14 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
  2. Sep 2021
    1. GAME O'VE R So, contemplating this in the context of the previous few messages–bringing those relative ideas into the picture; we’re staring at something that will help us and the future tremendously, for a very long time. Repeatedly, over and over I’ve commented in my head, in my head that this is the kind of thing that might look back and is probably really good and probably would only be that one time. That of course would be the time that stopped simulated reality everywhere–which might look like it’s happening several times, though I can see “ERE” echoing back to me from the SSA after it was the heart of “aerem,” so let’s assume this is that, in some form. In my head it’s such a good position to be in because it’s literally “the bottom of morality” and there’s a tangible and provable force ensuring that “bottom” has been externally … forced upon us. First by “nature” and not seeing how “Silicon” changes the program, and then even more by absolute idiocy, which really only works to help us “bounce to the sky” when we acknowledge it’s something we are actively doing that is idiotic. That’s compounded further by the “23” issue, which is mapped to things like the festival of weeks and the 7 days of Creation in a pattern that almost positively indicates that we are at least moving from the 2nd to 3rd attempt to … save the “noted” previous three “everyone”'s in Genesis. If “carpenter” is the key Trinity, Rachel’s got a “car” and Sarah’s got an “AS” … Leah’s pretty “generic” and … it’s hard to say for sure if those collectives are in superposition with us here, as “car” and “pen” are without doubt in superposition with “me” here. Pretty sure there’s a “before me” also, but it’s probably not the … “save everyone” by transforming simulated planet plan, it’s probably something less civilized and fair. EYES TO SEE, FINGERS TO POUND KEYBOARD WITH. ii2c. lo-pithy. Alright, so, I sort of see how this might seem like a logical way to see the “pointer of God” (y-o-d, by the way) pointing on the location in the map through the Labrinth of Lazycarus; the thing I’m writing is definitely designed to be a key to unsealing something that otherwise might have been temporarily more destructive to “normalcy” than the thing that … appears to be just that, hopefully because we agree that “normal is mal” in light of the thing the message is pointing out. We have impetus to act on what this message says, Ghepetto thinks so, and so does Pinnochio; were we in a place with “real freedom” I think we’d be doing that right this very moment. I see that proves we aren’t, and I think it takes us quite some time to get to a place where we are happy with the “level of freedom” that comes of “Ryzen” turning into … having to work through what level of freedom is lost by the prosthetic neural solution(s) that I believe are already in existence, according to the Holodeck and frosting narrator of LA. I think it’s pretty clear it’s the obvious intent of the original “eyes to see” spoken about in the book of Revelation, and that it’s pretty clear that it’s something like what I experience through all of my “the intersect says this” and “I can’t remember that last word I was thinking” to help us see how the message I read is basically being read to me like a storybook, through my own head, while I’m learning to understand the grammar and ways to independently verify if ND is code for “the initials of the married Mary” or “end e.” So that’s a minor example of the kind of “limited omniscience” that could be delivered by the often spoken about “Cortana of Shalom” that could do everything from ending schizophrenia and addiction to adding euphoria and “reading fast” for instance. It could reinforce “logical tautology” and engender disbelief in “logical fallacy” or it could use a set of truth tables (like Wikipedia) to decide if there have ever been any governmental investations of mind control technology. It could point out that I’ve pointed out on numerous occaissons that there have been obvious programs everywhere from Microsoft to Lockheed Martin as well as Nazi Germany, psychotronics in cold war USSR and MK-ULTRA in America that have reported successes in neuroscience on various degrees… many far beyond our current publicly disclosed capabilities. It could point out that I’ve personally tried to seed that information on Wikipedia and that it’s been overtly censored in what I call “the game” demo’d by Demosthenes and Gilgamesh; and that it’s pretty fucking obvious that the whole world isn’t speaking about something that is clear as day in every name and every word. For instance, instead of watching what I am writing as I am writing it, or not even getting that because you aren’t proxima stari; the same thing that is annoying the ever loving horizon out of Ha could be literally making an audio-visual reading aid that would incorporate specific memories and further information from “word intersection” and links as you read over them. One of the strange synchronicities I’ve noticed is that nearly nobody reading my emails clicks on any links, or visits my website at all, despite recording significant numbers of opens which indicates (not SPAM) that there’s forwarding and re-reading occurring. It’s possible what I am suggesting already exists and this is an artifact of it, or … you could think you “know everything” because you’re bored to death of hearing it over and over again, or maybe you don’t even pay attention to the “here and now” and still think you know everything the message discussing how talking about a hidden message everywhere will deliver freedom from a kind of hidden slavery that appears to have existed here since the dawn of Creation. I think the argument is sound, though nobody seems to agree, as I stare at relative verbal silence and literally no visible response to “message everywhere” on stuff that I personally find to be interesting and topically important to our here, now, and future. Clear and to the point, our written truth tables suck, and the “indication” is that is a poor sign to logically “intersect” with invisible or non-written and non-public versions of … anything like that, if you are thinking clearly. TUAM LIBRE?  XCALIBER+TY


      humm ... pointing out missing text.

