible open-source platform ImageJ/Fiji. In the introduction to the article the authors provide an extensive review of comparable existing tools. Their new tool fills a gap in terms of providing an easy-to-use software for users without computational skills that enables the analysis of muscle sarcomere patterns. We feel that if the below mentioned limitations could be addressed the tool could indeed be valuable to life scientists interested in muscle patterning without computational skills.

      In our view there are a few limitations, including the accessibility of example data and tutorials at sites.google.com/view/patternj, which we had trouble to access. In addition, we think that the workflow in Fiji, which currently requires pressing several buttons in the correct order, could be further simplified and streamlined by adopting some "wizard" approach, where the user is guided through the steps.

      *As answered above, the links on the PatternJ website are now corrected. Regarding the workflow, we now provide a Help menu with:

      1. __a basic set of instructions to use the tool, __
      2. a direct link to the tutorial video in the PatternJ toolset
      3. a direct link to the website on which both the tutorial video and a detailed user manual can be found. We hope this addresses the issues raised by this reviewer.

      *Another limitation is the reproducibility of the analysis; here we recommend enabling IJ Macro recording as well as saving of the drawn line ROIs. For more detailed suggestions for improvements please see the above sections of our review. *

      We agree that saving ROIs is very useful. It is now implemented in PatternJ.

      We are not sure what this reviewer means by "enabling IJ Macro recording". The ImageJ Macro Recorder is indeed very useful, but to our knowledge, it is limited to built-in functions. Our code is open and we hope this will be sufficient for advanced users to modify the code and make it fit their needs.*

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary In this manuscript, the authors present a new toolset for the analysis of repetitive patterns in biological images named PatternJ. One of the main advantages of this new tool over existing ones is that it is simple to install and run and does not require any coding skills whatsoever, since it runs on the ImageJ GUI. Another advantage is that it does not only provide the mean length of the pattern unit but also the subpixel localization of each unit and the distributions of lengths and that it does not require GPU processing to run, unlike other existing tools. The major disadvantage of the PatternJ is that it requires heavy, although very simple, user input in both the selection of the region to be analyzed and in the analysis steps. Another limitation is that, at least in its current version, PatternJ is not suitable for time-lapse imaging. The authors clearly explain the algorithm used by the tool to find the localization of pattern features and they thoroughly test the limits of their tool in conditions of varying SNR, periodicity and band intensity. Finally, they also show the performance of PatternJ across several biological models such as different kinds of muscle cells, neurons and fish embryonic somites, as well as different imaging modalities such as brightfield, fluorescence confocal microscopy, STORM and even electron microscopy.

      This manuscript is clearly written, and both the section and the figures are well organized and tell a cohesive story. By testing PatternJ, I can attest to its ease of installation and use. Overall, I consider that PatternJ is a useful tool for the analysis of patterned microscopy images and this article is fit for publication. However, i do have some minor suggestions and questions that I would like the authors to address, as I consider they could improve this manuscript and the tool:

      *We are grateful to this reviewer for this very positive assessment of PatternJ and of our manuscript.

      * Minor Suggestions: In the methodology section is missing a more detailed description about how the metric plotted was obtained: as normalized intensity or precision in pixels. *

      We agree with the reviewer that a more detailed description of the metric plotted was missing. We added this information in the method part and added information in the Figure captions where more details could help to clarify the value displayed.

      * The validation is based mostly on the SNR and patterns. They should include a dataset of real data to validate the algorithm in three of the standard patterns tested. *

      We validated our tool using computer-generated images, in which we know with certainty the localization of patterns. This allowed us to automatically analyze 30 000 images, and with varying settings, we sometimes analyzed 10 times the same image, leading to about 150 000 selections analyzed. From these analyses, we can provide with confidence an unbiased assessment of the tool precision and the tool capacity to extract patterns. We already provided examples of various biological data images in Figures 4-6, showing all possible features that can be extracted with PatternJ. In these examples, we can claim by eye that PatternJ extracts patterns efficiently, but we cannot know how precise these extractions are because of the nature of biological data: "real" positions of features are unknown in biological data. Such validation will be limited to assessing whether a pattern was found or not, which we believe we already provided with the examples in Figures 4-6.

      * The video tutorial available in the PatternJ website is very useful, maybe it would be worth it to include it as supplemental material for this manuscript, if the journal allows it. *

      As the video tutorial may have been missed by other reviewers, we agree it is important to make it more prominent to users. We have now added a Help menu in the toolset that opens the tutorial video. Having the video as supplementary material could indeed be a useful addition if the size of the video is compatible with the journal limits.

      * An example image is provided to test the macro. However, it would be useful to provide further example images for each of the three possible standard patterns suggested: Block, actin sarcomere or individual band.*

      We agree this can help users. We now provide another multi-channel example image on the PatternJ website including blocks and a pattern made of a linear intensity gradient that can be extracted with our simpler "single pattern" algorithm, which were missing in the first example. Additionally, we provide an example to be used with our new time-lapse analysis.

      * Access to both the manual and the sample images in the PatternJ website should be made publicly available. Right now they both sit in a private Drive account. *

      As mentioned above, we apologize for access issues that occurred during the review process. These files can now be downloaded directly on the website without any sort of authentication. Additionally, these files are now also available on GitHub.

      * Some common errors are not properly handled by the macro and could be confusing for the user: When there is no selection and one tries to run a Check or Extraction: "Selection required in line 307 (called from line 14). profile=getProfile( ;". A simple "a line selection is required" message would be useful there. When "band" or "block" is selected for a channel in the "Set parameters" window, yet a 0 value is entered into the corresponding "Number of bands or blocks" section, one gets this error when trying to Extract: "Empty array in line 842 (called from line 113). if ( ( subloc . length == 1 ) & ( subloc [ 0 == 0) ) {". This error is not too rare, since the "Number of bands or blocks" section is populated with a 0 after choosing "sarcomeric actin" (after accepting the settings) and stays that way when one changes back to "blocks" or "bands".*

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out these bugs. These bugs are now corrected in the revised version.

      * The fact that every time one clicks on the most used buttons, the getDirectory window appears is not only quite annoying but also, ultimately a waste of time. Isn't it possible to choose the directory in which to store the files only once, from the "Set parameters" window?*

      We have now found a solution to avoid this step. The user is only prompted to provide the image folder when pressing the "Set parameter" button. We kept the prompt for directory only when the user selects the time-lapse analysis or the analysis of multiple ROIs. The main reason is that it is very easy for the analysis to end up in the wrong folder otherwise.

      * The authors state that the outputs of the workflow are "user friendly text files". However, some of them lack descriptive headers (like the localisations and profiles) or even file names (like colors.txt). If there is something lacking in the manuscript, it is a brief description of all the output files generated during the workflow.*

      PatternJ generates multiple files, several of which are internal to the toolset. They are needed to keep track of which analyses were done, and which colors were used in the images, amongst others. From the user part, only the files obtained after the analysis All_localizations.channel_X.txt and sarcomere_lengths.txt are useful. To improve the user experience, we now moved all internal files to a folder named "internal", which we think will clarify which outputs are useful for further analysis, and which ones are not. We thank the reviewer for raising this point and we now mention it in our Tutorial.

      I don't really see the point in saving the localizations from the "Extraction" step, they are even named "temp".

      We thank the reviewer for this comment, this was indeed not necessary. We modified PatternJ to delete these files after they are used.

      * In the same line, I DO see the point of saving the profiles and localizations from the "Extract & Save" step, but I think they should be deleted during the "Analysis" step, since all their information is then grouped in a single file, with descriptive headers. This deleting could be optional and set in the "Set parameters" window.*

      We understand the point raised by the reviewer. However, the analysis depends on the reference channel picked, which is asked for when starting an analysis, and can be augmented with additional selections. If a user chooses to modify the reference channel or to add a new profile to the analysis, deleting all these files would mean that the user will have to start over again, which we believe will create frustration. An optional deletion at the analysis step is simple to implement, but it could create problems for users who do not understand what it means practically.

      * Moreover, I think it would be useful to also save the linear roi used for the "Extract & Save" step, and eventually combine them during the "Analysis step" into a single roi set file so that future re-analysis could be made on the same regions. This could be an optional feature set from the "Set parameters" window. *

      We agree with the reviewer that saving ROIs is very useful. ROIs are now saved into a single file each time the user extracts and saves positions from a selection. Additionally, the user can re-use previous ROIs and analyze an image or image series in a single step.

      * In the "PatternJ workflow" section of the manuscript, the authors state that after the "Extract & Save" step "(...) steps 1, 2, 4, and 5 can be repeated on other selections (...)". However, technically, only steps 1 and 5 are really necessary (alternatively 1, 4 and 5 if the user is unsure of the quality of the patterning). If a user follows this to the letter, I think it can lead to wasted time.


      We agree with the reviewer and have corrected the manuscript accordingly (line 119-120).

      • *

      *I believe that the "Version Information" button, although important, has potential to be more useful if used as a "Help" button for the toolset. There could be links to useful sources like the manuscript or the PatternJ website but also some tips like "whenever possible, use a higher linewidth for your line selection" *

      We agree with the reviewer as pointed out in our previous answers to the other reviewers. This button is now replaced by a Help menu, including a simple tutorial in a series of images detailing the steps to follow, a link to the user website, and a link to our video tutorial.

      * It would be interesting to mention to what extent does the orientation of the line selection in relation to the patterned structure (i.e. perfectly parallel vs more diagonal) affect pattern length variability?*

      As answered to reviewer 1, we understand this concern, which needs to be clarified for readers. The issue may be concerning at first sight, but the errors grow only with the inverse of cosine and are therefore rather low. For example, if the user creates a selection off by 3 degrees, which is visually obvious, lengths will be affected by an increase of only 0.14%. The point raised by the reviewer is important to discuss, and we therefore have added a comment on the choice of selection (lines 94-98) as well as a supplementary figure (Figure 1 - figure supplement 1).

      * When "the algorithm uses the peak of highest intensity as a starting point and then searches for peak intensity values one spatial period away on each side of this starting point" (line 133-135), does that search have a range? If so, what is the range? *

      We agree that this information is useful to share with the reader. The range is one pattern size. We have modified the sentence to clarify the range of search used and the resulting limits in aperiodicity (now lines 176-181).

      * Line 144 states that the parameters of the fit are saved and given to the user, yet I could not find such information in the outputs. *

      The parameters of the fits are saved for blocks. We have now clarified this point by modifying the manuscript (lines 186-198) and modifying Figure 1 - figure supplement 5. We realized we made an error in the description of how edges of "block with middle band" are extracted. This is now corrected.

      * In line 286, authors finish by saying "More complex patterns from electron microscopy images may also be used with PatternJ.". Since this statement is not backed by evidence in the manuscript, I suggest deleting it (or at the very least, providing some examples of what more complex patterns the authors refer to). *

      This sentence is now deleted.

      * In the TEM image of the fly wing muscle in fig. 4 there is a subtle but clearly visible white stripe pattern in the original image. Since that pattern consists of 'dips', rather than 'peaks' in the profile of the inverted image, they do not get analyzed. I think it is worth mentioning that if the image of interest contains both "bright" and "dark" patterns, then the analysis should be performed in both the original and the inverted images because the nature of the algorithm does not allow it to detect "dark" patterns. *

      We agree with the reviewer's comment. We now mention this point in lines 337-339.

      * In line 283, the authors mention using background correction. They should explicit what method of background correction they used. If they used ImageJ's "subtract background' tool, then specify the radius.*

      We now describe this step in the method section.


      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field. Being a software paper, the advance proposed by the authors is technical in nature. The novelty and significance of this tool is that it offers quick and simple pattern analysis at the single unit level to a broad audience, since it runs on the ImageJ GUI and does not require any programming knowledge. Moreover, all the modules and steps are well described in the paper, which allows easy going through the analysis.
      • Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate). The authors themselves provide a good and thorough comparison of their tool with other existing ones, both in terms of ease of use and on the type of information extracted by each method. While PatternJ is not necessarily superior in all aspects, it succeeds at providing precise single pattern unit measurements in a user-friendly manner.
      • State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings. Most researchers working with microscopy images of muscle cells or fibers or any other patterned sample and interested in analyzing changes in that pattern in response to perturbations, time, development, etc. could use this tool to obtain useful, and otherwise laborious, information. *

      We thank the reviewer for these enthusiastic comments about how straightforward for biologists it is to use PatternJ and its broad applicability in the bio community.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript, the authors present a new toolset for the analysis of repetitive patterns in biological images named PatternJ. One of the main advantages of this new tool over existing ones is that it is simple to install and run and does not require any coding skills whatsoever, since it runs on the ImageJ GUI. Another advantage is that it does not only provide the mean length of the pattern unit but also the subpixel localization of each unit and the distributions of lengths and that it does not require GPU processing to run, unlike other existing tools. The major disadvantage of the PatternJ is that it requires heavy, although very simple, user input in both the selection of the region to be analyzed and in the analysis steps. Another limitation is that, at least in its current version, PatternJ is not suitable for time-lapse imaging.

      The authors clearly explain the algorithm used by the tool to find the localization of pattern features and they thoroughly test the limits of their tool in conditions of varying SNR, periodicity and band intensity. Finally, they also show the performance of PatternJ across several biological models such as different kinds of muscle cells, neurons and fish embryonic somites, as well as different imaging modalities such as brightfield, fluorescence confocal microscopy, STORM and even electron microscopy.

      This manuscript is clearly written, and both the section and the figures are well organized and tell a cohesive story. By testing PatternJ, I can attest to its ease of installation and use. Overall, I consider that PatternJ is a useful tool for the analysis of patterned microscopy images and this article is fit for publication. However, i do have some minor suggestions and questions that I would like the authors to address, as I consider they could improve this manuscript and the tool:

      Minor Suggestions:

      In the methodology section is missing a more detailed description about how the metric plotted was obtained: as normalized intensity or precision in pixels. The validation is based mostly on the SNR and patterns. They should include a dataset of real data to validate the algorithm in three of the standard patterns tested. The video tutorial available in the PatternJ website is very useful, maybe it would be worth it to include it as supplemental material for this manuscript, if the journal allows it. An example image is provided to test the macro. However, it would be useful to provide further example images for each of the three possible standard patterns suggested: Block, actin sarcomere or individual band. Access to both the manual and the sample images in the PatternJ website should be made publicly available. Right now they both sit in a private Drive account. Some common errors are not properly handled by the macro and could be confusing for the user: When there is no selection and one tries to run a Check or Extraction: "Selection required in line 307 (called from line 14). profile=getProfile( <)>;". A simple "a line selection is required" message would be useful there. When "band" or "block" is selected for a channel in the "Set parameters" window, yet a 0 value is entered into the corresponding "Number of bands or blocks" section, one gets this error when trying to Extract: "Empty array in line 842 (called from line 113). if ( ( subloc . length == 1 ) & ( subloc [ 0 <]> == 0) ) {". This error is not too rare, since the "Number of bands or blocks" section is populated with a 0 after choosing "sarcomeric actin" (after accepting the settings) and stays that way when one changes back to "blocks" or "bands".<br /> The fact that every time one clicks on the most used buttons, the getDirectory window appears is not only quite annoying but also, ultimately a waste of time. Isn't it possible to choose the directory in which to store the files only once, from the "Set parameters" window? The authors state that the outputs of the workflow are "user friendly text files". However, some of them lack descriptive headers (like the localisations and profiles) or even file names (like colors.txt). If there is something lacking in the manuscript, it is a brief description of all the output files generated during the workflow. I don't really see the point in saving the localizations from the "Extraction" step, they are even named "temp". In the same line, I DO see the point of saving the profiles and localizations from the "Extract & Save" step, but I think they should be deleted during the "Analysis" step, since all their information is then grouped in a single file, with descriptive headers. This deleting could be optional and set in the "Set parameters" window. Moreover, I think it would be useful to also save the linear roi used for the "Extract & Save" step, and eventually combine them during the "Analysis step" into a single roi set file so that future re-analysis could be made on the same regions. This could be an optional feature set from the "Set parameters" window. In the "PatternJ workflow" section of the manuscript, the authors state that after the "Extract & Save" step "(...) steps 1, 2, 4, and 5 can be repeated on other selections (...)". However, technically, only steps 1 and 5 are really necessary (alternatively 1, 4 and 5 if the user is unsure of the quality of the patterning). If a user follows this to the letter, I think it can lead to wasted time. I believe that the "Version Information" button, although important, has potential to be more useful if used as a "Help" button for the toolset. There could be links to useful sources like the manuscript or the PatternJ website but also some tips like "whenever possible, use a higher linewidth for your line selection" It would be interesting to mention to what extent does the orientation of the line selection in relation to the patterned structure (i.e. perfectly parallel vs more diagonal) affect pattern length variability? When "the algorithm uses the peak of highest intensity as a starting point and then searches for peak intensity values one spatial period away on each side of this starting point" (line 133-135), does that search have a range? If so, what is the range? Line 144 states that the parameters of the fit are saved and given to the user, yet I could not find such information in the outputs. In line 286, authors finish by saying "More complex patterns from electron microscopy images may also be used with PatternJ.". Since this statement is not backed by evidence in the manuscript, I suggest deleting it (or at the very least, providing some examples of what more complex patterns the authors refer to). In the TEM image of the fly wing muscle in fig. 4 there is a subtle but clearly visible white stripe pattern in the original image. Since that pattern consists of 'dips', rather than 'peaks' in the profile of the inverted image, they do not get analyzed. I think it is worth mentioning that if the image of interest contains both "bright" and "dark" patterns, then the analysis should be performed in both the original and the inverted images because the nature of the algorithm does not allow it to detect "dark" patterns. In line 283, the authors mention using background correction. They should explicit what method of background correction they used. If they used ImageJ's "subtract background' tool, then specify the radius.


      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field. Being a software paper, the advance proposed by the authors is technical in nature. The novelty and significance of this tool is that it offers quick and simple pattern analysis at the single unit level to a broad audience, since it runs on the ImageJ GUI and does not require any programming knowledge. Moreover, all the modules and steps are well described in the paper, which allows easy going through the analysis.
      • Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate). The authors themselves provide a good and thorough comparison of their tool with other existing ones, both in terms of ease of use and on the type of information extracted by each method. While PatternJ is not necessarily superior in all aspects, it succeeds at providing precise single pattern unit measurements in a user-friendly manner.
      • State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings. Most researchers working with microscopy images of muscle cells or fibers or any other patterned sample and interested in analyzing changes in that pattern in response to perturbations, time, development, etc. could use this tool to obtain useful, and otherwise laborious, information.
      • Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate. I am a biologist with extensive experience in confocal microscopy and image analysis using classical machine vision tools, particularly using ImageJ and CellProfiler.
    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors present an ImageJ Macro GUI tool set for the quantification of one-dimensional repeated patterns that are commonly occurring in microscopy images of muscles.

      Major comments

      In our view the article and also software could be improved in terms of defining the scope of its applicability and user-ship. In many parts the article and software suggest that general biological patterns can be analysed, but then in other parts very specific muscle actin wordings are used. We are pointing this out in the "Minor comments" sections below. We feel that the authors could improve their work by making a clear choice here. One option would be to clearly limit the scope of the tool to the analysis of actin structures in muscles. In this case we would recommend to also rename the tool, e.g. MusclePatternJ. The other option would be to make the tool about the generic analysis of one-dimensional patterns, maybe calling the tool LinePatternJ. In the latter case we would recommend to remove all actin specific wordings from the macro tool set and also the article should be in parts slightly re-written.

      Minor/detailed comments


      We recommend considering the following suggestions for improving the software.

      File and folder selection dialogs

      In general, clicking on many of the buttons just opens up a file-browser dialog without any further information. For novel users it is not clear what the tool expects one to select here. It would be very good if the software could be rewritten such that there are always clear instructions displayed about which file or folder one should open for the different buttons.

      Extract button

      The tool asks one to specify things like whether selections are drawn "M-line-to-M-line"; for users that are not experts in muscle morphology this is not understandable. It would be great to find more generally applicable formulations.

      Manual selection accuracy

      The 1st step of the analysis is always to start from a user hand-drawn profile across intensity patterns in the image. However, this step can cause inaccuracy that varies with the shape and curve of the line profile drawn. If not strictly perpendicular to for example the M line patterns, the distance between intensity peaks will be different. This will be more problematic when dealing with non-straight and parallelly poised features in the image. If the structure is bended with a curve, the line drawn over it also needs to reproduce this curve, to precisely capture the intensity pattern. I found this limits the reproducibility and easy-usability of the software.


      Since the line profile drawn on the image is the first step and very essential to the entire process, it should be considered to save together with the analysis result. For example, as ImageJ ROI or ROIset files that can be re-imported, correctly positioned, and visualized in the measured images. This would greatly improve the reproducibility of the proposed workflow. In the manuscript, only the extracted features are being saved (because the save button is also just asking for a folder containing images, so I cannot verify its functionality).

      ? button

      It would be great if that button would open up some usage instructions.

      Easy improvement of workflow

      I would suggest a reasonable expansion of the current workflow, by fitting and displaying 2D lines to the band or line structure in the image, that form the "patterns" the author aims to address. Thus, it extracts geometry models from the image, and the inter-line distance, and even the curve formed by these sets of lines can be further analyzed and studied. These fitted 2D lines can be also well integrated into ImageJ as Line ROI, and thus be saved, imported back, and checked or being further modified. I think this can largely increase the usefulness and reproducibility of the software.


      We recommend considering the following suggestions for improving the manuscript. Abstract: The abstract suggests that general patterns can be quantified, however the actual tool quantifies specific subtypes of one-dimensional patterns. We recommend adapting the abstract accordingly.

      Line 58: Gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) based feature extraction and analysis approach is not mentioned nor compared. At least there's a relatively recent study on Sarcomeres structure based on GLCM feature extraction: https://github.com/steinjm/SotaTool with publication: https://doi.org/10.1002/cpz1.462

      Line 75: "...these simple geometrical features will address most quantitative needs..." We feel that this may be an overstatement, e.g. we can imagine that there should be many relevant two-dimensional patterns in biology?!

      Line 83: "After a straightforward installation by the user, ...". We think it would be convenient to add the installation steps at this place into the manuscript.

      Line 87: "Multicolor images will give a graph with one profile per color." The 'Multicolor images' here should be more precisely stated as "multi-channel" images. Multi-color images could be confused with RGB images which will be treated as 8-bit gray value (type conversion first) images by profile plot in ImageJ.

      Line 92: "...such as individual bands, blocks, or sarcomeric actin...". While bands and blocks are generic pattern terms, the biological term "sarcomeric actin" does not seem to fit in this list. Could a more generic wording be found, such as "block with spike"?

      Line 95: "the algorithm defines one pattern by having the features of highest intensity in its centre". Could this be rephrased? We did not understand what that exactly means.

      Line 124 - 147: This part the only description of the algorithm behind the feature extraction and analysis, but not clearly stated. Many details are missing or assumed known by the reader. For example, how it achieved sub-pixel resolution results is not clear. One can only assume that by fitting Gaussian to the band, the center position (peak) thus can be calculated from continuous curves other than pixels.

      Line 407: We think the availability of both the tool and the code could be improved. For Fiji tools it is common practice to create an Update Site and to make the code available on GitHub. In addition, downloading the example file (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eMazyQJlisWPwmozvyb8VPVbfAgaH7Hz/view?usp=drive_link) required a Google login and access request, which is not very convenient; in fact, we asked for access but it was denied. It would be important for the download to be easier, e.g. from GitHub or Zenodo.


      The strength of this study is that a tool for the analysis of one-dimensional repeated patterns occurring in muscle fibres is made available in the accessible open-source platform ImageJ/Fiji. In the introduction to the article the authors provide an extensive review of comparable existing tools. Their new tool fills a gap in terms of providing an easy-to-use software for users without computational skills that enables the analysis of muscle sarcomere patterns. We feel that if the below mentioned limitations could be addressed the tool could indeed be valuable to life scientists interested in muscle patterning without computational skills.

      In our view there are a few limitations, including the accessibility of example data and tutorials at sites.google.com/view/patternj, which we had trouble to access. In addition, we think that the workflow in Fiji, which currently requires pressing several buttons in the correct order, could be further simplified and streamlined by adopting some "wizard" approach, where the user is guided through the steps. Another limitation is the reproducibility of the analysis; here we recommend enabling IJ Macro recording as well as saving of the drawn line ROIs. For more detailed suggestions for improvements please see the above sections of our review.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      I have trialled the package on my lab's data and it works as advertised. It was straightforward to use and did not require any special training. I am confident this is a tool that will be approachable even to users with limited computational experience. The use of artificial data to validate the approach - and to provide clear limits on applicability - is particularly helpful.

      The main limitation of the tool is that it requires the user to manually select regions. This somewhat limits the generalisability and is also more subjective - users can easily choose "nice" regions that better match with their hypothesis, rather than quantifying the data in an unbiased manner. However, given the inherent challenges in quantifying biological data, such problems are not easily circumventable.

      I have some comments to clarify the manuscript:

      1. A "straightforward installation" is mentioned. Given this is a Method paper, the means of installation should be clearly laid out.
      2. It would be helpful if there was an option to generate an output with the regions analysed (i.e., a JPG image with the data and the drawn line(s) on top). There are two reasons for this: i) A major problem with user-driven quantification is accidental double counting of regions (e.g., a user quantifies a part of an image and then later quantifies the same region). ii) Allows other users to independently verify measurements at a later time.
      3. Related to the above point, it is highlighted that each time point would need to be analysed separately (line 361-362). It seems like it should be relatively straightforward to allow a function where the analysis line can be mapped onto the next time point. The user could then adjust slightly for changes in position, but still be starting from near the previous timepoint. Given how prevalent timelapse imaging is, this seems like (or something similar) a clear benefit to add to the software.
      4. Line 134-135. The level of accuracy of the searching should be clarified here. This is discussed later in the manuscript, but it would be helpful to give readers an idea at this point what level of tolerance the software has to noise and aperiodicity.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I think the other reviewer comments are very pertinent. The authors have a fair bit to do, but they are reasonable requests. So, they should be encouraged to do the revisions fully so that the final software tool is as useful as possible.


      Developing software tools for quantifying biological data that are approachable for a wide range of users remains a longstanding challenge. This challenge is due to: (1) the inherent problem of variability in biological systems; (2) the complexity of defining clearly quantifiable measurables; and (3) the broad spread of computational skills amongst likely users of such software.

      In this work, Blin et al., develop a simple plugin for ImageJ designed to quickly and easily quantify regular repeating units within biological systems - e.g., muscle fibre structure. They clearly and fairly discuss existing tools, with their pros and cons. The motivation for PatternJ is properly justified (which is sadly not always the case with such software tools).

      Overall, the paper is well written and accessible. The tool has limitations but it is clearly useful and easy to use. Therefore, this work is publishable with only minor corrections.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Response to Reviewer 1

      __Glycosaminoglycan (GAG)-binding proteins regulating essential processes such as cell growth and migration are essential for cell homeostasis. It is reported that the GAG has the ability to bind to Herpin sulfate. As both GAGs and the LPS lipid A disaccharide core of gram-negative bacteria contain negatively charged disaccharide units, the researchers proposed that heparin-binding peptides might have cryptic antimicrobial peptide motifs. To prove the hypothesis, they have synthesized five candidates [HBP1-5], which showed a binding affinity towards heparin and LPS binding. By using various methods, they showed that these molecules have antimicrobial activity. The key finding in this study is the finding of the CPC domain, where C is a cationic amino acid and P is a polar amino acid. __

      Major comments

      1. __ Even though the Authors propose here that CPC' clip motif is needed for antimicrobial activity. However, various studies have demonstrated that the mere presence of cationic amino or hydrophobic amino acids does not give the activity, the location of these amino acids at the strategic position is critically needed. The major issue in this work, the authors have not presented, whether there was a single CPC motif or multiple in the 5 peptides they have synthesized. Further, they need to demonstrate how are the charged and hydrophobic amino acids distributed in the peptides. these things will clearly explain the difference in the activity as well spectrum of the peptides. The authors should make an extra figure or add information highlighting this unique characteristic for better understanding to the reader.__

      We thank the reviewer for his/her comments and suggestions. We concur that the distribution of amino acids is crucial for the antimicrobial activity of the peptides and their ability to bind heparin. We also agree with the suggestion of illustrating the location of the CPC' motifs of HBPs in the context of the parental proteins and have accordingly done so in the new Supplementary Figure 1. In all cases, only one CPC' motif was identified in the antimicrobial region, as highlighted in the figure, and the inter-residue distances measured are consistent with the CPC' motif definition. Thus, we demonstrate that a CPC' motif exists in all five HBPs, which explains how they recognize and bind heparin.

      To illustrate the distribution of charged and hydrophobic amino acids in HBPs, we have also prepared new Supplementary Figure 2, displaying electrostatic potentials in the predicted HBP structures, and showing how the distribution of charged residues creates hydrophobic and cationic patches on the surface of the peptides. Our analysis reveals cationic patches to be surrounded by hydrophobic residues, which may explain the ability of the peptides to disrupt membranes and exert antimicrobial activity.

      __ It is strange to observe that there are quite a number of reports showing that the peptides derived from the Herprin binding proteins have antimicrobial activity, but no one has reported their efficacy in the in vivo mouse model. if possible, the authors could add their observations if in vivo studies were done. or as a future line of study.__

      We thank the reviewer for his/her comment on the observation of antimicrobial activity in peptides derived from heparin-binding proteins. Indeed, a few such studies have appeared in the literature, some with moderate success [1]. It is possible that a lack of understanding on how to identify heparin-binding regions in proteins and AMPs underlies their relative paucity. In this context, we believe our results will spur further efforts, specifically by providing a rationale on how to identify CPC' motifs hence heparin-binding regions in protein sequences.

      Regarding the suggestion of assessing the in vivo efficacy of HBPs, we would agree that it would be helpful for better understanding their potential therapeutic applications. However, we feel that such experiments are beyond the scope of our manuscript, which offers ample, compelling in vitro and in silico evidence of how heparin-binding proteins can be a source of AMPs. We have done this by showing that CPC' motifs embedded in such proteins can be unveiled, accurately defined in structural terms, and experimentally shown to possess antimicrobial activity. Furthermore, we have shown that heparin binding correlates with LPS binding, allowing us to propose a mechanistic explanation for how heparin binding can be related to antimicrobial activity.

      Translating these results to animal models is possibly premature at this stage as, from a classical medicinal chemistry perspective, it would require previous structural elaboration in terms of, e.g., optimized serum half-life or serum protein binding, both of which can modulate activity in in vivo studies regardless of heparin affinity or bactericidal activity per se. Ongoing work in our laboratories is focused in these directions and will be reported in due time.

      *Referees cross-commenting**

      Minor comments

      1. __ The presence of Cryptic antimicrobial domain in various heparin-binding proteins like laminin isoforms, von Willebrand factor, vitronectin, protein C inhibitor, matrix glycoproteins thrombospondin, proline arginine-rich end leucine-rich repeat protein and fibronectin, have been reported previous. It is not clear why the authors did not refer to that work. The authors should refer to the works. (same as reviewer 3)__

      We were aware of other prior studies on heparin-binding proteins and did indeed cite some of them, though not exhaustively for conciseness' sake. However, as encouraged by reviewers 1 and 3 we have cited the following studies:

      Malmström E, Mörgelin M, Malmsten M, Johansson L, Norrby-Teglund A, Shannon O, Schmidtchen A, Meijers JC, Herwald H. Protein C inhibitor--a novel antimicrobial agent. PLoS Pathog. 2009 Dec;5(12):e1000698. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000698. Epub 2009 Dec 18. PMID: 20019810; PMCID: PMC2788422.

      Ishihara, J., Ishihara, A., Fukunaga, K. et al. Laminin heparin-binding peptides bind to several growth factors and enhance diabetic wound healing. Nat Commun 9, 2163 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-04525-w

      Chillakuri Chandramouli R, Jones Céline and Mardon Helen J(2010), Heparin binding domain in vitronectin is required for oligomerization and thus enhances integrin mediated cell adhesion and spreading, FEBS Letters, 584, doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2010.06.023

      Papareddy P, Kasetty G, Kalle M, Bhongir RK, Mörgelin M, Schmidtchen A, Malmsten M. NLF20: an antimicrobial peptide with therapeutic potential against invasive Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2016 Jan;71(1):170-80. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkv322. Epub 2015 Oct 26. PMID: 26503666.

      All the earlier studies related to the antimicrobial activity of the peptides derived from the Heparin-binding protein reported a consensus Cardin and Weintraub motifs i.e, XBBBXXBX or XBBXBX, where X represents hydrophobic or uncharged amino acids, and B represents basic amino acids. However, in this work, the researchers report about the presence of the new CPC motif. So, this is unique and a novelty in the study.

      We thank the reviewers for these observations. Indeed, our quest to unveil CPC' motifs in antimicrobial regions of heparin-binding proteins is the key point of our investigation, and what distinguishes it from previous studies on consensus motifs such as XBBBXXBX or XBBXBX. We believe our definition of CPC' motifs in simple, structure-based, and experimentally verifiable terms is not only a significant departure but also a step forward from earlier views, highlighting the importance of a structural perspective in defining heparin-binding regions. In point of fact, we show that our peptides, even without consensus Cardin-Weintraub motifs, bind heparin with high affinity. The presence of the CPC' motif is crucial for such binding, as well as for LPS binding, and the new experiments performed at editor/reviewer's request, where the CPC motif in HBP5 is abolished, with predictable impact, fully support our view, see new section "Insights into the CPC' motif of HBP-5 and its implication on the antibacterial mechanism" and new Table 3 in the revised manuscript.

      __ Even though the researchers report on the role of the CPC motif in the antimicrobial activity and binding to the heprin, the authors did not show any data or draw the conclusions related to the CPC domain when it comes to differences in the activity. this is the weakness of the manuscript. (same as reviewer 2)__

      We welcome the reviewer's observation. To address it, we made and tested three HBP-5 mutants aimed at showing how alterations in the CPC' motif might influence interaction with heparin and LPS, as well as antimicrobial properties. The first two mutants involved replacing positively charged R10 and R14 residues with glutamine, similar in size and polarity but uncharged. As shown in the new section "Insights into the CPC' motif of HBP-5 and its implication on the antibacterial mechanism" and on the new Table 3 of the revised manuscript, the changes reduced heparin binding, i.e., shorter retention times on affinity chromatography, as well as LPS binding, i.e., a decrease in EC50 in the cadaverine assay (Table 3). The modifications had a lesser impact on antimicrobial activity, most likely due to the low resolution of MIC assays.

      In a further step to assess the effect of the CPC' motif on antimicrobial activity, we deleted it in full by replacing residues H9, R10 and R14 of HBP-5 by alanine. As expected, this DCPC' peptide showed a sharp reduction in both heparin and LPS binding (Table 3) and, most importantly, a significant and asymmetric change in antimicrobial activity, with substantial impact on Gram-negatives yet practically no effect on Gram-positives, suggesting that LPS plays a key role in this selective response. Altogether, these observations align with our hypothesis that heparin-binding proteins might exploit their intrinsic affinity for heparin as an opportunity to developing antimicrobial properties by leveraging structural similarities between glycosaminoglycans and LPS.

      __ It is strange to observe that there are quite a number of reports showing that the peptides derived from the Herprin (sic) binding proteins have antimicrobial activity, but no one has reported their efficacy in the in vivo mouse model. if possible, the authors could add their observations if in vivo studies were done. or as a future line of study. (Same as reviewer 2)__

      We would kindly direct attention to #2 in the response to reviewer 1 above.

      __ There are more than 20 different AMP databases or prediction software. however, not all of them are 100 % current, their success rate varies from 30-50% only. It needs to be investigated if adding this search in the hit peptides might increase the success rate of the extra in silico-based AMPs prediction software.__

      If we understand the question correctly, the reviewer wonders whether including a CPC' motif predictor would increase the accuracy of AMP search algorithms. In our view, this strategy has two main limitations to be considered: (i) locating a CPC' motif in a peptide sequence typically requires a known 3D structure. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and for proteins lacking reliable 3D data it can be a challenging and resource-intensive process; (ii) while CPC' motifs may predispose proteins to evolve antimicrobial properties, it is unclear if this is a required feature for all AMPs. Imposing the presence of a CPC' motif may not be applicable to all AMPs, although it might help identifying peptides with specific activity against gram-negative strains.

      In summary, while the query of including a CPC' motif search tool in AMP predictors is intriguing and worthy of exploration for its potential bearing on antimicrobial research, it is technically complicated and beyond the scope of our manuscript.

      __Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): __

      __All the earlier studies related to the antimicrobial activity of the peptides derived from the Heparin-binding protein reported a consensus Cardin and Weintraub motifs i.e, XBBBXXBX or XBBXBX, where X represents hydrophobic or uncharged amino acids, and B represents basic amino acids. However, in this work, the researchers report about the presence of the new CPC motif. So this is unique and a novelty in the study. __

      Even though the researchers report on the role of the CPC motif in the antimicrobial activity and binding to the heparin, the authors did not show any data or draw conclusions related to the CPC domain when it comes to differences in the activity. This is the weakness of the manuscript.

      We would direct reviewer's attention to #1 in the Referee's cross-commenting section above.

      Response to Reviewer 2

      This is a very nice paper by the Andreu and Torrent groups that report the antimicrobial and heparin-binding of several encrypted peptides. Overall, this study presents an intriguing exploration into the potential dual functionality of glycosaminoglycan (GAG)-binding proteins, specifically heparin-binding proteins (HBPs), in recognizing lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and exhibiting antimicrobial properties. The findings, particularly the identification and characterization of novel encrypted peptides, such as HBP-5, are promising and contribute to our understanding of the intricate interplay between GAG-binding proteins and immunity. The data provided and methodology are thorough and well described. In sum, this is a very nice work. Please see below my minor comments.

      Minor comments:

      1. __ Fig. 1 legend does not show antimicrobial activity. Please remove from the figure legend title.__

      As pointed out by the reviewer, the legend was incorrect and has been corrected accordingly and now reads "Figure 1. Structural and bioinformatics analysis of HBPs".

      __ Discussion section: the authors should expand this section a bit to discuss recent work in the encrypted/cryptic peptide area. There are some recent relevant papers published in the past 3 years that should be discussed.__

      We agree with the reviewer's suggestion to expand the discussion section to address recent work in the field of encrypted/cryptic peptides. We have carefully reviewed the recent literature and added several references in this topic:

      Torres MDT, Melo MCR, Flowers L, Crescenzi O, Notomista E, de la Fuente-Nunez C. Mining for encrypted peptide antibiotics in the human proteome. Nat Biomed Eng. 2022 Jan;6(1):67-75. doi: 10.1038/s41551-021-00801-1. Epub 2021 Nov 4. Erratum in: Nat Biomed Eng. 2022 Dec;6(12):1451. PMID: 34737399.

      • *

      Santos MFDS, Freitas CS, Verissimo da Costa GC, Pereira PR, Paschoalin VMF. Identification of Antibacterial Peptide Candidates Encrypted in Stress-Related and Metabolic Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2022 Jan 28;15(2):163. doi: 10.3390/ph15020163. PMID: 35215278; PMCID: PMC8877035.

      • *

      Boaro A, Ageitos L, Torres MT, Blasco EB, Oztekin S, de la Fuente-Nunez C. Structure-function-guided design of synthetic peptides with anti-infective activity derived from wasp venom. Cell Rep Phys Sci. 2023 Jul 19;4(7):101459. doi: 10.1016/j.xcrp.2023.101459. PMID: 38239869; PMCID: PMC10795512.

      __ References provided are a bit outdated and do not accurately reflect the latest in the field (see comment above).__

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. Older references were updated as suggested.

      __ Gram should be capitalized throughout the text.__

      Gram has been capitalized as suggested by the reviewer.

      __ Can the authors comment on the potential translatability of HBP-5? Please also comment on the potential advantages of having peptides that 1) bind to heparin; and 2) kill bacteria.__

      We appreciate the reviewer's interest in the potential of HBP-5. Indeed, we believe it has promise for clinical applications due to its unique attributes, but further studies, including in vivo experiments and pharmacokinetic assessments, are needed to fully evaluate its potential. The advantages of peptides that bind to heparin and kill bacteria include targeted delivery or localization of therapeutic agents, enhanced efficacy, and minimized off-target effects. HBP-5's ability to perturb outer membrane LPS, a crucial aspect of its antibacterial activity, makes it a promising approach to combat Gram-negative bacterial infections, which are often challenging to treat. By disrupting the outer membrane integrity, HBP-5 may also enhance the susceptibility of Gram-negative bacteria to other antimicrobial agents or host immune responses, underscoring its translational potential for treating bacterial infections.

      __ More details on the computational tools and methods used to mine the peptides are needed.__

      We have updated the Methods section to provide more details on the computational tools used for defining AMPs. Briefly, from the library of heparin-binding proteins obtained from previous studies [2] and AMP scanning for all these proteins was performed using the AMPA tool. The predicted antibacterial segments were located in the 3D structure of their respective proteins. Then, the CPC' motifs were searched in each segment following the criteria previously reported in [3, 4]. The motif involves two cationic residues (Arg or Lys) and a polar residue (preferentially Asn, Gln, Thr, Tyr or Ser), with fairly conserved distances between the carbons and the side chain center of gravity, defining a clip-like structure where heparin would be lodged. This structural motif is highly conserved and can be found in many proteins with reported heparin binding capacity. Finally, for all these regions, docking with a heparin disaccharide was performed using AutoDock Vina to evaluate the potential binding energy.

      Response to Reviewer 3

      __Summary: This manuscript has identified and investigated antimicrobial peptides from GAG binding proteins. Authors hypothesized that due to physiochemical similarity between GAG and LPS, fragments of GAG binding proteins might exert antimicrobial activity particularly against G- bacteria. Authors have identified few such AMPs that demonstrate LPS binding and displayed antibacterial activity. They have also solved NMR structure of the potent peptide and mode of action. __

      Major comments: AMPs are promising molecules that can serve as lead for the development of therapeutics against MDR bacteria. In particular, currently therapeutic options to treat MDR Gram negative pathogens are limited. The current study is interesting and provides new non-toxic AMPs. Conclusions drawn from the works are largely valid. However, authors should address following comments:

      1. __ The design and characterization of the peptide YI12WF is not described. Previous studies had shown design of β-boomerang peptides (Bhattacharjya and coworkers) that target LPS.__

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. YI12WF (YVLWKRKRFIFI-amide) has been previously reported [4, 5] and shown to bind LPS with high affinity. YI12WF also contains a CPC' motif that, if deleted, reduces heparin binding [4]. References have been added in the text.

      __ Mutations or substitution of the key residues peptide 5 might improve the novelty of the work.__

      We thank the reviewer for this comment and agree that targeted substitutions in HBP-5 might shed light on the importance of the CPC' motif. As this point was also raised by reviewer 1, we would direct the reviewer's attention to #2 in the *Referees cross-commenting** section above.

      __ How these peptides disrupt LPS permeability is not investigated. As LPS is the major target.__

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and have accordingly evaluated the outer membrane (OM) permeability of the peptides by the 1-N-phenyl-naphthylamine (NPN) assay, a widely used method to assess OM integrity in Gram-negative bacteria. NPN is typically unable to cross the intact outer membrane; however, when the membrane is damaged or disrupted, it can penetrate and interact with lipids and proteins inside the cell, leading to an increase in fluorescence which is directly correlated with the degree of OM permeability and serves as an indicator of membrane damage.

      Our results, illustrated in the new Figure 2D, show that all peptides are able to disrupt the OM of Gram-negative bacteria comparably to the LL-37 positive control, except for HBP2. Notably, HBP-5 exhibits the highest activity against OM, consistent with findings elsewhere in the manuscript and altogether confirming the ability of HBPs to bind to and disrupt the LPS structure.

      __ Are the D-enantiomers of the peptides active against bacteria?__

      We tested the antibacterial activity of the D-enantiomer of HBP5 (dHBP-and 5) and found it to be even higher than that of all-L HBP-5 against both Gram-negative and -positive bacteria, probably due to increased proteolytic stability as found in many AMP studies [6, 7]. As for LPS and heparin affinity, L- and D-HBP-5 behaved similarly (Table R1). As expected, the CD signatures of L- and D-HBP-5 were mirror images (Figure R1). These results suggest that the conformation of the CPC' motif is preserved in dHBP5, in tune with all previous results.

      Antibacterial Activity


      E. Coli

      P. Aeruginosa

      A. Baumannii

      S. Aureus

      E. Faecium

      L. monocytognes















      Binding Affinity

      LPS (EC50, µM)

      Heparin (% Elution buffer)


      0.9 {plus minus} 0.7



      1.1 {plus minus} 0.8


      Table R1. Antimicrobial activity of HBP-5 and dHBP-5

      Figure R1. CD spectra of HBP-5 (red line) and dHBP-5 (green line) in LPS (left panel) and heparin (right panel).

      __ 3D structure of peptide 5 is solved in DPC micelle which is a mimic for eukaryotic cells. Authors should attempt to determine structure in LPS as shown in several recent studies with potent AMPs thanatin, MSI etc.__

      We appreciate the suggestion and have indeed attempted to obtain NMR spectra of HBP-5 in LPS micelles. However, we've been hindered by peptide precipitation and, despite considerable efforts, have not been able to obtain satisfactory results thus far. In contrast, we have succeeded in obtaining CD spectra of HBP5 in LPS micelles, showing an a-helix conformation similar to the one in SDS micelles, hence suggesting similar conformation in both environments.

      Minor comments: There are examples of AMPs derived from human proteins. Authors should highlight such works.

      Other studies have been cited according to the reviewers' comments:

      Malmström E, Mörgelin M, Malmsten M, Johansson L, Norrby-Teglund A, Shannon O, Schmidtchen A, Meijers JC, Herwald H. Protein C inhibitor--a novel antimicrobial agent. PLoS Pathog. 2009 Dec;5(12):e1000698. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000698. Epub 2009 Dec 18. PMID: 20019810; PMCID: PMC2788422.

      Ishihara, J., Ishihara, A., Fukunaga, K. et al. Laminin heparin-binding peptides bind to several growth factors and enhance diabetic wound healing. Nat Commun 9, 2163 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-04525-w

      Chillakuri Chandramouli R, Jones Céline and Mardon Helen J(2010), Heparin binding domain in vitronectin is required for oligomerization and thus enhances integrin mediated cell adhesion and spreading, FEBS Letters, 584, doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2010.06.023

      Papareddy P, Kasetty G, Kalle M, Bhongir RK, Mörgelin M, Schmidtchen A, Malmsten M. NLF20: an antimicrobial peptide with therapeutic potential against invasive Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2016 Jan;71(1):170-80. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkv322. Epub 2015 Oct 26. PMID: 26503666.


      1. Papareddy, P., et al., An antimicrobial helix A-derived peptide of heparin cofactor II blocks endotoxin responses in vivo. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 2014. 1838(5): p. 1225-1234.
      2. Ori, A., M.C. Wilkinson, and D.G. Fernig, A systems biology approach for the investigation of the heparin/heparan sulfate interactome. J Biol Chem, 2011. 286(22): p. 19892-904.
      3. Torrent, M., et al., The "CPC Clip Motif": A Conserved Structural Signature for Heparin-Binding Proteins.PLOS ONE, 2012. 7(8): p. e42692.
      4. Pulido, D., et al., Structural similarities in the CPC clip motif explain peptide-binding promiscuity between glycosaminoglycans and lipopolysaccharides. J R Soc Interface, 2017. 14(136).
      5. Bhunia, A., et al., Designed beta-boomerang antiendotoxic and antimicrobial peptides: structures and activities in lipopolysaccharide. J Biol Chem, 2009. 284(33): p. 21991-22004.
      6. Varponi, I., et al., Fighting Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections: Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Activity of D-Q53 CecB, a Synthetic Analog of a Silkworm Natural Cecropin B Variant. Int J Mol Sci, 2023. 24(15).
      7. Chen, Y., et al., Comparison of Biophysical and Biologic Properties of α-Helical Enantiomeric Antimicrobial Peptides. Chemical Biology & Drug Design, 2006. 67(2): p. 162-173.
    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: This manuscript has identified and investigated antimicrobial peptides from GAG binding proteins. Authors hypothesized that due to physiochemical similarity between GAG and LPS, fragments of GAG binding proteins might exert antimicrobial activity particularly against G- bacteria. Authors have identified few such AMPs that demonstrate LPS binding and displayed antibacterial activity. They have also solved NMR structure of the potent peptide and mode of action.

      Major comments: AMPs are promising molecules that can serve as lead for the development of therapeutics against MDR bacteria. In particular, currently therapeutic options to treat MDR Gram negative pathogens are limited. The current study is interesting and provides new non-toxic AMPs. Conclusions drawn from the works are largely valid. However, authors should address following comments

      1. The design and characterization of the peptide YI12WF is not described. Previous studies had shown design of b-boomerang peptides (Bhattacharjya and coworkers) that target LPS.
      2. Mutations or substitution of the key residues peptide 5 might improve the novelty of the work.
      3. How these peptides disrupt LPS permeability is not investigated. As LPS is the major target.
      4. Are the D-enantiomers of the peptides active against bacteria?
      5. 3-D structure of peptide 5 is solved in DPC micelle which is a mimic for eukaryotic cells. Authors should attempt to determine structure in LPS as shown in several recent studies with potent AMPs thanatin, MSI etc,

      Minor comments: There are examples of AMPs derived from human proteins. Authors should highlight such works.


      The work described in the manuscript is novel and hold promises to develop antimicrobials in future.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This is a very nice paper by the Andreu and Torrent groups that report the antimicrobial and heparin-binding of several encrypted peptides. Overall, this study presents an intriguing exploration into the potential dual functionality of glycosaminoglycan (GAG)-binding proteins, specifically heparin-binding proteins (HBPs), in recognizing lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and exhibiting antimicrobial properties. The findings, particularly the identification and characterization of novel encrypted peptides, such as HBP-5, are promising and contribute to our understanding of the intricate interplay between GAG-binding proteins and immunity. The data provided and methodology are thorough and well described. In sum, this is a very nice work. Please see below my minor comments.

      Minor comments:

      • Fig. 1 legend does not show antimicrobial activity. Please remove from the figure legend title.
      • Discussion section: the authors should expand this section a bit to discuss recent work in the encrypted/cryptic peptide area. There are some recent relevant papers published in the past 3 years that should be discussed.
      • References provided are a bit outdated and do not accurately reflect the latest in the field (see comment above).
      • Gram should be capitalized throughout the text.
      • Can the authors comment on the potential translatability of HBP-5? Please also comment on the potential advantages of having peptides that 1) bind to heparin; and 2) kill bacteria.
      • More details on the computational tools and methods used to mine the peptides are needed.


      The data provided and methodology are thorough and well described. In sum, this is a very nice work.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Glycosaminoglycan (GAG)-binding proteins regulating essential processes such as cell growth and migration are essential for cell homeostasis. It is reported that the GAG has the ability to bind to Herpin sulfate. As both GAGs and the LPS lipid A disaccharide core of gram-negative bacteria contain negatively charged disaccharide units, the researchers proposed that heparin-binding peptides might have cryptic antimicrobial peptide motifs. To prove the hypothesis, they have synthesized five candidates [HBP1-5], which showed a binding affinity towards heparin and LPS binding. By using various methods, they showed that these molecules have antimicrobial activity. The key finding in this study is the finding of the CPC domain, where C is a cationic amino acid and P is a polar amino acid.

      Major comments

      1. Even though the Authors propose here that CPC' clip motif is needed for antimicrobial activity. However, various studies have demonstrated that the mere presence of cationic amino or hydrophobic amino acids does not give the activity, the location of these amino acids at the strategic position is critically needed. The major issue in this work, the authors have not presented, whether there was a single CPC motif or multiple in the 5 peptides they have synthesised. Further, they need to demonstrate how are the charged and hydrophobic amino acids distributed in the peptides. these things will clearly explain the difference in the activity as well spectrum of the peptides. The authors should make an extra figure or add information highlighting this unique characteristic for better understanding to the reader.
      2. It is strange to observe that there are quite a number of reports showing that the peptides derived from the Herprin binding proteins have antimicrobial activity, but no one has reported their efficacy in the in vivo mouse model. if possible, the authors could add their observations if in vivo studies were done. or as a future line of study.

      Minor comments

      1. The presence of Cryptic antimicrobial domain in various heparin-binding proteins like laminin isoforms, von Willebrand factor, vitronectin, pro-tein C inhibitor, matrix glycoproteins thrombospondin, proline arginine-rich end leucine-rich repeat protein and fibronectin, have been reported previous. It is not clear why the authors did not refer to that work. the authors should refer to the works.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Minor comments

      1. The presence of Cryptic antimicrobial domain in various heparin-binding proteins like laminin isoforms, von Willebrand factor, vitronectin, pro-tein C inhibitor, matrix glycoproteins thrombospondin, proline arginine-rich end leucine-rich repeat protein and fibronectin, have been reported previous. It is not clear why the authors did not refer to that work. the authors should refer to the works. (same as reviewer 3)

      All the earlier studies related to the antimicrobial activity of the peptides derived from the Heparin-binding protein reported a consensus Cardin and Weintraub motifs i.e, XBBBXXBX or XBBXBX, where X represents hydrophobic or uncharged amino acids, and B represents basic amino acids. However, in this work, the researchers report about the presence of the new CPC motif. So this is unique and a novelty in the study.

      Even though the researchers report on the role of the CPC motif in the antimicrobial activity and binding to the heprin, the authors did not show any data or draw the conclusions related to the CPC domain when it comes to differences in the activity. this is the weakness of the manuscript. (same as reviwer 2) 2. It is strange to observe that there are quite a number of reports showing that the peptides derived from the Herprin binding proteins have antimicrobial activity, but no one has reported their efficacy in the in vivo mouse model. if possible, the authors could add their observations if in vivo studies were done. or as a future line of study.(Same as reviewer 2)


      All the earlier studies related to the antimicrobial activity of the peptides derived from the Heparin-binding protein reported a consensus Cardin and Weintraub motifs i.e, XBBBXXBX or XBBXBX, where X represents hydrophobic or uncharged amino acids, and B represents basic amino acids. However, in this work, the researchers report about the presence of the new CPC motif. So this is unique and a novelty in the study.

      Even though the researchers report on the role of the CPC motif in the antimicrobial activity and binding to the heprin, the authors did not show any data or draw the conclusions related to the CPC domain when it comes to differences in the activity. this is the weakness of the manuscript.

      There are more than 20 different AMP databases or prediction software. however, not all of them are 100 % current, their success rate varies from 30-50% only. It needs to be investigated if adding this search in the hit peptides might increase the success rate of the extra in silico-based AMPs prediction software

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Description of the planned revisions

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      • Again, in Figure 5, were FoxP3/CD4+ cells enumerated? Author Response: Fig 5 showed that the inflammatory score, and activation of CD4 and CD8 cells, were lower in the intestine of DSS-treated mice transplanted with Jag1Ndr/Ndr lymphocytes than in those transplanted with Jag1+/+ lymphocytes. However, in Figure 5 we had not quantified the number of FoxP3/CD4+ cells (Tregs). We agree that it would be interesting to know whether the dampened intestinal inflammation (in response to a classical inflammatory disease model (DSS-treatment)) is also mediated by excess Tregs. We will therefore now quantify Foxp3+ cells on the intestinal sections of experimental animals used for acquisition of data in Fig 5.

      • *

      Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Reviewer 1 comment: This is an interesting study that examines defects in the Jag1ndr/ndr mouse model of Alagille syndrome. The novel aspects of this manuscript are the comparisons, at many levels, between the mouse model and ALG patient samples, including an examination of immune profiles. The conclusions that the Jag1ndr/ndr mouse model is an accurate representation of the human ALG syndrome appear valid. However the reported differences in immune profiles, particularly in the Jag1ndr/ndr mouse model are difficult to understand. The data presented indicate a reduction in CD4+ cells in the Jag1ndr/ndr mouse at day P3 in both liver and spleen. Additionally, the authors report differences between the the Jag1ndr/ndr mouse and controls at day P30 in the relative percentages of DN, DP and SP CD4 and CD8 cells in the thymus. When examining the peripheral lymphoid system, CD4+ numbers are the same in both the Jag1ndr/ndr animals and controls however CD8+ numbers are reduced and FoxP3/CD4+ cells are increased in both the spleen and the thymus. FoxP3/CD4+ T cells are usually assumed to be regulatory T cells that dampen the inflammatory responses of T cells. Therefore, the increase in this population in an animal model of what is assumed to be an inflammatory disease is confusing and confounding. The authors do not present a clear analysis of how they feel an increase of Tregs would lead to this disease. One possibility is that this population is not functioning as conventional Tregs and rather are promoting inflammation but this conclusion would require a functional analysis of this population of cells, at the very least in an in vitro analysis of T cell suppression. From an immunologist's point of view, their data are antithetical to what one would expect to find in an inflammatory disease. Perhaps this reviewer is missing an important point but if I am missing it, then other who read this manusgcript also may be confused.

      Author Response: *We thank the reviewer for carefully assessing our work, and for noting which aspects of the immune analyses should be more thoroughly explained. We apologize for any confusion, which a clearer introduction will help to avoid. *

      *Alagille syndrome is not thought of as an inflammatory disorder, it is a congenital disorder affecting bile duct development (Kohut et al 2021, Semin Liver Dis). During normal bile duct development, JAG1+ portal fibroblasts signal to NOTCH2+ hepatoblasts to instruct bile duct development. In the context of low JAG1 signaling, hepatoblasts either fail to adopt a cholangiocyte fate, or fail to undergo bile duct morphogenesis, resulting in bile duct paucity and cholestasis. This cholestasis should activate inflammatory processes leading to fibrosis, which is the subject of this study. *

      • *

      We agree with the reviewer that Tregs would be expected to suppress inflammation, and our data are consistent with Treg suppression of inflammation. We show, for the first time, that Tregs are enriched in Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice (Fig 4) and present evidence that they suppress inflammation (Fig 5) and fibrosis (Fig 6), which could explain the atypical fibrosis seen in patients with ALGS.

      • *

      *To clarify that ALGS is a genetic liver disease affecting bile duct formation, we: *

      1. Modified and extended the following text in the Introduction (Page 2, lines 14-17): “ALGS is mainly caused by mutations in the Notch ligand JAGGED1 (JAG1, 94%) (Mašek & Andersson, 2017; Oda et al, 1997), affecting bile duct development and morphogenesis, resulting in bile duct paucity and cholestasis. Immune dysregulation has also been described (Tilib Shamoun et al, 2015), but how this might interact with liver disease in ALGS to affect fibrosis is not known.
      2. *Introduce the disease, the animal model, and the scientific question in a schematic in new Fig 1A. *
      3. * Reviewer 1 comment: Minor points that should be addressed include: • The source cells used in the transfer experiments reported in Figure 5 is unclear. Are they using total spleen cells with T, B and myeloid cells or are they using purified T cells. And if it is the latter, have they assessed the ratio of CD4+ versus FoxP3/CD4+ cells in the transferred cells?

      Author Response: *Total spleen cells including all lymphocytes were transplanted, as described in Materials and Methods. The constituent T-cell populations are characterized and shown in Fig 4F. To clarify this, we: *

      1. *added the text “Adoptive transfer of lymphocytes” to the schematic in Fig 5A, FigS5A, and Fig 6A, and *
      2. modified the opening paragraph related to results presented in Fig.5 and FigS5 in the following way (page 8, line 209): “To investigate Jag1Ndr/Ndr T cell function, we performed adoptive transfer of the splenic lymphocytes into Rag1-/- mice, which lack mature B- and T cell populations, but provide a host environment with normal Jag1 (Mombaerts et al, 1992).
      3. *

      *To acknowledge that B-cells and innate lymphoid cells might contribute to the observed results, we include a following sentence in the Discussion: *

      (page 12, lines 369-371) “Finally, our experimental setup does not exclude an additional contribution of other lymphocytes (B-cells or innate lymphoid cells) to the BDL-induced fibrosis, and selective testing of the individual subpopulations would be an intriguing follow up to this study.”

      Reviewer 1 comment: In the DSS experiments in Figure 5, there does not appear to be a no DSS control. What does the architecture look like without DSS?

      Author Response: The intestinal architecture and phenotype of mice transplanted with Jag1+/+ or Jag1Ndr/Ndr lymphocytes, not treated with DSS, are presented in Supplementary Figure 5. In the absence of DSS, Jag1+/+- or Jag1Ndr/Ndr -transplanted mice exhibit no overt differences in survival or weight gain/loss. The intestinal inflammatory score was not different in the two conditions and was *2.29 +/-0.44 and 2.03 +/-0.92 for Jag1+/+- or Jag1Ndr/Ndr -transplanted mice, respectively. *

      To compare the results with and without DSS, we added the following text to the results section, when describing the DSS results (Page 9, lines 223-226):

      As expected, histological scoring of intestinal and colonic inflammation revealed elevated inflammation in Jag1+/+→Rag1-/- mice treated with DSS (Fig. 5C,D) compared to Jag1+/+→Rag1-/- mice not treated with DSS (Fig. S5). However, there was significantly less inflammation in Jag1Ndr/Ndr→Rag1-/- mice than in Jag1+/+→Rag1-/- mice (Fig. 5C,D)."

      Reviewer 1 comment: The authors noted that splenomegaly was observed in the Jag1ndr/ndr mouse model. Again this is antithetical to what one would expect when one sees an increase in FoxP3/CD4+ T regs.

      Author Response: *We thank the reviewer for pointing at a possible discrepancy, related to Fig1 in which we report the presence of splenomegaly. Although there can be multiple causes of splenomegaly, it is one of the hallmarks of portal hypertension (as also corroborated by Reviewer 2), tightly connected with liver fibrosis, present in patients with ALGS and we report it as such in the manuscript. To clarify this, we added the following text sections: *

      1. Results (page 2, lines 37,38) “Liver fibrosis compresses blood vessels and reduces their blood flow, leading to portal hypertension, a serious consequence of liver disease which can manifest as splenomegaly.
      2. Discussion (page 13, line 394-401): “Splenomegaly has been described as a consequence of portal hypertension in ALGS (Kamath et al, 2020), but could also be attributed to immune-related pathology. Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice exhibit splenomegaly as early as P10, and is exacerbated at P30 ( 1E,F). Patients with other liver diseases display portal hypertension and cirrhosis, with both splenomegaly and hypersplenism associated with a high CD4+/CD8+ ratio, but a low Treg+/CD4+ ratio (Nomura et al, 2014). However, Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice present with splenomegaly but not hypersplenism. An overactive spleen (hypersplenism) would remove red blood cells which are instead enriched in Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice, and Tregs were enriched in Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice, not depleted as seen in cirrhosis/hypersplenism. These data are thus consistent with portal hypertension-induced splenomegaly rather than hypersplenism.*” *

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Reviewer 1 comment: The strengths of this paper are the careful comparisons between the mouse model and the human ALG syndrome. These comparisons are valuable and worth publication.

      Author Response: We thank the reviewer for these comments.

      Reviewer 1 comment: Weaknesses are stated above. Needs a clearer explanation for their immune analysis.

      Author Response: *We thank the reviewers for highlighting points requiring clarification and hope the proposed text changes and additional data presented in response to the comments of all three reviewers lead to a significant clarification of the immunological aspect of our study. *

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Reviewer 2 comment:

      Summary: Masek and colleagues use multi-pronged studies on the Jag1[Ndr/Ndr] mouse model of Alagille syndrome (ALGS) combined with transcriptomic analysis on livers from patients with ALGS to elucidate the potential mechanisms regulating liver fibrosis in this disease. The authors first show that Jag1[Ndr/Ndr] animals develop pericellular and perisinusoidal fibrosis and exhibit evidence for portal hypertension, similar to patients with ALGS. Single-cell RNA-sequencing indicated more hepatoblasts and less hepatocytes, relatively speaking, in Jag1[Ndr/Ndr] P3 livers, which suggested hampering of hepatoblast differentiation to hepatocytes. Deconvolution of previously generated bulk RNA-seq data from Jag1[Ndr/Ndr] P10 livers and GESA on RNAseq data from livers of these mice and patients with ALGS confirmed the P3 scRNA-seq observations and indicated mild pro-inflammatory activation of immature hepatocytes in ALGS livers. GESA also suggested an inability of Jag1[Ndr/Ndr] livers to attract T cells upon cholestatic injury. Indeed, 25-color flow cytometry on liver and spleen from mutant and control mice indicated a defect in T cell response to cholestasis in this model. The authors then examined the effects of the Ndr mutation on T-cell development and function. They found that the Ndr/Ndr thymi were significantly smaller than control thymi. Moreover, Ndr/Ndr thymi showed an increase in CD4+ T-cells and Tregs at the expense of double-positive T-cells. The authors then performed lymphocyte transplantation studies and concluded that Ndr/Ndr T-cells fail to mount an adequate response to inflammation in a DSS model of ulcerative colitis. The authors tested the contribution of Ndr/Ndr immune cells to liver fibrosis in a model of experimentally induced cholestasis (bile duct ligation; BDL). Ndr/Ndr T-cells did not show any defects in migrating into the liver upon BDL. However, the periportal fibrosis observed in BDL model was reduced in animals receiving Ndr/Ndr immune cells compared to those receiving Jag1+/+ immune cells. This was accompanied by significantly less aSMA staining in these livers. Finally, reanalysis of bulk RNAseq data from liver samples from ALGS and other liver diseases suggested that the presence of FOXP3+ T-reg cells in the liver is associated with higher liver fibrosis in non-ALGS liver diseases but lower liver fibrosis in ALGS livers. The authors have used an impressive combination of single-cell RNA-sequencing, reanalysis of previous bulk RNA-sequencing data from their group and others, 25-color FACS analysis, and adoptive immune transfer experiments in this manuscript, and systematically provide quantification and statistical analysis for their data. Overall, this is an interesting and important study. Prior studies are referenced appropriately. The text and figures are clear and accurate. I don't think any additional experiments are essential. However, the issues listed under Major comments should be discussed and clarified in the manuscript, especially the first item.

      Author Response: *We sincerely thank the reviewer for the comprehensive and insightful assessment of our manuscript. We are particularly gratified to note your acknowledgment of the thoroughness of our experimental approach and the clarity of our presentation. We are pleased that no further experiments would be required, and will address the points raised under Major comments which enhance our study's quality and accessibility. *

      Reviewer 2 comment:

      Major comments:

      • Only a small fraction of the cells in scRNA-seq experiments have been assigned to hepatocytes/hepatoblast clusters, with the majority of these cells allocated to Hepato-Ery cluster. This suggests that many hepatocytes and potentially hepatoblasts have been lost during sample preparation. The authors should discuss this issue and its potential implications on the interpretation of the cell ratios and gene expression conclusions of scRNA-seq data. Author Response: We agree with the reviewer regarding this aspect of our study. We mentioned this limitation in the supplementary methods section: ”Liver parenchymal cells constituted ~6.5% of cells at E16.5, and ~7.5% of cells at P3 and included mesenchymal cells, endothelial cells, hepatoblasts and hepatocytes (Fig. S1D), this parenchymal proportion is lower than in vivo, but consistent with ex vivo liver digest (Guilliams et al, 2022).” We recognize it may be too inaccessible there, and we thus added the following text to the Discussion section of the manuscript: (Pages 11-12, lines 330-337) “A limitation of this study is the underrepresentation of the hepatoblast/cyte parenchymal cells in the scRNA-seq dataset (Fig. 2A-D), which constituted ~6.5% of analyzed cells at E16.5, and ~7.5% of cells at P3 (Fig. S1D). This parenchymal proportion is lower than in vivo, but is consistent with scRNA seq datasets obtained with ex vivo liver digest (Guilliams et al, 2022). One risk is that cell stress as a result of dissociation could result in further loss of injured Jag1Ndr/Ndr hepatocytes, impacting the interpretation of cell type abundance. Nuclear scRNAseq can overcome cell type-dependent dissociation sensitivity bias (Guilliams et al, 2022), and could provide further insights into Jag1Ndr/Ndr livers at the single cell level. Nonetheless, both bulk RNA seq deconvolution and histological analyses confirmed that patients and Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice exhibit hepatoblast enrichment and less differentiated hepatocytes.

      Reviewer 2 comment: The Jag1[Ndr/Ndr] strain is an excellent model for various aspects of ALGS phenotypes. However, when it comes to linking the effects of this mutation to the function of a specific cell type, it is worth considering that Jag1[Ndr/Ndr] might not recapitulate the effects of loss of one copy of JAG1 observed in most patients with ALGS. This is especially important given the sensitivity of various cellular and organ-level processes to the degree of Notch pathway activation. In the context of the present manuscript, it is possible that what the authors have observed in Jag1[Ndr/Ndr] lymphocytes does not mirror how a JAG1-heterozygous human lymphocyte behaves. This is not a major concern, but it is worth considering.

      Author Response: We agree and thus added the following discussion paragraph (page 11, lines 315-321) “In patients with ALGS, who have a single mutation in either JAG1 or NOTCH2, the remnant healthy allele(s) could be expected to mediate signaling. However, some JAG1 mutations exhibit dominant negative effects (Ponio et al, 2007; Xiao et al, 2013; Guan et al, 2023), which could entail further repression of JAG1/NOTCH2 signaling. In this context, it is important to note that the Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice are homozygous for the missense mutation, but retain some JAG1 activity, and it is not clear to which degree this mimics JAG1 heterozygosity in humans. It would be of interest to test whether Jag1 potency affects hepatoblast differentiation or injury-induced reversion of hepatocytes in patients as a function of their genotype.

      Reviewer 2 comment: •The basis for the opposite type of correlation between COL1A1 expression and POXP3 level in ALGS versus non-ALGS liver disease is not clear.

      Author Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing out the unclear interpretation of the patient data. In patients with ALGS, the extent of fibrosis is likely to be highly multifactorial, involving (as we show) hepatocyte immaturity, dampened inflammation, and immune system dysregulation (possibly involving more than T-cells). Since human patients ARE so heterogeneous, teasing apart the relative contribution of each is currently outside the scope of our study, but will be an important area of future research. Nonetheless we thought it was important and interesting to show these patterns in supplementary Fig 6, now extended with further data, and analyses, and described in the following manner:

      • *

      Results section: (page 10, lines 267-275) “Liver damage in non-ALGS liver disease (using liver injury marker LGALS3BP) (Yang et al, 2021), was positively correlated with recruitment of lymphocytes (including CD8A+,and FOXP3+ populations of T cells), as well as the extent of fibrosis (COL1A1 abundance) (Fig. S6G). However, in ALGS, the extent of liver damage, lymphocyte recruitment and fibrosis were unlinked (Fig. S6G). These data are in line with the observation that liver stiffness (a proxy for fibrosis) in ALGS is independent of biomarkers of liver disease (Leung et al, 2023). While Treg infiltration in ALGS was independent of liver damage, it exhibited a tendency towards a negative correlation with fibrosis (Fig. S6G), corroborating that elevated levels of Tregs may limit fibrosis in ALGS. Altogether, these data suggest that the liver and lymphocytes may be differentially affected in different patients with ALGS, a disorder that is well known for its heterogenous presentation.

      Minor comments:

      • Page 2, last paragraph of Introduction, Page 12 last sentence, and Supplementary Methods: Please use "adoptive immune transfer" instead of "adaptive immune transfer". • Pages 3 and 4: Reference is made to Figures 3E-O, which appears to be Figure 2E-O. • Figure 3 legend: "Analysis in (E) is one-way ANOVA with Dunnett's multiple comparison test". Panel E compares two means, so ANOVA is not the appropriate statistical analysis for these data. Is this sentence related to panel D? • Page 9: Please correct misspelling: "response to intestinal insult (Fig. 5). W therefore". • The Science Translation Medicine references lack page number. Author Response: *We thank the reviewer deeply for taking the time to meticulously note and convey these errors, helping us to correct these. The suggested corrections have been implemented. Science Transl Med is an online journal and does not have page numbers – we have added an issue number to facilitate retrieval of these references. *

      • *

      Additionally, we noticed that the image of a consecutive liver section with CYP1A2 staining from Jag1Ndr/Ndr liver in Fig 2 L was accidentally flipped along the horizontal axis, which we have now corrected. We also changed the scRNAseq cell cluster naming from Hepatoblasts/cytes, Hepato_Ery, and Kupffer cells, Kuffer cells_Ery to Hepatoblasts/cytes I, and II, and Kupffer cells I and II, respectively, to match the Neutrophil progenitors I and II naming convention. Names were subsequently also changed in Fig S1 and methods.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      To my knowledge, ALGS is not considered to be an inflammatory disorder. Furthermore, the splenomagaly observed in the mouse model could be due to portal hypertension rather than a primary immune disturbance. Having said that, I agree with the other reviewers that the manuscript will benefit from further discussion and clarification on the immune-related observations.

      Author Response: We thank Reviewer 2 for indicating to Reviewer 1 that ALGS is not considered an inflammatory disorder, which we agree with. It was not our intention to convey this idea. To avoid confusion, we now:

      1. *Added a schematic in Fig 1A. *
      2. Modified and extended the following text in the Introduction: (Page 2, lines 14-17): “ALGS is mainly caused by mutations in the Notch ligand JAGGED1 (JAG1, 94%) (Mašek & Andersson, 2017; Oda et al, 1997), affecting bile duct development and morphogenesis, resulting in bile duct paucity and cholestasis. Immune dysregulation has also been described (Tilib Shamoun et al, 2015), but how this might interact with liver disease in ALGS to affect fibrosis is not known. *Furthermore, we have addressed or will address all comments from reviewer 1 to clarify the immune-related observations. *

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Despite severe cholestasis, ALGS patients do not show as much fibrosis as other cholestatic diseases, including biliary atresia (BA). A previous study had suggested that this phenomenon could be due to the difference in the nature of reactive hepatobiliary cells in ALGS compared to BA (Fabris et al, 2007). Moreover, a number of studies have suggested a role for Notch pathway activation in several cell types in the liver in the development of liver fibrosis (for example, Sawitza et al, Hepatology, 2009; Chen et al, Plos One, 2012; Duan et al, Hepatology, 2018; Yu et al, Science Translational Medicine, 2021). However, although a role for Notch signaling in T-cells is well established, it was not known whether impaired T-cell development/function contributes to reduced fibrosis in ALGS liver disease. Accordingly, the current manuscript provides novel insight into the mechanism of fibrosis in this disease. Moreover, the observation that Jag1-mutant T-cells do not confer as much protection as control T-cells to immunodeficient mice subjected to DSS-induced ulcerative colitis provides strong evidence for impaired T-cell immunity in this ALGS model and might help explain other aspects of ALGS phenotypes.

      The manuscript will be of interest to broad audience (Notch signaling, cholestatic liver disease, mechanisms of liver fibrosis, T-cell development).

      I have expertise in Notch signaling and in using animal models of human developmental disorders.

      __Author Response: __We thank the reviewer for the balanced assessment of our manuscript in light of the current knowledge, and for highlighting its importance in the context of not only Notch and ALGS, but also other cholestatic and fibrotic liver diseases.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The article entitled "Jag1 Insufficiency Disrupts Neonatal T Cell Differentiation and Impairs Hepatocyte Maturation, Leading to Altered Liver Fibrosis" by Mašek et al described the role of Notch ligand JAGGED1 (JAG1) in the T-cell differentiation contributing to liver fibrosis and immune system development in ALGS. This article is well written and has important preliminary findings that could establish Jag1 and its downstream signaling pathways as potential therapeutic targets to attenuate liver fibrosis.

      Author Response: We thank the reviewer for recognizing our work and pointing out the therapeutical implications of our findings.

      Reviewer 3 comment 1: Minor comments: In page 4, they mentioned that "the hepatoblast marker alpha fetoprotein (AFP) was 3.1-fold enriched (Fig. 3J,K), while the mature hepatocyte marker CYP1A2 protein was 1.7-fold less expressed (Fig. 3L-M)", the figure numbers should be changed to 2J, K, L-M etc.

      Author Response:* We thank the reviewer for identifying these errors. The suggested corrections have been implemented. *

      Reviewer 3 comment 2: In liver fibrosis the Th17 cells play crucial roles. Please show the level of IL17A mRNA level in the liver in the Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice compared to the Jag1+/+ mice.

      Author Response: We thank the reviewer for the insightful comments. We indeed investigated the Th17 vs Treg immune response, however we detect neither Th17-expressed Il17, Il17a, Il17f, nor Il21 and Il22 mRNA in the bulk RNA data, suggesting their expression is either masked or they are not present in significant numbers within the liver tissue at P10, preventing us from drawing any conclusions about this cell population.

      Reviewer ____3 comment 3: Also, please show the expression level of pro-inflammatory molecules, for example, TNFα, IL1β, MCP1 etc and the level of MMPs (especially MMP2, MMP8, MMP9) in the livers of the mice models used.

      Author Response: *The expression of Il10, Il1b, Mcp1(Ccl2), was presented in the manuscript Fig. 2O, and we attach in the response to reviewers *

      *a full list together with the expression levels of Mmp2/8/9, Tnfa, Ifng, Il17 receptor family and Tgfb1-3. Out of these, Mmp8 (0.9 Log2fold change = 1.9-fold), Ccl2 (2.2 Log2fold change = 4.7-fold), and Tl17rb (1.1 Log2fold change = 2.1-fold) were significantly upregulated, but do not indicate any specific leukocyte population’s response. This is in line with data in Fig S2E, demonstrating a dominance of myeloid over adaptive immune response in the GSEA of the immune KEGGs. *

      *Since lymphocytes are underrepresented in the bulk transcriptomics, and individual genes might report activity of many different cell types, we chose to focus on the list of genes shown to be markers of activated hepatocytes, to avoid over interpretation of the RNA sequencing data. Instead, the immune analyses were based on flow cytometry data, which we expect should accurately report cell type abundance across organ systems. *

      Reviewer 3 comment____ 4. Authors have shown significant alterations in the Treg population in their Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice of ALGS. Please also show the expression of IL10 and TGFβ in the liver and whether they are correlated with the level of Treg populations.

      Author response:* IL10 and Tgfb mRNA levels in liver are shown in the heatmap in the response to reviewers, and were not significantly different between genotypes at P10. They were also not correlated with Foxp3 levels, as shown in the correlation matrices below (Pearson’s R values in top row, significance values in bottom row). *

      Reviewer 3 comment 5. It would be interesting to know whether the IFNγ mRNA expression in the livers were altered in the Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice with altered populations of CD8 T cells.

      Author Response: There was no significant difference in IFNγ mRNA expression levels between Jag1+/+ and Jag1Ndr/Ndr *livers at P10 (please see the heatmap in response to comment no.3, above). *

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): Strength: This article is well written and has important preliminary findings that could establish Jag1 and its downstream signaling pathways as potential therapeutic targets to attenuate liver fibrosis.

      Author Response: Thank you for these comments and pointing out the wider implications of our findings.

      Reviewer 3____ Limitations: This study lacked the detailed molecular pathways which could explain how the Jag1 altered the T-cell recruitment, development and hepatocyte maturation in the development of liver fibrosis in the ALGS model.

      Author Response: We agree that this study does not focus on molecular pathways. The intention of this study was to identify which cell populations contribute to atypical neonatal fibrosis in ALGS. Because we expected this process to be multifactorial, Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice, carrying a systemic mutation, present both advantages (Jag1 abrogation in all cells --> ALGS-like organ interactions) and limitations (inability to identify contributions of individual cell types). However, by identifying maturing hepatocytes and Tregs as dysregulated, and demonstrating that Jag1Ndr/Ndr lymphocytes behave abnormally and suppress inflammation and fibrosis in Rag1-/- mice (with normal Jag1 expression), we establish a biological framework that can now be further investigated with conditional genetic tools and in vitro systems, to elucidate specific molecular pathways, that were beyond the scope of the current study.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The article entitled "Jag1 Insufficiency Disrupts Neonatal T Cell Differentiation and Impairs Hepatocyte Maturation, Leading to Altered Liver Fibrosis" by Mašek et al described the role of Notch ligand JAGGED1 (JAG1) in the T-cell differentiation contributing to liver fibrosis and immune system development in ALGS. This article is well written and has important preliminary findings that could establish Jag1 and its downstream signaling pathways as potential therapeutic targets to attenuate liver fibrosis.

      1. Minor comments: In page 4, they mentioned that "the hepatoblast marker alpha fetoprotein (AFP) was 3.1-fold enriched (Fig. 3J,K), while the mature hepatocyte marker CYP1A2 protein was 1.7-fold less expressed (Fig. 3L-M)", the figure numbers should be changed to 2J, K, L-M etc.
      2. In liver fibrosis the Th17 cells play crucial roles. Please show the level of IL17A mRNA level in the liver in the Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice compared to the Jag1+/+ mice.
      3. Also, please show the expression level of pro-inflammatory molecules, for example, TNFα, IL1β, MCP1 etc and the level of MMPs (especially MMP2, MMP8, MMP9) in the livers of the mice models used.
      4. Authors have shown significant alterations in the Treg population in their Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice of ALGS. Please also show the expression of IL10 and TGFβ in the liver and whether they are correlated with the level of Treg populations.
      5. It would be interesting to know whether the IFNγ mRNA expression in the livers were altered in the Jag1Ndr/Ndr mice with altered populations of CD8 T cells.


      Strength: This article is well written and has important preliminary findings that could establish Jag1 and its downstream signaling pathways as potential therapeutic targets to attenuate liver fibrosis.

      Limitations: This study lacked the detailed molecular pathways which could explain how the Jag1 altered the T-cell recruitment, development and hepatocyte maturation in the development of liver fibrosis in the ALGS model.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Masek and colleagues use multi-pronged studies on the Jag1[Ndr/Ndr] mouse model of Alagille syndrome (ALGS) combined with transcriptomic analysis on livers from patients with ALGS to elucidate the potential mechanisms regulating liver fibrosis in this disease. The authors first show that Jag1[Ndr/Ndr] animals develop pericellular and perisinusoidal fibrosis and exhibit evidence for portal hypertension, similar to patients with ALGS. Single-cell RNA-sequencing indicated more hepatoblasts and less hepatocytes, relatively speaking, in Jag1[Ndr/Ndr] P3 livers, which suggested hampering of hepatoblast differentiation to hepatocytes. Deconvolution of previously generated bulk RNA-seq data from Jag1[Ndr/Ndr] P10 livers and GESA on RNAseq data from livers of these mice and patients with ALGS confirmed the P3 scRNA-seq observations and indicated mild pro-inflammatory activation of immature hepatocytes in ALGS livers. GESA also suggested an inability of Jag1[Ndr/Ndr] livers to attract T cells upon cholestatic injury. Indeed, 25-color flow cytometry on liver and spleen from mutant and control mice indicated a defect in T cell response to cholestasis in this model. The authors then examined the effects of the Ndr mutation on T-cell development and function. They found that the Ndr/Ndr thymi were significantly smaller than control thymi. Moreover, Ndr/Ndr thymi showed an increase in CD4+ T-cells and Tregs at the expense of double-positive T-cells. The authors then performed lymphocyte transplantation studies and concluded that Ndr/Ndr T-cells fail to mount an adequate response to inflammation in a DSS model of ulcerative colitis. The authors tested the contribution of Ndr/Ndr immune cells to liver fibrosis in a model of experimentally induced cholestasis (bile duct ligation; BDL). Ndr/Ndr T-cells did not show any defects in migrating into the liver upon BDL. However, the periportal fibrosis observed in BDL model was reduced in animals receiving Ndr/Ndr immune cells compared to those receiving Jag1+/+ immune cells. This was accompanied by significantly less aSMA staining in these livers. Finally, reanalysis of bulk RNAseq data from liver samples from ALGS and other liver diseases suggested that the presence of FOXP3+ T-reg cells in the liver is associated with higher liver fibrosis in non-ALGS liver diseases but lower liver fibrosis in ALGS livers. The authors have used an impressive combination of single-cell RNA-sequencing, reanalysis of previous bulk RNA-sequencing data from their group and others, 25-color FACS analysis, and adoptive immune transfer experiments in this manuscript, and systematically provide quantification and statistical analysis for their data. Overall, this is an interesting and important study. Prior studies are referenced appropriately. The text and figures are clear and accurate. I don't think any additional experiments are essential. However, the issues listed under Major comments should be discussed and clarified in the manuscript, especially the first item.

      Major comments:

      • Only a small fraction of the cells in scRNA-seq experiments have been assigned to hepatocytes/hepatoblast clusters, with the majority of these cells allocated to Hepato-Ery cluster. This suggests that many hepatocytes and potentially hepatoblasts have been lost during sample preparation. The authors should discuss this issue and its potential implications on the interpretation of the cell ratios and gene expression conclusions of scRNA-seq data.
      • The Jag1[Ndr/Ndr] strain is an excellent model for various aspects of ALGS phenotypes. However, when it comes to linking the effects of this mutation to the function of a specific cell type, it is worth considering that Jag1[Ndr/Ndr] might not recapitulate the effects of loss of one copy of JAG1 observed in most patients with ALGS. This is especially important given the sensitivity of various cellular and organ-level processes to the degree of Notch pathway activation. In the context of the present manuscript, it is possible that what the authors have observed in Jag1[Ndr/Ndr] lymphocytes does not mirror how a JAG1-heterozygous human lymphocyte behaves. This is not a major concern, but it is worth considering.
      • The basis for the opposite type of correlation between COL1A1 expression and POXP3 level in ALGS versus non-ALGS liver disease is not clear.

      Minor comments:

      • Page 2, last paragraph of Introduction, Page 12 last sentence, and Supplementary Methods: Please use "adoptive immune transfer" instead of "adaptive immune transfer".
      • Pages 3 and 4: Reference is made to Figures 3E-O, which appears to be Figure 2E-O.
      • Figure 3 legend: "Analysis in (E) is one-way ANOVA with Dunnett's multiple comparison test". Panel E compares two means, so ANOVA is not the appropriate statistical analysis for these data. Is this sentence related to panel D?
      • Page 9: Please correct misspelling: "response to intestinal insult (Fig. 5). W therefore".
      • The Science Translation Medicine references lack page number.

      Referees cross-commenting

      To my knowledge, ALGS is not considered to be an inflammatory disorder. Furthermore, the splenomagaly observed in the mouse model could be due to portal hypertension rather than a primary immune disturbance. Having said that, I agree with the other reviewers that the manuscript will benefit from further discussion and clarification on the immune-related observations.


      Despite severe cholestasis, ALGS patients do not show as much fibrosis as other cholestatic diseases, including biliary atresia (BA). A previous study had suggested that this phenomenon could be due to the difference in the nature of reactive hepatobiliary cells in ALGS compared to BA (Fabris et al, 2007). Moreover, a number of studies have suggested a role for Notch pathway activation in several cell types in the liver in the development of liver fibrosis (for example, Sawitza et al, Hepatology, 2009; Chen et al, Plos One, 2012; Duan et al, Hepatology, 2018; Yu et al, Science Translational Medicine, 2021). However, although a role for Notch signaling in T-cells is well established, it was not known whether impaired T-cell development/function contributes to reduced fibrosis in ALGS liver disease. Accordingly, the current manuscript provides novel insight into the mechanism of fibrosis in this disease. Moreover, the observation that Jag1-mutant T-cells do not confer as much protection as control T-cells to immunodeficient mice subjected to DSS-induced ulcerative colitis provides strong evidence for impaired T-cell immunity in this ALGS model and might help explain other aspects of ALGS phenotypes.

      The manuscript will be of interest to broad audience (Notch signaling, cholestatic liver disease, mechanisms of liver fibrosis, T-cell development).

      I have expertise in Notch signaling and in using animal models of human developmental disorders.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This is an interesting study that examines defects in the Jag1ndr/ndr mouse model of Alagille syndrome. The novel aspects of this manuscript are the comparisons, at many levels, between the mouse model and ALG patient samples, including an examination of immune profiles. The conclusions that the Jag1ndr/ndr mouse model is an accurate representation of the human ALG syndrome appear valid. However the reported differences in immune profiles, particularly in the Jag1ndr/ndr mouse model are difficult to understand. The data presented indicate a reduction in CD4+ cells in the Jag1ndr/ndr mouse at day P3 in both liver and spleen. Additionally, the authors report differences between the the Jag1ndr/ndr mouse and controls at day P30 in the relative percentages of DN, DP and SP CD4 and CD8 cells in the thymus. When examining the peripheral lymphoid system, CD4+ numbers are the same in both the Jag1ndr/ndr animals and controls however CD8+ numbers are reduced and FoxP3/CD4+ cells are increased in both the spleen and the thymus. FoxP3/CD4+ T cells are usually assumed to be regulatory T cells that dampen the inflammatory responses of T cells. Therefore, the increase in this population in an animal model of what is assumed to be an inflammatory disease is confusing and confounding. The authors do not present a clear analysis of how they feel an increase of Tregs would lead to this disease. One possibility is that this population is not functioning as conventional Tregs and rather are promoting inflammation but this conclusion would require a functional analysis of this population of cells, at the very least in an in vitro analysis of T cell suppression. From an immunologist's point of view, their data are antithetical to what one would expect to find in an inflammatory disease. Perhaps this reviewer is missing an important point but if I am missing it, then other who read this manuscript also may be confused.

      Minor points that should be addressed include:

      • The source cells used in the transfer experiments reported in Figure 5 is unclear. Are they using total spleen cells with T, B and myeloid cells or are they using purified T cells. And if it is the latter, have they assessed the ratio of CD4+ versus FoxP3/CD4+ cells in the transferred cells?
      • In the DSS experiments in Figure 5, there does not appear to be a no DSS control. What does the architecture look like without DSS?
      • Again, in Figure 5, were FoxP3/CD4+ cells enumerated?
      • The authors noted that splenomegaly was observed in the Jag1ndr/ndr mouse model. Again this is antithetical to what one would expect when one sees an increase in FoxP3/CD4+ T regs.


      The strengths of this paper are the careful comparisons between the mouse model and the human ALG syndrome. These comparisons are valuable and worth publication.

      Weaknesses are stated above. Needs a clearer explanation for their immune analysis.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required):

      Au et al. used two fly models to study how mitochondrial defects are implicated in C9ALS, the most common familial ALS type. They found that in these flies, mitochondrial, but not cytosolic, ROS is upregulated, accompanied by locomotion defects agreeing with previous publications. Consistent with these data, sod2, but not sod1, rescues the behavioral defects in these flies. Also, manipulating mitochondrial dynamics or mitophagy does not rescue these defects. Furthermore, the authors showed that the Nrf2 activity is upregulated, likely due to oxidative stress, and genetically or pharmacologically suppressing the Keap1 function, which activates Nrf2 and thereby its downstream antioxidative genes, suppresses behavior defects in these flies. This part is generally solid and convincing, with minor issues that need some revision. Finally, the authors showed that mitochondrial ROS and nuclear Nrf2 are both upregulated in C9 iPS neurons, both of which are suppressed by the Keap1 inhibitor DMF, or a known antioxidant. For this part, the data are convincing but insufficient to support a good translation of their fly data.

      __Major concerns: __

      1a. The authors really need a phenotypic readout for their iPS experiments, either cell death or some sort of toxicity, to support the translatability of their fly data.

      • We agree and appreciate the value of having such as phenotypic readout for the iPSC experiments but, unfortunately, within the context of the current work we did not obvious any clear phenotype of toxicity or diminished viability under basal, unchallenged conditions. To support this, we have added our analysis of cell viability at the time of imaging, shown in new Supplementary Figure 3C and mentioned in the text (line 620-621).

      1b. The authors also need to test the toxicity of DMF in iPS neurons.

      • As above, we found that treatment with DMF conferred no overt toxicity within the time-course of our experiments. These data are shown in new Supplementary Figure 3D and mentioned in the text (line 626-628).

      The authors should use genetic ways, e.g., knocking down Keap1, to activate Nrf2 and test whether this suppresses ROS and neurodegeneration phenotype in iPS neurons, as they did in flies.

      They need to better characterize the Nrf2 activity in iPS neurons (see Minor Concern #1).

      • Regarding these two points, we agree that it would be interesting to further investigate the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway in these cells, but time, personnel and resource constraints preclude additional investigations on this occasion. It is important to note that the cell models were used specifically to validate that elevated mitochondrial oxidative stress and increased nuclear Nrf2 localisation also occurred in patient-derived neurons, and whether DMF treatment could reverse the oxidative stress. This was the extent to which the cell models were used in this instance and the current data are sufficient to support the conclusions made based on this. We regret that it was not possible to delve deeper into this at the current time but will be possible in future work.

      __Minor concerns: __

      1a. Fig 4A and B are hard to comprehend. Can the authors show images with more obvious differences?

      • We have now revised these figure panels replacing with alternative images. We hope that the new images show more appreciable differences. We understand that the differences can sometimes be subtle which is why we rely on the quantification for unbiased interpretation.

      1b. Also, Gst-D1 is the only Nrf2 downstream gene tested. Can the authors use RT-PCR to test multiple genes? These will strengthen the point that Nrf2 is activated. Similar things should be done in iPS neurons.

      • Thanks for this suggestion. To complement the immunoblots of the genomic GstD1-GFP reporter, we have now performed qRT-PCR on flies treated with or without DMF for additional Keap1/Nrf2 pathway targets, including GstD1, Gclc, GstD2 and Cyp6a2. These data show that the degree of transcriptional activation was variable between different targets, but DMF treatment caused a general upregulation of CncC targets in G4C2x36 flies (new Fig. 6A).

      What about cytosolic ROS in C9 iPS neurons? Is it similar to the fly models?

      • We agree that this would be interesting to analyse. Unfortunately, given time and resource constraints we did not have the capacity to also explore this out of curiosity. Again, the specific focus for the iPSC neuron work was to validate the mitochondrial ROS aspect and action of DMF.

      Unless the authors confirm that mitochondrial dynamics or mitophagy are not contributing to neurodegeneration in iPS neurons, I wouldn't emphasize their related negative data in flies. Overall, the authors need to tone down their arguments if the findings are not verified in iPS or other mammalian models.

      • On reflection, we agree that the iNeuron data was given an overly prominent status within the study and we have adjusted the text accordingly throughout, including removing a specific mention of this in the title. That said, we still consider that the negative results regarding the lack of rescue of organism-scale phenotypes (e.g., locomotion) by manipulating mitochondrial dynamics or mitophagy to be important indicators of the relative mechanistic contribution of these processes to the organism-scale pathology (most closely reflecting the clinical condition). As discussed above (major point 1a), within the context of the current work we did not obvious any clear phenotype of toxicity or diminished viability in the patient iNeurons. Therefore, it is not readily possible to test the relative contribution of mitochondrial dynamics vs mitophagy vs ROS to the survival of these cells, so we have based our interpretations of this on the in vivomodels. In summary, we have toned down our statements relating to and stemming from data arising from the iNeuron work but our interpretation of the negative results in flies remains the same.

      Can the authors measure the activities of OXPHOS complexes and ATP synthase/complex V?

      • The intention of this study was to explore mechanisms that could alleviate pathological phenotypes in vivo. We have characterised a wide-range of cellular defects relating to mitochondrial dysfunction including overall OXPHOS function by OCR. Analysing individual OXPHOS complexes from animal tissue is not a trivial undertaking and, other than providing a little more granularity to the nature of the respiratory defect, we considered that this would be a distraction from the main focus of the study.

      5a. Edavarone is one of the only two effective drugs for general ALS, and it's believed to work as an antioxidant. The authors should discuss it along with relating their findings to therapeutic development.

      • A statement on Edaravone being an FDA-approved treatment for ALS and an antioxidant (ROS scavenger) were included in the text (lines 628-629). We have added further comment on this in the Discussion (lines 686-690). Since edaravone was used as a comparator in this study, and to maintain the focus on DMF, we prefer to not elaborate on this further in the discussion.

      5b. Also, the discussion on SOD1 aggregation sounds somewhat farfetched. Plus, it's not directly related to the central message of this paper. I would remove it.

      • Fair enough. We have removed these statements from the text.

      __Significance (Required): __

      C9orf72-mediated ALS is the most common familial ALS type and also accounts for a fraction of sporadic ALS cases. Its pathomechanism is incompletely understood. Previous studies have linked mitochondrial defects and ROS to pathogenesis in fly, iPS, mouse, etc. models, and antioxidants can suppress some neurodegenerative features in these models. Consistent with these findings, one of the only two effective drugs for general ALS, edaravone, is believed to mitigate oxidative stress in motor neurons. Hence, oxidative stress is a critical pathogenic contributor that holds great potential as a therapeutic target. However, our understanding of its cause and consequence in ALS is limited. This paper includes at least two novel points: 1) identifying mitochondrial, but not cytosolic, ROS is upregulated and contributes to neurodegeneration in C9ALS models; 2) discovering that the Keap1/Nrf2 is altered and activating Nrf2 suppresses neurodegeneration. The first point presents an incremental advance in the field, but the second one is potentially critical, especially from a translational aspect. That being said, the novelty of the second point is somewhat dampened by a recently published paper (Jiménez-Villegas, et al. 2022), which showed that Nrf2/Keap1 is altered in C9 patient leukocytes and NSC cells overexpressing or treated with C9-DPRs. However, these cells/models are remotely related to the disease. The current manuscript still provided evidence in an in vivo neuronal model for the first time. If the authors could make their iPS part comprehensive, this could still be a major advance towards translation.

      This paper could be interesting to a broad audience beyond the ALS field.

      Another strength of this paper is that the fly analyses are comprehensive, the data are convincing, and the conclusions are solid. However, the major weakness is that the iPSN part is incomplete to support the translatability of their findings in flies. Current data only suggest that DMF and EDV are functional in iPSNs.

      Reviewer #2

      __Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required): __

      the study of ALS uses almost exclusively drosophila larvae and adults and has a few expts with iNeurons (human) at the end. THe results are interesting and relevant to human disease and do suggest potential ways to treat disease. Not all the effect sizes are large, but nonetheless this is publishable material. More expts would of course strengthen their case. None of what I suggest is essential, but this depends in part on where they eventually want to publish their work.

      __Some comments below: __

      All are overexpression models with strong phenotypes. This has to be mentioned.

      • The nature of the genetic models is clearly delineated in the manuscript. To highlight this further in the text, we have added comments at the start of the Results section stating that Drosophila do not have an orthologue of C9orf72, so we use previously established transgenic models (lines 372-376). In fact, it is incorrect to call these 'overexpression' models because there isn't a C9orf72 orthologue to be overexpressed. Formally, they are ectopic expression models.

      Furthermore, in any ageing model every aspect of cell biology is affected.

      • Agreed.

      In fig 1E to the non-expert it is hard to work out what is a mitochondrion. Some higher res imaging might help.

      • It is indeed difficult to discern individual mitochondria with this particular approach. We have a lot of experience in this kind of analysis and higher resolution imaging does not resolve the problem. The challenges with imaging mitochondria in such tiny cell bodies is the reason that we have adopted a categorical scoring system.

      Line 390 comments on morphology but fig s1b-c is survival. Do they have morphology data? If not then they should rephrase the text

      • This is a misunderstanding. The brief mention of mitochondrial morphology at the start of the paragraph ("Mitochondrial morphology is known to respond to changes in reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels as well as other physiological stimuli." - lines 414-415) is to provide as a segue from the preceding section describing the morphology defects to the following sections that investigate the possible mechanisms affecting this.

      Line 441. Can they provide reference for 1000 being physiologically relevant? 36 is certainly pathological in humans. In my opinion the only genuinely physiologicall relevant model is a genetically faithful knockin without codon alteration.

      • We have rephrased this to be 'more physiologically relevant repeat length' and provided a reference.

      Line 482 - they say mitophagy is downstream, but isn't that obvious in a C9 transgenic model?

      • We appreciate that this statement was confusing. We are referring to 'upstream' or 'downstream' in the cascade of events that ensuing from expression of DPRs, not upstream or downstream with respect to C9 mutations themselves, so we have rephrased this as "not a primary contributor to C9orf72 pathology" (lines 502-503).

      7a. Line 502 - they indicate 'exploring the basis', but I am a little unclear what they are saying. What is the reason for the reduced SOD1 in x36 v x3 flies? Are they simply killing cells that have the most SOD1 and therefore their qPCRs/blots only represent those cells with less SOD1? There is still SOD1 being expressed there of course.

      • Thanks for allowing us to clarify this point. We have not been able to clarify the mechanism for why Sod1 appears to be downregulated upon G4C2x36 expression, which we acknowledge is a limitation. So, we have decided to adjust the language from 'exploring the basis', to now simply report this as an associated observation (line 527).

      7b. In the text it would help if they clarified if the genes overexpressed are human or fly. If human, it might be worth overexpressing mutant ALS SOD1 if they are able.

      • In general, when reporting on experiments with a model organism such as Drosophila, we work on the assumption that genetic manipulations will typically be that of the host species, i.e., transgenic expression with be of Drosophila genes, unless specifically stated otherwise. In any case, all the necessary details of all genetic strains used in this study are laid out in Methods.

      Line 521 - this para should perhaps be in intro section, not results.

      • Agreed. We have now edited the start of this section (lines 543-546).

      In Fig5, do they have CnnC IHC to back up their conclusion that keap1 mutation is affecting this process?

      • Thank you for this suggestion. We have now analysed CncC localisation in C9 models {plus minus} Keap1 mutation. As before, we saw that G4C2x36 caused an increase in CncC nuclear localisation, although there was a trend towards an increase with Keap1 heterozygosity this was not consistent enough to be significant. These data are presented in new Fig. 5D, E and discussed in the text (lines 579-581). Although these results do not show an additional increase of nuclear CncC by this treatment of DMF, we also performed qRT-PCR analysis of CncC target genes GstD1, GstD2, Gclc and Cyp6a2,from flies treated with or without DMF. These data show that the degree of transcriptional activation was variable between different targets, but DMF treatment caused a general upregulation of CncC targets in G4C2x36 flies (new Fig. 6A).

      The Induced neuron results are interesting. What kind of neurons are they? Have they been confirmed to be so with ICC? The figures in 6 are poor. They should make the point that correction of the mutation to ensure isogenicity would be an additional confirmatory measure. Isogenic lines are available from JAX and the UK MND Institute.

      • Agreed. We now provide further characterisation of the iNeurons that was done at the time of the original experiments but not presented. These analyses include immunostaining with neuronal marker antibodies against β-III Tubulin, MAP2 and NeuN. These data are shown in new Supplementary Figure 3A, B. We also report the relative viability of these neurons at the point of analysis (new Supplementary Figure 3C, D). We have added mention of this in the text (lines 620-621 and 627-628). Of note, these patient cell lines have been used and reported before (Reference 53) which we cite on line 618. We also acknowledge the limitations of using these lines, and that future work would be better done with isogenic controls (lines 690-692) as the reviewer indicates.

      Suppl fig 3 - interesting observation with edaravone, but do they have any survival/motility data in neurons/flies? Also, would be good to compare with another drug that works on a different mechamism E.g. riluzole.

      • Since edaravone is a known therapeutic for ALS and was used as a comparator, rather than being the primary focus, we do not have additional data on edaravone.

      Overall, the conclude they have done a comprehensive analysis of mito function, but I would argue that while a good analysis there are plenty of other studies they could have done e.g. assess mitochondrial respiratory chain.

      • We agree that additional studies can always be envisaged.

      13a. I also think the imaging of mitochondria could be better, and much work needs to be done on the iNeurons to characterise them.

      • As mentioned above, we have provided additional characterisation of the iNeurons in this revision.

      13b. Sentence line 674 - needs rephrasing.

      • Thanks for prompting this. We have now rewritten these sentences (now lines 700-701).

      In their final paragraph what do you they mean by oxidative stress being upstream? I would argue it is downstream of the C9 expansion, right?

      • We apologise that this was confusingly written. As per the comment above (response to point 6), we were referring to events 'upstream' or 'downstream' in the cascade of events that ensuing from expression of DPRs. We have now rephrased this to be a "proximal" pathogenic mechanism (lines 708-710). We hope that our intended meaning is now clearer in the text.

      __Significance (Required): __

      A good study, modest degree of advancement in the field.

      Reviewer #3

      __Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required): __

      In the present paper the authors focused on the hyper-production of ROS in a C9orf72 fly model. they the sought to rescue the observed fly phenotype by manipulating mitochondria dysfunctions or pathways downstream these dysfunctions.

      __Majors: __

      Given the wide varieties of statistical tests used a rationale should be given to why a certain test (one way anova) was used in one experiment (WB, qPCR) and another for another (Chi square) experiment (mitochondria morphology)

      • In all cases, the choice of statistical test is dictated by the nature of the data being analysed - a principal that should be well-understood by all experienced researchers - and so may vary between experiments but will be consistent between different data sets of the same type of experiment. For instance, for those data sets consisting of two groups, an unpaired t-test would be appropriate. Most other experiments consist of three or more experimental groups and so will need an appropriate test with additional post-hoc test to correct for multiple comparisons, such as one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni's post-hoc correction. Where data sets are not normally distributed, such as generated by our climbing assay, a non-parametric analysis is required, such as the Kruskal-Wallis test. Here we also use a Dunn's post-hoc correction for multiple comparisons. In some assays of multiple groups, there are also multiple variables, such as the different drug concentrations tested on control and C9 iNeurons, a two-way ANOVA with an appropriate post-hoc correction test is used. Finally, some assays employ a categorical scored system, such as the mitochondrial morphology analysis, which will require a different type of statistical analysis such as Chi squared test.
            These types of analysis are in no way unusual or 'cherry-picked' to give the most desirable outcomes but are selected simply based on the type of the data to be analysed following standard rules of statistical analysis. For this reason, we do not feel that any more elaborate explanation is necessary in the manuscript text itself, but we hope that the explanation given here will satisfy the reviewer of the rationale for employing different statistical tests for different data sets.

      The entire second part of the paper, and most important one to the authors (given the tile), rely mostly on a supposed loss in protection against antioxidant. I feel the experiment in support of this hypothesis are not strong. It is true that there is an overproduction of ROS (as evaluated in the first figures) but the loss in protection stated based on Fig 4H does not hold much. I think more experiment are needed to support this hypothesis.

      • This is a fair comment and on reflection we also agree that our claim that the response to oxidative stress is blunted in the C9 models is based almost exclusively on the data from (old) Fig. 4H, and so is not strong. On reflection, prompted by the reviewer's comment, we have removed this interpretation from the manuscript and revised our comments accordingly. Consequently, we have also removed Fig. 4H.

      Moreover, I counter intuitive that to rescue a phenotype the authors over expressed that is already high in C9orf72 flies (nrf). I would suggest to match this results with downregulation of nrf, to effectively proof that nrf decrease is detrimental to counteract ROS species in C9orf72 flies (further reducing protection against ROS). I believe this experiment is quite critical for the entire manuscript.

      • We appreciate the thinking behind this suggestion, but this experiment can't be performed because loss of CncC function is lethal, as expected from a master regulator of a major cell-protection mechanism.

      Also to me there is a little bit of disconnection between the first three figures and the last three. The authors also find a reuse effect over expressing SOD2 etc as shown in figure 3 where they actually show rescue in mitochondrial dysfunction (morphology etc). The only piece of data that shows rescue in mitochondrial dysfunction upon nrf over expression is figure 5H. More extensive characterization of mitochondrial dysfunction recur should be performed if the title want to kept focused on keep/nrf mechanism. Otherwise a broader title like "modulation of the mitochondria damage rescue C9orf72 phenotype." could help the reader understanding the overarching message of the paper

      • We do not see a disconnect between the first part of the paper and the second. To be clear, the first part was documenting mitochondria-related defects (morphology, ROS, mitophagy) and determining their causative hierarchy and mechanistic impact on organismal phenotypes (we found only certain antioxidants rescued locomotor deficits and could reverse mitochondrial morphology and mitophagy defects). As stated, these results strongly implicated oxidative stress as a major driver in organismal pathology. The second part of the study was characterising whether a major antioxidant defence pathway (Keap1/Nrf2) could be manipulated to provide phenotypic rescue on the organismal scale (i.e., locomotor behaviours). On reflection of the original title, we agree that this was too focussed on the mitochondrial dysfunction angle (and also gave too much prominence to the iNeuron part of the study). Therefore, we have now modified the title to reflect a greater focus on oxidative stress and locomotor behaviours across the study. We hope this the reviewer feels that this better represents the study but will be happy to consider suggested alternatives.

      __Minors: __

      Figure 1n does each for represent a cell? or is an average of more cells and each dot represent an animal? I could not find this information anywhere, but if each dots is a single cells, I would recommend scaling up to at least 10 cells. Same concern for Figure 3F

      We agree that this point needs clarification. Each dot represents data for one animal. The quantification per animal is based on at least 10 cells from one image. This has been added to the Methods section for clarification (lines 220-221).

      Line 550-1-2 I do not agree with the statement. I do not think that the data shown that the protection against ross is less efficient. The only difference is the starting point. But the final point is the same so why should protection against ROS be less efficient in G4C2x36 drosophilas?

      - This comment relates to point 2 above. As stated there, we agree that the data are not compelling enough to make this interpretation, so we have revised our comments accordingly.

      There are some concerns about the neurons in figure 3: they do not appear to have axons and dendrites. I'd suggest containing with neuronal marker.

      - The reviewer may be unfamiliar with the specific tissue in question; the larval ventral ganglion. As a complex, mature tissue there are multiple cell types (e.g., neurons and glia) very closely packed. Neuronal processes are very thin in this tissue, and they are squeezed between neighbouring cells. Thus, microscopy of neuronal cell biology within such a complex tissue does not look like in vitro cultured neurons. In the specific context of Figure 3, we are looking at markers for mitochondria or mitophagy. The reviewer may also be aware that mitochondria and mitolysosomes are most abundant in the cell bodies and have very limited abundance in neuronal processes. Thus, we do not generally try to observe these organelles in processes because there would be very little to see. We know that the signal is within neurons because the markers are transgenically expressed exclusively by a neuronal driver system i.e. nSyb-GAL4. In summary, there is no problem with how these cells or how they look. This is quite normal.

      iNeurons were only used to confirm the second part of the paper. Would be interesting to also confirm some of the results in the first part, like SOD2 over expression etc etc.

      • We appreciate this suggestion, which is similar to a comment from Reviewer 1, but, as replied above, time, personnel and resource constraints preclude additional investigations on this occasion. Just to reiterate, it is worth noting that the cell models were used specifically to validate that elevated mitochondrial oxidative stress and increased nuclear Nrf2 localisation also occurred in patient-derived neurons, and whether DMF treatment could reverse the oxidative stress. This was the extent to which the cell models were used in this instance and the current data are sufficient to support the conclusions made based on this. We regret that it was not possible to delve deeper into this at the current time but would be the focus of future work.

      __Significance (Required): __

      The present work while not extremely novel in the hypothesis, it is well performed with state-of-the-art techniques, some of them also very novel to the field. The concept of oxidative stress as an important in ALS pathogenesis is not new in the field, but the identification of Nrf as an important players might pave the way for more human related studies and possibly to therapeutic interventions.

      I think the work is technically sounded and well performed; certain evidence are solidly demonstrated with multiple different techniques. other evidences instead need a little more work to prove their solidity to widen the audience which will appreciate the content of this paper.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the present paper the authors focused on the hyper-production of ROS in a C9orf72 fly model. they the sought to rescue the observed fly phenotype by manipulating mitochondria dysfunctions or pathways downstream these dysfunctions.


      • Given the wide varieties of statistical tests used a rationale should be given to why a certain test (one way anova) was used in one experiment (WB, qPCR) and another for another (Chi square) experiment (mitochondria morphology)
      • The entire second part of the paper, and most important one to the authors (given the tile), rely mostly on a supposed loss in protection against antioxidant. I feel the experiment in support of this hypothesis are not strong. It is true that there is an overproduction of ROS (as evaluated in the first figures) but the loss in protection stated based on Fig 4H does not hold much. I think more experiment are needed to support this hypothesis.
      • Moreover, I counter intuitive that to rescue a phenotype the authors over expressed that is already high in C9orf72 flies (nrf). I would suggest to match this results with downregulation of nrf, to effectively proof that nrf decrease is detrimental to counteract ROS species in C9orf72 flies (further reducing protection against ROS). I believe this experiment is quite critical for the entire manuscript.
      • Also to me there is a little bit of disconnection between the first three figures and the last three. The authors also find a reuse effect over expressing SOD2 etc as shown in figure 3 where they actually show rescue in mitochondrial dysfunction (morphology etc). The only piece of data that shows rescue in mitochondrial dysfunction upon nrf over expression is figure 5H. More extensive characterization of mitochondrial dysfunction recur should be performed if the title want to kept focused on keep/nrf mechanism. Otherwise a broader title like "modulation of the mitochondria damage rescue C9orf72 phenotype." could help the reader understanding the overarching message of the paper


      • Figure 1n does each for represent a cell? or is an average of more cells and each dot represent an animal? I could not find this information anywhere, but if each dots is a single cells, I would recommend scaling up to at least 10 cells. Same concern for Figure 3F
      • Line 550-1-2 I do not agree with the statement. I do not think that the data shown that the protection against ross is less efficient. The only difference is the starting point. But the final point is the same so why should protection against ROS be less efficient in G4C2x36 drosophilas?
      • There are some concerns about the neurons in figure 3: they do not appear to have axons and dendrites. I'd suggest containing with neuronal marker.
      • iNeurons were only used to confirm the second part of the paper. Would be interesting to also confirm some of the results in the first part, like SOD2 over expression etc etc.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I want to reinforce the comments of both my colleagues about the IPS model. I do not have further comments on their reviews.


      The present work while not extremely novel in the hypothesis, it is well performed with state-of-the-art techniques, some of them also very novel to the field. The concept of oxidative stress as an important in ALS pathogenesis is not new in the field, but the identification of Nrf as an important players might pave the way for more human related studies and possibly to therapeutic interventions.

      I think the work is technically sounded and well performed; certain evidence are solidly demonstrated with multiple different techniques. other evidences instead need a little more work to prove their solidity to widen the audience which will appreciate the content of this paper.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      the study of ALS uses almost exclusively drosophila larvae and adults and has a few expts with iNeurons (human) at the end. THe results are interesting and relevant to human disease and do suggest potential ways to treat disease. Not all the effect sizes are large, but nonetheless this is publishable material. More expts would of course strengthen their case. None of what I suggest is essential, but this depends in part on where they eventually want to publish their work

      Some comments below:

      All are overexpression models with strong phenotypes. This has to be mentioned. Furthermore, in any ageing model every aspect of cell biology is affected.

      In fig 1E to the non-expert it is hard to work out what is a mitochondrion. Some higher res imaging might help.

      Line 390 comments on morphology but fig s1b-c is survival. Do they have morphology data? If not then they should rephrase the text

      Line 441. Can they provide reference for 1000 being physiologically relevant? 36 is certainly pathological in humans.In my opinion the only genuinely physiologicall relevant model is a genetically faithful knockin without codon alteration.

      Line 482 - they say mitophagy is downstream, but isn't that obvious in a C9 transgenic model?

      Lone 502 - they indicate 'exploring the basis', but I am a little unclear what they are saying. What is the reason for the reduced SOD1 in x36 v x3 flies? Are they simply killing cells that have the most SOD1 and therefore their qPCRs/blots only represent those cells with less SOD1? There is still SOD1 being expressed there of course. In the text it would help if they clarified if the genes overexpressed are human or fly. If human, it might be worth overexpressing mutant ALS SOD1 if they are able.

      Line 521 - this para should perhaps be in intro section, not results.

      In Fig5, do they have CnnC IHC to back up their conclusion that keap1 mutation is affecting this process?

      The Induced neuron results are interesting. What kind of neurons are they? Have they been confirmed to be so with ICC? The figures in 6 are poor. They should make the point that correction of the mutation to ensure isogenicity would be an additional confirmatory measure. Isogenic lines are available from JAX and the UK MND Institute.

      Suppl fig 3 - interesting observation with edaravone, but do they have any survival/motility data in neurons/flies? Also, would be good to compare with another drug that works on a different mech.... E.g. riluzole.

      Overall, the conclude they have done a comprehensive analysis of mito function, but I would argue that while a good analysis there are plenty of other studies they could have done e.g. assess mitochondrial respiratory chain.

      I also think the imaging of mitochondria could be better, and much work needs to be done on the iNeurons to characterise them. Sentence line 674 - needs rephrasing.

      In their final paragraph what do you they mean by oxidative stress being upstream? I would argue it is downstream of the C9 expansion, right?


      A good study, modest degree of advancement in the field.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Au et al. used two fly models to study how mitochondrial defects are implicated in C9ALS, the most common familial ALS type. They found that in these flies, mitochondrial, but not cytosolic, ROS is upregulated, accompanied by locomotion defects agreeing with previous publications. Consistent with these data, sod2, but not sod1, rescues the behavioral defects in these flies. Also, manipulating mitochondrial dynamics or mitophagy does not rescue these defects. Furthermore, the authors showed that the Nrf2 activity is upregulated, likely due to oxidative stress, and genetically or pharmacologically suppressing the Keap1 function, which activates Nrf2 and thereby its downstream antioxidative genes, suppresses behavior defects in these flies. This part is generally solid and convincing, with minor issues that need some revision. Finally, the authors showed that mitochondrial ROS and nuclear Nrf2 are both upregulated in C9 iPS neurons, both of which are suppressed by the Keap1 inhibitor DMF, or a known antioxidant. For this part, the data are convincing but insufficient to support a good translation of their fly data.

      Major concerns:

      1. The authors really need a phenotypic readout for their iPS experiments, either cell death or some sort of toxicity, to support the translatability of their fly data. The authors also need to test the toxicity of DMF in iPS neurons.
      2. The authors should use genetic ways, e.g., knocking down Keap1, to activate Nrf2 and test whether this suppresses ROS and neurodegeneration phenotype in iPS neurons, as they did in flies.
      3. They need to better characterize the Nrf2 activity in iPS neurons (see Minor Concern #1).

      Minor concerns:

      1. Fig 4A and B are hard to comprehend. Can the authors show images with more obvious differences? Also, Gst-D1 is the only Nrf2 downstream gene tested. Can the authors use RT-PCR to test multiple genes? These will strengthen the point that Nrf2 is activated. Similar things should be done in iPS neurons.
      2. What about cytosolic ROS in C9 iPS neurons? Is it similar to the fly models?
      3. Unless the authors confirm that mitochondrial dynamics or mitophagy are not contributing to neurodegeneration in iPS neurons, I wouldn't emphasize their related negative data in flies. Overall, the authors need to tone down their arguments if the findings are not verified in iPS or other mammalian models.
      4. Can the authors measure the activities of OXPHOS complexes and ATP synthase/complex V?
      5. Edavarone is one of the only two effective drugs for general ALS, and it's believed to work as an antioxidant. The authors should discuss it along with relating their findings to therapeutic development. Also, the discussion on SOD1 aggregation sounds somewhat farfetched. Plus, it's not directly related to the central message of this paper. I would remove it.


      C9orf72-mediated ALS is the most common familial ALS type and also accounts for a fraction of sporadic ALS cases. Its pathomechanism is incompletely understood. Previous studies have linked mitochondrial defects and ROS to pathogenesis in fly, iPS, mouse, etc. models, and antioxidants can suppress some neurodegenerative features in these models. Consistent with these findings, one of the only two effective drugs for general ALS, edaravone, is believed to mitigate oxidative stress in motor neurons. Hence, oxidative stress is a critical pathogenic contributor that holds great potential as a therapeutic target. However, our understanding of its cause and consequence in ALS is limited. This paper includes at least two novel points: 1) identifying mitochondrial, but not cytosolic, ROS is upregulated and contributes to neurodegeneration in C9ALS models; 2) discovering that the Keap1/Nrf2 is altered and activating Nrf2 suppresses neurodegeneration. The first point presents an incremental advance in the field, but the second one is potentially critical, especially from a translational aspect. That being said, the novelty of the second point is somewhat dampened by a recently published paper (Jiménez-Villegas, et al. 2022), which showed that Nrf2/Keap1 is altered in C9 patient leukocytes and NSC cells overexpressing or treated with C9-DPRs. However, these cells/models are remotely related to the disease. The current manuscript still provided evidence in an in vivo neuronal model for the first time. If the authors could make their iPS part comprehensive, this could still be a major advance towards translation.

      This paper could be interesting to a broad audience beyond the ALS field.

      Another strength of this paper is that the fly analyses are comprehensive, the data are convincing, and the conclusions are solid. However, the major weakness is that the iPSN part is incomplete to support the translatability of their findings in flies. Current data only suggest that DMF and EDV are functional in iPSNs.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      1. Description of the planned revisions

      Insert here a point-by-point reply that explains what revisions, additional experimentations and analyses are planned to address the points raised by the referees.

      Reviewer 1:

      Major comments (numbers correspond to the numbering made by the reviewer):

      It is unclear what the TEM in Fig8 is trying to clarify. Since SMCs and elastic fibers are supposed to be bound, it would be better to show the binding site. In addition, the p-MLC in Fig8D-F is a qualitative evaluation, so the difference is not clear, and it is necessary to verify whether there is a difference in Myh11CreERT2;Loxfl/fl mice between aneurysmal (pathogenic) and non-aneurysmal lesions. Overall, this is an associated study that this only speculation since the causal relationship between aneurysm development and Lox functions, which authors found is unclear.

      A: While no one has thus far carried out an in vivo deletion of LOX specifically in the smooth muscle cells to demonstrate that in a like manner to the BAPN treatment following its deletion aneurysms occur, the focus of this manuscript is to highlight the as yet undescribed intracellular cytoskeletal phenotypes in the LOX mutant smooth muscle cells and not the related ECM abnormalities. The TEM images in Figure 8 aim to show with high resolution the abnormal cytoskeleton and mitochondria in mice with a specific deletion of Lox in their SMC. Notably, these mice were not induced with AngII and therefore have not developed hypertension. Accordingly, they do not have any aneurysms yet they do display disrupted cytoskeleton and mitochondria within their aortic smooth muscle cells. As suggested by the reviewer, we will monitor SMC interaction with the elastic fibers using TEM. These findings will be presented.

      With respect to phosphorylated Myosin Light Chain (p-MLC) - the analysis was carried out on 4 mice, and 6 sections from each mouse from non-aneurysmal regions. In this analysis we plotted the distribution of p-MLC expression which was calculated by quantifying 'intensity x area'. Statistical analysis of the distribution of the histograms (Kolmogorov Smirnov test) depicting p-MLC expression demonstrates they are significantly different (p=6.6E-16). In the mutant aortas, distribution is more dispersed and less organized. We have now elaborated on these findings within the text.

      • *

      In the discussion (lines 332-334), the Authors described that "Since TGFb signaling is implicated in aneurysm formation..." but the effect of TGFb signal in these Lox-deficient mice has not been examined at all. The effects of pSmad2/3 staining, Western, etc on TGFb activation should be examined and discussed.

      A: We agree with the reviewer that we have not monitored TGFβ signaling throughout this manuscript however we and others have previously demonstrated that tight interactions take place between LOX and this signal transduction pathway in multiple processes, in health and disease including within the vasculature (e.g., Taylor MA et al., 2011 Lysyl oxidase contributes to mechanotransduction-mediated regulation of transforming growth factor-beta signaling in breast cancer cells. PMID: 21532881; Atsawasuwan P et al., 2008. Lysyl oxidase binds transforming growth factor-beta and regulates its signaling via amine oxidase activity. PMID: 18835815; Kutchuk L et al., 2015. Muscle composition is regulated by a lox-TGFβ feedback loop. PMID: 25715398; Xu XH et al., 2019. Downregulation of lysyl oxidase and lysyl oxidase-like protein 2 suppressed the migration and invasion of trophoblasts by activating the TGF-β/collagen pathway in preeclampsia. PMID: 30804321; Grunwald H et al., 2021. Lysyl oxidase interactions with transforming growth factor-β during angiogenesis are mediated by endothelin 1. PMID: 34370353). Notably, the effects of LOX on TGFβ signaling has not been the focus of this research and therefore we relate to it only in the Discussion, however as requested by the reviewer, we are now gearing up towards testing activation of the pathway is affected in the LOX mutant SMCs. Should we be unsuccessful we will tone down this statement.

      • *

      • *

      Minor comments (numbers correspond to the numbering made by the reviewer):

      1. What is the baseline group in Fig1A? and should be required a minimum 3 of animals in each group. A: The baseline for measuring blood pressure was Tamoxifen-treated Loxfl/fl. This was mentioned in the legend but not in the figure. We apologize for this. However since we only had 2 mice of this genotype, we *have replaced them with Myh11CreERT2; Loxfl/fl and have set additional mice that will be added that are Loxfl/fl. Essentially, all 'baseline' mice will have received tamoxifen yet have not been induced with AngII. A minimum of 4 animals per group will be in this figure. *

      Reviewer 2:

      Major comments (numbers correspond to the order written by the reviewer):

      1. All three key conclusions are supported by data throughout the manuscript. However, the evidence is often based on data originating from western-blotting or immunofluorescent experiments and lack depth and rigidity. For example, figure 4 shows a change of cytoskeletal organization upon LOX KO in HAOSMCs but the authors lack to quantify or further analyse these exact differences in actin/tubulin organization. A: We thank the reviewer for stating that our conclusions are supported by data throughout the manuscript. As requested, we will analyze the organization of the cytoskeleton using image analyses software that enable dissecting linearity, number, length and angle of the cytoskeletal elements. We have already acquired the images and these analyses will be added to the manuscript upon their completion.

      2. *

      Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Please insert a point-by-point reply describing the revisions that were already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript. If no revisions have been carried out yet, please leave this section empty.

      • *

      __Reviewer 1: __

      Major comments (numbers correspond to the numbering by the reviewer):

      1. The number of mice used and a number of experiments ("n" number) are not described in each figure or its legends in an overall experiment. Also, there is no information on the statistical analysis, which makes it impossible to judge the validity of the results. A: The minimal number of mice used per analysis in each experiment was 4 apart from the blood pressure measurements for which we have now increased the number (see reply to Minor comment 1 by this Reviewer). These numbers have either been added to the legends or throughout the text. We further added the numbers of cells quantified in the different experiments as well as the p value stemming from the statistical assays (T, Kolmogorov-Smirnov or ANOVA where appropriate).

      The Phenotype of Lox-deficient mice is unclear; the picture in Fig1C is not clear and a high-magnified view should be provided. Also, which part (aortic arch or abdominal aorta?) is histologically analyzed? It should be described. In addition to the morphological analysis, it cannot be called "aneurysm" unless the internal diameter is enlarged more than 1.5 times compared to the control aorta. The histological images seem to show only dissection, which is unclear since statistical analysis is not feasible with only 2-3 animals.

      A: The images shown in Figure 1C are now larger and of a better resolution so that the various deformities could be easily observed. With respect to the histological analyses - they were carried out on both the thoracic and abdominal aortic sections as reflected by the quantifications in Figure 1E-H. Specifically, the representative histological stainings shown in Figure 1D are of the abdominal regions and this is now mentioned in both the legend and figure. We thank the reviewer for correcting the mistake in our annotation and we have now replaced the images adding higher magnification of aneurysmal and non-pathological regions to demonstrate the relative normal ECM (elastic fibers and collagen) in the non-pathological regions of mutant aortas even though they were derived from hypertensive mice.

      • *

      Immunostaining in Figs. 4-6 should add nuclei (DAPI) to all experiments. It is unclear how many cells are being looked at. For example, in the staining of Fig4A, the stained nuclei are slightly visible in the shLox group, but not at all in the control above. Phenotypes should be compared under the same conditions. A: *All phenotypes were analyzed under the same conditions and were taken with DAPI. We have added DAPI to all images. As mentioned in comment #1, we have now added to the legends the number of cells analyzed in each experiment. *

      • *

      For ROCK and RhoA analysis (in Fig4-6), immunostaining and Western alone are not convincing and not sufficient evidence for activation. Other factors, such as methods to measure activation and focal adhesion molecules should be considered.

