1,206 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
  2. Jun 2024
    1. Another pandemic is coming, this time attacking the fragile control systems in our brains—namely, our capacity to reason with one another—that we have used so effectively to keep ourselves relatively safe in recent centuries.
  3. Apr 2024
    1. The study’s findings are a global wake-up call to the effects of pandemic disruptions on children’s reading comprehension. In South Africa they are also a transparent met
  4. Mar 2023
    1. In short, in the absence of legal tender laws, the seller will not accept anything but money of certain value (good money), but the existence of legal tender laws will cause the buyer to offer only money with the lowest commodity value (bad money), as the creditor must accept such money at face value.

      During the coronavirus pandemic, many vendors facing inflation began to pass along the 3% (or more) credit card processing fees to their customers. Previously many credit card companies would penalize vendors for doing this (and possibly cut them off). This fee was considered "the cost of doing business".

      Some vendors prior to the pandemic would provide cash discounts on large orders because they could circumvent these fees.

      Does this affect (harm) inflation? Is it a form of Gresham's law at play here? What effect does this have on credit card companies? Are they so integral to the system that it doesn't affect them, but instead the customers using their legal tender?

    1. Även pandemin har skapat problem. Som vi kunnat konstatera i tidigare rapporter hade extremhögern över hela världen svårt att navigera politiskt under pandemiåren. Det gick inte att skylla problemen på de gamla vanliga syndabockarna som minoriteter eller en politiskt korrekt elit. Skulle man haka på konspirations-teorierna om vaccinet, eller följa riktlinjer för att hålla smittota-len nere? Vi kan idag konstatera att den konspirationsteoretiska linjen till slut fick flest anhängare inom extremhögern. Under början av 2022 hittade också extremhögern ett sätt att politisera pandemifrågan, när de anslöt sig till protesterna mot vaccinpass. Men sammantaget kommer de rasideologiska grupperna stukade ut ur pandemins isolering.
  5. Feb 2023
    1. They may be right about Lockdown in one way that the concept of it has become big enough and detached from reality enough to house whatever theories or madness anybody wants to house in it. As such, lockdown was a huge psychohistoric event.

      ha! psychohistoric event. Yes, I recognise some of that. I've been in recent sessions that were the 3rd of 4th larger public gathering with the same group, with the group leader still repeating the mantra that we hadn't been able to meet up for so long, where we just did the same thing several times before. A ritualised phrasing to excuse any time spent on catching up. I'd rather put the catching up on the actual program. No excuse needed, psychohistoric or not.

    2. If I lift this one level, the so called “Lockdown” is being used as a scapegoat for anything and everything that people don’t like. Here in Europe the lockdowns felt very long but were brief in retrospect. The longest probably being the 3 month school/daycare closure at the start of the pandemic during which we also suffered immensely. Real hard lockdowns happened in a country like China. Claiming that the relatively mild restrictions that we had for a couple of months (and then twice more) created irreparable damage in the general population is very fucking rich.

      Indeed. 'the lockdown' in various conversations I've been in seems to be an indetermined period between 2019 and now, which serves as explanation for anything that wasn't finished in the past 3 years. As if we were all in actual stasis all that time continuously. Yes it was hard for us at times, I know it was much harder for other people I know at times in other locations, let alone what's been going on in China. But it wasn't constant and everywhere in NL or in EU. The Dutch actual lockdowns were 3 different periods and to very different degrees, with the first being the strictest, but the last one feeling the most difficult to me. I should mark the actual lockdowns and restrictions more clearly in my notes as factcheck.