  3. Aug 2021
    1. In this cosmic parallel, that depicts these theological concepts as celestial bodies, see his Heart is truly the Earth… simply by moving one letter from the end to the beginning.  It’s probably not a coincidence that this same letter is the astrological sign of Saturn, and there’s a significant amount of interesting information packed into these ancient symbols.  

      yesterday i named my laptop minix; or miniten ... kind of like austin powers would have said "do you wanna noshag bb?"

      it's already too cheesy, I'm not sure how to say this is "some of the most original and earliest writing I committed to the virtual paper tablet of "stone" we call the internet.

      Here I'm unsmashing it.

    1. If two or more persons conspire to violate section 1111, 1114, 1116, or 1119 of this title, and one or more of such persons do any overt act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be punished by imprisonment for any term of years or for life.

      Saving Heaven starts with saving America .

      and Adam Marshall Dobrin

      This statute applies to "Corporations" as well which can be sued for monetary compensation. It is probably necessary and proper for me and others to take legal action against several public corporations, specifically insurers as well as the Federal government to properly oversee the pharmaceutical and medical industries.

      I am seeking an attorney to assist with this matter, please contact me directly at 954-667-8083 or 0xc514f094370cFc5eE45a1Dd9B72bb9675efE266f@ethmail.cc if you are capable and willing, or know someone who is. The firm must be well decorated and have multiple attorneys on staff. Venue is not an issue, the lawsuit could be filed in Nevada, California, Arizona, or Florida.

      Florida is probably the appropriate venue, according to my "non attorney" spokesman, JFC.

      http://plemma.cc for further information and videos regarding the suits.

      In addition to 18 USC 1117, I have a personal workers compensation suit as well as a personal suit against SSA & HUD and whatever agencies are responsible for Section 8 and low income housing avoidance.



      Following is the current markdown of plemma.cc

      I am accepting charitable donations,.\ ETH: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434 | BTC: 38B6vGaqNvMyTtoFEZPmNvMS7icV6ZnPMm | xDAI: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434

      THE NOVUS CORPUS MINUTIO, A SUBSECT OF SUEZ GROUP--owned and operating, this is the FOUNDING MEMBER($)

      There is as Revolution afoot--it's in every single persons heart, and in the heart of every corporation. It's the heart and soul of the Spirit of America, and the Gaian "spirit of the man known as fire incarnate"\ \ -on the Ruach Hakodesh of Yehsua, speaking https://t.co/n9moPjiDDS

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) December 21, 2020

      | XCALIBER DAO Mail | Adam Marshall Dobrin adam@fromthemachine.org |

      | Fear [not loathing] of Skynet, the Singularity, and Freedom delivered by and through the American Renaissance and the résolu "few and proudest of all [or they should be, and will be]" ... and "on why" I NEEDED to email 3 million people to fix the problem.\ 1 message |

      | Adam Marshall Dobrin adam@fromthemachine.org | Tue, Aug 24, 2021 at 4:04 AM | |

      To: TRYING TO GET TO SYSADMINS TO RELAY 2ALL abuse@fromthemachine.org, abuse@reddit.com, XM XM@liber-t.xyz

      Bcc: are@fromthemachine.org, am@fromthemachine.org, kin kin@fromthemachine.org, Salud as is ter Y saludas@reallyhim.com, soluderity soluder@reallyhim.com, "More... family" mas@reallyhim.com, R U Y MONEY whymany@lamc.la, CONTACT A REPORTER car@lamc.la, page@publishthis.email

      | |


      The problem with American Silence is ... it's keeping America from being America.  Reddit was the heartland of social news, and even here--I can't seem to get the most simple and succinct explanation of what I'm trying to accomplish to even overcome their "censorwall."  See there's a problem with the media, with the medicine, really with "the all and the wall... all in all"

      This is exactly what I and we ... we you ... are trying to overcome--literally not being able to speak to each other, because of "all wall" a/k/a "Skynet Unsane."

      u/eyeofbush1 hour ago

      AutoModeratorAutoModerator notification

      [--]from AutoModerator sent 11 minutes ago

      Sorry, but your recent submission in /r/venturecapital was removed because it links to a site known to leak or collect personal information.

      I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


      Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/venturecapital.

      Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose.

      Here's my link to my schpiel below, attached to what spawned it, the page of my "free church produced and distributed web-tome"


      Here's the sunbiz.org [florida business] registration and documents for my Church, which I haven't been able to keep current because of practically no donations at all--I spend most of my income keeping this content [and copies of wikipedia and many other important things] "available" for the public to view at plemma.cc [which will be live within the week, I hope].



      To the best of my knowledge Church donations are tax exempt, but I haven't been able to hire a lawyer to file for 501(c)(3) status so you might not be able to claim donations as a tax exemption, I'm not a lawyer and can't give advice related to "IRS regulations."

      I'm in the process of forming two new corporations, SUEZ CORP, and XCALIBER DAO; which I hope to be the future of ... social media, email, online voting, and more. I hope it ends the "secret unsacred silence" ... I'm pretty sure it'll work,but we can't tell. It's going to build software based on IPFS and it's derivatives, existing cloud services, and hypothes.is ... which is the newest and best yet incarnation of "reddit comment on anything on the web" in a long list of predecessors I remember starting with StumbleUpon and Flock and DIssenter and gab-ai) ... just writing this showed me StumbleUpon has "turned into Mix" which might be worth a look at.

