- Oct 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Extreme Regenfälle im Südosten und Zentrum Frankreichs im September gehören zu einer sogenannten „Mittelmeerepisode“ (épisode méditerranéen). Diese Ereignisse intensivieren sich durch die globale.Erhitzung. Die Libération hat dazu Klimaforschende befragt, und sie verweist auf eine aktualisierte Studie zur Erwärmung in Frankreich https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/les-intemperies-dans-le-sud-est-de-la-france-enieme-illustration-des-effets-devastateurs-du-rechauffement-climatique-20241018_HCAHWSJACRADZNAVD5G7IZE66M/
- Jun 2024
- May 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
In Frankreich beginnt in dieser Woche eine öffentliche Debatte um ein großes lithium-bergbauprojekt im zentralmassiv. Der umfassende Artikel beleuchtet eine Vielzahl von Aspekten des lithium-Abbaus und der zunehmenden Opposition dagegen, die eng mit dem Kampf gegen die individuelle motorisierte Mobilität verbunden ist. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/course-au-lithium-made-in-france-une-opportunite-a-saisir-ou-un-mirage-ecologique-20240310_FQOVXTBNKJC5NJ7EZI2UQKOAIY/in
- expert: Antoine Gatet
- project: Montagne d'Or
- research project: EuGeLi (European Geothermal Lithium)
- expert: Judith Pigneur
- NGO: Négawatt
- region: Massif central
- ressouce: water
- country: China
- institution: IEA
- variable: lithium demand
- country: Australia
- expert: Ysaline Jean-Jacque
- fédération d’associations France nature environnement (FNE)
- institution: Observatoire français des ressources minérales
- Vulcan Energy
- mode: government action
- Institution: Commission nationale du débat public (CNDP)
- event: public debate on Emili
- company: Eramet
- lithium
- institution: Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (BRGM)
- Region: Allier
- country: Chile
- actor: Imerys
- mining
- France
- expert: Aurélien Gay
- by: Coralie Schaub
- 2024-03-10
- company: Lithium de France
- ressouce: Lithium
- country: Argentina
- company: Electricité de Strasbourg
- project: Emili
- Aug 2023
howtosavetheworld.ca howtosavetheworld.ca
- for: polycrisis, collapse, tweedledums, tweedledees, wicked problem, social mess, stuck, stuckness, complexity
- title
- Is This How Political Collapse Will Unfold?
- author
- Dave Pollard
- date
- Aug 3, 2023
- comment
- thought provoking
- honest, diverse, open thinking
- a good piece of writing to submit to SRG / Deep Humanity analysis for surfacing insights
- adjacency
- complexity
- emptiness
- stuckness
- this word "stuckness" stuck out in me (no pun intended) today - so many intractable, stuck problems, at all levels of society, because we oversimplify complexity to the point of harmful abstraction.
- This is a Reactionary Caste that believes that salvation lies in a return to a non-existent nostalgic past, characterized by respect for
- authority,
- order,
- hierarchy,
- individual initiative, and
- ‘traditional’ ways of doing things,
- governed by a
- strict,
- lean,
- paternalistic elite
- that leaves as much as possible up to individual families guided by
- established ‘family values’ and
- by their interpretation of the will of their god.
- This is a Reactionary Caste that believes that salvation lies in a return to a non-existent nostalgic past, characterized by respect for
- This is a PM (Professional-Managerial) Caste that believes that salvation lies in striving for an impossibly idealistic future characterized by
- mutual care,
- affluence
- relative equality for all,
- governed by a
- kind,
- thoughtful,
- educated,
- informed and
- representative
- elite that appreciates the role of public institutions and regulations, and is guided by principles of
- humanism and
- ‘fairness’.
- This is a PM (Professional-Managerial) Caste that believes that salvation lies in striving for an impossibly idealistic future characterized by
- references
- Aurélien
- source
- led here by reading Dave Pollard's other article
- https://howtosavetheworld.ca/2021/09/13/something-better-than-democracy/
- which was the result of a Google search on "better than democracy"