- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
second one would be moving into the emotional body
for - spiritual seeking in modernity - initiation second stage - emotional body - John Churchill - meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - second stage - emotional body - John Churchill - initiation - second stage - emotional body - examples - psychotherapy - breath work - crystals - Ayahuasca - securely tantric practice - John Churchill
- meaning crisis - spiritual initiation - second stage - emotional body - John Churchill
- initiation - second stage - emotional body - examples - psychotherapy - breath work - crystals - Ayahuasca - securely tantric practice - John Churchill
- spiritual seeking in modernity - initiation second stage - emotional body - John Churchill
- Nov 2022
but you'll notice something when you hold 00:10:21 your breath and look at your oxygen levels they don't go anywhere for a very long amount of time it takes a couple minutes for your oxygen to really be hitting some some serious levels of 00:10:34 deficiency
This is validating... I did this with Wim Hof and a heartrate/O2 monitor, and it was nice to be able to see the levels through the breathing and holds.
- Feb 2021
cherrycreekschools.instructure.com cherrycreekschools.instructure.com
I feel like schools should read this book in order to acknowledge how badly African Americans were being treated even after fighting for America.
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
Svelte’s aesthetics feel like a warm cozy blanket on the stormy web.
Making UIs with Svelte is a pleasure. Svelte’s aesthetics feel like a warm cozy blanket on the stormy web. This impacts everything — features, documentation, syntax, semantics, performance, framework internals, npm install size, the welcoming and helpful community attitude, and its collegial open development and RFCs — it all oozes good taste. Its API is tight, powerful, and good looking — I’d point to actions and stores to support this praise, but really, the whole is what feels so good. The aesthetics of underlying technologies have a way of leaking into the end user experience.
- Nov 2020
dev.to dev.to
Coming from stuff like jQuery, a lot of devs who used React were like "wow", and coming from React, Svelte feels amazing too! People just need to try it, it's so incredibly simple too!
- Oct 2020
medium.com medium.com
Then at some moment I just stumbled upon limitations and inexpressiveness of templates and started to use JSX everywhere — and because JSX was not a typical thing for Vue I switched to React over time. I don’t want to make a step back.
medium.com medium.com
It can feel like a breeze of fresh summer air.
- Oct 2018
scripting.com scripting.com
"In our work we have found that there are only a few core feelings. These are sadness, fear, anger, joy, excitement and sexual feelings. Other common feelings, such as guilt, boredom, anxiety and depression are actually mixtures of the basic feelings or responses to one of the core feelings. For example, the Gestalt therapist Fritz Perls said that anxiety is excitement without the breath. When people remember to breathe into their fear, their anxiety often turns into excitement. We often tell our clients that fear is frozen fun. People often get the most afraid just before they are about to step out into the creative unknown, into a new possibility. Fear mobilizes your body for action, but if you do not take action, the energy curdles in your body."
What is important hear, is fear is frozen fun.
- May 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
Shall I explain further? -- That the quickening power within My Idea (your Soul) proceeded toattract to it the various elements of life substance (dust), and, atom by atom, and cell by cell, indue course of time, to mold and shape each into substantial reality, after the pattern of theThought Image composing your Soul Body, thus forming an Earthly outer covering, as it were, --until finally your mortal form actually became manifest to the psychic sense, if not yet to what iscalled the physical sense. Whereupon, all being now prepared for this cyclic moment, You, MyAttribute, breathed into and then through its nostrils (from within) the breath of life, and Youthen made your first appearance of Earth as a human being-- a living Soul (My Idea now able toexpress consciously through a suitable Earth medium), containing within your Self all of MyAttributes, all of My Powers and all of My Possibilities
My Soul is God's Idea...............
