22 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
  2. Jan 2023
  3. Mar 2022
  4. Mar 2021
    1. A simple, yet surprisingly mind-boggling puzzle game. Simplicity may be perceived as a negative connotation when it comes to games for many people, but Neon Warp's simplicity actually works in it's favor in the best way possible and becomes one of it's strength.
  5. Feb 2021
    1. but if you were previously using regexp or proc values, they won't work at all with Sprockets 4, and if you try you'll get an exception raised that looks like NoMethodError: undefined method 'start_with?'
    1. The reason Reform does updating attributes and validation in the same step is because I wanna reduce public methods. This is to save users from having to remember state.

      I see what he means, but what would you call this (tag)? "have to remember state"? maybe "have to remember" is close enough

      Or maybe order is important / do things in the right order is all we need to describe the problem/need.

  6. Nov 2020
  7. Oct 2020
    1. However, if you want to create a backend API that is meant to be consumed only by your frontend, then you don't need REST nor GraphQL — RPC, such as Wildcard, is enough.
    1. The $ contract for auto-sub­scrib­ing is lovely in its sim­plic­ity and flex­i­bil­ity. You can adapt your own preferred state-man­age­ment pattern or library, with or without Svelte stores as helpers. Svelte does not fuss about how you want to manage your state.
  8. Sep 2020
    1. Did you know that you can create a Svelte component and with almost no extra steps distribute- and use it like any classic old Javascript library through a global constructor (let myComponent = new MyComponent())?
  9. Mar 2020
    1. For several reasons the Simple backend shipped with Active Support only does the "simplest thing that could possibly work" for Ruby on Rails3 ... which means that it is only guaranteed to work for English and, as a side effect, languages that are very similar to English. Also, the simple backend is only capable of reading translations but cannot dynamically store them to any format.That does not mean you're stuck with these limitations, though. The Ruby I18n gem makes it very easy to exchange the Simple backend implementation with something else that fits better for your needs, by passing a backend instance to the I18n.backend= setter.
  10. Dec 2019
    1. There are thousands of to-do list apps out there, in part because no system works perfectly for everyone. I’m not going to say todo.txt is the exception, and that it will work for everyone, because that would be crazy. But todo.txt is the most flexible tool I’ve come across. In part, this is because of the sheer number of clients available, but also because the simplicity lends itself to improvisation.

      First time I've seen improvisation used like this.