      A: The analyses of ROCK and RhoA are shown in Figure 6. As suggested, we have quantified focal adhesion numbers and size by monitoring vinculin. Our findings demonstrate there are more focal adhesions that form in control cells than in the LOX-devoid ones and that in the latter, those that do form are significantly smaller. These results suggest that the adhesions that form in the mutant cells are weaker and less mature. We have added this data and it will now be presented as Supp. Figure 5. Therefore the previous Supp. Figures 5 and 6 will be shifted accordingly. We have related to these findings in the text.

      *As mentioned above, we will use image analysis to quantify the alterations in the cytoskeletal elements such as those shown in Figure 4.


      It is unclear what the TEM in Fig8 is trying to clarify. Since SMCs and elastic fibers are supposed to be bound, it would be better to show the binding site. In addition, the p-MLC in Fig8D-F is a qualitative evaluation, so the difference is not clear, and it is necessary to verify whether there is a difference in Myh11CreERT2;Loxfl/fl mice between aneurysmal (pathogenic) and non-aneurysmal lesions. Overall, this is an associated study that this only speculation since the causal relationship between aneurysm development and Lox functions, which authors found is unclear.

      A: The first part of the comment refers to the TEM images. These have been addressed in the previous section (planned revision) and as mentioned, we will monitor the SMC binding sites to the elastic fibers. The comment raised by the reviewer on p-MLC was not clear to us. As mentioned, we primarily focused on the non-aneurysmal regions whether in AngII-induced hypertensive mice or in non-hypertensive mice as our results suggest that even in the lack of hypertension where no aneurysms develop, cytoskeletal organization is lost following the reduction of Lox activity. In the images shown in Figure 8 (and the associated quantifications) we focused on such regions from mice that were not treated with AngII. We find that even in what appears as a "healthy" region, disrupted p-MLC is observed. Notably, this disruption is not that the cells do not respond, but rather that the coordinated response is lost in the mutant mice. This lack of coordination is shown in the quantification where the two histograms depicting p-MLC expression have distinct distributions (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test p value=0). We have rephrased the relevant text in the manuscript.

      Minor comments (numbers correspond to the numbering by the reviewer):

      Please indicate scale bar in Fig1D, Fig2D, Fig3A-B, D-F, Fig4A-C, Fig5A-E, Fig8D-E.

      A: We apologize for omitting the scale bars. They have now been added to all figures.

      What the bars in the Fig2A-B graphs indicate? Information on the number of experiments and statistical analysis should be included in Figure or its legend.

      A: *The bars in Figure 2A are qRT-PCR results of 3 independent biological samples showing expression of LOX family members in the HAOSMC. In Figure 2B, we set to monitor whether the expression of other member of the LOX family is modified in the shLOX cells. The graph shown the relative genes' expression in relation to shCtrl cells. The error bars in both Fig. 2A and B relate to the results of the 3 independent repeats the experiments were performed. As seen in Fig. 2A, the predominant member of the LOX family expressed in SMC is LOX. Further, the expression of other members of the family is not significantly changed in its loss (Fig. 2B). *

      Similarly, Fig3C should include information on the number of analyzed cells and statics in the figure legend.

      A: The data has been added.

      5. What is the reason for separating Fig4F-G? It is not clear how many times the experiment was conducted. Fig1C, Fig6A-B, F-G should also describe the number of experiments and statistical analysis.

      A: We have added all repeat numbers and statistical analysis to the legends. We are not clear as to the separation of Fig. 4F-G as there is no such figure. If the reviewer refers to Fig. 5 F-G, then we simply aimed to show that although the immunostaining results demonstrate that the two proteins are mislocalized, their levels are not affected in the LOX mutant cells.

      Please describe the administration of treatment and concentration of drugs such as Calyculin A, in figure legend.

      A: Drug concentrations have now been added to the figure legend. A more detailed description is available in the Methods section.

      • *

      Reviewer 2:

      Major comments (numbers correspond to the order written by the reviewer):

      • *

      The authors state in the introduction "Our results therefore highlight a missing link between the three distinct gene groups associated with aneurysms, thus serving as a molecular paradigm for the development of phenotypes that culminate in aneurysm.", referring to the groups of genes in ECM structural proteins, members of the TGFb signaling pathway and genes involved in VSMC contractile apparatus. However, they do not provide data on the complex interplay between all of these groups and LOX. Therefore, the authors should add more nuance to this statement or change it altogether.

      A: We agree with the reviewer that we have not shown any link between TGFβ signaling and LOX, even though these interactions have been previously demonstrated by us and others (see reply to Reviewer 1 comment #6). We are gearing up towards testing the TGFβ pathway also in the LOX devoid SMCs. Should we be unsuccessful, we will tone down this statement.

      The authors have provided data on the phenotypic modulation with regards to expression of LOX and the contractile apparatus of VSMCs. However, to support the claim mentioned in the previous point, the authors should add experiments that show the relationship between LOX expression and specific genes involved in ECM structure and/or members of the TGFb family.

      A: In a recent manuscript (Melamed et al., Cell Reports, 2023; PMID 37148241) we specifically focused on LOX and Fibronectin and we demonstrated that the LOX-devoid HAOSMC build an abnormal Fibronectin matrix which serves as a scaffold for ECM buildup. Along these lines, Supp. Figure 3A shows LC-MS/MS data of changes in ECM structural proteins' presence in the matrix of cells following LOX knockdown in cultured HAOSMC. As requested in the above comment, we are gearing up towards assessing TGFb signaling in the mutant cells.

      In general, the authors provide a detailed description of the experimental setup in the methods section of the manuscript. However, the authors fail to provide methodology on some of their experiments. Per example, in text-line 152 the authors describe removing the cells from the ECM whilst leaving the ECM behind, but do not provide information on how this was done.

      A: We thank the reviewer for the comment. We have added the details of the experiment.

      The authors partially fail to provide n# for experiments throughout the manuscript and which statistical test was used for the comparisons in the figure.

      A: We have now added to the figure legends all the n# and statistical tests that were used.

      Minor comments (numbers correspond to the order written by the reviewer):

      1. The authors make limited use of referring to appropriate literature. A: We have added additional relevant references.

      2. *

      The figures including images often lack scalebars. Moreover, the figure description is often incomplete. A: We thank the reviewer for the comment. As mentioned in the replies to Reviewer 1, we will add all the data and bars to the relevant figures.

      Use Graphad Prism (or another well designed software) for figure illustration. A: *Graphs and histograms were generated using Matlab, excel and R and the figures were put together using Adobe Illustrator, all of which are designed for such illustrations. *

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The paper of Rohtem Aviram and colleagues describes the "Coordination between cytoskeletal organization, cell contraction and extracellular development, which is depended on LOX for aneurysm prevention."

      The manuscript examines the role of LOX, a collagen/elastin crosslinker, in its mechanism underlying aortic aneurysm, by using an myh11-positive cell inducible KO mouse model or in vitro VSMC culture. The authors confirmed a link between LOX activity and ECM remodeling in the aorta of hypertensive mice and reported a ECM-independent role of LOX in regulating VSMC cytoskeletal organization.

      • Are the key conclusions convincing? The key conclusions of this manuscript are:
        • LOX plays a crucial role in regulating VSMCs cytoskeleton, affecting their contractile machinery and viability, independent of its ECM-modifying functions.
        • The study highlights an additional intracellular role for LOX in VSMCs, shedding light on its importance in maintaining aortic tissue integrity and preventing aneurysm formation.
        • LOX is implicated in various processes related to aneurysms, serving as a key player in the vasculature and its inhibition leading to ECM defects that promote thoracic aortic disease.

      All three key conclusions are supported by data throughout the manuscript. However, the evidence is often based on data originating from western-blotting or immunofluorescent experiments and lack depth and rigidity. For example, figure 4 shows a change of cytoskeletal organization upon LOX KO in HAOSMCs but the authors lack to quantify or further analyse these exact differences in actin/tubulin organization. - Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether?

      The authors state in the introduction "Our results therefore highlight a missing link between the three distinct gene groups associated with aneurysms, thus serving as a molecular paradigm for the development of phenotypes that culminate in aneurysm.", referring to the groups of genes in ECM structural proteins, members of the TGFb signaling pathway and genes involved in VSMC contractile apparatus. However, they do not provide data on the complex interplay between all of these groups and LOX. Therefore, the authors should add more nuance to this statement or change it altogether. - Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation.

      The authors have provided data on the phenotypic modulation with regards to expression of LOX and the contractile apparatus of VSMCs. However, to support the claim mentioned in the previous point, the authors should add experiments that show the relationship between LOX expression and specific genes involved in ECM structure and/or members of the TGFb family. - Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments.

      Yes, the experiments can be formed using the same VSMCs already used in the manuscript and protein- and/or gene expression can be determined by the same methods already used throughout the manuscript. - Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?

      In general, the authors provide a detailed description of the experimental setup in the methods section of the manuscript. However, the authors fail to provide methodology on some of their experiments. Per example, in text-line 152 the authors describe removing the cells from the ECM whilst leaving the ECM behind, but do not provide information on how this was done. - Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?

      The authors partially fail to provide n# for experiments throughout the manuscript and which statistical test was used for the comparisons in the figure.

      Minor comments:

      • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.

      See major comments - Are prior studies referenced appropriately?

      The authors make limited use of referring to appropriate literature. - Are the text and figures clear and accurate?

      The figures including images often lack scalebars. Moreover, the figure description is often incomplete. - Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?

      Use Graphad Prism (or another well designed software) for figure illustration.


      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field.

      This manuscript brings forward a basic conceptual advantage with regards to the relationship between LOX expression in VSCMs and aortic aneurysm formation. - Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate).

      Current literature mainly focusses on the role of LOX in ECM-oriented remodeling, this manuscript shows that LOX also plays a role in VSMC phenotypic alterations regardless of its ECM-altering role. - State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings.

      Basic scientist with an interest in aneurysm or VSMC remodeling. - Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Dr. Aviram et al investigate the deletion of Lysyl oxidase (LOX) in vascular smooth muscle cells SMCs) leading to aortic aneurysm development. The authors performed in vito assay using primary SMCs and found that cytoskeletal organization and extracellular matrix (ECM) assembly are lost in Lox-deleted SMCs independent of Lox activity manner. The authors concluded that the novel intracellular function of Lox contributes to aortic aneurysm formation. The strength of this study is that it attempts to explain the underlying principle of aortic aneurysm development due to Lox deficiency using a cultured cell-based system, however, it lacks reliability of data due to insufficient technical problems in several experiments. In particular, the causal relationship between the discovered Lox function and the development of aortic aneurysms is unclear and remains a matter of conjecture. My comments are following.

      Major comments:

      1. The number of mice used and a number of experiments ("n" number) are not described in each figure or its legends in an overall experiment. Also, there is no information on the statistical analysis, which makes it impossible to judge the validity of the results.
      2. The Phenotype of Lox-deficient mice is unclear; the picture in Fig1C is not clear and a high-magnified view should be provided. Also, which part (aortic arch or abdominal aorta?) is histologically analyzed? It should be described. In addition to the morphological analysis, it cannot be called "aneurysm" unless the internal diameter is enlarged more than 1.5 times compared to the control aorta. The histological images seem to show only dissection, which is unclear since statistical analysis is not feasible with only 2-3 animals.
      3. Immunostaining in Figs. 4-6 should add nuclei (DAPI) to all experiments. It is unclear how many cells are being looked at. For example, in the staining of Fig4A, the stained nuclei are slightly visible in the shLox group, but not at all in the control above. Phenotypes should be compared under the same conditions.
      4. For ROCK and RhoA analysis (in Fig4-6), immunostaining and Western alone are not convincing and not sufficient evidence for activation. Other factors, such as methods to measure activation and focal adhesion molecules should be considered.
      5. It is unclear what the TEM in Fig8 is trying to clarify. Since SMCs and elastic fibers are supposed to be bound, it would be better to show the binding site. In addition, the p-MLC in Fig8D-F is a qualitative evaluation, so the difference is not clear, and it is necessary to verify whether there is a difference in Myh11CreERT2;Loxfl/fl mice between aneurysmal (pathogenic) and non-aneurysmal lesions. Overall, this is an associated study that this only speculation since the causal relationship between aneurysm development and Lox functions, which authors found is unclear.
      6. In the discussion (lines 332-334), the Authors described that "Since TGFb signaling is implicated in aneurysm formation..." but the effect of TGFb signal in these Lox-deficient mice has not been examined at all. The effects of pSmad2/3 staining, Western, etc on TGFb activation should be examined and discussed.

      Minor comments:

      1. What is the baseline group in Fig1A? and should be required a minimum 3 of animals in each group.
      2. Please indicate scale bar in Fig1D, Fig2D, Fig3A-B, D-F, Fig4A-C, Fig5A-E, Fig8D-E.
      3. What the bars in the Fig2A-B graphs indicate? Information on the number of experiments and statistical analysis should be included in Figure or its legend.
      4. Similarly, Fig3C should include information on the number of analyzed cells and statics in the figure legend.
      5. What is the reason for separating Fig4F-G? It is not clear how many times the experiment was conducted. Fig1C, Fig6A-B, F-G should also describe the number of experiments and statistical analysis.
      6. Please describe the administration of treatment and concentration of drugs such as Calyculin A, in figure legend.
      7. Please show the data "shLox cell death (not shown)" in text, line 248.


      While many studies have shown that the enzymatic activity of Lox is important for aneurysm formation, the focus on intracellular functions such as cytoskeleton remodeling, other than enzymatic activity is a novel point. However, the study is limited to speculation due to insufficient phenotypic analysis of aneurysms and the number of animals, as well as the inability to clearly prove a causal relationship. Revisions are needed to add significant additional data and to conduct more accurate analyses.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Dear editor and reviewers,

      we thank you very much for your constructive comments, criticisms and suggestions for improvement of our manuscript. We have addressed all points raised by you and have added our point-by-point response to your comments below.

      With best regards on behalf of all authors,

      Andreas Wodarz

      1. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Baz/Par3 is an important conserved protein acting as a master regulator of cell polarity in a wide range of cell types. This study focuses on re-assessing the subcellular localisation of Baz/Par3 in a range of Drosophila tissues. This is an important study with respect to our understanding of Baz/Par3, as there have been conflicting reports on the localisation of Par complex members - while the majority show localisation to cell cortex and intercellular junctions, several reports have claimed that Par complex members localise at additional subcellular sites including the nucleus, nuclear envelope and neuromuscular junction. In this study the authors re-assess this issue for Baz/Par3 in a comprehensive and thorough manner.

      We thank the reviewer for this overall positive assessment of our work.

      *1. They used a variety of antibodies raised in different host animals against different epitopes of Baz 2. They tested the specificity of these antisera using mosaic analysis with null mutant baz alleles and tissue-specific RNAi against baz 3. They used a GFP-tagged Baz under control of its endogenous promoter in a baz null mutant background to compare with the subcellular localisation of the respective GFP-Baz fusion proteins to the staining results with anti-Baz antisera

      The data from each of these experiments are very clear and convincing. Comprehensive methods are included which means that each of the experiments with specific anti-sera/RNAi lines/GFP-tagged conditions could be reproduced. There are a couple of experiments which were performed in support of the conclusions (extra RNAi lines and stronger expression of Gal4) listed as (data not shown). I would strongly suggest including these data as extra supplemental figures. Together, their results clearly show that Baz/Par3 localises to the cortex and intercellular junctions, but that anti-sera staining at the NMJs and nuclear envelope appear to be a staining artifact, likely due to staining with an unidentified epitope.

      Minor comments 1. Many of the figures have overlays of red and green which will be indistinguishable from each other to colour-blind readers. Please alter to make colour-blind friendly (eg magenta-green)*

      We have changed all figures in the following way: All single channel images have been converted to inverted grayscale to improve the visibility of weak fluorescence signals. In all multicolor overlay images, red has been omitted and instead green, magenta, blue and grayscale have been used to improve the visibility for color-blind readers.

      2. In Fig 2D please indicate where the epidermis and neuroblasts are

      We assume that the reviewer refers to Fig. S2D. In the revised version of the manuscript, this figure is now Fig. S2A. We have marked epidermal cells and neuroblasts by different symbols.

      *3. In the following two places there are experiments describe where the data is listed as not shown. Please show the data as additional supplemental data. They are P8 - This result was confirmed using the CY2::Gal4 driver line expressed in the follicular epithelium and with three different RNAi lines against baz (data not shown). *

      We have deleted this sentence because expression of CY2::Gal4 in our hands was weaker and thus the RNAi effects less reproducible than with tj::Gal4.

      P11 - We also did not see any downregulation of Baz or a-spectrin upon baz-RNAi in M12 at 29°C, when the UAS-Gal4 system is maximally active (data not shown).

      We now show these results in the new Fig. S8.

      4. Figure 3 - this would be easier to interpret with a few arrows/arrowheads indicating the NMJs

      We have added arrows pointing to NMJs and arrowheads pointing to nuclei.


      It will be important to publish these results as it means that findings for a function of Baz/Par3 at the NJM and the nuclear envelope should be regarded with caution, and it may save researchers chasing for functions for Baz/Par3 in places where they are simply not expressed. As much of our fundamental understanding of how Par3 works in vertebrates has its roots in studies in Drosophila, this is likely to be of wide relevance.

      Reviewer #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      *Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      1.1 Summary

      This reviewer acknowledges the expertise and contributions of Prof. Wodarz and his research group in the field of development, cell polarity regulation and Drosophila genetics.

      Manuscript summary:

      Kim S. et al. explored the localisation of Bazooka, the Drosophila homolog of the polarity protein Par-3, at two non-canonical positions for a cell polarity factor: the nuclear envelope in epithelial tissues and the postsynaptic membrane of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Previous work has shown the detection of Par-3/Baz at the nuclear envelope and the NMJ using antibodies against Par-3/Baz. Here, the authors used a combination of genetic perturbations (baz RNAi and generation of genetic mosaics for baz) and GFP-labelled Bazooka lines to test if the antibody-mediated detection of Baz at the nuclear envelope and NMJ is artifactual. The data provided by the authors strongly suggest both the nuclear envelope and NMJ detection of Baz using antibodies is non-specific.

      1.2 Major comments

      The manuscript is written in a clear manner, easy to be followed by readers. However, there are some important experimental details that should be provided as the authors advance over previous work regarding Baz localization (points 1.2.1 and 1.2.2). Furthermore, if possible, this reviewer considers that performing the experiment in 1.2.3 would strengthen the authors main message of their manuscript.

      1.2.1 Methodology information is missing, and would be necessary to be included for: image acquisition (Objectives, Airyscan mode), image processing (projections, details on linear -e.g. brightness, contrast- or non-linear adjustments of signal -e.g. gamma-). For image processing information, please include it within each figure legend. *

      We have added the information regarding objectives and imaging modes to the Materials and Methods section. There it now reads: "Tissues were imaged on a Zeiss LSM880 Airyscan confocal microscope using 25x LCI Plan Neofluar NA 0.8 and 63x Plan Apochromat NA 1.4 oil immersion objectives. If not stated otherwise in the figure legend, all confocal images are single optical sections taken at a pinhole setting of 1 Airy unit. Images were processed with Zen black software (Zeiss) without contrast enhancement. Figures were assembled with Inkscape 1.2 (Inkscape.org) and Powerpoint (Microsoft)."

      RNAi experiments lines, temperature for each target and tissue (a table would be helpful) and number of heat shocks performed for FRT/FLP clones.

      We have added a table in the Supplementary information giving the precise genotypes for each figure. We have furthermore added the following sentences to the Materials and Methods section: "Crossings for RNAi experiments were set up at 25°C if not indicated otherwise. For generating follicle cell clones in ovaries by Flipase-mediated mitotic recombination of the FRT sites flies were heat shocked for 1h at 37°C 5-7 days prior to preparation of the ovaries. For generation of germ line clones by Flipase-mediated mitotic recombination of the FRT sites flies were heat shocked twice for 2 h at 37°C on two consecutive days in late 2nd, early 3rd instar larval stages."

      1.2.2 For each experiment it is unclear the number of specimens (experimental units) and independent experiments that were analysed. It is unclear if the Baz localisation phenotypes are fully penetrant or not as judged by the data provided.

      We have added the following section to the Materials and Methods: "Images were analyzed for the presence or absence of a fluorescence signal at the nuclear envelope or the NMJ compared to negative or positive controls, either in the same tissue (mutant clones in the follicular epithelium, RNAi in a specific body wall muscle, junctional versus nuclear signal, anti-Baz staining versus Baz-GFP signal) or in samples processed in parallel (ovaries with follicle cell and germ line clones). Fluorescence intensities were not quantified because the results were obvious and fully penetrant. Therefore, no statistical analysis of the results was required."

      1.2.3 This reviewer agrees the data provided strongly suggests the detection of Baz along the nuclear envelope and NMJ is artifactual in the Drosophila tissues that have been studied. However, the nature of the bazEH747 mutant allele is not a deletion of the Baz gene, but instead a nonsense mutation, which, as the authors describe, could potentially generate a small product of 51 aminoacids, corresponding to the N-terminal part of Baz, which is also the target of Baz rabbit antibody ('rb Baz 1-297'). Thus: • Would it be possible to complement the FRT/FLP analyses in the FE using a deficiency that uncovers the baz locus? A persistent detection of Baz signal at the nuclear compartment after complete removal of baz gene products would be an ideal experiment, if feasible.

      We agree with the reviewer that the use of a clean deletion allele of the whole baz locus would be the ideal tool for the clonal analysis. However, such an allele does not exist according to our knowledge.

        • Would the authors comment on the possibility the rb Baz antibody 1-297 detect a 51 aminoacids peptide? We consider this possibility very unlikely for two reasons: 1) RNAi affects the baz mRNA and thus should knock down all epitopes to the same degree. However, we see a complete loss of junctional Baz signal but no reduction of the signal at the nuclear envelope or the NMJ upon RNAi targeting baz. 2) The GFP-Baz fusion proteins do not show any signal at the NMJ or the nuclear envelope upon imaging of the native GFP fluorescence or upon antibody staining with an anti GFP antibody, although both the Baz-GFP BAC line and the GFP-Baz protein trap line express full-length Baz including the N-terminal epitope that is potentially still expressed in the bazEH747* allele. We have added a passage summarizing these considerations to the Discussion section.

      *1.3 Minor comments

      This manuscript is largely based on imaging data. Therefore, it would be beneficial for the ease of comprehension of figure panels:

      1.3.1 More general use of insets to show with larger magnification and clarity the data indicated with arrows and arrowheads.*

      We have added arrowheads, arrows and additional symbols to point to features of interest in all figure panels where this is helpful.

      1.3.2 Using negative grayscale either for insets or single channel data.

      We have changed all single channel image panels to negative (inverted) grayscale.

      1.3.3 For coloured-overlays please bear in mind using colors that would be suitable for colour-blinded readers.

      In all multicolor overlay images, red has been omitted and instead green, magenta, blue and grayscale have been used to improve the visibility for color-blind readers.

      1.3.4 Figures showcasing the clonal analyses (both MARCM and FRT/FLP): might be worth indicating the boundaries of clones in single channel data with a dotted line.

      We have marked the clone boundaries of the MARCM clones by dashed lines in Fig. 2D, E and have added a high magnification inset to show the clone boundaries (Fig. 2D', E').


      *2 Significance

      The findings provided by this manuscript will be of importance for researchers in the field of cell polarity, conducting research on Bazooka/Par-3 and associated proteins, both within the Drosophila field and other model organisms. The present study presents an advance towards a specific and most likely artifactual observation of Par-3/Bazooka. It will help to re-think the tools used for detecting Par-3/Bazooka in different animal models, and in this regard, will be helpful for the community.*

      We thank the reviewer for appreciating the importance of this work.

      *This work does not focus on Par-3/Bazooka biology, nor provides new insights into Par-3/Bazooka function, however, it is clear for this reviewer the later is not the aim of this manuscript.

      Reviewer expertise:

      • Drosophila genetics
      • Developmental cell biology and morphogenesis
      • Cytoskeleton, cell cell adhesion and cell polarity*

      Reviewer #3 *(Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):__

      __Kim et al. address a common but frequently neglected problem in molecular and cellular biology: sophisticated tests for the specificity of antibodies. The protein Bazooka (Baz) is a member of the Par complex that usually resides in apicocortical regions of epithelial cells. Several publications, however, report expression in other subcellular compartments or cell types, such as the nuclear lamina or neuromuscular junction (NMJ). The authors have used a panel of polyclonal antibodies, genetic constructs and mutant alleles to show that staining of Baz in the nuclear envelope or NMJ is likely unspecific due to an unknown cross-reactivity. Specifically, four antisera, raised against different GST-Baz fusion proteins in different species, recognized Baz at cortical membranes, around nuclei and at NMJs. Nuclear and NMJ staining, however, persisted in baz-RNAi experiments or baz mutant clones. If the endogenous locus is tagged with GFP, Baz-GFP localized to cortical membranes in imaginal disc epithelial cells but was but not detectable in nuclear envelopes or NMJs in muscles. The authors conclude that they could not find evidence for either nuclear or NMJ localization of Baz and any results derived from these antibodies should be regarded with caution.

      The manuscript reports a careful and thorough evaluation of anti-Baz antibodies used in the scientific community. Since it might impact previous findings, any remaining uncertainties should be clarified before publication. I have therefore a number of suggestions to improve the manuscript.

      Major comments:

      1) Any truncation or addition of amino acids might affect the subcellular localization of proteins. Important molecular information on the baz alleles and GFP-fusion proteins are therefore missing in the manuscript. Specifically, what is the underlying molecular nature of the baz alleles used in the study, e.g. bazEH747 (nonsense? position?)? At which amino acid position and in which protein domain is GFP fused to Baz in Baz-GFP (Bac) and Baz-GFP (Trap)? Would these fusions affect subcellular localization and/or functionality? While the authors positively tested Baz-GFP (Bac) in a baz mutant background, this cannot easily be done for Baz-GFP (Trap). The authors should therefore clarify, e.g. by RT-PCR, which of the four Baz isoforms are fused to GFP in Baz-GFP (Trap) and if this might affect functionality and/or location? This information should be depicted or listed together with the epitopes of the antibodies in a figure or table, respectively, in the main manuscript for better orientation of the reader. *

      bazEH747 is a strong loss-of-function allele with a point mutation changing the codon for Q51 to Stop in all four isoforms (numbering is according to isoform A) (Krahn et al., 2010; Shahab et al., 2015). In the Results section, we have changed the wording as follows to make this clear: "For clonal analysis the strong loss-of-function allele bazEH747 was used, where a point mutation in exon 4 results in a premature stop close to the N-terminus of all four isoforms (the codon for amino acid residue Q51 is mutated to a stop in isoform A) (Krahn et al., 2010)."

      We have added two additional supplemental figures to precisely show the insertion site of GFP in the GFP-Baz trap line (Fig. S5) and the Baz-GFP BAC line (Fig. S6). We have changed the Results section to precisely explain the nature of the two Baz-GFP lines as follows: "While strong nuclear envelope immunostaining was observed using several independently raised anti Baz antibodies (Fig. 1; Fig. S1), no nuclear envelope localization was detected in follicular epithelial cells and in larval body wall muscles using a Baz-GFP BAC line (Besson et al., 2015) (Fig. S3C-D', S4A, A') nor in a GFP-Baz protein-trap line (Buszczak et al., 2007)(Fig. S3E-F', S4C, C'). In the GFP-Baz protein-trap line an engineered exon encoding for GFP is inserted into the second untranslated exon (Fig. S5). This exon encoding for GFP is predicted to be spliced in frame into the mRNAs RA and RC encoding for isoforms PA and PC whose translation starts in exon 1 (Fig. S5), resulting in insertion of GFP between amino acid residues K40 and P41 of isoforms PA and PC. The transcripts RB and RD encoding Baz isoforms PB and PD have their translation start within exon 3 and thus cannot form fusion proteins with GFP inserted in exon 2 (Fig. S5). However, GFP-Baz protein trap flies are homozygous viable and are phenotypically indistinguishable from wild type flies, indicating that the corresponding GFP fusion protein is fully functional and faithfully reflects the expression pattern and subcellular localization of Baz isoforms PA and PC. The BAC line integrates the GFP within exon 10 between amino acid residues L1424 and Q1425 of isoform PA, giving rise to GFP fusion proteins for all four isoforms (Fig. S6) (Besson et al., 2015). Like the protein-trap GFP-Baz fusion protein, the Baz-GFP fusion protein in the BAC line is fully functional as it completely rescued lethality and fertility of the bazEH747 allele (Fig. S7D-D') and the baz815-8 allele (Besson et al., 2015)."

      *2) Figure 3D-G: The images for Baz-GFP nicely show that GFP is expressed in imaginal discs but not at NMJs. However, when brightness of Fig. 3D' and 3F' is increased nuclear envelopes, tracheal branches and some synaptic boutons are clearly visible in the Baz-GFP channels. These are likely background signals due to the staining procedure, but to avoid any confusion, images showing unstained (native) GFP fluorescence should be included to proof that there are no residual signals. GFP fluorescence survives formaldehyde fixation and many GFP exon traps are clearly visible even in the absence of immunofluorescent stainings. Furthermore, Fig. 3G appears vastly different compared to Fig. 3E and Baz localization at cell-cell junctions cannot be recognized by people unfamiliar with imaginal discs. The images in Fig. 3G are therefore not suitable and should be replaced. *

      We have added the new Fig. S4 showing the GFP signal without antibody staining of somatic body wall muscles and wing imaginal discs of larvae expressing the Baz-GFP BAC and GFP-Baz trap transgenes. We have also replaced Fig. 3G with images that can easily be compared with the images in Fig. 3E. The following paragraph was added to the Results section: "These findings were confirmed by analysis of fixed larval tissues that were imaged for GFP fluorescence without anti GFP antibody staining (Fig. S4). Neither in the Baz-GFP BAC line (Fig. S4A, A'), nor in the GFP-Baz trap line (Fig. S4C, C') any nuclear envelope or NMJ signal was detectable in somatic muscles, whereas junctional signal in wing imaginal discs was readily detectable in both lines (Fig. S4B, D)."

      *3) The argument that baz4 and baz815-8 carry second site mutations is not fully convincing (page 10, 13). Why should two independent baz alleles carry an additional hit that affect Spectrin levels? Other explanations might be possible. While downregulation of Baz in muscles by RNAi is a good approach to tackle the question of Spectrin localization and expression levels, RNAi itself has its own uncertainties. Why not showing the effect on Spectrin levels or the lack of Baz at the NMJ (or the nuclear envelopes) in "clean" baz null embryos or larvae (e.g. bazEH747/Df)? NMJs can be stained in late stage embryos or compound heterozygous null mutants quite frequently survive until larval stages. *

      We do not have a good explanation for the published reduction of Baz and a-Spectrin signal at the NMJ in larvae heterozygous for the baz alleles baz4 and baz815-8 (Ruiz-Canada et al., 2004; Ramachandran et al., 2009), as our analysis shows that Baz is not expressed there, rendering the reported phenotypes very difficult to explain. It is beyond the scope of our paper to proof that the data published by Ruiz-Canada et al. (2004) and Ramachandran et al. (2009) are indeed reproducible. Our speculation that second site hits on these two mutant chromosomes may have caused the published effects is just based on our own published observation that commonly used chromosomes with these two mutant baz alleles have stronger phenotypes than a clean baz loss-of-function allele (Shahab et al., 2015). We have changed the wording of the corresponding paragraph as follows: "It has been published that heterozygous baz4 mutant larvae show a significant decrease in immunofluorescence signal of Baz and also of Spectrin at the NMJ (Ruiz-Canada et al., 2004). Another publication showed a significant decrease in Baz and Spectrin immunostaining at the NMJ of larvae heterozygous for the baz815-8 allele (Ramachandran et al., 2009). We did not attempt to reproduce these findings. However, in our hands mitotic clones generated with FRT chromosomes carrying these latter two baz alleles showed polarity phenotypes in the follicular epithelium, whereas clones of the clean bazEH747 null allele did not show any polarity defect (Shahab et al., 2015), raising the possibility that the NMJ phenotypes observed by Ruiz-Canada et al. (2004) and Ramachandran et al. (2009) were caused by second site mutations on these chromosomes rather than by reduced Baz activity.

      bazEH747 hemizygous mutant embryos are so abnormal and malformed at late embryonic stages that we did not attempt to stain these for Baz immunoreactivity at NMJs.

      4) It is not really made clear in the manuscript, why the additional reactivity of the anti-Baz antibodies has not been noticed earlier. The paper should therefore include a summarizing paragraph that describes how the specificities of the antibodies have been tested in the past in the laboratories that used them. Have they never been tested in null mutant animals? In null mutants it should be obvious to determine, if some staining patterns do not disappear.

      The vast majority of publications on Baz including those from our own laboratory focused on the functions of Baz at junctions and in the control of cell polarity. For these functions the cortical localization of Baz is relevant, which has been shown to be specific in many independent studies using null alleles and RNAi. Only few publications, in particular those from the laboratory of Vivian Budnik, have focused on potential functions of Baz at the NMJ and the nuclear envelope. Why in these studies no convincing proof of the specificity of the signal at those "unconventional" locations has been provided is beyond our knowledge.

      5) Figure 4 is very difficult to comprehend and should be better labeled (e.g. anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral, muscle fibers, unspecific signals). It is standard in the field to show ventral muscles 12, 13 or 6, 7 in the center of the image and in a similar orientation (anterior left, dorsal up). Better images should be shown.

      We understand that for researchers interested in the function of specific muscles it is important to adhere to conventions regarding the orientation of muscles in figures. However, in our case it is just relevant whether a muscle expresses RNAi against a gene of interest (GFP+) or not (GFP-) in order to compare the signal intensity for Baz and Spectrin in these two situations. Thus, although we appreciate the validity of this comment, we decided to leave the original images unchanged. However, to help the reader in identifying relevant structures more easily, we have added color-coded arrows and arrowheads to mark NMJs and nuclear envelopes in GFP+ and GFP- muscles.

      *Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The authors provide a critical assessment on the specificity of antibodies and highlight the necessity to carefully test antibodies and the conclusions drawn from the resulting stainings, especially when antibodies are bought from companies or have previously been published as specific. This is extremely important for the interpretation of experiments in all fields of molecular and cellular biology. *

      We thank the reviewer for appreciating the importance of this work.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Kim et al. address a common but frequently neglected problem in molecular and cellular biology: sophisticated tests for the specificity of antibodies. The protein Bazooka (Baz) is a member of the Par complex that usually resides in apicocortical regions of epithelial cells. Several publications, however, report expression in other subcellular compartments or cell types, such as the nuclear lamina or neuromuscular junction (NMJ). The authors have used a panel of polyclonal antibodies, genetic constructs and mutant alleles to show that staining of Baz in the nuclear envelope or NMJ is likely unspecific due to an unknown cross-reactivity. Specifically, four antisera, raised against different GST-Baz fusion proteins in different species, recognized Baz at cortical membranes, around nuclei and at NMJs. Nuclear and NMJ staining, however, persisted in baz-RNAi experiments or baz mutant clones. If the endogenous locus is tagged with GFP, Baz-GFP localized to cortical membranes in imaginal disc epithelial cells but was but not detectable in nuclear envelopes or NMJs in muscles. The authors conclude that they could not find evidence for either nuclear or NMJ localization of Baz and any results derived from these antibodies should be regarded with caution.

      The manuscript reports a careful and thorough evaluation of anti-Baz antibodies used in the scientific community. Since it might impact previous findings, any remaining uncertainties should be clarified before publication. I have therefore a number of suggestions to improve the manuscript.

      Major comments:

      1. Any truncation or addition of amino acids might affect the subcellular localization of proteins. Important molecular information on the baz alleles and GFP-fusion proteins are therefore missing in the manuscript. Specifically, what is the underlying molecular nature of the baz alleles used in the study, e.g. bazEH747 (nonsense? position?)? At which amino acid position and in which protein domain is GFP fused to Baz in Baz-GFP (Bac) and Baz-GFP (Trap)? Would these fusions affect subcellular localization and/or functionality? While the authors positively tested Baz-GFP (Bac) in a baz mutant background, this cannot easily be done for Baz-GFP (Trap). The authors should therefore clarify, e.g. by RT-PCR, which of the four Baz isoforms are fused to GFP in Baz-GFP (Trap) and if this might affect functionality and/or location? This information should be depicted or listed together with the epitopes of the antibodies in a figure or table, respectively, in the main manuscript for better orientation of the reader.
      2. Figure 3D-G: The images for Baz-GFP nicely show that GFP is expressed in imaginal discs but not at NMJs. However, when brightness of Fig. 3D' and 3F' is increased nuclear envelopes, tracheal branches and some synaptic boutons are clearly visible in the Baz-GFP channels. These are likely background signals due to the staining procedure, but to avoid any confusion, images showing unstained (native) GFP fluorescence should be included to proof that there are no residual signals. GFP fluorescence survives formaldehyde fixation and many GFP exon traps are clearly visible even in the absence of immunofluorescent stainings. Furthermore, Fig. 3G appears vastly different compared to Fig. 3E and Baz localization at cell-cell junctions cannot be recognized by people unfamiliar with imaginal discs. The images in Fig. 3G are therefore not suitable and should be replaced.
      3. The argument that baz4 and baz815-8 carry second site mutations is not fully convincing (page 10, 13). Why should two independent baz alleles carry an additional hit that affect Spectrin levels? Other explanations might be possible. While downregulation of Baz in muscles by RNAi is a good approach to tackle the question of Spectrin localization and expression levels, RNAi itself has its own uncertainties. Why not showing the effect on Spectrin levels or the lack of Baz at the NMJ (or the nuclear envelopes) in "clean" baz null embryos or larvae (e.g. bazEH747/Df)? NMJs can be stained in late stage embryos or compound heterozygous null mutants quite frequently survive until larval stages.
      4. It is not really made clear in the manuscript, why the additional reactivity of the anti-Baz antibodies has not been noticed earlier. The paper should therefore include a summarizing paragraph that describes how the specificities of the antibodies have been tested in the past in the laboratories that used them. Have they never been tested in null mutant animals? In null mutants it should be obvious to determine, if some staining patterns do not disappear.
      5. Figure 4 is very difficult to comprehend and should be better labeled (e.g. anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral, muscle fibers, unspecific signals). It is standard in the field to show ventral muscles 12, 13 or 6, 7 in the center of the image and in a similar orientation (anterior left, dorsal up). Better images should be shown.


      The authors provide a critical assessment on the specificity of antibodies and highlight the necessity to carefully test antibodies and the conclusions drawn from the resulting stainings, especially when antibodies are bought from companies or have previously been published as specific. This is extremely important for the interpretation of experiments in all fields of molecular and cellular biology.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      1. Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      1.1 Summary

      This reviewer acknowledges the expertise and contributions of Prof. Wodarz and his research group in the field of development, cell polarity regulation and Drosophila genetics.

      Manuscript summary:

      Kim S. et al. explored the localisation of Bazooka, the Drosophila homolog of the polarity protein Par-3, at two non-canonical positions for a cell polarity factor: the nuclear envelope in epithelial tissues and the postsynaptic membrane of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Previous work has shown the detection of Par-3/Baz at the nuclear envelope and the NMJ using antibodies against Par-3/Baz. Here, the authors used a combination of genetic perturbations (baz RNAi and generation of genetic mosaics for baz) and GFP-labelled Bazooka lines to test if the antibody-mediated detection of Baz at the nuclear envelope and NMJ is artifactual. The data provided by the authors strongly suggest both the nuclear envelope and NMJ detection of Baz using antibodies is non-specific.

      1.2 Major comments

      The manuscript is written in a clear manner, easy to be followed by readers. However, there are some important experimental details that should be provided as the authors advance over previous work regarding Baz localization (points 1.2.1 and 1.2.2). Furthermore, if possible, this reviewer considers that performing the experiment in 1.2.3 would strengthen the authors main message of their manuscript.

      1.2.1 Methodology information is missing, and would be necessary to be included for: image acquisition (Objectives, Airyscan mode), image processing (projections, details on linear -e.g. brightness, contrast- or non-linear adjustments of signal -e.g. gamma-). For image processing information, please include it within each figure legend. RNAi experiments lines, temperature for each target and tissue (a table would be helpful) and number of heat shocks performed for FRT/FLP clones.

      1.2.2 For each experiment it is unclear the number of specimens (experimental units) and independent experiments that were analysed. It is unclear if the Baz localisation phenotypes are fully penetrant or not as judged by the data provided.

      1.2.3 This reviewer agrees the data provided strongly suggests the detection of Baz along the nuclear envelope and NMJ is artifactual in the Drosophila tissues that have been studied. However, the nature of the bazEH747 mutant allele is not a deletion of the Baz gene, but instead a nonsense mutation, which, as the authors describe, could potentially generate a small product of 51 aminoacids, corresponding to the N-terminal part of Baz, which is also the target of Baz rabbit antibody ('rb Baz 1-297').

      Thus: - Would it be possible to complement the FRT/FLP analyses in the FE using a deficiency that uncovers the baz locus? A persistent detection of Baz signal at the nuclear compartment after complete removal of baz gene products would be an ideal experiment, if feasible. - Would the authors comment on the possibility the rb Baz antibody 1-297 detect a 51 aminoacids peptide?

      1.3 Minor comments

      This manuscript is largely based on imaging data. Therefore, it would be beneficial for the ease of comprehension of figure panels:

      1.3.1 More general use of insets to show with larger magnification and clarity the data indicated with arrows and arrowheads.

      1.3.2 Using negative grayscale either for insets or single channel data.

      1.3.3 For coloured-overlays please bear in mind using colors that would be suitable for colour-blinded readers.

      1.3.4 Figures showcasing the clonal analyses (both MARCM and FRT/FLP): might be worth indicating the boundaries of clones in single channel data with a dotted line.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I consider that all points/questions raised by other reviewers are fair, in some cases complement this reviewer's points, and in some others coincide. I recommend that all points raised by reviewers #1 and #3 are fully addressed by the authors.


      The findings provided by this manuscript will be of importance for researchers in the field of cell polarity, conducting research on Bazooka/Par-3 and associated proteins, both within the Drosophila field and other model organisms.

      The present study presents an advance towards a specific and most likely artifactual observation of Par-3/Bazooka. It will help to re-think the tools used for detecting Par-3/Bazooka in different animal models, and in this regard, will be helpful for the community.

      This work does not focus on Par-3/Bazooka biology, nor provides new insights into Par-3/Bazooka function, however, it is clear for this reviewer the later is not the aim of this manuscript.

      Reviewer expertise:

      • Drosophila genetics
      • Developmental cell biology and morphogenesis
      • Cytoskeleton, cell cell adhesion and cell polarity
    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Baz/Par3 is an important conserved protein acting as a master regulator of cell polarity in a wide range of cell types. This study focuses on re-assessing the subcellular localisation of Baz/Par3 in a range of Drosophila tissues. This is an important study with respect to our understanding of Baz/Par3, as there have been conflicting reports on the localisation of Par complex members - while the majority show localisation to cell cortex and intercellular junctions, several reports have claimed that Par complex members localise at additional subcellular sites including the nucleus, nuclear envelope and neuromuscular junction. In this study the authors re-assess this issue for Baz/Par3 in a comprehensive and thorough manner.

      1. They used a variety of antibodies raised in different host animals against different epitopes of Baz
      2. They tested the specificity of these antisera using mosaic analysis with null mutant baz alleles and tissue-specific RNAi against baz
      3. They used a GFP-tagged Baz under control of its endogenous promoter in a baz null mutant background to compare with the subcellular localisation of the respective GFP-Baz fusion proteins to the staining results with anti-Baz antisera

      The data from each of these experiments are very clear and convincing. Comprehensive methods are included which means that each of the experiments with specific anti-sera/RNAi lines/GFP-tagged conditions could be reproduced. There are a couple of experiments which were performed in support of the conclusions (extra RNAi lines and stronger expression of Gal4) listed as (data not shown). I would strongly suggest including these data as extra supplemental figures. Together, their results clearly show that Baz/Par3 localises to the cortex and intercellular junctions, but that anti-sera staining at the NMJs and nuclear envelope appear to be a staining artifact, likely due to staining with an unidentified epitope.

      Minor comments

      1. Many of the figures have overlays of red and green which will be indistinguishable from each other to colour-blind readers. Please alter to make colour-blind friendly (eg magenta-green)
      2. In Fig 2D please indicate where the epidermis and neuroblasts are
      3. In the following two places there are experiments describe where the data is listed as not shown. Please show the data as additional supplemental data. They are P8 - This result was confirmed using the CY2::Gal4 driver line expressed in the follicular epithelium and with three different RNAi lines against baz (data not shown). P11 - We also did not see any downregulation of Baz or aspectrin upon baz-RNAi in M12 at 29{degree sign}C, when the UAS-Gal4 system is maximally active (data not shown).
      4. Figure 3 - this would be easier to interpret with a few arrows/arrowheads indicating the NMJs


      It will be important to publish these results as it means that findings for a function of Baz/Par3 at the NJM and the nuclear envelope should be regarded with caution, and it may save researchers chasing for functions for Baz/Par3 in places where they are simply not expressed. As much of our fundamental understanding of how Par3 works in vertebrates has its roots in studies in Drosophila, this is likely to be of wide relevance.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We would like to thank the reviewers for their insightful comments and suggestions, which helped us to streamline and improve our manuscript. Below you can find a detailed response to each of their raised points. In short, we redid most of our experiments to get cleaner data, added some additional experiments (based on suggestions of the reviewers) to strengthen our conclusions, and removed the fly-related data to make the manuscript more straightforward. Moreover, we have combined our Results and Discussion section to adhere to the formatting of EMBO Reports.

      Reviewer #1

      Major comments

      1. The mESC data on the various mutations would be more convincing if derived from two lines, respectively, as in the case of Phe1112Leu NF1 mutation.

      We agree with the reviewer that it would have been more convincing if we would have a second mESC line harbouring the Asp633Tyr variant in RAF1. However, we were not successful in creating such an additional line. Moreover, it would not be feasible, both financially and time-wise, to redo all our experiments with this additional line. However, we have unpublished data that shows that the transgenic mESC line harbouring the Asp633Tyr variant in RAF1 shows clustering with and similar effects as several transgenic mESC lines harbouring other genetic variants in different genes from a connected pathway (which we plan to publish in another manuscript), making us less concerned that the observed effects are caused by random off-target effects.

      The results concerning ERK1/2 phosphorylation in mESC are actually reflecting the basal MAPK/ERK activity of cells maintained in normal growth medium. It would be important to check the MAPK/ERK activation by specific stimuli like EGF upon starvation in the mESC lines harboring the rare variants.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. Based on this comment, we performed additional experiments in which we stimulated our transgenic mESC lines with both EGF and insulin. These experiments showed similar results as the ones we performed in normal growth medium (see updated Figure EV3), strengthening our conclusions that our variants indeed alter MAPK/ERK signalling pathway activity. Moreover, we could additionally show that they also down-regulate phosphorylation of p70 S6K (see updated Figure 2C), indicating reduced mTORC1 activity, which has previously been associated with increased lifespan in different model organisms.

      According to the KEGG pathway analysis in Fig 4D PI3K-Akt signaling is activated in both NF1 and RAF1 variants. Because of the well-known cross-talk of PI3K/Akt with MAPK/ERK signaling it would strengthen the paper if PI3K-Akt signaling is analyzed, for example by determining the phosphorylation of Akt.

      Based on comment 10 of reviewer 2, we re-analysed the proteomics data and treated each of the genetic variants separately. Although the PI3K-AKT signalling pathway does not show a significant enrichment in the separate groups, we did measure the phosphorylation of AKT and p70 S6K (see reply to comment 2) to probe the effects of the variants on insulin/IGF-1 signalling. We indeed found that both variants up-regulate phosphorylation of AKT at S473 in normal growth medium (although the effect of the NF1 variant is clearly stronger) and down-regulate phosphorylation of AKT at S308 after insulin stimulation, while we observed a RAF1-specific down-regulation of phosphorylation of AKT at S473 after insulin stimulation (see updated Figure 2B and 2D).

      Some players in the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway are upregulated, some are down-regulated in mutant NF1 or mutant RAF1 cells, but it is not clear what the net effect of all these changes is on MAPK/ERK signaling. However, what ultimately matters are changes in down-stream gene expression. To really determine the effect of the mutations on MAPK/ERK signaling it would be necessary to perform more detailed transcriptome analysis and especially check the expression of longevity-controlling transcription factors, such as SKN-1, ETS and FOXO.

      We thank the reviewer for this very helpful suggestion. We performed an additional experiment in which we looked at the effect of our variants on the transcription of mammalian orthologs of the lifespan-associated transcription factors that belong to the SKN-1, ETS and FOXO family. We specifically focussed on the subset of ETS transcription factors that have been linked with lifespan regulation in fruit flies, given the known relation with MAPK/ERK signalling. In line with our findings from the proteomics, we indeed found consistent (i.e. Nfe2l2, Foxo3, Etv1, and Etv6) as well as opposing effects (i.e. for Ets1, Ets2, and Etv4) on the expression levels of these transcription factors between our cell lines (see new Figure 4). Based on this we concluded that both cell lines show reduced MAPK/ERK signalling activity.

      The authors are discussing a gain of function effect of the variants on the activity of RAF1 and of NF1, based on the ERK1/2 phosphorylation data from mESC. Since the variants are residing in protein domains important for the respective protein function (Tubulin-binding domain of NF1 and C-terminus of RAF1, important for its interaction with 14-3-3 proteins, respectively), the authors could speculate on how the mutations might affect the respective protein activity. Furthermore, the data could be strengthened by directly testing the activity of RAF1 or Ras.

      We have now added some text in which we speculate on the potential effects of our genetic variants (i.e. gain- or loss-of-function). Since we were mostly interested in the (shared) downstream effects of the variants, we decided to focus on this instead of the activity of Raf1 (for which good assays are also lacking).

      Since there is no consistent effect of the investigated mutations and their effects on MAPK/ERK signaling in mESC and no consistent effect on life-span in flies, wouldn´t one have to conclude that the pipeline for functional characterization is actually not working? Along that line, if introducing putative human life-extending mutations in RAF and NF1 in flies leads to lethality in one case and a shortened life-span in the other, doesn´t that proof the model is not suitable to draw conclusions about human mutations in flies?

      We have decided to remove the fly data from our manuscript to make the message more straightforward. We also realised that the lifespan-associated effects of the protein in flies had been contributed by its role in the adenylate cyclase-cAMP-protein kinase A pathway and not MAPK/ERK signalling (PMID: 17369827). Hence, we were not sure if the reduced lifespan effects we observed could be attributed to the role of Nf1 on MAPK/ERK signalling, especially since we did not observe any effects on phosphorylation of ERK1/2 in the flies.

      Minor issues

      1. Introduction, last paragraph.

      The sentence "Notably.... is very long and could be changed to two sentences.

      We have adapted this.

      Results, paragraph "Generation of mESCs..."

      It only becomes clear in the discussion that the AN3-12 cells get diploid after a while and that the human donors were heterozygous. This should be mentioned already here.

      We have adapted this.

      Results, paragraph "Generation and characterization of transgenic flies.."

      What is the wDah background?

      As mentioned above, we have removed all the fly data from our manuscript.

      The dimer consisting of RTK and a GPCR in the simplified illustration of the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway in Fig.1(B) is misleading, it is probably supposes to be a RTK?

      We have adapted this.

      Reviewer #2

      Major comments

      1. The NF1 variant and RAF1 variant have different outcomes regarding ERK phosphorylation. Then, how can long-lived family members share these variants?

      This is indeed a good point. However, now that we redid most of our experiments, we are able to show that most of the effects of the variants are consistent, especially when looking at the main effects on MAPK/ERK signalling. However, the proteomics and transcriptomic analyses still show some opposing and diverging effects. Hence, we speculate that this likely indicates that there are multiple ways in which genetic variants could influence cellular processes/phenotypes associated with healthy ageing and there is not a single molecular mechanism explaining it all.

      The two variants in mESCs showed contradictory results on MAPK/ERK pathway. In addition, fruit fly didn't recapitulate the results of mESC experiments. How can the authors conclude these variants are causally linked to longevity?

      See our reply to comment 1 and to major comment 6 of reviewer 1.

      Figure 2C, The authors should correct the statistical test (they used a T-test for 4 sample data set).

      We have adapted this.

      Figure 2C, Is NF1 and MEK1/2 expression altered? What about pMEK1/2 expression? The mechanistic link between NF1 mutations and ERK phosphorylation is speculative.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have now also added data on the phosphorylation of MEK1/2, which showed consistent results with that of ERK1/2.

      Figure 2C, The loading looks very variable. The authors should use fluorescently labelled antibodies for multiplexing. This way, the phospho signal and total protein can be quantified on a single blot.

      We have redone all our western blots and now normalised to calnexin, since we realised that vinculin was relatively unstable and therefore not the best reference protein to use. All data looks consistent now.

      Figure 2D, Loading control, Vinculin, is variable. Based on vinculin expression, total ERK expression was increased in RAF1 Asp633Tyr variant. It could affect the amount of pERK. The authors should show whether the authors loaded the equal amount of proteins using stain-free as in Fig. 5D.

      See reply to comment 5.

      Figure 2D, What about total RAF1, MEK1/2 expression and pMEK1/2? I was wondering whether phosphorylation of ERK is increased via RAF1-MEK pathway. The link between RAF1 mutation and ERK phosphorylation is mechanistically speculative.

      See reply to comment 4. The expression of Raf1 itself is provided in Figure 3A (i.e. the proteomic dataset) and is differentially influenced by both variants.

      Figure 3C and D, It doesn't look like dramatic improvement, especially since the curves run in parallel. The authors should corroborate the findings using an assay that is independent on the cellular metabolism, e.g. cell survival or proliferation using Incucyte

      We redid our experiments using the Incucyte® Live-Cell Analysis System and focussed on a stressor (i.e. hydroxyurea) that showed consistent effects across experiments (see updated Figure 5B). The stressors we used previously did not work so well in this system. We also measured proliferation in normal growth medium (see updated Figure 5A). These results indicate that the proliferation of the NF1Phe1112Leu variant mESC lines was increased, while that of the RAF1Asp633Tyr variant mESC line was decreased under normal growth conditions. Moreover, the RAF1Asp633Tyr variant showed improved resistance to replication stress, while this was not the case for the NF1Phe1112Leu variant.

      Figure 4, To figure out global phosphorylation changes induced by the variants, I suggest the authors perform phospho-proteomics

      We agree with the reviewer that it would be very nice to perform phospho-proteomics. However, this is still relatively expensive and our proteomics facility mentioned that such measurements are likely not yet robust and sensitive enough to get reliable estimates of specific phosphorylation sites.

      Figure 4C and D, NF1 variants and RAF1 variants have an opposite effect on phosphorylation of ERK. Why did the authors investigate the shared upregulated or downregulated proteins between two variants? How can they share TFs with the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway?

      See our reply to comment 1 and to major comment 4 of reviewer 1.

      Figure 4, The conclusion of this figure 4 is not clear to me.

      We have now updated the text in the Results and Discussion section to make this clearer.

      Minor comments

      1. The ultimate goal of aging research will be healthy aging. In LLS, were all long-lived individuals healthy? Do the authors have additional clinical parameters?

      There is only limited clinical data available for the long-lived individuals from the Leiden Longevity Study (PMID: 27374409), so we were not able to thoroughly asses this (also because there is no appropriate control group to compare them to). For the sequencing, we focussed on the individuals that had the longest survival within their families, but we cannot rule out that some of them were relatively unhealthy.

      Overall, most western blot figures do not look like being representative of the quantification results. The authors need better representative western blot figures

      We have repeated all our western blot experiments and updated our figures to show the most representative images.

      Figure 3, is there a difference in cell proliferation ability/viability between WT and the NF1/RAF1 variants?

      See reply to major comment 8.

      Figure 4A, How many replicates were used here?

      We used 4 technical replicates per cell line. We have now added this information to the Figure legend and the text in the Methods section.

      Figure 4A, The authors should provide the rationale for the cutoff they used: fold change and p-value/FDR?

      We have now added this information to the Figure legend and the text in the Results and Discussion section.

      Figure 5C and D, Did mutant flies die due to aging or due to any disease?

      As mentioned before, we have removed all the fly data from our manuscript.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      As part of a meta-study using the whole genome sequencing data from Leiden Longevity Study (LLS), the author identified uncommon genetic variants in MAPK/ERK signaling pathway which are potentially associated with human longevity. To characterize these gene variants, the authors employed CRISPR/Cas9 genome-edited mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) and fruit flies. Paradoxically, the variants in NF1 and RAF1 (both associated with increased longevity) have functionally opposite effect on activity of MAPK/ERK pathway in vitro. Nf1 variant in flies has no effect on MAPK/ERK pathway, however, it leads to deleterious consequences such as shorter lifespan, delayed developmental time, and decreased locomotor activity. Due to the contradictory results of the in vitro experiments and the in vivo fly model, it is difficult to conclude that the rare genetic variants the identified, are linked to longevity.

      Major comments

      1. The NF1 variant and RAF1 variant have different outcomes regarding ERK phosphorylation. Then, how can long-lived family members share these variants?
      2. The two variants in mESCs showed contradictory results on MAPK/ERK pathway. In addition, fruit fly didn't recapitulate the results of mESC experiments. How can the authors conclude these variants are causally linked to longevity?
      3. Figure 2C, The authors should correct the statistical test (they used a T-test for 4 sample data set).
      4. Figure 2C, Is NF1 and MEK1/2 expression altered? What about pMEK1/2 expression? The mechanistic link between NF1 mutations and ERK phosphorylation is speculative.
      5. Figure 2C, The loading looks very variable. The authors should use fluorescently labelled antibodies for multiplexing. This way, the phospho signal and total protein can be quantified on a single blot.
      6. Figure 2D, Loading control, Vinculin, is variable. Based on vinculin expression, total ERK expression was increased in RAF1 Asp633Tyr variant. It could affect the amount of pERK. The authors should show whether the authors loaded the equal amount of proteins using stain-free as in Fig. 5D.
      7. Figure 2D, What about total RAF1, MEK1/2 expression and pMEK1/2? I was wondering whether phosphorylation of ERK is increased via RAF1-MEK pathway. The link between RAF1 mutation and ERK phosphorylation is mechanistically speculative.
      8. Figure 3C and D, It doesn't look like dramatic improvement, especially since the curves run in parallel. The authors should corroborate the findings using an assay that is independent on the cellular metabolism, e.g. cell survival or proliferation using Incucyte
      9. Figure 4, To figure out global phosphorylation changes induced by the variants, I suggest the authors perform phospho-proteomics
      10. Figure 4C and D, NF1 variants and RAF1 variants have an opposite effect on phosphorylation of ERK. Why did the authors investigate the shared upregulated or downregulated proteins between two variants? How can they share TFs with the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway?
      11. Figure 4, The conclusion of this figure 4 is not clear to me.

      Minor comments

      1. The ultimate goal of aging research will be healthy aging. In LLS, were all long-lived individuals healthy? Do the authors have additional clinical parameters?
      2. Overall, most western blot figures do not look like being representative of the quantification results. The authors need better representative western blot figures
      3. Figure 3, is there a difference in cell proliferation ability/viability between WT and the NF1/RAF1 variants?
      4. Figure 4A, How many replicates were used here?
      5. Figure 4A, The authors should provide the rationale for the cutoff they used: fold change and p-value/FDR?
      6. Figure 5C and D, Did mutant flies die due to aging or due to any disease?


      Filtering out meaningful rare variants in MAPK/ERK pathway from long-lived individuals is an interesting and promising approach. However, the link between the NF1/RAF1 variants and longevity is still unclear. The authors were not able to explain the contradictory results from the NF1 and RAF1 mutant mESCs. In addition, the fly model did not support the in vitro mESC results. The authors need to provide more mechanistic insight into the impact of the variants on MAPK signaling. This part of the study is very superficial. Overall, the story seems a bit premature.

      Advance: The authors identify rare mutations affecting the ERK pathway in long-lived family members.

      Audience: Basic researchers who are interested in signaling and aging.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Hinterding et al. present a manuscript where they characterize rare variants in genes found in long-lived families. The authors concentrated on the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway, because they argued that this pathway has an established role in life-span determination. The rare variants were introduced in mouse embryonic stem cells and in fruit flies and their effects on the MAPK/ERK pathway and on life-span was studied. The authors conclude they established a pipeline for the functional characterization and potential validation of rare genetic variants.

      The topic is very interesting and the approach is original and novel. However, the results are in part preliminary and contradictory and the conclusions are overstated. Before publication, we suggest to address a number of issues.

      1. The mESC data on the various mutations would be more convincing if derived from two lines, respectively, as in the case of Phe1112Leu NF1 mutation.
      2. The results concerning ERK1/2 phosphorylation in mESC are actually reflecting the basal MAPK/ERK activity of cells maintained in normal growth medium. It would be important to check the MAPK/ERK activation by specific stimuli like EGF upon starvation in the mESC lines harboring the rare variants.
      3. According to the KEGG pathway analysis in Fig 4D PI3K-Akt signaling is activated in both NF1 and RAF1 variants. Because of the well-known cross-talk of PI3K/Akt with MAPK/ERK signaling it would strengthen the paper if PI3K-Akt signaling is analyzed, for example by determining the phosphorylation of Akt.
      4. Some players in the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway are upregulated, some are down-regulated in mutant NF1 or mutant RAF1 cells, but it is not clear what the net effect of all these changes is on MAPK/ERK signaling. However, what ultimately matters are changes in down-stream gene expression. To really determine the effect of the mutations on MAPK/ERK signaling it would be necessary to perform more detailed transcriptome analysis and especially check the expression of longevity-controlling transcription factors, such as SKN-1, ETS and FOXO.
      5. The authors are discussing a gain of function effect of the variants on the activity of RAF1 and of NF1, based on the ERK1/2 phosphorylation data from mESC. Since the variants are residing in protein domains important for the respective protein function (Tubulin-binding domain of NF1 and C-terminus of RAF1, important for its interaction with 14-3-3 proteins, respectively), the authors could speculate on how the mutations might affect the respective protein activity. Furthermore, the data could be strengthened by directly testing the activity of RAF1 or Ras.
      6. Since there is no consistent effect of the investigated mutations and their effects on MAPK/ERK signaling in mESC and no consistent effect on life-span in flies, wouldn´t one have to conclude that the pipeline for functional characterization is actually not working? Along that line, if introducing putative human life-extending mutations in RAF and NF1 in flies leads to lethality in one case and a shortened life-span in the other, doesn´t that proof the model is not suitable to draw conclusions about human mutations in flies?

      Minor issues

      1. Introduction, last paragraph. The sentence "Notably.... is very long and could be changed to two sentences.
      2. Results, paragraph "Generation of mESCs..." It only becomes clear in the discussion that the AN3-12 cells get diploid after a while and that the human donors were heterozygous. This should be mentioned already here.
      3. Results, paragraph "Generation and characterization of transgenic flies.." What is the wDah background?
      4. The dimer consisting of RTK and a GPCR in the simplified illustration of the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway in Fig.1(B) is misleading, it is probably supposes to be a RTK?

      Referees cross-commenting

      Reviewer #2 provides a fair and balanced review and seems to have pretty much the same concerns as I do, namely that there are too many inconsistencies in the experiments to conclude that the identified candidate genes are longevity genes.


      The concept of the study, to look for gene variants in long-lived families, is novel and highly interesting. It should be relevant for a broad audience interested in aging, longevity and the underlying mechanisms.


      • identification of potentially long-life associated gene variants in humans


      • final outcome on MAPK/ERK signaling not analyzed (downstream genes)
      • investigated gene variants don´t show consistent pattern
      • use of flies as model for the analysis of human longevity gene variants not convincing since one mutation is lethal, the other life shortening

      My expertise is cell biology, aging, senescence. I co-reviewed the paper with my postdoc who worked on MAPK/ERK signaling for many years.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We would like to thank the three reviewers for their time and effort, the constructive criticism, and suggestions to improve the quality of the manuscript. Below, we address the points raised by providing further clarifications or revising the manuscript as indicated.

      __Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      This study investigates mitochondrial and apicoplast division and distribution during the life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum. Utilizing the MitoRed reporter line for fluorescent mitochondrial marking and employing high-resolution 3D imaging techniques, including FIB-SEM, the research unveils the dynamics of these essential organelles across various stages of the parasite's development. The authors' work marks a significant step forward in understanding the cellular biology of Plasmodium falciparum, offering novel insights into the dynamics of mitochondrial and apicoplast division. By addressing the additional comments and incorporating recent findings and clarifications, the research not only underscores the complexity of these processes but also situates the study within the continuum of apicomplexan parasite research.

      Major comments: • Suitability of Reporter Line for Oocyst Development: The conclusion regarding the limitations of the MitoRed line for oocyst development stages prompts a discussion on alternative approaches, such as mito trackers, to validate observations in these stages. In the current state, it is difficult to conclude whether the data presented are only true for this specific transgenic line.

      We agree with the reviewer that the lack of MitoRed salivary gland sporozoites indeed hints to a developmental issue and therefore interpretation of mitochondrial morphology in oocyst stages should be done carefully. Although we would like to verify these observations with a wild-type line, there are several complications with using a MitoTracker staining. Firstly, a general staining procedure will also highlight the much larger and more abundant host mitochondria thus complicating both the actual imaging and interpretation of the data. Secondly, our own data presented in this manuscript demonstrated that MitoTracker stainings of blood-stage parasites should be considered with great care and it remains to be tested whether mosquito-stage parasite viability and mitochondrial morphology remain unaffected. Thirdly, mosquito experiments are time intensive and costly and we lack the time and funding to expand on this part of the work. We therefore decided to move the oocyst data to the supplement and added additional qualifiers for interpretation to the text.

      Line 578: “Although these mitochondrial observations should be interpreted with care since oocysts did not form salivary gland populating sporozoites and might therefore not be representing healthy oocysts, in P. berghei liver-stage schizonts, a very similar mitochondrial organization was observed in sub-compartments created by large membrane invaginations.”

      To conclude, we think it is important to be open about the limitations of the MitoRed line and discuss this in the paper to provide a balanced view for others that might want to use this line in the future. At the same time, we think that the observation of the mitochondrial organization centers and the great similarity with mitochondrial organization in liver- and blood-stage schizonts offers tentative support for a biologically relevant phenotype and gives new insights that we would like to share in this manuscript, provided that they are interpreted with care.

      • Analysis of Mitochondrion and Apicoplast Association with CPs: Could the author elaborate on how their statistical power and image data support assertions of random association between organelles and CPs (line 438-439) and the dynamic nature of Mito-CP interactions (line 504)? In addition, could the authors comment/discuss their findings regarding the distance between Mito-Api compared to the one reported in Figure S2 of Sun et al. preprint: bioRxiv 2022.09.14.508031; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.09.14.508031

      We would like to clarify the point that the reviewer raises. Although we indeed observed that the distances between the CP-mito are significantly smaller compared to CP-apicoplast in schizont 1 in Figure 7, we do not think that there is interaction between the mitochondrion and CPs. In schizont 3-6, the apicoplast shows close apposition with CPs over the complete length of the apicoplast/with all apicoplast fragments and the distances between CPs and apicoplast range from 0-150 nm, therefore we think there is CP-apicoplast interaction. The distance between CPs and mitochondrion is much larger in all schizonts with an average of 500-600 nm, except for schizont 6 where the CP-mito distances become smaller due to the alignment of the mitochondrion with the apicoplast. Still the CP-mito distance is significantly bigger in schizont 6 compared to CP-apicoplast. Therefore, we do not think there are mito-CP interactions in any of the schizont stages. To clarify this in the text, we added the following sentences:

      Line 483: “Although the distances between the mitochondrion and CPs (average 616 nm, SD 235 nm) in this early schizont are significantly smaller than the apicoplast-CPs distances (average 1350 nm, SD 260 nm), there is no direct interaction between the mitochondrion and CPs since the smallest CP-mitochondrion distance measured is 332 nm. The significant difference can be explained by the fact that the apicoplast is located in the center of the parasite, while the mitochondrion is larger and stretched throughout the whole cell leading to coincidental closer proximity to the peripheral CPs.”

      We have also added extra comparisons of CP-apicoplast and CP-mitochondrion distances to the text to support this (Line 483-503).

      We thank the reviewer for their suggestion of comparison with the data from Sun et al. The EM tomography data in that paper are indeed of much higher resolution and hint at physical interaction between the membranes of the mitochondrion and apicoplast. We have added the following sentences to the discussion:

      Line 612: “EM tomography data from Sun et al. show there are hints of connecting structures between the mitochondrion and apicoplast in areas where the distance between the organelles is very small and similar to the distance between the inner and outer membranes of the organelles themselves in merozoites, suggesting physical link between the organelles.”

      • Incorporation of Recent Findings into Schematic Models: I recommend the authors modify their current model in Figure 8 to reflect on recent findings on CP outer domain contact with the parasite plasma membrane (PPM) post-mitosis as demonstrated by Liffner et al. PMID: 38108809.

      We agree with the reviewer that the data from Liffner et al. suggest contact of the outer CP with the PPM, however, we think ExM data should be interpreted with some care. Contact sites are strictly defined as an area where membranes of two organelles are in close proximity to each other, while there is no membrane fusion, there are tethering forces (protein-lipid or protein-protein interaction), and fulfill a specific function (PMID:30894536). The ExM data do not have the resolution to define the CP-PPM appositions as contact sites. Although we indeed see closeness of the CPs and the PPM in our FIB-SEM data, we do not see evidence of a physical contact between the two. Therefore, for this proposed model, we would keep the focus on the division and segregation of the two endosymbiotic organelles.

      Minor comments: • Reference to WHO Report: The manuscript cites malaria incidence and mortality data from an older WHO report. Given the availability of the 2022 WHO reports, authors should update the text and citation (line 36).

      Changed accordingly.

      • Clarification of Host: The term "its mitochondrion" (line 42) should be specified as "human mitochondrion" to clearly distinguish between the two different hosts.

      We changed “The malaria parasite harbors a unique mitochondrion that differs greatly from its host mitochondrion” to “The malaria parasite harbors a unique mitochondrion that differs greatly from the human mitochondrion”.

      • Terminology of Parasite Development Stages: The usage of "schizogony" to describe division processes in liver and mosquito stages could be misleading due to the distinct process of endopolygeny nuclear-like division observed during sporogony (line 56; PMID: 31805442). I would recommend the authors use a more general language, such as cell division.

      Changed accordingly.

      • Prior Research on CP and Apicoplast Association: The observation of centriolar plaques (CPs) associating with the apicoplast (line 91) has precedents in the study of other apicomplexan parasites, such as Sarcosystis (PMID: 16079283). Acknowledging and discussing these findings would contextualize the current study within the broader range of the most commonly studied apicomplexan parasites.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and added the following sentence and citation to the discussion:

      Line 646: ”In other apicomplexan parasites, such as Toxoplasma gondii and Sarcocystis neurona, centrosomes have also been indicated to be involved in apicoplast organization and distribution during cell division.

      • Depth of Imaging Data: Could the authors indicate the width of their z-stack, for instance, in Figure 1? I would also suggest the authors use hours of post-infection (h.p.i) for clarity (lines 234-254) to aid comprehension by a broader audience as they do later in the manuscript.

      As suggested we added the depth and interval ranges of the Z-stacks are added to the legends of Figures 1, 2, 3, and 5.

      It is common practice to describe the oocyst stages by days instead of hours post infection (of the mosquito; also referred to as days after feeding) as the development takes ~2 weeks. Later in the manuscript, we refer to the development of asexual blood stages, a ~48h cycle, which is commonly referred to by hours post invasion (of the red blood cell). Sticking to common practices in the field, we have decided leave the time indications used unaltered.

      • Visualization of Mitochondrial Structures: Suggestions to include or reference images of bulbous mitochondrial structures (line 445) directly in the main text or within key figures (e.g., Figure 6) would help the reader understand what and where are these bulbous structures.

      Arrows are added to Figure 6 to indicate bulins.

      • Organelle Communication and Division Mechanisms: The discussion of bulbous invagination structures (buildings) (line 469) and their role in organelle division is interesting; could it be also for organelle communication or storage? Can the authors expand the discussion about it?

      We have indeed wondered and discussed possible functions of these bulins extensively. While roles in organelle communication or storage are other interesting theories that also crossed our minds, the timing of appearance, the precise location of the bulins at the entrance of developing merozoites at the stage where bulins are most abundant, and their morphological features together to us strongly suggest a link to (mitochondrial) fission, via membrane remodeling and/or the distribution of certain components, such as mitochondrial DNA, proteins, or protein complexes. We would like to keep the focus of the paper at mitochondrial and apicoplast fission and as such we discuss various observations within this context. Discussing all our observations within the wider context of Plasmodium biology would be lead to overly long and unfocused paper and hence we would like to leave these discussions for other manuscripts with a different focus.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The study is a significant contribution to the field of parasitology, particularly in understanding the cellular biology of Plasmodium falciparum. The development of the MitoRed reporter line is a notable advancement, allowing for the real-time visualization of mitochondrial dynamics. This tool could be invaluable for future studies exploring parasite biology's intricacies and identifying new antimalarial drug targets. Furthermore, while the study provides detailed insights into the division and distribution of mitochondria and apicoplasts, the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes remain to be fully elucidated. Specifically, the role of specific proteins in mediating these divisions and the potential interplay between mitochondrial and apicoplast dynamics during parasite development warrant further investigation.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      During its development and growth, the human malaria parasite P. falciparum needs to guarantee that cellular organelles, including the mitochondrion and the apicoplast, will be divided and segregated correctly into the daughter parasites. However, the details and mechanisms of these processes are not clear. Here, authors provide a description of mitochondrial replication and segregation in P. falciparum schizonts, gametocytes and oocysts. They generated a reporter cell line by attaching mScarlet red fluorescent protein to the mitochondrial heat shock protein 70-3 and used high-resolution 3D-imaging and focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy to study mitochondrion dynamics in the asexual, gametocytes and mosquito stages. The authors found that in schizonts, the mitochondrion forms a cartwheel structure at the end of early segmentation stage with full division occurring only at a late stage of schizogony. Apicoplast division happens after nuclear division but is complete before nuclear division is completed. Authors also found apicoplast but not mitochondrion is associated with centriolar plaque (analogue of centrosome in P. falciparum) during the schizogony. At the end, authors proposed their model of nuclei, mitochondrial and apicoplast division in the asexual stage schizogony. This well-written manuscript provides insights on mitochondrion and apicoplast fission in P. falciparum blood stage schizogony and mitochondrion dynamic in the blood, gametocytes and mosquito stages. Questions and suggestions are below:

      Major comments The marker line forms mature oocysts but does not produce salivary gland sporozoites. This phenotype needs to be explained more clearly. Are sporozoites produced in the midgut, are they released into the hemocoel?

      For clarity, we have expanded our explanation of this phenotype and indicated the limitations of the tool in lines 250-259:

      While several free sporozoites were observed in dissected midguts and salivary glands on day 16 (data not shown), we never observed an oocyst containing fully mature sporozoites with a divided mitochondrion or an infected salivary gland on day 16 and 21 after infection. This indicates that sporozoites are produced and released into the hemocoel, however, they have a health defect that prevents them from infecting the salivary glands. Possibly the mitochondrial marker or the integration in the SIL7 locus causes issues for sporozoite development. We conclude that the MitoRed line is a great tool for mitochondrial visualization in asexual blood stages, gametocytes stages, and mosquito stages up until late oocysts (Supplemental Information S1) but that for studies later in the life cycle other tools need to be developed and tested.”

      Does introduction of an exogenous copy of HSP70 influence total HSP70 expression in the parasite, and can this cause the observed defect in sporozoite production? Did authors try to tag the endogenous HSP70 to see if it's a suitable reporter?

      For clarity, as we describe in the paper (e.g. lines 113-117) we did not express an additional copy of HSP70-3 but merely fused its promoter region and mitochondrial targeting sequence without any further functional domains to mScarlet. This is a strategy that has been employed with great success to study mitochondrial biology in all life-cycle stages of P. berghei (PMID:29669282). While we cannot formally exclude that the use of a second copy of the HSP70-3 promoter could somehow influence the expression of the endogenous copy, it seems rather unlikely. A plethora of promoters of a wide variety of genes have been used for transgenic expression of e.g. drug cassettes and other fluorescent markers in a multitude of studies and to the best of our knowledge there are no reports of this ever interfering with endogenous expression levels. Although we think it would be interesting to know what exactly causes the defective sporozoite production, this information will not add to our understanding of mitochondrial dynamics in mosquito stages and hence beyond the scope of this study (see also our responses to the previous comment and the first comment of reviewer 1).

      Did authors compare the growth of the reporter parasite line to wild-type in gametocytes and oocysts?

      Typically, conversion rates of gametocyte inductions are highly variable even within the same experiment. MitoRed gametocytes have been induced in at least five independent experiments. Although we have not performed a direct quantification of gametocyte conversion or growth rates between MitoRed and NF54 WT parasites, stage V male and female MitoRed gametocytes developed normally demonstrating no morphological aberrations in each of these experiments within the expected 12-day time frame, similarly as WT parasites, assessed by light microscopy. As we found no indications for a developmental phenotype deviating from what is commonly observed for wild-type parasites as is shown in supplemental figure S3. We have added comparison of exflagellation events in MitoRed vs WT parasites to figure S4, showing no significant difference and indicating formation of healthy male gametes. Normal healthy of MitoRed gametocytes is further supported by the fact that these parasites infect mosquitos.

      A direct comparison of the growth of MitoRed with WT in oocyst stages is challenging, since infections can show high variance. In addition, these experiments are very costly and time intensive. As we focused our work on blood-stage development and because there are limitations in the use of MitoRed when studying subsequent mosquito- and liver-stage development as discussed above and in the manuscript, we decided not to invest our limited resources for a direct comparison with WT, reserving such a comparison for future transgenic lines that present no obvious developmental defects.

      In figure 1A and Methods, are all MitoTracker stains incubated at 100 nM for 30 minutes? Did authors try to optimize the conditions to improve quality Mitotracker staining can be improved?

      Indeed, all MitoTracker stains were performed at 100 nM, except for the Rhodamin123 used for life imaging. In the past, we have performed several pilot experiments to optimize staining conditions of which 100nM for 30 min most consistently resulted in sufficiently bright yet specific signals. Notably, this is the MitoTracker concentration that is described most frequently in other papers. The use of a lower concentration might indeed improve the mitochondrial morphology in MitoTracker stained parasites, however, for the scope of this paper we wanted to compare our new mitochondrial marker with the most commonly used MitoTracker staining conditions. Combined with the fact that MitoTrackers are toxic at low concentrations, we preferred to step away from MitoTracker when looking at mitochondrial division, to ensure we are looking at biologically relevant mitochondria.

      In figure 1B, can authors replace the figures for the first ring? The parasite does not seem healthy and the scale bar is shorter than the others. Can authors define DIC in the legend?

      Change accordingly.

      In figure 8, it looks like some apicoplasts are not associated with the CP, contrary to what is stated in the text, for eg the one at the 7 o'clock position in stage 3.

      It is indeed difficult to find an angle of visualization that shows clearly that all CPs associate with the apicoplast, a common challenge when trying to visualize 3D data in a 2D space. However, in the 3D animated movies that are provided with the manuscript, the reader can observe this association more clearly, as the organelles rotate slowly so that all angles can be observed. We therefore think that these movies are indispensable to demonstrate and clarify things that are difficult to extract from still, non-rotating image.

      The Discussion should mention the failure in generating sporozoites from this reporter line Can authors discuss the SIL7 locus as the site of integration, in the context of potential effect of its disruption on sporozoite production.

      In the discussion, we briefly mention the limitation of the use of MitoRed. We have now also added a reference to the more extensive discussion of this phenotype in the supplemental information and included an additional sentence in the results section to indicate the limitations. As indicated in response to previous comments, we think it is important to discuss these limitations as well as present the observations we made during oocyst development but to compartmentalize these to an extended, supplementary section. This allows us to keep the focus on fission during blood-stage schizogony and not make the discussion overly lengthy.

      Authors should explain criteria for identifying organelles in FIB-SEM images eg mitochondria, apicoplast etc.

      We added to following sentence to clarify how we identified the mitochondrion and apicoplast in the FIB-SEM images (lines 387-389):

      "The mitochondrion and apicoplast can be recognized by their tubular shape in addition to the double membrane of the mitochondrion and the thicker appearance of the four membranes of the apicoplast.”

      FIB-SEM images show other prominent organelles in these images (dense granules? hemozoin crystals?). It would be helpful for reader orientation and greater appreciation of the work if these organelles were marked as well.

      We agree with the reviewer it would be an interesting addition to visualize other organelles, such as e.g. dense granules, rhoptries, and IMC, to learn more about general organellar biology of the parasite. However, segmentation of these organelles requires the training of a new deep learning model and/or the manual segmentation of +400 image slices per parasite. This is unfortunately not feasible for us. However, the dataset is going to be available online and we encourage researchers to revisit and reuse the dataset for their own research questions.

      Minor comments The format of blood, mosquito and liver stage is not consistent. Eg. in line 17, 22, 56 and 65. Some has a dash line while some doesn't.

      We use hyphens (dashes are longer and used between clauses/sentences) as appropriate. That is, when we use “blood-stage” as a compound adjective as in “the blood-stage parasites are” but not when using “stages” as the noun as “the blood stages are”. We have double-checked the entire manuscript once more to ensure correct hyphenation throughout.

      In line 36, numbers of cases and death by malaria are by estimation.

      Changed accordingly

      Can authors define Plasmodium falciparum as P. falciparum in line 37?

      It is common practice to write the full name of a species at first mention in the main body of a manuscript (not including the abstract).

      The sentence in line 57-59 is confusing. At the end of schizogony, the daughter merozoite/sporozoite has one mitochondrion but it's multiple in the parasite.

      We adapted the sentence so it will be clearer to the reader that the parasite has a single mitochondrion that divides into multiple fragments during cell division:

      During P. falciparum cell division, the single parasite mitochondrion needs to be properly divided and distributed among the daughter cells.

      Can authors specify which mitochondrial dyes are toxic in line 76?

      We have included the following sentence to clarify:

      However, eight of these dyes were tested in a drug screen all showing IC50 values below 1mM with three, Mito Red, DiOC6, and Rhodamine B being highly active against P. falciparum with IC50 values below 30 nM14,15.

      In line 115, can authors indicate the Gene ID for PfNF54? Can authors define the reported parasite line as MitoRed here instead of line 125?

      Although we indeed used NF54 as the parental strain for the MitoRed line, we think the 3D7 gene ID is more useful in this context. The 3D7 genome is used as the reference genome by the entire field and it is much better annotated than the NF54 genome. Furthermore, the genomes are not all too different to start with, as 3D7 is a subclone of the NF54 line.

      In line 134 and 540, use punctate instead of 'punctuated'?

      Changed accordingly.

      In line 161 to 163, can authors also cite ref 19?

      Reference 19 (now 20) is cited in line 163 precluding the need for an additional citation in the next sentence.

      In line 174, pH change can also trigger gametocytes activation.

      Changed accordingly.

      In Figure S4, please indicate the percentage of parasites having close apposition of mitochondrion to axonemes.

      When we revisited our images to check what percentage of parasites have close appositions of the mitochondrion and the axonemes, we found that in all exflagellating parasites that were analyzed there is close apposition or overlap between the mitochondrial and the tubulin signal. We changed the text to reflect this:

      Line 189: “We found close apposition of the dispersed mitochondria to the axonemal tubulin in all 19 exflagellating males that were analyzed (Figure S4B, S4C).”

      Line 237 to 239, please clarify why authors think there is one fragment in mitochondrial.

      We have added the following sentence to clarify:

      Line 239: “Segmentation of the fluorescent signal based on manual thresholding indicated that the mitochondrion consisted of one continuous structure.”

      In line 259, the ookinete stage is II to IV.

      Stage indications have been corrected.

      In line 281, please define RBC.

      Changed accordingly.

      In figure 5A, please provide a scale bar for the original and reconstructed image. Should the unit of fragment volume be um3 but not um?

      We have added scale bars to the original fluorescent images and the unit has been changed to mm3. Unfortunately, it is not really appropriate to provide a 2D scale bar with a 3D image, since this will not take the depth of your image into account, unless an orthographic projection is used. Objects that are more to the front are visualized slightly bigger than things in the back and therefore a scale bar would not help for interpreting the size of the depicted objects.

      Can author do a statistical analysis in Fig 5B and 5C to show the stage at which the majority of nuclei and mitochondria divide?

      Changed accordingly.

      In figure 5D, the labels on Y axis are not the same size.

      The two different sizes were used intentionally to show clearly it is a logarithmic instead of a linear scale.

      In figure 6, what's the green black color organelle in the first column (like the organelle showing up as 4 in the first one, at 1/2/6/8 o'clock)? Can authors provide annotations of organelles using arrows at least in the supplementary?

      We have added annotations of the RBC, food vacuole, rhoptries, parasite membrane and parasitophorous vacuole membrane to the micrograph images in Figure 6 and the Table S3.

      In line 717, the font of ul is not consistent with others like line 691.

      Changed accordingly

      In line 731, 37 {degree sign}C.

      Changed accordingly

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The mitochondria of human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum differs from the host's and is an intriguing drug target. During the asexual blood stage replication, parasite mitochondrial elongates to form a branched network and undergoes rapid fissions to be distributed properly imto daughter merozoites. However, the details of these processes are unknown. In this study, authors use confocal microscopy and FIB-SEM to describe the dynamics of mitochondrial division in the asexual schizont stage, gametocytes and oocysts.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary The authors developed a new reporter parasite line that can facilitates the study of mitochondria cell biology in sexual and asexual stages of Plasmodium falciparum. This strategy gets around the need for antibodies or MitoTracker, that could be toxic in some parasite stages. The authors further provided new insights into how mitochondria divide and interacts with both apicoplast and centriolar plaques (CPs) using informative and cutting-edge imaging. The study showed that mitochondria get segregated during cellular division in a cartwheel model and aligns with the apicoplast. Finally, they highlight a potential unique association between CPs and apicoplast in the later stages of schizogony that might contributes to apicoplast segregation.

      Major comments: 1. The authors should provide a positive control in the form of another mitochondrial marker to validate that the signal provided by the fluorescent parasite is specific to mitochondria. They could try to tag a well-known mitochondria protein in the reported cell line and compare the signal using antibody stain.

      Although we agree with the reviewer that a co-localization of the mitochondrial marker with a tagged mitochondrial protein would verify the mitochondrial localization of the marker, we do think that the co-localization with MitoTracker (Figure 1 and Figure S2) is a good validation method. MitoTracker is a widely used and accepted mitochondrial dye to stain mitochondria in Plasmodium species and other eukaryotes. We believe that the co-localization of our mitochondrial marker with several MitoTracker dyes is enough to prove mitochondrial localization.

      There should be more rigour in the observations: the authors should provide quantification of how many parasites/fields were analysed and the percentage of observations described in Figure 2. Was this data consistent in different parasites/experiments? How many times were the experiment repeated?

      To provide more rigor we have included a more detailed description of the number of experiments, the number of parasites imaged, and the percentage of parasites with the described observation:

      Line 159: “For each stage, between 11-19 parasites were imaged over two independent experiments and described observations were consistent over all analyzed parasites.

      Line 181: “While this particular activation experiment was performed on a gametocyte culture that did not exflagellate for unclear reasons, it was repeated twice, and very similar results were found in exflagellating males (n=19) (Figure 2C).

      Line 189: “We found close apposition of the dispersed mitochondria to the axonemal tubulin in all 19 exflagellating males that were analyzed (Figure S4).”

      More rigour is required also in the analysis of oocyst: what was the criteria to define 'large oocysts' (lines 241-242)? How many oocysts were analysed?

      We have added estimated diameters of the oocyst to provide more defined criteria:

      Line 238: “At day 7, small oocysts (~10 mm diameter) were observed with a branched mitochondrial network stretched out throughout the cell (Figure 3C).

      Line 241: “Day 10 oocysts were much larger (~35 mm diameter) and the mitochondrial mesh-like network appeared more organized, also localizing to areas directly below the oocyst wall (Figure 3D).”

      Line 243: “Some large oocysts (~70 mm diameter) showed a highly organized mitochondrial network, where mitochondrial branches were organized in a radial fashion around a central organizational point (Figure 3E, S5A).

      Line 247: “Some smaller oocysts (~35 mm diameter) at day 13 showed structures that looked like beginning MOCs (Figure S5B).”

      Finally figure 5 also lacks rigour: How were the fragments quantified? How many times were the experiment repeated? Is there any statistical difference in different parasite stages? To clarify how mitochondrial fragments were quantified, we added the following sentences to the materials and methods section:

      Line 765: “3D visualization and quantifications were done in Arivis 4D Vision software. For mitochondrial measurements, threshold-based segmentation was used. For nuclei, blob-finder function was used for segmentation. Number of segmented objects and volume of objects was determined by Arivis software.”

      The experiment was repeated twice, and the second independent experiment, which shows the same mitochondrial division stages, is added to the supplement (Figure S7). We added the following sentence to the text for clarification (Line 310):

      These mitochondrial division stages were confirmed in a second, independent 3D imaging experiment (Figure S7).”

      Statistical analysis between different parasite stages was performed and added to Figure 5.

      Minor comments: 1. Error bars in Fig S1. should be in a different colour from the line graph (eg. black or white).

      Changing the color of the error bars made the figure less clear to interpret, due to their small size. We therefore decided to leave the image unaltered.

      Scale bar in Fig 2D is missing.

      As indicated in response to reviewer 2, unfortunately, it is not really appropriate to provide a 2D scale bar with a 3D image, since this will not take the depth of your image into account. That is, things that are more to the front are visualized slightly bigger than things in the back and therefore a scale bar would not help for interpreting the size of the depicted objects.

      In Fig 4. a square dotted line should be placed to represent the GAP45 crop area.

      Changed accordingly.

      In Table S3 the authors should provide a colour legend and highlight mitochondria in the micrographs.

      Color legend and annotations of RBC, food vacuole, rhoptries, parasite membrane and parasitophorous vacuole membrane have been added to the table.

      Lines 282-286. The authors should try to hypothesize why MitoRed does not work for live imaging during schizogony

      Despite several attempts to improve imaging conditions to prevent this, including, reduced laser power, increase time interval, better temperature control, and gassing of the imaging chamber with low oxygen mixed gas, parasites remained unhealthy. In the discussion, we hypothesize that the mitochondrial marker might cause parasites to be unhealthy due to phototoxicity.

      In Fig. 6B parasite is misspelled

      Changed accordingly.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):


      The current paper provides a significant advance in the study of mitochondria cell biology in P. falciparum. The authors used a new strategy for mitochondria visualization that works well in most of parasite stages, enabling them to described in detail mitochondria and apicoplast division that can be used as guideline for future work. The limitation of this study, is a lack of mechanisms that might explain the reported observations, which leaves the discussion somewhat speculative.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors developed a new reporter parasite line that can facilitates the study of mitochondria cell biology in sexual and asexual stages of Plasmodium falciparum. This strategy gets around the need for antibodies or MitoTracker, that could be toxic in some parasite stages. The authors further provided new insights into how mitochondria divide and interacts with both apicoplast and centriolar plaques (CPs) using informative and cutting-edge imaging. The study showed that mitochondria get segregated during cellular division in a cartwheel model and aligns with the apicoplast. Finally, they highlight a potential unique association between CPs and apicoplast in the later stages of schizogony that might contributes to apicoplast segregation.

      Major comments:

      1. The authors should provide a positive control in the form of another mitochondrial marker to validate that the signal provided by the fluorescent parasite is specific to mitochondria. They could try to tag a well-known mitochondria protein in the reported cell line and compare the signal using antibody stain.
      2. There should be more rigour in the observations: the authors should provide quantification of how many parasites/fields were analysed and the percentage of observations described in Figure 2. Was this data consistent in different parasites/experiments? How many times were the experiment repeated?
      3. More rigour is required also in the analysis of oocyst: what was the criteria to define 'large oocysts' (lines 241-242)? How many oocysts were analysed?
      4. Finally figure 5 also lacks rigour: How were the fragments quantified? How many times were the experiment repeated? Is there any statistical difference in different parasite stages?

      Minor comments:

      1. Error bars in Fig S1. should be in a different colour from the line graph (eg. black or white).
      2. Scale bar in Fig 2D is missing.
      3. In Fig 4. a square dotted line should be placed to represent the GAP45 crop area.
      4. In Table S3 the authors should provide a colour legend and highlight mitochondria in the micrographs.
      5. Lines 282-286. The authors should try to hypothesize why MitoRed does not work for live imaging during schizogony
      6. In Fig. 6B parasite is misspelled


      The current paper provides a significant advance in the study of mitochondria cell biology in P. falciparum. The authors used a new strategy for mitochondria visualization that works well in most of parasite stages, enabling them to described in detail mitochondria and apicoplast division that can be used as guideline for future work.

      The limitation of this study, is a lack of mechanisms that might explain the reported observations, which leaves the discussion somewhat speculative.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      During its development and growth, the human malaria parasite P. falciparum needs to guarantee that cellular organelles, including the mitochondrion and the apicoplast, will be divided and segregated correctly into the daughter parasites. However, the details and mechanisms of these processes are not clear. Here, authors provide a description of mitochondrial replication and segregation in P. falciparum schizonts, gametocytes and oocysts. They generated a reporter cell line by attaching mScarlet red fluorescent protein to the mitochondrial heat shock protein 70-3 and used high-resolution 3D-imaging and focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy to study mitochondrion dynamics in the asexual, gametocytes and mosquito stages. The authors found that in schizonts, the mitochondrion forms a cartwheel structure at the end of early segmentation stage with full division occurring only at a late stage of schizogony. Apicoplast division happens after nuclear division but is complete before nuclear division is completed. Authors also found apicoplast but not mitochondrion is associated with centriolar plaque (analogue of centrosome in P. falciparum) during the schizogony. At the end, authors proposed their model of nuclei, mitochondrial and apicoplast division in the asexual stage schizogony. This well-written manuscript provides insights on mitochondrion and apicoplast fission in P. falciparum blood stage schizogony and mitochondrion dynamic in the blood, gametocytes and mosquito stages. Questions and suggestions are below:

      Major comments

      The marker line forms mature oocysts but does not produce salivary gland sporozoites. This phenotype needs to be explained more clearly. Are sporozoites produced in the midgut, are they released into the hemocoel?

      Does introduction of an exogenous copy of HSP70 influence total HSP70 expression in the parasite, and can this cause the observed defect in sporozoite production? Did authors try to tag the endogenous HSP70 to see if it's a suitable reporter?

      Did authors compare the growth of the reporter parasite line to wild-type in gametocytes and oocysts? In figure 1A and Methods, are all MitoTracker stains incubated at 100 nM for 30 minutes? Did authors try to optimize the conditions to improve quality Mitotracker staining can be improved? In figure 1B, can authors replace the figures for the first ring? The parasite does not seem healthy and the scale bar is shorter than the others. Can authors define DIC in the legend? In figure 8, it looks like some apicoplasts are not associated with the CP, contrary to what is stated in the text, for eg the one at the 7 o'clock position in stage 3. The Discussion should mention the failure in generating sporozoites from this reporter line Can authors discuss the SIL7 locus as the site of integration, in the context of potential effect of its disruption on sporozoite production. Authors should explain criteria for identifying organelles in FIB-SEM images eg mitochondria, apicoplast etc. FIB-SEM images show other prominent organelles in these images (dense granules? hemozoin crystals?). It would be helpful for reader orientation and greater appreciation of the work if these organelles were marked as well.

      Minor comments

      The format of blood, mosquito and liver stage is not consistent. Eg. in line 17, 22, 56 and 65. Some has a dash line while some doesn't. In line 36, numbers of cases and death by malaria are by estimation. Can authors define Plasmodium falciparum as P. falciparum in line 37? The sentence in line 57-59 is confusing. At the end of schizogony, the daughter merozoite/sporozoite has one mitochondrion but it's multiple in the parasite. Can authors specify which mitochondrial dyes are toxic in line 76? In line 115, can authors indicate the Gene ID for PfNF54? Can authors define the reported parasite line as MitoRed here instead of line 125? In line 134 and 540, use punctate instead of 'punctuated'? In line 161 to 163, can authors also cite ref 19? In line 174, pH change can also trigger gametocytes activation. In Figure S4, please indicate the percentage of parasites having close apposition of mitochondrion to axonemes. Line 237 to 239, please clarify why authors think there is one fragment in mitochondrial. In line 259, the ookinete stage is II to IV. In line 281, please define RBC. In figure 5A, please provide a scale bar for the original and reconstructed image. Should the unit of fragment volume be um3 but not um? Can author do a statistical analysis in Fig 5B and 5C to show the stage at which the majority of nuclei and mitochondria divide? In figure 5D, the labels on Y axis are not the same size. In figure 6, what's the green black color organelle in the first column (like the organelle showing up as 4 in the first one, at 1/2/6/8 o'clock)? Can authors provide annotations of organelles using arrows at least in the supplementary? In line 717, the font of ul is not consistent with others like line 691. In line 731, 37 {degree sign}C.


      The mitochondria of human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum differs from the host's and is an intriguing drug target. During the asexual blood stage replication, parasite mitochondrial elongates to form a branched network and undergoes rapid fissions to be distributed properly imto daughter merozoites. However, the details of these processes are unknown. In this study, authors use confocal microscopy and FIB-SEM to describe the dynamics of mitochondrial division in the asexual schizont stage, gametocytes and oocysts.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This study investigates mitochondrial and apicoplast division and distribution during the life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum. Utilizing the MitoRed reporter line for fluorescent mitochondrial marking and employing high-resolution 3D imaging techniques, including FIB-SEM, the research unveils the dynamics of these essential organelles across various stages of the parasite's development. The authors' work marks a significant step forward in understanding the cellular biology of Plasmodium falciparum, offering novel insights into the dynamics of mitochondrial and apicoplast division. By addressing the additional comments and incorporating recent findings and clarifications, the research not only underscores the complexity of these processes but also situates the study within the continuum of apicomplexan parasite research.

      Major comments:

      • Suitability of Reporter Line for Oocyst Development: The conclusion regarding the limitations of the MitoRed line for oocyst development stages prompts a discussion on alternative approaches, such as mito trackers, to validate observations in these stages. In the current state, it is difficult to conclude whether the data presented are only true for this specific transgenic line.
      • Analysis of Mitochondrion and Apicoplast Association with CPs: Could the author elaborate on how their statistical power and image data support assertions of random association between organelles and CPs (line 438-439) and the dynamic nature of Mito-CP interactions (line 504)? In addition, could the authors comment/discuss their findings regarding the distance between Mito-Api compared to the one reported in Figure S2 of Sun et al. preprint: bioRxiv 2022.09.14.508031; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.09.14.508031
      • Incorporation of Recent Findings into Schematic Models: I recommend the authors modify their current model in Figure 8 to reflect on recent findings on CP outer domain contact with the parasite plasma membrane (PPM) post-mitosis as demonstrated by Liffner et al. PMID: 38108809.

      Minor comments:

      • Reference to WHO Report: The manuscript cites malaria incidence and mortality data from an older WHO report. Given the availability of the 2022 WHO reports, authors should update the text and citation (line 36).
      • Clarification of Host: The term "its mitochondrion" (line 42) should be specified as "human mitochondrion" to clearly distinguish between the two different hosts.
      • Terminology of Parasite Development Stages: The usage of "schizogony" to describe division processes in liver and mosquito stages could be misleading due to the distinct process of endopolygeny nuclear-like division observed during sporogony (line 56; PMID: 31805442). I would recommend the authors use a more general language, such as cell division.
      • Prior Research on CP and Apicoplast Association: The observation of centriolar plaques (CPs) associating with the apicoplast (line 91) has precedents in the study of other apicomplexan parasites, such as Sarcosystis (PMID: 16079283). Acknowledging and discussing these findings would contextualize the current study within the broader range of the most commonly studied apicomplexan parasites.
      • Depth of Imaging Data: Could the authors indicate the width of their z-stack, for instance, in Figure 1? I would also suggest the authors use hours of post-infection (h.p.i) for clarity (lines 234-254) to aid comprehension by a broader audience as they do later in the manuscript.
      • Visualization of Mitochondrial Structures: Suggestions to include or reference images of bulbous mitochondrial structures (line 445) directly in the main text or within key figures (e.g., Figure 6) would help the reader understand what and where are these bulbous structures.
      • Organelle Communication and Division Mechanisms: The discussion of bulbous invagination structures (buildings) (line 469) and their role in organelle division is interesting; could it be also for organelle communication or storage? Can the authors expand the discussion about it?


      The study is a significant contribution to the field of parasitology, particularly in understanding the cellular biology of Plasmodium falciparum. The development of the MitoRed reporter line is a notable advancement, allowing for the real-time visualization of mitochondrial dynamics. This tool could be invaluable for future studies exploring parasite biology's intricacies and identifying new antimalarial drug targets. Furthermore, while the study provides detailed insights into the division and distribution of mitochondria and apicoplasts, the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes remain to be fully elucidated. Specifically, the role of specific proteins in mediating these divisions and the potential interplay between mitochondrial and apicoplast dynamics during parasite development warrant further investigation.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      *Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      *The study examined the mechanisms behind the nuclear transport of capsid proteins of various flaviviruses. The study used mass spectrometry to identify the interaction partners of JEV capsid protein and found Importin 7 as the top hit. After validating this interaction with IP-western blotting, using IPO7 knock-out cells they showed that the nuclear accumulation of capsid is dependent on IPO7. Moreover, they also observed nearly 10-folds reduction in titre of virus produced from knock out cells without reduction in virus replication or particle assembly.

      The study needs improvements to bring it to publication standards. Some overaarching problems include, all capsid localization studies being done with GFP-tagged capsid, and not wild type capsid produced during authentic infection, lack of quantitation of most of the localization data and not showing capsid localization from infection experiments in knock out cells, and no in-depth analysis of the potential mechanisms behind the observed reduction in titre in knock out cells etc.

      Thank you for your constructive comments. We have sincerely answered all of them, as shown below. We hope you are satisfied with our additional data and the revised manuscript.

      The major comments are

      Fig 1B: Please add quantitation and statistical analyses of the ratio of nuclear and cytoplasmic capsid protein of all different capsids used. Also include western blot to prove that there is no cleavage between Capsid and GFP and the green signal indeed comes from the fusion protein. Ideally you should use capsid alone instead of a fusion protein for at least selected few constructs to prove that the Capsid-GFP behaves identical to Capsid alone.

      Following the reviewer’s comments, we have added quantification and statistical data in Figure 1D. We have added CBB data and western blot data in Figures 1B and S1. Because recombinant proteins of low molecular weights were artificially translocated into the nucleus through diffusion, less than 20 kDa proteins are typically used as GFP or GST fusion proteins for the IJ and PM experiments. Instead of IJ and PM experiments, we have added data on the translocation of the non-tagged core using IFA and its statistical data in Figure 1A. Although in vitro data on the translocation of capsid protein differ somewhat from IFA data, the data on nuclear translocation of core proteins are consistent across different experiments.

      Fig 1C: It is unclear from the figure legends the WT JEV capsid means GFP-Capsid or Capsid alone. You should clearly state the GFP part if the construct includes GFP. Quantitation and statistics are missing and the information on how many independent experiments were performed is also not included in the figure legend.

      Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we have described that the JEV proteins fused GFP as follows: “AcGFP-JEVCoreWT or AcGFP-JEVCoreGP/AA” (Line. 771). We added quantification and statistical analysis as shown in Figure 1E. IJ and PM experiments were performed three times independently and described in the legend of Figure 1 in the revised manuscript (Lines 773–774).

      Fig 2B: Quantitation and statistics are missing. Ideally, the data need to be reproduced with Capsid alone instead of Capsid-GFP. A positive control is needed for the activity of Bimax to prove that the drug was working in the assay.

      We have added quantitative and statistical data in the revised Figure 2B. As mentioned above, capsid alone is potentially translocated into the nucleus artificially using the IJ and PM assay. Bimax binds to importin alpha but not importin beta, specifically inhibiting the importin alpha/beta pathway. The RanGTP mutant binds to the importin beta family, including importin beta 1, and widely inhibits importin beta-dependent nuclear import. These inhibitors are well-characterized and recognized in the field. We cited the following reference: Tsujii et al., JBC, 2015.

      Fig 2C: How do you reconcile the IP mass spectrometry data that Importin b1 is the second strongest hit with the lack of IP interaction you observed in fig 2C?

      As shown in Figure 2C, importin b1 does not interact with the JEV core. Importin b1 is the most abundant member of the importin beta family. Thus, it might be a non-specific interaction between importin b1 and the JEV core. Therefore, we excluded importin b1 from further analyses. We added a sentence to explain why importin b1 was excluded on Line 145.

      Fig 3C: How many independent confirmations of this experiment was performed?

      All IJ and PM experiments were performed thrice independently. We described this in the legend of Figure 3 in the revised manuscript (Line; 794).

      Fig 4A and B: Add quantitation for the western blot. 4A-D Include data on the number of biological repetitions. 4C-D: Add quantitation and statistical analyses of the ratio of nuclear and cytoplasmic capsid protein.

      We have added quantification data, as shown in Figures 4A and 4B. All experimental results shown in Figures 4A, 4B, 4C, and 4D were performed thrice independently, as described in the legend of Figure 4 of the revised manuscript (Lines; 810-812).

      Fig 5B. This data should be shown in the context of infection with untagged Capsid at least for 1-2 viruses. This is a serious drawback of the present study as there is no clear evidence presented that the native capsid protein in an infection context depend on importin 7 for nuclear accumulation and behave similar to the GFP-Capsid constructs being used.

      Following the reviewer’s concerns, we used an un-tagged JEV and DENV core to examine core translocation in WT or IPO7KO Huh7 cells. As shown in Figures 5C and 5D and their quantitative data, nuclear translocation of JEV and DENV core protein was inhibited in IPO7KO Huh7 cells. We tested the translocation of core protein upon infection with DENV as shown in Figure 5F. Although we could not examine ZIKV infection because we could not find appropriate antibodies against the ZIKV core, these data are consistent in that nuclear translocation of flavivirus core protein largely depends on IPO7.

      Fig 5 A-D: Two repetitions are insufficient; a minimum of three biological repeats and statistical analysis need to be included. 5E-F: You cannot do statistics on two repeats, need minimum of three repeats to perform statistical analysis. 5G-H: I presume three repetitions based on the data points shown, this should be clearly stated in the figure legend.

      We repeated three independent experiments, shown in Figures 5A and 5C-5F, and indicated them on Lines 823. We have added statistical data in Figures 5B-5F. We have corrected the statement of biological repeats in Figures 6A and 6B (Lines; 843-844).

      Fig 5E-G: Taking the data of 5E and 5G together it seems Importin 7 functions as the level of particle release and not particle assembly or maturation. Have you checked for the specific infectivity of the particles released from knock out cells to determine the reason behind the reduction in virus titre? You could look at the prM maturation by furin cleavage to check it this is altered in the IPO7 knock out cells.

      We determined the ratio of infectious titer per 103 copies of viral RNA in Figure 6F. The proportion of infectious viruses targeting extracellular JEV RNA was decreased in IPO7KO cells. Simultaneously, no difference was observed in the proportion of infectious viruses targeting intracellular JEV RNA between WT and IPO7KO cells. Although we could not find appropriate antibodies against the JEV core, we checked prM expression using the DENV virus. The expression of prM was slightly increased in JEV-infected IPO7-KO Huh7 cells (Figure S3D). This result suggests that the efficiency of prM cleavage by furin was partially involved in the impairment of infectious virus release in IPO7KO Huh7 cells.

      Fig 5H: Have you checked if the observation regarding intracellular RNA levels in 5F is applicable to these viruses as well.

      We checked the intracellular RNA levels of DENV and ZIKV-infected cells. In contrast to JEV, intracellular ZIKV or DENV RNA showed no difference in IPO7-KO Huh7 cells (Figure 6H). We discuss it in Discussion section (Lines; 269-271)

      Fig 6: The figure legend "Data are representative of two (A, B) independent experiments and are presented as the mean {plus minus} SD of three independent experiments (C)" is confusing. The sentence should be reworded to state the repetitions separately for independent experiments. Fig 6C should show original titres and not percentages.

      We have corrected Figure legends according to the reviewer’s comments. We have showed the original titers in Figures 6C and 6E.

      Fig 7B: This experiment should be performed in IPO7 knock out cells to confirm that the observed reduction of core mutant is mainly contributed from its lack of interaction with IPO7 and not from any other confounding factors.

      Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we performed SRIP experiments for GP/AA mutation using IPO7KO Huh7 cells. As shown in Figure 7C, the SRIPs harboring WT core were impaired in IPO7KO Huh7 cells; no difference was observed in the SRIPs harboring GP/AA mutations in WT and IPO7KO cells. These results suggest that IPO7-dependent nuclear translocation of core protein is important for the viral release.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): While the authors could convincingly demonstrate the interaction between capsid and IPO7, how that interaction results in the observed reduction in viral titre is largely unexplored. As all the localization data used a GFP-tagged capsid outside an infection context, this reviewer is not confident that all the reported observations will hold in an infection setting. This need to be urgently addressed to rise the confidence about the observation. The current data is insufficient to confidently attribute the change in titre to the interaction between capsid and IPO7 and the capsid localization to the nucleus. Knocking out IPO7 could have pleotropic effects independent of capsid nuclear accumulation that could lead to the observed titre reduction. This need to be addressed further before linking both these phenotypes. Certain key experiments needed to address these questions are currently missing. While the interaction of Capsid with IPO7 is certainly intriguing, the implications of this interaction on virus biology needed further investigation before clear conclusions can be drawn regarding this observation.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: In this study Itoh and colleagues investigate the mechanism, role and impact of the nuclear localization of the flavivirus core protein. The import of the core protein has long been observed and investigated and herein the authors use some novel approaches to identify potential cellular binding partners that facilitate nuclear import. Via proteomics and biochemical approaches they determine that importin-7 plays a crucial role in the import of the core protein that appears to be conserved across Flavivirus members. In general the findings and conclusions are sound but there are some significant omissions and caveats that warrant further investigation.

      Major comments: - one of the major caveats of the study is that the flavivirus NS5 protein also translocates to the nucleus in an Importin-alpha/beta dependent manner. Therefore how can the authors discount any impact of preventing NS5 import, in addition to core, on virus and SRIP replication and production. Some discussion, if not additional experiments are required here ie. NS5 localization in the KO cells during virus infection

      We examined the localization of NS5 using IPO7KO Huh7 cells. As shown in Figure S2D and S2E, we confirmed that IPO7 was not involved in the nuclear localization of NS5.

      • the localization is predominantly nucleolus rather that nucleoplasm when compared to the SV40 NLS. What are the sequence differences between the flavivirus proteins that potentially could account for this? A protein known to localize solely to the cytoplasm should also be used eg. NS1 or NS3.

      The JEV core does not contain a consensus nucleolar localization signal. Nuclear localization of NS5 depended on importin-α similar to the SV40 NLS, while flavivirus core proteins were independent of importin-α. Gly42 and Pro43 are critical amino acids for the nuclear localization of the core protein, as shown in Figures 1C and 1D. The Gly42 to Pro43 of core proteins were well-conserved in the core proteins of the Flaviviridae family.

      • controls for Figure 2? Ie. a protein known to be inhibited by Bimax but not the RanGTP mutant and vice versa.

      Bimax binds to importin alpha but not importin beta and specifically inhibits the importin alpha/beta pathway. The RanGTP mutant binds to the importin beta family, including importin beta 1, and widely inhibits importin beta-dependent nuclear import. These inhibitors are well-characterized and recognized in the field. Therefore, we have cited the following references: Tsujii et al., JBC, 2015.

      • Fig 5. Difference with WNV and DENV in nucleoplasm localization but also WNV still appeared to have Core in the nucleus in the KO cells

      We agree with the reviewer’s comment about differences in nuclear localization among the viruses using the IJ assay. We have added new data to examine the localization of the DENV core after DENV infection. Nucleolar localization of the DENV core following DENV infection was observed, as shown in Figure 5F. Therefore, differences in nucleoplasm or nucleolar localization among different viruses shown in Figure 1C and Figure 5B might be artifacts of recombinant proteins. One possibility is that the localization of core proteins using IJ assay was detected by anti-GFP antibodies. Although purified GFP-core proteins, as shown in Figure 1B and S1, were observed as a single band of fusion proteins, core proteins of WNV and DENV might be cleaved during IJ experiments, and GFP alone might be detected at nucleoplasm, as shown in Figure 5B. Because our study focused on the nuclear translocation of flavivirus core proteins, the detailed localization of each core protein in the nucleus will be studied in the future.

      • Fig 5C still has substantial JEV and DENV core but not WNV and ZIKV. Why is the DENV and WNV localization pattern different to Fig 5B?

      We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion; we re-checked all our data presented in Figure 5B and other data shown in Figure 5B. We quantified the ratio of nuclear localization as shown in the right of Figure 5B. Our quantification data showed that the nuclear transport of all core proteins used in this study was dependent on IPO7. In contrast, Figure 5A shows that nuclear translocation of WNV core protein is partially dependent on IPO7. This discrepancy might be explained that nuclear translocation of WNV core protein might be regulated by several nuclear carriers. We described this in discussion section (Line; 250-254).

      • Fig 5F, does the KO also restrict NS5 from entering the nucleus and could this then results in increase polymerase activity confined to the cytoplasm resulting in more viral RNA?

      Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we examined NS5 localization during viral infection and plasmid transfection, as shown in Figure S2D and S2E. Previous data regarding the nuclear localization of NS5 depended on importin-α. Our data are consistent with previous reports that IPO7 was not involved in the nuclear localization of NS5. In contract to JEV, we also confirm that intracellular ZIKV or DENV RNA showed no difference in WT and IPO7-KO Huh7 cells (Figure 6H). As described in the discussion, other factors, such as antiviral factors, might be involved in IPO7-mediated nuclear transports in JEV infected cells (Line; 269-271).

      • Why was WNV infection not performed in Fig 5H? What where the viral tires compared to for the relative % values?

      Because our institution does not have a BSL3 facility, we could not use WNV. Following the reviewer’s comment, we showed viral titers in Figure 6G.

      • Fig 6B, still a significant amount of core present in the nucleolus. Also WT cells have (almost?) no cytoplasmic staining for core where this could be clearly observed in the WT cells in Fig 5D. Why the difference?

      Plasmid transfection of AcGFP-Core WT showed that almost all core proteins were located in the nucleus. We assumed that AcGFP might influence nuclear exports of core proteins or the efficiency of nuclear transports as shown in other data of in vitro experiments. However, our finding that IPO7 was involved in the nuclear transport of core proteins is consistent.

      • In Fig 7B, D and E, when were the SRIPs collected and what was the time period after subsequent infection?

      Following the reviewer’s comments, we have added more details on SRIP experiments in Materials & Methods (Line; 521-523).

      • In Fig 7C was the luciferase measured from the initial transfection and how did it correlate with RNA production? A 15-fold increase in replicon RNA actually seems quite low over a 48h period

      Because large amounts of in vitro-transcribed replicon RNA were injected into cells in this experiment, we observed that significant amounts of luciferase values were detected after 4 h. However, the 15-fold enhancement in luciferase value was consistent with previous reports (PMID: 30413742, PMID: 17024179). We have added references in the revised manuscript.

      • quantitation is required throughout all of the experimental IFA data provided

      Following reviewer comments, we have quantified all IFA data and showed their results.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The nuclear translocation of flavivirus protein has long been studied and it has been observed that the core, NS5 (RNA polymerase) and potentially the NS3 (helicase/protease) proteins all translocate the nucleus. Importin alpha and beta have been shown to facilitate this process. The authors aim to extend this to identify importin-7 as a major cellular factor enabling nuclear translocation. Overall the experiments have been performed well but there is a lack of quantitation for many of the results an suitable controls are required.

      I am a researcher in the field of flavivirus replication

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In the presented study the authors identified and mechanistically investigated how Flaviviruses including Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), Dengue virus (DENV), and Zika virus (ZIKV) commonly use importin-7 (IPO7), an importin-β family protein, as a cellular carrier protein to facilitate nuclear core protein translocation. The authors evaluated how the production of infectious viruses is regulated by IPO7 using cellular infection models including IPO7-deficient knockout cells. In the submitted manuscript, the authors provide evidence that IPO7 facilitates viral core protein import into the nucleus of infected cells, which is essential for effective Flavivirus replication. Taken together, the study is interesting to a broader readership with interest in molecular virology, and its findings are informative for potential future targeting of IPO7 to affect flavivirus replication using small molecule drugs. The manuscript is well-written and easy to follow, the methods are appropriate, the structure is logical, and statistical analysis is adequate.

      Major comments:

      • It is unclear why the authors specifically used Ala substitution at Gly42 anb Pro43 to obtain the abolishment of nuclear core protein localization. It would be helpful to put this into more context and explain the approach.

      Mutations of Gly42 and Pro43 to Ala were previously reported and characterized by the same research group (PMID: 15731239). Following the reviewer’s comment, we have added more details of GP mutations in the text (Lines 66–70).

      • In Figure 4, the authors claim that the binding between IPO7 and RPS7 is disrupted upon the addition of RanGTPQ69L. This is not clearly evident from the pulldown experiment and should be proven experimentally with additional experiments (e.g. by using an imaging approach) to underline the statement that the binding mode of IPO7 to the JEV core protein is similar to that of RPS7. Loading controls for pulldown blots should be added.

      As described in response to the comment by reviewer#2 regarding Figure 2, the RanGTPQ69L mutant inhibits the interaction between the importin beta family, including IPO7 and its substrates, by directly binding to importin beta proteins. For the benefit of readers without knowledge of the typical Ran-dependent nuclear transport mechanism, we have described its effects with several cited references (Dickmanns et al., 1996; Tachibana et al., 2000). We referred to a study that showed that IPO7 transports RPL proteins, including RPS7 (Jäkel and Görlich, 1998). The data in Figures 4A and 4B demonstrate that adding RanGTPQ69L remarkably reduces the binding of IPO7 to the Core proteins and that the effect is more robust than that for RPS7. We believe that these results are experimentally valid, indicating that nuclear transport of Core proteins by IPO7 is achieved through a typical Ran-dependent pathway.

      • Most methods used are presented logically but require some more details so that they can be reproduced. In particular, the difference between Figure 4 E and 4H is confusing. What is the difference? Is 4E showing intracellular viral titers and 4H infectious viral titers in the supernatant of cells? Clarification needed. Put relevance of these experiments in context of the hypothesis.

      We apologize for the confusion regarding the data in Figures 5E and 5H (we assume). These data were derived from the same experiments, except for the time-course data presented in Figure 5E. We have removed Figure 5E to simplify our results.

      • Identical phenotypes induced by IPO7 knockout in a number of HuH7 clones are shown in Figures 6A to 6C. This data does not add to the overall understanding and should be moved to supplementary figures. Why are 293T cells used in experiments shown in Figure 6D and 6E? What is the relevance of kidney cells to Flavirius infections?

      Following the reviewer’s comments, we have moved Figure 6 to supplementary figures. We used 293T cells because of efficient JEV propagation and gene-deficient efficiency. We wanted to demonstrate that our data are not Huh7-dependent through experiments in 293T cells.

      • Prior studies are referenced appropriately, however, in a recent study it was demonstrated that IPO7 is stabilized upon Epstein-Barr Virus infection and that IPO7 presence is required for the survival of host cells (Yang YC, Front Microbiol. 2021 Feb 16;12:643327. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.643327).

      We deeply appreciate the publications in these fields. Following the reviewer’s comment, we have cited these references.

      This important study about the physiological relevance of IPO7 during viral infections has not been cited by Itoh and colleagues in the presented study. However, the results of the uncited study are very relevant to the provided manuscript, since Itoh and colleagues are using IPO7 knockout cells to investigate its function in Flavivirus core protein nuclear import. Hence, the authors should perform cell survival and cellular fitness experiments to demonstrate that observed phenomena of reduced viral replication and virus export in IPO7 knockout cells are independent of compromised cellular fitness due to IPO7 deficiency.

      We evaluated cellular fitness between WT and IPO7KO Huh7 cells using PI (Propidium Iodide) staining through flow cytometry. As shown in Figure S2F, no differences were observed in cell viability between WT and IPO7KO Huh7 cells. It suggests that viral titers reduced in IPO7KO Huh7 cells are not involved in cellular fitness.

      Minor comments:

      • Describing Figure 3B, the authors state that they focused on IPO7 among the core binding proteins belonging to the importin-b family, because IPO7 "was identified the most peptides" in the mass spectrometry approach. This requires a more detailed explanation. Also, an explanation of why HEK293T cells were used for this approach and not HuH7 cells, as used predominately in most parts of the study, would provide more clarity to the reader.

      We focused on IPO7 because it had the highest number of detected peptides, and we found that the second most detected peptide, IPOB1, did not bind to JEV core proteins as shown in Figure 2C. Therefore, we included the lack of interaction between IPO7 and IPOB1 as part of the rationale.

      • In Figures 4E and 4F, colour coding is missing.

      We have indicated color coding in this data. Thank you for your comments.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The provided manuscript 'Importin-7-dependent nuclear localization of the Flavivirus core protein is required for infectious virus production' by Itoh and colleagues investigates a topic with important scientific relevance. The presented study builds on previous findings by the authors where they have demonstrated that Flavivirus core protein nuclear localization is actually conserved among Flaviviridae and represents a potential target for broad-range antiviral small molecule drugs (Tokunaga et al., Virology, 2020 Feb;541:41-51). However, our understanding of Flavivirus core protein nuclear localization during viral replication and how the processes could potentially be targeted using novel therapeutic drugs remains elusive. Here, the provided manuscript addresses a mechanistic investigation of how the Flavivirus core protein is actually translocated from the cytoplasm to the nucleus of infected cells. The study is informative particularly for virologists with expertise in Flavivirus replication.

      However, from my point of view as a virologist investigating host-pathogen interactions with a strong interest in clinical translational, the manuscript requires a more careful evaluation and interpretation of some results of key experiments. In addition, some of the results need to be more precisely described for clearer understanding by a broader readership.

      Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: In the manuscript entitled "Importin-7-dependent nuclear localization of the Flavivirus core protein is required for infectious virus production", by combining proteomics, CRISPR/Cas9 gene KO, CLSM and standard virology techniques, Yumi Itoh report novel data concerning the involvement of IPO7 in the nuclear and nucleolar localization of Flaviviridae core nuclear and nucleolar localization and viral particle release. Surprisingly, IMPa/b1 inhibition via Bimax2 does not affect core nuclear transport, whereas both RanQ69L and WGA did so. The authors try to identify the cellular transporters involved in core nuclear import, and to this end performed a MS spec analysis of JEV core interactors, which yielded IPO7 as the most likely candidate. After confirming the result by Co-IP, the authors go on showing most core proteins require IPO7 for nuclear delivery using Huh7 and HEK7 IPO7-KO cells, with the exception of WNV core which was able to partially enter the nucleus. In such cells, upon infection, extracellular (but not intracellular) viral titers were strongly reduced, a phenotype which was observed with a JEV core mutant bearing the Gly42 and Pro43 to Ala substitutions in a previous study.

      Major comments: - The major conclusions of the study are:

      1.IPO7 is the main driver of core nuclear transport 2.Core nuclear localization is somehow important for viral particle release Both conclusions are well-supported by experimental evidence.

      Methods are clear and precise, the study appears to have been produced with high quality standards, and so is the presentation of the results. A few controls however should be added to increase the reliability of the results presented here (see below)

      Since the authors attempt to link the phenotype observed on virus release upon IPO7 KO to defects on core nuclear import by making a parallelism with core GP/AA mutant, it would be important to know the behavior of such virus in Huh7 wt and Huh IPO7 KO cells. In other words, is GP/AA JEV released efficiently in Huh7 IPO7 KO cells?

      We have added new data examining the propagation of the GP/AA JEV mutant in IPO7KO Huh7 cells (Figure 6F). Our new data showed that there were no differences in the propagation of the GP/AA mutant in WT and IPO7-KO Huh7 cells.

      A similar approach can be applied to data shown in Figure 7 (effect on release on a capsid nuclear deficient mutant). This would help understand if IPO7 KO, viral release defects and core nuclear import are somehow linked.

      We produced SRIPs harboring GP/AA core using WT and IPO7KO Huh7 cells and demonstrated that the number of infectious viruses produced by WT and IPO7KO Huh7 cells was the same (Figure 7C).

      Minor comments:

      INTRODUCTION • “Flaviviruses...are mosquito-borne human pathogens" What about tick borne encephalitis virus?

      We have corrected it (Line; 43-44).

      • " replication.... occur in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)" This sentence is a bit inaccurate. Flaviviridae RNA replication occurs in so-called viral replication factories, double membrane vesicles which are partly derived from the ER. see "PMID: 26958917".

      We have corrected this sentence according to the reviewer’s comment (Line; 60-62).

      • "it is known that some flavivirus core proteins are translocated from the cytoplasm into the nucleus" o I think the first evidence of core in the nucleus dates back to 1989, and here it might be appropriate to cite the original reference: "PMID: 2471810". o It might be worth mentioning that NS5 has also been reported in the nucleus (See "PMID: 28106839")

      We have corrected the sentence according to the reviewer’s comment (Line; 63-65).

      • "In the cytoplasm, NLS-containing proteins are recognized by importin-α " o This is true only for classical NLSs, not every NLS binds IMPa, as the authors confirm in this study! Indeed, we have also PY-NLS, IPO7 specific NLSs, IPOb1 NLSs, etc. I therefore suggest rephrasing.

      Thank you for pointing out the exact description of NLS. We agree with the reviewer’s comment that “NLS” includes all types of signal sequences, such as PY-NLS. To clearly distinguish between the CLASSICAL nuclear transport pathway by importin α/β1 and the various nuclear transport pathways by the importin β family, such as transportin, we refer to NLS as classical NLS (cNLS) in the document. We have modified the following sentence by adding “such as transportin” and “without importin-α.”


      • Fig. 1. o it is not clear what is new here, with respect to what has been already published. The authors should clearly differentiate novel findings from confirmatory results

      Thank you for your suggestion. We would like to introduce our new assay using recombinant virus core proteins, as shown in Figures 1C and 1D. The data shown in Figure 1 are crucial for understanding our data in Figure 2, and we believe this figure is required for broad-ranging readers.

      Fig. 2 and 4 o Proteins whose nuclear transport is dependent on IMPa/IMPb1 (such as SV40 NLS) are lacking here

      Bimax binds to importin alpha but not to importin beta and specifically inhibits the importin alpha/beta pathway. The RanGTP mutant binds to the importin beta family, including importin beta 1, and widely inhibits importin beta-dependent nuclear import. These inhibitors are well-characterized and recognized in the field. Therefore, we have cited the following references: Tsujii et al., JBC, 2015.

