8 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2023
  2. Aug 2022
  3. May 2022
    1. If you have a use case not supported by the existing public APIs, please ask and we'll be glad to add an API for you or make an existing private API public.

      please ask

  4. Jul 2021
    1. Arel is a public API, or more precisely, it exposes one. Active Record just provides convenience methods that use it under the hood, It's completely valid to use it on it's own. It follows semantic versioning, so unless you are changing major versions (3.x.x => 4.x.x), there is no need to worry about breaking changes.
  5. May 2021
    1. In this section we will use Gatling to load test a simple cloud hosted web server and will introduce you to the basic elements of the DSL. And here i`m adding my own text, doesnt exist on the page. In this section we will use Gatling to load test a simple cloud hosted web server and will introduce you to the basic elements of the DSL. And here i`m adding my own text, doesnt exist on the page.

      this is testing a hyp updating my own notes, and this one is from API

  6. Nov 2020
    1. The Object.getPrototypeOf() method returns the prototype (i.e. the value of the internal [[Prototype]] property) of the specified object.

      internal: [[Prototype]]

      Other times we see something used to indicate it is internal. In fact, this even supersedes proto__. So why did they use a different naming convention? Did they decide [[ ]] is a better naming convention?