18 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2023
  2. Nov 2022
  3. Dec 2021
    1. my/path/.my-custom-file.yml@mygroup/another-project:refname

      How to use other than the default branch on a foreign repo for the ci-pipeline.yml script/

    1. export CI_SERVER_NAME="GitLab" export CI_SERVER_REVISION="70606bf" export CI_SERVER_VERSION="8.9.0"

      Interesting fields to record on artifacts.

  4. Oct 2020
    1. The needs: keyword enables executing jobs out-of-order, allowing you to implement a directed acyclic graph in your .gitlab-ci.yml. This lets you run some jobs without waiting for other ones, disregarding stage ordering so you can have multiple stages running concurrently.
  5. Jun 2020
    1. uses a pre-clone step to seed the project with a recent archive of the repository. This is done for several reasons: It speeds up builds because a 800 MB download only takes seconds, as opposed to a full Git clone.
  6. May 2020
    1. In a basic configuration, GitLab runs a pipeline each time changes are pushed to a branch. If you want the pipeline to run jobs only when merge requests are created or updated, you can use pipelines for merge requests.
    1. Using the special CI_REGISTRY_USER variable: The user specified by this variable is created for you in order to push to the Registry connected to your project. Its password is automatically set with the CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD variable. This allows you to automate building and deploying your Docker images and has read/write access to the Registry. This is ephemeral, so it's only valid for one job.
  7. Mar 2019
    1. Implementando CI com GitLab

      Ainda que os tópicos da prova LPI DevOps não cubram apenas o Git para a integração contínua (ele é usado especialmente em Source Code Management), é muito importante conhecer bem os conceitos de integração e entrega contínua cobertos nessa palestra. Eles estão nesse tópico:

      701.4 Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

  8. Oct 2018