92 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. what we have found quite remarkably is that when a person trains their mind their well-being improves and their brain changes uh and not just the brain but many other things in their mind and body also change

      for - meditation - training the mind - scientific measurable effects on wellbeing - brain and body functions - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson

  2. Nov 2024
  3. Aug 2024
    1. Chapter 1 is a comprehensive review of math fundamentals including algebra,equation solving, and functions. The exposition of each topic is brief to make foreasy reading

      Chapter 1 is the foundation upon which everything else will be built



    1. it's about concentration prioritization and drifting away and doing something different

      for - neuroscience - ideation depends on three different brain functions and brain areas - concentration - prioritization - and drifting away

      neuroscience - ideation depends on three different brain functions and brain areas - concentration<br /> - frontal area of brain - prioritization and - deep inner part of the brain - drifting away - back part of the brain

  4. Apr 2024
    1. Reading problems in childhood were associated with poorer cognitive function in early old age, and associations were partly mediated by education.

      Results of not being able to read - poorer cognitive functions in early old age, partly mediated - ie Bettie was fine.

  5. Jan 2024
    1. Instance methods Instances of Models are documents. Documents have many of their own built-in instance methods. We may also define our own custom document instance methods. // define a schema const animalSchema = new Schema({ name: String, type: String }, { // Assign a function to the "methods" object of our animalSchema through schema options. // By following this approach, there is no need to create a separate TS type to define the type of the instance functions. methods: { findSimilarTypes(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); } } }); // Or, assign a function to the "methods" object of our animalSchema animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); }; Now all of our animal instances have a findSimilarTypes method available to them. const Animal = mongoose.model('Animal', animalSchema); const dog = new Animal({ type: 'dog' }); dog.findSimilarTypes((err, dogs) => { console.log(dogs); // woof }); Overwriting a default mongoose document method may lead to unpredictable results. See this for more details. The example above uses the Schema.methods object directly to save an instance method. You can also use the Schema.method() helper as described here. Do not declare methods using ES6 arrow functions (=>). Arrow functions explicitly prevent binding this, so your method will not have access to the document and the above examples will not work.

      Certainly! Let's break down the provided code snippets:

      1. What is it and why is it used?

      In Mongoose, a schema is a blueprint for defining the structure of documents within a collection. When you define a schema, you can also attach methods to it. These methods become instance methods, meaning they are available on the individual documents (instances) created from that schema.

      Instance methods are useful for encapsulating functionality related to a specific document or model instance. They allow you to define custom behavior that can be executed on a specific document. In the given example, the findSimilarTypes method is added to instances of the Animal model, making it easy to find other animals of the same type.

      2. Syntax:

      Using methods object directly in the schema options:

      javascript const animalSchema = new Schema( { name: String, type: String }, { methods: { findSimilarTypes(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); } } } );

      Using methods object directly in the schema:

      javascript animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); };

      Using Schema.method() helper:

      javascript animalSchema.method('findSimilarTypes', function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); });

      3. Explanation in Simple Words with Examples:

      Why it's Used:

      Imagine you have a collection of animals in your database, and you want to find other animals of the same type. Instead of writing the same logic repeatedly, you can define a method that can be called on each animal instance to find similar types. This helps in keeping your code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and makes it easier to maintain.


      ```javascript const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const { Schema } = mongoose;

      // Define a schema with a custom instance method const animalSchema = new Schema({ name: String, type: String });

      // Add a custom instance method to find similar types animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); };

      // Create the Animal model using the schema const Animal = mongoose.model('Animal', animalSchema);

      // Create an instance of Animal const dog = new Animal({ type: 'dog', name: 'Buddy' });

      // Use the custom method to find similar types dog.findSimilarTypes((err, similarAnimals) => { console.log(similarAnimals); }); ```

      In this example, findSimilarTypes is a custom instance method added to the Animal schema. When you create an instance of the Animal model (e.g., a dog), you can then call findSimilarTypes on that instance to find other animals with the same type. The method uses the this.type property, which refers to the type of the current animal instance. This allows you to easily reuse the logic for finding similar types across different instances of the Animal model.

