73 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Dec 2023
  3. Nov 2023
  4. Sep 2023
  5. Aug 2023
  6. Jul 2023
  7. Jun 2023
  8. May 2023
  9. Mar 2023
  10. Dec 2022
  11. Nov 2022
  12. Oct 2022
  13. May 2022
  14. Mar 2022
    1. Shen, X.-R., Geng, R., Li, Q., Chen, Y., Li, S.-F., Wang, Q., Min, J., Yang, Y., Li, B., Jiang, R.-D., Wang, X., Zheng, X.-S., Zhu, Y., Jia, J.-K., Yang, X.-L., Liu, M.-Q., Gong, Q.-C., Zhang, Y.-L., Guan, Z.-Q., … Zhou, P. (2022). ACE2-independent infection of T lymphocytes by SARS-CoV-2. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, 7(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41392-022-00919-x

  15. Feb 2022
  16. Jan 2022
  17. Dec 2021
  18. Oct 2021
  19. Aug 2021
  20. Jul 2021
  21. Jun 2021
  22. May 2021
    1. Another student comments: “[it p]rovided a quick and easy technique which allowed me to learn the citric acid cycle almost effortlessly.”

      This is a pretty mean feat given the complexities of what the citric acid cycle entails, even with a story of what it is and what the starting and ending reactants are, and a basic starting knowledge of the organic chemistry involved.

      In my experience almost all microbiology students and medical students dislike this commonly memorized cycle.

  23. Apr 2021
  24. Feb 2021
  25. Dec 2020
    1. in most conceivable cases, we study a particular microbiome in order to understand, predict, and potentially control its functioning, with no particular regard for species content.

      this is profound

  26. Oct 2020
    1. When geneticists finally gained the power to cost-efficiently analyze entire genomes, they realized that most disorders and diseases are influenced by thousands of genes, each of which has a tiny effect. To reliably detect these miniscule effects, you need to compare hundreds of thousands of volunteers. By contrast, the candidate-gene studies of the 2000s looked at an average of 345 people!

      I'm hoping that more researchers are contemplating this as they stroll merrily along their way this week.

  27. Sep 2020
    1. Nutrient Agar is a general purpose, nutrient medium used for the cultivation of microbes supporting growth of a wide range of non-fastidious organisms.
    1. Different nutrient media were used for selective cultivation of bacteria: kanamycin esculin azide (KAA, Merck Eurolab, Darmstadt, Germany) for enterococci, and Chromocult® agar (Merck) as a selective agent for Enterobacteriaceae. For the heterotrophic plate count the bacterial dilutions were plated on R2A agar
    1. R-2A Agar is formulated as per Reasoner and Geldreich (5). Stressed or injured organismsduring water treatment are unable to grow on high nutrient media, since the faster growing organisms outgrow the former(2). Therefore the use of a low nutrient medium like R-2A Agar incubated for longer incubation periods allows these stressedorganisms to grow well.
    1. MacConkey agar is selective for Gram-negative organisms and helps to differentiate lactose fermenting gram-negative rods from non-lactose fermenting gram-negative rods. It is primarily used for the detection and isolation of members of family enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas spp.
  28. Jul 2020
  29. Jun 2020
  30. Sep 2019
    1. “In biology, you never have a single cell doing something. You have a group of cells,” Emonet said. “The diversity will affect the average performance of the group.”

      Important even at the level of companies and nations. Diversity is a good thing.

  31. Apr 2017
    1. I have had IBS essentially all my life. At least as far back as I can remember. This is a very interesting experiement. Hopefully scientists can use this as a springboard for either further research, or ideally, to find a solution. IBS negatively impacts quality of life for many sufferers.

      Isn't the flipped experiment a clear indication that FTT (fecal transplant therapy) can help alleviating IBS? If the reverse is true, there might be great value in getting your microbiome fixed/infused by healthy microbiota from donors.

  32. Apr 2016
  33. Feb 2015
    1. Positive-stranded RNA viruses: I went to a retro (retrovirus) toga (togavirus) party, where I drank flavored (flavivirus) Corona (coronavirus) and ate hippy (hepevirus) California (calicivirus) pickles (picornavirus).

      I would add "positively fun" to the mnemonic for positive-stranded RNA viruses, so it reads, "I went to a POSITIVELY FUN retro toga party, where I drank flavored Corona and ate hippy California pickles.