13 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. I've learned to do without a lot of things. If you have a lot of things, saidAunt Lydia, you get too attached to this material world and you forget aboutspiritual values. You must cultivate poverty of spirit. Blessed are the meek.

      Which contradicts her desire to treat her body, to have skin cream, forcing her to use even butter. Both women are pitted against each other because they have one but not the other -- one has their fertility and the other has their vanity.

  2. Feb 2024
    1. Across the entry for T. W. Tonkin of Barnes, who had sent in nothingfor a sixteenth-century polemical work against female monarchs, The FirstBlast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women by theScottish Protestant Reformer John Knox, he wrote in blue pencil, ‘Impostor –Stole the Book’
  3. Nov 2023
    1. Quotas can increase women's representation even without social and economic prerequisites. The adoption of quotas highlights the role of political elites in recruitment practices and the production and mitigation of inequalities in representation
  4. Oct 2023
    1. represent the capitulation of the powerless to the demands of the powerful.

      Greer argues porn is just exploitation of powerless by powerful, capitalist

    2. Germaine Greer argues that pornography is primarily a business that exploits both those who create it and those who consume it.
    3. ecriminalizing the sex-trade industry would give sex workers more control and better working conditions
    4. Dworkin's writings are powerful because they analyze violent pornography and include graphic depictions of sexualized violence.
  5. Dec 2019
  6. Sep 2018
    1. "The ideas of the First Amendment are not designed to deal with what it took to make the materials [of pornography.]" [5:56-5:59]

    2. "The 'freely choosing women'... As if you've raised a freely choosing black person [who decides to 'freely choose'] to clean toilets. That's the equivalent. You call that freedom. It's called freedom when women choose to do it and it's sex because people believe that sex is free. However, pornography is selling yourself for sex. The idea of money is supposed to make it free. Usually, when people have sex with another person and choose to do it, they're not being paid, it's free because you're not being paid. In other words, this is an arm of prostitution." [NOT VERBATIM] [3:53-4:31]

  7. Aug 2018
    1. Blog that is critical of the fear or disgust of men, that addresses the very factual reasons why men are more frightening than women.

      "Androphobic feminists insist that fear of men is not irrational and present us with statistics that 99% of sexual crime against adults, 75% of violent crime and 60% of domestic violence is committed by men. (Figures are more equal in relation to child abuse although men are still somewhat over-represented in most categories except infanticide, sexual assault of boys and psychological abuse of girls.) Furthermore, they tell us that these figures indicate that we have a culture which normalises and condones violent and sexual crime against women by men and masculinity itself needs to revised. However, the vast majority of men do not commit violent and sexual crime against women, women are not the primary victims of violent crime and most sexual crime is committed by a small number of recidivist criminals."

  8. Feb 2017
    1. male hecklers who threatened violence,

      This is a partial answer to my concern about Stewart's speaking experiences. I wonder whether heckling (and its consequences) was better recorded against the Grimke sisters because they were white women (and therefore viewed as more fragile and worthy of protection).

    2. which wa.'i burned to the ground by an angry mob shortly after she spoke.

      A second example of a well-documented consequence of women speaking to a mixed crowd. (Though, to be fair, it would be sort of difficult to overlook this one/fail to record it. It's pretty dramatic.)