18 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2020
    1. and hand control to Big Ag

      How the fuck did big agrobusinesses get so big? Don't these GMO skeptics want to talk about that? About monopolies and anti-trust laws in general? and regulatory capture in other fields as well? Aren't these related issues whereby preventing either of these would have averted the big ag crisis we see today?

      We need discussions around these connected points and not in isolation

    2. compared gene drives to the atomic bomb and accused researchers of using malaria as a Trojan horse to cover up the development of agricultural gene drives for corporate profit
    3. Their financial interest in the intellectual property and their regulatory interest in making sure these products were able to come to market got conflated with the science, so nobody was willing to trust the kind of research they were doing. The end result was that all G.M.O. research got tainted.”

      This speaks volumes of keeping regulatory bodies highly circumspect of lobbyists from the regulated organizations especially when they are near monopolistic.

    4. the technology was controlled primarily by the global agricultural giant Monsanto
    5. struck most people as vaguely creepy
  2. Aug 2019
    1. "... the FDA acknowledged that many consumers want to know if food is derived from GMO/ GE technology or not," (Sax and Doran 630). Direct quote to support MP#1 Food labeling is necessary.

    1. direct quote:"...respondents positively associate health, safety, and the environment with organic farmers compared to conventional and GMO farmers" (Sax and Doran 636). In support of MP#3, Organic farming is better

    2. "FDA acknowledged that many consumers want to know if food is derived from GMO/ GE technology or not" (Sax and Doran 630). This direct quote is in support of MP#1 Food labeling is necessary for educating the public.

  3. May 2019
    1. In recent months, Monsanto’s most controversial and notorious product — the pesticide glyphosate, branded as Roundup, and linked to cancer in recent U.S. court rulings — has threatened Bayer’s financial future as never before, with a litany of new court cases barking at Bayer’s door. It appears that many of the forces in the U.S. now seeking to overthrow the Venezuelan government are hoping that a new Guaidó-led government will provide Bayer with a fresh, much-needed market for its agrochemicals and transgenic seeds, particularly those products that now face bans in countries all over the world, including once-defoliated and still-poisoned Vietnam.
    1. while Article 127 of the 1999 Bolivarian Constitution prohibits the creation of patents on the genome of any living being, it does not explicitly ban the planting, use, or consumption of GMOs.
    2. Despite Hugo Chavez's ad hoc ban on transgenic crops in 2004, large multinational corporations, like Monsanto, are trying to use the current economic climate to negotiate for the arrival of GM seed in Venezuela.
  4. Mar 2018
    1. have been selectively bred

      There's a difference between selective breeding and altering via genetic engineering. I believe that genetic modification falls into the second category, always.

  5. Apr 2016
    1. So where exactly might you find a GMO label if it existed? 1.GMOs or foods containing GMOS This is obvious. Actual whole GMO produce such as pest-resistant sweet corn, or disease-resistant squash would be labeled. Processed foods obviously containing these ingredients such as salsa with GM corn or trail mix with dried GM papayas would also be labeled. 2.Meat/Dairy from animals fed GMOs This is a bit trickier, and still up in the air. As Ben and Jerry’s points out on their website, eating a GMO does not make YOU a GMO. For this reason, they have advertised that their ice-cream is “GMO free” for years, even though it is made from the milk of cows fed genetically modified feed. This logic seems fair enough. After all, the gene that makes alfalfa a GMO cannot be found in a pint of Cherry Garcia. 3.Processed foods made with oil/sugar extracted from GMOs As with meat/dairy, this is a toughy. Just as the genes unique to GMOs don’t make it through a cow’s gut, they also don’t show up in high-fructose corn syrup or soybean oil. These processed ingredients are 100% identical to organic alternatives. 4.Foods produced by (or with ingredients produced by) GM microorganisms The production pipeline of some foods and food additives relies on genetically modified fungi or bacteria. Cheese is pretty much universally made using enzymes produced by genetically modified microorganisms. Genetically modified microorganisms can also produce vitamins, which can then be used to fortify cereals. This might explain why several vitamins went missing when Grape Nuts and Cheerios went GMO-free. The GM microorganisms themselves are not present in the final product, so the only difference is a decrease in vitamin A, B12, D and Riboflavin in the GMO-free version.
  6. Jul 2015
    1. Third, there are valid concerns about some aspects of GE agriculture, such as herbicides, monocultures, and patents. But none of these concerns is fundamentally about genetic engineering.

      Totally. Whenever I end up in conversations about GMOs I steer the conversation toward monoculture and intellectual property. These are issues I have concerns about and I think the labeling wars are hurting our chances for useful dialog here. I don't want labeling. I want biodiversity.

  7. Apr 2015
    1. “How do we engage in this lifelong process of detoxification? As a foundation, this involves eating healthy food. This means organic, GMO-free food,” he said in an email interview. “Herbs such as cilantro help us to eliminate metals such as lead and mercury,” he said. “Herbs like turmeric and garlic help to lower the levels of inflammation that are often the underlying causes [of chronic diseases.]”

      It's hard for me to take seriously an MD who acknowledges "detoxification" is a thing. Here's a recent Guardian article that talks about the nonsense rhetoric of "toxins" and "detoxification": http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/dec/05/detox-myth-health-diet-science-ignorance

    2. In addition to their deadly chemicals, studies note Monsanto’s GMOs increase human allergy susceptibility, suppress the immune system and possibly cause autism and cancer.

      Here's a criticism of the referenced study on skeptoid: https://skeptoid.com/blog/2013/05/04/roundup-and-gut-bacteria/

      One of the studies the references study cites was actually retracted: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278691512005637

  8. Dec 2014
    1. This can not occur in the natural world.

      Genes from unrelated species may be incorporated in the wild by the process known as horizontal gene transfer.

      For example, approximately 8% of the human genome originated in viruses.

      Up to a quarter of the cow genome apparently originated in snakes, and was probably spread by ticks around the animal kingdom.