      Certainly! Let's go through each part and explain it in simple terms: ### 1. `this` in Mongoose: - **What is `this`?** In JavaScript, `this` refers to the current context or object. In Mongoose, particularly within methods and middleware functions, `this` represents the instance (document) the function is currently operating on. - **Why is it used?** `this` is used to access and modify the properties of the current document. For example, in a Mongoose method, `this` allows you to refer to the fields of the specific document the method is called on. ### 2. Example: Let's use the `userSchema.pre("save", ...)`, which is a Mongoose middleware, as an example: ```javascript userSchema.pre("save", async function (next) { if (!this.isModified("password")) { next(); } else { this.password = await bcrypt.hash(this.password, 10); next(); } }); ``` - **Explanation in Simple Words:** - Imagine you have a system where users can sign up and set their password. - Before saving a new user to the database, you want to ensure that the password is securely encrypted (hashed) using a library like `bcrypt`. - The `userSchema.pre("save", ...)` is a special function that runs automatically before saving a user to the database. - In this function: - `this.isModified("password")`: Checks if the password field of the current user has been changed. - If the password is not modified, it means the user is not updating their password, so it just moves on to the next operation (saving the user). - If the password is modified, it means a new password is set or the existing one is changed. In this case, it uses `bcrypt.hash` to encrypt (hash) the password before saving it to the database. - The use of `this` here is crucial because it allows you to refer to the specific user document that's being saved. It ensures that the correct password is hashed for the current user being processed. In summary, `this` in Mongoose is a way to refer to the current document or instance, and it's commonly used to access and modify the properties of that document, especially in middleware functions like the one demonstrated here for password encryption before saving to the database.




  6. Sep 2023
    1. Recent work has revealed several new and significant aspects of the dynamics of theory change. First, statistical information, information about the probabilistic contingencies between events, plays a particularly important role in theory-formation both in science and in childhood. In the last fifteen years we’ve discovered the power of early statistical learning.

      The data of the past is congruent with the current psychological trends that face the education system of today. Developmentalists have charted how children construct and revise intuitive theories. In turn, a variety of theories have developed because of the greater use of statistical information that supports probabilistic contingencies that help to better inform us of causal models and their distinctive cognitive functions. These studies investigate the physical, psychological, and social domains. In the case of intuitive psychology, or "theory of mind," developmentalism has traced a progression from an early understanding of emotion and action to an understanding of intentions and simple aspects of perception, to an understanding of knowledge vs. ignorance, and finally to a representational and then an interpretive theory of mind.

      The mechanisms by which life evolved—from chemical beginnings to cognizing human beings—are central to understanding the psychological basis of learning. We are the product of an evolutionary process and it is the mechanisms inherent in this process that offer the most probable explanations to how we think and learn.

      Bada, & Olusegun, S. (2015). Constructivism Learning Theory : A Paradigm for Teaching and Learning.

  7. Feb 2023
    1. If you already have an instance of your model, you can start a transaction and acquire the lock in one go using the following code: book = Book.first book.with_lock do # This block is called within a transaction, # book is already locked. book.increment!(:views) end
  8. Jan 2023
    1. hat you need is to filter on the count of the number of races for each horse. The HAVING clause does exactly what we need here – it has syntax like the WHERE clause, but it is applied to each group after grouping has taken place

      Main diff between HAVING and WHERE

        • WHERE is applied before grouping, it is usually used to narrow the SELECT statement's output
        • HAVING is applied after grouping. It is usually used when grouping is needed to incorporate function generated values into a new table requested by the query
    2. GROUP BY clause directs the DBMS to form groups of rows for each value of the column(s) named in the clause, returning one row in the result set for each group
    3. COUNT function provides a count of the rows in a result set. It has two forms. COUNT(*) counts rows regardless of data values in the rows, while COUNT(column_name) counts only non-null values in the named colum
      • COUNT(*) - counts rows regardless of data values in the rows
      • COUNT - (column_name) counts only non-null values in the named colum
    4. the DBMS assigns a column name for the result based on its own internal rules. You can always provide your own column name by assigning an alias right after the expression that forms the column
  9. Aug 2022
    1. Surprise, curiosity, rapture, fear, anger, lust, greed, and the like, become then the names of the mental states with which the person is possessed.

