- Feb 2025
www.sce.com www.sce.com
www.latimes.com www.latimes.com
Edison wants to raise rates to pay for wildfires linked to its equipment - Los Angeles Times by [[Melody Petersen]]
In 2017, there were 105 ignitions involving Edison’s equipment. That number rose to 173 ignitions in 2021. Last year, there were 90 ignitions — a 14% decline since 2017.
That wildfire mitigation work now makes up about 11% of the average bill for an Edison customer, according to the commission’s public advocates office.
Holy shit!
How much of the average bill is paying for covering past fire payouts?
www.latimes.com www.latimes.com
When the Eaton fire erupted beneath a Southern California Edison transmission tower just after 6 p.m.,
- Sep 2024
web.archive.org web.archive.org
Quotations and Literary Allusions spoken by Willy Wonka in the 1971 film, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory<br /> by Thomas M. Brodhead<br /> https://bmt-systems.com/score/wonka.htm
Archived copy: https://web.archive.org/web/20200111135336/https://bmt-systems.com/score/wonka.htm
- Prinzmetal's Angina
- 2 Samuel 1:23
- Oscar Wilde
- poetry
- Ogden Nash
- 1971
- Havelock Ellis
- John Masefield
- Wilhelm Friedrich Riese
- William Allingham
- Horace Walpole
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- Romeo and Juliet
- Horace
- Lewis Carroll
- Wonkatania
- Neil Armstrong
- Friedrich von Flotow
- Endymion
- allusions
- ej
- John Keats
- Thomas Edison
- Hilaire Belloc
- warts
- quotes
- Arthur O'Shaughnessy
- Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
- Roald Dahl
- Willy Wonka
- Apr 2024
human.libretexts.org human.libretexts.org
Kinetoscopes , were machines designed for an individual person to view the images through a "viewfinder" while cranking it. This was the only way to view films.
- Mar 2024
writingslowly.com writingslowly.com
People marveled at new invention after new invention and there was a tendency to see mechanical and especially electrical advances as somehow endowed with life. The phonograph, for example, was held to be alive and print adverts even claimed it had a soul.
I love the tying together of the "aliveness" of a zettelkasten with the "soul" of the phonograph here.
- Sep 2021
hcommons.org hcommons.org
It was diction who created the kinetoscope and other Mashona and Edison took credit.
Thomas Edison creating motion pictures not because of a contest. But he created short films using other investors from France ideas and created a studio called the black Moria
- Aug 2015
hackeducation.com hackeducation.com
“I believe that the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our educational system and that in a few years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks.”
this is fascinating to me - i had no idea of his connections with education. Makes me wonder about Tesla's thoughts on education now. And how he'd feel about filmstrips, which are in essence super cheap motion pictures.