43 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Mar 2023
    1. 就业的难题让很多大学生都特别为难,只有通过考研这种方式来提升自己的学历,才可以拥有更多的竞争优势。

      大学生就业难的问题,源于一下三个方面的原因: ①就业市场供需体系不平衡。全社会范围的需求萎缩,传导至消费市场低迷、人们消费能力减弱、消费意愿淡化,导致生产端需求岗位锐减,呈现出一种毕业人数大于社会岗位需求的局面; ②学生专业与现实社会需求不匹配。显示社会飞速发展,导致很多院校设置的专业、开设的课程,与现实社会需求之间呈现出一种过时、淘汰、跟不上实现需要的局面; ③缺乏实践经验:很多大学生拥有的是理论知识,而缺乏实践经验,这使得他们在求职时缺乏竞争力。 ④在大学就学阶段,对真正的学习能力的理解,不够深刻,只是停留在知识层面的掌握,而缺乏系统性发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力锻炼,从而让自己的学历与实际能力存在较大、较明显的代差; ⑤基于上述四条原因,如果认为参加考研,就能增加自己的就业竞争力的想法,如果抱有这种想法的学生,显然在思维深度、认知层次方面都是存在偏差和局限的。因此,如果上述的4条原因没有得到改善、改变,那么读完研究生后,自己的就业竞争能力同样不会得到明显提升,那么结果不言自明。

  3. Dec 2022
  4. Nov 2022
    1. 学习分析的几个特征:1.对象:学习者及学习者所处的情景(包括实体环境、学习进度、学习与教师关系、学校政策、班级氛围等因素)2.目的:更好地了解和优化学习者的学习和学习情景,使用的步骤包括测量、搜集、分析及汇报。3.与其他教育分析技术的区别:从学习者和学习活动中搜集各种形式的大数据后,采用数据科学或数据密集型理论进行分析。


    1. is the growing realisation of the benefits of personalised instruction.


    2. learning analytics does differ from more traditional education analyses in a number of ways.


    3. As the field evolved, more sophisticated methods for statistical modelling of network dynamics and formation were used to further examine the nature of social mechanisms that drive the formation of social networks among students and the factors that influence the formation of student social networks across various formal and informal learning settings.

      The development of learning analytics is dynamic

    4. In short, learning analytics increases the quality and quantity of feedback loops in the education system for teachers, learners and administrators.

      The great value of learning analytics

  5. Oct 2022
    1. 至关重要的能力是主动性参与、社会性参与和生产性参 与


    2. 根 茎 式 学 习 (Rhizomatic Learning)理 论

      根茎理论是Gilles Deleuze与Félix Guattari在1972-1980的“资本主义与精神分析”项目中提出的哲学概念。在著作《资本主义与精神分析:千高原》(有中文译本)提及其概念。


      其特点是 1. 可连续性。每一个根茎元素都与其他元素相互连接。 2. 异质性。根茎本质上都是异质的。 3. 多重性。 4. 可以不断的生长变化。 5. 不跟随任何框架与模型,完全自由。 举例 树状思维:故宫的平面布局就是“树状思维”,有严格的等级规范,从高等级到低等级,分层明确;一生二,二生三,三生万物也是“树状思维”,一个推演另一个,层层推进。 根茎思维:社交网络空间。每一个用户都是不同的,每一个用户和别的用户产生联系。整个社交网络是随时都在变化的(新用户注册,老用户注销)。整个社交网络平台自由,无等级划分。

    3. 智慧教育主张借助信息技术的力量,创建具有一定智慧的(如感知、推理、辅助决策)学习时空环境,旨在促进学习者的智慧全面、协调和可持续发展,通过对学习和生活环境的适应、塑造和选择,以最终实现对人类的共善(对个人、他人、社会的助益)。智慧教育充分体现了“以学习者为中心”的思想,强调学习是一个充满张力和平衡的过程,揭示了“教育要为学习者的智慧发展服务”的深刻内涵。


    1. Andujar (2016) examined the writing development of Spanish learners of English as a Second Language by using WhatsApp in a quasi-experimental study. Each student in the treatment group formulated a question each day on any topic they liked; each student had to provide at least one answer per question. Students in the control group received no such intervention. Results suggested a positive significant effect in favour of MIM use in enhancing students’ grammatical, lexical and mechanical accuracy.


    2. Butgereit (2007) studied high school students using Mxit, a proprietary MIM software developed in South Africa, in an after-school tutor program. Mxit helped students get help with their mathematics homework from volunteer tutors and was found to be beneficial as an addition to in-school instruction


    3. Introduction


    4. Examining the utility and usability of mobile instant messaging in a graduate-level course: A usefulness theoretical perspective

      研究对象:移动及时通信工具 研究内容:该工具在课程上的实用性、可用性 课程环境:毕业年级的课程 研究视角:发掘可用性

  6. Aug 2022
    1. 数据表和数据列是否存在, 别名是否有歧义等。如果通过则生成新的解析树,再提交给优化器
  7. Jul 2022
    1. 大数据分析/挖掘尽管重要,产品的信息化也十分重要,企业需要一个从大数据到大产品的进程。
  8. Mar 2022
  9. Sep 2021
  10. Mar 2021
    1. Our primary aim was to generate a cohort large enough to examine the heritability of prognostic therapy outcomes. However, the meta-analysis estimate of SNP heritability was low and non-significant (h2SNP = 0.09, SE = 0.17). A sample size of 2724 has 80% and 99% power to detect a SNP-heritability of 33% and 50%, respectively94. To achieve 80% power to detect a heritability of 20%, a sample of 4500 individuals will be required. A meta-analysis of 2 799 individuals was sufficient to detect a significant heritability estimate for therapy outcome to antidepressant drugs (h2SNP = 0.42, SE = 0.18) and this was the first evidence of a genetic component for treatments outcome of any kind


    2. The meta-analysis sample (n = 2724) had 80% power to detect variants explaining 1.5% of the variance and 42% power to detect variants explaining 1% of the variance. Therefore, it is not especially surprising that we do not detect any variants at genome-wide significance. Typically, GWAS of psychological traits have required tens of thousands of participants to detect SNPs at genome-wide significance


  11. Jan 2021
  12. Dec 2020
    1. individuals believe the diagnosis is somehow mistaken, and cling to a false, preferable reality.

      and cling to a false, preferable reality. cling 坚持 false, preferable 虚假的更好的现实 逗号在这里是false和preferable的并列

    1. Bert Hubert, the founder of PowerDNS and author of RFC 5452, shares his views on forces influencing DNS protocol development.

      forces 不是我熟悉的武力获取 那种偏向动词的意思 而是代表"力"这个概念. forces influencing DNS protocol development 影响DNS协议开发的因素。