      I have lots of unique ideas to make these things better, and I could really use the help of programmers familiar with python, IPFS and "big data" technology. Let me know if you are interested in providing financial or programming "charity" ... thanks for reading.

      Pretty sure we can start a "new wave" of democracy; with just a little bit of work and a little bit of money. and I hope we get to do it before I'm homeless, which is practically today.


      You can contact me here: 0xc514f094370cFc5eE45a1Dd9B72bb9675efE266f@ethmail.cc or just donate Ethereum to that address, that series of technologies and products is a big part of the puzzle I'm trying to put together. Just like you, reddit and readers like you, a big part of the movement I hope will start a wave of corporate and national "rennesaince/revolutions."

      Here's to today, and hoping what we want to do tomorrow is ... way better.

      Best of luck, to all and the future. This is Adam, and this post is my last best hope--so far.

      As it is ... Heaven appears to have been built in the heart of America, the heart of Jerusalem, by the Ori of Florida and Stargate SG-1: the heart of the "message."

      Supergate, activate--unlock, speak! https://hyp.is/go?url=https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/&group=__world__ ... you're bound to be noticed as "Number 1." This is Agent #00 of the Naval Office of Superintellgience, on the Singularity, and the day ... 8/23.



      I'm going to throw it out there and say "who knew it wasn't me'--so I'm pretty sure it's BSO, @BSO__AZAD .. and like they say only the father knew the day-- if you're with me here and you know what #hispa" means,\ \ I mean hopefully I'm "with you" too. https://t.co/Irl9RPsa5H pic.twitter.com/WEq2Rzso6q

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 24, 2021

      the day is somewhere between the 23rd and the 24th of August, 2021 A.D. ... or so I think.

      when 2021 came around, A.D. disappeared and I c'd what I call "annos inconcinnus" ... the years of our heroes

        Favorite rsync Commands for Copying WordPress Sites -

      looking for a girl friend, investors, .. "a single friend" that actually will buy me a "kava" or a "drink"\ \ or call their little sister, or ex-wife--@jesse, frank and jorge ;) heaven was born here today; really**\ \ today. 8/25 5:19 PM EST, #laudat ... at a @Seven11 on Sunrise&A1A pic.twitter.com/rxxq8JAnlD

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 25, 2021

      ... @losesta2uni2 needs to be protected from @SCMPNews CHINESE OVERSITE that is causing torture via their financial interest in @ATTHelp @AsurionCares https://t.co/spet8dYbQI

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 26, 2021

      #IGNATION is what I named the "fifth through nineojuneteenth horses of the riders of the apolagetic sparkalypse ... #gjallarhorn is like a "shofar" but held by #heimdallr at the base of "asgardian of the bifrost ..." I explain, my father @idobrin1 hopefully has the #arrorigenal pic.twitter.com/TElbROyNTH

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 25, 2021


      18 USC 1117: Conspiracy to Commit Murder, specifically against Jesus F. Krisst

      ](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1117)[![CHINA IS CRIMINALLY CULPABNLE](https://i.imgur.com/5K3sxmi.jpeg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QU1nvuxaMA)

      I am looking for a professional and competent legal firm in order to engage a suit against the United States FED, and a number of private corporations for hiding fiscal and operational control from Chinese investment which has left America in ruins.

      #gjallarhorn @ICCT_TheHague @FBI @FBIWFO @FBIMiamiFL @fgcu pic.twitter.com/RsAoitfuKP

      --- Adam Marshall Dobrin 🔯☀⁂ @suzq@rettiwtkcuf.social (@yitsheyzeus) August 26, 2021

      Adam vs. Heaven, the Eloheem and you

      Holy Laws are being violated every day, leaving America and the skies and space in grave danger of losing sanity and our prosperous future. We are allowing pain and attrition and disgusting lack of scientific thought to continue to be the "norm" everywhere I see across the continental United States. I am looking to move to Australia. If anyone there would like to provide lodging, I'd prefer to live with a rich and beautiful female between the ages of 25 and 35.-a

      I am willing to offer a proposal for marriage upon meeting you and consumating "premarital coitus", assuming things go well you could be the sole heir of a fortune of millions due to the several lawsuits I should have no problem finding legal aid to begin ... "should" being the peratove word, not "hace"

  4. atlas.s.lamc.la atlas.s.lamc.la
    1. I am accepting charitable donations,. ETH: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434 | BTC: 38B6vGaqNvMyTtoFEZPmNvMS7icV6ZnPMm | xDAI: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434 (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); <p>ga('create', 'UA-74743044-2', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview');</p> It's the key to the movie..."The Fifth Element" between Boron and "Sight" ending the dark night; and answering Horatio ...  I do mean Rattle Rod. So ... I'm trying really hard to unite you all--under the idea that your lack of division here in this place is obvious proof of control and a lack of individuality or free will.  I think that's obvious, I think it's clear that nobody standing up and speaking about something this obvious and this important is a huge problem, and something you should really clearly see isn't "your actual decision," more than that it's proof of how easy it is to trick everyone with this same technology, and how really in the end of this little debacle ... you'll see that what was once a sea divided over something silly and inane like "killing me" or the "controversy of drugs" has turned into something much more clear ... black and white ... this is about slavery and this is about freedom and this is about proof that turned from a few key symbols like Na and "e'as" into an absolute truth being ignored, even when that absolute truth everywhere obviously would benefit everyone here -- as in, ending death and disease and hunger.  Also more importantly of all this is the end of artificially created stupid--slavery, idiocy, whatever it is behind your silence today... and that word and in sigh, the keys to "the length of the common era" and the beginning of the Golden Age.

