- Feb 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Dec 2023
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
- annotate
for: evolutionary biology, big history, DH, Deep Humanity, theories of consciousness, ESP project, Earth Species Project, Michael Levin, animal communication, symbiocene
title: The Deep History of Ourselves: The Four-Billion-Year Story of How We Got Conscious Brains
- author: Joseph LeDoux
- date: Jan. 2023
doi: 0.1080/09515089.2022.2160311
- The essence of who we are depends on our brains.
- They enable us to think, to
- feel joy and sorrow,
- communicate through speech,
- reflect on the moments of our lives, and to
- anticipate,
- plan for, and
- worry about our imagined futures.
- Although some of our abilities are comparatively new, key features of our behavior have deep roots that can be traced to the beginning of life.
- By following the story of behavior, step-by-step, over its roughly four-billion-year trajectory,
- we come to understand both
- how similar we are to all organisms that have ever lived, and
- how different we are from even our closest animal relatives.
- we come to understand both
- We care about our differences because they are ours. But differences do not make us superior; they simply make us different.
- good article to contribute to a narrative of the symbiocene and a shift of humanity to belonging to nature as one species, instead of dominating nature as the apex species
- question
- @Gyuri, Could indranet search algorithm have made the connection between this article and the symbiocene artilces in my mindplex had I not explicitly made the associations manually through my tags? It needs to be able to do this
- Also interesting to see how this materialistic outlook of consciousness
- which is similiar to the Earth Species Project work and Michael Levin's work on synthesizing new laboratory life forms to answer evolutionary questions about intelligence
- relates to nonmaterial ideas about consciousness
Australian Princeton philosopher Peter Singer has 00:42:22 talked about the the broadening radius of our moral uh of our moral scope but those we include within our moral Community uh potentially to include 00:42:35 biota and animals for instance outside the human community
- for: expanded sense of community, beyond the human morall community, animal communication, earth species protect
- Oct 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for: interspecies communications, animal consciousness, animal consciousness - octopus
- Dr. David Edelman presents on the subject of the natural history of the awareness of the octopus
- The octopus is one of the most complex of invertebrates and its study can give clues about how sensory awareness and consciousness developed in animals
- Sep 2023
- for: symbiocene, ecozoic, ecocivilization, eco-civilization, animal communication, inter-species communication, Azi Raskin, Earth Species Project, umwelt
- Very interesting talk given by Aza Raskin, founder of:
- https://www.earthspecies.org/
- cofounder of https://www.humanetech.com/
- on two main themes:
- how AI is being used to decode language communication of many different plant and animal species, including inter-fauna, inter-flora and fauna-flora cross communication
- how AI used to study human languages has detected a universal meaning shape between all languages.
- Very interesting talk given by Aza Raskin, founder of:
the way you say hello in humpback whale is oh
- for: humpback whale - saying hello, animal communication, whale communication
can we build one of these kinds of shapes for animal communication
for: question, question - universal meaning shape for animal communication
- this would be an amazing project for TPF and BEing journeys. Could we actually talk to animals and plants to ask them about how we humans are treating them?
esearchers in 2019 did this at University of Tel Aviv and they took a primrose flower and they would play different sounds 00:06:03 to the flower and they would play you know like traffic noises low noises bat noises High noises and then the sounds of approaching pollinator and only when they approached or played the sounds of an approaching pollinator 00:06:15 did the flowers respond and they respond by producing more and sweeter nectar within just a couple of seconds right so the flowers hear the B through its petals 00:06:26 and get excited okay so plants can here
- for: example - animal-plant communication, bee-flower communication, bee - primrose flower communication, communication - animal - plant, communication - bee - flower, 2019 University of Tel Aviv study
- example bee - primrose flower communication
- 2019 University of Tel Aviv study
- symbiocene
- Earth Species Project
- ecozoic
- example
- example - bee - flower communication
- question - universal meaning shape for animal communication
- communication - animal - plant
- animal communication
- umwelt
- ecological civilization
- communication - bee - flower
- language - universal meaning shape
- whale communication
- example animal - plant communication
- humpback whale - saying hello
- eco-civilization
- question
- universal meaning shape
- Azi Raskin
- question - talk to animals and plants about human impacts
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
- for: example - animal-plant communication, bee-flower communication, bee - primrose flower communication, communication - animal - plant, communication - bee - flower, 2019 University of Tel Aviv study, education, education - climate change, education - climate departure, education - species extinction
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
M., Hughes, B., Goldwater, M., Ireland, M. E., Worthy, D. A., Van Allen, J., … Davis, T. (2020, May 16). The double bind of communicating about zoonotic origins: Describing exotic animal sources of COVID-19 increases both healthy and discriminatory avoidance behaviors. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/948qn