      Example of emotions that one can have a "bodily disturbance"

  10. Jun 2022
  11. Jan 2022
  12. www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
    1. co(function* () {  var result = yield Promise.resolve(true);  return result;}).then(function (value) {  console.log(value);}, function (err) {  console.error(err.stack);});
  13. Nov 2021
    1. Determine if the string's length is greater than num. Return the string truncated to the desired length, with '...' appended to the end of the original string. Copyconst ellipsis = (str: string, num: number = str.length, ellipsisStr = "...") => str.length >= num ? str.slice(0, num >= ellipsisStr.length ? num - ellipsisStr.length : num) + ellipsisStr : str;
  14. Oct 2021
    1. Jamstack

      Going Jamstack with React, Serverless, and Airtable

      Exploring the possibility of integrating Airtable into the Builders Collective, I started looking into the Airtable API and integration into a Jamstack workflow. A CSS-Tricks article came up in a search.

  15. Aug 2021
  16. Jun 2021
    1. When you are dealing with an aggregate of aggregates, it needs to be accomplished in two steps. This can be done using a subquery as the FROM clause, essentially giving us a temporary table to then select from, allowing us to find the average of those averages.
  17. Apr 2021
  18. Mar 2021
    1. Because the diagrams are .independent of one another, you can study them and improve them one at a time, so that their evolution can be gradual and cumulative. More important still, because they are abstract and independent, you can use them to create not just one design, but an infinite variety of designs, all of them free combinations of the same set of patterns.

      This also applies to [[modules]] in computer systems; and to [[functions]] in programming languages in the functional paradigm (as these are self-contained and side-effect-free).

  19. Feb 2021
    1. To understand this helper, you should understand that every step invocation calls Output() for you behind the scenes. The following DSL use is identical to the one [above]. class Execute < Trailblazer::Activity::Railway step :find_provider, Output(Trailblazer::Activity::Left, :failure) => Track(:failure), Output(Trailblazer::Activity::Right, :success) => Track(:success)
    2. For branching out a separate path in an activity, use the Path() macro. It’s a convenient, simple way to declare alternative routes

      Seems like this would be a very common need: once you switch to a custom failure track, you want it to stay on that track until the end!!!

      The problem is that in a Railway, everything automatically has 2 outputs. But we really only need one (which is exactly what Path gives us). And you end up fighting the defaults when there are the automatic 2 outputs, because you have to remember to explicitly/verbosely redirect all of those outputs or they may end up going somewhere you don't want them to go.

      The default behavior of everything going to the next defined step is not helpful for doing that, and in fact is quite frustrating because you don't want unrelated steps to accidentally end up on one of the tasks in your custom failure track.

      And you can't use fail for custom-track steps becase that breaks magnetic_to for some reason.

      I was finding myself very in need of something like this, and was about to write my own DSL, but then I discovered this. I still think it needs a better DSL than this, but at least they provided a way to do this. Much needed.

      For this example, I might write something like this:

      step :decide_type, Output(Activity::Left, :credit_card) => Track(:with_credit_card)
      # Create the track, which would automatically create an implicit End with the same id.
      Track(:with_credit_card) do
          step :authorize
          step :charge

      I guess that's not much different than theirs. Main improvement is it avoids ugly need to specify end_id/end_task.

      But that wouldn't actually be enough either in this example, because you would actually want to have a failure track there and a path doesn't have one ... so it sounds like Subprocess and a new self-contained ProcessCreditCard Railway would be the best solution for this particular example... Subprocess is the ultimate in flexibility and gives us all the flexibility we need)

      But what if you had a path that you needed to direct to from 2 different tasks' outputs?

      Example: I came up with this, but it takes a lot of effort to keep my custom path/track hidden/"isolated" and prevent other tasks from automatically/implicitly going into those steps:

      class Example::ValidationErrorTrack < Trailblazer::Activity::Railway
        step :validate_model, Output(:failure) => Track(:validation_error)
        step :save,           Output(:failure) => Track(:validation_error)
        # Can't use fail here or the magnetic_to won't work and  Track(:validation_error) won't work
        step :log_validation_error, magnetic_to: :validation_error,
          Output(:success) => End(:validation_error), 
          Output(:failure) => End(:validation_error) 
      puts Trailblazer::Developer.render o
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=validate_model>
      #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=validate_model>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=log_validation_error>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=save>
      #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=save>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=log_validation_error>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => #<End/:success>
      #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=log_validation_error>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => #<End/:validation_error>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => #<End/:validation_error>