  6. Jan 2023
    1. I’d say I’m not sure I was even there at all. If you were to press me on it and say, It couldn’t have been that bad?,

      Floating timelessness of a life without markers -- pandemic life lacks the divisions that used to let me chunk apart time -- in some sense it feels like a long now, still an extension of March 2020

  7. Aug 2022
    1. John Bye [@_johnbye]. (2021, October 6). The new covid sceptic All Party Parliamentary Group on Pandemic Response and Recovery is backed by Gupta and Heneghan’s Collateral Global to the tune of over £30,000. £5,000 in financial benefits plus £25,501—£27,000 benefits in kind (CG is acting as their secretariat). Https://t.co/qll20Sg9aA [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/_johnbye/status/1445867760819396608

    1. Vöhringer, H. S., Sanderson, T., Sinnott, M., De Maio, N., Nguyen, T., Goater, R., Schwach, F., Harrison, I., Hellewell, J., Ariani, C. V., Gonçalves, S., Jackson, D. K., Johnston, I., Jung, A. W., Saint, C., Sillitoe, J., Suciu, M., Goldman, N., Panovska-Griffiths, J., … Gerstung, M. (2021). Genomic reconstruction of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in England. Nature, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-04069-y

    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2021, November 26). maybe this is a good moment to remind people that makers of mRNA vaccines have been extensively prepping for the possibility of new variants. Biontech/Pfizer have given a timeline of 100 days to the delivery of a retooled version of their vaccine [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1464225264523747359

    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2021, December 9). a rather worrying development- a (local) newspaper “fact checking” the new German health minister simply by interviewing a virologist who happens to have a different view. There’s simply no established “fact” as to the severity of omicron in children at this point in time [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1469037817481334786

    1. Like most things in life, the answer is a complicated balance. And you have to find your way and find your balance, which isn’t easy no matter who you are or what you do. After two years of trauma, I’m going to crack on loads more. Make some new memories, new good times, which in the future I’ll be able to look back on as part of my nostalgia. Just have to find that tricky balance.

      Ruben is quoting Geoff Marshall in a video here. I recognise what Ruben says about his mental health, the melancholic funk, both from myself and E. Sometimes the current months are harder than when the pandemic first hit. Things seem normal, except they aren't. Geoff suggests adding new experiences now, so they become part of his future nostalgia, as a counterbalance to the past two years. Not pushing stuff away but balancing it. Reminds me a bit of what I used to say about 'hiding' unwanted Google results: publish more online so that it balances out and the unwanted things aren't the dominant search results.

  8. Jul 2022
    1. Should something new be experienced, it will be unexpected, may beoverwhelming and may not fit into any meaningful representation or expression at all. The new assuch, the possible source of transformation, regeneration and vision, does not submit to the orderimposed by the personware, it is naturally on a collision course with it and a source to various degreesof cognitive dissonance. As such, it poses a threat that a well-functioning cognitive system mustmediate.

      !- for : climate change, rapid whole system change * This is a common response of people conditioned to the status quo personware - it is overwhelming and threatening * Defensiveness and conservatism to preserve the familiar elements of the status quo is a common response, including all forms of climate denialism * Early stages of pandemic in which people were afraid to don masks for fear of being ostracized

  9. May 2022
  10. Apr 2022
    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2022, January 24). @STWorg @FraserNelson @GrahamMedley no worse- he took Medley’s comment that Sage model the scenarios the government asks them to consider to mean that they basically set out to find the justification for what the government already wanted to do. Complete failure to distinguish between inputs and outputs of a model [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1485625862645075970

    1. Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD [@PeterHotez]. (2021, December 15). Many thanks @Finneganporter while i predicted some of this, a part that caught me off guard in the pandemic was the rise of contrarian intellectuals from conservative think tanks or even Harvard Stanford so desperate for relevance they aligned themselves with far right extremists [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/PeterHotez/status/1471100070250508288

    1. Dr. Deepti Gurdasani [@dgurdasani1]. (2021, December 14). So those critiquing others for being too certain (I get subtweeted a lot for this)- Am I certain about the exact impact of omicron in the UK? Not at all Am I certain it’ll be high impact? Quite Am I certain we should act now? Absolutely [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/dgurdasani1/status/1470828234480701443

    1. Trisha Greenhalgh #IStandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 [@trishgreenhalgh]. (2021, September 26). Big Thread coming on ‘returning to on-site teaching’. Intended mainly for universities (because I work in one), but may also be useful for schools. Mute thread if not interested. I’ll base it around real questions I’ve been asked. 1/ [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/trishgreenhalgh/status/1442162256779821060

