8 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
  2. Dec 2023
    1. Not large enough for most index card collections, but you have to love this listing for this photo of a man snuggling up to his card index:

      Original photo from their website:

  3. Feb 2023
    1. By using this site, you agree to the Privacy Policy.

      The fact that you wrote something, and posted it on the Internet, doesn't mean I consent to it.

  4. Jul 2022
    1. The Delaware County Land Reutilization Corporation has been awarded nearly $500,000 in demolition grants from the Ohio Department of Development that will be used for various demolition projects around the county.

      They spent decades taxing this land, and now that it's abandoned, they have to go to the State for extorted money to pay to clear it out for more development.

      ...because private developers don't have enough money.

      If Delaware County isn't saving enough of its property tax extortion racket money, that is the Delaware County Commissioner's problem - or better yet, the landowners or future developers.

  5. Apr 2022
    1. Finally, to make our terminal really pretty, we need to customize the prompt. There's lots of options out there for this, but the most popular one seems to be ohmyzsh for Bash and oh-my-posh for PowerShell. I'm not a huge fan of these because in my experience they slow down the terminal to a point which makes me frustrated to use them, and since they are separate solutions for each environment they must be configured separately.

      I agree. After using oh-my-posh in almost every Windows console, I have finally decided to make a switch to Starship

  6. Jul 2021
    1. Her mouth an “O”,

      Alone Together.

      The door slammed. She had left.

      Alone together. Sole babe in arms.

      A barmy night, Window open wide.

      Gaze up at stars. Quiet now, in awe.

      Owl hoots. Startled, Turns to me.


      With his lips.





      In my body.

      The door slammed. She had left.

      Alone together. Sole babe in arms. A barmy night, Window open wide.

      Gaze up at stars. Quiet now, in awe.

      Owl hoots. Startled, Turns to me.


      With his lips.





      In my body.

  7. Sep 2018
  8. Mar 2017
    1. The very scientific ideals of an "imper-!;CUJ,\~ sonal'' terminology can contribute ironically to ~tv., such disaster: for it is but a step from treating I · o· ,~. inanimate nature as mere "things" to treating ani-(.M,"J" t4"'\~ mals, and then enemy peoples, as mere things

      This also reminds me of common appeals to the humanities: we need the humanities because we don't want science to get out of control and forget the very human consequences of advancements and experiments, such as war technology.