- Sep 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
in China haben die Folgen von Extremwetterereignissen, vor allem Überflutungen, im Juli.zu Schäden von 10 Milliarden USD geführt. Die durch Ernteschäden gestiegenen Lebensmittelpreise erschweren die Politik der Parteiführung, durch Ankurbeln des Konsums das Wachstum zu beschleunigen. Hintergrundbericht über Folgen der Erhitzung für Lebensmittelversorgung, Wasser-Management und Infrastruktur. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/02/world/asia/china-rainfall-crops.html
- Jan 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Eine neue Studie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Haltung zu fünf großen Krisen das Wahlverhalten der Europäer:innen in diesem Jahr bestimmen wird: der Klimakrise, der Migrationskrise, der Wirtschaftskrise und Inflation, dem Ukraine-Krieg und Covid. Klimakrise und Migration hätten, wie schon bei den Wahlen in der Niederlanden, ide größte Kraft Wähler zu mobilisieren. Die Autor:innen sprechen von einem "Clash zweier 'Extinction rebellions'". Als wichtigste Krisen werden im Durchschnitt der europäischen Länder die Klimakrise und dann Covid bewertet.
Report: https://ecfr.eu/publication/a-crisis-of-ones-own-the-politics-of-trauma-in-europes-election-year/
- 2024 European elections
- A Crisis of One’s Own: the Politics of Trauma in Europe’s Election Year
- Ivan Krastev
- European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)
- Mark Leonard
- Centre for Liberal Strategies
- 2024-01-17
theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/17/crises-have-split-european-voters-into-five-tribes-survey-suggests -
- Oct 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Europäische Union befindet sich bei der Umsetzung ihrer Klimaziele in einem entscheidenden Moment. In einem Bericht des European Council on Foreign Relations werden die politischen HIndernisse für die Dekaarbonisierung analysiert, Dabei wird detailliert auf die geopolitische Situation und auf die Bedingungen in den EU-Staaten eingegangen..
- report: Ends of the earth: How EU climate action can weather the coming election storm
- expert: Susi Dennison
- institution: European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)
- process: lowering of climate ambition
- 2023-08-28
- process: decarbonization
- country. EU
- plan: European Green Deal
- expert: Max Engström
- Oct 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Covid’s toxic divides could shape Europe for years, study says. (2021, September 1). The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/01/covid-toxic-divides-could-shape-europe-years-study
- Sep 2021
scripting.com scripting.com
The press is full of reports that President Biden screwed up the pullout from Afghanistan. But none of the people saying he did it wrong say what he should have done instead.
I've noticed this phenomenon as well. When criticizing public policy, writers should be required to write down their alternate plans and then go at least one or two levels deep as to the knock on effects that their decisions are likely to have.
It's easy to criticize, but it's much harder to do the actual work and thinking to actually do something else.
- Oct 2017
mcadams.posc.mu.edu mcadams.posc.mu.edu
Military Industrial Complex:
- Eisenhower has seen the consequences of this intersection of military power and his own "new look" policy
Presidential speeches can be measured by how long we talk about them. Still one of the most referenced presidential speeches ever given.
IRAN — Mohammed Mossafegh (1951–1954)
- First military Coup during CIA golden age
- US tells Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (1941–1979) that they will take over the country unless he overthrows Mossafegh.
- For 20+ years we supported a dictator who murdered his own people
- Any nation state has the option to buy out foreign companies
Guatemala — Jacobo Arbenz Guzman (1951–1954)
- Democratically elected leader, called for Progressive Reform (second President to do so)
- Nationalizing land (US decided it looked like Communism)
- Guzman runs into problems with the United Fruit Company, who had been cheating on their taxes, undervaluing their land prices. Government seeks to purchase land to nationalize it, and wants to buy it for the price that the UFC valued their land for.
- UFC and US Government set up a military Coup. Using radio broadcast propaganda, pretending that an army is ravaging the countryside. Guzman believes the propaganda and flees. We set up a dictator.
courses.lumenlearning.com courses.lumenlearning.com
- Sep 2017
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Talking about these lands as depopulated — size comparisons downplay population
- Uplifting Disney music. Contrasting the old with the "modern" new 3. Rural natives — "Cling to their primitive ways" within the "confines of their small world"
- Audience: Americans, middle-class men 5. Primary consumers of videos like this: middle-class, business-men in the United States. Looking to invest in businesses in Central America. Sex tourism is also huge.
- Gender — Showing a lot of women, exotic. Don't see men represented because your audience is male.
www.politico.com www.politico.com
: Trump's 2017 U.N. speech trans
Advocates for strong nation states as a way to elevate the human conditions. Argues that the UN post-WWII has been continually rigged against America. Smaller nations have broken the international system.
- Uses the word "sovereignty" 22 times — Voyant textual analysis.
- Nationalist document.
Advocates for strong nation states as a way to elevate the human conditions. Argues that the UN post-WWII has been continually rigged against America. Smaller nations have broken the international system.
- Uses the word "sovereignty" 22 times — Voyant textual analysis.
- Nationalist document.
www.english.illinois.edu www.english.illinois.edu
Calling people out using the constructionist ideals — The American government is not living up to their high ideals.
Poetry as a way to express frustration when there is no way to go up against actual US military power. A weapon of the weak; a powerful message.
www.firstworldwar.com www.firstworldwar.com
This document informs the way Americans have seen themselves since the beginning of the twentieth century.
Interventions are presented as idealistically noble and undeniably moralistic. Instead of recognizing the complexities and consequences of intervention, we continue to propagate intervention as an ideological imperative
We take on the domestic issues of other nations without being invited to take part. We identify as the prevailer of freedom and democracy when these are just ideals that we aspire to, sometimes missing the mark just as terribly as the nations we seek to guide and coerce.
history.state.gov history.state.gov
Although the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 was essentially passive (it asked that Europeans not increase their influence or recolonize any part of the Western Hemisphere), by the 20th century a more confident United States was willing to take on the role of regional policeman.
While the Monroe Doctrine has been around since 1823, it was unenforceable. Now America can back up their assertions.