      • Fig.5 o It would be important to know the effect on total virus infectivity (intracellular + extracellular) and total viral RNA. It would also be important the effect on RNA replication by using a subgenomic viral replicon (with deletion of the env gene for example). The question here is if IPO7 depletion affects to any extent viral genome replication, and this is impossible to assess in a fully assembling system. We determined the ratio of infectious titer per 103 copies of viral RNA in Figure 5D. The proportion of infectious viruses targeting extracellular JEV RNA was decreased in IPO7KO cells, and there was no difference in the proportion of infectious viruses targeting intracellular JEV RNA between WT and IPO7KO cells. We examined the effects of IPO7 on viral RNA replication of subgenomic replicon. We showed that the deficiency of IPO7 enhanced viral RNA replication as shown in Figure 7E. As described in the Discussion section, IPO7 may transport other factors possessing antiviral activity against flaviviruses. These data will be investigated in the future.

      o Panels A-F legend is missing, consider adding it?

      We have added more details to Figure 5A-5F following the reviewer’s suggestion.

      • Fig.7 o I did not completely understand how NLuc is the readout here To quantify RNA replication, we quantified Nluc values using a plate reader. We have added more details on the reporter assay in Materials and Methods (Line; 521-523).

      o Also, I do not understand if the effect of GP/AA substitution of panel B has already been reported or if it is a novel finding

      Previous reports regarding the effect of GP/AA substitution of JEV showed the impairment of infectious virus release. However, the SRIP assay was performed to examine the viral release step. Our detailed data showed that the lack of IPO7-mediated nuclear transport of core proteins impaired infectious viral release, and our new results using SRIPs harboring GP/AA core showed that the lack of nuclear transport of core proteins also impaired the release of infectious viruses. Our data strongly suggest that the lack of nuclear transport of core proteins influences the viral release.

      • All CLSM figures lack quantification (Fn/c; Fno/n)

      We have added quantitative data for IFA experiments in our revised manuscript.


      • "The nuclear entry of viral genomic DNA has been demonstrated to involve IPO7" o It would be nice to know which viruses the authors are freeing to here

      We have added the virus name and corresponding references.

      • "While RNA viruses, including flaviviruses, are considered to replicate in the cytoplasm of mammalian cells, increasing evidence suggests nucleolar localization of the viruses " o I suspect Rawlinson did not propose the viruses localize to the nucleolus, as this sentence seems to imply. Rather, a trafficking of viral proteins to nucleoli, to manipulate cell function, is more realistic. I suggest considering rephrasing. We have corrected this sentence.

      Reviewer #4 (Significance (Required)):

      SECTION B - Significance ========================

      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field. As alluded to above, this work presents several advances of current knowledge in the field of viral proteins nuclear trafficking, and in Flavivirus biology. The finding of most core proteins depending on IPO-7 is novel and intriguing, and opens the question of what makes WNV core special. Indeed, this protein nuclear targeting is only partially inhibited in IPO7 deficient cells. The fact that the authors extend their findings to several Flaviviruses adds significance. The role of nuclear core for virus release is also intriguing, but appears poorly characterized. In this respect a mechanistic explanation of the phenomenon would be highly desirable to increase the significance of the work presented here.

      In this context I would have a few suggestions:

      A) The authors performed MS spec on JEV core, this most likely resulted in a long list of "hits". However, they only report IMPb superfamily members. This is perfectly fine, since they focus at identifying partners responsible for nuclear import. However, it might be helpful for understanding the role of nuclear core. By comparing MS of wt core and GP/AA core, and or wt core in wt and IPO7KO cells, authors could identify core biding partners in the nucleus (in the nucleolus?) which are important for virus release. This could be subsequently addressed by knocking down these factors and study the effect on virus life cycle.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s valuable comments. We did not perform MS analysis on GP/AA core protein and core protein using WT or IPO7KO Hun7 cells. To report IPO7-mediated core translocation simply, we would like to cite our manuscript focusing on IPO7. To clarify the importance of nuclear transport of core protein on the viral life cycle, we will perform wide-ranging proteomics.

      1. B) Further, the authors should try to address the role of core in the nucleus (and nucleolus). Does it interact with cellular/nucleolar proteins? Does it deliver viral RNA to sites of assembly? Does it interfere with rRNA synthesis? All these findings would be easily obtainable using the GP/AA virus and/or Huh7 KO cells, and tremendously increase the impact of the study, which at the moment is limited at points 1 and 2 in the first section of the current report.

      Thank you for your valuable comments. We agree that we should clarify the roles of the nucleus or nucleolar localization of the core protein. We tested the effects of rRNA synthesis on JEV core expression. Our data showed that core protein expression slightly impaired the maturation of rRNA synthesis, as shown here. However, the core expression did not influence protein translation. We focused on the phase separation capacity of core protein localized in the nucleolar or nucleus. From our accumulating data, we hypothesized that the acquisition of phase separation capacity of core protein might be involved in an efficient virus release step. We hope that these data will be reported in the near future.

      Overall, this work should be interesting for both cell biologists interested in trafficking of viral proteins, and virologists interested in virus-host interactions. The antiviral approach at the moment is a bit less convincing, but the manuscript might be interesting for scientists trying to develop new antiviral strategies. (In this context it might be worth reading and possible discussing the very recent paper from the Bartenschlager group "PMID: 37702492." Also, I think that it would be worth discussing the recent discovery that a closely related virus belonging to the Hepacivirus genus within the Flaviviridae family, mediated re-localization of Nups to viral replication factories, where they are believed to control access to DMVs interior, thereby regulating virus replication and assembly. Could the core IPO7-interaction have any role in core delivery to DMVs? See "PMID: 26150811".

      Thank you for your valuable comments. We have added several sentences in the Discussion section (Line; 297-305). We will investigate the role of nuclear transports in viral life cycles in the future.

      Since I am a molecular virologist studying viral nucleocytoplasmic trafficking, virus-host interactions, and antiviral drug-discovery I think I have sufficient expertise for an informative and helpful revision of this work.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In the manuscript entitled "Importin-7-dependent nuclear localization of the Flavivirus core protein is required for infectious virus production", by combining proteomics, CRISPR/Cas9 gene KO, CLSM and standard virology techniques, Yumi Itoh report novel data concerning the involvement of IPO7 in the nuclear and nucleolar localization of Flaviviridae core nuclear and nucleolar localization and viral particle release. Surprisingly, IMPa/b1 inhibition via Bimax2 does not affect core nuclear transport, whereas both RanQ69L and WGA did so. The authors try to identify the cellular transporters involved in core nuclear import, and to this end performed a MS spec analysis of JEV core interactors, which yielded IPO7 as the most likely candidate. After confirming the result by Co-IP, the authors go on showing most core proteins require IPO7 for nuclear delivery using Huh7 and HEK7 IPO7-KO cells, with the exception of WNV core which was able to partially enter the nucleus. In such cells, upon infection, extracellular (but not intracellular) viral titers were strongly reduced, a phenotype which was observed with a JEV core mutant bearing the Gly42 and Pro43 to Ala substitutions in a previous study.

      Major comments:

      • The major conclusions of the study are:

      1.IPO7 is the main driver of core nuclear transport 2.Core nuclear localization is somehow important for viral particle release Both conclusions are well-supported by experimental evidence.

      Methods are clear and precise, the study appears to have been produced with high quality standards, and so is the presentation of the results.

      A few controls however should be added to increase the reliability of the results presented here (see below)

      Since the authors attempt to link the phenotype observed on virus release upon IPO7 KO to defects on core nuclear import by making a parallelism with core GP/AA mutant, it would be important to know the behavior of such virus in Huh7 wt and Huh IPO7 KO cells. In other words, is GP/AA JEV released efficiently in Huh7 IPO7 KO cells?

      A similar approach can be applied to data shown in Figure 7 (effect on release on a capsid nuclear deficient mutant). This would help understand if IPO7 KO, viral release defects and core nuclear import are somehow linked.

      Minor comments:


      • "Flaviviruses......are mosquito-borne human pathogens" What about tick borne encephalitis virus?
      • " replication.... occur in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)" This sentence is a bit inaccurate. Flaviviridae RNA replication occurs in so-called viral replication factories, double membrane vesicles which are partly derived from the ER. see "PMID: 26958917".
      • "it is known that some flavivirus core proteins are translocated from the cytoplasm into the nucleus"
        • I think the first evidence of core in the nucleus dates back to 1989, and here it might be appropriate to cite the original reference: "PMID: 2471810".
        • It might be worth mentioning that NS5 has also been reported in the nucleus (See "PMID: 28106839")
      • "In the cytoplasm, NLS-containing proteins are recognized by importin-α "
        • This is true only for classical NLSs, not every NLS binds IMP, as the authors confirm in this study! Indeed, we have also PY-NLS, IPO7 specific NLSs, IPOb1 NLSs, etc. I therefore suggest rephrasing.


      • Fig. 1.
        • it is not clear what is new here, with respect to what has been already published. The authors should clearly differentiate novel findings from confirmatory results
      • Fig. 2 and 4
        • Proteins whose nuclear transport is dependent on IMPa/IMPb1 (such as SV40 NLS) are lacking here
      • Fig.5
        • It would be important to know the effect on total virus infectivity (intracellular + extracellular) and total viral RNA. It would also be important the effect on RNA replication by using a subgenomic viral replicon (with deletion of the env gene for example). The question here is if IPO7 depletion affects to any extent viral genome replication, and this is impossible to assess in a fully assembling system.
        • Panels A-F legend is missing, consider adding it?
      • Fig.7
        • I did not completely understand how NLuc is the readout here
        • Also, I do not understand if the effect of GP/AA substitution of panel B has already been reported or if it is a novel finding
      • All CLSM figures lack quantification (Fn/c; Fno/n)


      • "The nuclear entry of viral genomic DNA has been demonstrated to involve IPO7"
        • It would be nice to know which viruses the authors are freeing to here
      • "While RNA viruses, including flaviviruses, are considered to replicate in the cytoplasm of mammalian cells, increasing evidence suggests nucleolar localization of the viruses "
        • I suspect Rawlinson did not propose the viruses localize to the nucleolus, as this sentence seems to imply. Rather, a trafficking of viral proteins to nucleoli, to manipulate cell function, is more realistic. I suggest considering rephrasing.


      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field. As alluded to above, this work presents several advances of current knowledge in the field of viral proteins nuclear trafficking, and in Flavivirus biology. The finding of most core proteins depending on IPO-7 is novel and intriguing, and opens the question of what makes WNV core special. Indeed, this protein nuclear targeting is only partially inhibited in IPO7 deficient cells. The fact that the authors extend their findings to several Flaviviruses adds significance. The role of nuclear core for virus release is also intriguing, but appears poorly characterized. In this respect a mechanistic explanation of the phenomenon would be highly desirable to increase the significance of the work presented here.

      In this context I would have a few suggestions:

      A) The authors performed MS spec on JEV core, this most likely resulted in a long list of "hits". However, they only report IMP superfamily members. This is perfectly fine, since they focus at identifying partners responsible for nuclear import. However, it might be helpful for understanding the role of nuclear core. By comparing MS of wt core and GP/AA core, and or wt core in wt and IPO7KO cells, authors could identify core biding partners in the nucleus (in the nucleolus?) which are important for virus release. This could be subsequently addressed by knocking down these factors and study the effect on virus life cycle.

      B) Further, the authors should try to address the role of core in the nucleus (and nucleolus). Does it interact with cellular/nucleolar proteins? Does it deliver viral RNA to sites of assembly? Does it interfere with rRNA synthesis? All these findings would be easily obtainable using the GP/AA virus and/or Huh7 KO cells, and tremendously increase the impact of the study, which at the moment is limited at points 1 and 2 in the first section of the current report.

      Overall, this work should be interesting for both cell biologists interested in trafficking of viral proteins, and virologists interested in virus-host interactions. The antiviral approach at the moment is a bit less convincing, but the manuscript might be interesting for scientists trying to develop new antiviral strategies. (In this context it might be worth reading and possible discussing the very recent paper from the Bartenschlager group "PMID: 37702492."

      Also, I think that it would be worth discussing the recent discovery that a closely related virus belonging to the Hepacivirus genus within the Flaviviridae family, mediated re-localization of Nups to viral replication factories, where they are believed to control access to DMVs interior, thereby regulating virus replication and assembly. Could the core IPO7-interaction have any role in core delivery to DMVs? See "PMID: 26150811".

      Since I am a molecular virologist studying viral nucleocytoplasmic trafficking, virus-host interactions, and antiviral drug-discovery I think I have sufficient expertise for an informative and helpful revision of this work.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the presented study the authors identified and mechanistically investigated how Flaviviruses including Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), Dengue virus (DENV), and Zika virus (ZIKV) commonly use importin-7 (IPO7), an importin-β family protein, as a cellular carrier protein to facilitate nuclear core protein translocation. The authors evaluated how the production of infectious viruses is regulated by IPO7 using cellular infection models including IPO7-deficient knockout cells. In the submitted manuscript, the authors provide evidence that IPO7 facilitates viral core protein import into the nucleus of infected cells, which is essential for effective Flavivirus replication. Taken together, the study is interesting to a broader readership with interest in molecular virology, and its findings are informative for potential future targeting of IPO7 to affect flavivirus replication using small molecule drugs. The manuscript is well-written and easy to follow, the methods are appropriate, the structure is logical, and statistical analysis is adequate.

      Major comments:

      • It is unclear why the authors specifically used Ala substitution at Gly42 anb Pro43 to obtain the abolishment of nuclear core protein localization. It would be helpful to put this into more context and explain the approach.
      • In Figure 4, the authors claim that the binding between IPO7 and RPS7 is disrupted upon the addition of RanGTPQ69L. This is not clearly evident from the pulldown experiment and should be proven experimentally with additional experiments (e.g. by using an imaging approach) to underline the statement that the binding mode of IPO7 to the JEV core protein is similar to that of RPS7. Loading controls for pulldown blots should be added.
      • Most methods used are presented logically but require some more details so that they can be reproduced. In particular, the difference between Figure 4 E and 4H is confusing. What is the difference? Is 4E showing intracellular viral titers and 4H infectious viral titers in the supernatant of cells? Clarification needed. Put relevance of these experiments in context of the hypothsis.
      • Identical phenotypes induced by IPO7 knockout in a number of HuH7 clones are shown in Figures 6A to 6C. This data does not add to the overall understanding and should be moved to supplementary figures. Why are 293T cells used in experiments shown in Figure 6D and 6E? What is the relevance of kidney cells to Flavirius infections?
      • Prior studies are referenced appropriately, however, in a recent study it was demonstrated that IPO7 is stabilized upon Epstein-Barr Virus infection and that IPO7 presence is required for the survival of host cells (Yang YC, Front Microbiol. 2021 Feb 16;12:643327. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.643327). This important study about the physiological relevance of IPO7 during viral infections has not been cited by Itoh and colleagues in the presented study. However, the results of the uncited study are very relevant to the provided manuscript, since Itoh and colleagues are using IPO7 knockout cells to investigate its function in Flavivirus core protein nuclear import. Hence, the authors should perform cell survival and cellular fitness experiments to demonstrate that observed phenomena of reduced viral replication and virus export in IPO7 knockout cells are independent of compromised cellular fitness due to IPO7 deficiency.

      Minor comments:

      • Describing Figure 3B, the authors state that they focused on IPO7 among the core binding proteins belonging to the importin-b family, because IPO7 "was identified the most peptides" in the mass spectrometry approach. This requires a more detailed explanation. Also, an explanation of why HEK293T cells were used for this approach and not HuH7 cells, as used predominately in most parts of the study, would provide more clarity to the reader.
      • In Figures 4E and 4F, colour coding is missing.


      The provided manuscript 'Importin-7-dependent nuclear localization of the Flavivirus core protein is required for infectious virus production' by Itoh and colleagues investigates a topic with important scientific relevance. The presented study builds on previous findings by the authors where they have demonstrated that Flavivirus core protein nuclear localization is actually conserved among Flaviviridae and represents a potential target for broad-range antiviral small molecule drugs (Tokunaga et al., Virology, 2020 Feb;541:41-51). However, our understanding of Flavivirus core protein nuclear localization during viral replication and how the processes could potentially be targeted using novel therapeutic drugs remains elusive. Here, the provided manuscript addresses a mechanistic investigation of how the Flavivirus core protein is actually translocated from the cytoplasm to the nucleus of infected cells. The study is informative particularly for virologists with expertise in Flavivirus replication.

      However, from my point of view as a virologist investigating host-pathogen interactions with a strong interest in clinical translational, the manuscript requires a more careful evaluation and interpretation of some results of key experiments. In addition, some of the results need to be more precisely described for clearer understanding by a broader readership.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: In this study Itoh and colleagues investigate the mechanism, role and impact of the nuclear localization of the flavivirus core protein. The import of the core protein has long been observed and investigated and herein the authors use some novel approaches to identify potential cellular binding partners that facilitate nuclear import. Via proteomics and biochemical approaches they determine that importin-7 plays a crucial role in the import of the core protein that appears to be conserved across Flavivirus members. In general the findings and conclusions are sound but there are some significant omissions and caveats that warrant further investigation.

      Major comments:

      • one of the major caveats of the study is that the flavivirus NS5 protein also translocates to the nucleus in an Importin-alpha/beta dependent manner. Therefore how can the authors discount any impact of preventing NS5 import, in addition to core, on virus and SRIP replication and production. Some discussion, if not additional experiments are required here ie. NS5 localization in the KO cells during virus infection
      • the localization is predominantly nucleolus rather that nucleoplasm when compared to the SV40 NLS. What are the sequence differences between the flavivirus proteins that potentially could account for this? A protein known to localize solely to the cytoplasm should also be used eg. NS1 or NS3.
      • controls for Figure 2? Ie. a protein known to be inhibited by Bimax but not the RanGTP mutant and vice versa.
      • Fig 5. Difference with WNV and DENV in nucleoplasm localization but also WNV still appeared to have Core in the nucleus in the KO cells
      • Fig 5C still has substantial JEV and DENV core but not WNV and ZIKV. Why is the DENV and WNV localization pattern different to Fig 5B?
      • Fig 5F, does the KO also restrict NS5 from entering the nucleus and could this then results in increase polymerase activity confined to the cytoplasm resulting in more viral RNA?
      • Why was WNV infection not performed in Fig 5H? What where the viral tires compared to for the relative % values?
      • Fig 6B, still a significant amount of core present in the nucleolus. Also WT cells have (almost?) no cytoplasmic staining for core where this could be clearly observed in the WT cells in Fig 5D. Why the difference?
      • In Fig 7B, D and E, when were the SRIPs collected and what was the time period after subsequent infection?
      • In Fig 7C was the luciferase measured from the initial transfection and how did it correlate with RNA production? A 15-fold increase in replicon RNA actually seems quite low over a 48h period
      • quantitation is required throughout all of the experimental IFA data provided


      The nuclear translocation of flavivirus protein has long been studied and it has been observed that the core, NS5 (RNA polymerase) and potentially the NS3 (helicase/protease) proteins all translocate the nucleus. Importin alpha and beta have been shown to facilitate this process. The authors aim to extend this to identify importin-7 as a major cellular factor enabling nuclear translocation. Overall the experiments have been performed well but there is a lack of quantitation for many of the results an suitable controls are required.

      I am a researcher in the field of flavivirus replication

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The study examined the mechanisms behind the nuclear transport of capsid proteins of various flaviviruses. The study used mass spectrometry to identify the interaction partners of JEV capsid protein and found Importin 7 as the top hit. After validating this interaction with IP-western blotting, using IPO7 knock-out cells they showed that the nuclear accumulation of capsid is dependent on IPO7. Moreover, they also observed nearly 10-folds reduction in titre of virus produced from knock out cells without reduction in virus replication or particle assembly.

      The study needs improvements to bring it to publication standards. Some overaarching problems include, all capsid localization studies being done with GFP-tagged capsid, and not wild type capsid produced during authentic infection, lack of quantitation of most of the localization data and not showing capsid localization from infection experiments in knock out cells, and no in-depth analysis of the potential mechanisms behind the observed reduction in titre in knock out cells etc.

      The major comments are

      Fig 1B: Please add quantitation and statistical analyses of the ratio of nuclear and cytoplasmic capsid protein of all different capsids used. Also include western blot to prove that there is no cleavage between Capsid and GFP and the green signal indeed comes from the fusion protein. Ideally you should use capsid alone instead of a fusion protein for at least selected few constructs to prove that the Capsid-GFP behaves identical to Capsid alone.

      Fig 1C: It is unclear from the figure legends the WT JEV capsid means GFP-Capsid or Capsid alone. You should clearly state the GFP part if the construct includes GFP. Quantitation and statistics are missing and the information on how many independent experiments were performed is also not included in the figure legend.

      Fig 2B: Quantitation and statistics are missing. Ideally, the data need to be reproduced with Capsid alone instead of Capsid-GFP. A positive control is needed for the activity of Bimax to prove that the drug was working in the assay.

      Fig 2C: How do you reconcile the IP mass spectrometry data that Importin b1 is the second strongest hit with the lack of IP interaction you observed in fig 2C?

      Fig 3C: How many independent confirmations of this experiment was performed?

      Fig 4A and B: Add quantitation for the western blot. 4A-D Include data on the number of biological repetitions. 4C-D: Add quantitation and statistical analyses of the ratio of nuclear and cytoplasmic capsid protein.

      Fig 5B. This data should be shown in the context of infection with untagged Capsid at least for 1-2 viruses. This is a serious drawback of the present study as there is no clear evidence presented that the native capsid protein in an infection context depend on importin 7 for nuclear accumulation and behave similar to the GFP-Capsid constructs being used.

      Fig 5 A-D: Two repetitions are insufficient; a minimum of three biological repeats and statistical analysis need to be included. 5E-F: You cannot do statistics on two repeats, need minimum of three repeats to perform statistical analysis. 5G-H: I presume three repetitions based on the data points shown, this should be clearly stated in the figure legend.

      Fig 5E-G: Taking the data of 5E and 5G together it seems Importin 7 functions as the level of particle release and not particle assembly or maturation. Have you checked for the specific infectivity of the particles released from knock out cells to determine the reason behind the reduction in virus titre? You could look at the prM maturation by furin cleavage to check it this is altered in the IPO7 knock out cells.

      Fig 5H: Have you checked if the observation regarding intracellular RNA levels in 5F is applicable to these viruses as well.

      Fig 6: The figure legend "Data are representative of two (A, B) independent experiments and are presented as the mean {plus minus} SD of three independent experiments (C)" is confusing. The sentence should be reworded to state the repetitions separately for independent experiments. Fig 6C should show original titres and not percentages.

      Fig 7B: This experiment should be performed in IPO7 knock out cells to confirm that the observed reduction of core mutant is mainly contributed from its lack of interaction with IPO7 and not from any other confounding factors.


      While the authors could convincingly demonstrate the interaction between capsid and IPO7, how that interaction results in the observed reduction in viral titre is largely unexplored. As all the localization data used a GFP-tagged capsid outside an infection context, this reviewer is not confident that all the reported observations will hold in an infection setting. This need to be urgently addressed to rise the confidence about the observation. The current data is insufficient to confidently attribute the change in titre to the interaction between capsid and IPO7 and the capsid localization to the nucleus. Knocking out IPO7 could have pleotropic effects independent of capsid nuclear accumulation that could lead to the observed titre reduction. This need to be addressed further before linking both these phenotypes. Certain key experiments needed to address these questions are currently missing. While the interaction of Capsid with IPO7 is certainly intriguing, the implications of this interaction on virus biology needed further investigation before clear conclusions can be drawn regarding this observation.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2024-02438

      Corresponding author(s): Ryusuke, Niwa

      1. General Statements [optional]

      This section is optional. Insert here any general statements you wish to make about the goal of the study or about the reviews.

      Below are quotes from the Reviewers' overall evaluations:

      As might be expected based on the authors' skills and expertise, the study is well executed, nicely documented with perfect microscopy images, and well presented. It has been easy to follow. However, suitability for publication depends on where the authors aim to place their paper. Although I like the paper very much, it might seem incomplete for high-end journals.

      This is a very nice paper and solid piece of work.

      Its major strength is the focus on poorly studied the male reproductive organ and identification of Ldh as a novel target of JH activity in the seminal vesicles.

      While the developmental roles of insect Juvenile Hormone (JH) are very well studied, its adult functions are largely unknown. Target genes of JH signaling are poorly described. This study adds significant insight into both of these aspects. The study underscores the usefulness of the JHRE-GFP reporter that identifies JH function, and not just JH presence since the reporter is only expressed after JH binding to Met and Gce, a prerequisite for JHRE reporter activation.

      The authors have identified the epithelial cells of the ____Drosophila____ seminal vesicle as a JH target tissue. The authors nicely extended this finding by mining already existing expression data to identify a specific JH induced gene in these cells.

      This small study reports new but limited results (one tissue of one stage, one hormone) that could be useful for specialists. The work is solid and includes controls and interpretable data.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Insert here a point-by-point reply that explains what revisions, additional experimentations and analyses are planned to address the points raised by the referees.

      1) The study suggests an important role for JH signaling in the SV, likely affecting reproductive capacity of males. The authors depleted the JH receptors through RNAi, achieving a loss in the expression of the WT JHRE-GFP reporter as well as of the authentic target Ldh. Surprisingly, no phenotypic consequences of the double KD of Met and gce are presented. Does that mean that there were none? The authors only discuss a potential impact of Ldh loss for metabolism. Unless I am missing something, the study reports molecular phenotypes that clearly document JH signaling in the SV but no physiological impact of loss of this JH signaling, suggesting that there may be no obvious biological role for JH in this context. I think this is unlikely. Have the authors check fertility of the males, sperm viability and quality, mating competitiveness of the RNAi males? Loss of JH epoxidation (only methyl farnesoate present) made mosquito males less fit and less reproductively competitive relative to epox+ controls (Nouzova et al., 2021, PNAS) -- btw, I think the authors should discuss this paper.

      Our response: We will conduct the following experiments to answer these criticisms.

      1) We will examine the male fertility by counting the number of offspring from wild-type mothers crossed with males of the seminal vesicle-specific ____Met _& _gce____ double RNAi and with males of control RNAi.

      2) We will also examine the mating competitiveness of the RNAi males. In more detail, we will cross ____w1118_ (white eye) wild-type background females with (i) a mixed population of males of _w1118_ wild-type background males and_ w+_ (red eye) control RNAi males, and (ii) a mixed population of males of _w1118_ wild-type background males and_ w+ Met _& _gce____ double RNAi males. We can distinguish between the progenies from RNAi males and those from wild-type males by eye colors.

      By conducting plans 1) and 2), we will also indirectly evaluate sperm viability and quality.

      In addition, we will also discuss the paper of Nouzova et al. PNAS 2021 in the Discussion section.

      2) The authors seem to have made no effort to distinguish between Met and Gce functions. It is always the results from the double knockdown of both paralogs that are presented. Does this mean that single-KD had no effect, thereby indicating entirely redundant functions of both proteins in the studied context? Even if so, it would be of interest to document this redundancy by showing the single-gene KD data. However, I would be surprised if both proteins were equally important in the SV. The authors checked mRNA/protein expression levels. Was any of the two paralogs prevalent in the SV?

      Our response: To address this criticism, we will conduct a single transgenic RNAi experiment to knock down either Met or gce separately and assess JHRE-GFP signals in the seminal vesicles.

      __ Regarding the expression of Met and gce in the seminal vesicles, a previous study (Baumann et al. Scientific Reports 7: 2132, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-02264-41) has already reported that GFP signals are observed in the seminal vesicles of _Met-T2A-GAL4>UAS_-GFP and gce-T2A-GAL4>UAS-GFP animals. These results strongly indicate that both Met and gce are expressed in the seminal vesicles. We will describe and discuss this point in our revised manuscript. In addition, we plan to check and analyze gene expression of Met, gce, and Ldh in the seminal vesicles using a publicly-available single-cell RNA-seq database, such as _DRscDB (https://www.flyrnai.org/tools/singlecell/web/).

      3) The authors argue for direct regulation of Ldh by Met/Gce (again by which one?). Oddly, the statement in the Results (l.187-188; "suggests ... direct target") is stronger than in the Discussion (l.214, "leaving open the possibility"). The putative JHREs upstream and within the Ldh gene are identified but not tested in a functional study. At least a simple luciferase reporter assay and mutagenesis of the JHREs should be attempted.

      Our response: To address this criticism, we plan to conduct a luciferase-based promoter/enhancer analysis in Drosophila S2 cultured cells. A similar system was used for a JH-responsiveness of the JHRE promoter in a previous study (Jindra et al. PLoS Genetics 11: e1005394, DOI: __10.1371/journal.pgen.1005394). We will generate plasmid constructs carrying the luciferase coding regions. In these plasmids, the luciferase coding regions will be fused with the upstream region and the first intron region of Ldh possessing the intact E-boxes or the mutated E-boxes. Then, we will determine whether the luciferase activity is enhanced by the presence of a JH analog (methoprene) when E-boxes are intact. __

      __ For this revision, a new collaborator, Ryosuke Hayashi (a graduate student in the Niwa lab), will participate in this analysis. Thus, he becomes a co-author in the revised manuscript.__

      l.232-233. It is not surprising that the JHRR-lacZ reporter shows a different expression pattern relative to JHRE-GFP, as these are really different constructs. The problem is that JH-dependent activation of the JHRR-lacZ transgene has not been tested as thoroughly as that of JHRE-GFP. Is it inducible by added JH or methoprene?

      Have the authors examined whether JHRE-lacZ expression increases with Methoprene?

      Our response: We have yet to do this analysis. To address this important point from Reviewers #1 and #2, we will examine whether JHRR-lacZ expression is upregulated in the seminal vesicles of virgin males fed methoprene-supplemented food. The lacZ signals will be visualized by immunostaining with an anti-LacZ antibody.

      Document testis staining of JHRE-GFP. I think the authors missed a chance by not providing a clear/nice picture of the testis staining. Stainings of testes squashed on a slide is easy and would nicely document in which cells the reporter is activated. Similarly, extracting sperm from the seminal vesicle and examining whether the sperm express JHRE-GFP would be informative.

      Our response: As the reviewer suggested, we will assess JHRE-GFP signal in sperm in squashed testis samples.

      Did the authors try to analyze the 66 genes identified in seminal vesicle whether they had JHRE elements? This could yield additional significant information about other JH responsive genes in the seminal vesicle.

      Our response: We have yet to do this analysis. We will follow the reviewer's suggestion and examine whether the 66 genes identified in the seminal vesicle have JHRE elements.

      3a. Doublestaining would further confirm that pd8-Gal4 (crossed to UAS-dsRed) and JHRE-GFP overlap.

      3b. Similarly, Doublestaining would further confirm that pd8-Gal4 (crossed to UAS-dsREd) and JHRE-GFP overlap.

      Our response: To address this question, we will generate males of Pde8-GAL4; UAS-red fluorescent protein (RedStinger, RFP, or DsRed); JHRE-GFP and observe the overlap between the red fluorescent signals and green fluorescent (JHRE-GFP) signals in the seminal vesicle epithelial cells.

      Minor comments:

      Fig.1a could be in a supplement.

      __Our response: At this point, we are unsure whether to follow this reviewer's suggestion. This is because there are no supplemental figures in the current manuscript, so we hesitate to create a supplemental figure just for this one figure. On the other hand, three reviewers now ask us to perform various additional experiments, thus some of the new data may be shown as supplemental figures. In this case, Fig. 1a can be moved to a supplemental figure, but we would like to wait on this decision. __

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Please insert a point-by-point reply describing the revisions that were already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript. If no revisions have been carried out yet, please leave this section empty.

      l.25,91,117, and throughout, "JH analog" or "JHA". The authors only use methoprene, so it would be better to specifically talk about methoprene, which is a proven agonist ligand of the JHR proteins (reference 10 and/or Jindra and Bittova, 2020 [Arch Insect Biochem Physiol] for a review). This would land more credibility to using methoprene than just referring to a "JHA".

      Our response: According to the reviewer's suggestion, we have replaced "JHA" with "methoprene" as many as possible. In Figures, we used "MTP" instead of "methoprene" due to space limitations.

      l.42,44, "paralogs". I believe in this case the authors refer to orthologs of Met in other species. Paralogs result from gene duplications within species, such as Met and gce in cyclorrhaphous flies or Met 1 and 2 in the Lepidoptera. I recommend a recent review on all bHLH-PAS proteins featuring reconstruction of the phylogenetic position of Met/Gce (Tumova et al., 2024 in J Mol Biol).

      Our response: As suggested, we have replaced "paralogs" and "paralogous" with "orthologs" and "orthologous," respectively on P3. We have also cited Tumova et al. J. Mol. Biol. 2023 as a new Ref 12.

      l.54, "Met and Gce act redundantly to regulate JH-responsive gene expression". Ref 10 should be cited here as it provides functional cell-based and genetic rescue evidence for each paralog.

      Our response: We have cited Ref 10 as suggested.

      l.66, It would be better to start "In this study" or "Here" to distinguish from the last cited paper.

      Our response:____ We created a new paragraph with the sentence "In this study..." at the beginning. We hope we understand the reviewer's suggestion correctly.

      l.175, levels were

      Our response: We have fixed this error in the transferred manuscript.

      l.209, might be evolutionarily among.... conserved ??

      Our response: We have fixed this error in the transferred manuscript.

      l.226, study has

      Our response: We have fixed this error in the transferred manuscript.

      l.227-229. The authors are missing a paper by Shin et al., 2012 (PNAS) that shows physical interaction of Met with Cycle and their regulation of circadian gene activity and another paper by Bajgar et al., 2013 (PNAS) which describes photoperid-dependent seasonal regulation of circadian genes by Met, Clk and Cyc.

      On the other hand, the cited reference [51] does NOT demonstrate Met:Clk heterodimer since coIP is by no means adequate to address complex stoichiometry. In fact, it is suspicious that Met would heterodimerize and either Cyc or Clk, as they present class II and class I bHLH-PAS proteins.

      Our response: In response to both comments from Reviewer #1, ____we have cited these references and rewritten the discussion on P10-11 as below: "An interesting previous study has reported that the seminal vesicle expresses multiple clock genes such as period, Clock (Clk), and timeless, all of which are necessary for generating proper circadian rhythm [52]. In the case of the mosquito Aedes aegypti female, it is reported that JH controls gene expression via a heterodimer of Met and circadian rhythm factor Cycle (CYC) [53]. It was also suggested that Met binds directly to CLK in D. melanogaster [54]. In addition, in the linden bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus, JH alters gene expression via Met, CLK, and CYC in the gut [55]. Considering these previous reports and our results, circadian rhythm factors and JH may cooperate to regulate gene expression in the seminal vesicles."

      l.245. It is not "whether", but for sure the existing reporters only reflect limited JHR activity, being based on Kr-h1 JHREs. These reporters likely uncover only a small subset of JH activity in vivo.

      Our response: We have rewritten the sentence as follows: "..., more comprehensive JH reporter strains will be needed in D. melanogaster as well as other insects in future studies."

      reference 10/11 is duplicated.

      Our response: We have fixed this error in the transferred manuscript.

      Have the authors done a careful comparison of JHRE-GFP expression and the Met/gce reporter expression described by Baumann et al (Scientific Reports | 7: 2132 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-02264-4)? Would be nice to add a few more sentences in the discussion.

      Our response: As suggested, we have added some sentences to explain this point on Page 11 as below: "P____revious studies reported that ____Met-T2A-GAL4_ and _gce-T2A-GAL4_ labeled male accessory glands, ejaculatory duct, and testes as well as seminal vesicles. On the other hand, in our results, JHRE-GFP only labels cells in seminal vesicles and testes [21]. Considering that Met and Gce are expressed in almost all cell types of male reproductive tracts [21], more comprehensive JH reporter strains will be needed in _D. melanogaster____ as well as other insects in future studies."

      • In the discussion:*

      6.1 Would have liked to see a more in depth discussion of the role of the seminal vesicle. How could that be supported by JH / metabolic processes? Does it have secretory functions that might be induced by JH? Important functions relative to sperm storage? How could that relate to the finding that JH response is enhanced by mating?

      Our response: Unfortunately, the function of the seminal vesicles is largely unknown. However, ____in response to the reviewer's suggestion, we have added some sentences to discuss this point and cited some references describing the seminal vesicles in insects other than the fruit fly, as follows on P9-10: "Furthermore, in some insects other than D. melanogaster, morphological and ultrastructural studies revealed that secretory vesicles were observed in the epithelial cells of the seminal vesicles [37,38,40,44]. JH is known to stimulate secretory activity in the male accessory glands of many insects [45]. Based on the JH response in the seminal vesicles, it is possible that JH signaling affects the secretory activity of the seminal vesicles in D. melanogaster."

      The arrow in figure is not defined

      Our response: We believe that the reviewer pointed out the arrow in Figure 1e. We have added a sentence to define the arrow in the Figure legend as "The arrow indicates the cell with a GFP signal."

      Figure 2b graph labels are flipped

      Our response: We have fixed the error.

      Line 624: Change "Allow heads" to "Arrowheads"

      Our response: We have fixed this error in the transferred manuscript.

      Major Comments:

      The work uses standard methods and strains. Although the specific findings are new and believable, the authors interpret them beyond what is appropriate. For example, based on increased amounts of a single RNA, they propose that JH regulates metabolism in seminal vesicles and because circadian rhythm genes were known to be expressed in this tissue they propose that JH and circadian systems work together there.

      Our response: In response to the reviewer's criticisms, we have discussed our arguments more appropriately in the Discussion. For example, we have mentioned circadian rhythm more carefully on Pages 10-11 as follows: "An interesting previous study has reported that the seminal vesicle expresses multiple clock genes such as period, Clock (Clk), and timeless, all of which are necessary for generating proper circadian rhythm [52]. In case of mosquito Aedes aegypti female, it is reported that JH controls gene expression via a heterodimer of Met and circadian rhythm factor Cycle (CYC) [53]. It was also suggested that Met binds directly to CLK in D. melanogaster [54]. In addition, in the linden bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus, JH alter gene expression via Met, CLK and CYC in the gut [55]. Considering these previous reports and our results, it is possible that circadian rhythm factors and JH cooperatively regulate gene expression in the seminal vesicles."

      __ Regarding Ldh, we have added a sentence on Page 10 as "Also, the biological significance of the induction of Ldh expression by JH signaling is not clear."__

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Please include a point-by-point response explaining why some of the requested data or additional analyses might not be necessary or cannot be provided within the scope of a revision. This can be due to time or resource limitations or in case of disagreement about the necessity of such additional data given the scope of the study. Please leave empty if not applicable.

      l.244, tract

      Our response: We have carefully checked out the usage of "tract" and "tracts" not only on Page 11 but also throughout the manuscript. We have decided to use "tracts," but not "tract," throughout the manuscript.

      6.2 What do epithelial cells of spermatheca do?

      Our response: We agree with the reviewer that this is a very interesting question. However, please note that this paper focuses on males, and females are beyond our current scope. We plan to examine JHRE-GFP signals in the spermatheca in a different project. We do appreciate the reviewer's kind understanding.

      6.3 How do the authors envision that JH enters the epithelial cells?

      __Our response:____ We don't have any hypotheses on this point. Transporters may exist to achieve intracellular permeability of JH, but we do not think this point has been discussed in current insect physiology. Furthermore, since this issue is related to all JH-responsive cells, not just seminal vesicle epithelial cells, we do not feel the need to discuss it in this paper. __

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Using two existing reporters, the authors showed that cells in Drosophila seminal vesicles are responsive to JH. They believe, but do not show, that these are epithelial cells. JH response of those cell is shown to depend on the known JH receptors and to increase after mating, when JH titers are known to rise. RT-qPCRs show that Ldh expression increases in response to JH.

      Major Comments:

      The work uses standard methods and strains. Although the specific findings are new and believable, the authors interpret them beyond what is appropriate. For example, based on increased amounts of a single RNA, they propose that JH regulates metabolism in seminal vesicles and because circadian rhythm genes were known to be expressed in this tissue they propose that JH and circadian systems work together there.

      Minor comments:

      Fig.1a could be in a supplement.


      General Assessment, advance, and audience:

      This small study reports new but limited results (one tissue of one stage, one hormone) that could be useful for specialists. The work is solid and includes controls and interpretable data.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors identify the epithelial layer of the Drosophila seminal vesicle as a target of Juvenile Hormone (JH) signaling as evidenced by the transcription of two different reporters that are induced by the JH receptors Met and gce via previously identified JH response elements (JHRE). In agreement with this model, the JHRE-GFP reporter is not activated in Met/gce double RNAi knockdowns. Likewise, knockdown of JHAMT, a JH biosynthetic enzyme, reduces reporter expression. That this response is mediated by Juvenile Hormone (JH) is further supported by the finding that application of Methoprene, a JH analogue, through feeding of intact animals or by adding to cultured seminal vesicles, increases reporter expression. Mating, which has previously shown to increase JH levels, similarly increases reporter expression. By mining available RNA and protein data the authors identify Lactate dehydrogenase as a gene that is specifically expressed in the seminal vehicle under JH control. These findings suggest that metabolic processes in the seminal vesicle are regulated by JH and may be important for the function of this organ.

      Major comments:

      • The claims and the conclusions are supported by the data

      • The data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced

      • The experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate

      Optional suggestions for experiments that would enhance the current set of data and are not very time-intensive:

      1. Document testis staining of JHRE-GFP. I think the authors missed a chance by not providing a clear/nice picture of the testis staining. Stainings of testes squashed on a slide is easy and would nicely document in which cells the reporter is activated. Similarly, extracting sperm from the seminal vesicle and examining whether the sperm express JHRE-GFP would be informative.

      2. Did the authors try to analyze the 66 genes identified in seminal vesicle whether they had JHRE elements? This could yield additional significant information about other JH responsive genes in the seminal vesicle.

      3. a) Doublestaining would further confirm that pd8-Gal4 (crossed to UAS-dsRed) and JHRE-GFP overlap.

      b) Similarly, Doublestaining would further confirm that pd8-Gal4 (crossed to UAS-dsREd) and JHRE-GFP overlap.

      1. Have the authors examined whether JHRE-lacZ expression increases with Methoprene?

      2. Have the authors done a careful comparison of JHRE-GFP expression and the Met/gce reporter expression described by Baumann et al (Scientific Reports | 7: 2132 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-02264-4)? Would be nice to add a few more sentences in the discussion.

      3. In the discussion:

      a) Would have liked to see a more in depth discussion of the role of the seminal vesicle. How could that be supported by JH / metabolic processes? Does it have secretory functions that might be induced by JH? Important functions relative to sperm storage? How could that relate to the finding that JH response is enhanced by mating?

      b) What do epithelial cells of spermatheca do?

      c) How do the authors envision that JH enters the epithelial cells?

      Minor comments:

      • Prior studies are referenced appropriately

      • The text and figures clear and accurate

      • Suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions:

      • The arrow in figure is not defined

      • Figure 2b graph labels are flipped

      • Line 624: Change "Allow heads" to "Arrow heads"


      General assessment / Advance:

      While the developmental roles of insect Juvenile Hormone (JH) are very well studied, its adult functions are largely unknown. Target genes of JH signaling are poorly described. This study adds significant insight into both of these aspects. The study underscores the usefulness of the JHRE-GFP reporter that identifies JH function, and not just JH presence since the reporter is only expressed after JH binding to Met and gce, a prerequisite for JHRE reporter activation. The authors have identified the epithelial cells of the Drosophila seminal vesicle as a JH target tissue. The authors nicely extended this finding by mining already existing expression data to identify a specific JH induced gene in these cells.

      • Audience: Audience interested in the role of insect hormones in general or putative reproductive function (basic research and applied (insect control) will be interested in the finding and the approaches taken by the author.

      • Reviewer field of expertise: Drosophila sex-specific gene expression and function, molecular genetic approaches

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This is an interesting and straightforward study that utilizes a recently developed in vivo sensor of juvenile hormone (JH) signaling in Drosophila. The authors focus on one understudied aspect of insect reproduction, the adult male seminal vesicle (SV), as a target of JH action. Using simple genetics and gaining from previous RNA-seq and proteomics data, the authors identify lactate dehydrogenase (Ldh) as a prime candidate gene positively regulated by JH in the SV. This regulation is potentially important for the SV physiology (metabolism?) and male reproduction, although this has not been addressed (see below).

      As might be expected based on the authors' skills and expertise, the study is well executed, nicely documented with perfect microscopy images, and well presented. It has been easy to follow. However, suitability for publication depends on where the authors aim to place their paper. Although I like the paper very much, it might seem incomplete for high-end journals.

      Major comments:

      1) The study suggests an important role for JH signaling in the SV, likely affecting reproductive capacity of males. The authors depleted the JH receptors through RNAi, achieving a loss in the expression of the WT JHRE-GFP reporter as well as of the authentic target Ldh. Surprisingly, no phenotypic consequences of the double KD of Met and gce are presented. Does that mean that there were none? The authors only discus a potential impact of Ldh loss for metabolism.

      Unless I am missing something, the study reports molecular phenotypes that clearly document JH signaling in the SV but no physiological impact of loss of this JH signaling, suggesting that there may be no obvious biological role for JH in this context. I think this is unlikely. Have the authors check fertility of the males, sperm viability and quality, mating competitiveness of the RNAi males? Loss of JH epoxidation (only methyl farnesoate present) made mosquito males less fit and less reproductively competitive relative to epox+ controls (Nouzova et al., 2021, PNAS) -- btw, I think the authors should discuss this paper.

      2) The authors seem to have made no effort to distinguish between Met and Gce functions. It is always the results from the double knockdown of both paralogs that are presented. Does this mean that single-KD had no effect, thereby indicating entirely redundant functions of both proteins in the studied context? Even if so, it would be of interest to document this redundancy by showing the single-gene KD data. However, I would be surprised if both proteins were equally important in the SV. The authors checked mRNA/protein expression levels. Was any of the two paralogs prevalent in the SV?

      3) The authors argue for direct regulation of Ldh by Met/Gce (again by which one?). Oddly, the statement in the Results (l.187-188; "suggests ... direct target") is stronger than in the Discussion (l.214, "leaving open the possibility"). The putative JHREs upstream and within the Ldh gene are identified but not tested in a functional study. At least a simple luciferase reporter assay and mutagenesis of the JHREs should be attempted.

      Minor comments and suggestions (in the order of appearance):

      • l.25,91,117, and throughout, "JH analog" or "JHA". The authors only use methoprene, so it would be better to specifically talk about methoprene, which is a proven agonist ligand of the JHR proteins (reference 10 and/or Jindra and Bittova, 2020 [Arch Insect Biochem Physiol] for a review). This would land more credibility to using methoprene than just referring to a "JHA".

      • l.42,44, "paralogs". I believe in this case the authors refer to orthologs of Met in other species. Paralogs result from gene duplications within species, such as Met and gce in cyclorrhaphous flies or Met 1 and 2 in the Lepidoptera. I recommend a recent review on all bHLH-PAS proteins featuring reconstruction of the phylogenetic position of Met/Gce (Tumova et al., 2024 in J Mol Biol).

      • l.54, "Met and Gce act redundantly to regulate JH-responsive gene expression". Ref 10 should be cited here as it provides functional cell-based and genetic rescue evidence for each paralog.

      • l.66, It would be better to start "In this study" or "Here" to distinguish from the last cited paper.

      • l.175, levels were

      • l.209, might be evolutionarily among.... conserved ??

      • l.226, study has

      • l.227-229. The authors are missing a paper by Shin et al., 2012 (PNAS) that shows physical interaction of Met with Cycle and their regulation of circadian gene activity and another paper by Bajgar et al., 2013 (PNAS) which describes photoperid-dependent seasonal regulation of circadian genes by Met, Clk and Cyc.

      On the other hand, the cited reference [51] does NOT demonstrate Met:Clk heterodimer since coIP is by no means adequate to address complex stoichiometry. In fact, it is suspicious that Met would heterodimerize and either Cyc or Clk, as they present class II and class I bHLH-PAS proteins.

      • l.232-233. It is not surprising that the JHRR-lacZ reporter shows a different expression pattern relative to JHRE-GFP, as these are really different constructs. The problem is that JH-dependent activation of the JHRR-lacZ transgene has not been tested as thoroughly as that of JHRE-GFP. Is it inducible by added JH or methoprene?

      • l.244, tract

      • l.245. It is not "whether", but for sure the existing reporters only reflect limited JHR activity, being based on Kr-h1 JHREs. These reporters likely uncover only a small subset of JH activity in vivo.

      reference 10/11 is duplicated.


      This is a very nice paper and solid piece of work.

      Its major strength is the focus on poorly studied the male reproductive organ and identification of Ldh as a novel target of JH activity in the seminal vesicles.

      The weakness is the limitation to molecular phenotypes without showing physiological relevance of JHR signaling in the seminal vesicles for male reproductive fitness. Evidence for the Ldh gene being directly regulated by the JHR is indirect.

      These limitations will likely reduce the impact of this work although otherwise it would be of great interest to the larger community of developmental biologists and insect endocrinologists.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the reviewers for their time and effort to improve and clarify our manuscript. We now have addressed the reviewers’ suggestions in full on a point-by-point basis. Revisions in the manuscript file are highlighted in yellow.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Supernumerary centrosomes are observed in the majority of human tumors. In cells they induce abnormal mitosis leading to chromosome missegregation and aneuploidy. In animal models it is demonstrated that extra centrosomes are sufficient to drive tumor formation. Previous work studying the impact of centrosome amplification on tumor formation in vivo used Plk4 overexpression to drive the formation of supernumerary centrosomes. In this manuscript Moussa and co-workers from the Krämer group developed a mouse model in which centrosome amplification is triggered by the overexpression of the structural centrosomal protein STIL rather than the kinase Plk4 in order to a) assess the potential for centrosome amplification induced by STIL overexpression to drive tumor formation and b) to rule out any potential non-centrosomal related effects of the kinase Plk4 on tumor formation.* The authors show that STIL ovexrexpression in cells (MEFs) drives centrosome amplification and aberrant mitosis (Fig. 1), leading to chromosome missegregation and aneuploidy (Fig. 2). They also show that STIL overexpression is linked to reduced cellular proliferation and apoptosis (Fig 3). The authors then present in vivo experiments performed in mice. They observed that STIL expression causes embryonic lethality, microcephaly and a reduced lifespan (Fig 4). Despite increased STIL mRNA levels they do not detect elevated STIL protein levels in adult tissues except for the spleen. They do not detect significant increase of centrosome amplification or aneuploidy in animal tissues (Fig 4) and they conclude of a STIL translational shut down in most adult tissues. The authors then assess the impact of STIL overexpression on tumor formation. They observed a reduced spontaneous tumor formation despite elevated STIL mRNA levels in both healthy and tumor (lymphomas) tissues of mice overexpressing STIL. They don't detect increased centrosome amplification and aneuploidy in lymphomas from STIL overexpressing mice compared to lymphomas naturally occurring in control animals (Fig 5). Finally, they found that STIL overexpression suppresses chemical skin carcinogenesis using a combination of tamoxifen induction of STIL in the skin with DMBA/TPA carcinogenic treatment (Fig 7). They link this effect to an increased number of centriole and a reduction in cycling cells number in the skin of STIL overexpressing mice (Fig 6).

      The manuscript is written in a clear manner. The experimental approaches are properly designed and the experimental methods are described in sufficient details. Most of the experimental data present a good number of replicates. The figures are generally well assembled despite some errors in a few panels/legends (see major and minor points). Most of the conclusions are supported by the experimental data. However, a few specific points or interpretations are not convincingly supported by the experimental data (see major points) and will need to be revised and/or reformulated.

      Major points:

      1. Figures 1D and F show that MEFs hemizygous (CMV-STIL+/-) and homozygous (CMV-STIL+/+) for STIL present similar level of centrosome amplification and aberrant mitosis. Although, despite these similarities the homozygous MEFs display about two time more micronuclei and chromosomes aberrations (Fig. 2). The authors explain this discrepancy by the fact that MEFs homozygous for STIL have reduced proliferation and an increased propension to stay in interphase compared to hemizygous MEFs (Fig. 3). I don't understand why an interphase arrest would lead to a higher chromosomal instability resulting in higher micronuclei formation and abnormal karyotypes since those phenotypes are the consequences of abnormal mitosis occurring in cycling cells. I would rather argue that Homozygous MEFs are more prone to cell cycle arrest because of mitotic errors, but those mitotic errors cannot be explained by the centrosome status or the mitotic figures quantified in homozygous MEFs. Therefore, the authors explanation written as: "Graded inhibition of proliferation and accumulation of cells in interphase explains why CMV-STIL+/- and CMV-STIL+/+ MEFs contain increasing frequencies of micronuclei and aberrant karyotypes (Fig. 2) despite similar levels of supernumerary centrosomes" is not right for me. The authors should reformulate this section of the manuscript so their conclusion fit their data. The differences between hemi and homozygotes MEFs regarding chromosome stability could come from mitotic errors they did not spot using fixed immunofluorescence images of mitotic MEFs. Thus, as an optional additional experiment, analyzing live mitosis of MEFs could potentially help reconciliate results from mitotic figures and from karyotypes.*

      We basically agree with the reviewer and have therefore reanalyzed our data on centriole numbers in a time-dependent manner. As already shown in Figure 3L of the initial manuscript version, the number of both CMV-STIL+/- and CMV-STIL+/+ MEFs with supernumerary centrioles increases with passaging from passage 3 (p3) to p6. Also, in this experiment amplified centrioles were more frequent in CMV-STIL+/+ compared to CMV-STIL+/- MEFs in both passages (p3 and p6) analyzed. We have therefore now pooled the data and substituted the former Figure panel 1D by these combined results. As the results of Figure 1F and especially those for the CMV-STIL+/+ MEFs had to rely on very low mitotic figure counts, because these cells only very rarely divide (as shown in Figure 3A; mitosis frequency of CMV-STIL+/+ MEFs 0.12%), we have now deleted Figure panel 1F from the manuscript. For the same reason - an extremely low proliferation and division rate of especially CMV-STIL+/+ MEFs - live cell imaging to detect different types of mitotic errors, is unfortunately not feasible.

      Figure 5 panel F does not support the claim of the main text and does not match the legend of the figure: In the text the authors wrote: "Ki67 immunostaining revealed that, ..., proliferation rates were elevated independent from lymphoma genotypes". If the authors claim and increased cell proliferation in lymphoma compared to lymph nodes, which is expected, they should show the data for the lymph node in the graph. In addition, in the legend the authors mentioned a "Percentage of Ki67-positive cells in healthy spleens and lymphomas from mice with the indicated genotypes." Since there are three genotypes and two tissue types but the figure presents a graph with only three bars did the Spleen and lymphoma data were combined? Or did some data were not inserted in the graph? Thus, since the data does not support the claim for an increased cell proliferation in lymphoma, the authors explanation for the increased protein level observed in these lymphomas (Fig. 5 panel E) is not supported. Therefore, the authors need to present the correct data in the figure or to change their conclusion. They will also need to correct the figure legend and to add a panel with images illustrating the Ki67 labelling in the different tissues in the figure.

      We apologize for this mistake and have corrected the legend to Figure panel 5F, which now reads: “Percentage of Ki67-positive cells in two B6-STIL, two CMV-STIL+/- and one CMV-STIL+/+ lymphoma. For comparison, frequencies of Ki67-positive cells in healthy lymph nodes from B6-STIL mice are displayed. Data are means ± SEM from at least two independent immunostainings per lymphoma or healthy lymph node. P-values were calculated using the one-way ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey test for multiple comparison. For space reasons, only statistically significant differences are displayed”.

         We agree with the reviewer that for comparison Ki67 immunostainings of healthy lymph node tissue was missing in the graph and have therefore added this information to the figure panel, which shows increased proliferation of lymphoma compared to normal lymph node cells. Also, a panel with images illustrating Ki67 labelling in healthy lymph node and lymphomas from different genotypes has been added to the figure (panel 5G).
      • *

      __Minor points:____* * __1. In the introduction, page 4 paragraph 3, the authors wrote: "To assess the impact of centrosome amplification on CIN, senescence, lifespan and tumor formation in vivo without interfering with extracentrosomal traits,..." they need to clarify what they meant by extracentrosomal traits.

      As requested by the reviewer we have modified the respective sentence, which now reads: “To assess the impact of centrosome amplification on CIN, senescence, lifespan and tumor formation in vivo with an orthologous approach without interfering with PLK4, we generated transgenic mouse models overexpressing the structural centrosome protein STIL, …”.

      • *

      In the 1st paragraph of the results, page 4, the authors wrote: "leads to ubiquitous transgene expression at levels similar to the CAG promoter used in most..." but there is no link to a figure presenting the mRNA levels in those mice (potentially Fig. 4F and Fig. S6). Also, in the references cited for comparison, to my knowledge, there was no measurement of Plk4 mRNA levels in tissues in the work from Marthiens and colleagues, in this work the authors assess the expression of the Plk4 transgene by investigating the presence of the protein.

      To show STIL transgene expression levels in our system, we have now linked Figure panels 1A (STIL mRNA expression in MEFs), 1B (STIL protein expression in MEFs) and Supplemental Fig. S2 (Supplemental Fig. S6 of the previous manuscript version showing STIL mRNA levels in healthy mouse tissues) to this statement as suggested. In the references now cited for comparison (Kulukian et al. 2015; Vitre et al. 2015; Sercin et al. 2016) PLK4 transgene mRNA (Kulukian et al. 2015; Sercin et al. 2016) and protein levels (Vitre et al. 2015) are shown.

      • *

      Page 5 second line the authors wrote: "Despite the graded increase in Plk4 expression, CMV-STIL+/- and, CMV-STIL+/+ MEFs exhibited a similar increase in supernumerary centrioles". The authors must meant increase in STIL expression or do they have data not shown about an increase of Plk4 expression? Then they explain this absence of difference in supernumerary centriole by the ability of "excess Plk4" to access the centrosome, again they probably meant STIL. Regarding this point and related to Major Point 1 it might be worth for the authors to quantify actual extra centrosomes in mitosis rather than cells with more than 4 centrioles in interphase (as in Fig. 1C, D). They might find differences in the number of centrosomes in hemizygous versus homozygous MEFs.

      We indeed meant STIL instead of PLK4 and have corrected the mistake. As described in our response to the reviewer’s major point 1 we have now reanalyzed our data on centriole numbers in a time-dependent manner. As already shown in Figure 3L of the initial manuscript version, the frequency of both CMV-STIL+/- and CMV-STIL+/+ MEFs with supernumerary centrioles increases with passaging from passage 3 (p3) to p6. Also, in this experiment amplified centrioles were more frequent in CMV-STIL+/+ compared to CMV-STIL+/- MEFs in both passages (p3 and p6) analyzed. We have therefore now pooled and substituted the former Figure panel 1D by these combined results.

      Page 5, in the first paragraph the authors mention "the rate of respective mitotic aberrations..." without defining the mitotic aberrations. For instance, in panel 1E a metaphase with 4 centrosomes is shown for CMV-STIL+/- while an anaphase with an unknown number of clustered centrosomes is presented for CMV-STIL+/+. Classifying the different types of aberrant mitotic figures (i.e: multipolar anaphases versus bipolar with clustered centrosomes) might help the authors identify differences between hemi and homozygous MEFS that may explain the differences in the proportions of chromosomes aberrations they present in Fig. 2.

      As described in our response to the reviewer’s major point 1 the number of mitotic figures that could be analyzed was extremely low, especially for CMV-STIL+/+ MEFs, which do only rarely divide (mitosis frequency of CMV-STIL+/+ MEFs 0.12%). Therefore, although certainly of value, classification of different types of mitotic aberrations is unfortunately not feasible.

      • *

      In Fig 4A the number of mice analyzed should be mentioned.

      After mating of B6-STIL transgenic animals with CMV-CRE mice and further breeding of successive generations, we obtained a total of 198 pups over four generations, 162 of which were born alive: 116 B6-STIL wildtype animals, 27 CMV-STIL+/- and 19 CMV-STIL-/- mice. We have now added these numbers to the figure legend.

      • *

      In Fig. 5E, the band corresponding to STIL protein is difficult to visualize in the B6-STIL control, it is therefore difficult to compare its level to the level of STIL protein in the CMV-STIL hemizygotes and homozygotes. If possible, it would improve the manuscript to present a blot with clearer results.

      We have tried to improve the quality by repeating the Western blot. Due to the small size of healthy mouse lymph nodes, resulting in low protein yields, only lysates from lymphomas were left, and these were of poor quality with a high lipid content. We therefore tried to delipidate the lymphoma lysates and hope that the result of the new blot is now somewhat clearer. Due to the low lymphoma frequency in CMV-STIL hemizygotes and homozygotes (only 2 in each case) we were unfortunately not able to prepare fresh lysates.

      Related to Figure 6B the authors wrote a "5 to 10 fold-increased expression..." in the text while panel 6B show a maximum of 8 fold increase.

      The respective statement has been rephrased according to the reviewer´s suggestion.

      __Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): ______ *Centrosome amplification is a demonstrated cause of genomic instability and tumor development as shown in multiple previous work performed in mice. In this work, Moussa and co-workers developed a mouse model that does not depends on Plk4 to trigger centrosome amplification but which depends on the overexpression of the centrosome structural protein STIL. This effort is welcome as previous works could not formally rule out potential role of Plk4, not related to its centrosome duplication function, on tumor formation. The authors show that their system is functional in MEFs where STIL overexpression drives centrosome amplification and aneuploidy. Unfortunately, in vivo, despite elevated level of STIL mRNA they do not detect centrosome amplification in tissues and consequently, they do not observe an increase rate of aneuploidy and tumor formation. This result is not surprising as previous studies using strong promoters (comparable to the one used to drive STIL expression in this study) to induce Plk4 overexpression led to similar results, i.e. an absence of centrosome amplification in adult tissues and no effects on tumor formation. Therefore, the results and the concepts proposed in this work are not novel but they reinforce previous studies showing the deleterious effect of high level of centrosome amplification on cells. This work also confirms that strong mechanisms, here the authors propose a translational shut-down, are preventing the apparition or the persistence of high level of centrosome amplification in animal tissues. By complementing existing results with the use of an alternate experimental approach this study will be of interest for the scientific community working on the basic biological mechanisms driving aneuploidy and tumor development.*

      __Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):______ *In this manuscript, Moussa et al. describe the effects of over-expressing the centriole duplication factor STIL in whole mice and with expression restricted to the skin. They find that over expression of STIL, similar to that of PLK4, induces centriole overduplication, abnormal mitoses, and genetic instability leading to cell arrest. Additionally, over-expressing STIL results in microcephaly, perinatal lethality and a shortened lifespan. In addition, they do not find that expression of the p53 R127H mutant alleviates the cell growth defect. Moreover, overexpression of STIL does not lead to increased general tumour formation and suppresses tumour formation in an induced skin tumour model.

      Although this is an interesting manuscript, the authors need address a number of issues before this manuscript can be recommend the manuscript for publication. Importantly, the manuscript lacks statistical analyses to support some of their conclusions, some figures should be quantified, and controls are missing in some cases. *

      __Major Issues____* * __1. Many of the figure panels lack appropriate statistical analyses to support the conclusions (see details below). This needs to be rectified.

      In view of the limited number of mice (due to an increased frequency of pups that died around birth) and the resulting impossibility of performing several (>3) independent experiments in many cases, we have decided to limit the statistics in the main text to a descriptive analysis without mentioning inferences (p-values). Nevertheless, we have now included the missing statistical analyses in the figure panels and/or legends. However, the reported p-values (*p≤0.05, **p≤0.01, ***p≤0.001; ns, not significant) should be interpreted as descriptive rather than confirmatory values.

      • *

      The authors suggest that the interpretation of PLK4 over-expression studies are hampered by the possibility of centriole/centrosome independent PLK4 roles and that STIL overexpression circumvents some of these issues. Although orthologous approaches to problems are always desired, STIL itself has also been implicated in other cellular processes, such as the Sonic hedgehog pathway (Carr AL, 2014) and in cell motility (Liu Y, 2020). In addition, the data presented in the manuscript are suggestive of a STIL function in the mouse that is independent of centriole number. The authors demonstrate that the amount of centriole over-duplication in MEFs containing a single copy of the STIL over-expression locus is equivalent to that of MEFs carrying two copies. However, in most other assays, the homozygous lines display more severe phenotypes, suggesting that STIL might have a function outside centriole duplication. The authors need to discuss this further in a revised manuscript.

      As described in our response to major point 1 and minor point 3 of reviewer 1 we have now reanalyzed our data on centriole numbers in a time-dependent manner. As already shown in Figure 3L of the initial manuscript version, the number of both CMV-STIL+/- and CMV-STIL+/+ MEFs with supernumerary centrioles increases with passaging from passage 3 (p3) to p6. Also, in this experiment amplified centrioles were more frequent in CMV-STIL+/+ compared to CMV-STIL+/- MEFs in both passages (p3 and p6) analyzed. We have therefore now pooled the data and substituted the former Figure panel 1D by these combined results, which show that, similar to other models, also regarding STIL overexpression the homozygous line displays a more severe phenotype, which does therefore per se not argue for a STIL function outside the centrosome. However, as a few recent studies indeed suggest additional roles of STIL, we have amended the respective passages in the revised version of the manuscript accordingly.

      • *

      Why did the authors use the p53 R127H mutant instead of a p53 knockout or null allele system? The R127H mutant has a gain-of-function phenotype and cells expressing this mutant display different phenotypes than a p53 null. The primary conclusion in one of the references cited by the authors (Caulin C, 2007) is that p53R127H is a gain-of-function mutant and behaves distinct from loss-of-function p53 mutations, such as deletions using floxed alleles. Throughout the manuscript, the authors use terms that suggest the R127H allele is equivalent to a loss of function mutant. Given that supernumerary centriole growth arrest is universally suppressed by inactivation of p53 it is somewhat surprising that this pathway is not active in response to STIL over-expression. The authors should confirm this key conclusion by depleting p53 in MEFs using RNAi, or by using mice where complete inactivation of p53 can be achieved.

      We agree with the reviewer that the p53-R172H mutant version of p53 is not equivalent to a p53 knockout. We have therefore and as suggested by reviewer 3 as well (see also our response to point 3 of reviewer 3) corrected the wording and have substituted “absence of p53” by “interference with p53 function” where appropriate. In addition, we now have added data to the manuscript, which show that neither p53 expression nor p53-S18 phosphorylation becomes induced during prolonged cultivation and passaging of CMV-STIL transgenic MEFs (see Figure 3B of the revised manuscript). Importantly, this finding is in line with a recent report showing that PLK4-induced extra centrosomes may not rely on p53 for tumor suppression and cell death induction (Braun et al.: Extra centrosomes delay DNA damage-driven tumorigenesis. Sci. Adv. 10: eadk0564, 2024). Similarly, it has been recently shown that centrosome amplification increases apoptosis independently of p53 in PLK4-overexpressing cells treated with DNA-damaging agents (Edwards et al.: Centrosome amplification primes for apoptosis and favors the response to chemotherapy in ovarian cancer beyond multipolar divisions. bioRxiv 2023.07.28.550973, 2023). Therefore, these findings and references have now been added to results and discussion sections of the revised manuscript.

         A plethora of p53-related findings in mouse models, including the majority of results on PLK4-induced tumor formation in mice, is based on p53 knockouts, a situation that is only rarely found in human cancers. In contrast, the p53-R172H missense mutation in mice corresponds to the p53-R175H mutation in human tumors, which has the highest occurrence in diverse human cancer types among all p53 hotspot mutations, and results in a transcriptionally inactive protein that accumulates in cells, similar to the majority of naturally occurring versions of mutant p53 (Yao et al.: Protein-level mutant p53 reporters identify druggable rare precancerous clones in noncancerous tissues. Nat Cancer 4: 1176-1192, 2023; Chiang et al.: The function of mutant p53-R175H in cancer. Cancers 13: 4088, 2021). We therefore believe that it more faithfully recapitulates the situation in p53-mutant tumors than a p53 knockout.
         Although basically an important and valid experiment, depleting p53 in STIL-transgenic MEFs using RNAi is not easily done as (i) transfection of MEFs per se is difficult and (ii) STIL-overexpressing MEFs do only slowly proliferate and are prone to senescence and apoptosis (see Figure 3), all phenotypes which are even further exacerbated after transfection. Generation of STIL-transgenic mice with complete inactivation of p53 on the other hand is an extremely time-consuming endeavor that would lead to a significant delay of publication of our results. Given that currently similar data are published by other groups (Braun et al.: Extra centrosomes delay DNA damage-driven tumorigenesis. Sci. Adv. 10: eadk0564, 2024; Edwards et al.: Centrosome amplification primes for apoptosis and favors the response to chemotherapy in ovarian cancer beyond multipolar divisions. *bioRxiv* 2023.07.28.550973, 2023), we do not think that this would be appropriate.

      __Minor Issues and details____* * __Figure 1 1. Panel E. It is unclear what the authors are calling an 'aberrant mitosis'. Typically an aberrant mitosis refers to chromosomal abnormalities such as multipolar spindles, anaphase bridges or micronuclei (which they quantify in Figure 2). The aberrant mitotic figures presented in Figure 1E show a clustered metaphase with 4 centrosomes (2 per pole; 2 centrioles per centrosome) for CMV-STIL+/- MEFs and a clustered telophase with 2 centrosomes (1 per pole; 5 centrioles per centrosome) for CMV-STIL+/+ MEFs. This is now specified in detail in the legend to Figure 1E.

      • *

      Panel E. Please include images representing a normal mitosis from control cells derived from B6-STIL mice.

      As suggested, we have now included a representative image of a normal mitosis from B6-STIL control mice.

      Figure 2____ 1. Panels B, E and F. Statistical significance is not indicated between B6-STIL and CMV-STIL+/- or CMV-STIL+/- and CMV-STIL+/+. The authors indicated a 'graded' phenotype which is qualitatively apparent, but should be backed by statistical analysis.

      We have now included a statistical analysis. However, and as already described in our answer to major issue 1 of this reviewer, the reported p-values should be interpreted as descriptive rather than confirmatory values due to the limited number of independent experiments.

      • *

      Can the authors indicate how they scored a tetraploid cell? Some of the cells are 100% tetraploid while others contain other aberrations.

      According to the International System for Human Cytogenomic Nomenclature (ISCN) version from 2020, polyploidy is defined by the modal numbers of chromosomes in the karyotype. A number of 81-103 chromosomes is called near-tetraploid, at which a hypotetraploidy (81-91 chromosomes) is distinguished from a hypertetraploidy (93-103 chromosomes) (An International System for Human Cytogenomic Nomenclature, Karger (2020), Eds.: McGowan-Jordan, Hastings, Moore). For mouse karyotypes respective numbers were recalculated on the basis of a diploid chromosome content of 40 instead of 46 chromosomes. To be strictly in accordance with this nomenclature, we have exchanged the term "tetraploid" by "near-tetraploid".

      __ Is the height of the rows in Panel D significant? What are the solid black rows?______ We thank the reviewer for this comment/observation. We have now increased the resolution of this part of the figure. Unfortunately, the resolution had deteriorated so much when the pdf file was created that individual lines were no longer recognizable. The height of the lines should be identical, as single lines correspond to the karyotypes of each metaphase cell analyzed, while chromosomes are plotted as columns. The solid black lines separate independently established MEF lines with the indicated STIL genotypes from each other. At least 20 metaphase cells per MEF line were analyzed. We have now explained these points in the figure legend.

      Figure 3____ 1. Panels C, F, G, and K require statistical analyses.

      We have now included the appropriate statistical analyses in the figure panels and/or legends. However, the reported p-values should be interpreted as descriptive rather than confirmatory values due to the limited number of independent experiments.

      • *

      Panel D should be quantified.

      We have now included a quantification of the protein bands in panels B, E (former panel D), and K of the revised manuscript and explained the quantification procedure in detail in the methods section.

      Panel E. mRNA expression is quantified in RPKM here, while GeTMM is used in Figures 3I and Supplementary Figures S2 and S6. Is there a reason this panel uses a different method? RPKM can be used for intra-sample comparisons, but is not ideal for comparison among different samples.

      We now uniformly quantify mRNA expression in GeTMM in all figures of the revised manuscript version as requested.

      • *

      Panel G. Can the authors show the original FACS profiles in Supplementary material?

      As requested, we have now included representative examples of original FACS profiles from the cell cycle analyses into Supplemental Figure S5.

      • *

      Panel H. Requires molecular weight markers

      Molecular weight markers for the DNA ladder (L) with the corresponding bp size have now been included into the Figure panel (formerly 3H, 3I in the revised version of the manuscript).

      • *

      __ Panel J. Missing B6-STIL control. Quantify Western blots.______ We have now included an immunoblot showing STIL protein expression levels in passage p1-p5 of B6-STIL control MEFs as well as a quantification of the protein bands into the Figure panel (formerly 3J, 3K in the revised version of the manuscript). The quantification procedure has been explained in detail in the methods section of the revised manuscript version.

      Figure 4____ 1. The authors mention 'Simultaneously, we found an increased frequency of pups that died around birth.' Can the data for this be included?

      After mating B6-STIL transgenic animals with CMV-CRE mice and further breeding of successive generations, we obtained a total of 198 pups over four generations, of which 162 were born alive: 116 B6-STIL wildtype animals, 27 CMV-STIL+/- and 19 CMV-STIL+/+ mice. We have now added these numbers to the figure legend. Stillbirths increased over the generations: while in the first generation after mating B6-STIL animals with CMV-CRE mice all pups (B6-STIL wildtype animals and STIL heterozygotes) were born alive, in the fourth generation (from mating CMV-STIL transgenic mice with each other) 54% of the pups were stillborn. We have now included this observation into the main text to further emphasize the impact of STIL overexpression on perinatal lethality.

      Panels B and D. Please include the data for CMV-STIL+/-.

      We now have included a representative H&E-stained histological section of a CMV-STIL+/- mouse brain into Figure panel 4D as suggested by the reviewer. For space reasons we have not added an extra image of a CMV-STIL+/- total brain into Figure panel 4B, as this does not add novel information.

      Panels C, F and K require statistics.

      As requested, we have now included the appropriate statistical analysis in the figure panels and/or legends. However, the reported p-values should be interpreted as descriptive rather than confirmatory values due to the limited number of independent experiments.

      • *

      Panel F. Include statistical analysis.

      We have now included the appropriate statistical analysis in the figure panels and/or legends. However, the reported p-values should be interpreted as descriptive rather than confirmatory values due to the limited number of independent experiments.

      • *

      Panel G/H. The levels of STIL in the CMV-STIL+/+ spleen are higher than the other samples, yet there is no concomitant increase in centriole overduplication. Can the authors comment on this?

      Interestingly, we indeed found a higher STIL protein expression level in spleen tissue from CMV-STIL+/+ as compared to B6-STIL control and CMV-STIL+/- mice. Nevertheless, the amount of splenocytes with supernumerary centrioles was only marginally increased in these animals. A similar finding has recently been described for B lymphocytes with upregulated PLK4 expression after PLK4 transgene induction by exposure to doxycycline in vivo (Braun et al.: Extra centrosomes delay DNA damage-driven tumorigenesis. Sci. Adv. 10: eadk0564, 2024). Here, the lack of B cells with supernumerary centrioles despite increased PLK4 levels was explained by increased apoptosis and thereby selection against and rapid loss of PLK4-overexpressing cells. In line, we show that CMV-STIL+/+ MEFs have increased rates of senescence and apoptosis (Fig. 4).

      • *

      __ Panel J. The font within the plots is difficult to read. ______ We thank the reviewer for this comment/observation. We have now increased the resolution of this figure panel, and the font is now outside of the plots.

      Figure 5____** s should be interpreted as descriptive rather than confirmatory values due to the limited number of independent experiments. No further statistical analysis can be done for panel D as in some cases (lymph node from B6-STIL mouse, lymphoma from CMV-STIL+/+ mouse) only one measurement exists.

      Panel F. The legend indicates that these data are from spleens and lymphomas. Is this correct? Would the results from non-lymphoma cells in the spleen mask the results from lymphoma cells?

      We apologize for this mistake and have corrected the legend to Figure panel 5F, which now reads: “Percentage of Ki67-positive cells in two B6-STIL, two CMV-STIL+/- and one CMV-STIL+/+ lymphoma. For comparison, frequencies of Ki67-positive cells in healthy lymph nodes from B6-STIL mice are displayed. Data are means ± SEM from at least two independent immunostainings per lymphoma or healthy lymph node. P-values were calculated using the one-way ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey test for multiple comparison. For space reasons, only statistically significant differences are displayed”.

      • *

      Panel F. The authors indicate that 'In line, assessment of lymphomas from B6-STIL control, CMV-STIL+/- and CMV-STIL+/+ mice by Ki67 immunostaining revealed that, corresponding to STIL protein levels, proliferation rates were elevated independent from lymphoma genotypes'. However, Ki67 levels, the marker for proliferation actually decreased in these samples indicating less proliferative cells. This needs to be clarified since the data shown appears to show the opposite of what is stated in the mansucript....

      As noticed by the reviewer further below, differences in the percentages of Ki67-positive, proliferating cells between lymphomas from B6-STIL, CMV-STIL+/- and CMV-STIL+/+ mice were statistically not significant. However, we have now for comparison added the results of Ki67 immunostaining of healthy lymph node tissue to Figure panel 5F, which show increased proliferation of lymphoma compared to normal lymph node cells. Also, a panel with images illustrating Ki67 labelling in healthy lymph node and lymphomas from different genotypes has been added to the figure (panel 5G). These data reveal that, independent from the genotype, proliferation rates of lymphoma cells are increased as compared to healthy lymph nodes, thereby further corroborating our assumption that STIL protein levels in lymphomas are increased as a consequence of their increased proliferation and independent from STIL transgene expression.

      • *

      Corresponding to point 3 above, the authors suggest that 'STIL protein expression is a consequence of increased lymphoma cell proliferation.' This hypothesis cannot explain STIL protein levels if proliferation has actually decreased.

      Please see our response to point 3 above.

      • *

      Corresponding to point 3 and 4 above, the actual data is marked as non-significant indicating there is actually no proliferative difference among the samples.

      This is correct. See also our comments to point 3 and 4 above.

      __ Panel 5I. The authors state that 'On the other hand, overall levels of chromosomal copy number aberrations were higher in lymphomas (mean gains + losses: 225.2 Å} 173.7 Mb) as compared to healthy tissues (mean gains + losses: 87.3 Å} 127.5 Mb; p=0.06), irrespective of their STIL transgene status (Fig. 4J; Fig. 5I), although the difference did not quite reach statistical significance.' The authors need to soften this statement since statistically, the samples are not different. For example, 'On the other hand, overall levels of chromosomal copy number aberrations appeared to trend higher in lymphomas as compared to healthy tissues irrespective of their STIL transgene status, although the difference did not quite reach statistical significance.'______ The statement was rephrased according to the reviewer´s suggestion.

      Figure 6____ 1. Panels A, B, and C require statistical analysis.

      We have now included the appropriate statistical analyses into panels A, B, and C in the figure panels and/or legends. However, the reported p-values should be interpreted as descriptive rather than confirmatory values due to the limited number of independent experiments.

      • *

      The figure legend references to panels C and D appear to be swapped.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment/observation. We have corrected this mistake.

      Panel F. Indicate that the samples are not significantly different.

      We have now included the appropriate statistical analysis including the indication that the samples are not statistically significantly different.

      • *

      __ Corresponding to point 3, the authors indicate that 'the proportion of Ki67-positive cycling cells was lower in tamoxifen-treated... ... although the difference did not quite reach statistical significance.' The authors need to soften this statement to reflect that the samples are not statistically different (i.e. 'appeared lower' or similar).______ The statement was rephrased according to the reviewer´s suggestion.

      __Figure 6 and 7 _ Do you have data for B6-STIL animals treated with and without tamoxifen? The experiments as shown demonstrate the differences between control and tamoxifen-treated animals of the same genotype, but it is unclear if any of these effects are due to the underlying genotypes or from tamoxifen itself. ___ The experiments presented in Figures 6 and 7 have not been performed in B6-STIL control mice with and without tamoxifen treatment.

      Supplemental Figure 1____ 1. Please include molecular weight marker for this and all panels showing PCR products.

      Molecular weight markers for the DNA ladder (L) with the corresponding bp size have now been included into all Figure panels showing PCR products as requested.

      The B6-STIL and CMV-STIL+/- lines should contain a larger MW band corresponding to the STIL-F and STIL-R PCR product. Please show if possible.

      We thank the reviewer for the important remark. We agree that there should be a large PCR product band at around 3000 bp containing the bacterial neomycin phosphotransferase gene (TK-neo-pA) and the STOP cassette in the B6-STIL control mice/MEFs, and two PCR product bands (large: 3000 bp, small: 410 bp) in the heterozygous CMV-STIL+/-mice/MEFs. When we began with genotyping, we did indeed observe both bands depending on the STIL background (see figure below). However, the band intensity of the larger PCR product was relatively weak (arrowheads) compared to the smaller PCR product, and its visibility was dependent on genomic DNA input and PCR efficiency. During the PCR optimization process, the PCR conditions were changed in such a way that the yield of the small band were increased despite small input amounts of genomic DNA, but at the expense of the large PCR product band (arrows). At the end of the optimization process the larger PCR product had almost disappeared, making the discrimination between heterozygous CMV-STIL+/- and homozygous CMV-STIL-/- DNA difficult. Therefore, we decided to additionally check for STOP cassette excision in a second PCR approach in parallel. In the genotyping results shown in Supplemental Figure S1B, which have been produced after PCR optimization, no larger STIL PCR product band was visible anymore.

      __Supplemental Figure 6 _ 1. The 'Spleen' sample is missing the B6-STIL control data. 'Liver' is missing CMV-STIL+/+. Please include or indicate why they are missing. The plot order of the samples differs for 'Liver' (red, black) compared to the others (black, red, blue). Indicate statistical significances. ___ We apologize for this mistake, have corrected the Figure (formerly Supplemental Figure S6, S2 in the revised version of the manuscript), and have included the missing spleen and liver samples.

      • *

      General issues ____ 1. The materials and methods indicate that HPRT and PIPB were used as reference genes, but only HPRT is referred to in the qPCR figure legend.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment/observation. As generally recommended (Vandesomele et al., Genome Biol 3(7): research0034.1-research0034.11, 2002; Kozer and Rapacz, J Appl Genet 54(4): 391-406, 2013) we used both reference genes for accurate normalization of qPCR in all experiments. We have now corrected this mistake in the figure legend.

      • *

      Figure panels 1F and 3C display 95% confidence intervals while others use SEM. Is there a reason for this?

      In the two referenced figures (former Figure 1F has been deleted from the manuscript, see also our comment to point 1 of reviewer #1 for reasons; Figure 3C of the former manuscript is now Figure 3D in the revised manuscript version) the endpoint variable was defined by whether individual cells in a single experiment showed a certain property or not (binary variables). By definition, these kinds of variables show a nonsymmetric error structure, which cannot be expressed properly by a single value such as the standard error (SEM), but can be covered correctly by a confidence interval. For the same reason, Fisher’s exact tests were employed to obtain p-values in these situations. In the other figures, the relevant endpoint variables were roughly normally distributed, either directly, or due to them being an average of many values. In this case, a symmetric SEM was thus considered sufficient, and t-tests were used for p-values. To make this clear in the figures, we used different display options to distinguish between error bars showing SEM or 95% CI.

      __Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)): ______ *In this manuscript, Moussa et al. describe the effects of over-expressing the centriole duplication factor STIL in whole mice and with expression restricted to the skin. They find that over expression of STIL, similar to that of PLK4, induces centriole overduplication, abnormal mitoses, and genetic instability leading to cell arrest. Additionally, over-expressing STIL results in microcephaly, perinatal lethality and a shortened lifespan. In addition, they do not find that expression of the p53 R127H mutant alleviates the cell growth defect. Moreover, overexpression of STIL does not lead to increased general tumour formation and suppresses tumour formation in an induced skin tumour model. Although this is an interesting manuscript, the authors need address a number of issues before this manuscript can be recommend the manuscript for publication. Importantly, the manuscript lacks statistical analyses to support some of their conclusions, some figures should be quantified, and controls are missing in some cases. *

      __Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): ______ Previously it has been proposed that supernumerary centrioles play important deleterious effects in vivo including increased tumorigenesis. However, the work was inconclusive because the way of inducing centriole amplification via the PLK4 kinase could have induced other effects besides supernumerary centrioles. To resolve this question, the authors generated a mouse model of centrosome amplification, in which the structural centriole protein STIL is overexpressed. Using this mouse model in vivo along with mutant mouse embryonic feeder (MEF) lines in vivo, the authors test out the role of centrosome amplification in vivo in animal development, lifespan, and tumorigenesis. They report both embryonic lethality, defects in brain development, and shortened life span in these mice. They also find that skin tumorigenesis is reduced in the mutant mice, and demonstrates that the STIL overexpression effects are not perturbed in a dominant negative p53 model. The authors demonstrate that STIL overexpression causes centrosome amplification accompanied by aneuploidy, which however is highly deleterious for cell fitness even in the absence of p53. Clearly, tissue corrective mechanisms lead to the elimination of cells with extra centrosomes and/or aneuploidy by impaired proliferation, senescence, and apoptosis. This finding is interesting and significant and seems worthy of dissemination to the broader readership.

      This study is thorough and well executed and there is a significant body of work that leads to solid conclusions. The data is convincing, and the figure are well presented. It was refreshing to read this paper, as it was not so cluttered with data that the message gets murky, yet the data was clearly very substantial. The text is clear and easy to follow.

      There really are only minor aspects of this paper that need correction, in my opinion. The text should be thoroughly checked for typos, few extra redundant words here and there, and a couple of confusing sentences.______ As suggested by the reviewer we have rechecked the manuscript for typos, redundancies, and confusing sentences and corrected where necessary and appropriate. __* *

      For example, the last sentence in abstract is confusing 'These results suggest that supernumerary centrosomes... [result in]... tumor formation' because it should read 'reduced tumor formation' or 'impairs tumorigenesis' or otherwise be written more clearly because it seems to convey the opposite message the way it is right now. ______ We thank the reviewer for this comment and have corrected the sentence, which now reads: “These results suggest that supernumerary centrosomes impair proliferation in vitro as well as in vivo, resulting in reduced lifespan and delayed spontaneous as well as carcinogen-induced tumor formation”. The p53 dominant negative mutant is not exactly a KO so it is not fair to say "in the absence of p53"; the verbiage should be corrected and checked throughout the paper - perhaps 'interfering with p53 normal function' is more appropriate.__ As suggested by the reviewer we have corrected the wording and have substituted “absence of p53” by “interference with p53 function” where appropriate. The sentence "Senescence- and apoptosis-driven depletion of the stem cell pool may explain reduced life span and tumor formation in STIL transgenic mice." from discussion is highly speculative and should be edited to clearly convey its speculative nature or removed entirely. ______ We agree with the reviewer and have deleted the sentence from the discussion section of the manuscript.

      __Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): ______ Clearly, tissue corrective mechanisms lead to the elimination of cells with extra centrosomes and/or aneuploidy by impaired proliferation, senescence, and apoptosis. This finding is interesting and significant and seems worthy of dissemination to the scientific community. It adds to previous work on another centriole related protein PLK4 kinase that led to very different conclusions.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Previously it has been proposed that supernumerary centrioles play important deleterious effects in vivo including increased tumorigenesis. However, the work was inconclusive because the way of inducing centriole amplification via the PLK4 kinase could have induced other effects besides supernumerary centrioles. To resolve this question, the authors generated a mouse model of centrosome amplification, in which the structural centriole protein STIL is overexpressed. Using this mouse model in vivo along with mutant mouse embryonic feeder (MEF) lines in vivo, the authors test out the role of centrosome amplification in vivo in animal development, lifespan, and tumorigenesis. They report both embryonic lethality, defects in brain development, and shortened life span in these mice. They also find that skin tumorigenesis is reduced in the mutant mice, and demonstrates that the STIL overexpression effects are not perturbed in a dominant negative p53 model. The authors demonstrate that STIL overexpression causes centrosome amplification accompanied by aneuploidy, which however is highly deleterious for cell fitness even in the absence of p53. Clearly, tissue corrective mechanisms lead to the elimination of cells with extra centrosomes and/or aneuploidy by impaired proliferation, senescence, and apoptosis. This finding is interesting and significant and seems worthy of dissemination to the broader readership. This study is thorough and well executed and there is a significant body of work that leads to solid conclusions. The data is convincing, and the figure are well presented. It was refreshing to read this paper, as it was not so cluttered with data that the message gets murky, yet the data was clearly very substantial. The text is clear and easy to follow.

      • There really are only minor aspects of this paper that need correction, in my opinion. The text should be thoroughly checked for typos, few extra redundant words here and there, and a couple of confusing sentences.
      • For example, the last sentence in abstract is confusing 'These results suggest that supernumerary centrosomes... [result in]... tumor formation' because it should read 'reduced tumor formation' or 'impairs tumorigenesis' or otherwise be written more clearly because it seems to convey the opposite message the way it is right now.
      • The p53 dominant negative mutant is not exactly a KO so it is not fair to say "in the absence of p53"; the verbiage should be corrected and checked throughout the paper - perhaps 'interfering with p53 normal function' is more appropriate.
      • The sentence "Senescence- and apoptosis-driven depletion of the stem cell pool may explain reduced life span and tumor formation in STIL transgenic mice." from discussion is highly speculative and should be edited to clearly convey its speculative nature or removed entirely.


      Clearly, tissue corrective mechanisms lead to the elimination of cells with extra centrosomes and/or aneuploidy by impaired proliferation, senescence, and apoptosis. This finding is interesting and significant and seems worthy of dissemination to the scientific community. It adds to previous work on another centriole related protein PLK4 kinase that led to very different conclusions.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Moussa et al. describe the effects of over-expressing the centriole duplication factor STIL in whole mice and with expression restricted to the skin. They find that over expression of STIL, similar to that of PLK4, induces centriole overduplication, abnormal mitoses, and genetic instability leading to cell arrest. Additionally, over-expressing STIL results in microcephaly, perinatal lethality and a shortened lifespan. In addition, they do not find that expression of the p53 R127H mutant alleviates the cell growth defect. Moreover, overexpression of STIL does not lead to increased general tumour formation and suppresses tumour formation in an induced skin tumour model.

      Although this is an interesting manuscript, the authors need address a number of issues before this manuscript can be recommend the manuscript for publication. Importantly, the manuscript lacks statistical analyses to support some of their conclusions, some figures should be quantified, and controls are missing in some cases.

      Major Issues

      1. Many of the figure panels lack appropriate statistical analyses to support the conclusions (see details below). This needs to be rectified.
      2. The authors suggest that the interpretation of PLK4 over-expression studies are hampered by the possibility of centriole/centrosome independent PLK4 roles and that STIL overexpression circumvents some of these issues. Although orthologous approaches to problems are always desired, STIL itself has also been implicated in other cellular processes, such as the Sonic hedgehog pathway (Carr AL, 2014) and in cell motility (Liu Y, 2020). In addition, the data presented in the manuscript are suggestive of a STIL function in the mouse that is independent of centriole number. The authors demonstrate that the amount of centriole over-duplication in MEFs containing a single copy of the STIL over-expression locus is equivalent to that of MEFs carrying two copies. However, in most other assays, the homozygous lines display more severe phenotypes, suggesting that STIL might have a function outside centriole duplication. he authros need to discuss this further in a revised manuscript.
      3. Why did the authors use the p53 R127H mutant instead of a p53 knockout or null allele system? The R127H mutant has a gain-of-function phenotype and cells expressing this mutant display different phenotypes than a p53 null. The primary conclusion in one of the references cited by the authors (Caulin C, 2007) is that p53R127H is a gain-of-function mutant and behaves distinct from loss-of-function p53 mutations, such as deletions using floxed alleles. Throughout the manuscript, the authors use terms that suggest the R127H allele is equivalent to a loss of function mutant. Given that supernumerary centriole growth arrest is universally suppressed by inactivation of p53 it is somewhat surprising that this pathway is not active in response to STIL over-expression. The authors should confirm this key conclusion by depleting p53 in MEFs using RNAi, or by using mice where complete inactivation of p53 can be achieved.

      Minor Issues and details

      Figure 1

      1. Panel E. It is unclear what the authors are calling an 'aberrant mitosis'. Typically an aberrant mitosis refers to chromosomal abnormalities such as multipolar spindles, anaphase bridges or micronuclei (which they quantify in Figure 2).
      2. Panel E. Please include images representing a normal mitosis from control cells derived from B6-STIL mice.

      Figure 2

      1. Panels B, E and F. Statistical significance is not indicated between B6-STIL and CMV-STIL+/- or CMV-STIL+/- and CMV-STIL+/+. The authors indicated a 'graded' phenotype which is qualitatively apparent, but should be backed by statistical analysis.
      2. Can the authors indicate how they scored a tetraploid cell? Some of the cells are 100% tetraploid while others contain other aberrations.
      3. Is the height of the rows in Panel D significant? What are the solid black rows?

      Figure 3

      1. Panels C, F, G, and K require statistical analyses.
      2. Panel D should be quantified.
      3. Panel E. mRNA expression is quantified in RPKM here, while GeTMM is used in Figures 3I and Supplementary Figures S2 and S6. Is there a reason this panel uses a different method? RPKM can be used for intra-sample comparisons, but is not ideal for comparison among different samples.
      4. Panel G. Can the authors show the original FACS profiles in Supplementary material?
      5. Panel H. Requires molecular weight markers
      6. Panel J. Missing B6-STIL control. Quantify Western blots.

      Figure 4

      1. The authors mention 'Simultaneously, we found an increased frequency of pups that died around birth.' Can the data for this be included?
      2. Panels B and D. Please include the data for CMV-STIL+/-.
      3. Panels C, F and K require statistics.
      4. Panel F. Include statistical analysis.
      5. Panel G/H. The levels of STIL in the CMV-STIL+/+ spleen are higher than the other samples, yet there is no concomitant increase in centriole overduplication. Can the authors comment on this?
      6. Panel J. The font within the plots is difficult to read.

      Figure 5

      1. Panels B, D and G require statistics.
      2. Panel F. The legend indicates that these data are from spleens and lymphomas. Is this correct? Would the results from non-lymphoma cells in the spleen mask the results from lymphoma cells?
      3. Panel F. The authors indicate that 'In line, assessment of lymphomas from B6-STIL control, CMV-STIL+/- and CMV-STIL+/+ mice by Ki67 immunostaining revealed that, corresponding to STIL protein levels, proliferation rates were elevated independent from lymphoma genotypes'. However, Ki67 levels, the marker for proliferation actually decreased in these samples indicating less proliferative cells. This needs to be clarified since the data shown appears to show the opposite of what is stated in the mansucript....
      4. Corresponding to point 3 above, the authors suggest that 'STIL protein expression is a consequence of increased lymphoma cell proliferation.' This hypothesis cannot explain STIL protein levels if proliferation has actually decreased.
      5. Corresponding to point 3 and 4 above, the actual data is marked as non-significant indicating there is actually no proliferative difference among the samples.
      6. Panel 5I. The authors state that 'On the other hand, overall levels of chromosomal copy number aberrations were higher in lymphomas (mean gains + losses: 225.2 Å} 173.7 Mb) as compared to healthy tissues (mean gains + losses: 87.3 Å} 127.5 Mb; p=0.06), irrespective of their STIL transgene status (Fig. 4J; Fig. 5I), although the difference did not quite reach statistical significance.' The authors need to soften this statement since statistically, the samples are not different. For example, 'On the other hand, overall levels of chromosomal copy number aberrations appeared to trend higher in lymphomas as compared to healthy tissues irrespective of their STIL transgene status, although the difference did not quite reach statistical significance.'

      Figure 6

      1. Panels A, B, and C require statistical analysis.
      2. The figure legend references to panels C and D appear to be swapped.
      3. Panel F. Indicate that the samples are not significantly different.
      4. Corresponding to point 3, the authors indicate that 'the proportion of Ki67-positive cycling cells was lower in tamoxifen-treated... ... although the difference did not quite reach statistical significance.' The authors need to soften this statement to reflect that the samples are not statistically different (i.e. 'appeared lower' or similar).

      Figure 6 and 7

      Do you have data for B6-STIL animals treated with and without tamoxifen? The experiments as shown demonstrate the differences between control and tamoxifen-treated animals of the same genotype, but it is unclear if any of these effects are due to the underlying genotypes or from tamoxifen itself.

      Supplemental Figure 1

      1. Please include molecular weight marker for this and all panels showing PCR products.
      2. The B6-STIL and CMV-STIL+/- lines should contain a larger MW band corresponding to the STIL-F and STIL-R PCR product. Please show if possible.

      Supplemental Figure 6

      1. The 'Spleen' sample is missing the B6-STIL control data. 'Liver' is missing CMV-STIL+/+. Please include or indicate why they are missing. The plot order of the samples differs for 'Liver' (red, black) compared to the others (black, red, blue). Indicate statistical significances.

      General issues

      1. The materials and methods indicate that HPRT and PIPB were used as reference genes, but only HPRT is referred to in the qPCR figure legend.
      2. Figure panels 1F and 3C display 95% confidence intervals while others use SEM. Is there a reason for this?


      In this manuscript, Moussa et al. describe the effects of over-expressing the centriole duplication factor STIL in whole mice and with expression restricted to the skin. They find that over expression of STIL, similar to that of PLK4, induces centriole overduplication, abnormal mitoses, and genetic instability leading to cell arrest. Additionally, over-expressing STIL results in microcephaly, perinatal lethality and a shortened lifespan. In addition, they do not find that expression of the p53 R127H mutant alleviates the cell growth defect. Moreover, overexpression of STIL does not lead to increased general tumour formation and suppresses tumour formation in an induced skin tumour model.

      Although this is an interesting manuscript, the authors need address a number of issues before this manuscript can be recommend the manuscript for publication. Importantly, the manuscript lacks statistical analyses to support some of their conclusions, some figures should be quantified, and controls are missing in some cases.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Supernumerary centrosomes are observed in the majority of human tumors. In cells they induce abnormal mitosis leading to chromosome missegregation and aneuploidy. In animal models it is demonstrated that extra centrosomes are sufficient to drive tumor formation. Previous work studying the impact of centrosome amplification on tumor formation in vivo used Plk4 overexpression to drive the formation of supernumerary centrosomes. In this manuscript Moussa and co-workers from the Krämer group developed a mouse model in which centrosome amplification is triggered by the overexpression of the structural centrosomal protein STIL rather than the kinase Plk4 in order to a) assess the potential for centrosome amplification induced by STIL overexpression to drive tumor formation and b) to rule out any potential non-centrosomal related effects of the kinase Plk4 on tumor formation. The authors show that STIL ovexrexpression in cells (MEFs) drives centrosome amplification and aberrant mitosis (Fig. 1), leading to chromosome missegregation and aneuploidy (Fig. 2). They also show that STIL overexpression is linked to reduced cellular proliferation and apoptosis (Fig 3). The authors then present in vivo experiments performed in mice. They observed that STIL expression causes embryonic lethality, microcephaly and a reduced lifespan (Fig 4). Despite increased STIL mRNA levels they do not detect elevated STIL protein levels in adult tissues except for the spleen. They do not detect significant increase of centrosome amplification or aneuploidy in animal tissues (Fig 4) and they conclude of a STIL translational shut down in most adult tissues. The authors then assess the impact of STIL overexpression on tumor formation. They observed a reduced spontaneous tumor formation despite elevated STIL mRNA levels in both healthy and tumor (lymphomas) tissues of mice overexpressing STIL. They don't detect increased centrosome amplification and aneuploidy in lymphomas from STIL overexpressing mice compared to lymphomas naturally occurring in control animals (Fig 5). Finally, they found that STIL overexpression suppresses chemical skin carcinogenesis using a combination of tamoxifen induction of STIL in the skin with DMBA/TPA carcinogenic treatment (Fig 7). They link this effect to an increased number of centriole and a reduction in cycling cells number in the skin of STIL overexpressing mice (Fig 6).

      The manuscript is written in a clear manner. The experimental approaches are properly designed and the experimental methods are described in sufficient details. Most of the experimental data present a good number of replicates. The figures are generally well assembled despite some errors in a few panels/legends (see major and minor points). Most of the conclusions are supported by the experimental data. However, a few specific points or interpretations are not convincingly supported by the experimental data (see major points) and will need to be revised and/or reformulated.

      Major points:

      1. Figures 1D and F show that MEFs hemizygous (CMV-STIL+/-) and homozygous (CMV-STIL+/+) for STIL present similar level of centrosome amplification and aberrant mitosis. Although, despite these similarities the homozygous MEFs display about two time more micronuclei and chromosomes aberrations (Fig. 2). The authors explain this discrepancy by the fact that MEFs homozygous for STIL have reduced proliferation and an increased propension to stay in interphase compared to hemizygous MEFs (Fig. 3). I don't understand why an interphase arrest would lead to a higher chromosomal instability resulting in higher micronuclei formation and abnormal karyotypes since those phenotypes are the consequences of abnormal mitosis occurring in cycling cells. I would rather argue that Homozygous MEFs are more prone to cell cycle arrest because of mitotic errors, but those mitotic errors cannot be explained by the centrosome status or the mitotic figures quantified in homozygous MEFs. Therefore, the authors explanation written as: "Graded inhibition of proliferation and accumulation of cells in interphase explains why CMV-STIL+/- and CMV-STIL+/+ MEFs contain increasing frequencies of micronuclei and aberrant karyotypes (Fig. 2) despite similar levels of supernumerary centrosomes" is not right for me. The authors should reformulate this section of the manuscript so their conclusion fit their data. The differences between hemi and homozygotes MEFs regarding chromosome stability could come from mitotic errors they did not spot using fixed immunofluorescence images of mitotic MEFs. Thus, as an optional additional experiment, analyzing live mitosis of MEFs could potentially help reconciliate results from mitotic figures and from karyotypes.
      2. Figure 5 panel F does not support the claim of the main text and does not match the legend of the figure: In the text the authors wrote: "Ki67 immunostaining revealed that, ..., proliferation rates were elevated independent from lymphoma genotypes". If the authors claim and increased cell proliferation in lymphoma compared to lymph nodes, which is expected, they should show the data for the lymph node in the graph. In addition, in the legend the authors mentioned a "Percentage of Ki67-positive cells in healthy spleens and lymphomas from mice with the indicated genotypes." Since there are three genotypes and two tissue types but the figure presents a graph with only three bars did the Spleen and lymphoma data were combined? Or did some data were not inserted in the graph? Thus, since the data does not support the claim for an increased cell proliferation in lymphoma, the authors explanation for the increased protein level observed in these lymphomas (Fig. 5 panel E) is not supported. Therefore, the authors need to present the correct data in the figure or to change their conclusion. They will also need to correct the figure legend and to add a panel with images illustrating the Ki67 labelling in the different tissues in the figure.

      Minor points:

      1. In the introduction, page 4 paragraph 3, the authors wrote: "To assess the impact of centrosome amplification on CIN, senescence, lifespan and tumor formation in vivo without interfering with extracentrosomal traits,..." they need to clarify what they meant by extracentrosomal traits.
      2. In the 1st paragraph of the results, page 4, the authors wrote: "leads to ubiquitous transgene expression at levels similar to the CAG promoter used in most..." but there is no link to a figure presenting the mRNA levels in those mice (potentially Fig. 4F and Fig. S6). Also, in the references cited for comparison, to my knowledge, there was no measurement of Plk4 mRNA levels in tissues in the work from Marthiens and colleagues, in this work the authors assess the expression of the Plk4 transgene by investigating the presence of the protein.
      3. Page 5 second line the authors wrote: "Despite the graded increase in Plk4 expression, CMV-STIL+/- and, CMV-STIL+/+ MEFs exhibited a similar increase in supernumerary centrioles". The authors must meant increase in STIL expression or do they have data not shown about an increase of Plk4 expression? Then they explain this absence of difference in supernumerary centriole by the ability of "excess Plk4" to access the centrosome, again they probably meant STIL. Regarding this point and related to Major Point 1 it might be worth for the authors to quantify actual extra centrosomes in mitosis rather than cells with more than 4 centrioles in interphase (as in Fig. 1C, D). They might find differences in the number of centrosomes in hemizygous versus homozygous MEFs.
      4. Page 5, in the first paragraph the authors mention "the rate of respective mitotic aberrations..." without defining the mitotic aberrations. For instance, in panel 1E a metaphase with 4 centrosomes is shown for CMV-STIL+/- while an anaphase with an unknown number of clustered centrosomes is presented for CMV-STIL+/+. Classifying the different types of aberrant mitotic figures (i.e: multipolar anaphases versus bipolar with clustered centrosomes) might help the authors identify differences between hemi and homozygous MEFS that may explain the differences in the proportions of chromosomes aberrations they present in Fig. 2.
      5. In Fig 4A the number of mice analyzed should be mentioned.
      6. In Fig. 5E, the band corresponding to STIL protein is difficult to visualize in the B6-STIL control, it is therefore difficult to compare its level to the level of STIL protein in the CMV-STIL hemizygotes and homozygotes. If possible, it would improve the manuscript to present a blot with clearer results.
      7. Related to Figure 6B the authors wrote a "5 to 10 fold-increased expression..." in the text while panel 6 B show a maximum of 8 fold increase.


      Centrosome amplification is a demonstrated cause of genomic instability and tumor development as shown in multiple previous work performed in mice. In this work, Moussa and co-workers developed a mouse model that does not depends on Plk4 to trigger centrosome amplification but which depends on the overexpression of the centrosome structural protein STIL. This effort is welcome as previous works could not formally rule out potential role of Plk4, not related to its centrosome duplication function, on tumor formation.

      The authors show that their system is functional in MEFs where STIL overexpression drives centrosome amplification and aneuploidy. Unfortunately, in vivo, despite elevated level of STIL mRNA they do not detect centrosome amplification in tissues and consequently, they do not observe an increase rate of aneuploidy and tumor formation. This result is not surprising as previous studies using strong promoters (comparable to the one used to drive STIL expression in this study) to induce Plk4 overexpression led to similar results, i.e. an absence of centrosome amplification in adult tissues and no effects on tumor formation.

      Therefore, the results and the concepts proposed in this work are not novel but they reinforce previous studies showing the deleterious effect of high level of centrosome amplification on cells. This work also confirms that strong mechanisms, here the authors propose a translational shut-down, are preventing the apparition or the persistence of high level of centrosome amplification in animal tissues.

      By complementing existing results with the use of an alternate experimental approach this study will be of interest for the scientific community working on the basic biological mechanisms driving aneuploidy and tumor development.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reply to the Reviewers

      We sincerely thank the Referees for providing important and constructive comments. We have addressed their concerns point-by-point as described below.

      Associated to Reviewer#1's comments

      *- Diploid embryos are used as controls. Gynogenetic diploids seem to be better controls to ensure that the observed phenotypes are not related to loss of heterozygosity. To limit the amount of work, the use of gynogenetic diploids could be restricted to spindle polarity and centrosome number experiments. *

      Response 1-1

      __[Experimental plan] __Following the reviewer's suggestion, we will conduct immunostaining of a-tubulin and centrin (for visualizing the spindles and centrioles, respectively) in gynogenetic diploids that will be generated by applying heat shock to gynogenetic haploid embryos during the 1st - 2nd cleavage stage. We will observe the head area of gynogenetic diploid larvae at 3-dpf when the haploid counterparts suffer particularly drastic centrosome loss and spindle monopolarization.

      • *

      • *

      *- As the authors discuss, it would be necessary to rescue centrosome loss to establish a causal relationship between centrosome loss and haploid viability. I certainly acknowledge that this is difficult (if not impossible), but it currently limits the significance of the results. *

      Response 1-2

      We agree that rescuing centrosome loss would provide an important advancement in understanding the cause of haploid syndrome in the context of our study. However, as the reviewer also pointed out in the above comment, this poses a significant technical challenge. As described in Discussion in the original manuscript, we have attempted to restore normal centrosome number through cell cycle modulations. However, we have not found a condition that rescues centrosome loss without damaging larval viability. As an alternative approach, we have also tried to induce centriole amplification by injecting mRNA encoding plk4, an essential centriole duplication inducer. However, this caused earlier embryonic death, precluding us from observing its effects on larval morphology after 1 dpf. The main challenge is that any treatment to increase centrosome number can cause centrosome overduplication, which is as deleterious to development as centrosome loss. Efforts to identify a key factor enabling the rescue of centrosome loss in haploid larvae are underway in our laboratory, which requires new explorations over several years and is beyond the scope of the present study. Reflecting on the reviewer's comment, we added a new sentence explaining the situation on this issue (line 395, page 19). To further discuss possible contributions of centrosome loss and mitotic defects to haploidy-linked embryonic defects, we also added a citation of a previous study reporting that depletion of centrosomal proteins caused mitotic defects leading to embryonic defects similar to those observed in haploid embryos in zebrafish (Novorol et al., 2013 Open Biology; line 380, page 19).

      __[Experimental plan] __Meanwhile, as a new trial to induce centriole amplification in a scalable and temporally controllable manner, we plan the following experiment, which can be conducted within the time range of the revision schedule: We will investigate the effects of low dose treatment of a plk4 inhibitor centrinone B on tissue growth and viability of haploid larvae. A recent study reported that centrinone B had complicated effects on the centriole duplication process, which is highly dose-sensitive (Tkach et al., 2022 Elife, PMID: 35758262). While it blocks centriole duplication at sufficiently high concentrations for blocking plk4 activities, it paradoxically causes centriole amplification at suboptimal conditions, presumably though over-stabilizing plk4 by blocking its autophosphorylation-dependent degradation (while its centriole duplicating function remains active). Since a previous study showed that centrinone B is also effective in zebrafish embryos (Rathbun et al., 2020 Current Biology, PMID: 32916112), we try to find optimal centrinone B treatment condition that potentially restores tissue growth or viability of haploid embryos. If we find such a rescuing condition, we will address the principle of the rescuing effects by investigating the possession of centrioles in mitotic cells in these haploid larvae.

      *- Some experiments are not, or arguably, quantified/statistically analyzed. *

      o Figure 2, Active caspase level. Larvae are sorted into three categories, and no statistical test is performed on the obtained contingency table. A Fisher'*s exact test here, or much better, the active caspase-3 levels should be quantified, instead of sorting larvae into categories. *

      Response 1-3

      We apologize that we showed only "zoomed-out" images of the immunostained embryos in the original figures (Fig. 2A), which precluded a clear presentation of the haploidy-associated aggravation of apoptosis and mitotic arrest. We could clearly distinguish cleaved caspase-3- and pH3-positive cells from non-specific background staining with an enlarged view of the same immunostaining data. Therefore, to quantitatively evaluate the extent of the haploidy-linked apoptosis and mitotic arrest, we compared the density of these cells within the right midbrain. This new quantification demonstrated a statistically significant increase in cleaved caspase-3- or pH3-positive cells in haploids compared to diploids.

      In the revised manuscript, we added the enlarged views of cleaved-caspase and pH3 immunostaining (Fig. 2B) and new quantifications with statistical analyses (Fig. 2C). Accompanying these revisions, we omitted the categorization of the severeness of the apoptosis, which was pointed out to be subjective in the reviewer#2's comment (see Response 2-3). We rewrote the corresponding section of the manuscript to explain the new quantitative analyses (line 143, page 7).

      o Same comment for 3E-F. Larvae are scored as Scarce, Mild or Severe. Looking at Fig S3A, I see one mild p53MO embryo, but the two others are not that different from 'severe' cases, which would completely change the contingency table. Again, a proper quantification would be better.

      Response 1-4

      We also quantified the frequency of cleaved caspase-3-positive cells in control and p53MO larvae (original Fig. 3E and F) as described in Response 1-3. While conducting the cell counting with enlarged images, we realized that staining quality within the inner larval layers of morphants was relatively poor in these experiments. This problem precluded us from counting cleaved caspase-3-positive cells within the inner larval layers. Therefore, we tentatively quantified only the surface larval layers of these morphants and found that cleaved caspase-3-positive cells were significantly reduced in haploids upon depletion of p53. We currently show this quantification in Fig. 3G of the revised manuscript. While this quantification confirmed the trend of p53MO-dependent decrease in apoptosis, we think it more appropriate to newly conduct the same experiment with better quality of the staining to apply the same standard of quantification for Fig. 3 as Fig. 2.

      __[Experimental plan] __For the reason described above, we propose to re-conduct immunostaining of cleaved caspase-3 in control and p53MO-injected haploid larvae to improve the visibility of the inner layer of the larvae for better quality of the quantitation.

      Meanwhile, we revised Fig. 3 by adding an enlarged view of immunostaining in Fig. 3F and omitting the subjective categorization shown in the original Fig. 3F and S3A. We plan to replace these data with new images and quantification to be obtained during the next revision. We also rewrote the main text to update these changes (line 166, page 8).

      *o Figure 4D-E, no stats. *

      Response 1-5

      We conducted the ANOVA followed by the post-hoc Tukey test for new Fig. 4D and the Fisher exact test with Benjamini-Hochberg multiple testing correction for new Fig. 4E. Please note that statistical analyses were conducted after adding the data from original Fig. 6B-C following the reviewer's suggestion (see also Response 1-6).

      *o Figure 6, Reversine treated haploid should be compared to haploid embryos (on the graphs and statistically). If no specific controls have been quantified for this experiment, data could be reused from previous figures, provided this is stated. *

      Response 1-6

      The live imaging data shown in original Fig. 4C-E and Fig. 6A-C were obtained within the same experimental series conducted in parallel at the same period under the same experimental condition. In the original manuscript, we separated them into two different figures according to the logical flow. However, following the reviewers' comments (see also Response 2-1), we realized it more appropriate to show them as a single figure panel as in the original experimental design. Therefore, we moved the reversine-treated haploid data from the original Fig. 6A-C to Fig. 4C-E to facilitate direct comparison among conditions with statistical analyses (see also Response 1-5).

      *o Rescue by p53MO and Reversine, it would be nice to also include diploid measurements on the graphs, so that the reader can appreciate the extent of the rescue. *

      Response 1-7

      Following the reviewer's comment, we added control MO-injected or DMSO-treated diploid larval data in the corresponding graphs in Fig. 3I and 6G, respectively. Please refer to Response 2-6 for further discussion on the extent of the rescue.

      Minor comments:

      *- Lines 221-223, authors claim that centriole loss and spindle monopolarization commence earlier in the eyes and brain than in skin. I am note sure I see this in Fig. S5. It could as well be that the defect is less pronounced in skin. *

      Response 1-8

      We rewrote the manuscript to include the possible interpretation suggested by the reviewer on the result (line 225, page 11).

      • *

      - Lines 227-229, authors claim that 'The developmental stage when haploid larvae suffered the gradual aggravation of centrosome loss corresponded to the stage when larval cell size gradually decreased through successive cell divisions'. I did not get that. Doesn'*t cell size decrease since the first division? Fig 5D shows that cell size decreases all along development. *

      Response 1-9

      We agree that the original sentence implies, against our intention, that cell size does not decrease before the developmental stage mentioned here. To correct this problem, we rewrote the corresponding part of Discussion as below (line 230, page 11):

      "Since the first division, embryonic cell size continuously reduces through successive cell divisions during early development (Menon et al., 2020). Cell size reduction continued at the developmental stage when we observed the gradual aggravation of the centrosome loss in haploid larvae."

      *- Some correlations are used to draw conclusions: *

      o Line 301-303. "The correlation between centrosome loss and spindle monopolarization indicates that haploid larval cells fail to form bipolar spindle because of the haploidy-linked centrosome loss."*. As stated by the authors, this is a correlation only. I agree it points in this direction. *

      Response 1-10

      We added a note to the corresponding sentence to draw readers' attention to the discussion on the limitation of the study with respect to the lack of centrosome rescue experiment (line 332, page 16).

      O Line 305-308. "*Interestingly, centrosome loss occurred almost exclusively in haploid cells whose size became smaller than a certain border (Fig. 5), indicating that cell size is a key determinant of centrosome number homeostasis in the haploid state." This one is more problematic. There is no causal link established between cell size and centrosome number homeostasis. It could very well be that some unidentified problem induces both a reduction in cell size and the loss of centrioles. *

      Response 1-11

      To avoid an over-speculative description, we deleted the subsentence "indicating that cell size is a key determinant of centrosome number homeostasis in the haploid state." (line 336, page 17). We also added a new sentence, "Alternatively, it is also possible that other primary causes, such as the lack of second active allele producing sufficient protein pools induced cell size reduction and centrosome loss in parallel without causality between them." to discuss the possibility raised by the reviewer (line 348, page 17), in association with another comment from the reviewer #3 (see also Response 3-3).

      • *

      *I have concerns regarding the significance of the reported findings. Haploid zebrafish embryos show numerous developmental defects (some as early as gastrulation, as previously shown by the authors, Menon 2020), and they die by 4 dpf. That they experience massive apoptosis at day 3 does not seem very surprising, and that inhibiting p53 transiently improves the phenotype is not a big surprise. *

      Response 1-12

      Many reports have revealed tissue-level developmental abnormalities in haploid embryos since the discovery of haploid lethality in vertebrates more than 100 years ago. This has stimulated speculation of underlying causes of haploid intolerance for decades. However, there have been surprisingly few descriptions of cellular abnormalities underlying these tissue defects, precluding an evidence-based understanding of the principle that limits developmental ability in haploid embryos. Our findings of the haploidy-linked p53 upregulation and mitotic defects illustrate what happens in the dying haploid embryos at a cellular level. These findings would provide an evidence-based frame of reference for understanding why vertebrates cannot develop in the haploid state and also provide clues to controlling haploidy-linked embryonic defects in future studies. We added a new section in Discussion to discuss the importance of addressing the haploidy-linked defects at a cellular level (line 276, page 14).

      *This reminds me of the non-specific effects of morpholino injection, which can be partially rescued by knocking down p53. *

      Response 1-13

      We believe the reviewer refers to the previous findings that different morpholinos generally have off-target effects activating p53-mediated apoptosis (e.g., Robu et al., 2007 PLoS Genet, PMID:17530925). However, p53 upregulation and apoptosis aggravation were also observed in uninjected haploid embryos free from morpholinos' artificial effects (Fig. 2, Fig. 3A, and B). To further address this issue, we plan to compare the frequency of cleavage caspase-3-positive cells between uninjected and control MO-injected haploids after revising the immunostaining of morphants in the original Fig. 3E-F (see Response 1-4 for details).

      *The observation of mitotic arrest and mitotic defects and the observation that haploid cells often lack a centrosome is interesting. However, I felt that the manuscript suggested that these observations were novel and could explain the haploid syndrome specifically in non-mammalian embryos, when the authors reported the same observations in human haploid cells as well as in mouse haploid embryos (Yaguchi 2018). To me, this manuscript mainly confirms that their previous observation is not mammalian specific, but at least conserved in vertebrates. *

      Response 1-14

      As we originally wrote (line 341, page 17 in the original manuscript), we think these haploidy-linked cellular defects are conserved among mammalian and non-mammalian vertebrates. To improve the clarity of our interpretation, we rewrote a corresponding part of the manuscript (line 50, page 2).

      *While I am no expert at centrosome duplication, I find the observation that haploidy leads to centrosome loss very intriguing, but have the impression that this manuscript falls short of improving our understanding of this phenomenon. *

      Response 1-15

      We express our gratitude to the reviewer for being interested in our findings. We hope the revisions made in the manuscript and the new results provided by the planned experiments will strengthen the contribution of this study to our understanding of haploidy-linked cellular defects.

      • *

      • *

      Associated to Reviewer#2's comments

      - Lack of proper controls in many experiments. For example, in the experiments where the authors treated haploids with reversine to suppress the SAC, there was no no-treatment control (Fig. 6A-C).

      Response 2-1

      We addressed the same point in__ Response 1-6__. In the original manuscript, we separately presented control and experimental conditions in the same experiment series in Fig. 4 and Fig. 6. We rejoined them in Fig. 4 as in the original experimental design. Please refer to __Response 1-6 __for further details.

      • In Fig. 6D, when a DMSO control was included, the control fish were from 3 dpf while the reversine-treated fish were from 0.5-3 dpf. This is a big flaw in experimental design, especially considering the authors were looking at mitotic index, which is hugely impacted by developmental time. *

      Response 2-2

      In this experiment, we treated haploid larvae with either DMSO or reversine from 0.5 to 3 dpf, isolated cells from the larvae at 3 dpf, and subjected them to flow cytometry. Both DMSO- and reversine-treated larval cells were from 3-dpf larvae. Therefore, this experiment does not have the problem noted by the reviewer. To improve the clarity of the description of the experimental design, we rewrote the corresponding part of the figure legend (line 646, page 34).

      - Subjective and inadequate data quantification. In the immunostaining experiments to detect caspase-3 and pH3, the authors either did not quantify at all and only showed single micrographs that might or might not be representative (for pH3), or only did very subjective and unconvincing quantification (for caspase-3). Objective measurements of fluorescence intensity could have been done, but the authors instead chose to categorize the staining into arbitrary categories with unclear standards. In example images they showed in the supplementary data, it is not obvious at all why some of the samples were classified as "mild" and others as "*severe" when their staining did not appear to be very different. *

      Response 2-3

      We apologize that we showed only "zoomed-out" images of the immunostained embryos in the original figures (Fig. 2A, 3E, and 6F), in which the distribution of individual cleaved caspase-3- or pH3-positive cells could not be clearly recognized. We added the enlarged view of identical immunostaining where these cells were clearly visualized in a countable manner (Fig. 2B, 3F, and 6D). Following the reviewer's suggestion, we newly conducted quantification by comparing the density of these cells within the right midbrain in haploids and diploids.

      This new quantification demonstrated the haploidy-linked increase in cleaved caspase-3- or pH3-positive cells and a reversine-dependent decrease in pH3-positive cells. We added these new quantifications with statistical analyses to the revised manuscript (Fig. 2C and 6E). Accompanying these revisions, we omitted the categorization of the severeness of apoptosis, which was pointed out to be subjective. We rewrote the corresponding section of the manuscript to explain the new quantitative analyses (line 143, page 7; line 260, page 12).

      While we also quantified cleaved caspase-3-positive cells in control and p53MO larvae in the original Fig. 3E, we realized that the staining quality of the inner larval layers of these morphants was relatively poor and could not apply the same standard of quantification as Fig. 2. Though we confirmed a statistically significant reduction in cleaved caspase-3-positive cells upon p53 depletion by quantified limited number of confocal sections (shown in Fig. 3G, please see also Response 1-4 for details), we decided to re-conduct this experiment for improving the staining quality to apply the same criteria of quantification for Fig 3 as Fig. 2 (Experimental plan is provided in Response 1-4).

      Please note that we also tried to evaluate the extent of apoptosis and mitotic arrest based on the fluorescence intensity of organ areas. However, background staining outside the dead cell area precluded the precise quantification.

      Additionally, the authors claimed that "*clusters of apoptotic cells" were only present in haploids but not diploids or p53 MO haploids, but they did not show any quantification. From the few example images (Fig.S3A), apoptotic clusters can be seen in p53 MO treated fish. Also, in some cases, the clusters were visible only because those fish were mounted in an incorrect orientation. For example, in Fig. S3A, control #2, that fish was visualized from its side, thus exposing areas around its eye that contained such clusters. These areas are not visible in other images where the fish were visualized from the top. *

      __Response 2-4 __

      We agree that the definition of "apoptotic clusters" was ambiguous in the original manuscript. We also agree that the visuals of the clusters could be affected by sample conditions, making them less reliable criteria for judging the severity of apoptotic upregulation in larvae. Following the reviewer's suggestion, we newly conducted apoptotic cell counting (Response 2-3), which recapitulated more reliably ploidy- or condition-dependent changes in the extent of apoptosis. Therefore, we decided to omit the description of the clusters in the new version of the manuscript.

      *- Subpar data quality. Aside from issues with qualification, the IF data was not convincing as staining appeared to be inconsistent and uneven, with potential artefacts. *

      Response 2-5

      We apologize that the zoomed-out images in the original figures did not appropriately demonstrate the specific visualization of individual apoptotic or mitotic cells. As described in Response 2-3, we added enlarged views of the immunostaining to the revised manuscript, in which these individual cells are clearly distinguished from non-specific background staining (Fig. 2B, 3F, and 6D). Because of the poorer staining of inner layers of control and p53 morphants, we plan to re-conduct immunostaining for Fig. 3 and Fig. S3 (please refer to Response 1-4 for further detail). The current version of immunostaining and quantification in these figures will be replaced in the next revision.

      - Unsupported and overstated claims. There were many overstatements. For one, in line 268, the authors claimed that "*the haploidy-linked mitotic stress with SAC activation is a primary constraint for organ growth in haploid larvae", while what they were actually showed was that reversine treatment, which suppresses the SAC, was partially rescued 2 out of the 3 growth defects they assessed, to such a small extent that the difference between haploid and haploid rescue was only Response 2-6

      Following the reviewer's comment, we added control MO-injected or DMSO-treated diploid larval data in the corresponding graphs in Fig. 3I and 6G, respectively. We newly estimated the relative extent of the recovery in Results (line 174, page 8; line 268, page 13).

      Reflecting the estimation, we rewrote the manuscript to discuss that haploidy-linked cell death or mitotic defects are a partial cause of organ growth retardation but that there could be other unaddressed cellular defects that also contribute to the growth retardation (line 305, page 15). We also discussed the possibility that incomplete resolution of cell death by p53MO or mitotic defects by reversine treatment may have limited their rescue effects on organ growth retardation (line 303, page 15). We also toned down several descriptions in our manuscript (lines 48 and 50, page 2; line 111, page 5; line 271, page 13; line 298, page 15; line 403, page 20) to achieve a more balanced interpretation on the potential contributions of cell death and mitotic defects to the formation of haploid syndrome.

      In association with this issue, we also discussed the difficulty of assuming a priori "fully-rescued" haploid larval size in this context. This is because even normally developing haploid larvae in haplodiplontic species tend to be much smaller than their diploid counterparts. We newly cited a few cases of haplodiplontic species where haploids are smaller than or the same in size as diploids (line 307, page 15).

      *With so many fundamental flaws, the data seem unreliable and the paper does not meet publishable standards. *

      Response 2-7

      We express our gratitude to the reviewer for providing important suggestions to improve the quality of analyses, data presentations, and interpretations in this study. We sincerely hope that one-by-one verifications of the points raised by the reviewer have improved the credibility of the paper and made it suitable for publication.

      *The low quality of the analysis makes the significance low. *

      *Reviewers have expertise in vertebrate embryogenesis and ploidy manipulation. *

      Response 2-8

      We hope that by addressing and solving the concerns pointed out by the reviewer, we could have clarified the significance of the study.

      Associated to Reviewer#3's comments

      *There seem to be a discrepancy between the microscopic images from Figure 2A and the quantification of pH3 positive cells using flow cytometry in Figure 4. According to the flow cytometric results the proportion of pH3 positive cells is about 3 times higher in haploid larvae compared to the control. The increase in mitotic cells in the imaging results however seems much more drastic. It would be helpful if the authors explain here. *

      Response 3-1

      Following comments provided by other reviewers (see also Response 1-2, 1-4, and__ 2-3__), we newly compared the frequency of pH3 positive cells between the immunostained haploid and diploid larvae. In this new analysis, pH3-positive cells were 6.4 times more frequent in haploids than in diploids, which is a more substantial difference than the one estimated based on the flow cytometric analysis.

      The apparent discrepancy between the immunostaining and flow cytometric quantification would arise because pH3-positive mitotic cells tended to be more localized on the surface than in the inner region of larvae. This inevitably results in higher pH3-positive cell density in immunostaining, in which only larval surface is analyzed. To discuss this point, we newly conducted pH3 immunostaining in haploid larvae made transparent using RapiClear reagent and showed a vertical section of 3-d reconstituted larval image of pH3 immunostaining in Fig. S4E. We rewrote the manuscript to add our interpretation of this issue (line 652, page 34).