You were also told that when man was thus possessed of My Breath he was given dominion overall the kingdoms of the Earth. Which means he was made lord of the Earth, the sea, the air andthe ethers, and all beings living in all these kingdoms paid him homage and were subject to hiswill.This naturally was so, for I, within man's consciousness and within all consciousness, AMalways manifesting My Will; and I, the lord and ruler of man's organism, AM likewise the lordand ruler of all organisms in which consciousness dwells. As all consciousness is MyConsciousness and It dwells wherever there is life , and as there is no substance in which there isnot life, then My Consciousness must be in everything, -- in Earth, water, air and fire, andtherefore must fill all space. In fact it is space, or that which man calls space.Then My Will, being the power latent in all consciousness, must reach everywhere. Thereforeman's will, which is but a focalization of My Will, must likewise reach everywhere; hence theconsciousness of all organisms, including his own, is subject to man's direction and control.All it needs is for him consciously to realize this, realize that I, the Impersonal Self within him,AM constantly directing, controlling and using the consciousness of all organisms every momentof every day of his life.I AM doing this by and through his thinking.I AM doing this with and through man's organism. Man thinks he thinks; but it is I, the Real I ofhim, who thinks through his organism. Through this thinking and his spoken word I accomplishall that man does, and make man and his world all that they are.It makes no difference if man and his world are not what he supposes they are.They are just what I created them to be for My Purpose.But, if I do all the thinking, man does not and cannot think, I hear you say.Yes, here seems a mystery, but it will be revealed to you, if you note carefully what follows:For I AM going to teach you -- man -- HOW to think
"My Will, being the power latent in all consciousness, must reach everywhere. Therefore man's will, which is but a focalization of My Will."
"Man thinks he thinks; but it is I, the Real I of him, who thinks through his organism." Yet this is not the 'thinking' I am familiar with in my human mind and I need to learn how to 'think'.
"It makes no difference if man and his world are not what he supposes they are.They are just what I created them to be for My Purpose."
Now you have been told that in the beginning I created man in "My Image and Likeness," afterwhich I breathed into him the Breath of Life and he became a Living Soul.By creating man in My Image and Likeness I created an organism capable of expressing all ofMy Consciousness and all of My Will, which means likewise all of My Power, My Intelligence,and My Love. I therefore made it perfect in the beginning, patterning it after My own Perfection.When I breathed into man's organism My Breath, it became alive with Me; for then it was Ibreathed into it My Will -- not from without, but from within -- from the Kingdom of Heavenwithin, where always I AM. Ever afterward I breathed and lived and had My Being within man,for I created him in My Image and Likeness only for that purpose.The proof of this is, man does not and cannot breathe of himself. Something far greater than hisconscious, natural self lives in his body and breathes through his lungs. A mighty power withinhis body thus uses the lungs, even as it uses the heart to force the blood containing the life itindrew through the lungs to every cell of the body; as it uses the stomach and other organs todigest and assimilate food to make blood, tissue, hair and bone; as it uses the brain, the tongue,the hands and feet, to think and say and do everything that man does.This power is My Will to BE and LIVE in man. Therefore, whatever man is, I AM, and whateverman does, or you do, I do, and whatever you say or think, it is I Who say or think it through yourorganism
I cannot choose to breathe, the breath breathes me, a power within me uses the lungs.... the heart beats.... this power in this physical human body is Gods Will... it's in me..............
Then, as the Sun of Know-ing begins to rise on the horizon of your consciousness;Then, will you feel the swell of a wondrous strange Breath filling you to the extreme of all yourmortal members, causing your senses almost to burst with the ecstasy of it; then, will there comesurge after surge of a mighty, resistless Power rising within you, lifting you almost off the Earth;then, will you feel within the Glory, the Holiness, the Majesty of My Presence;And then, then you will KNOW, I AM, God.You, -- when you have felt Me thus in such moments within, when you have tasted of MyPower, hearkened to My Wisdom, and know the ecstasy of My all-embracing Love, -- no diseasecan touch, no circumstance can weaken, no enemy can conquer you. For now you KNOW I AMwithin, and you always hereafter will turn to Me in your need, putting all your trust in Me, andallowing Me to manifest My Will.You, when you turn thus to Me, will always find Me an unfailing and ever present help in timeof need; for I will so fill you with a Realization of My Presence and of My Power, that you needonly Be Still and allow Me to do whatever you want done -- heal your ills and those of others,illumine your mind so you can see with My eyes the Truth you seek, or perform perfectly thetasks which before seemed almost impossible of accomplishmen
To come to truly Know that God is within me, to Know it as a felt Reality............ And in all and every circumstances turn within to Me... turn to God and trust that support will unfailing...
- Mar 2015
learning2whistle.com learning2whistle.com
And, indeed, greetings unto you, beloved and holy friends. If I speak in the language of your world, I cannot find those words that can convey to you the Love which I feel for you. I cannot find the words that can convey unto you the Love I feel, that God has for all of us. If I search the languages of your world, I cannot find a concept, a word, an idea, a philosophy, a dogma that can contain, in Truth, the Mystery that is closer to you than your own breath and awaits your discovery.