- Oct 2022
www.loom.com www.loom.com
Synopsis: Maggie Delano looks at some of the affordances supplied by Tana (compared to Roam Research) in terms of providing better block-based user interface for note type creation, search, and filtering.
These sorts of tools and programmable note implementations remind me of Beatrice Webb's idea of scientific note taking or using her note cards like a database to sort and search for data to analyze it and create new results and insight.
It would seem that many of these note taking tools like Roam and Tana are using blocks and sub blocks as a means of defining atomic notes or database-like data in a way in which sub-blocks are linked to or "filed underneath" their parent blocks. In reality it would seem that they're still using a broadly defined index card type system as used in the late 1800s/early 1900s to implement a set up that otherwise would be a traditional database in the Microsoft Excel or MySQL sort of fashion, the major difference being that the user interface is cognitively easier to understand for most people.
These allow people to take a form of structured textual notes to which might be attached other smaller data or meta data chunks that can be easily searched, sorted, and filtered to allow for quicker or easier use.
Ostensibly from a mathematical (or set theoretic and even topological) point of view there should be a variety of one-to-one and onto relationships (some might even extend these to "links") between these sorts of notes and database representations such that one should be able to implement their note taking system in Excel or MySQL and do all of these sorts of things.
Cascading Idea Sheets or Cascading Idea Relationships
One might analogize these sorts of note taking interfaces to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). While there is the perennial question about whether or not CSS is a programming language, if we presume that it is (and it is), then we can apply the same sorts of class, id, and inheritance structures to our notes and their meta data. Thus one could have an incredibly atomic word, phrase, or even number(s) which inherits a set of semantic relationships to those ideas which it sits below. These links and relationships then more clearly define and contextualize them with respect to other similar ideas that may be situated outside of or adjacent to them. Once one has done this then there is a variety of Boolean operations which might be applied to various similar sets and classes of ideas.
If one wanted to go an additional level of abstraction further, then one could apply the ideas of category theory to one's notes to generate new ideas and structures. This may allow using abstractions in one field of academic research to others much further afield.
The user interface then becomes the key differentiator when bringing these ideas to the masses. Developers and designers should be endeavoring to allow the power of complex searches, sorts, and filtering while minimizing the sorts of advanced search queries that an average person would be expected to execute for themselves while also allowing some reasonable flexibility in the sorts of ways that users might (most easily for them) add data and meta data to their ideas.
Jupyter programmable notebooks are of this sort, but do they have the same sort of hierarchical "card" type (or atomic note type) implementation?
- category theory
- idea links
- Boolean algebra
- super tags
- Tana
- Beatrice Webb
- building blocks
- programmable notes
- card index as database
- scientific note taking
- integrated development environment
- Maggie Delano
- cascading idea sheets
- watch
- user interface
- Jupyter
- integrated thinking environments
- types of notes
- Roam Research
- Apr 2022
In an ever-increasing sphere of digital print, why can't publishers provide readers a digitally programmed selection of footnote references in texts?
This digital version of Annie Murphy Paul's book has endnotes with links from the endnotes back to the original pages, but the opposite links from the reading don't go to the endnotes in an obvious way.
I'd love to be able to turn on/off a variety of footnote options so that I can see them on the pages they appear, as pop up modals, or browse through them in the end notes after-the-fact as I choose. This would allow me to have more choice and selection from a text based on what I want to get out of it rather than relying on a publisher to make that choice for me.
Often in publishing a text written for the broad public will "hide" the footnotes at the end of the text in unintuitive ways where as more scholarly presses will place them closer to their appearance within the text. Given the digital nature of texts, it should be possible to allow the reader to choose where these items appear to suit their reading styles.
- Feb 2022
every.to every.to
A user talks about why they've stopped using Roam Research.
I suspect that a lot of people have many of the same issues and to a great extent, it's a result of them not understanding the underlying use cases of the problems they're trying to solve.
This user is focusing on it solving the problem of where one is placing their data in hopes that it will fix all their problems, but without defining the reason why they're using the tool and what problems they hope for it to solve.
Note taking is a much broader idea space than many suppose.
- Jun 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Moss, A. J., Rosenzweig, C., Jaffe, S. N., Gautam, R., Robinson, J., & Litman, L. (2021). Bots or inattentive humans? Identifying sources of low-quality data in online platforms [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/wr8ds
- Jan 2021
www.boia.org www.boia.org
We talked, for example, about how stores and governments were adding new rules and social distancing guidelines, often communicated through purely visual means, like stickers on the floor and printed signs. Mr. Johnston acknowledged that it was a tough new time for businesses, but shared that he faces new types of exclusion as a result.
this just makes me wonder how society in general will cope with this. Companies nay be more sensitive to all these challenges COVID has pushed in fast forward mode.
This is not only about designers being in the front seat of the business development plan, is about we as users setting-up these expectations!
- Feb 2019
Having the expertise and context of the entire team in the room – the product designer, product manager and the engineers – means the plans are holistic and viable rather than limited to the lens of one of the roles
This method allows us to learn before shipping and make sure that we can be more responsible with the design decisions we make
Fail fast, fail often?
This feels much more sustainable without becoming laborious.
The matrix reduces the role of bias while giving space for other findings to emerge
Focusses on what the user does, not what they say or think
User research is about reducing uncertainty in the design process
insidegovuk.blog.gov.uk insidegovuk.blog.gov.uk
Another way of thinking about a good metric is to define a bad one. Bad metrics include those that are:
A really nice list to check your metrics against