- May 2016
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In the beginning, at the dawn of a new Cosmic Day, when the Word consciousness was justawakening and the stillness of Cosmic Night yet prevailed, I The THINKER, conceived MyIdea.This My Idea of My Self in manifestation in a new condition, called Earth expression, I sawcompletely pictured in the mirror of My Omniscient Mind. In this mirror I saw the real Earthshining forth brilliantly in the Cosmos, -- a perfect Sphere, where all the Infinite phases,attributes and powers of My Divine Nature were finding perfect expression through the mediumof Angels of Light, living Messengers of My Will, My Word in the Flesh, even as It is in theCelestial World of the Eternal.I saw My Self manifesting outwardly as Nature, and My Life as the vivifying and evolvingPrinciple back of all Manifestation. I saw Love, the Divine Creative Power, as the animating andvitalizing Force back of all Life, and My Desire to give perfect expression to that Love as thePotential and Real Cause and Reason of the birth of My Idea.All this I saw mirrored in My All-seeing and All-knowing Mind, which could see and reflectonly the Soul of things or their Reality. Therefore this that I saw pictured in My Mind was theReal Earth, in fact, its beginning, its conception into Cosmic being
Gods inspiration .................
Now you have been told that in the beginning I created man in "My Image and Likeness," afterwhich I breathed into him the Breath of Life and he became a Living Soul.By creating man in My Image and Likeness I created an organism capable of expressing all ofMy Consciousness and all of My Will, which means likewise all of My Power, My Intelligence,and My Love. I therefore made it perfect in the beginning, patterning it after My own Perfection.When I breathed into man's organism My Breath, it became alive with Me; for then it was Ibreathed into it My Will -- not from without, but from within -- from the Kingdom of Heavenwithin, where always I AM. Ever afterward I breathed and lived and had My Being within man,for I created him in My Image and Likeness only for that purpose.The proof of this is, man does not and cannot breathe of himself. Something far greater than hisconscious, natural self lives in his body and breathes through his lungs. A mighty power withinhis body thus uses the lungs, even as it uses the heart to force the blood containing the life itindrew through the lungs to every cell of the body; as it uses the stomach and other organs todigest and assimilate food to make blood, tissue, hair and bone; as it uses the brain, the tongue,the hands and feet, to think and say and do everything that man does.This power is My Will to BE and LIVE in man. Therefore, whatever man is, I AM, and whateverman does, or you do, I do, and whatever you say or think, it is I Who say or think it through yourorganism
I cannot choose to breathe, the breath breathes me, a power within me uses the lungs.... the heart beats.... this power in this physical human body is Gods Will... it's in me..............
Always I AM there to pick you up, after the fall, although you do not know it at the time; firststraightening you out and then starting you onward again, by pointing out the reason for yourfall; and finally, when you are sufficiently humbled, causing you to see that these powersaccruing to you by the conscious use of My Will, My Intelligence and My Love, are allowed youonly for use in My Service, and not at all for your own personal ends.Do the cells of your body, the muscles of your arm, think to set themselves up as having aseparate will from your will, or a separate intelligence from your intelligence?No, they know no intelligence but yours, no will but yours.After a while it will be that you will realize you are only one of the cells of My Body; and thatyour will is not your will, but Mine; that what consciousness and what intelligence you have areMine wholly; and that there is no such person as you, you personally being only a physical formcontaining a human brain, which I created for the purpose of expressing in matter and Idea, acertain phase of which I could express best only in that particular form.All this may be difficult for you now to accept, and you may protest very strenuously that itcannot be, that every instinct of your nature rebels against such yielding and subordinatingyourself to an unseen and unknown power, however Impersonal or Divine.Fear not, it is only your personality that thus rebels. If you continue to follow and study MyWords, all will soon be made clear, and I will surely open up to your inner understanding manywonderful Truths that now are impossible for you to comprehend. Your Soul will rejoice singglad praises, and you will bless these words for the message they bring
I am supported through my healing, growing, learning, fashioning..........
to be able to be.. "a physical form containing a human brain, which I created for the purpose of expressing in matter and Idea, a certain phase of which I could express best only in that particular form."
It is only my personality that resists Truth.
12All power and its use is but so much recognition and understanding of the use of My Will.Your will and all your powers are only phases of My Will, which I supply to suit your capacityto use it.Were I to entrust you with the full power of My Will, before you know how consciously to useit, it would annihilate your body utterly.To test your strength and more often to show you what the misuse of My Power does to you, I attimes allow you to commit a sin, so-called, or to make a mistake. I even permit you to becomeinflated with the sense of My Presence within you, when It manifests as a consciousness of MyPower, My Intelligence, My Love; and I let you take these and use them for your own personalpurposes. But not for long -- for, not being strong enough to control them, they soon take the bitin their teeth, run away with you, throw you down in the mire, and disappear from yourconsciousness for the time being.
"All power and its use is but so much recognition and understanding of the use of My Will.Your will and all your powers are only phases of My Will, which I supply to suit your capacity to use it."
"Were I to entrust you with the full power of My Will, before you know how consciously to use it, it would annihilate your body utterly."
I need to surrender fully and consciously Be the Impersonal Self so as Gods Love, the power of God can flow through this vessel unimpeded.........
So called sins and mistakes are only my learning, fashioning to build true strength in this body mind so as to allow the the power and Love of God to flow through matter.....
There is only the Will of God..
Then, as the Sun of Know-ing begins to rise on the horizon of your consciousness;Then, will you feel the swell of a wondrous strange Breath filling you to the extreme of all yourmortal members, causing your senses almost to burst with the ecstasy of it; then, will there comesurge after surge of a mighty, resistless Power rising within you, lifting you almost off the Earth;then, will you feel within the Glory, the Holiness, the Majesty of My Presence;And then, then you will KNOW, I AM, God.You, -- when you have felt Me thus in such moments within, when you have tasted of MyPower, hearkened to My Wisdom, and know the ecstasy of My all-embracing Love, -- no diseasecan touch, no circumstance can weaken, no enemy can conquer you. For now you KNOW I AMwithin, and you always hereafter will turn to Me in your need, putting all your trust in Me, andallowing Me to manifest My Will.You, when you turn thus to Me, will always find Me an unfailing and ever present help in timeof need; for I will so fill you with a Realization of My Presence and of My Power, that you needonly Be Still and allow Me to do whatever you want done -- heal your ills and those of others,illumine your mind so you can see with My eyes the Truth you seek, or perform perfectly thetasks which before seemed almost impossible of accomplishmen
To come to truly Know that God is within me, to Know it as a felt Reality............ And in all and every circumstances turn within to Me... turn to God and trust that support will unfailing...
- DivinePurpose
- Creation
- Health
- Intelligence
- Support
- HolyStrength
- God
- HolyWill
- Sin
- Flesh
- HolyPerfection
- Breath
- Allowance
- Reality
- Mind
- Know
- Resistance
- Mistake
- Being
- Life
- Eternal
- Expression
- Medium
- BeStill
- Trust
- Wisdom
- Truth
- Awareness
- Earth
- Word
- HolyLove
- Desire
- Soul
- Personality
- Power
- Evolution
- Cosmos