      Now attempt to do it with Path... Does the Path() have an ID we can reference? Or maybe we just keep a reference to the object and use it directly in 2 different places?

      class Example::ValidationErrorTrack::VPathHelper1 < Trailblazer::Activity::Railway
         validation_error_path = Path(end_id: "End.validation_error", end_task: End(:validation_error)) do
          step :log_validation_error
        step :validate_model, Output(:failure) => validation_error_path
        step :save,           Output(:failure) => validation_error_path
      o=Example::ValidationErrorTrack::VPathHelper1; puts Trailblazer::Developer.render o
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=validate_model>
      #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=validate_model>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=log_validation_error>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=save>
      #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=log_validation_error>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => #<End/:validation_error>
      #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=save>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=log_validation_error>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => #<End/:success>

      It's just too bad that:

      • there's not a Railway helper in case you want multiple outputs, though we could probably create one pretty easily using Path as our template
      • we can't "inline" a separate Railway acitivity (Subprocess "nests" it rather than "inlines")
    1. It's hard to say why people think so because you certainly don't need to know category theory for using them, just like you don't need it for, say, using functions.
    1. # Set the model name to change the field names generated by the Rails form helpers def self.model_name=(name) @_model_name = ActiveModel::Name.new(self, nil, name) end
  20. Jan 2021
    1. While custom iterators are a useful tool, their creation requires careful programming due to the need to explicitly maintain their internal state. Generator functions provide a powerful alternative: they allow you to define an iterative algorithm by writing a single function whose execution is not continuous. Generator functions are written using the function* syntax.
  21. atomiks.github.io atomiks.github.io
    1. Can I use the title attribute?Yes. The content prop can be a function that receives the reference element as an argument and returns a string or element.tippy('button', { content(reference) { const title = reference.getAttribute('title'); reference.removeAttribute('title'); return title; }, });The title attribute should be removed once you have its content so the browser's default tooltip isn't displayed along with the tippy.
    1. // super-simple CSS Object to string serializer const css = obj => Object.entries(obj || {}) .map(x => x.join(":")) .join(";");
    1. const deinitPopper = () => { if (popperInstance) { popperInstance.destroy(); popperInstance = null; } };
  22. Dec 2020
  23. Nov 2020
    1. For both the tailor-customer and doctor-patient examples, personal data is an input used to improve an output (dress, suit, medical treatment) such that the improvement directly serves the interests of the person whose information is being used.

      This reminds me of "Products are functions" where your personal data is a variable than enters into the function to determine the output.

  24. Oct 2020
    1. Emulating TypeScript functions

      YEah, but you've also got to watch the source files to recomp0ile on changes....

      "serve": "tsc -w | firebase emulators:start --only functions",

      Modified and functionally watching my stuff

    1. Doing so also means adding empty import statements to guarantee correct order of evaluation of modules (in ES modules, evaluation order is determined statically by the order of import declarations, whereas in CommonJS – and environments that simulate CommonJS by shipping a module loader, i.e. Browserify and Webpack – evaluation order is determined at runtime by the order in which require statements are encountered).

      Here: dynamic loading (libraries/functions) meaning: at run time

    1. All validators can be used independently. Inspried by functional programming paradigm, all built in validators are just functions.

      I'm glad you can use it independently like:


      because sometimes you don't have a formElement available like in their "main" (?) API examples:

  25. Sep 2020
    1. This isn't really a bug, because if you have an async function that returns a function, it doesn't really return a function - it returns a promise. I don't remember whether the Svelte internals currently check for the onMount callback's return being a function or whether they check for it being truthy. Maybe there's some adjustment to be made there.
    1. Functions have lots of interesting and useful properties. You can isolate them. You can compose them. You can memoize them. In other words, functional UI feels correct, and powerful, in a way that wasn’t true of whatever came before it. I think this is why people get quasi-religious about React. It’s not that it’s Just JavaScript. It’s that it’s Just Functions. It’s profound.

