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- Jan 2016
scalar.usc.edu scalar.usc.edu
Barbara Mundy, chapter 1 from Mapping New Spain: Indigenous Cartography and the Maps of the Relaciones Geográficas
Mundy, B. "Spain and the Imperial Ideology of Mapping" in The Mapping of New Spain. Indigenous Cartography and the Maps of the Relaciones Geográficas. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1996
While Mundy’s approach to the production of maps in the Spanish empire centers on the figure of the king and his connection to territories near and far from him, she does so in order to exemplify the way man in 16th-century Europe positioned himself within the world. Through this view, for example, the maps serve as a way for Phillip II to legitimate his rule over the empire, especially in the New World territories.
Mundy's research questions explore why different/varied methods of representation were important in the 16th-century European context (i.e. choreographic vs. geographic maps), and how these translated into understanding space in New World from an Old World perspective.
In order to answer her main questions, she examines two mapping commissions ordered by Phillip II and carried out by Anton van den Wyngaerde and Pedro de Esquivel. She identifies the distinct methods of representation used by the artists taking into account the broader historical and geographical context that would eventually influence the way the territories in the New Spain would be represented, as happened with the creation of the Relaciones Geograficas in New Spain.
Mundy effectively help us understand the significance of mapping (along with the different methodologies of doing so) from a conceptual as well as a methodological point of view. Her analysis, as well as contextualization of the van den Wyngaerde and Esquivel maps offers a glimpse onto the conceptual frame that informed Europe’s initial understanding of the New World as part of the greater whole that was the Spanish empire. However, as she stresses the importance of the tangible nature of the lands (at least through maps), her visual examples become limited as she only provides an example of Esquivel’s work. It would have been very useful to compare it to the work of van den Wyngaerde (the distinction between choreographic and geographic maps remained unclear without a visual aid).
Mundy's contribution lies in prompting us to think about different ways of engaging with space, and what that engagement signifies within a given context (i.e. for Phillip II, engaging his New World possessions through visual representations of the maps legitimized his status as king given that he could not physically rule overseas, thus he still has control over this space).
“In both kinds of maps [van den Wyngaerde’s and Esquivel’s], man defines his relation to the world through his ability to measure it” (Mundy, 4)
- Oct 2015
www.encyclopedia.com www.encyclopedia.com
Haitian Revolution
Study Questions:
How is St Domingue divided by race and class?
What were Napoleon's plans for St Domingue?
- Sep 2015
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
1) The goals of the Spanish were to build empires both secular and religious. The religious goals were to win people for Catholic church and the secular goals were to gain more power over the southern and northern america to have access to the wealth and gold.
2) The greatest killer was the smallpox diseases that almost erased human life which was spread through direct human contact. Other diseases that killed Native Americans were influenza, malaria, whooping cough, diphtheria, and measles. European also brought in large domestic animals such as sheep, cattle, pig, and horse and plants e.g corn, avocado, squash, pineapple, peanuts, potatoes, etc which was more nutritious than the wheat, rice, barley and oats that the Native Americans were used to consuming.
3) The Europeans claimed their right on claiming the land in America by the authority of the pope. Europeans also claimed to have conquered the native Americans and discovered the land. They claimed possession by occupying the land.
Mercenaries joined the conquest and raced to capture the human and material wealth of the New World.
The above statement elicits that the Native Americans were thought of as mere worthless creatures who could be used as pleased by the Spaniards.
- Aug 2015
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
New World.
Study Question:
What were the reasons that England entered in the competition for empire in the Americas?
New World
Study Question:
What was the "Black Legend" and how did other European powers use it to justify their attempts to compete with Spain for empire in the Americas?
Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
3. Spanish Exploration and Conquest
Study questions:
How does internal tension in the Native American empires of the Americas aid Spanish attempts to create their empire?
What racial system is established by the Spanish in the New World? Why is it established and how does it operate?
Study questions for this section:
What roles do sugar and slavery play in the expansion of European empires?
What diseases devastate Native American peoples?