      *Mitotic slippage that the authors observe to be increased in the haploid larvae to up to 5% of cells should result in an increase in the number of aneuploid cells. I am wondering why this is not recapitulated in the analyses of the DNA content in Figure S1. *

      Response 3-2

      A possible interpretation would be that the limited viability of newly formed aneuploid progenies precluded the detection of these populations in flow cytometric analyses. We discussed the possible generation of aneuploid progenies with our interpretation of their absence in the flow cytometric analyses in Discussion (line 293, page 14).

      *Discussion: *

      *I find the explanation of centrosomal loss due to depletion of centrosomal protein pools in the cytoplasm during drastic cell reduction interesting. I wonder if the reduction in size is not necessarily caused by the reduction in cells, but rather the result of the absence of a second active allele that produces centrosomal proteins? *

      Response 3-3

      We added the possible interpretation provided by the reviewer to the corresponding part of Discussion, in association with another comment from reviewer #1 (line 348, page 17; see also Response 1-11).

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      • *

      *Overall, I find the study interesting even to a broader audience since diploid development is a fundamental feature of most animals. The authors also manage to discuss their findings on the consequences of haploidy in this bigger context of the restricted diploid development in animals. The study is very well-written even to non-experts. *

      Response 3-4

      We express our gratitude to the reviewer for providing positive comments on the significance of our findings. We sincerely hope that one-by-one verifications of the points raised by the reviewer further improve the quality of the paper.

      I am not an expert of the literature describing previous characterizations of the consequences associated with haploid cell development in animals, which is why I cannot comment on the novelty of their study. Based on my expertise on centromeres and genome organisation I can however assess the results regarding the mitotic defects observed in haploid larvae (see comments).

      Response 3-5

      We sincerely thank the reviewer for providing constructive suggestions and critiques based on the expertise.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study the authors aim to shed light onto the molecular reasons why most animals are restricted to diploid cell generations. In mammals, haploid intolerance has been previously attributed to defects linked to genomic imprinting, but the molecular defects associated with haploidy in non-mammalian species are unknown. To fill these gaps, the authors in this study investigate defects associated with haploidy in zebrafish larvae. They found that haploid larvae show elevated numbers of apoptotic cells that could be partially rescued by inhibition of p53. The also detected many cells with prolonged mitosis reflected by an increase of cells positive for the mitotic histone modification phospho- histone H3 (pH3) as well as cell division defects specific to the haploid larvae. These defects are likely caused by the loss of centrosomes in haploid larval cells resulting in an increase of monopolar spindle formation. Loss of centrosomes was particularly pronounced in smaller cells and occurred concomitant with a reduction in cell size through continous cell divisions. The authors could rescue the increase of cells with prolonged mitosis by inhibiting the SAC. Both restoration of mitotic length and decreased apoptosis (by p53 inhibition) also improved some organ growth defects observed in haploid larvae.

      I only have some minor comments particularly regarding the mitotic defects.

      There seem to be a discrepancy between the microscopic images from Figure 2A and the quantification of pH3 positive cells using flow cytometry in Figure 4. According to the flow cytometric results the proportion of pH3 positive cells is about 3 times higher in haploid larvae compared to the control. The increase in mitotic cells in the imaging results however seems much more drastic. It would be helpful if the authors explain here. Mitotic slippage that the authors observe to be increased in the haploid larvae to up to 5% of cells should result in an increase in the number of aneuploid cells. I am wondering why this is not recapitulated in the analyses of the DNA content in Figure S1.


      I find the explanation of centrosomal loss due to depletion of centrosomal protein pools in the cytoplasm during drastic cell reduction interesting. I wonder if the reduction in size is not necessarily caused by the reduction in cells, but rather the result of the absence of a second active allele that produces centrosomal proteins?


      Overall, I find the study interesting even to a broader audience since diploid development is a fundamental feature of most animals. The authors also manage to discuss their findings on the consequences of haploidy in this bigger context of the restricted diploid development in animals. The study is very well-written even to non-experts.

      I am not an expert of the literature describing previous characterizations of the consequences associated with haploid cell development in animals, which is why I cannot comment on the novelty of their study. Based on my expertise on centromeres and genome organisation I can however assess the results regarding the mitotic defects observed in haploid larvae (see comments).

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This study examined cell proliferation and death in haploid and diploid zebrafish and attempted to provide insights into cellular mechanisms underlying haploidy-linked defects in non-mammalian vertebrates. While some of the ideas were potentially interesting, the experiments were not rigorous and inadequate data analyses were performed. Major issues include: - Lack of proper controls in many experiments. For example, in the experiments where the authors treated haploids with reversine to suppress the SAC, there was no no-treatment control (Fig. 6A-C). In Fig. 6D, when a DMSO control was included, the control fish were from 3 dpf while the reversine-treated fish were from 0.5-3 dpf. This is a big flaw in experimental design, especially considering the authors were looking at mitotic index, which is hugely impacted by developmental time. - Subjective and inadequate data quantification. In the immunostaining experiments to detect caspase-3 and pH3, the authors either did not quantify at all and only showed single micrographs that might or might not be representative (for pH3), or only did very subjective and unconvincing quantification (for caspase-3). Objective measurements of fluorescence intensity could have been done, but the authors instead chose to categorize the staining into arbitrary categories with unclear standards. In example images they showed in the supplementary data, it is not obvious at all why some of the samples were classified as "mild" and others as "severe" when their staining did not appear to be very different. Additionally, the authors claimed that "clusters of apoptotic cells" were only present in haploids but not diploids or p53 MO haploids, but they did not show any quantification. From the few example images (Fig.S3A), apoptotic clusters can be seen in p53 MO treated fish. Also, in some cases, the clusters were visible only because those fish were mounted in an incorrect orientation. For example, in Fig. S3A, control #2, that fish was visualized from its side, thus exposing areas around its eye that contained such clusters. These areas are not visible in other images where the fish were visualized from the top. - Subpar data quality. Aside from issues with qualification, the IF data was not convincing as staining appeared to be inconsistent and uneven, with potential artefacts. - Unsupported and overstated claims. There were many overstatements. For one, in line 268, the authors claimed that "the haploidy-linked mitotic stress with SAC activation is a primary constraint for organ growth in haploid larvae", while what they were actually showed was that reversine treatment, which suppresses the SAC, was partially rescued 2 out of the 3 growth defects they assessed, to such a small extent that the difference between haploid and haploid rescue was only <20% of that between haploid and diploid. Again, they did not include proper controls so haploid, haploid rescue, and diploid were never in one experiment together - they were in different figures, plotted in drastically different scales - and 20% is only an estimate. With so many fundamental flaws, the data seem unreliable and the paper does not meet publishable standards.


      The low quality of the analysis makes the significance low.

      Reviewers have expertise in vertebrate embryogenesis and ploidy manipulation.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Yaguchi et al. investigate the causes of the "haploid syndrome" in the zebrafish embryo, the old observation that haploid embryos suffer from severe developmental defects and growth retardation of organs such as the brain and eyes (these defects are not simply a consequence of loss of heterozygosity, as they are rescued by forced diploidization of haploid larvae). Looking at apoptosis and proliferation, the authors show an increase in the number of apoptotic and mitotic cells in haploid larvae. Regarding apoptosis, they show an increase in p53 levels and demonstrate that knockdown of p53 limits apoptosis and leads to some phenotypic improvement. Regarding mitosis, they show an increase in mitotic delays and failures in haploid larvae. Inhibition of the spindle assembly checkpoint can reduce these defects and leads to some improvement in body axis length and eye size. Looking at the cause of the mitotic defects, the authors show that haploid cells often have monopolar spindles and loss of one centrosome, defects that appear to correlate with cell size.

      Major comments:

      While some experiments could be better quantified and/or statistically analyzed (see below), overall the results are convincing and clearly presented.

      • Diploid embryos are used as controls. Gynogenetic diploids seem to be better controls to ensure that the observed phenotypes are not related to loss of heterozygosity. To limit the amount of work, the use of gynogenetic diploids could be restricted to spindle polarity and centrosome number experiments.
      • As the authors discuss, it would be necessary to rescue centrosome loss to establish a causal relationship between centrosome loss and haploid viability. I certainly acknowledge that this is difficult (if not impossible), but it currently limits the significance of the results.
      • Some experiments are not, or arguably, quantified/statistically analyzed.
        • Figure 2, Active caspase level. Larvae are sorted into three categories, and no statistical test is performed on the obtained contingency table. A Fisher's exact test here, or much better, the active caspase-3 levels should be quantified, instead of sorting larvae into categories.
        • Same comment for 3E-F. Larvae are scored as Scarce, Mild or Severe. Looking at Fig S3A, I see one mild p53MO embryo, but the two others are not that different from 'severe' cases, which would completely change the contingency table. Again, a proper quantification would be better.
        • Figure 4D-E, no stats.
        • Figure 6, Reversine treated haploid should be compared to haploid embryos (on the graphs and statistically). If no specific controls have been quantified for this experiment, data could be reused from previous figures, provided this is stated.
        • Rescue by p53MO and Reversine, it would be nice to also include diploid measurements on the graphs, so that the reader can appreciate the extent of the rescue.

      Minor comments:

      • Lines 221-223, authors claim that centriole loss and spindle monopolarization commence earlier in the eyes and brain than in skin. I am note sure I see this in Fig. S5. It could as well be that the defect is less pronounced in skin.
      • Lines 227-229, authors claim that 'The developmental stage when haploid larvae suffered the gradual aggravation of centrosome loss corresponded to the stage when larval cell size gradually decreased through successive cell divisions'. I did not get that. Doesn't cell size decrease since the first division? Fig 5D shows that cell size decreases all along development.
      • Some correlations are used to draw conclusions:

      • Line 301-303. "The correlation between centrosome loss and spindle monopolarization indicates that haploid larval cells fail to form bipolar spindle because of the haploidy-linked centrosome loss.". As stated by the authors, this is a correlation only. I agree it points in this direction.

      • Line 305-308. "Interestingly, centrosome loss occurred almost exclusively in haploid cells whose size became smaller than a certain border (Fig. 5), indicating that cell size is a key determinant of centrosome number homeostasis in the haploid state." This one is more problematic. There is no causal link established between cell size and centrosome number homeostasis. It could very well be that some unidentified problem induces both a reduction in cell size and the loss of centrioles.


      I have concerns regarding the significance of the reported findings. Haploid zebrafish embryos show numerous developmental defects (some as early as gastrulation, as previously shown by the authors, Menon 2020), and they die by 4 dpf. That they experience massive apoptosis at day 3 does not seem very surprising, and that inhibiting p53 transiently improves the phenotype is not a big surprise. This reminds me of the non-specific effects of morpholino injection, which can be partially rescued by knocking down p53. The observation of mitotic arrest and mitotic defects and the observation that haploid cells often lack a centrosome is interesting. However, I felt that the manuscript suggested that these observations were novel and could explain the haploid syndrome specifically in non-mammalian embryos, when the authors reported the same observations in human haploid cells as well as in mouse haploid embryos (Yaguchi 2018). To me, this manuscript mainly confirms that their previous observation is not mammalian specific, but at least conserved in vertebrates.

      While I am no expert at centrosome duplication, I find the observation that haploidy leads to centrosome loss very intriguing, but have the impression that this manuscript falls short of improving our understanding of this phenomenon.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      RESPONSE TO REVIEWS_RC-2024-02383

      We thank all the reviewers for their comments and suggestions. Our point-by-point response is shown below, in bold.


      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: the work presented by the authors detail how pharmacological inhibition of the rate limiting one carbon metabolic enzyme DHFR by the drug methotrexate increases the lifespan of yeast and worms. Furthermore, placing aged mice on dietary folate and choline restriction potentially enhanced metabolic plasticity but did not significantly increase lifespan with sex specific differences observed.

      The findings in this manuscript are very interesting and important to our understanding of the conserved mechanisms that regulate longevity through one carbon metabolism. This is especially significant in light of the current folate intake and supplementation in the adult human population. The manuscript, however, requires major revisions. Please see comments below for details.

      Major comments:

      1. The overall tone in this manuscript is colloquial and conversational in nature. A third person academic style and tone, while avoiding the use of subjective descriptive terms would improve the quality of this text. Using terms such as "appeared less diverse", "results are remarkable ...strikingly more pronounced", "possibly positive outcomes" , "appear younger...for unknown reasons", "little Uracil", "tended to be higher", "roughly proportional", "slightly higher", "as a rough readout", and many other examples from the text should not be used in a scientific manuscript. The language should be academic, scientific, precise, and non-ambiguous. A thorough revision of the manuscript with substantial changes to the language and tone is necessary prior to publication. RESPONSE: Thank you for your feedback on the manuscript's tone. We revised most of the expressions mentioned by the reviewer. We note, however, that these phrases were used along with numbers and statistics. Hence, there was no lack of specifics, and readers could quickly evaluate the conclusions. We strive for a balance between scientific rigor and readability to maintain accessibility for a diverse audience.

      In the results section, we find multiple instances where the results are interpreted and extensively discussed. This should be reserved for the discussion section. The results section should be used to simply report the findings in a detailed manner.

      RESPONSE: We appreciate the suggestion on the integration of interpretation within the Results section. Upon review, we have clarified the presentation of our findings, ensuring a more distinct separation from interpretive commentary. Brief explanations remain to aid the reader's comprehension in light of the complex data, aiming to keep the flow and coherence of the manuscript and prevent overextension of the Discussion section (already ~1,300 words long). We welcome specific suggestions for further refinement.

      The materials and methods section is severely lacking in details in some areas. For example, no details were provided regarding how the worm lifespans were conducted and previous work of collaborators were referenced instead. Important details such as worm numbers, biological and technical replicates, solid agar vs liquid culture, temperature, use of FUdR, antibiotics, transfer frequency, methods of scoring, etc... are lacking. Other details such as the preparation of the plates (Was MTX incorporated into the agar, seeded with the bacterial lawn, or liquid culture was used), storage conditions, age of the plates when lifespan started, how was the UV killing of the lawn verified etc...

      many other methods subsections lack crucial details. Please carefully review the methodology and include sufficient pertinent details.

      RESPONSE: The number of worms assayed in each case were shown in each figure, as described in the legend. We now also added all the information requested by the reviewer in the methods section. The text now reads:

      “Briefly, the assays were done on solid agar nematode growth media (NGM) plates prepared fresh before each experiment. The bacterial lawn was exposed twice to a UV dose of 120mJ/cm2 using a UVC-515 Ultraviolet Multilinker (Ultra-Lum, Inc.). Streaking these UV-exposed bacteria to fresh LB agar plates (1% w/v tryptone, 0.5% w/v yeast extract, 1% w/v sodium chloride) produced no visible colonies. Methotrexate, or the ATIC inhibitor, was first dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and then added to the media used to prepare the plates after autoclaving (the media were kept in a 50°C water bath until the plates were poured). Mock-treated control plates contained only DMSO. At the start of each experiment, a sufficient number of eggs were collected from plates without any drugs and then placed on plates containing the indicated doses of each compound tested. After hatching and progression to the adult stage, animals were transferred to new plates (marked as the start of the lifespan assay) containing the drug tested and fluorodeoxyuridine (FUDR; dissolved in water), added at 50μM to block hatching of new animals. The plates were scored at least every other day until all the worms died. If an animal responded to gentle touch, it was scored as alive, otherwise a death was recorded, and the animal was removed from the plate. Worms were transferred to fresh plates as needed (e.g., if there was evidence of microbial contamination, dryness/cracks on the agar surface, consumption of the bacterial lawn, or hatching of new animals that escaped the FUDR block). The reported lifespans were compiled from several independent experiments done over several months (9-10 months for the methotrexate experiments and 4-5 months for the ATIC inhibitor), each scored by multiple individuals (4-5 persons per experiment). No experiments were excluded from the analysis.”

      In the worms, interventions that impact germline proliferation can extend lifespan. Methotrexate is known to impact germline proliferation and can lead to toxic developmental effects and germline arrest. Was fecundity impacted by methotrexate using the dosages found to extend lifespan?

      RESPONSE: We did not score fecundity in our experiments.

      The authors stated that UV killed bacteria was used in the worm experiments but did not provide the reasoning for it. Virk had concluded that reduced bacterial pathogenicity is responsible for the lifespan extension and not the worm's OCM. How does your work agree with or refute these previous findings?

      RESPONSE: The dose of methotrexate used by Virk et al was very high, so it is difficult to directly compare it to our experiment. Nonetheless, we do not think there is any contradiction. We added the following in the text to clarify this point:

      “At higher doses (10-100μΜ), methotrexate did not extend lifespan (not shown), in agreement with (Virk et al., 2016), who treated adult animals with a very high dose of methotrexate (220μM). We also note that the bacteria used to feed the worms in our experiments were killed by ultraviolet radiation to exclude any impacts from bacterial folate metabolism, which is known to affect worm lifespan (Virk et al., 2016, 2012).”

      The authors state that AICAR (100 uM administration to the worms (no experimental details were given) increases their lifespan and concluded that this is proof that manipulation of 1C metabolism promotes longevity. There are 2 concerns here; first, AMPK activation leads to inhibition of TOR and that has been shown to promote longevity in multiple models. While we agree that a significant crosstalk between TOR and OCM exists, this experiment does not necessarily contribute to the argument that the authors are making. Second, it has been established by multiple groups that inhibition (RNAi and pharmacological) of DHFR1, TYMS1, SAMS1 and possibly other OCM enzymes leads to lifespan extension in worms. These findings provide stronger evidence that OCM regulates organismal longevity.

      RESPONSE: We acknowledged prior research on lifespan extension and do not claim our use of the ATIC inhibitor as the first evidence of 1C metabolism's impact on longevity. Rather, our findings complement existing studies from us and several other groups (including the examples mentioned by the reviewer, which we had cited) by introducing novel evidence of lifespan increase through this specific inhibitor in C. elegans. Please also note that we added a detailed description of the experiment in the Methods, as suggested in a previous comment.

      In the mouse study, the authors do not provide a rationale on why a folate and choline deficient diet was adopted as opposed to only a folate deficient diet. Additionally, we assume that the diets did not contain antibiotics (succinyl sulfathiazole) to reduce microbiome folate production since it was not mentioned. Were wire bottom cages used to eliminate coprophagy? Were there any significant differences between male and female serum folate levels that could have contributed to the endpoints. Was only a subset of samples assayed for total folate? (fig 2b shows a possible n of 6 per group?). If no antibiotics and no wire bottom cages were used, mice can maintain adequate folate levels from coprophagy without developing signs of anemia. Please discuss these details as it helps clarify the conditions used.

      RESPONSE: Excellent points, and we have now added this information (see Material and Methods):

      “We note that when designing experiments to assess the consequences of folate limitation, it is common to control both folate and choline intake to ensure that the observed effects are due to the restriction of folate (Beaudin et al., 2011) because the presence of choline can mask the effects of folate deficiency. Choline can be oxidized to betaine, which provides methyl groups for converting homocysteine to methionine, independent of the folate cycle. Choline can also be incorporated into phosphatidylcholine, a major methyl ‘sink’ in the cell, through the Kennedy pathway. Lastly, we did not use any antibiotics to interfere with the microbiome nor wire bottom cages to eliminate coprophagy. Wire bottom cages were used only in the metabolic chamber experiments.”

      Were there any significant differences between male and female serum folate levels that could have contributed to the endpoints. Was only a subset of samples assayed for total folate? (fig 2b shows a possible n of 6 per group?).

      RESPONSE: ____Regarding folate levels, no significant sex differences were observed. We assayed all the animals we had at 120 weeks of age, the euthanasia endpoint, as shown in Figure 2B. There were fewer females than males in both diets.

      There are instances in the results section where statements were made implying that there are differences observed "slightly higher", "negative association" when it is not statistically significant. There can be either statistically significant differences/correlation or not. please be precise in your wording.

      RESPONSE: We have revised the Results section to ensure that qualitative descriptions such as "slightly higher" are only used when supported by appropriate statistical evidence. We have listed____ all the relevant numbers in each case after performing thorough and robust statistical analyses. We note, however, that mentioning qualitative descriptors is not always unwarranted, as long as they are factual.

      Graying was observed less significantly in the F/C- group according to the authors. However, no quantitative assessment was made, and it is merely observational.

      RESPONSE: It is not clear how to quantify graying non-invasively. Hence, we simply took photographs.

      Inference to inhibition of mTOR was made, but mTOR protein and phosphorylation levels were not performed. The authors did perform western blotting on ribosomal S6 protein, however no assessment of the downstream mTOR targets P70S6k1 and 4EBP are shown.

      RESPONSE: This is a good suggestion.____ We added a new experiment, looking at 4EBP1 phosphorylation (see new Figure S2). The results mirror those looking at S6 phosphorylation.

      Can the change in RER in F/C- mice compared to controls be explained by the increased adiposity in these animals?

      RESPONSE: We do not know. The relationship between adiposity and respiratory exchange rate can be quite complex. The increased adiposity of male mice limited for folate may lead to higher RER, reflecting perhaps a greater reliance on carbohydrate metabolism. But this is very speculative, especially since these mice are not obese. It is unclear how the improved metabolic plasticity could be associated with adiposity for the females.

      How was the microbiome normalized between groups prior to the beginning of the experiment? (fecal slurry gavage, bedding exchange, cohabitation, none of the above?). There is no mention of this crucial step in the materials and methods section. Furthermore, additional details regarding the microbiome analysis are required (analysis pipeline, read depth, denoising, software, data processing, PCA analysis, etc...). it is not sufficient to state that Zymo performed the analysis.

      RESPONSE: We now revised the text and added a detailed description of the methods, as follows:

      “There was no microbiome normalization between groups prior to the beginning of the experiment. Mouse fecal pellets were gathered by positioning the mice on a paper towel beneath an overturned glass beaker. A minimum of three fecal pellets from each animal were transferred into cryovials using sterile forceps. The samples were preserved at -80°C and shipped to Zymo Research, where they were processed and analyzed with the ZymoBIOMICS® Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing Service (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA).For DNA extraction, the ZymoBIOMICS®-96 MagBead DNA Kit (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA) was used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Genomic DNA samples were profiled with shotgun metagenomic sequencing. Sequencing libraries were prepared with Illumina® DNA Library Prep Kit (Illumina, San Diego, CA) with up to 500 ng DNA input following the manufacturer’s protocol using unique dual-index 10 bp barcodes with Nextera® adapters (Illumina, San Diego, CA). All libraries were pooled in equal abundance. The final pool was quantified using qPCR and TapeStation® (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA). The final library was sequenced on the NovaSeq® (Illumina, San Diego, CA) platform. The ZymoBIOMICS® Microbial Community DNA Standard (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA) was used as a positive control for each library preparation. Negative controls (i.e. blank extraction control, blank library preparation control) were included to assess the level of bioburden carried by the wet-lab process.

      Raw sequence reads were trimmed to remove low quality fractions and adapters with Trimmomatic-0.33 (Bolger et al., 2014): quality trimming by sliding window with 6 bp window size and a quality cutoff of 20, and reads with size lower than 70 bp were removed. Antimicrobial resistance and virulence factor gene identification was performed with the DIAMOND sequence aligner (Buchfink et al., 2015). Microbial composition was profiled with Centrifuge (Kim et al., 2016) using bacterial, viral, fungal, mouse, and human genome datasets. Strain-level abundance information was extracted from the Centrifuge outputs and further analyzed to perform alpha- and beta-diversity analyses and biomarker discovery with LEfSe (Segata et al., 2011) with default settings (p > 0.05 and LDA effect size > 2).”

      What is an "easily distinguishable gut microbiome" and "appeared less diverse"?

      RESPONSE: To clarify these points, __w__e now edited as follows:

      “The different sex and diet groups had an easily distinguishable gut microbiome, occupying different areas of principal component analysis graphs (Figure 5A), based on Bray-Curtis β-diversity dissimilarity indices (Knight et al., 2018). The intestinal microbiome of male mice on the F/C- diet was not statistically less diverse (p=0.222, based on the Wilcoxon rank sum test; Figure 5 - Supplement 1).”

      a two-dimensional plot using two principal components would be more suitable for image 5A and allow for better visualization of the clustering of the groups.

      RESPONSE: We tried displaying the data on a multipanel (3 panels per group, 12 total) two-dimensional figure, but the result is more confusing. Since the sample number is small (n=6 animals per group), the 3D graphs are visually adequate and more pleasing. They are also the standard way of representing this kind of data.

      Since the authors suggest that the microbiome could be a source of 1C metabolites (including natural folate), it is important to clarify if coprophagy is involved.

      RESPONSE: We agree and have added the information as requested.

      How are inflammatory cytokines and marker levels linked to reduced anabolism and immune function in non-challenged animals?

      RESPONSE: ____We do not make any claims for such links if that is what the reviewer implied. If the intent was more towards speculation, we suspect one could imagine various situations. For instance, nutrients may be more heavily used during inflammation to support immune cell responses instead of central anabolic processes in other tissues, limiting the building blocks available for tissue growth and repair. Since we do not see major changes in inflammatory cytokines, we prefer not to speculate about possible links.

      When discussing the epigenetic analysis, the authors state "no changes in the DNA methylation from liver samples.." and "groups appear younger than expected". Please clarify these statements. Additional details are needed regarding the analysis performed and the choice of methylated loci and methods. Please reference the epigenetic clock or model that was used and if was developed for the same strain and sub-strain of mice. Is it using a modified "Hovarth" mouse DNA age epigenetic clock? If so, provide the necessary details and a possible explanation for the discrepancy other than "unknown reasons"

      __RESPONSE: ____The assay is based on the "Hovarth" mouse DNA age epigenetic clock, for the strain we used (C57BL/6). We have now added a detailed description, which we received from the company, as follows (see Materials and Methods): __

      "Liver samples (~15mg) collected at euthanasia were placed in 0.75mL of 1X DNA/RNA Shield™ solution (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA), shipped to Zymo Research, and processed with DNAge® Service according to their established protocols. Briefly, after DNA extraction, the EZ DNA Methylation-Lightning Kit (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA) following the standard protocol was used for bisulfite conversion. Samples were enriched specifically for the sequencing of >1000 age-associated gene loci using Simplified Whole-panel Amplification Reaction Method (SWARM®), where specific CpGs are sequenced at minimum 1000X coverage. Sequencing was run on an Illumina NovaSeq instrument. Sequences were identified by Illumina base calling software then aligned to the reference genome using Bismark. Methylation levels for each cytosine were calculated by dividing the number of reads reporting a "c" by the number of reads reporting a "C" or "T". The percentage of methylation for these specific sequences were used to assess DNA age according to Zymo Research's proprietary DNAge® predictor which had been established using elastic net regression to determine the DNAge®."

      As for a possible explanation for the discrepancy, since all our "groups appear younger than expected," unfortunately, other than "unknown reasons," we have none to offer. Nonetheless, the critical point for this study is that we saw no diet effects, regardless of where the company's assay draws the baseline.

      Regarding Uracil misincorporation, the liver contains significant stores of folate as it is the main hub for several critical OCM reactions (Phospholipid methylation is a major one). Earlier studies used antibiotics with or without coprophagy prevention measures to induce a state of folate depletion to induce uracil incorporation in various tissues of rodent models. There is some controversy whether dietary folic acid restriction/methyl donor restriction alone will lead to uracil misincorporation when there is no apparent depletion or anemia. Please discuss your specific experimental procedures and how it agrees or disagrees with the published literature.

      __RESPONSE: We have now added the experimental details, as suggested in a previous comment. Since we do not see uracil misincorporation, we prefer not to comment on the published literature for possible links between misincorporation and anemia. __

      The section discussing RPS6 needs to be rewritten and it is difficult to understand.

      RESPONSE: We revised the text, which now reads:

      “____Immunoblot analysis of liver tissue samples gathered at the time of euthanasia revealed variability in the detected values across individual mice. When examining the male mice, we observed that, on average, those fed the F/C- diet had approximately half the amount of phosphorylated RPS6 (P-RPS6) compared to those on the F/C+ diet. However, due to high variability in the measured values, the overall differences in P-RPS6 levels between the two dietary groups did not reach statistical significance (Figure 7 - Supplement 1; p>0.05, based on the Wilcoxon rank sum test).”

      Furthermore, as stated previously, considering phosphorylation of mTOR and its downstream targets 4EBP and S6K1 will give a clear indication of proliferative signaling.

      RESPONSE:____ As we mentioned above, we have now added the suggested 4EBP experiment (see new Figure S2).

      Additionally, these pathways are impacted by feeding status, diurnal cycles, and sex. Were these factors controlled prior to sacrifice? Were the animals sacrificed at the same time? In a fed or unfed state?

      RESPONSE: The animals were sacrificed at the same time, with no feeding limitations.

      The western blots provided in supplementary files show uneven protein loading across lanes (ponceau stain). No loading control is shown such as B-actin. A separate blot is used for total and phosphorylated proteins as opposed to gently stripping the membrane of the phosphorylated bolt and re-incubating with the antibody for total. While normalizing phosphorylated to total protein levels will eliminate some of the variability in the author's method. The uneven loading may introduce errors in the calculated ratios.

      RESPONSE: The uneven loading across mouse samples is inconsequential. We report the ratio of phospho-RPS6 to the total amount of RPS6 ____within____ each mouse sample. These ratios were then compared among the different animals and diet groups. We also note that stripping could introduce other artifacts if it is not uniform across all the blot areas.

      While the authors referenced older studies utilizing low dose methotrexate on rodents and provided a composite lifespan based on these findings, why was dietary folate and choline restriction used instead of a low dose methotrexate in mice in the current study? Please provide a rationale for this approach.

      __RESPONSE: First, in the context of current folate fortification policies, we reasoned that testing dietary folate limitation late in life would be more informative. Second, three of us (M.P., B.K.K., and M.K.) proposed to the Interventions Testing Program at the National Institutes of Health to test whether low-dose methotrexate extends lifespan in mice. The proposal was accepted, and the study is ongoing (the ITP decided to test methotrexate at 0.2ppm, starting at 14 months of age; _https://www.nia.nih.gov/research/dab/interventions-testing-program-itp/supported-interventions_). __

      Minor comments:

      1. While the authors make compelling arguments that lower folate intake later in life may promote healthy aging, an important consideration in the human population that a considerable percentage of older individuals may be consuming an excessive amount of folate due the combination of fortification and voluntary supplementation. An alternate hypothesis that could apply to humans and lab models is that the existing levels of exposure to folate/folic acid may be accelerating the aging process and promoting disease in later life. __RESPONSE: Perhaps, but as we describe in the text (2nd paragraph in the introduction): __

      “...analyses ‘did not identify specific risks from existing mandatory folic acid fortification’ in the general population (Field and Stover, 2018). This conclusion neither refutes nor contradicts the idea that a moderate decrease in folic acid intake among older adults may improve healthspan. Merely because high folic acid intake does not harm the health of older adults does not negate the possibility that a lower folic acid intake might enhance health.”

      The common C57BL/6j is being referred to as the "long lived strain". Is this relative to mice in wild conditions? There are many transgenic C57bl/6 strains that live considerably longer. Please clarify if this is meant to describe the aged mice used in the experimental process.

      RESPONSE: ____This was from a comprehensive comparison of many different inbred strains. We apologize for omitting the citation, which we have now added____ (Yuan et al, 2009).

      While the authors state early in the manuscript that longevity was not a measured outcome in the mouse study, the manuscript contains statements discussing animal survival in the results and survival curves (figure 2). This gives the impression that the study was planned as a survival analysis initially and since no difference was observed between the experimental groups during the earlier stages, the secondary endpoints of health span analysis were adopted. Either approach does not detract from the significance of the study's findings. Further clarity on the approach would be beneficial to the readers.

      RESPONSE: The study was designed, and the Animal Use Protocol was institutionally approved for healthspan, not lifespan. The number of animals we used did not have sufficient power to detect lifespan differences. Note that, at least for males, very few animals had died by 120 weeks, our approved euthanasia endpoint. However, it was important to report that folate limitation did not adversely affect overall survival during the analysis time frame.

      For yeast culture conditions, what are the folate sources and content? Is there added folic acid similar to cell culture conditions where supraphysiological concentrations are used in standard mediums (RPMI and DMEM).

      RESPONSE: The yeast media we used ____were undefined (YPD, see Materials and Methods). The source of folate in this media is “yeast extract,” which is generally considered to contain very high amounts of folate (it was used decades ago to treat anemia and folate deficiency in pregnant women). Note also that, unlike animals, yeast can synthesize folate.

      In the metabolism section, the authors make statements such as "the differences were minimal" , "probably were due..", "minimal effects", "apparent increase", "tended to be", "little uracil" etc.. please refrain from using subjective language and use precise scientific terms.

      RESPONSE: Please see our earlier response to this comment.

      Figure 2-c, there is a typo, Weeks not months

      RESPONSE: Corrected. Thank you!

      ** Referees cross-commenting**

      while we generally agree with the other reviewer's concerns, we find that reviewer 3 rejection of the authors conclusion without considering the evidence presented in the context of what is currently known in the field potentially limiting. Multiple groups have shown that manipulation of OCM enzymes (DHFR, TYMS, SAMS) can extend lifespan in worms. the recent report Antebi's group (Annibal et al. Nature Com, 2021) provides strong evidence that OCM is central to longevity regulation in worms and mice and that folate intake can interact with and modulate organismal longevity. while this manuscript findings are not conclusive, I think it is premature to dismiss it completely. perhaps the alternative is to discuss the limitations of this approach and interpret the results (or the lack of significant differences) in order to help guide future research into this important subject. generalizing rodent results to human is always going to be a limiting factor in this type of work. Mice have significantly higher circulating folate. additionally, DHFR activity (the rate limiting enzyme in folate OCM) in rodents can be up to 100 times higher than its human equivalent. another consideration is that mice, similar to other rodents, engage in coprophagy, thereby recycling and supplementing bacterially produced folate in the absence of antibiotics in the diet. Therefore, mice placed of dietary folate restriction in the absence of antibiotics do not develop signs of anemia or deficiency. Therefore, it could be argued that there is no loss of nutrients in mice in this scenario and that supplementation at the arbitrarily recommended level of synthetic folic acid (2mg/kg day) or higher could impact health and aging. Similarly , in humans excess folate intake has been controversially associated with a number of deleterious health effects. It is important not to dismiss these reports and encourage further research into this subject that impacts a significant percentage of the human population due to the widespread use of supplements.

      RESPONSE: We thank the reviewers for their evaluation of the work we presented. We have also added the following in the discussion, expanding the limitations of the study:

      “Since mice engage in coprophagy, microbiome contributions to folate metabolism are bound to be substantial in this species. There are also significant differences in folate status between mice and people. For example, people have lower levels (~10-15 ng/mL) of serum folate than mice (Bailey et al., 2015), and the activity of DHFR, an enzyme essential for maintaining tetrahydrofolate pools -the folate form used in 1C reactions, maybe only 2% of that in rodents (Bailey and Ayling, 2009). Hence, mice are likely more refractory to a low folate dietary intake.”

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):


      A major strength of this study is that the authors show that manipulation of OCM either through pharmacological inhibition or dietary restriction can impact organismal longevity in a conserved manner across species from yeast to worms and mammals. These findings provide compelling evidence that folate intake and metabolism in humans should be rigorously researched as potential regulator of aging. These findings complement and agree with a recent report by Antebi's group (Annibal et al. Nature Com, 2021) highlighting that long-lived worm and mice strains exhibit similar metabolic regulation of one carbon metabolism. In the same report low levels of folate supplementation partially or completely abrogated the lifespan extension in some models. This study provides additional evidence that restricting OCM through drugs or dietary restriction can significantly impact healthspan and lifespan. Additionally, it raises the question whether excessive folate intake in aged adults may have potentially deleterious effects on health and longevity. The limitations of this study can be seen in the overall lack of significant impact of the dietary intervention on the health metrics that were measured in mice. The study does not provide strong evidence that restricting folate and choline intake will produce favorable effects on health. Similarly, no significant impact on mice lifespan was observed based on the partial lifespan analysis. Further clarity is needed regarding the experimental procedures and methods used. The study, nonetheless, is an important step towards investigating the role of folate and OCM in regulating mammalian healthspan and lifespan. Future studies can expand on these findings and investigate whether OCM interventions that are started in early life can produce significant and measurable effects on longevity and health in mammals. The findings here provide a conceptual and incremental advance in our understanding of these complex interactions.

      These findings are important to the research communities especially in the areas of longevity, metabolism, and nutrition.

      RESPONSE: We appreciate the recognition of our work's significance in furthering understanding of longevity, metabolism, and nutrition. We would also like to stress that this study is not an incremental advance. We believe our study's focus on dietary folate limitation ____in aged mice____ represents a novel and more radical contribution, considering the lack of prior research in this specific context, underscoring the distinctiveness and importance of our findings.


      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: In this manuscript they investigate whether disruption of the folate cycle can slow ageing/improve health in yeast, worms and mice. There are a few experiments in yeast and C. elegans but the rest is a meta analysis of some old data on folate-deprived mice and their own study of mice on a diet with and without folic acid and choline. The find that various interventions of the folate cycle extend lifespan in yeast and worms, that the old study suggest mice live longer without folic acid supplementation and that there is no change to healthspan with mice without folic acid and choline in the diet late in life and that these mice show some positive benefits. Analysis of the microbiome and the transcriptomics suggest small changes to the microbiota and changes in gene expression. Overall the authors conclude that biosynthetic processes have been inhibited without negative effects on healthspan.

      Major comments

      1. The two worm lifespan experiments in Fig 1 show very different controls despite the methods stating that the conditions were the same. Controls can vary from one experiment to another but the difference is striking. It would be good to have supplementary data about the number of repeats and other data about these experiments. RESPONSE: We also noted the difference. However, we believe our conclusions are valid and robust because we used only experiment-matched controls for each comparison. We now describe in detail how the experiments were done (see revised Materials and Methods). Lastly, the two compounds were tested years apart from different individuals, and the different lifespans of the controls could arise from differences in the media batches, temperature control, etc.

      The diet lack folic acid and choline yet the conclusions are only about folate. The choline aspect of the diet needs to be acknowledged as a potential factor.

      RESPONSE: As we mentioned above, we have now added this information (see Material and Methods):

      “We note that when designing experiments to assess the consequences of folate limitation, it is common to control both folate and choline intake to ensure that the observed effects are due to the restriction of folate (Beaudin et al., 2011) because the presence of choline can mask the effects of folate deficiency. Choline can be oxidized to betaine, which provides methyl groups for converting homocysteine to methionine, independent of the folate cycle. Choline can also be incorporated into phosphatidylcholine, a major methyl ‘sink’ in the cell, through the Kennedy pathway. Lastly, we did not use any antibiotics to interfere with the microbiome nor wire bottom cages to eliminate coprophagy. Wire bottom cages were used only in the metabolic chamber experiments.”

      The authors argue that the effects on the mice are not mediated effects on the diet by the microbiome because there is not a statistical effect on diversity. However they do show a clear difference at the metagenomic level that fits with a metabolic difference. It also ignores work in C. elegans showing that inhibition of bacterial folate synthesis increases lifespan, not by decreasing folate supply but because lowered bacterial folate prevents an age-accelerating activity in the bacteria (Virk et al 2016). It has also been shown that a breakdown product of folic acid can be taken up by bacteria and influence ageing (Maynard et al 2018). I do not think the evidence is strong enough to discounted that the changes seen in the mice are not mediated by microbes.

      RESPONSE: We do not state that “changes seen in the mice are not mediated by microbes”. On the contrary, we agree with the reviewer that the microbiome likely contributes significantly, and we hope this is conveyed in the text. We also agree with the references the reviewer pointed out, which we cite (see also our response to point#5 of reviewer 1).

      Minor comments

      1. It had been shown a long time ago that sams-1 mutants in C. elegans extend lifespan. MTX is likely to influence SAMS levels. This point needs to mentioned. RESPONSE: Thank you. We added the reference.

      Page - 6 "folate accelerates worm aging". This statement is not correct and is not what Virk et al 2016 suggests.

      RESPONSE: We revised it to the following: “____It has been reported that treating worms with high levels of methotrexate (220μΜ) at the adult stage did not extend their lifespan ____(Virk et al., 2016)____”.

      Page 7. "at 100μM, a dose similar to the one used in mice with metabolic syndrome (Asby et al., 2015)." It's not valid to compare the concentration of a drug in the media in a C. elegans experiment to a dose given to mice.

      RESPONSE: We appreciate the reviewer's point on comparing drug dosages across species. The intention was to provide a reference point for the concentration used rather than suggesting a direct equivalence with outcomes. We recognize the complexities of cross-species dosage comparisons and have amended the text to clarify that the mention of dosage is for contextual purposes only.

      ** Referees cross-commenting**

      I would like to add that it is important to consider whether there are in fact negative effects of folic acid given in later life and this is one of the only studies that addresses this question in a mammalian model, and thus needs to be reported, once the issues raised have been addressed.

      __RESPONSE: As we mentioned in a comment from reviewer 1 and describe in the text (2nd paragraph in the introduction): __

      “...analyses ‘did not identify specific risks from existing mandatory folic acid fortification’ in the general population (Field and Stover, 2018). This conclusion neither refutes nor contradicts the idea that a moderate decrease in folic acid intake among older adults may improve healthspan. Merely because high folic acid intake does not harm the health of older adults does not negate the possibility that a lower folic acid intake might enhance health.”

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The main strength of this manuscript is that it examines the effect of mice given a folate and choline deficient diet late in life and finds mostly positive effects. This finding challenges the dogma that folate


      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Blank/Polymenis and colleagues explore how reduced folate metabolism impacts aging. While folate supplementation is known to benefit the development and health of young people, little is known about the impact of this substrate at advanced ages. The paper consists of two parts: 1) blocking folate metabolism in yeast and C. elegans while measuring lifespan (reproductive or age of death); 2) measuring a vast array of traits in mice where folate (and choline) is removed from the diet starting at age 1 year. The second approach is most central to the paper's theme, and the authors conclude their 'data raise the exciting possibility that ... reduced folate intake later in life might be beneficial." However, I do accept this conclusion. Instead, the overwhelming fact is that there were no changes in any phenotype due to the absence of F/C in the older animals. Loss of this nutrient is neutral, although perhaps bad for the kidney. In my view, the authors misinterpret their very basic results: loss of dietary folate has no impact on aged mice (one strain, at that). And there is no way to generalize this simple conclusion to humans.

      RESPONSE: ____We respectfully disagree with the reviewer's assessment of our study's conclusions and its significance. With the primary focus on evaluating the effects of reduced folate intake in aged mice, we explored a comprehensive range of healthspan markers and molecular analyses. Contrary to the reviewer's assertion, our data demonstrate significant outcomes such as altered body weight and metabolic parameters in mice subjected to folate restriction, along with insights into molecular changes indicative of lower anabolism.

      The reviewer's interpretation that folate limitation has no observable impact on aged mice overlooks the nuanced findings presented in our study. While acknowledging the neutral effects observed in some phenotypes, we contend that our results collectively contribute to a deeper understanding of the implications of late-life folate restriction. It is unwarranted to dismiss these findings.

      Generalizing findings from model systems to humans is indeed complex, as noted by the reviewer. However, our study, alongside existing literature, provides valuable insights that warrant consideration and further exploration. We stand by the rigor of our methodology, the diversity of data presented, and the significance of our results in enhancing knowledge on the impact of folate metabolism in aging models.

      There are other issues throughout the work that need to be addressed but given weakness on its key argument, I will not elaborate these points.

      __RESPONSE: Since the reviewer offered no specifics on “other issues,” we cannot respond. We hope, however, that we have addressed them in our response to the other reviewers’ comments. __

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      Blank/Polymenis and colleagues explore how reduced folate metabolism impacts aging. While folate supplementation is known to benefit the development and health of young people, little is known about the impact of this substrate at advanced ages.

      RESPONSE: ____We concur with the reviewer's observation regarding the knowledge gap surrounding the impact of reduced folate metabolism on aging, particularly in advanced stages of life, which ____is why our study significantly contributes to the field. As we mentioned above, not only do we report that some healthspan metrics were improved in folate-limited animals (e.g., body weight, improved metabolic plasticity), but our study also offers for the first time a comprehensive biomarker analysis of folate limitation late in life (e.g., metabolite and mRNAs changes associated with lower anabolism, lower IGF1 levels in females). ____This original contribution enhances our understanding of the complex interplay between folate metabolism and aging.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Blank/Polymenis and colleagues explore how reduced folate metabolism impacts aging. While folate supplementation is known to benefit the development and health of young people, little is known about the impact of this substrate at advanced ages. The paper consists of two parts: 1) blocking folate metabolism in yeast and C. elegans while measuring lifespan (reproductive or age of death); 2) measuring a vast array of traits in mice where folate (and choline) is removed from the diet starting at age 1 year. The second approach is most central to the paper's theme, and the authors conclude their 'data raise the exciting possibility that ... reduced folate intake later in life might be beneficial." However, I do accept this conclusion. Instead, the overwhelming fact is that there were no changes in any phenotype due to the absence of F/C in the older animals. Loss of this nutrient is neutral, although perhaps bad for the kidney. In my view, the authors misinterpret their very basic results: loss of dietary folate has no impact on aged mice (one strain, at that). And there is no way to generalize this simple conclusion to humans. There are other issues throughout the work that need to be addressed but given weakness on its key argument, I will not elaborate these points.


      Blank/Polymenis and colleagues explore how reduced folate metabolism impacts aging. While folate supplementation is known to benefit the development and health of young people, little is known about the impact of this substrate at advanced ages.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: In this manuscript they investigate whether disruption of the folate cycle can slow ageing/improve health in yeast, worms and mice. There are a few experiments in yeast and C. elegans but the rest is a meta analysis of some old data on folate-deprived mice and their own study of mice on a diet with and without folic acid and choline. The find that various interventions of the folate cycle extend lifespan in yeast and worms, that the old study suggest mice live longer without folic acid supplementation and that there is no change to healthspan with mice without folic acid and choline in the diet late in life and that these mice show some positive benefits. Analysis of the microbiome and the transcriptomics suggest small changes to the microbiota and changes in gene expression. Overall the authors conclude that biosynthetic processes have been inhibited without negative effects on healthspan.

      Major comments

      1. The two worm lifespan experiments in Fig 1 show very different controls despite the methods stating that the conditions were the same. Controls can vary from one experiment to another but the difference is striking. It would be good to have supplementary data about the number of repeats and other data about these experiments.
      2. The diet lack folic acid and choline yet the conclusions are only about folate. The choline aspect of the diet needs to be acknowledged as a potential factor.
      3. The authors argue that the effects on the mice are not mediated effects on the diet by the microbiome because there is not a statistical effect on diversity. However they do show a clear difference at the metagenomic level that fits with a metabolic difference. It also ignores work in C. elegans showing that inhibition of bacterial folate synthesis increases lifespan, not by decreasing folate supply but because lowered bacterial folate prevents an age-accelerating activity in the bacteria (Virk et al 2016). It has also been shown that a breakdown product of folic acid can be taken up by bacteria and influence ageing (Maynard et al 2018). I do not think the evidence is strong enough to discounted that the changes seen in the mice are not mediated by microbes.

      Minor comments

      1. It had been shown a long time ago that sams-1 mutants in C. elegans extend lifespan. MTX is likely to influence SAMS levels. This point needs to mentioned.
      2. Page - 6 "folate accelerates worm aging". This statement is not correct and is not what Virk et al 2016 suggests.
      3. Page 7. "at 100μM, a dose similar to the one used in mice with metabolic syndrome (Asby et al., 2015)." It's not valid to compare the concentration of a drug in the media in a C. elegans experiment to a dose given to mice.

      ** Referees cross-commenting**

      I would like to add that it is important to consider whether there are in fact negative effects of folic acid given in later life and this is one of the only studies that addresses this question in a mammalian model, and thus needs to be reported, once the issues raised have been addressed.


      The main strength of this manuscript is that it examines the effect of mice given a folate and choline deficient diet late in life and finds mostly positive effects. This finding challenges the dogma that folate

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: the work presented by the authors detail how pharmacological inhibition of the rate limiting one carbon metabolic enzyme DHFR by the drug methotrexate increases the lifespan of yeast and worms. Furthermore, placing aged mice on dietary folate and choline restriction potentially enhanced metabolic plasticity but did not significantly increase lifespan with sex specific differences observed. The findings in this manuscript are very interesting and important to our understanding of the conserved mechanisms that regulate longevity through one carbon metabolism. This is especially significant in light of the current folate intake and supplementation in the adult human population. The manuscript, however, requires major revisions. Please see comments below for details.

      Major comments:

      1. The overall tone in this manuscript is colloquial and conversational in nature. A third person academic style and tone, while avoiding the use of subjective descriptive terms would improve the quality of this text. Using terms such as "appeared less diverse", "results are remarkable ...strikingly more pronounced", "possibly positive outcomes" , "appear younger...for unknown reasons", "little Uracil", "tended to be higher", "roughly proportional", "slightly higher", "as a rough readout", and many other examples from the text should not be used in a scientific manuscript. The language should be academic, scientific, precise, and non-ambiguous. A thorough revision of the manuscript with substantial changes to the language and tone is necessary prior to publication.
      2. In the results section, we find multiple instances where the results are interpreted and extensively discussed. This should be reserved for the discussion section. The results section should be used to simply report the findings in a detailed manner.
      3. The materials and methods section is severely lacking in details in some areas. For example, no details were provided regarding how the worm lifespans were conducted and previous work of collaborators were referenced instead. Important details such as worm numbers, biological and technical replicates, solid agar vs liquid culture, temperature, use of FUdR, antibiotics, transfer frequency, methods of scoring, etc... are lacking. Other details such as the preparation of the plates (Was MTX incorporated into the agar, seeded with the bacterial lawn, or liquid culture was used), storage conditions, age of the plates when lifespan started, how was the UV killing of the lawn verified etc... many other methods subsections lack crucial details. Please carefully review the methodology and include sufficient pertinent details.
      4. In the worms, interventions that impact germline proliferation can extend lifespan. Methotrexate is known to impact germline proliferation and can lead to toxic developmental effects and germline arrest. Was fecundity impacted by methotrexate using the dosages found to extend lifespan?
      5. The authors stated that UV killed bacteria was used in the worm experiments but did not provide the reasoning for it. Virk had concluded that reduced bacterial pathogenicity is responsible for the lifespan extension and not the worm's OCM. How does your work agree with or refute these previous findings?
      6. The authors state that AICAR (100 uM administration to the worms (no experimental details were given) increases their lifespan and concluded that this is proof that manipulation of 1C metabolism promotes longevity. There are 2 concerns here; first, AMPK activation leads to inhibition of TOR and that has been shown to promote longevity in multiple models. While we agree that a significant crosstalk between TOR and OCM exists, this experiment does not necessarily contribute to the argument that the authors are making. Second, it has been established by multiple groups that inhibition (RNAi and pharmacological) of DHFR1, TYMS1, SAMS1 and possibly other OCM enzymes leads to lifespan extension in worms. These findings provide stronger evidence that OCM regulates organismal longevity.
      7. In the mouse study, the authors do not provide a rationale on why a folate and choline deficient diet was adopted as opposed to only a folate deficient diet. Additionally, we assume that the diets did not contain antibiotics (succinyl sulfathiazole) to reduce microbiome folate production since it was not mentioned. Where wire bottom cages used to eliminate coprophagy? Were there any significant differences between male and female serum folate levels that could have contributed to the endpoints. Was only a subset of samples assayed for total folate? (fig 2b shows a possible n of 6 per group?). If no antibiotics and no wire bottom cages were used, mice can maintain adequate folate levels from coprophagy without developing signs of anemia. Please discuss these details as it helps clarify the conditions used.
      8. There are instances in the results section where statements were made implying that there are differences observed "slightly higher", "negative association" when it is not statistically significant. There can be either statistically significant differences/correlation or not. please be precise in your wording.
      9. Graying was observed less significantly in the F/C- group according to the authors. However, no quantitative assessment was made, and it is merely observational. Inference to inhibition of mTOR was made, but mTOR protein and phosphorylation levels were not performed. The authors did perform western blotting on ribosomal S6 protein, however no assessment of the downstream mTOR targets P70S6k1 and 4EBP are shown.
      10. Can the change in RER in F/C- mice compared to controls be explained by the increased adiposity in these animals?
      11. How was the microbiome normalized between groups prior to the beginning of the experiment? (fecal slurry gavage, bedding exchange, cohabitation, none of the above?). There is no mention of this crucial step in the materials and methods section. Furthermore, additional details regarding the microbiome analysis are required (analysis pipeline, read depth, denoising, software, data processing, PCA analysis, etc...). it is not sufficient to state that Zymo performed the analysis. What is an "easily distinguishable gut microbiome" and "appeared less diverse"? a two-dimensional plot using two principal components would be more suitable for image 5A and allow for better visualization of the clustering of the groups. Since the authors suggest that the microbiome could be a source of 1C metabolites (including natural folate), it is important to clarify if coprophagy is involved.
      12. How are inflammatory cytokines and marker levels linked to reduced anabolism and immune function in non-challenged animals?
      13. When discussing the epigenetic analysis, the authors state "no changes in the DNA methylation from liver samples.." and "groups appear younger than expected". Please clarify these statements. Additional details are needed regarding the analysis performed and the choice of methylated loci and methods. Please reference the epigenetic clock or model that was used and if was developed for the same strain and sub-strain of mice. Is it using a modified "Hovarth" mouse DNA age epigenetic clock? If so, provide the necessary details and a possible explanation for the discrepancy other than "unknown reasons"
      14. Regarding Uracil misincorporation, the liver contains significant stores of folate as it is the main hub for several critical OCM reactions (Phospholipid methylation is a major one). Earlier studies used antibiotics with or without coprophagy prevention measures to induce a state of folate depletion to induce uracil incorporation in various tissues of rodent models. Theres is some controversy whether dietary folic acid restriction/methyl donor restriction alone will lead to uracil misincorporation when there is no apparent depletion or anemia. Please discuss your specific experimental procedures and how it agrees or disagrees with the published literature.
      15. The section discussing RPS6 needs to be rewritten and it is difficult to understand. Furthermore, as stated previously, considering phosphorylation of mTOR and its downstream targets 4EBP and S6K1 will give a clear indication of proliferative signaling. Additionally, these pathways are impacted by feeding status, diurnal cycles, and sex. Were these factors controlled prior to sacrifice? Where the animals sacrificed at the same time? In a fed or unfed state?
      16. The western blots provided in supplementary files show uneven protein loading across lanes (ponceau stain). No loading control is shown such as B-actin. A separate blot is used for total and phosphorylated proteins as opposed to gently stripping the membrane of the phosphorylated bolt and re-incubating with the antibody for total. While normalizing phosphorylated to total protein levels will eliminate some of the variability in the author's method. The uneven loading may introduce errors in the calculated ratios.
      17. While the authors referenced older studies utilizing low dose methotrexate on rodents and provided a composite lifespan based on these findings, why was dietary folate and choline restriction used instead of a low dose methotrexate in mice in the current study? Please provide a rationale for this approach.

      Minor comments:

      1. While the authors make compelling arguments that lower folate intake later in life may promote healthy aging, an important consideration in the human population that a considerable percentage of older individuals may be consuming an excessive amount of folate due the combination of fortification and voluntary supplementation. An alternate hypothesis that could apply to humans and lab models is that the existing levels of exposure to folate/folic acid may be accelerating the aging process and promoting disease in later life.
      2. The common C57BL/6j is being referred to as the "long lived strain". Is this relative to mice in wild conditions? There are many transgenic C57bl/6 strains that live considerably longer. Please clarify if this is meant to describe the aged mice used in the experimental process.
      3. While the authors state early in the manuscript that longevity was not a measured outcome in the mouse study, the manuscript contains statements discussing animal survival in the results and survival curves (figure 2). This gives the impression that the study was planned as a survival analysis initially and since no difference was observed between the experimental groups during the earlier stages, the secondary endpoints of health span analysis were adopted. Either approach does not detract from the significance of the study's findings. Further clarity on the approach would be beneficial to the readers.
      4. For yeast culture conditions, what are the folate sources and content? Is there added folic acid similar to cell culture conditions where supraphysiological concentrations are used in standard mediums (RPMI and DMEM).
      5. In the metabolism section, the authors make statements such as "the differences were minimal" , "probably were due..", "minimal effects", "apparent increase", "tended to be", "little uracil" etc.. please refrain from using subjective language and use precise scientific terms.
      6. Figure 2-c, there is a typo, Weeks not months

      ** Referees cross-commenting**

      while we generally agree with the other reviewer's concerns, we find that reviewer 3 rejection of the authors conclusion without considering the evidence presented in the context of what is currently known in the field potentially limiting. Multiple groups have shown that manipulation of OCM enzymes (DHFR, TYMS, SAMS) can extend lifespan in worms. the recent report Antebi's group (Annibal et al. Nature Com, 2021) provides strong evidence that OCM is central to longevity regulation in worms and mice and that folate intake can interact with and modulate organismal longevity. while this manuscript findings are not conclusive, I think it is premature to dismiss it completely. perhaps the alternative is to discuss the limitations of this approach and interpret the results (or the lack of significant differences) in order to help guide future research into this important subject. generalizing rodent results to human is always going to be a limiting factor in this type of work. Mice have significantly higher circulating folate. additionally, DHFR activity (the rate limiting enzyme in folate OCM) in rodents can be up to 100 times higher than its human equivalent. another consideration is that mice, similar to other rodents, engage in coprophagy, thereby recycling and supplementing bacterially produced folate in the absence of antibiotics in the diet. Therefore, mice placed of dietary folate restriction in the absence of antibiotics do not develop signs of anemia or deficiency. Therefore, it could be argued that there is no loss of nutrients in mice in this scenario and that supplementation at the arbitrarily recommended level of synthetic folic acid (2mg/kg day) or higher could impact health and aging. Similarly , in humans excess folate intake has been controversially associated with a number of deleterious health effects. It is important not to dismiss these reports and encourage further research into this subject that impacts a significant percentage of the human population due to the widespread use of supplements.


      A major strength of this study is that the authors show that manipulation of OCM either through pharmacological inhibition or dietary restriction can impact organismal longevity in a conserved manner across species from yeast to worms and mammals. These findings provide compelling evidence that folate intake and metabolism in humans should be rigorously researched as potential regulator of aging. These findings complement and agree with a recent report by Antebi's group (Annibal et al. Nature Com, 2021) highlighting that long-lived worm and mice strains exhibit similar metabolic regulation of one carbon metabolism. In the same report low levels of folate supplementation partially or completely abrogated the lifespan extension in some models. This study provides additional evidence that restricting OCM through drugs or dietary restriction can significantly impact healthspan and lifespan. Additionally, it raises the question whether excessive folate intake in aged adults may have potentially deleterious effects on health and longevity. The limitations of this study can be seen in the overall lack of significant impact of the dietary intervention on the health metrics that were measured in mice. The study does not provide strong evidence that restricting folate and choline intake will produce favorable effects on health. Similarly, no significant impact on mice lifespan was observed based on the partial lifespan analysis. Further clarity is needed regarding the experimental procedures and methods used. The study, nonetheless, is an important step towards investigating the role of folate and OCM in regulating mammalian healthspan and lifespan. Future studies can expand on these findings and investigate whether OCM interventions that are started in early life can produce significant and measurable effects on longevity and health in mammals. The findings here provide a conceptual and incremental advance in our understanding of these complex interactions.

      These findings are important to the research communities especially in the areas of longevity, metabolism, and nutrition.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reply to reviewer comments

      • *

      We extend our gratitude to the reviewers for their time and valuable feedback on our manuscript. We especially appreciate the insightful suggestions that have significantly contributed to refining our work and elucidating our findings. With the revisions made to the text and the inclusion of new experimental data, we believe our manuscript now effectively addresses all reviewer comments. We eagerly await your evaluation of our revised submission.

      Small ARF-like GTPases play fundamental roles in dynamic signaling processes linked with vesicular trafficking in eukaryotes. Despite of their evolutionary conservation, there is little known about the ARF-like GTPase functions in plants. Our manuscript reports the biochemical and cell biological characterization of the small ARF-like GTPase TTN5 from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana*. Fundamental investigations like ours are mostly lacking for ARF and ARL GTPases in Arabidopsis. *

      We employed fluorescence-based enzymatic assays suited to uncover different types of the very rapid GTPase activities for TTN5. The experimental findings are now illustrated in a more comprehensive modified Figure 2 and in the form of a summary of the GTPase activities for TTN5 and its mutant variants in the NEW Figure 7A in the Discussion part. Taken together, we found that TTN5 is a non-classical GTPase based on its enzymatic kinetics. The reviewers appreciated these findings and highlighted them as being „impressive in vitro biochemical characterization" and "major conceptual advance". Since such experiments are "uncommon" for being conducted with plant GTPases, reviewers regarded this analysis as "useful addition to the plant community in general". The significance of these findings is given by the circumstance that „the ARF-like proteins are poorly addressed in Arabidopsis while they could reveal completely different function than the canonical known ARF proteins". Reviewers saw here clearly a "strength" of the manuscript.

      With regard to the cell biological investigation and initial assessment of cell physiological roles of TTN5, we now provide requested additional evidence. First of all, we provide NEW data on the localization of TTN5 by immunolocalization using a complementing HA3-TTN5 construct, supporting our initial suggestions that TTN5 may be associated with vesicles and processes of the endomembrane system. The previous preprint version had left the reviewers „less convinced" of cell biological data due to the lack of complementation of our YFP-TTN5 construct, lack of Western blot data and the low resolution of microscopic images. We fully agree that these points were of concern and needed to be addressed. We have therefore intensively worked on these „weaknesses" and present now a more detailed whole-mount immunostaining series with the complementing HA3-TTN5 transgenic line (NEW Figure 4, NEW Figure 3P), Western blot data (NEW Supplementary Figures S7C and D), and we will provide all original images upon publication of our manuscript at BioImage Archives which will provide the high quality for re-analysis. BioImage Archives is an online storage for biological image data associated with a peer-reviewed publication. This way, readers will be able to inspect each image in detail. The immunolocalization data are of particular importance as they indicate that HA3-TTN5 can be associated with punctate vesicle structures and BFA bodies as seen with YFP studies of YFP-TTN5 seedlings. We have re-phrased very carefully and emphasized those localization patterns which are backed up by immunostaining and YFP fluorescence detection of YFP-TTN5 signals. To improve the comprehension, the findings are summarized in a schematic overview in NEW Figure 7B of the Discussion. We have also addressed all other comments related to the cell biological experiments to "provide the substantial improvement" that had been requested. We emphasize that we found two cell physiological phenotypes for the TTN5T30N mutant. YFP-TTN5T30N confers phenotypes, which are differing mobility of the fluorescent vesicles in the epidermis of hypocotyls (see Video material and NEW Supplementary Video Material S1M-O), and a root growth phenotype of transgenic HA3-TTN5T30N seedlings (NEW Figure 3O). We explain the cell physiological phenotypes in relation to enzymatic GTPase data. These findings convince us of the validity of the YFP-TTN5 analysis indicative of TTN5 localization.

      *We are deeply thankful to the reviewers for judging our manuscript as "generally well written", "important" and "of interest to a wide range of plant scientists" and "for scientists working in the trafficking field" as it "holds significance" and will form the basis for future functional studies of TTN5. *

      We prepared very carefully our revised manuscript in which we address all reviewer comments one by one. Please find our revision and our detailed rebuttal to all reviewer comments below. Changes in the revised version are highlighted by yellow and green color. In the "revised version with highlighted changes".

      With these adjustments, we hope that our peer-reviewed study will receive a positive response.

      We are looking forward to your evaluation of our revised manuscript and thank you in advance,


      Petra Bauer and Inga Mohr on behalf of all authors


      • *

      __Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      The manuscript from Mohr and collaborators reports the characterization of an ARF-like GTPase of Arabidopsis. Small GTPases of the ARF family play crucial role in intracellular trafficking and plant physiology. The ARF-like proteins are poorly addressed in Arabidopsis while they could reveal completely different function than the canonical known ARF proteins. Thus, the aim of the study is important and could be of interest to a wide range of plant scientists. I am impressed by the biochemical characterization of the TTN5 protein and its mutated versions, this is clearly a very nice point of the paper and allows for proper interpretations of the other results. However, I was much less convinced on the cell biology part of this manuscript and aside from the subcellular localization of the TTN5 I think the paper would benefit from a more functional angle. Below are my comments to improve the manuscript:

      1- In the different pictures and movies, TTN5 is quite clearly appearing as a typical ER-like pattern. The pattern of localization further extends to dotty-like structures and structures labeled only at the periphery of the structure, with a depletion of fluorescence inside the structure. These observations raise several points. First, the ER pattern is never mentioned in the manuscript while I think it can be clearly observed. Given that the YFP-TTN5 construct is not functional (the mutant phenotype is not rescued) the ER-localization could be due to the retention at the ER due to quality control. The HA-TTN5 construct is functional but to me its localization shows a quite different pattern from the YFP version, I do not see the ER for example or the periphery-labeled structures. In this case, it will be a crucial point to perform co-localization experiments between HA-TTN5 and organelles markers to confirm that the functional TTN5 construct is labeling the Golgi and MVBs, as does the non-functional one. I am also quite sure that a co-localization between YFP-TTN5 and HA-TTN5 will not completely match... The ER is contacting so many organelles that the localization of YFP-TTN5 might not reflects the real location of the protein.

      __Our response: __

      At first, we like to state that specific detection of intracellular localization of plant proteins in plant cells is generally technically very difficult, when the protein abundance is not overly high. In this revised version, we extended immunostaining analysis to different membrane compartments, including now immunostaining of complementing HA3-TTN5 in the absence and presence of BFA, along with immunodetection of ARF1 and FM4-64 labeling in roots (NEW Figure 3P, NEW Figure 4A, B). In the revised version, we focus the analysis and conclusions on the fluorescence patterns that overlap between YFP-TTN5 detection and HA3-TTN5 immunodetection. With this, we can be most confident about subcellular TTN5 localization. Please find this NEW text in the Result section (starting Line 323):

      „For a more detailed investigation of HA3-TTN5 subcellular localization, we then performed co-immunofluorescence staining with an Alexa 488-labeled antibody recognizing the Golgi and TGN marker ARF1, while detecting HA3-TTN5 with an Alexa 555-labeled antibody (Robinson et al. 2011, Singh et al. 2018) (Figure 4A). ARF1-Alexa 488 staining was clearly visible in punctate structures representing presumably Golgi stacks (Figure 4A, Alexa 488), as previously reported (Singh et al. 2018). Similar structures were obtained for HA3-TTN5-Alexa 555 staining (Figure 4A, Alexa 555). But surprisingly, colocalization analysis demonstrated that the HA3-TTN5-labeled structures were mostly not colocalizing and thus distinct from the ARF1-labeled ones (Figure 4A). Yet the HA3-TTN5- and ARF1-labeled structures were in close proximity to each other (Figure 4A). We hypothesized that the HA3-TTN5 structures can be connected to intracellular trafficking steps. To test this, we performed brefeldin A (BFA) treatment, a commonly used tool in cell biology for preventing dynamic membrane trafficking events and vesicle transport involving the Golgi. BFA is a fungal macrocyclic lactone that leads to a loss of cis-cisternae and accumulation of Golgi stacks, known as BFA-induced compartments, up to the fusion of the Golgi with the ER (Ritzenthaler et al. 2002, Wang et al. 2016). For a better identification of BFA bodies, we additionally used the dye FM4-64, which can emit fluorescence in a lipophilic membrane environment. FM4-64 marks the plasma membrane in the first minutes following application to the cell, then may be endocytosed and in the presence of BFA become accumulated in BFA bodies (Bolte et al. 2004). We observed BFA bodies positive for both, HA3-TTN5-Alexa 488 and FM4-64 signals (Figure 4B). Similar patterns were observed for YFP-TTN5-derived signals in YFP-TTN5-expressing roots (Figure 4C). Hence, HA3-TTN5 and YFP-TTN5 can be present in similar subcellular membrane compartments."

      We did not find evidence that HA3-TTN5 can localize at the ER using whole-mount immunostaining (NEW Figure 3P; NEW Figure 4A, B). Hence, we are careful with describing that fluorescence at the ER, as seen in the YFP-TTN5 line (Figure 3M, N) reflects TTN5 localization. We therefore do not focus the text on the ER pattern in the Result section (starting Line 295):

      „Additionally, YFP signals were also detected in a net-like pattern typical for ER localization (Figure 3M, N). (...) We also found multiple YFP bands in α-GFP Western blot analysis using YFP-TTN5 Arabidopsis seedlings. Besides the expected and strong 48 kDa YFP-TTN5 band, we observed three weak bands ranging between 26 to 35 kDa (Supplementary Figure S7C). We cannot explain the presence of these small protein bands. They might correspond to free YFP, to proteolytic products or potentially to proteins produced from aberrant transcripts with perhaps alternative translation start or stop sites. On the other side, a triple hemagglutinin-tagged HA3-TTN5 driven by the 35S promoter did complement the embryo-lethal phenotype of ttn5-1 (Supplementary Figure S7D, E). α-HA Western blot control performed with plant material from HA3-TTN5 seedlings showed a single band at the correct size, but no band that was 13 to 18 kDa smaller (Supplementary Figure S7D). (...) We did not observe any staining in nuclei or ER when performing HA3-TTN5 immunostaining (Figure 3P; Figure 4A, B), as was the case for fluorescence signals in YFP-TTN5-expressing cells. Presumably, this can indicate that either the nuclear and ER signals seen with YFP-TTN5 correspond to the smaller proteins detected, as described above, or that immunostaining was not suited to detect them. Hence, we focused interpretation on patterns of localization overlapping between the fluorescence staining with YFP-labeled TTN5 and with HA3-TTN5 immunostaining, such as the particular signal patterns in the specific punctate membrane structures."

      *And we discuss in the Discussion section (starting Line 552): *

      „We based the TTN5 localization data on tagging approaches with two different detection methods to enhance reliability of specific protein detection. Even though YFP-TTN5 did not complement the embryo-lethality of a ttn5 loss of function mutant, we made several observations that suggest YFP-TTN5 signals to be meaningful at various membrane sites. We do not know why YFP-TTN5 does not complement. There could be differences in TTN5 levels and interactions in some cell types, which were hindering specifically YFP-TTN5 but not HA3-TTN5. (...) Though constitutively driven, the YFP-TTN5 expression may be delayed or insufficient at the early embryonic stages resulting in the lack of embryo-lethal complementation. On the other hand, the very fast nucleotide exchange activity may be hindered by the presence of a large YFP-tag in comparison with the small HA3-tag which is able to rescue the embryo-lethality. The lack of complementation represents a challenge for the localization of small GTPases with rapid nucleotide exchange in plants. Despite of these limitations, we made relevant observations in our data that made us believe that YFP signals in YFP-TTN5-expressing cells at membrane sites can be meaningful."

      2- What are the structures with TTN5 fluorescence depleted at the center that appear in control conditions? They look different from the Golgi labeled by Man1 but similar to MVBs upon wortmannin treatment, except that in control conditions MVBs never appear like this. Are they related to any kind of vacuolar structures that would be involved in quality control-induced degradation of non-functional proteins?

      Our response:

      The reviewer certainly refers to fluorescence images from N. benthamiana leaf epidermal cells where different circularly shaped structures are visible. In these respective structures, the fluorescent circles are depleted from fluorescence in the center, e.g. in Figure 5C, YFP- fluorescent signals in TTN5T30N transformed leaf discs. We suspect that these structures can be of vacuolar origin as described for similar fluorescent rings in Tichá et al., 2020 for ANNI-GFP (reference in manuscript). The reviewer certainly does not refer to swollen MVBs that are seen following wortmannin treatment, as in Figure 5N-P, which look similar in their shape but are larger in size. Please note that we always included the control conditions, namely the images recorded before the wortmannin treatment, so that we were able to investigate the changes induced by wortmannin. Hence, we can clearly say that the structures with depleted fluorescence in the center as in Figure 5C are not wortmannin-induced swollen MVBs.To make these points clear to the reader, we added an explanation into the text (Line 385-388):

      „We also observed YFP fluorescence signals in the form of circularly shaped ring structures with a fluorescence-depleted center. These structures can be of vacuolar origin as described for similar fluorescent rings in Tichá et al. (2020) for ANNI-GFP."

      3- The fluorescence at nucleus could be due to a proportion of YFP-TTN5 that is degraded and released free-GFP, a western-blot of the membrane fraction vs the cytosolic fraction could help solving this issue.

      Our response:

      In an α-GFP Western blot using YFP-TTN5 Arabidopsis seedlings, we detected besides the expected and strong 48 kDa YFP-TTN5 band, three additional weak bands ranging between 26 to 35 kDa (NEW Supplementary Figure S7C). We cannot explain the presence of these small protein bands. They might correspond to free YFP, to proteolytic products or potentially to proteins expressed from aberrant transcripts. α-HA Western blot controls performed with plant material from HA3-TTN5 seedlings showed a single band at the correct size (Supplementary Figure S7D). We must therefore be cautious about nuclear TTN5 localization and we rephrased the text carefully (starting Line 300):

      „We also found multiple YFP bands in α-GFP Western blot analysis using YFP-TTN5 Arabidopsis seedlings. Besides the expected and strong 48 kDa YFP-TTN5 band, we observed three weak bands ranging between 26 to 35 kDa (Supplementary Figure S7C). We cannot explain the presence of these small protein bands. They might correspond to free YFP, to proteolytic products or potentially to proteins produced from aberrant transcripts with perhaps alternative translation start or stop sites. On the other side, a triple hemagglutinin-tagged HA3-TTN5 driven by the 35S promoter did complement the embryo-lethal phenotype of ttn5-1 (Supplementary Figure S7D, E). α-HA Western blot control performed with plant material from HA3-TTN5 seedlings showed a single band at the correct size, but no band that was 13 to 18 kDa smaller (Supplementary Figure S7D). (...) We did not observe any staining in nuclei or ER when performing HA3-TTN5 immunostaining (Figure 3P; Figure 4A, B), as was the case for fluorescence signals in YFP-TTN5-expressing cells. Presumably, this can indicate that either the nuclear and ER signals seen with YFP-TTN5 correspond to the smaller proteins detected, as described above, or that immunostaining was not suited to detect them. Hence, we focused interpretation on patterns of localization overlapping between the fluorescence staining with YFP-labeled TTN5 and with HA3-TTN5 immunostaining, such as the particular signal patterns in the specific punctate membrane structures."

      4- It is not so easy to conclude from the co-localization experiments. The confocal pictures are not always of high quality, some of them appear blurry. The Golgi localization looks convincing, but the BFA experiments are not that clear. The MVB localization is pretty convincing but the images are blurry. An issue is the quantification of the co-localizations. Several methods were employed but they do not provide consistent results. As for the object-based co-localization method, the authors employ in the text co-localization result either base on the % of YFP-labeled structures or the % of mCherry/mRFP-labeled structures, but the results are not going always in the same direction. For example, the proportion of YFP-TTN5 that co-localize with MVBs is not so different between WT and mutated version but the proportion of MVBs that co-localize with TTN5 is largely increased in the Q70L mutant. Thus it is quite difficult to interpret homogenously and in an unbiased way these results. Moreover, the results coming from the centroid-based method were presented in a table rather than a graph, I think here the authors wanted to hide the huge standard deviation of these results, what is the statistical meaning of these results?

      Our response:

      First of all, we like to point out that, as explained above, the BFA experiments are now more clear. We performed additional BFA treatment coupled with immunostaining using HA3-TTN5-expressing Arabidopsis seedlings and coupled with fluorescence analysis using YFP-TTN5-expressing Arabidopsis plants. In both experiments, we observed the typical BFA bodies very clearly (NEW Figure 4B, C).

      Second, we like to insist that we performed colocalization very carefully and quantified the data in three different manners. We like to state that there is no general standardized procedure that best suits the idea of a colocalization pattern. Results of colocalization are represented in stem diagrams and table format, including statistical analysis. Colocalization was carried out with the ImageJ plugin JACoP for Pearson's and Overlap coefficients and based on the centroid method. The plotted Pearson's and Overlap coefficients are presented in bar diagrams in Supplementary Figure S8A and C, including statistics. The obtained values by the centroid method are represented in table format in Supplementary Figure S8B and D, which *can be considered a standard method (see Ivanov et al., 2014). *

      Colocalization of two different fluorescence signals was performed for the two channels in a specific chosen region of interest (indicating in % the overlapping signal versus the sum of signal for each channel). The differences between the YFP/mRFP and mRFP/YFP ratios indicate that a higher percentage of ARA7-RFP signal is colocalizing with YFP-TTN5Q70L signal than with the TTN5WT or the TTN5T30N mutant form signals, while the YFP signals have a similar overlap with ARA7-positive structures. This is not a contradiction. Presumably this answers well the questions on colocalization.

      Please note that upon acceptance for publication, we will upload all original colocalization data to BioImage Archive. Hence, the high-quality data can be reanalyzed by readers.

      5- The use of FM4-64 to address the vacuolar trafficking is a hazardous, FM4-64 allows the tracking of endocytosis but does not say anything on vacuolar degradation targeting and even less on the potential function of TTN5 in endosomal vacuolar targeting. Similarly, TTN5, even if localized at the Golgi, is not necessarily function in Golgi-trafficking. __Our response: __

      *Perhaps our previous description was misleading. Thank you for pointing this out. We reformulated the text and modified the schematic representation of FM4-64 in NEW Figure 6A: *

      "(A), Schematic representation of progressive stages of FM4-64 localization and internalization in a cell. FM4-64 is a lipophilic substance. After infiltration, it first localizes in the plasma membrane, at later stages it localizes to intracellular vesicles and membrane compartments. This localization pattern reflects the endocytosis process (Bolte et al. 2004)."

      6- The manuscript lacks in its present shape of functional evidences for a role of TTN5 in any trafficking steps. I understand that the KO mutant is lethal but what are the phenotypes of the Q70L and T30N mutant plants? What is the seedling phenotype, how are the Golgi and MVBs looking like in these mutants? Do the Q70L or T30N mutants perturbed the trafficking of any cargos?

      __Our response: __

      *We agree fully that functional evidences are interesting to assign roles for TTN5 in trafficking steps. A phenotype associated with TTN5T30N and TTN5Q70L is clearly meaningful. *

      First of all, we like to emphasize that it is incorrect that the manuscript lacks functional evidences for a role of TTN5 and the two mutants. In fact, the manuscript even highlights several functional activities that are meaningful in a cellular context. These include different types of kinetic GTPase enzyme activities, subcellular localization in planta and association with different endomembrane compartments and subcellular processes such as endocytosis. We surely agree that future research can focus even more on cell physiological aspects and the physiological functions in plants to examine the proposed roles of TTN5 in intracellular trafficking steps. For such studies, our findings are the fundamental basis.

      Concerning the aspect of colocalization of the mutants with the markers we show in Figure 5C, D and G, H that YFP-TTN5T30N- and YFP-TTN5Q70L-related signals colocalize with the Golgi marker GmMan1-mCherry. Figure 5K, L and O, P show that YFP-TTN5T30N and YFP-TTN5Q70L-related signals can colocalize with the MVB marker, and this may affect relevant vesicle trafficking processes and plasma membrane protein regulation involved in root cell elongation.

      *At present, we have not yet investigated perturbed cargo trafficking. These aspects are certainly interesting but require extensive work and testing of appropriate physiological conditions and appropriate cargo targets. We discuss future perspectives in the Discussion. We agree that such functional information is of great importance, but needs to be clarified in future studies. *

      __Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): __

      In conclusion, I think this manuscript is a good biochemical description of an ARF-like protein but it would need to be strengthen on the cell biology and functional sides. Nonetheless, provided these limitations fixed, this manuscript would advance our knowledge of small GTPases in plants. The major conceptual advance of that study is to provide a non-canonical behavior of the active/inactive cycle dynamics for a small-GTPase. Of course this dynamic probably has an impact on TTN5 function and involvement in trafficking, although this remains to be fully demonstrated. Provided a substantial amount of additional experiments to support the claims of that study, this study could be of general interest for scientist working in the trafficking field.

      __Our response: __

      We thank reviewer 1 for the very fruitful comments. We hope that with the additional experiments, NEW Figures and NEW Supplementary Figures as well as our changes in the text, all comments by the reviewer have been addressed.

      __Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      The manuscript by Mohr and colleagues characterizes the Arabidopsis predicted small GTPase TITAN5 in both biochemical and cell biology contexts using in vitro and in planta techniques. In the first half of the manuscript, the authors use in vitro nucleotide exchange assays to characterise the GTPase activity and nucleotide binding properties of TITAN5 and two mutant variants of it. The in vitro data they produce indicates that TITAN5 does indeed have general GTPase and nucleotide binding capability that would be expected for a protein predicted to be a small GTPase. Interestingly, the authors show that TITAN5 favors a GTP-bound form, which is different to many other characterized GTPases that favor GDP-binding. The authors follow their biochemical characterisation of TITAN with in planta experiments characterizing TITAN5 and its mutant variants association with the plant endomembrane system, both by stable expression in Arabidopsis and transient expression in N.benthamiana.

      The strength of this manuscript is in its in vitro biochemical characterisation of TITAN5 and variants. I am not an expert on in vitro GTPase characterisation and so cannot comment specifically on the assays they have used, but generally speaking this appears to have been well done, and the authors are to be commended for it. In vitro characterisation of plant small GTPases is uncommon, and much of our knowledge is inferred for work on animal or yeast GTPases, so this will be a useful addition to the plant community in general, especially as TITAN5 is an essential gene. The in planta data that follows is sadly not as compelling as the biochemical data, and suffers from several weaknesses. I would encourage the authors to consider trying to improve the quality of the in planta data in general. If improved and then combined with the biochemical aspects of the paper, this has the potential to make a nice addition to plant small GTPase and endomembrane literature.

      The manuscript is generally well written and includes the relevant literature.

      Major issues:

      1. The authors make use of a p35s: YFP-TTN5 construct (and its mutant variants) both stably in Arabidopsis and transiently in N.benthamiana. I know from personal experience that expressing small GTPases from non-endogenous promoters and in transient expression systems can give very different results to when working from endogenous promoters/using immunolocalization in stable expression systems. Strong over-expression could for example explain why the authors see high 'cytosolic' levels of YFP-TTN5. It is therefore questionable how much of the in planta localisation data presented using p35S and expression in tobacco is of true relevance to the biological function of TITAN5. The authors do present some immunolocalization data of HA3-TTN5 in Arabidopsis, but this is fairly limited and it is very difficult in its current form to use this to identify whether the data from YFP-TTN5 in Arabidopsis and tobacco can be corroborated. I would encourage the authors to consider expanding the immunolocalization data they present to validate their findings in tobacco. __Our response: __

      We are aware that endogenous promoters may be preferred over 35S promoter. However, the two types of lines we generated with endogenous promoter did both not show fluorescent signals so that we could unfortunately not use them (not shown). Besides 35S promoter-mediated expression we were also investigating inducible expression vectors for fluorescence imaging in N. benthamiana (not shown). Both inducible and constitutive expression showed very similar expression patterns so that we chose characterizing in detail the 35S::YFP-TTN5 fluorescence in both N. bethamiana*and Arabidopsis. *

      We have expanded immunolocalization using the HA3-TTN5 line and compare it now along with YFP fluorescence signal in YFP-TTN5 seedlings (NEW Figure 3P; NEW Figure 4).

      „For a more detailed investigation of HA3-TTN5 subcellular localization, we then performed co-immunofluorescence staining with an Alexa 488-labeled antibody recognizing the Golgi and TGN marker ARF1, while detecting HA3-TTN5 with an Alexa 555-labeled antibody (Robinson et al. 2011, Singh et al. 2018) (Figure 4A). ARF1-Alexa 488 staining was clearly visible in punctate structures representing presumably Golgi stacks (Figure 4A, Alexa 488), as previously reported (Singh et al. 2018). Similar structures were obtained for HA3-TTN5-Alexa 555 staining (Figure 4A, Alexa 555). But surprisingly, colocalization analysis demonstrated that the HA3-TTN5-labeled structures were mostly not colocalizing and thus distinct from the ARF1-labeled ones (Figure 4A). Yet the HA3-TTN5- and ARF1-labeled structures were in close proximity to each other (Figure 4A). We hypothesized that the HA3-TTN5 structures can be connected to intracellular trafficking steps. To test this, we performed brefeldin A (BFA) treatment, a commonly used tool in cell biology for preventing dynamic membrane trafficking events and vesicle transport involving the Golgi. BFA is a fungal macrocyclic lactone that leads to a loss of cis-cisternae and accumulation of Golgi stacks, known as BFA-induced compartments, up to the fusion of the Golgi with the ER (Ritzenthaler et al. 2002, Wang et al. 2016). For a better identification of BFA bodies, we additionally used the dye FM4-64, which can emit fluorescence in a lipophilic membrane environment. FM4-64 marks the plasma membrane in the first minutes following application to the cell, then may be endocytosed and in the presence of BFA become accumulated in BFA bodies (Bolte et al. 2004). We observed BFA bodies positive for both, HA3-TTN5-Alexa 488 and FM4-64 signals (Figure 4B). Similar patterns were observed for YFP-TTN5-derived signals in YFP-TTN5-expressing roots (Figure 4C). Hence, HA3-TTN5 and YFP-TTN5 can be present in similar subcellular membrane compartments."

      • *

      Many of the confocal images presented are of poor quality, particularly those from N.benthamiana.

      Our response:

      All confocal images are of high quality in their original format. To make them accessible, we will upload all raw data to BioImage Archive upon acceptance of the manuscript.

      The authors in some places see YFP-TTN5 in cell nuclei. This could be a result of YFP-cleavage rather than genuine nuclear localisation of YFP-TTN5, but the authors do not present western blots to check for this.

      __Our response: __

      As described in our response to reviewer 1, comment 3, Fluorescence signals were detected within the nuclei of root cells of YFP-TTN5 plants, while immunostaining signals of HA3-TTN5 were not detected in the nucleus. In an α-GFP Western blot using YFP-TTN5 Arabidopsis seedlings, we detected besides the expected and strong 48 kDa YFP-TTN5 band, three additional weak bands ranging between 26 to 35 kDa (NEW Supplementary Figure S7C). We cannot explain the presence of these small protein bands. They might correspond to free YFP, to proteolytic products or potentially to proteins expressed from aberrant transcripts. α-HA Western blot controls performed with plant material from HA3-TTN5 seedlings showed a single band at the correct size (Supplementary Figure S7D). We must therefore be cautious about nuclear TTN5 localization and we rephrased the text carefully (starting Line 300):

      • *

      „We also found multiple YFP bands in α-GFP Western blot analysis using YFP-TTN5 Arabidopsis seedlings. Besides the expected and strong 48 kDa YFP-TTN5 band, we observed three weak bands ranging between 26 to 35 kDa (Supplementary Figure S7C). We cannot explain the presence of these small protein bands. They might correspond to free YFP, to proteolytic products or potentially to proteins produced from aberrant transcripts with perhaps alternative translation start or stop sites. On the other side, a triple hemagglutinin-tagged HA3-TTN5 driven by the 35S promoter did complement the embryo-lethal phenotype of ttn5-1 (Supplementary Figure S7D, E). α-HA Western blot control performed with plant material from HA3-TTN5 seedlings showed a single band at the correct size, but no band that was 13 to 18 kDa smaller (Supplementary Figure S7D). (...) We did not observe any staining in nuclei or ER when performing HA3-TTN5 immunostaining (Figure 3P; Figure 4A, B), as was the case for fluorescence signals in YFP-TTN5-expressing cells. Presumably, this can indicate that either the nuclear and ER signals seen with YFP-TTN5 correspond to the smaller proteins detected, as described above, or that immunostaining was not suited to detect them. Hence, we focused interpretation on patterns of localization overlapping between the fluorescence staining with YFP-labeled TTN5 and with HA3-TTN5 immunostaining, such as the particular signal patterns in the specific punctate membrane structures."

      That YFP-TTN5 fails to rescue the ttn5 mutant indicates that YFP-tagged TTN5 may not be functional. If the authors cannot corroborate the YFP-TTN5 localisation pattern with that of HA3-TTN5 via immunolocalization, then the fact that YFP-TTN5 may not be functional calls into question the biological relevance of YFP-TTN5's localisation pattern.

      __Our response: __

      This refers to your comment 1, please check this comment for a detailed response. Please also see our answer to reviewer 1, comment 1.

      At first, we like to state that specific detection of intracellular localization of plant proteins in plant cells is generally technically very difficult, when the protein abundance is not overly high. In this revised version, we extended immunostaining analysis to different membrane compartments, including now immunostaining of complementing HA3-TTN5 in the absence and presence of BFA, along with immunodetection of ARF1 and FM4-64 labeling in roots (NEW Figure 3P, NEW Figure 4A, B). In the revised version, we focus the analysis and conclusions on the fluorescence patterns that overlap between YFP-TTN5 detection and HA3-TTN5 immunodetection. With this, we can be most confident about subcellular TTN5 localization. Please find this NEW text in the Result section (starting Line 323):

      „For a more detailed investigation of HA3-TTN5 subcellular localization, we then performed co-immunofluorescence staining with an Alexa 488-labeled antibody recognizing the Golgi and TGN marker ARF1, while detecting HA3-TTN5 with an Alexa 555-labeled antibody (Robinson et al. 2011, Singh et al. 2018) (Figure 4A). ARF1-Alexa 488 staining was clearly visible in punctate structures representing presumably Golgi stacks (Figure 4A, Alexa 488), as previously reported (Singh et al. 2018). Similar structures were obtained for HA3-TTN5-Alexa 555 staining (Figure 4A, Alexa 555). But surprisingly, colocalization analysis demonstrated that the HA3-TTN5-labeled structures were mostly not colocalizing and thus distinct from the ARF1-labeled ones (Figure 4A). Yet the HA3-TTN5- and ARF1-labeled structures were in close proximity to each other (Figure 4A). We hypothesized that the HA3-TTN5 structures can be connected to intracellular trafficking steps. To test this, we performed brefeldin A (BFA) treatment, a commonly used tool in cell biology for preventing dynamic membrane trafficking events and vesicle transport involving the Golgi. BFA is a fungal macrocyclic lactone that leads to a loss of cis-cisternae and accumulation of Golgi stacks, known as BFA-induced compartments, up to the fusion of the Golgi with the ER (Ritzenthaler et al. 2002, Wang et al. 2016). For a better identification of BFA bodies, we additionally used the dye FM4-64, which can emit fluorescence in a lipophilic membrane environment. FM4-64 marks the plasma membrane in the first minutes following application to the cell, then may be endocytosed and in the presence of BFA become accumulated in BFA bodies (Bolte et al. 2004). We observed BFA bodies positive for both, HA3-TTN5-Alexa 488 and FM4-64 signals (Figure 4B). Similar patterns were observed for YFP-TTN5-derived signals in YFP-TTN5-expressing roots (Figure 4C). Hence, HA3-TTN5 and YFP-TTN5 can be present in similar subcellular membrane compartments."

      We did not find evidence that HA3-TTN5 can localize at the ER using whole-mount immunostaining (NEW Figure 3P; NEW Figure 4A, B). Hence, we are careful with describing that fluorescence at the ER, as seen in the YFP-TTN5 line (Figure 3M, N) reflects TTN5 localization. We therefore do not focus the text on the ER pattern in the Result section (starting Line 295):

      „Additionally, YFP signals were also detected in a net-like pattern typical for ER localization (Figure 3M, N). (...) We also found multiple YFP bands in α-GFP Western blot analysis using YFP-TTN5 Arabidopsis seedlings. Besides the expected and strong 48 kDa YFP-TTN5 band, we observed three weak bands ranging between 26 to 35 kDa (Supplementary Figure S7C). We cannot explain the presence of these small protein bands. They might correspond to free YFP, to proteolytic products or potentially to proteins produced from aberrant transcripts with perhaps alternative translation start or stop sites. On the other side, a triple hemagglutinin-tagged HA3-TTN5 driven by the 35S promoter did complement the embryo-lethal phenotype of ttn5-1 (Supplementary Figure S7D, E). α-HA Western blot control performed with plant material from HA3-TTN5 seedlings showed a single band at the correct size, but no band that was 13 to 18 kDa smaller (Supplementary Figure S7D). (...) We did not observe any staining in nuclei or ER when performing HA3-TTN5 immunostaining (Figure 3P; Figure 4A, B), as was the case for fluorescence signals in YFP-TTN5-expressing cells. Presumably, this can indicate that either the nuclear and ER signals seen with YFP-TTN5 correspond to the smaller proteins detected, as described above, or that immunostaining was not suited to detect them. Hence, we focused interpretation on patterns of localization overlapping between the fluorescence staining with YFP-labeled TTN5 and with HA3-TTN5 immunostaining, such as the particular signal patterns in the specific punctate membrane structures."

      *And we discuss in the Discussion section (starting Line 552): *

      „We based the TTN5 localization data on tagging approaches with two different detection methods to enhance reliability of specific protein detection. Even though YFP-TTN5 did not complement the embryo-lethality of a ttn5 loss of function mutant, we made several observations that suggest YFP-TTN5 signals to be meaningful at various membrane sites. We do not know why YFP-TTN5 does not complement. There could be differences in TTN5 levels and interactions in some cell types, which were hindering specifically YFP-TTN5 but not HA3-TTN5. (...) Though constitutively driven, the YFP-TTN5 expression may be delayed or insufficient at the early embryonic stages resulting in the lack of embryo-lethal complementation. On the other hand, the very fast nucleotide exchange activity may be hindered by the presence of a large YFP-tag in comparison with the small HA3-tag which is able to rescue the embryo-lethality. The lack of complementation represents a challenge for the localization of small GTPases with rapid nucleotide exchange in plants. Despite of these limitations, we made relevant observations in our data that made us believe that YFP signals in YFP-TTN5-expressing cells at membrane sites can be meaningful."

      • *

      Without a cell wall label/dye, the plasmolysis data presented in Figure 5 is hard to visualize.

      __Our response: __

      Figure 6E-G (previously Fig. 5) show the results of plasmolysis experiments with YFP-TTN5 and the two mutant variant constructs. It is clearly possible to observe plasmolysis when focusing on the Hechtian strands. Hechtian strands are formed due to the retraction of the protoplast as a result of the osmotic pressure by the added mannitol solution. Hechtian strands consist of PM which remained in contact with the cell wall, visible as thin filamental structures. We stained the PM and the Hechtian strands by the PM dye FM4-64. This is similary done in Yoneda et al., 2020. We could detect in the YFP-TTN5-transformed cells, colocalization with the YFP channels and the PM dye in filamental structures between two neighbouring FM4-64-labelled PMs. Although an additional labeling of the cell wall may further indicate plasmolysis, it is not needed here.

      Please consider that we will upload all original image data to BioImage Archive so that a detailed re-investigation of the images can be done.

      • *

      __Minor issues: __

      In some of the presented N.benthamiana images, it looks like YFP-TTN5 may be partially ER-localised. However, co-localisation with an ER marker is not presented.

      Our response:

      *Referring to our response to comments 1 and 3 of reviewer 2 and to comment 1 of reviewer 1: *

      We did not find evidence that HA3-TTN5 can localize at the ER using whole-mount immunostaining (NEW Figure 3P; NEW Figure 4A, B). Hence, we are careful with describing that fluorescence at the ER, as seen in the YFP-TTN5 line (Figure 3M, N) reflects TTN5 localization. We therefore do not focus the text on the ER pattern in the Result section (starting Line 295):

      „Additionally, YFP signals were also detected in a net-like pattern typical for ER localization (Figure 3M, N). (...) We also found multiple YFP bands in α-GFP Western blot analysis using YFP-TTN5 Arabidopsis seedlings. Besides the expected and strong 48 kDa YFP-TTN5 band, we observed three weak bands ranging between 26 to 35 kDa (Supplementary Figure S7C). We cannot explain the presence of these small protein bands. They might correspond to free YFP, to proteolytic products or potentially to proteins produced from aberrant transcripts with perhaps alternative translation start or stop sites. On the other side, a triple hemagglutinin-tagged HA3-TTN5 driven by the 35S promoter did complement the embryo-lethal phenotype of ttn5-1 (Supplementary Figure S7D, E). α-HA Western blot control performed with plant material from HA3-TTN5 seedlings showed a single band at the correct size, but no band that was 13 to 18 kDa smaller (Supplementary Figure S7D). (...) We did not observe any staining in nuclei or ER when performing HA3-TTN5 immunostaining (Figure 3P; Figure 4A, B), as was the case for fluorescence signals in YFP-TTN5-expressing cells. Presumably, this can indicate that either the nuclear and ER signals seen with YFP-TTN5 correspond to the smaller proteins detected, as described above, or that immunostaining was not suited to detect them. Hence, we focused interpretation on patterns of localization overlapping between the fluorescence staining with YFP-labeled TTN5 and with HA3-TTN5 immunostaining, such as the particular signal patterns in the specific punctate membrane structures."

      *And we discuss in the Discussion section (starting Line 552): *

      „We based the TTN5 localization data on tagging approaches with two different detection methods to enhance reliability of specific protein detection. Even though YFP-TTN5 did not complement the embryo-lethality of a ttn5 loss of function mutant, we made several observations that suggest YFP-TTN5 signals to be meaningful at various membrane sites. We do not know why YFP-TTN5 does not complement. There could be differences in TTN5 levels and interactions in some cell types, which were hindering specifically YFP-TTN5 but not HA3-TTN5. (...) Though constitutively driven, the YFP-TTN5 expression may be delayed or insufficient at the early embryonic stages resulting in the lack of embryo-lethal complementation. On the other hand, the very fast nucleotide exchange activity may be hindered by the presence of a large YFP-tag in comparison with the small HA3-tag which is able to rescue the embryo-lethality. The lack of complementation represents a challenge for the localization of small GTPases with rapid nucleotide exchange in plants. Despite of these limitations, we made relevant observations in our data that made us believe that YFP signals in YFP-TTN5-expressing cells at membrane sites can be meaningful."

      • *

      There is some inconsistency within the N.benthamiana images. For example, compare Figure 4C of YFP-TTN5T30N to Figure 4O of YFP-TTN5T30N. Figure 4O is presented as being significant because wortmannin-induced swollen ARA7 compartments are labelled by YFP-TTN5T30N. However, structures very similar to these can already been seen in Figure 4C, which is apparently an unrelated experiment. This, to my mind, is likely a result of the very different expression levels between different cells that can be produced by transient expression in N.benthamiana.

      __Our response: __

      Former Figure 4 is now Figure 5. As detailed in our response to comment 2 of reviewer 1:

      The reviewer certainly refers to fluorescence images from N. benthamiana leaf epidermal cells where different circularly shaped structures are visible. In these respective structures, the fluorescent circles are depleted from fluorescence in the center, e.g. in Figure 5C, YFP- fluorescent signals in TTN5T30N transformed leaf discs. We suspect that these structures can be of vacuolar origin as described for similar fluorescent rings in Tichá et al., 2020 for ANNI-GFP (reference in manuscript). The reviewer certainly does not refer to swollen MVBs that are seen following wortmannin treatment, as in Figure 5N-P, which look similar in their shape but are larger in size. Please note that we always included the control conditions, namely the images recorded before the wortmannin treatment, so that we were able to investigate the changes induced by wortmannin. Hence, we can clearly say that the structures with depleted fluorescence in the center as in Figure 5C are not wortmannin-induced swollen MVBs.To make these points clear to the reader, we added an explanation into the text (Line 385-388):

      „We also observed YFP fluorescence signals in the form of circularly shaped ring structures with a fluorescence-depleted center. These structures can be of vacuolar origin as described for similar fluorescent rings in Tichá et al. (2020) for ANNI-GFP."

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      It sems that all of the reviewers have converged on the conclusion that the in planta characterisation of TTN5 is insufficient to be of substantial interest to the field, highlighting the fact that major improvements are required to strengthen this part of the manuscript and increase its relevance.

      __Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)): __

      General assessment: the strengths of this work are in its in vitro characterisation of TITAN5, however, the in planta characterisation lacks depth.

      Significance: the in vitro characterisation of TITAN5 is commendable as such work is lacking for plant GTPases. However, the significance of the work would be boosted substantially by better in planta characterisation, which is where most the most broad interest will lie.

      My expertise: my expertise is in in planta characterisation of small GTPases and their interactors.

      __Our response: __

      We thank the reviewer for the kind evaluation of our manuscript. We are confident that the changes in the text and NEW Figures and NEW Supplementary Figures will be convincing to consider our work.

      __Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      Summary: Cellular traffic is an important and well-studied biological process in animal and plant systems. While components involved in transport are known the mechanism by which these components control activity or destination remains to be studied. A critical step in regulating traffic is proper budding and tethering of vesicles. A critical component in determining this step is a family proteins with GTPase activity, which act as switches facilitating vesicle interaction between proteins, or cytoskeleton. The current manuscript by Mohr and colleagues have characterized a small GTPase TITAN5 (TTN5) and identified two residues Gln70 and Thr30 in the protein which they propose to have functional roles. The authors catalogue the localization, GTP hydrolytic activity, and discuss putative functions of TTN5 and the mutants.

      __Major comments: __

      The core of the manuscript, which is descriptive characterization of TTN5, lies in reliably demonstrating putative roles. While the GTP hydrolysis rates are well-quantified (though the claims need to be toned down), the microscopy data especially the association of TTN5 with different endomembrane compartments is not convincing due to the quality (low resolution) of the figures submitted. The manuscript text is difficult to navigate due to repetition and inconsistency in the order that the mutants are referred. I am requesting additional experiments which should be feasible considering the authors have all the materials required to perform the experiments and obtain high-quality images which support their claims.

      In general the figure quality needs to be improved for all microscopy images. I would suggest that the authors highlight 1-2 individual cells to make their point and use the current images as supplementary to establish a broader spread. __Our response: __

      *We have worked substantially on the text and figures to make the content well comprehensive. The mutants are referred to in a consistent manner in the text and figures. We have addressed requested experiments. *

      As we pointed out in the cover letter and our responses to reviewers 1 and 2, we will upload all raw image data to BioImage Archive upon acceptance of the manuscript so that they can be re-examined without any reduction of resolution. Furthermore, we have conducted new experiments on immunolocalization of HA3-TTN5 (NEW Figure 3P, NEW Figure 4A, B). The text has been improved in several places (see highlighted changes in the manuscript and as detailed in the responses to reviewer 1. We think, this addresses well the reviewers' concerns.

      Fig. S1 lacks clarity. __Our response: __

      Supplementary Figure S1 shows TTN5 gene expression in different organs and growing stages as revealed by transcriptomic data, made available through the AtGenExpress eFB tool of the Bio-Analytic Resource for Plant Biology (BAR). The figure visualizes that TTN5 is ubiquitously expressed in different plant organs and tissues, e.g. the epidermis layers that we investigated here, and throughout development including embryo development. In accordance with the embryo-lethal phenotype, this highlights well that TTN5* is needed throughout for plant growth and it emphasizes that our investigation of TTN5 localization in epidermis cells is valid. *

      We have added a better description to the figure legend. We now also mention the respective publications from which the transcriptome data-sets are derived. The modified figure legend is:

      "Supplementary Figure S1. Visualization of TTN5 gene expression levels during plant development based on transcriptome data. Expression levels in (A), different types of aerial organs at different developmental stages; from left to right and bottom to top are represented different seed and plant growth stages, flower development stages, different leaves, vegetative to inflorescence shoot apex, embryo and silique development stages; (B), seedling root tissues based on single cell analysis represented in form of a uniform manifold approximation and projection plot; (C), successive stages of embryo development. As shown in (A) to (C), TTN5 is ubiquitously expressed in these different plant organs and tissues. In particular, it should be noted that TTN5 transcripts were detectable in the epidermis cell layer of roots that we used for localization of tagged TTN5 protein in this study. In accordance with the embryo-lethal phenotype, the ubiquitous expression of TTN5 highlights its importance for plant growth. Original data were derived from (Nakabayashi et al. 2005, Schmid et al. 2005) (A); (Ryu et al. 2019) (B); (Waese et al. 2017) (C). Gene expression levels are indicated by local maximum color code, ranging from the minimum (no expression) in yellow to the maximum (highest expression) in red."

      For the supplementary videos, it is difficult to determine if punctate structures are moving or is it cytoplasmic streaming? Could this be done with a co-localized marker? Considering that such markers have been used later in Fig. 4? __Our response: __

      We had detected movement of YFP fluorescent structures in all analyzed YFP-TTN5 plant parts except the root tip. Movement of fluorescence signals in YFP-TTN5T30N seedlings was slowed in hypocotyl epidermis cells. To answer the reviewer comment, we added three NEW supplemental videos (NEW Supplementary Video Material S1M-O) generated with all the three YFP-TTN5 constructs imaged over time in N. benthamiana leaf epidermal cells upon colocalization with the cis-Golgi marker GmMan1-mCherry as requested by the reviewer. In these NEW videos, some of *the YFP fluorescent spots seem to move together with the Golgi stacks. GmMan1 is described with a stop-and-go directed movement mediated by the actino-myosin system (Nebenführ 1999) and similarly it might be the case for YFP-TTN5 signals based on the colocalization. *

      • *

      It would be good if the speed of movement is quantified, if the authors want to retain the current claims in results and the discussion. __Our response: __

      *We describe a difference in the movement of YFP fluorescent signal for the YFP-TTN5T30N variant in the hypocotyl compared to YFP-TTN5 and YFP-TTN5Q70L. In hypocotyl cells, we could observe a slowed down or arrested movement specifically of YFP-TTN5T30N fluorescent structures, and we describe this in the Results section (Line 278-291). *

      "Interestingly, the mobility of these punctate structures differed within the cells when the mutant YFP-TTN5T30N was observed in hypocotyl epidermis cells, but not in the leaf epidermis cells (Supplementary Video Material S1E, compare with S1B) nor was it the case for the YFP-TTN5Q70L mutant (Supplementary Video Material S1F, compare with S1E)."

      *The slowed movement in the YFP-TTN5T30N mutant is well visible even without quantification. We checked that the manuscript text does not contain overstatements in this regard. *

      • *

      Fig.2 I am not sure what the unit / scale is in Fig. 2D/E if each parameter (Kon, Koff, and Kd) are individually plotted? Could the authors please clarify/simplify this panel?

      __Our response: __

      We presented kinetics for nucleotide association (kon) and dissociation (koff) and the dissociation constant (Kd) in a bar diagram for each nucleotide, mdGDP (Figure 2D) and mGppNHp (Figure 2E). We modified and relabeled the bar diagram representation. It should be now very clear which are the parameters and units. Please see also the other modified figures (NEW modified Figure 2A-H). We also modified the legend of Figure 2D and E:

      "(D-E), Kinetics of association and dissociation of fluorescent nucleotides mdGDP (D) or mGppNHp (E) with TTN5 proteins (WT, TTN5T30N, TTN5Q70L) are illustrated as bar charts. The association of mdGDP (0.1 µM) or mGppNHp (0.1 µM) with increasing concentration of TTN5WT, TTN5T30N and TTN5Q70L was measured using a stopped-flow device (see A, B; data see Supplementary Figure S3A-F, S4A-E). Association rate constants (kon in µM-1s-1) were determined from the plot of increasing observed rate constants (kobs in s-1) against the corresponding concentrations of the TTN5 proteins. Intrinsic dissociation rates (koff in s-1) were determined by rapidly mixing 0.1 µM mdGDP-bound or mGppNHp-bound TTN5 proteins with the excess amount of unlabeled GDP (see A, C, data see Supplementary Figure S3G-I, S4F-H). The nucleotide affinity (dissociation constant or Kd in µM) of the corresponding TTN5 proteins was calculated by dividing koff by kon. When mixing mGppNHp with nucleotide-free TTN5T30N, no binding was observed (n.b.o.) under these experimental conditions."

      • *

      Are panels D and E representing values for mdGDP and GppNHP? This is not very clear from the figure legend.

      __Our response: __

      Yes, Figure 2D and E represent the kon, koff and Kd values for mdGDP (Figure 2D) and mGppNHP (Figure 2E). As detailed in our previous response to comment 2a, we modified figure and figure legend to make the representation more clear.

      • *

      Fig. 3 Same comments as in para above - improve resolution fo images, concentrate on a few selected cells, if required use an inset figure to zoom-in to specific compartments. Our response:

      As detailed in our responses to reviewers 1 and 2, we will upload all original image data to BioImage Archive upon acceptance of the manuscript, so that a detailed investigation of all our images is possible without any reduction of resolution.

      Please provide the non-fluorescent channel images to understand cell topography __Our response: __

      *We presented our microscopic images with the respective fluorescent channel and for colocalization with an additional merge. We did not present brightfield images as the cell topography was already well visible by fluorescent signal close to the PM. Therefore, brightfield images would not provide any benefit. Since we will upload all original data to BioImage Archive for a detailed investigation of all our images, the data can be obtained if needed. *

      Is the nuclear localization seen in transient expression (panel L-N) an artefact? If so, this needs to be mentioned in the text. Our response:

      As explained in our responses to reviewers 1 and 2, fluorescence signals were detected within the nuclei of root cells of YFP-TTN5 plants, while immunostaining signals of HA3-TTN5 were not detected in the nucleus.

      In an α-GFP Western blot using YFP-TTN5 Arabidopsis seedlings, we detected besides the expected and strong 48 kDa YFP-TTN5 band, three additional weak bands ranging between 26 to 35 kDa (NEW Supplementary Figure S7C). We cannot explain the presence of these small protein bands. They might correspond to free YFP, to proteolytic products or potentially to proteins expressed from aberrant transcripts. α-HA Western blot controls performed with plant material from HA3-TTN5 seedlings showed a single band at the correct size (Supplementary Figure S7D). We must therefore be cautious about nuclear TTN5 localization and we rephrased the text carefully (starting Line 300):

      „We also found multiple YFP bands in α-GFP Western blot analysis using YFP-TTN5 Arabidopsis seedlings. Besides the expected and strong 48 kDa YFP-TTN5 band, we observed three weak bands ranging between 26 to 35 kDa (Supplementary Figure S7C). We cannot explain the presence of these small protein bands. They might correspond to free YFP, to proteolytic products or potentially to proteins produced from aberrant transcripts with perhaps alternative translation start or stop sites. On the other side, a triple hemagglutinin-tagged HA3-TTN5 driven by the 35S promoter did complement the embryo-lethal phenotype of ttn5-1 (Supplementary Figure S7D, E). α-HA Western blot control performed with plant material from HA3-TTN5 seedlings showed a single band at the correct size, but no band that was 13 to 18 kDa smaller (Supplementary Figure S7D). (...) We did not observe any staining in nuclei or ER when performing HA3-TTN5 immunostaining (Figure 3P; Figure 4A, B), as was the case for fluorescence signals in YFP-TTN5-expressing cells. Presumably, this can indicate that either the nuclear and ER signals seen with YFP-TTN5 correspond to the smaller proteins detected, as described above, or that immunostaining was not suited to detect them. Hence, we focused interpretation on patterns of localization overlapping between the fluorescence staining with YFP-labeled TTN5 and with HA3-TTN5 immunostaining, such as the particular signal patterns in the specific punctate membrane structures."

      Fig. 4 - In addition to the points made for Fig. 3 The authors should consider reducing gain/exposure to improve image clarity. Especially for the punctate structures, which are difficult to observe in TTN5, likely because of the cytoplasmic localization as well.

      __Our response: __

      Thank you for this comment. We record image z-stacks and represent in single z-planes. Reducing the gain to decrease the cytoplasmic signal does not increase the clarity of the punctate structures as the signal strength will become weak.. As mentioned above, we will upload all original image data to BioImage Archive for a detailed investigation of all our images without any reduction of resolution.

      • *

      Reducing Agrobacterial load could be considered. OD of 0.4 is a bit much, 0.1 or even 0.05 could be tried. If available try expression in N. tabaccum, which is more amenable to microscopy. However, this is OPTIONAL, benthamiana should suffice. __Our response: __

      Thank you for the suggestion. We are routinely using N. benthamiana leaf infiltration. When setting up this method at first, we did not observe different localization results by using different ODs of bacterial cultures. Hence, an OD600 of 0.4 is routinely used in our institute. This value is comparable with the literature although some literature reports even higher OD values for infiltration (Norkunas et al., 2018; Drapal et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2020, Davis et al., 2020; Stephenson et al., 2018).

      A standard norm now is to establish the level of colocalization is by quantifying a pearson's or Mander's correlation. Which I believe has been done in the text, I didn't find a plot representing the same? Could the data (which the authors already have) be plotted alongwith "n" as a table or graph? __Our response: __

      *Please check our response to reviewer 1, comment 4. *

      We like to insist that we performed colocalization very carefully and quantified the data in three different manners. We like to state that there is no general standardized procedure that best suits the idea of a colocalization pattern. Results of colocalization are represented in stem diagrams and table format, including statistical analysis. Colocalization was carried out with the ImageJ plugin JACoP for Pearson's and Overlap coefficients and based on the centroid method. The plotted Pearson's and Overlap coefficients are presented in bar diagrams in Supplementary Figure S8A and C, including statistics. The obtained values by the centroid method are represented in table format in Supplementary Figure S8B and D, which *can be considered a standard method (see Ivanov et al., 2014). *

      Colocalization of two different fluorescence signals was performed for the two channels in a specific chosen region of interest (indicating in % the overlapping signal versus the sum of signal for each channel). The differences between the YFP/mRFP and mRFP/YFP ratios indicate that a higher percentage of ARA7-RFP signal is colocalizing with YFP-TTN5Q70L signal than with the TTN5WT or the TTN5T30N mutant form signals, while the YFP signals have a similar overlap with ARA7-positive structures. This is not a contradiction. Presumably this answers well the questions on colocalization.

      Please note that upon acceptance for publication, we will upload all original colocalization data to BioImage Archive. Hence, the high-quality data can be reanalyzed by readers.

      The cartoons for the action of chemicals are useful, but need a bit more clarity. Our response:

      The schematic explanations of pharmacological treatments and expected outcomes are useful to readers. For a better understanding, we added additional explaining sentences to the figure legends (Figure 5E, M; Figure 6A). We also modified Figure 6A and the corresponding legend.

      "(E), Schematic representation of GmMan1 localization at the ER upon brefeldin A (BFA) treatment. BFA blocks ARF-GEF proteins which leads to a loss of Golgi cis-cisternae and the formation of BFA-induced compartments due to an accumulation of Golgi stacks up to a redistribution of the Golgi to the ER by fusion of the Golgi with the ER (Renna and Brandizzi 2020)."

      "(M), Schematic representation of ARA7 localization in swollen MVBs upon wortmannin treatment. Wortmannin inhibits phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) function leading to the fusion of TGN/EE to swollen MVBs (Renna and Brandizzi 2020)."

      "(A), Schematic representation of progressive stages of FM4-64 localization and internalization in a cell. FM4-64 is a lipophilic substance. After infiltration, it first localizes in the plasma membrane, at later stages it localizes to intracellular vesicles and membrane compartments. This localization pattern reflects the endocytosis process (Bolte et al. 2004)."

      • *

      Fig. 5 does the Q70L mutant show reduced endocytosis ?

      __Our response: __

      We have not investigated this question. As detailed in our response to reviewer 1, *we like to emphasize that we agree fully that functional evidences are interesting to assign role for TTN5 in trafficking steps. A phenotype associated with TTN5T30N and TTN5Q70L would be clearly meaningful. *

      Concerning the aspect of colocalization of the mutants with the markers we show in Figure 5C, D and G, H that YFP-TTN5T30N- and YFP-TTN5Q70L-related signals colocalize with the Golgi marker GmMan1-mCherry. Figure 5K, L and O, P show that YFP-TTN5T30N and YFP-TTN5Q70L-related signals can colocalize with the MVB marker, and this may affect relevant vesicle trafficking processes and plasma membrane protein regulation involved in root cell elongation.

      *At present, we have not yet investigated perturbed cargo trafficking. These aspects are certainly interesting but require extensive work and testing of appropriate physiological conditions and appropriate cargo targets. We discuss future perspectives in the Discussion. We agree that such functional information is of great importance, but needs to be clarified in future studies. *

      • *

      The main text needs to be organized in a way that a reader can separate what is the hypothesis/assumption from actual results and conclusions (see lines #143-149).

      Our response:

      *Thank you for this comment. We reformulated text throughout the manuscript. *

      The text is repeated in multiple places, while I understand that this is not plagiarism, the repetitiveness makes it difficult to read and understand the text. I highlight a couple of examples here, but please check the whole text thoroughly and edit/delete as necessary. a. Lines #124-125 with Lines #149-151 Lines #140-143

      __Our response: __

      *We checked the text and removed unnecessary repetitions. *

      • *

      • Could the authors elaborate on whether there are plan homologs of TTN5? Also, have other ARF/ARLs been compared to TTN5 beyond HsARF1? *

      Our response:

      Phylogenetic trees of the ARF family in Arabidopsis in comparison to human ARF family were already published by Vernoud et al. (2003). In this phylogenetic tree ARF, ARL and SAR proteins of Arabidopsis are compared with the members in humans and S. cervisiae. It is difficult to deduce whether the proteins are homologs or orthologs. In this setting, an ortholog of TTN5 may be HsARL2 followed by HsARL3. In Figure 1A we represented some human GTPases as closely related in sequence to TTN5, these are HsARL2, HsARF1 and AtARF1 since they are the best studied ARF GTPases. HRAS is a well-known member of the RAS superfamily which we used for kinetic comparison in Figure 2. We additionally compared published kinetics of RAC1, HsARF3, *CDC42, RHOA, ARF6, RAD, GEM, and RAS GTPases. *

      • *

      On a related note, a major problem I have with these kinetic values is the assumption of significance or not. For eg. Line#180 the values represent and 2 and 6-fold increase, if these numbers do not matter can a significance threshold be applied so as to understand how much fold-change is appreciable?

      Our response:

      The kinetics of TTN5 and its two mutant variants can be compared with those of other studied GTPases. To provide a basis for the statements about differences in GTPase activities, we modified the text and added respective references in the text for comparisons of fold changes.

      The new text is now as follows Line 175-231):

      „ We next measured the dissociation (koff) of mdGDP and mGppNHp from the TTN5 proteins in the presence of excess amounts of GDP and GppNHp, respectively (Figure 2C) and found interesting differences (Figure 2D, E; Supplementary Figures S3G-I, S4F-H). First, TTN5WT showed a koff value (0.012 s-1 for mGDP) (Figure 2D; Supplementary Figure S3G), which was 100-fold faster than those obtained for classical small GTPases, including RAC1 (Haeusler et al. 2006)and HRAS (Gremer et al. 2011), but very similar to the koff value of HsARF3 (Fasano et al. 2022). Second, the koffvalues for mGDP and mGppNHp, respectively, were in a similar range between TTN5WT (0.012 s-1 mGDP and 0.001 s-1mGppNHp) and TTN5Q70L (0.025 s-1 mGDP and 0.006 s-1 mGppNHp), respectively, but the koff values differed 10-fold between the two nucleotides mGDP and mGppNHp in TTN5WT (koff = 0.012 s-1 versus koff = 0.001 s-1; Figure 2D, E; Supplementary Figure S3G, I, S4F, H). Thus, mGDP dissociated from proteins 10-fold faster than mGppNHp. Third, the mGDP dissociation from TTN5T30N (koff = 0.149 s-1) was 12.5-fold faster than that of TTN5WT and 37-fold faster than the mGppNHp dissociation of TTN5T30N (koff = 0.004 s-1) (Figure 2D, E; Supplementary Figure S3H, S4G). Mutants of CDC42, RAC1, RHOA, ARF6, RAD, GEM and RAS GTPases, equivalent to TTN5T30N, display decreased nucleotide binding affinity and therefore tend to remain in a nucleotide-free state in a complex with their cognate GEFs (Erickson et al. 1997, Ghosh et al. 1999, Radhakrishna et al. 1999, Jung and Rösner 2002, Kuemmerle and Zhou 2002, Wittmann et al. 2003, Nassar et al. 2010, Huang et al. 2013, Chang and Colecraft 2015, Fisher et al. 2020, Shirazi et al. 2020). Since TTN5T30N exhibits fast guanine nucleotide dissociation, these results suggest that TTN5T30N may also act in either a dominant-negative or fast-cycling manner as reported for other GTPase mutants (Fiegen et al. 2004, Wang et al. 2005, Fidyk et al. 2006, Klein et al. 2006, Soh and Low 2008, Sugawara et al. 2019, Aspenström 2020).

      The dissociation constant (Kd) is calculated from the ratio koff/kon, which inversely indicates the affinity of the interaction between proteins and nucleotides (the higher Kd, the lower affinity). Interestingly, TTN5WT binds mGppNHp (Kd = 0.029 µM) 10-fold tighter than mGDP (Kd = 0.267 µM), a difference, which was not observed for TTN5Q70L (Kd for mGppNHp = 0.026 µM, Kd for mGDP = 0.061 µM) (Figure 2D, E). The lower affinity of TTN5WT for mdGDP compared to mGppNHp brings us one step closer to the hypothesis that classifies TTN5 as a non-classical GTPase with a tendency to accumulate in the active (GTP-bound) state (Jaiswal et al. 2013). The Kd value for the mGDP interaction with TTN5T30N was 11.5-fold higher (3.091 µM) than for TTN5WT, suggesting that this mutant exhibited faster nucleotide exchange and lower affinity for nucleotides than TTN5WT. Similar as other GTPases with a T30N exchange, TTN5T30Nmay behave in a dominant-negative manner in signal transduction (Vanoni et al. 1999).

      To get hints on the functionalities of TTN5 during the complete GTPase cycle, it was crucial to determine its ability to hydrolyze GTP. Accordingly, the catalytic rate of the intrinsic GTP hydrolysis reaction, defined as kcat, was determined by incubating 100 µM GTP-bound TTN5 proteins at 25{degree sign}C and analyzing the samples at various time points using a reversed-phase HPLC column (Figure 2F; Supplementary Figure S5). The determined kcat values were quite remarkable in two respects (Figure 2G). First, all three TTN5 proteins, TTN5WT, TTN5T30N and TTN5Q70L, showed quite similar kcatvalues (0.0015 s-1, 0.0012 s-1, 0.0007 s-1; Figure 2G; Supplementary Figure S5). The GTP hydrolysis activity of TTN5Q70L was quite high (0.0007 s-1). This was unexpected because, as with most other GTPases, the glutamine mutations at the corresponding position drastic impair hydrolysis, resulting in a constitutively active GTPase in cells (Hodge et al. 2020, Matsumoto et al. 2021). Second, the kcat value of TTN5WT (0.0015 s-1) although quite low as compared to other GTPases (Jian et al. 2012, Esposito et al. 2019), was 8-fold lower than the determined koff value for mGDP dissociation (0.012 s-1) (Figure 2E). This means that a fast intrinsic GDP/GTP exchange versus a slow GTP hydrolysis can have drastic effects on TTN5 activity in resting cells, since TTN5 can accumulate in its GTP-bound form, unlike the classical GTPase (Jaiswal et al. 2013). To investigate this scenario, we pulled down GST-TTN5 protein from bacterial lysates in the presence of an excess amount of GppNHp in the buffer using glutathione beads and measured the nucleotide-bound form of GST-TTN5 using HPLC. As shown in Figure 2H, isolated GST-TTN5 increasingly bonds GppNHp, indicating that the bound nucleotide is rapidly exchanged for free nucleotide (in this case GppNHp). This is not the case for classical GTPases, which remain in their inactive GDP-bound forms under the same experimental conditions (Walsh et al. 2019, Hodge et al. 2020)."

      Another issue with the kinetic measurements is the significance levels. Line #198-201. The three proteins are claimed to have similar values and in the nnext line, the Q70L mutant is claimed to be high.

      Our response:

      Please see our response and changes in the text according in our response to the previous comment 9. We have provided extra explanations and references to clarify why the kinetic behavior of TTN5 is unusual in several respects (Line 215-220).

      „First, all three TTN5 proteins, TTN5WT, TTN5T30N and TTN5Q70L, showed quite similar kcat values (0.0015 s-1, 0.0012 s-1, 0.0007 s-1; Figure 2G; Supplementary Figure S5). The GTP hydrolysis activity of TTN5Q70L was quite high (0.0007 s-1). This was unexpected because, as with most other GTPases, the glutamine mutations at the corresponding position drastic impair hydrolysis, resulting in a constitutively active GTPase in cells (Hodge et al. 2020, Matsumoto et al. 2021)."

      Provide data for conclusion in line#214-215

      Our response:

      We agree that a reference should be added after this sentence to make this sentence clearer (Line 228-231).

      "As shown in Figure 2H, isolated GST-TTN5 increasingly bonds GppNHp, indicating that the bound nucleotide is rapidly exchanged for free nucleotide (in this case GppNHp). This is not the case for classical GTPases, which remain in their inactive GDP-bound forms under the same experimental conditions (Walsh et al. 2019, Hodge et al. 2020)."

      • *

      How were the mutants studied here identified? random mutation or was it directed based on qualified assumptions?

      __Our response: __

      We used the T30N and the Q70L point mutations as such types of mutants had been reported to confer specific phenotypes in these well-conserved amino acid positions in multiple other small GTPases (Erickson et al. 1997, Ghosh et al. 1999, Radhakrishna et al. 1999, Jung and Rösner 2002, Kuemmerle and Zhou 2002, Wittmann et al. 2003, Nassar et al. 2010, Huang et al. 2013, Chang and Colecraft 2015, Fisher et al. 2020, Shirazi et al. 2020). In particular, these positions affect the interaction between small GTPases and their respective guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF; T30N) or on GTP hydrolysis (Q70L). We introduced the mutants and described their potential effect on the GTPase cycle in the introduction and cited exemplary literature. Please see also our response to comment 6 and the proposed text changes (Line 142-151).

      Could more simplification be provided for deifitinition of Kon/Koff values. And can these values be compared between mutants directly?

      __Our response: __

      *We introduce kon and koff in the modified Figure 2D, E, and they are described in the figure legends. Moreover, we present the data for calculations in Supplementary Figures S3, 4, where again we define the values in the respective figure legends. *

      • *

      Data provided are not convincing to claim that both the mutant forms have lower association with the Golgi.

      __Our response: __

      *Our conclusion is that both YFP-TTN5 and YFP-TTN5Q70L fluorescence signals tend to colocalize more with the Golgi-marker signals compared to YFP-TTN5T30N signals as deduced from the centroid-based colocalization method (Line 404-405). *

      "Hence, the GTPase-active TTN5 forms are likely more present at cis-Golgi stacks compared to TTN5T30N."

      The Pearson coefficients of all three YFP-TTN5 constructs were nearly identical, but we could identify differences in overlapping centers between the YFP and mCherry channel. 48 % of the GmMan1-mCherry fluorescent cis-Golgi stacks were overlapping with signal of YFP-TTN5Q70L, while for YFP-TTN5T30N an overlap of only 31 % was detected. This means that less cis*-Golgi stacks colocalized with signals in the YFP-TTN5T30N mutant than in YFP-TTN5Q70L, which is the statement in our manuscript. *

      • *

      IN general the Authors should strongly consider the claims made in the manuscript. For eg. "This study lays the foundation for studying the functional relationships of this small GTPase" (line 125) is unqualified as this is true for every protein ever studied and published. Considering that TTN was not isolated/identified in this study for the first time this claim doesn't stand.

      __Our response: __

      *We reformulated the sentence (Line 123-124). *

      "This study paves the way towards future investigation of the cellular and physiological contexts in which this small GTPase is functional."

