9 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Ce qui ne parvient pas à pénétrer dans la tête des gens bombardés par les mauvaises nouvelles de la mutation écologique, c’est l’activité, l’autonomie, la sensibilité à nos actions, des matériaux qui composent les zones critiques où nous résidons to

      Auch hier geht es um die Frage, warum fast niemand auf die öklogischen Bedrohungen reagiert. Die Antwort kann man auch so formulieren: Weil es sich dabei um bl0ß materielle, natürliche Dinge handelt, um de wir uns nicht zu kümmern brauchen. Dass sie als „Natur“ verstanden werden, bedeutet, dass sie keine „matters of concern“ sein können.

    2. Si nous étions dans une situation normale, la plus petite alerte concernant l’état de la Terre et de ses boucles de rétroaction, nous aurait déjà mobilisés, comme nous le faisons pour toute question d’identité, de sécurité ou de propriété.

      Die Frage Latours ist hier: Warum sind die ökologischen Probleme keine „matters of concern“? Die Antwort, die er gibt, ist, dass die Erde historisch zur bloßen Materie ohne eigene Handlungsmacht reduziert wurde. Die Erde ist damit aus der Politik verschwunden, sie wurde entpolitisiert. Eine ökologische Politik ist damit umgekehrt an eine Politisierung der Erde gekoppelt, nicht aus Nostalgie, sondern weil handelnde politische Einheiten nur so definiert oder formatiert werden können, wenn sie die Prozesse in der kritischen Zone nicht ignorieren sollen.

    1. The transparent communication of course goals, assessments aligned with objectives, and access to top-tier instructional materials and support resources ensures a holistic and enriching learning experience. Notably, since the implementation of the course template, UF CJC Online has observed a remarkable 25% increase in course completion rates, underscoring the tangible impact of its commitment to quality education

      Increased course completion rates is a huge indicator! Also, K-12 has been hammering transparent goals for a generation, as Marzano and others have demonstrated that a top factor in successful learning is whether or not we support Learners with clear expectations of what they will need to know and be able to do.

    2. the QM Rubric, evaluates various facets of online course design through eight categories, including learning objectives, alignment, assessment strategies, instructional materials, learner interaction, course technology, learner support, accessibility, and usability

      Quality Matters rubric categories

  2. Sep 2021
    1. If one assumes that political reform is long, slow, and painful, hierarchies and centralizing strategies can be productive. After all, they can keep the movement on target and give it some coherent shape. Ideas on their own do not change the world; ideas that are coupled with smart institutions might. “Not by memes alone” would be an apt slogan for any contemporary social movement. Alas, this basic insight—that political reform cannot be reduced to the wars of memes and aesthetics alone, even if the Internet offers an effective platform for waging them—has mostly been lost on the Occupy Wall Street crowd.9 Challenging power requires a strategy that in many circumstances might favor centralization. To reject the latter on philosophical grounds rather than strategic grounds—because it is anti-Internet or anti-Wikipedia—borders on the suicidal.

      Brilliantly put!

  3. Feb 2021
    1. I have the honor of serving as president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization operating in every southern state, with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. We have some eighty five affiliated organizations across the South, and one of them is the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights.

      His credentials - why his voice matters.

  4. Jul 2020
  5. Apr 2017
  6. Jan 2017
    1. if we were to introduce into educational processes the activities which appeal to those whose dominant interest is to do and to make, we should find the hold of the school upon its members to be more vital, more prolonged, containing more of culture.

      and yet, what are the first programs to be cut when funding is an issue? The Arts!