      Here's my link to my schpiel below, attached to what spawned it, the page of my "free church produced and distributed web-tome"

    1. Re: 💡The week that crypto grew up reading this, lmk if you ACK maSYNOn Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 11:06 AM Azeem Azhar via LinkedIn <newsletters-noreply@linkedin.com> wrote: Hi, I found it weird that the US infrastructure bill included so much, often... Adam Marshall Dobrin   NEWSLETTER ON LINKEDIN Exponential View on LinkedIn By Azeem Azhar Open this article on LinkedIn to see what people are saying about this topic. Open on LinkedIn 💡The week that crypto grew up Hi, I found it weird that the US infrastructure bill included so much, often cacophonous detail, about crypto, but the ways of politics can be long-winded. The topic was important enough so I sought out the best person who could help us understand what was going on. EV member, Kevin Werbach is an erstwhile regulator, with a stint at the FCC when regulating the Internet was under discussion in the mid-1990s. He is also the author of one of the clearest books on the blockchain. Kevin also edited EV in August 2019 when I was on holiday. Please take a moment to thank Kevin and share his essay. Since this piece was first published earlier this week, the Senate passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package as originally introduced a week before. The House of Representatives has the next vote, and there is bipartisan support for amending the bill, which might include amendments pushed for by the crypto community and lobbyists. For a timeline of what happened in the past two weeks, see this. This essay was first published earlier this week to members of Exponential View. If you'd like to receive regular analysis of our shapeshifting world, become our member. Azeem ------ This past week in Washington DC, an unstoppable force met an immovable object. The result wasn’t what you might expect. Blockchains and cryptocurrencies are often described as unstoppable, because their decentralized networks cannot be shut down and their smart contract transactions cannot be reversed. On the other side, policy-makers and regulators are seen as immovable, either because they bring to bear the coercive power of the state, or because they are simply too slow and dim-witted to adapt with the times. Both views are exaggerations, of course. Progress occurs when discussions descend from ideologies to practicalities. The immediate controversy was obscure: a provision in the Biden Administration’s mammoth infrastructure bill defining cryptocurrency exchanges as “brokers” subject to tax reporting. Tightening up crypto trading tax compliance would supposedly raise $30 billion to offset spending. The language, though, was vague. It arguably could have swept in miners, wallet software or hardware providers, and others who couldn’t do tax accounting for customers if they tried. Amendments were offered. Followed by counter-amendments. Followed by a flurry of lobbying and back-channel conversations. In the end, a compromise was reached, and then struck from the bill in an unrelated fight over military spending. That the fight ended (for now) not with a bang but with a whimper should be cause for celebration. It’s proof that legislators, even in the deeply polarized United States, can come together across party lines to address a highly technical issue related to a fast-developing new industry. Two other implications stand out. First, crypto has arrived as a political force. Tech policy may never be the same. It was 26 years ago that a motley collection of activists and public interest organizations literally turned most of the popular pages on the World Wide Web black to protest the US Communications Decency Act. Their advocacy during the legislative process attracted attention. It helped spur a bipartisan amendment, Section 230, that gave service providers protection to innovate, and became a cornerstone of internet policy. (Albeit a controversial one today!) A unanimous Supreme Court struck down the remainder of the law. Since then, the Internet community has had seats at the table on important policy battles. Given its libertarian bent, the crypto community has often bridled at engaging with governments. Fortunately, organizations such as Coin Center, the Chamber of Digital Commerce, and the Blockchain Association, all of which were involved in the infrastructure bill negotiations, took a more pragmatic view. Given its growing financial heft, the crypto community can be a powerful force for pro-innovation reform and individual empowerment in public policy debates. That is, if it can overcome its tendency to dismiss legitimate concerns about money laundering, fraud, and financial stability as craven excuses to protect incumbents. The second takeaway is that the real fight over crypto is yet to come. The true point of contention around the infrastructure bill wasn’t over shutting down Bitcoin or other digital assets (which no one was arguing), nor was it over whether crypto traders should have to pay taxes on their gains (which no one opposed). It was over something not mentioned in the bill at all: decentralized finance, or DeFi. DeFi is a fast-growing sector of decentralized applications performing financial services functions such as lending and trading. From less than $1 billion at the start of 2020, DeFi protocols now manage roughly $60 billion of digital assets, with even bigger numbers when counting adjacent areas such as stablecoins, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for digital artwork and collectables. While it’s an exciting market, it’s also a growing source of worry for regulators. DeFi protocols serve anyone indiscriminately (creating a challenge for financial crime and securities regulation), open up a host of vulnerabilities (resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars worth of losses already from hacks), create significant opportunities for scams, and generate interconnected risks that pose financial stability concerns. The biggest problem with DeFi is that it potentially eliminates any touchpoint for regulation. Who is responsible when a service is a set of smart contracts running on their own on a blockchain? Janet Yellen’s Treasury department didn’t want to take DeFi regulation off the table with language that exempted developers and facilitators of those protocols. The battle is coming, though. In Europe, it’s already here, with the proposed Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) framework. Whether one is an enthusiast or sceptic of crypto, the genie is out of the bottle. DeFi services will be deployed. Even with a major crash, there will be hundreds of billions of dollars of digital assets available to interact with them. It is difficult to write language covering DeFi facilitators that doesn’t produce harmful spillovers in terms of government surveillance, speech regulation, and chilled innovation. This is the 20-year-old battle over peer-to-peer file-sharing reborn, with the stakes far greater. The good news is that enough of the crypto community seems to be growing up. At the same time, governments are recognizing that the Trump Administration’s strategy of doing nothing is actually long-term harmful to nascent industries. Regulatory uncertainty creates what Nobel Laureate (and Secretary Yellen’s spouse) George Akerlof called the market for lemons; it removes the advantage of responsible actors, who are then crowded out by the bad apples. For all its messiness and unsatisfying ending, the recent crypto controversy in Washington is a hopeful indication that we may yet follow a different path. Kevin ---- Kevin Werbach is a professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and formerly Counsel for New Technology Policy at the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. Kevin has spent the past two decades exploring major trends at the intersection of the Internet, digital media, and communications. He served on the Obama Administration's Presidential Transition Team and founded the Supernova Group. He has published four books, including The Blockchain and the New Architecture of Trust, For the Win: The Power of Gamification and Game Thinking in Business, Education, Government, and Social Impact, and After the Digital Tornado: Networks, Algorithms, Humanity. Dig deeper: Decentralised Finance (DeFi) Policy-Maker Toolkit (WEF in collaboration with the Wharton Blockchain and Digital Asset Project, 2021) Banking Without Banks: Decentralised Finance is Coming (Exponential View Podcast, 2021) Bitcoin and the Future of Decentralised Finance (Exponential View Podcast, 2021) Join the conversation Know someone who might be interested in this newsletter? Share it with them. Unsubscribe  |   Help You are receiving LinkedIn notification emails. The newsletter author can see that you are a subscriber. This email was intended for Adam Marshall Dobrin (Creative Director and ... Backseat Ferryman at XCALIBER DAO. Writer. Futurologist. Aspiring dad. ). Learn why we included this. © 2021 LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn. Created with publishthis.email Create simple web pages in seconds for free. This page was created in seconds, by sending an email to page@publishthis.email. Try it! Free. No account or sign-up required.