      • *

      Line #185 - "characterestics of a dominant-negative...." What is this based on? From the text it is not clear what are the paremeters. Considering that no complementation phenotypes have been presented, this is a far-fetched claim Our response:

      Small GTPases in general are a well studied protein family and the here used mutations T30N and Q70L are conserved amino acids and commonly used for the characterization of the Ras superfamily members. We added explaining sentences with references to the text. The characteristics referred to in the above paragraph is based on the kinetic study.

      We modified the text as follows (Line 186-197 ):

      „Third, the mGDP dissociation from TTN5T30N (koff = 0.149 s-1) was 12.5-fold faster than that of TTN5WT and 37-fold faster than the mGppNHp dissociation of TTN5T30N (koff = 0.004 s-1) (Figure 2D, E; Supplementary Figure S3H, S4G). Mutants of CDC42, RAC1, RHOA, ARF6, RAD, GEM and RAS GTPases, equivalent to TTN5T30N, display decreased nucleotide binding affinity and therefore tend to remain in a nucleotide-free state in a complex with their cognate GEFs (Erickson et al. 1997, Ghosh et al. 1999, Radhakrishna et al. 1999, Jung and Rösner 2002, Kuemmerle and Zhou 2002, Wittmann et al. 2003, Nassar et al. 2010, Huang et al. 2013, Chang and Colecraft 2015, Fisher et al. 2020, Shirazi et al. 2020). Since TTN5T30N exhibits fast guanine nucleotide dissociation, these results suggest that TTN5T30N may also act in either a dominant-negative or fast-cycling manner as reported for other GTPase mutants (Fiegen et al. 2004, Wang et al. 2005, Fidyk et al. 2006, Klein et al. 2006, Soh and Low 2008, Sugawara et al. 2019, Aspenström 2020)."

      The claims in Line #224-227 are exaggerated. Please tone down or delete __Our response: __

      *We rephrased the sentence (Line 240-243). *

      "Therefore, we propose that TTN5 exhibits the typical functions of a small GTPase based on in vitro biochemical activity studies, including guanine nucleotide association and dissociation, but emphasizes its divergence among the ARF GTPases by its kinetics."

      Line#488-489 - This conclusion is not really supported. At best Authors can claim that TTN5 is associated with trafficking components, but the functional relevance of this association is not determined. Our response:

      *We toned down our statement (Line 604-608). *

      „The colocalization of FM4-64-labeled endocytosed vesicles with fluorescence in YFP-TTN5-expressing cells may indicate that TTN5 is involved in endocytosis and the possible degradation pathway into the vacuole. Our data on colocalization with the different markers support the hypothesis that TTN5 may have functions in vesicle trafficking."

      __Minor comments: __

      Line #95 - " This rolein vesicle....." - please clarify which role? Our response:

      We rephrased the sentence (Line 96-99).

      „These roles of ARF1 and SAR1 in COPI and II vesicle formation within the endomembrane system are well conserved in eukaryotes which raises the question of whether other plant ARF members are also involved in functioning of the endomembrane system."

      Line #168 - "we did not observed" please change to "not able to measure/quantify" __Our response: __

      *We changed the text accordingly (Line 169-171). *

      „A remarkable observation was that we were not able to monitor the kinetics of mGppNHp association with TTN5T30N but observed its dissociation (koff = 0.026 s-1; Figure 2E)."

      Line#179 - ARF# is human for Arabidopsis?

      Our response:

      *The study of Fasano et al., 2022 is based on human ARF3 and we added the information to the text (Line 180-181) *

      "(...) very similar to the koff value of HsARF3 (Fasano et al. 2022)."

      • *

      Line #181 - compared to what is the 10-fold difference?

      __Our response: __

      The 10-fold difference is between the nucleotides mGDP and mGppNHp, for both TTN5WT and TTN5Q70L. We added the information on specific nucleotides to this sentence for a better understanding (Line 181-185).

      „Second, the koff values for mGDP and mGppNHp, respectively, were in a similar range between TTN5WT (0.012 s-1mGDP and 0.001 s-1 mGppNHp) and TTN5Q70L (0.025 s-1 mGDP and 0.006 s-1 mGppNHp), respectively, but the koffvalues differed 10-fold between the two nucleotides mGDP and mGppNHp in TTN5WT (koff = 0.012 s-1 versus koff = 0.001 s-1; Figure 2D, E; Supplementary Figure S3G, I, S4F, H)."

      Lines #314-323 - are diffciult to understand, consider reframing. Same goes for the conclusion following these lines.

      __Our response: __

      We added an explanation to these sentences for a better understanding (Line 392-405).

      „We performed an additional object-based analysis to compare overlapping YFP fluorescence signals in YFP-TTN5-expressing leaves with GmMan1-mCherry signals (YFP/mCherry ratio) and vice versa (mCherry/YFP ratio). We detected 24 % overlapping YFP- fluorescence signals for TTN5 with Golgi stacks, while in YFP-TTN5T30N and YFP-TTN5Q70L-expressing leaves, signals only shared 16 and 15 % overlap with GmMan1-mCherry-positive Golgi stacks (Supplementary Figure S8B). Some YFP-signals did not colocalize with the GmMan1 marker. This effect appeared more prominent in leaves expressing YFP-TTN5T30N and less for YFP-TTN5Q70L, compared to YFP-TTN5 (Figure 5B-D). Indeed, we identified 48 % GmMan1-mCherry signal overlapping with YFP-positive structures in YFP-TTN5Q70L leaves, whereas 43 and only 31 % were present with YFP fluorescence signals in YFP-TTN5 and YFP-TTN5T30N-expressing leaves, respectively (Supplementary Figure S8B), indicating a smaller amount of GmMan1-positive Golgi stacks colocalizing with YFP signals for YFP-TTN5T30N. Hence, the GTPase-active TTN5 forms are likely more present at cis-Golgi stacks compared to TTN5T30N."

      Authors might consider a longer BFA treatment (3-4h) to see more clearer ER-Golgi fusion (BFA bodies)

      __Our response: __

      We perforned addtional BFA treatments for HA3-TTN5-expressing Arabidopsis seedlings followed by whole-mount immunostaining and for YFP-TTN5-expressing Arabidopsis lines. In both experiments we could obtain the typical BFA bodies. We included the NEW data in NEW Figure 4B, C

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree with both my co-reviewers that the manuscript needs substantial improvement in its cell biology based experiments and conclusions thereof. I think the concensus of all reviewers points to weakness in the in-planta experiments which needs to be addressed to understand and characterize TTN5, which is the main goal of the manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      Significance: The manuscript has general significance in understanding the role of small GTPases which are understudied. Although the manuscript does not advance the field of either intracellular trafficking or organization it holds significance in attempting to characterize proteins involved, which is a prerequisite for further functional studies.

      __Our response: __

      Thank you for your detailed analysis of our manuscript and positive assessment. Our study is an advance in the plant vesicle trafficking field.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Cellular traffic is an important and well-studied biological process in animal and plant systems. While components involved in transport are known the mechanism by which these components control activity or destination remains to be studied. A critical step in regulating traffic is proper budding and tethering of vesicles. A critical component in determining this step is a family proteins with GTPase activity, which act as switches facilitating vesicle interaction between proteins, or cytoskeleton. The current manuscript by Mohr and colleagues have characterized a small GTPase TITAN5 (TTN5) and identified two residues Gln70 and Thr30 in the protein which they propose to have functional roles. The authors catalogue the localization, GTP hydrolytic activity, and discuss putative functions of TTN5 and the mutants.

      Major comments:

      The core of the manuscript, which is descriptive characterization of TTN5, lies in reliably demonstrating putative roles. While the GTP hydrolysis rates are well-quantified (though the claims need to be toned down), the microscopy data especially the association of TTN5 with different endomembrane compartments is not convincing due to the quality (low resolution) of the figures submitted. The manuscript text is difficult to navigate due to repetition and inconsistency in the order that the mutants are referred. I am requesting additional experiments which should be feasible considering the authors have all the materials required to perform the experiments and obtain high-quality images which support their claims.

      1. In general the figure quality needs to be improved for all microscopy images. I would suggest that the authors highlight 1-2 individual cells to make their point and use the current images as supplementary to establish a broader spread.
        • a. Fig. S1 lacks clarity.
        • b. For the supplementary videos, it is difficult to determine if punctate structures are moving or is it cytoplasmic streaming? Could this be done with a co-localized marker? Considering that such markers have been used later in Fig. 4?
        • c. It would be good if the speed of movement is quantified, if the authors want to retain the current claims in results and the discussion.
      2. Fig.2
        • a. I am not sure what the unit / scale is in Fig. 2D/E if each parameter (Kon, Koff, and Kd) are individually plotted? Could the authors please clarify/simplify this panel?
        • b. Are panels D and E representing values for mdGDP and GppNHP? This is not very clear from the figure legend.
      3. Fig. 3
        • a. Same comments as in para above - improve resolution fo images, concentrate on a few selected cells, if required use an inset figure to zoom-in to specific compartments.
        • b. Please provide the non-fluorescent channel images to understand cell topography
        • c. Is the nuclear localization seen in transient expression (panel L-N) an artefact? If so, this needs to be mentioned in the text.
      4. Fig. 4 - In addition to the points made for Fig. 3
        • a. The authors should consider reducing gain/exposure to improve image clarity. Especially for the punctate structures, which are difficult to observe in TTN5, likely because of the cytoplasmic localization as well.
        • b. Reducing Agrobacterial load could be considered. OD of 0.4 is a bit much, 0.1 or even 0.05 could be tried. If available try expression in N. tabaccum, which is more amenable to microscopy. However, this is OPTIONAL, benthamiana should suffice.
        • c. A standard norm now is to establish the level of colocalization is by quantifying a pearson's or Mander's correlation. Which I believe has been done in the text, I didn't find a plot representing the same? Could the data (which the authors already have) be plotted alongwith "n" as a table or graph?
        • d. The cartoons for the action of chemicals are useful, but need a bit more clarity.
      5. Fig. 5
        • a. does the Q70L mutant show reduced endocytosis ?
      6. The main text needs to be organized in a way that a reader can separate what is the hypothesis/assumption from actual results and conclusions (see lines #143-149).
      7. The text is repeated in multiple places, while I understand that this is not plagiarism, the repetitiveness makes it difficult to read and understand the text. I highlight a couple of examples here, but please check the whole text thoroughly and edit/delete as necessary.
        • a. Lines #124-125 with Lines #149-151
        • b. Lines #140-143
      8. Could the authors elaborate on whether there are plan homologs of TTN5? Also, have other ARF/ARLs been compared to TTN5 beyond HsARF1?
      9. On a related note, a major problem I have with these kinetic values is the assumption of significance or not. For eg. Line#180 the values represent and 2 and 6-fold increase, if these numbers do not matter can a significance threshold be applied so as to understand how much fold-change is appreciable?
      10. Another issue with the kinetic measurements is the significance levels. Line #198-201. The three proteins are claimed to have similar values and in the nnext line, the Q70L mutant is claimed to be high.
      11. Provide data for conclusion in line#214-215
      12. How were the mutants studied here identified? random mutation or was it directed based on qualified assumptions?
      13. Could more simplification be provided for deifitinition of Kon/Koff values. And can these values be compared between mutants directly?
      14. Data provided are not convincing to claim that both the mutant forms have lower association with the Golgi.
      15. IN general the Authors should strongly consider the claims made in the manuscript. For eg. "This study lays the foundation for studying the functional relationships of this small GTPase" (line 125) is unqualified as this is true for every protein ever studied and published. Considering that TTN was not isolated/identified in this study for the first time this claim doesn't stand.
        • a. Line #185 - "characterestics of a dominant-negative...." What is this based on? From the text it is not clear what are the paremeters. Considering that no complementation phenotypes have been presented, this is a far-fetched claim
        • b. The claims in Line #224-227 are exaggerated. Please tone down or delete
        • c. Line#488-489 - This conclusion is not really supported. At best Authors can claim that TTN5 is associated with trafficking components, but the functional relevance of this association is not determined.

      Minor comments:

      1. Line #95 - " This rolein vesicle....." - please clarify which role?
      2. Line #168 - "we did not observed" please change to "not able to measure/quantify"
      3. Line#179 - ARF# is human for Arabidopsis?
      4. Line #181 - compared to what is the 10-fold difference?
      5. Lines #314-323 - are diffciult to understand, consider reframing. Same goes for the conclusion following these lines.
      6. Authors might consider a longer BFA treatment (3-4h) to see more clearer ER-Golgi fusion (BFA bodies)

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with both my co-reviewers that the manuscript needs substantial improvement in its cell biology based experiments and conclusions thereof. I think the concensus of all reviewers points to weakness in the in-planta experiments which needs to be addressed to understand and characterize TTN5, which is the main goal of the manuscript.


      The manuscript has general significance in understanding the role of small GTPases which are understudied. Although the manuscript does not advance the field of either intracellular trafficking or organization it holds significance in attempting to characterize proteins involved, which is a prerequisite for further functional studies.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Mohr and colleagues characterizes the Arabidopsis predicted small GTPase TITAN5 in both biochemical and cell biology contexts using in vitro and in planta techniques. In the first half of the manuscript, the authors use in vitro nucleotide exchange assays to characterise the GTPase activity and nucleotide binding properties of TITAN5 and two mutant variants of it. The in vitro data they produce indicates that TITAN5 does indeed have general GTPase and nucleotide binding capability that would be expected for a protein predicted to be a small GTPase. Interestingly, the authors show that TITAN5 favors a GTP-bound form, which is different to many other characterized GTPases that favor GDP-binding. The authors follow their biochemical characterisation of TITAN with in planta experiments characterizing TITAN5 and its mutant variants association with the plant endomembrane system, both by stable expression in Arabidopsis and transient expression in N.benthamiana.

      The strength of this manuscript is in its in vitro biochemical characterisation of TITAN5 and variants. I am not an expert on in vitro GTPase characterisation and so cannot comment specifically on the assays they have used, but generally speaking this appears to have been well done, and the authors are to be commended for it. In vitro characterisation of plant small GTPases is uncommon, and much of our knowledge is inferred for work on animal or yeast GTPases, so this will be a useful addition to the plant community in general, especially as TITAN5 is an essential gene. The in planta data that follows is sadly not as compelling as the biochemical data, and suffers from several weaknesses. I would encourage the authors to consider trying to improve the quality of the in planta data in general. If improved and then combined with the biochemical aspects of the paper, this has the potential to make a nice addition to plant small GTPase and endomembrane literature. The manuscript is generally well written and includes the relevant literature.

      Major issues:

      • The authors make use of a p35s: YFP-TTN5 construct (and its mutant variants) both stably in Arabidopsis and transiently in N.benthamiana. I know from personal experience that expressing small GTPases from non-endogenous promoters and in transient expression systems can give very different results to when working from endogenous promoters/using immunolocalization in stable expression systems. Strong over-expression could for example explain why the authors see high 'cytosolic' levels of YFP-TTN5. It is therefore questionable how much of the in planta localisation data presented using p35S and expression in tobacco is of true relevance to the biological function of TITAN5. The authors do present some immunolocalization data of HA3-TTN5 in Arabidopsis, but this is fairly limited and it is very difficult in its current form to use this to identify whether the data from YFP-TTN5 in Arabidopsis and tobacco can be corroborated. I would encourage the authors to consider expanding the immunolocalization data they present to validate their findings in tobacco.
      • Many of the confocal images presented are of poor quality, particularly those from N.benthamiana.
      • The authors in some places see YFP-TTN5 in cell nuclei. This could be a result of YFP-cleavage rather than genuine nuclear localisation of YFP-TTN5, but the authors do not present western blots to check for this.
      • That YFP-TTN5 fails to rescue the ttn5 mutant indicates that YFP-tagged TTN5 may not be functional. If the authors cannot corroborate the YFP-TTN5 localisation pattern with that of HA3-TTN5 via immunolocalization, then the fact that YFP-TTN5 may not be functional calls into question the biological relevance of YFP-TTN5's localisation pattern.
      • Without a cell wall label/dye, the plasmolysis data presented in Figure 5 is hard to visualize.

      Minor issues:

      • In some of the presented N.benthamiana images, it looks like YFP-TTN5 may be partially ER-localised. However, co-localisation with an ER marker is not presented.
      • There is some inconsistency within the N.benthamiana images. For example, compare Figure 4C of YFP-TTN5T30N to Figure 4O of YFP-TTN5T30N. Figure 4O is presented as being significant because wortmannin-induced swollen ARA7 compartments are labelled by YFP-TTN5T30N. However, structures very similar to these can already been seen in Figure 4C, which is apparently an unrelated experiment. This, to my mind, is likely a result of the very different expression levels between different cells that can be produced by transient expression in N.benthamiana.

      Referees cross-commenting

      It seems that all of the reviewers have converged on the conclusion that the in planta characterisation of TTN5 is insufficient to be of substantial interest to the field, highlighting the fact that major improvements are required to strengthen this part of the manuscript and increase its relevance.


      General assessment: the strengths of this work are in its in vitro characterisation of TITAN5, however, the in planta characterisation lacks depth.

      Significance: the in vitro characterisation of TITAN5 is commendable as such work is lacking for plant GTPases. However, the significance of the work would be boosted substantially by better in planta characterisation, which is where most the most broad interest will lie.

      My expertise: my expertise is in in planta characterisation of small GTPases and their interactors.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript from Morh and collaborators reports the characterization of an ARF-like GTPase of Arabidopsis. Small GTPases of the ARF family play crucial role in intracellular trafficking and plant physiology. The ARF-like proteins are poorly addressed in Arabidopsis while they could reveal completely different function than the canonical known ARF proteins. Thus, the aim of the study is important and could be of interest to a wide range of plant scientists. I am impressed by the biochemical characterization of the TTN5 protein and its mutated versions, this is clearly a very nice point of the paper and allows for proper interpretations of the other results. However, I was much less convinced on the cell biology part of this manuscript and aside from the subcellular localization of the TTN5 I think the paper would benefit from a more functional angle. Below are my comments to improve the manuscript:

      1. In the different pictures and movies, TTN5 is quite clearly appearing as a typical ER-like pattern. The pattern of localization further extends to dotty-like structures and structures labeled only at the periphery of the structure, with a depletion of fluorescence inside the structure. These observations raise several points. First, the ER pattern is never mentioned in the manuscript while I think it can be clearly observed. Given that the YFP-TTN5 construct is not functional (the mutant phenotype is not rescued) the ER-localization could be due to the retention at the ER due to quality control. The HA-TTN5 construct is functional but to me its localization shows a quite different pattern from the YFP version, I do not see the ER for example or the periphery-labeled structures. In this case, it will be a crucial point to perform co-localization experiments between HA-TTN5 and organelles markers to confirm that the functional TTN5 construct is labeling the Golgi and MVBs, as does the non-functional one. I am also quite sure that a co-localization between YFP-TTN5 and HA-TTN5 will not completely match... The ER is contacting so many organelles that the localization of YFP-TTN5 might not reflects the real location of the protein.
      2. What are the structures with TTN5 fluorescence depleted at the center that appear in control conditions? They look different from the Golgi labeled by Man1 but similar to MVBs upon wortmannin treatment, except that in control conditions MVBs never appear like this. Are they related to any kind of vacuolar structures that would be involved in quality control-induced degradation of non-functional proteins?
      3. The fluorescence at nucleus could be due to a proportion of YFP-TTN5 that is degraded and released free-GFP, a western-blot of the membrane fraction vs the cytosolic fraction could help solving this issue.
      4. It is not so easy to conclude from the co-localization experiments. The confocal pictures are not always of high quality, some of them appear blurry. The Golgi localization looks convincing, but the BFA experiments are not that clear. The MVB localization is pretty convincing but the images are blurry. An issue is the quantification of the co-localizations. Several methods were employed but they do not provide consistent results. As for the object-based co-localization method, the authors employ in the text co-localization result either base on the % of YFP-labeled structures or the % of mCherry/mRFP-labeled structures, but the results are not going always in the same direction. For example, the proportion of YFP-TTN5 that co-localize with MVBs is not so different between WT and mutated version but the proportion of MVBs that co-localize with TTN5 is largely increased in the Q70L mutant. Thus it is quite difficult to interpret homogenously and in an unbiased way these results. Moreover, the results coming from the centroid-based method were presented in a table rather than a graph, I think here the authors wanted to hide the huge standard deviation of these results, what is the statistical meaning of these results?
      5. The use of FM4-64 to address the vacuolar trafficking is a hazardous, FM4-64 allows the tracking of endocytosis but does not say anything on vacuolar degradation targeting and even less on the potential function of TTN5 in endosomal vacuolar targeting. Similarly, TTN5, even if localized at the Golgi, is not necessarily function in Golgi-trafficking.
      6. The manuscript lacks in its present shape of functional evidences for a role of TTN5 in any trafficking steps. I understand that the KO mutant is lethal but what are the phenotypes of the Q70L and T30N mutant plants? What is the seedling phenotype, how are the Golgi and MVBs looking like in these mutants? Do the Q70L or T30N mutants perturbed the trafficking of any cargos?


      In conclusion, I think this manuscript is a good biochemical description of an ARF-like protein but it would need to be strengthen on the cell biology and functional sides. Nonetheless, provided these limitations fixed, this manuscript would advance our knowledge of small GTPases in plants. The major conceptual advance of that study is to provide a non-canonical behavior of the active/inactive cycle dynamics for a small-GTPase. Of course this dynamic probably has an impact on TTN5 function and involvement in trafficking, although this remains to be fully demonstrated. Provided a substantial amount of additional experiments to support the claims of that study, this study could be of general interest for scientist working in the trafficking field.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: In this paper, Dresselhaus et al (2023) investigate the possibility that known cargoes of extracellular vesicles (EVs) released at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction have cell-autonomous functions rather than functions specifically conferred as a condition of their release in EVs, in vivo. To do so, authors focus their studies on use of Tsg101-KD, a mutant of the ESCRT-I machinery, of the ESCRT EV biogenesis pathway, and are able to show that for some endogenously-expressed, fluorescently-tagged cargoes, fluorescence intensity in the pre-synaptic compartment is significantly elevated (Syt4 and Evi) and the postsynaptic intensity in the muscle is significantly decreased (Syt4, Evi, APP, and Nrg).

      We note that throughout our study, we detected endogenous Nrg with a well-characterized monoclonal antibody, not a fluorescent tag. We and others previously demonstrated that endogenous Nrg detected by this antibody is trafficked from neurons into EVs, using the same pathways as other EV cargoes such as Syt4, APP and Evi (Blanchette et al., 2022; Enneking et al., 2013; Walsh et al., 2021). Thus, the EV trafficking phenotypes in our study are consistent across fluorescently tagged cargo (endogenous knockin for Syt4 and GAL4/UAS-driven for APP and Evi), as well as for untagged, endogenous Nrg, thus controlling for effects of either overexpression or tagging.

      These findings suggest that these cargoes become trapped in the endosomal system (colocalizing with early, late, and recycling endosomal compartments), rather than undergoing secretion in EVs targeting post-synaptic muscle and glia as usual. This phenotype is recapitulated for select cargoes using mutants of both early and late components of ESCRT pathway machinery. They further characterize the Tsg101 mutant, demonstrating co-occurrence of an autophagic flux defect, but as the cargo phenotype is present without induction of the autophagic flux defect for their Hrs mutants, authors suggest the overlapping role of Tsg101 in autophagy is independent of its role in the ESCRT pathway/ EV secretion. Subsequently, they use previously defined functional phenotypes of the Evi (number of active zones, number of boutons, number of developmentally-arrested ghost boutons) and Syt-4 (number of transient ghost boutons and mEJPs) cargoes to show a minimal dependence on cargo delivery via ESCRT-derived EVs for these cargoes to carry out their synaptic growth and plasticity functions in vivo. However, it should be notes that for Evi/ Wg cargo, there is a slight increase in developmentally-arrested ghost boutons suggesting the cargo may not be entirely independent of EV-mediated cargo delivery. Finally, authors express an anti-GFP proteasome-directed nanobody using motor neuron or muscle-specific drivers and find that Syt4-GFP cargo doesn't enter muscle cytoplasm as fluorescence is maintained and cargo is not degraded by the muscle proteasome. While authors suggest this as evidence of EV-mediated transfer for cargo proteostasis, it is not explicitly shown that Syt4 cargo is, in fact, trafficked and degraded by the lysosome or hypothesized how Syt4 function or post-synaptic localization may be carried out independently of EVs.

      We have added new data showing that Syt4 is taken up by glial and muscle phagocytosis (Fig. 7), and included in the discussion several possible interpretations for how Syt4 activity is carried out independently of its traffic into EVs. Indeed we believe it is more likely to function in the presynaptic neuron rather than the postsynaptic muscle.

      Major comments:

      R1.1 It is difficult to evaluate the findings of this study without knowing the extent of ESCRT pathway impairment. Please provide data quantifying the degree of knockdown/ mutant expression for each ESCRT component (i.e., western blot)

      To address the reviewer’s request to specifically measure the degree of knockdown in the RNAi lines, we tested all available reagents. Unfortunately no Drosophila Tsg101 antibody exists and we did not receive a reply to our requests for a Shrub antibody. An Hrs antibody exists, but we found that none of three available Hrs RNAi lines depleted Hrs signal, or caused a phenotype similar to the HrsD28 point mutant, suggesting that they are not effective at knocking down the protein. Therefore, we were unable to specifically measure the level of depletion in motor neurons for RNAi of Tsg101, Shrub, or Hrs.

      However, we can make a strong argument that our knockdowns were sufficiently effective to answer the questions in our study. We used RNAi as only one of several complementary tools to manipulate ESCRT function (i.e. we also used loss-of-function mutants (HrsD28/Deficiency) and dominant negative mutants (Vps4DN)). These mutants caused a comparable and severe loss of EVs to RNAi (Fig 2): therefore the extent of depletion in the RNAi experiments was sufficient to cause a similarly severe phenotype as genomic or DN mutations, meeting the definition of a bona fide loss-of-function. We also know, since we used these complementary strategies, that the phenotypes we observe are very unlikely to be due to off-target effects of the RNAi.

      More importantly, what is directly relevant for our subsequent functional experiments is to know the extent of EV depletion, which we have explicitly measured throughout the paper. It is unclear what additional insights would be gained by knowing whether the strong Tsg101 and Shrub RNAi phenotypes are due to incomplete versus complete knockdown, given that we do measure the extent of EV depletion under these conditions. Further, we note that tsg101 null mutants die as first instar larvae (Moberg et al., 2005), raising the possibility that a more complete knockdown in neurons would be lethal early in development and make our study impossible. Indeed HrsD28 is an early stop that preserves the VHS and FYVE domains but truncates the C-terminal ⅔ of the protein. Its (occasional) survival to third instar indicates that it may be a severe hypomorph rather than a null.

      We have added a sentence in the text (p12 line 21-25) to clarify that we do not know the exact extent of knockdown for our RNAi experiments, but that by genetic definitions, they meet the criteria of a loss-of-function manipulation.

      R1.2 Loss of ESCRT machinery likely disrupts the release of small EVs to a significant extent; however, the authors do not show that EV release is entirely lost, only that 1) cargoes are backed up in the endosomal system due to endosomal dysfunction and 2) fluorescence of cargoes in the postsynaptic compartment is diminished. To claim that ESCRT-derived EVs with the relevant cargoes are lost, the authors should perform immunogold labelling with TEM. This would provide direct evidence that the cargoes examined here are packaged in ILVs, and that the ILVs are of a size (~50-150nm) consistent with exosomes (which should really be referred to as small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) per the minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV 2018 [https://doi.org/10.1080/20013078.2018.1535750]) Additionally, EM would show the loss of cargo packaging and provide information about where these cargoes localize in the presence of ESCRT mutants/loss-of-function.

      EM (including some limited immunoEM) studies requested by Reviewer 1 have previously been performed in this system by us and by the Budnik and Verstreken labs (Koles et al., 2012; Korkut et al., 2009; Korkut et al., 2013; Lauwers et al., 2018; Walsh et al., 2021). MVBs at the NMJ contain ~50-100 nm ILVs, and can often be seen proximal to or fusing with the plasma membrane. Mutants such as Hsp90 that block this fusion also block EV release, arguing that these MVBs are the source of EV (Lauwers et al., 2018). By immunoEM, the EV cargo Evi localizes to MVBs (Koles et al., 2012). ~50-200 nm structures containing immunogold against Evi were also observed in the subsynaptic reticulum between the neuron and the muscle, as well as in membrane compartments in the muscle cytoplasm (Koles et al., 2012; Korkut et al., 2009). Thus, the criteria requested by the reviewer have previously been established in this system.

      In response to the reviewer’s request to show that these structures are altered in ESCRT mutants, we attempted immunoEM experiments in the Tsg101KD condition. However, similar to the previously published results (Koles et al., 2012; Korkut et al., 2009), immunoEM in thick tissue such as Drosophila larval fillets is quite challenging, and we found it very difficult to retain immunogenicity together with excellent fixation and preservation of membrane structures, such that we could rigorously measure compartment morphology and size. Even if we did achieve good structural preservation, exosomes are ambiguous in complex membrane-rich tissues, since cross-sections through the extensively infolded muscle membrane (e.g. see Fig 3B) are very similar in size to EVs.

      As an alternative and more robust approach, we used STED microscopy, with a resolution of ~50nm, where we could conduct a rigorous and properly powered study of directly labeled EV cargoes (New data in Fig. S1). We show that postsynaptic Nrg and APP-GFP are found in structures with a mean diameter of ~125 nm, consistent with small EVs or exosomes, and these are strongly depleted in the Tsg101KD animals (to similar levels as antibody background far from the site of EV accumulation), as expected. Note that we are able to detect particles significantly smaller than 125 nm in the distribution, suggesting that the resolution of our system is sufficient to measure EV width.

      We also note that several of these cargoes are detected via an intracellular tag (Syt4, APP, Evi) or antibody against an intracellular domain (Nrg), so by topology they must be membrane-bound in the EVs rather than cleaved from the cell surface. We and others have previously shown that this postsynaptic signal is entirely derived from the presynaptic neuron, by using neuronal UAS-expression of a tagged protein, by neuronal RNAi of the endogenous gene, or by the tissue-specific tagging approach in the current manuscript (Fig. S4). We have also previously shown that these puncta contain the tetraspanin Sunglasses (CG12143/Tsp42Ej), which is an EV marker (Walsh et al., 2021). We have added new data to our manuscript (Fig. S1A) to show that neuronally-derived tetraspanin EVs are depleted in upon Tsg101KD. Therefore, the reviewer’s point “2) fluorescence of cargoes in the postsynaptic compartment is diminished.” is the most direct and sensitive test of trans-synaptic cargo transfer, and is the precise parameter that we are trying to manipulate to test the functions of this transfer.

      We believe that light microscopy showing loss of presynaptically-derived cargoes in the postsynaptic region is the best and most direct argument for loss of EV secretion, compared to the ambiguity of EM. It is also exactly the method that led to the proposal for the signaling function of EVs in previous work, which our current manuscript is revisiting. We are now using improved tests of that original hypothesis by examining it in light of additional membrane trafficking mutants (and finding that it no longer holds up). Overall, given the preponderance of evidence from the preceding literature and our studies indicating that (1) these cargoes are indeed in EVs and (2) we see a strong enough depletion of transsynaptic transfer to challenge the hypothesis that EVs serve signaling functions (see R1.3 response below), we are reluctant to spend more time attempting immunoEM which is not likely to resolve membrane structures.

      To address the point of EV terminology used in our manuscript, we think it is very unlikely that the postsynaptic structures are not exosomes. The criteria defined by MISEV for exosomes is that they are endosomally-derived from MVBs, ideally with the EV “caught in the act of release” upon fusion with the plasma membrane. As noted above, cargoes such as Syt4 and Evi are observed by immunoEM in MVBs, and these can be found in the process of fusing with the plasma membrane (i.e. caught in the act of release) (Koles et al., 2012; Korkut et al., 2009; Korkut et al., 2013; Lauwers et al., 2018). Mutants that block MVB fusion also block EV release at the NMJ (Lauwers et al., 2018). These EVs require ESCRT for their formation and are trapped in endosomes rather than the plasma membrane upon ESCRT depletion (this study). They depend on multiple components of the endosomal system (Rab GTPases, retromer) for their formation (Koles et al., 2012; Walsh et al., 2021). Taken together, it seems to us that there is sufficient data to argue that these are exosomes. However, as the reviewers requested, we have called them EVs in the revised paper (and only suggest they are exosomes in the discussion).

      R1.3 Other biogenesis pathways utilize multivesicular bodies to generate EVs, most prominently the nSMase2/ceramide synthesis pathway (which operates in an ESCRT-independent manner). It is possible that this pathway compensates when there are defects in the canonical ESCRT pathway. Thus, it is imperative for the authors to show that the cargo secretion no longer occurs in the presence of ESCRT mutations/loss-of-function. The authors should also use nSMase2 pathway mutants to see if the phenotypes in cargo trafficking (i.e., pre/ post-synaptic protein levels) are recapitulated.

      The reviewer asked us to show that cargo secretion does not occur in the ESCRT mutants. We reiterate that at the limits of detection of our assay, we see a very strong depletion of secretion__, and that EV cargo levels are not distinguishable from background (__Figure S1). Perhaps Reviewer 1’s concern is that since it would never be possible to show that we have depleted EVs completely (i.e. below the level of detection of our assays), that it is not possible to challenge the hypothesis that EV traffic is required for the proposed signaling functions of EVs. Indeed, they mention in their overall assessment “as it is unknown if minor sources of cargo+ EVs are sufficient in maintaining functional phenotype”. We do have some information on this, as described in the manuscript (p3 lines 41-43; p7 lines 25-31; p11 lines 27-30) and as follows: The critical argument against this concern is that other trafficking mutants with residual levels of EVs (rab11 or nwk) do show loss of signaling function (Blanchette et al., 2022; Korkut et al., 2013). Therefore residual EVs, even at the lower level of detection of our assay, are not enough to support signaling. The main difference is that in nwk and rab11 mutants the levels of the cargo in the donor presynaptic neuron are also strongly depleted, unlike in the ESCRT mutants. This strongly suggests that the cargoes are signaling from the presynaptic compartment, rather than in EVs. We have added the nwk mutant to show this baseline in Figure 2A,D. Similarly, our new results showing that hrs mutants retain Wg signaling while Tsg101 mutants do not, despite a similar degree of EV depletion (new data with more cargoes in Figure 2A-F), argues that residual EVs do not account for the lack of disruption of signaling. Finally, we have been transparent in our discussion that trace amounts of EVs could still exist, including by alternative pathways, but are unlikely to provide function (p11 lines 25-33).

      We agree that it might be an interesting future mechanistic direction to ask if the SMase pathway works with or in parallel to the ESCRT pathway (both have been suggested in the literature). However, we do not believe that this is essential for the current work: The SMase pathway is unlikely to be “compensating”, since EVs are already very strongly depleted with ESCRT disruption alone. We also note that SMase depletion may also affect other trafficking pathways (Back et al., 2018; Choezom and Gross, 2022; Niekamp et al., 2022), and therefore might not provide any clarifying information if it did disrupt signaling. In summary, we believe the depletion we see in single ESCRT mutants is sufficient to (1) establish the role of ESCRT in EV traffic in this system, and (2) test the role of transsynaptic transfer in signaling functions of cargoes.

      R1.4 The authors' findings support that cargo trafficking is affected by widespread endosomal dysfunction but doesn't cleanly prove that 1) synaptic sEV release is lost and 2) that cargo-specific sEVs are lost. As previously mentioned, loss of cargo+ ILVs in MVEs by TEM could demonstrate this, but another useful approach would be to include in vitro Drosophila primary neuronal culture/ EV isolation and mass spec/proteomic characterization studies as proof of concept. According to widely agreed upon guidelines in the EV field, the authors should directly characterize their EV population to show 1) the appropriate size distribution associated with exosomes/sEVs, 2) the presence of traditional EV markers (i.e., tetraspanins), 3) changes in overall EV count by ESCRT mutants, and 4) decreased levels of cargo(es) of interest in the presence of ESCRT mutants/loss-of-function. In vitro experiments would be particularly helpful for quantifying the degree of loss of cargo-specific EVs with each ESCRT mutant. These experiments could also investigate the possibility that cargoes are secreted in nSMase2/ Ceramide-derived EVs, by showing that EV cargo levels are unaffected in nSMase mutants.

      Our data already show loss of cargo-specific EVs, defined by puncta of several independent specific cargoes in the extraneuronal space and postsynaptic muscle. To further substantiate this, we have directly characterized our EV population and shown a distribution of ~125 nm extraneuronal structures containing the transmembrane cargoes Nrg and APP (by STED) as well as Evi, Syt4 and the EV marker tetraspanin (by confocal microscopy). This addresses the (1) size distribution, (2) EV marker and (3) count criteria. All these markers (cargoes and tetraspanins) are severely depleted from the postsynaptic area in the ESCRT mutants, satisfying the (4) decreased levels criteria. As noted above, we and others have repeatedly demonstrated that these postsynaptic puncta are derived from neurons, and since we are detecting the intracellular domain in all cases, must be membrane-bound. Others have previously shown by EM that several of these markers are surrounded by membrane and derived from neuronal MVBs (see R1.2). Note that we do not believe that ESCRT mutants must necessarily cleanly show enlarged endosomes without ILVs or a class E vps compartment - instead stalled endosomes appear to be targeted for autophagy in heterogeneous intermediates (Fig 3).

      We do not believe that turning to a heterologous system (e.g. cultured primary Drosophila neurons, which do not even form functional synapses) is usefully translatable to results in neurons in vivo. Data from our lab and many other systems has shown that EV biogenesis and release pathways are highly cell-type specific (p9 lines 8-12), and also differ in different regions of neurons (eg synapses vs soma) (Blanchette and Rodal, 2020). Further, keeping the experimental setup of the original for EV signaling hypothesis is a prerequisite for our improved tests of this hypothesis. We do note that APP, Evi and Syt4 have been demonstrated by us and others to be released from Drosophila S2 cells in EVs defined by differential centrifugation, sucrose gradient buoyancy, electron microscopy and mass spectrometry (Koles et al., 2012; Korkut et al., 2009; Korkut et al., 2013; Walsh et al., 2021). However even if we did measure the precise change in EV number and cargoes upon ESCRT manipulation in these heterologous cells, it would not allow us to conclude that the same quantitative change was happening in the motor neurons of interest in vivo, which is the information we need to conduct our tests of cargo signaling function. All we would learn is whether ESCRT was required in that cell type, which would not be informative for our study.

      We appreciate that EV researchers working in cell culture systems often use a set of approaches including bulk isolation, EM, and mass spectrometry. Our system does not allow for these approaches, but provides complementary strengths of single EV characterization, in vivo relevance with functional assays, and a wealth of genetic tools. MISEV itself states that it does not provide a set of agreed-upon rules that can be applied generically to any experiment. We agree with the MISEV statement that we should use the best available assays for the system under investigation.

      R1.5 During functional tests of Evi+ motor neurons lacking generation of Evi+ EVs, there is a slight defect observed, namely the increased formation of developmentally arrested ghost boutons when Evi secretion in sEVs is lost. As mentioned, Evi is a transporter of Wg and it is possible for Wg to be transmitted between cells via normal diffusion. Thus, some basal levels of Wg may be reaching the muscle when its transfer via sEVs is abolished, and these basal levels may be sufficient to phenocopy the WT in the number of active zones and boutons. Is it possible that this element of Evi/ Wg function is dose-dependent and thus reliant on the extra Evi/ Wg transferred via sEVs? If possible, the authors should use a Wnt-signaling pathway reporter (i.e., fluorescently tagged Beta-Catenin) to measure the levels of Wnt signaling activity in the muscle when Evi/Wg+ EVs are present vs. abolished. If the degree of Wnt signaling (readout would be intensity of fluorescent reporter) is decreased without Evi+ sEVs, there may be a dose-dependent response. Otherwise, please more clearly disclose the partial loss of Evi function without Evi+ sEVs or state the intact function of Evi without sEVs as speculative.

      We agree that Wg is likely to be reaching the muscle in the absence of Evi exosomes via conventional secretory mechanisms, and have conducted new experiments to test this hypothesis (Fig. 5). In Drosophila muscles, Wg does not signal via a conventional b-catenin pathway. Instead, neuronally-derived Wg activates cleavage of its receptor Fz2, resulting in translocation of a Fz2 C-terminal fragment into the nucleus (Mathew et al., 2005; Mosca and Schwarz, 2010). We did attempt to directly measure Wg (using antibodies or knockins) and though we were able to detect a specific presynaptic signal, the background noise throughout the postsynaptic muscle was too high for a sensible quantification. In response to the reviewer’s question and also R2.6), we collaborated with the laboratory of Timothy Mosca to test Fz2 nuclear import in Tsg101 and Hrs mutants (new Figure 5F-G). Strikingly, we found that Hrs mutants, despite being extremely sickly, have normal nuclear import of Frizzled. We also confirmed that Hrs mutants have dramatically depleted levels of all EV cargoes examined, including Evi (Figure 2A-F). On the other hand we found that Tsg101 knockdowns have dramatically reduced Wg signaling (and a concomitant defect in postsynaptic development). We do not rule out (but think it is unlikely) that very small amounts of EVs could be present in hrs but not tsg101 mutants. A more parsimonious interpretation is that additional membrane trafficking defects in the Tsg101 mutants (which are beyond the scope of this study to explore in detail) block an alternative mode of Wg release, perhaps conventional secretion. The fact that Hrs mutants, despite showing similar depletion of Evi EVs, do not have a signaling defect strongly argues that EV release per se is not required for Wg signaling.

      R1.6 To support the authors' hypothesis that Syt4 transmission via EVs is a proteostatic mechanism, the authors should determine whether Syt4 cargo localizes to lysosomal compartments in muscle, glia, or both. Otherwise, the proteostatic degradation of Syt4 via EVs is speculative.

      Our data suggest that EVs serve as one of several parallel proteostatic mechanisms for presynaptic cargoes. We have added new data to the manuscript to emphasize the advance our work makes in our understanding of these mechanisms, and have emphasized this in the discussion on p 11-12, lines 46-5).

      1. Degradation of neuronally derived EVs in glia and muscles. Previous work has shown that EV cargoes such as Evi can be found in compartments in the muscle cytoplasm, and that a-HRP-positive puncta are taken up and degraded by glial and muscle phagocytosis (Fuentes-Medel et al., 2009). These a-HRP-positive structures, despite colocalizing with EV cargoes Syt4, Nrg and APP (Walsh et al., 2021), were not previously connected to EVs. We have added new data showing that muscle or glial-specific RNAi of the phagocytic receptor Draper leads to the accumulation of EVs containing Syt4 (new Figure 7G-H)). Together with our finding (Figure 7A-F) that Syt4 is not significantly detected in the muscle cytoplasm, these results indicate that the main destination for transynaptic transfer is phagocytosis by the recipient cell. We have not been able to convincingly detect EV cargoes in the endolysosomal system of muscles, even in mutants disrupting lysosomal traffic, likely because the small number of EVs released by neurons (even over days of development) are drastically diluted in the much larger muscle cell.
      2. Compensatory endosomophagy in the neuron. __When EV release is blocked in Hrs or Tsg101 mutants, we observe an induction of autophagy in the neuron (__Figure 3B, E-G). However, in the absence of ESCRT manipulation, autophagy mutants do not accumulate EVs (Figure 3C,D. S2H-I). This suggests that autophagy is a compensatory mechanism that is induced in the absence of EV release.
      3. Retrograde transport to cell bodies: We previously found that disruption of neuronal dynactin leads to accumulation EV cargoes in presynaptic terminals (Blanchette et al., 2022), suggesting that retrograde transport is a mechanism for removal of these cargoes from synapses. Interestingly, EV release is not increased in these conditions, indicating that the retrogradely transported compartment represents a late endosome without ILVs, or an MVB that cannot fuse with the plasma membrane.

        R1.7 Please discuss alternate modes of cargo transfer from the presynaptic compartment to the postsynaptic compartment that may be utilized when EV-mediated transfer is abolished (i.e., cytonemes or tunneling nanotubules).

      We have added these possibilities to the discussion (p11 line 31), though we note that we do not observe any such structures, or indeed any Syt4 in the muscle cytoplasm, and there is no current evidence for such transsynaptic structures in this system. Conventional secretion of Wg into the extracellular space and signaling through its transmembrane receptor Frizzled2 can account for Wg signaling in the absence of exosomes.

      R1.8 OPTIONAL: Investigate the mechanism of Syt4+ sEV fusion with the postsynaptic compartment (direct fusion with the plasma membrane, receptor-mediated fusion, endocytosis and unpacking, or endocytosis and degradation).

      We note that the Budnik lab has already shown that HRP-positive EVs released by NMJs are taken up by glia and muscles (Fuentes-Medel et al., 2009), and we have added data showing that this also applies for Syt4 (Fig. 7). Our data are not consistent with Syt4 fusing with recipient cell membranes or entering the muscle cytoplasm. Further investigation of this mechanism is beyond the scope of this project.

      Given that several fundamental questions have yet to be answered regarding the biogenesis pathways and machinery utilized for EV-mediated cargo secretion, and the necessity for further TEM studies and/or work with primary cultures to characterize ILVs and EVs, >6 months is estimated to perform the necessary experiments that may require learning/ optimizing new systems.

      Minor comments:

      R1.9 Please clarify the choice of using Tsg101 KD in place of mutants of other ESCRT machinery (i.e., Hrs). Especially as when the Tsg101 mutant was characterized, you found major defects in autophagic flux that were not present for HrsD28/Df.

      Tsg101 RNAi was selected since it provides a neuron-autonomous knockdown, eliminating the complications of mutant effects in other tissues. These animals are also relatively healthy as third instar larvae compared to genomic mutants tsg1012 (L1 lethal) and HrsD28 or motor-neuron driven Vps4DN (where L3 larvae are rare). This made it easier to recover enough larvae to properly power experiments, and alleviated concerns that general sickness is contributing to the phenotype (though note that neuronal Tsg101KD does result in pupal lethality). Finally, we were unable to effectively knock down Hrs by RNAi (see R1.1). To extend our studies beyond Tsg101, we have included additional experiments in the revised manuscript showing that HrsD28 animals, despite being quite unhealthy, still retain Syt4-dependent functional plasticity (See R2.5 and R3.4) and Wg signaling.

      R1.10 Please clarify why the specific method in experiment in Fig. 4E-J was chosen. As Syt4 is a transmembrane protein, is likely undergoes degradation via the lysosome, like other membrane-bound proteins. Is it known whether the proteasome-directed nanobody is sufficient to pull Syt4 from membrane-bound compartments to undergo degradation in the proteasome? Would it make more sense to use a lysosome-directed nanobody?

      The GFP tag on Syt4 is cytosolic rather than lumenal. Our data show that when we express the proteosome-directed nanobody presynaptically, it efficiently degrades membrane-associated Syt4-GFP (Fig. 7B). Therefore we expect that this tool should be similarly effective on membrane-associated Syt4-GFP if it were exposed to the muscle cytoplasm. We have confirmed that it is effective in the muscle against DLG-GFP (Fig. S5A)

      R1.11 Please provide further methodological information regarding the sample preparation for live imaging of axons to generate kymographs found in Fig. S3.

      Additional details have been provided on p14 lines 10-24 and p15 lines 31-37.

      R1.12 In Figure 1I and 1J, include representative image and quantification of Syt4-GFP pre- and post-synaptic intensity for HrsD28/Df for consistency with ShrubKD and Vps4DN in Figure 1K-P.

      We generated and tested HrsD28; Syt4-GFP (Fig 2A,D), and HrsD28; Evi-GFP strains (Fig 2B-E). All EV cargoes exhibited a dramatic post-synaptic depletion in Hrs mutants, similar to the other ESCRT manipulations.

      R1.13 In Figure 2H, please provide a cell type marker or HRP mask with a merged image for image clarity.

      This image shows neuronal cell bodies in the ventral ganglion, which are densely packed relative to each other. The cell type specificity is provided by the motor neuron driver. We did not use a cell type marker or individually mask cells for analysis, but instead quantified intensity over the whole field of view. We can manually trace cell bodies in this image if requested, but it would not represent our ROI for analysis.

      R1.14 In Figure 4B, please provide quantification for the differences between 1) WT Mock and Tsg101 MOCK and 2) WT Stim and Tsg101KD Stim to show that upon stimulation, WT and Tsg101 undergo the same increase in the number of ghost boutons/ NMJ in Muscle 4.

      We have added these statistical comparisons to the graph (Fig. 6B)

      R1.15 In Figure 3 G and H, use consistent scale bars to compare between temperatures.

      We have removed the Shrub data at 20º as it did not provide additional insight to the manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment (Strengths):

      -Use of Drosophila NMJ model system consistent with others in the field and exceptional harnessing of genetic tools for mutations across the ESCRT pathway (-0, -I, -III, etc.) -Identification of ESCRT pathway mutants that do not deplete pre-synaptic cargo levels but generate endosomal dysfunction, indicative of a possible decrease in secretion of cargoes via EVs -Implementing functional characterization of Evi/ Wg and Syt4 cargoes, consistent with previous work in the field; highly reproducible

      -Sufficiently thorough investigation of the cross-regulation of autophagy and EV biogenesis by Tsg101

      General assessment (Weaknesses):

      -Lack of investigation of known ESCRT-independent pathways/ genes involved in the generation of sEVs (i.e., nSMase2/ Ceramide) especially as it is unknown if minor sources of cargo+ EVs are sufficient in maintaining functional phenotype

      See R1.3 for comments on this point

      -Lack of sEV characterization and validation of EVs derived from mutant

      We have added STED data to measure EV size, and described the challenges in EV membrane measurements by EM in the in vivo system.

      -Does not show the loss of cargoes of interest on EVs from mutants other than through back-up of cargoes in the presynaptic endocytic pathway (Rab7, Rab5, Rab11)

      We strongly disagree with this comment. We have explicitly measured the loss of numerous cargoes in postsynaptic structures that have been rigorously established to be EVs in this and previous publications. Our findings are not limited to back-up of presynaptic structures.

      -Lack of rigorous investigation of the claim that Evi and Syt4 are released via EVs for proteostatic means is missing. Authors should demonstrate the degradation of EV cargoes by recipient cells (either muscle OR glia)

      We have added new data and discussion on multiple and compensatory proteostatic pathways.

      -If EV-mediated cargo transfer is not required, authors should investigate alternate modes of cargo transfer more rigorously (i.e., diffusion of Wg, suggest/ test hypotheses for mechanism of Syt4 function or transfer).

      We have included discussion of alternate modes of transfer for Wg (i.e. conventional secretion). By contrast, for Syt4 we believe it is acting in the donor cell without transfer, and have included alternate interpretations of the previous literature that had suggested its function in muscles.

      Advance: -Compared with other recent in vivo studies of EVs where donor EVs are loaded with a cargo, such as Cre, which uniquely identifies recipient cells through Cre recombination-mediated expression of a fluorescent reporter (Zomer et al 2015, Cell), this study relies on the readout of fluorescently tagged cargo in the recipient cells to represent transfer via EVs. While numerous studies in the Drosophila field focus on the same small set of known EV cargoes at the NMJ (Koles et al., 2012; Gross et al., 2012; Korkut et al., 2013; Korkut et al., 2009; Walsh et al., 2021), there is a noticeable lack of EV characterization based on MISEV (i.e. TEM of EVs, size distribution, enrichment of well-known EV markers [https://doi.org/10.1080/20013078.2018.1535750]) that would significantly strengthen the work and make it more widely accepted in the EV field.

      As mentioned above, many of these criteria (including EV size and enrichment of known EV markers) are already established in the previous literature for this system. As requested, we have also added similar data to our revised manuscript.

      -In this study, the use of ESCRT machinery mutants is proven as a new technical method in delineating the role of EV cargoes in cell-autonomous versus EV-dependent functions. This is the first study, to my knowledge, that has leveraged mutants from both early and late ESCRT complexes for the study of EVs in Drosophila. Additionally, the finding that some cargoes may be able to carry out their signaling functions, independent of transfer via EVs, provides key mechanistic insight into one possible role of EVs as proteostatic shuttles for cargo. This work also begins to address a fundamental question in the field, which is to delineate roles that EVs actually carry out in physiological conditions, compared to the many roles that have been shown possible in vitro.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s insight into the impact of our work.

      Audience: -Basic research (endosomal biology, ESCRT pathway, cell signaling, neurodevelopment)

      -Specialized (Drosophila, Neurobiology; Extracellular Vesicles)

      -This article will be of interest to basic scientists in the field of endosomal trafficking and extracellular vesicle biology as well as though studying the nervous system in Drosophila melanogaster. As the field of extracellular vesicle biology has broad implications in the spread of pathogenic cargoes in cancer and neurodegenerative disease, the basic biology associated with EVs has some translational relevance.

      Expertise (Keywords):

      -ESCRT and nSMase2 EV biogenesis pathways

      -EV characterization in vitro/ live imaging studies

      -EV release and uptake

      -Neuronal and glial cell biology

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This manuscript addresses the role of exosome secretion in neuromuscular junction development in Drosophila, a system that has been proposed to depend on exosomes. In particular, delivery of Wingless via exosomes has been proposed to promote structural organization of the synapse. Previously, however, the studies that proposed this model targeted the cargoes themselves, rather than targeting exosome biogenesis or secretion. In this new study, exosome biogenesis is targeted via knockdown of the ESCRT components Hrs, TSG101, and Chmp4. The authors find that some previously ascribed functions are not inhibited by these knockdowns. In particular, formation of active zones, as defined by BRP-positive puncta (total and per micrometer), and total bouton numbers. It does look like there is a partial defect in BRP-positive puncta per micrometer, but it is not significant. For ghost bouton formation, there is a similar increase in evi-mutant and ESCRT-KD NMJs (with some subtle differences depending on abdominal segment and temperature). They also examine the role of Syt4, which has been proposed to be transferred from nerve to muscle cells at the junction and to regulate mEJP frequency after stimulation. They found no difference in mEJP frequency after stimulation between WT and TSG101-KD animals, although they did not have a positive control with inhibition of Syt4. They did do an elegant experiment to demonstrate that most of extracellularly transferred Syt4 does not reach the muscle cytoplasm. Overall, it is an interesting paper, mostly well controlled and rigorous, and well-written. It is an important contribution to the EV and NMJ fields. The data should provoke reconsideration of some of the functions that were previously ascribed to exosome transfer at the NMJ. However, I do think that there are some overly strong statements and the functions of the exosomes at the synapse were quite narrowly examined. For example, the title of the paper is pretty strong and the abstract does not say which functions were or were not affected by TSG101 KD. There are also a couple of experiments that would enhance the manuscript. Some specific suggestions are below:

      R2.1 Title: "ESCRT disruption provides evidence against signaling functions for synaptic exosomes" seems a bit broad -- only evi/Wg and Syt4 functions were examined at NMJ synapses, not all signaling functions of all exosomes at all synapses. Something like, "ESCRT disruption provides evidence against signaling functions for exosome-carried evi/Wg and Syt4 at the neuromuscular junction" seems a bit more reasonable.

      We are open to changing the title to: “ESCRT disruption provides evidence against transsynaptic signaling functions for some extracellular vesicle cargoes” though we prefer to leave it as is since “provides evidence against” is already fairly understated.

      __ __R2.2 Abstract: the description of the actual data is very little, just one sentence saying that "many" of the signaling functions are retained with ESCRT depletion. I think a bit more focus on the actual data is warranted.

      We have edited the abstract to include more detail on the signaling phenotypes.


      __R2.3 Results section:

      Fig 3: What does A2 and A3 mean for the graphs in c,d,e, g, h? Please specify in figure legend.

      We have described in the figure legends that A2 and A3 refer to specific abdominal segments in the larvae.

      R2.4 The sentence "Further, active zones in Tsg101KD appeared morphologically normal by TEM (Fig.2B)." is confusing to me. What do you mean by that? Are you referring to the following two sentences about feathery DLG and SSR? But the feathery DLG I presume is in Fig 3, where that staining is. And I also don't know what feathery DLG means -- it should be pointed out in the appropriate image.

      Presynaptic active zones are defined by an electron-dense T-shaped pedestal at sites of synaptic vesicle release, and can be seen in the TEM in what is now Figure 3B, marked as AZ. We have also labeled AZ by immunofluorescence (Fig. 5A) and they appear normal.

      By contrast, Dlg primarily labels the postsynaptic apparatus associated with the infoldings of the muscle membrane. In control animals, Dlg immunostaining is relatively tightly and smoothly clustered within ~1µm of the presynaptic neuron. By contrast, in Evi mutants, there are wisps of Dlg-positive structures extending from the bouton periphery. We have added arrows in what is now Fig. 5C to indicate the feathery structures.

      R2.5 Fig 4 addresses Syt4 function. However, there is no positive control inhibiting Syt4 to see if there is a change. Just comparison of WT and TSG101. It seems like this positive control is in order.

      We have added the positive control (Fig. 6E-F) reproducing the previously reported result that Syt4 mutants lack the high-frequency stimulation-induced increase in mEPSP frequency (HFMR). We have also added new data on HrsD28 genomic mutants. Despite the fact that few of these larvae survive and they are quite unhealthy, they still exhibit robust HFMR, similar to the Tsg101KD larvae, strongly supporting our hypothesis.

      R2.6 Discussion: I think some discussion of what ghost boutons are and what the possible significance is of the evi and ESCRT mutant phenotype of enhanced ghost bouton formation

      We have added more discussion on the ghost bouton phenotype (p11 lines 5-14), especially in light of our new findings that Hrs and Tsg101 mutants may distinguish alternative modes of Wg secretion (see R1.5)

      R2.7 Also, in the Discussion, it is mentioned that Wg probably gets secreted in the ESCRT mutants -- presumably this accounts for the discrepancy between evi mutants and the ESCRT mutants. An experiment to actually test this would greatly enhance the manuscript.

      We have added this experiment as addressed in R1.5

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Overall, it is an interesting paper, mostly well controlled and rigorous, and well-written. It is an important contribution to the EV and NMJ fields. The data should provoke reconsideration of some of the functions that were previously ascribed to exosome transfer at the NMJ. However, I do think that there are some overly strong statements and the functions of the exosomes at the synapse were quite narrowly examined. For example, the title of the paper is pretty strong and the abstract does not say which functions were or were not affected by TSG101 KD.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Dresselhaus et al. investigates signaling functions for synaptic exosomes at the Drosophila NMJ. Exosomes are widely seen in vivo and in vitro. They are clearly sufficient to induce signaling responses in vitro, but whether they normally fulfill signaling functions in vivo has not been rigorously addressed. The authors make use of several mutants that block exosome release to test whether exosome release is important for two distinct signaling pathways: the Evi/Wg pathway and the Syt4 signaling pathway. Both pathways have been implicated in neuron to muscle signaling. Surprisingly, the authors find scant evidence that exosome release is required for either pathway. They convincingly show that knockdown of Tsg101 (an ESCRT-I component) does not phenocopy many synaptic phenotypes of either wg or syt4. Instead, they propose that in vivo, exosomes may serve as a proteostatic mechanism, as a mechanism for the neuron to dispose of unwanted/damaged proteins.

      Specific comments are below:

      R3.1 Loss of Tsg101 has been linked to upregulated MAPK stress signaling pathways and autophagy. Thus, it's possible that activating such compensatory mechanisms in Tsg101 knockdown animals could mask phenotypes associated with specific loss of EV cargoes such as Wg or Syt4. Indeed, the authors demonstrate that loss of Tsg101 and Hrs have very different effects on synaptic autophagy. To provide additional evidence that Wg or Syt4 signaling is independent of EV release, it would be good to check for wg/syt4 phenocopy in additional ESCRT complex mutants. I understand they did a bit with Shrub knockdown at low temperature in Figure 3, but the temperature-dependence of the ghost bouton phenotype clouds the interpretation. Could the authors try a motorneuron driver with a more restricted phenotype to overcome the lethality issues, or alternatively use one of their other ESCRT component mutants? This is obviously the central claim of the manuscript, and it would be strengthened by carrying out phenotypic analysis in mutants other than the Tsg101 RNAi line.

      As noted for R2.5, we have added HFMR experiments for the HrsD28 genomic mutant, and found that despite being very unhealthy, they exhibit robust HFMR similar to Tsg101KD. We also confirmed dramatic depletion of Syt4 EVs in the HrsD28 mutant. Thus, the preserved Syt4 signaling function in ESCRT mutants with depleted EV Syt4 is not restricted to Tsg101, and does not depend on the co-occurring autophagy phenotype.

      R3.2 In Figure 1, the authors show that neuronal Tsg101 RNAi dramatically reduces "postsynaptic" levels of exosome cargoes at the L3 stage to argue that exosome release is blocked in this mutant. While this seems very likely at the L3 stage, it is unclear when Tsg101 levels are reduced and thus when exosome release is impaired in this background. This is important because we don't know when these signaling pathways act. For example, it is possible that the critical period for Wg and Syt4 signaling is during the L1 stage, and that Tsg101 knockdown is incomplete at that stage. It is important to assay exosome release at earlier larval stage, particularly when RNAi is the method used to reduce gene function.

      We have conducted this experiment. We noted accumulation of cargoes in Tsg101KD L1 larvae, indicating that the RNAi is effective early in development. However, we do not find many EVs in either wild-type or Tsg101KD first instar larvae (red is a-HRP, green is Syt4-GFP). This argues that it is unlikely that EV-mediated signaling has a critical period earlier in development. It is likely that the accumulation of EVs that we observe trapped in the muscle membrane reticulum in third instar larvae were laid down over days or hours of development. We do not propose to include these data in the manuscript unless the editors and reviewers prefer that we do so.

      R3.3 If the Syt4 and Evi exosomes do not serve major signaling roles and are in fact neuronal waste, it seems likely they are phagocytosed by glia. Are levels of non-neuronal Syt4/Evi levels increased when glial phagocytosis in blocked (eg in draper mutants)?

      As mentioned above, the Budnik lab previously showed that uptake and degradation of postsynaptic a-HRP-positive structures depends on glial and muscle phagocytosis.a-HRP recognizes a number of neuronally-derived glycoproteins (Snow et al., 1987). Though the Budnik lab had not previously linked these structures to EVs, we do know that they very strongly colocalize with known EV cargoes and depend on the exact same membrane traffic machinery for release, arguing that some a-HRP antigen proteins are also EV cargoes (Blanchette et al., 2022). To close this loop. we have added data showing that Syt4-positive EVs also depend on Draper for their clearance (Fig 7).

      R3.4 For the HFMR experiment, it would be good to see the syt4-dependent phenotype as a positive control.__ __

      As mentioned for R2.5, we have added the Syt4 positive control (Figure 6E,F), which fails to show HFMR as expected.

      .__ __R3.5 In the abstract, the authors state that, "the cargoes are likely to function cell autonomously in the motorneuron". Isn't it alternatively possible that these proteins (wg in particular) could signal to the muscle in a non-exosome dependent pathway?

      Yes, we believe that Wg is likely released by another mechanism (perhaps conventional secretion). As noted for R1.5 and R2.6, we have added new data in Fig. 5 showing that Frizzled nuclear import IS NOT disrupted in Hrs mutants, despite dramatic loss of Evi EVs. Interestingly Frizzled nuclear import (and postsynaptic development) IS altered in neuronal Tsg101KD larvae, which disrupt additional membrane trafficking pathways beyond EV release (see Fig. 3). This is particularly interesting in light of the normal Syt4 signaling in Tsg101KD larvae, and supports the hypothesis that Syt4 can function without leaving the neuron, while Wg must be released, albeit not via Hrs-dependent EV formation. Another (less parsimonious) interpretation is that very small amounts of Wg release in the Hrs mutant are sufficient to promote Frizzled nuclear import.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This is an important paper that is well-organized and logically presented. It makes a clear and largely compelling case against major signaling roles for exosomes at this synapse. The authors should be commended for publishing this work, which demands a re-evaluation of proposed key roles for exosomes at the fly NMJ. Given the intense interest in exosomes in neurobiology, this paper will be of great interest to neuronal cell biologists working across systems.

      We thank the reviewer for their appreciation of the impact of our work on the field.

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    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Dresselhaus et al. investigates signaling functions for synaptic exosomes at the Drosophila NMJ. Exosomes are widely seen in vivo and in vitro. They are clearly sufficient to induce signaling responses in vitro, but whether they normally fulfill signaling functions in vivo has not been rigorously addressed. The authors make use of several mutants that block exosome release to test whether exosome release is important for two distinct signaling pathways: the Evi/Wg pathway and the Syt4 signaling pathway. Both pathways have been implicated in neuron to muscle signaling. Surprisingly, the authors find scant evidence that exosome release is required for either pathway. They convincingly show that knockdown of Tsg101 (an ESCRT-I component) does not phenocopy many synaptic phenotypes of either wg or syt4. Instead, they propose that in vivo, exosomes may serve as a proteostatic mechanism, as a mechanism for the neuron to dispose of unwanted/damaged proteins.

      Specific comments are below:

      Loss of Tsg101 has been linked to upregulated MAPK stress signaling pathways and autophagy. Thus, it's possible that activating such compensatory mechanisms in Tsg101 knockdown animals could mask phenotypes associated with specific loss of EV cargoes such as Wg or Syt4. Indeed, the authors demonstrate that loss of Tsg101 and Hrs have very different effects on synaptic autophagy. To provide additional evidence that Wg or Syt4 signaling is independent of EV release, it would be good to check for wg/syt4 phenocopy in additional ESCRT complex mutants. I understand they did a bit with Shrub knockdown at low temperature in Figure 3, but the temperature-dependence of the ghost bouton phenotype clouds the interpretation. Could the authors try a motorneuron driver with a more restricted phenotype to overcome the lethality issues, or alternatively use one of their other ESCRT component mutants? This is obviously the central claim of the manuscript, and it would be strengthened by carrying out phenotypic analysis in mutants other than the Tsg101 RNAi line.

      In Figure 1, the authors show that neuronal Tsg101 RNAi dramatically reduces "postsynaptic" levels of exosome cargoes at the L3 stage to argue that exosome release is blocked in this mutant. While this seems very likely at the L3 stage, it is unclear when Tsg101 levels are reduced and thus when exosome release is impaired in this background. This is important because we don't know when these signaling pathways act. For example, it is possible that the critical period for Wg and Syt4 signaling is during the L1 stage, and that Tsg101 knockdown is incomplete at that stage. It is important to assay exosome release at earlier larval stage, particularly when RNAi is the method used to reduce gene function.

      If the Syt4 and Evi exosomes do not serve major signaling roles and are in fact neuronal waste, it seems likely they are phagocytosed by glia. Are levels of non-neuronal Syt4/Evi levels increased when glial phagocytosis in blocked (eg in draper mutants)?

      For the HFMR experiment, it would be good to see the syt4-dependent phenotype as a positive control.

      In the abstract, the authors state that, "the cargoes are likely to function cell autonomously in the motorneuron". Isn't it alternatively possible that these proteins (wg in particular) could signal to the muscle in a non-exosome dependent pathway?


      This is an important paper that is well-organized and logically presented. It makes a clear and largely compelling case against major signaling roles for exosomes at this synapse. The authors should be commended for publishing this work, which demands a re-evaluation of proposed key roles for exosomes at the fly NMJ. Given the intense interest in exosomes in neurobiology, this paper will be of great interest to neuronal cell biologists working across systems.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This manuscript addresses the role of exosome secretion in neuromuscular junction development in Drosophila, a system that has been proposed to depend on exosomes. In particular, delivery of Wingless via exosomes has been proposed to promote structural organization of the synapse. Previously, however, the studies that proposed this model targeted the cargoes themselves, rather than targeting exosome biogenesis or secretion. In this new study, exosome biogenesis is targeted via knockdown of the ESCRT components Hrs, TSG101, and Chmp4. The authors find that some previously ascribed functions are not inhibited by these knockdowns. In particular, formation of active zones, as defined by BRP-positive puncta (total and per micrometer), and total bouton numbers. It does look like there is a partial defect in BRP-positive puncta per micrometer, but it is not significant. For ghost bouton formation, there is a similar increase in evi-mutant and ESCRT-KD NMJs (with some subtle differences depending on abdominal segment and temperature). They also examine the role of Syt4, which has been proposed to be transferred from nerve to muscle cells at the junction and to regulate mEJP frequency after stimulation. They found no difference in mEJP frequency after stimulation between WT and TSG101-KD animals, although they did not have a positive control with inhibition of Syt4. They did do an elegant experiment to demonstrate that most of extracellularly transferred Syt4 does not reach the muscle cytoplasm. Overall, it is an interesting paper, mostly well controlled and rigorous, and well-written. It is an important contribution to the EV and NMJ fields. The data should provoke reconsideration of some of the functions that were previously ascribed to exosome transfer at the NMJ. However, I do think that there are some overly strong statements and the functions of the exosomes at the synapse were quite narrowly examined. For example, the title of the paper is pretty strong and the abstract does not say which functions were or were not affected by TSG101 KD. There are also a couple of experiments that would enhance the manuscript. Some specific suggestions are below:

      Title: "ESCRT disruption provides evidence against signaling functions for synaptic exosomes" seems a bit broad -- only evi/Wg and Syt4 functions were examined at NMJ synapses, not all signaling functions of all exosomes at all synapses. Something like, "ESCRT disruption provides evidence against signaling functions for exosome-carried evi/Wg and Syt4 at the neuromuscular junction" seems a bit more reasonable.

      Abstract: the description of the actual data is very little, just one sentence saying that "many" of the signaling functions are retained with ESCRT depletion. I think a bit more focus on the actual data is warranted.

      Results section: Fig 3: What does A2 and A3 mean for the graphs in c,d,e, g, h? Please specify in figure legend.

      The sentence "Further, active zones in Tsg101KD appeared morphologically normal by TEM (Fig. 2B)." is confusing to me. What do you mean by that? Are you referring to the following two sentences about feathery DLG and SSR? But the feathery DLG I presume is in Fig 3, where that staining is. And I also don't know what feathery DLG means -- it should be pointed out in the appropriate image.

      Fig 4 addresses Syt4 function. However, there is no positive control inhibiting Syt4 to see if there is a change. Just comparison of WT and TSG101. It seems like this positive control is in order. Discussion: I think some discussion of what ghost boutons are and what the possible significance is of the evi and ESCRT mutant phenotype of enhanced ghost bouton formation

      Also, in the Discussion, it is mentioned that Wg probably gets secreted in the ESCRT mutants -- presumably this accounts for the discrepancy between evi mutants and the ESCRT mutants. An experiment to actually test this would greatly enhance the manuscript.


      Overall, it is an interesting paper, mostly well controlled and rigorous, and well-written. It is an important contribution to the EV and NMJ fields. The data should provoke reconsideration of some of the functions that were previously ascribed to exosome transfer at the NMJ. However, I do think that there are some overly strong statements and the functions of the exosomes at the synapse were quite narrowly examined. For example, the title of the paper is pretty strong and the abstract does not say which functions were or were not affected by TSG101 KD.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this paper, Dresselhaus et al (2023) investigate the possibility that known cargoes of extracellular vesicles (EVs) released at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction have cell-autonomous functions rather than functions specifically conferred as a condition of their release in EVs, in vivo. To do so, authors focus their studies on use of Tsg101-KD, a mutant of the ESCRT-I machinery, of the ESCRT EV biogenesis pathway, and are able to show that for some endogenously-expressed, fluorescently-tagged cargoes, fluorescence intensity in the pre-synaptic compartment is significantly elevated (Syt4 and Evi) and the postsynaptic intensity in the muscle is significantly decreased (Syt4, Evi, APP, and Nrg). These findings suggest that these cargoes become trapped in the endosomal system (colocalizing with early, late, and recycling endosomal compartments), rather than undergoing secretion in EVs targeting post-synaptic muscle and glia as usual. This phenotype is recapitulated for select cargoes using mutants of both early and late components of ESCRT pathway machinery. They further characterize the Tsg101 mutant, demonstrating co-occurrence of an autophagic flux defect , but as the cargo phenotype is present without induction of the autophagic flux defect for their Hrs mutants, authors suggest the overlapping role of Tsg101 in autophagy is independent of its role in the ESCRT pathway/ EV secretion. Subsequently, they use previously defined functional phenotypes of the Evi (number of active zones, number of boutons, number of developmentally-arrested ghost boutons) and Syt-4 (number of transient ghost boutons and mEJPs) cargoes to show a minimal dependence on cargo delivery via ESCRT-derived EVs for these cargoes to carry out their synaptic growth and plasticity functions in vivo. However, it should be notes that for Evi/ Wg cargo, there is a slight increase in developmentally-arrested ghost boutons suggesting the cargo may not be entirely independent of EV-mediated cargo delivery. Finally, authors express an anti-GFP proteasome-directed nanobody using motor neuron or muscle-specific drivers and find that Syt4-GFP cargo doesn't enter muscle cytoplasm as fluorescence is maintained and cargo is not degraded by the muscle proteasome. While authors suggest this as evidence of EV-mediated transfer for cargo proteostasis, it is not explicitly shown that Syt4 cargo is, in fact, trafficked and degraded by the lysosome or hypothesized how Syt4 function or post-synaptic localization may be carried out independently of EVs.

      Major comments:

      • It is difficult to evaluate the findings of this study without knowing the extent of ESCRT pathway impairment. Please provide data quantifying the degree of knockdown/ mutant expression for each ESCRT component (i.e., western blot)
      • Loss of ESCRT machinery likely disrupts the release of small EVs to a significant extent; however, the authors do not show that EV release is entirely lost, only that 1) cargoes are backed up in the endosomal system due to endosomal dysfunction and 2) fluorescence of cargoes in the postsynaptic compartment is diminished. To claim that ESCRT-derived EVs with the relevant cargoes are lost, the authors should perform immunogold labelling with TEM. This would provide direct evidence that the cargoes examined here are packaged in ILVs, and that the ILVs are of a size (~50-150nm) consistent with exosomes (which should really be referred to as small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) per the minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV 2018 [https://doi.org/10.1080/20013078.2018.1535750])
      • Additionally, EM would show the loss of cargo packaging and provide information about where these cargoes localize in the presence of ESCRT mutants/loss-of-function.
      • Other biogenesis pathways utilize multivesicular bodies to generate EVs, most prominently the nSMase2/ceramide synthesis pathway (which operates in an ESCRT-independent manner). It is possible that this pathway compensates when there are defects in the canonical ESCRT pathway. Thus, it is imperative for the authors to show that the cargo secretion no longer occurs in the presence of ESCRT mutations/loss-of-function. The authors should also use nSMase2 pathway mutants to see if the phenotypes in cargo trafficking (i.e., pre/ post-synaptic protein levels) are recapitulated.
      • The authors' findings support that cargo trafficking is affected by widespread endosomal dysfunction but doesn't cleanly prove that 1) synaptic sEV release is lost and 2) that cargo-specific sEVs are lost. As previously mentioned, loss of cargo+ ILVs in MVEs by TEM could demonstrate this, but another useful approach would be to include in vitro Drosophila primary neuronal culture/ EV isolation and mass spec/proteomic characterization studies as proof of concept. According to widely agreed upon guidelines in the EV field, the authors should directly characterize their EV population to show 1) the appropriate size distribution associated with exosomes/sEVs, 2) the presence of traditional EV markers (i.e., tetraspanins), 3) changes in overall EV count by ESCRT mutants, and 4) decreased levels of cargo(es) of interest in the presence of ESCRT mutants/loss-of-function. In vitro experiments would be particularly helpful for quantifying the degree of loss of cargo-specific EVs with each ESCRT mutant. These experiments could also investigate the possibility that cargoes are secreted in nSMase2/ Ceramide-derived EVs, by showing that EV cargo levels are unaffected in nSMase mutants.
      • During functional tests of Evi+ motor neurons lacking generation of Evi+ EVs, there is a slight defect observed, namely the increased formation of developmentally arrested ghost boutons when Evi secretion in sEVs is lost. As mentioned, Evi is a transporter of Wg and it is possible for Wg to be transmitted between cells via normal diffusion. Thus, some basal levels of Wg may be reaching the muscle when its transfer via sEVs is abolished, and these basal levels may be sufficient to phenocopy the WT in the number of active zones and boutons. Is it possible that this element of Evi/ Wg function is dose-dependent and thus reliant on the extra Evi/ Wg transferred via sEVs? If possible, the authors should use a Wnt-signaling pathway reporter (i.e., fluorescently tagged Beta-Catenin) to measure the levels of Wnt signaling activity in the muscle when Evi/Wg+ EVs are present vs. abolished. If the degree of Wnt signaling (readout would be intensity of fluorescent reporter) is decreased without Evi+ sEVs, there may be a dose-dependent response. Otherwise, please more clearly disclose the partial loss of Evi function without Evi+ sEVs or state the intact function of Evi without sEVs as speculative.
      • To support the authors' hypothesis that Syt4 transmission via EVs is a proteostatic mechanism, the authors should determine whether Syt4 cargo localizes to lysosomal compartments in muscle, glia, or both. Otherwise, the proteostatic degradation of Syt4 via EVs is speculative.
      • Please discuss alternate modes of cargo transfer from the presynaptic compartment to the postsynaptic compartment that may be utilized when EV-mediated transfer is abolished (i.e., cytonemes or tunneling nanotubules).
      • OPTIONAL: Investigate the mechanism of Syt4+ sEV fusion with the postsynaptic compartment (direct fusion with the plasma membrane, receptor-mediated fusion, endocytosis and unpacking, or endocytosis and degradation).
      • Given that several fundamental questions have yet to be answered regarding the biogenesis pathways and machinery utilized for EV-mediated cargo secretion, and the necessity for further TEM studies and/or work with primary cultures to characterize ILVs and EVs, >6 months is estimated to perform the necessary experiments that may require learning/ optimizing new systems.

      Minor comments:

      • Please clarify the choice of using Tsg101 KD in place of mutants of other ESCRT machinery (i.e., Hrs). Especially as when the Tsg101 mutant was characterized, you found major defects in autophagic flux that were not present for HrsD28/Df.
      • Please clarify why the specific method in experiment in Fig. 4E-J was chosen. As Syt4 is a transmembrane protein, is likely undergoes degradation via the lysosome, like other membrane-bound proteins. Is it known whether the proteasome-directed nanobody is sufficient to pull Syt4 from membrane-bound compartments to undergo degradation in the proteasome? Would it make more sense to use a lysosome-directed nanobody?
      • Please provide further methodological information regarding the sample preparation for live imaging of axons to generate kymographs found in Fig. S3.
      • In Figure 1I and 1J, include representative image and quantification of Syt4-GFP pre- and post-synaptic intensity for HrsD28/Df for consistency with ShrubKD and Vps4DN in Figure 1K-P.
      • In Figure 2H, please provide a cell type marker or HRP mask with a merged image for image clarity.
      • In Figure 4B, please provide quantification for the differences between 1) WT Mock and Tsg101 MOCK and 2) WT Stim and Tsg101KD Stim to show that upon stimulation, WT and Tsg101 undergo the same increase in the number of ghost boutons/ NMJ in Muscle 4.
      • In Figure 3 G and H, use consistent scale bars to compare between temperatures.


      General assessment (Strengths):

      • Use of Drosophila NMJ model system consistent with others in the field and exceptional harnessing of genetic tools for mutations across the ESCRT pathway (-0, -I, -III, etc.)
      • Identification of ESCRT pathway mutants that do not deplete pre-synaptic cargo levels but generate endosomal dysfunction, indicative of a possible decrease in secretion of cargoes via EVs
      • Implementing functional characterization of Evi/ Wg and Syt4 cargoes, consistent with previous work in the field; highly reproducible
      • Sufficiently thorough investigation of the cross-regulation of autophagy and EV biogenesis by Tsg101

      General assessment (Weaknesses):

      • Lack of investigation of known ESCRT-independent pathways/ genes involved in the generation of sEVs (i.e., nSMase2/ Ceramide) especially as it is unknown if minor sources of cargo+ EVs are sufficient in maintaining functional phenotype
      • Lack of sEV characterization and validation of EVs derived from mutant
      • Does not show the loss of cargoes of interest on EVs from mutants other than through back-up of cargoes in the presynaptic endocytic pathway (Rab7, Rab5, Rab11)
      • Lack of rigorous investigation of the claim that Evi and Syt4 are released via EVs for proteostatic means is missing. Authors should demonstrate the degradation of EV cargoes by recipient cells (either muscle OR glia)
      • If EV-mediated cargo transfer is not required, authors should investigate alternate modes of cargo transfer more rigorously (i.e., diffusion of Wg, suggest/ test hypotheses for mechanism of Syt4 function or transfer).


      • Compared with other recent in vivo studies of EVs where donor EVs are loaded with a cargo, such as Cre, which uniquely identifies recipient cells through Cre recombination-mediated expression of a fluorescent reporter (Zomer et al 2015, Cell), this study relies on the readout of fluorescently tagged cargo in the recipient cells to represent transfer via EVs. While numerous studies in the Drosophila field focus on the same small set of known EV cargoes at the NMJ (Koles et al., 2012; Gross et al., 2012; Korkut et al., 2013; Korkut et al., 2009; Walsh et al., 2021), there is a noticeable lack of EV characterization based on MISEV (i.e. TEM of EVs, size distribution, enrichment of well-known EV markers [https://doi.org/10.1080/20013078.2018.1535750]) that would significantly strengthen the work and make it more widely accepted in the EV field.
      • In this study, the use of ESCRT machinery mutants is proven as a new technical method in delineating the role of EV cargoes in cell-autonomous versus EV-dependent functions. This is the first study, to my knowledge, that has leveraged mutants from both early and late ESCRT complexes for the study of EVs in Drosophila. Additionally, the finding that some cargoes may be able to carry out their signaling functions, independent of transfer via EVs, provides key mechanistic insight into one possible role of EVs as proteostatic shuttles for cargo. This work also begins to address a fundamental question in the field, which is to delineate roles that EVs actually carry out in physiological conditions, compared to the many roles that have been shown possible in vitro.


      • Basic research (endosomal biology, ESCRT pathway, cell signaling, neurodevelopment)
      • Specialized (Drosophila, Neurobiology; Extracellular Vesicles)
      • This article will be of interest to basic scientists in the field of endosomal trafficking and extracellular vesicle biology as well as though studying the nervous system in Drosophila melanogaster. As the field of extracellular vesicle biology has broad implications in the spread of pathogenic cargoes in cancer and neurodegenerative disease, the basic biology associated with EVs has some translational relevance.

      Expertise (Keywords):

      • ESCRT and nSMase2 EV biogenesis pathways
      • EV characterization in vitro/ live imaging studies
      • EV release and uptake
      • Neuronal and glial cell biology
    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      __Response to Reviewers’ comments and suggestions __

      We are thankful to the reviewers for their time and effort to review our study and for their constructive suggestions. We address below their comments to further improve the manuscript.

      __Reviewer #1 __

      Major revision points:

      The authors should consider using CENH3 as a marker instead of NDC80 to claim NEK1's role in chromosome segregation. Using a direct marker like CENH3 would strengthen their conclusion. However, if the authors choose not to generate the cell line and new set of data, it would be advisable to tone down their conclusion regarding chromosome segregation. I acknowledge the extensive work and data present in the paper.

      Response: Thanks to the reviewer for the suggestion. We have tried previously to generate a CENH3-GFP marker line but were not successful. We also requested a CenH3 antibody from the group who published it, but without success. These are the reasons why we generated the NDC80 line, which is another kinetochore marker for chromosome segregation. We have characterised the NDC80-GFP parasite line extensively in a previous study using live cell imaging and super-resolution microscopy to follow its spatiotemporal dynamics at different stages of the Plasmodium life cycle including its correlation with the kinetochore (Zeeshan et al, 2020). We showed its binding to the centromeric region of chromosomes by ChIP seq analysis (See the figure below-Zeeshan et al, 2020). In our recent studies we also showed its dynamic location with other spindle markers like EB1 and ARK2 (Zeeshan et al, 2023). Based on these data, we believe that both CENH3 and NDC80 are appropriate markers for chromosome segregation in Plasmodium, and we hope that the reviewer appreciates this interpretation.

      We are pleased to read that the reviewer recognises the extensive amount of work and data present in the paper.

      Minor revision points: The figures are well-designed and presented to a high standard. I especially appreciate the guide schematics associated with the IFAs. However, one area that could be improved is the presentation of the expanded parasites. Firstly, the insets cover a major section of the cell, concealing data from the figure. Secondly, the NHS-ester signal is currently saturated and could be dimmed to more accurately represent the MTOC.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for their appreciation and suggestions to further improve the figures. We have shifted the insets on the figures to avoid concealing the data. We have tried to improve the NHS-ester signal and provided more Z-stacks to show the MTOC more accurately. Please see the new supplementary figure S7.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Major points (please note that both points do not necessarily need further experiments):

      1) there is a scarcity for n numbers for many parts of the manuscript. Please give some indications how many cells were inspected, how often a phenotype was observed and how often an experiment was independently carried out (see also minor points).

      Response: We have now provided better quantification for all the observations, with the number of cells observed and how many times each experiment was performed reported in the figure legends and in the method section.

      2) While the -omics data is interesting, it is somewhat disconnected from the remainder of the manuscript in that it does not lead to any experimental work on the cell level to bring it in connection with NEK1 nor is there any validation. For instance, while the interactome analysis includes a good proportion of very plausible hits, not a single one is validated. I do see that it may be beyond this manuscript to do extensive validations but as this data has limits what can be concluded from it, this should at least be stated in the text. For instance in the paragraph in the discussion (line 613etc). Some experimental validations, if only to show location at the expected site, would be even better.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this insight. We have reanalysed the proteomics data and identified some other MTOC and spindle proteins, including kinesin-8B and kinesin-13 (see new Figure 4). We have already validated kinesin-8B as an MTOC/basal body marker in a previous study, with a similar phenotype during male gametogenesis resulting from its ablation (Zeeshan et al, 2019). Here we show the relative location of NEK1 with respect to that of kinesin-8B, which has a similar MTOC location in early-stage male gametogenesis. In another study we showed that kinesin-13 is localised at the MTOC and spindle and has a similar role during male gametogenesis (Zeeshan et al, 2022). Other proteins, including PF16 and kinesin15, have also been shown to be important for male gametogenesis (Straschil et al, 2010, Zeeshan et al, 2022).

      Minor points: 1) Plasmodium is a species name, better not use it on its own (Anopheles would also not be used on its own if Anopheles mosquitoes are meant).

      Response: We now mentioned the particular species of the Plasmodium genus or in general, we use Plasmodium spp.

      2) While the imaging is very nice, I do have some issues with backgrounds containing mostly pixels of zero intensity (which seems to be the case for some of the images). In western blots this is not permitted anymore (because it is unclear what was clipped and whether this made weaker bands disappear). The same should apply to microscopy, unless very specific and defined analyses were used that caused this. If this was the case here (e.g. deconvolution, back ground subtraction etc), this should be stated for each type of imaging (including parameters). If this was just due to adjusting levels in Photoshp to clip low intensity, I would recommend to reduce that to a degree where no pixel has 0 intensity anymore to ensure no information in the image was lost.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing out this issue. Here, we have used several different types of imaging, including live cell, structural illumination microscopy (SIM), expansion microscopy and fixed immunofluorescence. In general, we adjusted the backgrounds for most of these images as necessary but did not use photoshop for any of them. For live cell imaging, the GFP/RFP fluorescent cell signals are well captured at different time points with an auto-exposure time and then processed simply using Axiovision/Zeiss zen software. SIM images were captured using different parameters based on fluorescence signal intensity and processed to remove background at a threshold level. We provide the processing parameters in the SIM processing method section). For expansion microscopy (ExM), the Z stacks were collected for different channels and the brightness adjusted to remove background. The SIM and ExM resolution images are presented as maximum intensity projections, as explained in the methods section; please see pages 23, 25 and 27. An example of SIM image processing is shown below:

      3) Line 158: The role of NEK1 in centrosome splitting in Toxoplasma. Given that Plasmodium NEKs are not analogous to mammalian NEKs, a quick word on the relation of Plasmodium and Toxoplasma NEKs may be beneficial. Does Toxo also have 4 NEKs and is TgNEK1 an orthologoue of Plasmodium NEK1?

      Response: In fact, Toxoplasma gondii encodes 4 NEKs (Miranda-Saavedra et al., 2012; PMID: 22587893), with TgNEK1 the orthologue of Plasmodium spp NEK1.

      4) Fig. S1A: is hDHFR really fused to NEK1? Maybe the scheme can be updated to clarify this without readers having to consult the cited publication (Guttery et al., 2014a)

      Response: We apologise for the confusion; we have updated and clarified the schematic for readers.

      5) Line 135: those other model eukaryotes -> insert "of" before other

      Response: We thank the reviewer for spotting this error and have now inserted “of”.

      6) Line 149: is substituted by an SMASH -> by a SMASH

      Response: We thank the reviewer for spotting this error and have now substituted by “a SMASH”.

      7) Line 151: in the modulation of MAPK pathway -> an article seems to be missing here

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing out the missing article and have now added Dorin-Semblat et al., 2007 article on MAP kinases to the text.

      8) Line 153: remove first bracket

      Response: We thank the reviewer for noticing the surplus bracket which has now been removed.

      9) Line 189; insert „the" before parasite life cycle

      Response: We thank the reviewer for noticing this and have now inserted “the”.

      10) Line 211: We observed an overlap of NEK1 and centrin signals but in this case NEK1 was closer than centrin to the DNA (Fig 1C). In contrast to the NDC80 statement ("NDC80-mCherry was always closer to the DNA"), there is no quantitative information. Looking at the images this also seems a bit less clear cut. Can the authors put a number to his in some way?

      Response: We thank the reviewer for highlighting this issue. To clarify, we have added some images showing the locations of Centrin-4/NDC80/DNA (New Fig 1B). We also calculated the overlap of DNA with centrin and DNA with NEK1 in the images showing the signals of these proteins (new Fig 1E). Similarly, the overlap of DNA with Ndc80 and DNA with NEK1 was calculated in the images showing the signals of these proteins (new Fig 1F). This analysis describes the order of signals for the different markers showing centrin is further than NDC80 from the DNA.

      11) Line 216: The live cell images of the proliferative liver schizogony (Fig S1D) and sporogony (Fig S1E) stages showed similar patterns of NEK1-GFP foci formation during proliferative stages. Can the authors specify what they mean with similar? I do not see any change from cytoplasmic to one focus per nucleus in the liver schizont and also in sporogony there only seems one focus per nucleus in the sporozoite.

      Response: The focal points are not very clear in these stages. Plasmodium liver and oocyst stages contain thousands of progenies and accurate study of the temporal dynamics of GFP expression is difficult. We highlight here that NEK1-GFP is localised at focal points in the nucleus, together with a diffused cytoplasmic location similar to that in asexual blood and male gametocyte stages. These foci are only observed during proliferative stages in cells undergoing active endomitosis in both oocyst and liver stages. No signal is observed in later stages when nuclear division is finished.

      12) Not all videos seem to have been treated the same way. Video 1 shows strong increase in the DAPI signal, suggesting post-acquisition boosting of the signal in later time points to compensate for GFP bleaching. In contrast the DAPI in Video S2 stays in a reasonable dynamic range. Can the type of processing used be indicated in the materials or legends?

      Response: We agree with the reviewer. Our main aim here was to observe the dynamic location of GFP- and RFP-tagged proteins at various stages during male gametogenesis, and not focus on quantifying the signal. We adjusted different channels according to fluorescence intensity only to show the protein location. We could collect a series of timelapse images for only two to three minutes because the GFP/RFP signals are bleached quickly.

      13) Particularly for Fig. 2F and Fig. S2, Fig. 3I-L and Fig. 6A but also for others, please indicate how many cells and independent experiments this is based on and give the number in the legend (image representative of X inspected cells or something along these lines). Fig. 6B has some of that information in the main text but also their total number of cells inspected should be added to the figure legend.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this important suggestion. We now include the total number of cells analysed for each representative image, and the number of experiments performed, in both the figure legends and methods section.

      14) Line318/Figure 3: "Live cell imaging showed that both NEK1 and kinesin-8B were located in the cytoplasm (Fig 3G, S3D)". And also later in this paragraph: Fig. S3D should be S3G and S3H. Also, the recruitment of Kinesin-8B within the first 30 seconds that is mentioned is not shown, a pre-induction image would be generally good to show. At the start of video 6 Kinesin-8B is also already recruited.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have now included pre-induction gametocytes images showing expression of these proteins in new Fig 3A.

      15) Line 339: "the" before nucleus might make this long sentence clearer.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. “the” has now been added.

      16) Line 341: Fig. 3I, beaded NDC80 signal. This signal does not seem that much different to some of the other markers in the SIM images in this figure part and the signal looks quite processed. How sure are the authors that the beads are real? This would be a very fascinating data point, so maybe worth providing some more image data. Does the number of NDC80 foci make sense? See also point 13.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing out this observation. We agree that that the NDC80 signal in this image does not look disimilar from some others, but this beaded structure is present in many images we have captured. Our focus was to locate the NEK1 signal relative to the signal of NDC80, and it was very challenging to capture both focal points, especially using two markers. We have replaced the image in Fig 3I with another with better signals for NDC80 and included more images in supplementary figures (S3I and J) to validate the observation. In previous studies we have observed similar NDC80 foci (about 28 NDC80 foci in a diploid gametocyte). (Zeeshan et al 2022 and Zeeshan et al 2023); please see the following figure. The NDC80 focal points represent the number of unclustered kinetochores; for example, in a diploid gametocyte during spindle formation, this would be expected for the Plasmodium haploid genome consisting of 14 chromosomes and the centromeric region of each chromosome associated with the kinetochore multi-protein complex that facilitates spindle attachment.

      17) Is S4A a replicate of Fig. 5A, it looks like the identical gel? Was this done more than once? Maybe also add that it was a 1 h induction time into the figure. Three replicates were done for the qPCR for the clag promoter strategy, but again this graph is in both, Fig. 5 and Fig. S4. Can the authors weed out the redundancies in these two figures and provide all n numbers?

      Response: We thank the reviewer for highlighting this duplication of the image to show depletion/downregulation of NEK1. The image that was originally part of main Figure 5 has now been deleted, leaving it in supplementary Figure S4.

      18) Line 419: please help the reader here and modify to start of this paragraph with something along the lines of "To generate PTD lines..."

      Response: We have modified the start of the sentence to make clear to readers the importance of the PTD lines.

      19) Line 432: Is this how this is typically phrased (In mosquitoes fed NEK1clag parasites)? I would remove "s" from mosquitoes or insert "with" after "fed" (or maybe fed on NEK1clag infected mice?).

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have added “with” after “fed”.

      20) Line 436: on the naïve mice, remove "the"

      Response: We thank the reviewer for noticing this. We have removed “the” before naïve mice.

      21) Line 446: log2fold -1.5

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out and have corrected this.

      22) Fig. S5: It might be beneficial to give in the figure the information to at a glance see what kind of data the figure parts show because it is a mix of RNASeq, phosphoproteomics, NEK1clag and NEK1-AID/HA gametocytes.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and have now described the data/plots showing RNA-seq and phosphoproteomic analyses in Figure S5.

      23) Line 500: consider replacing imaging with information.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and have now replaced “imaging” with “information”.

      24) Line 585: remove "be"

      Response: We thank the reviewer for spotting this and have now removed “be”.

      25) Not all symbol fonts did survive PDF conversion, see e.g. line 1050 or 1101 or 1197.

      Response: We are not quite sure why the symbols did not survive conversion to pdf; we have tested conversion of the Word file to pdf format and all the symbols survived.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The strength of this work is the very comprehensive imaging data that combines several high-end techniques and provides a coherent picture. It has all the necessary markers to firstly localize NEK1 in the context of mitosis and then understand the phenotype when it is inactivated. The weakness of this work lies in the limited quantitative information on some of the observed phenotypes.

      Response: We appreciate the concern of the reviewer and have revised the manuscript by adding further quantitative information in figure legends and in the method section.

      and in the limited pursuit of the findings of the -omics data although, in favour of the paper - these data do add meaningfully to the overall picture even if they were not further validated.

      Response: We have discussed more about the omics data. Please line number 656-58 in discussion

      __Reviewer #3 __

      Major comments:

      1. NEK1 mutant parasites show a defect in male gametogenesis. Did authors observe any defect on female gamete formation? This data can be included in the main manuscript. An IFA with female gametocyte marker such as Pbg337 can be included to demonstrate sex-specific expression of NEK1. Response: We have investigated sex-specificity by using P28 antibody (13.1), a reagent which is generally used in P. berghei to identify female gametes and zygotes (we do not have a Pbg337-specific reagent and assume that the reviewer is referring to Pf g377). We see no defect in the number of female gametes formed and identified by surface expression of P28 (Fig S4I and J). This observation was supported by the lack of NEK1-GFP expression in female gametocytes at any time point (Fig. S1F). Furthermore, the rescue experiment (now added in Fig 5F) proves that the defect is only in the male and not the female lineage.

      Authors should include genetic crosses experiments to demonstrate female gametes of NEK1 mutant are fertile. Authors appear to have sex-sterile lines available in their lab and have performed these experiments in their previous studies (PMID: 37704606).

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have now performed the genetic rescue experiment by crossing NEK1Clag parasites with two female deficient lines (Δnek4 and Δdozi) and one male deficient line (Δhap2). In three independent set of experiments, we could rescue the defect in NEK1Clag parasites by crossing with female deficient lines, but not by crossing with the male deficient line, by observing ookinete formation. These data are presented in Fig 5F.

      1. Proteomic and phosphoproteomic data using mutant NEK1 parasites showed differential phosphorylation of several proteins but authors did not observe same proteins to be differentially phosphorylated in different replicates. Using in vitro experiments involving peptides or recombinant protein fragments, authors should validate and demonstrate some of the substrates to be direct parasite substrates for NEK1. Kinesin-15 can be one good candidate substrate as kinesin-15 is less phosphorylated in NEK1-AID/HA and is enriched in NEK1-GFP Immunoprecipitates. This is very relevant especially since authors observe perturbation of levels for several other kinases in NEK1 knock down parasites.

      Response: We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion to do in vitro biochemical experimentation to validate NEK1 kinase substrates. With respect, this suggestion is well beyond the focus of this study since our aim was to characterise the cell biology of NEK1 function in vivo, with a focus on male gametogenesis. Kinesin-15 together with NEK1 was one of the few proteins for which we detected a significant reduction of phosphorylated peptides across all replicates, despite the high sample variability (likely linked to the pre-treatment involving ethanol and/or auxin to degrade the auxin-induced degron). It is therefore highly likely that phosphorylation of Kinesin-15-S454 is dependent on NEK1. We observed no differential phosphorylation of other kinases in the dataset, but we cannot exclude that other kinases or phosphatases are involved in this signalling pathway.

      NEK1 is known to phosphorylate MAP2 kinase in vitro in P. falciparum. Did authors find MAP2 to be differentially phosphorylated in their dataset? It should be discussed accordingly in the current manuscript.

      Response: We observed phosphorylation of serine 301 in MAPK2. At 6 min post-activation we detected a two-fold reduction of the corresponding peptide with a Q-value of 0.0528, which is just above the selected threshold. Given the high replicate variability, it is possible that this serine is phosphorylated by NEK1 upon gametocyte activation, but more targeted analyses would be necessary to test this hypothesis. As this observation is still rather speculative, we preferred to refer to it in the discussion.

      1. Authors show that NEK1 is expressed in pre-erythrocytic stages. Since authors have multiple tools/ transgenic parasites to study relative expression of NEK1, authors can test relative expression of NEK1 in pre-erythrocytic stages and discuss possible function of NEK1 during liver stages.

      Response: We appreciate this suggestion of the reviewer, but we consider the proposed work to be outside the scope of this manuscript, where our focus is on the role of NEK1 in sexual cells. We agree that it will be interesting to examine the possible function of NEK1 in liver stages and believe that several groups are now embarking upon such work.

      Minor comments: Authors should cite relevant literature on role of kinases in male gametogenesis by adding a paragraph. e.g. PMID: 18532880, PMID: 29042501, PMID: 29311293, PMID: 32568069, PMID: 34724830, PMID: 32681115, PMID: 36154191 and other kinases.

      Response: These references have been added in the discussion section, line numbers 632-635.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      Expansion microscopy and live cell imaging are cutting edge and provide the detail and dynamic picture of NEK1 expression in the context of components associated with rapid mitosis, spindle formation, and Kinetochore attachment. This study adds new information to our understanding of the process of male gametogenesis in apicomplexan parasites.

      Response: We appreciate these encouraging comments.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Zeeshan et al. investigates the function of Never in mitosis (NIMA)-like kinase (NEK 1) during Plasmodium gametogenesis with a focus on NEK1 in the rodent malaria parasites. The current study shows NEK1 as an important component present near MTOC, kinetochore complex and assisting in spindle formation during rapid mitosis during gametogenesis. Using NEK1-GFP parasites, authors show general association of NEK1 with axoneme/ciliary proteins as well as subunits of the replication machinery. By conditional knock down approaches, authors showed that NEK1 is required during male gametogenesis and parasite transmission to mosquitoes suggesting it to be a significant target for developing transmission blocking interventions.

      Major comments:

      1. NEK1 mutant parasites show a defect in male gametogenesis. Did authors observe any defect on female gamete formation? This data can be included in the main manuscript. . An IFA with female gametocyte marker such as Pbg337 can be included to demonstrate sex-specific expression of NEK1.
      2. Authors should include genetic crosses experiments to demonstrate female gametes of NEK1 mutant are fertile. Authors appear to have sex-sterile lines available in their lab and have performed these experiments in their previous studies (PMID: 37704606).
      3. Proteomic and phosphoproteomic data using mutant NEK1 parasites showed differential phosphorylation of several proteins but authors did not observe same proteins to be differentially phosphorylated in different replicates. Using in vitro experiments involving peptides or recombinant protein fragments, authors should validate and demonstrate some of the substrates to be direct parasite substrates for NEK1. Kinesin-15 can be one good candidate substrate as kinesin-15 is less phosphorylated in NEK1-AID/HA and is enriched in NEK1-GFP Immunoprecipitates. This is very relevant especially since authors observe perturbation of levels for several other kinases in NEK1 knock down parasites.
      4. NEK1 is known to phosphorylate MAP2 kinase in vitro in P. falciparum. Did authors find MAP2 to be differentially phosphorylated in their dataset? It should be discussed accordingly in the current manuscript.
      5. Authors show that NEK1 is expressed in pre-erythrocytic stages. Since authors have multiple tools/ transgenic parasites to study relative expression of NEK1, authors can test relative expression of NEK1 in pre-erythrocytic stages and discuss possible function of NEK1 during liver stages.

      Minor comments:

      Authors should cite relevant literature on role of kinases in male gametogenesis by adding a paragraph. e.g. PMID: 18532880, PMID: 29042501, PMID: 29311293, PMID: 32568069, PMID: 34724830, PMID: 32681115, PMID: 36154191 and other kinases.


      Expansion microscopy and live cell imaging are cutting edge and provide the detail and dynamic picture of NEK1 expression in the context of components associated with rapid mitosis, spindle formation, and Kinetochore attachment. This study adds new information to our understanding of the process of male gametogenesis in apicomplexan parasites.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      A fascinating aspect of malaria parasite biology is the incredibly fast generation of 8 nuclei in microgamete formation. In this work the authors identify NEK1, one of the 4 NEKs of the parasite, as an essential protein in that process. They use impressive imaging (but see small comment on that below) including live cell time lapse, superresolution, expansion and EM with markers to describe the location of NEK1 in relation to mitosis relevant structures and the impact of its loss. This is bolstered by some IP, RNASeq and phosphoproteomic data, providing a very thorough characterization of NEK1 although these data are less thorough than the imaging. The sound conclusion from the authors is that Nek1 is needed for MTOC organization, spindle assembly and kinetochore attachment in mitosis during male gamete formation.

      Major points(please note that both points do not necessarily need further experiments):

      1. there is a scarcity for n numbers for many parts of the manuscript. Please give some indications how many cells were inspected, how often a phenotype was observed and how often an experiment was independently carried out (see also minor points).
      2. while the -omics data is interesting, it is somewhat disconnected from the remainder of the manuscript in that it does not lead to any experimental work on the cell level to bring it in connection with NEK1 nor is there any validation. For instance, while the interactome analysis includes a good proportion of very plausible hits, not a single one is validated. I do see that it may be beyond this manuscript to do extensive validations but as this data has limits what can be concluded from it, this should at least be stated in the text. For instance in the paragraph in the discussion (line 613etc). Some experimental validations, if only to show location at the expected site, would be even better.

      Minor points:

      1. Plasmodium is a species name, better not use it on its own (Anopheles would also not be used on its own if Anopheles mosquitoes are meant).
      2. While the imaging is very nice, I do have some issues with backgrounds containing mostly pixels of zero intensity (which seems to be the case for some of the images). In western blots this is not permitted anymore (because it is unclear what was clipped and whether this made weaker bands disappear). The same should apply to microscopy, unless very specific and defined analyses were used that caused this. If this was the case here (e.g. deconvolution, back ground subtraction etc), this should be stated for each type of imaging (including parameters). If this was just due to adjusting levels in Photoshp to clip low intensity, I would recommend to reduce that to a degree where no pixel has 0 intensity anymore to ensure no information in the image was lost.
      3. Line 158: The role of NEK1 in centrosome splitting in Toxoplasma. Given that Plasmodium NEKs are not analogous to mammalian NEKs, a quick word on the relation of Plasmodium and Toxoplasma NEKs may be beneficial. Does Toxo also have 4 NEKs and is TgNEK1 an orthologoue of Plasmodium NEK1?
      4. Fig. S1A: is hDHFR really fused to NEK1? Maybe the scheme can be updated to clarify this without readers having to consult the cited publication (Guttery et al., 2014a)
      5. Line 135: those other model eukaryotes -> insert "of" before other
      6. Line 149: is substituted by an SMASH -> by a SMASH
      7. Line 151: in the modulation of MAPK pathway -> an article seems to be missing here
      8. Line 153: remove first bracket
      9. Line 189; insert „the" before parasite life cycle
      10. Line 211: We observed an overlap of NEK1 and centrin signals but in this case NEK1 was closer than centrin to the DNA (Fig 1C). In contrast to the NDC80 statement ("NDC80-mCherry was always closer to the DNA"), there is no quantitative information. Looking at the images this also seems a bit less clear cut. Can the authors put a number to his in some way?
      11. Line 216: The live cell images of the proliferative liver schizogony (Fig S1D) and sporogony (Fig S1E) stages showed similar patterns of NEK1-GFP foci formation during proliferative stages. Can the authors specify what they mean with similar? I do not see any change from cytoplasmic to one focus per nucleus in the liver schizont and also in sporogony there only seems one focus per nucleus in the sporozoite.
      12. Not all videos seem to have been treated the same way. Video 1 shows strong increase in the DAPI signal, suggesting post acquisition boosting of the signal in later time points to compensate for GFP bleaching. In contrast the DAPI in Video S2 stays in a reasonable dynamic range. Can the type of processing used be indicated in the materials or legends?
      13. Particularly for Fig. 2F and Fig. S2, Fig. 3I-L and Fig. 6A but also for others, please indicate how many cells and independent experiments this is based on and give the number in the legend (image representative of X inspected cells or something along these lines). Fig. 6B has some of that information in the main text but also there total number of cells inspected should be added to the figure legend.
      14. Line318/Figure 3: "Live cell imaging showed that both NEK1 and kinesin-8B were located in the cytoplasm (Fig 3G, S3D)". And also later in this paragraph: Fig. S3D should be S3G and S3H. Also, the recruitment of Kinesin-8B within the first 30 seconds that is mentioned is not shown, a pre-induction image would be generally good to show. At the start of video 6 Kinesin-8B is also already recruited.
      15. Line 339: "the" before nucleus might make this long sentence clearer.
      16. Line 341: Fig. 3I, beaded NDC80 signal. This signal does not seem that much different to some of the other markers in the SIM images in this figure part and the signal looks quite processed. How sure are the authors that the beads are real? This would be a very fascinating data point, so maybe worth providing some more image data. Does the number of NDC80 foci make sense? See also point 13.
      17. Is S4A a replicate of Fig. 5A, it looks like the identical gel? Was this done more than once? Maybe also add that it was a 1 h induction time into the figure. Three replicates were done for the qPCR for the clag promoter strategy, but again this graph is in both, Fig. 5 and Fig. S4. Can the authors weed out the redundancies in these two figures and provide all n numbers?
      18. Line 419: please help the reader here and modify to start of this paragraph with something along the lines of "To generate PTD lines..."
      19. Line 432: Is this how this is typically phrased (In mosquitoes fed NEK1clag parasites)? I would remove "s" from mosquitoes or insert "with" after "fed" (or maybe fed on NEK1clag infected mice?).
      20. Line 436: on the naïve mice, remove "the"
      21. Line 446: log2fold 1.5 likely should be log2fold>-1.5
      22. Fig. S5: It might be beneficial to give in the figure the information to at a glance see what kind of data the figure parts show because it is a mix of RNASeq, phosphoproteomics, NEK1clag and NEK1-AID/HA gametocytes.
      23. Line 500: consider replacing imaging with information.
      24. Line 585: remove "be"
      25. Not all symbol fonts did survive PDF conversion, see e.g. line 1050 or 1101 or 1197.


      The strength of this work is the very comprehensive imaging data that combines several high-end techniques and provides a coherent picture. It has all the necessary markers to firstly localize NEK1 in the context of mitosis and then understand the phenotype when it is inactivated. The weakness of this work lies in the limited quantitative information on some of the observed phenotypes and in the limited pursuit of the findings of the -omics data although, in favour of the paper - these data do add meaningfully to the overall picture even if they were not further validated.

      The study provides very interesting information to a field that currently is gaining momentum in malaria research. It will be of interest to researchers working on

      • mitosis in malaria parasites and other apicomplexans
      • kinases in these parasites and likely also for researchers working on mitosis in model organisms.

      Expertise: I am a cell biologist working with P. falciparum blood stages

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This article by Zeeshan et al. investigates the role of NEK1 kinase in Plasmodium, the malaria parasite, focusing on its essential functions in microtubule organizing center (MTOC) organization and kinetochore attachment during the rapid mitosis involved in male gamete formation. Utilizing a combination of live cell imaging, ultrastructure expansion microscopy (U-ExM), and various molecular biology techniques, the authors elucidate the spatiotemporal dynamics of NEK1 in relation to MTOC dynamics across different stages of the Plasmodium life cycle. Their findings reveal that NEK1 is crucial for coordinating spindle formation and chromosome segregation, highlighting its potential as a target for malaria intervention strategies.


      Comprehensive Methodological Approach: The combination of cutting-edge imaging techniques with conditional gene knockdown and proteomics provides a robust framework for investigating NEK1's role in Plasmodium mitosis, ensuring the reliability and depth of the findings. Novel Insights into Plasmodium Biology: The study offers groundbreaking insights into the mitotic mechanisms of Plasmodium, particularly the atypical processes involved in male gametogenesis, thereby filling a significant knowledge gap. Implications for Malaria Control: By identifying a potential new drug target, this research directly contributes to the ongoing malaria control and eradication efforts, highlighting the translational potential of basic biological research. Major revision points: The authors should consider using CENH3 as a marker instead of NDC80 to claim NEK1's role in chromosome segregation. Using a direct marker like CENH3 would strengthen their conclusion. However, if the authors choose not to generate the cell line and new set of data, it would be advisable to tone down their conclusion regarding chromosome segregation. I acknowledge the extensive work and data present in the paper. Minor revision points: The figures are well-designed and presented to a high standard. I especially appreciate the guide schematics associated with the IFAs. However, one area that could be improved is the presentation of the expanded parasites. Firstly, the insets cover a major section of the cell, concealing data from the figure. Secondly, the NHS-ester signal is currently saturated and could be dimmed to more accurately represent the MTOC.


      This study significantly advances our understanding of the cell cycle mechanisms in Plasmodium, particularly the unique mitotic processes involved in male gametogenesis. By elucidating the role of NEK1 kinase, the research addresses a critical gap in malaria biology, offering insights into the parasite's ability to proliferate and transmit between hosts. The identification of NEK1 as a key regulator of MTOC organization and kinetochore attachment during Plasmodium mitosis not only broadens our fundamental knowledge of cellular division in divergent eukaryotes. The study lays a solid foundation for future research to disrupt malaria transmission through targeted intervention strategies. Further exploration of NEK1's interactions and the development of specific inhibitors could pave the way for novel antimalarial therapies, highlighting the importance of continued research in this area.

      The article by Zeeshan et al. contributes significantly to our understanding of Plasmodium biology, particularly the role of NEK1 kinase in the parasite's cell cycle. Despite some limitations, such as the scope of kinase investigation and the direct translation to therapeutic applications, the study lays a solid foundation for future research to disrupt malaria transmission through targeted intervention strategies. Further exploration of NEK1's interactions and the development of specific inhibitors could pave the way for novel antimalarial therapies, highlighting the importance of continued research in this area.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Response to reviewer comments

      R: We really appreciate the reviewer positive comments and consideration, and we believe that the review process has significantly strengthened our manuscript.

      We have responded to all the reviewer comments, as follows:

      Response (R)


      Major comments:

      The manuscript is mostly well written (it could use a few minor grammatical corrections), the significance of the problem is well described, and the results are clearly presented with adequate controls. The movies, provided as supplementary material, are of the highest quality and are essential additions to the stills provided in the figures. The data convincingly support the key conclusions of the manuscript.

      R: We sincerely appreciate the positive comments provided by the reviewer. In response, we have thoroughly revised the manuscript to address any grammatical issue.

      Does the MO knockdown both S and L homeologs of X. laevis? Since the level of GAPDH in Figure 1H also looks reduced in Gai2 MO lane, it should be made clear that the apparent knockdown of Gai2 was normalized to GAPDH, rather than being the results of unequal loading of the gel. Yes, I recognize that Figure 1I says normalized, but this is not stated in the results or the methods. Also, was this experiment done with X. laevis or X. tropicalis? I could imagine that if done in X. laevis, the lack of complete knockdown might be due to only one homeolog being affected.

      R: We appreciate the reviewer comment, and we described in Material and Methods section the region targeted by the morpholino, in both Xenopus species. We added the next paragraph in the Material and Methods section, see page 24, paragraph 2, lines: 4-11:

      "MO against Xenopus Gαi2 was designed by GeneTools to target the 5' UTR site of X. tropicalis (X.t) and X. laevis (X.l) transcripts (Gαi2MO: 5'-CGACACAGCCCCAGATAGTGCGT-3'). Specifically, it hybridizes with the 5' UTR of X. t Gαi2 (NM_203919), 17 nucleotides upstream of the ATG start codon. For X. l Gαi2, the morpholino hybridizes with both isoforms described in Xenbase. It specifically targets the 5' UTR of the Gαi2.L isoform (XM_018258962), located 17 nucleotides upstream of the ATG start codon, and the 5' UTR of the Gαi2.S isoform (NM_001097056), situated 275 nucleotides upstream of the ATG."

      With respect to Figure 1H and 1I, we have specified in the Fig. 1 legend that we normalized the data to GAPDH to quantifying the decrease in Gαi2 expression induced by the morpholino.

      See page 40, Figure 1H-I, Legends section. Finally, the result showed in Fig. 1A-I was done in X.t., that was now stated at the legend from the figure. We added at the Supplementary material Fig.1S, the result done in X.l. experiment.

      The knowledge of the efficacy of knockdown in each Xenopus species provided by the information requested in the previous point, would allow the reader to assess the level of knockdown in the remaining assays. To do this, the authors should tell us which assays were done in which species. I am not suggesting that each experiment needs to be done in each species, only that the information should be provided. If the MO is more effective in X. tropicalis - which assays used this species? If the knock down is partial, as shown in Figure 1H-I, which species this represents in the remaining assays would be useful knowledge.

      R: We greatly appreciate the reviewer's valuable comments and suggestions, and as a response, we have incorporated a new supplementary figure (Figure S1). This figure includes a western blot and an in situ hybridization assay illustrating the efficiency of the knockdown in Xenopus laevis. The results presented in Figure S1 demonstrate that the knockdown efficiency is similar in both Xenopus species, allowing for a comparison between Figure 1A-I (X. tropicalis) and Figure 1S (X. laevis).

      To complement this information, we have also improved the section of Material and Methods regarding the experiments in both Xenopus species (Xenopus tropicalis and Xenopus laevis). As detailed in the Materials and Methods section, we employed 20 ng of Gai2MO for Xenopus tropicalis embryos and 35 ng of Gai2MO for Xenopus laevis embryos to deplete cell migration. In both species, in vivo migration was analyzed, resulting in a substantial inhibition of cranial neural crest (NC) migration, ranging from 60% to 80%. Additionally, we conducted dispersion assays in both species. In X. laevis, in vitro migration was monitored for 10 hours, while in X. tropicalis, it was tracked for 4 hours, both yielding the same phenotype. We also studied cell morphology and microtubule dynamics in both Xenopus models. However, we used different tracer concentrations for each, with 200 pg for X. laevis and 100 pg for X. tropicalis, as specified in the Materials and Methods section. Our Rac1 and RhoA timelapse experiments were conducted in both species as well, employing pGBD-GFP and rGBD-mCherry probes, respectively, and different probe concentrations as outlined in the Materials and Methods section. These experiments revealed polarity impairment and consistent Rac1 behavior in both Xenopus species. The study of focal adhesion in vivo dynamics using the FAK-GFP tracer was carried out also in both species, resulting in the same phenotype. It is worth noting that the only experiment conducted exclusively in X. tropicalis was the focal adhesion disassembly assay with nocodazole.

      Regarding the improvements of the Materials and Method section see page 24, paragraph 1.

      We want to highlight that at the beginning of the Materials and Methods section, we incorporated a paragraph to clarify that "All experiments were conducted in both Xenopus species (X.t and X.l) using distinct concentrations of the morpholino (MO) and mRNA, as specified in each respective methodology description". This approach consistently yielded similar results. It is important to note that for the figures, we selected the most representative images.

      We have also specified in each figure legend which Xenopus species is depicted.

      Minor comments:

      While prior studies are referenced appropriately, and the text and figures are mostly clear and accurately presented, the following are a few suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions:

      The cell biological experiments convincingly demonstrate that knockdown of Gai2 causes cells to move more slowly. It would be a nice addition to bring the explant experimental data back to the embryo by showing whether the slower moving NC cells in morphants eventually populate the BA. DO they cease to migrate or are they just slower getting to their destination? This could be done by performing snail2 ISH at a later stage (34-35?).

      R: We appreciate the reviewer's insightful point, and in response, we conducted the in situ hybridization assay at stages 32-36 to address this question. The result has been included in Figure S1F-H, revealing a delayed migration of cranial neural crest cells. Consequently, we have updated the text in the results section, page 6, paragraph 1, line 18:

      "In later developmental stages, such as stage 32, WISH revealed alterations in migration as well, albeit to a lesser extent compared to the early stages (22-23). This suggests a phenotype characterized by delayed migration (supplementary material Fig S1F-H)."

      There are places in the manuscript where the authors use the terms "silencing" or "suppression" of Gai2, when they really mean reduced translation - their system is not a genetic knockout, as clearly demonstrated in Figure 1H-I. I suggest that more accurate wording be used.

      R: We appreciate the reviewer's comment, and we agree that the Gαi2 morpholino impedes Gαi2 translation, leading to a reduction in Gαi2 protein expression. Consequently, we have revised the entire manuscript, replacing the terms "silencing" and "suppression" with "knockdown".

      In Figures 1-5 there are scale of bars on the cell images, but these are not defined in any of the figure legends.

      R: We value the reviewer's comment, and we have revised all the figure legends by including the scale information. Each image has been scaled to 10 µm with varying magnifications.

      The abstract is the weakest section of the manuscript, and would have greater impact if it were more clearly written.

      R: We appreciate the reviewer's comment on the abstract, and we have revised and edited it to enhance its quality.


      "Cell migration is a complex and essential process in various biological contexts, from embryonic development to tissue repair and cancer metastasis. Central to this process are the actin and tubulin cytoskeletons, which control cell morphology, polarity, focal adhesion dynamics, and overall motility in response to diverse chemical and mechanical cues. Despite the well- established involvement of heterotrimeric G proteins in cell migration, the precise underlying mechanism remains elusive, particularly in the context of development. This study explores the involvement of Gαi2, a subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins, in cranial neural crest cell migration, a critical event in embryonic development. Our research uncovers the intricate mechanisms underlying Gαi2 influence, revealing a direct interaction with the microtubule-associated protein EB1, and through this with tubulin, suggesting a regulatory function in microtubule dynamics modulation. Here, we show that Gαi2 knockdown leads to microtubule stabilization, alterations in cell polarity and morphology with an increased Rac1-GTP concentration at the leading edge and cell-cell contacts, impaired cortical actin localization and focal adhesion disassembly. Interestingly, in Gai2 depleted cells RhoA-GTP was found to be reduced at cell-cell contacts and concentrated at the leading edge, providing evidence of Gαi2 significant role in polarity. Remarkably, treatment with nocodazole, a microtubule-depolymerizing agent, effectively reduces Rac1 activity, restoring cranial NC cell morphology, actin distribution, and overall migration. Collectively, our findings shed light on the intricate molecular mechanisms underlying cranial neural crest cell migration and highlight the pivotal role of Gαi2 in orchestrating microtubule dynamics through EB1 and EB3 interaction, modulating Rac1 activity during this crucial developmental process."

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The molecular regulation of cell movement is a key feature of a number of developmental and homeostatic processes. While many of the proteins involved have been identified, how they interact to provide motility has not been elucidated in any great detail, particularly in embryo-derived cells (as opposed to cell lines). The results obtained from the presented experiments are novel, in-depth and provide a novel paradigm for how G proteins regulate microtubule dynamics which in turn regulate other components of the cytoskeleton required for cell movement. The results will be applicable to many migrating cell types, not just neural crest cells.

      Because of the application of the data to many types of cells that migrate, the audience is expected to include a broad array of developmental biologists, basic cell biologists and those interested in clinically relevant aberrant cell migrations.

      R: We really appreciate the reviewer positive comments and consideration


      Reviewer: Major comments:

      The authors aim to address two issues in this manuscript: a) the role of Gai2 in neural crest development; and b) the mechanism of Gai2 function. While they have done a good job demonstrating a role of Gai2 in NC migration both in vivo and in vitro as well as the effects of Gai2 knockdown on cytoskeleton dynamics, protein distribution of selected polarity and focal adhesion molecules, and Rac1 activation, the link between Gai2 and the downstream effectors is largely correlative. Because of this, the model suggesting the sequential events flowing from Gai2 to microtubule to Rac1 to focal adhesion/actin should be modified to allow room for direct and indirect regulation at potentially multiple entry points.

      R: We appreciate the valuable comments provided by the reviewer. To further elucidate the mechanism underlying Gαi2 regulation of cranial neural crest cell migration, we have incorporated new data from interaction analysis conducted by PLA (proximity ligand assay). This analysis supports our proposed model, indicating Gαi2 interacts with EB proteins to form a complex with tubulin, thereby regulating microtubules dynamics and subsequently influencing Rac1 and RhoA activity, cell morphology (actin cytoskeleton) and cell-matrix adhesion, ultimately affecting migration. However, we cannot exclude that this regulation may also involve other intermediary proteins, such as GEFs, GAPs, GDIs, and others. Finally, as a result, we have revised our model and its description to provide a more detailed explanation of the potential mechanism in line with the reviewer suggestion. Specifically, we have edited the discussion/conclusion, model and the legend for Figure 6. Please refer to page 16 (paragraph 1, 2 and 3), 22 (paragraph 1), 23 (paragraph 1), 44 (Legend Fig. 6).

      __Reviewer: __Specific major comments are as the following:


      -Determination of a role of Gai2 in neural crest migration is novel.

      -The effect of Gai2 knockdown on membrane protrusion morphology and microtubule stability and dynamics are demonstrated nicely.

      -Quantification of experimental perimeters has been performed throughout the manuscript in all the figures, and statistical analysis is included in the figures.

      R: We appreciate the reviewer positive comments

      Weaknesses: -The heavy focus of the study on microtubule is due to the previous publication on the function of Gai2 in regulation of microtubule during asymmetrical cell division. However, the activity of Gai2 is likely cell type-specific, as it has not been shown to control microtubule during cytokinesis in general. It is equally likely that Gai2 primarily regulates Rac1 or actin regulators to influence both microtubule and actin dynamics. The tone of the discussion should therefore be softened.

      R: We greatly appreciate and agree with the comment from the reviewer, highlighting the possibility that Gαi2 primarily regulates Rac1 or actin regulators to influence both microtubule and actin dynamics. In this regard, we have revised our manuscript to include a discussion of this point. We added the next paragraph in the Discussion/Conclusion section, page 22-23.

      "It is well established that the activity from the Rho family of small GTPases is controlling cytoskeletal organization during migration (Ridley et al., 2015). Contrariwise, it has been described in many cell types, that microtubules dynamic polymerization plays a crucial role in establishing the structural foundation for cell polarization, consequently influencing the direction of cell motility (Watanabe et al., 2005). Our results appear to align with this latter view. While it is reasonable to postulate the possibility that Gαi2 regulates Rac1 activity, subsequently influencing actin and microtubule dynamics, our findings in the context of cranial NC cells, lend support to an alternative sequence of events. Initially, Gαi2 knockdown leads to a decrease in microtubule dynamics, which in turn increase Rac-GTP towards the leading edge. This shift is accompanied by reduced levels of cortical actin and impaired focal adhesion disassembly, culminating in compromised cell migration. Notably, nocodazole, a microtubule-depolymerizing agent, not only diminishes Rac-GTP localization at the leading edge but also rescues cell morphology, restores normal cortical actin localization, and promotes focal adhesion disassembly, thereby facilitating cell migration. If Rac1 activity were indeed upstream of microtubules, it would be expected that nocodazole would not reduce Rac-GTP levels at the cell leading edge. These results suggest that the regulation of Rac1 activity may follow, rather than precede, alterations in microtubule dynamics, in the context of NC cells. Furthermore, in support of our model, our protein interaction analysis demonstrates Gαi2 interacting with microtubule components such as EB proteins and tubulin. As we already mention above, earlier studies have reported that microtubule dynamics promote Rac1 signaling at the leading edge and by releasing RhoGEFs promote RhoA signaling as well (Best et al., 1996; Garcin and Straube, 2019; Moore et al., 2013; Waterman-Storer et al., 1999). In addition, it is well-documented that RhoGEFs interact with microtubules, including bPix, a GEF for Rac1 and Cdc42, which, in turn, promotes tubulin acetylation (Kwon et al., 2020). Interestingly, in ovarian cancer cells, Gαi2 has been shown to activate Rac1 through an interaction with bPix, thereby jointly regulating migration in response to LPA (Ward et al., 2015). Taken together, these findings further support our proposed model (refer to Fig. 6)."

      The effect of rescue of NC migration with Rac1 inhibitor is marginal and the result is hard to interpret considering the inhibitor also blocks control NC migration. Either lower doses of Rac1 inhibitor can be used or the experiment can be removed from the manuscript, as Rac1 is required for membrane protrusions and the inhibitor doses can be hard to titrate.

      R: We appreciate and agree with the reviewer's comments. To address this concern and enhance clarity, we have incorporated the following paragraph into the manuscript within the Discussion section. Additionally, we have included information on the range of NSC23766 concentrations used for this analysis in the Materials and Methods section. Page 25, Explants and microdissection.

      In the results section see page 11 and 12, paragraph 2.