    1. Note that to use the this context the test function must be a function expression (function test(value) {}), not an arrow function, since arrow functions have lexical context.
  26. Jul 2020
    1. Många upplever sina största svårigheter i relationer med andra särskilt med de mest nära, kära och intima. Lev livet fullt ut visar oss hur våra relationer kan vara en ingång till ett andligt uppvaknande, om vi använder oss av dem på ett klokt och vist sätt.

      Och här låter det som att den som TÄNKER för mycket behöver balansera det med motsatsen att KÄNNA, vilket man har god nytta av i relationer exempelvis.

      Igen, Carl Jungs typteori. Medicinhjulets väderstreck, elementens eld (tänkande) och dess motsats vatten (känslor)

    1. name provided to a function expression as above is only available to the function's own scope
    2. supports functional programming — because they are objects, functions may be stored in variables and passed around like any other object
  27. Jun 2020
    1. The section of code with exports.app = functions.https.onRequest(app); exposes your express application so that it can be accessed. If you don't have the exports section, your application won't start correctly
    2. Firebase Functions enables you to use the ExpressJS library to host a Serverless API. Serverless is just a term for a system that runs without physical servers. This is a bit of a misnomer because it technically does run on a server, however, you’re letting the provider handle the hosting aspect
  28. May 2020
    1. You should construct evergreen (permanent) notes based on concepts, not related to a source (e.g. a book) or an author.

      Your mental models are compression functions. You make them more powerful by trying to use them on new information. Are you able to compress the new information with an already acquired function? Yes, then you've discovered an analogous concept across two different sources. Sort of? Then maybe there's an important difference, or maybe it's a clue that your compression function needs updating. And finally, no? Then perhaps this is an indication that you need to construct a new mental model – a new compression function.

  29. Apr 2020
    1. chose the term ad hoc polymorphism to refer to polymorphic functions that can be applied to arguments of different types, but that behave differently depending on the type of the argument to which they are applied (also known as function overloading or operator overloading)
  30. Nov 2019
  31. Oct 2019
    1. QS systems have been experimentally analyzed in more than 50 different bacterial species and shown to control expression of a wide spectrum of functions, including bioluminescence, virulence, symbiosis, different forms of motility, biofilm formation, production of antibiotics and toxins, and conjugation (49).
  32. Sep 2019
    1. Coordinated behaviours include bioluminescence3,4, virulence factor production5,6, secondary metabolite production7, competence for DNA uptake8,9 and biofilm formation10,11.
    1. These carboxylated AHLs facilitated the transition from a short cell to filamentous growth, with an altered carbon metabolic flux that favoured the conversion of acetate to methane and a reduced yield in cellular biomass

      Carboxylated AHL signalling favours methanogenesis in Methanosaeta herundinacea 6Ac

    1. Deletion of genes thatproduceN-acyl-L-homoserine lactone signals resulted in an increase in denitrification activity, which wasrepressed by exogenous signal molecules.

      AHL is lowering denitrification in Psuedomonas aeruginosa

    1. Since TypeScript 1.4 static extensions can be added easily. The TypeScript team changed the lib.d.ts file to use interfaces for all static type definitions. The static type definitions are all named like [Type]Constructor: So if you want to add a static function to type Object, then add your definition to ObjectConstructor.
  33. Aug 2019
    1. explosion of findings that other bacterial species controlled genes for conjugation, exoenzyme production and antibiotic synthesis with luxI–luxR-like systems
  34. Jun 2019
    1. Federal Reserve System

      The Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States. It was founded by Congress in 1913 to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system.

  35. May 2019
  36. Mar 2019
  37. Dec 2018
    1. To return data after an asynchronous operation, return a promise.

      I just struggled for a few hours trying to resolve some errors about CORS and 500 INTERNAL errors.

      This line is a bit misleading.

      In trying to get things up and running, I was returning a simple JSON object rather than a Promise. According to what I found, even if you don't have any async work, you still need to return a Promise from your function.

  38. Oct 2018
    1. More details on the Green function theory may be found in standard text books on many-bodytheory (e.g. Nozi`eres 1964, Fetter and Walecka 1971, Inkson 1984, Mahan 1990) and in the reviewarticle by Hedin and Lundqvist (1969).

      Really important references, esp the Fetter and Walecka many body quantum book.