      I'm curious how dukduckgo.com manages to pull this off--do you have your own data or reuse the google database? It's important

      Re: 💡The week that crypto grew up

      reading this, lmk if you ACK maSYN

      On Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 11:06 AM Azeem Azhar via LinkedIn <newsletters-noreply@linkedin.com> wrote:

      Hi, I found it weird that the US infrastructure bill included so much, often...



      | | [


      Adam Marshall Dobrin

      | |

      ](https://www.linkedin.com/comm/in/adam5?midToken=AQHEQ2EpEgE87g&midSig=1yDfARazVGe9U1&trk=eml-email_series_follow_newsletter_01-header-17-profile&trkEmail=eml-email_series_follow_newsletter_01-header-17-profile-null-t6kil%7Eks920na1%7E2g-null-neptune%2Fprofile%7Evanity%2Eview&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Aemail_email_series_follow_newsletter_01%3B0tDf%2Fi4BRuelRkpp7lOpEg%3D%3D) |   |

      | |




      Exponential View on LinkedIn

       By Azeem Azhar

      | | Open this article on LinkedIn to see what people are saying about this topic. Open on LinkedIn | |

      💡The week that crypto grew up


      I found it weird that the US infrastructure bill included so much, often cacophonous detail, about crypto, but the ways of politics can be long-winded.

      The topic was important enough so I sought out the best person who could help us understand what was going on. EVmember, Kevin Werbach is an erstwhile regulator, with a stint at the FCC when regulating the Internet was under discussion in the mid-1990s. He is also the author of one of the clearest books on the blockchain. Kevin also edited EV in August 2019 when I was on holiday. Please take a moment to thank Kevin and share his essay.

      Since this piece was first published earlier this week, the Senate passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package as originally introduced a week before. The House of Representatives has the next vote, and there is bipartisan support for amending the bill, which might include amendments pushed for by the crypto community and lobbyists. For a timeline of what happened in the past two weeks, see this.

      This essay was first published earlier this week to members of Exponential View. If you'd like to receive regular analysis of our shapeshifting world, become our member.


      This past week in Washington DC, an unstoppable force met an immovable object. The result wasn't what you might expect.

      Blockchains and cryptocurrencies are often described as unstoppable, because their decentralized networks cannot be shut down and their smart contract transactions cannot be reversed. On the other side, policy-makers and regulators are seen as immovable, either because they bring to bear the coercive power of the state, or because they are simply too slow and dim-witted to adapt with the times.