      "It is worth noting that we conducted Rac inhibitor NSC23766 trials at concentrations ranging from 20 nM to 50 nM for X. laevis and between 10 nM to 30 nM for X. tropicalis. In both cases, higher concentrations of the Rac inhibitor proved to be lethal (data not shown), underscoring the essential role of Rac1 in both cell migration and cell survival. Remarkably, our results show partial restoration in cranial NC cells dispersion following a 5-minute treatment with a low concentration of the Rac1 inhibitor (20 nM of NSC23766 X. laevis and 10 nM for X. tropicalis) (Fig. 3L-P, supplementary material movie S5). This suggests that these concentrations are sufficient to demonstrate that the increase in Rac1-GTP resulting from Gαi2 morpholino knockdown impairs cell migration."

      The partial rescue can be attributed to the crucial role of microtubule dynamics in cell migration, which acts upstream of Rac activity. Additionally, Rac is pivotal for the modulation of cell polarity at the leading edge of migration. It is worth emphasizing that Rac1 levels are critical for cell migration, as demonstrated by other researchers. Lower concentrations of Rac1-GTP have been shown to hinder cell migration in cells deficient in Rac1, leading to a significant reduction in wound closure and random cell migration (Steffen et al., 2013).

      "Therefore, we believe that the lower concentration of NSC23766 used in our assay was adequate to reduce the abnormal Rac1-GTP activity in the morphant NC cells. However, it is important to note that for normal NC cell, this level of reduction in Rac1-GTP activity is critical and sufficient to impair normal migration".

      See page 11 and 12, paragraph 2.

      Steffen A, Ladwein M, Dimchev GA, Hein A, Schwenkmezger L, Arens S, Ladwein KI, Margit Holleboom J, Schur F, Victor Small J, Schwarz J, Gerhard R, Faix J, Stradal TE, Brakebusch C, Rottner K. Rac function is crucial for cell migration but is not required for spreading and focal adhesion formation. J Cell Sci. 2013 Oct 15;126(Pt 20):4572-88. doi: 10.1242/jcs.118232. Epub 2013 Jul 31. PMID: 23902686; PMCID: PMC3817791.

      Since the defects seem to result partially from the inability of the NC cells to retract and move away, it may help to either include some data on Rho activation patterns in knockdown cells or simply add some discussion about the issue.

      R: We acknowledge and sincerely appreciate the reviewer's valuable comments on this pivotal aspect, which significantly enhances our capacity to elucidate the impact of Gαi2 knockdown on cell polarity. To address this crucial point, we have introduced an experiment that examines RhoA-GTP localization under Gαi2 knockdown conditions, and we have incorporated a supplementary figure S3 into our manuscript. This newly added figure clearly demonstrates that, under Gαi2 knockdown conditions, and in contrast to control cells, RhoA-GTP localization is substantially disrupted at cell-cell contacts and now detected at the leading edge of the cell, providing compelling evidence of cell polarity defects (refer to Figure S3A-C). In response to these results, we have included a description of these findings in the Results section (please see page 10) and a dedicated paragraph in the Discussion section (please see page 19, paragraph 2, last line, page 19-21).

      Results section 1 (page 10, paragraph 1 line 6-12): "To achieve this, we explored whether Gαi2 regulates the subcellular distribution of active Rac1 and RhoA in cranial NC explants under Gαi2 loss-of-function conditions, considering their pivotal roles in cranial NC migration and contact inhibition of locomotion (CIL) (Carmona-Fontaine et al., 2011; Moore et al., 2013; Leal et al., 2018). Hence, we employed mRNA encoding the small GTPase-based probe, enabling specific visualization of the GTP-bound states of these proteins."

      Results section 2 (page 10, paragraph 1 line 14-27): "Consistent with earlier observations by Carmona-Fontaine et al. (2011), in control cranial NC cells, active Rac1 displayed prominent localization at the leading edge of migrating cells, whereas its presence was reduced at cell-cell contacts, coincident with an increase in RhoA-GTP levels (white arrows in Fig. 3A, supplementary material Figure S3A,C). On the contrary, in comparison to the control cells, Gαi2 morphants exhibit a pronounced accumulation of active Rac1 protein in the protrusions at cell-cell contacts, where active RhoA localization is conventionally expected (white arrow in Fig. 4B, supplementary material Figure S3A,C and movie S4). In contrast to control cells, a notable shift in the localization of active RhoA protein was observed, with its predominant accumulation now detected at the leading edge of the cell, instead of the typical localization towards the trailing edge or cell-cell contacts (__supplementary material Figure S3B,C). __These findings suggest a dysregulation of contractile forces that align with the observed distribution of active RhoA, cortical actin disruption, and diminished retraction in cell treated with Gαi2MO."

      *Discussion section: (page 19 last line, page 20, paragraph 1, line 1-20) *

      "Other studies have reported that microtubule assembly promotes Rac1 signaling at the leading edge, while microtubule depolymerization stimulates RhoA signaling through guanine nucleotide exchange factors associated with microtubule-binding proteins controlling cell contractility, via Rho-ROCK and focal adhesion formation (Krendel et al., 2002; Ren et al., 1999; Best et al., 1996; Garcin and Straube, 2019; Waterman-Storer et al., 1999; Bershadsky et al., 1996; Moore et al., 2013). This mechanism would contribute to establishing the antero-posterior polarity of cells, crucial for maintaining migration directionality, underscoring the significance of regulating microtubule dynamics in directed cell migration. These findings closely align with the results obtained in this investigation, demonstrating that Gαi2 loss of function reduces microtubule catastrophes and promotes tubulin stabilization, resulting in increased localization of active Rac1 at the leading edge and cell-cell contacts, while decreasing active RhoA at the cell-cell contact but increasing it at the leading edge. This possibly reinforces focal adhesion, which is consistent with the presence of large and highly stable focal adhesions under Gαi2 knockdown conditions. This finding also suggests a dysregulation of contractile forces in comparison to control cells, a result that aligns with the observed distribution of active RhoA, cortical actin distribution and diminished retraction in cells treated with Gαi2MO. This strikingly contrasts with the normal cranial NC migration phenotype, where Rac1 is suppressed while active RhoA is increased at cell-cell contacts during CIL, leading to a shift in polarity towards the cell-free edge to sustain directed migration (Theveneau et al., 2010; Shoval and Kalcheim, 2012; Leal et al., 2018)."

      To consider focal adhesion dynamics, live imaging should be used in the analysis. The fixed samples are different from each other, and natural variations of focal adhesion may exist among the samples. This can obscure data collection and quantification.

      R: We agree with the reviewer that focal adhesion (FA) dynamics need to be analysed using live imaging. Indeed, Fig 5E-H shows an extensive analysis of FA using live imaging of neural crest expressing FAK-GFP. As complement to this live imaging analysis, and in order to analyse the effect on the endogenous levels of FA proteins, we performed immunostaining against FA. Both experiments using live imaging or fixed cells produce similar results, and they are consistent with our model on the role of Gαi2 on FA dynamics.

      Reviewer: minor comments

      Fig. 2, the centrosomes in control cells are not always obvious. The microtubules simply seem to be more networked and more fluid in control cells. This should be clarified with either marking the centrosomes in the figure or modifying the wording in the manuscript.

      R: We appreciate and concur with the reviewer's comment on this matter. As pointed out by the reviewer, the precise localization of the centrosome is not consistently clear in all cells. In response to this observation, we have revised the manuscript to emphasize this aspect solely as "microtubule morphology". Please refer to the Results section description Figure 2.

      In Fig. 3, a better negative control for co-IP should be using anti-V5 antibody to IP against tubulin/EB1/EB3 in the absence of Gai2-V5.

      R: We appreciate the reviewer's comment, and we agree with the suggested control. Accordingly, we have included this control in Supplementary material Figure S4A. Additionally, we conducted all Co-IPP in triplicate, and these data have been incorporated into Supplementary material Figure S4B. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, we have reorganized some of the sections of the results to improve the logical flow of the manuscript's description. As a result, the Figure presenting the interaction analysis by Co-IPP now corresponds to Figure 5.

      The data for cell polarity proteins Par3 and PKC-zeta seem to be out of place. It is unclear whether mis-localization of these proteins has anything to do with NC migration defects induced by Gai2 knockdown. The conclusion does not seem to be affected if the data are taken out of the manuscript.

      R: We appreciate the reviewer's concern, and we would like to highlight two points in this regard. Firstly, we have included these results as additional data to support the impact of Gai2 knockdown on cell polarity, given that these two proteins are commonly used as polarity markers. Secondly, we have discussed this aspect extensively in the Discussion section of the manuscript. (See page 20, paragraph 1, lines 21-31).

      In that section, we delve into the relationship between aPKC, Par3, and Gαi2 in controlling cell polarity during asymmetric cell division, as described in Hao et al., 2010. Par3 is known to play a role in regulating microtubule dynamics and Rac1 activation through its interaction with Rac-GEF Tiam1 (Chen et al., 2005). Additionally, it has been shown to promote microtubule catastrophes and inhibit Rac1/Trio signaling, regulating Contact Inhibition of Locomotion (CIL) as demonstrated in Moore et al., 2013. Thus, we believe that the data we present support the relationship between Par3 and aPKC localization changes and the neural crest migration defects induced by Gαi2 knockdown, probably by controlling microtubule dynamics. However, we have moved these results as part of the supplementary Figure S3D-G.

      In Suppl. Fig. 1, protrusion versus retraction should be defined more clearly. The retraction shown in this figure seems to be just membrane between protrusions instead of actively retracting membrane.

      R: We appreciate the reviewer's comments, and here we aim to provide a clearer description of our approach to this analysis. For the measurement of protrusion extension/retraction, we conducted two distinct experiments. The first, as described in Figure 1, involved measuring membrane extension and retraction in live cell using membrane-GFP by utilizing the image subtraction tool in ImageJ, which highlights changes in the membrane in red. Secondly, we employed ADAPT software to quantify cell perimeter based on fluorescence intensity in live cell using lifeactin-GFP, distinguishing membrane extension in green and retraction in red (as has been shown similarly in Barry et al., 2015). In both approaches, we observed a substantial increase in membrane protrusion (both in area and extension) and protrusion stability in Gαi2 morphants. Hence, we have revised the Materials and Methods section of the manuscript and included this clarification.

      See Materials and Methods section, Cell dispersion and morphology, page 28.

      In addition we inform hat this images now are included in Supplementary material Fig S2G,H.

      Barry DJ, Durkin CH, Abella JV, Way M. Open source software for quantification of cell migration, protrusions and fluorescence intensities. J Cell Biol. 2015. Doi: 10.1083/jcb.201501081

      Discussion can be improved by better incorporating all the components to make a cohesive story on how Gai2 works to regulate migration in the context of the neural crest cells.

      R: We appreciate the reviewer's comment and agree. To enhance the manuscript, we have included a new paragraph at the end of the Discussion/Conclusion section specifically addressing this point. For more details, please refer to page 23.

      "Therefore, in the context of collective cranial NC cells migration, our findings reveal the pivotal role played by Gαi2 in orchestrating the intricate interplay of microtubule dynamics and cellular polarity. When Gαi2 levels are diminished, we observe significant impediments in the ability of cells to efficiently navigate through their environment, resulting in a range of distinct effects. First and foremost, Gαi2 deficiency leads to the diminished ability of cells to adjust and reorient new protrusions effectively. Primary protrusions exhibit higher stability and heightened levels of active Rac1/RhoA when compared to control conditions in the leading edge. In addition, we observe a notable increase in protrusion area, a decrease in retraction velocity, and an enhanced level of cell-matrix adhesion in Gαi2 knockdown cells. These findings underscore the pivotal role that Gαi2 plays in the modulation of various cellular dynamics essential for collective cranial NC cells migration. Notably, the application of nocodazole, a microtubule-depolymerizing agent, and NSC73266, a Rac1 inhibitor, to Gαi2 knockdown cells leads to the rescue of the observed effects, thus facilitating migration. This observed response closely mirrors the outcomes associated with Par3, a known regulator of microtubule catastrophe during contact inhibition of locomotion (CIL) in NC cells (Moore et al., 2013). This parallel implies that there exists a delicate equilibrium between microtubule dynamics and Rac1-GTP levels, crucial for the establishment of proper cell polarity during collective migration. Our findings collectively position Gαi2 as a central master regulator within the intricate framework of collective cranial NC migration. This master regulator role is pivotal in orchestrating the dynamics of polarity, morphology, and cell-matrix adhesion by modulating microtubule dynamics through interactions with EB1 and EB3 proteins, described here for the first time, possible in a protein complex involving other intermediary proteins such as other microtubules accessory proteins like CLIP170, actin intermediaries, like mDia1-2, and signaling proteins such as GDIs, GAPs and GEFs, thus fostering crosstalk between the actin and tubulin cytoskeletons. This orchestration ultimately ensures the effective collective migration of cranial NC cells (Fig. 6)."

      Review____er #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The authors demonstrate a role of Gai2 in regulation of neural crest migration in Xenopus by modulating microtubule dynamics. In addition, they show an effect of Gai2 knockdown on Rac1 spatial activation and focal adhesion stability. These are novel discoveries of the study. Some limitations exist in linking Gai2 with downstream effectors that directly or indirectly impact on cytoskeleton and Rac1 small GTPase.

      R: We really appreciate the reviewer positive comments and consideration. We believe that the review process has significantly strengthened our manuscript in this regard.


      __ ____Reviewer: mayor comments:__

      The authors focus exclusively on the analysis of the subcellular levels of Rac1, which is probably related to the fact that they observe large extended protrusions with high Rac1 activity. However, as the authors note, a global fine-tuning of Rho GTPase activity is required for neural crest migration. One of the observed phenotypes of Gαi2-morphant neural crest cells is a decrease in cell dispersion, which may be caused by defects in contact inhibition of locomotion (CIL). This process involves a local activation of RhoA at cell-cell contact sites (Carmona-Fontaine et al., 2008). Furthermore, in fibroblast, RhoA/ROCK activity is required for the front-rear polarity switch during CIL (Kadir et al., 2011). Interestingly, similar to the Gαi2 loss of function phenotype, ROCK inhibition leads to microtubule stabilization, which can be rescued by nocodazole treatment, restoring microtubule dynamics and CIL. Therefore, it would also be interesting to know how RhoA activity is affected in Gαi2-morphant NC cells. At a minimum, this point should be be included in the discussion.

      R: We acknowledge and sincerely appreciate the reviewer's valuable comments on this pivotal aspect, which significantly enhances our capacity to elucidate the impact of Gαi2 knockdown on cell polarity. To address this crucial point, we have introduced an experiment that examines RhoA-GTP localization under Gαi2 knockdown conditions, and we have incorporated a supplementary figure S3A-C into our manuscript. This newly added figure clearly demonstrates that, under Gαi2 knockdown conditions and in contrast to control cells, RhoA-GTP localization is substantially disrupted at cell-cell contacts and now detected at the leading edge of the cell, providing compelling evidence of cell polarity defects (refer to Figure S3). In response to these results, we have included a description of these findings in the Results section (please see page 10) and a dedicated paragraph in the Discussion section (please see page 19-20).

      Results section 1 (page 10, paragraph 1 line 6-12): "To achieve this, we explored whether Gαi2 regulates the subcellular distribution of active Rac1 and RhoA in cranial NC explants under Gαi2 loss-of-function conditions, considering their pivotal roles in cranial NC migration and contact inhibition of locomotion (CIL) (Carmona-Fontaine et al., 2011; Moore et al., 2013; Leal et al., 2018). Hence, we employed mRNA encoding the small GTPase-based probe, enabling specific visualization of the GTP-bound states of these proteins."

      Results section 2 (page 10, paragraph 1 line 14-27): "Consistent with earlier observations by Carmona-Fontaine et al. (2011), in control cranial NC cells, active Rac1 displayed prominent localization at the leading edge of migrating cells, whereas its presence was reduced at cell-cell contacts, coincident with an increase in RhoA-GTP levels (white arrows in Fig. 3A, supplementary material Figure S3A,C). On the contrary, in comparison to the control cells, Gαi2 morphants exhibit a pronounced accumulation of active Rac1 protein in the protrusions at cell-cell contacts, where active RhoA localization is conventionally expected (white arrow in Fig. 4B, supplementary material Figure S3A,C and movie S4). In contrast to control cells, a notable shift in the localization of active RhoA protein was observed, with its predominant accumulation now detected at the leading edge of the cell, instead of the typical localization towards the trailing edge or cell-cell contacts (__supplementary material Figure S3B,C). __These findings suggest a dysregulation of contractile forces that align with the observed distribution of active RhoA, cortical actin disruption, and diminished retraction in cell treated with Gαi2MO."

      *Discussion section: (page 19, second paragraph, line 12 and page 20, paragraph 1, line 1-18) *

      "Other studies have reported that microtubule assembly promotes Rac1 signaling at the leading edge, while microtubule depolymerization stimulates RhoA signaling through guanine nucleotide exchange factors associated with microtubule-binding proteins controlling cell contractility, via Rho-ROCK and focal adhesion formation (Krendel et al., 2002; Ren et al., 1999; Best et al., 1996; Garcin and Straube, 2019; Waterman-Storer et al., 1999; Bershadsky et al., 1996; Moore et al., 2013). This mechanism would contribute to establishing the antero-posterior polarity of cells, crucial for maintaining migration directionality, underscoring the significance of regulating microtubule dynamics in directed cell migration. These findings closely align with the results obtained in this investigation, demonstrating that Gαi2 loss of function reduces microtubule catastrophes and promotes tubulin stabilization, resulting in increased localization of active Rac1 at the leading edge and cell-cell contacts, while decreasing active RhoA at the cell-cell contact but increasing it at the leading edge. This possibly reinforces focal adhesion, which is consistent with the presence of large and highly stable focal adhesions under Gαi2 knockdown conditions. This finding also suggests a dysregulation of contractile forces in comparison to control cells, a result that aligns with the observed distribution of active RhoA, cortical actin distribution and diminished retraction in cells treated with Gαi2MO. This strikingly contrasts with the normal cranial NC migration phenotype, where Rac1 is suppressed while active RhoA is increased at cell-cell contacts during CIL, leading to a shift in polarity towards the cell-free edge to sustain directed migration (Theveneau et al., 2010; Shoval and Kalcheim, 2012; Leal et al., 2018)."

      The co-Immunoprecipitation data lack marker bands (larger images/sections of the blots would be preferable) and the labelling is not clear. What do the white arrows in Fig. 3H,I mean? What does "elu" and "non eluted" mean?. ? Did the reverse IP work as well?

      R: We appreciate the reviewer's comments, and here we intend to provide a more detailed explanation of our approach to this analysis. Since we do not possess a secondary antibody specific to the heavy chain, our method involves eluting the co-immunoprecipitated proteins to visualize those with weights close to that of the light chain (such as EB1). We have outlined this elution step in the "Cell lysates and co-immunoprecipitation" protocol in the Materials and Methods section. To ensure proper control, we load both fractions - the eluted (or supernatant) and non-eluted (or resin) fractions - to monitor the amount of protein extracted from the resin using a 1% SDS solution. It's important to note that the elution step, as indicated by the V5 signal, is not entirely efficient, and a significant portion of the protein remains bound to the resin. This issue may also apply to the EB1 protein; however, it is still possible to visualize both bands (Gαi2V5 and EB1).

      As we mentioned earlier the Co-IPP analysis now are in Figure 5. We have revised the legend for Figure 5 to include an explanation of the terms 'elu' (eluted fraction) and 'non-eluted' (non-eluted fraction). We have also included the explanation of the white arrows' significance in the legends for Figure 5H and 5I. These arrows indicate the bands corresponding to the immunoprecipitated proteins.

      We also agree with the reviewer's suggestion to conduct the reverse IP. To address this point, and in favour of the lack of this control, accordingly, we have included a negative control for co-IP using anti-V5 antibody to IP, this control was included in Supplementary material Figure S4A. Additionally, we conducted all Co-IPP in triplicate, and these data have been incorporated into Supplementary material Figure S4B.

      The presentation of the Delaunay triangulations varies in quality. In Fig. 1 J/K the cells are clearly visible in the images, while this is not the case in Fig. 3 J-M and Fig. 4K-N. Conversely, the Delaunay triangulations in Fig. 1L are mainly black, while they are clear in Fig. 3 and 4. Perhaps the authors could find a more consistent way to present the data. Were the explants all approximately the same size at the beginning of the experiment? The Gαi2-morphant explant in Fig. 3K appears to be unusually small.

      R: We appreciate the reviewer's concerns and have taken steps to address them. To improve the quality of our data, we have made enhancements to the presentation of Figures 3 (panels L-O) and Figure 5 (panels P-S). Specifically, we have standardized the Delaunay triangulation representations.

      Regarding the size of the explants at the beginning of the experiments, they were indeed approximately similar in size. We confirmed this by including a reference point (point 0) for each condition in the figures 5. However, in the panels presented, we show the results after 10 hours (Figure 5, X. laevis, in the actual Figure organization) and 4 hours (Figure 3, X. tropicalis, in the actual Figure organization) to assess cell dispersion, as indicated in the respective figure legends. This uniformity in size was further ensured by the calculation used to quantify dispersion. For the dispersion assay, we normalized each initial size of the explant upon the control, and we have added another representative explant of Gαi2 morpholino with its Delaunay triangulation to facilitate the experiment interpretation. Every Delaunay triangulation calculates the area generated between three adjacent cells and it grows depending on how much disperse are the cells between each other in the final point. (See Material and Methods section, Cell dispersion and morphology). As we can see in the manuscript, in every dispersion experiment that we have performed with Gαi2 morpholino, the cells cannot disperse at all. Furthermore, to analyze the dispersion rate in this experiment we use Control n= 21 explants, Gαi2MO n= 24 explants, Gαi2MO + 65 nM Nocodazole n= 36 explants, Control + 65 nM Nocodazole n= 30 explants (as we mentioned in the manuscript legend).

      Why was the tubulin distribution in Fig. 2F measured from the nucleus to the cell cortex? Would it not make more sense to include cell protrusions? This does not seem to be the case in the example shown in Fig. 2F.

      R: We appreciate the reviewer's concern. We would like to clarify that for the tubulin distribution measurements, we indeed measured from the nucleus to the cell protrusion. As a result, we have made an edit to Figure 2 (panel 2F) to provide further clarity on this matter.

      The immunostaining for acetylated tubulin (Fig. 3A,B) looks potentially unspecific and seems to co-localize with actin (for comparison see Bance et al., 2019). For imaging and quantification, it may be better to use tubulin co-staining to calculate the percentage of acetylated tubulin. Please also add marker bands to the Western blot in Fig. 3C. If this issue cannot be resolved it may be better to only include the Western blot data.

      R: We appreciate the reviewer's concern about the potential unspecific nature of acetylated-tubulin and its co-localization with actin. Regarding the co-localization with actin, it is predominantly observed in panel B, and we attribute this phenomenon to the Gαi2 morphant phenotype, where cortical actin is notably reduced, creating the appearance of co-localization. In response to the reviewer comment, we have retained the acetylated tubulin western blot analysis in the main Figure 5A,B, while relocating the immunofluorescence analysis to Supplementary material Figure S4C-H. Additionally, we have included the measurements of the acetylated tubulin fluorescence intensity for both conditions Gαi2MO and control, as depicted Supplementary material Figure S4I.

      We have also included marker weight indications on the western blot panel in now Figure 5A.

      The model in Fig.6 indicates that Gαi2 inhibits EB1/3. What is the experimental evidence and the proposed mechanism for this? In the discussion, the authors cite evidence that Gαi activates the intrinsic GTPase activity of tubulin, which would destabilize microtubules by removing the GTP cap. However, this mechanism would not directly affect EB1 and EB3 stability as the Fig. 6A seems to suggest. The authors also mention that EB3 appears to be permanently associated with microtubules in Gαi2-morphant cells. How would this work, given that end-binding proteins bind to the cap region? Are the authors suggesting that there is an extended cap region in Gαi2 morphants?

      R: We appreciate the reviewer's valuable comments. We have revised our model accordingly to our data and new data that we have incorporated regarding interaction analysis conducted by PLA (proximity ligand assay), in order to further elucidate the mechanism underlying Gαi2 regulation of cranial neural crest cell migration. This analysis supports our actual proposed model, indicating Gαi2 interacts with EB proteins to form a complex with tubulin, thereby regulating microtubules dynamics and subsequently influencing Rac1 and RhoA activity, cell morphology (actin cytoskeleton) and cell-matrix adhesion, ultimately affecting migration. Therefore, we have revised our model and its description to provide a more detailed explanation of the potential mechanism in line with the reviewer suggestion. Specifically, we have edited the discussion/conclusion, model and the legend for Figure 6. Please refer to page 16 (paragraph 1, 2 and 3), 22 (paragraph 1), 23 (paragraph 1), 45 (Legend Fig. 6). In addition, in Gαi2 knockdown conditions we have found a strong reduction in microtubules dynamics following EB3-GFP comets. Regarding the observation that EB3 seems to be persistently associated with microtubules in Gαi2-morphant cells, we wish to clarify that this is a speculation based on the microtubule phenotype observed during our dynamic analysis, where they appear more like lines rather than comets. It is important to note that none of the experiments conducted in this study conclusively demonstrate this, and thus, it remains a suggestion. As a result, we have revised our model in accordance with the reviewer suggestion.

      Reviewer 3: minor comments:

      The citation of Wang et al. 2018 in the introduction does not seem to fit.

      R: We appreciate the correction provided by the reviewer. We have carefully reviewed the Introduction and Reference sections and have corrected this error.

      Does the graph in Fig. 4S show average values for the three conditions? If so, what is the standard deviation?

      R: We appreciate the reviewer's concern and we have added the standard deviation to now Figure 4J.

      From the images in Fig. 2G and H, it is difficult to understand what the difference is between the four groups shown.

      R: We appreciate the reviewer's comment, and to clarify this point, we would like to explain that the comparison has been made between each type of comet. The PlusTipTracker software separates comets based on their speed and lifetime, classifying them as fast long-lived, fast short-lived, slow long-lived, or slow short-lived. In both conditions (control and morphant cells), we compared the percentage of each type of comet, as previously described in Moore et al., 2013. The results demonstrate that morphant cells exhibit an increase in slow comets compared to control cells. The same explanation is described in the Material and Methods section on page 28, Microtubule dynamics analysis.

      Review____er #3: (Significance (Required)):

      Overall, the study is well executed and significantly advances our understanding of the control and role of microtubule dynamics in cell migration, which is much less understood compared to the function of the actin cytoskeleton in this process. The strength of the study is the use of state-of-the-art (live imaging) techniques to characterize the role of Gαi in neural crest migration at the cellular/subcellular level. This article will be of interest to a broad readership, including researchers interested in basic embryonic morphogenesis, cell migration, and cytoskeletal dynamics, as well as translational/clinical researchers interested in cancer progression or wound healing.

      R: We really appreciate the reviewer positive comments and consideration. We believe that the review process has significantly strengthened our manuscript.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: The manuscript by Villaseca et al. analyzes the role of Gαi2 in cranial neural crest migration and reveals a novel mechanistic link to microtubule dynamics. The authors nicely demonstrate that Gαi2 is required for Xenopus neural crest migration and affects cell dispersion, cell polarity, focal adhesion turnover, and microtubule dynamics. They find that Gαi2-morphant neural crest cells are elongated, have larger, more stable protrusions, higher active Rac1 levels, and a concentration of microtubules at the leading edge. Using co-immunoprecipitation, the authors show that Gαi2 forms a complex with α-tubulin and the microtubule plus-end binding proteins EB1 and EB3, which are known regulators of microtubule dynamics. Time-lapse imaging shows that Gαi2 loss of function increases microtubule stability, which is further supported by an increase in acetylated tubulin levels. Consistently, treatment with nocodazole, which inhibits microtubule polymerization, as well as treatment with a Rac1 inhibitor, is able to rescue cell dispersion and morphology of Gαi2-morphant neural crest cells. The authors propose a model, whereby Gαi2 interacts with components of the plus-tip microtubule-binding complex to control microtubule dynamics and Rac1 activity to establish cell polarity, disassemble focal adhesion, and thereby facilitate neural crest migration.

      Major comments:

      1. The authors focus exclusively on the analysis of the subcellular levels of Rac1, which is probably related to the fact that they observe large extended protrusions with high Rac1 activity. However, as the authors note, a global fine-tuning of Rho GTPase activity is required for neural crest migration. One of the observed phenotypes of Gαi2-morphant neural crest cells is a decrease in cell dispersion, which may be caused by defects in contact inhibition of locomotion (CIL). This process involves a local activation of RhoA at cell-cell contact sites (Carmona-Fontaine et al., 2008). Furthermore, in fibroblast, RhoA/ROCK activity is required for the front-rear polarity switch during CIL (Kadir et al., 2011). Interestingly, similar to the Gαi2 loss of function phenotype, ROCK inhibition leads to microtubule stabilization, which can be rescued by nocodazole treatment, restoring microtubule dynamics and CIL. Therefore, it would also be interesting to know how RhoA activity is affected in Gαi2-morphant NC cells. At a minimum, this point should be be included in the discussion.
      2. The co-Immunoprecipitation data lack marker bands (larger images/sections of the blots would be preferable) and the labelling is not clear. What do the white arrows in Fig. 3H,I mean? What does "elu" and "non eluted" mean? Did the reverse IP work as well?
      3. The presentation of the Delaunay triangulations varies in quality. In Fig. 1 J/K the cells are clearly visible in the images, while this is not the case in Fig. 3 J-M and Fig. 4K-N. Conversely, the Delaunay triangulations in Fig. 1L are mainly black, while they are clear in Fig. 3 and 4. Perhaps the authors could find a more consistent way to present the data. Were the explants all approximately the same size at the beginning of the experiment? The Gαi2-morphant explant in Fig. 3K appears to be unusually small.
      4. Why was the tubulin distribution in Fig. 2F measured from the nucleus to the cell cortex? Would it not make more sense to include cell protrusions? This does not seem to be the case in the example shown in Fig. 2F.
      5. The immunostaining for acetylated tubulin (Fig. 3A,B) looks potentially unspecific and seems to co-localize with actin (for comparison see Bance et al., 2019). For imaging and quantification, it may be better to use tubulin co-staining to calculate the percentage of acetylated tubulin. Please also add marker bands to the Western blot in Fig. 3C. If this issue cannot be resolved it may be better to only include the Western blot data.
      6. The model in Fig.6 indicates that Gαi2 inhibits EB1/3. What is the experimental evidence and the proposed mechanism for this? In the discussion, the authors cite evidence that Gαi activates the intrinsic GTPase activity of tubulin, which would destabilize microtubules by removing the GTP cap. However, this mechanism would not directly affect EB1 and EB3 stability as the Fig. 6A seems to suggest. The authors also mention that EB3 appears to be permanently associated with microtubules in Gαi2-morphant cells. How would this work, given that end-binding proteins bind to the cap region? Are the authors suggesting that there is an extended cap region in Gαi2 morphants?

      Minor comments

      1. The citation of Wang et al. 2018 in the introduction does not seem to fit.
      2. Does the graph in Fig. 4S show average values for the three conditions? If so, what is the standard deviation?
      3. From the images in Fig. 2G and H, it is difficult to understand what the difference is between the four groups shown.

      Referees cross-commenting The concerns raised by my colleagues are entirely valid.


      Overall, the study is well executed and significantly advances our understanding of the control and role of microtubule dynamics in cell migration, which is much less understood compared to the function of the actin cytoskeleton in this process. The strength of the study is the use of state-of-the-art (live imaging) techniques to characterize the role of Gαi in neural crest migration at the cellular/subcellular level. This article will be of interest to a broad readership, including researchers interested in basic embryonic morphogenesis, cell migration, and cytoskeletal dynamics, as well as translational/clinical researchers interested in cancer progression or wound healing.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript by Villaseca et al. describes functional analysis of Gai2 in cranial neural crest (CNC) migration using the frog Xenopus as their model system. The authors performed the loss-of-function assay to knock down expression of endogenous of Gai2 and discovered that CNC migration was impaired in the absence of changes of CNC fate specification. Based on the literature on Gai2 activities in other cellular contexts, the authors speculated that Gai2 might regulate microtubule dynamics and Rac1 function. Their studies using immunofluorescence (IF) and live-cell imaging indeed showed that microtubules were stabilized in membrane protrusions with concurrent activation of Rac1 in Gai2 knockdown cells. In addition, focal adhesion turnover was reduced. They further demonstrated that the CNC migration defects could be partially rescued by destabilization of microtubules with chemical treatment. The authors conclude from the studies that Gai2 orchestrates microtubule dynamics and modulates Rac1 activation during neural crest migration.

      Major comments

      The authors aim to address two issues in this manuscript: a) the role of Gai2 in neural crest development; and b) the mechanism of Gai2 function. While they have done a good job demonstrating a role of Gai2 in NC migration both in vivo and in vitro as well as the effects of Gai2 knockdown on cytoskeleton dynamics, protein distribution of selected polarity and focal adhesion molecules, and Rac1 activation, the link between Gai2 and the downstream effectors is largely correlative. Because of this, the model suggesting the sequential events flowing from Gai2 to microtubule to Rac1 to focal adhesion/actin should be modified to allow room for direct and indirect regulation at potentially multiple entry points.

      Specific major comments are as the following:


      -Determination of a role of Gai2 in neural crest migration is novel. -The effect of Gai2 knockdown on membrane protrusion morphology and microtubule stability and dynamics are demonstrated nicely. -Quantification of experimental perimeters has been performed throughout the manuscript in all the figures, and statistical analysis is included in the figures.


      • The heavy focus of the study on microtubule is due to the previous publication on the function of Gai2 in regulation of microtubule during asymmetrical cell division. However, the activity of Gai2 is likely cell type-specific, as it has not been shown to control microtubule during cytokinesis in general. It is equally likely that Gai2 primarily regulates Rac1 or actin regulators to influence both microtubule and actin dynamics. The tone of the discussion should therefore be softened.
      • The effect of rescue of NC migration with Rac1 inhibitor is marginal and the result is hard to interpret considering the inhibitor also blocks control NC migration. Either lower doses of Rac1 inhibitor can be used or the experiment can be removed from the manuscript, as Rac1 is required for membrane protrusions and the inhibitor doses can be hard to titrate.
      • Since the defects seem to result partially from the inability of the NC cells to retract and move away, it may help to either include some data on Rho activation patterns in knockdown cells or simply add some discussion about the issue.
      • To consider focal adhesion dynamics, live imaging should be used in the analysis. The fixed samples are different from each other, and natural variations of focal adhesion may exist among the samples. This can obscure data collection and quantification.

      Minor comments

      • Fig. 2, the centrosomes in control cells are not always obvious. The microtubules simply seem to be more networked and more fluid in control cells. This should be clarified with either marking the centrosomes in the figure or modifying the wording in the manuscript.
      • In Fig. 3, a better negative control for co-IP should be using anti-V5 antibody to IP against tubulin/EB1/EB3 in the absence of Gai2-V5.
      • The data for cell polarity proteins Par3 and PKC-zeta seem to be out of place. It is unclear whether mis-localization of these proteins has anything to do with NC migration defects induced by Gai2 knockdown. The conclusion does not seem to be affected if the data are taken out of the manuscript.
      • In Suppl. Fig. 1, protrusion versus retraction should be defined more clearly. The retraction shown in this figure seems to be just membrane between protrusions instead of actively retracting membrane.
      • Discussion can be improved by better incorporating all the components to make a cohesive story on how Gai2 works to regulate migration in the context of the neural crest cells.

      Referees cross-commenting I agree with other reviewers' comments.


      The authors demonstrate a role of Gai2 in regulation of neural crest migration in Xenopus by modulating microtubule dynamics. In addition, they show an effect of Gai2 knockdown on Rac1 spatial activation and focal adhesion stability. These are novel discoveries of the study. Some limitations exist in linking Gai2 with downstream effectors that directly or indirectly impact on cytoskeleton and Rac1 small GTPase.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This manuscript examines the role of a G protein, Gai2, in regulating the migration of cranial neural crest cells. Although previous literature has established that heterotrimeric G proteins are involved in cell migration, a central process during embryogenesis and adult homeostasis, the underlying cell biological mechanisms of their activities have not been elucidated. This manuscript rigorously examines the various aspects of Gai2 protein interactions to generate an exciting new paradigm in which Gai2 maintains normal microtubule dynamics by binding to tubulin and EB proteins. This normally dynamic microtubular intracellular environment then promotes cortical actin formation in the leading edge of the migrating cell as well as rapid focal adhesion disassembly by controlling Rac1 activity. Under conditions in which the levels of Gai2 are reduced by MO-mediated knockdown, cells display reduced microtubule dynamics and a decreased catastrophe rate, resulting in slower and more stable microtubules to which EB3 is more persistently associated. A stable microtubule environment leads to enhanced Rac1 activation at the leading edge and stable and larger focal adhesions, resulting in reduced migration. The authors utilize cutting edge approaches to examine the interactions between Gai2 and these other cellular components, taking advantage of the well characterized cell migration model - the cranial neural crest - both in embryos and in cultured explants of these cells.

      Major comments:

      The manuscript is mostly well written (it could use a few minor grammatical corrections), the significance of the problem is well described, and the results are clearly presented with adequate controls. The movies, provided as supplementary material, are of the highest quality and are essential additions to the stills provided in the figures. The data convincingly support the key conclusions of the manuscript.

      Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether? No

      Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? No additional experiments are essential.

      Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? The number of embryos/ explants per assay and the number of explant replicates for each assay and the statistical assessments are rigorous.

      Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced? Mostly, however, the description of the MO used for Gai2 knockdown needs more detail:

      1. Does the MO knockdown both S and L homoeologs of X. laevis? Since the level of GAPDH in Figure 1H also looks reduced in Gai2 MO lane, it should be made clear that the apparent knockdown of Gai2 was normalized to GAPDH, rather than being the results of unequal loading of the gel. Yes, I recognize that Figure 1I says normalized, but this is not stated in the results or the methods. Also, was this experiment done with X. laevis or X. tropicalis? I could imagine that if done in X. laevis, the lack of complete knockdown might be due to only one homoeolog being affected.
      2. The knowledge of the efficacy of knockdown in each Xenopus species provided by the information requested in the previous point, would allow the reader to assess the level of knockdown in the remaining assays. To do this, the authors should tell us which assays were done in which species. I am not suggesting that each experiment needs to be done in each species, only that the information should be provided. If the MO is more effective in X. tropicalis - which assays used this species? If the knock down is partial, as shown in Figure 1H-I, which species this represents in the remaining assays would be useful knowledge.

      Minor comments:

      While prior studies are referenced appropriately, and the text and figures are mostly clear and accurately presented, the following are a few suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions:

      1. The cell biological experiments convincingly demonstrate that knockdown of Gai2 causes cells to move more slowly. It would be a nice addition to bring the explant experimental data back to the embryo by showing whether the slower moving NC cells in morphants eventually populate the BA. DO they cease to migrate or are they just slower getting to their destination? This could be done by performing snail2 ISH at a later stage (34-35?)
      2. There are places in the manuscript where the authors use the terms "silencing" or "suppression" of Gai2, when they really mean reduced translation - their system is not a genetic knockout, as clearly demonstrated in Figure 1H-I. I suggest that more accurate wording be used.
      3. In Figures 1-5 there are scale of bars on the cell images, but these are not defined in any of the figure legends.
      4. The abstract is the weakest section of the manuscript, and would have greater impact if it were more clearly written.

      Referees cross-commenting

      The concerns are fair assessments. However, most can be addressed in the text and by clearer presentation of existing data rather than more experimentation.


      The molecular regulation of cell movement is a key feature of a number of developmental and homeostatic processes. While many of the proteins involved have been identified, how they interact to provide motility has not been elucidated in any great detail, particularly in embryo-derived cells (as opposed to cell lines). The results obtained from the presented experiments are novel, in-depth and provide a novel paradigm for how G proteins regulate microtubule dynamics which in turn regulate other components of the cytoskeleton required for cell movement. The results will be applicable to many migrating cell types, not just neural crest cells.

      Because of the application of the data to many types of cells that migrate, the audience is expected to include a broad array of developmental biologists, basic cell biologists and those interested in clinically relevant aberrant cell migrations.

      Reviewer keywords: Xenopus embryology; neural crest gene expression; use of MO-mediated knockdown of gene expression. Not an expert in microtubule dynamics.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We are very grateful to the reviewers for their positive appraisal of the manuscript and for their useful comments and suggestions. Below are our answers and corresponding modifications of the manuscript.

      Reviewer #1

      1 - Figures 1&4 focus on JU1264 as the primary double-sensitive strain. However, the authors built their RILs with HK104 by crossing with JU1498 in Figures 7&8. In the results section and/or methods, the authors should provide some justification for this strain switch. Alternatively, the equivalent analysis of Figure 1 focusing on JU1498 would be valuable to demonstrate that the effects of both viruses on fitness are similar to JU1264. I am not recommending that the JU1264xHK104 crosses be performed or that Figures 7&8 be repeated with JU1264xHK104 lines, but that more explanation for strain selection for RIL generation should be provided.

      JU1264 and JU1498 are the strains where SANTV and LEBV were found, respectively. The experiments were performed over the years by different authors and were designed to answer different questions. JU1264 was the strain where the first virus was found and was used as a doubly sensitive strain in Figure 1 and the small RNA experiment. The main reason we chose JU1498 for genetic crosses to discover the genetic basis of LEBV sensitivity is that LEBV was detected and isolated from JU1498. Note that the JU1264 and JU1498 strains come from France and are in the same isotype group at CaeNDR (see also Figure 3) so the two strains may be interchangeable (although we cannot be sure).

      We added in the text concerning the RIL construction: "We chose to use JU1498 as the LEBV-sensitive strain as it was the original strain in which LEBV was discovered."

      2-The authors reasonably claim that the resistance of tropical strains like AF16 could be due to blocking viral entry or early inhibition of replication before the small RNA response is activated. Could the authors test this by directly microinjecting virus (in combination with a dye as a control for successful injection) into the intestine? I understand this could not be done on a scale that would allow for small RNA sequencing, but one could perform small-scale FISH to determine if LEBV or SANTV are replication-competent if the entry barrier is artificially overcome. Such an experiment may require considerable technical development. It may be beyond the scope/timing of this specific study, but it is worth considering to gain some insight into the possible resistance mechanisms observed.

      Although the suggested experiment is in principle a great approach, it is difficult to perform without losing animals during the FISH staining. In addition, in this manuscript we are not particularly searching for the resistance mechanisms of AF16 but trying to present a wider perspective concerning viral infections of C. briggsae and their specificity. We performed small RNA analysis for AF16 together with the sensitive strains and therefore we commented on the lack of small RNA response in AF16 comparing to the sensitive strains. We thus consider that setting up intestinal injections at this point is arduous and beyond the scope of this manuscript.

      Minor Comments: Line 78 - provide the full genus name for Caenorhabditis elegans at first appearance, as done for Caenorhabditis briggsae

      This was modified. Line 117 - The description of cul-6 could also reference Bakowski et al. 2014. This study is referenced more generally as a player in proteostasis a few lines below but could be more explicitly tied to cul-6-mediated resistance to ORV (Bakowski et al. 2014 - see Fig. 7A) This section focus on the use of natural polymorphisms but we added this reference, which is indeed key for the effect of cul-6 knockdown on viral infection in C. elegans. Line 197-198 - The authors could consider adding sequences for FISH probes as part of Table S2. This information could add value to the present study even if previously listed in Frézal et al. We actually removed them from an earlier version since these sequences are already published: here and in further work, it seems preferable to refer to the primary study where these probes were designed, Line 263 - Were embryos obtained by bleaching of gravid adults, or was an egg lay performed, and the embryos were collected from plates? This is potentially an important distinction and should be clarified briefly in the methods. In the section “Preparation of small RNA libraries”, we obtained embryos by bleaching gravid adults.

      We changed the first sentence to “Gravid hermaphrodites from uninfected cultures (AF16, HK104 and JU1264) were harvested using M9 solution, then bleached and washed twice using nuclease-free water. Embryo concentrations were estimated by counting embryos under the dissecting microscope and diluted to 2 embryos per mL of nuclease-free water. 200 embryos of each strain (AF16, HK104 and JU1264) were then plated onto 55 mm NGM plates seeded with E. coli OP50.” We also added “The embryos were obtained by bleaching gravid hermaphrodites.” to the Figure S5 legend. Line 330 - Provide justification for using JU1498 to make these RILs (see comment above). We added this sentence in the Results section. "We chose to use JU1498 as the LEBV-sensitive strain as it was the original strain in which LEBV was discovered." Line 446-Refer to the methods section for full clarity on the role of FISH in this set of experiments or reword for improved clarity. At first read-through, this phrasing made me expect some FISH experiments associated with Fig. 1, which does not appear to be the case.

      We did perform FISH experiments as control that the cultures were infected, as explained in the Methods. We removed this mention from the Results section. Line 478 - The supplementary figure callouts are misaligned with the provided documents. S2A in the text appears to refer to S3A RT-qPCR results. Changed. Line 483 - Similar to above, the text suggests serial dilutions should refer to S4, not S3. Changed. Line 498 - Modify the text to 'Figure 2C and Figure 3' for clarity. Changed. Line 531,535 - viRNAs are defined in line 535 but this should be moved to 531 above at first appearance in the text. Changed. Line 593 - Typo in 'Logarithm of Odds?' Corrected. Line 621-624 - I recommend the authors include the data for the LEBV control experiments with NIL strains, either as a supplementary table, an additional panel for Fig. 6, or represented as done in Figure 8. We removed this sentence. Line 625-632 - How many total genes are represented in the QTL on IV? The reasoning behind testing rde-11 and rsd-2 is sound, but readers might want to know other potential candidates within this region (perhaps something the authors could also speculate on in the discussion). A similar comment applies for # genes in the QTLs on II and III.

      We added in Table S7 the list of detected SNPs and short indels in the chromosome IV region and now indicate in the text "among them over 2700 SNPs and short indels (Table S7)." We added Table S11 with the polymorphisms in the chromosome II QTL region. We note that these tables do not include possible structural variants. The chromosome III QTL being weak, we abstained for this one but the data can now be found using CaeNDR.

      Line 991-992 - Figure 1B - LEBV, SANTV, and co-infection effects on body size are mentioned but not quantified. Has this phenotype been quantified elsewhere? If so, the authors should reference it in the results section or Fig. 1 legend. Alternatively, body size could be quantified as part of this study and added to Fig. 1.

      Because we do not have a large amount of data on body size, we removed "Body size quantification” from Figure 1B legend. Line 1001 - There is a typo in the first sentence; the period after LEBV should be removed. Small suggestion: Figure 2A - While described in the methods, I recommend that the authors briefly reiterate in the figure legend that the white/yellow boxes are intended to indicate serial chunking for clarity.

      We removed the typo and explained the agar chunk representation in the figure legend: "The transfer by chunking a piece of agar is indicated by beige rectangles cut out from one plate and transferred to the next plate." Line 1034 - Small formatting note for Figure 4B - percentages of reads mapping to RNA1 and RNA2 appear underneath gridlines for the graph which obscures visibility and is inconsistent with the other graphs presented.

      This was modified and is indeed clearer. Line 1094 - Figure S1 - this analysis could be strengthened by RT-qPCR represented as fold change in viral load instead of, or in addition to, the agarose gel image (like Fig. S3). Doing so would also allow for the normalization of eft-2 control across individual samples (e.g.: particularly low eft-2 amplification in ED3073). However, these results are sufficiently convincing that LEBV does not replicate in C. elegans, but a more quantitative approach is recommended if feasible for the authors. Alternatively, an additional figure panel and/or repeat of this analysis with C. elegans infected with ORV would also be beneficial as an additional control.

      We do not understand how we can estimate a viral load by a ratio when we do not seem to see any significant amplification. Of course, a RT-qPCR would provide a finite Ct value and a ratio but they are likely to be meaningless. The ED3073 sample did not amplify for eft-2 either and calculating a ratio of high Ct values in a RT-qPCR would be misleading. We could remove the two ED3073 lanes but prefer to leave them.

      Line 1112 - "Experiments using RNA2 primers gave similar results" - if this data isn't included in the study, this text should be removed.

      Removed. Line 1141 - Figure S6 - For full transparency, the authors could consider including HK104 infected with LEBV to show minimal (zero) reads align to the RNA1/RNA2 segments using scales consistent with JU1264 infected with LEBV (S6C) The proportion of reads mapping (0%) are provided in Figure 4A and supplementary tables. We do not show the distribution of antisense 22G and sense 23nt along the LEBV genome for the HK104 (co)infections for the following reasons. 0% of these reads map to LEBV in HK104 monoinfection, and only 0.02% antisense 22G in coinfection. Moreover, the 23nt reads mapping to LEBV-RNA2 in the HK104 coinfection (16.54%;1931 reads) correspond to a 41 bp region with 85% nucleotide similarity between SANTV-RNA2 and LEBV-RNA2. Overall, the few 23nt (+) reads mapping to LEBV in HK104 coinfection are most likely a spillover of the HK104 antiviral response to JUv1264 entry into the intestinal cells.

      Reviewer #2

      Main points: 1. In figure 1C and D, is more than 1 biological replicate performed? Ideally multiple independent infections would be performed which would increase confidence in these experiments, but minimally the authors should make clear that this data was from an experiment only performed once. The conclusion from the life span assays is unlikely to change, but given the variance of the brood size assays within replicates, the conclusions that LEBV infection reduces the brood size is weakly supported.

      We added “Panels C-D correspond to a single experiment (see Methods).” to the legend of Figure 1. We changed the wording to "LEBV and especially the co-infection appeared to lower brood size." We do not have data for independent experiments.

      If the authors want to claim that there is a defect in viral entry in the resistant strains, they should perform infections experiments at an earlier time point that could capture viral invasion. In C. elegans with Orsay virus these experiments have been done as early as 18 hours by FISH. https://journals.plos.org/plospathogens/article?id=10.1371/journal.ppat.1011120 The way the assays are currently set up, if the infection was cleared it wouldn't be observed.

      The strongest point that indicates that the virus does not replicate is the small RNA experiment, in which the animals were collected on the initial plate inoculated with the virus. We think that our wording was careful:

      We further amended it:

      • in Results " The animals were collected for sRNA sequencing on the plates onto which the viral inoculate was added and where they were constantly exposed to the virus".

      • in Discussion " Indeed, as we did not assay viral entry by sensitive FISH or RT-PCR at early timepoints, it is possible that the viruses are cleared without production of small RNAs."

      The evidence that the region on chromosome III contributes to susceptibility is weak. The analysis in figure 5B does not identify this region and it is not clear to me how to read the scale in figure 5C to determine that a region on chromosome III is significant.

      We added in the Figure legend: "with a LOD score of 10.5, above the threshold calculated by simulations (see Methods)." and detailed the method in the Methods section (see reply to Reviewer 3 below).

      In figure 6 using a more appropriate statistical test such as one way ANOVA with multiple hypothesis testing is necessary to determine if there is a difference between JU2832 and JU2916. It would be helpful if the authors could add more discussion of the evidence that they feel that supports this region being involved in susceptibility.

      We do not think that an ANOVA is appropriate to analyze these proportions which cannot have normal distributions of residuals, therefore we used a generalized linear model, taking genotype and block (day of experiment) into account. This was only explained in the legend and is now explained in the Methods section as well. Maybe the reviewer suggests us to us a global analysis with strain as a factor. We could do this but we do not think that it applies well to this situation: here we test for a specific hypothesis for each one-QTL strain. We have corrected for multiple testing as explained next. The legend now reads: " The significance p values were obtained in a generalized linear model (glm) taking independent experimental blocks and infection replicates into account, testing NILs against their relevant background parent. The p values using the two strains testing for the QTL on chromosome IV and those using the two-QTL strain JU2832 are corrected for multiple testing." In addition, we now provide p values rather than three stars, which reinforce the point (they are very low).

      Minor points 1. In figure 1B it would be helpful to provide more information on the animals chosen to display. Are these representative examples or extreme examples?

      These are representative examples. This detail was added in the legend.

      In figure 2B, adding a legend for the colored dots would be helpful.

      We had indicated: "Dots are replicates within a block, with 100 animals scored per replicate (see Table S4 for the detailed results and Figure S2 and Methods for the experimental design). Experimental blocks are represented by colors and the bar indicates the grand mean of the blocks." 3. In figure 2C, the definitions for a strain to be labeled as belonging to each category should be provided.

      The categorization method is now explained in the Methods section. In addition, Figure 2C legend now refers to Table S4 for the category of each strain. 4. Could the data in figure 2 be used for genome-wide association mapping and compared to the RIL QTL experiments? Adding comment on this would be helpful to understanding the usefulness of this data.

      There are too few strains here to test genome-wide for association. If we had the causative SNP, it would be interesting to assess its frequency but this is beyond the focus and scope of this work, which focused on the outlier phenotype of the HK104 strain. 5. In figure 4b, in HK104 LRBV the numbers in top right corner are not defined.

      We added to the legend of Figure 4B: “For the HK104 infection with LEBV, the number of read counts is provided in the top right corner to signal their rarity compared to ca. 107 in the other conditions. See Table S5 for all read counts. ” 6. Line 1001 remove period from "LEBV.of" and add period after isolates. Removed.

      Reviewer #3 Major comments • The authors provide most data in both a processed and raw format, which is helpful. In two cases (data from 3 DPI, line 492 and LEBV infections in the AF16xHK104 NILs, line 621), the authors state their results, but the data seems not to be provided in the document (at least no direct reference is provided). These are supporting results and do not affect the main conclusions, nevertheless providing the data in form of a table or supplementary figure would be required. Generally, it may help to include a data availability statement to have a combined overview of where data can be found.

      As noted by the reviewer, we tried to provide the data in raw format, but did not judge it necessary when the experiment had two datapoints that are provided in the text. We added the number of animals in the instance where it was missing.

      Minor comments • Line 97-126: Here the manuscript fully focuses on the work in C. elegans. It would be interesting to make clear links to the work in C. briggsae (e.g. mention if homologs are present). The paragraph in line 127 clarifies advantages of studying viral infection in C. briggsae compared to C. elegans. It may be logical to place this information early in the text.

      We added a sentence to link the C. elegans work and C. briggsae. • Line 166 and results from this experiment: Is the LEBV-SANTV mixture consisting of 50uL of both viruses or a total of 50uL (so 25uL of both)? This is also important for the interpretation of results.

      To clarify, we changed to: “50 l ... of an equivolume mix of SANTV and LEBV”. • Line 167: The text says the culture is maintain for 4 days, but then also mentions day 5. Figure 2 clarifies the experimental setup later, but the text could be clearer here.

      Thank you for noticing this. We changed the 4 to 7. • Line 172: What are the nine starter cultures?

      The nine starting cultures were those obtained as described in the paragraph preceding this line in the manuscript. From a plate of infected animals (five L4 larvae), we propagated the infected population by chunking over 3 plates (day 3) and 3*3 plates (day 5). To make this point clear, we have added above: "to generate for the following experiments nine starter cultures for each of the four conditions " • Line 185: 'Infection of the set of C. briggsae natural isolates'. From the text it is not clear what set the authors refer to.

      We changed to "a set" and refer to Figure 2B and Table S4 in the sentence below for the list of natural isolates. • Line 223: 'The proportion of infected animals were overall higher in Batch3 but the qualitative results are similar'. It is unclear why this statement is here instead of in the result section and it is also not clear what the authors mean by the second part of the sentence.

      We moved the sentence to Results and changed it to: " The proportion of infected animals were overall higher in Batch 3 but the relative results of the different strains were similar for the three batches." • Line 326: Is 'the same method as above' using FISH or RT-qPCR?

      Changed to "using FISH as above". • Line 382: What do the authors mean by 'two cross directions'?

      We removed this mention as the method is better explained in the next sentence.

      • Line 454-458: The data presented here does not appear well integrated in the storyline. It does not fit under the subheading. Perhaps it would be a better fit under the subheading of line 462? We moved it below the subheading. • Line 478: Reference to Fig S2 should be reference to Fig S3

      Changed. • Line 483: Reference to Fig S3 should be reference to Fig S4

      Changed. • Line 540-544: The sentence reads as a contradiction (C. elegans defends itself using RNAi, C. briggsae blocks viral infection during entry). As a result, the sentence reads as if RNAi is not of much antiviral importance in C. briggsae, but that cannot be concluded from this data. I am not sure if this is what the authors aim to suggest, but another word choice (e.g. changing 'whereas' and 'this does not seem the case for C. briggsae') may be considered.

      We changed the wording to " whereas the C. elegans N2 reference strain allows for viral entry and defends itself against ORV via its small RNA response (Félix et al. 2011; Ashe et al. 2013; Shirayama et al. 2014; Coffman et al. 2017), in the tested resistant C. briggsae strains, the viruses appeared to be blocked at entry or at early steps of the viral cycle." • Line 585 and 592: There are two QTL approaches being applied and referred to as 'the one- and two-QTL analyses'. The description in this part is rather technical and the terminology is not clear. As a result, for readers not familiar with QTL mapping, the biological interpretation may become obscured.

      We now explain in Methods: " ...scanning each pair of positions for several models, including single-QTL, full, additive and epistatic. The significance threshold LOD score of each model was estimated via 1,000 permutation tests with a coefficient of risk a=0.05. The threshold was 4.91 for the additive model and 6.09 for the full model. The LOD score of each pair of position is represented by a color scale in Figure 5C). The combination of the chromosomes III and IV QTLs had a LOD score of 10.5 in the full and additive models. No epistatic interaction was detected. The LOD score of the single-QTL model comparison was below the threshold."

      • Line 659: The authors end the section about natural genetic variation in the response to SANTV with candidate genes and a CRISPR experiment. As the authors identify a small genetic region associated with LEBV susceptibility, it would be interesting to hear about any candidate genes in this region. There are still many genes and more importantly, many polymorphisms in this region (ca. 700 single-nucleotide polymorphisms and short indels). Because structural variants are difficult to call (long-read sequencing has not been performed on the parents), we had preferred to abstain to provide a list of polymorphisms that would be incomplete and preferentially point towards SNPs. However, because of the reviewer's query, we now provide it in Table S11.

      • Line 674: The authors make use of HK104 strain in this study as it is the exception in their dataset that provides resistance against LEBV, but not SANTV. Possibly, the genetic variation linked to viral susceptibility uncovered using HK104 may therefore be relatively uncommon in C. briggsae. The implications of this choice and option for other studies using different genotypes could be interesting to discuss in this short paragraph. The aim in here is to discover why HK104 is specifically resistant to one virus and not the other. There is a possibility of uncovering a specific mechanism that is present in only two or three strains of our 40-strain dataset but we find this specificity particularly

      interesting, regardless of its prevalence. We explore in the Discussion which of the two crosses may reveal the specificity.

      • Line 774: The IPR is already described on abbreviated in line 742. As a reader, we prefer having the abbreviation explained twice than not understanding it. • Overall, to reach a broader audience, the manuscript can expand explanations in the discussion. E.g. statements in line 695 and 773, refer to previous observations, but do not explain them in enough detail to understand parallels between this and previous studies without prior knowledge.

      We added some explanations, specifically for lines 695 and 773 (of previous version). • Figure 2: Only HK104 is labelled in the figure, it would be useful to also see HK105 as this strain is also explicitly mentioned in the text.

      We now included HK105 and strains that are used in further experiments.

      • Figure 2: It is not clear from the results or methods how strains as designated into a certain class. The figure legend says variability in the data is taken into account and that is why some strains are close to each other, yet distinct in class, but how this works is not described. We now explain our criteria. See above in the response to Reviewer 2. • Figure S3: The strain JU1264 and JU1498 are mentioned thrice (as '2', 'rep' and 'ref'). These annotations should be clarified.

      These explanations were indeed missing. We now explain them in the figure legend. • Figure S4: The figure would benefit from a division in panels per strain to facilitate comparisons across strains.

      Indeed. We now added a division in panels per strain. • Figure S4: Have the authors correlated viral loads with the number of infected animals? This could result in addition information if not all individuals are infected equally.

      We have not done so in this precise experiment but preferred to use the number of infected animals in most other experiments, in particular because it is less subject to outlier effects. • Figure S4: Could the authors clarify the meaning of JU1264 Rep?

      It is explained in the legend: "The undiluted viral preparations on JU1264 are used to normalize and are indicated as "JU1264 1/1". A separate replicate was performed and indicated as "JU1264 Rep"."

      • Figure 8: The meaning of the stars in this figure is a bit confusing and the description of these stars in the legend is not clear. Indeed. We changed the legend to: " ***: p<0.001 comparing JU4034 with its parent strain HK104 using a generalized linear model."
    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript provides new and detailed insight into two viruses infecting Caenorhabditis briggsae, a close relative of the widely studied model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. The authors study infection from a host perspective using two out of three viruses known to infect C. briggsae. The study mostly focuses on unravelling genetic variation within the host that links to viral susceptibility. They identify and confirm three QTL locations. They subsequently create CRISPR mutations to study candidate genes. Moreover, the study provides novel molecular insight into the C. briggsae antiviral RNAi pathway. Overall, the study provides a good basis to continue using C. briggsae to study viral infection.

      Major comments

      • The authors provide most data in both a processed and raw format, which is helpful. In two cases (data from 3 DPI, line 492 and LEBV infections in the AF16xHK104 NILs, line 621), the authors state their results, but the data seems not to be provided in the document (at least no direct reference is provided). These are supporting results and do not affect the main conclusions, nevertheless providing the data in form of a table or supplementary figure would be required. Generally, it may help to include a data availability statement to have a combined overview of where data can be found.

      Minor comments

      • Line 97-126: Here the manuscript fully focuses on the work in C. elegans. It would be interesting to make clear links to the work in C. briggsae (e.g. mention if homologs are present). The paragraph in line 127 clarifies advantages of studying viral infection in C. briggsae compared to C. elegans. It may be logical to place this information early in the text.
      • Line 166 and results from this experiment: Is the LEBV-SANTV mixture consisting of 50uL of both viruses or a total of 50uL (so 25uL of both)? This is also important for the interpretation of results.
      • Line 167: The text says the culture is maintain for 4 days, but then also mentions day 5. Figure 2 clarifies the experimental setup later, but the text could be clearer here.
      • Line 172: What are the nine starter cultures?
      • Line 185: 'Infection of the set of C. briggsae natural isolates'. From the text it is not clear what set the authors refer to.
      • Line 223: 'The proportion of infected animals were overall higher in Batch 3 but the qualitative results are similar'. It is unclear why this statement is here instead of in the result section and it is also not clear what the authors mean by the second part of the sentence.
      • Line 326: Is 'the same method as above' using FISH or RT-qPCR?
      • Line 382: What do the authors mean by 'two cross directions'?
      • Line 454-458: The data presented here does not appear well integrated in the storyline. It does not fit under the subheading. Perhaps it would be a better fit under the subheading of line 462?
      • Line 478: Reference to Fig S2 should be reference to Fig S3
      • Line 483: Reference to Fig S3 should be reference to Fig S4
      • Line 540-544: The sentence reads as a contradiction (C. elegans defends itself using RNAi, C. briggsae blocks viral infection during entry). As a result, the sentence reads as if RNAi is not of much antiviral importance in C. briggsae, but that cannot be concluded from this data. I am not sure if this is what the authors aim to suggest, but another word choice (e.g. changing 'whereas' and 'this does not seem the case for C. briggsae') may be considered.
      • Line 585 and 592: There are two QTL approaches being applied and referred to as 'the one- and two-QTL analyses'. The description in this part is rather technical and the terminology is not clear. As a result, for readers not familiar with QTL mapping, the biological interpretation may become obscured.
      • Line 659: The authors end the section about natural genetic variation in the response to SANTV with candidate genes and a CRISPR experiment. As the authors identify a small genetic region associated with LEBV susceptibility, it would be interesting to hear about any candidate genes in this region.
      • Line 674: The authors make use of HK104 strain in this study as it is the exception in their dataset that provides resistance against LEBV, but not SANTV. Possibly, the genetic variation linked to viral susceptibility uncovered using HK104 may therefore be relatively uncommon in C. briggsae. The implications of this choice and option for other studies using different genotypes could be interesting to discuss in this short paragraph.
      • Line 774: The IPR is already described on abbreviated in line 742.
      • Overall, to reach a broader audience, the manuscript can expand explanations in the discussion. E.g. statements in line 695 and 773, refer to previous observations, but do not explain them in enough detail to understand parallels between this and previous studies without prior knowledge.
      • Figure 2: Only HK104 is labelled in the figure, it would be useful to also see HK105 as this strain is also explicitly mentioned in the text.
      • Figure 2: It is not clear from the results or methods how strains as designated into a certain class. The figure legend says variability in the data is taken into account and that is why some strains are close to each other, yet distinct in class, but how this works is not described.
      • Figure S3: The strain JU1264 and JU1498 are mentioned thrice (as '2', 'rep' and 'ref'). These annotations should be clarified.
      • Figure S4: The figure would benefit from a division in panels per strain to facilitate comparisons across strains.
      • Figure S4: Have the authors correlated viral loads with the number of infected animals? This could result in addition information if not all individuals are infected equally.
      • Figure S4: Could the authors clarify the meaning of JU1264 Rep?
      • Figure 8: The meaning of the stars in this figure is a bit confusing and the description of these stars in the legend is not clear.


      The study contains a large amount of experimental data that provides a solid basis for using C. briggsae as a model to study viral (co-)infections. Interesting comparisons to C. elegans that is more thoroughly studied are drawn and used to advance understanding of viral infection for both organisms. Diverse experimental approaches have been taken to support conclusions and the data is thoughtfully considered throughout the manuscript. Sometimes, the text or presentation of the figures could be improved for clarity. The current manuscript will be of most interest for an audience with some knowledge about viral infections in nematodes and/or an interest in natural genetic variation or RNAi in C. elegans. Moreover, further development of model organisms like the Caenorhabditis nematodes for study of viral infection is of broad interest to virologists.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Viruses are common parasites of most animals and hosts have evolved a variety of mechanisms to defend against viruses. C. elegans and its natural Orsay virus have been used to discover novel mechanisms of viral immunity. Understanding the genetic basis why some hosts get infected and others do not can lead to a better mechanistic understanding of viral infection. In this manuscript, the authors describe their characterization of strain-specific differences in immunity to Santeuil and Le Blanc viruses in their natural nematode host C. briggsae. They found that particular strains of C. briggsae were sensitive or resistant to either or both viruses corresponding to the geographic origins of the strains. Resistant strains were determined to lack a small RNA response to infection suggesting an alternate, pre-invasion method of resistance. QTLs corresponding to resistance in both viruses were identified through utilization of Advanced Intercrossed Recombinant Inbred Lines (RILs).

      Main points:

      1. In figure 1C and D, is more than 1 biological replicate performed? Ideally multiple independent infections would be performed which would increase confidence in these experiments, but minimally the authors should make clear that this data was from an experiment only performed once. The conclusion from the life span assays is unlikely to change, but given the variance of the brood size assays within replicates, the conclusions that LEBV infection reduces the brood size is weakly supported.
      2. If the authors want to claim that there is a defect in viral entry in the resistant strains, they should perform infections experiments at an earlier time point that could capture viral invasion. In C. elegans with Orsay virus these experiments have been done as early as 18 hours by FISH. https://journals.plos.org/plospathogens/article?id=10.1371/journal.ppat.1011120 The way the assays are currently set up, if the infection was cleared it wouldn't be observed.
      3. The evidence that the region on chromosome III contributes to susceptibility is weak. The analysis in figure 5B does not identify this region and it is not clear to me how to read the scale in figure 5C to determine that a region on chromosome III is significant. In figure 6 using a more appropriate statistical test such as one way ANOVA with multiple hypothesis testing is necessary to determine if there is a difference between JU2832 and JU2916. It would be helpful if the authors could add more discussion of the evidence that they feel that supports this region being involved in susceptibility.

      Minor points

      1. In figure 1B it would be helpful to provide more information on the animals chosen to display. Are these representative examples or extreme examples?
      2. In figure 2B, adding a legend for the colored dots would be helpful.
      3. In figure 2C, the definitions for a strain to be labeled as belonging to each category should be provided.
      4. Could the data in figure 2 be used for genome-wide association mapping and compared to the RIL QTL experiments? Adding comment on this would be helpful to understanding the usefulness of this data.
      5. In figure 4b, in HK104 LRBV the numbers in top right corner are not defined.
      6. Line 1001 remove period from "LEBV.of" and add period after isolates.


      Overall, this is an interesting and well-carried out study that describes a new system for understanding the genetic basis to viral infection. Using C. briggsae as a comparative system to C. elegans is likely to gain further insight into the specificity of viral infections and if mechanisms of resistance are unique or shared between these two nematodes. This study is likely to be interesting to virologists, evolutionary biologists, and those studying host-pathogen interactions.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Alkan et al. investigate natural variation in the susceptibility of C. briggsae nematodes to two naturally occurring Noda-like RNA viruses, the Le Blanc (LEBV) and Santeuil (SANTV). Compared to the related nematode species, C. elegans, considerably less attention has been paid to immunity to viral infections, or causative genes, in other nematode species. Taking advantage of a large, globally distributed set of C. briggsae natural isolates, the authors infected these strains with LEBV, SANTV, or both viruses to comprehensively analyze natural variation in viral susceptibility. They generally find that strains isolated from temperate regions are sensitive to both viruses, while tropical strains are resistant. However, excitingly, they identify several strains (focusing specifically on HK104 from Japan) with virus-specific susceptibility. Using this observation, the authors rigorously investigate a suite of existing RILs and generate their own RILs/NILs to identify QTLs of chromosomes II, III, and IV with likely roles in LEBV and SANTV resistance. The authors could not narrow these QTLs to causative alleles in specific genes, but this work sets up future studies to further elucidate molecular mechanisms of resistance.

      Additionally, the authors identify an interesting distinction between C. briggsae strains that are resistant to viruses compared to the more commonly studied C. elegans and its natural pathogen, the Orsay virus. Alkan et al. employ small RNA sequencing to demonstrate that LEBV and SANTV-resistant strains do not elicit a small RNA response. This suggests immunity occurs by blocking viral entry or early replication steps that precede RNAi induction. This contrasts with some C. elegans strains resistant to Orsay virus, like the N2 strain, in which a small RNA response is detected. Such a result highlights the value of investigating immune responses across distinct nematode species, as there are clearly different resistance mechanisms at play. Future work building on this study will further demonstrate the value of C. briggsae and other nematodes as valuable comparative models with C. elegans.

      Major Comments:

      Overall, I found this study's data convincing, statistically rigorous and well-executed. The author's conclusions are largely fair and supported by the presented data. I appreciated that the authors performed infection screens across multiple independently generated virus preps (a notoriously variable process) to increase confidence in the results. I have two suggestions that the authors should consider addressing before publication:

      1. Figures 1&4 focus on JU1264 as the primary double-sensitive strain. However, the authors built their RILs with HK104 by crossing with JU1498 in Figures 7&8. In the results section and/or methods, the authors should provide some justification for this strain switch. Alternatively, the equivalent analysis of Figure 1 focusing on JU1498 would be valuable to demonstrate that the effects of both viruses on fitness are similar to JU1264. I am not recommending that the JU1264xHK104 crosses be performed or that Figures 7&8 be repeated with JU1264xHK104 lines, but that more explanation for strain selection for RIL generation should be provided.
      2. The authors reasonably claim that the resistance of tropical strains like AF16 could be due to blocking viral entry or early inhibition of replication before the small RNA response is activated. Could the authors test this by directly microinjecting virus (in combination with a dye as a control for successful injection) into the intestine? I understand this could not be done on a scale that would allow for small RNA sequencing, but one could perform small-scale FISH to determine if LEBV or SANTV are replication-competent if the entry barrier is artificially overcome. Such an experiment may require considerable technical development. It may be beyond the scope/timing of this specific study, but it is worth considering to gain some insight into the possible resistance mechanisms observed.

      Minor Comments:

      Line 78 - provide the full genus name for Caenorhabditis elegans at first appearance, as done for Caenorhabditis briggsae

      Line 117 - The description of cul-6 could also reference Bakowski et al. 2014. This study is referenced more generally as a player in proteostasis a few lines below but could be more explicitly tied to cul-6-mediated resistance to ORV (Bakowski et al. 2014 - see Fig. 7A)

      Line 197-198 - The authors could consider adding sequences for FISH probes as part of Table S2. This information could add value to the present study even if previously listed in Frézal et al.

      Line 263 - Were embryos obtained by bleaching of gravid adults, or was an egg lay performed, and the embryos were collected from plates? This is potentially an important distinction and should be clarified briefly in the methods.

      Line 330 - Provide justification for using JU1498 to make these RILs (see comment above).

      Line 446-Refer to the methods section for full clarity on the role of FISH in this set of experiments or reword for improved clarity. At first read-through, this phrasing made me expect some FISH experiments associated with Fig. 1, which does not appear to be the case.

      Line 478 - The supplementary figure callouts are misaligned with the provided documents. S2A in the text appears to refer to S3A RT-qPCR results.

      Line 483 - Similar to above, the text suggests serial dilutions should refer to S4, not S3.

      Line 498 - Modify the text to 'Figure 2C and Figure 3' for clarity.

      Line 531,535 - viRNAs are defined in line 535 but this should be moved to 531 above at first appearance in the text.

      Line 593 - Typo in 'Logarithm of Odds?'

      Line 621-624 - I recommend the authors include the data for the LEBV control experiments with NIL strains, either as a supplementary table, an additional panel for Fig. 6, or represented as done in Figure 8.

      Line 625-632 - How many total genes are represented in the QTL on IV? The reasoning behind testing rde-11 and rsd-2 is sound, but readers might want to know other potential candidates within this region (perhaps something the authors could also speculate on in the discussion). A similar comment applies for # genes in the QTLs on II and III.

      Line 991-992 - Figure 1B - LEBV, SANTV, and co-infection effects on body size are mentioned but not quantified. Has this phenotype been quantified elsewhere? If so, the authors should reference it in the results section or Fig. 1 legend. Alternatively, body size could be quantified as part of this study and added to Fig. 1.

      Line 1001 - There is a typo in the first sentence; the period after LEBV should be removed. Small suggestion: Figure 2A - While described in the methods, I recommend that the authors briefly reiterate in the figure legend that the white/yellow boxes are intended to indicate serial chunking for clarity.

      Line 1034 - Small formatting note for Figure 4B - percentages of reads mapping to RNA1 and RNA2 appear underneath gridlines for the graph which obscures visibility and is inconsistent with the other graphs presented.

      Line 1094 - Figure S1 - this analysis could be strengthened by RT-qPCR represented as fold change in viral load instead of, or in addition to, the agarose gel image (like Fig. S3). Doing so would also allow for the normalization of eft-2 control across individual samples (e.g.: particularly low eft-2 amplification in ED3073). However, these results are sufficiently convincing that LEBV does not replicate in C. elegans, but a more quantitative approach is recommended if feasible for the authors. Alternatively, an additional figure panel and/or repeat of this analysis with C. elegans infected with ORV would also be beneficial as an additional control.

      Line 1112 - "Experiments using RNA2 primers gave similar results" - if this data isn't included in the study, this text should be removed.

      Line 1141 - Figure S6 - For full transparency, the authors could consider including HK104 infected with LEBV to show minimal (zero) reads align to the RNA1/RNA2 segments using scales consistent with JU1264 infected with LEBV (S6C)


      C. elegans has received considerable attention as a model for host-natural pathogen interactions, including the Orsay virus, microsporidia species, oomycetes, and others. However, the field would benefit from increased diversification into related nematodes, as there is likely much more exciting biology to uncover beyond C. elegans. This study exemplifies the genetic advantages of nematodes for this purpose, given the diverse nematode strains available from the CaeNDR (Crombie et al. 2023, PMID: 37855690), rapid growth/genetics of nematodes, and ease of infection by naturally relevant pathogens. Anyone interested in innate immunity mechanisms to viruses or other intracellular pathogens will find this study valuable, as well as those generally interested in traits under selective pressures. My field of expertise is microsporidia as parasites of nematodes, which also act as intracellular pathogens of the intestine but are eukaryotic. Surprisingly, viruses and microsporidia overlap considerably in host immune response (Bakowski et al. 2014, Chen et al. 2017, Reddy et al. 2019 referenced in Alkan et al.). To date, this has been largely explored using C. elegans as a model, but microsporidia that infect C. elegans also infect C. briggsae (Wan et al. 2022 PMID:36534656, Wadi et al. 2023: 3741459). Thus, I view the work of Alkan et al. as opening the door to exciting new directions that could similarly be executed with microsporidia pathogens for comparative analysis in C. elegans, C. briggsae, and related nematodes.

  3. Apr 2024
    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The manuscript by Xie et al investigates the role of efemp1 in mediating ocular growth. Efemp1, a secreted extracellular matrix glycoprotein, was previously identified as a myopia-risk gene in human GWAS studies. Given that myopia is linked to aberrant eye shape, the authors investigated whether and how this gene mediates eye growth. Using a CRISPR based approach in zebrafish the authors knocked out efemp1 specifically in the retina and established that a myopic eye results. They went further and investigated visual function in these mutant fish using the optomotor response and electroretinograms. As dark-rearing in many animal models has been linked to the induction of myopia, the authors examined the effects of a dark-rearing regimen in efemp1 mutants and found surprisingly that they did not show signs of myopia. Lastly, the expression and distribution of several myopia-associated genes was investigated in the retina of efemp1 mutants and following dark-rearing.

      1. The starting point for this study was the generation of a "retina-specific knockout mutant of the efemp1 gene". However, evidence for a 'successful' knockout at the protein level is missing.

      We have clarified the exact nature of our efemp12C-Cas9 model further. The mutants have mosaic genetic modification that do not simply lead to gene deletion (knockout). We have reworded throughout the manuscript to avoid statement indicating the efemp1 2C-Cas9 fish as a knockout model and instead used “genetic modification” or “genetic disruption”, etc:

      This gene editing system led to mosaic retinal mutations; each Cas9-expressing retinal cell that were driven by the rx2 promoter would perform its own CRISPR gene editing process, and as a result, even within an individual retina, there were different types of indels (e.g., loss- or gain-of-function mutations, or milder mutations that may cause mislocalization) in different cells.” (Line 104–108).

      For the same reason, it is very challenging to show such a mosaic genetic editing in the protein level. First of all, we were not able to find commercial anti-EFEMP1 antibody for zebrafish that targets specifically the editing sites in our fish model. This means that mutated efemp1 DNAs that were transcribed and translated would produce mutant EFEMP1 protein that might still be recognized by an anti-EFEMP1 antibody, although their dysfunction might manifest as altered distribution and thus abnormal ocular development.

      On the other hand, in this study we used a headloop PCR technique, a sensitive genotyping approach that specifically suppresses amplification of wild-type but not mutated efemp1 DNA to show that there were genetic modifications in our mutants. However, likely due to the patchy distribution of Cas9-expressing retinal cells (Fig 1A′) and the non-uniform nature of gene editing, our genotyping results showed weak mutant bands (Fig 1C–D), implicating low editing rates. The fact that only a proportion of mutations would result in loss of the protein would make it difficult to distinguish the gene editing in the retina via immunostaining or western blot.

      We have added following in the Results section to indicate the difficulties in showing genetic modification at the protein level for the efemp12C-Cas9 model:

      On the other hand, due to the mosaic nature of the gene editing, the patchiness of Cas9-expressing retinal cells (Fig 1A′) and the potentially low editing rate, as well as the unavailability of commercial anti-EFEMP1 antibodies that targets specifically the CRISPR editing sites, efemp1 modification in our mutant model at the protein level is challenging to show.” (Line 125–128)

      Immunostaining for Efemp1 in sections of the entire retina from control and mutant fish would have helped here. It is only in Figure 7 B, C that portions of the inner retina from control and efemp1 2c-Cas9 fish are shown with Efemp1 immunostaining. Control and mutant retinae show slight relative differences in Efemp1 fluorescence levels which are difficult to reconcile with a knock-out scenario.

      As mentioned above, our model is not simply a knockout but a combination of a range of indels that may produce mutant proteins. At least some of them are therefore still likely to bind with the anti-EFEMP1 antibody used in the present study; the antibody does not bind to EFEMP1 regions corresponding to sgRNAs target sites on zebrafish efemp1 DNA. We have added this detail in the Methods to clarify.

      Noting that the anti-EFEMP1 antibody does not bind to EFEMP1 regions corresponding to sgRNAs target sites on zebrafish efemp1 DNA, thus mutant proteins (if any) may still be labeled by the antibody.” (Line 790–792)

      Therefore, it makes sense that our result showed differences in relative EFEMP1 fluorescence between groups across the inner retina rather than complete loss of EFEMP1 immunostaining in mutant retinas.

      resumably this phenotype is a result of the mosaic expression of Cas9 (GFP) shown in Fig 1? Can the authors explain the reason for this mosaicism?

      We believe that the “mosaic expression of Cas9” the reviewer mentioned is the “patchy distribution of Cas9-expressing retinal cells” as we mentioned in the above response. Yes this is also partially the reason why mutant retinas still present EFEMP1 immunostaining. The patchy (or mosaic) Cas9 expression in the retina of our mutant model can be because we use the Gal4/UAS system to drive the 2C-Cas9 gene editing system. Mosaic expression has long been noticed as a drawback of the Gal4/UAS system. We have modified the manuscript to explain the mosaic Cas9 expression in the mutant retina:

      The patchiness of Cas9 expression in the mutant retina may attribute to the Gal4/UAS system (Halpern et al., 2008).” (Line 103–104)

      Given this mosaic expression would one expect Efemp1 immunoreactive areas intermingled with areas devoid of Efemp1 in the mutant retina?

      This happens only in cells that CRIPSR eliminates production of EFEMP1, but due to patchy Cas9 expression and perhaps only a little proportion of Cas9-positive cells will lose EFEMP1 protein, our immunostaining did not show apparent intermingling. Importantly, it is worth noting that as our explanation above, anti-EFEMP1 antibody may be able to bind with mutant EFEMP1 proteins and thus EFEMP1 immunostaining will still present in retinal cells with successful gene editing.

      Further, do deficits in the various functional assays the authors perform correlate with the degree of mosaicism?

      We appreciate the reviewer’s interesting idea. As primary goal of the present study is to determine whether retinal-specific efemp1 modification has any effect on ocular refraction, we aimed to use fish with as more Cas9-expressing cells as possible for functional analysis, and thus fish used were not expected to have discernible difference in degree of Cas9 expression mosaicism. Therefore, it is not known that whether there is a correlation between ocular deficits and Cas9 expression mosaicism. We thank the reviewer’s suggestion and will bear this idea in mind for future experimental design.

      In the same vein, in Figure 2 the authors refer to variation in GFP levels in the efemp12c-Cas9. It is not clear whether the authors mean levels of GFP in individual cells or numbers of GFP+ cells. Presumably the latter. Could the authors clarify?

      We have added details in the Methods of the manuscript to clarify:

      “Post-hoc retinal histology indicated that intensity of eGFP fluorescence is corresponding to eGFP positive cell number; fish with higher eGFP fluorescence level had more eGFP positive cells.” (Line 723–725)

      In my opinion understanding and characterizing the efemp12c-Cas9 fish thoroughly is key to interpreting the phenotypes the authors show subsequently.

      We agree with the reviewer. Due to the characteristics of our 2C-Cas9 model mentioned above, headloop PCR, which is highly sensitive for determining occurrence of gene mutations regardless indel types, is so far the most practical approach for us to provide evidence of successful gene editing. Because there was limited means to show gene modification in the protein level for our mutant model (as mentioned above), we instead provided functional verification of gene modification using OMR. We showed that functionally our 2C-Cas9 model have comparable phenotype with efemp1-knockdown zebrafish that have robust gene disruption induced by morpholino. Overall, with this evidence we believe that there were efemp1 modification in our fish model. Given no other manipulations, the phenotypes are presumably due to the mosaic mutations generated here. We would speculate (though have no data to show this) that a more even and complete knockout of Efemp1 throughout all of the retinal neurons would increase the size of the phenotypic changes seen even more. It was important for us to target the eye to assess the role in the local emmetropisation processes rather than mixing it with possible other CNS defects confounding the phenotype. We were excited to be able to observe quantifiable phenotypes even with such a mosaic randomized mutation model shown here and believe it gives more strength to the role of Efemp1.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The wide range of assays the authors perform to assess visual deficits is commendable. Such a comprehensive approach ranging from anatomical, behavioral and electrophysiological assays is poised to identify changes that could otherwise be overlooked. Given the increasing use of zebrafish as models of ocular diseases, this study provides a solid roadmap of the types of analysis possible. This work should be interesting to researchers in the field of myopia research and to basic vision researchers interested in using the zebrafish as a model organism.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: In this study, the authors used the zebrafish model to study efemp1, a gene that was previously found to be associated with myopia. They used CRISPR-Cas9 to create specific efemp1 knockout in the retina in a mosaic manner. They used a few histological and physiological techniques to evaluate the resulting mutant and found that the efemp1 mutants developed symptoms that are consistent with myopia. The authors further quantified the expression of a few potential target genes in the eye that are potentially implicated in myopia phenotype. The authors also evaluated the differential phenotype of the efemp1 mutant grown in different light conditions that might contribute to myopia.

      Major comments:

      Overall, the authors have provided convincing evidence of the phenotype created by their efemp1 perturbation. Their experiments were thoroughly done and extensively analyzed. They even discussed some potential shortcomings of their study. Their study is a nice first step towards a better understanding of the efemp1 gene function in ocular growth and in myopia. All my comments below should be addressed by clarifications and discussions and not by any new experiments or projects.

      Minor comments:

      1. Elaborate the rationale for choosing efemp1 from the original GWAS study for zebrafish investigation. The authors only mentioned that this gene is among the highest in the rank and its role in myopia is not clear. However, there are quite a few other genes in the GWAS study that were ranked as high, if not higher than efemp1.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. Firstly, in a previous study, we used the high-throughput zebrafish optomotor response assay coupled with morpholino gene knockdown to screen top-ranked myopia-risk genes from the GWAS study. To use zebrafish as a model, additionally we took into account several other factors including existence of zebrafish orthologues, gene expression in the eye, association of ocular phenotypes with risk genes shown in previous zebrafish studies, fatality of gene depletion and availability of characterized morpholinos to prioritize GWAS-associated risk genes for screening. With significant reduction of OMR responses in efemp1 morphants, efemp1 was selected as a gene of interest for investigation. As our pre-screen is currently an unpublished study, we were not showing the data in the manuscript, but we are happy to show relevant results to the reviewer if requested. To clarify the selection of this gene, we have added a brief statement in the Introduction:

      Our previous study (unpublished) screening GWAS-associated myopia-risk genes with high-throughput optomotor response measurement and morpholino gene knockdown indicated that knockdown of efemp1 in larval zebrafish reduced spatial-frequency tuning function, making efemp1 a candidate gene worth for further investigation for myopia development.” (Line 53–57)

      On the other hand, in the Introduction of our manuscript, we indeed had covered that in humans, efemp1 disruptions, with either gain- or loss-of functions, would lead to visual disease, such as Malattia Leventinese, doyne honeycomb retinal dystrophy, juvenile-onset open-angle glaucoma, or high myopia. These also implicated the importance in understanding the role of efemp1 in ocular development.

      Elaborate the rationale for choosing retina as the target tissue of efemp1 knockout, especially when the original GWAS study indicated the expression of EFEMP1 is in cornea, RPE, and sclera, but not in retinal cells.

      Firstly, efemp1 is expressed in the retina as shown by our immunostaining in zebrafish and in situ hybridization in mouse in a previous study (PMID: 26162006). We have modified the manuscript to clarify this point:

      EFEMP1 is a secreted extracellular matrix glycoprotein widely expressed throughout the human body, especially in elastic fiber-rich tissues, for examples, the brain, lung, kidney and eye including the retina (Livingstone et al., 2020; Mackay et al., 2015).” (Line 51–53)

      In future studies it will be interesting to perform similar somatic efemp1 manipulation in other ocular tissues to examine whether this gene has tissue-dependent functions for ocular growth. Nonetheless, our results demonstrated that at the very least retinal efemp1 is involved in ocular development.

      Secondly, the rx2 gene is indeed also expressed in the RPE in zebrafish (PMID: 11180949), meaning that there were also RPE cells expressing Cas9 driven by rx2. We have added this detailed to the manuscript:

      In this transgenic zebrafish line, Tg(rx2:Gal4) is expressed specifically in the retina and the RPE (Chuang and Raymond, 2001), due to the retina-specific retinal homeobox gene 2 (rx2) promoter.” (Line 95–97)

      Importantly, as myopia generally develops due to dysregulated gene-environment interactions, modification of efemp1 specifically in the light-sensing retina allowed us to investigate the interaction of efemp1 with visual environment. We have added this point to the manuscript:

      In order to investigate the role of the efemp1 gene and its interaction with visual environment, we first generated a zebrafish line with efemp1 modification specifically in the retina (efemp12C-Cas9; Fig 1A), the light-sensing tissue in the eye, using a 2C-Cas9 somatic CRISPR gene editing system (Di Donato et al., 2016).” (Line 92–95)

      Discuss possible ways of modifying efemp1 gene in the retina that would be more uniform and would not create mosaicism and/or heterogenous mutations that can complicate downstream characterizations and interpretations as the authors currently experienced.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion. One possible way of generating uniform tissue-specific gene modification is to use the Cre-loxP recombination system. We have modified the Discussion of manuscript as per reviewer’s suggestion:

      To avoid such heterogeneous tissue-specific gene editing, the Cre-LoxP system is an option­: using tissue-specific driven Cre recombination to delete LoxP flanked exons of the target gene.” (Line 482–486)

      • Added to discussion –

      The authors should elaborate further on the effect of the mosaicism and heterogenous mutations on efemp1, a presumably excreted protein, on regulating the ocular growth.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s interesting point of view. However, it is very difficult to identify a regionalized effect of mosaicism and heterogenous mutations of efemp1 on ocular growth even with dissected eyes. It is likely that distribution of Cas9-expressing cells was mosaic but still overall even across the retina. Perhaps in other models that allow controlled regional efemp1 manipulation in the eye, for sample, using gene promoters that present dorsal to ventral gradient, comparisons between modified and unmodified regions in the same eye will help to unravel whether efemp1 regulates eye growth only around the location where it was produced.

      How did the downstream genes they studied affect by the messing up of the extracellular Efemp1? Is it through altering the Egf signal transduction?

      Throughout the Discussion we have tried to cover how efemp1 disruption affect myopia-associated genes where it is possible by linking our results with literature. However, there were not enough details from the literature showing direct pathways between efemp1 and the tested myopia-risk genes. These will be interesting topics for further investigation. To our knowledge, there is no evidence that myopia-associated genes we analyzed in the study are transduced by Egf signaling.

      If possible, discuss the original SNP that was associated with efemp1 and the potential mechanisms through which the SNP affects human EFEMP1; Then, discuss how the study of zebrafish efemp1 mutant can aid our understanding of the human's SNP.

      Unfortunately, this information is not available. In the meta-analysis our work is based on Efemp1 ranked highly based on biological and statistical evidence. In figure 5 of Tedje et al., 2018, we can see Efemp1 in the first place. Where available, the annotation (light blue column) would indicate whether the variant was found in exonic, UTR or transcribing RNA. Nothing was identified for Efemp1 – which could mean that it is expressed in regulatory sequencing further away.

      Typo: Page 15, Line 299: Loss of this gene "promotes".

      Thanks to the reviewer, we have corrected the typo.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      This study is an interesting and potentially significant addition to the ophthalmology field, as it conducted an initial characterization of a candidate gene for myopia in zebrafish and observed a relevant phenotype after the gene knockout. Colleagues in the myopia field will find the results interesting. In addition, colleagues in the zebrafish field will find the in-depth characterizations and tools used in the paper very informative.

      I have conducted research in the human genetics of ophthalmology, gene expression analysis, zebrafish eye development and diseases. I believe my background allows me to effectively appreciate and evaluate the findings of this manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary The authors use a retinal-specific promoter to target zebrafish efemp1 for inactivation to study its effects on the eye. Their use of the DiDonato/del Bene 2C-Cas9 system is a good method to target only cells that express a specific promoter i.e. rx2. Following this (mosaic and transient) targeting of efemp1, the authors describe enlarged eyes and myopia development, as well as reduced spatial visual sensitivity and altered retinal function by ERG analysis. Furthermore, expression levels of egr1, tgfb1a, vegfb, and rbp3 are altered, as well as Timp2 and Mmp2 proteins. Finally, dark-rearing of efemp1 mutant fish is reported to lead to emmetropization, rather than myopia.

      Major comments

      1. The data presented by the authors are interesting, and likely due to efemp1 disruption in the eye. However, the authors should clarify or explain several points, and improve on experimental rigor. Figure 1 C, D- PCRs are not convincing for loss of efemp1. The authors should consider PCR reactions that would show deletion driven by both CRISPRs, or an RFLP reaction based on conventional PCR that would show differences if individual CRISPRs were effective.

      Our zebrafish model is not simply a complete knockout model (please see response to reviewer 1’s comment 1 for details). In our model, even in a retina, there will be different indels in cells that expresses Cas9, including gain- or loss-of-function mutations, or mutations that do not even influence its function. In some cases, even with CRISPR cutting, DNA will recover to be wildtype. Thus, even with FACS to sort for Cas9+ (GFP+) cells, it is not possible to provide evidence for such gene modification using conventional PCR, because as long as there is a unmutated target sequence there will be PCR production. Because of this, headloop PCR as a well-established, highly sensitive approach is specifically suitable for our case.

      There needs to be better evidence that efemp1 is being edited (e.g. Western blot, or qPCR).

      As described in our response to reviewer 1’s comment 1, due the way efemp1 gene was modified in the retina in our model and the unavailability of suitable commercial antibodies, western blot is currently not an option for us. For qPCR, theoretically it is a way to show genetic modification at the transcriptional level, if combined with FACS from dissected eyes and sgRNA target sites specific primers. However, in reality it is not very practical to perform. First of all, even in our model with more Cas9+ cells, due to the patchy expression, the number of these cells are in fact low in a retina. This means that the number of fish to get enough cells for RNA isolation would be much higher, likely to be hundreds of fish. Moreover, in each clutch the number of fish with higher Cas9+ cell number is generally low, estimated to be only ~5%. Overall, this indicates that a large number of fish are required to even just get one sample for such an experiment. With evidence from headloop PCR and visual phenotype verification (OMR; Fig 1E–H and Fig S1), we believe it is certain that efemp1 gene has been modified. As mentioned also, the ability to identify quantifiable phenotypic differences in this model despite the mosaic Cas9 activity and random indels in different cells is highly suggestive of a full knockout of Efemp1 in the eye causing an even larger phenotype.

      The data in Figure 7 are not convincing that EFEMP1 protein levels are substantially reduced in mutants.

      This is expected. Please see response to reviewer 1’s comment 2.

      Why are efemp12C-Cas9 eyes smaller with normal lighting? (Figure S2)

      Fig S2 showed that efemp1*2C-Cas9 fish have smaller eye size than control fish only at 2 weeks of age. As shown by our survival data (Fig 2C), fish with more severe gene modification (implicated by more GFP+ cells, GFP+++ fish) are possibly died by 4 weeks of age, likely due to severe deficits in visually driven predation and subsequently nutrition deficiency. These fish thus gradually develop smaller size of the body including the eye with age, compared to control fish. Therefore, it makes senses that overall mutant fish have smaller eyes at 2 weeks of age but as GFP+++ fish die by 4 weeks, the group averaged eye size returned to a level similar to control fish. The fish survived are likely the ones that have mild mutations, which allow them to remain some levels of vision for feeding and develop without discernibly smaller eye size. Because there was variability of eye size in zebrafish caused by either development or gene manipulation, we used a relative calculation (ratio of retinal radius to lens radius) as a myopia index for comparison.

      The clustering of datapoints in Figure 2B, 4B, overlaps extensively between control and mutant, and it is not easy to be sure that the high significance scores (***) are accurate.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this concern. Though data points overlapped to some levels, in general difference between group means were apparent and the range that they deviate (i.e., mean ± SEM) were barely overlap. We realise it was difficult to see the SEM error bars, as they were so close to the mean, that they were hard to distinguish. We have adjusted our figures for clearer visualization of the error bars. Hopefully this will better show how far apart the data are as reflected by the significance scores.

      The authors should consider discussing whether loss of efemp1 is developmental only, or sustained. rx2 is likely to be switched off after development, and retinal cells that arise after the rx2:Gal4 ceases to be active will have a normal quotient of efemp1.

      Genetic modification in our mutant model is sustained. It is true that rx2 is only transiently expressed during early development, but once gDNA in a cell was modified by a CRISPR editing event driven by the 2C-Cas9 system, it remains throughout cell divisions (the same mutation would be copied during DNA synthesis) and cell lifetime. In addition, it has been showed that in adult teleost activation of rx2 in retinal stem cells in the retinal ciliary marginal zone determines its fate to form retinal neurons (PMID: 25908840). Therefore, in new neurons derived from retinal stem cells in the adult zebrafish retina, there is expression of rx2 to drive the 2C-Cas9 system for genetic modification. We have added relevant details to the Result section:

      Despite the mosaicism, the mutations resulted from the 2C-Cas9 system in retinal cells is expected to be sustained. Also, in adult teleost, activation of rx2 in retinal stem cells in the retinal ciliary marginal zone determines its fate to form retinal neurons (Reinhardt et al., 2015). This suggested that in new neurons derived from retinal stem cells in the adult zebrafish retina, there may be expression of rx2 to drive the 2C-Cas9 system for genetic modification.” (Line 108–116)

      The authors should also consider a more detailed discussion of the mechanism mediated by/through efemp1 that alters retinal function and expression of other genes.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion. It is possible to add more detailed discussion to the manuscript for potential mechanistic links, but ultimately such content would be highly speculative and may lead to over-interpretation of the data. Moreover, a comprehensive overview of detailed mechanisms of how efemp1 may alter retinal function and expression of relevant genes will require space and significantly lengthen the manuscript, with however only minimal improvement. Therefore, we believe it is reasonable to only touch the most relevant as we did for the manuscript.

      Finally, since a full mouse knockout of efemp1 exists (Daniel et al, 2020), it is not clear why a retinal-specific zebrafish model would give better insight into the phenotype.

      There are several advantages of our 2C-Cas9 zebrafish model. Firstly, with a retinal specific modification of the efemp1 gene, we are able to rule out systematic effect. Essentially our focus is the role of efemp1 in specifically ocular development. Secondly, with their smaller size, rapid development, high reproductivity, and ease of genetic and environmental manipulations, zebrafish allow us to perform large-scale high-throughput investigation with different genetic and environmental combinations. Furthermore, by changing the promoter that drives Gal4 expression in our model, we can target precisely different retinal neuron subtypes to characterize which and how different visual circuits are involved.

      Minor comments

      "Myopia is the most common ocular disorder" is overly broad and needs qualifiers.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s rigorousness. However, myopia is in fact the most common ocular disorder around the world. We have mentioned in the Introduction that “Myopia (short-sightedness) is now the most common visual disorder, and is predicted to impact approximately half of the world population by 2050 (Holden et al., 2016).” Therefore, we believe a qualifier is appropriate.

      Line 36 - what ocular changes cannot be easily managed?

      We thank the reviewer’s suggestion. We have modified the Introduction manuscript to add some examples:

      Although considered manageable with optical correction, the development of high levels of myopia (or pathological myopia) brings with it ocular changes that promote eye diseases that cannot be easily managed (glaucoma, cataract, myopic maculopathy, etc.) (Hayashi et al., 2010; Ikuno, 2017; Marcus et al., 2011).” (Line 34–37)

      Why does loss of retinal efemp1 cause reduced OMR response? Unlikely to be refractive error at this stage.

      We have modified the Discussion as per the reviewer’s concern:

      We noticed that although 5 dpf efemp12C-Cas9 fish overall were not myopic relative to efemp1+/+ fish (Fig 2B), they showed reduced spatial-frequency tuning function (Fig 1E–H). This phenotype, if not due to refractive error, can be a result of altered visual processing, as aberrant extracellular matrix caused by efemp1 disruption may lead to dysfunctional synapses (Dityatev and Schachner, 2006).” (Line 491–494)

      Which Timp2 (Timp2a or Timp2b) is visualized in Figure 7?

      Thanks to the reviewer for raising this point. We have added relevant details to the Methods:

      The anti-TIMP2 antibody was developed based on human TIMP2. In a previous study this antibody was showed to label for zebrafish TIMP2a (Zhang et al., 2003). As similarity of zebrafish TIMP2b to human TIMP2 is much lower than that of zebrafish TIMP2a (60.55% vs. 71.23%), labelling of zebrafish TIM2b is less likely. Yet, we are not able to completely rule out this possibility due to lack of information of the exact immunogen.” (Line 790–794)

      Why is the inner retina studied for altered protein expression, but not the rest of the eye? Myopia is primarily driven by growth of the outer retinal/sclera.

      The reason why we focused on the inner retina is that in our study, prominent expression differences of our proteins of interest between groups were mainly noticed on the inner but not outer retina. We agree that the outer retina is a key driver for visually regulated ocular growth, yet the inner retina also plays a crucial role. There is abundant evidence that the inner retina is involved in development of ocular refraction. For examples, Cx36, Egr1 and dopamine pathways in the inner retina have been reported to be associated with regulation of ocular refraction (PMID: 10412059; PMID: 28602573; PMID: 25052990; PMID: 32547367). We believe it is reasonable to focus on the inner retina, were we observed robust quantifiable expression for the tested proteins in our case.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      • General assessment: This study uses retinal-specific inactivation of efemp1 with a clever methodology to study its effects on the eye. However, the necessity of these experiments is not well explained, as a full mouse knockout line exists. • Advance: There are some interesting observations about gene expression following efemp1 inactivation, and useful experiments that look at the combination of genetics with environmental conditions on refractive error. This builds on studies by the Hulleman group on efemp1's role in the eye by adding functional information. • Audience: This will be of interest to both basic researchers and clinicians who study genetic influencers of the eye.
    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors use a retinal-specific promoter to target zebrafish efemp1 for inactivation to study its effects on the eye. Their use of the DiDonato/del Bene 2C-Cas9 system is a good method to target only cells that express a specific promoter i.e. rx2. Following this (mosaic and transient) targeting of efemp1, the authors describe enlarged eyes and myopia development, as well as reduced spatial visual sensitivity and altered retinal function by ERG analysis. Furthermore, expression levels of egr1, tgfb1a, vegfb, and rbp3 are altered, as well as Timp2 and Mmp2 proteins. Finally, dark-rearing of efemp1 mutant fish is reported to lead to emmetropization, rather than myopia.

      Major comments

      The data presented by the authors are interesting, and likely due to efemp1 disruption in the eye. However, the authors should clarify or explain several points, and improve on experimental rigor. Figure 1 C, D- PCRs are not convincing for loss of efemp1. The authors should consider PCR reactions that would show deletion driven by both CRISPRs, or an RFLP reaction based on conventional PCR that would show differences if individual CRISPRs were effective. There needs to be better evidence that efemp1 is being edited (e.g. Western blot, or qPCR). The data in Figure 7 are not convincing that EFEMP1 protein levels are substantially reduced in mutants. Why are efemp12C-Cas9 eyes smaller with normal lighting? (Figure S2) The clustering of datapoints in Figure 2B, 4B, overlaps extensively between control and mutant, and it is not easy to be sure that the high significance scores (***) are accurate. The authors should consider discussing whether loss of efemp1 is developmental only, or sustained. rx2 is likely to be switched off after development, and retinal cells that arise after the rx2:Gal4 ceases to be active will have a normal quotient of efemp1. The authors should also consider a more detailed discussion of the mechanism mediated by/through efemp1 that alters retinal function and expression of other genes. Finally, since a full mouse knockout of efemp1 exists (Daniel et al, 2020), it is not clear why a retinal-specific zebrafish model would give better insight into the phenotype.

      Minor comments

      "Myopia is the most common ocular disorder" is overly broad and needs qualifiers. Line 36 - what ocular changes cannot be easily managed? Why does loss of retinal efemp1 cause reduced OMR response? Unlikely to be refractive error at this stage. Which Timp2 (Timp2a or Timp2b) is visualized in Figure 7? Why is the inner retina studied for altered protein expression, but not the rest of the eye? Myopia is primarily driven by growth of the outer retinal/sclera.


      • General assessment: This study uses retinal-specific inactivation of efemp1 with a clever methodology to study its effects on the eye. However, the necessity of these experiments is not well explained, as a full mouse knockout line exists.
      • Advance: There are some interesting observations about gene expression following efemp1 inactivation, and useful experiments that look at the combination of genetics with environmental conditions on refractive error. This builds on studies by the Hulleman group on efemp1's role in the eye by adding functional information.
      • Audience: This will be of interest to both basic researchers and clinicians who study genetic influencers of the eye.
    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this study, the authors used the zebrafish model to study efemp1, a gene that was previously found to be associated with myopia. They used CRISPR-Cas9 to create specific efemp1 knockout in the retina in a mosaic manner. They used a few histological and physiological techniques to evaluate the resulting mutant and found that the efemp1 mutants developed symptoms that are consistent with myopia. The authors further quantified the expression of a few potential target genes in the eye that are potentially implicated in myopia phenotype. The authors also evaluated the differential phenotype of the efemp1 mutant grown in different light conditions that might contribute to myopia.

      Major comments:

      Overall, the authors have provided convincing evidence of the phenotype created by their efemp1 perturbation. Their experiments were thoroughly done and extensively analyzed. They even discussed some potential shortcomings of their study. Their study is a nice first step towards a better understanding of the efemp1 gene function in ocular growth and in myopia. All my comments below should be addressed by clarifications and discussions and not by any new experiments or projects.

      Minor comments:

      • Elaborate the rationale for choosing efemp1 from the original GWAS study for zebrafish investigation. The authors only mentioned that this gene is among the highest in the rank and its role in myopia is not clear. However, there are quite a few other genes in the GWAS study that were ranked as high, if not higher than efemp1.
      • Elaborate the rationale for choosing retina as the target tissue of efemp1 knockout, especially when the original GWAS study indicated the expression of EFEMP1 is in cornea, RPE, and sclera, but not in retinal cells.
      • Discuss possible ways of modifying efemp1 gene in the retina that would be more uniform and would not create mosaicism and/or heterogenous mutations that can complicate downstream characterizations and interpretations as the authors currently experienced.
      • The authors should elaborate further on the effect of the mosaicism and heterogenous mutations on efemp1, a presumably excreted protein, on regulating the ocular growth. How did the downstream genes they studied affect by the messing up of the extracellular Efemp1? Is it through altering the Egf signal transduction?
      • If possible, discuss the original SNP that was associated with efemp1 and the potential mechanisms through which the SNP affects human EFEMP1; Then, discuss how the study of zebrafish efemp1 mutant can aid our understanding of the human's SNP.
      • Typo: Page 15, Line 299: Loss of this gene "promotes".


      This study is an interesting and potentially significant addition to the ophthalmology field, as it conducted an initial characterization of a candidate gene for myopia in zebrafish and observed a relevant phenotype after the gene knockout. Colleagues in the myopia field will find the results interesting. In addition, colleagues in the zebrafish field will find the in-depth characterizations and tools used in the paper very informative.

      I have conducted research in the human genetics of ophthalmology, gene expression analysis, zebrafish eye development and diseases. I believe my background allows me to effectively appreciate and evaluate the findings of this manuscript.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript by Xie et al investigates the role of efemp1 in mediating ocular growth. Efemp1, a secreted extracellular matrix glycoprotein, was previously identified as a myopia-risk gene in human GWAS studies. Given that myopia is linked to aberrant eye shape, the authors investigated whether and how this gene mediates eye growth. Using a CRISPR based approach in zebrafish the authors knocked out efemp1 specifically in the retina and established that a myopic eye results. They went further and investigated visual function in these mutant fish using the optomotor response and electroretinograms. As dark-rearing in many animal models has been linked to the induction of myopia, the authors examined the effects of a dark-rearing regimen in efemp1 mutants and found surprisingly that they did not show signs of myopia. Lastly, the expression and distribution of several myopia-associated genes was investigated in the retina of efemp1 mutants and following dark-rearing.

      The starting point for this study was the generation of a "retina-specific knockout mutant of the efemp1 gene". However, evidence for a 'successful' knockout at the protein level is missing. Immunostaining for Efemp1 in sections of the entire retina from control and mutant fish would have helped here. It is only in Figure 7 B, C that portions of the inner retina from control and efemp12c-Cas9 fish are shown with Efemp1 immunostaining. Control and mutant retinae show slight relative differences in Efemp1 fluorescence levels which are difficult to reconcile with a knock-out scenario. Presumably this phenotype is a result of the mosaic expression of Cas9 (GFP) shown in Fig 1? Can the authors explain the reason for this mosaicism? Given this mosaic expression would one expect Efemp1 immunoreactive areas intermingled with areas devoid of Efemp1 in the mutant retina? Further, do deficits in the various functional assays the authors perform correlate with the degree of mosaicism? In the same vein, in Figure 2 the authors refer to variation in GFP levels in the efemp12c-Cas9. It is not clear whether the authors mean levels of GFP in individual cells or numbers of GFP+ cells. Presumably the latter. Could the authors clarify? In my opinion understanding and characterizing the efemp12c-Cas9 fish thoroughly is key to interpreting the phenotypes the authors show subsequently.


      The wide range of assays the authors perform to assess visual deficits is commendable. Such a comprehensive approach ranging from anatomical, behavioral and electrophysiological assays is poised to identify changes that could otherwise be overlooked. Given the increasing use of zebrafish as models of ocular diseases, this study provides a solid roadmap of the types of analysis possible. This work should be interesting to researchers in the field of myopia research and to basic vision researchers interested in using the zebrafish as a model organism.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      General response of the authors to the editor and the reviewers:

      We thank the reviewers for their feedback, input and questions as these have helped us to (hopefully) improve the manuscript. We have rewritten several sections of the manuscript, moved methodological descriptions from the Results to the Methods section, and added imaging data for two cytoskeletal proteins, Shot and Cofilin/Twinstar, which confirm the predicted differential DV expression. Because the changes to the text were extensive, we did not mark them by track changes (the manuscript would have been illegible), but would be happy to provide an additional version that includes the tracked changes.

      We provide below the point-by-point response to each question and comment made by the reviewers. Our text is in blue.

      __Reviewer #1 __

      __Evidence, reproducibility and clarity __

      __Summary __

      This manuscript investigated changes in the proteome and phosphoproteome during dorsovental axis specification in the Drosophila embryo. To model the three regions in the embryo that are relevant for DV axis development, the authors used specific mutations to enrich for a single type of cells (ventral, lateral, or dorsal). The detected proteins and phosphopeptides were clustered according to the region of expression. There were differences between the protein and corresponding phosphopeptide abundance, suggesting that phosphorylation is a regulatory modification in DV axis establishment. Two different mutations that both result in a ventralized phenotype were found to change marker protein expression in different ways. Using inhibition of microtubule polymerization, this study also investigated the role of microtubules in epithelial folding.

      __Major comments __

      1. Generally, there is a lack of significance testing throughout the manuscript. Simply reporting fold changes can be misleading, if these changes are not significant. Examples:

      2. Rigor of the proteomics evidence showing changes for the expected markers is insufficient because no statistical evaluation is provided. Specifically, in Fig. 1D and Suppl Fig 2: are the fold changes statistically significant?

      3. Data in Fig. 4F, 5F need to be assessed for significance. There are other instances in the manuscript where significance should be tested.

      We did ANOVA testing for all proteome and phosphoproteome data, and the outcome of these analyses is reported in Supplementary Tables 2 and 3. We have added references to significance throughout, wherever possible and relevant and have included a table that summarizes all p values for all comparisons in all of the figures (Supplementary Table 2). However, note that we do our clustering independent of statistical significance, i.e., we include all values, as we explain in the manuscript.

      It is difficult to see the value of the obtained dataset for the community, in part because the data are analyzed by a linear model and cluster assignment developed by the authors, which is a somewhat arbitrary representation. Perhaps the authors could explain how their data could be used by other researchers, and maybe even develop an accessible portal for interacting with the data.

      We do provide the entire set of data in a formatted Excel Table as Supplementary Tables 3 and 4, which contain common pairwise comparisons and ANOVA tests that allow a researcher without a strong proteomics background to explore the data, and we also provide the raw proteomics datasets deposited in PRIDE, so any interested colleague can re-analyse them in the manner that suits their purposes best.

      We analysed the data in the way we did because it takes account of the knowledge from genetics that we have of all these cell populations. This also allowed us to include the important set of proteins and phosphosites that are completely absent from all but one mutant genotype, and would therefore have dropped out of the statistical analyses.

      For example, what does it mean biologically that a protein is a member of a specific cluster shown in Fig. 3C? Is there a predictive value in such an assignment, and how does it relate to the main question of DV axis regulation? An example of a novel insight obtained for specific protein(s) would be useful to illustrate the utility of this analysis.

      The clusters represent groups of proteins that are present at higher or lower abundance in subsets of cell populations. So, for example, being present in cluster 5 means (Fig. 3C) that this protein is predicted to be more abundant in the mesoderm than elsewhere (which includes being detected ONLY in the mesoderm, like Snail). This clustering therefore is the way for us to find new proteins that conform to these groups.

      We provide here the immunostainings of two cytoskeleton-associated proteins that our proteomic analyses predicted to be more abundant in the ectoderm (Cluster 6: dorsal+lateral):

      • The actin-microtubule crosslinker Short-stop (Shot), which is seen to be reduced in the mesoderm.
      • The actin-severing protein Cofilin/Twinstar, which was also found downregulated in the mesoderm in the work cited in Ref.:10 Gong L. et al., Development (2004). The staining shows that cofilin-GFP is abundant in the entire subapical region of ectodermal cells, but strongly reduced in ventral furrow cells, where it is only retained in a few apical membrane blebs. These proteins are targets for functional analyses in follow-up work.

      [Imaging Data for Reviewers]

      Figure: Physical cross-sections of fixed embryos showing the enrichment of proteins in the ectoderm (cluster 6: DL). Dorsal is top, ventral is bottom. Scale bar: 50 um Top panel: Staining for short-stop (shot; cyan / grayscale) and snail (yellow) in embryos expressing gap43-mCherry. Bottom panel: staining for discs large (dlg, magenta) and GFP (green / grayscale) in embryos expressing cofilin-GFP (Kyoto protein trap for Cofilin/Twinstar).

      Overall, at present the study appears to have limited novelty and mechanistic insight. The data generally align with prior expectations, but it is unclear how this work advances the field.

      We were reassured that the data align with previous studies, but as we state in the text, they go well beyond these valuable and important studies in several dimensions. We had made the following assumptions:

      1. DV patterning mutants recapitulate biological qualities of DV cell populations and the differential expression of DV fate determinants, as confirmed in Fig. 1 and Fig. 3D.
      2. The differential regulation of the proteomes and phosphoproteomes across DV patterning mutants recapitulates the abundances of proteins and phosphosites within DV cell populations of a wildtype embryo. We confirmed this in Fig. 3A and Fig. 5C with the implementation of a linear model for the abundances of detected proteins and phosphosites. The resulting analysis revealed new avenues for future functional studies, as intended. Most of the work on cell shape regulation at the gastrulation stage has focused on actomyosin and a subset of cell adhesion molecules. We have identified networks of proteins and phosphoproteins that may also control gastrulation (Fig. 6 and Supplementary Fig. 5), including microtubules, which were significantly enriched in networks of phosphoproteins (Fig. 7 and Supplementary Fig. 6).

      For example, the observed differences between marker proteins in Toll10B vs. spn27A data seem to confirm previous suggestions that spn27A has a stronger ventralizing effect.

      This suggestion was made by colleagues who had unpublished observations on a limited number of gene expression patterns that supported their contention. A correlation analysis (see figure below) of our results now shows that proteins with a restricted dorso-ventral pattern change more in spn27Aex mutants than in Toll10B. If we look at the known mesodermal genes such as Snail, Twist, Mdr49 and CG4500 we find them at higher abundance in spn27Aex than Toll10B , while the ectodermal genes Egr, Zen, Dtg, Tsg, Bsk, and Ptr are reduced more strongly in spn27Aex than in Toll10B. This takes the prior observation of a stronger ventralization of spn27Aex from an anecdotal to a systematic analysis.

      [Correlation analyses available for reviewers]

      Cross-correlation between the fold changes (FCs) in Toll10B/WT vs. spn27Aex/WT for all proteins detected in wildtype, Toll10B and spn27Aex. Each dot is a protein. The green line is the 'identity' function (slope = 1) that would be expected if the FCs for each protein in both ventralized mutants were exactly the same. A set of proteins with restricted dorso-ventral distribution are highlighted in yellow: mesodermal (ventral) and blue: ectodermal (dorsal).

      The role of microtubules in epithelial folding in the embryo has also been demonstrated before.

         The role of microtubules in epithelial folding in the *Drosophila *embryo has indeed been examined in three previous studies that studied dorsal fold formation (Ref.: 35, Takeda et al. NCB 2018), ventral furrow formation (VFF, Ref.: 36, Ko et al. JCB 2019), and salivary gland invagination (Booth et al. Dev Cell 2014). These data reveal diverse and non-conservative functional requirements, ranging from acto-myosin contractility during apical constriction (Booth et al. 2014), force transmission and repair of the supracellular contractile network (but not apical constriction per se, Ko et al 2019), to the generation of expansile forces during cell shape homeostasis (Takeda et al 2018). In light of this potentially broad functional spectrum, we sought to compare three epithelial folds that form within the context of gastrulation: ventral furrow, cephalic furrow and dorsal folds. We confirmed that the initiation of VFF was normal, but the final invagination failed, as per Ko et al. 2019, while dorsal fold initiation did not occur (extending conclusions from Takeda et al 2018). In contrast, cephalic furrow formation, though delayed, did not require microtubules. We also revealed a novel commonality of MT function. Specifically, prior to the initiation of all three epithelial folds, proper nuclear positioning requires MTs. We additionally discovered novel membrane abnormalities in two distinct types of blebs during ventral furrow and dorsal fold formation, respectively. Thus, our data provide insights into the roles of microtubules during epithelial folding that go beyond prior work.

      The shown phosphorylation changes (if they are significant) for Toll and Cactus are difficult to explain. In Suppl Fig 2B, E: why is Toll more phosphorylated in the lateralized than in ventralized embryos? (the provided reference 20 does not seem to clarify this).

         These changes are indeed significant (Toll-S871: Vtl vs. WT p = 0.01 , Vsp vs. WT p = 0.002; Cactus-S463: Vsp vs WT p = 0.03); see Supplementary Figure 2B and Supplementary Table 2).
         We have corrected Ref. 20 (Shen B. and Manley J.L., Development 1998). Ref. 20 only shows that Tl is phosphorylated by Pelle (Ref 20: Fig. 6A), although neither the exact position of Tl phosphosite(s) nor the function of Tl phosphorylation were explored in this article. A hallmark of Toll Like Receptor (TLR) regulation is these receptors are subject to tyrosine phosphorylation, which has been widely connected to the regulation of the binding of adaptor proteins to the cytoplasmic tail of TLRs. Both our finding of Serine phosphorylation in Tl, and the differential phosphorylation across cell populations is new, but since we do not know what this particular Serine phosphorylation site does in TLRs in general, we cannot speculate on the meaning of it occurring more in lateral than in ventral cells. In Ref. 20, the authors speculate that Tl phosphorylation by Pelle regulates the association between Tl and Pelle, which then enables Dorsal translocation to the nucleus. It might also be part of a feedback regulation loop, but this is entirely speculative.

      Also, certain Cactus phosphorylations appear higher in dorsalized and ventralized embryos, but not in lateralized embryos. Are such changes expected and do they make sense biologically? It is unclear why these phosphorylation data are used to validate the success of the approach.

         The three Cactus phosphosites S463, S467 and S468 were identified and characterised in the work cited in Ref. 19 (Liu Z.P. et al., Genes and Development, 1997), and we used these sites to validate that our approach was sensitive enough to detect known phosphosites in proteins that act on the dorso-ventral patterning pathway specifically at the point of gastrulation (Stage 6 of embryonic development). We also reported in this manuscript the detection of known phosphosites within the Rho-pathway (Fig. 5E,F, Myosin Light Chain: T21, S22; Cofilin: S3).
         Liu Z.P. et al. reported that these three sites map to the Cactus PEST domain, which is required for Cactus degradation in the mesoderm (Belvin M. et al, Genes and Development 1995).  Liu Z.P. et al. also showed that mutating these phosphosites impairs Cactus turnover without affecting the ability of Cactus to bind Dorsal. We can only speculate that the differential phosphorylation across dorso-ventral embryonic cell populations is associated with the regulation of Cactus turnover. Consistent with this, we find Cactus downregulated 1.5 log2 fold in ventralized embryos derived from *spn27Aex/def* mothers. Furthermore, there are a number of signalling pathways that act both in the dorsal and the ventral-lateral domain (e.g., rhomboid/EGF), so it is not surprising to find modifications that are shared by these regions.

      The rationale to use a diffusion algorithm for data analysis is not clear. How would the analysis differ if diffusion was not used?

      Phosphoproteomics data are often sparse and noisy for a number of reasons (technical; low abundance of phosphorylated peptides compared to other peptides in the cell; biological: not all phosphosites are functional). Network diffusion is a common way used for various data types to boost the signal-to-noise ratio. For example, if from a list of 10 phosphosites, 5 all fall in the same network region or process, and the rest are randomly distributed in the network, chances are that the first region is more representative of the regulated process in that dataset. Using network propagation, the signal coming from the first 5 phosphosites would give a higher score to that network region, marking it as the predominant signal. Our specific implementation, which uses the semantic similarity between nodes to model the edges in the network, further boosts the functional signal by preferentially including nodes that have a higher functional similarity to the initial phosphosites. Our approach therefore allows us to identify the processes that are predominantly ‘active’ in our dataset. We refer the reviewer to our recent preprint for more evidence that this strategy boosts the signal-to-noise ratio in phosphoproteomic datasets and further prioritises more functional phosphosites (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.08.07.552249v1). If this approach was not used and we based the identification of relevant processes only on the list of phosphosites, we would have acquired more spurious terms in our functional enrichment analysis. The above preprint also shows that different methods such as the Prize Collecting Steiner Forest algorithm perform worse for phosphoproteomics data.

      Generally, the discussion of enriched GO categories presented in Fig. 6 is not rigorous, and it is unclear what biological insight is provided by this figure, probably because the categories are extremely diverse and not clustered in a meaningful way. Despite stating that the work on microtubules came out as a result of proteomic analysis, there is no connection between proteomic data (e.g., data shown in Fig. 6) and microtubule analysis in Fig. 7.

         The connection is between the __phosphoproteomic__ data and the microtubules. The reviewer is correct about the fact there is little connection at the proteomic level with microtubules. Only the diffused network analyses performed on the phosphoproteomic data pointed in this direction. We have improved the writing about this point.

      The Discussion section touches on areas of differential protein degradation and mRNA regulation; however, these data are not presented in Results or Figures and so it is difficult to assess the relevance of this analysis.

           We present these data in Figure 6A,B. The network analyses of the clusters showed significant enrichment of cellular component terms that are connected with protein turnover and mRNA regulation. We have added a reference to figure 6 in the Discussion for clarity.

      There is insufficient citation of prior literature throughout the manuscript: many statements are lacking proper references.

      We have corrected the mistakes and added missing references.

      Proteomics data should be deposited into a standard repository that is a member of ProtomeXchange Consortium, such as PRIDE, etc.

      All proteomics and phosphoproteomics data have been uploaded to PRIDE:

      The raw files for the proteomics and phosphoproteomics experiments were deposited in PRIDE under separate identifiers:

      Proteome: Identifier PXD046050 (Reviewer account details: reviewer_pxd046050@ebi.ac.uk, pw: coJ9otiX).

      Phosphoproteome: Identifier PXD046192 (Reviewer account details: reviewer_pxd046192@ebi.ac.uk, pw: nvkbwClp).

      We have included a statement of raw data availability in the revised version of the manuscript with the PRIDE access information.

      __Minor comments __

      The text has several typos and should be proof-read, and references to figures and tables should be checked, as some of these are not correct.

      We have corrected typos, references to figures and tables in the revised version of the manuscript.

      The genotypes for the mutations used in this study should be accompanied by citation describing identification of these mutations and the resulting phenotypes. It would also be helpful to describe the nature of these alleles (molecular lesion, gain vs loss of function, etc.). Some of this information is included in the Discussion, but it would be useful for the reader to learn this early on, when the chosen genotypes are presented.

      All this information is and was provided in the methods section and in Table 1, including stock numbers and sources of the stocks. Please see 'Methods, Drosophila genetics and embryo collections'.

      2G,H - the X axis should be clearly labeled as logarithmic.

      We introduced the log2 label in the X-axis of Fig. 2G,H and any other panel in which this was not expressly made clear.

      In Fig. 2G the locations of lines showing fold changes for Twist and Snail seem incorrect. In Fig. 2H the dotted line does not appear to correspond to 50% of the number of phosphosites.

      We apologise for these errors, both have been corrected in the revised version of the manuscript.

      5D can be improved by adding letters for the coloured clusters.

      We have labelled the clusters in Fig. 3B and Fig. 5D. to ease the identification of biologically relevant clusters.

      It is unclear if any specific additional insight was obtained using SILAC, the authors may want to discuss this approach and outcomes more.

      SILAC has been widely used to deal with the inherent variability of proteomic analyses by introducing a standard that is metabolically labelled, in our case, w1118 flies fed with SILAC yeast were used as the standard. Because the inherent variability is larger in phosphoproteomic experiments (because protein identification is based on phosphorylated peptides only, see Methods), we used SILAC labelling only in the phosphoproteomic experiment.

      __Reviewer #2 __

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The present article by Gomez et al describes a deep proteomics analysis of the proteome and phosphoproteome of embryos mutated for key genes involved in the dorso-ventral axis in Drosophila melanogaster. Overall, this is a nice article showing new insight in this development process. The results are mainly descriptive, yet identifies potential new players in the definition of the dorso-ventral axis.

      The generation of mutants for genes found up- or down-regulated in each mutant strain would be a significant addition to this manuscript. But I think in its current form the data brings enough new information on this particular developmental step and would be of interest for the fly community.

      My main concern is that the manuscript can be difficult to read and overly convoluted at times even for experts in the field. I would suggest the author move some methodological explanations from the results to the methods section to further detail the goals of some results sections.

      We have followed these suggestions and hope we have made the manuscript more easily readable.

      As an example, the goal of part 3) « A linear model for quantitative interpretation of the proteomes » is not clear to me. Are the authors comparing the abundance of a protein in the WT versus a theoretical WT in order to determine which fractions of mesoderm, lateral ectoderm and dorsal region are actually present in the WT? (...)

      Yes, in part, but the main purpose was to compare how well the theoretical WT, as ‘reconstituted’ from the mutants, corresponds to the observed actual WT (for which we have at least approximate values).

      The question that we faced when we started these calculations was: what is the ‘correct’ fraction (or proportion) we should use to weight each protein (or phosphosite) measurement in the mutants. Theoretically, these values should be those that result in the best match between the theoretical WT and the measured WT abundance of each protein (or phosphosite). We knew from actual measurements only the mesodermal fraction, which was determined to be ~20% of the cross-sectional area (Ref. 21: Rahimi, N., et al Dev. Cell. 2016). The neuroectoderm and ectoderm fractions were estimated to be approx. 40% each (Ref.: 22, Jazwinska, A et al. Development 1999), but we lacked an exact number. The systematic exploration of these proportions led us to conclude that indeed both the neuroectoderm and ectoderm fractions should be around 40% each, provided the mesoderm is fixed at 20%. Thus, we used these fractions: D: 0.4 L: 0.4 V: 0.2 for our follow-up analyses.