    1. ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh]. (2021, November 14). Kai Spiekermann will speak the need for science communication and how it supports the pivotal role of knowledge in a functioning democracy. The panel will focus on what collective intelligence has to offer. 3/6 [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1459813528987217926

    1. ReconfigBehSci [@i]. (2021, November 27). @STWorg @PhilippMSchmid @CorneliaBetsch this clip got me too- for non-German speakers. She is asked whether she is ‘concerned’. Her response: Of course I’m concerned, I’m double vexed, I’m waiting for my booster vaccination, my husband died of Covid, I was in hospital, now I’m avoiding my grand children [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1464660287739596802

    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘@STWorg @PhilippMSchmid @CorneliaBetsch and every now and then we have to watch a clip like this to be reminded what all of this is really about. This pain and suffering is happening in one of the richest countries in the world at a time in the pandemic when we know exactly what to do to avoid it’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 22 April 2022, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1464662622440144896

    1. Atomsk’s Sanakan. (2021, March 27). 1/J John Ioannidis published an article defending his low estimate of COVID-19’s fatality rate. It contains so many distortions that I’ll try something I’ve never done on Twitter for a paper: Go thru distortions page-by-page. This will take awhile. 😑 https://t.co/4wonxc6MFg https://t.co/AyV5RiwQnh [Tweet]. @AtomsksSanakan. https://twitter.com/AtomsksSanakan/status/1375935382139834373

    1. Department of State. (2021, April 6). .@SecBlinken: Stopping COVID-19 is the Biden-Harris Administration’s number one priority. Otherwise, the coronavirus will keep circulating in our communities, threatening people’s lives and livelihoods, holding our economy back. Https://t.co/uk20myyICI [Tweet]. @StateDept. https://twitter.com/StateDept/status/1379554511606280192

    1. The Lancet. (2021, April 16). Quantity > quality? The magnitude of #COVID19 research of questionable methodological quality reveals an urgent need to optimise clinical trial research—But how? A new @LancetGH Series discusses challenges and solutions. Read https://t.co/z4SluR3yuh 1/5 https://t.co/94RRVT0qhF [Tweet]. @TheLancet. https://twitter.com/TheLancet/status/1383027527233515520

    1. Health Nerd. (2021, March 28). Recently, Professor John Ioannidis, most famous for his meta-science and more recently COVID-19 work, published this article in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation It included, among other things, a lengthy personal attack on me Some thoughts 1/n https://t.co/JGfUrpJXh2 [Tweet]. @GidMK. https://twitter.com/GidMK/status/1376304539897237508

    1. Dr Ellie Murray. (2021, February 23). A thing I feel is weird about how we are all reacting to this pandemic: Mourning is still so individual & private. It surprises me there aren’t campaigns for armbands, ribbons, wreaths on doors, or some sort of flag in the window to say “a loved one was lost to COVID here”. [Tweet]. @EpiEllie. https://twitter.com/EpiEllie/status/1364033220904427524

    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2021, February 17). The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the erosion of trust around the world: Significant drop in trust in the two largest economies: The U.S. (40%) and Chinese (30%) governments are deeply distrusted by respondents from the 26 other markets surveyed. 1/2 https://t.co/C86chd3bb4 [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1362021569476894726

    1. Another Angry Woman. (2022, January 1). A reminder that sometimes “living with it” means taking some mitigations, forever, e.g. How in order to live with cholera we make sure our water doesn’t have shit in it by building infrastructure to make sure our water doesn’t have shit in it. [Tweet]. @stavvers. https://twitter.com/stavvers/status/1477362596097536018

    1. Lawrence Gostin. (2022, January 1). History shows most pandemics last 2-3 years. Covid-19 has been a wily foe #NewYear2022 should see the pandemic’s end in highly vaccinated nations. Strive mightily to access vaccines everywhere But Covid-19 will remain endemic everywhere. The new normal means living with the virus [Tweet]. @LawrenceGostin. https://twitter.com/LawrenceGostin/status/1477087584459370507