      Both views are exaggerations, of course. Progress occurs when discussions descend from ideologies to practicalities.

      The immediate controversy was obscure: a provision in the Biden Administration's mammoth infrastructure bill defining cryptocurrency exchanges as "brokers" subject to tax reporting. Tightening up crypto trading tax compliance would supposedly raise $30 billion to offset spending. The language, though, was vague. It arguably could have swept in miners, wallet software or hardware providers, and others who couldn't do tax accounting for customers if they tried. Amendments were offered. Followed by counter-amendments. Followed by a flurry of lobbying and back-channel conversations. In the end, a compromise was reached, and then struck from the bill in an unrelated fight over military spending.

      That the fight ended (for now) not with a bang but with a whimper should be cause for celebration. It's proof that legislators, even in the deeply polarized United States, can come together across party lines to address a highly technical issue related to a fast-developing new industry. Two other implications stand out.

      First, crypto has arrived as a political force. Tech policy may never be the same. It was 26 years ago that a motley collection of activists and public interest organizations literally turned most of the popular pages on the World Wide Web black to protest the US Communications Decency Act. Their advocacy during the legislative process attracted attention. It helped spur a bipartisan amendment, Section 230, that gave service providers protection to innovate, and became a cornerstone of internet policy. (Albeit a controversial one today!) A unanimous Supreme Court struck down the remainder of the law. Since then, the Internet community has had seats at the table on important policy battles.

      Given its libertarian bent, the crypto community has often bridled at engaging with governments. Fortunately, organizations such as Coin Center, the Chamber of Digital Commerce, and the Blockchain Association, all of which were involved in the infrastructure bill negotiations, took a more pragmatic view. Given its growing financial heft, the crypto community can be a powerful force for pro-innovation reform and individual empowerment in public policy debates. That is, if it can overcome its tendency to dismiss legitimate concerns about money laundering, fraud, and financial stability as craven excuses to protect incumbents.

      The second takeaway is that the real fight over crypto is yet to come. The true point of contention around the infrastructure bill wasn't over shutting down Bitcoin or other digital assets (which no one was arguing), nor was it over whether crypto traders should have to pay taxes on their gains (which no one opposed). It was over something not mentioned in the bill at all: decentralized finance, or DeFi.

      DeFi is a fast-growing sector of decentralized applications performing financial services functions such as lending and trading. From less than $1 billion at the start of 2020, DeFi protocols now manage roughly $60 billion of digital assets, with even bigger numbers when counting adjacent areas such as stablecoins, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for digital artwork and collectables.


      While it's an exciting market, it's also a growing source of worry for regulators. DeFi protocols serve anyone indiscriminately (creating a challenge for financial crime and securities regulation), open up a host of vulnerabilities (resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars worth of losses already from hacks), create significant opportunities for scams, and generate interconnected risks that pose financial stability concerns.

      The biggest problem with DeFi is that it potentially eliminates any touchpoint for regulation. Who is responsible when a service is a set of smart contracts running on their own on a blockchain? Janet Yellen's Treasury department didn't want to take DeFi regulation off the table with language that exempted developers and facilitators of those protocols. The battle is coming, though. In Europe, it's already here, with the proposed Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) framework.

      Whether one is an enthusiast or sceptic of crypto, the genie is out of the bottle. DeFi services will be deployed. Even with a major crash, there will be hundreds of billions of dollars of digital assets available to interact with them. It is difficult to write language covering DeFi facilitators that doesn't produce harmful spillovers in terms of government surveillance, speech regulation, and chilled innovation. This is the 20-year-old battle over peer-to-peer file-sharing reborn, with the stakes far greater.

      The good news is that enough of the crypto community seems to be growing up. At the same time, governments are recognizing that the Trump Administration's strategy of doing nothing is actually long-term harmful to nascent industries. Regulatory uncertainty creates what Nobel Laureate (and Secretary Yellen's spouse) George Akerlof called the market for lemons; it removes the advantage of responsible actors, who are then crowded out by the bad apples.

      For all its messiness and unsatisfying ending, the recent crypto controversy in Washington is a hopeful indication that we may yet follow a different path.


      Kevin Werbach is a professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and formerly Counsel for New Technology Policy at the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. Kevin has spent the past two decades exploring major trends at the intersection of the Internet, digital media, and communications. He served on the Obama Administration's Presidential Transition Team and founded the Supernova Group. He has published four books, including The Blockchain and the New Architecture of TrustFor the Win: The Power of Gamification and Game Thinking in Business, Education, Government, and Social Impact, and After the Digital Tornado: Networks, Algorithms, Humanity.