      (...) Or are they using it as a reference to obtain a fold change for the different proteins quantified (in this case why not use the WT?)?

      yes, again, in part: as a reference for the EXPECTED fold changes, as would be predicted from the WT.

      Since we have moved some of the details of this approach from the main text to the methods section, we have also revised the remaining text and hope it is now clearer.

      The proteomics data must be deposited in a public repository. I did not see it stated in the methods section.

      All proteomics and phosphoproteomics data have been uploaded to PRIDE; see further comments above in response 13.

      The version of the uniprot database is quite old (2016) so is the version of MaxQuant used in this study. Any reasons for that (other than that the analysis was performed in 2016)?

      That is indeed the reason.

      The data were run on different MS platforms, how did the authors account for the variability in MS signals? What samples were run on which MS platform? Were the WT embryos ran on both?

      We measured three replicates, and all five genotypes (four mutant genotypes plus wildtype) for each of the replicates were measured on the same instrument. Specifically, for the whole proteome analyses, replicate one and three of all genotypes were measured on the QExactive Plus instrument and replicate 2 of all genotypes were measured on a QExactive HF-x instrument, as were the phosphoproteomes. So, indeed, the wildtype was measured on both instruments. We thus did not observe instrument-specific bias in the PCA analysis for the proteome data.

      We have added this in more detail to the method section:

      “Samples of replicate one and three were measured on the QE-Plus system and replicate two was measured on the QE-HF-x system.

      For phosphoproteome analysis, (…) Samples of all three replicates were measured on the QEx-HFx system. We added trial samples measured on the QEx-Plus system to increase the phosphosite coverage using the match between runs algorithm.”

      In the methods section the authors mention that a high-pH reverse phase fractionation was performed? How many fractions of High-pH reverse phase separation were injected per sample? Was this separation performed for all the samples?

      We have adjusted the Methods section regarding the high-pH fractionation by adding the following sentence: “Fractions were collected every 60s in a 96 well plate over 60 min gradient time collecting a total number of 8 fractions per sample.“

      Why did the authors used label-free (proteome) and SILAC (phosphoproteome) quantification methods?

      See our response to reviewer #1, point 19.

      Why is the threshold based on the Q3 of the standard deviation (if I got it right) ? Couldn't they be calculated directly on the distribution of the ratio?

      We could also have done it that way.

      However, we had wanted also to take into account the variation between the replicates, i.e., the quality of the individual measurements, and we therefore devised the procedure we used, by which the standard deviation of the individual technical replicates enters the calculation with the ratio of the averages, the variability between replicates would have been ignored and we considered it more appropriate to take the more conservative approach. But as it turns out, the cut-off would have ended up being very similar had we calculated it the way the referee suggests,

      Page 6: The supplementary figure 2E refers to the protein Cactus and the text to CKII, please modify one or the other to avoid any confusion. Page 7: A dot is missing at the end of the following sentence « if used with the assumed weightings for the populations »

      We have corrected these sentences.

      Page 19: Replace SppedVac by SpeedVac

      We have corrected the error in the manuscript and thank the reviewer for the detailed inspection.

      Page 8: why not using a z-score with thresholds directly instead of a -1/+1/0 system and then using the z-score?

      Because we wanted to compare the relative changes over wt between mutants (i.e. the similarity between 1 0 0 and 0 -1 -1) rather than the relationship of their absolute values to the wt, and to assign proteins with similar relationships into the same dorso-ventral regulation categories.

      The text states this (previously in main text, now in methods):

      “The reason for this is that this method takes into account that value sets that represent similar relative differences between the mutants (for example, 0 -1 -1 vs. 1 -1 -1 or 1, 0, 0) are biologically more similar to each other than the raw values indicate. The z-scores for all of these cases would be 1.1547 -0.5774 -0.5774.”

      In the abstract it is mentioned that 3,399 proteins are differentially regulated at the proteome level versus 1,699 significantly deregulated at a 10 % FDR in the main text (page 5). Is there a reason for this discrepancy? Same comment for the phosphopeptides.

      But we now also see the need to better clarify this point, and we have edited the text accordingly.

      The second number refers to those proteins that show statistically significant changes based on ANOVA (1699 proteins).

      The first number (3398; note that the number 3399 in the abstract was a typo, now corrected) includes all proteins that were detected in at least 1 replicate in the wildtype (5883/6111) minus those that do not change between the genotypes (2156/6111) and minus all those that change in the same direction in all mutants (329).

      This includes proteins that are automatically excluded from ANOVA, i.e., those that are detected only in the wildtype (35/6111 proteins) or in two or more genotypes but only in 1 technical replicate ANOVA negative ones.

      As we stated, we did this because it “allows us to include the important group of proteins that show a ‘perfect’ behaviour, like dMyc and WntD, in that they are undetectable in the mutants that correspond to the regions in the normal embryo where these genes are not expressed.”. This 'regulated' set consists of those proteins that exceed the |0.5| fold threshold.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This review is a list of many individual critiques. It is unclear what the expertise of the reviewer is (they do not provide the answer to that question in the review form, unlike the other referees), but several of the criticisms are unfounded. Three of the PIs of this work are researchers with extensive experience in Drosophila genetics and early development but are nevertheless confounded by some of the comments made by this referee.

      The mutants do not completely "flatten" the embryos.

      We do not claim that they do. Nor are the ventral, lateral and dorsal regions in the normal embryo completely ‘flat’ or homogeneous. But the mutants are good representations of the major fates in these regions, as a wealth of published literature from the last 30 years indicates.

      For instance, Tl10B broadly expresses snail but also expresses sog in the head. (i.e. Fig 1B - sog and sna expression in Figure 1B mutant backgrounds looks odd.) The sog expression likely relates to a deficiency specific effect.

      This ‘sensitive’ area is well known also from other genetic conditions – e.g. partial loss of dorsal and indeed in Spn27A mutants. It is therefore not specific to the Tl10B deficiency but says something about gene interactions in this region. Thus, this cannot be a deficiency-specific effect.

      Is sog seen in a Toll10B/+ mutant background?

      Yes, it is, and more frequently than in Toll10B/Def.

      The deficiency used for the Toll10B experiment is Df(3R)ro80b which is quite large and deletes 14+ genes.

      True. However, this does not matter: the mothers are heterozygous, so the genes are not missing, they are present in one wildtype copy! And these mothers are then mated with wildtype fathers, so if expression of these genes were needed in the embryo, then there would be another full wt copy of each. We appreciate that maternal effect genetics can be difficult to follow, but this is all work that has been done a long time ago, and is not the point of this paper at all.

      The deficiency used for the spn27A experiment is Df(2L)BSC7 and removes 4+ genes.

      Again, this would only matter if these were maternal effect genes that were needed for the establishment of the dorso-ventral axis, and they are not.

      Furthermore, the gd9 allele may not be a complete loss of function.

      It may not be – but what matters is the well characterized phenotype which has been shown to represent dorsal cell types.

      It is possible that the Toll10B allele picked up an accessory dominant mutation.

      This again would only matter if it was a dominant AND maternal effect mutation that affects the DV axis in the embryo – and there are very few of these known. And nothing in our analysis of these embryos, with which we have been working on and off over 3 decades and therefore know very well, indicates that our current stock is any different from those we have seen in the past.

      Unfortunately, these mutant phenotypes that affect DV and AP patterning mean that conclusions cannot be made that changes in protein relate to DV patterning.

      We simply do not understand this statement.

      Why do the mutant phenotypes (gene expression patterns and cell morphologies representative of the ventral, lateral and dorsal cell populations) not mean that the proteins downstream of the fate changes correspond to the cell fates?

      To get a better view of the ventralized phenotype, the authors should repeat the analysis by ectopically expressing Toll10B using the Gal4-UAS system; UAS-activate Toll transgenes are available.

      All Gal4-UAS maternal drivers, even the best and the strongest, result in mosaic expression. Our lab has extensive experience with this system and we know that, for example, the homogeneous, high levels of twist or snail expression that we see in spn or Tl10B embryos cannot be achieved with GAL4.

      Fig 1C-F - due to combined AP and DV effects seen with ventralizing mutants, it is important that the authors confirm that cross-section views relate to the middle to posterior of the embryo.

      We confirm this.

      Costaining with anti-Kr or -Caudal would help to ensure they are assaying the correct AP domain for pure DV effects.

      In our view, this is an unnecessary experiment. I know where the middle of the embryo is. If the reviewer does not believe when we say we are showing a section from the middle, they can see that the sections are not from the end region by, for example, the cell number, and the section angles.

      The authors refer to reference [60] for stages but there is no information regarding morphological criteria used under the microscope to stage the embryos.

      We have now added more detail in the methods section:

      Briefly. using a Zeiss binocular, the embryos were individually hand-selected on wet agar which made the embryos semi-transparent, allowing the assessment of a range of morphological features, of which at least some are visible in each of the mutants:

      • Yolk distance to embryonic surface: distinguishes between early (stage 5a) and late cellularisation (stage 5b).
      • Yolk distribution within the embryo: identification of large embryonic movements of the germ band (e.g.: Initiation of germ band extension, marking the initiation of stage 7). In DV patterning mutants this is seen as twisting of the embryo.
      • Change in the outline of the dorsal-posterior region: polar cell movement from the posterior most region of the embryo (stage 5a/b) to stage 6a/b.
      • Formation of the cephalic and dorsal folds: identification of stage 6 (initiation of cephalic fold) and stage 7 (dorsal folds). The combined use of these morphological criteria, together with the synchronised egg collections allows accurate staging of wild type and mutant embryos.

      Furthermore, what is stage 6a,b? Stage 6 is not typically divided in two stages nor is it clear what a,b relate to.

      We used a generally accepted standard for staging embryos: Campos-Ortega J.A. and Hartenstein V. ‘The embryonic development of Drosophila melanogaster’ book (ref. Nº 60). In this book, they describe the morphological criteria that can be followed in living embryos for proper staging. These stages, with these exact names, are shown on pages 11 and 12 of the 1997 edition (2nd edition).

      According to the published timetable of Drosophila development by Foe et al. 1993 (not cited), gastrulating embryos are 200 min or 3 hr 20'. It's unclear if this is the stage that was assayed.

      Foe is a beautiful paper, but we did not cite it because the commonly used nomenclature predates it (Campos-Ortega and Hartenstein 1985).

      In addition, timing depends on temperature whereas morphological criteria do not.

      The mutant embryos likely develop at different rates relative to wildtype. It seems important to provide details about the staging of embryos. If the mutant embryos take longer to gastrulate, for instance, might that also be a factor that impacts the proteome.

      As described above, we used a combination of criteria to accurately judge staging. DV patterning embryos could in principle develop faster or slower than wildtype. We performed synchronised egg collections (Methods: Embryo collections) for 15’. Therefore, any developmental timing defect would have become evident based on a difference in the number of embryos entering stage 6 and 7 at the point of visual inspection of the collections. This was not the case.

      How many replicates for each genotype? In the text it states, "replicates from the same genotype clustered together (Fig. 2E)....." Similar vague reference for phosphoproteome follows (Fig 2F). It is then stated that it was impossible to determine the experimental source for this variation. Could it relate to differences in timing of samples?

      We had given the numbers of replicates in the figure legend but have now also included them in the methods section for more clarity. We did 3 replicates for each genotype in each experiment, with the exception of gd9 and spn27aex mutants, for which we did 2 biological replicates each with 3 replicates, making a total of 6 replicates for these genotypes in the proteomic experiment. We have included an additional clarification in figure legend 2. The number of replicates per genotype per experiment can also be seen from the correlation matrices shown Fig. 2E and 2F, in which the replicates are shown individually. The measurements for each replicate for each genotype within each experiment were reported in Supplementary Tables 2 and 3, 'description' tabs of the worksheets.

      The lengthy discussion of ratio estimation on page 7 should be streamlined and made more clear. Are the authors throwing out data and only keeping samples that support their model? This seems like overfitting - if I am understanding correctly, you are selecting the samples that support the "majority of proteins fit the linear model" but this isn't necessarily the case.

      No, this is a misunderstanding. We do not select data.

      We have rephrased this section, but to explain here briefly: We do not select any samples, we state that the majority of proteins fit the theoretical model (and that is not even surprising, because any protein that does not change across the populations will automatically fit the model). We then discuss why some might NOT fit the model. The model doesn’t need to be supported, it simply is a calculation that allows us to stratify the data.

      They call this the 'correct' manner (see section 4 page 7) but it seems like a working model and presumptuous to imply that it is the correct way.

      We explained in the text why we refer to this as ‘correct’. It is a matter or definition, not presumption, and we even used quotes to be clear about this. ’Correct’ indicates a combination of values that is consistent with the biological model that the DV mutants are good representations of the corresponding embryonic cell populations in a wild type embryo. We do not in any way ‘throw out’ other data, we just note they don’t fit that model. Clarifications on the concept for the model have been added in various places in the text

      Figure 3C - it is confusing to use a circular diagram to show DV inferred position of the 14 clusters as their position on the circle does not correspond to where they are expressed on the embryos. Perhaps a stacked bar graph for 6 different domains would be better.

      This figure does not show positions of clusters. It is simply a pie chart, as is stated in the figure legend and as can be seen by the numbers and the corresponding sizes of the sectors. We have tried a stacked representation (shown below), but find it no clearer and have therefore stuck with this very common way of representing quantities, and in particular, proportions. We use the same representation with the same colour schemes in all subsequent figures, so proportions can be compared across figures.

      It is very hard to follow the text on page 9.

      We have rephrased this section

      It is very hard to see the gene expression patterns shown in Fig 4A with the color scheme/scale used.

      We appreciate this colour scheme does not correspond to the commonly used dark colour on a light background which would mimic histochemistry to show gene expression. The ‘inferno’ colour scheme was used because it allows better quantitative comparisons between subtly different patterns. However, to make these figures more similar to the types of in situ hybridisations that embryologists are used to seeing, we now use a different representation.

      In general, Figure 4 is uninterpretable - in particular, what do the numbers mean on the greyscale circle plots in panel D?

      We apologize for having failed to explicitly include the explanation for this in the figure legend. The reader will notice that these numbers add up to the number in the circle to the left, and the numbers indicate the number of proteins showing perfect matches (white), partial overlaps (grey) and mismatches (black). We have improved the graphic representation and added an explanation in the figure legend.

      Figure 5A. Why wasn't protein abundance and phosphosites identified from an individual, identical sample?

      This was because of the way the project developed over the course of the research, and the protein part was originally intended only as a proof of concept, with the intended focus being the phosphoproteome. We later decided to include a full analysis of the proteome, but did not consider it worthwhile and necessary to repeat the entire laborious and expensive experiment with both analyses being done from the same samples.

      How can one be sure that the phosphosites were correctly assigned if the proteins were not detected in the proteome but they were only identified in the phosphosite analysis?

      We are not sure we understand this question. The phosphoproteomic analysis identifies phosphopeptides of proteins that in turn allow one to identify the protein itself and the amino acid in that peptide that is phosphorylated. So the identification is done only WITHIN the phosphoproteomic analysis and does not relate directly to the proteomic analysis. This explains why we found some phosphopeptides for which we did not detect the full host protein in the proteomic analysis.

      Thus, if a protein was detected only in either of the experiments, this fact doesn’t modify the validity of the result, because the identification was done individually for each experiment.

      Page 16 - much discussion about the difference between Spn27A and Toll10b/def mutant background. One has half as much Toll receptor. The phenotype of Toll10b/+ should be examined.

      Both genotypes have been extensively examined in the past. Tl10B/def has only one copy of the gene from the mother, and the mutant protein is constitutively active. By putting it over a deficiency, we (and others in the past) made sure that the exclusive source for Tl signalling is from this gain of function Tl allele, and that the wildtype receptor, which would still be activated by the natural ligand in a graded pattern along the DV axis, does not confound the result.

      The Tl10B/+ combination creates a less ventralized phenotype which is not more similar to that of spn27Aex/def but in fact less similar.

      Page 12 - hard to follow the discussion of modeling (?) presented in Figure 6. The results (bottom of page 12 - #1 "most networks are enriched for cellular components associated with regulation of gene expression" and page 13 #2 - "cytoskleeton emerges as a major target of regulation") seem vague and unsubstantiated. Rhabdomere, P granule, micropyle, autophagosome?

      We agree with the reviewer that there are many cellular components that are enriched in the diffused network analyses, many of them unrelated to morphogenesis. We had highlighted this finding on page 12, paragraph 3. Nevertheless, we have rephrased the statements as ‘the heat maps illustrate that most of the enriched cellular components in both experiments were highly enriched with cellular components associated with DNA and RNA metabolism or the regulation of gene expression.’ and have now included numbers.

      We think ‘a major target’ for phosphorylation does in fact apply to the cytoskeleton, and we had already supplied the number to substantiate this in the manuscript (14/62).

      Readers will be able to evaluate these network analyses based on their own fields of interest or particular questions they may wish to address. We haven’t excluded any cellular component terms.

      Figure 7 seems like a separate study.

      Why were the phosphopeptides investigated to determine if they relate to phosphorylated proteins? Phosphoantibodies could have been generated for a subset. Instead the manuscript pivots to analysis of microtubules.

      We are reporting here one example of a proof-of-concept study that we carried out, chosen based on our own research interests and on available tools and reagents. There are clearly many other avenues that could have been explored and that others may want to explore, but that go well beyond this report. We have made this more explicit in the text.

      Page 14 - discussion first paragraph. Please cite ref[10] when discussing the "previous study" otherwise the reader will not understand which study you are referring to until the next paragraph.

      We have moved the reference from its current position to the one suggested by the reviewer.

      • In general, the study would benefit from more attention to references and citations of prior work. A comparison of this work to the Gong et al. Development 2004 study should be made earlier. This work is cited very early on, namely in the introduction.

      • The authors start off saying that no other study has looked at proteins from a spatial perspective. We are unsure what the reviewer refers to. We say precisely the opposite: we indicate that studies have been performed to look at differences in cell populations, including that by the lab of Jon Minden (Gong et al), a highly respected former co-author of one of the current authors (ML). We do state that the technologies at the time did not allow the same depth and temporal resolution as the methods that are available nowadays. For instance, Gong et al. used an excellent and original approach at the time, which however did not detect Snail and Twist in the ventralized mutants.

      The only time we say ‘no other study’ is about ‘region-specific post-translational regulation of proteins’ - though we do state in the discussion that Gong et al would have detected some of these cases because they used 2D gels.

      • Along these lines, there is another more recent proteomic study from Beati et al. Fly 2020 using similarly staged embryos. How do these other experiments compare to the current ones? As they apparently analyzed proteome and phosphopeptides from an identical sample, are the authors' new data using separate samples consistent? This study is actually about a later stage (stage 8 embryos, post-gastrulation). Again, an excellent study, but not directly relevant to our current analysis. It validates the use of SILAC in Drosophila, although it is not the first study to do this. Furthermore, it looks at a different question and biological process using a mutant, htl, to understand the effect of FGF signalling.

      • Furthermore, Adam Martin's lab has been studying microtubule action along the dorsoventral axis (Denk-Lobnig et al 2021) and this work is not cited. Denk-Lobnig et al 2021 is about spatial patterns of myosin and actin and how that is governed genetically on the ventral side of the embryo, pertaining primarily to ventral furrow formation. It does not analyse microtubules nor dorsal-ventral cell populations.

      It is possible there may be some confusion with another excellent study from Adam Martin’s lab, in which the role of microtubules is analysed. But this is exclusively in the ventral furrow, and the study did not look at the effect of microtubule depolymerisation on nuclear positioning nor membrane behaviour. We cite this work extensively (Ref.: 36, Ko et al. JCB 2019) and we compare our results to that paper. However, our work here goes beyond this study in that it looks at all cells along the DV axis.

      General comments:

      Typos throughout. For example, page .4 section heading "dorso-ventral cell..."

      We have scanned the entire document for typos.

      Font size extremely small - for example see Figure 1A gene names, and 1F magnified view.

      We have adjusted the fonts in the main figures.

      Scale bars not shown when showing magnified views. For example, see Fig 1E,

      We have added these.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): This study by Gomez et al. uses a proteomic-centered approach to study proteomes associated with cell populations in the embryo that they argue relate to different positions along the dorso-ventral axis. They generate a proteomic resource, though it was unclear how anyone could use the data they produce. There is no searchable database and we have to trust that the authors will ultimately provide such a resource to the community.

      All proteomics and phosphoproteomics data have been uploaded to PRIDE. Also see responses to the other referees’ queries about this point.

      There is the potential for interesting insights but the work is not presented in a way that is accessible or useful. The presentation needs significant improvement.

      We have improved the presentation and way the results are presented as per the suggestion of all reviewers.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The mutants do not completely "flatten" the embryos. For instance, Tl10B broadly expresses snail but also expresses sog in the head. (i.e. Fig 1B - sog and sna expression in Figure 1B mutant backgrounds looks odd.) The sog expression likely relates to a deficiency specific effect. Is sog seen in a Toll10B/+ mutant background? The deficiency used for the Toll10B experiment is Df(3R)ro80b which is quite large and deletes 14+ genes. The deficiency used for the spn27A experiment is Df(2L)BSC7 and removes 4+ genes. Furthermore, the gd9 allele may not be a complete loss of function. It is possible that the Toll10B allele picked up an accessory dominant mutation. Unfortunately, these mutant phenotypes that affect DV and AP patterning mean that conclusions cannot be made that changes in protein relate to DV patterning. To get a better view of the ventralized phenotype, the authors should repeat the analysis by ectopically expressing Toll10B using the Gal4-UAS system; UAS-activate Toll transgenes are available.

      • Fig 1C-F - due to combined AP and DV effects seen with ventralizing mutants, it is important that the authors confirm that cross-section views relate to the middle to posterior of the embryo. Costaining with anti-Kr or -Caudal would help to ensure they are assaying the correct AP domain for pure DV effects.

      • The authors refer to reference [60] for stages but there is no information regarding morphological criteria used under the microscope to stage the embryos. Furthermore, what is stage 6a,b? Stage 6 is not typically divided in two stages nor is it clear what a,b relate to. According to the published timetable of Drosophila development by Foe et al. 1993 (not cited), gastrulating embryos are 200 min or 3 hr 20'. It's unclear if this is the stage that was assayed.

      • The mutant embryos likely develop at different rates relative to wildtype. It seems important to provide details about the staging of embryos. If the mutant embryos take longer to gastrulate, for instance, might that also be a factor that impacts the proteome.

      • How many replicates for each genotype? In the text it states, "replicates from the same genotype clustered together (Fig. 2E)....." Similar vague reference for phosphoproteome follows (Fig 2F). It is then stated that it was impossible to determine the experimental source for this variation. Could it relate to differences in timing of samples?

      • The lengthy discussion of ratio estimation on page 7 should be streamlined and made more clear. Are the authors throwing out data and only keeping samples that support their model? This seems like overfitting - if I am understanding correctly, you are selecting the samples that support the "majority of proteins fit the linear model" but this isn't necessarily the case. They call this the 'correct' manner (see section 4 page 7) but it seems like a working model and presumptuous to imply that it is the correct way.

      • Figure 3C - it is confusing to use a circular diagram to show DV inferred position of the 14 clusters as their position on the circle does not correspond to where they are expressed on the embryos. Perhaps a stacked bar graph for 6 different domains would be better.

      • It is very hard to follow the text on page 9.

      • It is very hard to see the gene expression patterns shown in Fig 4A with the color scheme/scale used.

      • In general, Figure 4 is uninterpretable - in particular, what do the numbers mean on the greyscale circle plots in panel D?

      • Figure 5A. Why wasn't protein abundance and phosphosites identified from an individual, identical sample? How can one be sure that the phosphosites were correctly assigned if the proteins were not detected in the proteome but they were only identified in the phosphosite analysis?

      • Page 16 - much discussion about the difference between Spn27A and Toll10b/def mutant background. One has half as much Toll receptor. The phenotype of Toll10b/+ should be examined.

      • Page 12 - hard to follow the discussion of modeling (?) presented in Figure 6. The results (bottom of page 12 - #1 "most networks are enriched for cellular components associated with regulation of gene expression" and page 13 #2 - "cytoskleeton emerges as a major target of regulation" ) seem vague and unsubstantiated. Rhabdomere, P granule, micropyle, autophagosome?

      • Figure 7 seems like a separate study. Why were the phosphopeptides investigated to determine if they relate to phosphorylated proteins? Phosphoantibodies could have been generated for a subset. Instead the manuscript pivots to analysis of microtubules.

      • Page 14 - discussion first paragraph. Please cite ref[10] when discussing the "previous study" otherwise the reader will not understand which study you are referring to until the next paragraph. In general, the study would benefit from more attention to references and citations of prior work. A comparison of this work to the Gong et al. Development 2004 study should be made earlier. The authors start off saying that no other study has looked at proteins from a spatial perspective - but this other study from 2004 did just that. They compared ventralized to lateralized embryos. Along these lines, there is another more recent proteomic study from Beati et al. Fly 2020 using similarly staged embryos. How do these other experiments compare to the current ones? As they apparently analyzed proteome and phosphopeptides from an identical sample, are the authors' new data using separate samples consistent?

      General comments:

      1. Typos throughout. For example, page .4 section heading "dorso-ventral cell..."

      2. Font size extremely small - for example see Figure 1A gene names, and 1F magnified view.

      3. Scale bars not shown when showing magnified views. For example, see Fig 1E,F


      This study by Gomez et al. uses a proteomic-centered approach to study proteomes associated with cell populations in the embryo that they argue relate to different positions along the dorso-ventral axis. They generate a proteomic resource, though it was unclear how anyone could use the data they produce. There is no searchable database and we have to trust that the authors will ultimately provide such a resource to the community. Furthermore, Adam Martin's lab has been studying microtubule action along the dorsoventral axis (Denk-Lobnig et al 2021) and this work is not cited. There is the potential for interesting insights but the work is not presented in a way that is accessible or useful. The presentation needs significant improvement.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The present article by Gomez et al describes a deep proteomics analysis of the proteome and phsophoproteome of embryos mutated for key genes involved in the dorso-ventral axis in Drosophila melanogaster. Overall this is a nice article showing new insight in this development process. The results are mainly descriptive yet identifies potential new players in the definition of the dorso-ventral axis. The generation of mutants for genes found up- or down-regulated in each mutant strain would be a significant addition to this manuscript. But I think in its current form the data brings enough new information on this particular developmental step and would be of interest for the fly community. My main concern is that the manuscript can be difficult to read and overly convoluted at times even for experts in the field. I would suggest the author move some methodological explanations from the results to the methods section to further detail the goals of some results sections. As an example, the goal of the part 3) « A linear model for quantitative interpretation of the proteomes » is not clear to me. Are the authors comparing the abundance of a protein in the WT versus a theoritical WT in order to determine which fractions of mesoderm, lateral ectoderm and dorsal region are actually present in the WT ? Or are they using it as a reference to obtain a fold change for the different proteins quantified (in this case why not use the WT?) ?

      Other comments:

      • The proteomics data must be deposited in a public repository. I did not see it stated in the methods section.

      • The version of the uniprot database is quite old (2016) so is the version of MaxQuant used in this study. Any reasons for that (other than that the analysis was performed in 2016) ?

      • The data were run on different MS platforms, how did the authors accounted for the variability in MS signals ? What samples were run on which MS platform ? Where the WT embryos ran on both ?

      • In the methods section the authors mention that a high-pH reverse phase fractionation was performed ? How many fractions of High-pH reverse phase separation were injected per sample ? Was this separation performed for all the samples ?

      • Why did the authors used label-free (proteome) and SILAC (phosphoproteome) quantification methods ?

      • Why are the threshold based on the Q3 of the standard deviation (if I got if right) ? Couldn't they be calculated directly on the distribution of the ratio ?

      • Page 6 : The supplementary figure 2E refers to the protein Cactus and the text to CKII, please modify one or the other to avoid and confusion.

      • Page 7 : A dot is missing at the end of the following sentence « if used with the assumed weightings for the populations »

      • Page 19 : Replace SppedVac by SpeedVac

      • Page 8 : why not using a z-score with thresholds directly instead of a -1/+1/0 system and then using the z-score ?

      • In the abstract it is mentioned that 3,399 proteins are differentially regulated at the proteome level versus 1,699 significantly deregulated at a 10 % FDR in the main text (page 5). Is there a reason for this discrepancy ? Same comment for the phosphopeptides.


      I think in its current form the data brings enough new information on this particular developmental step and would be of interest for the fly community. My main concern is that the manuscript can be difficult to read and overly convoluted at times even for experts in the field.

      Reviewer experise: Drosophila proteomics

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This manuscript investigated changes in the proteome and phosphoproteome during dorsovental axis specification in the Drosophila embryo. To model the three regions in the embryo that are relevant for DV axis development, the authors used specific mutations to enrich for a single type of cells (ventral, lateral, or dorsal). The detected proteins and phosphopeptides were clustered according to the region of expression. There were differences between the protein and corresponding phosphopeptide abundance, suggesting that phosphorylation is a regulatory modification in DV axis establishment. Two different mutations that both result in a ventralized phenotype were found to change marker protein expression in different ways. Using inhibition of microtubule polymerization, this study also investigated the role of microtubules in epithelial folding.

      Major comments

      • Generally, there is a lack of significance testing throughout the manuscript. Simply reporting fold changes can be misleading, if these changes are not significant. Examples:

      1) Rigor of the proteomics evidence showing changes for the expected markers is insufficient because no statistical evaluation is provided. Specifically, in Fig. 1D and Suppl Fig 2: are the fold changes statistically significant?

      2) Data in Fig. 4F, 5F need to be assessed for significance. There are other instances in the manuscript where significance should be tested.

      • It is difficult to see the value of the obtained dataset for the community, in part because the data are analyzed by a linear model and cluster assignment developed by the authors, which is a somewhat arbitrary representation. Perhaps the authors could explain how their data could be used by other researchers, and maybe even develop an accessible portal for interacting with the data. For example, what does it mean biologically that a protein is a member of a specific cluster shown in Fig. 3C? Is there a predictive value in such an assignment, and how does it relate to the main question of DV axis regulation? An example of a novel insight obtained for specific protein(s) would be useful to illustrate the utility of this analysis.

      • Overall, at present the study appears to have limited novelty and mechanistic insight. The data generally align with prior expectations, but it is unclear how this work advances the field. For example, the observed differences between marker proteins in Toll10B vs. spn27A data seem to confirm previous suggestions that spn27A has a stronger ventralizing effect. The role of microtubules in epithelial folding in the embryo has also been demonstrated before.

      • The shown phosphorylation changes (if they are significant) for Toll and Cactus are difficult to explain. In Suppl Fig 2B, E: why is Toll more phosphorylated in the lateralized than in ventralized embryos? (the provided reference 20 does not seem to clarify this) Also, certain Cactus phosphorylations appear higher in dorsalized and ventralized embryos, but not in lateralized embryos. Are such changes expected and do they make sense biologically? It is unclear why these phosphorylation data are used to validate the success of the approach.

      • The rationale to use a diffusion algorithm for data analysis is not clear. How would the analysis differ if diffusion was not used? Generally, the discussion of enriched GO categories presented in Fig. 6 is not rigorous, and it is unclear what biological insight is provided by this figure, probably because the categories are extremely diverse and not clustered in a meaningful way.

      • Despite stating that the work on microtubules came out as a result of proteomic analysis, there is no connection between proteomic data (e.g. data shown in Fig. 6) and microtubule analysis in Fig. 7. Given the broad range of categories shown in Fig. 6, it is not obvious how the jump to tubulin post-translational modifications and microtubule behavior shown in Fig. 7 was made, which leaves Fig. 7 as a disconnected set of results.

      • The Discussion section touches on areas of differential protein degradation and mRNA regulation, however these data are not presented in Results or Figures and so it is difficult to assess the relevance of this analysis. There is insufficient citation of prior literature throughout the manuscript: many statements are lacking proper references. Proteomics data should be deposited into a standard repository that is a member of ProtomeXchange Consortium, such as PRIDE, etc.

      Minor comments

      • The text has several typos and should be proof-read, and references to figures and tables should be checked, as some of these are not correct.

      • The genotypes for the mutations used in this study should be accompanied by citations describing identification of these mutations and the resulting phenotypes. It would also be helpful to describe the nature of these alleles (molecular lesion, gain vs loss of function, etc.). Some of this information is included in the Discussion, but it would be useful for the reader to learn this early on, when the chosen genotypes are presented.

      • Fig. 2G,H - the X axis should be clearly labeled as logarithmic. In Fig. 2G the locations of lines showing fold changes for Twist and Snail seem incorrect. In Fig. 2H the dotted line does not appear to correspond to 50% of the number of phosphosites. Fig. 5D can be improved by adding letters for the colored clusters.

      • It is unclear if any specific additional insight was obtained using SILAC, the authors may want to discuss this approach and outcomes more.


      General assessment

      Strengths: The study uses a good model system (mutations that enrich for a specific type of cells) to investigate the proteome during DV axis establishment. The technical approaches are sound and the raw data are mostly of high quality. Limitations: The lack of significance testing throughout the manuscript makes it difficult to determine whether the stated changes are meaningful. It is unclear how experiments with microtubules are connected to the rest of the story. In its present form, the utility of the data for a broader community is limited, because there is no data analysis portal developed for easy data visualization and interaction, and the data in the supplemental tables are not easily interpretable.

      Advance: Overall, this study may serve as a resource for future functional investigation, however limitations in data analysis and presentation currently limit its impact. At present, the advance of this study appears incremental, as it largely agrees with prior observations and does not show novel mechanistic insights in our understanding of DV axis specification. Providing clear examples of how this analysis may result in new understanding and explaining the biological relevance of the findings would help to address this problem.

      Audience: Researchers working in the fields of dorsoventral axis specification, Drosophila genetics, developmental biology, proteomics.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2023-02154

      Corresponding author(s): Marco, Galardini

      1. General Statements

      We have carefully read the comments put forward by the two reviewers and we have produced a revised version of the manuscript that we believe addresses all the concerns expressed by the reviewers. In short, we have validated our approach against experimentally derived epistatic coefficients, compared our mutual information (MI) method against one that uses direct coupling analysis (DCA), and experimentally tested three interactions in the spike RBD that we have predicted and which emerged only in summer 2023, thus demonstrating the potential predictive power of this approach. We have also carefully reworded the manuscript to acknowledge the inherent limitation of a method based on MI to identify epistatic interactions. We believe that the revised manuscript is now more robust with these new in-silico and in-vitro validations, and more direct in exposing the advantages (speed) and caveats (higher false-positives) of this approach.

      Note: the line numbers referenced in the responses to reviewers below refer to the document in which the changes are highlighted.

      Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: The authors inferred the pairwise epistasis through the Mutual Information provided by the spydrpick algorithm. They claim that the MIs could serve as a real-time identification of the epistatic interactions with the SARS-CoV-2 genomes due to the fast inference and high sensitivities.

      Major comments:

      1.The authors take a data-driven approach to infer the Mutation Information as the epistatic interactions between the mutations over different sites over SARS-CoV-2 genomes. However, it would be better to specify why this metric is reliable to be used as the representation of the pairwise epistatic interactions, and any theoretical explanations to support this.

      We agree that readers should be better informed on why MI can be used to estimate epistatic interactions from genomic data. We have therefore expanded the introduction (lines 93-98), methods (lines 540-543) and discussion (lines 453-457) sections to provide a proper theoretical and practical foundation on the use of a MI-based method. Furthermore, we have expanded the results section to add one additional in-silico validation (lines 244-249, Supplementary Figure 5, and updated Supplementary Figure 8) and an in-vitro one (Figure 5, see also reply to comment 2 from reviewer #2), which we believe give strong support to the MI-based method.

      2.The authors claimed that the DCA method requires more computational resources and more time to complete. However, with a proper filtering procedure, the computational time could be reduced heavily. An example is Physical Review E 106 (4), 044409, 2002, in which the DCA was used to investigate the real-time pair-wise interactions (month-to-month). There the DCA results were compared with the correlation analysis. It would be nice to have comparisons of the inferred interactions between MIs and other methods.

      We agree that our MI-based approach should be compared against DCA-based methods. The original manuscript had in fact one such comparison (for the 2023-03 dataset, Figure 3C), which indicated a strong correlation between the two methods. To make this result more robust we have computed the DCA values for the complete time-series dataset and measured the correlation with the MI values (Supplementary Figure 4)

      We observed a relatively high correlation in estimated values between the two methods, with the exception of three time points, i.e., 2020-11, 2023-02 and 2023-03. We can explain these lower correlations with the low overall sequence diversity observed in the early phase of the pandemic (2020-11) and with the different weighting scheme of our approach, which would significantly alter the dataset when compared to the one used by the DCA method, especially towards the later timepoints (see also the reply to reviewer #2, comment 3, section iv). When those three timepoints are excluded, the two methods show a high degree of correlation, implying that they are comparably suitable in detecting coevolutionary signals.

      We have also used the 2nd order coefficients derived from experimental data in Moulana et al., 2022 (10.1038/s41467-022-34506-z) to validate both approaches (see methods, lines 624-631).

      The panels which we have combined to create the new Supplementary Figure 5, indicate how both approaches (MI for panel A and C, and DCA for panels B and D) correctly recover the interaction with 2nd order epistatic coefficient > 0.15, based on the odds-ratio metric. Our MI-based approach has, however, a higher recall across multiple time points, which is especially visible comparing panels A and B. The DCA-based method did correctly identify known epistatic interactions, but did so only in sporadic timepoints, even though the distribution of the underlying variants did not change significantly month to month. We believe that the higher recall of the MI-based method has a higher value for genomic epidemiology, at least for SARS-CoV-2.

      3.In Figure 1C, the authors show that their spydrpick algorithm provides more pairwise MIs for longer distances, where the outliers are denser than those with short distances. How do we explain this phenomenon?

      We thank the reviewer for bringing this point up; we actually think that our data shows the opposite, meaning that we observe a higher proportion of close interactions when normalizing by the number of possible interactions. If we take an arbitrary distance threshold of 1'000 bases to define "close" Vs. "distant" interactions, we observe 194 and 280 interactions, respectively. It is true that distant interactions would be more, but the space of possible interactions is orders of magnitude larger for "distant" interactions, simply by the fact that there are more sites from which interactions can originate. As a crude estimate we can use the combinations between 1,000 sites (499,500 possible interactions) Vs those between 28,903 sites (the full SARS-CoV-2 genome length 29,903 bp minus 1,000, 417,677,253). Based on these estimates we have indeed observed less "close" than "distant" interactions.

      Minor comments:

      4.The explanations of Fig. 1E could be in more detail. Say, the grey dots in Fig. 1E, which is marked as "other" and such "other"s are dominated here. Why?

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out a section where more clarity was needed. We have added the following sentence to the figure legend: "The category "other" indicates positions which are not known to have an impact on affinity to ACE2, immune escape or otherwise flagged as MOI/MOC.". This indicates that predicted interactions involving a site classified as "other" are either false positives or previously undiscovered interactions.

      5.On line 210, the authors mentioned that the weights of the old sequences are lower "at around six months (120 days)". It would be better to specify why six months is 120 days instead of 180 days,

      We have corrected this mistake and indicated 4 months. We thank the reviewer for spotting this error.

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with what Reviewer #2 presented in the Consults Comments. The authors should present the reasons why MIs can be explained as the epistatic interations between sites as both of us mentioned this point. I checked the other revision points that raised by the Reviewer #2. They would be definetely helpful for enhancing the quality of the manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The work in the current manuscript is interesting and presented nicely. However, the theoretical foundations that the MIs could be explained as epistatic interactions should be illustrated. Otherwise, the tools would be useful for SARS-CoV-2 and other potential pandemics by different virus.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The manuscript proposes an approach to identify epistatic interactions in the SRAR-CoV-2 genome using the large amount of genomic data which accumulated during the COVID pandemics. They argue that due to a relatively low computational cost, this can be done online in any ongoing pandemics nowadays (i.e. in the situation where the viral spreading and evolution are closely monitored by massive sequencing). In principle, this is interesting, but in my opinion the manuscript has some strong problems and will require major rewrighting:

      1) In difference to the claims of the manuscript, detected correlation does not necessarily imply epistatic couplings:

      • Even in a totally neutral setting, mutations may occur by chance together, and expand due to genetic drift or when ecountering a susceptible population. Equally, to independent muations may spread in different geographic regions, without the double mutant ever arising. Both cases lead to non-zero mutual information.

      • In evolution, frequently driver and passenger mutations are observed, in particular in settings of relatively high mutation rate. The passenger will rise in frequency with the driver, without any epistatic coupling.

      • The very unequal sequencing across geographic areas will enhance certain variants and leave others undetected. Even if the authors avoid double counting of identical sequences, more small variation is detected when sequencing deeper. The Omicron variant illustrates an extreme case here: it combined a large number of mutations, never detected before, but epistasis is not the most likely explanation, but rather lack of monitoring of the evolutionary path from the ancestral variants to Omicron.

      • MI has been criticised because it overestimates the effect of indirecrt correlations in particular in dense epistatic networks. The situation in the spike protein in Fig. 1B seems very dense.

      Currently the manuscript does not make any effort to disentangle any of these effects.

      Following this (and reviewer 1) comments, we have made a number of changes to the manuscript in order to provide more context into how MI can be used to estimate epistatic interactions and the inherent limitations of this approach. In particular, we have expanded the introduction (lines 93-98), methods (lines 540-543) and discussion (lines 453-457) sections in a way that we believe exposes the limitations of the approach. Despite these limitations, we still believe that a MI-based approach strikes a good balance between speed, ease of implementation, and sensitivity. To further demonstrate this point we have added two additional validations to our results: the first one (in-silico) uses estimated 2nd order epistatic coefficients derived from experimental data (Moulana et al., 2022, 10.1038/s41467-022-34506-z), and the second (in-vitro) our own experimental data on three predicted interactions. The results of the new in-vitro validation have been described in the reply to comment #2 from reviewer 1; in short they show how the MI-based method has comparable sensitivity and specificity as the DCA-based method, and most importantly they allow the recovery of known epistatic interactions across the time period in which they have appeared. The results of the in-vitro validation are discussed in the reply to the next comment from this reviewer, as they directly address the predictive power of our approach: in short, we show how we could also validate these predictions. We think that these new results clearly show how, despite its limitations, the MI-based approach is able to identify bona-fide epistatic interactions, with the advantage of being a simple method to be implemented and with the possibility to be run in real time. For a more detailed discussion of the merits of the MI-based approach over DCA, see the reply to comment #3 from this reviewer.

      2) What are the predictive capacities of the approach? Mutual information is bounded from above by the individual site entropies. So high MI can be detected only in highly mutated sites - i.e. in sides for sure already under monitoring. In fact, the sites in Fig. 1B with many links reflect the overall profile of variant frequencies in single sites (i.e. a totally non-epistatic measure) available on Nextstrain, and extracted from the same data sources.

      The discussion of the results is very anecdotal and it is not clear to me in how far there is any real prediction in the paper, which might surprise and trigger observation or further analyses.

      There is an entire line of related research in estimating and exploiting epistatic couplings in HIV evolution (A Chakraborty, M. Kardar, J. Barton, M MacKay and others) - not cited in the manuscript but relevant for the question how to detect epistatic couplings and what they are good for.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out relevant literature we had not covered in the original manuscript, and which can be used to indicate how epistatic interaction signals can be leveraged when studying viruses. We have added citations to these studies in the introduction (lines 76-78) to provide a better background for our own study. Regarding the broader concern of showing the predictive power of our approach, we had a similar concern after the manuscript was submitted, and we had already planned a "blind" in-vitro validation to put our approach to the test. In order to make this validation as "blind" as possible, we expanded the dataset to include sequences until August 2023. We then selected interactions within the spike RBD with confidence level O4 in at least the last 4 time points and with one position already flagged as either "affinity", "escape" or "other MOI/MOC"

      We then selected the top three interactions (446-460, 446-486 and 452-490) for our validation, as they have an outlier confidence O4 in at least the 4 time points, and lower or no prediction before. We also added the known 498-501 interaction as a control (Figure 5, panel B)

      We then focused on selecting a set of non-synonymous substitutions to test for their potential epistatic interactions. We decided to select 6 substitutions affecting the 3 predicted interactions based on their frequency in the time points after the cutoff of the original manuscript, shown in Figure 5, panel C.

      Of those, L452R/F490S and G446S/F486V are anti-correlated in their frequency and virtually never observed together in our dataset, G446S/F486S is observed at low frequency (87 samples after 2023-05), and G446S/N460H is virtually never observed (5 samples). We chose the anti-correlated pairs to test the potential of the MI method to explain these "avoidance" phenomenon, and the low frequency pairs as a way to test an early warning system for mutation signatures that might rise in the future. We then planned to test the impact of the individual variants, the double variants, both in the wild-type background and in the Q498R/N501Y background as a crude model for the Omicron variant.

      We then used a pseudovirus assay to test mutated RBDs across two phenotypes: infectivity (i.e. the ability to infect Vero B4 cells) and immune escape (i.e. antibody neutralization curves). We then tested for the presence of epistatic interactions for the double mutants in both backgrounds using a simple linear model (see Methods, lines 711-727). The results of these in-vitro assays are summarized below (Figure 5, panel E for infectivity, F for immune escape).

      Double mutants with a significant (p-value -10) interaction have been highlighted with an asterisk. We confirmed the epistatic interaction for the Q498R/N501H, both for its effect on infectivity and immune escape. For both anti-correlated pairs we found a significant interaction for either the infectivity assay (both) and immune escape (G446S/F486V). In particular, we found that the one hand the G446S/F486V pair induced a large drop in infectivity in the Q498R/N501H background while the double mutant was fairly similar to the immune escape profile of the single G446S variant, thus compensating for the loss of escape shown by the F486V variant alone. We observed the opposite for the L452R/F490S pair in terms of infectivity, with the pair showing a large increase in infectivity in the Q498R/N501H background, an effect we found to be significant. The double mutant had a slightly better immune escape profile than the single mutants, although not significant. From these observations we can hypothesize that the G446S/F486V is anticorrelated for their strong defect in infectivity; we cannot apply the same reasoning for the L452R/F490S pair, whose absence from circulating variants could be ascribed to stochasticity in population dynamics or interactions with other variants. We observed a similar impact of the G446S/F486S and G446S/N460H pairs on infectivity as G446S/F486V; based on these results we could estimate that variants carrying these pairs might have a fitness disadvantage. The inability of unsupervised methods (MI or DCA based) to predict the direction of the effect of course makes it difficult to inform which of the two pairs should be added to a "watchlist", but it would potentially reduce the number of interactions to be tested. We believe that the results of this admittedly small scale in-vitro validation demonstrates the potential of the MI-based approach to flag emerging interactions worthy of further studying. Recent advances in scalability of molecular assays (e.g. 10.1101/2024.03.08.584176) could then be coupled with a real-time system as the one we describe in our manuscript to filter out the more relevant interactions. We have added this forward-looking observation in the discussion as well (lines 465-474).

      3) The authors say that more involved methods like the Direct Coupling Analysis with Pseudolikelihood maximisation would be too slow for the analysis, but several papers show the contrary. The paper by Zeng et al. (Ref. [39]) does so very early in the pandemics in 2020, and another uncited paper of the same authors (Physical Review 2022) uses a nearly identical approach to study the time evolution of epistatic couplings (extractions from Gisaid at several times). As one of theit results, they show that their approach is not only feasible, but delivers more stable results than simpler correlation measures like MI.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out a relevant reference we had missed in the initial manuscript. At a general level Zeng et al. take a similar approach to what we have described, namely to divide the data according to the isolation date to look for temporal trends. We however see a few differences that we think are in favor of the approach we describe:

      1- Our manuscript covers the time period after the emergence of the Omicron variant, in which epistatic interactions are known and have been characterized and validated experimentally, a crucial requirement for validation. We have also conducted an in-vitro validation on a selected set of predicted interactions (see the reply to the previous comment), which indicates that the method is sound and predictive.

      2- We have prepared a cumulative time-series dataset, meaning that each month introduces new sequences on top of the ones already selected from the previous time points. To the best of our knowledge the Zheng et al. dataset has "insulated" sequences at each month. We believe our approach has the advantage of allowing for a higher recall, as it includes a representation of extinct lineages, which may increase diversity at key loci and thus boost the signal. As described in the original manuscript and in the reply to this reviewer's comments "iv" and "v", we have added a weighting scheme in order to reduce the influence of older sequences and increase the relevance of smaller lineages.

      3- While we have not tested the DCA implementation used by Zeng et al., and we cannot therefore directly comment on its scalability, we have encountered serious limitations when scaling up the popular plmc C implementation developed by the lab of Deborah Marks. In particular we were unable to successfully run it for datasets with more than ~300k sequences, encountering segmentation faults.

      Regarding the third point, while this meant that we could not test the DCA approach on the full dataset, we could still manage to apply it on the time series data, focusing exclusively on the spike (S) gene. As shown above in the reply to reviewer's 1 comment #2, the two methods have a high correlation and are both able to recover known interactions, although with the DCA method having a lower recall. Taken together we believe that the MI-based approach we describe is robust enough to be considered when a tradeoff between speed, ease of implementation and sensitivity has to be struck, which we believe may be the case for a rapid response during a potential future pandemic. We have added more details to the part of the discussion in which the comparison with the DCA-based methods was made to point out how those are still feasible with very large collections of sequences (lines 444-448).

      It would therefore be essential that the authors strongly revise their manuscript to show the relaibility of the results, the predictive value of the predicted couplings, and the originality and robustness of the approach.

      We believe that our response to both reviewers have addressed these concerns, and as a result we have provided a more nuanced view on the use of MI-based methods in the prediction of epistatic interactions in pandemic viruses. Our wording has been modified to make sure that readers interested in replicating our approach are aware of its strengths (speed, ease of implementation) and limitations.

      Furthermore, there are some minor issues in the formulations, which should be corrected

      i) "the virus has differentiated into a number of lineages, almost all of which have taken over the whole population..." This is wrong. SARS-CoV-2 has always been very heterogeneous, with diverse variants circulating (the authors use millions of non-redundant sequences), and only very few have become VOIs or VOCs at some point. This image of competition between multiple coexisting strains is much closer to clonal interference than what the authors describe (even if clonal interference does not rely on population structure, which has always been an important element in COVID).

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this error in our observation. We have changed "almost all" to "some", which we agree is more accurate.

      ii) The authors say that pseudolikelihood methods would require "aggressive subsampling". This is not true, in machine learning massive training data are frequently used in the context of batch learning, i.e. in each learning epoch a "batch" is sampled from the full data. This leads to stochasticity in learning, but all data are eventually used.

      We have reformulated this sentence (lines 85-90) to indicate how batch learning could also be used to make certain methods scalable, with the caveat that they would be more complicated to implement.

      iii) The authors say that the download also a phylogenetic tree, but I do not see where it is used.

      As indicated in the methods section, we have used the phylogenetic tree for two purposes:

      1- To single out high quality sequences from the raw MSA (line 515)

      2- To compute the weight of each sequence in the final MSA, as described in line 540-549

      iv)The authors use sequence weights as implemented in Ref. [31]. There a weighting at sequence similarity threshold of 90% is used. I would expect that there are no SARS-CoV-2 genomes having accumulated more than 10% of nucleotide mutations, i.e. the weighting procedure would be without any effect.

      We realized that the sequence weighting scheme we have used is not described in Pensar et al. (10.1093/nar/gkz656), but rather in the implementation of the spydrpick algorithm used by the panaroo software (Tonkin-Hill et al., 10.1186/s13059-020-02090-4). This weighting scheme is based on the more granular metric that is the patristic distance of each sequence from the root of the tree, divided at each branching point by the number of its terminal leaves. In practical terms this means that sequences belonging to smaller lineages (i.e. with fewer observed samples) will have a larger weight, regardless of a discrete sequence similarity threshold, as was done in the original implementation. We have updated the methods section to clearly indicate that the weighting scheme is that first shown in the panaroo software package (line 543).

      v)The authors estimate that they need 10,000-100,000 sequences to estimate MI, but find the epistatic coupling in spike residues 498-501 as soon as 6 double mutants are present, which is a frequency of about 1e-4. The corresponding entropies should be low and in consequence the MI, too.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this point, which prompted us to devise a way to better illustrate the sequence weighting scheme we have used. As a side note we also discovered that the number of Omicron sequences at the 2021-11 was actually 7, and not 6 as stated throughout the original manuscript, an error we have now fixed. As described in the methods section we have combined two weights in the time-series analysis: the first one, described in the response to the previous comment, is based on the "density" of the phylogenetic tree, which deflates the contribution of "denser" regions of the tree, and the second reduces the relevance of older sequences. The two weights are then combined multiplicatively. As a result the "real" (i.e. effective) number of sequences harboring a particular double mutation will be different than by just counting their occurrences.

      As shown in Supplementary Figure 3, the combination of both weights (first column) leads to an increased effective number of sequences for "younger" samples and those that come from "sparser" regions of the overall phylogenetic tree. This is particularly evident for the middle row (2021-11); the light orange dot, which indicates sequences belonging to the first Omicron lineage to appear in the dataset (BA.1), has an actual N of 7, but an effective N of ~100 (exact value 86), thanks to its "novelty" both in the tree (middle panel) and in terms of time (right panel). We again thank the reviewer for raising this point, which led us to generate this visualization, which will hopefully clarify the rationale for the weighting strategy we have used for moist readers.

      vi)The authors say that the public health toll of COVID has been "balanced" by scientific discovery - I would urge the authors to avoid such formulations, which sound cynical.

      We agree with the reviewer that this comment might sound cynical and tone-deaf, and have reformulated to indicate that the impact of the pandemic has coincided with an accelerated pace of applied scientific discovery.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Both reports bring up very similar points (points 1 of both reports, point 2 of Reviewer #1 vs. my point 3) but add partially complementary questions (point 3 of Reviewer #1, my point 2), both related to the interpretation of the data. My report is more severe, but reading the ms I am convinced that the paper requires serious revision. So reports seem coherent but with different degrees of recommendations. However, none of the comments of one reviewer is contradiction to the other reviewer.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      While the paper asks interesting questions and wants to make use of the quite unique data which have accumulated during the COVID pandemics, the above mentioned problems raise important questions about the manuscript. It would be essential that the authors strongly revise their manuscript to show the relaibility of the results, the predictive value of the predicted couplings, and the originality and robustness of the approach.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The manuscript proposes an approach to identify epistatic interactions in the SRAR-CoV-2 genome using the large amount of genomic data which accumulated during the COVID pandemics. They argue that due to a relatively low computational cost, this can be done online in any ongoing pandemics nowadays (i.e. in the situation where the viral spreading and evolution are closely monitored by massive sequencing). In principle, this is interesting, but in my opinion the manuscript has some strong problems and will require major rewrighting:

      1. In difference to the claims of the manuscript, detected correlation does not necessarily imply epistatic couplings:
      2. Even in a totally neutral setting, mutations may occur by chance together, and expand due to genetic drift or when ecountering a susceptible population. Equally, to independent muations may spread in different geographic regions, without the double mutant ever arising. Both cases lead to non-zero mutual information.
      3. In evolution, frequently driver and passenger mutations are observed, in particular in settings of relatively high mutation rate. The passenger will rise in frequency with the driver, without any epistatic coupling.
      4. The very unequal sequencing across geographic areas will enhance certain variants and leave others undetected. Even if the authors avoid double counting of identical sequences, more small variation is detected when sequencing deeper. The Omicron variant illustrates an extreme case here: it combined a large number of mutations, never detected before, but epistasis is not the most likely explanation, but rather lack of monitoring of the evolutionary path from the ancestral variants to Omicron.
      5. MI has been criticised because it overestimates the effect of indirecrt correlations in particular in dense epistatic networks. The situation in the spike protein in Fig. 1B seems very dense.

      Currently the manuscript does not make any effort to disentangle any of these effects. 2. What are the predictive capacities of the approach? Mutual information is bounded from above by the individual site entropies. So high MI can be detected only in highly mutated sites - i.e. in sides for sure already under monitoring. In fact, the sites in Fig. 1B with many links reflect the overall profile of variant frequencies in single sites (i.e. a totally non-epistatic measure) available on Nextstrain, and extracted from the same data sources.

      The discussion of the results is very anecdotal and it is not clear to me in how far there is any real prediction in the paper, which might surprise and trigger observation or further analyses. There is an entire line of related research in estimating and exploiting epistatic couplings in HIV evolution (A Chakraborty, M. Kardar, J. Barton, M MacKay and others) - not cited in the manuscript but relevant for the question how to detect epistatic couplings and what they are good for. 3. The authors say that more involved methods like the Direct Coupling Analysis with Pseudolikelihood maximisation would be too slow for the analysis, but several papers show the contrary. The paper by Zeng et al. (Ref. [39]) does so very early in the pandemics in 2020, and another uncited paper of the same authors (Physical Review 2022) uses a nearly identical approach to study the time evolution of epistatic couplings (extractions from Gisaid at several times). As one of theit results, they show that their approach is not only feasible, but delivers more stable results than simpler correlation measures like MI.

      It would therefore be essential that the authors strongly revise their manuscript to show the relaibility of the results, the predictive value of the predicted couplings, and the originality and robustness of the approach.

      Furthermore, there are some minor issues in the formulations, which should be corrected

      i) "the virus has differentiated into a number of lineages, almost all of which have taken over the whole population..." This is wrong. SARS-CoV-2 has always been very heterogeneous, with diverse variants circulating (the authors use millions of non-redundant sequences), and only very few have become VOIs or VOCs at some point. This image of competition between multiple coexisting strains is much closer to clonal interference than what the authors describe (even if clonal interference does not rely on population structure, which has always been an important element in COVID).

      ii) The authors say that pseudolikelihood methods would require "aggressive subsampling". This is not true, in machine learning massive training data are frequently used in the context of batch learning, i.e. in each learning epoch a "batch" is sampled from the full data. This leads to stochasticity in learning, but all data are eventually used.

      iii) The authors say that the download also a phylogenetic tree, but I do not see where it is used.

      iv)The authors use sequence weights as implemented in Ref. [31]. There a weighting at sequence similarity threshold of 90% is used. I would expect that there are no SARS-CoV-2 genomes having accumulated more than 10% of nucleotide mutations, i.e. the weighting procedure would be without any effect.

      v)The authors estimate that they need 10,000-100,000 sequences to estimate MI, but find the epistatic coupling in spike residues 498-501 as soon as 6 double mutants are present, which is a frequency of about 1e-4. The corresponding entropies should be low and in consequence the MI, too.

      vi)The authors say that the public health toll of COVID has been "balanced" by scientific discovery - I would urge the authors to avoid such formulations, which sound cynical.

      Referees cross-commenting

      Both reports bring up very similar points (points 1 of both reports, point 2 of Reviewer #1 vs. my point 3) but add partially complementary questions (point 3 of Reviewer #1, my point 2), both related to the interpretation of the data. My report is more severe, but reading the ms I am convinced that the paper requires serious revision. So reports seem coherent but with different degrees of recommendations. However, none of the comments of one reviewer is contradiction to the other reviewer.


      While the paper asks interesting questions and wants to make use of the quite unique data which have accumulated during the COVID pandemics, the above mentioned problems raise important questions about the manuscript. It would be essential that the authors strongly revise their manuscript to show the relaibility of the results, the predictive value of the predicted couplings, and the originality and robustness of the approach.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary The authors inferred the pairwise epistasis through the Mutual Information provided by the spydrpick algorithm. They claim that the MIs could serve as a real-time identification of the epistatic interactions with the SARS-CoV-2 genomes due to the fast inference and high sensitivities.

      Major comments:

      1. The authors take a data-driven approach to infer the Mutation Information as the epistatic interactions between the mutations over different sites over SARS-CoV-2 genomes. However, it would be better to specify why this metric is reliable to be used as the representation of the pairwise epistatic interactions, and any theoretical explanations to support this.
      2. The authors claimed that the DCA method requires more computational resources and more time to complete. However, with a proper filtering procedure, the computational time could be reduced heavily. An example is Physical Review E 106 (4), 044409, 2002, in which the DCA was used to investigate the real-time pair-wise interactions (month-to-month). There the DCA results were compared with the correlation analysis. It would be nice to have comparisons of the inferred interactions between MIs and other methods.
      3. In Figure 1C, the authors show that their spydrpick algorithm provides more pairwise MIs for longer distances, where the outliers are denser than those with short distances. How do we explain this phenomenon?

      Minor comments: 4.The explanations of Fig. 1E could be in more detail. Say, the grey dots in Fig. 1E, which is marked as "other" and such "other"s are dominated here. Why? 5.On line 210, the authors mentioned that the weights of the old sequences are lower "at around six months (120 days)". It would be better to specify why six months is 120 days instead of 180 days,

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with what Reviewer #2 presented in the Consults Comments. The authors should present the reasons why MIs can be explained as the epistatic interations between sites as both of us mentioned this point. I checked the other revision points that raised by the Reviewer #2. They would be definetely helpful for enhancing the quality of the manuscript.


      The work in the current manuscript is interesting and presented nicely. However, the theoretical foundations that the MIs could be explained as epistatic interactions should be illustrated. Otherwise, the tools would be useful for SARS-CoV-2 and other potential pandemics by different virus.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2024-02371

      Corresponding author(s): Elena, Rainero

      1. General Statements

      We would like to thank both reviewers, for highlighting that our work is a 'careful mechanistic and functional investigation' and that the data are 'clear, convincing and appropriately analysed'. We appreciated that our work was recognised to be important the 'cell signalling, ECM, and migration field' and 'may be translationally relevant'. Below we list how we have addressed or are planning to address all the concerns raised by the reviewers. All the changes are marked in blue in the text.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      MAPK11 data in figure 1f (deconvolution).

      We agree with the reviewer that this is an important point. MAPK11 was not initially included in the deconvolution list, as it was a weak hit from the screen. We have now used the 4 individual siRNAs which are the components of the smart pool used in the screen, and we measured collagen I internalisation in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Preliminary data indicate a statistically significant reduction in collagen I uptake in 3 out of 4 sequences tested. The efficiency of the siRNAs in reducing MAPK11 levels will be measured by qPCR.

      Show p38 inhibition (WB) for the experiments in which the inhibitors were used.

      To assess the efficacy of SB203580 at inhibiting p38 signalling, we will assess the phosphorylation of the p38 target ATF2, as previously described (Ivaska et al., 1999).

      Is ECM endocytosis-driven migration linked to the ability of the cells to degrade the endocytosed material in their lysosomes? Or is it more a mechanism of ECM remodelling to enable invasion? [Reviewer 1]. Not clear whether ECM uptake actually fuels/is required for invasion, or whether it is simply a consequence [Reviewer 2].

      We thank the reviewers for raising this important point. Indeed, it is possible that ECM uptake impacts on both these processes. To elucidate this, we will treat the cells with Bafilomycin A1, to prevent lysosomal acidification and degradation and assess the migratory ability of MDA-MB-231 cells. If ECM endocytosis-driven migration is an ECM-remodelling mechanism, we expect cell migration not to be affected by the presence of Bafilomycin A1; on the contrary, if ECM lysosomal degradation is required, we expect Bafilomycin A1 treatment to impair cell migration.

      What is the faith of the integrin vs ECM ligand?

      While we showed that internalised ECM components are degraded in the lysosomes, we do not know the faith of the integrin receptor. To measure integrin a2b1 degradation, we will monitor its levels by Western Blotting in the presence of cycloheximide on both plastic and 1mg/ml collagen I, which drives a2b1 internalisation. In addition, we will measure a2b1 internal pool in the presence of E64d, which we showed prevented the degradation of internalised collagen I.

      Mechanistic insight into how these kinases and this specific regulatory subunit of the PP2 phosphatase is involved in this process. What are the targets of these kinases and phosphatase? Do they regulate a2b1-integrin phosphorylation or trafficking?

      We don't believe that a2b1 is a target of p38, as we did not find any evidence of this in p38 phosphoproteomic studies, while a2b1 has been reported as an upstream regulator of p38. We agree with the reviewer that including more details on the potential p38 targets modulating ECM uptake and migration would be beneficial. We also agree with the reviewer that performing the extensive phospho-proteomic approach and target validation will constitute an entirely different project and this point should not preclude the publication of this paper. The sodium/proton channel NHE1 has been reported as a p38 target (Khadler et al., 2001; Grenier et al., 2008), and it is also a well-known regulator of macropinocytosis. Therefore, here we will investigate whether NHE1 is also phosphorylated by p38 in our system and whether it is required for ECM uptake and cell migration. We have already established that treatment with the NHE1 inhibitor EIPA significantly reduced ECM uptake in MDA-MB-231 cells (Nazemi et al., 2024). PP2A has been shown to dephosphorylate p38, therefore we will confirm this in our system by measuring p38 levels by western blotting.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Controls for the silencing efficiency in the screen are missing.

      We used integrin b1 and PAK1 as positive controls in the screen. We have now included the integrin b1 staining in the screening plate, to confirm the knock down efficiency (extended figure 2f). In addition, Western Blotting experiments confirmed a >75% reduction in PAK1 levels upon siRNA transfection (extended figure 2g).

      Show p38 inhibition (WB) for the experiments in which the inhibitors were used.

      Phospho-p38 WB has been extensively used to assess the efficiency of SB202190 treatment, therefore, we performed similar experiments in MDA-MB-231 and found that treatment with SB202190 almost completely abolished p38 phosphorylation induced collagen I adhesion (figure 3f).

      Use more than 1 siRNA for PP2A.

      We are now including a heatmap showing the effect of the knock down of the different PP2A subunits on ECM uptake (extended figure 3a,b), demonstrating that PPP2R1A has the strongest effect on ECM uptake. PPP2R1A is a core PP2A subunit and its loss has been shown to destabilise the whole PP2A complex (Kauko et al., 2020). In the deconvolution experiment (figure 1f), we are showing for individual siRNA sequences targeting PPP2R1A.

      Okadaic acid has the tendency to detach cells from the ECM.

      We agree with the reviewer that this effect could indeed affect the interpretation of our results. We'd like to point out that in this study, we used relatively low concentrations (50nM) compared to some published work (up to 300nM). To assess the effect of okadaic acid on cell morphology, we measure the aspect ratio of MDA-MB-231 and A2780-Rab25 cells migrating on CDM and found that okadaic acid treatment and PPP2R1A downregulation resulted in a similar reduction in aspect ratio, representative of more rounded cells (extended figure 3d-ga,b), but we did not detect cell-ECM detachment. To note, the effect on cell morphology was more profound in the cell migration experiments, where the cells are sparser, compared to the ECM uptake experiments, where the cells are more confluent.

      It is quite an overstatement to conclude from a 1-to-1 comparison between NMuMG cells and one cell line derivative of PyMT tumour that "these data indicate that ECM internalisation and degradation is upregulated in invasive breast cancer." Either soften this statement (e.g. 'ECM internalisation was higher in PyMT cancer cells than NMuMG normal breast cells'), or provide experimental evaluation across a range of normal versus cancer cells in vitro and using in vivo systems.

      We soften the statement, and we described in more details the evidence that we collected from the MCF10 series of cell lines (non-transformed, non-invasive and metastatic cell lines) in the results and discussion.

      It is not clear that the authors are comparing like for like. In extended Data Figure 1A, B, In NMuMG cells, these are islands of cells with tight cell-cell compaction, whereas PyMT1 appear as less adherent and compact cells with discontinuous cell-cell adhesions. While it is still appropriate to compare uptake normalised by area of cells, can the authors provide examination of what the ECM update is upon similar cell states, i.e. when both cell types are colonies versus elongated single or chains of cells? This would delineate whether differences are due to cell-cell contact or not, or bona fide differences in ECM uptake despite such different morphologies.

      Similar changes in ECM uptake were observed in the MCF10 series of cell lines, where there is no clear morphological difference between the cell lines, indicating that cell-cell adhesion or elongation do not play a significant role here. We have included a statement about this in the discussion.

      Throughout, the authors use cartoons of 3D culture of NMuMG, PyMT1 cells, breast to indicate MDA-MB-231 cells, a picture of a mouse, and a pancreas in attempt to orient the reader. This is very confusing as, for example in Extended Data Fig. 1A, B, these suggest 3-Dimensional spheroid cultures, when these are actually isolated cells or, when what is being demonstrated are not 3-Dimensional, but rather are 2D cells inside ECM.

      We apologise for creating confusion with the cartoons, we have now removed all the small diagrams, including cartoons representing normal, DCIS and invasive cells, as well as cartoons representing breast, ovarian, pancreatic and mouse cells. Diagrams have been replaced by adding the name of the cell line, where multiple cell lines are present in the same figure.

      Why did the authors perform the screen only two times (not trying to diminish the effort here!), when thrice may have helped with statistical analyses? The authors provide significance values for Reactome pathway assessment. How appropriate it is for the presentation of these from only two independent replicates?

      We have now clarified how hits were selected in the methods section, accompanied by references of impactful publication screenings where biological duplicates have been previously used, including Sharma and Rao, Nat Immunol 2009 and Chia et al., Nature 2010.

      How have the authors assessed whether, and if so to what extent, their cell segmentation is accurate? Can the authors provide evidence for this? For instance, in Figure 2b, this appears to be error-prone, at least for MDA-MB-231 cells.

      We apologise for the confusion caused, we have now clarified how cells are detected in the methods section: Cells were imaged using a 60x Nikon A1 confocal microscope. For these experiments, cells were stained for a membrane protein, which is not shown in the images for better visualisation of the uptake. For live imaging uptake, the outline of the cells was visible, therefore being used to calculate the cell area. Confocal experiments were analysed manually.

      *The colour schemes that the authors use throughout are not colourblind friendly, and somewhat difficult to follow even for colour-able readers. *

      We apologise that the colours chosen in the plots could be difficult to distinguish for colorblind people. We have now changed the colour from all the superplot graphs in the manuscript, so they are colourblind friendly, we have tested this by using an online website simulator (https://pilestone.com/pages/color-blindness-simulator-1#), which shows how graphs are visualised by the diverse spectrum of colorblind readers.

      Extended Data Fig. 3 g,h (ITGA2+ITGB1 KD validation) are not mentioned in the main text.

      Thank you for pointing this out. We have now included previous Extended Data Fig. 3g (currently 4g) in the result section. Extended data Fig 3h (β1 integrin knockdown) was mentioned together with Extended data Fig 3a (β1 integrin knockdown on matrigel uptake) to facilitate the reading in section 'ECM internalisation is dependent on α2β1 integrin'.

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Is the ability to take up ECM dependent on ECM proteolytic degradation?

      In our recent publication (Nazemi et al., 2024), we assessed the role of matrix metalloproteases (MMP) in ECM uptake and ECM-dependent cell proliferation by treating MDA-MB-231 cells with the broad spectrum MMP inhibitor GM6001. We found that MMP inhibition did not prevent ECM uptake nor ECM-dependent cell growth, consistent with previous findings in the literature (Yamazaki et al., 2020). We are currently characterising the role of secreted cathepsins in controlling ECM uptake as a separate project in our lab, and preliminary data suggest that they might be involved. We feel this point is outside the scope of the current manuscript.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The work presented by Martinez and colleagues encompasses a large-scale screen of kinases that regulate internalisation of fluorescently labelled extracellular matrix. The authors identify a requirement for the collagen receptor a2b1-integrin pair in uptake of fluorescently labelled collagen. From this screen, the authors identify that a2b1-integrin, MAP3K1, MAPK11, and PPP2R1A are required for fluorescently labelled collagen uptake and migration of cancer cells in matrix, suggesting that the process of ECM uptake and migration may perhaps be functionally interdependent, or at least co-occurrent. Data are presented suggesting that these components are also at a higher expression level in breast and pancreatic tumour tissues.

      Major comments

      General assessment

      The work is a well-written and presented, gargantuan effort to identify novel kinase regulators of extracellular matrix internalisation. I want to state at the outset that the data are clear, convincing, and appropriately analysed. Claims of effect are supported by robust statistically quantified effects. Moreover, it is notable that the same kinases required for ECM uptake also are required for migration/invasion, suggesting a link between these. But what is lacking is any demonstration of whether ECM uptake actually fuels/is required for invasion, or whether it is simply a consequence.

      That a2b1-integrin is involved suggests that this might be a target of these kinases/phosphatase. However, that a2b1-integrin is required for ECM uptake or migration/invasion is an expected, incremental advance. The identification of MAP3K1, MAPK11, and PPP2R1A provides potential novelty. Unfortunately, what is missing is any mechanistic insight into how these kinases and this specific regulatory subunit of the PP2 phosphatase is involved in this process. What are the targets of these kinases and phosphatase? Do they regulate a2b1-integrin phosphorylation or trafficking? And if so, how? Can you map the phosphorylation target sites, and use phosphomimetic sites on targets to overcome blocks? In the absence of such approaches, the work presents as a huge amount of list building (though extremely well done!), and more and more validation (also well done!) of 'hits', but no depth of how this matters for the cell. One can easily appreciate that such approaches constitute an entirely different project (and should not be used in any way to preclude publication of this paper). However, it does limit the novelty of the findings, beyond excellent validation of hits from a screen. But, work to this level should not simply be background findings for the start of a paper. I fully support the publication of this work as an excellent resource, upon addressing the points below.

      It is quite an overstatement to conclude from a 1-to-1 comparison between NMuMG cells and one cell line derivative of PyMT tumour that "these data indicate that ECM internalisation and degradation is upregulated in invasive breast cancer." Either soften this statement (e.g. 'ECM internalisation was higher in PyMT cancer cells than NMuMG normal breast cells'), or provide experimental evaluation across a range of normal versus cancer cells in vitro and using in vivo systems.

      It is not clear that the authors are comparing like for like. In extended Data Figure 1A, B, In NMuMG cells, these are islands of cells with tight cell-cell compaction, whereas PyMT1 appear as less adherent and compact cells with discontinuous cell-cell adhesions. While it is still appropriate to compare uptake normalised by area of cells, can the authors provide examination of what the ECM update is upon similar cell states, i.e. when both cell types are colonies versus elongated single or chains of cells? This would delineate whether differences are due to cell-cell contact or not, or bona fide differences in ECM uptake despite such different morphologies.

      Throughout, the authors use cartoons of 3D culture of NMuMG, PyMT1 cells, breast to indicate MDA-MB-231 cells, a picture of a mouse, and a pancreas in attempt to orient the reader. This is very confusing as, for example in Extended Data Fig. 1A, B, these suggest 3-Dimensional spheroid cultures, when these are actually isolated cells or, when what is being demonstrated are not 3-Dimensional, but rather are 2D cells inside ECM.

      Why did the authors perform the screen only two times (not trying to diminish the effort here!), when thrice may have helped with statistical analyses? The authors provide significance values for Reactome pathway assessment. How appropriate it is for the presentation of these from only two independent replicates?

      How have the authors assessed whether, and if so to what extent, their cell segmentation is accurate? Can the authors provide evidence for this? For instance, in Figure 2b, this appears to be error-prone, at least for MDA-MB-231 cells.

      Can the authors show in vivo that they can see internalised ECM, such as in sections of breast cancer models, internal pools of ECM in the invasive front of tumours?

      Minor comments

      The colour schemes that the authors use throughout are not colourblind friendly, and somewhat difficult to follow even for colour-able readers.

      Extended Data Fig. 3 g,h (ITGA2+ITGB1 KD validation) are not mentioned in the main text.


      Overall, this is a well performed and presented study, with clearly a huge amount of effort and investigation provided into doing such a screen. The data will be of excellent resource for the cell signalling, ECM, and migration field.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript that authors have investigated the link between cell motility in ECM matrix, cell-ECM adhesion signaling and the ability of cells to endocytose ECM proteins. Through careful mechanistic and functional investigation, including a kinase/phosphatase screen, the authors have uncovered a cancer-relevant a2b1-integrin/P38 MAPK/PP2A phosphatase axis responsible for ECM endocytosis and cell migration. Importantly, the authors demonstrate a role for this pathway in the collagen rich cancer type pancreatic cancer as well as chemotherapy resistant breast cancer. This manuscript has an impressive line up of carefully planned, executed and for the most part well controlled experiments. The data very convincingly demonstrate that ECM uptake via micropinocytosis of a2b1-integrin dependent on PP2A/P38 signaling and regulates migration and invasion in ECM. Importantly, these data seem to be applicable beyond breast cancer, based on the data from other tumor models. Figure 1. The authors have set up a very clever HTS screen looking at ECM uptake. The data look interesting but what seems to be lacking are controls for the silencing efficacy of the top targets in the screen. Alos what is the silencing efficacy of the their positive control PAK1? With the focus on P38 (MAPK11) would be good to have data on this also included in Fig. 1f Extended data fig 2g,h the authors have extended their investigation to the MAPK pathway linked kinases. The data are show for the screen replicates but would be good to show the results for the 2 independent siRNAs similar to fig1 Extended data fig 4. Would be important to show p38-inhibition (phospho-wb) for the experiments where inhibitors are used Extended data figure 5. Please use more than 1 siRNA for PP2A as well (similar to MAPK11). Is the ability of a2b1/p38 axis to take up ECM dependent of proteolytic degradation of the ECM? Is it ECM fragments that are macropinocytosed? Figure 4 and Fig 5. Ocadaic acid treatment has the tendency to detach cells from the ECM. Was this observed here/controlled for ? Figure 6. is the ECM endocytosis driven migration linked to the ability of the cells to degrade the endocytosed material in their lysosomes (to provide nutrients for the cell) ? Or is it more a mechanism of ECM remodeling to enable invasion? Finally, what is the faith of the integrin vs. the ECM ligand? Are both degraded or is the integrin recycled?


      Cell migration and invasion are central regulators of cancer progression. While collagen is the most abundant ECM protein in the cancer stroma, the role of the collagen binding integrins remains poorly understood in the process as much of the works has focused on collagenases or fibronectin and its receptors. Here the authors have carried out an unbiased screen of kinases and phosphatases regulating ECM uptake and uncovered a role for ITGA2/PP2A/p38 signaling. Given the druggability of this pathway and the putative clinical relevance shown here, these data may be translationally relevant

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Response to reviewer comments on Ramesh et.al and Revision plan

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility, and clarity (Required)):

      In this study the Drosophila orthologue of OCRL, the gene mutated in Lowe syndrome, is knocked out and effects upon whole organism physiology and upon the specific function of nephrocytes, the equivalent of the vertebrate kidney, are analysed. The authors report decreased viability of KO animals, in agreement with previous work, and go on to show that nephrocytes are defective in clearance of material from the hemolymph (equivalent of blood). This is accompanied by altered PIP2 and PI4P levels and perturbed endolysosmal organelles. Nephrocyte-specific KO indicates these changes are cell autonomous. Importantly, the phenotypes can be rescued by re-expression of dOCRL, and the human OCRL also rescues, but not when containing mutations that abrogate lipid phosphatase activity or seen in a human Lowe syndrome patient.

      The results are clear and convincing and indicate that the Drosophila OCRL KOs (global and nephrocyte-specific) are good models for understanding OCRL function in the kidney. The findings nicely recapitulate what has been shown in human cell lines and previously published zebrafish and mouse models. In that sense the findings are not unexpected and there is some lack of novelty. Nevertheless, the results here, showing the modelling of OCRL in flies, is important to publish. The fly model also offers certain advantages for future studies e.g. ease of genetics and lack of redundancy, which should prove valuable for such investigations. The paper serves as a very solid framework going forwards.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive assessment of our manuscript. We would like to reiterate the novel aspects of our study:

      • Lowe syndrome has three key clinical features: brain defect, renal dysfunction, and congenital cataract. Our work is a multiscale analysis of Lowe syndrome in a genetically tractable model organism, Drosophila including analysis of whole animal physiology, renal physiology, and the sub-cellular changes in Drosophila larval nephrocytes. As Drosophila nephrocytes are considered a good model of human renal function, we feel that our study lays the foundation for many future investigations of the renal aspects of the Lowe syndrome phenotype. Prior to this work, there was no Drosophila model of the renal phenotypes in Lowe syndrome.
      • As the reviewer correctly points out, the cell biological defects we describe in Drosophila OCRL knockout nephrocytes largely overlaps with that reported in multiple model systems including patient samples, human kidney cell lines, zebrafish larvae and a previous study in Drosophila We feel this is an important strength of this paper as this model can then work overlapping with other existing models. This is important since the Drosophila model is the only one with a single gene encoding for the ocrl/Inpp5b subfamily of 5’-phosphatases (in contrast to humans, mouse, and zebrafish) thus avoiding the complications arising from genetic redundancy.
      • Lastly, apart from a couple of studies from the Aguilar lab (done in cell lines), we believe that ours is the first study to look at patient derived mutations in an intact animal model. I only have a few suggestions for improving the manuscript, listed below:

      1.) The referencing is quite minimal and more relevant references should be cited. An obvious one is Del Signore et al describing KO of OCRL in flies, and there are others on OCRL on endocytosis that were not cited e.g. Erdmann et al, Nandez et al, Choudhury et al.

      There are almost 35 manuscripts on the cellular phenotypes of OCRL, many of them reporting cellular defects in various cell types and model system; indeed, there are 6 papers that mention Drosophila OCRL. It is hard to cite them all. Nevertheless, we will take on board the reviewer’s comment positively and try to cite several more. The paper of Signore et.al on Drosophila OCRL was omitted in error and will be included in the revision.

      2.) The figure panels should be presented in the right order in the text, which matches their numbering in the figures.

      This will be corrected where needed.

      3.) Better description is required in a few places in the text so the reader can follow the experiments. For example, what cells are shown in figure 2? How were the PIP probes expressed? Is the imaging in vivo or ex vivo? In Fig 4, how ere the ex vivo experiments performed?

      As already indicated in the figure legend, the cells shown in fig 2 are pericardial nephrocytes and this has been specifically stated at the beginning of the results at line 131. We will now also explicitly state in the fig legend that pericardial nephrocytes are being shown.

      To measure the levels of PIP2 at the plasma membrane of pericardial nephrocytes we used the well-established PIP2 reporter, the PH domain of PLCδ tagged to mCherry (UAS PH-PLCδ::mCherry). These reporter probes were expressed in pericardial nephrocytes using Dot-Gal4. We dissected the nephrocytes from larvae and performed live imaging to measure the PIP2 levels. The intensity of these probes at the plasma membrane in the nephrocytes corresponds to the levels of the PIP2. The same strategy was used to measure the levels of PI4P, the probes for PI4P- P4M tagged to GFP were generated in our lab and previously published in Balakrishnan et al., J.Cell.Sci 2018- PMID: 29980590 and Basu et.al Dev.Biol, 2020- PMID: 32194035.

      For mbsa and dextran uptake assays, these maybe considered as ex-vivo experiments. They have been described in detail in the materials and methods.

      4.) The microscopy images in Figure 4 are too dark__.__

      We will redo these images in grayscale to resolve this issue.

      5.) Figure S2A needs some sort of schematic so the reader can understand what is being shown.

      We will include in this manuscript a schematic showing the scheme used to generate the crispr deletion mutant. This has already been published in Trivedi et.al eLife 2020.

      __ __6.) In Fig S2G the PIP2 distribution looks different in the nKO compared to the total KO- more on the PM. Is this a consistent result and what is the explanation if so?

      We believe the reviewer is referring to Fig S2E as there is no Fig S2G. Yes, the reviewer is correct in noting that the levels of PIP2 at the plasma membrane are higher in the nephroKO compared to the germline KO. We believe that the reason for the higher levels of PIP2 in the Nephrocyte specific ko is that this is an acute depletion of OCRL whereas in the germline mutant, over time, adaptation through other mechanisms may have partly restored PIP2 levels. Acute depletion offers limited scope for compensation.

      __ __7.) In Fig 7 the expression of phosphatase dead OCRL is barely detectable. This makes the functional data difficult to interpret with any certainty. The authors need to be more circumspect in their description of this data and change the writing accordingly.

      It is not uncommon for kinase and phosphatase dead mutant proteins to be expressed at lower levels than their wild type counterpart; this has been reported many times in the literature. However, we will look through our collection of independent transgenic lines and try to find a line where the phosphatase dead mutant expresses at levels as close to the wild type protein as possible.


      __Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The results are clear and convincing and indicate that the Drosophila OCRL KOs (global and nephrocyte-specific) are good models for understanding OCRL function in the kidney. The findings nicely recapitulate what has been shown in human cell lines and previously published zebrafish and mouse models. In that sense the findings are not unexpected and there is some lack of novelty. Nevertheless, the results here, showing the modelling of OCRL in flies, is important to publish. The fly model also offers certain advantages for future studies e.g. ease of genetics and lack of redundancy, which should prove valuable for such investigations. The paper serves as a very solid framework going forwards.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive assessment of our manuscript. We would like to reiterate the novel aspects of our study:

      • Lowe syndrome has three key clinical features: brain defect, renal dysfunction, and congenital cataract. Our work is a multiscale analysis of Lowe syndrome in a genetically tractable model organism, Drosophila including analysis of whole animal physiology, renal physiology, and the sub-cellular changes in Drosophila larval nephrocytes. As Drosophila nephrocytes are considered a good model of human renal function, we feel that our study lays the foundation for many future investigations of the renal aspects of the Lowe syndrome phenotype. Prior to this work, there was no Drosophila model of the renal phenotypes in Lowe syndrome.
      • As the reviewer correctly points out, the cell biological defects we describe in Drosophila OCRL knockout nephrocytes largely overlaps with that reported in multiple model systems including patient samples, human kidney cell lines, zebrafish larvae and a previous study in Drosophila We feel this is an important strength of this paper as this model can then work overlapping with other existing models. This is important since the Drosophila model is the only one with a single gene encoding for the ocrl/Inpp5b subfamily of 5’-phosphatases (in contrast to humans, mouse, and zebrafish) thus avoiding the complications arising from genetic redundancy.
      • Lastly, apart from a couple of studies from the Aguilar lab (done in cell lines), we believe that ours is the first study to look at patient derived mutations in an intact animal model.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The researchers have generated an OCRL knockout Drosophila model and successfully used it to model the kidney dysfunction phenotypes of the rare genetic condition Lowe syndrome. They demonstrate endolysosomal phenotypes consistent with observations reported in other model systems, and illustrate that these translate to disrupted endocytic uptake, and clearing of ingested silver nitrate. In addition, there was a significant effect on growth and development of larvae. Phenotypes could be rescued by expression of human WT OCRL, but not by expression of a patient derived mutant version.

      Major comments:

      The experiments are generally well performed, logical and support the conclusions made by the authors. It would be nice to observe whether there is actin accumulation on the perturbed endosomal compartments described in Figure 4 as this is a common feature observed in other kidney model systems of the disease, although that is not an essential observation for the story outlined in the paper.

      Thanks for the comment. We will attempt to do this subject to the availability of suitable fluorophore combinations.

      The methods outlined are clear. N numbers and statistical results however are more opaquely reported. Although the number of replicates is mentioned in the material and methods, they are not mentioned in the figure legends, and at least for the silver nitrate uptake experiment, the N number reported does not seem to match the data points on the bar graph - the material and methods reports the experiment was done three times in triplicate, but there are only two individual data points on the bar graph itself. It is thus unclear what they represent. The colours are also not annotated.

      This will be mentioned clearly in both the figure legends and the materials & methods.

      With the phosphoinositide binding domain expression in Fig. 2, panel A image for dOCRL KO looks to be an outlier rather than a picture representing the mean.

      Overall, N numbers should be added to all figure legends, specifying X of cells assessed from Y number of pupae. In terms of the statistical analysis, exact p-values should be reported. It should be indicated where any relevant comparisons made were not significant. In places the authors have done so, but not consistently. In particular, it is unclear whether the differences in Figure 7D were statistically tested - no p values are reported in the figure legend and no comparisons are indicated in the figure itself.

      This will be done in the revised manuscript.__ __ In Figure 7B, it looks like hOCRL PD is barely expressed so it is hard to interpret the lack of rescue shown in panels C and D

      It is not uncommon for kinase and phosphatase dead mutant proteins to be expressed at lower levels than their wild type counterpart; this has been reported many times in the literature. However, will look through our collection of independent transgenic lines and try to find a line where the phosphatase dead mutant expresses at levels as close to the wild type protein as possible.

      Minor comments

      The length of scale bars needs reporting in the figure legend (or on the figures themselves)

      We will include the scale bars in the figure legend__ __ In figure 2A the cell in the control image is a substantially different shape to the other cells indicated in the figure: I assume this is just natural variation and bears no functional significance?

      This is natural variation. Even in a single wild type larva, one typically sees variation in the shape of individual pericardial nephrocytes.

      I was confused by what the difference between Sup Fig 2F vs Figure 6A was - is this reporting identical data for Control and Nephrocyte specific KO but just once on a log scale and once not (and in the supplemental with the addition of the whole organism knock-out)?

      These are not identical data plotted using two different scales, rather separate data.

      Were the authors surprised that the according to the data the nephrocyte specific knock-out elevated PI(4,5)P2 levels more than the whole organism knock-out?

      Yes, the reviewer is correct in noting that the levels of PIP2 at the plasma membrane are higher in the nephroKO compared to the germline KO. We believe that the reason for the higher levels of PIP2 in the Nephrocyte specific ko is that this is an acute depletion of OCRL whereas in the germline mutant adaptation through other mechanisms may have partly restored PIP2 levels over time. Acute depletion offers limited scope for compensation.

      __ __ For figures 6B-D and 7C-D representative examples of the images used to generate the data shown in the graphs should be added at least as a supplemental figure.

      This will be provided

      Line 196. Need to cite Sup Fig 1E-F in text Line 214 Need to cite Sup Fig 1I-J in text

      We will include it

      The figure legend for Figure 7 makes reference to a "Figure 7E" which is not present in the manuscript.

      This will be corrected.

      __Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):____ __ This paper describes a fly model that links nephrocyte physiology with molecular mechanism of rare disease significance. The paper characterises nephrocyte function by silver nitrate clearance and clathrin and bulk uptake pathways and links them to phosphoinositide lipid levels. Biosensor expression is used alongside lipid mass spectrometry measurements. The paper goes on to measure the effect of re-expression of the human gene and patient mutations. The paper reinforces existing understanding of the physiological and molecular basis of the human kidney disease.

      The nephrocyte phenotype mirrors the proximal tubule kidney phenotype observed in a variety of other models, such as the mouse model. Previous work in Drosophila and in other models needs setting out more thoroughly in the introduction and the advantages of the current work made more obvious. Drosophila has the added advantage of being more genetically tractable as a model than for example the mouse model, and so the similarity of behaviour between the two makes this model useful for the field. However it comes across in the text that this is the first use of Drosophila to examine OCRL when this is not the case. The authors are missing some key references to other work to place their study in context. This is not the first Drosophila model of Lowe syndrome. The authors do mention a study by El Kadhi and colleagues (2011) in passing, however a study from Del Signore and colleagues (2017: PMID 29028801) is missing, as is Mondin et al 2019 PMID: 31118240). Whilst Del Signore et al primarily concerns hemocytes, rather than nephrocytes, several comparable observations were made to the submitted work. The Del Signore paper reports several disruptions to the endolysosomal system in hemocytes, which would be consistent with the observations here in nephrocytes, and it also reports the larval lethality after the 3rd instar stage, again consistent with this study. The authors need to set out how is this paper different to what has previously been done in fly.

      We apologise for missing out on citing the work of Signore e.al 2017. This will be done in the revised version.

      The discussion lacks sufficient detail on the work done in the humanised mouse model too (Festa et al , 2019). This study is mentioned in passing in the introduction, but needs fuller discussion compared to the fly model and mammalian cell culture and zebrafish larval models that the authors discuss.

      We will present a comparative discussion of Festa e.al 2019 in the revised version.

      The reviewer expertise is in cell biology of OCRL. Nephrocyte physiology and detailed fly issues are outside reviewer expertise.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      This paper describes a function for the Lowe Syndrome phosphoinositide phosphatase OCRL in Drosophila kidney-like nephrocytes. The authors replicate previous findings that Drosophila ocrl null mutants are larval/pupal lethal, and further show that these null mutants fail to clear heavy metal from their nephrocytes. As previously shown in many cell types including in Drosophila, they find that ocrl mutant nephrocytes exhibit endocytic, endolysosomal, and autophagy defects. These defects are rescued by human OCRL but not an enzymatically inactive version or a patient mutation. Overall, this paper validates Drosophila as a model to explore the endocytic/endolysosomal basis of kidney defects in Lowe Syndrome.

      Major comments:

      For Figure 2E, ____please do not refer to a non-significant difference____ as a "trend". Trend is a statistical term that refers to patterns found in time series datasets. Datasets below the defined threshold of statistical significance are simply "not significantly different". Overall this figure shows a negative result (no change in PIP2 levels in whole animals, and no effect of rescue), and should be described as such. It is not surprising that whole animal PIP2 levels are unaltered in OCRL mutants as there are other phosphatases such as synaptojanin that may be more important in abundant cell types.

      Thank you, we will correct this.

      The dot-GAL4 driver used for CRISPR of OCRL is not nephrocyte-specific. It also expresses in salivary glands, lymph glands, and weakly in hemocytes (PMID 12324942). It is therefore possible that some of the phenotypes arise from non-cell-autonomous functions, notably hemocyte activation and systemic inflammatory responses as previously reported for Drosophila ocrl mutants (PMID 29028801). The conclusions about cell autonomy of the phenotype should either be softened, or additional experiments should be done with complementary drivers.

      We propose to carry out key nephrocyte phenotypes such as dextran uptake using other Gal4 lines such as AB1 Gal4, Hml Gal4 to rule contributions from salivary glands, lymph gland and hemocytes to the phenotypes seen with Dot-GAL4. We will also check phenotypes with Sns-Gal4 which is also a nephrocyte specific GAL4. This will be included in the revised manuscript.

      The very low expression level of the human phosphatase-dead mutant makes it impossible to assess if rescue is due to the mutation or simply to lack of protein. Do similarly low expression levels of the wild type protein rescue?

      It is not uncommon for kinase and phosphatase dead mutant proteins to be expressed at lower levels than their wild type counterpart; this has been reported many times in the literature. However, will look through our collection of independent transgenic lines and try to find a line where the phosphatase dead mutant expresses at levels as close to the wild type protein as possible.

      Minor comments:

      • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.

      __Additional information is required for image analysis methods to enable replication: __It's not clear what the authors mean by "estimating the ratio of plasma membrane/cytoplasmic fluorescence" (p5 line 132). Why estimating and not measuring? If measured (as suggested by the graphs), details of the image analysis method (eg definition of plasma membrane and cytoplasmic ROI) must be described in such a way that they could be replicated. The only method currently provided is "Raw data of imaging were processed and analyzed using Fiji ImageJ,"

      Philosophically, all measurements are at some level an estimate; any measurement is the best estimate of what is under consideration, limited by the technical features of the measurement method being used. If the reviewer insists, we agree to change the word “estimating” to “measuring”. The Padinjat lab has published multiple times on the best possible way of estimating phosphoinositide levels at membranes including plasma membrane levels of PIP2 and PI4P. These methods consider various important factors such as the level of expression of the probe, the size of the cells being measured, method of imaging, plane of the cell being imaged, etc. These methods have been previously published in multiple peer-reviewed papers and described in detail in those studies including imaging parameters, sampling methods and data analysis approaches (Sharma et.al Cell.Reports 2019; PMID: 31091438-Star Methods and Basu et.al Dev.Biol 2020 PMID: 32194035). In this study we have used these methods. In view of the reviewer’s comments, we will cite these papers (one is already cited) and include them in the legends of the relevant figures.

      __ __For immunofluorescence, the authors state that mean fluorescence intensity of "EEA-1 and Rab-7 staining was quantified after background subtraction from the maximum projections of the stacks and normalized to the area of nephrocytes." Please detail how background was identified and subtracted.

      The steps were followed for the background subtraction in quantifying the MFI of EEA-1 and Rab7 staining:

      1. Open the Raw image in ImageJ Fiji.
      2. Make a maximum projections of all the stacks by selecting Image> stack>Z project>select maximum projection.
      3. Convert the Max Z projected image to HiLo mode by selecting LUT>HiLO.
      4. To subtract the background manually draw an ROI in the image on an area that is devoid of any nephrocytes by selecting the oval selection tool. Six such 6 ROIs were drawn in the background of the image.
      5. Now measure the MFI of these 6 background ROIs by selecting Analyze>Measure
      6. Copy the MFI of all these 6 backgrounds ROIs into the Excel file and calculate the average MFI of these backgrounds 7 Using this average value of the background MFI in ImageJ select Process>Math>Subtract>Enter the average MFI of the background>Click OK

      You can always preview the image with background subtraction. This image has been background subtracted. Post the above streps, we drew an ROI around the nephrocyte border and measured the MFI of the EEA-1/Rab7 staining.

      All the measurements with the ROIs have been stored in the server along with the Raw images__. __

      __ __ For Figure 3C, 6B, 7D it is not clear why the authors have used the categorical measurement of % of cells with red pixels rather than simply measuring the continuous variable of mean pixel intensity. Can more explanation be provided for this choice?

      Our goal here is quantifying the level of AgNO3 in nephrocytes. Since AgNO3 it is not a fluorochrome traditional methods of quantification used for fluorochromes are not applicable as one would encounter the problem of non-linearity and saturating images. Since it is difficult to assess the intensity values from the color brightfield images, we used the following method.

      The raw brightfield images are opened in FIJI and are converted to 8-bit images (Image>type>8-bit). The images are then inverted using edit>invert and further converted to 16 color pixel LUT (Image>Lookup table> 16 colours) which shows the distribution and intensity of AgNO3 in the following order from white corresponding to the high intensity of AgNO3 and black being the least intense.

      To validate our method, we tested it using Rab5-DN/Rab5-RNAi which shows no uptake of AgNO3 (previously published in PMID: PMC5429992). This experiment showed that our analysis works as expected. __ __ - Are prior studies referenced appropriately?

      Referencing of prior studies is extremely inadequate, resulting in inflated claims of novelty. Comments can be found below in the significance section.

      We will revise the referencing (more details below).

      • Are the text and figures clear and accurate?

      Text and figures are ok.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      • General assessment: provide a summary of the strengths and limitations of the study. What are the strongest and most important aspects? What aspects of the study should be improved or could be developed?

      The study provides a validated new system in which to study ocrl function in kidney-like cells in flies. There are a few technical and interpretation concerns that should be easily addressed. One main limitation of the study is that it does not provide new mechanistic or physiological insight into how OCRL regulates kidney function. A related major limitation is that the manuscript is not placed in its proper context in the field - these phenotypes have been previously observed in other animal models and also in other cell types in the fly, but the paper does not properly cite that previous literature.

      We respectfully reiterate that the title of our paper “A genetic and physiological model of renal dysfunction in Lowe syndrome”

      Further we would like to reiterate the last line of the abstract which typically sums up what the paper is about is as follows: “Overall, this work provides a model system to understand the mechanisms by which the sub-cellular changes from loss of OCRL leads to defects in kidney function in human patients.”

      Nowhere in the manuscript, neither title, abstract or elsewhere have we claimed to have provided new mechanistic or physiological insight into how OCRL regulates kidney function. However, this study is a very detailed and in-depth description of a model system to stud the renal manifestations of Lowe syndrome using the genetically tractable model system, Drosophila. It will be a solid foundation on which many labs can base future studies, both basic and applied in relation to Lowe syndrome.

      • Advance: compare the study to the closest related results in the literature or highlight results reported for the first time to your knowledge; does the study extend the knowledge in the field and in which way? Describe the nature of the advance and the resulting insights (for example: conceptual, technical, clinical, mechanistic, functional,...).

      Referencing of prior studies is extremely inadequate, and many of the claims of novelty are incorrect. The introduction asserts that only cellular studies have been conducted in kidney cells and animals, and that "the relationship of the endolysosomal defects in OCRL depleted cells to the altered physiology of kidney cells of LS patients has not been completely determined". Some of the cited papers (e.g. PMID 30590522) did characterize renal physiology at the level of proteinuria, very similar to the silver clearance described in this paper. Additional but important uncited papers that correlate cellular defects with kidney function include PMID 31676724 and 22680056. The authors should thoroughly acknowledge and reference the previous literature on animal and cellular models of kidney dysfunction upon loss of OCRL.

      There are almost 35 manuscripts on the cellular phenotypes of OCRL, many of them reporting cellular defects in various cell types and model system; indeed, there are 6 papers that mention Drosophila OCRL. It is hard to cite them all and, in some cases, reconcile findings between them. Nevertheless, we will take on board the reviewer’s comment positively and try to cite several more.

      It is also essential to cite published Drosophila in vivo OCRL literature (PMID 29028801), which is completely omitted. A naïve reader would miss that fly OCRL null mutants have previously been characterized in vivo, and that many of the reported findings are duplicated in this paper, including lethal phase, transgene rescue, and most of the cellular phenotypes (PIP2 levels, endocytic and endosomal defects, lysotracker, and autophagy defects, though in hemocytes rather than nephrocytes, and with some interesting differences that are worth pursuing, such as Rab7 levels). The paragraph on p 9 discussing comparison of Drosophila to other systems completely ignores these previous findings. Further, the current manuscript uses specific fly OCRL tools (antibodies and transgenes) from the previous paper without citation, and the reader would not know to look up how these tools were generated and validated. I have signed this review to note that the previous Drosophila work happens to have been from my group, but objectively any knowledgeable reviewer would recognize that it should have been cited and discussed in this paper. Overall it is a disservice to the field to claim novelty by failing to cite the relevant literature. The introduction and discussion should be extensively revised to put the work in its proper context.

      The introduction and discussion will be revised accordingly.

      To summarize: previously it was known that defects in endosomal membrane traffic in kidney cells of "humanized" ocrl mice or of zebrafish correlated with defects in renal function. It was also known that Drosophila ocrl null mutants are larval/pupal lethal and that their blood cells exhibit endosomal trafficking defects similar to those shown in the current study. This paper shows for the first time that ocrl null mutants also have endosomal trafficking defects in kidney-like nephrocytes, and show defects in the physiological clearing functions of nephrocytes. Thus, this paper replicates the literature for ocrl function in other cell types in Drosophila and in other animal models, and provides a helpful new experimental system for future mechanistic or therapeutic tests of OCRL function in kidney-like cells. However, it does not provide a mechanistic advance into which of the many cellular phenotypes previously observed (and repeated here) lead to kidney dysfunction.

      We would respectfully reiterate the title of our paper “A genetic and physiological model of renal dysfunction in Lowe syndrome”

      Further we would like to reiterate the last line of the abstract which typically sums up what the paper is about: “Overall, this work provides a model system to understand the mechanisms by which the sub-cellular changes from loss of OCRL leads to defects in kidney function in human patients.”

      Nowhere in the manuscript, neither title, abstract or elsewhere have we claimed to have provided new mechanistic or physiological insight into how OCRL regulates kidney function.

      • Audience: describe the type of audience ("specialized", "broad", "basic research", "translational/clinical", etc...) that will be interested or influenced by this research; how will this research be used by others; will it be of interest beyond the specific field?

      This paper will be of interest to researchers studying Lowe Syndrome or membrane traffic in Drosophila nephrocytes.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This paper describes a function for the Lowe Syndrome phosphoinositide phosphatase OCRL in Drosophila kidney-like nephrocytes. The authors replicate previous findings that Drosophila ocrl null mutants are larval/pupal lethal, and further show that these null mutants fail to clear heavy metal from their nephrocytes. As previously shown in many cell types including in Drosophila, they find that ocrl mutant nephrocytes exhibit endocytic, endolysosomal, and autophagy defects. These defects are rescued by human OCRL but not an enzymatically inactive version or a patient mutation. Overall, this paper validates Drosophila as a model to explore the endocytic/endolysosomal basis of kidney defects in Lowe Syndrome.

      Major comments:

      For Figure 2E, please do not refer to a non-significant difference as a "trend". Trend is a statistical term that refers to patterns found in time series datasets. Datasets below the defined threshold of statistical significance are simply "not significantly different". Overall this figure shows a negative result (no change in PIP2 levels in whole animals, and no effect of rescue), and should be described as such. It is not surprising that whole animal PIP2 levels are unaltered in OCRL mutants as there are other phosphatases such as synaptojanin that may be more important in abundant cell types.

      The dot-GAL4 driver used for CRISPR of OCRL is not nephrocyte-specific. It also expresses in salivary glands, lymph glands, and weakly in hemocytes (PMID 12324942). It is therefore possible that some of the phenotypes arise from non-cell-autonomous functions, notably hemocyte activation and systemic inflammatory responses as previously reported for Drosophila ocrl mutants (PMID 29028801). The conclusions about cell autonomy of the phenotype should either be softened, or additional experiments should be done with complementary drivers.

      The very low expression level of the human phosphatase-dead mutant makes it impossible to assess if rescue is due to the mutation or simply to lack of protein. Do similarly low expression levels of the wild type protein rescue?

      Minor comments:

      • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.

      Additional information is required for image analysis methods to enable replication: It's not clear what the authors mean by "estimating the ratio of plasma membrane/cytoplasmic fluorescence" (p5 line 132). Why estimating and not measuring? If measured (as suggested by the graphs), details of the image analysis method (eg definition of plasma membrane and cytoplasmic ROI) must be described in such a way that they could be replicated. The only method currently provided is "Raw data of imaging were processed and analyzed using Fiji ImageJ,"

      For immunofluorescence, the authors state that mean fluorescence intensity of "EEA-1 and Rab-7 staining was quantified after background subtraction from the maximum projections of the stacks and normalized to the area of nephrocytes." Please detail how background was identified and subtracted.

      For Figure 3C, 6B, 7D it is not clear why the authors have used the categorical measurement of % of cells with red pixels rather than simply measuring the continuous variable of mean pixel intensity. Can more explanation be provided for this choice? - Are prior studies referenced appropriately?

      Referencing of prior studies is extremely inadequate, resulting in inflated claims of novelty. Comments can be found below in the significance section. - Are the text and figures clear and accurate?

      Text and figures are ok.


      • General assessment: provide a summary of the strengths and limitations of the study. What are the strongest and most important aspects? What aspects of the study should be improved or could be developed?

      The study provides a validated new system in which to study ocrl function in kidney-like cells in flies. There are a few technical and interpretation concerns that should be easily addressed. One main limitation of the study is that it does not provide new mechanistic or physiological insight into how OCRL regulates kidney function. A related major limitation is that the manuscript is not placed in its proper context in the field - these phenotypes have been previously observed in other animal models and also in other cell types in the fly, but the paper does not properly cite that previous literature. - Advance: compare the study to the closest related results in the literature or highlight results reported for the first time to your knowledge; does the study extend the knowledge in the field and in which way? Describe the nature of the advance and the resulting insights (for example: conceptual, technical, clinical, mechanistic, functional,...).

      Referencing of prior studies is extremely inadequate, and many of the claims of novelty are incorrect. The introduction asserts that only cellular studies have been conducted in kidney cells and animals, and that "the relationship of the endolysosomal defects in OCRL depleted cells to the altered physiology of kidney cells of LS patients has not been completely determined". Some of the cited papers (e.g. PMID 30590522) did characterize renal physiology at the level of proteinuria, very similar to the silver clearance described in this paper. Additional but important uncited papers that correlate cellular defects with kidney function include PMID 31676724 and 22680056. The authors should thoroughly acknowledge and reference the previous literature on animal and cellular models of kidney dysfunction upon loss of OCRL.

      It is also essential to cite published Drosophila in vivo OCRL literature (PMID 29028801), which is completely omitted. A naïve reader would miss that fly OCRL null mutants have previously been characterized in vivo, and that many of the reported findings are duplicated in this paper, including lethal phase, transgene rescue, and most of the cellular phenotypes (PIP2 levels, endocytic and endosomal defects, lysotracker, and autophagy defects, though in hemocytes rather than nephrocytes, and with some interesting differences that are worth pursuing, such as Rab7 levels). The paragraph on p 9 discussing comparison of Drosophila to other systems completely ignores these previous findings. Further, the current manuscript uses specific fly OCRL tools (antibodies and transgenes) from the previous paper without citation, and the reader would not know to look up how these tools were generated and validated. I have signed this review to note that the previous Drosophila work happens to have been from my group, but objectively any knowledgeable reviewer would recognize that it should have been cited and discussed in this paper. Overall it is a disservice to the field to claim novelty by failing to cite the relevant literature. The introduction and discussion should be extensively revised to put the work in its proper context.

      To summarize: previously it was known that defects in endosomal membrane traffic in kidney cells of "humanized" ocrl mice or of zebrafish correlated with defects in renal function. It was also known that Drosophila ocrl null mutants are larval/pupal lethal and that their blood cells exhibit endosomal trafficking defects similar to those shown in the current study. This paper shows for the first time that ocrl null mutants also have endosomal trafficking defects in kidney-like nephrocytes, and show defects in the physiological clearing functions of nephrocytes. Thus, this paper replicates the literature for ocrl function in other cell types in Drosophila and in other animal models, and provides a helpful new experimental system for future mechanistic or therapeutic tests of OCRL function in kidney-like cells. However, it does not provide a mechanistic advance into which of the many cellular phenotypes previously observed (and repeated here) lead to kidney dysfunction. - Audience: describe the type of audience ("specialized", "broad", "basic research", "translational/clinical", etc...) that will be interested or influenced by this research; how will this research be used by others; will it be of interest beyond the specific field?

      This paper will be of interest to researchers studying Lowe Syndrome or membrane traffic in Drosophila nephrocytes. - Please define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      I am an expert in the cell biology of membrane traffic, Drosophila as a model system, and imaging and image analysis. Avital Rodal Professor of Biology Brandeis University

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The researchers have generated an OCRL knockout Drosophila model and successfully used it to model the kidney dysfunction phenotypes of the rare genetic condition Lowe syndrome. They demonstrate endolysosomal phenotypes consistent with observations reported in other model systems, and illustrate that these translate to disrupted endocytic uptake, and clearing of ingested silver nitrate. In addition, there was a significant effect on growth and development of larvae. Phenotypes could be rescued by expression of human WT OCRL, but not by expression of a patient derived mutant version.

      Major comments:

      The experiments are generally well performed, logical and support the conclusions made by the authors. It would be nice to observe whether there is actin accumulation on the perturbed endosomal compartments described in Figure 4 as this is a common feature observed in other kidney model systems of the disease, although that is not an essential observation for the story outlined in the paper.

      The methods outlined are clear. N numbers and statistical results however are more opaquely reported. Although the number of replicates is mentioned in the material and methods, they are not mentioned in the figure legends, and at least for the silver nitrate uptake experiment, the N number reported does not seem to match the data points on the bar graph - the material and methods reports the experiment was done three times in triplicate, but there are only two individual data points on the bar graph itself. It is thus unclear what they represent. The colours are also not annotated.

      With the phosphoinositide binding domain expression in Fig. 2, panel A image for dOCRL KO looks to be an outlier rather than a picture representing the mean.

      Overall, N numbers should be added to all figure legends, specifying X of cells assessed from Y number of pupae. In terms of the statistical analysis, exact p-values should be reported. It should be indicated where any relevant comparisons made were not significant. In places the authors have done so, but not consistently. In particular, it is unclear whether the differences in Figure 7D were statistically tested - no p values are reported in the figure legend and no comparisons are indicated in the figure itself.

      In Figure 7B, it looks like hOCRL PD is barely expressed so it is hard to interpret the lack of rescue shown in panels C and D.

      Minor comments

      The length of scale bars needs reporting in the figure legend (or on the figures themselves)

      In figure 2A the cell in the control image is a substantially different shape to the other cells indicated in the figure: I assume this is just natural variation and bears no functional significance?

      I was confused by what the difference between Sup Fig 2F vs Figure 6A was - is this reporting identical data for Control and Nephrocyte specific KO but just once on a log scale and once not (and in the supplemental with the addition of the whole organism knock-out)? Were the authors surprised that the according to the data the nephrocyte specific knock-out elevated PI(4,5)P2 levels more than the whole organism knock-out?

      For figures 6B-D and 7C-D representative examples of the images used to generate the data shown in the graphs should be added at least as a supplemental figure.

      Line 196. Need to cite Sup Fig 1E-F in text

      Line 214 Need to cite Sup Fig 1I-J in text

      The figure legend for Figure 7 makes reference to a "Figure 7E" which is not present in the manuscript.


      This paper describes a fly model that links nephrocyte physiology with molecular mechanism of rare disease significance. The paper characterises nephrocyte function by silver nitrate clearance and clathrin and bulk uptake pathways and links them to phosphoinositide lipid levels. Biosensor expression is used alongside lipid mass spectrometry measurements. The paper goes on to measure the effect of re-expression of the human gene and patient mutations. The paper reinforces existing understanding of the physiological and molecular basis of the human kidney disease.

      The nephrocyte phenotype mirrors the proximal tubule kidney phenotype observed in a variety of other models, such as the mouse model. Previous work in Drosophila and in other models needs setting out more thoroughly in the introduction and the advantages of the current work made more obvious. Drosophila has the added advantage of being more genetically tractable as a model than for example the mouse model, and so the similarity of behaviour between the two makes this model useful for the field.

      However it comes across in the text that this is the first use of Drosophila to examine OCRL when this is not the case. The authors are missing some key references to other work to place their study in context. This is not the first Drosophila model of Lowe syndrome. The authors do mention a study by El Kadhi and colleagues (2011) in passing, however a study from Del Signore and colleagues (2017: PMID 29028801) is missing, as is Mondin et al 2019 PMID: 31118240). Whilst Del Signore et al primarily concerns hemocytes, rather than nephrocytes, several comparable observations were made to the submitted work. The Del Signore paper reports several disruptions to the endolysosomal system in hemocytes, which would be consistent with the observations here in nephrocytes, and it also reports the larval lethality after the 3rd instar stage, again consistent with this study. The authors need to set out how is this paper different to what has previously been done in fly. The discussion lacks sufficient detail on the work done in the humanised mouse model too (Festa et al , 2019). This study is mentioned in passing in the introduction, but needs fuller discussion compared to the fly model and mammalian cell culture and zebrafish larval models that the authors discuss.

      The reviewer expertise is in cell biology of OCRL. Nephrocyte physiology and detailed fly issues are outside reviewer expertise.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this study the Drosophila orthologue of OCRL, the gene mutated in Lowe syndrome, is knocked out and effects upon whole organism physiology and upon the specific function of nephrocytes, the equivalent of the vertebrate kidney, are analysed. The authors report decreased viability of KO animals, in agreement with previous work, and go on to show that nephrocytes are defective in clearance of material from the hemolymph (equivalent of blood). This is accompanied by altered PIP2 and PI4P levels and perturbed endolysosmal organelles. Nephrocyte-specific KO indicates these changes are cell autonomous. Importantly, the phenotypes can be rescued by re-expression of dOCRL, and the human OCRL also rescues, but not when containing mutations that abrogate lipid phosphatase activity or seen in a human Lowe syndrome patient.

      The results are clear and convincing and indicate that the Drosophila OCRL KOs (global and nephrocyte-specific) are good models for understanding OCRL function in the kidney. The findings nicely recapitulate what has been shown in human cell lines and previously published zebrafish and mouse models. In that sense the findings are not unexpected and there is some lack of novelty. Nevertheless, the results here, showing the modelling of OCRL in flies, is important to publish. The fly model also offers certain advantages for future studies e.g. ease of genetics and lack of redundancy, which should prove valuable for such investigations. The paper serves as a very solid framework going forwards.

      I only have a few suggestions for improving the manuscript, listed below:

      1. The referencing is quite minimal and more relevant references should be cited. An obvious one is Del Signore et al describing KO of OCRL in flies, and there are others on OCRL on endocytosis that were not cited e.g. Erdmann et al, Nandez et al, Choudhury et al.
      2. The figure panels should be presented in the right order in the text, which matches their numbering in the figures.
      3. Better description is required in a few places in the text so the reader can follow the experiments. For example, what cells are shown in figure 2? How were the PIP probes expressed? Is the imaging in vivo or ex vivo? In Fig 4, how ere the ex vivo experiments performed?
      4. The microscopy images in Figure 4 are too dark.
      5. Figure S2A needs some sort of schematic so the reader can understand what is being shown.
      6. In Fig S2G the PIP2 distribution looks different in the nKO compared to the total KO- more on the PM. Is this a consistent result and what is the explanation if so?
      7. In Fig 7 the expression of phosphatase dead OCRL is barely detectable. This makes the functional data difficult to interpret with any certainty. The authors need to be more circumspect in their description of this data and change the writing accordingly.


      The results are clear and convincing and indicate that the Drosophila OCRL KOs (global and nephrocyte-specific) are good models for understanding OCRL function in the kidney. The findings nicely recapitulate what has been shown in human cell lines and previously published zebrafish and mouse models. In that sense the findings are not unexpected and there is some lack of novelty. Nevertheless, the results here, showing the modelling of OCRL in flies, is important to publish. The fly model also offers certain advantages for future studies e.g. ease of genetics and lack of redundancy, which should prove valuable for such investigations. The paper serves as a very solid framework going forwards.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Seleit and colleagues set out to explore the genetics of developmental timing and tissue size by mapping natural genetic variation associated with segmentation clock period and presomitic mesoderm (PSM) size in different species of Medaka fish. They first establish the extent of variation between five different Medaka species of in terms of organismal size, segmentation rate, segment size and presomitic mesoderm size, among other traits. They find that these traits are species-specific but strongly correlated. In a massive undertaking, they then perform developmental QTL mapping for segmentation clock period and PSM size in a set of ~600 F2 fish resulting from the cross of Orizyas sakaizumii (Kaga) and Orizyas latipes (Cab). Correlation between segmentation period and segment size was lost among the F2s, indicating that distinct genetic modules control these traits. Although the researchers fail to identify causal variants driving these traits, they perform proof of concept perturbations by analyzing F0 Crispants in which candidate genes were knocked out. Overall, the study introduces a completely new methodology (QTL mapping) to the field of segmentation and developmental tempo, and therefore provides multiple valuable insights into the forces driving evolution of these traits.

      Major comments: - The first sentence in the abstract reads "How the timing of development is linked to organismal size is a longstanding question". It is therefore disappointing that organismal size is not reported for the F2 hybrids. Was larval length measured in the F2s? If so, it should be reported. It is critical to understand whether the correlation between larval size and segmentation clock period is preserved in F2s or not, therefore determining if they represent a single or separate developmental modules. If larval length data were not collected, the authors need to be more careful with their wording.

      The question the reviewer raises here is indeed a very relevant one, and a question that we also were curious about ourselves. While it was not possible (logistically) to grow the 600 F2 fish to adulthood, we did measure larval length in a subset of F2 hatchling (n=72) to ask precisely the question the reviewer raises here. Our results (new Supplementary Figure 5) show that the correlation between larval length and segmentation timing (which we report across the Oryzias species) is absent in the F2s. This indeed argues that the traits represent separate developmental modules.

      In the current version of the paper, organismal size is often incorrectly equated to tissue size (e.g. PSM size, segment size). For example, in page 3 lines 33-34, the authors state that faster segmentation occurred in embryos of smaller size (Fig. 1D). However, Fig. 1D shows correlation between segmentation rate and unsegmented PSM area. The appropriate data to show would be segmentation rate vs. larval or adult length.

      The reviewer is correct. We have now linked the data more clearly to data we show in Supplementary Figure 1, which shows that adult length and adult mass are strongly correlated (S1A) and that adult mass is in turn strongly correlated with segmentation rate in the different Oryzias species (S1B). Additionally main Figure 1B shows that larval length is correlated with PSM length. We have corrected the main text to reflect these relationships more clearly.

      • Is my understanding correct in that the her7-venus reporter is carried by the Cab F0 but not the Kaga F0? Presumably only F2s which carried the reporter were selected for phenotyping. I would expect the location of the reporter in the genome to be obvious in Figure 3J as a region that is only Cab or het but never Kaga. Can the authors please point to the location of the reporter?

      The reviewer is correct. Indeed the location of our her7-venus KI is on chromosome 16 and the recombination patterns on this chromosome overwhelmingly show either Hom Cab (green) or Het Cab/Kaga (Black). This is expected as we selected fish carrying the her7-venus KI for phenotyping.

      • devQTL mapping in this study seems like a wasted opportunity. The authors perform mapping only to then hand pick their targets based on GO annotations. This biases the study towards genes known to be involved in PSM development, when part of the appeal of QTL mapping is precisely its unbiased nature and the potential to discover new functionally relevant genes. The authors need to better justify their rationale for candidate prioritization from devQTL peaks. The GO analysis should be shown as supplemental data. What criteria were used to select genes based on GO annotations?

      We have now commented on these valid points and outlined our rationale in more detail in the text (page 4, lines 20-30). Our rationale now also includes selection of differentially expressed genes (n=5 genes) that fall within segmentation timing devQTL hits (for more details see below). Essentially, while we indeed finally focused on the proof of principle using known genes, these genes were previously not known to play a role in either setting the timing of segmentation or controlling the size of the PSM. Hence, we do think our strategy demonstrates the "the potential to discover new functionally relevant genes", even though the genes themselves had been involved overall in somitogenesis. We added the GO analysis as supplemental data as requested (new Supplementary Figure 7E).

      • Analysis of the predicted functional consequence of divergent SNPs (Fig. S6B, F) is superficial. Among missense variants, which genes harbor the most deleterious mutations? Which missense variants are located in highly conserved residues? Which genes carry variants in splice donors/acceptors? Carefully assessing the predicted effect of SNPs in coding regions would provide an alternative, less biased approach to prioritize candidate genes.

      We now included our analysis of SNPs based on the Variant effect predictor (VEP) tool from ensembl. This analysis does rank the predicted severity of the SNP on protein structure and function (Impact: low, moderate, high) and does annotate which variants can affect splice donors/acceptors. The VEP analysis for both phenotypes is now added to the manuscript as supplemental data (new Supplementary Data S2, S5).

      • Another potential way to prioritize candidate genes within devQTL peaks would be to use the RNA seq data. The authors should perform differential expression analysis between Kaga and Cab RNA-seq datasets. Do any of the differentially expressed genes fall within the devQTL peaks?

      As suggested we have performed this additional experiment and report the RNAseq differential analysis in new Supplement Figure 7C-D. The analysis revealed 2606 differentially expressed genes in the PSM between Kaga and Cab, five of which were candidate genes from the devQTL analysis. We now tested all of these (5 in total, 4 new and 1 previously targeted adgrg1) for segmentation timing by CRISPR/Cas9 KO in the her7-venus background, none of which showed a timing phenotype (new Supplementary Figure 7F-F'). We provide the complete set of results in new Supplementary Figure 7 , Supplementary Data file 3 (DE-genes), all data were deposited on publicly available repository Biostudies under accession number: E-MTAB-13927.

      • The use of crispants to functionally test candidate genes is inappropriate. Crispants do not mimic the effect of divergent SNPs and therefore completely fail to prove causality. While it is completely understandable that Medaka fish are not amenable to the creation of multiple knock-in lines where divergent SNPs are interconverted between species, better justification is needed. For instance, is there enough data to suggest that the divergent alleles for the candidate genes tested are loss of function? Why was a knockout approach chosen as opposed to overexpression?

      We agree with the reviewer that we do not address the causality of SNPs with the CRISPR/Cas9 KO approach we followed. And medaka does offer the genome editing capabilities to create tailored sequence modifications. So in principle, this can be done. In practice, however, we reasoned that any given SNP will contribute only partially to the observed phenotypes and combinatorial sequence edits are simply very laborious given the current state of the art in genome editing technologies. We therefore opted for an alternative proof of principle approach that aims to "to discover new functionally relevant genes", not SNPs.

      -Along the same line, now that two candidate genes have been shown to modulate the clock period in crispants (mespb and pcdh10b), the authors should at least attempt to knock in the respective divergent SNPs for one of the genes. This is of course optional because it would imply several months of work, but it would significantly increase the impact of the study.

      As above, this is in principle the correct rationale to follow though very time, cost and labour intensive. It is for the later practical consideration that we decided not to follow this option.

      Minor Comments - It would be highly beneficial to describe the ecological differences between the two Medaka species. For example, do the northern O. sakaizumii inhabit a colder climate than the southern O. latipes? Is food more abundant or easily accessible for one species compared to the other? What, if anything, has been described about each species' ecology?

      There are indeed differences in the ecology of both species, with the northern O.sakaizumii inhabiting a colder climate than the southern O. latipes. In addition, it is known that the breeding season is shorter in the north than the south, and also there is the fact that northern species have been shown to have a faster juvenile growth rate than southern species. While it would be premature to link those ecological factors to the timing differences we observe, we can certainly speculate. A line to this effect has been added to the main text (Page 5, line 28-30).

      • The authors describe two different methods for quantifying segmentation clock period (mean vs. intercept). It is still unclear what is the difference between Figs. 3A (clock period), S4A (mean period) and S4B (intercept period). Is clock period just mean period? Are the data then shown twice? How do Fig. 3A and S4A differ?

      The clock period shown in all the main figures is the intercept period, which was also used for the devQTL analysis. Both measurements (mean and intercept) are indeed highly correlated and we include both in supplement for completeness.

      • devQTL as shorthand for developmental QTL should be defined in page 4 line 1 (where the term first appears), not later in line 12 of the same page.

      Noted and corrected, we thank the reviewer for spotting this error.

      • Python code for period quantification should be uploaded to Github and shared with reviewers.

      All period quantification code that was used in this study was obtained from the publicly available tool Pyboat (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.29.067744v3). All code that is used in PyBoat is available from the Github page of the creator of the tool (https://github.com/tensionhead/pyBOAT). Both are linked in the references and materials and methods sections.

      • RNA-seq data should be uploaded to a publicly accessible repository and the reviewer token shared with reviewers.

      We have uploaded all RNA-sequencing Data to public repository BioStudies under accession numbers : E-MTAB-13927, E-MTAB-13928. This information is now also added to material and methods in the manuscript text.

      Why are the maintenance (27-28C) vs. imaging (30C) temperatures different?

      Medaka fish have a wide range of temperatures they can physiologically tolerate, i.e. 17-33. The temperature 30C was chosen for practical reasons, i.e. a slightly faster developmental rate enables higher sample throughput in overnight real-time imaging experiments.

      • For Crispants, control injections should have included a non-targeting sgRNA control instead of simply omitting the sgRNA.

      We agree a non-targeting sgRNA control can be included, though we choose a different approach. For clarity, we now also include a control targeting Oca2, a gene involved in the pigmentation of the eye to probe for any injection related effect on timing and PSM size. As expected, 3 sgRNAs + Cas9 against Oca2 had no impact on timing or PSM size. This data is now shown in new Supplementary Figure 9 F-G'.

      It is difficult to keep track of the species and strains. It would be most helpful if Fig. S1 appeared instead in main figure 1.

      We agree and included an overview of the phylogenetic relationship of all species and their geographical locales in new Figure 1 A-B.


      • The study introduces a new way of thinking about segmentation timing and size scaling by considering natural variation in the context of selection. This new framing will have an important impact on the field.
      • Perhaps the most significant finding is that the correlation between segment timing and size in wild populations is driven not by developmental constraints but rather selection pressure, whereas segment size scaling does form a single developmental module. This finding should be of interest to a broad audience and will influence how researchers in the field approach future studies.
      • It would be helpful to add to the conclusion the author's opinion on whether segmentation timing is a quantitative trait based on the number of QTL peaks identified.
      • The authors should be careful not to assign any causality to the candidate genes that they test in crispants.
      • The data and results are generally well-presented, and the research is highly rigorous.
      • Please note I do have the expertise to evaluate the statistical/bioinformatic methods used for devQTL mapping.

