97 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Jun 2024
    1. In einem neuen Bericht kommt die weltwetterorganisation WMO zu dem Ergebnis, dass eines der kommenden fünf Jahre mit 90% was Wahrscheinlichkeit heißer sein wird als das bisherige Rekordjahr 2023. Der vergangene Mai war der wärmste der messgeschichte und damit der 12 Monat in Folge, der alle bisherigen Vergleichsmonate übertraf. Das stellt der europäische Wetterdienst Kopernikus in seinem Bücher für den vergangenen Monat fest. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000222642/treibhausgase-aus-der-atmosphaere-saugen-wo-wir-bei-der-co2-entnahme-stehen

  3. Jan 2024
    1. Why should this conversation be separate from other conversations about the work to be done? Design is one consideration alongside frontend and backend considerations, which often all intersect and require the same participants. Shifting this discussion to a separate work item can result in disjointed conversations and difficulty finding where a decision was made.
    2. You can see how the constant jumping between these two tools in the first scenario is super annoying, and also very risky as none of the changes you make in Figma are also automatically being updated in the same GitLab designs.
    3. Personally I think we could get a ton more benefits and would also be able to pull new users into our platform by finding better ways to integrate/link/connect/display Figma in our work item objects. Today the biggest downside for "Design management" is that it's basically just a copy of what's happening inside of Figma that has to be manually kept in sync and requires users to constantly switch back and forth:
  4. Nov 2023
    1. dass für das Element <head> in der TEI das Attribut @placenicht zur Verfügung steht, mit dem diese Positionierung (analog zu der Position von Randbemerkungen,siehe dazu die entsprechenden Beispiele unten) angegeben werden könnte. Um nicht den Rahmen derTEI-Vorgaben verlassen zu müssen, das Phänomen aber dennoch kodieren zu können, wurde innerhalbdes DTABf-M festgelegt, dass die ggf. abweichende Position von Überschriften anstatt mit @place durchdas im Element <head> verfügbare Attribut @type festgelegt wird. Somit konnte an dieser Stelleein Kompromiss zwischen genereller TEI-Konformität und individueller Expressivität gefunden werden.Vgl. dazu auch Haaf/Thomas 2017, Abs. 49 und Anm. 39.

      Dieser Fallback ist jetzt (bzw. seit 2017 mit Release TEI P5 version 3.2.0, Date: 2017-07-10) nicht mehr notwendig, siehe dazu auch https://github.com/cthomasdta/diss-avhkv/issues/5.

  5. Aug 2023
    1. Auto-update aside, you might also have found it hard to find a Chrome binary with a specific version. Google intentionally doesn’t make versioned Chrome downloads available, since users shouldn’t have to care about version numbers—they should always get updated to the latest version as soon as possible. This is great for users, but painful for developers needing to reproduce a bug report in an older Chrome version.
  6. Jul 2023
    1. theology managed to change right from from the medieval theology
      • for: system change, social tipping point
        • if theology can change so radically, so too can economics
  7. Jan 2023
    1. Self Contained

      Please note, for your document to be self-contained, also specify the following option:

      self-contained: true


  8. Nov 2022
    1. anditails · 1 yr. agoDell Pro Support Engineer (3rd party)You don't need Support Assist on Windows 11. Enable the "Optional Updates" and it'll do all the drivers through Windows Update.It's fast, too. Far quicker than Support Assist!

      Someone recommending to avoid using Dell SupportAssist on Windows 11. I came across this because I was trying to see if there was a way to update SA in order to ensure the driver iqvw64e.sys was removed. Related to the problem here. Uninstalling SupportAssist resolved the aforementioned problem since recursive file search through C drive failed to find driver iqvw64e.sys

      Based on other comments in this thread, seems like it's best to let Windows Update handle the drivers. Will no longer use Dell SA and will utilize "Optional Updates" to handle drivers

      Currently, the only perceived benefit from SA is automating support tickets submissions if product is under warranty. Last IT support experience with Dell was positive (they did the best they could), but they didn't know much about sys admin stuff on Windows (weren't very helpful in resolving issue without losing all files and installed software).

