27 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2019
  2. Jul 2019
  3. americanlibrariesmagazine.org americanlibrariesmagazine.org
    1. Toronto Public Library’s Tor Browser

      Tor como navegador en la Biblioteca Pública de Toronto. ¡Súper!

    2. ALA expressed concern about changes announced on June 17 by Hachette Book Group (HBG) and on July 2 by Simon & Schuster (S&S) to their ebook and digital audiobook lending models for libraries

      Están preocupados por las propuestas de préstamo de libro digital.

    3. The American Library Association (ALA), along with seven other professional organizations, released a joint statement on June 17 promising to uphold the standards of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI).

      Bibliotecas y diversidad

    4. NEWSMAKERGeorge Takei p. 10International Innovatorsp. 28PLUS:Exhibit Hall Highlights and Battling MisinformationAnnualConferencewrap-up2 019p. 12July/August 2019

      Revista de ALA, Junio / Julio 2019

  4. May 2019
  5. americanlibrariesmagazine.org americanlibrariesmagazine.org
    1. Digital BadgesHow schools and libraries use them today

      Interesante idea sobre educación

    2. Rather than simply posting event information on social media, give your followers a task within the post

      Interesante idea. ¿Cómo podría funcionar en la práctica?


      Bibliotecas en Países Bajos

    4. Wi-Fi in the “White Space”Unused TV spectrum offers libraries potential for rural broadband

      Este debate no se ha dado en bibliotecas y resulta muy interesante. Sigue la línea del Foro de Gobernanza de Internet

    5. 80%Percentage of 2014–2015 MLIS graduates who were women.

      Hay mayoría de mujeres en esta estadística.

    6. A Resolution in Support of Civil Rights Protections for People of Diverse Gender Identities

      Diversidad de género y bibliotecas

    7. 2019 Virtual Membership Meeting

      Hacen reuniones virtuales de los socios. Bien pensado.

    8. All people, regardless of origin, age, back-ground, or views, possess a right to privacy and confidentiality in their library use. Libraries should advocate for, educate about, and protect people’s privacy, safeguarding all library use data, including personally identifiable information.

      Aquí el artículo.

    9. Privacy Article Added to Library Bill of Rights

      Sobre privacidad.

    10. Funding cuts may have forced libraries to limit hours and curtail services, but the need for children’s literacy programming hasn’t disappeared.

      Muy cierto.

    11. May 2019

      ALA Magazine

  6. Apr 2019
    1. Library users’ privacy rights are another urgent issue.

      El otro tema es la privacidad de los usuarios.

    2. As a result, most challenges to library resources in 2018 focused on materials and programs addressing issues of concern to those in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgen-der, queer, intersex, asexual, and related (LGBTQIA+) communities, most notably drag queen story hours and books affirming transgender youth, like Alex Gino’s George.

      Uno de los retos para las bibliotecas en Estados Unidos es la tolerancia en asuntos relacionados con comunidades LGBTQIA+

    3. 9Public Libraries12Academic Libraries14School Libraries

      Este número especial analiza el estado de las bibliotecas públicas, académicas y escolares. Nunca había visto este formato y me gusta bastante.

    4. Libraries and the law

      Políticas públicas y bibliotecas

    5. a collaborationof ALA with Grow with Google

      Coperación entre ALA y Google, para la semana del código. ¡Tremendo!

    6. Libraries Ready to Code

      Sobre programación y desarrollo de software en bibliotecas

    7. Here are the “Top 11 Most Challenged Books in 2018”:

      Top 11 de los libros que más retos implicaron en 2018

    8. 200+Books donated to Orange City (Iowa) Public Library after four LGBTQIA+ library books were burned by a religious activist

      Libros quemados en 2019. Literalmente destruidos :S


      Sobre censura en 2019


      Número especial

  7. Mar 2019