      Reviewer #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Seleit et al. investigate the correlation between segment size, presomitic mesoderm and the rhythm of periodic oscilations in the segmentation clock of developing medaka fish. Specifically, they aim to identify the genetic determinants for said traits. To do so, they employ a common garden approach and measure such traits in separate strains (F0) and in interbreedings across two generations (F1 and F2). They find that whereas presomitic mesoderm and segment size are genetically coupled, the tempo of her7 oscilations it is not. Genetic mapping of the F0 and F2 progeny allows them to identify regions associated to said traits. They go on an perturb 7 loci associated to the segmentation clock and X related to segment size. They show that 2/7 have a tempo defect, and 2/ affect size.

      Major comments: The conclusions are convincing and well supported by the data. I think the work could be published as is in its current state, and no additional experiments that I can think of are needed to support the claims in the paper.

      Minor comments: - The authors could provide a more detailed characterization of the identified SNPs associated to the clock and to PSM size. For the segmentation clock, the authors identify 46872 SNPs, most of which correspond to non-coding regions and are associated to 57 genes. They narrow down their approach to those expressed in the PSM of Cab Kaga. Was the RNA selected from F1 hybrids? I wonder if this would impact the analysis for tempo and or size in any way, as F2 are derived from these, and they show broader variability in the clock period than the F0 and F1 fishes.

      The RNA was obtained from the pure F0 strains and we have now extended this analysis by deep bulk-RNA sequencing and differential gene expression analysis. As indicated also to reviewer 1, this revealed 2606 differentially expressed genes in the unsegmented tails of Kaga and Cab embryos, some of which occurred in devQTL peaks. Based on this information we expanded our list of CRISPR/Cas9 KOs by targeting all differentially expressed genes (5 in total, 4 new and 1 previously targeted) for segmentation timing, none of which showed a timing phenotype (new Supplementary figure 7C-D). We provide the complete set of results in new Supplementary Figure 7, Supplementary Data file 3 (DE-genes). All data were deposited on publicly available repository Biostudies under accession number: E-MTAB-13927.

      It would be good if the authors could discuss if there were any associated categories or overall functional relationships between the SNPs/genes associated to size. And what about in the case of timing?

      In the case of PSM size there were no clear GO terms or functional relationships between the genes that passed the significance threshold on chromosome 3.

      For the 35 genes related to segmentation timing, there were a number of GO enrichment terms directly related to somitogenesis. We have included the GO analysis in the new Supplementary Figure 7E.

      • Have any of the candidate genes or regulatory loci been associated to clock defects (57) or segment size (204) previously in the literature?

      To the best of our knowledge none of the genes have been associated with clock or PSM size defects so far. It might be worthwhile using our results to probe their function in other systems enabling higher throughput functional analysis, such as newly developed organoid models.

      • When the authors narrow down the candidate list, it is not clear if the genes selected as expressed in the PSM are tissue specific. If they are, I wonder if genes with ubiquitous expression would be more informative to investigate tempo of development more broadly. It would be good if the authors could specifically discuss this point in the manuscript.

      We have not addressed the spatial expression pattern of the 35 identified PSM genes in this study, so we cannot speculate further. But the reviewer raises an important point, how timing of individual processes (body axis segmentation) are linked at organismal scale is indeed a fundamental, additional, question that will be addressed in future studies, indeed the in-vivo context we follow here would be ideal for such investigations.

      Can the authors speculate mechanistically why mespb or pchd10b accelerates the period of her7 oscillations?

      While we do not have a mechanistic explanation yet, an additional experiment we performed, i.e. bulk-RNAsequencing on WT and mespb mutant tails, provided additional insight, we now added this data to the manuscript . This analysis revealed 808 differentially expressed genes between wt and mespb mutants. Interestingly, many of these affected genes are known to be expressed outside of the mespb domain, i.e. in the most posterior PSM (i.e. tbxt, foxb1,msgn1, axin2, fgf8, amongst others). This indicates that the effect of mespb downregulation is widespread and possibly occurs at an earlier developmental stage. This requires more follow up studies. This data is now shown in new Supplementary figure 9A, Supplementary Data file S4. We now comment on this point in the revised manuscript.

      • Are there any size difference associated to the functionally validated clock mutants?

      We addressed this point directly and added this analysis as supplementary Figure 9H-H'. While pcdh10b mutants do not show any detectable difference in PSM size, we find a small, statistically significant reduction in PSM size (area but not length) in mespb mutants. All this data is now included in the revised manuscript.

      -Ref 27 shows a lack of correlation between body size and the segmentation period in various species of mammals. The work supports their findings, and it would be good to see this discussed in the text.

      We are not certain how best to compare our in-vivo results in externally developing fish embryos to in-vitro mammalian 2-D cell cultures. In our view, the correlation of embryo size, larval and adult size that we find in Oryzias might not necessarily hold in mammalian species, which would make a comparison more difficult. We do cite the work mentioned so the reader is pointed towards this interesting, complementary literature.


      The work is quite remarkable in terms of the multigenerational genetic analysis performed. The authors have analysed >600 embryos from three separate generations to obtain quantitative data to answer their question (herculean task!). Moreover, they have associated this characterization to specific SNPs. Then, to go beyond the association, they have generated mutant lines and identified specific genes associated to the traits they set out to decipher.

      To my knowledge, this is the first project that aims to identify the genetic determinants for developmental timing. Recent work on developmental timing in mammals has focused on interspecies comparisons and does not provide genetic evidence or insight into how tempo is regulated in the genome. As for vertebrates, recent work from zebrafish has profiled temperature effects on cell proportions and developmental timing. However, the genetic approach of this work is quite elegant and neat.

      Conceptually, it is quite important and unexpected that overall size and tempo are not related. Body size, lifespan, basal metabolic rates and gestational period correlate positively and we tend to think that mechanistically they would all be connected to one another. This paper and Lazaro et al. 2023 (ref 27) are one of the first in which this preconception is challenged in a very methodical and conclusive manner. I believe the work is a breakthrough for the field and this work would be interesting for the field of biological timing, for the segmentation clock community and more broadly for all developmental biologists.

      My field is quantitative stem cell biology and I work on developmental timing myself, so I acknowledge that I am biased in the enthusiasm for the work. It should be noted that as an expert on the field, I have identified instances where other work hasn't been as insightful or well developed in comparison to this piece. It is also worth noting that I am not an expert in fish development, phylogenetic studies or GWAS analyses, so I am not capable to asses any pitfalls in that respect.

      __Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      __Summary: __

      This manuscript explores the temporal and spatial regulation of vertebrate body axis development and patterning. In the early stages of vertebrate embryo development, the axial mesoderm (presomitic mesoderm - PSM) undergoes segmentation, forming structures known as somites. The exact genetic regulation governing somite and PSM size, and their relationship to the periodicity of somite formation remains unclear.

      To address this, the authors used two evolutionarily closely related Medaka species, Oryzias sakaizumii and Oryzias latipes, which, although having distinct characteristics, can produce viable offspring. Through analysis spanning parental (generation F0) and offspring (generations F1 and F2) generations, the authors observed a correlation between PSM and somite size. However, they found that size scaling does not correlate with the timing of somitogenesis.

      Furthermore, employing developmental quantitative trait loci (devQTL) mapping, the authors identified several new candidate loci that may play a role during somitogenesis, influencing timing of segment formation or segment size. The significance of these loci was confirmed through an innovative CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing approach.

      This study highlights that the spatial and temporal aspects of vertebrate segmentation are independently controlled by distinct genetic modular mechanisms.

      __Major comments: __

      1) In the main text page 3, lines 11 and 12, the authors state that the periodicity of the embryo clock of the F1 generation is the intermediate between the parental F0 lineages. However, the authors look only at the periodicity of the Cab strain (Oryzias latipes) segmentation clock. The authors should have a reporter fish line for the Kaga strain (Oryzias sakaizumii) to compare the segmentation clock of both parental strains and their offspring. Since it could be time consuming and laborious, I advise to alternatively rephrase the text of the manuscript.

      We agree a careful distinction between segment forming rate (measured based on morphology) and clock period (measured using the novel reporter we generated) is essential. We show that both measures correlate very well in Cab, in both F0 and F1 and F2 carrying the Cab allele. For Kaga F0, we indeed can only provide the rate of somite formation, which nevertheless allows comparison due to the strong correlation to the clock period we have found. We have rephrased the text accordingly.

      2) It is evident that only a few F0 and F1 animals were analyzed in comparison with the F2 generation. Could the authors kindly explain whether and how this could bias or skew the observed results?

      We provide statistical evidence through the F-test of equality that the variances between the F0, F1 and F2 samples are equal. Additionally if we sub-sample and separate the F2 data into groups of 100 embryos (instead of all 638) we get the same distribution of the F2s. We therefore believe that this is sufficient evidence against a bias or skew in the results.

      3) It would be interesting to create fish lines with the validated CRISPR-Cas9 gene manipulations in different genetic contexts (Cab or Kaga) to analyze the true impact on the segmentation clock and/or PSM & somite sizes.

      We agree with the reviewer this would in principle be of interest indeed, please see our response to reviewer 1 earlier.

      4) Please add the results of the Go Analysis as supplementary material.

      We have added the GO analysis in new Supplementary Figure 7E.

      __Minor comments: __

      1) In the main text, page 2, line 29, Supplementary Figure 1D should be referenced.

      We have added a clearer phylogeny and geographical location of the different species in new Figure 1 A-B. And reference it at the requested location.

      2) In the main text, page 2, line 32, the authors refer to Figure 1B, but it should be 1C.

      We have corrected the information.

      3) Regarding the topic "Correlation of segmentation timing and size in the Oryzias genus" the authors should also give information on the total time of development of the different Oryzias species, as well as the total number of formed somites.

      We follow this recommendation and have added this information in new Supplementary Figure 5. We also now include segment number measured in F2 embryos. We indeed view segmentation rate as a proxy for developmental rate, which however needs to be distinguished from total developmental time. The latter can be measured for instance by quantifying hatching time, which we did. These measurements show that Kaga, Cab and O.hubbsi embryos kept at constant 28 degrees started hatching on the same day while O.minutillus and O.mekongensis embryos started hatching one day earlier. We have not included this data in the manuscript because we think a distinction should be made between rate of development and total development time.

      4) In Figures 3A and B, please add info on the F1 lines for comparison.

      The information on F1 lines is provided in Supplementary Figure 3

      5) Supplementary Figures 2F shows that the generation F1 PSM is similar to Cab F0, and not an intermediate between Kaga F0 and Cab F0. This is interesting and should be discussed.

      We show that the F1 PSM is indeed closer to the PSM of Cab than it is to the Kaga PSM. This is indeed intriguing and we have now commented on this point directly in the text.

      6) Supplementary Figures 6C to H are not mentioned either in the main text or in the extended information. Please add/mention accordingly.

      We have added references to both in the text

      7) The order of Supplementary Figure 8 E to H and A to D appears to be not correct and not following the flow of the text. Please update/correct accordingly.

      We have updated the text accordingly.

      8) The authors should choose between "Fig.", "Fig", "fig.", "fig" or "Figure". All 'variants' can be found in the text.

      Noted, and updated. Fig. is used for main figures and fig. is used for supplementary figures.

      9) The color scheme of several figures (graphs with colored dots) should be revised. Several appear to be difficult to discern and analyze.

      We have enhanced the colours and increased the font on the figure panels. The colour panel was chosen to be colour-blind friendly.

      10) Please address/discuss following questions: What are the known somitogenesis regulating genes in Medaka? How do they correlate with the new candidates?

      The candidates we found and tested had not been implicated in regulating the tempo of segmentation or PSM size, while for some a role in somite formation had been previously established, hence the enrichment in GO analysis Somitogenesis.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment:

      This interesting manuscript describes a novel approach to study and find new players relevant to the regulation of vertebrate segmentation. By employing this innovative methodology, the authors could elegantly demonstrate that the segmentation clock periodicity is independent from the sizes of the PSM and forming somites. The authors were further able to find new genes that may be involved in the regulation of the segmentation clock periodicity and/or the size of the PSM & somites. A limitation of this study is the fact that the results mainly rely on differences between the two species. The integration of additional Medaka species would be beneficial and may help uncover relevant genes and genetic contexts.


      To my best knowledge this is the first time that such a methodology was employed to study the segmentation clock and axial development. Although the topic has been extensively studied in several model organisms, such as mice, chicken, and zebrafish, none of them correlated the size of the embryonic tissues and the periodicity of the embryo clock. This study brings novel technological and functional advances to the study of vertebrate axial development.


      This work is particularly interesting to basic researchers, especially in the field of developmental biology and represents a fresh new approach to study a core developmental process. This study further opens the exciting possibility of using a similar methodology to investigate other aspects of vertebrate development. It is a timely and important manuscript which could be of interest to a wider scientific audience and readership.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This manuscript explores the temporal and spatial regulation of vertebrate body axis development and patterning. In the early stages of vertebrate embryo development, the axial mesoderm (presomitic mesoderm - PSM) undergoes segmentation, forming structures known as somites. The exact genetic regulation governing somite and PSM size, and their relationship to the periodicity of somite formation remains unclear.

      To address this, the authors used two evolutionarily closely related Medaka species, Oryzias sakaizumii and Oryzias latipes, which, although having distinct characteristics, can produce viable offspring. Through analysis spanning parental (generation F0) and offspring (generations F1 and F2) generations, the authors observed a correlation between PSM and somite size. However, they found that size scaling does not correlate with the timing of somitogenesis.

      Furthermore, employing developmental quantitative trait loci (devQTL) mapping, the authors identified several new candidate loci that may play a role during somitogenesis, influencing timing of segment formation or segment size. The significance of these loci was confirmed through an innovative CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing approach.

      This study highlights that the spatial and temporal aspects of vertebrate segmentation are independently controlled by distinct genetic modular mechanisms.

      Major comments:

      1. In the main text page 3, lines 11 and 12, the authors state that the periodicity of the embryo clock of the F1 generation is the intermediate between the parental F0 lineages. However, the authors look only at the periodicity of the Cab strain (Oryzias latipes) segmentation clock. The authors should have a reporter fish line for the Kaga strain (Oryzias sakaizumii) to compare the segmentation clock of both parental strains and their offspring. Since it could be time consuming and laborious, I advise to alternatively rephrase the text of the manuscript.
      2. It is evident that only a few F0 and F1 animals were analyzed in comparison with the F2 generation. Could the authors kindly explain whether and how this could bias or skew the observed results?
      3. It would be interesting to create fish lines with the validated CRISPR-Cas9 gene manipulations in different genetic contexts (Cab or Kaga) to analyze the true impact on the segmentation clock and/or PSM & somite sizes.
      4. Please add the results of the Go Analysis as supplementary material.

      Minor comments:

      1. In the main text, page 2, line 29, Supplementary Figure 1D should be referenced.
      2. In the main text, page 2, line 32, the authors refer to Figure 1B, but it should be 1C.
      3. Regarding the topic "Correlation of segmentation timing and size in the Oryzias genus" the authors should also give information on the total time of development of the different Oryzias species, as well as the total number of formed somites.
      4. In Figures 3A and B, please add info on the F1 lines for comparison.
      5. Supplementary Figures 2F shows that the generation F1 PSM is similar to Cab F0, and not an intermediate between Kaga F0 and Cab F0. This is interesting and should be discussed.
      6. Supplementary Figures 6C to H are not mentioned either in the main text or in the extended information. Please add/mention accordingly.
      7. The order of Supplementary Figure 8 E to H and A to D appears to be not correct and not following the flow of the text. Please update/correct accordingly.
      8. The authors should choose between "Fig.", "Fig", "fig.", "fig" or "Figure". All 'variants' can be found in the text.
      9. The color scheme of several figures (graphs with colored dots) should be revised. Several appear to be difficult to discern and analyze.
      10. Please address/discuss following questions: What are the known somitogenesis regulating genes in Medaka? How do they correlate with the new candidates?


      General assessment:

      This interesting manuscript describes a novel approach to study and find new players relevant to the regulation of vertebrate segmentation. By employing this innovative methodology, the authors could elegantly demonstrate that the segmentation clock periodicity is independent from the sizes of the PSM and forming somites. The authors were further able to find new genes that may be involved in the regulation of the segmentation clock periodicity and/or the size of the PSM & somites. A limitation of this study is the fact that the results mainly rely on differences between the two species. The integration of additional Medaka species would be beneficial and may help uncover relevant genes and genetic contexts.


      To my best knowledge this is the first time that such a methodology was employed to study the segmentation clock and axial development. Although the topic has been extensively studied in several model organisms, such as mice, chicken, and zebrafish, none of them correlated the size of the embryonic tissues and the periodicity of the embryo clock. This study brings novel technological and functional advances to the study of vertebrate axial development.


      This work is particularly interesting to basic researchers, especially in the field of developmental biology and represents a fresh new approach to study a core developmental process. This study further opens the exciting possibility of using a similar methodology to investigate other aspects of vertebrate development. It is a timely and important manuscript which could be of interest to a wider scientific audience and readership.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Seleit et al. investigate the correlation between segment size, presomitic mesoderm and the rhythm of periodic oscilations in the segmentation clock of developing medaka fish. Specifically, they aim to identify the genetic determinants for said traits. To do so, they employ a common garden approach and measure such traits in separate strains (F0) and in interbreedings across two generations (F1 and F2). They find that whereas presomitic mesoderm and segment size are genetically coupled, the tempo of her7 oscilations it is not. Genetic mapping of the F0 and F2 progeny allows them to identify regions associated to said traits. They go on an perturb 7 loci associated to the segmentation clock and X related to segment size. They show that 2/7 have a tempo defect, and 2/ affect size.

      Major comments:

      The conclusions are convincing and well supported by the data. I think the work could be published as is in its current state, and no additional experiments that I can think of are needed to support the claims in the paper.

      Minor comments:

      • The authors could provide a more detailed characterization of the identified SNPs associated to the clock and to PSM size. For the segmentation clock, the authors identify 46872 SNPs, most of which correspond to non-coding regions and are associated to 57 genes. They narrow down their approach to those expressed in the PSM of Cab Kaga. Was the RNA selected from F1 hybrids? I wonder if this would impact the analysis for tempo and or size in any way, as F2 are derived from these, and they show broader variability in the clock period than the F0 and F1 fishes.

      • It would be good if the authors could discuss if there were any associated categories or overall functional relationships between the SNPs/genes associated to size. And what about in the case of timing?

      • Have any of the candidate genes or regulatory loci been associated to clock defects (57) or segment size (204) previously in the literature?

      • When the authors narrow down the candidate list, it is not clear if the genes selected as expressed in the PSM are tissue specific. If they are, I wonder if genes with ubiquitous expression would be more informative to investigate tempo of development more broadly. It would be good if the authors could specifically discuss this point in the manuscript.

      • Can the authors speculate mechanistically why mespb or pchd10b accelerates the period of her7 oscillations?

      • Are there any size difference associated to the functionally validated clock mutants?

      • Ref 27 shows a lack of correlation between body size and the segmentation period in various species of mammals. The work supports their findings, and it would be good to see this discussed in the text.


      The work is quite remarkable in terms of the multigenerational genetic analysis performed. The authors have analysed >600 embryos from three separate generations to obtain quantitative data to answer their question (herculean task!). Moreover, they have associated this characterization to specific SNPs. Then, to go beyond the association, they have generated mutant lines and identified specific genes associated to the traits they set out to decipher.

      To my knowledge, this is the first project that aims to identify the genetic determinants for developmental timing. Recent work on developmental timing in mammals has focused on interspecies comparisons and does not provide genetic evidence or insight into how tempo is regulated in the genome. As for vertebrates, recent work from zebrafish has profiled temperature effects on cell proportions and developmental timing. However, the genetic approach of this work is quite elegant and neat.

      Conceptually, it is quite important and unexpected that overall size and tempo are not related. Body size, lifespan, basal metabolic rates and gestational period correlate positively and we tend to think that mechanistically they would all be connected to one another. This paper and Lazaro et al. 2023 (ref 27) are one of the first in which this preconception is challenged in a very methodical and conclusive manner. I believe the work is a breakthrough for the field and this work would be interesting for the field of biological timing, for the segmentation clock community and more broadly for all developmental biologists.

      My field is quantitative stem cell biology and I work on developmental timing myself, so I acknowledge that I am biased in the enthusiasm for the work. It should be noted that as an expert on the field, I have identified instances where other work hasn't been as insightful or well developed in comparison to this piece. It is also worth noting that I am not an expert in fish development, phylogenetic studies or GWAS analyses, so I am not capable to asses any pitfalls in that respect.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Seleit and colleagues set out to explore the genetics of developmental timing and tissue size by mapping natural genetic variation associated with segmentation clock period and presomitic mesoderm (PSM) size in different species of Medaka fish. They first establish the extent of variation between five different Medaka species of in terms of organismal size, segmentation rate, segment size and presomitic mesoderm size, among other traits. They find that these traits are species-specific but strongly correlated. In a massive undertaking, they then perform developmental QTL mapping for segmentation clock period and PSM size in a set of ~600 F2 fish resulting from the cross of Orizyas sakaizumii (Kaga) and Orizyas latipes (Cab). Correlation between segmentation period and segment size was lost among the F2s, indicating that distinct genetic modules control these traits. Although the researchers fail to identify causal variants driving these traits, they perform proof of concept perturbations by analyzing F0 Crispants in which candidate genes were knocked out. Overall, the study introduces a completely new methodology (QTL mapping) to the field of segmentation and developmental tempo, and therefore provides multiple valuable insights into the forces driving evolution of these traits.

      Major comments:

      • The first sentence in the abstract reads "How the timing of development is linked to organismal size is a longstanding question". It is therefore disappointing that organismal size is not reported for the F2 hybrids. Was larval length measured in the F2s? If so, it should be reported. It is critical to understand whether the correlation between larval size and segmentation clock period is preserved in F2s or not, therefore determining if they represent a single or separate developmental modules. If larval length data were not collected, the authors need to be more careful with their wording. In the current version of the paper, organismal size is often incorrectly equated to tissue size (e.g. PSM size, segment size). For example, in page 3 lines 33-34, the authors state that faster segmentation occurred in embryos of smaller size (Fig. 1D). However, Fig. 1D shows correlation between segmentation rate and unsegmented PSM area. The appropriate data to show would be segmentation rate vs. larval or adult length.
      • Is my understanding correct in that the her7-venus reporter is carried by the Cab F0 but not the Kaga F0? Presumably only F2s which carried the reporter were selected for phenotyping. I would expect the location of the reporter in the genome to be obvious in Figure 3J as a region that is only Cab or het but never Kaga. Can the authors please point to the location of the reporter?
      • devQTL mapping in this study seems like a wasted opportunity. The authors perform mapping only to then hand pick their targets based on GO annotations. This biases the study towards genes known to be involved in PSM development, when part of the appeal of QTL mapping is precisely its unbiased nature and the potential to discover new functionally relevant genes. The authors need to better justify their rationale for candidate prioritization from devQTL peaks. The GO analysis should be shown as supplemental data. What criteria were used to select genes based on GO annotations?
      • Analysis of the predicted functional consequence of divergent SNPs (Fig. S6B, F) is superficial. Among missense variants, which genes harbor the most deleterious mutations? Which missense variants are located in highly conserved residues? Which genes carry variants in splice donors/acceptors? Carefully assessing the predicted effect of SNPs in coding regions would provide an alternative, less biased approach to prioritize candidate genes.
      • Another potential way to prioritize candidate genes within devQTL peaks would be to use the RNA seq data. The authors should perform differential expression analysis between Kaga and Cab RNA-seq datasets. Do any of the differentially expressed genes fall within the devQTL peaks?
      • The use of crispants to functionally test candidate genes is inappropriate. Crispants do not mimic the effect of divergent SNPs and therefore completely fail to prove causality. While it is completely understandable that Medaka fish are not amenable to the creation of multiple knock-in lines where divergent SNPs are interconverted between species, better justification is needed. For instance, is there enough data to suggest that the divergent alleles for the candidate genes tested are loss of function? Why was a knockout approach chosen as opposed to overexpression?
      • Along the same line, now that two candidate genes have been shown to modulate the clock period in crispants (mespb and pcdh10b), the authors should at least attempt to knock in the respective divergent SNPs for one of the genes. This is of course optional because it would imply several months of work, but it would significantly increase the impact of the study.

      Minor Comments

      • It would be highly beneficial to describe the ecological differences between the two Medaka species. For example, do the northern O. sakaizumii inhabit a colder climate than the southern O. latipes? Is food more abundant or easily accessible for one species compared to the other? What, if anything, has been described about each species' ecology?
      • The authors describe two different methods for quantifying segmentation clock period (mean vs. intercept). It is still unclear what is the difference between Figs. 3A (clock period), S4A (mean period) and S4B (intercept period). Is clock period just mean period? Are the data then shown twice? How do Fig. 3A and S4A differ?
      • devQTL as shorthand for developmental QTL should be defined in page 4 line 1 (where the term first appears), not later in line 12 of the same page.
      • Python code for period quantification should be uploaded to Github and shared with reviewers.
      • RNA-seq data should be uploaded to a publicly accessible repository and the reviewer token shared with reviewers.
      • Why are the maintenance (27-28C) vs. imaging (30C) temperatures different?
      • For Crispants, control injections should have included a non-targeting sgRNA control instead of simply omitting the sgRNA.
      • It is difficult to keep track of the species and strains. It would be most helpful if Fig. S1 appeared instead in main figure 1.


      • The study introduces a new way of thinking about segmentation timing and size scaling by considering natural variation in the context of selection. This new framing will have an important impact on the field.
      • Perhaps the most significant finding is that the correlation between segment timing and size in wild populations is driven not by developmental constraints but rather selection pressure, whereas segment size scaling does form a single developmental module. This finding should be of interest to a broad audience and will influence how researchers in the field approach future studies.
      • It would be helpful to add to the conclusion the author's opinion on whether segmentation timing is a quantitative trait based on the number of QTL peaks identified.
      • The authors should be careful not to assign any causality to the candidate genes that they test in crispants.
      • The data and results are generally well-presented, and the research is highly rigorous.
      • Please note I do have the expertise to evaluate the statistical/bioinformatic methods used for devQTL mapping.
    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary:* In this paper the authors explore the function of Syndecan in Drosophila stem cells focussing primarily on the intestinal stem cells. They use RNAi knockdown to conclude that Syndecan is required for long term stem cell maintenance as its knockdown results in apoptosis. They suggest that this effect is independent of LINC complex proteins but is associated with changes to nuclear morphology and DNA damage. They go on to show that a similar impact on nuclear shape can be seen in larval neuroblasts but not in stem cells of the female germline. *

      Major Comments: *The key conclusion that underpins the paper is that reduced Syndecan causes loss of stem cells. This is based entirely on evidence from cell-type specific RNAi using 3 independent RNAi lines. Overexpression has no phenotype and there is no analysis of loss of function mutants. SdcRNAi3 gives strong phenotypes that are statistically significant and is used throughout the paper. SdcRNAi2 gives comparatively moderate phenotypes which trend in the same direction but it is not clear if these are statistically significant (Fig S1). SdcRNAi line 1 appears to have very little effect (and if anything trends in the opposite direction in S1A). In addition, the knockdown efficiency of the three lines has not been assessed. Another possible concern given the dependence on RNAi3 is that the RNAi control line used is not an ideal match for the VDRC GD RNAi lines as it is in a different genetic background. In order to robustly draw conclusions: the phenotypes with RNAi lines 1 and 2 should be tested for significance; the extent of knockdown in each should be quantified either by qPCR in whole tissue knockdown, or by staining for protein levels if possible, to assess whether the variation in phenotypes is due to different knockdown levels. The use of a loss of function mutant in clones or tissue specific CRISPR-Cas9 KO or KD would also significantly increase confidence in the findings. *

      • Our qPCR data indicate that SdcRNAi3 produces the most efficient knockdown, whilst SdcRNAi1 generates the weakest knockdown. The new manuscript version will incorporate this data in figure S1. Knockdown efficacy of SdcRNAi 3 has also been previously reported (Eveland et al., 2016).

      • We apologise for omitting to add the statistical tests on phenotypic categories in figure S1A, this will be revised. We confirm that all Sdc RNAi phenotypic distributions are significantly different to that seen for age-matched controls (p- It should also be noted that despite weaker knockdowns with SdcRNAi1 and 2, we still observed statistically significant ISC depletion after 28 days of RNAi expression - we will add this data in figure S1. Overall, we are confident about Sdc’s role in maintaining intestinal stem cells.

      *Similarly, the evidence for a lack of LINC protein role in the phenotype relies on single RNAi lines without validation of knockdowns. The authors should ideally validate these lines in this system or reference other studies that have validated the lines in this or other contexts. *

      • The klarsicht RNAi line (BDSC 36721) and klaroid RNAi line (BDSC 40924) used in this study have been validated and used in other studies. (Falo-Sanjuan & Bray, 2022; Collins et al., 2017)

      • For Msp300 RNAi knockdown we have used two independent RNAi lines which gave similar results. We will amend the text to clarify these points. In addition, the line reported in the manuscript was previously validated (Dondi et al., 2021; Frost et al., 2016).

      Minor Comments: *The figures are generally very clear but some of the IF image panels are very small and require significant on-screen enlargement to be legible. In particular in Figure 1B the cross section views make it difficult to assess expression in the different cell types (and don't show very many cells), could this be shown in wholemount or as separated channels in a supplementary figure? In addition, it would strengthen the argument to include counterstains for markers of the different cell types (particularly to distinguish ISC/EB from EE). This could include esg-lacZ to mark ISC/EBs or prospero for EEs. However, if a broader view of these panels makes it clearer that all epithelial cells are expressing Syndecan this may not be essential. *

      • We are happy to incorporate larger fields of view, and co-immunostaining with different cell type markers.

      *Syndecan is referred to throughout as a stem cell regulator. This implies that in certain contexts or in response to certain stimuli its expression may be altered to elicit a stem cell response but no examples of this are shown. Moreover, only knockdown and not overexpression gives phenotypes suggesting its role may be as a required protein than a regulator. Either examples of its expression being modulated in homeostasis or in response to a challenge could be included or the wording could be amended. *

      • We agree with the reviewer and will amend the wording.

      *Expression of Syndecan in neuroblasts is described as data not shown, it would be better to include this for completeness. *

      • We will add this data in figure 4.

      *In addition to the intestinal validation of the Syndecan RNAi lines, validation of knockdown in the germline would be valuable to support the conclusions of Fig S4 given differences of knockdown in the germline with some RNAi lines (although inclusion of Dicer in the driver line should have overcome this). *

      • Sdc expression is very low in the germline, compared to the surrounding somatic cells, therefore we are not confident that we can detect differences in expression level after knockdown. We suggest adding a panel in figure S4 to show the low expression and adding a comment in the text. Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): *The study describes a potentially very interesting, novel link between Syndecan, nuclear shape and apoptosis in cycling cells that could have broad relevance. If fully validated this could have implications for other stem cell populations, including those in mammals and disease relevance in the context of cancer. The paper is fundamentally descriptive in nature and so the level of significance hinges on the strength of evidence and how interesting the phenotype itself is. At this stage the audience will be primarily in the areas of fundamental research in biology of the nucleus and cytoskeleton. Defining the mechanistic link between Syndecan and nuclear morphology will be a critical next step and while not essential for this study would significantly increase the likely interest in the paper. *

      • We thank the reviewer for these constructive comments. We agree that discovering the mechanistic links between Syndecan and nuclear morphology in future studies, in this and other model systems, will be relevant to many areas of biological research.

      *In terms of significance in stem cell biology the distinction between a regulator and a requirement to prevent stem cell apoptosis is important and the lack of evidence for a context in which Syndecan plays a regulatory role somewhat detracts from the breadth of impact. My field of expertise is in epithelial stem cell biology. *

      • We agree and will amend our wording.

      Reviewer #2 *(Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): ** Summary: Stem cell (SC) maintenance and proliferation are necessary for tissue morphogenesis and homeostasis. The basement membrane (BM) has been shown to play a key role in regulating stem cell behavior. In this work, the authors unravel a new connection between the receptor for BM components Syndecan (Sdc) and SC behavior, using Drosophila as model system. They show that Sdc is required for intestine stem cell (ISC) maintenance, as Sdc depletion results in their progressive loss. At a cellular level, they also find that Sdc depletion in ISCs affects cell survival, cell and nuclear shape, nuclear lamina and DNA damage. In addition, they show that the defects in shape are not related to cell death. They also find that Sdc depletion in neural stem cells also results in nuclear envelope remodeling during cell division. This is in contrast to what happens in female germline stem cells where Sdc does not seem to be required for their survival or maintenance. In general, I believe that this work unravels a connection between Sdc and stem cell behavior. However, I think the study is still at a preliminary stage, as how Sdc regulates different facets of stem cell behavior remains unclear.

      Major comments: 1. To clearly show that the cellular changes produced by loss of Sdc are not due to cell death, one should quantify the ISC area and shape of Sdc-depleted ISCs expressing DIAP1 and compare it to that of Sdc-depleted ISCs. As DIAP1 overexpression only partially rescues ISC loss due to Sdc depletion, one should show that the Sdc-depleted ISCs expressing DIAP1 that still show cellular changes are not dying, as overexpression of Diap1 might not be sufficient to completely rescue cell death in all Sdc-depleted ISCs. In fact, apoptosis in Sdc depleted guts and the ability of Diap1 overexpression to rescue cell death should be analyzed using markers of caspase activity, this will provide a better idea of the contribution of apoptosis to the phenotypes associated to Sdc depletion. *

      • We can, as suggested by the reviewer, quantify the area and shape of Sdc-depleted ISCs expressing DIAP1 and compare it to that of Sdc-depleted ISCs. However, our immunostainings with anti-Caspase 3 or Drice do not pick up apoptotic cells in the fly gut. This is not entirely unexpected, as apoptosis is unfortunately not easily detected in this tissue. In the absence of a positive readout of apoptosis, we will not be able to discriminate between apoptotic and non-apoptotic stem cells when quantifying area and shape and will only have global quantifications.

      • The authors show that ISC loss is associated with reduced cell density, suggesting that this is most likely due to failure in new cell production. What do they mean with cell production? Is this related to a problem in regulating cell division or to the fact that as some ISCs are lost by apoptosis there is progressively less ISCs or to a combination of both? I think that cell division should be monitored throughout time as well as cell death in ISCs.*

      • Based on esgF/O experiments (fig. 1D-F and S1C) where we can trace the production of new cells with GFP, we know that Sdc RNAi expression (i) impairs the appearance of newly differentiated cells in the tissue and (ii) results in the disappearance of progenitor cells (fig. S1C). Supporting these points, (i) we have observed PH3+ mitotic stem cells upon Sdc RNAi, so we are confident the cells are able to initiate cell division (see also fig. 2G), and (ii) we have occasionally noted in fixed samples stem cells looking like they were in the process of delaminating. Overall, the failure of cell production is likely related to problems with both completion of cell division and progressive stem cell loss. High resolution live imaging will in future give us a better insight into stem cell division dynamics/behaviour, however, the technical improvements required are beyond the scope of this project. In the meantime, we propose to clarify our statement in the text.

      • The authors report that in contrast to what happens when Sdc is eliminated from ISCs, its elimination from EEs results in an increase in the number of these cells. An explanation for this result is missing.*

      • Based on known roles of Syndecan in other Drosophila tissues (Johnson et al., 2004; Steigemann et al., 2004; Chanana et al., 2009; Schulz et al., 2011), we speculate that Syndecan may contribute to robo/slit signalling, which is an important regulator of EE activity in the Drosophila gut (Biteau & Jasper 2014; Zeng et al., 2015). We propose to amend the text to express this hypothesis.

      • The authors suggest that "Sdc function is unlikely to be fully accounted for by individual LINC complex proteins, although these proteins might act redundantly". Checking redundancy seems a straight forward experiment, which only requires the simultaneous expression of RNAis against several of these proteins. This would help to settle the implication of LINC complex proteins on Sdc function.*

      • To check redundancy, we propose to combine Klaroid RNAi with Msp300 or Klarsicht RNAis, and express two RNAis at a time in ISCs. We will then measure stem cell proportions and the proportion of ISCs with DNA damage.

      • Although quantification of DNA damage, by immunolabelling with gH2Av, reveals that knockdown of individual LINC complex components did not recapitulate the damage observed upon Sdc depletion (Fig.3G), the image shown in Fig.3F reflects much higher levels of gH2Av in Msp300 RNAi cells compared to Sdc RNAi cells. Authors should clarify this. *

      • Like the reviewer, we are intrigued by the higher levels of H2Av staining in the tissue, despite Msp300 knockdown in stem cells only (fig. 3F). It is worth noting that we observed this with two independent RNAi lines (we showed only one RNAi in the manuscript, but we will amend the text to indicate this). In fig. 3F, we will indicate with an arrow the only ISC that is H2Av positive, and mention in the text that the majority of DNA damage signal observed in the Msp300 RNAi condition is in enterocytes, not ISCs. We currently do not have an explanation for why loss of Msp300 in ISCs should cause DNA damage in neighboring cells.

      *In addition, the consequences of the simultaneous elimination of more than one component of the LINC complex on DNA damage should be analyzed. *

      • We agree, and as we check for redundancy (as in point 4), we will also immunostain the tissues for H2Av.

      • The authors claim that the fact that "DNA damage was found more frequently in Sdc-depleted ISCs with lamina invaginations compared to those without (Figure 3H), supports a model whereby the development of nuclear lamina invaginations precedes the acquisition of DNA damage". However, to me, these results show that there is a relation between these two phenotypes, but not that one precedes the other. In order to show which one is the possible cause and which the consequence, the authors should perform a time course of the appearance of each of these phenotypes.*

      • We agree with the reviewer that we should rephrase our statement to indicate a relationship between lamina invaginations and DNA damage, rather than a causality (as stated in fig. 3H).

      (In terms of performing a time course analysis, the difficulty is that after 3 days of Sdc RNAi expression, the apparent DNA damage (fig. 3G) corresponds to a very small proportion of stem cells, meaning that an exceptionally large sample size would be required to achieve robust statistical analysis.)

      • When studying the role of Sdc in neural stem cells, the authors show that elimination of Sdc in neuroblasts also affect nuclear envelope and shape. Furthermore, in this case, they also show that Sdc elimination affects cell division. To look for a more conserved role of Sdc in stem cell behavior, I believe the authors should also analyze whether Sdc elimination in neural stem cells results in an increase in DNA damage, as it is the case in ISCs.*

      • We will stain larval brains for H2Av to see if DNA damage is also observed following Sdc knockdown in neuroblasts.

      • When analyzing a possible role of Sdc in fGSCs, quantification of germline stem cells and gH2Av levels in control nosGal4 and nos>Sdc RNAi germaria should be done. In addition, it is not clear to me whether Sdc is in fact expressed in fGSCs.*

      • *

      • As mentioned in comments to reviewer 1, we will add a panel in figure S4 to show the low Sdc expression in fGSCs. We will also clarify in the text that we do not see any H2Av staining in the fGSCs (thus, there is nothing to quantify in this case).

      * The authors should show presence of Sdc in neuroblasts.*

      • Yes, we agree, as also mentioned in comments to reviewer 1.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)): *In general, although this work reveals that elimination of Sdc affects different aspects of intestinal and neural stem cell behavior, including cell survival, cell production, nuclear shape, nuclear lamina or DNA damage, their contribution to stem cell loss and interactions between them have not been analyzed in detail. The role of the basement membrane in stem cell behavior has been extensively studied. In particular, the role of syndecan in stem cell regulation has been primarily confined to cancer, muscle, neural and hematopoietic stem cells. Thus, the study here presented could extend the role of Sdc to intestinal stem cells and could potentially reveals a conserved role for Sdc in neural stem cell behavior. However, the problem with the data mentioned above, hinders the assessment of the significance of this work. *

      • We thank the reviewer for their assessment and are glad that they also find that our study provides novel connections between Syndecan and the regulation of intestinal and neural stem cell behaviors. To strengthen our conclusions, we will include additional experiments or amend the text, as indicated above.

      Reviewer #3* (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): ** Peer-review: The transmembrane protein Syndecan regulates stem cell nuclear properties and cell maintenance.

      In this work, the authors investigate the role of the transmembrane protein Syndecan (Sdc) in nuclear organisation and stem cell maintenance. Theys show that Sdc knockdown in intestinal stem cells (ISCs) results in a reduction of the ISC pool as well as of their progeny. They hypothesise that these ISCs might get eliminated via cell death, however, expression of the apoptotic inhibitor DIAP1 only rescued ISC loss by 50%. Hence, they suggest that apoptosis can not account for the total decrease in ISCs observed upon Sdc loss. ISCs depleted from Sdc exhibited abnormal cytoplasmic and nuclear morphologies. As Sdc has previously been implicated in the abscission machinery in mammalian cultured cells, they tested if Sdc could be playing a similar role in the abscission of ISCs. However, ISCs were capable of undergoing cytokinesis. Next, they tested if Sdc depletion could be altering the linkage between the plasma membrane and the nucleus mediated by the Linker of Nucleoskeleton and Cytoskeleton (LINC) complex. However, individual knockdowns of the different components of the complex did not disrupt the nuclear morphology to the same extent as Sdc knockdown, suggesting that Sdc function may be independent of the LINC complex. Finally, they observed that Sdc-depleted ISCs exhibited DNA damage, suggesting that Sdc may play a role in DNA protection. The authors next tested if Sdc played similar roles in other stem cell types such as the female germline stem cells (fGSCs) and larval neural stem cells (NSCs). While Sdc depletion appeared dispensable for fGSC maintenance, it prolonged NSC divisions and altered the nuclear morphology of NSCs. Upon further investigations, they observed that the NSC's nuclear envelope was disrupted upon division, hence causing defects in the nuclear size ratio of NSC and their progeny. This study provides with interesting findings in the field and proves a new role for Sdc in the regulation of intestinal and neural stem cell maintenance. I would recommend this manuscript to be accepted if the authors address the following comments.

      __Major comments: __ 1. In Figure 2 A-B, Sdc RNAi should ideally have a UAS control transgene to match the number of UAS being expressed to that of Sdc RNAi, DIAP1. Otherwise, it is plausible that reduced RNAi expression of Sdc RNAi, DIAP1 animals is the cause of the partial rescue. Staining against cell death markers such as Dcp-1 or TUNEL might also quantify the number of cells undergoing cell death in each of the genotypes. *

      • As mentioned in comments to reviewer 2 (point 1), it is difficult to label apoptotic cells in the fly gut. However, we could set up an additional control to test that the partial rescue observed upon DIAP1 expression is not a result of Gal4 dilution.

      • " These phenotypes were observed both with and without DIAP1 expression (Figure 2C), indicating that these cell shapes are not caused by apoptosis."Misleading, as DIAP overexpression in Sdc knockdown background only rescued apoptosis by 50%. Hence, it is possible that those cells undergoing morphological defects, protrusions and blebbing might still undergo death - also considering those morphological changes are typically observed in apoptotic cells...Therefore, to rule apoptosis out, these cells should be shown to be negative for cell death markers. *

      • We agree, however, it is difficult to label apoptotic cells. We think that the quantification of shape and area (as suggested by reviewer 2, point 1) will clearly show that the cell shapes resulting from Sdc depletion are not caused by apoptosis.

      • Show if Sdc is expressed in fGSCs - the lack of phenotype caused by Sdc knockdown might be due to lack of expression of Sdc.*

      • As mentioned in comments to reviewers 1&2, we will add a panel in figure S4 to show the low sdc expression in fGSCs.

      • "After confirming the presence of Sdc in neuroblasts (data not shown)."Data should be shown. It would be of great interest for researchers if you showed a staining of different brain cell types (NBs, glia, neurons) and the Sdc expression patterns.*

      • As mentioned in comments to reviewers 1&2, we will add a panel in figure 4 to show sdc expression in NBs and the overall expression pattern.

      • You show how Slc-depleted NBs have disrupted nuclear morphologies. However, does Slc KD in NB lineages affect their ability to self-renew and generate differentiated progeny? Is the number of NBs and of their progeny cells altered as it is for ISCs?*

      • We propose to knockdown Sdc in NBs and quantify brain size in 3rd instar larvae to test if the ability to generate progeny is affected.

      • Does protection against DNA damage in an Slc knockdown background prevent the defects observed with the single knockdown and ISC elimination?*

      • This is a good question, and we should emphasize this point in the discussion. However, because of the multiple routes of DNA damage response, and the multiple lines needed to explore this connection, we feel that investigating this question is beyond this project.

      • Any idea the similarities between ISC and NBs that can account for why Sdc knockdown has effects in those systems, while no effect was observed in the germ cells?*

      • Besides the differences in expression level, we speculate that GSCs may have a different nuclear / lamina architecture which might reflect differences in how GSCs control the physical integrity of their nuclei. It is also possible that the differences observed between tissues reflect the way stem cells connect to their microenvironment. Notably, fGSCs rely extensively on E-Cadherin mediated adhesion with neighbouring cells, and it is possible that contact with the extracellular matrix is dispensable. We will consider these possibilities in the discussion.

      Minor comments:* ** 8. Lamina invaginations, for example in Figure 3 A, could be indicated with an arrow for easier detection. *

      • Thanks for this suggestion, we will amend the figure.

      Specify the type and location of NB imaged during live cell experiments.

      • The NBs were imaged in the brain lobes, and we did not distinguish between type I and II NBs. We will add a sentence in the method section to clarify.

      *Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): Expertise: Drosophila stem cells *

      • Many thanks for the constructive comments.
    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The transmembrane protein Syndecan regulates stem cell nuclear properties and cell maintenance.

      In this work, the authors investigate the role of the transmembrane protein Syndecan (Sdc) in nuclear organisation and stem cell maintenance. Theys show that Sdc knockdown in intestinal stem cells (ISCs) results in a reduction of the ISC pool as well as of their progeny. They hypothesise that these ISCs might get eliminated via cell death, however, expression of the apoptotic inhibitor DIAP1 only rescued ISC loss by 50%. Hence, they suggest that apoptosis can not account for the total decrease in ISCs observed upon Sdc loss. ISCs depleted from Sdc exhibited abnormal cytoplasmic and nuclear morphologies. As Sdc has previously been implicated in the abscission machinery in mammalian cultured cells, they tested if Sdc could be playing a similar role in the abscission of ISCs. However, ISCs were capable of undergoing cytokinesis. Next, they tested if Sdc depletion could be altering the linkage between the plasma membrane and the nucleus mediated by the Linker of Nucleoskeleton and Cytoskeleton (LINC) complex. However, individual knockdowns of the different components of the complex did not disrupt the nuclear morphology to the same extent as Sdc knockdown, suggesting that Sdc function may be independent of the LINC complex. Finally, they observed that Sdc-depleted ISCs exhibited DNA damage, suggesting that Sdc may play a role in DNA protection. The authors next tested if Sdc played similar roles in other stem cell types such as the female germline stem cells (fGSCs) and larval neural stem cells (NSCs). While Sdc depletion appeared dispensable for fGSC maintenance, it prolonged NSC divisions and altered the nuclear morphology of NSCs. Upon further investigations, they observed that the NSC's nuclear envelope was disrupted upon division, hence causing defects in the nuclear size ratio of NSC and their progeny. This study provides with interesting findings in the field and proves a new role for Sdc in the regulation of intestinal and neural stem cell maintenance. I would recommend this manuscript to be accepted if the authors address the following comments.

      Major comments:

      1. In Figure 2 A-B, Sdc RNAi should ideally have a UAS control transgene to match the number of UAS being expressed to that of Sdc RNAi, DIAP1. Otherwise, it is plausible that reduced RNAi expression of Sdc RNAi, DIAP1 animals is the cause of the partial rescue.

      Staining against cell death markers such as Dcp-1 or TUNEL might also quantify the number of cells undergoing cell death in each of the genotypes. 2. " These phenotypes were observed both with and without DIAP1 expression (Figure 2C), indicating that these cell shapes are not caused by apoptosis."

      Misleading, as DIAP overexpression in Sdc knockdown background only rescued apoptosis by 50%. Hence, it is possible that those cells undergoing morphological defects, protrusions and blebbing might still undergo death - also considering those morphological changes are typically observed in apoptotic cells... Therefore, to rule apoptosis out, these cells should be shown to be negative for cell death markers. 3. Show if Sdc is expressed in fGSCs - the lack of phenotype caused by Sdc knockdown might be due to lack of expression of Sdc. 4. "After confirming the presence of Sdc in neuroblasts (data not shown)."

      Data should be shown. It would be of great interest for researchers if you showed a staining of different brain cell types (NBs, glia, neurons) and the Sdc expression patterns. 5. You show how Slc-depleted NBs have disrupted nuclear morphologies. However, does Slc KD in NB lineages affect their ability to self-renew and generate differentiated progeny? Is the number of NBs and of their progeny cells altered as it is for ISCs? 6. Does protection against DNA damage in an Slc knockdown background prevent the defects observed with the single knockdown and ISC elimination? 7. Any idea the similarities between ISC and NBs that can account for why Sdc knockdown has effects in those systems, while no effect was observed in the germ cells?

      Minor comments:

      1. Lamina invaginations, for example in Figure 3 A, could be indicated with an arrow for easier detection.
      2. Specify the type and location of NB imaged during live cell experiments.


      Expertise: Drosophila stem cells

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      Stem cell (SC) maintenance and proliferation are necessary for tissue morphogenesis and homeostasis. The basement membrane (BM) has been shown to play a key role in regulating stem cell behavior. In this work, the authors unravel a new connection between the receptor for BM components Syndecan (Sdc) and SC behavior, using Drosophila as model system. They show that Sdc is required for intestine stem cell (ISC) maintenance, as Sdc depletion results in their progressive loss. At a cellular level, they also find that Sdc depletion in ISCs affects cell survival, cell and nuclear shape, nuclear lamina and DNA damage. In addition, they show that the defects in shape are not related to cell death. They also find that Sdc depletion in neural stem cells also results in nuclear envelope remodeling during cell division. This is in contrast to what happens in female germline stem cells where Sdc does not seem to be required for their survival or maintenance.

      In general, I believe that this work unravels a connection between Sdc and stem cell behavior. However, I think the study is still at a preliminary stage, as how Sdc regulates different facets of stem cell behavior remains unclear.

      Major comments:

      1. To clearly show that the cellular changes produced by loss of Sdc are not due to cell death, one should quantify the ISC area and shape of Sdc-depleted ISCs expressing DIAP1 and compare it to that of Sdc-depleted ISCs. As DIAP1 overexpression only partially rescues ISC loss due to Sdc depletion, one should show that the Sdc-depleted ISCs expressing DIAP1 that still show cellular changes are not dying, as overexpression of Diap1 might not be sufficient to completely rescue cell death in all Sdc-depleted ISCs. In fact, apoptosis in Sdc depleted guts and the ability of Diap1 overexpression to rescue cell death should be analyzed using markers of caspase activity, this will provide a better idea of the contribution of apoptosis to the phenotypes associated to Sdc depletion.
      2. The authors show that ISC loss is associated with reduced cell density, suggesting that this is most likely due to failure in new cell production. What do they mean with cell production? Is this related to a problem in regulating cell division or to the fact that as some ISCs are lost by apoptosis there is progressively less ISCs or to a combination of both? I think that cell division should be monitored throughout time as well as cell death in ISCs.
      3. The authors report that in contrast to what happens when Sdc is eliminated from ISCs, its elimination from EEs results in an increase in the number of these cells. An explanation for this result is missing.
      4. The authors suggest that "Sdc function is unlikely to be fully accounted for by individual LINC complex proteins, although these proteins might act redundantly". Checking redundancy seems a straight forward experiment, which only requires the simultaneous expression of RNAis against several of these proteins. This would help to settle the implication of LINC complex proteins on Sdc function.
      5. Although quantification of DNA damage, by immunolabelling with H2Av, reveals that knockdown of individual LINC complex components did not recapitulate the damage observed upon Sdc depletion (Fig.3G), the image shown in Fig.3F reflects much higher levels of H2Av in Msp300 RNAi cells compared to Sdc RNAi cells. Authors should clarify this. In addition, the consequences of the simultaneous elimination of more than one component of the LINC complex on DNA damage should be analyzed.
      6. The authors claim that the fact that "DNA damage was found more frequently in Sdc-depleted ISCs with lamina invaginations compared to those without (Figure 3H), supports a model whereby the development of nuclear lamina invaginations precedes the acquisition of DNA damage". However, to me, these results show that there is a relation between these two phenotypes, but not that one precedes the other. In order to show which one is the possible cause and which the consequence, the authors should perform a time course of the appearance of each of these phenotypes.
      7. When studying the role of Sdc in neural stem cells, the authors show that elimination of Sdc in neuroblasts also affect nuclear envelope and shape. Furthermore, in this case, they also show that Sdc elimination affects cell division. To look for a more conserved role of Sdc in stem cell behavior, I believe the authors should also analyze whether Sdc elimination in neural stem cells results in an increase in DNA damage, as it is the case in ISCs.
      8. When analyzing a possible role of Sdc in fGSCs, quantification of germline stem cells and H2Av levels in control nosGal4 and nos>Sdc RNAi germaria should be done. In addition, it is not clear to me whether Sdc is in fact expressed in fGSCs.
      9. The authors should show presence of Sdc in neuroblasts.


      In general, although this work reveals that elimination of Sdc affects different aspects of intestinal and neural stem cell behavior, including cell survival, cell production, nuclear shape, nuclear lamina or DNA damage, their contribution to stem cell loss and interactions between them have not been analyzed in detail. The role of the basement membrane in stem cell behavior has been extensively studied. In particular, the role of syndecan in stem cell regulation has been primarily confined to cancer, muscle, neural and hematopoietic stem cells. Thus, the study here presented could extend the role of Sdc to intestinal stem cells and could potentially reveals a conserved role for Sdc in neural stem cell behavior. However, the problem with the data mentioned above, hinders the assessment of the significance of this work.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this paper the authors explore the function of Syndecan in Drosophila stem cells focussing primarily on the intestinal stem cells. They use RNAi knockdown to conclude that Syndecan is required for long term stem cell maintenance as its knockdown results in apoptosis. They suggest that this effect is independent of LINC complex proteins but is associated with changes to nuclear morphology and DNA damage. They go on to show that a similar impact on nuclear shape can be seen in larval neuroblasts but not in stem cells of the female germline.

      Major Comments

      The key conclusion that underpins the paper is that reduced Syndecan causes loss of stem cells. This is based entirely on evidence from cell-type specific RNAi using 3 independent RNAi lines. Overexpression has no phenotype and there is no analysis of loss of function mutants. SdcRNAi3 gives strong phenotypes that are statistically significant and is used throughout the paper. SdcRNAi2 gives comparatively moderate phenotypes which trend in the same direction but it is not clear if these are statistically significant (Fig S1). SdcRNAi line 1 appears to have very little effect (and if anything trends in the opposite direction in S1A). In addition, the knockdown efficiency of the three lines has not been assessed. Another possible concern given the dependence on RNAi3 is that the RNAi control line used is not an ideal match for the VDRC GD RNAi lines as it is in a different genetic background. In order to robustly draw conclusions: the phenotypes with RNAi lines 1 and 2 should be tested for significance; the extent of knockdown in each should be quantified either by qPCR in whole tissue knockdown, or by staining for protein levels if possible, to assess whether the variation in phenotypes is due to different knockdown levels. The use of a loss of function mutant in clones or tissue specific CRISPR-Cas9 KO or KD would also significantly increase confidence in the findings.

      Similarly, the evidence for a lack of LINC protein role in the phenotype relies on single RNAi lines without validation of knockdowns. The authors should ideally validate these lines in this system or reference other studies that have validated the lines in this or other contexts.

      Minor Comments

      The figures are generally very clear but some of the IF image panels are very small and require significant on-screen enlargement to be legible. In particular in Figure 1B the cross section views make it difficult to assess expression in the different cell types (and don't show very many cells), could this be shown in wholemount or as separated channels in a supplementary figure? In addition, it would strengthen the argument to include counterstains for markers of the different cell types (particularly to distinguish ISC/EB from EE). This could include esg-lacZ to mark ISC/EBs or prospero for EEs. However, if a broader view of these panels makes it clearer that all epithelial cells are expressing Syndecan this may not be essential.

      Syndecan is referred to throughout as a stem cell regulator. This implies that in certain contexts or in response to certain stimuli its expression may be altered to elicit a stem cell response but no examples of this are shown. Moreover, only knockdown and not overexpression gives phenotypes suggesting its role may be as a required protein than a regulator. Either examples of its expression being modulated in homeostasis or in response to a challenge could be included or the wording could be amended.

      Expression of Syndecan in neuroblasts is described as data not shown, it would be better to include this for completeness.

      In addition to the intestinal validation of the Syndecan RNAi lines, validation of knockdown in the germline would be valuable to support the conclusions of Fig S4 given differences of knockdown in the germline with some RNAi lines (although inclusion of Dicer in the driver line should have overcome this).


      The study describes a potentially very interesting, novel link between Syndecan, nuclear shape and apoptosis in cycling cells that could have broad relevance. If fully validated this could have implications for other stem cell populations, including those in mammals and disease relevance in the context of cancer.

      The paper is fundamentally descriptive in nature and so the level of significance hinges on the strength of evidence and how interesting the phenotype itself is. At this stage the audience will be primarily in the areas of fundamental research in biology of the nucleus and cytoskeleton. Defining the mechanistic link between Syndecan and nuclear morphology will be a critical next step and while not essential for this study would significantly increase the likely interest in the paper. In terms of significance in stem cell biology the distinction between a regulator and a requirement to prevent stem cell apoptosis is important and the lack of evidence for a context in which Syndecan plays a regulatory role somewhat detracts from the breadth of impact.

      My field of expertise is in epithelial stem cell biology.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      RC-2023-02105R: Brunetta et al.,

      IF1 is a cold-regulated switch of ATP synthase to support thermogenesis in brown fat

      We are happy to submit our revised manuscript after considering the suggestions made by reviewers. The comments were overall positive, and the changes requested were mostly editorial. We have, nevertheless, added new experiments as quality controls. These experiments did not affect the main conclusions of our work. In addition, we also included two in vivo experimental models of gain and loss-of-function, to further address the physiological relevance of IF1 in BAT thermogenesis. We believe with these additional experiments, quality controls as well as in vivo models, our study has improved considerably. We hope our efforts will be appreciated by the reviewers and we make ourselves available to answer any further questions.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: In the present manuscript, the authors present data in support of their primary discovery that "IF1 controls UCP1-dependent mitochondrial bioenergetics in brown adipocytes". The opening figure convincingly demonstrates that IF1 expression is cold-exposure dependent. They then go on to show that loss of IF1 has functional consequences that would be predicted based on IF1's know role as a regulator of ATP hydrolysis by CV. They go on to make a few additional claims, succinctly detailed in the Discussion section. Specific claims include the following: 1) IF1 is downregulated in cold-adapted BAT, allowing greater hydrolytic activity of ATP synthase by operating in the reverse mode; 2) when IF1 is upregulated in brown adipocytes in vitro mitochondria unable to sustain the MMP upon adrenergic stimulation, 3) IF1 ablation in brown adipocytes phenocopies the metabolic adaptation of BAT to cold, and 4) IF1 overexpression blunts mitochondrial respiration without any apparent compensator response in glycolytic activity. The claims described above are well supported by the evidence. The manuscript is very well written, figures are clear and succinct. Overall, the quality of the work is very high. Given that IF1 is implicated across many fields of study, the novel discovery of IF1 as a regulator of brown adipose mitochondrial bioenergetics will be of significance across several fields. That said, a few areas of concern were apparent. Concerns are detailed in the "Major" and "Minor" comments section below. Additional experiments do not appear to be required, assuming the authors adequately acknowledge the limitations of the study and either remove or qualify speculative claims.

      Major Comments:

      1. The authors convincingly demonstrate that IF1 expression is specifically down-regulated in BAT upon cold-exposure. These data strongly implicate a role for IF1 in BAT bioenergetics, a major claim of the authors and a novel finding herein. Additional major strengths of the paper, which provide excellent scientific rigor include the use of both loss of function and gain of function approaches for IF1. In addition, the mutant IF1 experiments are excellent, as they convincingly show that the effects of IF1 are dependent on its ability to bind CV. RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for the positive feedback on our work.

      Regarding Figure 1 - Did the content of ATP synthase change? In figure 1A-B, the authors show that ATPase activity of CV is higher in cold-adapted mice. While this result could be due to a loss of IF1, it could also be due to a higher expression of CV. To control for this, the authors should consider blotting for CV, which would allow for ATPase activity to be normalized to expression.

      RESPONSE: Thank you for this suggestion. We have now determined complex V subunit A in our experimental protocol. We found that cold exposure does not impact complex V protein levels. Given the importance of this control, we have now included it in Figure 1 (Please, see the revised version) alongside the IF1/complex V ratio. In addition, we have now performed WBs in the BAT from mice exposed for 3 and 7 days to thermoneutrality (~28°C). We found that IF1 is not reduced following whitening of BAT by this approach whilst UCP1 and other mitochondrial proteins are reduced. This set of data is now included in Figure 1I,K,L.

      Regarding MMP generated specifically by ATP hydrolysis at CV, the reversal potential for ANT occurs at a more negative MMP than that of CV (PMID: 21486564). Because reverse transport of ATP (cytosol to matrix) via ANT will also generate a MMP, it is speculative to state that the MMP in the assay is driven by ATP hydrolysis at CV. It is possible and maybe even likely that the majority of the MMP is driven by ANT flux, which in turn limits the amount of ATP hydrolyzed by CV. Admittedly, it is very challenging to different MMP from ANT vs that from CV, thus the authors simply need to acknowledge that the specific contribution of ATP hydrolysis to MMP remains to be fully determined. That said, the fact that ATP-dependent MMP tracks with IF1 expression does certainly implicate a role for ATP hydrolysis in the process. The authors should consider including a discussion of the ambiguity of the assay to avoid confusion. A role for ANT likely should be incorporated in the Fig. 1J cartoon.

      RESPONSE: Thank you for bringing the ANT contribution to MMP to our attention. The effects of ATP in the real-time MMP measurements were totally abolished by the addition of oligomycin in BAT-derived isolated mitochondria, thus suggesting dependency of complex V in this process. However, the assessment of MMP in intact cells is much more challenging given cytosolic vs. mitochondrial contribution to ATP pool, and ATP synthase vs. ANT reversal capacity depending on MMP. Nevertheless, we have addressed these points in the discussion section as well as added to our schematic cartoon in Figure 1m.

      Regarding the lack of effect of IF1 silencing on MMP, it is possible that IF1 total protein levels are simply lower in cultured brown fat cells relative to tissue? The authors could consider testing this by blotting for IF1 and CV in BAT and brown fat cells. The ratio of IF1/ATP5A1 in tissue versus cells may provide some amount of mechanistic evidence as to their findings.

      RESPONSE: We have now blotted for complex V and IF1 in both differentiated primary brown adipocytes and BAT homogenates derived from mice kept at room temperature (~22°C). We found the levels of complex V in primary brown adipocytes are higher than BAT homogenates. Therefore, IF1/complex V ratio is different between these two systems. This has indeed the potential to influence our gain and loss-of-function experiments. We have added these results alongside their interpretation in the revised manuscript.

      The calculation of ATP synthesis from respiration sensitive to oligomycin has many conceptual flaws. Unlike glycolysis, where ATP is produced via substrate level phosphorylation, during OXPHOS, the stoichiometry of ATP produced per 2e transfer is not known in intact brown adipose cells. This is a major limitation of this "calculated ATP synthesis" approach that is beginning to become common. Such claims are speculative and thus likely do more harm than good. In addition to ANT and CV, there are many proton-consuming reactions driven by the proton motive force (e.g., metabolite transport, Ca2+ cycling, NADPH synthesis). Although it remains unclear how much proton conductance is diverted to non-ATP synthesis dependent processes, it seems highly likely that these processes contribute to respiratory demand inside living cells. Moreover, just as occurs with UCP1 in response to adrenergic stimuli, proton conductance across the various proton-dependent processes likely changes depending on the cellular context, which is another reason why using a fixed stoichiometry to calculate how much ATP is produced from oxygen consumption is so highly flawed. Maximal P/O values that are often used for NAD/FAD linked flux are generated using experimental conditions that favor near complete flux through the ATP synthesis system (supraphysiological substrate and ADP levels). The true P/O value inside living cells is likely to be lower.

      RESPONSE: We agree with the reviewer regarding the limitations on calculating ATP production in intact cells based on respiration and proton flux. However, this was only one experiment on which we based our conclusions, as these were also supported by i.e. ATP/ADP ratio measurements and oxygen consumption using different substrates. Therefore, we do not rely exclusively on the ATP production estimative, rather we use this experiment to support complementary methodologies. Nevertheless, we have now better detailed our experimental protocol as well as acknowledged the limitations of the method, so the reader is aware of our procedure and its limitations. We hope the reviewer understands our motivation to perform these experiments and the contribution to our study.

      Why are the results in Figure 3K expressed as a % of basal? Could the authors please normalize the OCR data to protein and/or provide a justification for why different normalization strategies were used between 3K and 3M?

      RESPONSE: We apologize for the lack of consistency. We have now updated Figure 3 to show all the data in absolute values divided by protein content. This change does not affect the overall interpretation of the findings.

      The authors claim that IF1 overexpression lowers ATP production via OXPHOS. However, given the major limitations of this assay (ass discussed above), these claims should be viewed as speculation. This needs to be addressed by the authors as a major limitation. The fact that the ATP/ADP levels did not change do not support of reduction in ATP production, as claimed in the title of Figure 4.

      RESPONSE: The reduction in ATP levels and mitochondrial respiration (independent of the substrate offered) suggests a reduction in ATP production rather than an increase in ATP consumption. Moreover, the maintenance of ATP/ADP ratio suggests the existence of a compensatory mechanism to avoid cellular energy crises, which we interpreted as reduced metabolic activity of the cells. Nevertheless, we have now reworded our statements to address the limitations of the methods and our interpretation of the data.

      In the discussion, the authors state "However, considering that IF1 inhibits F1-ATP synthase in a 1:1 stoichiometric ratio, the relatively higher expression of IF1 in BAT at room temperature could represent an additional inhibitory factor for ATP synthesis in this tissue." This does not appear to be correct. Although IF1 has been suggested to partially lower maximal rates of ATP synthesis rates, most of this evidence comes from over-expression experiments. According to the current understanding of IF1-CV interaction, the protein is expelled from the complex during rotation in favor of ATP synthesis (PMID: 37002198). It is far more likely that ATP synthesis is low in BAT mitochondria due to the low CV expression. Relative to heart and when normalized to mitochondrial content, CV expression in BAT mitochondria is about 10% that of heart (PMID: 33077793).

      RESPONSE: We agree with the reviewer and removed this sentence.

      The last sentence of the manuscript states, "Given the importance of IF1 to control brown adipocyte energy metabolism, lowering IF1 levels therapeutically might enhance approaches to enhance NST for improving cardiometabolic health in humans." This sentence seems at odds with the evidence that IF1 levels go up, not down, in human BAT upon cold exposure.

      RESPONSE: In light of our new experiments, we have now updated our conclusions.

      Minor Comments:

      The term "anaerobic glycolysis" is used throughout. All experiments were performed under normoxic conditions, thus the correct term is "aerobic glycolysis.

      RESPONSE: Thank you for this comment and we have replaced this term as suggested.

      Only male mice were used in the study, could the authors please provide a justification for this?

      RESPONSE: Given we devoted most of our efforts to the manipulation of IF1 in vitro, we have used the mouse model as a proof-of-principle on the impact of IF1 in adrenergic-induced thermogenesis. We have now included IF1 KO male and female mice to address the role of IF1 in adrenergic-induced thermogenesis. However, due to the limitation of material, we could only perform AAV in vivo gain-of-function in male mice, therefore, our results cannot be immediately transferred to both sexes, unfortunately.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Overall, the quality of the work is very high. Given that IF1 is implicated across many fields of study, the novel discovery of IF1 as a regulator of brown adipose mitochondrial bioenergetics will be of significance across several fields.

      My expertise is in mitochondrial thermodynamics; thus, I do not feel there are any parts of the paper that I do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      The manuscript by Brunetta and colleagues conveys the message that the ATPase inhibitory factor 1 (IF1) protein, a physiological inhibitor of mitochondrial ATP synthase, is expressed in BAT of C57BL/6J mice. Moreover, upon cold-adaption of mice they report that the content of IF1 in BAT is downregulated to sustain the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) as a result of reverse functioning of the enzyme. In experiments of loss and gain of function of IF1 in cultured brown adipocytes and WT cells they further stress that IF1 silencing promotes metabolic reprogramming to an enhanced glycolysis and lipid oxidation, whereas IF1 overexpression blunts ATP production rendering a quiescent cellular state of the adipocytes.

      RESPONSE: We appreciate the time the reviewer invested in our work. Please, see our responses below in a point-by-point manner.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Claims and conclusions:

      I have been surprised by the claim that IF1 protein is expressed in BAT under basal conditions and that its expression is downregulated in the cold-adapted tissue. In a previously published work by Forner et al., (2009) Cell Metab 10, 324-335 (reference 43), using a quantitative proteomic approach, it is reported that the mitochondrial proteome of mouse BAT under basal conditions contains a low content of IF1 (at level comparable to the background of the analysis). Remarkably, in the same study they show that there is roughly a 2-fold increase in the content of IF1 protein in mitochondria of BAT at 4d and 24d of cold-adaptation of mice. In other words, just the opposite of what is being reported in the Brunetta study.

      RESPONSE: We are aware of the inconsistencies between our findings and Forner et al. (2009). We would like to point out that we have determined IF1 levels in BAT in two separate cohorts with the same findings, and in a third cohort, we observed IF1 mRNA levels to be downregulated in a much shorter timeframe. Our functional analysis is line with this pattern of regulation. A closer look at the supplementary table provided by Forner et al. (2009), shows that the increase in IF1 content following cold exposure is not supported and since we do not have further insight into the methods and analysis employed by the Forner et al. group, we believe a direct comparison should be avoided at the moment. Regarding the baseline levels of IF1 in BAT, the relatively high abundance of IF1 in BAT was also found by another independent group (https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.09.24.311076).

      Importantly, the last paragraph of the discussion needs to be amended when mentioning the work of Forner et al. (ref.43). The mentioned reference studied changes in the mouse mitochondrial proteome not in human mitochondria, as it is stated in the alluded paragraph.

      RESPONSE: We apologize for this overlook; we have now reworded our statement.

      More puzzling are the western blots in Figures 1E, 1H, Supp. Fig. 1C, D were IF1 (ATP5IF1) is identified by a 17kDa band. However, in other Figures (Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Supp Fig. 2) IF1 is identified by its well-known 12kDa band. What is the reason for this change in labeling of the IF1 band? The reactivity of the anti-IF1 antibody used? It has been previously documented that liver of C57BL/6J and FVB mouse strains do not express IF1 to a significant level when compared to heart IF1 levels (Esparza-Molto (2019) FASEB J. 33, 1836-1851). However, in Fig. 1E they show opposite findings, much higher levels of IF1 in liver than in heart as reveal by the 17kDa band. Moreover, in Fig. 1H they show the vanishing of the 17 kDa band under cold adaptation, which is not the migration of IF1 in gels as shown in their own figures (see Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Supp Fig. 2). I am certainly reluctant to accept that the 17kDa band shown in Figures 1E, 1H, Supp. Fig. 1C, D is indeed IF1. Most likely it represents a non-specific protein recognized by the antibody in the tissue extracts analyzed. Cellular overexpression experiments of IF1 in WT1 cells (Fig. 2E) and primary brown adipocytes (Fig. 4B) also support this argument. Overall, I do not support publication of this study for the reasons stated above.

      RESPONSE: We understand the concerns raised by the reviewer and apologize for the lack of details in our experimental procedures. While we used the same antibody in the study (Cell Sig. cat. Num. 8528, 1:500), we used two different types of gels. The difference in the molecular weight appearance of IF1 is likely through the migration of the protein in the agarose gel. By using custom-made gels, we observe the protein ~17kDa (Fig. 1 and 5), whereas by using commercial gels (Fig. 2, 3, and 4), we observe the protein closer to the predicted molecular weight (i.e. ~12kDa). Of note, gain and loss-of-function experiments, both in vivo as well as in vitro confirm this statement and the specificity of the antibody (Fig. 2, 3, 4, 5, Fig. EV2). In addition, when we ran a custom-made gel with primary BAT cells, we observed again the ~17kDa band (see Figure for the reviewer below). These experiments alongside the absence of other bands in the gels (see uncropped membranes in Supplementary Figure 1) make us conclude that the band we observe is indeed IF1. Nevertheless, we have now updated our methods section, so the reader is aware of our approaches. We hope the reviewer is satisfied with our additional experiments and editions throughout the manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      In this manuscript, Brunneta et al describe the role of IF1 in brown adipose tissue activation using in vivo and in vitro experimental models. They observed that cold adaptation promotes a reduction in IF1 expression and an increase in the reverse activity of mitochondrial ATPase or Complex V. Based on these results, the authors explore the contribution of IF1 in this metabolic pathway by modeling the thermogenic process in differentiated primary brown adipocytes. They silenced and overexpressed IF1 in culture and studied their adrenergic stimulation under norepinephrine.

      Major comments:

      The experiments are well explained and the manuscript flows very well. There are several comments that should be addressed.

      RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for the kind words regarding our work.

      1. The authors measure ATP hydrolysis in isolated mitochondria from BAT in Figure 1. They observed that IF1 is decreased upon cold exposure and that ATP hydrolysis is increased. They assess protein levels of different OXPHOS proteins, including IF1 but not other proteins of Complex V (ATP5A) as they do in Figures 3 and 4. It is important to see that cold exposure only affects IF1 levels but not other proteins from Complex V. Does IF1/Complex V ratio change? RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion which was also raised by Reviewer #1. We have now measured complex V subunit A in our experimental protocol. We found that cold exposure does not impact complex V protein levels. Given the importance of this information, we have now included it in Figure 1 (Please, see the revised version) alongside the IF1/complex V ratio. In addition, we have now performed WBs in the BAT exposed for 3 and 7 days to thermoneutrality (~28°C) where we found that IF1 is not reduced following whitening of BAT by this approach whilst UCP1 and other mitochondrial proteins are reduced.

      This set of data is now included in Figure 1I,K,L.

      In Figure 2J, the drop in MMP is lower upon adrenergic stimulation than in Figure 2E. The same observation applies to other results when the reduction in MMP after NE addition is minimal. Why do the authors remove TMRM for the measurements of membrane potential? TMRM imaging is normally done in the presence of the dye in non-quenching mode. Treatments should be done prior to the addition of the dye and then TMRM should be added and left during the imaging analysis and measure in non-quenching mode. This might explain some of the above-mentioned points regarding the MMP data. Alternatively, if the dye is removed before the measurements, they should let the cells to adapt and so the dye equilibrates between mitochondria and cytosol. A more elegant method to measure membrane potential could be live-cell imaging. In addition, authors propose that mitochondrial membrane potential upon NE stimulation is maintained by reversal of ATP synthase. If this is the case, one would expect that addition of oligomycin in NE treated adipocytes would cause depolarization. However, in FigS2A this is not the case. Authors should comment on this in addition to considering more elegant approach to measure MMP.

      RESPONSE: We apologize for the lack of details in the methods. All treatments (i.e., transfection and norepinephrine stimulation) were performed before the addition of TMRM. Indeed, this approach does not have the resolution compared to safranine in isolated mitochondria (Fig. 1D), which limits our interpretation regarding the dynamic role of IF1 on MMP in brown adipocytes. We have taken care to state the limitations of our method throughout the entire paper to avoid overinterpretation of our data. Regarding the removal of the dye before the measurements, our internal controls indicate that this procedure does not change the ability of our method to detect fluctuations in MMP (i.e., oligomycin and FCCP as internal controls). Nevertheless, as suggested by the reviewer, to test the time effect of the probe equilibrium (i.e., mitochondria versus cytosol) in our method, we loaded cells with TMRM 20 nM for 30 min and measured the fluorescence right after the removal of the probe/washing steps for another 10 min. We were not able to detect differences in the fluorescence in a time-dependent manner (see below). Therefore, we conclude the removal of TMRM does not influence the fluorescence of the probe in differentiated brown adipocytes.



      In addition, we performed a similar experiment using TMRM in the quenching mode (200 nM), however, after the removal of TMRM, we added FCCP (1 mM) to the cells for 10 min under constant agitations at 37°C. This approach aimed to expel all TMRM that accumulated within the mitochondria in an MMP-dependent manner. Therefore, excluding the dynamic Brownian movement that we could have caused by the removal of the dye before the measurement mentioned by the reviewer. By doing this, we found the same effect of IF1 overexpression in the reduction of MMP in the presence of norepinephrine.


      • Transfection (24h) on day 4 of differentiation + 24h just normal media

      • 30 min norepinephrine 10 µM

      • 200 nM TMRM on top of NE

      • Washing step

      • Add FCCP 1 µM for 10 min, and read (The aim here was to release all TMRM accumulated inside of mitochondria in a MMP-dependent manner)

      In summary, the data suggests the removal of the dye from the cells does not influence the fluorescence of TMRM, therefore, enabling us to make conclusions regarding the biological effects of IF1 manipulation in the MMP of brown adipocytes. Regarding the reverse mode of ATP synthase and the absence of effects with oligomycin, given oligomycin inhibits both rotation of ATP synthase and even uncoupled brown adipocytes respond to oligomycin (i.e. reduction in O2 consumption), the prediction of lowering MMP in the presence of oligomycin due to inhibition of the reserve mode of ATP synthase is more complicated than anticipated. Nevertheless, we have now addressed this topic in the discussion section. Lastly, we generally observe a reduction in MMP around 10-25% in differentiated adipocytes upon NE treatment (30 minutes, 10mM). However, due to the differentiation state of the cells, MMP response from norepinephrine fluctuated from experiment to experiment. Therefore, we did not compare experiments performed on different days or batches, but only within the same differentiation batch to reduce variability.

      In Figure 2, in the model of siIF1, there is baseline more phosphorylation of AMPK than in the scramble control (pAMPK). However, this is not the case of p-p38MAPK. Do the authors have any explanation for those differences in baseline activation of the stress kinases when IF1 is silenced? In the same experimental group, addition of NE seems to have more effect in the scrambled than in siIF1, but the plotted data does not reflect these differences. In contrast, increase in pAMPK upon NE is higher in IF1 overexpressing cells compared to EV (Figure 2H), but again this is not reflected in western blot quantification (Figure 2I).

      RESPONSE: Although some differences in pAMPK in the treatments were observed as gathered by the representative blots, these changes were not confirmed later in different biological replicates, therefore, the overall effect of IF1 manipulation in pAMPK does not change. Given we used this approach as quality control for our experiments to guarantee norepinephrine treatment works, we removed the pAMPK data from the study and kept p38 as a marker of adrenergic signaling activation (please see revised Fig. 2 in the main file).

      Does NE promote decrease of IF1 expression in control (siScramble and EV) adipocytes? The authors should test it and see whether it goes in the same direction as the observations derived from the experiments in cold exposed mice. This is very important point, as it could explain the lack of an additional effect of IF1 silencing on NE-induced depolarization (Figure 2E).

      RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. In line, with the in vivo data, acute NE treatment in differentiated brown adipocytes does not change IF1 mRNA and protein levels. We have now added this information and the corresponding interpretation to the updated manuscript.

      Does NE promote decrease of IF1 expression in the scramble and EV adipocytes? The authors should test it and see whether it goes in the same direction as the observations derived from the experiments in cold exposed mice.

      RESPONSE: As this question is the same as #4, we believe the reviewer may have erroneously pasted this here.

      For MMP data in Fig2, they should include significance between non treated and NE-treated groups. They say: "While UCP1 ablation did not cause any effect on MMP upon adrenergic stimulation...", but NE caused (probably significant) depolarization in siUCP1, which seems even stronger than depolarization in EV. This is opposite to what you would expect. They also didn't confirm UCP1 silencing with western blot.

      RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have now included the expected statistical main effect of NE upon MMP. Although the effects of IF1 overexpression were blunted when Ucp1 was silenced, we indeed still observed the same degree of reduction in MMP in brown adipocytes. This finding has two possible explanations, one is the effectiveness of the silencing protocol, therefore, residual Ucp1 expression may still play a role in this experiment; second, other ATP-consuming processes are able to lower MMP in a UCP1-independent manner. We have added this information to the updated manuscript to make the reader aware of our findings as well as the limitations of the method. Unfortunately, we were not able to detect UCP1 protein levels due to technical issues. Given the effects of IF1 overexpression were blunted when Ucp1 was silenced, we believe this functional outcome is sufficient, alongside mRNA levels, to demonstrate the effectiveness of our silencing protocol.

      It has been established that decreased expression of IF1 promotes increase in the reverse activity of Complex V, ATP hydrolytic activity. Increase in ATP hydrolysis also affects ECAR. The authors should consider this when calculating the contribution of ATP glycolysis versus ATP OXPHOS since the ATP hydrolysis is also playing a role in the ECAR increase. The data should be reinterpreted. ATP hydrolysis should be measured in the situation where IF1 is silenced and overexpressed. These measurements can be done in cells using the seahorse.

      RESPONSE: The only differences we observed in MMP are in the presence of norepinephrine (i.e. UCP-1-dependent proton conductance), which is not present during the estimation of ATP production by Seahorse analysis. Nevertheless, we have now improved the description of our experimental protocol and limitations to estimate ATP production to make it as clear as possible to the reader. Lastly, given the addition of in vivo gain-of-function experiments, we have now determined the ATP hydrolytic activity in this model, which offers a better understanding of the in vivo modulation of IF1 levels affecting ATP synthase activity (reverse mode). We hope the reviewer understands our motivation to focus on the in vivo model of gain-of-function regarding ATP synthase activity.

      The authors use GAPDH as loading control in western blots. They should use another protein since GAPDH is part of the intermediary metabolism and plays a role in glycolysis.

      RESPONSE: We understand the concern of the reviewer regarding the use of GAPDH as a loading control for the studies of metabolism. However, as can be observed by the western blot images, GAPDH levels do not change in our experimental models, therefore, we feel confident that our loading is homogeneous throughout our gels.

      The authors show that reduction of IF1 involves more lipid utilization. They should include more experiments showing the connection of the metabolic adaptation in the absence of IF1 and some lipid imaging.

      RESPONSE: We appreciate this suggestion. We have now performed Oil Red O staining in differentiated adipocytes following ablation of IF1. However, we did not observe any effect on lipid accumulation in primary brown adipocytes following IF1 knockdown. Therefore, the effects of IF1 ablation on lipid mobilization are not due to lipid content or reflected in lipid accumulation. We have now added this new information to the manuscript (please, see the revised form Fig. EV3).

      In the text, "Despite this adjustment of experimental conditions, we did not detect any effect of IF1 ablation on mitochondrial oxygen consumption (Supplementary Fig. 3A,B)", this is true for baseline, NE-driven and ATP-linked respiration, but what about maximal respiration? There is a huge increase in IF1 knockdown... They should explain these results.

      RESPONSE: We perform this experiment to address the question of whether the lipid mobilization induced by norepinephrine would uncouple mitochondria in a UCP1-independent manner. Given the absence of effect between scrambled and IF1 ablated cells in mitochondrial respiration in the presence of norepinephrine and following the addition of oligomycin, we concluded no effect of lipolysis-induced UCP1-independent uncoupling. However, as observed by the reviewer and consistent with other data within the study, the interaction between lipid metabolism and IF1 knockdown seems to affect maximal electron transport chain activity, which although interesting, was not the focus of the present study. Nevertheless, we have now acknowledged these findings and a possible explanation for them in the revised manuscript.

      In Figure 3K they present OCR as % of baseline, but in a similar experiment in Figire 4G it is OCR/protein, they should make the Y axis consistent across experiments.

      RESPONSE: We apologize for this overlook. We have now edited all the axes and labels for consistency.

      The graphical abstract is confusing. In BAT there are two populations of mitochondria, the cytosolic and the mitochondria attached to the lipid droplet, peridroplet mitochondria (PDM). Upon adrenergic stimulation, PDM leave the lipid droplet and lipolysis takes place. The authors propose that upon adrenergic stimulation, IF1 is reduced and there is lipid mobilization. The part of the scheme where it says "fully recruited" should be removed or rewritten, since adrenergic stimulation is not compatible with mitochondria recruitment around the lipid droplet.

      RESPONSE: Thank you for this input. Given the addition of new experiments and interpretation, we have now redrawn the graphical abstract and addressed this topic in the discussion section.

      The title should be rewritten to better reflect the research presented in the manuscript.

      RESPONSE: Thank you for this input. Given the addition of new experiments, we have now rewritten the title accordingly.

      Minor comments:

      Some of the Y axis should be corrected. For example, in Figure 2J, L and M should say % of EV untreated, Similarly, in Figure 2E, it should say % of scramble untreated. In Figure 3N, the Y axis is misspelled. All the Y axis referring to percentages should have the same scale for comparison purposes.

      RESPONSE: Thank you for the proofreading. We have now edited the scales and labels to keep consistency.

      The authors should describe better the results corresponding to Figure 2. There is a lot of information and they should improve the description pertaining the connection between the different pieces of data relating the different signaling pathways that are shown. For westerns in this Figure, they should provide some rationale (one to two sentences in the results section) as to why they are checking the expression of pAMPK and p38-MAPK.

      RESPONSE: We have now edited the description of our results to make them as clear as possible.

      Here are some comments referring to the methods section:

      For Complex V hydrolytic activity, the reaction buffer contains 10mM Na-azide. I guess this is to inhibit respiration, but wouldn't azide also inhibit complex V at this concentration?

      RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for this question. To test that, we performed complex V activity in buffers containing or not 10 mM sodium azide. As demonstrated below, the presence of sodium azide in the buffer does not influence complex V activity in two different tissues with low and high complex V activity (BAT and heart, respectively).

      Table 1. ATP synthase hydrolytic activity in the presence or absence of Na-azide.




      100 ± 43.01

      100 ± 39.36


      82.6 ± 4.33

      111.3 ± 43.32

      +Na-azide + oligomycin

      15.3 ± 4.32*

      13.8 ± 14.01*

      -Na-azide + oligomycin

      14.2 ± 3.53*

      11.9 ± 2.88*

      Data presented as % of control (i.e. presence of Na-azide and absence of oligomycin) for both tissues independently. N = 2-3/condition. Statistical test: two-way ANOVA. * main effect of oligomycin (p In the mitochondrial isolation protocol, they say "mitochondria were centrifuged at 800g for 10min..." Will this speed pellet the mitochondria? I think this is a mistake in writing.

      RESPONSE: We apologize for the lack of clarity. What was centrifuged at 800 g was the whole-tissue homogenate to discard cellular debris, before pelleting mitochondria at 5000 g. We have now corrected this mistake in the methods section.

      For the safranin-O experiment, they don't mention mitochondrial substrate used, probably it's in the reference that they provide, but I think it should be included in the text.

      RESPONSE: We did not use any substrate because our goal was to test the contribution of ATP synthase to mitochondrial membrane potential. For that, we inhibited proton movement within the ETC with antimycin A and through UCP1 with GDP (see Methods). We have now edited our Method’s description to make sure the reader is aware of our approach.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript is well written, and it flows well when reading. However, there are some additional experiments that need to be performed to reach the conclusions the authors claim.

      RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for the positive commentaries regarding our work and hope to have answered the open questions with the edits and new experiments.

      The role of ATP hydrolysis in BAT thermogenesis is novel and interesting as it can sed some light onto potential approaches to promotes BAT activation.

      Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This is an interesting investigation into the activity of IF1 in brown adipocytes. The findings are innovative and the conclusion is well-supported by the data. The conclusion is in line with previous reports on IF1 activities in other cell types, particularly in terms of its regulation of FoF1-ATPase. The authors have executed an exceptional job in designing the study, preparing the figures, and writing the manuscript. Overall, this study significantly contributes to the understanding of IF1 activity in brown adipocytes and its role in thermogenesis.

      RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for the kind words. Please, find below our answers in a point-by-point manner.

      Reviewer #4 (Significance (Required)):

      The study demonstrates involvement of IF1 in regulating thermogenesis in brown adipocytes, which is a unique aspect not covered in existing literature. Advantage of the study is well-designed cellular studies. The major weakness is lack of proof of conclusion in vivo. There are a few minor concerns that should be addressed to further enhance quality of the manuscript.

      RESPONSE: We have now included two in vivo models, whole-body IF1 KO mice and BAT-injected IF1 overexpression to test the role of IF1 in BAT biology. The whole dataset is included in the main manuscript, where we conclude the BAT IF1 overexpression partially suppresses b3-adrenergic induction of thermogenesis alongside a reduction (overall and UCP1 dependent) in mitochondrial oxygen consumption. Also, similar to our in vitro experiments, IF1 KO mice did not present any difference in adrenergic-stimulated oxygen consumption.

      1. Current discussion does not mention the regulation of IF1 protein by the cAMP/PKA pathway. This point should be included to provide a comprehensive understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of IF1 protein. RESPONSE: Thank you for this suggestion. We have now added this topic to the discussion.

      It has been reported that IF1 also influences the structure of mitochondrial crista. Considering the observed changes with IF1 knockdown, it would be valuable to discuss this activity in relation to the findings of the study.

      RESPONSE: We discussed the implications of IF1 modulation in mitochondrial morphology in the revised manuscript.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #4

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This is an interesting investigation into the activity of IF1 in brown adipocytes. The findings are innovative and the conclusion is well-supported by the data. The conclusion is in line with previous reports on IF1 activities in other cell types, particularly in terms of its regulation of FoF1-ATPase. The authors have executed an exceptional job in designing the study, preparing the figures, and writing the manuscript. Overall, this study significantly contributes to the understanding of IF1 activity in brown adipocytes and its role in thermogenesis.


      The study demonstrates involvement of IF1 in regulating thermogenesis in brown adipocytes, which is a unique aspect not covered in existing literature.Advantage of the study is well-designed cellular studies. The major weakness is lack of proof of conclusion in vivo. There are a few minor concerns that should be addressed to further enhance quality of the manuscript.

      1. Current discussion does not mention the regulation of IF1 protein by the cAMP/PKA pathway. This point should be included to provide a comprehensive understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of IF1 protein.
      2. It has been reported that IF1 also influences the structure of mitochondrial crista. Considering the observed changes with IF1 knockdown, it would be valuable to discuss this activity in relation to the findings of the study.
    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript, Brunneta et al describe the role of IF1 in brown adipose tissue activation using in vivo and in vitro experimental models. They observed that cold adaptation promotes a reduction in IF1 expression and an increase in the reverse activity of mitochondrial ATPase or Complex V. Based on these results, the authors explore the contribution of IF1 in this metabolic pathway by modeling the thermogenic process in differentiated primary brown adipocytes. They silenced and overexpressed IF1 in culture and studied their adrenergic stimulation under norepinephrine.

      Major comments:

      The experiments are well explained and the manuscript flows very well. There are several comments that should be addressed.

      1. The authors measure ATP hydrolysis in isolated mitochondria from BAT in Figure 1. They observed that IF1 is decreased upon cold exposure and that ATP hydrolysis is increased. They assess protein levels of different OXPHOS proteins, including IF1 but not other proteins of Complex V (ATP5A) as they do in Figures 3 and 4. It is important to see that cold exposure only affects IF1 levels but not other proteins from Complex V. Does IF1/Complex V ratio change?
      2. In Figure 2J, the drop in MMP is lower upon adrenergic stimulation than in Figure 2E. The same observation applies to other results when the reduction in MMP after NE addition is minimal. Why do the authors remove TMRM for the measurements of membrane potential? TMRM imaging is normally done in the presence of the dye in non-quenching mode. Treatments should be done prior to the addition of the dye and then TMRM should be added and left during the imaging analysis and measure in non-quenching mode. This might explain some of the above-mentioned points regarding the MMP data. Alternatively, if the dye is removed before the measurements, they should let the cells to adapt and so the dye equilibrates between mitochondria and cytosol. A more elegant method to measure membrane potential could be live-cell imaging. In addition, authors propose that mitochondrial membrane potential upon NE stimulation is maintained by reversal of ATP synthase. If this is the case, one would expect that addition of oligomycin in NE treated adipocytes would cause depolarization. However, in FigS2A this is not the case. Authors should comment on this in addition to considering more elegant approach to measure MMP
      3. In Figure 2, in the model of siIF1, there is baseline more phosphorylation of AMPK than in the scramble control (pAMPK). However, this is not the case of p-p38MAPK. Do the authors have any explanation for those differences in baseline activation of the stress kinases when IF1 is silenced? In the same experimental group, addition of NE seems to have more effect in the scrambled than in siIF1, but the plotted data does not reflect these differences. In contrast, increase in pAMPK upon NE is higher in IF1 overexpressing cells compared to EV (Figure 2H), but again this is not reflected in western blot quantification (Figure 2I).
      4. Does NE promote decrease of IF1 expression in control (siScramble and EV) adipocytes? The authors should test it and see whether it goes in the same direction as the observations derived from the experiments in cold exposed mice. This is very important point, as it could explain the lack of an additional effect of IF1 silencing on NE-induced depolarization (Figure 2E).
      5. Does NE promote decrease of IF1 expression in the scramble and EV adipocytes? The authors should test it and see whether it goes in the same direction as the observations derived from the experiments in cold exposed mice.
      6. For MMP data in Fig2, they should include significance between non treated and NE-treated groups. They say: "While UCP1 ablation did not cause any effect on MMP upon adrenergic stimulation...", but NE caused (probably significant) depolarization in siUCP1, which seems even stronger than depolarization in EV. This is opposite to what you would expect. They also didn't confirm UCP1 silencing with western blot.
      7. It has been establish that decreased expression of IF1 promotes increase in the reverse activity of Complex V, ATP hydrolytic activity. Increase in ATP hydrolysis also affects ECAR. The authors should consider this when calculating the contribution of ATP glycolysis versus ATP OXPHOS since the ATP hydrolysis is also playing a role in the ECAR increase. The data should be reinterpreted. ATP hydrolysis should be measured in the situation where IF1 is silenced and overexpressed. These measurements can be done in cells using the seahorse.
      8. The authors use GAPDH as loading control in western blots. They should use another protein since GAPDH is part of the intermediary metabolism and plays a role in glycolysis.
      9. The authors show that reduction of IF1 involves more lipid utilization. They should include more experiments showing the connection of the metabolic adaptation in the absence of IF1 and some lipid imaging.
      10. In the text, "Despite this adjustment of experimental conditions, we did not detect any effect of IF1 ablation on mitochondrial oxygen consumption (Supplementary Fig. 3A,B)", this is true for baseline, NE-driven and ATP-linked respiration, but what about maximal respiration? There is a huge increase in IF1 knockdown... They should explain these results.
      11. In Figure 3K they present OCR as % of baseline, but in a similar experiment in Figire 4G it is OCR/protein, they should make the Y axis consistent across experiments.
      12. The graphical abstract is confusing. In BAT there are two populations of mitochondria, the cytosolic and the mitochondria attached to the lipid droplet, peridroplet mitochondria (PDM). Upon adrenergic stimulation, PDM leave the lipid droplet and lipolysis takes place. The authors propose that upon adrenergic stimulation, IF1 is reduced and there is lipid mobilization. The part of the scheme where it says "fully recruited" should be removed or rewritten, since adrenergic stimulation is not compatible with mitochondria recruitment around the lipid droplet.
      13. The title should be rewritten to better reflect the research presented in the manuscript.

      Minor comments:

      1. Some of the Y axis should be corrected. For example, in Figure 2J, L and M should say % of EV untreated, Similarly, in Figure 2E, it should say % of scramble untreated. In Figure 3N, the Y axis is misspelled. All the Y axis referring to percentages should have the same scale for comparison purposes.
      2. The authors should describe better the results corresponding to Figure 2. There is a lot of information and they should improve the description pertaining the connection between the different pieces of data relating the different signaling pathways that are shown. For westerns in this Figure, they should provide some rationale (one to two sentences in the results section) as to why they are checking the expression of pAMPK and p38-MAPK.

      Here are some comments referring to the methods section:

      1. For Complex V hydrolytic activity, the reaction buffer contains 10mM Na-azide. I guess this is to inhibit respiration, but wouldn't azide also inhibit complex V at this concentration?
      2. In the mitochondrial isolation protocol, they say "mitochondria were centrifuged at 800g for 10min..." Will this speed pellet the mitochondria? I think this is a mistake in writing.
      3. For the safranin-O experiment, they don't mention mitochondrial substrate used, probably it's in the reference that they provide, but I think it should be included in the text.


      The manuscript is well written, and it flows well when reading. However, there are some additional experiments that need to be performed to reach the conclusions the authors claim.

      The role of ATP hydrolysis in BAT thermogenesis is novel and interesting as it can sed some light onto potential approaches to promotes BAT activation.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The manuscript by Brunetta and colleagues conveys the message that the ATPase inhibitory factor 1 (IF1) protein, a physiological inhibitor of mitochondrial ATP synthase, is expressed in BAT of C57BL/6J mice. Moreover, upon cold-adaption of mice they report that the content of IF1 in BAT is downregulated to sustain the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) as a result of reverse functioning of the enzyme. In experiments of loss and gain of function of IF1 in cultured brown adipocytes and WT cells they further stress that IF1 silencing promotes metabolic reprogramming to an enhanced glycolysis and lipid oxidation, whereas IF1 overexpression blunts ATP production rendering a quiescent cellular state of the adipocytes.


      Claims and conclusions:

      I have been surprised by the claim that IF1 protein is expressed in BAT under basal conditions and that its expression is downregulated in the cold-adapted tissue. In a previously published work by Forner et al., (2009) Cell Metab 10, 324-335 (reference 43), using a quantitative proteomic approach, it is reported that the mitochondrial proteome of mouse BAT under basal conditions contains a low content of IF1 (at level comparable to the background of the analysis). Remarkably, in the same study they show that there is roughly a 2-fold increase in the content of IF1 protein in mitochondria of BAT at 4d and 24d of cold-adaptation of mice. In other words, just the opposite of what is being reported in the Brunetta study. Importantly, the last paragraph of the discussion needs to be amended when mentioning the work of Forner et al. (ref.43). The mentioned reference studied changes in the mouse mitochondrial proteome not in human mitochondria, as it is stated in the alluded paragraph.

      More puzzling are the western blots in Figures 1E, 1H, Supp. Fig. 1C, D were IF1 (ATP5IF1) is identified by a 17kDa band. However, in other Figures (Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Supp Fig. 2) IF1 is identified by its well-known 12kDa band. What is the reason for this change in labeling of the IF1 band? The reactivity of the anti-IF1 antibody used? It has been previously documented that liver of C57BL/6J and FVB mouse strains do not express IF1 to a significant level when compared to heart IF1 levels (Esparza-Molto (2019) FASEB J. 33, 1836-1851). However, in Fig. 1E they show opposite findings, much higher levels of IF1 in liver than in heart as reveal by the 17kDa band. Moreover, in Fig. 1H they show the vanishing of the 17 kDa band under cold adaptation, which is not the migration of IF1 in gels as shown in their own figures (see Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Supp Fig. 2). I am certainly reluctant to accept that the 17kDa band shown in Figures 1E, 1H, Supp. Fig. 1C, D is indeed IF1. Most likely it represents a non-specific protein recognized by the antibody in the tissue extracts analyzed. Cellular overexpression experiments of IF1 in WT1 cells (Fig. 2E) and primary brown adipocytes (Fig. 4B) also support this argument.

      Overall, I do not support publication of this study for the reasons stated above.

    5. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: In the present manuscript, the authors present data in support of their primary discovery that "IF1 controls UCP1-dependent mitochondrial bioenergetics in brown adipocytes". The opening figure convincingly demonstrates that IF1 expression is cold-exposure dependent. They then go on to show that loss of IF1 has functional consequences that would be predicted based on IF1's know role as a regulator of ATP hydrolysis by CV. They go on to make a few additional claims, succinctly detailed in the Discussion section. Specific claims include the following: 1) IF1 is downregulated in cold-adapted BAT, allowing greater hydrolytic activity of ATP synthase by operating in the reverse mode; 2) when IF1 is upregulated in brown adipocytes in vitro mitochondria unable to sustain the MMP upon adrenergic stimulation, 3) IF1 ablation in brown adipocytes phenocopies the metabolic adaptation of BAT to cold, and 4) IF1 overexpression blunts mitochondrial respiration without any apparent compensator response in glycolytic activity. The claims described above are well supported by the evidence. The manuscript is very well written, figures are clear and succinct. Overall, the quality of the work is very high. Given that IF1 is implicated across many fields of study, the novel discovery of IF1 as a regulator of brown adipose mitochondrial bioenergetics will be of significance across several fields. That said, a few areas of concern were apparent. Concerns are detailed in the "Major" and "Minor" comments section below. Additional experiments do not appear to be required, assuming the authors adequately acknowledge the limitations of the study and either remove or qualify speculative claims.

      Major Comments:

      • The authors convincingly demonstrate that IF1 expression is specifically down-regulated in BAT upon cold-exposure. These data strongly implicate a role for IF1 in BAT bioenergetics, a major claim of the authors and a novel finding herein. Additional major strengths of the paper, which provide excellent scientific rigor include the use of both loss of function and gain of function approaches for IF1. In addition, the mutant IF1 experiments are excellent, as they convincingly show that the effects of IF1 are dependent on its ability to bind CV.
      • Regarding Figure 1 - Did the content of ATP synthase change? In figure 1A-B, the authors show that ATPase activity of CV is higher in cold-adapted mice. While this result could be due to a loss of IF1, it could also be due to a higher expression of CV. To control for this, the authors should consider blotting for CV, which would allow for ATPase activity to be normalized to expression.
      • Regarding MMP generated specifically by ATP hydrolysis at CV, the reversal potential for ANT occurs at a more negative MMP than that of CV (PMID: 21486564). Because reverse transport of ATP (cytosol to matrix) via ANT will also generate a MMP, it is speculative to state that the MMP in the assay is driven by ATP hydrolysis at CV. It is possible and maybe even likely that the majority of the MMP is driven by ANT flux, which in turn limits the amount of ATP hydrolyzed by CV. Admittedly, it is very challenging to different MMP from ANT vs that from CV, thus the authors simply need to acknowledge that the specific contribution of ATP hydrolysis to MMP remains to be fully determined. That said, the fact that ATP-dependent MMP tracks with IF1 expression does certainly implicate a role for ATP hydrolysis in the process. The authors should consider including a discussion of the ambiguity of the assay to avoid confusion. A role for ANT likely should be incorporated in the Fig. 1J cartoon.
      • Regarding the lack of effect of IF1 silencing on MMP, it is possible that IF1 total protein levels are simply lower in cultured brown fat cells relative to tissue? The authors could consider testing this by blotting for IF1 and CV in BAT and brown fat cells. The ratio of IF1/ATP5A1 in tissue versus cells may provide some amount of mechanistic evidence as to their findings.
      • The calculation of ATP synthesis from respiration sensitive to oligomycin has many conceptual flaws. Unlike glycolysis, where ATP is produced via substrate level phosphorylation, during OXPHOS, the stoichiometry of ATP produced per 2e transfer is not known in intact brown adipose cells. This is a major limitation of this "calculated ATP synthesis" approach that is beginning to become common. Such claims are speculative and thus likely do more harm than good. In addition to ANT and CV, there are many proton-consuming reactions driven by the proton motive force (e.g., metabolite transport, Ca2+ cycling, NADPH synthesis). Although it remains unclear how much proton conductance is diverted to non ATP synthesis dependent processes, it seems highly likely that these processes contribute to respiratory demand inside living cells. Moreover, just as occurs with UCP1 in response to adrenergic stimuli, proton conductance across the various proton-dependent processes likely changes depending on the cellular context, which is another reason why using a fixed stoichiometry to calculate how much ATP is produced from oxygen consumption is so highly flawed. Maximal P/O values that are often used for NAD/FAD linked flux are generated using experimental conditions that favor near complete flux through the ATP synthesis system (supraphysiological substrate and ADP levels). The true P/O value inside living cells is likely to be lower.
      • Why are the results in Figure 3K expressed as a % of basal? Could the authors please normalize the OCR data to protein and/or provide a justification for why different normalization strategies were used between 3K and 3M?
      • The authors claim that IF1 overexpression lowers ATP production via OXPHOS. However, given the major limitations of this assay (ass discussed above), these claims should be viewed as speculation. This needs to be addressed by the authors as a major limitation. The fact that the ATP/ADP levels did not change do not support of reduction in ATP production, as claimed in the title of Figure 4.
      • In the discussion, the authors state "However, considering that IF1 inhibits F1-ATP synthase in a 1:1 stoichiometric ratio, the relatively higher expression of IF1 in BAT at room temperature could represent an additional inhibitory factor for ATP synthesis in this tissue." This does not appear to be correct. Although IF1 has been suggested to partially lower maximal rates of ATP synthesis rates, most of this evidence comes from over-expression experiments. According to the current understanding of IF1-CV interaction, the protein is expelled from the complex during rotation in favor of ATP synthesis (PMID: 37002198). It is far more likely that ATP synthesis is low in BAT mitochondria due to the low CV expression. Relative to heart and when normalized to mitochondrial content, CV expression in BAT mitochondria is about 10% that of heart (PMID: 33077793).
      • The last sentence of the manuscript states, "Given the importance of IF1 to control brown adipocyte energy metabolism, lowering IF1 levels therapeutically might enhance approaches to enhance NST for improving cardiometabolic health in humans." This sentence seems at odds with the evidence that IF1 levels go up, not down, in human BAT upon cold exposure.

      Minor Comments:

      • The term "anaerobic glycolysis" is used throughout. All experiments were performed under normoxic conditions, thus the correct term is "aerobic glycolysis.
      • Only male mice were used in the study, could the authors please provide a justification for this?


      Overall, the quality of the work is very high. Given that IF1 is implicated across many fields of study, the novel discovery of IF1 as a regulator of brown adipose mitochondrial bioenergetics will be of significance across several fields.

      My expertise is in mitochondrial thermodynamics; thus, I do not feel there are any parts of the paper that I do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2023-02218R

      Corresponding author(s): Steven, McMahon

      1. General Statements [optional]

      *We were pleased to receive the encouraging critiques and very much appreciate the Reviewer's specific comments and suggestions. In this revised version of our manuscript, we have made a number of substantive additions and modifications in response to these comments/suggestions. We hope you agree that the study is now improved to the point where it is suitable for publication. *

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary This study describes efforts to characterize differences in the roles of the two related human decapping factors Dcp1a and Dcp1b by assessing mRNA decay and protein associations in knockdown and knockout cell lines. The authors conclude that these proteins are non-redundant based on the observations that loss of DCp1a versus Dcp1b impacts the decapping complex (interactome) and the transcriptome differentially.

      Major comments • While the experiments appear to be well designed and executed and the data of generally high quality, the conclusions are drawn without sufficient consideration for the fact that these two proteins form a heterotrimeric complex. The authors assume that there are distinct homotrimeric complexes rather than a single complex with both proteins in. Homotrimers may have new/different functions not normally seen when both proteins are expressed. Thus while it is acceptable to infer that the functions of these two proteins within the decapping complex are distinct, it is not clear that they act separately, or that complexes naturally exist without one or the other. A careful evaluation of the relative ratios of Dcp1a and b overall and in decapping complexes would be informative if the authors want to make stronger statements about the roles of these two factors.

      RESPONSE: Thank you for this valuable comment. We have substantially edited the manuscript to incorporate these points. Examples include a detailed analysis of iBAQ values for the DDX6, DCP1a, and DCP1b interactomes (which now allows us to estimate the ratios of DCP1a and DCP1b in these complexes) and cellular fractionation to interrogate complex integrity (using Superose 6).

      • The concept of buffering is not adequately introduced and the interpretation of observations that RNAs with increased half life do not show increased protein abundance - that Dcp1a/b are involved in transcript buffering is nebulous. In order to support this interpretation, the mRNA abundances (NOT protein abundances) should be assessed, and even then, there is no way to rule out indirect effects. RESPONSE: Thank you for this comment. In the revised version of the manuscript, we introduced the concept of transcript buffering at an earlier stage as one of the potential explanations for our findings. We were also able to use a new algorithm (grandR) to estimate half-lives and synthesis rates from our data. These new data add strength to the argument that DCP1a and DCP1b are linked to transcript buffering pathways.

      • It might be interesting to see what happens when both factors are depleted to get an idea of the overall importance of each one.

      RESPONSE: In our work we tried to emphasize the differences between the two paralogs. We believe that doing double knockout or knockdown would mask the distinct impacts of the paralogs. In data not included in this study, we have shown that cells lacking both DCP1a and DCP1b are viable. We did check PARP cleavage in the CRISPR generated cell pools of DCP1a KO, DCP1b KO, and the double KO. The WB measuring the PARP cleavage is shown in the supplemental material (Supplementary Material: Replicates)

      • The algorithms etc used for data analysis should be included at the time of publication. Version number and settings used for SMART to define protein domains, and webgestalt should be indicated

      RESPONSE: We apologize for this oversight. Version number and settings used for the webtools (SMART, Webgestalt) are now included. The analysis pipeline for half-lives and synthesis rates estimation as well as all the files and the code needed to generate the figures in the paper are available on zenodo (https://zenodo.org/records/10725429).

      • Statistical analysis is not provided for the IP experiments, the number of replicates performed is not indicated and quantification of KD efficiency are not provided.

      RESPONSE: The number of replicates performed in each experiment is now clearly indicated and quantifications of knockdown efficiency are provided (Supplemental Figure 3A and 3B, Figure 3A, Figure 3B).

      • The possibility that the IP Antibody interferes with protein-protein interactions is not mentioned.

      RESPONSE: Thank you for this comment. The revised manuscript includes a discussion of the antibody epitope location and the potential for impact on protein-protein interactions.

      Minor comments • P4 - "This translational repression of mRNA associated with decapping can be reversed, providing another point at which gene expression can be regulated (21)" - implies that decapping can be reversed or that decapped RNAs are translated. I don't think this is technically true.

      RESPONSE: There have been several studies that document the reversal of decapping. These findings are summarized in the following reviews.

      Schoenberg, D. R., & Maquat, L. E. (2009). Re-capping the message. Trends in biochemical sciences, 34(9), 435-442.

      Trotman, J. B., & Schoenberg, D. R. (2019). A recap of RNA recapping. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA, 10(1), e1504.

      • P11 - how common is it for higher eukaryotes to have 2 DCP genes? *RESPONSE: Metazoans have 2 DCP1 genes. *

      • Fig S1 - says "mammalian tissues" in the text but the data is all human. The statement that "expression analyses revealed that DCP1a and DCP1b have concordant rather than reciprocal expression patterns across different mammalian tissues (Supplemental Figure 1)" is a bit misleading as no evidence for correlation or anti-correlation is provided. Also co-expression is not strong support for the idea that these genes have non-redundant functions. Both genes are just expressed in all tissues - there's no evidence provided that they are concordantly expressed. In bone marrow it may be worth noting that one is high and the other low - i.e. reciprocal. *RESPONSE: We appreciate this comment. We have corrected the interpretation of the aforementioned dataset. We have also incorporated a more detailed discussion in the text of the paper. As the Reviewer pointed out, there are a subset of tissues where their expression appears to be reciprocal. *

      • Fig 1A - it is not clear what the different colors mean. Does Sc DCP1 have 1 larger EVH or 2 distinct ones. Are the low complexity regions in Sc DCP2 the SLiMs. *RESPONSE: Thank you for this comment. We have corrected this ambiguity to reflect that Sc DCP1 has one EVH1 domain that is interconnected by a flexible hinge. The low-complexity regions typically contain short linear motifs (SLIMs), however, not all low-complexity regions have been verified to contain them. In the figure, only low-complexity regions are shown. The text of the paper refers only to verified SLIMs . *

      • P11 - why were HCT116 cells selected? RESPONSE: HCT116 cells are an easily transfectable human cell line and have been widely used in biochemical and molecular studies, including studies of mRNA decapping (see references below). Since decapping is impacted by viral proteins we avoided the use of other commonly used cell models such as HEK293T or HeLa.


      • Fig 1B - what are the asterisks by the RNA names? Might be worth noting that over-expression of DCP1b reduced IP of DCP1a. There's no quantification and no indication of the number of times this experiment was repeated. Data from replicates and quantification of the knockdown efficiency in each replicate would be nice to see. *RESPONSE: Thank you for this comment. Asterisks indicate that those bands were from a second gel, as DCP1a and DCP1b run at approximately the same molecular weight. We have now included a note in our figure legend to indicate this. The knockdown efficiency is provided (Figure 3 and Supplemental Figure 3). We also noted the number of replicas for each IP in figure 1. The replicas are provided as supplementary material (Supplementary Materials: Replicates). *

      • Fig 1C/1D - why are there 3 bands in the DCP1a blot? Quantification of the IP bands is necessary to say whether there is an effect or not of over-expression/KO. RESPONSE: The additional bands in DCP1a blots are background. When we stained the whole blot for DCP1a, in cells which with complete DCP1a KO cells (clone A3), these bands still appear (Supplementary Material: Validation of the KO clones). Quantifications of the bands in the overexpression experiments is now provided.

      • Fig 3 - is it possible that differences are due to epitope positions for the antibodies used for IP? RESPONSE: We do not believe so. DCP1a antibody binds roughly 300-400 residues on DCP1a, and DCP1b antibody binds around Val202. Antibodies therefore do not bind DCP1a or DCP1b low-complexity regions (which are largely responsible for interacting with the decapping complex interactome). Antibodies don't bind the EVH1 domains or the trimerization domain, which are needed for their interaction with DCP2 and each other.

      • Fig 5A - the legend doesn't match the colors in the figure. It is not clear how the pRESPONSE: Thank you for this comment. We have corrected this issue in the revised version of the paper. High-confidence proteins are those with pRESPONSE: Thank you for this comment. We have corrected this issue in the revised version of the paper.*

      • There are a few more recent studies on buffering that should be cited and more discussion of this in the introduction is necessary if conclusions are going to be drawn about buffering. *RESPONSE: We have included a discussion of transcript buffering in the introduction. *

      • The heatmaps in figure 2 are hard to interpret. RESPONSE: To clarify the heatmaps, we included a more detailed description in the figure legends, have enlarged the heatmaps themselves, and have added more extensive labeling.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      • Strengths: The experiments appear to be done well and the datasets should be useful for the field. • Limitations: The results are overinterpreted - different genes are affected by knocking down one or other of these two similar proteins but this does not really tell us all that much about how the two proteins are functioning in a cell where both are expressed. • Audience: This study will appeal most to a specialized audience consisting of those interested in the basic mechanisms of mRNA decay. Others may find the dataset useful. • This study might complement and/or be informed by another recent study in BioRXiv - https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.04.556219 • My field of expertise is mRNA decay - I am qualified to evaluate the findings within the context of this field. I do not have much experience of LC-MS-MS and therefore cannot evaluate the methods/analysis of this part of the study.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The authors provide evidence that Dcp1a and Dcp1b - two paralogous proteins of the mRNA decapping complex - may have divergent functions in a cancer cell line. In the first part, the authors show that interaction of Dcp2 with EDC4 is diminished upon depletion of Dcp1a but not affected by depletion of Dcp1b. The results have been controlled by overexpression of Dcp1b as it may be limiting factor (i.e. expression levels too low to compensate for depletion of Dcp1a reduced interaction with EDC3/4 while depletion of Dcp1b lead to opposite and increase interactions). They then defined the protein interactome of DDX6 in parental and Dcp1a or Dcp1b depleted cells. Here, the authors show some differential association with EDC4 again, which is along results shown in the first part. The authors further performed SLAM-seq and identified subsets of mRNA whose decay rates are common but also different upon depletion with Dcp1a and Dcp1b. Interestingly, it seems that Dcp1a preferentially targets mRNAs for proteins regulating lymphocyte differentiation. To further test whether changes in RNA decay rates are also reflected at the protein levels, they finally performed an MS analysis with Dcp1a/b depleted cells. However no significant overlap with mRNAs showing altered stability could be observed; and the authors suggested that the lack of congruence reflects translational repression.

      Major comments: 1. While functional difference between Dcp1a and Dcp1b are interesting and likely true, there are overinterpretations that need correction or further evidence for support. Sentences like "DCP1a regulates RNA cap binding proteins association with the decapping complex and DCP1b controls translational initiation factors interactions (Figure 2E)" sound misleading. While differential association with proteins has been recognised with MS-data, it does not necessary implement an active process of control/regulation. To make the claim on 'control/regulation', and inducible system or introduction of mutants would be required.

      RESPONSE: This set of comments were particularly useful in helping us refine the presentation of our findings. We have edited our manuscript to be more specific about the limits of our data.

      1. The MS analysis is not clearly described in the text and it is unclear how authors selected high-confident proteins. The reader needs to consider the supplemental tables to find out what controls were used. Furthermore, the authors should show correlation plots of MS data between replicates. For instance, there seems to be limited correlation among some of the replicates (e.g. Dcp1b_ko3 sample, Fig. 2c). Any explanation in this variance?

      *RESPONSE: We have now included a clear description of how all high-confidence proteins were selected in the Methods and Results sections. The revised manuscript also includes a more thorough description of the controls used and the number of replicates for individual experiments. The PCA plots have now been included where appropriate. The variance in this sample is likely technical. *

      1. GO analysis for the proteome analysis should consider the proteome and not the genome as the background. The authors should also indicate the corrected P-values (multiple testing) FDRs.

      *RESPONSE: Webgestalt uses a reference set of IDs to recognize the input IDs, and it does not use it for the background analysis in the classical sense. We repeated a subset of our proteome analyses using the 'genome-protein coding' as background and obtained the same result as in our original analysis. All ontology analyses now include raw p-values and/or FDRs when appropriate. *

      1. Fig 2E. The figures display GO enrichments needs better explanation and additional data can be added. The enrichment ratio is not explained (is this normalised?) and p-values and FDRs, number of proteins in respective GO category should be added. *RESPONSE: More thorough explanations of the GO enrichments are now included. The supplemental data contains all p-values (raw and adjusted), as well as the number of proteins in each GO category. The Enrichment ratio is normalized and contains information about the number of proteins that are redundant in multiple groups. GO Ontology analyses are now displayed with p-values and/or FDR values, and in this case the enrichment ratio contains information regarding the number of proteins found in our input set and the number of expected proteins in the GO group. The network analysis shows the FDR values and the number of proteins found in the groups compared. *

      Minor: 5. These studies were performed in a colorectal carcinoma cell line (HCT116). The authors should justify the choice of this specialised cell line. Furthermore, one wonders whether similar conclusions can be drawn with other cell lines or whether findings are specific to this cancer line.

      RESPONSE: The study that is currently in pre-print in BioRxiv (https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.04.556219*) utilized HEK293Ts and found similar results to ours when examining the various relationships between the core decapping core members. *

      1. Fig. 1B. It is unclear what DCP1b* refers to? There are bands of different size that are not mentioned by the authors - are those protein isoforms or what are those referring to? A molecular marker should be added to each Blots. Uncropped Western images and markers should be provided in the Supplement. *RESPONSE: The asterisk indicates that these images came from a second western blot gel (DCP1a and DCP1b have a similar molecular weight and cannot be probed on the same membrane). Uncropped western blot images and markers (as available) are provided in the supplement. *

      2. MS data submitted to public repository with access. No. indicated in the manuscript.

      RESPONSE: MS data is submitted as supplementary datasets to the paper. It contains the analyzed data as well as the LCMSMS output. We are in the process of submitting the raw LSMSMS data to a public repository.

      Fig 3. A Venn Diagram displaying the overlap of identified proteins should be added. GO analysis should be done considering the proteome as background (as mentioned above).

      *RESPONSE: A Venn diagram showing the overlap among the proteins identified is now included in the revised version. *

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Overall, this is a large-scale integrative -omics study that suggest functional difference between Dcp1 paralogues. While it seems clear that both paralogous have some different functions and impact, there are overinterpretations in place and further evidence would to be provided to substantiate conclusions made in the paper. For instance, while the interactions with Dcp2/Ddx6 in the absence of Dcp1a,b with EDC4/3 may be altered (Fig. 1, 2), the functional implications of this changed associations remains unresolved and not further discussed. As such, it remains somehow disconnected with the following experiments and compromises the flow of the study. The observed differences in decay-rates for distinct functionally related sets of mRNAs is interesting; however, it remains unclear whether those are direct or rather indirect effects. This is further obscured by the absence of any correlation to changes in protein levels, which the authors interpreted as 'transcriptional buffering'. In this regard, it is puzzling how the authors can make a statement about transcriptional buffering? While this may be an interesting aspect and concept of the discussion, there is no primary data showing such a functional impact.

      As such, the study is interesting as it claims functional differences between DCP1a/b paralogous in a cancer cell line. Nevertheless, I am not sure how trustful the MS analysis and decay measurements are as there is not further validation. It woudl be interesting if the authors could go a bit further and draw some hypothesis how the selectivty could be achieved i.e interaction with RNA-binding proteins that may add some specificity towards the target RNAs for differential decay. As such, the study remains unfortunately rather descriptive without further functional insight.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Review on "Non-redundant roles for the human mRNA decapping cofactor paralogs DCP1a and DCP1b" by Steven McMahon and co-workers mRNA decay is a critical step in the regulation of gene expression. In eukaryotes, mRNA turnover typically begins with the removal of the poly(A) tail, followed by either removal of the 5' cap structure or exonucleolytic 3'-5' decay catalyzed by the exosome. The decapping enzyme DCP2 forms a complex with its co-activator DCP1, which enhances decapping activity. Mammals are equipped with two DCP1 paralogs, namely DCP1a and DCP1b. Metazoans' decapping complexes feature additional components, such as enhancer of decapping 4 (EDC4), which supports the interaction between DCP1 and DCP2, thereby amplifying the efficiency of decapping. This work focuses on DCP1a and DCP1b and investigates their distinct functions. Using DCP1a- and DCP1a-specific knockdowns as well as K.O. cell lines, the authors find surprising differences between the DCP1 paralogs. While DCP1a is essential for the assembly of EDC4-containig decapping complexes and interactions with mRNA cap binding proteins, DCP1b mediates interactions with the translational machinery. Furthermore, DCP1a and DCP1b target different mRNAs for degradation, indicating that they execute non-overlapping functions. The findings reported here expand our understanding of mRNA decapping in human cells, shedding light on the unique contributions of DCP1a and DCP1b to mRNA metabolism. The manuscript tackles an interesting subject. Historically, the emphasis has been on studying DCP1a, while DCP1b has been deemed a functionally redundant homolog of DCP1a. Therefore, it is commendable that the authors have taken on this topic and, with the help of knockout cell lines, aimed to dissect the function of DCP1a and DCP1b. Despite recognizing the significance of the subject and approach, the manuscript falls short of persuading me. Following a promising start in Figure 1 (which still has room for improvement), there is a distinct decline in overall quality, with only relatively standard analyses being conducted. However, I do not want to give the authors a detailed advice on maximizing the potential of their data and presenting it convincingly. So, here are just a few key points for improvement: Figure 1C: Upon closer examination, a faint band is still visible at the size of DCP1a in the DCP1a knockout cells. Could this be leaky expression of DCP1a? The authors should provide an in-depth characterization of their cells (possibly as supplementary material), including identification of genomic changes (e.g. by sequencing of the locus) and Western blots with longer exposure, etc.

      *RESPONSE: Thank you for this comment. The in-depth characterization of our cells is now included in the Supplementary Material. DCP1a KO cells and DCP1b KO cells indicated as single cell clones have been confirmed to have no DCP1a or DCP1b expression. In Figure 1D and Figure 3, polyclonal pool cells were used as indicated (only for DCP1a KO). *

      Figure 2: It is great to see that the effects of the KOs are also visible in the DDX6 immunoprecipitation. However, I wonder if the IP clearly confirms that the KO cells indeed do not express DCP1a or DCP1b. In the heatmap in Figure 2B, it appears as if the proteins are only reduced by a log2-fold change of approximately 1.5? Additionally, Figure 2 shows a problem that persists in the subsequent figures. The visual presentation is not particularly appealing, and essential details, such as the scale of the heatmap in 2B (is it log2 fold?), are lacking.

      *RESPONSE: The in-depth characterization of our cells is included in the Supplementary Materials and confirms the presence of single-cell clones where indicated. As noted above, only Figure 1D and Figure 3 used DCP1a KO pooled cells. The heatmap in Figure 2B is scaled by row using the pheatfunction in R studio. The actual data for the heatmap comes from protein intensities from the LC-MS/MS analysis. We have improved the visual presentation in the revised manuscript. *

      Figure 3: I wonder why there are no primary data shown here, only processed GO analyses. Wouldn't one expect that DCP2 interacts mainly with DCP1a, but less with DCP1b? Is this visible in the data? Moreover, such analyses are rather uninformative (as reflected in the GO terms themselves, for instance, "oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex" doesn't provide much meaningful insight). The authors should rather try to derive functional and mechanistic insights from their data.

      RESPONSE: We have now revised this Figure to include primary data as well as the IP of DCP1a in DCP1b KO cells (single cell clones) and the IP of DCP1b in DCP1a KO cells (pooled cells). We identified EDC3 in the high-confidence protein pool. The EDC3:DCP1a interaction is enhanced in DCP1b KO cells. We also found that the EDC3:DCP1b interaction is less abundant in DCP1a KO cells. This is consistent with our data in Figures 1 and 2. DCP2 was not identified in the interactomes of either DCP1a or DCP1b. This is not unusual as DCP2 is highly flexible and the association between DCP1s with DCP2 is transient and facilitated by other proteins.

      In Fig. 4 the potential of the approach is not fully exploited. Firstly, I would advocate for omitting the GO analyses, as, in my opinion, they offer little insight. Again, crucial information is missing to assess the results. While 75 nt reads are mentioned in the methods, the sequencing depth remains unspecified. Figure 4b should be included in the supplements. Furthermore, I strongly recommend concentrating on insights into the mechanisms of DCP1a and DCP1b-containing complexes. E.g. what characteristics distinguish DCP1a and DCP1b-dependent mRNAs? Are these targets inherently unstable? Why are they degraded? Are they known decapping substrates?

      *RESPONSE: Thank you for this comment. We have now revised this figure and have included information about sequencing depth and other pertinent information. We have been able to use a newly available algorithm (grandR) and were able to estimate half-lives and synthesis rates. This is a significant addition to the paper. We were also able to compare significantly impacted mRNAs (by DCP1a or DCP1b loss) to the established DCP2 target list. *

      In general, I suggest the authors revise the manuscript with a focus on the potential readers. Reduce Gene Ontology (GO) analyses and heatmaps, and instead, incorporate more analyses regarding the molecular processes associated with the different decapping complexes.

      *RESPONSE: We removed selected GO analyses and heatmaps from the main body of the manuscript (included as Supplementary Figures instead). For our LC-MS/MS datasets, we added iBAQ analyses of the DDX6 IP, DCP1a IP, and DCP1b IP in the control conditions. Cellular fractionation studies (using Superose 6 chromatography) were also added to the paper and allow us to interrogate decapping complex composition in more detail. The revised version of the manuscript includes a new 4SU labeling experiment (pulse-chase) as well as estimation of half-lives and synthesis rates in our conditions. Also included is relevant information about DCP1b transcriptional regulation. *

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript in its current form could benefit from substantial revisions for it to be considered impactful for researchers in the field.