2 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2022
- biological determinism
- move fast and break things
- structural racism
- social media
- attention economy
- #DLINQDigDetox
- racist policies
- marginalized groups
- diversity
- technochauvinism
- diversity equity and inclusion
- tech solutionism
- racist ideas
- read
- attention
- moral panic
- mental health
- psychology
- Feb 2016
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
We are on the threshold of sweeping change that will make it easier for teachers to teach and students to learn faster and more effectively
I see this as evidence of technology determinism, which this article is shot through with. This kind of sentiment comes off as if technologies make things better, faster, more efficient for all involved parties, without consequence. It also assumes a consensus around what improved teaching and learning looks like and means. IMO, "efficiency" recalls turn of 20th century industrialist philosophy and rhetoric. In the work of education, I think that we need to ask if efficiency really is always better, and better for who. I am suggesting that in many cases efficiency is better for administrators from a business perspective, but not so for learners.