- Dec 2024
Unknown artist, "The Pyramid of Capitalist System", 1911, based on a Russian flyer circa 1900
via Rabih Alameddine rabihalameddine.bsky.social at https://bsky.app/profile/rabihalameddine.bsky.social/post/3ld7mnwyvlc26
- Apr 2024
austinkleon.substack.com austinkleon.substack.com
An interview with Mary Ruefle by [[Austin Kleon]]
Kleon's wife Meg, with a master's in architecture, has aphantasia.
- Nov 2023
article-summarizer.scholarcy.com article-summarizer.scholarcy.com
The rejection of the provincial assemblies’ petition movement for a national parliament had already led many constitutionalists to accept the necessity of revolution, i
they tried to get reform through legal processes but then had to resort to revolution when this didn't work
unity of the five races advocated by the constitutionalists helped keep the border regions of the Qing Empire together.
simultaneous ethnic/racial unity and disunity
socially regressive, but recognizes the politically progressive contributions of the constitutionalist gentry in leading the transition to a republican form of government.
proggress? or disruption
revolutionaries may have both appealed to and created anti-Manchu sentiment through their propaganda.
The revolution happened suddenly, unlike other revolutions that were long and protracted.
article-summarizer.scholarcy.com article-summarizer.scholarcy.com
The Qing court's position weakened when they were defeated in Nanjing.Negotiations led to the abdication of the emperor and the establishment of a provisional republican government.
e Second International, a federation of socialist parties and trade unions, supported the concept of parliamentary democracy and believed in the possibilities of social revolution.
Russian revolution and saw similarities between the tsars and the Qing emperors.
onstitutional monarchy as a way to achieve progress and economic development
infiltration of Western Enlightenment values
anti-Manchu sentiment
Natural disasters,
The Qing government struggled financially, with increasing expenses for the army and a growing budget deficit.
The New Army,
The Qing government decided to nationalize the railway system under their control because it was profitable and would provide funds for the government.This decision angered many Chinese who believed each province should control its own railway development.
centralisation vs localism
1900s, Chinese people wanted to regain control of their own transportation system from foreign investors.They formed groups to raise money and buy back the railroad rights.
feeling of a loss of control and traditional values
Qing court, the ruling dynasty at the time, should have been aware that these assemblies would scrutinize their actions.
the dynasty became open to change by the people, worried about fitting in with the West
he country as a whole moved towards constitutional change, with plans for full constitutional government over the nine years.The death of the empress dowager Cixi increased the urgency for reform.
Various groups, including constitutional monarchists, nationalists, anarchists, Marxists, and the Revolutionary Alliance, criticized the Qing.
The Qing court and Chinese officials had attempted to adapt Western techniques and ideas to China's needs.
The fall of the Qing dynasty was triggered by an accidental bomb explosion in Hankou, which was fueled by agitation over constitutionalism, railways, and foreign encroachments
- Mar 2023
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
Muskegon Heritage Museum of Business and Industry · rsdoSptneoiy4 720fhi2tg41m80ga8Ju2542l, 71510glu065h1t196m9t · Shared with PublicBrowne-Morse CompanyIn 1907, former Shaw Walker executive Frank Morse partnered with retired plumbing dealer Richard Browne to start a new office equipment manufacturing company. They began in a small factory on Barney Street in Muskegon Heights. Browne-Morse quickly expanded over the next couple of years, relocating to the former Grand Rapids Desk Co building on Broadway. They would remain there for the next 70 years. The image shows the factory as it looked in 1911.
Attached image of the factory has a sign across two sides of the building that repeats the words: "Quality Cabinets Browne-Morse Company"
Frank Morse, a former Shaw-Walker executive, partnered with retired plumbing dealer Richard Browne in 1907 to form the Browne-Morse Company which would manufacture office equipment.
- Jul 2022
the 1911 paper by william morton wheeler is called the ant colony as an organism not a super organism because superorganism implies that nest mate would be the true organism
Check out the 1911 William Morton Wheeler paper on Ant Colonies as organisms. Does Wheeler actually call the colony an organism rather than a superorganism?
- May 2015
shakespeare.mit.edu shakespeare.mit.edu
So from that spring whence comfort seem'd to come
So from that spring whence comfort seem'd to come at 1862..1911