20 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
    1. the complete life, of Bartleby nothing of that sort can be done. I believe that no materials exist for a full and satisfactory biography of this man. It is an irreparable loss to literature.

      The frame category introduced in the first sentence is of scriveners--the speakers knowsn many--who might have complete bios (but he won't bother us with them). The narrator will focus on the one whose bio is lost.

  2. Jan 2024
  3. Dec 2021
    1. In § 3, I explain that to have a life of its own, a card index must be provid-ed with self-referential closure.

      In order to become a free-standing tool, the card index needed to have self-referential closure.

      This may have been one of the necessary steps for the early ideas behind computers. In addition to the idea of a clockwork universe, the index card may have been a step towards early efforts at creating the modern computer.

  4. Apr 2021
    1. Opening "xterm" in "iSH" is like starting a new virtual terminal from a virtual terminal you are already in ("iSH").
    2. as you may have guessed, things get even more complicated when you start running pseudo terminals inside pseudo terminals, à la screen(1) or ssh(1).
  5. Mar 2021
  6. en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
    1. Thus the recursive logo of PyPy is a snake swallowing itself since the RPython is translated by a Python interpreter.
    2. PyPy was conceived to be an implementation of Python written in a programming language that is similar to Python.
    1. Starting the Game is a game about a non-experienced gamer who is trying to download, crack and play a game.
  7. Feb 2021
    1. ’ve had Paula Rizzo’s book, Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed, on my to-read list (see what I did there?)
  8. Sep 2017
    1. IfwefocusonhowpeopleenactthemselvesassubjectsofpowerthroughtheInternet,itinvolvesinvestigatinghowpeopleuselanguagetodescribethemselvesandtheirrelationstoothersandhowlanguagesummonsthemasspeakingbeings.Toputitdifferently,itinvolvesinvestigatinghowpeopledothingswithwordsandwordswiththingstoenactthemselves.ItalsomeansaddressinghowpeopleunderstandthemselvesassubjectsofpowerwhenactingthroughtheInternet.
  9. Jan 2017
    1. The ‘structuralist’ strand of literary theory tends to deploy close – sometimes microscopic – readings of a text to see how it functions, almost like a closed system. This is broadly known as a ‘formal’ mode of literary interpretation, in contrast to more historical or contextual ways of reading.