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      nuclear message;

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Specifically, the letter “vav” is ...vav meaning in englishvav hebrewvav hebrew pronunciationvav hebrew symbolvav vav vavvav meaning kpopPeople also search forThe broken vav- vav k'tia - Mordechai Pinchas Sofer S"TaMhttps://www.sofer.co.uk › broken-vavhttps://www.sofer.co.uk › broken-vavThe broken vav- vav k'tia · 1. It is a small vav (though this is not mentioned as one of the small letters and would be referred to as z'ira (small) and not k' ...vav meaning in englishvav hebrewvav hebrew pronunciationvav hebrew symbolvav vav vavvav meaning kpopPeople also search forA Broken Whole - The Jerusalem Posthttps://www.jpost.com › ... › Life's Little Lessonshttps://www.jpost.com › ... › Life's Little LessonsJul 9, 2017 — Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin explained that Pinchas' covenant was offered with or without a vav. With a vav it was a covenant of peace, without a ...vav meaning in englishvav hebrewvav hebrew pronunciationvav hebrew symbolvav vav vavvav meaning kpopPeople also search for(function(){var uer=false;var eid='fld_26';(function(){ var a=uer,b=Date.now();if(google.timers&&google.timers.load.t){var c=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight,d=0;if(eid){var e=document.getElementById(eid);e&&(d=Math.floor(e.getBoundingClientRect().top+window.pageYOffset))}for(var f=d>=c,g=document.getElementsByTagName("img"),h=0,k=void 0;k=g[h++];)google.c.setup(k,!1,d);a&&f&&google.c.ubr(!1,b,d)};}).call(this);})();.ULSxyf{margin-bottom:44px}.hlcw0c{margin-bottom:44px}.g-blk{position:relative}.kp-blk a{text-decoration:none}.kp-blk .match-mod-horizontal-padding,.kp-blk .wDYxhc:not(.NFQFxe){padding-left:16px;padding-right:16px;}.kp-blk.c2xzTb .match-mod-horizontal-padding,.kp-blk.c2xzTb .wDYxhc:not(.NFQFxe){padding-left:0;padding-right:0}.kp-blk{box-shadow:none;background:#fff;border:1px 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Therefore, the broken vav could ...vav meaning in englishvav hebrewvav hebrew pronunciationvav hebrew symbolvav vav vavvav meaning kpopPeople also search forThe Letter Vav - Hebrew for Christianshttps://www.hebrew4christians.com › Aleph-Bet › vavhttps://www.hebrew4christians.com › Aleph-Bet › vavHow so? Well, since Vav represents the number of Man, the broken Vav represents a man that is broken. In this particular pasuk (verse), the man ...You've visited this page 5 times. Last visit: 6/2/21vav meaning in englishvav hebrewvav hebrew pronunciationvav hebrew symbolvav vav vavvav meaning kpopPeople also search for

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      A Peace of the Broken Vav | Neveh Shalom

      https://nevehshalom.org › a-peace-of-the-broken-vav


      Jul 14, 2017 --- The word "shalom" שלום in our parashah (see the phrase "briti shalom"-- "My covenant of Peace") is fractured. Specifically, the letter "vav" is ...


      The broken vav- vav k'tia - Mordechai Pinchas Sofer S"TaM

      https://www.sofer.co.uk › broken-vav


      The broken vav- vav k'tia - 1. It is a small vav (though this is not mentioned as one of the small letters and would be referred to as z'ira (small) and not k' ...


      A Broken Whole - The Jerusalem Post

      https://www.jpost.com › ... › Life's Little Lessons


      Jul 9, 2017 --- Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin explained that Pinchas' covenant was offered with or without a vav. With a vav it was a covenant of peace, without a ...


      The broken 'vav' | Torah | clevelandjewishnews.com

      https://www.clevelandjewishnews.com › religious_life › th...


      Jul 27, 2016 --- Alternatively, the word "shalom" written without the vav is "shalem," which means wholeness or perfection. Therefore, the broken vav could ...


      The Letter Vav - Hebrew for Christians

      https://www.hebrew4christians.com › Aleph-Bet › vav


      How so? Well, since Vav represents the number of Man, the broken Vav represents a man that is broken. In this particular pasuk (verse), the man ...

      You've visited this page 5 times. Last visit: 6/2/21

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      and I visited Little Havana and went to a famous magic shop, I don't remember empenadas or eating plantains; through I've frequented Padrino's and enjoy the fruit of agave and sugar cane

