- Jan 2023
www.complexityexplorer.org www.complexityexplorer.org
Seven Principles of Data Feminism
- Examine power
- Challenge power
- Rethink binaries and hierarchies
- Elevate emotion an embodiment
- Embrace pluralism
- Consider context
- Make labor visible
Abolitionist movement
There are some interesting analogies to be drawn between the abolitionist movement in the 1800s and modern day movements like abolition of police and racial justice, etc.
Topic modeling - What would topic modeling look like for corpuses of commonplace books? Over time?
wrt article: Soni, Sandeep, Lauren F. Klein, and Jacob Eisenstein. “Abolitionist Networks: Modeling Language Change in Nineteenth-Century Activist Newspapers.” Journal of Cultural Analytics 6, no. 1 (January 18, 2021). https://doi.org/10.22148/001c.18841. - Brings to mind the difference in power and invisible labor between literate societies and oral societies. It's easier to erase oral cultures with the overwhelm available to literate cultures because the former are harder to see.
How to find unbiased datasets to study these?
aspirational abolitionism driven by African Americans in the 1800s over and above (basic) abolitionism
- watch
- data science
- Data Feminism
- intersectional feminism
- aspirational abolitionism
- abolitionists
- topic modeling
- dodging the memory hole
- invisible labor
- emotional labor
- defunding police
- orality vs. literacy
- Catherine D'Ignazio
- Lauren F. Klein
- slavery
- power frameworks
- algorithms
- operationalization
- Apr 2022
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
- Nov 2021
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org
This seems a lot like the same longevity questions that the Internet Archive and IndieWeb are working on or the @RJI's Dodging the Memory Hole conference for born digital news.
- Jul 2021
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Ebooks don’t have those limitations, both because of how readily new editions can be created and how simple it is to push “updates” to existing editions after the fact. Consider the experience of Philip Howard, who sat down to read a printed edition of War and Peace in 2010. Halfway through reading the brick-size tome, he purchased a 99-cent electronic edition for his Nook e-reader:As I was reading, I came across this sentence: “It was as if a light had been Nookd in a carved and painted lantern …” Thinking this was simply a glitch in the software, I ignored the intrusive word and continued reading. Some pages later I encountered the rogue word again. With my third encounter I decided to retrieve my hard cover book and find the original (well, the translated) text. For the sentence above I discovered this genuine translation: “It was as if a light had been kindled in a carved and painted lantern …”A search of this Nook version of the book confirmed it: Every instance of the word kindle had been replaced by nook, in perhaps an attempt to alter a previously made Kindle version of the book for Nook use. Here are some screenshots I took at the time:It is only a matter of time before the retroactive malleability of these forms of publishing becomes a new area of pressure and regulation for content censorship. If a book contains a passage that someone believes to be defamatory, the aggrieved person can sue over it—and receive monetary damages if they’re right. Rarely is the book’s existence itself called into question, if only because of the difficulty of putting the cat back into the bag after publishing.
This story of find and replace has chilling future potential. What if a dictatorial government doesn't like your content. It can be all to easy to remove the digital versions and replace them whole hog for "approved" ones.
Where does democracy live in such a world? Consider similar instances when the Trump administration forced the disappearance of government websites and data.
Libraries in these scenarios are no longer custodians for the ages of anything, whether tangible or intangible, but rather poolers of funding to pay for fleeting access to knowledge elsewhere.
A major archiving issue in the digital era is that libraries are no longer the long term storage repositories they have otherwise been for the past two thousand years.
What effects will this have on the future? Particularly once the financial interests of the owning companies no longer exists?