2 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2025
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Ukraine.hat die Pipeline,durch die bisher russisches Gas nach Westeuropa geliefert wurde, unterbrochen. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/jan/01/breakaway-moldovan-region-cuts-heating-and-hot-water-as-russia-stops-gas-flowa
- author; Shaun Walker
- End of Russian gas deliveries via Ukraine 2025-01-01
- Turkstream
- Center for European Policy Analysis (Cepa)
- Ukraine
- date:: 2025-01-01
- Nordstream
- Russia
- Slovakia
- Moldova
- Betraying Ukraine for ‘Blood Gas’
- Weaning off of Russian gas supplies
- Azerbaijan
- Austria
- Hungary
- Gazprom
- Mar 2022
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
Actually asking people to do this would be something of a last resort, said Ben McWilliams, a climate and energy analyst at Bruegel.<img alt="These US cities tried to cut natural gas from new homes. Republicans and the gas lobby stepped in" class="media__image" src="//viahtml.hypothes.is/proxy/im_///cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/220217094013-01-cities-fossil-fuel-emissions-large-169.jpg">These US cities tried to cut natural gas from new homes. Republicans and the gas lobby stepped in"But who knows? It's an unprecedented situation. I could imagine a kind of political campaign, a real push by European leaders saying, look, if you can help us by turning down 1 degree on your thermostat, it's going to help. And you can see people uniting behind this, against Russian gas," he told CNN. "But ultimately, you'll need much more than this in response."One approach would be to replace around half the gas from other sources, McWilliams said. The United States is already shipping Iiquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe, and EU officials are also looking to countries like Azerbaijan and Qatar. The other half will need to come from cutting demand, McWilliams said, especially as Europe prepares for next winter.Heavy industries, like steelmaking and chemical production, will need to reduce their operations. Homeowners investing in solar panels and heat pumps could help take some pressure off heating systems.Tara Connolly, a campaigner with the international NGO Global Witness who specializes in gas, says that Europe must launch an emergency program to insulate homes, replace gas boilers with heat pumps and accelerate the transition to renewable energy."It is abundantly clear that Europe's gas dependence has provided Putin with the resources to engage in his bloody venture in Ukraine, whilst hampering Europe's response,"
A feasibility study would be informative.