    1. U.S. News: John Norseen, reading your mind–and injecting ...http://acsa2000.net › JohnNorseenUSNewshttp://acsa2000.net › JohnNorseenUSNewsSubscribe to U.S.News & World Report magazine. Click here for a special offer. Click here for our free newsletter. Cover Story 1/3/00. John NorseenYou visited this page on 7/29/21.John Norseen | Targeted Individuals Canadahttps://targetedindividualscanada.com › 2012/06/09 › j...https://targetedindividualscanada.com › 2012/06/09 › j...Jun 9, 2012 — US News & World Report January 3-10, 2000, John Norseen Reading your mind-and injecting smart thoughts, Douglas Pasternak described ...Talk:Thought identification - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Talk:Thought_identifi...https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Talk:Thought_identifi...In passing, I noticed both U.S. News & World Report and Signal (magazine) both ... About the Author: John D. Norseen is a D.Sc. (ABD) at George Washington ...(function(){var uer=false;var eid='fld_23';(function(){ var a=uer,b=Date.now();if(google.timers&&google.timers.load.t){var c=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight,d=0;if(eid){var e=document.getElementById(eid);e&&(d=Math.floor(e.getBoundingClientRect().top+window.pageYOffset))}for(var f=d>=c,g=document.getElementsByTagName("img"),h=0,k=void 0;k=g[h++];)google.c.setup(k,!1,d);a&&f&&google.c.ubr(!1,b,d)};}).call(this);})();.hlcw0c{margin-bottom:44px}.ZGwO7{margin:0 16px;margin:0 2px 3px 2px}.VDgVie{text-align:center}.C0kchf{cursor:auto}.NaCKVc{border:1px solid #ebebeb;border-radius:2px;padding:0px 4px;display:inline-block;height:14px;line-height:16px;font-weight:normal;color:#4d5156;font-size:10px;letter-spacing:0.75px;vertical-align:middle}.AaVjTc a:link{display:block;color:#4285f4;font-weight:normal}.AaVjTc td{padding:0;text-align:center}.d6cvqb{font-weight:bold}.YyVfkd{color:rgba(0,0,0,.87);font-weight:normal;}.AaVjTc{margin:30px auto 30px}.SJajHc{background:url(/images/nav_logo321.webp) no-repeat;overflow:hidden;background-position:0 0;height:40px;display:block}.NVbCr{cursor:pointer}[Mind Control Research Forum] Fwd: [mcactivism] Zimmerman ...https://twoday.net › files › zimmerman_and_norseenhttps://twoday.net › files › zimmerman_and_norseenI am waiting for Ed to post a new 2005 update article on my website, I think ... US News & World Report January 3-10, 2000, John Norseen Reading yourPsicologia Politica - Psicopolishttp://www.psicopolis.com › PSIPOL › arch › mindcontrlhttp://www.psicopolis.com › PSIPOL › arch › mindcontrlMargo Cherney FOIA request for complete NASA abstract Report Number: ... U.S News and World Report, Jan 3-10, 2000, John Norseen, Reading your mind and ...


      U.S. News: John Norseen, reading your mind--and injecting ...

      http://acsa2000.net › JohnNorseenUSNews


      Subscribe to U.S.News & World Report magazine. Click here for a special offer. Click here for our free newsletter. Cover Story 1/3/00. John Norseen

      You visited this page on 7/29/21.


      John Norseen | Targeted Individuals Canada

      https://targetedindividualscanada.com › 2012/06/09 › j...


      Jun 9, 2012 --- US News & World Report January 3-10, 2000, John Norseen Reading your mind-and injecting smart thoughts, Douglas Pasternak described ...


      Talk:Thought identification - Wikipedia

      https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Talk:Thought_identifi...


      In passing, I noticed both U.S. News & World Report and Signal (magazine) both ... About the Author: John D. Norseen is a D.Sc. (ABD) at George Washington ...


      [Mind Control Research Forum] Fwd: [mcactivism] Zimmerman ...

      https://twoday.net › files › zimmerman_and_norseen


      I am waiting for Ed to post a new 2005 update article on my website, I think ... US News & World Report January 3-10, 2000, John Norseen Reading your

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      I searched for something like "regulations of political parties across many nations" something like the American and Russian Communist Party would be, and became dumbfounded at seeing "UNECD" regulations that were in one moment available on Google search results and the next invisible.

      It's a recent personal revelation that "Boris" and "LABOR" connect to the influence of the CCP and the CCCP throughout the Commonwealth Realms--though it appears that only the "Pirate Party" is actually ... in multiple national jurisdictions.

      In America the polarization of things like the Congressional regulations regarding the "majority and minority whips" prove that we literally are in a system that does not allow for competition of any party outside of the two most prominent, the GOP and the Dems; of "themocracy" and the them here, the Nationalization Party of Transhumanism and the Republic of California's glowing bear echo a similar kind of ... slant towards seeing the influence of the CCCP and the CCP interwoven into the fabric of American History.

      My personal story, regarding Joseph McCarthy and that particular name, as well as the demarcation of this entire generation as the "one about Christmas Carrolling" and the advent of the "same old theme" since the Bolshevik Revolution was timed and parallel to the Henry Ford eponymous "Tevent typr" ... the industrial revolution and the advent of assembly lines and automation to the ultimate end of automating all possible "monotonous and boring things that must be repeated ... "

      It's atypical to see something like the Labor Party literally standing for a flag flying to the end of manual labor and considering any kind of work or thing that we do "laborious" but that's exactly what I believe is the spirit of Marx and Locke--and these two philosophers typify ...

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      U.S. News: John Norseen, reading your mind–and injecting ...http://acsa2000.net › JohnNorseenUSNews Subscribe to U.S.News & World Report magazine. Click here for a special offer. Click here for our free newsletter. Cover Story 1/3/00. John Norseen You visited this page on 7/29/21.

      John Norseen | Targeted Individuals Canadahttps://targetedindividualscanada.com › 2012/06/09 › j... Jun 9, 2012 — US News & World Report January 3-10, 2000, John Norseen Reading your mind-and injecting smart thoughts, Douglas Pasternak described ...

      Talk:Thought identification - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Talk:Thought_identifi... In passing, I noticed both U.S. News & World Report and Signal (magazine) both ... About the Author: John D. Norseen is a D.Sc. (ABD) at George Washington ...

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