  9. Aug 2022
  10. Jul 2022
  11. Apr 2022
  12. Mar 2022
  13. Feb 2022
  14. Jan 2022
  15. Dec 2021
    1. Colin Davis. (2021, December 20). Update for 20th Dec. The trend line still reflects 1.8 day doubling (it’s 1.7 days if we look at just the last week). Today’s number is down, but I wouldn’t read too much into that at this point. Https://t.co/kOCjxhRbop [Tweet]. @ProfColinDavis. https://twitter.com/ProfColinDavis/status/1472969632705392640

  16. Oct 2021
  17. Sep 2021
  18. Jul 2021
    1. Carl T. Bergstrom. (2021, May 27). An update on the B.1.617.2 lineage. I’m concerned. Not because of reduced vaccine efficacy, but simply because a further increase in transmissibility above B.1.1.7 would be quite bad news for countries where vaccination is low and for hopes of near-elimination everywhere. [Tweet]. @CT_Bergstrom. https://twitter.com/CT_Bergstrom/status/1398029743954432005

    1. Two command prompt windows will open (one for the name node and one for the data node) as follows:

      this can be run as hdfs datanode and hdfs namenode now instead of the command suggested.

      most things are available as part of the hdfs command and no need to run the invidual command.

  19. Jun 2021
  20. May 2021
    1. Stephan Lewandowsky. (2021, May 16). An update to the ‘politics’ page of our COVID-19 vaccination communication handbook. Thanks to @kostas_exarhia for his diligent and constant work on this 1/n https://t.co/ezztaLMEBG [Tweet]. @STWorg. https://twitter.com/STWorg/status/1393996441966858242

    1. Andy Slavitt @ 🏡 on Twitter: “COVID Update June 28: August will be another twist in the road. That comes tomorrow. But I need to do something first. I’m reminded many people follow me for COVID info so I want to call out & atone for my mistakes. 1/” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved August 7, 2020, from https://twitter.com/ASlavitt/status/1288993921033547777

    1. In this section we will use Gatling to load test a simple cloud hosted web server and will introduce you to the basic elements of the DSL. And here i`m adding my own text, doesnt exist on the page. In this section we will use Gatling to load test a simple cloud hosted web server and will introduce you to the basic elements of the DSL. And here i`m adding my own text, doesnt exist on the page.

      this is testing a hyp updating my own notes, and this one is from API

  21. Mar 2021
  22. Feb 2021
    1. When your digital news feed doesn’t contain links, when it cannot be linked to, when it can’t be indexed, when you can’t copy a paragraph and paste it into another application: when this happens your news feed is not flawed or backwards looking or frustrating. It is broken.

      If your news feed doesn't contain links, can't be linked to, indexed, or copied and pasted, it is broken.

      How can this be tied into the five R's of Open Education Resources: Retain, Reuse, Revise, Remix and/or Redistribute content (and perhaps my Revise/Request update ideas: https://boffosocko.com/2018/08/30/the-sixth-r-of-open-educational-resources-oer/)

  23. Jan 2021
  24. Nov 2020
  25. Oct 2020
  26. Sep 2020
  27. Aug 2020
  28. Jul 2020
  29. Jun 2020
  30. May 2020
  31. Apr 2020
  32. Sep 2019
  33. Jul 2019
  34. Jul 2018
  35. Feb 2018
  36. Sep 2017
  37. Jul 2017
  38. Apr 2017
    1. rewrite/update

    2. At present


    3. With the emergence of MOOCs, game-based learning, OER, and other networked learning opportunities, researchers are ac

      rewrite/update - the point is still good

    4. The organization,


    5. Open Education Resources

      Rewrite/Update with Kristina

  39. Mar 2017
  40. Jul 2016
    1. // Appending to the enter selection expands the update selection to include // entering elements; so, operations on the update selection after appending to // the enter selection will apply to both entering and updating nodes.

      Not anymore since v4: use merge instead.

    1. To reduce duplicate code, enter.append has a convenient side-effect: it replaces null elements in the update selection with the newly-created elements from the enter selection. Thus, after enter.append, the update selection is modified to contain both entering and updating elements

      Not anymore since v4: use merge instead.

  41. Jan 2016
  42. May 2015
    1. As part of the CCDB project, we are developing coordinate systems for individual neuron types, so that subcellular data can be placed in a spatial context relative to the other cellular components.

      We got farthest with this goal using the Subcellular Anatomy Ontology and also the Whole Brain Catalog. The latter project allowed docking of subcellular structures into a cellular scaffold, although the project is no longer active.

    2. CCDB; www.ncmir.ucsd.edu/CCDB

      The updated link is: http://ccdb.ucsd.edu. However, CCDB has merged with the Cell Image Library as of 2014.

    3. Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN).

      The original BIRN project described here ended in 2008, although a version of it continued and may still be active.

    4. Kotter
    5. National Partnerships for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (NPACI; www.npaci.edu)

      Also no longer in existence: the URL no longer works.

    6. Human Brain Project

      The HBP was discontinued somewhere around 2005. Many of the projects that it originally supported, however, continue to exist. The URL listed is no longer functional.